Astrology and Technique
Astrology and Technique
Astrology and Technique
In trying to gain a better knowledge of astrology, I began interviewing
astrologers about their views on their chosen subject. A surprising number of those
astrologers were agnostic about two questions: why astrology works and what their
niche techniques were and why. When I delved into this further the
2. Reasoning
It makes sense to focus first on the planets, since the logic of astrology hinges on
them. The meaning of the planets is due to their appearance in one way or the other.
The sun and moon’s meanings and their importance are clear from their size and
association with the day and night, with the added associations of seasonal changes
and lunar cycles. The other planet meanings come down to their appearance in
terms of motion and light. Mercury moves incredibly quickly and is only apparent in
the sky around dusk and dawn. It appears and disappears, so much in fact that some
astronomers have not seen it! From this speed and movement come associations
with trickster deities like mercury and the associations continue from there. These
attributions continue with Mars’ blood red appearance to Venus’ bright green hue,
as well as Jupiter’s size and Saturn’s apparent plodding through the sky. The
planetary appearance dictated their associations and then their associations with
deities continued the attribution of the planet’s effect.
The signs are a reflection then of the sun’s ecliptic (its apparent motion in the
sky) through twelve constellations of stars. These constellations were codified
before Ptolemy’s time, but either he, or more likely another Greek before him,
probably figured out that it is easiest to divide the twelve signs into 30 degrees each
to divide the sky into an even 365 degrees. These constellations in reality take up a
varying number on degrees on this circle the sun traces in the sky. The 30 degrees
given each sign is, when you think about it, largely arbitrary.
The houses work upon much the same logic as the signs. The sun rises in the 1st
house, it is at the 10th by midday, reaches the 7th by sunset, and rests in the 4th at
midnight. All other divisions of the houses calculate degrees between these.
This comes to the question of why signs have meanings at all? The easy answer
would be that the signs are a combination of their element and whether they are
cardinal, fixed, or mutable. The problem is that the signs are only given elemental
attributions later. While I can’t find an exact source for when it is not common
before the 15th century, 1300 years after Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblios where a lion’s share
of astrology finds its origin. What does exist that might be a basis is the rulerships of
signs, their detriment’s, falls, and exaltations. Aries is mars ruled and exalts the sun
so is energetic and brash. Taurus is Venus ruled and exalts the moon, making a
homebody of sorts. As far as Capricorn and Aquarius, their rulers and detriments
give a key to their temperament. Saturn rules Capricorn in that Capricornian people
are saturnine. They have the introverted moon in detriment because their
introversion leads to brooding. Aquarians have the sun in detriment because we do
like tinkering away in the dark trying to find our way into new ways of doing things.
If the image of Saturn ruling Aquarius seems to not fit, remember that ruling over
something and being like it are different. We rule over our children because we
aren’t childish, hopefully. The same is true of the Aquarian, we are always dreaming
of new ideas and ways to invent, so it is only with a little Saturnine influence that we
get anything done (Frawley). One must also remember that earlier depictions of the
Aquarian type were decidedly more sober (Gettings, 1980).
Rulerships first show up in Ptolemy and their logic is also explained there. The
luminaries rule the warmest months of july and august, because the luminaries have
the most solar heat. This idea occurs in alchemy, when spring and summer months
are used to collect solar heat in certain operations (Bartlett). From the two luminary
ruled months, the other planets radiate out in their rulership by their relative speed
from fast to slow until Saturn rules the two signs opposing the luminaries.
(Insert Diagram Here)
(Exaltations here)
What planets are in detriment and fall are then determined by being opposite to
the signs where they rule, in the case of opposition, or where they are exalted, in the
case of fall.
Aspects work on a similar logic of course. Something opposed would appear to
be adverse and so something half of that, a square, would be half as bad. (why trines
are good?). But why do we have aspects in the first place and why were only a few
included in the tetrabiblios: conjunction, sextile, square, opposition, and trine. This
has to do with sextile, square, trine, and opposition, all being forms of a conjunction.
Technically a conjunction isn’t an aspect, but all aspects are a type of conjunction.
(Explain the phenomenon here).
3. Implications
4. Changes in technique
Classically, mutual reception is from both a partile (by degree) aspect and the
planets in each other’s dignities. If this seems restrictive, keep in mind that this
expands the range of possible dignities, since it doesn’t just need to be domicile
reception, but can be exaltation, triplicity, term, or face.
5. Request
In making this essay I learned a lot about how techniques should work from
what the logic is behind it, but there is still a huge list of questions. Why do the signs
have their elemental attributions, why do we have this system, and who invented it?
Why did Kepler make the quincunx an aspect, but not the semi-sextile? Why are
their different triplicities, terms, and faces?