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Circus Games 2014

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A collection of group
activities and fun exercises
for circus outreach and
training events

The Games Exchange

Steve Cousins
Let’s Circus www.circusgames.net
The Circus Games Exchange Project

This games collection has been developed by Steve Cousins & Let’s Circus from games that we have played in our
projects of circus, street theatre and youth work around the world. It reflects our take on a bunch of common games that
have a relevance to circus and developing physical and social skills. We are collecting games to make this manual bigger,
and one day want to have a book and website available for people everywhere. We are seeking opportunities for
collaboration to make that happen. Please be part of this! In November 2014 we launched www.circusgames.net, the
website portal where you can upload your favourite games. About once a year we will email the updated collection to
everyone who has ever contributed – you help it grow, it comes back to you. A simple exchange creates a growing, shared
resource that will be available to everyone, everywhere.

To register on the games exchange database, all you need to do is send an email to steve@circusgames.net with Games
Exchange in the subject header, along with your written games.

And remember, we do not stop playing when we grow old, we grow old when we stop playing!

All of these games go by many

names and contain loads of
variations. Feel free to include these
details when you send your games to
the exchange!

This is very much a work in process.

I understand that the games should be
classified in different ways, and
could be better understood if were
accompanied by pictures and/or
video. Perhaps this is an area where
you could contribute?
The Games Exchange


The Games Exchange

An investigation into Circus Games


STAGE 1: Collation
There is currently a groundswell of interest in the November 2014 - Games Exchange at
collation of circus games across Europe, North NICE conference, Cardiff UK. Hosted
The Games Exchange will collect, classify, record
America and elsewhere. This includes several by CircusWorks & No Fit State Circus

and share a resource of physical games that are

initiatives that are currently active in collecting
used in teaching circus for social, youth and January 2015 - Games Exchange at
and recording these games. The Games
leisure purposes. The digital and printed Western Australian Circus festival.

Exchange is attempting to link with other

resource will be made available free of charge to
initiatives and grow a collaborative database.
N. Hemisphere Winter 2014/15 -
Stewardship of this games project is being lead
b y E N C I ( E u ro p e a n N e t w o r k f o r C i rc u s Release of Games Exchange resource
Collection will occur through both online collation to the world via free download.

and physical gatherings. These Games Exchange Interchange), a Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership
events can be hosted anywhere and will resource (2013-15) project between the following circus
March 21-25, 2015 - Games Exchange
the online and written record with entries.
gathering in Leuven, Belgium. Hosted
Circus Central, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
by Circus in Beweging and ENCI.

STAGE 2: Exploration

Following on from Stage 1’s investigation of the The Hangar Arts Trust, London, UK
March 27-April 2 - Games Exchange
Culture of Games, the next phase will look into Cirkus in Beweging vzw, Leuven, Belgium
gathering at British Juggling
questions such as ‘What Makes a game, a Convention, Yorkshire, UK. Focus on
CIRCUS game’ and explore other areas such as Associacio Valenciana de Circ, Valencia, Spain
skill specific games.

how to best develop new games for specific Cirqueon, Prague, Czech Republic

objectives, and finding the right platform to share

Hungarian Juggler’s Association, Budapest,
What’s Next?

the resource of games.

May 3-7 - STAGE 2, Event 1 (tbc).
image Nathan Rae Games Exchange gathering held in
The project seeks collaboration from other
Leuven, Belgium. Hosted by Circus in
organisations and individuals and is open to ways
Beweging as part of Erasmus+ project.


of how this cooperation can take place. The
Contact Project Manager: Steve Cousins - playmaker & circus mentor
current project team anticipates new funded New partners, new project streams.

projects for Stage 2 and welcomes ideas,

steve@circusgames.net | +44 (0)191 246 2836 | skype: steve-cousins motivation and collaboration. Does this include you?

The aim of all games is to play – not to win. Circus is non-competitive and as a
Why do we pl ay games? teacher you want to see people challenging themselves and not being threatened
by others. Run your games in a way that will see the maximum amount of
participation – aim to get everyone involved. Encourage people to play openly
Playing games is a young person’s default – it’s what they do when left to just and set the games closely to the ability of the players.
be. Through games everything can be learned – intelligence, physical skills,
safety – all the important bits of life that keep us alive and make us well- You are the conduit of many important skills – respect what you are teaching
rounded. As a teacher, running a good game is like giving medicine that is and respect yourself – you’ve got a lot to pass on, so hold your head high and
wrapped in candy. It’s a healthy, life-giving parcel wrap up in something that throw yourself fully into the task of being a role model for young people. At the
kids love, young and old. same time, encourage laughter but make sure this is laughing with, and not at
When delivering outreach events and circus trainings we play games for several
reasons As teacher you must be a friend to your students, but also, you must be in
• To make the activities fun and memorable control. At any point in time you must be able to take this control, particularly
• To connect with children in a way that they understand where you see a danger to safety or comfort. You lead the games, you are in
• To reduce barriers between people that don’t know each other and to charge.
draw in hard to reach people
• To break up the monotony of skills-based teaching
• To change the pace of a workshop or event
• To introduce skills/concepts in a subtle way
• As a way of finding out about our students
• To give structure and rules to lessons
• To develop

Many of the skills used in playing games are directly transferable to the skills New Online Collection Site
needed as a performer, as a teacher and as a circus hobbyist. Many games also www.circusgames.net
pass on very important ‘life skills’. Social and community circus deliver these
through outreach workshops and you, as a teacher, mentor and role model are
the direct deliverer of such important characteristics as: Upload your favourite games via
• Trust
• co-operation, the portal and receive regular
• problem solving,
• new beginnings,
updates from The Games Exchange
• self-discipline and self confidence
• setting and achieving goals,
• sharing, Help this resource grow!
• not taking yourself too seriously
• respect and
• teamwork
An Introduction to Our Games name and then their own. It continues around the circle in this fashion, with each
successive person having to remember an extra person’s name.
We play games that fit a range of formats. For this version of The Games
Exchange, I’ve grouped into the following. They are not mutually exclusive. Silent Name Game
• Name and Getting to Know You Games A good follow on to the circle name game.
• Circle Games After going around the circle and repeating everybody’s name tell the
• Running Games participants that they now must line up in alphabetical order without saying a
• Quiet games word.
• Skill-based games
• Acting and Emotion games Ball Name Game
On passing a ball around the circle you firstly say your name as you pass it to the
We like to start and finish each session with a game – this brings people together person next to you. Once everyone is familiar with each other's name, or at least
and develops a sense of group. It is important for you to understand the rules and the people either side of them, you now pass the ball by saying the name of the
objectives of all of the games that you will teach, and to be able to explain them person you're passing to. The game progresses as everyone moves around the
to your students. Try to run a game where the focus is on playing, rather than space, looking for who they're passing to and who they should receive the ball
winning. At every opportunity praise someone for being a good sport, and try from, building awareness of the group as everyone tries to negotiate around the
and avoid making losers out of these games. Everyone who participates is a space and each other.
winner. Find a way that being ‘out’ still has something for players to do – find Other variations include sending the ball back the other way, trying to intercept
the game within the game that keeps them playing, or at least, keeping them the ball while others are throwing it to each other, adding more balls or if you
engaged so that they can watch and learn from the strategy and technique of don't have a ball you can mime one.
Endowment Name Game
Starting to build peformance skills this game also helps to memorise each others
NAM E GAM ES and Getting to Know You Games names. The basic premise is to get eye-contact with someone else in the circle
and say a person's name and cross the circle towards them. They have to quickly
Circle Name Game
catch someone else's eye, say their name and walk towards their place. Coach
There are many versions of name games – important for getting to know your
them not to start walking until they have caught someone's eye and said their
groups and for them to get to know each other. Everybody stands in a circle and
name even if they feel the panic of someone walking towards their spot. Now
takes a turn to step into the middle of the circle, do an action, say their name and
you can add various performance variations, including saying their name as if
then step back out again. Once they have stepped out – everybody else must step
they owe you money or they're a long lost friend that you haven't seen for years.
into the circle in unison and mirror their action and repeat their name. This can
Other variations can include film styles like a western or horror. Encourage the
be quite a difficult exercise for some children as the pressure of being in focus
group to come up with their own variations.
can be a bit much. Try and make it fun by stating that whatever you do in the
circle – everybody else has to do. Many kids will rise to the challenge of making
something silly/difficult for others to mirror. Take a Bow
Or the memory version of the name game. Each individual nominates their own A getting to know you game.
circus name perhaps using alliteration or rhyme as a basis – ie Super Steve, In the circle the leader offers an invitation for anybody who fits a certain criteria
Happy Helen or Slow-mo Joe, Bob-a-job Rob. The first person states their circus to ‘Take a Bow’, following this, all those who do fit this criteria must step
name and passes the focus to the left. The second person says the first person’s forward and take a bow.
The criteria can be open and simple – anyone with blue socks, anyone with
brown hair, or anyone wearing a t-shirt. This is an easy way to encourage
participation from a new group and also a good way of gauging skills and Pssssht / Cean’s Game / French Game - Brain Game
interests (anyone wanting to learn unicycle, anyone who can juggle three balls). Two people face each other and make a rhythm of two motions. The first motion
Or the criteria can be quite detailed and putting the lead open to all can allow an is always both hands slapping the thighs, the second motion can be either both
open forum to discover more detailed information. arms up, both arms left, or both arms rights. If the two players have the second
motion in the same direction, they must proceed with the next motion on the
thighs as usual and the following motion must have both arms/hands/fingers
pointing to each other and you must make the noise Pssssht. Then continue as
before. Progressions – what action ensues if there are two Pssssht’s in a row,
what about 3?


W iggly W iggly W arm up

Great to start a session as it stretches muscles and gets blood flowing throughout
the body. It also brings in the concept of silliness and letting go of what is
The exercise is lead by the teacher who expresses that the aim is to wiggle every
single bone and muscle in the body – starting from the fingers by holding out
your arms and wriggling your fingers as fast as possible. Try and flick your
fingers so hard that your fingernails fly off and hit someone on the other side.
Now work your way from fingers to wrists, elbows and shoulders, then start to
wiggle down the spine to the waist, hips, legs, knees and feet. At any point you
can change the intensity – really fast wiggles or really slow wiggles. Work your
way back up the spine to the head, at which point – gently stretch the neck
muscles by rolling the head from side to side and front to back. Here you can
make it fun by pulling silly faces – this will help stretch neck muscles (important
for beginners of acrobatics) and can make it enjoyable through silliness.
Count to Three or OneTwoBanana
Between two people count to three, one person saying one number at a time. The Human Knot
Keep counting for several cycles until the game now has some speed. Now Best in groups of 6 to 12 – even numbers works best.
replace the two with a physical movement (clap, pirhouette, push-up, etc). Everyone stands in a circle, shoulder to shoulder. Each person puts one arm into
Repeat for several cycles until the game needs to be escalated. the circle and grips hand-to-hand with one other person. Then, everybody puts
Replace the three with a different word or sound, such as – banana! their second arm in and takes the hand of a different person. Now, as a team,
One <clap> banana, one <clap> banana, and so on they must undo the human knot without anyone letting go.
Variation – go to five with a similar pattern 1 = 1, 2 = <clap>, 3 = fixed word, 4 Great for problem solving and team working, and great for demonstrating that it
= <fixed action>, 5 random word and random action – different each time doesn’t always work – hakuna matata!
Zip, Zap, Boing
A fun game where clear explanations are needed between the different moves,
particularly relevant as there are so many variations of this game. Start playing
with two moves and then add new moves in as confidence grows. Very
important that players must make eye contact, must make strong physical
movements by pointing with their hands and must speak loud and clearly.
ZIP – can only go to the person next to you
ZAP – can only go to somebody who is not standing next to you
BOING – can only go back to someone that has just Zapped you
ZA’BLOING – can only go back to someone that has just boinged you
WA’CHING – goes to either your left or right but misses the person next to you.
Zig Zag – everyone changes palce with someone else
As the leader, your job is to encourage for the game to go as fast as possible –
keep it flowing and keep it fun.
Instead of an ‘Out’ if a mistake is made, everyone in the circle claps and calls
‘Disco, Disco, Disco, Disco time” and the person making an error dances in the

M onkey and Baboon

A silent game relying on eye contact as a form of communication. In the middle
Hong Kong Fuey of the circle stands the monkey, surrounding him/her are the baboons. The
A variation of Zip, Zap, Boing – great for groups that already know that game. A monkey wants to become a baboon (as nobody wants to be a monkey) and can
only do this by stealing the place of a baboon on the circle edge. The wise
freestyle circle game where any person can ‘Karate Chop’ or ‘Kung Foo Kick’
baboons are silent and communicate using their eyes – when one baboon blinks
anyone else in the circle. Note: This is a non-contact game and is about playful
mime only! The aim of the game is to see an action (one person makes eye to another it means that they are going to swap places across the circle – their
aim is to do this without letting the monkey take their position. The braver the
contact and ‘kicks’ someone) and then a reaction (second person mimes falling
baboon, the further apart they will swap places with.
over or brushing off the kick). This cycle then continues. Again – eye contact,
clear movements and loud voice is essential for this game to work. This game The teacher’s aim is to make sure that once a baboon starts to swap, they cannot
go back – they must continue to the other side.
trains clowning, improvisation and performance persona.
Rubber Chicken – high energy energizer
A game to go out with a bang or to build up energy and excitement – many
groups traditionally finish their workshops with this game. Explain the rules
first, then everybody plays the game.
Count to 8 with your right arm punching into the air, then count to 8 with your
left arm punching in the air, then count to 8 with your right leg kicking, then
count to 8 with your left leg kicking
Count to 7 with your right arm punching into the air, etc,
And continue in this fashion until you get down to 1,1,1,1 Players should mime throwing and catching the ball. As the game develops the
Everybody screams rubber chicken and falls onto the floor in a big exhausted leader adds other balls of different colours. This is an exercise in clear
pile. communications, complicite and concentration.
Try and keep the energy up, keep the group counting/shouting together and
finish with a bang.

Splat - Reaction game

Trains the reaction time of all participants, builds group dynamics and
awareness. The leader is in the middle of the circle and points clearly to one
person, makes eye contact and then loudly says ‘Splat’. This person must duck
down. The two people either side of this person must turn inwards to each other,
point and say ‘splat’. The person who gets it wrong or the one who is slowest to
react is ‘out’. The game can be played where those that are ‘out’ sit down and no
longer take part in the game, or it can be more playful and everyone remains
playing (this version is more inclusive, with everyone feeling involved).
Variation – try some different themes such as Elephant, Aeroplane or Giraffe.
With different commands players must make different shapes (Eg. Elephant -
Middle person makes an elephant trunk whilst on either side players make big
ears). In this version, everyone must be more alert at all times as the commands
and subsequent reactions will differ. Can be played with Bibbledy-Bobbledy-
Boo, Watcha Doin’? The A - Frame Game
A conditioning game.
Detective In a circle everyone makes an A-Frame shape with hands and feet flat on floor,
One person leaves the room and everyone else decides who is going to be the arms and legs straight and bum high in the air. 1st person crawls commando-style
leader. The detective returns to stand in the centre of the circle and tries to guess through A-frames to left and continues around entire circle until reaching the last
who is the leader. The role of leader is to subtly begin a movement or percussive person, at which point they become an A-frame again. Peron to the left of person
sound like clapping or slapping knees without being seen by the detective. 1 follows person 1 as soon as they have passed underneath, and so on until there
Everyone else must copy this action. Throughout the game the leader will keep is a long chain of crawlers passing under a long chain of A-frames. Exercise
changing the and others will follow. The followers must not give the leader away continues until the last person has crawled under everyone else.
by being seen to watch the leader - this is a good exercise in developing
peripheral vision and subtlety. Stinger
Energiser, memory, understanding
Red Ball, Yel low Ball Like dodgeball but no teams - everyone stands within a central playing area, one
The leader has an imaginary yellow ball which will be thrown around the circle. person with a soft foam ball. Throw the ball at someone, if it hits them they step
Before the ball is thrown, the leader must call someone’s name and state the out. They are out until the person that got them out is out. If you catch the ball
colour of the ball. This ball will always remain this colour. The person who is that someone throws at you – they are out
catching the ball will say ‘Yellow Ball’ upon catching, and then throw to
somebody else after saying the next person’s name and ‘yellow ball’. As such,
each move should consist of the words ‘Yellow Ball, Name, Yellow Ball’.
W hat you doing? Jellyfish
The first player enters the circle and mimes an action such as chopping down a Everybody chooses 1 person as their jellyfish. Aim of the game is to circle the
tree. After enough time for all others to realize what they are doing, a second jellyfish three times and then return to their position within the circle. On ‘Go’
person comes into circle and asks the first person –‘what are you doing?’ everybody moves at the same time, attempting to return to the circle as fast as
The first person replies with an answer that is NOT the mime that they are possible.
showing, example – ‘I’m washing my hair’. The second person must now take
on this action, miming it inside the circle. After some time, the game continues
when the next person enters and asks ‘What are you doing?’

The Rabbit race

A good playful game of characterization and silliness.
Sit on your knees in a circle and the leader gives instructions that the players will
characterize as a rabbit.
All rabbits start to run (everyone hits the ground like a drum roll)
Rabbits turn left or right (leaning into each other around the circle)
Rabbits jump over tree (mime a jump whilst staying on ground)
Dig a hole and climb in it
Red light – freeze

Circular Thumb W ar
Big Buddy Rhythm voice and quick thinking game.
In a circle facing inwards – requires an even number of player. Every second
Players aligned in circle and nominated positions 1-5 (based on 5 players but can
person crosses their arms and holds the hands of the person next to them (whos
be any number). On an 8 count all players sing ‘Ohh, big buddy’ on counts 1-4,
arms are uncrossed). Now everyone’s hands should be left to left and right to
whilst on counts 5-8 the starting player says ‘Big Buddy 3’ (in rhythm with the
right. Now begins the thumb war, where the objective is to pin down the
tune) which gives player in position 3 only the next 4 counts to prepare to
opponent’s thumb onto the hand. Usually the game begins with a ritual such as
nominate Big Buddy 1 or 2 etc, whilst keeping in rhythm. Failure to do so will
1, 2, 3, 4 – I declare a thumb war, or Bow, Shake Hands, 1, 2, 3, GO!
result in the mistake maker moving to position 5. When anyone moves position,
this has some affect on the remaining positions. For instance, if person 3 moves,
person 1 and 2 remain the same, but person 4 becomes Big Buddy 3, Person 5
Grab the Thumb becomes big buddy 4 and person 3 is now big buddy 5. Variations include a
Everyone in a circle with left palm up and right thumb pointing to right with press-up/squat/burpee/v-sit after the player nominates their Big Buddy. The
clenched fist. The right thumb of each person should be held just aboe the left move must be completed within 4 counts.
palm of the person next to them. The caller leads the game by telling the players
what is the key word or trigger. When the caller calls the trigger the objective is Yana Cabana
to close the left hand on the thumb of the neighbour’s right hand and pull the
All players in a circle in 3s. Midde person squats down and is in the ‘Yana’
right hand away before being caught.
position, outside two put both hands towards each other and make a roof over
If players pre-empt and close their palm too soon they are out, or given a
the top of the Yana’ This is the Yana’s Cabana (or house). These two players are
dungeon challenge.
Cabana position. If the caller calls Yana, all Yana’s must run to another Yana
position in the circle. If caller calls Cabana, all Cabanas must change Cabana
position. If caller calls Yana Cabana, every person changes position but the When you are caught by the person that is ‘it’ you must stop running and
group must make a circle. Slowest person or team do a physical task or default become a time bomb. You must stand with your legs wide apart and count out
such as press-ups, etc. loud from 5 to 1 – the louder you count, the more likely you are of being saved.
Anybody can save you by crawling between your legs. As part of the
Pass the Clap explanation, tell kids that when they reach 0 they must explode like a time bomb,
A game of passing rhythm and timing around the circle with many variations sending bits of legs and arm and guts all over the place, then they are out. Inspire
Lie on the ground in a circle put your hands in the middle, left and right. them to be theatrical.
Pass the clap around the circle clockwise. Chain Tig
Now cross your left hand with the person on your right Game starts with one person as ‘it’. When ‘it’ catches someone by placing a
Pass the clap clockwise hand on them somewhere, this person then holds hands with ‘it’ eventually a
Two claps changes direction large chain of people occurs but it is only the two people on the end of the chain
Can be played with an ‘out’ – if a mistake is made you lose a hand that can catch the remaining players. The chain must work together as a team in
order to function. If the chain breaks, remaining players are safe until it has
Toilet Tig
RUNNING AND ACTIVE G AM ES As per time bomb tig although when caught, players must crouch down into the
shape of a toilet. Other players can set the toilet free by sitting on their lap and
shouting ‘flush!’.
Running games are great when you feel the kids have excess energy to burn off.
Often when young people have too much energy they will find it difficult to give Everybody Tig
the required focus to concentrated learning, a running game could better fit the Everybody is ‘it’ and there is one person who is ‘not it’ – this person wants to
energy levels of your participants. catch someone. ‘Not it’ catches people as per usual – by placing a hand
somewhere on their body – but, in this version of the game all ‘its’ can avoid
TIG/TAG/TIP Games being caught by saying somebody else’s name when ‘not it’ is about to catch
A huge number of games based around chasing and catching, with one person them. When a new name is called – that person becomes ‘not it’. It can be a
being ‘it’. In the UK called Tig, in Australia called Tip, In the US called Tag and confusing game, but that is what makes this version exciting. There is constant
with many other names elsewhere. The basic game has one person as ‘it’ and change and constant movement – everybody has to be paying attention at all
when they catch somebody else, that person becomes ‘it’. To be caught, all that times, as you never know who is going to be ‘not it’ next.
is needed is for a hand to be placed on someone’s body – this is the limit of Scarf Tig/Tail Tig
physical contact needed. For each of these games the teacher must define the Using juggling scarves, school ties or rags of material, all players start with a tail
space (make sure it is a safe space first), explain the rules, encourage honesty, tucked into the back of their trousers. The aim is to collect as many tails as
facilitate fairness and make sure nobody goes outside of the space. possible and add them to your collection, whilst protecting your own.
Simple variations include: Hospital Tig
Name Tig Everybody is 'it' and tries tag everybody else. When you get tagged you will
Rules as above although when caught the new ‘it’ must shout ‘my name’s firstly lose a limb, for example an arm which you place behind their back or a
“richie/steve/Joanne” and I’m it’. Good for training the voice in youth and for leg, meaning you now have to hop on the other to get around. The next time, you
getting to know people’s names. lose another limb, until all arms and legs are lost and you're on your knees. You
Time Bomb Tig may still be able to tag people with your head but once you're tagged a fifth time
you're dead. This is a fast game and doesn't last very long.
Penguin and Flamingo A variation on tig/catch, incorporating movement commands at a time so that children learn at the right speed. As confidence
and physical characterization. Everyone starts as tall, proud flamingos and walks grows – add some more commands –
accordingly except for the person who is ‘on’ who is a short evil penguin. • hit the deck – everyone lies flat on the ground
Penguin’s waddle, whereas flamingoes strut. When a penguin catches a flamingo • climb the rigging – pretend to climb a ladder
they also become a penguin and begin to hunt. The game evolves with further • captain’s coming – salute to the captain
subtext to add an acting element ‘The penguins don’t want to be seen to be • captain’s gone – pull a nasty face at the captain
chasing’, ‘The flamingos are uninterested in the penguins’, etc. • man the lifeboats, 3 people (or any other number) – sit on the ground in
a row with just the right number
• scrub the deck – clean the deck with your imaginary scrubbing brush
Ant Hospital – Crash Mat in the centre or side of the playing area is the ant
hospital, all players are ants, and move around on all fours, in an A-Frame - The game can be played where the last person to perform the command is sent to
except for the person who is ‘on’ who is the ant-killer. When the ants are tagged the captain’s cabin to do push-ups, or it can be played more inclusively where
they die and go into dish position on the ground (on back with arms and legs everyone remains in at all times. As the captain you can try and trick your pirates
straight, feet and hands off the ground). Two other ants then carry the injured by pointing to shore when you say ship etc. But remember your aim is to make it
ants to the ant hospital (one on arms, one on legs) where they are healed. All fun, not to make fun of those playing. This is a great warm-up game, and great to
players are ‘safe’ when in hospital or carrying another ant, ant killer must not be burn off excess energy, also good for establishing hierarchy and gauging
an ambulance chaser. compliance. Best with under 12s. The theme of the game can be changed if
you're working with a specific theme for a show. You can also encourage the
Angry Crabs Mark out a playing area suitable for the number of players. The group to come up with their own instructions or to call them out, letting them
crab takes crab position in the middle of the hall. The game starts with a take over the game.
countdown as every other player places one finger on the crab. On ‘go’, the crab
proceeds to hun and catch players by tagging gently with their foot. Caught
players become crabs. Train crabs to maintain strong core position – hips up! A Freestyle Twi ster – quick thinking, acrobatic play, teamwork
variation when just under half of the players left. Line everyone up on one wall A game for creative teamwork and developing acrobatic balance.
and all the crabs freeze in their spot. On ‘Go’ the players have to reach the other All players walk quickly around the playing area, taking up all of the space
side – crabs freeze their hands and can only move legs. available. This movement splits up friendship groups and makes individuals
work with new people.
Thumb Fencing Left hand behind back, palm outwards and first 3 fingers The leader calls out a number of people at which point individuals must form
tucked into back of trousers – this is the target of other players. Right hand uses groups of this number. Then the leader calls out a number of feet, hands, heads,
index finger as a sabre and attempts to touch other peoples’ target. When hit, elbows or bums – the group has to create a shape, pyramid or structure that has
players perform a default (press-up, burpies, etc) exactly this number of body parts touching the ground. This game works best
when the leader has done some preparation and knows exactly how many
Ship, Shore, Deck - Cardio and character players there are. This way they can choose numbers that will equate to every
player being involved. If the leader has prepared a list of body parts for each
I explain this as a game played to train young pirates for their duties on board the
pirate ship. The teacher is the pirate captain and will shout orders that the pirates challenge it makes it easier to facilitate these challenges.
must follow. Mark out a basketball-court sized playing area and define which Focus must be given to see that the challenges are safe and within the grasp of
every individual. Having a weak child stand on their head with only one arm on
ends are ship, shore (opposite end), port (left hand side) and starboard (right
hand side). When you shout ship, all pirates must run to the ship area. Likewise the ground could result in serious injury. Also, having two groups work right
for shore, port and starboard. Like with zip, zap, boing – introduce only a few next to each other could result in one group falling, tumbling, stepping onto
someone else – awareness of space is very important for the facilitator.
If a player makes it back to their position with the shoe – their team scores a
If a player catches the other player with the shoe, the first player’s team gets a
Players in the two lines are not allowed to get involved when it is not their turn
but the playing couple can use this line of players as an obstacle.
The leader’s role is to keep the game moving – if neither player is holding the
shoe they can decide that the game has only 10 seconds to go, 5 seconds - 3, 2, 1
– building up this tension will usually result in action.

Giants, W izards, Elves - Character, voice, cardio, teamwork

This game takes quite a bit of explanation but is worth it – it is one of my
favourite games as it delivers a lot of concepts and is always fun. Have one
teacher join each tribe for the explanation and first rounds of the game. Teachers
should see that the rules are being understood and should pass as much of the
decision making over to the players as possible. There are two tribes in this
faraway world and each of these tribes is constantly at war. The tribes rely on
their totem creatures to fight their enemy neighbours – their totem creatures are
giants, wizards and elves. Show the players that each totem looks, acts and
sounds very different from each other.
• Giants stand tall with their arms straight up above their heads and say
T he Shoe Game - A game of strategy and cunning RAAAH!
Separate the group into two lines about 4m apart and facing each other. These • Wizards stand crouched with one leg forward, one leg backwards and
two lines now represent two teams. Allocate a number to each corresponding both arms out in front and say szzzzzzzzzzzz
individual – ie the person standing directly opposite the other. The two players • Elves squat down low and wiggle their hands on their ears and say
at one end of each line will be 1, and each person will now have their own meemimimimi
number that is shared with the person directly opposite them only. The Get the players to show you each of these, one character at a time and give
teacher/leader takes position in between these two lines, just beyond the players praise for the best examples.
at one end of the playing area. In the leader’s hand there is a shoe (or a hat, a Now teach the war dance which everybody must do in unison - slapping thighs
ball, a rubber chicken or a rock – just something that can be held and run with). on ‘hoo’, clapping hands on ‘ha’ –then presenting a totem after the third ha. It
The leader calls out a number and the corresponding 2 players are now playing goes like this ->
the game. The object is for one of the players to either – get back to their Hoo ha, Hoo ha, Hoo ha – then do your giant/wizard/elf -
position in the team line with the shoe (without getting caught by their playing RAAAH/szzzzzzzzzz/Meemimimi.
partner) – OR – to encourage their playing partner to take the shoe and then to
catch them before they get back to their position in the line. Once somebody Now explain which of the totems beat the others – giants beat wizards, wizards
takes the shoe, they can run with it, or they can drop it. If they are caught whilst beat elves and elves beat giants (they get caught in their toes and trip them over).
holding the shoe, their team loses a point. They cannot be caught by the playing The game works with the two tribes (equal numbers at first) lining up on
partner when the shoe is dropped – only when holding it. The shoe cannot be opposite ends of the room. Each tribe will choose which totem they will fight
thrown or kicked – it must be held to be moved.
with – they all must be the same totem, prompt them to remember which totem
they beat, and which totem beats them.

Now have a practice round.

Both teams walk into the centre of the space and face off about 2m apart
Both teams do the war dance in unison and present their totem at the end.

At this point comes the explanation as to how the battle proceeds. If one tribe
chooses a totem which beats the other tribe (which will always be the case unless
both tribes choose the same totem), the winning tribe must chase the other tribe
back to their end of the playing area. If a member of the winning tribe catches
one of the losing tribe by placing two hands on their back, that tribe member
then joins the other tribe. In this way, individuals may change tribes many times
throughout a game. Being caught should be based on honesty and not based on
being wrestled to the ground by the stronger person. This is a non-contact game
– not survival of the strongest. The game continues to be played with tribes
choosing a totem, enacting a battle, re-forming a new tribe and starting again.
Grandma's Footsteps - Strategy, cunning, physical control.
Knights, Damsels, Caveliers - Acro, quick thinking, conditioning
One person is grandma and stands at one end of the room and everyone else
The caller gets 2 participants to demonstrate the three basic acro shapes
stands in a line at the other end. The objective is to sneak up and tig grandma
Knights: 1 person sitting on another who is in box position, with the first holding
whenever she is facing away. When grandma turns to face the grop everyone has
a sword in the air and shield at front
to be still because if grandma sees them moving she can send them back to start
Caveliers: 1st person places 1 knee on ground behind, other foot on ground
again. Whoever tigs grandma now becomes grandma.
making seat at front. 2nd person sits on 1st person’s knee and places arm over
In one variation everyone sneaking up on grandma are ninja's, a third of the way
shoulder and both people make a moustache with their fingers.
up there is an imaginary bar that everyone has to sneak under and two thirds up
Damsels: 1st person carries second person in arms using straight back. Good
another bar they have to climb over.
technique has 2nd person placing most weight through arm over 1st shoulder.
A farmyard version, everyone is a chicken, has to move like a chicken and make
All players move around space until caller calls shape. Everyone has to forma
clucking noises while they're moving.
new partnership and create this shape with new partner, the last to create shape
Or a pile of jumpers and other clothing is placed in the middle of the room.
gets sent to the dungeon where a second leader can demand sit-ups or
When sneaking up to grandma everyone has to put a piece of clothing on before
conditioning moves. Any acro move can be added in to this game, depending on
they can continue up to tig grandma.
the competence of the players.
Useful as an exercise for a group to watch, as the focus of the group on grandma
gives strong dramatic tension. The game can be demonstrated without a grandma
to show the dramatic power of a strong focus from ‘actors’.

Objective is to take the ball from the ground behind ‘grandma’ without being
seen moving.
Players have to choose what fantasy character or object they are being from a game should evolve to a point where improvisations are connected and anybody
given topic ‘under the sea / space animals’. When grandma turns around she can take over the action with their own invitation.
can ask the player what they are being, if she thinks that they do not look like
this object she can tell them to go back. Also, every character/object must be
different, each time, there must be no repitition. If a player reaches the ball they
must run back to the start line without being tagged by the grandma The Crocodile Game
Two people are ‘The Crocodiles’ and want to catch all of the other players.
Lemonade Crocodiles hand stand and walk, whilst all other players can only roll, crawl or
slide on the ground without using flat feet. When a player is caught by the
Two groups gather at either end of the hall. They huddle first and decide as a
crocodile, the crocodiles stops running and the player crawls between it’s legs.
group where they come from (can be absolutely anywhere) and what they do
The player then stands and holds on to the back of the crocodile making it
there (any activity or job). The first group jump forward toward the other and
longer. The crocodile must not split apart.
yell, 'where do you come from?', the other group jumps towards them, yelling,
for example, 'we come from Mars'. The other group now jumps forward and
The Fireball game
yells, 'what's your trade?' The other group jumps forward and yells, 'Lemonade!'.
The other group jumps forward one more time yelling, 'well show us if you're Use a walking globe/yoga ball as the fireball, or another large ball.
not afraid!' Now the other group mimes their activity, for example gardening and Create a small playing area, large enough for people to move freely. If you walk
the other group calls out what they think it is until they get it, when the miming outside the playing area you are out (or in dungeon for pushups).
group turn around and run home. The other team try to tig them. If they are 2-3 Fireballers push the ball gently into the playing area to try and catch players
tigged they have to join the other team. Now this team starts. out.

Touch Something
KIKA BOOM Getting to know a space game
The leader prompts the players to touch something with a certain characteristic
Players start in the middle with a finger on the seeker. KIKA BOOM the speaker
(soft, shiny, red, small, etc). As inhibitions decrease, it will bring in more
calls and count to ten in a loud voice. The players go and hide somewhere that
interpersonal contact. Use it as a warm-up and work the stamina as well as
they cannot be seen by the seeker. The seeker cannot move and can only catch
agility of students.
people by calling their name and explaining where they are. If the seeker is right
the player sits out. The game continues as the seeker calls KIKA BOOM and
counts to 8 – the players run back and touch the seeker and hide again before she Best friend, W orst Enemy or Bomb and Shield
opens her eyes. She calls any names of the people she has seen and the game Can be played as a quite game, or as a more active game.
continues as she closes her eyes and counts to 6. Continues as she counts to less Define the playing area – basketball-court sized area is good.
and less, making it faster, harder, more active. Setting hiding points (crash mats, The leader tells all of the players that they have to choose somebody that they
tables) across a room makes for a more interesting game. don’t know very well (ie – not one of their close friends) and pick this person as
their best friend. They should not say anything, they should not let this person
Yes Let’s! - Clown, improvisation know that they are their best friend. Likewise they now have to pick somebody
A game of character development, corporeal mime, vocalization and clowning. else (also somebody they don’t know) as their worst enemy.
Initially lead by a leader, the group’s role is to wholeheartedly accept any The object of the game is to be as close as possible to your chosen best friend,
invitation and take on the activity with vigor. With the words, ‘Hey everybody, but as far away as possible from your chosen worst enemy.
let’s all….’, an improvised invitation is given for everyone in the group to enact You can change the challenge of the game by stating that everyone has to walk
the physicality of the task. Everyone replies ‘Yes Lets!’ and mimes the task. The slowly and discreetly (with the aim to not let anyone know who is best
friend/worst enemy), or you can make it really important that they have to move 5 second penalty for any team that a base moves
This is not a physical contact game – do not hold on to your best friend, just be Conveyor belt exercise
as close to them as possible whilst as far away as possible from you worst As a team, transport one team member across the room by making a human
enemy. conveyor belt. The team lies on the ground side by side and will roll over at the
It is important to state that the best friend and worst enemy are just make believe same time to transport the person
– this is not a popularity contest. The fun of this game is the chaos created by
everybody moving about. It shows that we are all interconnected, and that a
slight change in one person’s balance affects all of those around us.
Bomb and shield version is played in the same way by choosing someone who is
a bomb, and another person who is a shield. The objective here is to always keep
the person who is your shield in between yourself and the bomb. You can
heighten the tension with a 1-minute countdown for the game and ensure that
everyone doesn't get too physical in an attempt to protect themselves from the

King In the M iddle

Three players of similar size/temperament.
The winner is the person who is in the middle
of the other two. Full contact game, with
caution needed for care and respect. Build the
tension by adding a slow countdown.

Copy game
Basically a game of follow the leader that
allows the leader to lead a warm-up to a
group of people who may not want to do a
Evolution Rock Paper Scissors with a twist.
traditional warm-up. The leader provides
physical stretches with personality and Winning the game promotes evolution from one form to another – egg > chicken
character in the form of a game that will > dinosaur > Elvis > Buddha. Losing leads to backward evolution. Everyone
allow young people to stretch, vocalize, starts as eggs and like can only play like (ie egg and egg, but not dinosaur and
characterize, etc. Walk like a gorilla, bounce chicken). Once players reach Buddha stage they sit in circle and watch the
like a pogo stick, etc…. madness ensue.

Simon Says
Th at Carrying Game
A classic children’s game where all players have to do what ‘Simon Says’. The
Groups of no less than five
leader will give a series of challenges such as Simon says touch your toes,
Groups must transport their smallest person from one end of the room to another,
Simon says pick your nose – whatever simon says – everyone must do. The
but, if you are holding this person you cannot move. The game builds teamwork
and coordination, strength, trust, physical contact, etc.
leader tries to catch people out by say ‘Now jump up and down’ – if somebody • Give praise to some of those that are enthusiastic and willing.
jumps up and down – they are out – as Simon didn’t tell them to do so. • Now get all players to show you what a cow sounds like – again – give
praise for good cow noises.
• Explain that all cows are to crawl around the playing area with their eyes
closed with their only means of communication being through listening
QUIET GAMES and moo-ing. When a cow bumps into another cow – they both must
We can use quiet games in order to calm down a workshop, particularly when • Now explain, that there will be one cow amongst the herd that is a silent
you have over-excited children. Quiet games bring focus and will also appeal to cow – this cow does not moo. The aim of the game is to find the silent
those children who are not as physical or confident. cow and to join it. When another cow bumps into the silent cow – this
cow now keeps contact with the silent cow (shoulder to shoulder or head
Sleeping Lions to head) and becomes silent – when any other cows bump into the silent
Very young children like this game, but it can work with all ages. Players are cow herd, they will not receive a moo in return and as such they will
told that the challenge is to lie as still as possible, without moving any part of the know that they have found the silent cow and will quietly join this herd
body – the stillest lion will be the winner. They are told these instructions and as well.
then the leader facilitates for them to find a comfortable position as a sleeping • Explain that it’s important to listen for the silent cow
lion. Count backwards from 10 and state that from zero, anyone who moves
even the slightest will be ‘out’. When a player moves, you can tap them on the You start the game by getting all cows to start as noisy cows, with their eyes
shoulder and get them to move out of the playing circle where they must then sit closed, crawling around the playing area. As you walk amongst the cows – say
and be quiet. As the leader you may choose to keep overly excited children clearly and out loud that you are going to put your hand on the neck of one cow
‘sleeping’ a bit longer – even if they are moving. This period of forced calm can and this cow will be the silent cow. Take your time to make it a clear signal to
help give focus to that child. this cow.
Now stand back and watch the silliness.

M ummy Sheep, baby sheep

Silent Cow
A trust and communication exercise.
Create a safe playing area with no
Can be played with any animal character (sheep/monkeys/lion/cow) as long as
steps, drops, rocks, sharp objects or
this animal has an identifiable call or noise.
dangers – the area must be
Get the players to give an impression of the animal (movement and voice) and
appropriate for players to crawl on all
give good praise for those doing well.
fours with their eyes closed.
In pairs each person will take an opportunity to be the mummy sheep and the
You need at least three or four people
baby sheep. The baby sheep is blind and can only use voice and hearing as its
to act as shepherds/herders/a
communication, whilst the mummy sheep can use its eyes and it’s voice. Within
boma/the maasai. These people keep
the safe playing area – each mummy will lead its baby around the space,
the cows in the playing area.
avoiding other animals and avoiding any obstacles. All movement from babies
• Get all players to show you
should be slow and on all fours (crawling), mummies can stand so as to avoid
what a cow looks like – down
other animals. The only communication from the mummy can be in animal
on all fours.
language – ie – no words! Mummies must avoid their babies running into other
animals or getting separated, so mummies need to be very aware of the activity
go on around them in each direction.
Tummy Ha (also called sleeping lions)
Form a chain or a circle of people lying on their back, where each person’s head
is resting on the previous person tummy/diaphragm. From the head end of the
chain the first person says ‘Ha”, the second says ‘Ha, Ha’ and it continues down
the chain of bodies until everybody is laughing naturally.

Count to 20
As a group, and using no set system – try and count to 20 without any repetition.
Avoiding giggling helps keep the group focus and promotes better results.

Geisha Game A game of rhythm, patterns with arms and quick reaction time
played with collection of stones/chips/pen lids, etc. 2 players sit opposite with
stone on ground or table in between. Pattern begins with right hand only making
open fingers over stone, regular timing between players – on a 2 count – my
hand in, your hand in. Make this pattern comfortable, then develop to – either
person can pick up stone with hand during their go. When this happens, and
there is no stone on the surface, the timing continues but now the hand must
make a closed fist. Watch closely and try and catch the other player out by
taking the stone/returning it. A mistake is made if the hand is open or closed at
the wrong time. Progression – teach left hand
Progression – 2 stones opposite each other – now perform both hands on a split
timing (both people right hand at same time, both people left hand at same time)
Progression – still 2 players but now 4 stones in a square shape – without taking
stone, learn the pattern far right, far left, near right, near left. If two stones end
up in the same position the new action is thumb over the two stones. No play
with two hands.
Progression – 4 people sitting in a square with 4 stones in a square between
them. Without taking stones, learn pattern far right, far left, near right, near left.
If three stones end up in same position, hand now holds 3 fingers above position,
if four end up in same position, hand holds 4 fingers above position. Now play 2
hands, 4 people.
Variations include different patterns, crossing arms and playing game with group
sitting in a large circle, playing by sides.
Plate Spinning
SKILL GAMES You must maintain a spinning plate on a stick whilst trying to remove that of
your opponents. This time it is only stick to plate contact that is allowed. Be
There are hundreds of games that relate specifically to the physical skills of aware of eyes with sharp sticks! This game should only be played with this
circus. These can be specifically for club jugglers, diabolists, staff spinners, danger in mind.
hula-hoopists or acrobats. These games involve developing specific skills, but
doing it through fun interactive challenges. As an alternative format to all of the above, a competition can be set, with
entrants competing one-on-one. Rounds can be played on a best-out-of-three-
Gladiators games format, with the winner proceeding to the next round.
A gladiator competition can be held between club jugglers, hula hoopists, staff
balancers or plate spinners. This is a ‘combat’ game, where players are fighting Rope Game
each other – like in a hip hop/breakdance/MC battle. It is very important to Skipping rope exercises
define the rules of the battle from the beginning – these will always include – no 1st exercise is to run through the rope without touching
body to body contact, no hitting, kicking, pulling or punching – and no 2nd run through 1 by 1 without leaving a gap in the rhythm of the rope
deliberate contact between toy and player. The idea with a gladiator battle is that 2 people holding hands
the winner is the last person still playing, without their toys having hit the 3 people, 4 people, 5, people, etc
ground or been stopped. Players start in a large circle facing inwards – this is the Get entire group through the rope
playing area. If a mistake occurs – pushups are the penalty
Some variations are as follows:
3 club gladiators Joggling
Players start in a big circle and hit their clubs together in unison in order to start Running whilst juggling – maintains fitness and juggling skills. There are world
the game. Once everybody starts juggling, you can not stop. If two clubs are in championships in this sport!
one hand at any one time, or if a club hits the ground, this player is out. Honesty
is relied upon. A player can fight their opponent by lobbing a high throw and Zen W restling A balance and coordination game – good for training
using this time to swipe a club out of the opponents patter using their own club
equilibristics. 2 players stand opposite, their own feet together, toes 30cm from
as a weapon. Players cannot hit a person with their club, nor make physical
other player.
contact. The moment a player’s club hits the ground – this player must remove
Level 1 – players keep palm to palm with opposite player and keep contact with
themself from the match. As the number of players gets fewer, the playing area
hands entire time. Using arms and bodyweight, try and make the other person
gets smaller, with the original players forming a tighter circle around the match
lose balance by moving feet or by their body weight falling against yours.
Hula Hoop gladiators
Level 2 – for older and more capable players who have care and respect for each
Anyone who can hula hoop can play.
other. Remove rule that hands must always be in contact. Makes a much more
Start in a large circle and on ‘go’, everyone must maintain a hoop spinning from
dynamic game, but is riskier of physical contact or falling.
their ankles to their chest. Players must attempt to stop another player’s hoop but
can only do so from hoop to hoop contact.
Staff Gladiators Like volleyball but with juggling clubs. Must have a net set above head height
Played with a staff balanced horizontally across the head, and again, the last (or a rope to act as a net), and a marked out court or playing area. Team size can
person with their staff still balanced is the winner. If a hand is placed on a staff vary as to court size. Each player has two juggling clubs in their hands at all
the player is out, or if there is any other body contact. times, there is also one club on the court which acts as the ball. One team serves
from the back of the court and tries to get the active club over the net onto the
ground in the opponents’ court. If any club hits the ground – a point is scored or
the serve is lost. Points are only scored when the serving team wins a game. W heel - barrow Juggling
Teams of 3 make a wheelbarrow – 2 standing up carry the legs of the third who’s
Chin balance hands are on the ground as ‘the wheelbarrow’. The two people carrying the
Players balance something on their chin/face with objects of the same length barrow must now juggle three balls between them – the person on the right is the
(long staff, short staff, juggling club or fork). A leader then sets the pace with a right hand, whilst the person on the left is the left hand.
number of challenges of increasing difficulty. Stand on one leg, turn around in a Once teams have mastered the art of juggling in this position they now must race
circle, jump, sit down, stand up, lie down on back, take off your shirt, etc. over a fixed length, stopping whenever the juggling pattern is not maintained.

Diabolo Games Eati ng an apple whilst juggling

The high throw competition. Juggle two balls and one apple in a simple pattern and proceed to eat the entire
Outdoor game with a viewing public who can judge the winner. Simple rules. apple whilst maintaining the pattern. Good practice for the skill that creates a
Everyone throws at the same time, the highest throw that is successfully caught good comedy routine.
is the winner. Can be tricky to judge, needs all to be thrown at same time.
Grandmother's Aerial Footsteps
Toss in the Box Similar to the active game but on aerial. Each player has to do a sequence of
three aerial moves and must freeze whenever grandmother is watching. Can be
The leader holds a box on their head. After a count of five, all participants throw
adapted to suit the apparatus.
their diabolo into the box. The winner is the one who continually lands their
diabolo in the box, as non successful attempts are eliminated.
Follow the Aerial Leader
One person defines the movment and all others must follow as closely as
Endurance possible. Must be kept at an appropriate skill level for all players, sometimes
How long can you hula 4 hoops? How long can you juggle 4 clubs/3 balls/5 movement based is better than trick based.
balls? Who can do the longest handstand? Set a challenge for many people, or
set your own record and then aim to beat it. Stilt football
Blow up a large round balloon or beach ball and play football! Great for
Sim on Says – 3 ball juggling developing balance, movment and co-ordination skills. For beginners make a
A juggling variation. rule that players do not run, but stand still in formation like in table football.
Like the original simon says but with three ball jugglers. This keeps the game safer and allows players to have more space
Simon says juggle, simon says juggle slowly, simon says juggle whilst sitting
down and all players must follow these instructions
‘And now stand up again’
If anyone stands up – they are out, as simon didn’t say so
Keeping the juggling simple as above, will allow skills to be developed slowly.
To develop juggling by playing this game, the leader (Simon) must have names
for a bunch of juggling tricks or patterns, and be able to teach them to the
players. After a while, terms and patterns such as cascade, reverse cascade,
tennis, 1 up 2 up, under the leg, behind the back and pirouette are good to use –
but work them in slowly as appropriate to the level of skill amongst the players.
the students through their conditioning/acting/dance moves. For best impact, half
ACTING AND EMOTION GAMES of the class should sit out and watch the game.

M eeting in love The Heist

Characterisation, acting, complicite, improvisation Divide the groups into about 5 people, and tell them all that you have gathered a
Two lines of people facing each other. crack team of specialists to break into the museum to steal the world famous
Person from one end of one line stands opposite person of other end of other line Ashburg Diamond (for example or any made up or world famous artifact). One
(ie between two lines of people, one at either end). by one each specialist will lead the group through an imagined part of the
The leader puts a criteria on how the two people will meet. They speak to each museum, miming, along a ledge or through a maze of lazers or balancing along a
other from either end and then meet in the middle enacting their instructions. wire. Everyone else in the group has to follow in the exact path the leader has
Example: two people meet each other and fall in love, in slow motion made. Then swap to a new leader. When they reach the diamond, you can tell
Meet each other, then realize that the other person smells, but they can’t let them them the alarm has gone off and they have to quickly retreat following exactly
know that they think that the same path before the police arrive to arrest them.

The Bus Driver Zombie (Chair Game)

An exercise in portraying emotion and having rapid character/personality 20 players = 20 chairs. 19 sit on chairs (scattered around playing area unevenly.
changes. Builds complicite and group improvisation 1 person is zombie. Zombie’s only impulse is to be a zombie and walk slowly to
Requires two benches parallel and 1m apart the chair that is free, often babbling “Brains!” to build tension. Other 19 players
The bus driver sits at the front of one of the benches. must not let the zombie take the empty chair. They can stop this by moving from
The bus stop is opposite and the passengers wait to enter the bus. They enter their chair to the empty chair, but must be strategic when doing so. Once they
next to the driver and bring an emotion with them. This must be portrayed have stood up, they cannot sit back into their chair. Zombie’s job is not to run.
physically and clearly. They sit on one of the seats of the bus. Tension is better built when zombie is slow, the game then becomes about the
The entering passenger passes their emotion to the driver and all passengers group working together and not making errors in judgement of when to go.
already on the bus. Emotion is passed slowly from one person to the next, down
the length of the bus. Players keep their emotion until the next emotion is passed A few more for nex t time… …
to them. Non-players watch and observe the transition of one emotion to the Camel Herding
Flying, Falling, Farting
Banana, Banana, M ango
Late for Circus Improv and roleplay game
Peg game
Game is driven by one person who takes teacher/trainer role. One player is ‘late
for circus’ and leaves the room whilst her reason for being late is decided. All Itsay Noday
others come up with a reason she was late for circus such as ‘I got stung by a bee Emotional Corners
and turned into a watermelon as a result’. The Late student then enters the room, Toffee
with teacher between her and other circus students. The teacher stops the student
Rola bola zen wrestling
and asks her to explain why she’s late for circus. The other students use mime
and gesture to communicate why she is late for circus, but must do this without
the teacher seeing them (like grandmother’s footsteps). The teacher swaps W hat games are you enjoying now? I’d love to receive them!
between putting pressure on the late students to explain, and putting the rest of www.circusga mes.net
I first started this project to take a teaching resource to Kenya on our Circus Safari
tour in 2009. The aim was to build a resource for the social circus teachers who
have limited access to the internet and little in the way of written references.

In 2014, I’m continuing in the gathering of games as does the social circus
programme in Nairobi continue.

This Games Exchange resource will always be free of charge to everyone, in the
ethos of the modern circus movement which has a culture of sharing and exchange
at its heart. But, at the same time, I’m also fundraising for €3000 a year to see that
the outreach programme in Nairobi can continue. Without our funds, the
programme will end, there will be no continued provision to the young people who
have accessed circus for several years, the teachers who are employed will lose a
vital part of their income, the communities involved will lose a strong cohesive

If you’ve benefitted from these games, I ask for you to support this work in Nairobi
by making a pledge to this cause. This is the requested exchange! Please contribute
in your own way - Donate a teaching fee, put aside two gold coins per week, buy a
Christmas present for a kid you don’t know, volunteer to create a crowd-funding

To make a donation and for more info, please write on our wall
Facebook page - Search ‘Let’s Circus in Kenya’
Or find the crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo ‘Let’s Circus Kenya’
(active early 2015)

With sincere thanks,

Steve Cousins
Let’s Circus

email – steve@circusgames.net
UK +44 (0)191 2462836 | +44 (0)7816 278287

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