Biology Syllabus
Biology Syllabus
Biology Syllabus
This course syllabus is intended as a set of guidelines for BIOL 1406-Online-Partial. Both North Lake College and the
instructor reserves the right to make modifications in content, schedule, and requirements as necessary to promote the
best education possible within prevailing conditions affecting this course.
BIOLOGY 1406-Online
FALL 2018
Biology for Science Majors I (Biology 1406)
Section numbers: 71426, 71427
Credit hours: 4
Class meeting time: MTWRFSaSu
Lecture online, PowerPoints, quizzes, discussions on eCampus, all exams proctored through eCampus- Respondus
Lockdown Monitor.
Hands-on Labs with a kit at home/online, a comprehensive lab practical proctored through eCampus- Respondus
Lockdown Monitor.
- 10th edition
OR 9th edition
Free textbook Companion Website
Lab Material: General Biology 3 Volume 1 with Photosynthesis from eScience Labs.
SKU: 1626 (When buying from Follett bookstore) Follett bookstore will sell a code that has to be entered on
eScience website to have your kit mailed to you.)
SKU: NLC1626 (When buying directly from eScience). If ordering directly from eScience, make a student
account and search in Custom Kits. You will not find this kit in the general database of eScience as it is customized
for NLC.
Computer with a webcam and Internet access: To complete this class students require a computer with a
reliable internet to access the course, complete and submit assignments and a camera built-in or attached to the
computer for tests.
Digital Camera: A simple digital camera is required to document the set-up and results of the laboratory
experiments. Smart phone camera will work.
Skills: Typing for lab reports, accessing important website through internet, reading and comprehension, following
directions, appropriate communication via email or phone, attaching files to an email, attaching pictures to a
document, submitting assignments on eCampus.
Since this class is online, regularly accessing the course and completing assignments on time is
considered attendance. Quizzes/assignments may not be available after the due date. Work required for
both-lecture and laboratory- should be done in a timely manner. Each assignment will have a deadline and work
should be submitted on or before the deadline. You may work ahead but any work submitted after the deadline
will not be considered. LECTURE PowerPoints: are online in eCampus. LABORATORY
experiments to be done from home and submitted via eCampus. All responsibility of the work is that of the
student. All tests should be completed during designated period. Since, enough time will be given to complete
assignments, quizzes, reports and tests, extensions will not be given. Extenuating circumstances will be considered
case by case.
Learning outcomes will be assessed by examinations, quizzes and graded assignments and discussions in
lecture. Additionally each of the units completed in lab will be assessed by both lab report/quiz and lab
LECTURE: Your lecture is based on a combination of lecture tests and assignments/discussions and quizzes on
eCampus. Lecture average is 70% of the total grade (60% unit tests and final exam + 5% lecture quizzes + 5%
discussion board).
LECTURE TESTS: Students will take five lecture tests (Tests 1-5) online from home via Respondus Lockdown
Browser with a Monitor. If you are given two attempts for any of these tests, average of the two grades will be
considered. Each of these five tests will be timed and at the end of the given time limit will auto-submit. Each of
these tests will account for 10% of the total lecture grade. The lowest grade of tests 1-5 will be dropped.
Comprehensive Final lecture exam will also be given via Respondus Lockdown Browser with a Monitor from home.
If a student would like to take the tests without the time limit, the test will be administered in any DCCCD Testing
Center or any proctored setting. Questions on the lecture final test will be over chapters 1- 17. The lecture final test
will account 20% of the total lecture grade. All lecture tests may have multiple choice and short answer questions
related to each unit including the textbook chapter and labs. Lecture exams will count 60% of the total grade.
Unit Test 1: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 – to be taken from home via Respondus Lockdown Browser with a Monitor
Unit Test 2: Chapters 5, 6, 7 – to be taken from home via Respondus Lockdown Browser with a Monitor
Unit Test 3: Chapters 8, 9, 10 – to be taken from home via Respondus Lockdown Browser with a Monitor
Unit Test 4: Chapters 11, 12, 13 – to be taken from home via Respondus Lockdown Browser with a Monitor
Unit Test 5: Chapters14, 15, 16, 17 – to be taken from home via Respondus Lockdown Browser with a Monitor
Comprehensive Final: Chapters 1-17 – to be taken from home via Respondus Lockdown Browser with a Monitor
RESPONDUS LOCKDOWN BROWSER WITH A MONITOR: This program records complete tests taken
by students. Students will need a webcam for this. This will ask you to show a Govt. issued ID and then it will
match that with your face. It will ask you to show area around you to be sure that you don’t have any material
around you. This will also block you from opening browsers other than your test browser in eCampus.
Student tutorials for Lockdown Browser. This link will show you details about this program.
ASSIGNMENTS AND QUIZZES FOR LECTURE: After each chapter, students will complete timed graded
quizzes. Optional assignments or quizzes, if any, although not for grade, prepare students for graded quizzes and
tests.” These quizzes will count to 5% of the total lecture grade. Extra credit assignments, if given, will not exceed
2% of the total grade.
DISCUSSION BOARD: Students will participate in class Discussion Boards related to each unit. To receive full
credit you must add a new post following the instructions for each Discussion Board and reply to at least one other
student’s post. To add a new post, select the “+ Thread” button in the upper left corner of the discussion board
screen. To respond, select “Reply” below the thread you are replying to. Anonymous messages on the discussion
are NOT allowed. Discussion board will count to 5% of the total lecture grade.
*LABORATORY: Your lab grade is based on conducting actual experiments on your own, pre-
and post-lab quizzes, lab reports and a final comprehensive lab practical. All quizzes may value from 2-20
points. Lab activity handouts should be downloaded from eScience website and uploaded onto eCampus after
completion for grading. Directions for this will be given in eCampus. Lab activity submission will require pictures
of the student with set-up and final results. Formal lab reports may be required. Lab activities will be graded
within 48 hours after submission. Details will be given under the tab “lab documents” on eCampus. Lab activities
count to 20% and lab practical counts to 10% of the total grade.
To be eligible to take the final lab practical, you must have completed at least 10 labs including labs 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
10, 15, 11 and 12. Your lab grade is 30% of your total grade in this class. Lab activities, reports, pre-quizzes and
post quizzes should be completed by the deadline. Lab practical may be combination of multiple choice and
short answers and given at any DCCCD Testing Center or any proctored setting.
Lab activities submitted within a given time line and correct format (.doc or .pdf) will be graded, others
will not be graded.
Pictures of the lab set up and results must be pasted within the lab document- not submitted separately.
Post-lab quizzes completed without submitting lab activities in the correct format will not count.
If students would like to work in groups of 2-3, they may do so. Each student must buy their own lab-kit.
The results must be submitted by each student separately with pictures taken by each student not a group.
Answers to the questions should NOT be exact copies. Students should answer pre- and post-lab questions
and the reports in their own words or it will be considered as plagiarism. All participants of the group
working together will get a grade “zero” on the complete assignment for plagiarism.
Respondus Lockdown Browser downloading instructions for all tests:- Student tutorials for eCampus-
Lockdown Browser
A student caught opening webpages/browsers other than eCampus while taking a test from the proctored
setting will receive a grade “zero” on that test.
Before you begin a timed activity- a quiz or a test- be sure to have the electronic device fully charged
and a reliable internet access. A second attempt will not be considered in these situations. If you have other
unavoidable circumstances like electricity/internet outage in your area or problem with
eCampus/Respondus be sure to document the incidence with supporting screenshots/emails from
authorities etc. for a second chance.
There will not be any make up tests. If there are any unavoidable circumstances, each will be evaluated.
Lecture: 70% Lecture Tests (1-5- lowest grade dropped)-10% each 40%
Comprehensive Final lecture tests 20%
Lecture quizzes 5%
Discussion Boards 5%
Laboratory 30%: Comprehensive Lab practical 10%
Lab activities and quizzes 20%
Total 100%
Your final grade will be a combination of both lecture and lab, with lecture representing
70% and lab 30% of the final grade with
90-100% for A
80 to 89% for B
70 to 79% for C
60 to 69% for D
Below 59% for F
Students are expected to fully participate in lecture class and laboratory activities. During testing in a proctored
setting, the use of electronics is not permitted. All students are expected to abide by the college Student Code of
1. Class notes and announcements will be posted on the web on ECAMPUS at "".
2. You are expected to access "ECAMPUS" on a regular basis to be up to date with the class information.
3. Make sure you enter your email address. Let me know if you need help with "ECAMPUS".
4. All students can apply for a free email address/internet access at the Computing Center.
2. Describe the unique characteristics Assigned readings, lecture Ten question EEO 1, 2, and
of water that make it essential to life and discussion in class, quiz to CCIC 1, 2, 4
on related laboratory activities. be administered
The Earth. after the
completion of
the topic. The
goal is 70%
3. Demonstrate an understanding of Assigned readings, lecture Ten question EEO 1, 2, 3 and
the significance of cellular and discussion in class, quiz to CCIC 1, 2, 4
respiration and play out the major steps of be administered
the major energy transforming the aerobic respiratory after the
events pathway and related completion of
of the process. laboratory activities. the topic. The
goal is 70%
BIOL1406 develops the following objectives from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board:
Communications: Written, oral
Communications: Visual
Critical Thinking
Empirical & Quantitative Skills
The program level outcomes are assessed by a formal laboratory report on Enzyme Catalysis where
students share hypothesis, materials, procedures, observations, analysis and conclusion.