Cardiac Computed Tomography
Cardiac Computed Tomography
Cardiac Computed Tomography
Received 17 August 2007; revised 18 October 2007; accepted 29 October 2007; Online-publish-ahead-of-print 15 December 2007
See page 557 for the editorial comment on this article (doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehm607)
As a consequence of improved technology, there is growing clinical interest in the use of multi-detector row
computed tomography (MDCT) for non-invasive coronary angiography. Indeed, the accuracy of MDCT to detect
or exclude coronary artery stenoses has been high in many published studies. This report of a Writing Group
deployed by the Working Group Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT (WG 5) of the European Society of Cardiology
and the European Council of Nuclear Cardiology summarizes the present state of cardiac CT technology, as well as
the currently available data concerning its accuracy and applicability in certain clinical situations. Besides coronary CT
angiography, the use of CT for the assessment of cardiac morphology and function, evaluation of perfusion and via-
bility, and analysis of heart valves is discussed. In addition, recommendations for clinical applications of cardiac CT
imaging are given and limitations of the technique are described.
Keywords Multi-detector row computed tomography † Clinical recommendations † Coronary artery disease † Indications
† Appropriateness
* Corresponding author. Tel: þ49 7071 2982711, Fax: þ49 7071 293169, Email:
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2007. For permissions please email:
532 S. Schroeder et al
and post-processing tools. The most recent generations of MDCT Coronary artery visualization requires the acquisition of CT data
with the ability to acquire 64 slices simultaneously allow relatively with the highest temporal and spatial resolution. With current
robust morphological and functional imaging of the heart. Although 64-slice CT systems, data acquisition is performed within a single
initially, clinical applications were restricted to the detection of breath-hold of about 5–10 s. Synchronization of data acquisition
coronary calcium, visualization of the coronary artery lumen (non- and contrast enhancement can be achieved by calculating the
invasive coronary angiography) has now become the major focus veno-arterial transit time, using a small bolus of contrast agent
of cardiac MDCT. In addition, the assessment of non-stenotic cor- and retrospective analysis of the enhancement pattern over time
onary atherosclerotic plaques, coronary stents, or bypass grafts has (so-called ‘test bolus’ technique), or by real-time monitoring of
become possible in selected situations, as well as the evaluation of the arrival of the bolus, for example, in the ascending aorta
left and right ventricular function, valvular function, coronary and (so-called ‘bolus tracking’ technique). Typically, the amount of con-
pulmonary veins, and general morphology of the heart and great trast material required for coronary CT angiography is about 60–
vessels. 100 mL depending on scanner type, patient size, heart rate, and
The present manuscript summarizes the current state of tech- body mass index. The contrast agent should be of high iodine con-
nology and clinical applications of cardiac CT, with a special centration. Usually, the flow rate is 5 mL/s, but especially in obese
emphasis on coronary CT angiography. It does not constitute a patients, increasing the flow rate may be advantageous.
meta-analysis of published literature, but merely reflects an After acquisition of the raw data, retrospectively ECG-gated
expert consensus on the current status and limitations of cardiac image data sets are generated. These data sets usually consist of
CT imaging, as well as potential clinical indications. 200–300 thin (0.5 –0.75 mm) and overlapping slices in transaxial
orientation. Especially for coronary artery imaging, it is important
to carefully identify the time instant in the cardiac cycle which
shows least cardiac motion. For lower heart rates, the best time
Technical background and data instant is usually in the mid- to end-diastolic phase, whereas for
higher heart rates, reconstruction in end-systole may yield superior
acquisition results.9 – 11 The average heart rate and heart rate variability have
The first commercially available CT technology that allowed ECG- been shown to substantially influence image quality. As the most
gated cardiac CT imaging was electron beam CT (EBCT), which important predictor for diagnostic image quality, low
had been used for non-invasive coronary imaging since the early (,60 b.p.m.) and regular heart rates (DHR ,+2 b.p.m.) have
1990s.1 The system provided a very high temporal resolution been identified.12 – 16 For this reason, beta blockers are frequently
(100 ms per image), but had substantial limitations concerning administered prior to the CT scan in order to lower heart rate and
spatial resolution and image noise, which negatively affected to obtain robust image quality.17 Nitroglycerin can be administered
image quality.2 sublingually to achieve vasodilatation with optimal opacification
The introduction of MDCT3,4 provided the technical require- and visualization of the coronary arteries.18
ments to perform cardiac imaging with CT systems that followed
the traditional design of a rotating X-ray tube and detectors.5 Mul- Radiation exposure
tiple detector rows permit high-resolution imaging with short The effective radiation dose of a contrast-enhanced cardiac CT
overall data acquisition time, and the increased gantry rotation scan is 5– 20 mSv.19 – 33 Numerous factors influence radiation
speed, together with dedicated ECG-gated image reconstruction dose. Reductions in radiation dose can be achieved by obvious
algorithms, provides for high temporal resolution and the ability and straightforward measures, such as keeping the length of the
to obtain phase-correlated image data sets. ECG-gated four-slice scan volume as short and tube current as low as possible.
MDCT, introduced around the year 2000,6 – 8 provided the first Another effective way of reducing radiation dose is the use of
evidence that mechanical CT scanning of the heart and coronary ECG-correlated tube current modulation,34 in which full tube
arteries is feasible, but was burdened with a high rate of unevalu- current is limited to a short-time period in diastole, resulting in
able studies, mostly due to insufficient temporal resolution. Cur- the reduction of radiation dose by 30–40%.35 Tube current modu-
rently, 64-slice CT is considered state-of-the-art for cardiac CT lation is particularly effective in low heart rates. Furthermore, redu-
imaging, whereas 256-slice systems are being developed. cing tube voltage to 100 kV instead of the commonly used 120 kV
Although ‘sequential’ imaging (so-called ‘step-and-shoot’ mode) results in a substantial further reduction of radiation exposure36
is used in some instances, cardiac CT is usually based on continu- and should be considered in patients with a low-to-moderate
ous spiral scanning of the heart with a very low pitch (table feed/ body mass. Recently, an image-acquisition protocol using a
gantry rotation) in order to achieve oversampling of information ‘step-and-shoot’ approach has been introduced for coronary
across different phases of the cardiac cycle and in some cases artery imaging by MDCT. This is a non-spiral mode, with the
even across several consecutive cardiac cycles. Simultaneous table remaining stationary while the X-ray tube rotates around
recording of the ECG permits retrospective reconstruction of the patient. When data acquisition is completed for one location,
images at any desired phase of the cardiac cycle, which in turn pro- the table is advanced to the next location for the subsequent
vides for the identification of the time instant in which the cardiac scan. Initial reports indicate substantial reductions in radiation
structures show the least residual motion. In addition, the ability to dose.37
reconstruct data sets at multiple time instants during the cardiac While the radiation dose of a cardiac CT scan is in the same
cycle allows for ‘dynamic’ imaging and analysis of function. order of magnitude as other diagnostic tests used in cardiology,
Cardiac computed tomography 533
such as nuclear perfusion scans (with a typical dose of 8– as substantially shorter scan times led to improved image quality
25 mSv38,39), all possible measures should be taken to keep the throughout the entire coronary tree41(Figure 1). A recent
dose as low as possible, and considerations as to clinical indications meta-analysis demonstrated a significant improvement in the accu-
for cardiac CT must always take radiation exposure into racy for the detection of coronary artery stenoses for 64-slice CT
account.39,40 when compared with previous scanner generations. The weighted
mean sensitivity for the detection of coronary artery stenoses
increased from 84% for four-slice CT and 83% for 16-slice CT
Coronary artery imaging to 93% for 64-slice CT, whereas the respective specificities were
93, 96, and 96%.42
Detection of coronary artery stenoses The results of recent studies that analysed the accuracy of
The opportunity to non-invasively visualize coronary anatomy is 64-slice CT and dual-source CT for the detection of coronary
the major reason for the current interest in cardiac MDCT. In artery stenoses in patients with suspected coronary artery
the year 2000, four-slice CT systems, for the first time, allowed disease (CAD) are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.43 – 53 Pooling
coronary artery imaging with spiral CT, but limited spatial and tem- the data of more than 800 patients yields a sensitivity of 89%
poral resolution, as well as long scan times (up to 35 s) limited (95% CI 87 –90) with a specificity of 96% (95% CI 96 –97) and a
their clinical value for coronary artery visualization. Only the prox- positive and negative predictive value of 78% (95% CI 76 –80)
imal parts of the coronary arteries were interpretable, and up to and 98% (95% CI 98–99), respectively. On average, 4.5% of seg-
25% of coronary segments could not be evaluated due to insuffi- ments (mainly distal segments or very small side branches) could
cient image quality.6,8 With the introduction of 16- and 64-slice not be evaluated. Importantly, the negative predictive value was
MDCT systems, improved temporal and spatial resolution as well consistently high in all studies, indicating that the technique may
Figure 1 Coronary artery stenosis detection with multi-detector row computed tomography. High-grade stenosis of the mid-right coronary
artery in a 55-year-old man with atypical chest pain. (A) A maximum intensity projection, with a high-grade luminal reduction distal to a calcified
segment. (B) A curved multiplanar reconstruction. (C) A three-dimensional rendering of the heart and right coronary artery. (D) shows the
corresponding coronary angiogram.
534 S. Schroeder et al
Table 1 Diagnostic performance of 64-slice computed tomography and dual-source computed tomography for the
detection of significant coronary stenosis (luminal diameter >50%) on a per-segment basis
Author Number of Not evaluable (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)
Leschka et al.53 67 0 (0/1005) 94 (165/176) 97 (805/829) 87 (165/189) 99 (805/816)
Leber et al.44 55 0 (0/732) 76 (57/75) 97 (638/657) 75 (57/76) 97 (638/656)
Raff et al.49 70 12 (130/1065) 86 (79/92) 95 (802/843) 66 (79/120) 98 (802/815)
Mollet et al.46 51 0 (0/725) 99 (93/94) 95 (601/631) 76 (93/123) 99 (601/602)
Ropers et al.50 81 4 (45/1128) 93 (39/42) 97 (1010/1041) 56 (39/70) 100 (1010/1013)
Schuijf et al.51 60 1.4 (12/854) 85 (62/73) 98 (755/769) 82 (62/76) 99 (755/766)
Ong et al.48 134 9.7 (143/1474) 82 (177/217) 96 (1067/1114) 79 (177/224) 96 (1067/1107)
Ehara et al.43 69 8 (82/966) 90 (275/304) 94 (545/580) 89 (275/310) 95 (545/574)
Nikolaou et al.47 72 9.5 (97/1020) 82 (97/118) 95 (762/805) 69 (97/140) 97 (762/789)
Weustink et al.52 77 0 (0/1489) 95 (208/220) 95 (1200/1269) 75 (208/277) 99 (1200/1212)
Leber et al.45 88 1.3 (16/1232) 94 (38/42) 99 (1165/1174) 81 (38/47) 99 (1165/1169)
Total 824 4.5 (525/11690) 89 (1290/1453) 96 (9350/9712) 78 (1290/1652) 98 (6350/9513)
(95% CI 4.124.9) (95% CI 87290) (95% CI 96297) (95% CI 76280) (95% CI 98299)
All values are expressed as per cent with absolute numbers in parentheses. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated only for evaluable segments.
95% CI, 95% confidence interval; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Table 2 Diagnostic performance of 64-slice computed tomography and dual-source computed tomography for the
detection of significant coronary stenosis (luminal diameter >50%) on a per-patient basis
Author Number of Not evaluable (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)
Leschka et al.53 67 0 100 (47/47) 100 (20/20) 100 (47/47) 100 (20/20)
Leber et al.44 59a 23.7 (14/59) 88 (22/25) 85 (17/20) 88 (22/25) 85 (17/20)
Raff et al.49 70 0 95 (38/40) 90 (27/30) 93 (38/41) 93 (27/29)
Mollet et al.46 52 1.9 (1/52) 100 (38/38) 92 (12/13) 97 (38/39) 100 (12/12)
Ropers et al.50 84 3.6 (3/84) 96 (25/26) 91 (50/55) 83 (25/30) 98 (50/51)
Schuijf et al.51 61 1.6 (1/61) 94 (29/31) 97 (28/29) 97(29/30) 93 (27/29)
Ehara et al.43 69 2.9 (2/69) 98 (59/60) 86 (6/7) 98 (59/60) 86 (6/7)
Nikolaou et al.47 72 5.6 (4/72) 97 (38/39) 79 (23/29) 86 (38/44) 96 (23/24)
Weustink et al.52 77 0 99 (76/77) 87 (20/23) 96 (76/79) 95 (20/21)
Leber et al.45 90 2.2 (2/90) 95 (20/21) 90 (60/67) 74 (20/27) 99 (60/61)
Total 701 3.8 (27/701) 98 (394/404) 90 (263/293) 93 (394/424) 95 (263/273)
(95% CI 2.625.6) (95% CI 95299) (95% CI 86293] (95% CI 90295) (95% CI 93298)
All values are expressed as per cent with absolute numbers in parentheses.
95% CI, 95% confidence interval; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Exclusion of patients with stents.
be most suitable as a non-invasive tool to rule out significant CAD up to 98% of all coronary segments could be visualized without
and avoid further imaging or invasive angiography. motion artefacts, even without lowering the heart rate by adminis-
However, it is important to realize that patient selection may still tration of beta blockers.10,45,56 Moreover, even in patients without
heavily influence results, with substantially impaired image quality in stable sinus rhythm, a high accuracy could be obtained, and an
patients with higher heart rates or arrhythmias.15 Image quality may initial, small study reported a high accuracy for stenosis detection
also be degraded in patients with severe CAD due to the presence in patients with advanced CAD.57 In addition, 256-slice MDCT
of extensive calcifications which potentially limit precise assessment systems, whose large coverage along the z-axis (patient’s longitudi-
of the stenosis severity.48 Improvements can be expected from the nal axis) may allow imaging of the entire heart in a single cardiac
introduction of dual-source CT systems,54 which provide higher cycle and will make coronary CT angiography less susceptible to
temporal resolution by employing two rotating X-ray tubes rather arrhythmias or heart rate variability, will become available in the
than one.55 Preliminary studies using this technique showed that near future.58
Cardiac computed tomography 535
Lesion severity and functional relevance fraction of patients with obstructive coronary lesions demonstrate
The limited temporal and spatial resolution of CT may create diffi- ischaemia on SPECT and positron emission tomography (PET) per-
culties in accurately assessing the severity of coronary artery ste- fusion imaging. For this reason, although 64-slice MDCT is a reliable
noses. There is a tendency to overestimate the degree of luminal tool to rule out functionally relevant CAD in a non-selected popu-
narrowing by CT when compared with invasive angiography,59 lation with an intermediate pre-test likelihood of disease, an abnor-
and pronounced calcification of a vessel segment can make lesion mal coronary CT angiogram does not necessarily predict ischaemia.
assessment particularly difficult. Usually, calcification will lead to In fact, since coronary CT angiography and perfusion imaging
overestimation, rather than underestimation of lesion severity.60 provide different and complementary information, their sequential
Furthermore, coronary CT angiography is limited to the anatomic use or hybrid imaging may provide useful incremental information
visualization of stenoses and does not provide information as to (Figure 2). In a recent study, hybrid PET/CT65 was evaluated in
the functional relevance of a lesion. In a recent head-to-head com- patients with suspected CAD, which yielded a sensitivity and speci-
parison of MDCT and nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging with ficity of 90 and 98%, respectively, for the detection of haemodyna-
SPECT in 114 patients with intermediate likelihood of CAD,61 mically relevant coronary lesions. Rispler et al.66 compared an
only 45% of patients with an abnormal MDCT had abnormal per- experimental SPECT/MDCT hybrid imaging device for the assess-
fusion on SPECT. Even in patients with obstructive lesions on ment of coronary anatomy and myocardial perfusion in 56 patients
MDCT, 50% still had a normal SPECT. These findings are in agree- with angina pectoris. The ability of fused SPECT/MDCT images to
ment with other preliminary reports62 – 64 which showed that only a diagnose physiologically significant lesions showing .50% stenosis
Figure 2 Hybrid imaging by positron emission tomography – computed tomography. Hybrid imaging of multi-detector row computed tom-
ography coronary angiography and positron emission tomography perfusion during adenosine stress. A three-dimensionally rendered image of
the anterior view of the heart (positron emission tomography image) as well as the coronary tree visualized by multi-detector row computed
tomography is shown. On multi-detector row computed tomography, obstructive plaques were detected in the proximal segment of left
anterior descending coronary artery and in the first diagonal branch (white arrow). However, only in the myocardial region supplied by the
diagonal branch myocardial perfusion was reduced (blue arrow), whereas in other regions, preserved perfusion was detected.
536 S. Schroeder et al
and reversible perfusion defects in the same territory was deter- In summary, the clinical application of coronary CT angiography
mined and compared with stand-alone MDCT. The sensitivity, to detect or rule out coronary artery stenoses seems most ben-
specificity, positive predictive and negative predictive values for eficial and, according to current data, can be recommended in
MDCT were 96, 63, 31, and 99%, respectively, compared with 96, patients with intermediate risk of CAD in whom the clinical pres-
95, 77, and 99%, respectively, for the combined SPECT/MDCT entation—stable or with acute symptoms—mandates the evalu-
examination. The authors concluded that hybrid imaging led to an ation of possible underlying CAD. A similar conclusion was
improvement of diagnostic accuracy. reached in an expert consensus document on ‘appropriate’ indi-
cations for cardiac CT and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
Clinical implications and recommendations which was published in October 2006 (Table 3).70 The use of cor-
Most of the accuracy data that are currently available concerning onary CT angiography should be restricted to patients in whom
the detection of coronary stenoses by CT angiography have
been obtained in patient groups with suspected CAD and stable
Table 3 Appropriate clinical indications for the use of
symptoms. The consistently high negative predictive value in all
studies suggests that CT angiography will be clinically useful to computed tomography coronary angiography and
cardiac computed tomography imaging according to an
rule out coronary stenoses in this patient group. In patients with
expert consensus document endorsed by several
a very high pre-test likelihood of disease, the use of CT angiogra-
phy will most likely not result in a ‘negative’ scan that would help professional societies and published in 200670
avoid invasive angiography. Therefore, the use of CT angiography Detection of CAD with prior test results—evaluation of chest
should be restricted to patients with an intermediate pre-test like- pain syndrome (use of CT angiogram)
lihood of CAD. † Uninterpretable or equivocal stress test (exercise, perfusion, or
Several studies have evaluated the accuracy of CT angiography in stress echo)
specific clinical scenarios. Meijboom et al.67 studied the diagnostic † Intermediate pre-test probability of CAD
performance of 64-slice MDCT in patients referred for valve ECG uninterpretable or unable to exercise
surgery and reported a sensitivity of 100% with a specificity of Detection of CAD: symptomatic—acute chest pain (use of
92% and positive and negative predictive values of 82 and 100%, CT angiogram)
respectively, to identify patients with at least one significant steno- † Intermediate pre-test probability of CAD
sis. Other clinical scenarios included patients with dilated cardio- No ECG changes and serial enzymes negative
myopathy (sensitivity 99%, specificity 96%, positive and negative Detection of CAD: symptomatic—evaluation of intra-cardiac
structures (use of CT angiogram)
predictive values 81 and 99%.)68 and patients with left bundle
† Evaluation of suspected coronary anomalies
branch block (sensitivity 97%, specificity 95%, positive and negative
Structure and function—morphology (use of CT angiogram)
predictive values 93 and 97%).12 Another clinically relevant group
† Assessment of complex congenital heart disease including anomalies
of patients who often have a rather low likelihood of CAD but
of coronary circulation, great vessels, and cardiac chambers and
who must undergo diagnostic stratification are those presenting valves
with acute chest pain. Hoffmann et al.69 conducted a blinded, pro- † Evaluation of coronary arteries in patients with new onset heart
spective study in patients presenting with acute chest pain to the failure to assess aetiology
emergency department to rule out an acute coronary syndrome Structure and function—evaluation of intra- and
in the absence of ischaemic ECG changes and negative initial bio- extra-cardiac structures (use of cardiac CT)
markers. Among 103 consecutive patients studied by 64-slice † Evaluation of cardiac mass (suspected tumour or thrombus)
CT, 14 patients were diagnosed clinically to have an acute Patients with technically limited images from echocardiogram, MRI,
coronary syndrome. Both the absence of significant coronary or TEE
artery stenosis (73 of 103 patients) and non-stenotic coronary † Evaluation of pericardial conditions (pericardial mass, constrictive
pericarditis, or complications of cardiac surgery)
atherosclerotic plaque (41 of 103 patients) accurately predicted
Patients with technically limited images from
the absence of an acute coronary syndrome (negative predictive
echocardiogram, MRI, or TEE
value 100%). The positive predictive value was rather low, indica-
† Evaluation of pulmonary vein anatomy prior to invasive
ting false-positive results in a considerable number of scans (47% radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation
for the detection of significant stenoses, 14/30 positive scans), † Non-invasive coronary vein mapping prior to placement of
and only a small percentage of patients with acute chest pain biventricular pacemaker
were actually included in the study (103 of 305 initially screened † Non-invasive coronary arterial mapping, including internal mammary
patients). Goldstein et al.26 randomized 197 patients with artery prior to repeat cardiac surgical revascularization
low-risk acute chest pain to an immediate 64-slice CT scan or Structure and function—evaluation of aortic and pulmonary
‘standard of care’ evaluation. CT was found to be safe, with no disease (use of CT angiograma)
missed diagnosis of an acute coronary syndrome, faster (3.4 vs. † Evaluation of suspected aortic dissection or thoracic aortic
15 h until establishing the definitive diagnosis), and had lower
† Evaluation of suspected pulmonary embolism
cost ($1586 vs. 1872) compared with ‘standard of care’.
However, CT imaging did not completely eliminate the need for a
Non-gated CT angiogram which has a sufficiently large field of view for these
additional testing. In fact, stress testing was performed in 24 of specific indications.
99 patients who underwent cardiac CT.
Cardiac computed tomography 537
diagnostic image quality can be expected (e.g. absence of arrhyth- stents may be eligible for evaluation (Table 4).23,75 – 79 Six studies
mias), and scans need to be expertly performed and interpreted. (with 482 patients and 682 stents) that have compared 64-slice
CT and dual-source CT with invasive angiography for the detection
Coronary stent imaging of in-stent stenosis are currently available. On average, 88% of
Visualization of the lumen of coronary artery stents remains a chal- stents were interpretable. Interpretable stents could be evaluated
lenge for MDCT due to metal artefacts caused by stent struts with fairly high diagnostic accuracy; weighted mean sensitivities and
(Figure 3).71,72 High rates of unevaluable stents have been reported specificities were 91% (95% CI 85 –96) and 94% (95% CI 91 –95),
in studies using 16-slice systems, ranging from 5–49%.73,74 With respectively. While the negative predictive value was uniformly
the more recently available 64-slice systems, in combination high [90 –99%, mean 98% (95% CI 96 –99)], positive predictive
with dedicated reconstruction algorithms, a larger percentage of values were as low as 63% [in mean 76% (95% CI 68 –83)]. For
Figure 3 Assessment of coronary artery stents by multi-detector row computed tomography angiography. Example of a stent placed in the
proximal part of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Image quality is good and the coronary artery lumen within the stent can be
assessed. multi-detector row computed tomography shows absence of significant in-stent-stenosis. (A) Longitudinal view; (B) axial orientation;
(C ) curved multiplanar reconstruction.
Table 4 Diagnostic performance of 64-slice computed tomography and dual-source computed tomography for the
detection of in-stent restenosis
Author Number of Not evaluable (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)
Rixe et al.79 64/102 42 (43/192) 86 (6/7) 98 (51/52) 86 (6/7) 98 (51/52)
Rist et al.78 25/46 2 (1/46) 75 (6/8) 92 (34/37) 67 (6/9) 94 (34/36)
Oncel et al.76 30/39 0 (0/39) 89 (17/19) 95 (19/20) 94 (17/18) 90 (19/21)
Ehara et al.23 81/125 12 (15/125) 91 (20/22) 93 (82/88) 77 (20/26) 98 (82/84)
Cademartiri et al.75 182/192 7 (14/192) 95 (19/20) 93 (147/158) 63 (19/30) 99 (147/148)
Pugliese et al.77 100/178 5 (9/178) 94 (37/39) 92 (128/139) 77 (37/48) 98 (128/130)
Total 482/682 12 (82/682) 91 (105/115) 93 (461/494) 76 (105/138) 98 (461/471)
(95% CI 9.7215) (95% CI 85296) (95% CI 91295) (95% CI 68283) (95% CI 96299)
All values are expressed as per cent with absolute numbers in parentheses. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated only for evaluable stents.
95% CI, 95% confidence interval; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
538 S. Schroeder et al
all scanner generations, the stent diameter has been identified as a predictive value 97% (95% CI 95 –98)], and consequently, the posi-
major predictor of stent evaluability, with particularly low rates of tive predictive value was as low as 67% (95% CI 64– 71)]
evaluable stents for diameters 3.0 mm.79 Patient weight, which (Table 5).30,80 – 84 This severely limits the clinical utility of CT
determines image noise, and heart rate may also influence stent imaging in patients after bypass surgery.30
Clinical implications and recommendations
Clinical implications and recommendations Although the clinical application of CT angiography may be useful
Although in single, carefully selected cases (e.g. large diameter in very selected patients in whom only bypass graft assessment is
stents in a proximal vessel segment, low and stable heart rate, necessary (e.g. failed visualization of a graft in invasive angiography),
and absence of excessive image noise) coronary CT angiography the inability to reliably visualize the native coronary arteries in
may be a possibility to rule out in-stent restenosis, routine appli- patients post-CABG poses severe restrictions to the general use
cation of CT to assess patients with coronary stents can currently of CT angiography in post-bypass patients.
not be recommended. Visualization of the stent lumen is often
affected by artefacts, and especially the positive predictive value
is low.
Coronary artery anomalies
Although coronary anomalies are rare conditions, possible conse-
quences include myocardial infarction and sudden death.85 In
Coronary artery bypass grafts young athletes, coronary artery anomalies are the second most
Coronary artery bypass grafts (CABGs) move less rapidly and par- common cause of sudden death due to structural heart
ticularly venous grafts have relatively large diameters compared disease.86 The identification of the origin and course of aberrant
with native coronary arteries (Figure 4). Occluded grafts and ste- coronary arteries by invasive angiography can be difficult.87
noses in the body of bypass conduits can therefore be detected Because of the three-dimensional nature of the data set, MDCT
with very high diagnostic accuracy (Table 5), although surgical is very well suited to detect and define the anatomic course of cor-
metal clips may lead to artefacts that impair accurate visualization onary artery anomalies and their relationship to other cardiac and
in some cases. Clinically, it is important to consider that, in most non-cardiac structures (Figure 5). Numerous case reports and
cases, it will not be sufficient to assess only the grafts themselves, several research papers have demonstrated that the CT analysis
but rather the distal run off, as well as the non-grafted coronary of coronary anatomy in these patients is straightforward and
arteries must be included in the evaluation. However, accurate very reliable with an accuracy close to 100%.88 – 91
assessment of the native coronary arteries by cardiac CT in
patients after CABG is often challenging and image quality impaired Clinical implications and recommendations
because of advanced CAD and pronounced coronary calcifica- The robust visualization and classification of anomalous coronary
tions. Consequently, the studies that have investigated the accuracy arteries make CT angiography a first-choice imaging modality
of CT angiography to evaluate the native arteries in patients with for the investigation of known or suspected coronary artery
bypass grafts have reported low accuracies. Although sensitivity anomalies. Radiation dose must be considered often in the young
for the detection of stenoses in the native vessels ranged from patients, and measures to keep dose as low as possible must be
79 –100% [mean value 95% (95% CI 93 –97)], specificity was uni- employed.
formly lower [59 –89%, mean value 75% (95% CI 72–78), negative
Author Number of Evaluation of Not evaluable Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)
Nieman et al.82 24/60a Graft occlusion 0 (0/60) O 1: 100 (17/17) 100 (42/42) 94 (17/18) 100 (42/42)
5 (3/60) O 2: 100 (17/17) 98 (39/40) 94 (17/18) 100 (39/39)
Graft stenosis 10 (4/42) O 1: 60 (3/5) 88 (29/33) 43 (3/7) 94 (29/31)
5 (2/39) O 2: 83 (5/6) 90 (28/31) 63 (5/8) 97 (28/29)
Native arteries 34 (65/211) O 1: 90 (71/79) 75 (50/67) 81 71/88) 86 (50/58)
31 (61/211) O 2: 79 (54/68) 72 (52/72) 73 (54/74) 79 (52/66)
Stauder et al.84 20/50 Graft occlusion 0 (0/50) 100 (17/17) 100 (229/229) 100 (17/17) 100 (229/229)
Graft stenosis 12 (31/240) 99 (92/94) 94 (128/130) 92 (92/94) 99 (128/130)
Native arteries 31 (81/260) 92 (105/114) 77 (50/65) 88 (105/120) 85 (50/59)
Burgstahler et al.80 13/43 Graft occlusion 0 (0/43) 100 (16/16) 100 (27/27) 100 (16/16) 100 (27/27)
Graft stenosis 5 (2/43) 100 (1/1) 93 (25/27) 33 (1/3) 100 (25/25)
Native arteries 32 (54/169) 83 (90/108) 59 (36/61) 78 (90/115) 67 (36/54)
Salm et al.83 25/67 Graft occlusion 0 (0/67) 100 (25/25) 100 (57/57) 100 (25/25) 100 (57/57)
Graft Stenosis NA 100 (3/3) 94 (51/54) 50 (3/6) 100 (51/51)
Native arteriesb 8 (17/225) 100 (11/11) 89 (16/18) 85(11/13) 100 (16/16)
Malagutti et al.81 52/109 Graft stenosisc 0 (0/109) 100 (49/49) 98 (59/60) 98 (49/50) 100 (59/59)
Native arteries NA 97 (62/64) 86 (50/74) 66 (62/94) 99 (192/194)
Ropers et al.30 50/138 Graft occlusion 0 (0/138) 100 (38/38) 100 (100/100) 100 (38/38) 100 (100/100)
Graft stenosis 0 (0/138) 100 (31/31) 94 (17/19) 92 (31/33) 100 (17/17)
Native arteries 9 (55/621) 86 (87/101) 76 (354/456) 44 (87/189) 96 (354/368)
Total Graft occlusion 0.7 (3/418) 100 (130/130) 100 (494/495) 99 (130/131) 100 (494/494)
(95% CI 0.1522.1) (95% CI 972100) (95% CI 992100) (95% CI 962100) (95% CI 992100)
Graft stenosis 6.4 (39/611) 97 (184/1889) 95 (337/354) 92 (184/201) 99 (337/342)
(95% CI 4.628.6) (95% CI 94299) (95% CI 92297) (95% CI 87295) (95% CI 972100)
Native arteries 19.6 (333/1697) 95 (524/545) 75 (608/813) 67 (424/629) 97 (608/629)
(95% CI 18222) (95% CI 93297) (95% CI 72278) (95% CI 64271) (95% CI 95298)
All values are expressed as per cent with absolute numbers in parentheses. Sensitivities and specificities are calculated only for evaluable bypass grafts and native arteries.
95% CI, 95% confidence interval; NA, not applicable; NPV, negative predictive value; O 1/O 2, observer 1 and observer 2 where applicable; PPV, positive predictive value.
Venous grafts only.
Evaluation was restricted to non-grafted vessels only.
Defined as significant graft stenosis and/or occlusion.
540 S. Schroeder et al
Figure 5 Imaging of coronary anomalies by multi-detector row computed tomography. (A) Three-dimensional multi-detector row computed
tomography reconstruction of a right-sided single coronary artery with a pre-pulmonary course of the left main stem in a 42-year-old man. The
left main coronary artery (black arrows) is originating from the proximal part of the right coronary artery (black arrowheads; left panel) than
following a pre-pulmonary course to the anterior interventricular groove, where the left main coronary artery splits in the left anterior descend-
ing coronary angiography (LAD), an intermediate branch (RIM), and the circumflex coronary artery (RCX, right panel). Ao, ascending aorta; PA,
pulmonary artery. (B) Transaxial multi-detector row computed tomography image of a right-sided single coronary artery with an interarterial
path of the left main stem in a 64-year-old man. The left main coronary artery (white arrowheads) originates from the proximal part of the right
coronary artery (black arrow) than following an interarterial path between the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk. The white arrows
indicate the mid part of the circumflex coronary artery. Ao, ascending aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle.
amount of calcium in these patients is substantially greater than in not necessarily associated with haemodynamically relevant luminal
matched control subjects without CAD.100 – 103 narrowing. Therefore, even the detection of large amounts of
In several trials, the absence of coronary calcium ruled out the calcium does not indicate the presence of significant stenoses
presence of significant coronary artery stenoses with high predic- and it should not prompt invasive coronary angiography in other-
tive value.97,98 However, even pronounced coronary calcification is wise asymptomatic individuals.
Cardiac computed tomography 541
Clinical implications and recommendations studies found a systematic over- or underestimation of left ventri-
The fact that there is currently a lack of prospective clinical data cular volumes determined by CT compared with the reference
that would support the use of contrast-enhanced CT angiography method. Most likely, these were due to inaccuracies in defining
for the assessment of non-stenotic plaque does not allow clinical end-systolic or end-diastolic time instants. The magnitude of
applications in asymptomatic individuals for the purpose of risk these differences was uniformly too small to be of clinical
stratification. However, the tremendous potential of CT angiogra- relevance.
phy for visualization and characterization of coronary plaques must Assessment of right ventricular function and volumes using
be recognized and further research is strongly supported. MDCT has also been validated and found to be accurate in com-
parative studies with echocardiography,141 and equilibrium radio-
nuclide ventriculography,142 in patients with various
Non-coronary imaging abnormalities including pulmonary embolism,143 congenital heart
disease,144 and atrial septal defect.145
Left and right ventricular function
On commercially available workstations, functional parameters Clinical implications and recommendations
such as left and right ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic Although CT imaging allows accurate assessment of left and right
volumes, stroke volume, ejection fraction, and myocardial mass ventricular function, CT examinations will in most cases not be
can be calculated from cardiac CT angiography data sets performed specifically for that purpose. Other diagnostic tests
(Figure 7). Various studies have shown that for these left ventricular without radiation exposure or the need for contrast injection
functional parameters, MDCT correlated well with magnetic res- (i.e. echocardiography) are the methods of choice. However, it
onance imaging, echocardiography, or gated SPECT.136 – 140 Some should be noted that ventricular function is adjunct information
that can be obtained from standard coronary CT angiography
investigations without altering the image acquisition protocol,
and the ability of CT to provide accurate right ventricular assess-
ment might be useful in several clinical conditions including conge-
nital heart disease, carcinoid heart disease, or prior to lung
et al.151 demonstrated excellent agreement of infarct size in the Preliminary clinical evidence suggests that this same method,
setting of acute infarction and chronic myocardial scar in pre- when applied to patients at high risk for CAD, may be capable
clinical animal models of infarction compared with gross patho- of detecting early perfusion defects in myocardial territories sup-
logy.147 Similar results were demonstrated by Gerber et al.149 in plied by vessels with obstructive atherosclerosis. The high spatial
16 and 21 patients with acute and chronic infarction, respectively. resolution of MDCT also allows for the assessment of the suben-
Mahnken et al.152 studied 28 patients in the setting of reperfused docardial distribution of myocardial ischaemia.
infarction and demonstrated that compared with magnetic reson-
ance imaging, early defects tend to underestimate infarct size in Clinical implications and recommendations
MDCT, whereas late enhancement shows excellent agreement in Clinical data are currently too limited to allow clinical recommen-
infarct size and location. Although these results appear promising, dations on the use of CT for the assessment of perfusion and
magnetic resonance remains the non-invasive gold standard to viability.
assess the size of myocardial scars.
Furthermore, there is pre-clinical and preliminary clinical evi- Valvular disease
dence that contrast-enhanced MDCT can provide assessment of The assessment of aortic valve stenosis using MDCT is feasible
myocardial perfusion. As a complement to the morphological with good diagnostic accuracy154 – 158 (Figure 9). Rather than
information of CT coronary angiography, the assessment of myo- relying on gradients, MDCT allows direct planimetry of the
cardial perfusion might be of clinical utility. George et al.153 demon- aortic valve area. Feuchtner et al.157 compared 16-slice MDCT
strated in an animal model of coronary stenosis that MDCT with transthoracic echocardiography in 30 patients with aortic
angiography protocols, when performed during adenosine infusion, valve stenosis. The sensitivity of MDCT for the identification of
can provide semi-quantitative measures of myocardial perfusion. patients with aortic stenosis was 100%, specificity was 93.7%,
Figure 9 Assessment of valve disease by multi-detector row computed tomography. Aortic valve morphology assessed by computed tomo-
graphy. Upper row: normal aortic valve (left: systolic phase of the heart cycle; right: diastolic phase); lower row: severely calcified aortic valve
with aortic stenosis (left: systolic phase of the heart cycle; right: diastolic phase).
544 S. Schroeder et al
positive and negative predictive values were 97 and 100%. Planime- demonstrated that the variability in venous anatomy may be
try of the aortic valve area by MDCT revealed a good correlation related to previous infarction with formation of scar tissue. In 34
with orifice areas determined from transthoracic echocardiogra- patients with a history of infarction, the left marginal vein was
phy through the continuity equation (r ¼ 0.89; P , 0.001). Simi- less frequently observed compared with control patients and
larly, in 20 patients with aortic valve stenosis, Alkadhi et al.154 patients with CAD (27 vs. 71 and 61%, respectively, P , 0.001).
reported an excellent correlation between the planimetrically The absence of a left marginal vein in these patients may hamper
assessed aortic valve areas in CT and transoesophageal the positioning of a left ventricular lead for cardiac resynchroniza-
echocardiography. tion therapy if necessary. In this respect, MDCT may be a valuable
It is important to note that the use of ECG-triggered tube tool for the non-invasive assessment of coronary venous anatomy
current modulation, which is usually applied in coronary CT angio- before the implantation of a left ventricular lead or other interven-
graphy to limit overall radiation exposure to the patient, may inter- tions that make use of the cardiac veins.
fere with reliable assessment of the aortic valve. Tube current
modulation reduces the tube current in systole and may thus pro- Clinical implications and recommendations
hibit high-resolution imaging of the open aortic valve. Even though there is currently rather limited data, exact anatomy
The accuracy to detect and quantify aortic valve regurgitation in of the coronary veins cannot be obtained with imaging methods
comparison with transthoracic echocardiography has also been other than cardiac MDCT. If such information is desired,
investigated by Feuchtner et al.156 When a visible valvular contrast-enhanced MDCT imaging will be a test of choice.
leakage area was considered to be a diagnostic criterion for
aortic regurgitation, the overall sensitivity of 16-slice MDCT for Left atrial and pulmonary vein anatomy
the identification of patients with aortic regurgitation was 81%, CT imaging allows accurate imaging of the anatomy of both atrial
specificity 91%, positive predictive value 95%, and negative predic- and pulmonary venous return, and in this context, the role of
tive value 70%. However, severe calcifications, which are more MDCT in performing electrophysiological procedures such as
common in degenerative valvular disease, limited the diagnostic catheter ablation has rapidly expanded over the past few
accuracy. In another study including 64 patients, planimetry of years.165 – 167 Radiofrequency catheter ablation procedures are
the diastolic regurgitant orifice area using 64-slice MDCT was performed in an increasing number of patients with drug refractory
compared with transthoracic echocardiography.159 In 34 age- atrial fibrillation. MDCT can provide a detailed ‘roadmap’ for these
matched controls, no regurgitant orifice was found, whereas in ablation procedures by visualizing the highly variable pulmonary
all 30 patients, regurgitation was correctly diagnosed. These find- vein anatomy with the use of volume-rendered three-dimensional
ings suggest that MDCT permits reliable assessment of aortic reconstructions and cross-sectional images (Figure 10). Variations
valve stenosis and regurgitation. in pulmonary vein anatomy include a single insertion or
Willmann et al.160 published data from patients with mitral valve ‘common ostium’ of the pulmonary veins, and an additional pul-
disease in whom MDCT was performed. The authors found monary vein. In 201 patients undergoing MDCT scanning, Marom
MDCT helpful for the detection of valvular abnormalities such as et al.167 noted a left-sided ‘common ostium’ in 14% of the patients
thickening of the mitral valve leaflets, presence of mitral annulus and an additional right-sided pulmonary vein in 28% of the patients.
calcification, and calcification of the valvular leaflets. Agreement By delineating surrounding structures such as the aorta, coronary
with echocardiography was achieved in 95 –100% of cases. arteries, and the oesophagus, MDCT is of great value to avoid
Alkadhi et al.161 demonstrated that 16-slice MDCT allowed visual- complications during the ablation procedure.
ization of a regurgitant orifice in all 19 patients with mitral regur- Recently it has become feasible to integrate the anatomical
gitation. The mean regurgitant orifice area on MDCT was information derived from MDCT with the electro-anatomical
significantly related to the regurgitation severity (r ¼ 0.81, P , information from cardiac mapping systems to plan radiofrequency
0.001) on transoesophageal echocardiography. Thus, MDCT ablation of complex cardiac arrhythmias.168,169 These image inte-
seems to have the potential to visualize coaptation defects of the gration systems allow the use of ‘real’ anatomy derived from
mitral leaflets. MDCT during the actual ablation procedure (Figure 11). By visua-
lizing the catheter position in relation to the endocardial border,
Clinical implications and recommendations the pulmonary veins, and surrounding structures, performing cath-
CT imaging may develop into an alternative imaging tool in patients eter ablation procedures may be facilitated. Initial data indicate that
who require exact assessment of the opening or regurgitant orifice the use of these image integration systems may enhance safety and
of the aortic or mitral valve and in whom other more commonly improve the outcome of ablation procedures for atrial fibrilla-
used methods, such as echocardiography and magnetic resonance tion.170 In addition, MDCT is important in the follow-up of patients
imaging, fail to provide all relevant information. Currently, available after catheter ablation procedures. The use of MDCT in the identi-
clinical data are too limited to allow identification of specific fication of pulmonary vein stenosis after catheter ablation has been
patient subsets in which CT imaging would be the first-choice diag- described extensively,171 – 173 and MDCT is an inherent part in the
nostic test. care of these patients.
Figure 10 Imaging of the pulmonary veins by multi-detector row computed tomography. Anatomical variation of the pulmonary veins: a
single insertion or ‘common ostium’ of the left-sided pulmonary veins is present. The veins come together before they drain in the left
atrium (indicated by the black arrows). This is clearly depicted in the different orthogonal views (A, B, and C) and the volume-rendered recon-
struction (D). LA, left atrium; LIPV, left inferior pulmonary vein; LSPV, left superior pulmonary vein.
coronary venous system, and the adjacent organs, e.g. prior to identified in all cases, and coronary anomalies were detected in
invasive electrophysiology procedures or in the follow-up after 16 of the 85 patients.
pulmonary vein ablation.
Clinical implications and recommendations
Congenital heart disease Although MDCT provides detailed anatomic information, which is
Patients with congenital cardiovascular disease are frequently of major importance in the care of patients with congenital heart
examined invasively and non-invasively to assess coronary disease, it has to be taken into account that exposure to radiation
anatomy and morphological as well as functional parameters. during follow-up of these patients mainly stems from CT scans and
Because of the high spatial and temporal resolution, rapid image angiography.178 In particular, when serial evaluation over time is
acquisition, and advanced post-processing tools, MDCT has needed, non-ionizing imaging procedures (such as magnetic reson-
become an important non-invasive diagnostic examination both ance imaging and echocardiography) should be considered. On the
in children and in adults with congenital heart disease.174,175 other hand, MDCT scanning is not hampered by the presence of
MDCT is a valuable tool in the pre-operative evaluation of pacemakers and metal artefacts and therefore may be indicated
cardiac anomalies (such as tetralogy of Fallot) and the follow-up in patients with implanted devices if echocardiography does not
of baffles and shunts. In addition, patients with untreated patent provide all clinically necessary information. The utility of CT
ductus arteriosus or coarctation of the aorta and patients with imaging in patients with congenital heart disease may well extend
anomalous pulmonary venous return can be evaluated accurately beyond the heart itself, to include structures such as the pulmon-
with MDCT.176 Furthermore, MDCT can depict coronary artery ary vessels which are often affected in these patients and may be
anatomy, which is often anomalous in patients with congenital difficult to evaluate by echocardiography.
heart disease. Cook and Raman177 evaluated the MDCT data
sets of 85 patients with congenital cardiovascular disease. The Incidental non-cardiac findings
relationship of the great vessels, number and location of the cor- When performing a cardiac CT scan, the anatomic status of the
onary ostia, and proximal course of the coronaries could be adjacent thoracic organs may also be evaluated, requiring an
546 S. Schroeder et al
Figure 11 Fusion imaging in electrophysiology using multi-detector row computed tomography and electro-anatomical mapping. Integration
of multi-detector row computed tomography and electro-anatomic map for catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. With the use of image inte-
gration systems, the anatomy of the left atrium and pulmonary veins derived from the multi-detector row computed tomography (upper left
panel) can be fused with the electroanatomic map (upper right panel). The ‘real’ anatomy of the left atrium and pulmonary veins can then be
used to guide the catheter ablation procedure (lower panel).
image reconstruction with an extended field of view.179 Several Performing cardiac computed
studies have reported a high prevalence of non-cardiac abnormal-
ities in cardiac CT investigations. Hunold et al.180 reported an inci- tomography in clinical
dence of pathological non-coronary findings of 53% (953 of 1812) practice
consecutive EBCT scans used for calcium scoring. The vast
majority of these findings however were without clinical relevance. Training
Comparable results were published using contrast-enhanced Cardiac CT imaging requires competence on many levels. Data
16-slice CT by Gil et al.181 Of 258 asymptomatic patients, 145 acquisition needs to be carefully performed, including necessary
(56.2%) were found to have a significant non-cardiac finding, pre-medication, and appropriate measures are mandatory to
including pulmonary abnormalities (emphysema, bullae, interstitial keep radiation exposure within a reasonable range. Image recon-
lung disease, masses, or nodules), pericardial abnormalities, liver struction and post-processing require knowledge in CT physics,
disease, adrenal masses, and bone abnormalities. radiology, and cardiac physiology. Finally, competent image
interpretation must be based on knowledge and experience in
CT angiography, as well as detailed knowledge of cardiac
Clinical implications and recommendations
anatomy, normal and variant patterns of the coronary circulation,
Incidental non-cardiac findings are frequent on cardiac CT scans.
and a thorough clinical background in CAD assessment. Obviously,
Dedicated reconstructions are necessary to visualize all structures
conventional training in neither radiology nor cardiology will per se
that were included in the scan range. Although the findings may be
provide a sufficient background to perform and evaluate cardiac
of clinical significance in some cases, weighing the risks and benefits
CT imaging. Although some speciality fellowship programmes in
associated with ‘screening’ for malignant pulmonary disease is dif-
cardiac imaging and cardiac CT are available in select institutions,
ficult and there is currently no evidence that extending analysis
most cardiology and radiology training programmes do not incor-
of cardiac CT data sets beyond the heart will be useful to
porate mandatory exposure to cardiac CT at a volume that would
improve the outcomes of cardiac patients.182
Cardiac computed tomography 547
Table 6 Requirements for performing and interpreting cardiac computed tomography according to a competency
statement issued by the American College of Cardiology and American HeartAssociation183
Summary detailed anatomic information (e.g. the pulmonary veins and left
atrium prior to ablation procedures or coronary veins in CRT
The most recent MDCT scanner generations allow for robust for left ventricular lead placement) is needed. Similarly, CT
morphological and functional imaging of the heart. Clinically, the imaging can be useful in patients with congenital heart disease or
main focus of cardiac CT is coronary artery imaging. The assess- other structural cardiac disease, especially when echocardiography
ment of coronary anomalies by coronary CT angiography is does not provide sufficient information and magnetic resonance
straightforward and CT is indicated for that purpose. Under imaging cannot be performed (e.g. in the presence of pace-
certain prerequisites, which include a low and regular heart rate, makers/defibrillators). Although information on flow velocities
a carefully performed coronary CT angiography investigation and intracardiac pressures cannot be obtained by CT, assessment
allows for the accurate detection of coronary artery stenoses. of right and left ventricular function is accurate. Also, the aortic
Especially, the negative predictive value has uniformly been found and mitral valve can be depicted throughout the cardiac cycle
to be high, indicating that the technique may be most suitable as and their orifice areas can be measured. Early data also indicate
a non-invasive tool to rule out the presence of obstructive coron- that perfusion and infarct imaging of the myocardium are possible.
ary lesions. On the basis of clinical considerations and initial clinical However, for many of these issues, CT imaging will not frequently
trials, this may be of particular utility in situations that require to be used as the first-line diagnostic modality because of the associ-
reliably rule out CAD even though the pre-test likelihood for ated contrast agent and radiation exposure.
disease is not high, such as in patients with atypical chest pain, Although clinical application of cardiac CT is possible today in
patients with equivocal stress test results, patients with acute the situations outlined earlier, it can be expected that technology
chest pain in the absence of ECG changes or enzyme elevations, will continue to evolve rapidly. Spatial and temporal resolution will
or patients before non-coronary cardiac surgery. In these situ- increase further, current indications as well as cost-effectiveness
ations, the rationale for using CT is to achieve more rapid and will be more firmly established by large clinical trials, and new
definitive stratification and to avoid invasive coronary angiography applications will be developed. In addition, it will be necessary
if CT demonstrates the absence of stenoses. In patients with a high to establish adequate training programmes for cardiac CT, and
pre-test likelihood of disease, however, the use of CT angiography to develop reimbursement structures which, tied to stringent
will most likely not result in a ‘negative’ scan that would help to guidelines on specific clinical situations for which cardiac CT is
avoid invasive angiography and is therefore not recommendable. considered appropriate, will be necessary to allow more
Several situations currently pose challenges for reliable CT widespread use of CT in the diagnostic workup of patients with
imaging: these include patients with arrhythmias, patients with cardiac disease.
advanced CAD and pronounced coronary calcifications, and
patients with coronary artery stents, which are often difficult to
Conflict of interest: none declared.
evaluate. Similarly, although CABGs can be assessed with very
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