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The Science of Color

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The Science of Color

And among His signs is that He

created mates for you from your
souls so that you could generate
Sakina (power) with them. And
He put love and mercy between
you. Surely in that are signs for
people who meditate.

And among His signs is the creation

of the Asteroid Belts and the Earth
and the variations of your tongues
and your colors. Surely in that are
signs for the scientists.

-- Quran 30:21-22

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once said that a person who knew the
science of music, the science of numbers or the science of colors could teach

When we discuss Islam, from the high vantage point of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad, we should try not to confuse it with the tribalistic Arab cultural
distortion that’s today called Islam.

There is an integrated holistic science of living that is rooted in the primeval

forces that shaped the universe and which guides the blossoming and unfolding
of all beings and systems. That science culminates in unshakeable inner peace
and true peace in society, between nations, and within households.

It is that science of life that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called Islam. It is
the same unified field science that was practiced by the great founding
civilization of Ethiopia and its colonies Sumer, India, Canaan, Babylon and Egypt.

This is what the Queen of Ethiopia said to Ptah Hotep (Solomon)

when he sought to teach her Islam.

“And we were given the Science before this, and we were once
Muslims.” -- Quran 27:42

Way before Solomon, Abraham, Muhammad or any prophet in the Hebrew

Scriptures the Ethiopians practiced true Islam.

The Queen of Sheba (Saba’) calls it “the Science,” for that is what Hotep or
Islam is: the science of peace.

All of Arabia and the Middle East were originally incorporated with the
federation of the Ethiopian Empire. The State of Saba’ (now called Yemen) was
the 7th province of the Empire. In Hebrew Saba’ became Sheba (Queen of Sheba)
and in ancient Raamah she was worshipped as the God Shiva. Shiva later became
stylized as male, but retained Her
essential femininity by being given a wife, Shakti which is the highest radiation of
the Kundalini force that radiates through the seven (Saba’) chakras.

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva

In many places in the scripture, people are symbols of nations.

Two nations are in thy womb,

And two manner of people shall
Be separated from thy bowels

-- Genesis 25:23

Surely Abraham was a nation

-- Quran 16:120
If read without the distortion of racism, Genesis’ table of nations provides an
important list of the original Ethiopian colonization program.

Sons, in this context means colonies which established nations. Cush is the
Biblical name of Ethiopia.

And the sons of Cush, Seba and

Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah,
and Sabtechah: and the sons of
Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan.

And Cush begat Nimrod…and the

beginning of his kingdom was Babel.
and Erech and Accad, and Caineh,
in the land of Shinar.

-- Genesis 10:7-10

Here is a record, which no unbiased scholar would challenge, that Ethiopians

founded Saba’ (Yemen), Raamah (India), Babylon (Babel), Eridu (Erech), Accad
and the civilization of Sumer (“land of Shinar”).

Arabic is falsely called a “Semitic language.” But Arabic is derived from

Accadian and Accad was founded by the Great African Emperor Nimrod.
Therefore, Arabic and Hebrew aren’t Semitic languages at all, they’re African!

Raamah (India) produced two more African wonder cultures, Harapa Valley and
Mohenjo Daro, here called Sheba (Shiva) and Dedan.

The ancient scientists understood that primeval forces manifest in three

fundamental modalities: creator, destroyer, preserver (or sustainer).

The prime force is the creative force. But every act of creation simultaneously
destroys (transforms) the pre-existing energy/matter. So the creator was also
equally the destroyer. Yet despite this inexorable creation/destruction process, a
universe continues to exist. So the creator – destroyer was also, quite
fundamentally, the preserver. The very act of creation-destruction preserved the
world and the infinite beings therein.
You could not live if not for the death force that kills plants and transmits their
life energy to you.

Thus as a conceptual model the Trinity was born: Brahma (Creator), Vishnu
(Preserver) and Shiva (Destroyer).

In the Krist system of Kamit the Trinity was comprised of Ausar (Father), Auset
(Mother) and Heru (Son). A later Romanized version of the Kamitic Krist system
replaced the Mother with the Holy Ghost. That Greco-Roman Krist system is now
called Christianity.

And the disciples were called

Christians first in Antioch.

-- Acts 11:26

The Two Easts

The Quran is a very scientific book. It may be the most scientific book on earth.
It is too bad that the people who claim to uphold the Quran often do the most to
pervert its meaning. And it is very sad that the various Islamic sects give lip
service to the Quran
but actually give their real attention and devotion to an absurd collection of
sayings falsely attributed to the Prophet that they call the Hadith.

And among the people is he

who buys the silly, frivolous
Hadith to mislead from the
Path of Allah unscientifically
and to take it as a joke.
These are they that to them
is a humiliating chastisement.

-- Quran 31:6

Prophet Muhammad was such a great man that even Time Magazine had to
recognize him as the greatest man in history. But you will never see Muhammad
through the cloudy lens of the fabricated Hadith.

The Prophet strictly forbade the writing of anything he said other than the
Quran. The very existence of the Hadiths – falsified by Bukhari and Muslim some
260 years after the prophet’s death – is prima faci evidence of the sects’ outright,
open disobedience of Allah’s
Apostle despite their loud protestations to the contrary.

The fabrications created the decidedly unscientific Hadiths to mislead people

from Allah’s Way or Path (Tao in Chinese). While the Hadiths are replete with
superstition, racism, so-called medicinal treatments that will kill you and a broad
assortment of nonsense, every
ayat of the Quran is so scientific that Einstein could read it and learn from it if he
could read Arabic and thus be liberated from the scores and scores of errors and
mistranslations in the “best” English translations.

The Quran is “spot on” when it says the Hadith pushers mislead from Allah’s
path “unscientifically” (bi-ghayri ilm).

Surely your God is One.

Lord of the Asteroid Belts
And the Earth and what is
Between them, and Lord
Of the (Two) Easts.

-- Quran 37:5

The various “scholarly” translators of the Quran really start to stumblin’,

mumblin’ and bumblin’ when they try to “explain” the two easts.

Because Maulana Muhammad Ali was the first Muslim to translate the Quran, I
try to show him some respect. And before I could read Arabic I was dependent
upon his work. So I’m grateful to him and Yusuf Ali for their translations.

That said, those (and other) translators are so bad that I would be embarrassed
to have my name on their books.

Ironically, I was the guy who mailed the Muhammad Ali galley proofs to
Specialty Promotions in Chicago for printing in the USA. I guess the Great God
allowed me to have a small role in bringing the Quran to a wider American
audience as a prelude to introducing the real Quranic depths to the world.

The U.S. postal system lost those proofs for a long time and then, to our great
relief, they were found. In the interim, one of the “prostration” notations fell off
and printings to this day are without it. Oddly, no “scholar” has noticed or
corrected the postal system’s
error or perhaps deliberate sabotage.
Maulana Muhammad Ali doesn’t even translate “rabb-ul-mashaariq” “Lord of
the Easts.” He translates it “Lord of the Eastern Lands.”

In Surah 43, ayat 38 he translates mashriqayn (two Easts) “the East and the
West.” There is no such wording in the Arabic.

“The word which I translate the East and the West is mashriqain “ Ali writes,
“which would literally signify the two Easts. But the dual number in such cases
often denotes the thing mentioned with its opposite. Thus mashriqain means the
place of sunrise and the place of

Say what? Stumblin’, bumblin’, mumblin’.

Muhammad Ali has no idea what he’s talking about, bless his heart.

Can you see why the Honorable Elijah Muhammad urged his students to learn
Arabic? There’s an infinite treasure buried beneath Quranic (and Biblical)
symbolism that we can only reach if we can read the words ourselves and not the
distortioned views of the various translators.

A year or two ago I became curious about what the Quran meant by “the two
Easts,” so I asked my Guru, Rabbi-l-‘alamin, what it meant.

I am often asked “how do you know such things.” I try to give an answer that
makes sense but those answers are not really the full answer.

Whenever Zachariah entered the

Sanctuary to (see) her he found
rizq (sustenance) with her. He
Said: “O Maryam, where did you
Get this?” She said: It is from Allah.
Surely Allah gives to whomever He
wills without measure.”

-- Quran 3:36

I get my spiritual food from Allah too. As Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given
unto you.”

I’m not pretending to be anything special, so I am reluctant to say “Allah

teaches me,” because that sounds like bragging. But that’s the truth and it’s been
that way all my life.
God put me with Minister Farrakhan so that the Shakti, the divine energy, could
be passed to me as it was passed to Elijah from Fard and from Elijah to

In 1970, when I was 17, Minister Farrakhan spoke to 10,000 Pan-Africanists at

the Congress of African Peoples in Atlanta, Georgia. I was then the Information
Minister of the Republic of New Africa (RNA) and was sitting with Haki Madhubuti
(the great poet Don L. Lee).

Farrakhan spoke and I was never again the same. Every single thing he said I’d
heard countless times before. But there was “a germ" in his words that reached
down into me and altered me at a fundamental level. That germ was the Shakti.

For weeks I couldn’t function like before. I couldn’t get that marvellous speech
out of my mind. I couldn’t sleep without wrestling with his words.

Eventually, President Imari Obadele told me I had to choose between the RNA
or the NOI. I didn’t like ultimatums. I chose the NOI.

Khallid Muhammad (Minister Harold 2X Vann) and I became roommates. I still

couldn’t get those words out of my mind.

Eventually, Minister Akbar invited me to come to New York to study under

Minister Farrakhan.

That was a very rare honor, but I wish I’d never done that.

You see, I didn’t have to physically be near Minister Farrakhan. Once the Skakti
is transferred all you have to do is let it work on you over time and you will
become reborn according to the nature of the Shakti.

Everything that exists in the three dimensional realm has three aspects such as
length, width and volume. There are not three gods. God is One, but that one
cannot help but radiate in three fundamental modes.

So initiates must be careful not to fall into the illusion of mistaking the three
aspects of God or even the 99 aspects, as a multiplicity of gods. As the Quran
says, “Don’t say three.”

Globally, there are two norths and souths, i.e., true north and magnetic north.
Well, the Earth is like a big electromagnetic grid and there is true east and
magnetic east.

One marvels at the scope of scientific knowledge possessed by the author of

the Quran.
The magnetic poles of the earth can switch. In fact, the poles alternate
cyclically so that the current North Pole becomes South and vice versa.

Indeed in the creation of the

Asteroid Belts and the Earth,
and the alternation of the night
and the day, and in the flowing
of the ships through the Ocean
with what profits the human race,
and (in) the water that Allah
sends down from the Asteroid
Belt, then revives with it the
Earth after its death and spread
all the animals in it, and the
changing of the winds and the
clouds enslaved between the
Asteroid Belt and the Earth –
indeed (these are) signs for a
rationally understanding people.

-- Quran 2:164

There’s so much in that verse, it’d take a book to do it justice. But let’s just look
at “the changing of the winds.”

Solar winds, the electric emissions from the Sun as an effect of solar flares,
change and affect Earth’s magnetic field. Over time, this contributes to the
change of Earth’s magnetic poles. When the north/south current changes, so also
does the east/west current. In addition, the very crust of the earth can slide so
that northern landmasses resettle where southern ones were and vice versa.

When the Earth was shaken with

Her convulsions, and the Earth
brought forth her burdens and
the Man said, “what is wrong with
On that day she will speak her
information because your Lord
has revealed to her.

-- Quran 99: 1-5

The shift of the poles is also facilitated by the orbit of the huge planet Nibiru
when it comes near to the Earth’s orbit causing major catastrophe.

Nibiru is also known as Planet X by NASA and is known to be in deep space

rapidly hurtling towards us. The ancient Babylonians called it Marduk. The
Egyptians during Akhenaton’s reign called it Aten, “The Disk.” In the Quran,
Nibiru is coded under the name Al-Jannah, the Garden.

And hasten to forgiveness from

your Lord and a Garden whose
spaciousness is that of the
Asteroid Belts and the Earth

-- Quran 3:132

That’s pretty big. No wonder it wreaks havoc whenever it comes back into our
solar system’s planet’s orbits.

And the Garden will be brought

near to the (semen) retainers,
not far away.

-- Quran 50:31

When the Sun is folded up. And when the Stars fall,
losing their lustre; when the mountains vanish, when
the she-camels, ten months with young, are left
untended; when the oceans boil over with a swell;
when the souls are sorted out (being joined, like with
the like); when the female (infant), buried alive, is
questioned – for what crime was she killed; when
the Scrolls are laid open, and when the Asteroid
Belt is uncovered; and when the Blazing Fire is
kindled to fierce heat; and when the Garden is
brought near. Every soul shall know what it has
put forward. So verily I call to witness the Planets
that recede. Go straight or recede.

-- Quran 81: 1-16

When the planetary garden comes near to this solar system’s planets a lot of
havoc is created, as enumerated in the above verses.

Key points are that the Garden is moveable, it’s “brought near.” And its
proximity affects the Sun, nearby stars, tectonic plates and the mountains such
plates form, wild animals, and the Asteroid Belt. Nibiru (the Garden) even causes
the planets to reverse their orbits.

This has happened before. And when it happened in the past the world order of
goddesses shifted to the preference of male gods.

Brahma (feminine) became Brahman (Rahman in Arabic – male). Shiva became

male. Allat gave way to Allah.

We exist in a continuum. The exile and denigration of goddesses resulted in

the oppression, abuse and denigration of women. As above, so below.

Islam is Mathematics

Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad restored science
to religion and re-integrated them into one.

In Fard Muhammad’s Mathematical Theology, the terms scientist, imam and

angel were interchangeable. He taught of the 24 scientists of Mecca who wrote
history in advance. He sometimes called them 24 imams.

Master Fard taught that “Islam is mathematics and mathematics is Islam. This
stands true and can be proven in no limit of time.”

All the heroes and characters in Fard Muhammad’s histories were scientists.
Mr. Yakub was the “Big headed scientist” whose theories were used to graft other
races out of the Black Nation. Although this is mythological symbolism of a high
degree, the teachings generated an interest in genetics, dominant and recessive
genes, sociology and behavioural psychology.

Physics was implicated in Mr. Yakub’s history through his “playing with two
pieces of steel” when he was six years old. In learning of the steel’s magnetic
properties, he announced to his uncle, “When I grow up I’m going to make a
people who will rule you.”

Another type of genetic manipulation was accomplished by the scientist Father

Shabazz who took his people from Asia into Africa 50,000 years ago to make
them strong enough to overcome the “jungle life.”

Father Shabazz’s experiments caused African’s hair to change from straight to


Even Moses was shown to be a scientist, a geneticist in fact, who grafted the
pig out of DNA from the cat, rat and dog.

The Moon was created by another scientist who drilled a shaft into the center of
the earth and filled it with dynamite. When he blew up the earth out of frustration
over his inability to get everyone to speak the same dialect, part of the earth was
blown into space and became the Moon.

Students of Fard Muhammad developed while knowing that true religion was
consistent with the highest scientific principles.

“You must learn to use your Mathematic Theology in the proper terms,” taught
the Saviour, “in order to gain some benefit for self.”

Master Fard’s impact extended far beyond his 25,000 followers in Detroit to the
wider educated community, especially the occultists of that period. A review of
the writings of George Clement (Professor Hilton Hotema), Manly P. Hall and
others will reveal a new effort on the part of spiritual thinkers to reconcile science
with religion.

The respect Fard enjoyed among learned Masons and Shriners also affected
the way Fard-based-religion-science was now filtered into the general society. In
other words, taking their cue from Master Fard Muhammad, Shriners and Masons
realized it was time to let some occult light shine into the darkness of ignorant
Western minds.

In him was life; and the life

was the light of men.

and the light shineth in

darkness; and the darkness
comprehended it not.

-- John 1:4-5
Master Fard Muhammad is responsible for the health food and New Age
movements, though people are not generally aware of his influence in these
areas. He emphasized fasting, vegetarianism, organic foods and proper breathing
long before America grew fascinated with yoga. He taught that walking was the
best exercise and that physical longevity could go beyond 70 to 120 and even 200
healthy years.

Say what you want about Minister Farrakhan, but he sure doesn’t look or move
like a man in his mid-70’s! That’s what eating to live according to the Science of
God in Person can do for you.

Well, what about his prostate cancer? The devil put poisonous chemicals in the
food and water supply. Were it not for his strict adherence to the Life Giving
Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad the poison food and water would
have killed him. And that would have been a monumental loss to us all.

Nor has he any food

except corruption.

-- Quran 69:36

Thanks to Bill Clinton’s signing into law a bill that permitted the food/chemical
companies to sell genetically modified food in secret, all of us are eating corrupt,
polluted Frankenstein food with dire consequences, and we don’t even know it.

Corruption has appeared on the land

and in the ocean because of what
men’s hands have done, so that He
may make them taste a part of what
they’ve done so that perchance they
may return.

-- Quran 30:41

I support Prince Charles’ noble effort to rid the world of corrupt Frankenstein
food and I urge the European peoples to force their governments to stand up to
the American poison peddlers to keep their food supplies pure.

This is what the Bible said to America (code named Babylon):

For thy merchants were the great

men of the earth; for by thy
sorceries were all nations deceived.

-- Revelation 18:23

What is meant by America’s “sorceries?” Does it mean magic? Witchcraft?

Astrology? Fortune-telling? No, these false definitions were given to spook the
savage 85% and to scare people away from their true divine power.

The word sorceries is a bad translation of the Greek word pharmakeia. Sound

It means pharmaceuticals, drugs, dope! America is the biggest dope slinger in

the world. Big pharmaceutical merchants have bamboozled the entire world as
they go forth spreading disease and famine while pretending to be there to help
“develop” your country.

Check out Strong’s Bible Concordance’s Greek Dictionary, word # 5331.

“Pharmakeia, medication (‘pharmacy’), i.e., by extension magic (lit. or fig.): --
sorcery, witchcraft.”

You mean to tell me that all those poor girls were murdered as witches because
some dude gave his own “extended” meaning to a word that means drugs?

In truth God has given us magic (spiritual technology) and the occult arts so
that we can enjoy the wonderful life He intends for us, a life filled with love,
peace, happiness, freedom, justice, equality, culture, refinement, money, good
homes and friendship in all walks of life.

Alif Laam Meem.

That is the (Akashic) Record.
There is no doubt in it. It is a
guidance for the semen-retainers,

Those who believe in the Occult,

and raise up the [kundalini] Salaat,
and from what We provided them,
they spend.

-- Quran 2: 1-3

Master Fard taught that every man and woman is god and that collectively we
are Allah.

He taught that we are the creators of the universe in which we dwell. That’s the
core of New Age philosophy.

All That Is

When God introduced Himself to Moses, in the Bible, He said He was “I am that
I am.” The Hebrew word for “am” is hayah, “to exist.” The same word occurs in
Quran 2:255, “Al-hayyul-qayyum, “ i.e., the Standing (or Rising) Life.”

Hayya means life force.

God is All the energy that exists in every universe of the infinite universes (al-
‘alamiyn) that form the Omniverse.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The same is true of spirit. No part
of All That Is is separate from any part, therefore, at the energetic level,
everything that is (exists) always has existed and always will exist.

At the energetic or spiritual level, nothing exists but God, It alone is Eternal,

Say: He is One Allah.

Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.
He never Begot
And he never was begotten.
And there can never be anything
Equivalent to Him.

-- Quran 112: 1-4

Solidity of objects is an illusion. Nothing really exists but energy. Everything is

composed of atoms. But when you peer into the atom you find, not a little pellet,
but three types of energy: positive, negative and neutral. This comports with the
fundamental nature of existence. Brahma (positive/creator),
Vishnu (neutral/preserver) and Shiva (negative/Destroyer).

Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, and atoms are comprised of

energy, and every object is comprised of atoms, “there is nothing new under the
Sun” and everything that is always was and always will be.

The Beautiful Names of God

Say: call on Allah, or call on
Al-Rahman: By whatever name
You call upon Him, for to Him
Belong the most Beautiful Names.

-- Quran 17:110

A fundamental characteristic of energy is that it vibrates. It can’t help but

vibrate. And by vibrating energy produces a sound. Although most sounds exist
outside the range of human hearing, the sounds exist.

All energy vibrates. The measurement of vibration requires math, i.e. the
science of numbers. The auditory expression of vibration is sounds and when
sound occurs mathematically, i.e., rhymically and proportionally, it becomes

Back in 1974 I spent a few hours at a party with Stevie Wonder. Because he
was interested, I taught him Islam and agreed to help introduce him to my boss at
the time, Minister Farrakhan.

Stevie became a strong supporter and adherent of the Nation’s teachings,

dedicated a Grammy to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (and Jack Benny) and
got Minister Farrakhan to play on his “Songs in the Key of Life” album.

Allah never lets the work of a worker be in vain. You would think I was tripping
if I told you I helped cause the Iranian Revolution and the overthrow of the Shah.

The Nation of Islam’s impact and influence far, far exceeds anything the
corporate media reports.

When I was a very low-level assistant Minister under Minister Farrakhan in

Mosque No. 7 in New York I wanted Farrakhan’s speeches to reach a much wider
audience. I submitted a proposal for a Mosque tape program to sell the Minister’s
tapes nationwide.

Minister Farrakhan shot down my proposal. But I knew it was the right thing to
do. So, with the help of my secretary, Sister Kathy, I launched the project on my
own. It was a massive success.

Minister Farrakhan got mad at me, ordered me to cease and talked real bad to
me for a few minutes. But the horse had left the barn.

Iranian Students noticed how Farrakhan’s speeches could be heard all over
New York, in restaurants, taxi cabs and even over the radio.
Their leader was in exile in France. They decided to imitate the program I
created and tape Ayatollah Khomeini’s sermons and mail the cassettes in Iran.
And that is how I overthrew the Shah of Iran.

Vibration that is picked up visually is light and light vibrating at different

frequencies produces color.

The difference between light and sound is the frequency of the vibration. Stevie
Wonder was born blind, but he has such advanced inner vision that I felt
compelled to ask him, “Man, are you really blind or is that just a gimmick?”

Stevie smiled and said, “No brother, I’m really blind.”

Stevie could pick out the finest women in the party.

He said he experiences color by feel. Red, he said, felt hot.

A person who knows the science of music, the science of numbers or the
science of colors can teach Islam.

God’s beautiful names are not just the 99 attributes or even the wonderful
olden names such as Ptah, Ausar, Sekert, Ra, etc.

God is Spirit: and they

that worship him must
worship him in spirit
and in truth.

-- John 4:24

God is energy and energy vibrates. That energetic vibration produces a sound.
The many sounds produced by God’s Energy are the true and actual Names of
God. Those God names are many. Some fundamental ones are Hu, Aum, Sa, Va,
Ham, Yam, Laam, Ram, Hrim, Krim etc.

The undifferentiated sound of God’s spirit is “mmmmmm…” To produce the

World God differentiates by placing or mixing sounds into Her innate pure sound.
So, adding O to m we get “Om.”

These powerful sounds were called Hekau (plural of Heka) in ancient Egypt. In
Arabic, Heka became Haqqa. Haqqa has been mistranslated “truth” by the
scientifically uninitiated.

To “worship” is to word-ship or transport divine sounds, words of power.

Pythagoras and other Greek initiate-students of the Egyptians wrote of the

celestial music of the spheres. Now science corroborates the ancient wisdom and
has recorded what it calls Sun songs.

These divine sounds are the original music and the original mantras (hekau).

The planetary angels are ever singing the celestial songs.

And we (angels) sing songs

in your praise and make holy
for you.

-- Quran 2:30

The Biblical verse, John 4:24, is saying that God, All That Is, is an energy-
gestalt and we should ship words or attune ourselves to It via mantras. Those
mantras are human approximations of the divine sounds.

Not only should we attune to God via mantras, we must empower our dhikrs
(mantras) by igniting them with the kundalini (spirit) power. Since both powers
are embedded in the hekau, then this can be accomplished by word-shipping with
Kundalini (spirit) and with the heka (mistranslated “truth”).

To explain that, allow me to do a little reverse engineering.

The Greek word (aletheia is translated “truth”. But we can be fairly certain that
Jesus do not speak Greek. He would have spoken Chaldean, Canaanite (so-called
Hebrew), Aramaic, Arabic and/or Kamitic.

The Arabic word Haqq derives from the Kamitic Heka. The equivalent word in
Hebrew is chek, a word that means “the palate or inside of the mouth.”

There must be a reciprocal, interdependent, relationship between man/woman

and God. As in the ocean there is the current and the undertow. God always
speaks to us through the celestial spheres and we are to respond or ship words
(worship) back to Her/Him via the Hekau (mantras).

The above verse is trying to tell us that: God is Energy and in order to ship
sound, vibrations back to Him, you must do so with energy and with words of

Light, sounds and number are different aspects of the same thing, i.e.

Father Shabazz and Alphonso

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once told me (by letter) he didn’t want me
writing poetry, so I immediately stopped. He said, “Poetry is a science and you
have to put things in a scientific way for people to later try to figure out. I want my
teaching put in the plainest way so that even a fool would find it hard to err.”

I’d been an almost famous poet at the time. I had a book out called We
Righteous Builders of Black Nations, read poetry for money at various colleges,
had a jazz band behind me and was up and coming during the Black poetry hay
day. I was 17.

But when Generator Pop said nix to the poetry, I did. I didn’t want to, but shoot.
He was the Messenger of Allah. Was I supposed to choose poetry over him?

Who is the man, is the man,

is the man with all the power?
Generator Pop!
Who is the man, is the man
is the man who’s guaranteed by
the hour
They call him Generator Pop!

-- George Clinton and the P-Funk All-


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke in code. Nothing he said means what it
appears to mean on the surface. There are levels and levels to everything he

We were some sick people when God came to us and chose Elijah Muhammad
to resurrect us from mental devastation. We were psychologically, morally,
socially, physically, economically and politically wrecked.

And guess what? Black people in America are 10 times worse today. And all
the other ethnicities are pretty messed up too. Because I have suffered the worst
the evil in the world can visit upon a people, I am in a position to empathize with
and solve the ailments that are crippling the world, by the grace and intuitive
enlightenment of God.

Elijah Muhammad was the number one faith healer in the world.

The placebo effect is one of the wonderful processes in the world. The doctor
gives the patient a sugar pill and the patient, believing in the medicine,
spontaneously becomes well by nothing more than the power of his belief. In a
real sense, who healed him? He healed himself.

Thy faith hath made

thee whole.

-- Mark 5:34

The shamanistic faith healers use the same principle. They appear to cut
people open, yank out intestines, bloody tumors or snakes and suddenly, the
person’s inner Shechinah power kicks in and heals her of the disease.

Now, if the patient knew the healer wasn’t really cutting her, was only
pretending to pull out noodles colored to look like snakes, the disbelieving
conscious mind could not be stunned into paralysis long enough to reach into
the subconscious to activate the Sakinah/Shakti power.

Elijah Muhammad was an international faith healer. He had to fix the diseased
condition of White Americans, Black Africans, Brown Arabs, Yellow Chinese,
Europeans, Israelis, Hispanics, Persians and even Native Americans. He was truly
the “Messenger of Allah to you all.”

I am truly sorry Imam W.D. Muhammad died before I had the honor of teaching
him about his father. I know that sounds ridiculous, but bear with me.

Sometimes you can be too close to a thing to see it clearly. W.D. Muhammad
was so caught up in seeing Daddy and wrestling with his own Oedipus complex
that he never got a chance to see the August Being his father had become.

And the little bit he could see was of Elijah the Work-in-Progress. He never
saw, or couldn’t see, the God-Man his father became. And that is sad.

Mr. Muhammad’s light was so bright that not one of the men near him could
even begin to see him. They were blinded by the radiance of his countenance.

Moses face was so bright, after meeting with God for 40 days, that the Israelites
could not bare to look at him.
And when Aaron and all the children
of Israel saw Moses, behold the skin
of his face shone; and they were
afraid to come near him.
and till Moses had done speaking
with them, he put a veil on his face.

-- Exodus 34: 30,33

If Moses was lit up so awesomely after a mere 40 days in God’s presence, what
of Elijah Muhammad who lived with God for 3 ½ years?

Elijah Muhammad discouraged the study of sociology, psychology and poetry

because those tools were ones he used on us to cure us of our many afflictions.

“The Messenger didn’t write poetry,” you may argue. And you’d be right. But
what he objected to is poetry’s symbolic quality and the fact that poetry
afficionados would be able to decipher both symbol and metaphor.

And symbol and metaphor was in all that Elijah Muhammad taught.

According to Elijah Muhammad, the ancient ancestor Father Shabazz entered

Africa 50,000 years ago. He also says Shabazz is the tribe that settled in “the rich
Nile Valley fifty thousand years ago.”

So Shabazz is connected to Egypt and Egypt’s creator God is stylized as a

beetle named Khepera who rolls 50,000 eggs in a dung ball.

Khepera is the icon of God’s infinite power to create, to become, to manifest by

using the 50 sound units of power which are codified by Sanskrit’s 50 letters, the
50 oarsmen of Osiris’ celestial boat and Father Shabazz’s migration into Africa
50,000 years ago.

These sound units of power also contain and convey intense kundalini heat.
They are symbolized, in India, as the 50 skulls making up the Goddess Kali’s

Modern science can now use the heat of sound waves to burn up tumors of
prostate cancer. Sound = heat = light. Science is slowly catching up to the
ancients’ far superior sciences.

To fully activate the 50 sound units of power one must cease thought, i.e.,
make the mind black (blank). Thus Sekert, goddess of the 50 sound powers, is a
jet black mother. The 50 sounds are called the little mothers. In the Hebrew
Qaballah, Sekert is Binah, which means “daughter.”
Another jet black person, Alphonso, was said to be the Father of Master Fard
Muhammad. Al-Fons-O means “the sounds.” So the consciousness of Fard
Muhammad was formed by the power of sound in a jet black state of
consciousness. His mythical mother was Baby G.

Solomon’s mother was Bathsheba, i.e., “House (Bath) of Seven (Sheba).”

Bathsheba simply codified kundalini force rising through the seven chakras.

G is the 7th letter of the Alphabet. Baby G means that Fard’s true spiritual birth
or enlightenment came from the 7 chakras, just like Solomon.

Inshallah, I will reveal much more about Master Fard’s parentage when the time
is right.

Signs in Colors

At the very beginning of this discussion we recited the Quran 30:22 about
God’s signs in your tongues and colors. The signs in the tongue covers signs
that can be uncovered etymologically, philologically, and signs conveyed via
words of power.

This latter requires some amplification. Think of an icon on a computer screen.

On the surface it looks like just a picture or graphic. But by clicking on it, a file or
program is opened or activated that could contain volumes of information and
may even be designed to go fetch additional information.

Words of power are like that, as are iconic pictures such as the Kamitic Sesh
Metut Neter.

By chanting a word of power over an extended period of time loads and loads
of divine knowledge can be opened and downloaded.

That is precisely how Prophet Muhammad got the Quran. The people who claim
to follow Muhammad’s example conveniently forget that his very first act was
meditating in the cave of Hira. Therefore, before you can claim to follow
Muhammad’s Sunnah, the first thing you must do is learn to meditate.

Ha Miym!
And the Clear Record!
Surely We sent it down
during a blessed night.
Surely We are always
Therein is distinguished
every matter of wisdom.

-- Quran 44:1-4

The Clear Record or Mother of the Book is the Akashic Record, a Book that
covers every event that ever has occurred and ever will occur.

The Mystic Letters Ha Miym form the heka “Haam,” For those who reach the
prophetic level, i.e., the second sphere of the Tree of Life, chanting Haam in a
state of trance can open access to a portion of the Akashic Record.

In the Nation of Islam Lessons when the word “Quran” is used, it means the
Akashic Record, not the printed Quran of 114 Surahs. That Quran is a very small
part, a script, of the full Quran or Akashic

Haam is the bija or seed sound of the throat chakra. If you chant Ham in a G
tone and imagine the color blue you will feel your throat Chakra begin to activate
within about three minutes.

This heka is cooling and relaxing. Over time it will give you the gift of
clairaudience. Those who are not clairaudient are considered deaf in the Quran.

Deaf, dumb, (and) blind.

So they cannot return.

-- Quran 2:18

Deaf = not clairaudient; dumb = unable to speak via ESP. Blind = not
clairvoyant. That’s most of the world. Now we can begin to appreciate why the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad described 85% of the global population as deaf,
dumb and blind poison animal flesh eaters slaves of mental death and power.

The heka Haam can heal the throat, fevers, asthma, lungs, and cause antiseptic

The Arabic word that’s translated “sign” is ayat. It actually means “a miracle.”
There are miracles in your tongues (dhikrs/mantras) and in the use of colors.

For example, a person can use the color gold, the sun, and the God name
Jehovah Eloah Ve-Daath to attract money and by performing the magical
procedures called the Middle Pillar and Circulation of Light.
There are seven chakras. Each chakra has a corresponding color and sound.
Proper use of those sounds produces various effects.

Sounds, colors and God names can be used to attract or banish things, quite
miraculously, according to the planetary power.

Arch Angelic
Planet Att/Ban Angel God
Name Order

Sun Gold/Orange Rafael Eloah
Ve-daath Malacheem
Moon Puce/Blue Gabriel
Shaddahi El-Chai Kerubeem
Mercury Orange/Yellow Michael Elohim
Tzavaoht Beni Elohim
Venus Green/Jade Haniel YHVH
Tzavaoht Elohim
Mars Red/Red Khamael Elohim
Gibor Serapheem
Jupiter Blue/Purple Tzadkiel
El Chasmaleem
Saturn Dark Blue/Indigo Tzaphkiel HYVH
Elohim Auphaneem

There are 50 sound vibrations that work along with specific colors and odors to
produce the ayat/miracle effects. These were discovered, tested and categorised
by the ancient Fitrah Masters thousands of years ago. Each sound functions
through one of the seven chakras.

For example “Tam” and the color yellow function through the heart chakra and
promote healing.

Seven Oft-Repeated

Light itself is clear, colorless. But when it is refracted it produces.

And We have certainly given you

Seven oft-repeated and the
Grand Quran

-- Quran 15:87

When light is refracted in the sky we have a rainbow of seven primary colors.
There are seven Asteroid Belts, seven major chakras, seven paths above earth,
seven Anunnaki Judges, seven continents, seven colors in the light prism, and
seven tones in a scale of music.

Since it takes interference or refraction for a beam of light to produce colors,

color is not “original.” It’s a kind of graftation. It’s an illusion.

Who is the Colored Man?

When he initiated people into the Nation of Islam, Master Fard Muhammad
required that they answer several questions. Ten of those questions comprise the
Student Enrollment.

The first two questions of the Student Enrollment are “Who is the Original
Man?” and “Who is the Colored Man?”

The answer to the first is: “The original man is the Asiatic black man, the
maker, the owner, cream of the planet earth, God of the Universe.”

The answer to the second is: “The Colored Man is the Caucasian (White man)
or Yakub’s grafted devil, the skunk of the planet earth.”

In Qaballah wisdom, Assiah comprises the whole of the physical

world (Malkuth) and the lower region of the Astral Plane.

Black represents the consciousness that has stopped all thought formation so
that the mind is still or at rest.

Man means mind. So the “Asiatic Blackman” refers to that mind that has
achieved the higher, non-physical realms and has shut down the mind’s thought
formation complex.

That is the original state of consciousness (original man) and anyone who
attains such a state, third sphere of the Tree of Life, regardless of race or gender,
is in fact, “the Asiatic Black Man.”

We are constantly creating and forming the world and universe, individually
and collectively, by our thoughts and beliefs. The uninitiated (“so-called
American Negroes”) are programmed to create a world according to someone
else’s ideas.

The initiate, however, creates a universe according to the laws of God (Maat).
Hence, She is “the maker, the owner, the cream of the Planet Earth, god of the

Creation from the level of Black Mind (no-thought zone) is quite different from
reactive, pre-programmed creation from the level of one’s conditioned responses
(samskaras), emotions and false beliefs (spheres 7, 8 and 9).

Since color is a distortion of clear light’s propagation, the colored mind

(colored man) can’t see Reality, he can only perceive distortion.

The ego is symbolized as white. The “white man” is the ego, regardless of
which color body that ego occupies.
That ego must be subdued, brought under control and
“destroyed” (transformed). The colored mind is the Cauc-Asian, the mind that
is beneath Assiah, beneath the global consciousness and the Astral Plane. It is
full of distortions (colored). It is white.

When you see a color, that color is the light the object has rejected. If my wife
wears a green dress, on a scientific level, the dress is really every color except
green, because green was rejected, i.e., reflected back to the eye, while the other
colours were absorbed.

Black absorbs all colors, all light. White rejects all light. So “the white man”
symbolizes a mind that has rejected all light, all knowledge, all truth.

So the colored man (mind) is the Caucasion (white man) or Yakub’s grafted

When you graft, you don’t take out, you splice on. The colored mind has all
kinds of conditions, compulses, habits, predispositions, idiosyncrasies,
samskaras, biases, yearnings, dislikes, likes, prejudices – sometimes transmitted
from ancestors and sometimes from past lives – grafted onto it. The original, pure
nature has been supplanted. It has become Yakub’s grafted devil. Being a devil,
it pollutes, disfigures and stinks up the world. It is the skunk of the
planet earth. Everywhere it goes it pisses on things and pisses everybody off.

I’m here to finish what Master Fard Muhammad started, to take the white devil
off the planet even if it takes me 379 years.

Paul said “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds.”

You murder a white devil by transforming his mind, by cleaning him up of his
or her conditionings and “grafting him back into the original man.”

And I am not referring to race at all.

You can be black as Idi Amin with a sun tan and still be a white devil. And you
can be as white as Paris Hilton on a ski trip and still be “the original black man.”
It all depends on the state of your mental absorption of light.

The word ignorant comes from ig (no) nur (light). To grow into the Black mind,
to experience that august degree of evolution you have to get some light.

The Ra Force
There is a force within man that is literally all-powerful. This all-powerful force,
however, is mindless. While it stores all the knowledge in the universe it is utterly
incapable of knowing anything. It can do anything but it cannot direct its own
activities. It is like an all powerful robot, an automaton (in the words of Ra Un
Nefer Amen) that can only act according to the programs given to it.

The Egyptians named this mighty force Ra. Western psychology calls it the
subconscious. Eastern philosophy refers to it as Kundalini, prana and chi.

The conscious mind of man can know anything, but cannot store any
knowledge whatsoever. It can will anything, but has no power to bring about what
it wills.

Obviously, the two major parts of man’s being are interdependent. But there is
a disconnect between the consciousness (metaphorized as King Heru) and the Ra

Ra gets it programs (input commands) from the consciousness, but not solely.
It also gets commands or programs from the contents in the blood, subliminal
suggestions and from the indwelling intelligence (the true self).

In addition there are certain times a day/month/year during which the Ra is

open to receive certain types of instruction. Western psychology has completely
lost that knowledge.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said one of the things that separated him
from other leaders is that he knew the time and what must be done. Most of them

One reason why the Messenger and so many divine teachers urged us to be
vegetarians is because meat rotting inside our digestive system gives bestial,
violent, animalistic instructions to Ra. It’s a form of witchcraft, but without the
wisdom of the craft that guides true wizards and witches.

If an individual is out of alignment, then conflicting instructions will be

implanted into the Ra supercomputer. You may desire wealth – so Ra helps you
hit the lottery. But you really feel, deep down, that money is the root of all evil –
so Ra strips you of your wealth. Another lottery winner is headed to the poor

When an individual’s components are aligned, when her emotions compliment

her aspirations, she is said to be in a state of at-one-ment (atonement), Yom
Kippur (Day of Khepera).

Ra is an energy system and is not very responsive to words (of meaning). It is

responsive to force, odors, sounds, words of power, colors, forms, dance,
pictures, music and repetition.

Please refer to the chart of the planetary powers. That shows the colors that
can be used to issue commands to the Ra force.

To every thing there is a season,

And a time to every purpose under

-- Ecclesiastes 3:1

One reason why the ministers of the Nation of Islam were so effective is that we
didn’t just give dry abstractions, we gave very poignant examples and descriptive

Let’s say you’re lonely and need a wife or husband. What you have to do is
implant a command into the subconscious so the subconscious can get it to the
Astral Plane.

The Astral Plane is the Mother Plane that gives birth to every event on the
physical plane. To make something happen on this plane, you must first create it
on the Astral Plane. We do this all the time, but we seldom do it consciously, as
an act of will. The science of creating physical circumstances by consciously
establishing its seeds in the womb of the Astral Plane is called Magic.

I am a Magician … and so was Master Fard Muhammad.

Love and romance fall under the control of the planet Venus and the color

The subconscious is like a vacuum tube that instantly sucks what you place
into it into the Astral Plane.

Astral Plane

The subconscious is the direct link to the astral plane.

Let’s say that Elizabeth 39X wants a husband and decides to use magical
technology to attract the right one to her. The easiest way would be to consult a
magician like me, but let’s assume that Sister Elizabeth is a magician herself.

First she would consult an oracle (spiritual computer) to determine whether

attracting a husband via magic is in accord with the will of God.

All magical operations should begin with humbly seeking Allah’s guidance
through an oracle such as the Tarot, Metu Neter, Ifa or I Ching. A great oracle that
comes built in your own body can be accessed via a pendulum.

Let’s say that the oracle gave Sister Elizabeth a favorable answer and leave to
proceed. She would obtain such things as rose or red sandal scents as incense
and bath oil, use copper, emerald, a rose and/or diamond.

A ritual (magical procedure) could be the Attracting/Banishing Ritual. But when

is the best time to perform it?

Each day of the week accords with a planet: Sunday (Sun), Monday (Moon),
Tuesday (Mars), Wednesday (Mercury), Thursday (Jupiter), Friday (Venus) and
Saturday (Saturn).

Since Elizabeth will be working with Venus, she’ll schedule her procedure for
Friday. But what time? At sunrise on Friday, that hour is the hour of Venus.
Venus’ hour occurs again the 7th hour after sunrise and again the 7th hour after
that. These are called Planetary or Magical hours. She could perform her ritual on
any day during the hour of Venus. On Saturday, the day begins at sunrise with
Saturn as the 1st planetary hour. And so on for each day of the week.

On Saturday, Venus’ hour would be the 5th hour after Sunrise.

Elizabeth would dress in emerald green for her ritual and cultivate a pleasing,
sociable demeanor.

Since she’s working to attract a husband, she would perform her ritual during
the waxing Moon. The waning Moon (period when the Moon’s light is decreasing),
would be used to dump a lover, i.e., to banish him.

When the full Moon is in Libra or Taurus, those are the strongest Venus
periods during the year.

Monthly, when the transiting Moon is in Libra or Taurus, Venus’ power is great.

Venus is exalted in Pisces and that is also a favorable time for Venus spiritual

Through ritual, meditation, color, visualization and repetition, a very clear

“seed” can be implanted into the Mother (Astral) Plane via the Ra Subconscious

This is part of the science of colors.

The 99 Attributes of Allah

The dhikr of Allah is greater.

-- Quran 29:45

In yoga there is a practice called Japa that entails chanting a mantrum (word of
power) over and over until trance is achieved and the power embedded inside the
mantrum is released.

The sacred texts are code books. Very few preachers, imams or scholars have
the slightest idea what the sacred texts are saying because they were deliberately
written to conceal their wisdom and science from “average” people. Average
people (the uninitiated) were considered savage beasts who were so destructive
and dangerous that
initiates had to “build a ring of fire” around themselves to protect themselves
from the average person’s wild tendencies.

A savage is a person who has lost

the knowledge of himself and is
living a beast life.

-- Nation of Islam Lost-Found Lessons

Malcolm X use to like to paraphrase a Taoist saying. He would say: “Those who
say don’t know. And those who know don’t say.”

Initiates of mystic orders aren’t allowed to tell you the meaning of things. They
are those who know, but don’t say. The fellows you see out there running their
mouths, i.e., those who say actually don’t know much of anything. They are, in
the words of the Godfather of Soul, “Talking loud and saying nothing.”

Shakespeare put it even more sublimely: “The words of an idiot, full of sound
and fury, signifying nothing.”

In the 10th chapter of Acts Peter goes to the town of Joppa, ascends to a roof
of a house, sees the heavens open up and a “vessel” (mothership) descend.

Joppa is code of Japa, i.e., the repetition of a heka (word of power). In the
Quran the practice of Japa is called dhikr. In Islam as taught by Master Fard, it is
symbolized as “Japan,” where the Mother Plane was assembled in 1929.

Chanting (dhkr) the appropriate Name of God will activate the Salaat
(Kundalini) force to attract the things (or banish them) governed and ruled by that
aspect of God.

Sister Elizabeth could chant Wadood, Allah’s attribute of love, to attract a


Chanting Ar-Rahim brings mercy. As-Salaam brings peace. Al-Ghafuwr brings

forgiveness. Al-Ghani brings gold (wealth), etc.

Everybody talks about (gives lip service to) Allah’s 99 names, but the Sufi’s
seem to be the only ones who really use them.

Allah’s 99 names conceal a breath code. Using Qaballistic gematria, 99 = 9 + 9

= 18. Eighteen is code for the breath rate, i.e., activation of the hidden powers
within the 99 Sacred Names requires breath science (pranayama).

The Catholic Rosary beads have 108 beads. That also conceals the 18. So does
the Hindu 1080 beads, the 108 verses of sacred Hindu texts and even the 81
verses of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching.

Eighteen = 1 + 8 = 9. 9 + 9 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9. They all reduce back to 9.

The 9th sphere of the Tree of Life is Auset (Isis) the goddess of meditative
trance. To make anything happen the initiate must take the dhikr into trance, i.e.,
the Mother Plane of Consciousness.

Salaat is not a series of movements and prayer. Salaat is an awesome force

that runs the universe and enlivens the body.

It is a hot force and the word salaat means “burning fire” or “flame.” In other
traditions it is called Serpentine Fire and Solar Fire.

(It is) the Fire of Allah

Kindled (to a blaze)…
In stretched columns.

-- Quran 104: 6,8

In Hatha Yoga one assumes a lotus sitting pose. In Islam, the equivalent sitting
posture is called Qa’dah. In the Qa’dah sitting posture one dhikrs until she feels
the salaat force rise up the spine “in stretched columns.”

The so-called Salaat postures are abbreviations of the yogic Sun Salutation.
Their purpose is to stretch the spine and the nadis (chi meridians) so the salaat
force can flow freely.

Just as science can now use sound force to generate intense heat to burn
away prostate cancers, so also do the 50 sound units of power contain great
force, power and heat. By chanting (dhkr) Letters and Words of power (kalimaat),
the dhikr Allah force becomes activated.

Seker in the Quran

All words of power are classified under the auspices of Seker (masculine) and
Sekert (feminine), i.e., the 3rd sphere of the Egyptian Tree of Life.

Seker is in charge of all transformations in His aspect of Khepera. He rules the

Shekem power, i.e., the highest form of the raw Kundalini power that’s called
Shechinah and Sakiynah in the Bible and Quran respectively.

The Shekhem power is contained within the 50 little Mothers or sound powers.

Recitation of the mantras causes a transformation in consciousness. That

transformation radiates out and causes a transformation of circumstances.

Seker represents God’s omnipotence. Since God’s energy/matter is infinite,

Seker’s power to transform (by means of sound) is infinite. Hence, God is

In the Quran, Seker is spelled Saqar.

Soon I will fling him to Saqar.
And what will explain to you
what Saqar is?
It permits nothing to endure
and leaves nothing alone.
Darkening and changing
the color of man.
Over her are Nineteen.

-- Quran 74: 26 - 30

Joseph’s Rainbow Coat

There are certain paradoxes you come to live with when you’ve become
acclimated to the spiritual path. Here are some: God is Nothing/ God is
Everything. I am nothing/I am God. Everything is already pre-recorded/I have free
will to determine my future. Time exists/all time is simultaneous.

The spiritual aspirant learns astrology so that he can overcome all astrological
predispositions. This is called the Great Liberation.

Verily, with every difficulty there

is ease.

So when you are liberated

still labor hard

And make your Lord

your exclusive object.

-- Quran 94: 6-8

Jesus’ conquest of his astrological predispositions were given in these words.

“Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.”

Master Fard meant the same when he said: “I am the supreme ruler of the

Many martial artists transcend violence through violence.

And, in accord with these dichotomies, an initiate transcends color and attains
the clear light by mastering color.

The more you can let go of the illusion of color, the more capable you become
in using colors for technological (magical) ends.
Now Israel loved Joseph more than
all his children, because he was
the son of his old age: and he
made him a coat of many colors.

-- Genesis 37:3

Obviously, no prophetic father would really love one of his kids more than all
the others. High initiate code language is at work here.

Israel (Jacob/Yaqub) is a symbolic character representing the whole zodiacal

cycle of 25,920 years. Each “child” or tribe of Israel is a symbolic character
representing one of the 12 signs.

Judah is a lion’s whelp.

-- Genesis 49:8

Judah represents Leo (the Lion). Reuben represents Aquarius. That is

significant for the analysis of various spiritual systems.

When the Sun’s equinox is in a particular sign, that’s the “favored son,” i.e., the
Age that the world is in for 2160 years.

The majority of astrologers attribute Joseph to Taurus because he was in

charge of great wealth in the myth. But a few attribute him to Sagittarius. I side
with the minority in this case.

Here’s why I’m rolling with the Sagittarius boys when it comes to Joe-Joe:

Sagittarius rules the 9th house and that house controls dreams. Joseph was a
sho’nuff dreamer. The 9th house deals with long distance travel, and Joseph was
carried by the Ishmaelites to foreign lands. The planetary ruler of Sagittarius is
Jupiter. It conveys even more wealth than does Taurus and Venus.

The equinoxes proceed backwards, so before it reached Sagittarius, it would

have to pass through Capricorn, ruled by Saturn – Father Time or the Old Man.
Joseph was the son of Israel’s old age, ie., born out of Capricorn into Sagittarius.

Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a

fruitful bough by a well; whose
branches run over the wall: the
archers have sorely grieved him,
and shot at him, and hated him.
But his bow abode in strength,
and the arms of his hand were
made strong by the hands of the
mighty God of Jacob; (from thence
is the shepherd, the Stone of Israel).

-- Genesis 49: 22-25

The archers, the bow are both significators of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a

double-bodied sign. It dualizes things. The tribe Joseph dualized into two,
Ephraim and Manasseh.

The last time the Sun preceded through Sagittarius was about 21,600 years

Joseph’s technicolor coat symbolizes mastery of colors. Clairvoyantly, this can

be seen as an aura radiating several colors. These are charged by the
multicolored chakras.

On an individual level, Joseph (Yusuf) represents one who has attained Sufic
wisdom as embodied in the Greek/Egyptian wisdom goddess Sophia. The Kamitic
equivalent is Maat whose planetary significator is

Joseph’s brothers represent the baser appetites and lower emotional drives.
Because of the lower cravings, the initiate’s wisdom body, his khu, is allegorically
thrown into a well, i.e., the higher wisdom goes underground, into the waters of
the subconscious.

The lying brothers steal Yusuf’s rainbow coat. That means they fake it. The so-
called priests, reverends, imams, etc., are, in the main, faking it. They are perhaps
shrewder than the average bear, but no more cultivated spiritually.

Here’s how it works. By purifying his body, mind and spirit, retaining his semen
through high libido but reduced ejaculation, the initiate's charisma is elevated.
This affects the subtle trace (or ghost) chemicals that are emitted through the
pores of his skin so that he appears to glow or shine.

People with psychic sight see him bathed in a shimmering kind of light, often
with a dazzling rainbow of colors.

Here is another paradox. The initiate can’t just suppress his sexual force. All
that does is screw you up (no pun intended). The word kaafir comes from
“kafara,” meaning “he covered a thing.”

Covering up the sex drive isn’t enough. The initiate has to transmute it, raise it
up, maintain a high level of sexual power but little or no ejaculation. It takes quite
a balancing act. But with the help of Min, it can be achieved.

The preachers in Organized Religion, Inc. – male or female – don’t have this
thing mastered whatsoever. So, like Joseph’s brothers, they fake it. They cut his
coat off him, put false blood on it, and claim a wild beast ate him up.

The wild beast is the sex drive.

I have a rainbow wand which I use for magical operations like making amulets
and talismans. It is charged with the energies of the zodiac and consecrated to
magical work.

Before I learned that type of magic, I used a simpler kind in which my whole
body became a talisman, bathed in various lights and colors. I still use this
because it is very powerful magic. But I also use the more ritualized ceremonial
form called High Magic.

The colored energy that engulfs my body following the Fountain Ritual is the
same as Joseph’s coat of many colors.

But when I become as advanced a magician as the Supreme Avatar,

Master Fard Muhammad, I will not need to “play with colors”. I will just will a thing
and it will occur. “Be and it is” states the Quran.

After Joseph went to Egypt and got fully initiated, he didn’t need his rainbow
coat anymore. So it doesn’t reappear in the scripture.

When I became a man

I put away childish things.

-- I Corinthians 13:11

Allah’s Coloring

Allah’s coloring. And who is more

beautiful (at) coloring than Allah.
And we are his (initiate) slaves.

-- Quran 2:138

A slave in scripture usually symbolizes an initiate. In Yakub’s History we

learned that Yakub grafted brown, yellow and white from the black. Red, Mr.
Muhammad taught, is the same as black.
Remember, skin tones are only symbols for states of mind. As Imam W.D.
Muhammad taught, “Man means mind.”

The red man is the passionate mind. The brown man is earthy, i.e., able to
make the most of material resources. The yellow man is intellectual.

Esau was the red man of Genesis. The Egyptians stylized the Asiatics as wild,
bearded, red men.

They are compelled by the urges of the blood.

In Numbers Moses ordered the priest Eleazar to sacrifice a red heifer. This is
code for transmuting the blood red urges of the sex drive.

Al-Khidr (or Mescalito)

The Green Man of the Quran

The fundamentalists of the Middle Eastern religions (who have virtually

assassinated their religions’ true fundamentals) view scriptural stories as history.
Occultists view the whole of the scriptures as symbolic mythology sometimes
very loosely tied to an event or two.

We Fitrans recognise that there is some validity in both positions.

Many events written in the Bible are based upon actual events, but the time line
for those events have been twisted all out of proportion.

Many of the events occurred much farther back in history than supposed. For
example, some scientific estimates place the Sphinx at 15,000 years old. Some
teachers, such as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, place the Nile Valley
civilization as far back as 50,000 years ago.

In addition, names of countries and people have changed over time. So events
did not necessarily take place when and where scholars believe they took place,
but the essence of the story may be historically true.

Also, Empires then and now were not 100% contiguous. Look at the United
States. Alaska is closer to Russia and Hawaii is out in the Pacific. But an escape
from either would be, under international law, flight from USA. The USA also
includes Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands.

Let’s say a major uprising occurred in Guam. Many thousands of years later –
following earth changes, cataclysms and many dynasty changes – few people
would connect the uprising to the United States. But the descendants of the
revolutionaries would be adamant “We rose up against the United States… and
we beat ‘em.”

During the discussions of the terms of surrender of Egypt to Israel – which

were called peace negotiations – Prime Minister Menachim Begin spoke about
how his ancestors labored to build the Egyptian Pyramids as slaves.

When Sadat got up to speak, he said: “We have no record of that in our

There is no record of Israel being expelled or leaving en masse from Egypt.

The great kings of Egypt’s 18th Dynasty chased a group of Semitic invaders
called the Hyksos from Kamit. And the Bible says that Arabs (“mixed multitudes”)
departed Egypt with Moses.

The Quran says that Allah ordains the affair from the higher regions to the
earth. For a principle or event to be worthy of scriptural inclusion it must have
reality across the continuum from astronomical to historical to biological to
quantum (subatomic) levels of being.

Earlier we touched on how the 12 Israelite tribes refer to the 12 zodiacal signs.
But since each sign exists in the body, each human being is Israel.

But the 12 signs also exist as the 12 types of quarks that make up subatomic
particles and as the 12 hours of the day and night.

Such natural energetic activities needs must find expression in the affairs of
men and in particular people (avatars) who act out or live out, on the plane of
human affairs, the activities conducted by stars, planets and quarks on the
planes of the celestial bodies and that of neutrinos.

As above, so below. On earth as it is in heaven. When there is consistency and

continuity in a principle’s manifestation from the highest to the lowest levels, the
wise sages (rishis) decide the events are true and worthy to be put inside the

The principle gets Scripturally recorded not simply because it happened in the
past but because, like all astronomical events, it will occur repeatedly, again and

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “History repeats itself.”

The Israelites’ bondage scripturally typed the 400 year bondage of Africans in
America from 1555 to the present.
In the Quran, Moses and his apprentice (probably Joshua) were on a quest.

I will not stop until I

reach the junction of the
two oceans, otherwise I
will go on for years.

-- Quran 18:60

Maulana Muhammad Ali erroneously translated the Arabic word “bahrain” as

“two rivers.” That is an example of making translations based upon presumption.
To Ali, it had to refer to two parts of the Nile at Khartoum.

But “bahr” means ocean and bahrain means two oceans. We must therefore
locate, geographically, a place where two oceans conjunct and where an
individual can pass that point of conjunction yet continue walking for years.

Only the Isthmus of Panama meets the criteria. Therefore, Moses was in the
Americas, and so was Jesus (Joshua, his nephew).

There they met Al-Khidr, the Green One.

So they found one of Our

servants on whom we had
bestowed mercy and
Whom We had taught
Science from Ourselves.

-- Quran 18:65

Al-Khidr means the Green One.

Amongst the indigenous tribes of America such as the Yaqi Indians there is the
“trickster god” Mescalito, god of the peyote plant.

Yaqi initiates eat a peyote bud and receive a vision and get tested by Mescalito
because he puts them through all sorts of challenges to trick those who are not
ready for the highest wisdom and power, he is regarded as a trickster. In reality,
Mescalito is one who tests initiates.

Alif Laam Meem!

Do men thing that they
will be left alone on
saying “we believe,”
and will not be tried?
And indeed We tried those
before them, so Allah will
know those who are sincere
and He will know the liars.

-- Quran 29:1-3

Al-khidr warns Moses that he will not be able to be patient enough to follow
him – after Moses pleaded for the honor.

And how can you have

Patience about things about
which your understanding
Is not complete?

-- Quran 18:68

Malcolm X was a very powerful speaker. He had an excellent memory and could
project the Messenger’s teachings in a remarkable way.

But Malcolm was an impatient child in the sense of wisdom and miserably
failed his own tests. Had he passed, he would have been given the position he
lusted after. He would have been given the leadership of the Nation of Islam.

Tragically, he failed. He failed every test put before him and other pretenders to
the throne haven’t done much better.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once told all of the big time Ministers what
their tests were. Minister Jeremiah Shabazz’s test was money. Another Minister’s
test was women.

He turned to Minister Farrakhan and said, “Your test is not money or women.
Your test is this,” and started clapping his hands. Acclaim and the limelight were
identified as Minister Farrakhan’s tests.

In a very sincere effort to overcome that pernicious weakness, Minister

Farrakhan use to say “Shut up and listen!” when his audiences would applaud.
“You talk too much and think too little.”

Of course, that only made us clap and cheer more. He was something!

He tried so earnestly to humble himself that one magazine called him “the self-
effacing national representative.”

We can beat that old prophet’s prediction, but usually we don’t.

When his followers, in the 1980s, first began to call him “The Honorable,”
Minister Farrakhan castigated them and told them that title belonged to his
teacher. Now, however, he seems quite comfortable with that appellation.

One edition of The Final Call had his picture in it 38 times!

I remember when I first started printing his picture on fliers, Minister Farrakhan
raked me over the coals. I had to persuade him that I could get more people to
our rallies if he took the handcuffs off me. He said I had a free hand. I actually got
a 20% free hand and still got 70,000 people to come to a rally called Black Family
Day on Randall’s
Island. The thanks I got from Farrakhan? He kicked me out of the Mosque. (But let
me back in. I don’t even recall what non-existing rule I broke that time.)

The Farrakhan I worked with from 1972 – 1975 would’ve reduced the editor to
tears if his picture appeared 38 times in a tabloid of but 40 pages.

I’ve just looked at the December 11, 2008 Final Call. The Minister’s picture only
appears 22 times. I guess that’s progress.

The point is that we don’t easily pass the tests given by the divinely wise. They
can see so far ahead and so deeply that even when we think we’ve passed, we

If the Honorable Elijah Muhammad came back today and saw the Minister’s
face plastered 38 times over Muhammad Speaks, I wonder what he’d say.

Al-Khidr took Moses with him as he scuttled a boat, killed a young man and
rebuilt a falling wall on behalf of people who’d refused to feed them. Moses
questioned the Green One throughout until Al-Khidr said: “This is the parting
between me and you.”

The Mexican tradition says Mescalito is green like a cucumber. Only if you pass
his visionary tests can you go higher.

The color of the heart chakra is usually yellow or gold. But on some levels it’s
seen as green. Once I had help from a prison counsellor named Reynold Abrams
in opening my heart chakra, visualizing the heart’s green light.

In a few minutes, I was so drunk that Abe had to help carry me to my cell where
I stayed drunk off the chi force for nearly two days. I could barely walk. It was
then that I knew you didn’t need drugs or alcohol to get really, really high.
I began to teach others how to be Most High with no ingredients
but the chant Hu and the heart’s green light.

Chlorophyll is the Sun’s green light established in plants. Some Islamic flags
show the sun as a red background. Others represent it as a green one.

The Religious Roots of Racism

A study of the world’s scriptures, including the Quran, will show that racism
(most of it anti-black) has its roots and sanction in the holy texts.

The Bible said Canaan, son of Ham, was cursed and slave traders used that to
justify the enslavement and colonization of Africa.In its wars against the ancient
Dravidians of India, the white Aryans convinced the black Dravidians that they
(the Aryans) were the sons of light and the Dravidians were the sons of darkness.
Dravidians’ scriptures taught that the sons of light would defeat the sons of

In Egypt, the light-skinned invaders argued they were the Shemsu Heru
(followers of Light/Heru) and the original Black Kamitians were sons of Set (the

That kind of psychological warfare (tricknowlegy) weakened the Dravidians’

and Egyptians resolve and led to their defeat.

The Sumerian myths stated that the created slave worker (Lulu or man) was
known as “the black headed people.” By implication, the Anunnaki rulers were
white or at least whitened in the Hittite drawings of the past.

This helped white Turks, Arabs, Amorites and Persians conquer the original
black Sumerians.

The great Mayan god-man, Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, was stylized as
white. When Cortez and his conquistadors invaded the Americas, the indigenous
people mistook Cortez for Quetzalcoatl since he too was white and bearded.
Moreover, Cortez arrived from the sea and Quetzalcoatl had departed into the sea.
Cortez landed, quite
fortuitously, on the exact date the prophecy had predicted Quetzalcoatl would

All of the seemingly racist, white supremist scriptural passages have spiritual
meanings. But they seem tailor made for racial twisting by some white supremist.
And they have indeed been of vast utility for the race wars against the blacks
from Alexander to George Bush.

Even the Quran has color verses that can far too easily be turned into tools for
racial subjugation.

On the Day when some faces will

be white, and some faces will be
black. To those whose faces are
black: “Did you reject faith after
accepting it? Then taste the penalty
for rejecting Faith.”

But for those whose faces are White –

they will be in Allah’s Mercy: To dwell
therein (forever).

-- Quran 3:106-107

The Arabs will say, these are just spiritual terms, it’s got nothing to do with
race. All people are equal in Islam.
What lying hypocrites! Arabs are some of the most racist people on the planet.
For the life of me I can’t understand why Minister Farrakhan expends so much
time and energy seeking the acceptance and approval of racist Arab genocidal

Sometimes he seems to be less the National Representative of the Honorable

Elijah Muhammad and more the National Representative of Brutal Arab Dictators.

If the verses have nothing to do with race, why do the Arabs in South African
use the words “Kafir boy” as interchangeable with nigger?

We have to deal with this “inconvenient truth” if we are ever to deal with the
global plague of racism.

When the racists try to wriggle out of this by killing the messenger
and accusing the victim of the crime of racism, don’t fall for it. Hold their feet to
the fire. Keep asking, “But is it true? Are Blacks still treated like inferiors in
Arabia? Have Arabs colonized Black lands in Africa?”

The Guilty Blue-Eyed

The day when the trumpet is

blown, and we shall gather
the guilty blue-eyed on
that day.

-- Quran 20:102

This ayat would seem to attempt to balance the racial scales, since blue-eyes
are closely associated with European people. Maulana Muhammad Ali clearly
leaned in that direction, for which see footnote no. 1601a of his Quran translation.

Imam Warith Deen Muhammad equated the zurq-an (blue-eyed) with glaucoma
and said the verse indicated people who are spiritually blind.

I beg to differ. I roll with Jesus on that point when he said “the blind have no
sin.” People who are spiritually blind, i.e., don’t know any better can’t
simultaneously be guilty.

The New Islam gives us a new understanding. Let’s look at the ayat prior to

And indeed we gave you

Dhikr from Our own presence.
Who ever turns away from
it he will surely bare a burden
on the Day of Resurrection.

Dwelling immortally therein, and

evil will be their burden on the
Day of Resurrection.

-- Quran 20: 99 - 101

The Quran speaks of Clear Signs and Clear Evidence. There is a system called
the Yoga of the Clear Light practiced by the Mahayana Buddhists of Tibet.

An initiate is given a Dhikr, i.e., a special word of power to chant.

To advance as we should, we need not only the doctrine (Book) but we also
need the technological application (Wisdom) to practice the Methodology of God.
Theory (Book) and application (wisdom) compliment each other.

By chanting certain hekau, as you enter into trance (“the garden”), you start to
see your inner world light up by a clear, bluish light. The Eckankarists call this
the light of the Mahanta, the Living Eck Master.

Once who consistently raises her consciousness to the level of witnessing the
Clear Blue Light is called Zurqan, “blue-eyed.”

But, after witnessing the presence of the Mahanta, she turns back to a life of
filth and indecency, she becomes “the guilty blue-eyed,” because she knows
better. She’s a high initiate.

The trumpet is one of the mighty sounds heard clairvoyantly

when consciousness reaches a very deep level.

There are two such sounds, the trumpet and the Flute of God.

The Flute is a very, very high-pitched sound that is almost uncomfortable. The
mystical Nazarenes (Christians) used the ringing of the bell to symbolize it.
Prophet Muhammad said the revelation sometimes came to him like the ringing of
a bell and that bell ringing was hard on him.

In Christian iconography, Gabriel is said to sound the trumpet to start the

resurrection of the dead. The trumpet in 20:102 signifies deep trance and the
divine sound that indicates the presence of a divine being (energy/essence).

Venus’ Color

Recently, scientists discovered that Venus radiates a purple color when it’s
moving direct. But, when it’s moving retrograde (backwards from Earth’s vantage
point), it radiates a red, Martian-like color.

Astrologers know that Venus retrograde in a chart inclines to excessive

passion and an aggressiveness like that of Mars. As always, the ancient masters
developed their science far ahead of Western scientists.

Since Venus radiates two types of colors, we can be sure that the other planets
do that too.

The ancient scientists say Venus’ sign of exaltation is Pisces and one of
Pisces’ colors is purple. Is it mere coincidence that the color radiated by Venus
direct is violet?

The Sun’s two colors are yellow and reddish orange.

So I do call to witness
the ruddy glow of sunset
and the Night and its homing
and the Moon and her Fullness
you shall surely travel from
stage to stage.

-- Quran 84:16 - 19

Orange is the Sun’s banishing color. When I choose to bless my loved ones
with money, I use the Sun, the color orange and Jehovah Eloah Ve-Daath.

Earlier, I mentioned that the angels in the Quran 2:30 sang and that this was the
same as the Pythagorean music of the spheres and science’s recent discovery of
“sun songs.”

Is there further Quranic corroboration for the notion that the sun sings?

It is not permitted for

the Sun to catch up the
Moon, nor can the Night
outstrip the Day. Each
just swims along in
(its own) orbit.

-- Quran 36:40

The Arabic word for swims is yasbahun. The main verb is sabiha. We
encountered this verb, sabiha, in 2:30, and it was translated “sing.”

The Arabic verb means both. The main meaning in 2:30 was “sing.” The main
meaning at 36:40 was swims. But the secondary meaning is valid too and not
excluded. So here we have, 1400 plus years before Western science, the Quran
plainly stating that both the Sun and the Moon “sing.” Thanks to machinery,
everyone can today hear the songs that once only the adepts and clairaudient
mystics could hear.

The Elements of the Universe

And with us, you dig, we study

all sorts of occult sciences,
astrology, mysticism, world
religion and so forth, you dig,
And like, uh, coming from a hip
Place all this helps give you an
Insight into your inner self,
Have mercy!
-- Earth, Wind and Fire
All About Love

There are four forces that make up the universe: Strong force, weak force,
electromagnetism and gravity. The strong force is the short range attractive force
between baryons that holds together the nucleus of the atom. It is also called the
color force.

The weak force is a force between elementary particles that causes certain
processes to take place with low probability, as with radioactive beta-decay and
collisions between neutrinos and between other particles.

Once again in re-discovering the four forces, Western science has re-traced the
ancient master scientists’ footsteps. They long before discovered the four forces
and named them Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Air is the name given to energy that’s expanding. Fire represents energy rising.
Water represents energy sinking and Earth represents stable (or inert) energy.

Air is represented by the colors gold or yellow, Earth by the color brown, Fire
by the color red (or reddish-orange) and water by the colors blue, black or green.

In the History of Mr. Yakub, various colored “people” were extracted from the
DNA of the black nation. Air equates with the mythological yellow man (mind):
Earth with the brown man, red with the American Indians and Semitics of Asia
who equate with man’s fiery (passionate) nature; water equates with the black as
well as the now extinct or occulted green and blue skinned people who once
peopled the Earth,

Why is Krishna usually depicted as blue?

When the people saw baby Jesus (aka Krishna) they said:

O Mary, you have indeed

brought a strange thing!

-- Quran 19:27

Why was he so strange? Because he was blue!

Some remnant of the extinct blueness shows up in rare birthmarks or skin

“discoloration” that’s blue or even green. How could blue or green come out
unless those colors were somehow within?

When I saw the Honorable Elijah Muhammad I was surprised to see that his
skin looked orange. I said to myself, “wow! An orange Black man!” It was a very
remarkable and beautiful tone of skin to see.

Some of the Mayan Indians in South America have orange skin, perhaps due to
an orange food in their diet.

There are four types of beings who are comprised of one of the four elements.
These equate with the four quarks and their three types of spin in quantum

The elemental spirits of Earth are Gnomes.

The elemental spirits of Air are Sylphs.
The elemental spirits of Water are Undines.
The elemental spirits of Fire are Salamanders.

With that in mind let’s take a look at one of the plagues Moses inflicted upon

And the frogs shall come up

Both on thee, and upon thy
People, and upon thy servants.

-- Exodus 8:4

So We sent (plagues) on them:

Wholesale Death, Locusts, Lice,
Frogs, and Blood: Signs openly
self-explained. But they were
steeped in arrogance, a people
given to sin.

-- Quran 7:133

The plagues were “signs,” according to the Quran. So what, pray tell, was the
sign of the plague of frogs.

A frog is an amphibian and, as such, is a close relative to a salamander. In fact,

some tadpoles resemble salamanders when they grow feet but have yet to take
on the rounded frog appearance.

The frogs of scripture that plagued Egypt are not amphibians at all, but
elemental spirits of Fire called Salamanders.

These elemental beings can sometimes be seen moving around a blazing fire.
Imagine being attacked by mostly invisible creatures of Fire. The man (or
woman) initiate has the power to command such forces.

I once demonstrated to a former student, Michael Glenn (Chief Black Hawk),

that the power of the salamanders was real. By summoning them, a very cold
January afternoon suddenly got so hot that just about everyone had to take off
their coats and even their shirts!

Because the Honorable Elijah Muhammad refrained from teaching Malcolm

how to make rain, hail, snow and earthquakes, I won’t either. Suffice it to say that
our beloved brother in Chicago, Minister Farrakhan, was not left powerless. He
use to predict natural disasters with uncanny precision.

Those who conceal the Clear

Evidence that We sent down
And the Guidance after We
Have made it clear in the
Scripture for the human race,
These are the ones whom
Allah curses, and the cursers
Curse them (too).

-- Quran 2:159

“So, brother,” you may ask, “are you saying you have power over nature?”

By no means! I’m saying what Heru (Jesus) said before me:

I do nothing of myself;
but as my Father hath
taught me.

-- John 8:28

I can’t even breathe without help and permission. So surely I would not claim to
command nature. I do, however, know the names of those who can and do
command nature…and I also know their phone numbers (smile).

I saw three unclean spirits

like frogs come out of the
mouth of the dragon, and
Out of the mouth of the beast,
and out of the mouth of the
false prophet.

-- Revelation 16:13

Nuff said. The spirits are “like frogs,” meaning they are spiritual Salamanders.

All of the Elements function in three modes called, in Astrology, Cardinal, Fixed
and Mutable.

Fixed Mutable

Fire Aries
Leo Sagittarius

Earth Capricorn
Taurus Virgo

Air Libra
Aquarius Gemini

Water Cancer
Scorpio Pisces

Each of the 12 signs has its corresponding color.

Aries – Red Libra - Emerald

Taurus – Red-Orange Scorpio – Green/Blue
Gemini – Orange Sagittarius - Blue
Cancer – Amber Capricorn - Indigo
Leo – Yellow Aquarius - Violet
Virgo – Yellow-Green Pisces – Crimson

The Fire of the Salamanders is to be used to burn up our lower conditionings

and bad habits. The lower appetites are, in Semitic Scriptures, symbolized (quite
unfairly) as Pharaoh and the Egyptians. The Egyptians (quite scientifically and
accurately) symbolized them as the wild, red Asiatics “who ruled in ignorance of

Elsewhere, the Kamitians called those lower emotions “the impotant children
of revolt.”

Noun-Adjective Relationships
Words are very important. Words can destroy whole civilizations. Words are to
the mind what food is to the body.

From 1975 to 1977 nobody on Earth taught deeper, more advanced scientific
religion than Imam Warith Deen Muhammad. If you think I’m jiving, get a copy of
his first two green books, Teachings of W.D. Muhammad and Lectures of W.D.

After that, the brother got Sunni-ized and didn’t have much of anything to say
worth remembering. But before he turned into a Wannabe Desert Arab, the
brother was in a league of his own.

Prior to the death of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s body, Minister

Farrakhan and W.D.Muhammad were both developing the next stage of Islam in
the West. Minister Farrakhan called his doctrine “The New Testament” and
Minister Wallace D. Muhammad called his “The Second Resurrection.” The two
doctrines were similar, but Wallace’s was complete while Farrakhan was still
working out the kinks in his.

When the Messenger died, the Chicago boys hijacked the leadership and
installed Minister Wallace.

At gunpoint, Minister Farrakhan had little choice but to acquiesce…for a time.

Wallace taught some things we still use in the New Islam. We must give credit
where it’s due. None of this knowledge is “mine.” It all belongs to you. It’s your
wisdom, accumulated meticulously by your ancestors over 76 trillion years.

At best, I’m an ATM machine, a bank, holding onto the rich treasures that are,
by legacy, owned by you.

And as for the wall, it belonged

to two orphan boys in the
Spiritual City (al-Madinah),
and there was a treasure buried
beneath it that belonged to them.
Their father had been a righteous
man, so your Lord intended that
they should attain their maturity
and take out their treasure –
a mercy from your Lord – and
I did not do it of my own accord.
This is the significance of that
which you could not have patience.

-- Quran 18:82
The wall is the world’s religious symbolism, rituals, practices, relics, scrolls,
scriptures, myths, legends, songs, icons, chants, ceremonies, festivals, sages
and buildings.

Buried beneath this symbolism is a priceless treasure that is like a pearl of

great, great price.

Master Fard Muhammad, Noble Drew Ali, Elijah Muhammad, Maulana Ron
Karenga, Ra Un Nefer Amen, Sun Ra, Cheikh Anta Diop, Chancellor Williams, Haki
Madhubuti, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Lerone Bennett, John
Henrik Clark and others like Edgar Cayce and Hilton Hotema – they dug it up!

I’m just holding this divine science to give it back to you. It’s your thing.

And Jesus answered and said

Unto them, Elijah truly shall
First come, and restore all

-- Matthew 17:11

My God, didn’t the man do that? Do you think scared little so-called Negroes
would’ve been able to summon the courage to stand up against Bull Connor’s
racist police dogs, guns, brutality and Klan terroistic murder if Elijah Muhammad
hadn’t infused them with courage by telling the world that the Almighty White
Man wasn’t a God, that he
wasn’t even a real man, but a grafted devil?

There would be no civil rights movement, no Barack Obama, no BET or the

majority of things American Blacks take for granted if it weren’t for Elijah

He started the anti-war movement – twice! Once when he refused to go kill

Japanese for America and when he inspired Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap
Brown (Jamil Amin) to separate the whites from SNCC. Those whites then formed
SDS and made ending the war in Vietnam their objective. And that got traction
when Mr. Muhammad’s student, Muhammad Ali, said, “I ain’t got no truck with
them Vietcong. Ain’t no Vietcong ever called me nigger.”

Elijah Muhammad brought health food into America’s mainstream. After he

taught about the Mothership, Gene Roddenberry was inspired to write Star Trek.

You have no idea what kind of man was in your midst.

In him was life, and the life
was the light of men. And
the light shineth in the
darkness; and the darkness
comprehended it not.

-- John 1:4-5

So who are the two orphan boys? They are the people we call Black and White.
It’s obvious how Blacks are orphans, so let’s focus on the Whites.

European civilization was birthed in Greece by great student initiates of kamitic

science Socrates, Plato and others.

If you look at Socrates’ statute you’ll see that he looks almost identical to…well
me. Socrates was a Black Man, an Egyptian scientist sent to civilize the Greeks in
much the same manner that Bilal was sent to civilize Arabia and Master Fard
came to civilize America.

In each case, the Missionary found one and taught him. Socrates taught Plato;
Bilal taught Muhammad ibn Abdullah and Master Fard taught Elijah Karriem.

That’s the Law. That’s the way it’s done.

The Messenger or Prophet is raised from among the people.

Before Socrates could finish his preparatory work, he was murdered.

Why then did you slay

the prophets of Allah
in times gone by?

-- Quran 2:91

The ancient Greeks, the Hebrews, Hyksos and people of Anatolia are of the
same stock. When Hammurabi brought the law, he brought it to that stock or
tribe. After they branched out, the Jews attributed Hammurabi’s law to Moses.

The Greek people (Athenians) were considered brute, ignorant savages and
Plato regularly called them such. They accused Plato of bringing a foreign
doctrine to Greece, an African doctrine.

Socrates was not ethnically a Greek. The Greeks put the es, is, us suffix on
names. His name was Socr or Soker, which is simply Seker, Kamitic God of
Omnipotence. In some books his name is written Soker. His wife is Sekert, the
feminine expression of divine power (Shakti).

Greek Philosophy is Egyptian metaphysics, but it was never fully

comprehended by the Greeks because of the execution of Socrates and the
opposition faced by his disciples.

So they made compromises and ethnic ideas later fused onto (grafted) the
original metaphysics. Over time, all manner of corruption and debauchery affixed
to Greek principles and practices.

These principles, already impure, were further debased by Romans and the
later inheritors of Greek civilization up to the near savage Americans today.

But why were they so hostile towards African ideas in the first place? Would
you trust people who had literally left you out in the cold when the last ice age hit
13,000 years ago?

That’s when they first became orphans. And they’ve been angry and acting out
ever since.

O humanity! An admonition
from your Lord has really
come to you as well as a
healing for what is in the
hearts. Plus, it is (both) a
guidance and a mercy for
The Unconditioned Ones.

-- Quran 10:57

This Fitrah New Islam can heal the deep painful sicknesses afflicting the Black
and the White. Other nationalities and ethnicities need help, but no people are
psychologically, emotionally and spiritually wrecked as are Blacks and Whites,
especially in America.

European Whites are in a somewhat better condition than American Whites.

American white racism (and Black inferiority) is a far more virulent disease
than that which afflicts Europeans. Not to say Europeans are hunky-dory. It’s
there, but in America, it’s full-blown.

Part of the problem is due to the language.

Master Fard taught that “you must use the language in its proper terms in order
to get some benefits for self.” (Self means soul/atman).

In English, unlike most languages, the modifier (adjective) is placed before the
noun. That has the effect of making the adjective more important than the noun.

In English we say “the pretty girl,” “the rich man;” “the tall woman;” or “the
black man.”

In so doing, we are pressing upon our spirit that the fact that she’s pretty is
more important than the fact that she’s a girl. In this manner, we marginalize and
even psychologically erase whole people.

Once we say “the homeless man,” the man part is negated and all he is is
homeless, a thing, an abstract, annoying thing.

So our hearts can be calloused, hardened, and his pitiable plight can be
overlooked. But what if he were “a man” who was recently “homeless.” “Oh dear!
That poor man.”

In most other languages, the noun precedes the adjective. It would be the girl
pretty, the man rich, the woman tall, the man black, etc.

En francais, nous avon l’homme noir (the man black). In Arabic, it would be al-
insaan aswad (the man black).

Non-English European languages help keep them from totally forgetting that
first and foremost, he’s a man. His color – green, white, yellow etc., -- is quite
literally, secondary.

The infusion of Spanish into America may yet save America from the

Black use to be Beautiful

Say it Loud!
I’m black and I’m proud!
Say it loud!
I’m black and I’m proud!
Say it loud!
I’m black and I’m proud!
Lord, Lord …

-- James Brown
Godfather of Soul
It always tickles me when I recall that almost all the kids chanting “I’m black
and I’m proud” on James’ record were white kids.

If you trace my ancestry you’ll get to Africa. If you trace the Pope’s you’ll get to
Africa too.

So what are we quarrelling about?

The Bible says all people were created from one blood and the Quran says
humanity was once a single nation.

We are all Africans! Some of us left earlier than others.

Black skin was not always “an emblem of suffering and shame.” The ancient
nations were proud as can be to be called black.

Ancient Egypt’s name was Kamit. The people called themselves the Kamau
which translates “the black people.”

Solomon sang, “I am black and beautiful” and he and his Queen sang joyfully
of his “bushy” dread locks.

Ethiopia supposedly means darkened by the sun.

The nations Niger and Nigeria were proud to name their countries “black.”
Even Mauritania and Morocco mean black. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence that
Arabia, a land originally populated by blacks, was renamed Saudi Arabia (literally,
Black Arabia) in honor of King Ibn Saud.

Sudan means “double black.”

No other people are so closely identified with their skin color.

The Egyptian Pert Em Hru Scripture has a statement the initiate must declare:
“I have not bleached my skin.” That’s in the oldest scriptural book on earth and it
tells us two things: 1), the wise sages saw black skin as valuable, and 2) there
were some knuckleheads, even back then, who were trying to bleach their skin.

Now I’m not saying black is better than any other skin color, but I’m sure glad
God let me have it in this life. But I’ve been in other colored bodies too. I’ve been
white, Mayan, Arab (many times) and a Japanese sailor (that life was fun).

So how can I say one me is better than any other me?

The Black Death

Yet, for some reason, there is a near universal fear, denigration and hatred for
Blacks. Why? Until we uncover the core issues we won’t be able to solve our

We naturally let things we’re familiar with stand for things we are not familiar

We discussed earlier, the fact that many holy texts contain stories that could
easily be interpreted to support Black inferiority (or evil) and White superiority
(and uprightness).

So, who put the race bug in the scriptural system? Such a pervasive operation
doesn’t come just by accident.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that there are 24 scientists, 12 major
and 12 minor, who write the history of the planet in advance, in 25,000 year

We are really catching up with the God of this world. The time of the making of
this world was 9,000 years into our calendar history. Back during the 9,000th year
of our calendar history, we had been, for many millions of years, using a God’s
wisdom for only 25,000 years. One man’s wisdom rules for 25,000 years and after
that, we take Him down and put up another One to rule for 25,000 years. This is in
accord with the circumference of our planet. Our planet Earth is
approximately 25,000 miles in circumference. Although not quite, but we use the
word twenty-five thousand. Why don’t we have 25,000? Because at the top of our
planet’s rotation called the axis of the earth, we have at the end of the axis of the
Earth, 23 ½ degree to the circle of the Earth at this axis point. We have 23 ½
degrees here.

We also have 23 Gods who write and justify history once every 25,000 years.
They’re equal with the pole’s degrees.

They both measure the same 23 ½ degrees. It’s equal, almost, with the Gods
that rule. They’re really 24, but this number is used whenever they make up
history. Twenty-three Gods work and one does the calculating on what they find.

… This 9,000th year is the birth of the man you call white
folks. They were made by this man – not created now – by a man called
Yakub. In the Bible you call him Jacob, that’s the same man. The Bible
says Jacob had 12 sons. Actually Jacob could not produce the 12
scientists. The 12 scientists were already here. Yakub did not come
out making scientists. He was not that wise though he was a wise man.
He was a wise God. They called him the big head Yakub, meaning he had a
lot of brains.

-- Messenger Elijah Muhammad

Theology of Time

The cycle the Messenger speaks about is the same cycle the astrologers call
the precession of the equinoxes.

In the pyramids of Kamit there is a famous picture of 12 gods seated on

thrones. These are the 12 scientists. In the Book of Revelation they are called the
24 elders.

In a system of Magic called Enochian, the 24 scientists are called 24 seniors. In

the Gospel, they are symbolized by the 12 disciples (or apostles) of Jesus.

As Tehuti taught in times gone by, “As above, so below.” Well, the converse is
true. “As below, so above.”

We in Fitrah like to identify the continuum in which a principle operates.

So, in the big picture, who are the 24 scientists? The 12 major scientists, the
true elders, are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, et al i.e., the 12 signs of the zodiac. The 12
minor (little) gods/scientists are the 12 types of subatomic particles. These
provide energy on the smaller plane (microcosm) analogous to the types of
energy provided by the 12 signs in the macrocosm.

He it is who is a God
In Heaven and a God in
The Earth. And He is
The Wise Scientist.

-- Quran 43:84

Allah is Al-Latif, the finest, smallest, most Subtle particles as well as the
biggest (Akbar) being there is. That smallest, subtlest energy/matter sounds like
neutrinos, quarks, gluons, mesons, prana and chi stuff to me.

The energy-matter of the cosmos and the earth is not dead, mindless matter.
That subtle energy-matter is conscious!

Don’t you see that Allah

sent down water from the
Asteroid Belt and thereby
the Earth became clothed
with green. Surely Allah is
subtle (Al-Latif), Aware

-- Quran 22:63

If Allah, as manifested in the large energy system of the Zodiacal

Constellations and the subtle, scarcely material energy system of the quantum
universe, is Khabeer (aware) then these 24 energy types can be accurately called
“Knowers.” And another word for Knower is “scientist” --twenty-four scientists.

Arabic has no letter “P.” The letter “B” is used in place of the “P.” Under the
name Khabeer we have the Egyptian God attribute for God as creator, Khepere.
Khabeer = Khepere. To Him belong the highest, most beautiful Names. Hosana,
hosana in the highest.

During each Age, the dictates of the time are revealed. People who have
mastered Astrology can know what the Age will require in advance.

Taurus was an Age of great building and establishment of agriculture-based

civilization. Bronze was the predominant metal, hence it was called “the Bronze
Age” by historians. The main metal in bronze is copper, ruled by Venus which
rules Taurus. People worshiped cow-gods.

Aries was the Age of great generals. The major metal was iron, which is the
metal of Mars, ruler of Aries. Aryan people reached political dominance. People
worshipped the Lamb of God.

In Pisces, great shipping nations like Spain, Portugal, Japan and Britain gained
power. Oil became the most important natural resource. People worshipped a fish

In Aquarius, Uranium will predominate, as will psychic abilities. Egalitarian

ideals will become the standard and old barriers of race will dissolve. Electronics
will expand and computers will be ubiquitous. Cyborgs will become common.
Social norms will change. Formerly “hippy” ideals will be regarded as quite

Knowing the broad parameters, wise scientists can write what nations and
events needs must take place to manifest the dictates of the Age.

Aquarius is the sign of energy. President Barack Obama’s launching of a new

clean energy mandate is apropos for the Aquarian Age.

The presiding scientist doesn’t wait for the New Age to arrive before he begins
his work. He starts laying the foundation well before the Age arrives.
It was necessary for White to supplant the Black Empires when the Age of
Aries arrived. So dominant was Black civilization that the foundation had to be
laid before Aries (2,000 B.C.) i.e., back in the Age of Taurus.

So, during Taurus, we can see the “bug” of Aryan superiority

being placed inside the world’s spiritual symbols, myths and texts.

Term Limits

The presiding god has a term limit and so do nations. The Quran says, “Every
nation has a term, and when its term comes about you cannot put it off the least
bit nor can you advance it.”

This is part of the social equality written into nature. No single people rules
forever. The leadership must be shared. The Age of Aries was the incoming term
for the rule of the European and other white nations.

The work was largely conducted through the Israelites.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the Moon symbolized equality.
Because lunar years are 11 days shorter than solar years, the lunar months like
Ramadan precede backwards through the Gregorian calendar year, like a mini-
version of the precession of the equinoxes.

The power to rule other nations similarly is passed from nation to nation. We
have seen the scepter pass from Ethiopia to Egypt to Babylon to India to Assyria
to Persia to Greece to Rome to Spain and Portugal to England and France to
Japan to Russia and America.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad prophesied the Fall and Breakup of the Old
World. This was seen quite indisputably with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Now the United States is in danger of losing its imperial power.

The end of fiery Aryan rule has already occurred although the giant remains on
his feet, teetering. It has been accomplished by the pouring of Pisces water onto
the fire through America’s Black ex-slaves, a people ruled by Pisces. Because of
the world’s witness of America’s hypocrisy – spouting freedom and equality while
denigrating and
oppressing an entire nation of people – the jig was up. America lost her moral
authority and now, as a result, she’s losing her economic, political and military
authority as well.

In every Age there is a people who are the key piece to the cosmic plan. When
Aries began, that people was a “nothing” people, Israel. At the close of Pisces,
another “nothing” people took on that essential role. The people being used to
particularly affect an Age is the “chosen people of God” for that particular Age.

So, every ethnic group gets a chance to be the predominant influence over a
25,000 year period.

Fear of the Dark

Earlier, we wrote that known things are used to picture unknown things. When
the idea of germs was introduced to the public, people decided to associate
germs with bugs. Suddenly, bugs took on an element of fear since, in our minds,
they were the same as germs.

People no longer related to bugs as bugs. Suddenly, they were harbingers,

carriers and embodiment of disease. Oh my God, roaches! Oh, my Lord! Flies!

Of course, in the case of mosquitoes and malaria and the tsetse fly, a little
insect phobia would be in order. Yet the populations that have those problems,
not being aware with the Western World’s war on germs, let flies crawl all over
their eyes and neglect to put up screens to stave off mosquitoes.

Something happened that’s still recorded in human genetic memory that has
engendered in people a terrible fear of the dark.

In his enlightening book Conversations With God Neale Donald Walsch

explains there are two basic human emotions, love and fear.

Anger, hatred, envy, suspicious are all subsidiaries of fear. They are fear-

Read the literature of the world. Every race and people has expressed an
intense dislike and even hatred for Blacks. This means that, in reality, what they
feel is a pervasive, engulfing, stupefying fear.

But why?

Blacks have no nukes, few weapons, are generally welcoming to any other
race, love to make music, comedy, play sports and have a culture that requires
them to happily feed any visitors and guests.

What’s to fear?

Yet the fear is real. And even little Black kids fear the dark.Some unknown dark
thing affected Life and left in us an
irrational terror of the dark. Since we can no longer remember what that fear-
evoking dark thing was we associate that dark thing with the dark people among
us, the Blacks.

And thus we have thousands of years of irrational fear-cum-hatred of an almost

harmless people.

Let’s see if we can identify what that scary, dark thing was.

Freud, Jung and that Voodoo You Do

I put a spell on you

Because you’re mine!

-- Screamin’ Jay Hawkins

When you’re dealing with Black people, in not too long, thoughts about voodoo
and Black Magic soon come to mind.

These ideas strike terror into the hearts of many people, especially whites – but
lots of Blacks too.

Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung use to be homeys. One day, Jung told
Freud (his mentor) of a dream he’d had of monkeys in the jungle.

Freud got really angry and accused Jung of going into Black magic. Freud
forever broke off relations with Jung and even forbade him to use the term
psychoanalysis for his psychology.

Freud immediately saw Jung’s dream monkeys as representing Black people

and saw Jung’s attraction to Africa and Eastern philosophy as Black Magic.

What is this Black Magic that so upsets and terrifies the world? Certainly, it
must be something a little more substantial than some naked Shaman shaking
some bones.

Theology of Time

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave a 21 part lecture series in 1972 that he
called “The Theology of Time.” In that series, he took us to the door of the New

Mr. Muhammad taught that before God created Himself, existence was total
triple darkness. Although energy/matter existed in an undifferentiated state it was
as nothing. “It was considered nothing because it was doing nothing,” he said.

There was no motion, no light at that time.

But the darkness was not like the darkness that exists now, i.e., the shadow of
some body’s mass. This darkness, he said, “was substantive darkness. It had

`Then, 76 trillion years ago, a Being willed Itself out of the darkness. It formed
and created Itself and took the form of “an atom of water.” That was the first life,
i.e., Allah.

After forming Itself, it created the universe out of the darkness and began to
replace the darkness with light.

Mr. Muhammad’s ideas are similar to those espoused by Egyptian scientists

many thousands of years ago.

String Theory

The latest theory (creation myth) in science is called the

String Theory which posits the simultaneous existence of 11 different
universes or dimensions.

Praise be to Allah
Lord of the Universes

-- Quran 1:1

The ancient kamitic scientists discovered the String Theory’s 11 dimensions

when Europe was still barbaric. They called it the Paut Neteru and taught of 11
different worlds which they placed on the Tree of Life.
The top sphere is called Amen. The later Canaanites called it the Ain Soph Ur.
The nature of this realm was described as completely dark, inert, where no
objects (differentiations) existed.

The Amen plane was described as consiting of :

Nu/Nut Kerh/Kerhet
Hehu/Hehuit Kekui/Kekuit

Nu represented infinite energy; Nut represented infinite matter. Hehu

represented temporal infinity while Hehuit represented spatial infinity.

Kerh was inertness and its compliment, Kerhet. Kekui was darkness and its
compliment, Kekuit.

These eight innate aspects were metaphorized as eight gods.

Amen means “hidden.” Sometimes the force aspect of Amen is called Amen-
Ra, i.e., the Hidden Life Force.

Because no objects exist in Amen, it is sometimes called Atem, “No thing” or


The divine will at Amen is inactive, potential and is called Hu. The
consciousnessess – which having no things to be conscious of is only conscious
of being conscious – is called Sa.

Atem became the Atom of Greek philosophy, Atman of Indus Kush Dravidian
yoga and Adam of Semitic wisdom. In Theology of Time it is the first Atom of

Science has discovered that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the
Egyptians were right. There was an original substantive darkness that preceded
light – and it still exists now! It’s hidden behind matter as we know it and
scientists call it dark matter or dark energy.

He created you from a single

feminine soul, then He made
her mate from her and sent
down eight from the cattle in
pairs. He creates you in the
wombs of your mothers –
creation after creation –
in triple darkness. That’s
Allah, your Lord. To Him is
The Kingdom. How then are
you turned away?

-- Quran 39:6

The above verse refers to the first life that was the substantive basis of all life.
The eight refer to the kamitic eight
forces (gods). The baby in the womb undergoes the very same manifestation
process Allah went through.

The praise is for Allah who

created the Asteroid Belts
and the Earth and made the
Darknesses and the Light.

Quran 6:1

The darknesses (plural, zulumaat) refer to the substantive three-layered

darkness and any subsidiary dark matter derived from them.

In the Canaanite system (now erroneously called the Hebrew Qaballah) the Ain
Soph Ur (three levels of darkness) is called Negative Existence.

Everything that exists is the mirror opposite or matching pair of that original
Negative Existence.

And of everything We have

created pairs that you
may be mindful.

-- Quran 51:49

The Ra or life of existence is inverted and called Ur in the subjective Realm of

Ain Soph Ur.

Ain Soph Ur or Anti-Matter

The semitic word mistranslated faith is Aman and Amin (Amen). Amen is the
same as Ain Soph Ur or Negative Existence. Negative Existence is the awesome
matter that today’s scientists call antimatter. Antimatter is a mirror opposite or
matching pair of matter as we experience it. Instead of a negative electron
rotating around a positive nucleus (proton) it’s the opposite. A positron rotates
around a negative nucleus.

Scientists have managed to capture a minute portion of antimatter that’s kept

in a special container. If any of it touches anything it will cause a cataclysm of
unimaginable proportions.

The unitiates who grabbed ahold to the ancients psycho-scientific texts

(scriptures) had no idea what the principles were they fooled around with.

If ye have faith as a grain

of mustard seed, ye shall
say unto this mountain,
remove hence to yonder
place; and it shall remove;
and nothing shall be
impossible unto you.

-- Matthew 17:20

This verse is simply saying that if you had even as much antimatter (“faith”) as
would fill up a mustard seed, you could blow up an entire mountain… and more.

That’s how powerful the zero point energy matter is at the Amen level.

Beneath the Amen plane and a kind of reflection of it is Ausar.

“Ausar is a Black God”

At the highest levels in occult orders they learn, to their surprise, that “Osiris is
a black God.” To this day, after thousands of years, his pictures in the pyramid
are very black. Some, however, are green like Al-Khidr.

In the cosmos there is the odd phenomenon of a singularity. That’s a paradox

that occurs when a body like a star or sun collapses in on itself and goes further
in than is possible according to the laws of physics. This creates a black hole, a
mass whose gravitational pull is so powerful that is sucks everything, including
light, into itself – which makes it black or invisible.

Ausar is the one being. His principle is unity, oneness. On a physical level,
Ausar equates with a black hole.

The energy/matter of dark energy fills the universe in far greater amounts than
“white” matter. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad use to say the black out
numbers white 11 to 1.
If so much destructive power can be released from uranium-plutonium-based
nuclear reaction, how much more force, exponentially, would be released by
tapping in the power of singularity, “black power,” and the Null or zero point
power of Amen/Ain/Soph Ur’s antimatter.

That is real “black magic.”

How many angels can

Dance on a pinhead

When the wise master scientists get together, they never tell the ignorant
masses what they really discussed and debated. They tell them things like the
conference focused on how many angels could dance on a pinhead.

We laugh, shake our heads at their silliness and go about our business and
leave them alone.

In a world of quantum particles how many angels (forces) can vibrate (dance)
on a pinhead? One of those angels might get loose and blow up your continent.

The Oldest Book in the Bible

Revelations is the last biblical book, but paradoxically, it’s the oldest book. It’s
gone through many renditions. It was once a Hindu scroll and was edited by Paul
to make it more New Testament-like.

Its earlier title was “The Initiation of Ancient Esous.” Esous is Greek for Jesus.
It is “The Initiation of Jesus Christ.”

Its earlier title, or subtitle, was “The Initiation of Ionnes.”

One day, I hope to go into details, especially pertaining to Ionnes (John).

Suffice it to say that Revelation (now called Apocalypse) is very old, much
older than the Ezra written Old Testament that was put together after the Jews got
out of Babylonian exile.

And there was war in heaven;

Michael and his angels fought
against the dragon; and the
dragon fought, and his angels
and he prevailed not; neither
was their place found any more
in heaven. And that great dragon
was cast out, that old serpent,
called the Devil, and Satan, which
deceiveth the whole world:
he was cast out into the earth,
and his angels were cast out
with him.

-- Rev. 12:7-9

We have here an ancient Star Wars. When one becomes an energy master, one
gets the title Serpent, or, if you really control massive amounts of energy,

This war was so violent that a whole planet was vaporized: “Neither was their
place found anymore in heaven.”

Okay, armed with that prologue, let’s turn to Genesis. Now before we get into it,
I want you to ponder two Chaldean (“Hebrew”) words: tohuw and bohuw. They
are very important.

In the beginning the Elohim

[the Gods] created the heaven
and the earth. And the earth
was without form and void.

-- Genesis 1:1-2

Okay, the words “without form” and “void” are tohuw and bohuw. Tohuw
means to lie waste, a desolation. “Bohuw means “an indistinguishable ruin.” The
word “was” actually means “had become.”

So the opening chapters of Genesis, following the great war and the
combatants using earth as a part of the conflict, is really saying this: “The earth
had become a desolate wasteland.”

What we have, in Genesis, is not the first creation but a re-creation after
catastrophic destruction.

The Egyptian priests told Solane that the Greeks were like children who didn’t
know the cycles of destruction the earth had undergone.

When the people had been made in the image of the gods, they were told to re-
plenish the earth. If they were going to replenish it, that means it had already
been plenished once before. So what happened to depopulate the planet such
that the recently engineered beings (like dinosaurs brought back in Jurassic
Park) would need to repopulate it?

The Dragon and the Elohim had been at war with dark matter, dark energy and
anti matter and had destroyed the earth. The fear of scientists (the mad scientist
archetype) and of Blacks is rooted in the ancient technological misuse of dark
matter (“Black Magic”).

Say: I seek refuge with the Lord

Of the Dawn from the evil of
What he has created. And from
The evil of Darkness when it
Overspread. And from the evil
Of the Blowers through the Knots,
And from the evil of the Envious
One when he envied.

-- Quran 113: 1-5

What he has created is explained to be “the evil of Darkness when it

overspread” (past tense). This is a plea, a prayer, “Please don’t let it happen
again!”The Darkness is the dark matter. Someone let it and/or the antimatter

Tectonic plates – upon which whole continents rest – were shook up.

When the Earth was shaken

With her shaking

-- Quran 99:1

Refer to Surah 99 which was quoted earlier. The earth shook so badly that
scientists had to blow up mountains to basically weld or fuse the plates together
to stop the planet’s surface from quivering like mad.

And He cast in the earth

Mountains standing firm
Lest it should shake
With you.

-- Quran 16:15
And the foundations of
The earth do shake.

-- Isaiah 24:18

The “foundations of the earth” are the planet’s plates. Never think the writers of
the scriptures were not geological scientists.

The cataclysms wrought by fooling around with dark matter and antimatter, is
the foundation of the global fear and racial hatred of Blacks. Black people
(known) are now associated with the unknown but strongly felt powerful
destruction in the past.

It’s written in our very genetic memory.

This is a deep concern that won’t be worked out easily or superficially.

In the beginning the Elohim

created the heavens and the
earth. And the earth had
become a desolate wasteland,
and darkness – accompanied
by destruction, misery, and
death – was upon the turning
of Tehom. And the wind of
the Elohim shook against the
turning of the waters.

And the Elohim said, Let there

be ‘owr. And there was ‘owr.

-- Genesis 1:1-3

According to the Sumerian tablets, Earth and the Asteroid Belt were once part
of one huge, watery planet called Tiamaat. In the Hebrew, Tiamaat becomes

The Hebrew word for darkness is “cheshek.” It carries the meaning of

destruction, death and misery.

The Elohim are the god beings elsewhere called Neter (Egyptian), Anunnaki
(Sumerian/Babylonian), Divas (Indian), Orisha (African) and Loas (African).

Tiamaat was hit by the Moons (winds) of the giant planet Nibiru (Marduk). The
Earth, a small fragment of Tiamaat, is referred to by its former name (Tehom)
when the subject of devastation is covered.

“Darkness” (dark force) acted against the turning (paneh) of the earth. Its
rotation was affected in some destructive manner.

When we realize the Tehom refers to pre-ripped apart Tiamaat and Paneh
(usually translated “face” means turning (i.e., rotating)), we can see that the
original scientists who wrote the Bible knew that planets rotated on their axes.

“The wind of the Elohim” means the wind caused by the Elohim (scientists).
We know that nuclear explosions cause galeforce winds, even hurricanes, so we
can deduce that an explosion caused by dark matter or anti matter would cause
much fiercer typhoons and hurricanes. The wind shook the very axis of the earth.

Let there be light expresses the agreement among the Elohim to change dark
matter into light. “And it was good.”

The Great Unmentionable Name of God

God’s actual name cannot be mentioned for God’s true essence resides at the
Amen plane where no sound can vibrate and there is not even space for a
vibration to occur. Hence, the esoteric Jews realized God’s real name could not
be spoken. They contrived various devices to stand for that name.

The true you, like God, is not Black, White, Yellow, Red, Brown or any color.
The true you is clear light, colorless consciousness that can call upon the
elements to fashion any type of body you choose – which the real you can wear
as clothes.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “We must first be brothers.” That must
include all living beings, not just members of a particular ethnicity.

Thank you for reading The Science of Color.

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