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SBC Troubleshooting How To Analyze DBG

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The document discusses how to analyze logs from Sonus SBC devices to troubleshoot SIP calls. It looks at SIP messages passed through the SBC and describes various response codes and status codes.

The SBC uses SIP message filters and transaction managers to process SIP messages as they are received and sent. It checks parameters like source IP, registers users, and applies policies for routing calls.

Response codes mentioned include 100 (provisional response), 484 (Address Incomplete), 485 (Ambiguous Request), 486 (Busy), and 480 (Temporarily Unavailable).


# Prepared by Prakash Kothandaraman “pkothandaraman@rbbn.com”
# How to Analyze the DBG logs of Sonus SBC core (SBC 5xx0/SBC 7x00/SBC Swe/cSBC)

The Firs line of DBG will provide the Version

of SBC release

Sonus Networks, Inc.0000000001600000000000000000000128V06.02.01F003 0000000000000000000000000000DBG2018092016564700000000000000

176 09202018 165651.570729: .SIPCM: *Receive Msg From:, len: 1087, sigPort: 1, socket: 199, INVITE sip:7778885001@
918 09202018 165651.570802: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = INVITE sip:7778885001@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK04B0152263f85aeefe1
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK0400ac16
To: <sip:7778885001@>
Call-ID: 262231_91948632@
SCM (SIPCM, H323CM) – parsing
CSeq: 597085 INVITE Receive Msg will provide information
Max-Forwards: 70
Accept: application/sdp, application/isup, application/dtmf, application/dtmf-relay, multipart/mixed
Contact: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@;transport=tcp> from which remote SIP entity this msg
P-Preferred-Identity: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>
Supported: timer,100rel,precondition,replaces received and to which SIP sig Port
Session-Expires: 1800
Min-SE: 90
Content-Length: 251
Content-Disposition: session; handling=required
Content-Type: application/sdp

, msgLen = 818.s
339 09202018 165651.570846: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = v=0
o=Sonus_UAC 287391 858504 IN IP4
s=SIP Media Capabilities
c=IN IP4
t=0 0 License check will performed
m=audio 1724 RTP/AVP 0 127
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 before proceeding the call
a=rtpmap:127 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:127 0-15
, msgLen = 239.

150 09202018 165651.572939: .SIPFE: *FindRegistrationBlock: RCB not found by sourceIP, sourceIP: port:57208 zone:2
140 09202018 165651.573003: .SIPFE: *QuerySipRaCmd: returned RaHandle:0x0 regId:0x0 for user:null Phone:null Host:null
114 09202018 165651.573462: .NRM: *Licensed Session Count = 150000. Current Active Count = 1 TRM: Trunk Resource Manager
225 09202018 165651.573520: .NRM: *NrmLicensedSessionsThresholdCheck: sessionsTimestamp Thu Jan 1 05:30:00 1970
Provides functionality for IP
104 09202018 165651.574050: .TRM: *TrmProcessIpLookupCmd: --> found a testCall[0]
119 09202018 165651.574093: .TRM: *[TrmIpCheckIngressAdmissionTG 11649] TG:PSTN_TG callPriority 0 trunk group selection . This module also
105 09202018 165651.574129: .TRM: *TrmIpCheckIngressAdmissionTG : --> test Call[0]
128 09202018 165651.574171: .TRM: *TrmIsHpcCallProfileEnable, tg (PSTN_TG) has no hpcCallProfile attached.
provides checks for call counts and
187 09202018 165651.574209:
zoneCurrentEgressIpCallLimit:-1, availZone[-1]
bandwidth for call admission control.
.TRM: *TrmZoneIpCallLimitCheck: zoneCurrentIpCallLimit=-1 zoneCurrentIngressIpCallLimit:-1

128 09202018 165651.574243: .TRM: *TrmIsHpcCallProfileEnable, tg (PSTN_TG) has no hpcCallProfile attached.

This line shows which Ingress TG is
199 09202018 165651.574281: .TRM: *TrmApplyCallZoneCac : IP Call zone Id 2 Zone Name PSTN_ZONE call direction 1 call priority 0 CAC status 0
Oversubscribed resource usage = 0x0
097 09202018 165651.575598: .SMA: *SmaIsLicenseAvailable: License Available selected
128 09202018 165651.576697: .SIPSG: SipUtilSetResponseStats : ulMsgType: 3 -- ulResponseCode:100, evType:2
157 09202018 165651.576735: .SIPSG: SIP FSM: name INVITE SERVER TRANSACTION FSM Instance ID 0x225fa5cd state PROCEEDING event PROV RESP
119 09202018 165651.576786: .SIPSG: SipsTxnNetworkSend - bSmmOnlyForDlgScopehashUpdate is : FALSE
126 09202018 165651.576823: .SIPSG: SMM - Applying SMM Profile Index (1) on Outbound PDU on TG (PSTN_TG)
092 09202018 165651.576862: .SIPSG: SipsMmApply - advanced smm not set Applying
155 09202018 165651.576895: .SIPSG: SipsMmEvaluateCriteria - Evaluating Criterion: Message, Index (Profile: 1, Rule: 1, Criterion: 1)
119 09202018 165651.576931: .SIPSG: SipsMmEvaluateMessageCriterion - Processing message type: ALL
outbound SMM
154 09202018 165651.576971: .SIPSG: SipsMmEvaluateCriteria - Evaluating Criterion: Header, Index (Profile: 1, Rule: 1, Criterion: 2)
139 09202018 165651.577007: .SIPSG: *SipsMmParseRequestURI: Error method sip/2.0, can not find scheme (100 Trying
on SIP TG (if
If SIP not modified due configured and
116 09202018 165651.577043: .SIPSG: SipsMmGetRangeHdrInstances - hdr (sip/2.0) all instances 1
to SMM you can see
127 09202018 165651.577081: .SIPSG: SipsMmReconstructValueNameToUriHdr: hdr (sip/2.0) Invalid hdr type 87 attached)
132 09202018 165651.577115: .SIPSG: *SipsMmConvertHdrType - header sip/2.0 convertion from Generic to URL fail
this message
155 09202018 165651.577148: .SIPSG: SipsMmEvaluateHeaderLine: TOKEN criterion (index 3) NOT matched, result code 2, header instance 0
152 09202018 165651.577181: .SIPSG: SipsMmEvaluateCriteria - Match failed for Criterion [Index: 2, Type: Header] - Match result: 2
172 09202018 165651.577213: .SIPSG: SipsMmValidateCriteria - Could not find match in the PDU for Index (Profile: 1, Rule: 1, Criterion: 1), status = 2
096 09202018 165651.577248: .SIPSG: SipsMmApply - Message unaltered by SMM
151 09202018 165651.578096: .SIPCM: *SipCmSendPdu: connectionId 0xc60000c7, remoteTSAP, signaling portIndex 1
130 09202018 165651.578137: .SIPSG: sipsgXHeader.c (-3545) 93585. SIPSG-XHDR:Header Type:1:Status:DISABLED:
158 09202018 165651.578180: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-40886) 93586. SipSgUtilDetermineAndApplyHpcSettings: gcid 0x4013b, hpcProfileIndex:0
139 09202018 165651.578192: .SIPCM: *Send Msg to:, len: 291, sigPort: 1, socket: 199, 100 Trying
204 09202018 165651.578216: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-40946) 93587. SipSgUtilDetermineAndApplyHpcSettings: GCID <262459>. Can't find hpcProfPtr
in cached. hpcProfileIndex:0
383 09202018 165651.578237: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK04B0152263f85aeefe1
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK0400ac16
To: <sip:7778885001@>;tag=gK04817038
PEER PSP:Send ProvidesMsg –Media
Provides Information to
Call-ID: 262231_91948632@ received fromwhich Remove remotepeerSIP entityofthis
extract SDPSIP
CSeq: 597085 INVITE
Content-Length: 0 (list of codec , remote Media IP ,Port) SIP
message is Sent and from which
880 09202018 165651.581010: SigPort
.NRMA: *Peer PSP: gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=0 noAudio=0 rtcpSBW=0xffff rtcpRBW=0xffff options=0x0b48
options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0000 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0 dtmfRelay(RxPT=0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 TxPT=127/0 128/0 128/0 128/0
128/0) comfortNoise(RxPT=0 TxPT=128) T38(maxBuf=0 maxDataGram=0 selected=0/0 t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=0 tos=0x00 voiceInitPODly=0 rtpDataPayloadType=0xff
dataCallPktSize=255 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=23 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/80 2833=0x00 sid=0x00 ipInfo/remote: ipInfo/local:null:0 altlocal null
sRTPAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0 cryptoSuite[0]=0 sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0 cryptoSuite[1]=0 sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0
dtlsSrtpAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0 dtlsSctpRelay=0
081 09202018 165651.581049: .NRMA: * Select: None selected
193 09202018 165651.581085: .NRMA: * Audio01: G711S (2) 20ms attr 0x80a2 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/00 OOB:0 2833:0 Either:1
Both:0 Intwk:0 U-Law DontSendSID

Going for Policy Lookup

175 09202018 165651.582174: .NRS: Got media route lookup request for, addrContextId 1, lifGroupId 2,ifIndex 17, icmHandle 0xc, trId
139 09202018 165651.582276: .NRS: Successfully created cache entry for media endpoint, addrContextId 1 to find route using local
165 09202018 165651.585073: .DS: *[/sonus/p4/ws/release/sbx5000_V06.02.01F003/marlin/DS/ds.c DsMsgProcessing 572] CallingPSX (ERE – Embedded
184 09202018 165651.585191: .DS: *[/sonus/p4/ws/release/sbx5000_V06.02.01F003/marlin/DS/ds.c DsActiveMsgProcessing 552] Entering
msg[0x7faf44004260] msgPtr[(nil)] Routing Engine)
159 09202018 165651.585253: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-71576) 93642. SipSgFillCdrForkingCallParentGcid()-->CpcOptionalParameterSave() FAILED
084 09202018 165651.585305: .CC: *GCID:0xFFFFFFFF--normal call
252 09202018 165651.585277: .DS: *[/sonus/p4/ws/release/sbx5000_V06.02.01F003/marlin/DS/pscsDiameter.c PscsPolicyServerProcessing 4974]Entering
pServer[PSX_LOCAL_SERVER] pServer Diam Version[32] replyCbPtr->pscsDiameterVersion[32]
119 09202018 165651.585353: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--CcStoreAcctCdrUeRoaming()-->UE Roaming Value=0
161 09202018 165651.585353: .DS: *[/sonus/p4/ws/release/sbx5000_V06.02.01F003/marlin/DS/pscsDiameter.c PscsDiameterSend 4564] DS_INTFC_DIAM
204 09202018 165651.585405: .CC: CC FSM : CcId:0x0080013A,GCID:0x0004013B,ACCT CALL ID:0x00000000, event:CC_EV_SG_UPD_ACCT_NFY,old
183 09202018 165651.585439: .DS: *[/sonus/p4/ws/release/sbx5000_V06.02.01F003/marlin/DS/pscsDiameter.c DsSsoPickNextSelectServer 6607]
CurrentPserver is not null
SBC Gateway Name
183 09202018 165651.585511: .DS: *[/sonus/p4/ws/release/sbx5000_V06.02.01F003/marlin/DS/pscsDiameter.c DsSsoFindNextServerInActState 6873]
Finding From beginning
Ingress TG which is picked for
197 09202018 165651.585583: .DS: *[/sonus/p4/ws/release/sbx5000_V06.02.01F003/marlin/DS/pscsDiameter.c DsSsoFindNextServerInActState 6891]
Found Next server [PSX_LOCAL_SERVER]
119 09202018 165651.586333: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Fetching Sending Gateway Profile.
132 09202018 165651.586382: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Fetching profile for sending gateway [PTFY06]
110 09202018 165651.586436: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Determine Relay IP Port.
125 09202018 165651.586490: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Fetching Gateway & Trunkgroup Profiles.
135 09202018 165651.586541: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Fetching profile for source trunkgroup [PSTN_TG]
117 09202018 165651.586597: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Use IPTG Routing per TG flag.
131 09202018 165651.586648: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) GW for call [PTFY06]. TG for call [PSTN_TG].
107 09202018 165651.586696: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Evaluate Log Criteria
137 09202018 165651.587427: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) ############INPUT DATA START############
105 09202018 165651.587481: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Command code [108]
097 09202018 165651.587528: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Status [0]
110 09202018 165651.587596: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Transaction Id [524603] Input to PSX for Call Route
099 09202018 165651.587644: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Version [32]
095 09202018 165651.587709: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context: processing
104 09202018 165651.587759: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Node [0]
108 09202018 165651.587806: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Sequence [0]
112 09202018 165651.587853: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context SSG [2080604164]
114 09202018 165651.587901: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Transaction Id [0]
109 09202018 165651.587947: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Invoke Id [0]
111 09202018 165651.587999: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Service Name []
113 09202018 165651.588045: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Service Count [0]
121 09202018 165651.588091: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Collected Digits Type [0]
097 09202018 165651.588137: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Timestamp:
110 09202018 165651.588184: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Timestamp [1537442811]
101 09202018 165651.588234: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Timezone [12]
098 09202018 165651.588282: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Trunkgroup:
108 09202018 165651.588336: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Trunkgroup [PSTN_TG]
119 09202018 165651.588384: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Trunkgroup Dest Switch Type [0]
125 09202018 165651.588432: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Trunkgroup User To User Attribute [3]
108 09202018 165651.588485: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248)
107 09202018 165651.588534: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248)
Calling Party Number:
IncludeInEgress [0]
Ingress Trunk Group ,
103 09202018 165651.588581: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248)
103 09202018 165651.588627: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248)
Number Flag [0]
Number Type [2]
Calling Number ,
103 09202018 165651.588674: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Plan [1] Called number, Country
104 09202018 165651.588721: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Presentation [1]
Code sent to PSX for route
101 09202018 165651.588767: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Screening [4]
100 09202018 165651.588813: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) GAP type [0]
107 09202018 165651.588859: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digits [9620428031]
103 09202018 165651.588905: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Country Code []
103 09202018 165651.588951: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Global Flag [0]
107 09202018 165651.588998: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Called Party Number:
107 09202018 165651.589045: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) IncludeInEgress [0]
103 09202018 165651.589091: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Flag [0]
103 09202018 165651.589137: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Type [2]
103 09202018 165651.589183: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Plan [1]
104 09202018 165651.589229: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Presentation [0]
101 09202018 165651.589275: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Screening [0]
100 09202018 165651.589327: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) GAP type [0]
107 09202018 165651.589374: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digits [7778885001]
103 09202018 165651.589420: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Country Code []
103 09202018 165651.589465: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Global Flag [0]
091 09202018 165651.589512: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA:
102 09202018 165651.589559: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA Twoway [1]
106 09202018 165651.589607: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA Bearer Cap [1]
107 09202018 165651.589653: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA Bearer Cap2 [9]
112 09202018 165651.589699: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA Ingress Block FE [0]
114 09202018 165651.589747: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA Egress Generate FE [0]
115 09202018 165651.589793: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA TDM Trunkgroup Type [8]
128 09202018 165651.589840: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Egress TG type (Used Only for Japan) [0]
118 09202018 165651.589887: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA Packet Signaling Flags [0]
120 09202018 165651.589934: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA Info Transfer Capability [0]
114 09202018 165651.589980: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA Info Transfer Rate [0]
112 09202018 165651.590026: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TGA User Info Layer1 [0]
091 09202018 165651.590071: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) FCI:
109 09202018 165651.590118: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) FCI International [0]
108 09202018 165651.590166: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) FCI interworking [0]
104 09202018 165651.590212: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) FCI ISUP Ind [1]
105 09202018 165651.590258: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) FCI ISUP Pref [0]
104 09202018 165651.590304: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) FCI ISDN Ind [0]
091 09202018 165651.590350: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) CPC:
111 09202018 165651.590397: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) CPC includeInEgress [0]
104 09202018 165651.590444: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) CPC Category [A]
104 09202018 165651.590490: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number of APC [0] End of Input Data to PSX
091 09202018 165651.590535: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) NCI:
111 09202018 165651.590581: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) NCI includeInEgress [0]
119 09202018 165651.593430: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Destination Gateway Not Present:
137 09202018 165651.593478: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) ############INPUT DATA END ############
152 09202018 165651.594975: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [SUCCESS] fetching carrier slection priority [DEFAULT_CAR_ACCESS]
105 09202018 165651.595023: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Get carrier profile
111 09202018 165651.595072: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Determining carrier code
123 09202018 165651.595120: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Searching for carrier code from TNS
124 09202018 165651.595167: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Carrier Code not available from TNS
123 09202018 165651.595214: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Searching for carrier code from CIP
124 09202018 165651.595259: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Carrier selection on this
Carrier Code not available from CIP
147 09202018 165651.595306: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Searching for carrier code from Mid Call Data - SCP Carrier
134 09202018 165651.595353: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Ingress TG
Carrier Code not available from Mid Call Data
131 09202018 165651.595400: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Searching for pseudo carrier code from Olip
132 09202018 165651.595447: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Pseudo Carrier Code not available from Olip
130 09202018 165651.595493: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Searching for carrier code from Trunkgroup
132 09202018 165651.595551: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Carrier Code [0000] found from TG [PSTN_TG]
137 09202018 165651.595604: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Searching for pseudo carrier code from Trunkgroup
138 09202018 165651.595651: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Pseudo Carrier Code not available from Trunkgroup
130 09202018 165651.595697: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Searching for pseudo carrier code from Cpc
131 09202018 165651.595744: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Pseudo Carrier Code not available from Cpc
134 09202018 165651.595795: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting carrier code from the determined source
127 09202018 165651.595847: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Signaling profile not associated with TG
137 09202018 165651.595898: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Partition for this Call, which
Set routing carrier code [0000] from [Trunkgroup]
111 09202018 165651.595948: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Fetching carrier profile
118 09202018 165651.596005: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Determined carrier code [0000] is used during the Route
105 09202018 165651.596054: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Fetching partition
118 09202018 165651.596105: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Determined partition [DEFAULT] Selections
108 09202018 165651.596154: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248)honorPhoneContextParam
129 09202018 165651.596201: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Honor Phone-Context flag disabled in FCP.
140 09202018 165651.596249: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Performing Digit/Parameter Manipulation for Trunkgroup
124 09202018 165651.596302: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) No digit manipulation rules specified
108 09202018 165651.596349: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Validating Called Host
113 09202018 165651.596399: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Host in IP Address format.
109 09202018 165651.598311: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Fetching numbering plan
136 09202018 165651.598362: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Using numbering selection priority [DEFAULT_NPSP]
139 09202018 165651.598411: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Using numbering plan [NANP_ACCESS] from [Trunkgroup]
134 09202018 165651.598465: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [SUCCESS] fetching numbering plan [NANP_ACCESS]
107 09202018 165651.598512: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Determining call type
125 09202018 165651.598560: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [Complete] processing of Called Number
126 09202018 165651.598609: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [Complete] processing of Calling Number Pre Analysis of Calling
114 09202018 165651.598656: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Pre Analyzing Called Number
098 09202018 165651.598707: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [SUCCESS] Number and Called Number
115 09202018 165651.598755: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Pre Analyzing Calling Number
098 09202018 165651.598803: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [SUCCESS]
110 09202018 165651.598849: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Analyzing Called Number
121 09202018 165651.598898: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Private/Non-Private Determination.
106 09202018 165651.598945: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Non-Private digits
127 09202018 165651.598995: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Fetch Prefix for Digits [7778885001].... Prefix Profile and Determine
127 09202018 165651.599052: .PES: .PES: returned prefix [7] Total Min. Digits [10] Total Max. Digits [31]
110 09202018 165651.599105: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digits Type [National] the Digit Type of Called
113 09202018 165651.599154: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digits Sub Type [Unknown]
136 09202018 165651.599201: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number
Digit Attr. [OriginalNumber] Value [7778885001]
136 09202018 165651.599248: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digit Attr. [NationalNumber] Value [7778885001]
123 09202018 165651.599295: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digit Attr. [AreaCode] Value [777]
098 09202018 165651.599344: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [SUCCESS]
111 09202018 165651.599393: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Analyzing Calling Number
127 09202018 165651.599440: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Fetch Prefix for Digits [9620428031].... Prefix Profile and Determine
127 09202018 165651.599502: .PES: .PES: returned prefix [9] Total Min. Digits [10] Total Max. Digits [31]
110 09202018 165651.599571: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digits Type [National] the Digit Type of Calling
113 09202018 165651.599622: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digits Sub Type [Unknown]
136 09202018 165651.599670: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number
Digit Attr. [OriginalNumber] Value [9620428031]
136 09202018 165651.599717: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digit Attr. [NationalNumber] Value [9620428031]
123 09202018 165651.599764: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digit Attr. [AreaCode] Value [962]
098 09202018 165651.599810: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [SUCCESS]
115 09202018 165651.599857: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Post Analyzing Called Number
112 09202018 165651.599904: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) setCallType: Setting to 10
105 09202018 165651.599950: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) setCallType called:
111 09202018 165651.599996: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) CallTypes::printCallTypes
113 09202018 165651.600043: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) bitPosUserDefCallType_ [0]
118 09202018 165651.600088: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) bitPosSpecifiedCallType_ [1024]
107 09202018 165651.600134: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) linearCallType_ [10]
146 09202018 165651.600180: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number [7778885001] changed to [7778885001] after analysis
098 09202018 165651.600227: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [SUCCESS]
116 09202018 165651.600275: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Post Analyzing Calling Number Post Analysis of Calling and
112 09202018 165651.600322: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) setCallType: Setting to 10
105 09202018 165651.600368: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) setCallType called: Called Number before Route
111 09202018 165651.600414: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248)
113 09202018 165651.600460: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248)
bitPosUserDefCallType_ [0]
Look up
118 09202018 165651.600506: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) bitPosSpecifiedCallType_ [1024]
107 09202018 165651.600557: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) linearCallType_ [10]
146 09202018 165651.600606: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number [9620428031] changed to [9620428031] after analysis
098 09202018 165651.600656: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [SUCCESS]
137 09202018 165651.612588: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) ############DERIVED DATA START############
194 09202018 165651.612637: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) LATA orig [] dest []
(20554|140262818965248) Partition [DEFAULT]
(20554|140262818965248) Gateway [PTFY06]
422 09202018 165651.612693: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route Call Type [17408]
(20554|140262818965248) Call type [2]
(20554|140262818965248) SAC [0]
(20554|140262818965248) CIC Type [6]
(20554|140262818965248) Casual Call [no]
(20554|140262818965248) CIC [0000]
(20554|140262818965248) Subscriber CIC []
(20554|140262818965248) Subtends [1]
(20554|140262818965248) Originating CIC[]
111 09202018 165651.612743: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) CallTypes::printCallTypes
113 09202018 165651.612790: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) bitPosUserDefCallType_ [0]
119 09202018 165651.612835: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) bitPosSpecifiedCallType_ [17408]
107 09202018 165651.612881: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) linearCallType_ [14]
117 09202018 165651.612928: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Original Number Type [201] [0]
121 09202018 165651.612974: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Toll indication [1][InterLataToll]
125 09202018 165651.613020: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Operator Toll indication [64][Unknown]
350 09202018 165651.613072: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Calling Country [1]
(20554|140262818965248) Called Country [1]
Calling National [9620428031]
Called National [7778885001]
Derived Data for which the
(20554|140262818965248) Calling [9620428031] Route look will be processed
(20554|140262818965248) Called [7778885001]
188 09202018 165651.613122: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Orig Xlated [] End of Derived Data
(20554|140262818965248) Trans Undone [0]
(20554|140262818965248) transDoneNoGAP_ [0]
137 09202018 165651.619006: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) ############DERIVED DATA END ############
136 09202018 165651.634047: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) ############RouterIn START############
123 09202018 165651.634097: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Start SsRouterIn at time [4139486962]
107 09202018 165651.634148: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Evaluate Log Criteria
127 09202018 165651.634198: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) isJapanLNPCall() - not a Japan LNP Call.
115 09202018 165651.634253: .PES: .PES:
(20554|140262818965248) Performing Standard Routing.
121 09202018 165651.634301: .PES: .PES:
(20554|140262818965248) Getting the next Routing Criteria.
174 09202018 165651.634350: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Call Properties: CallType [14]. On Net/Off Net [1]. Toll Indication [1]. Digit Type [2].
127 09202018 165651.634400: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Evaluating Routing Criterion using cache.
116 09202018 165651.634451: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Using Profile Id, DEFAULT_IP.
138 09202018 165651.634501: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Using calltype [10] to evaluating Routing Criteria.
130 09202018 165651.634548: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Result of Routing Criterion evaluation.....
138 09202018 165651.634595: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Serv Code Use [2]. Dest Use [1]. Partition Use [1].
134 09202018 165651.634642: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Evaluating Element Routing Priority using cache.
116 09202018 165651.634688: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Using Profile Id, DEFAULT_IP.
121 09202018 165651.634738: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Retreived 2 CPE's for calltype 10.
108 09202018 165651.634785: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) CPE Number 0. Type 5.
108 09202018 165651.634832: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) CPE Number 1. Type 0.
117 09202018 165651.634882: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Using Partition from call data. Routing Criteria , TG Name,
111 09202018 165651.634937: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Called Country is 1, USA.
107 09202018 165651.634989: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) CPE Number 0. Type 5. Domain Name, Called Number ,
109 09202018 165651.635040: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Finding next valid CPE.
107 09202018 165651.635087: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) CPE Number 1. Type 0.
Country Code, Partition , Call Type
108 09202018 165651.635137: .PES: .PES:
(20554|140262818965248) Routing Criteria.....
143 09202018 165651.635186: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Call Pro Element: Type [5], Id1 [PSTN_TG], Id2 [PTFY06].
151 09202018 165651.635236: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Id3 [Sonus_NULL], Id4 [Sonus_NULL].
164 09202018 165651.635284: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Routing Type [3], Call Type [17408], User Call Type [0], Partition [DEFAULT].
148 09202018 165651.635331: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digit Type [2], Dest Country [1], Dest National [7778885001].
106 09202018 165651.635377: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Transmission Medium
066 09202018 165651.635424: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.635470: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.635516: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.635575: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.635622: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.635667: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.635711: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.635755: .PES: .PES: [2]
062 09202018 165651.635805: .PES: .PES:
112 09202018 165651.635852: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Domain Name [Sonus_NULL].
062 09202018 165651.635898: .PES: .PES:
062 09202018 165651.635943: .PES: .PES:
119 09202018 165651.635989: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) All Countries Routing is ENABLED.
108 09202018 165651.636749: .PES: .PES:
(20554|140262818965248) Routing Criteria.....
150 09202018 165651.636796: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Call Pro Element: Type [0], Id1 [Sonus_NULL], Id2 [Sonus_NULL].
151 09202018 165651.636844: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Id3 [Sonus_NULL], Id4 [Sonus_NULL].
164 09202018 165651.636892: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Routing Type [3], Call Type [17408], User Call Type [0], Partition [DEFAULT].
148 09202018 165651.636940: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digit Type [2], Dest Country [1], Dest National [7778885001].
106 09202018 165651.636986: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Transmission Medium
066 09202018 165651.637032: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.637080: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.637126: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.637171: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.637217: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.637261: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.637306: .PES: .PES: [0]
066 09202018 165651.637350: .PES: .PES: [2]
062 09202018 165651.637394: .PES: .PES:
112 09202018 165651.637440: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Domain Name [Sonus_NULL].
062 09202018 165651.637486: .PES: .PES:
062 09202018 165651.637530: .PES: .PES:
119 09202018 165651.637577: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) All Countries Routing is ENABLED.
134 09202018 165651.637628: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route lookup for origination entity |Sonus_NULL|
123 09202018 165651.637677: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route lookup for domain |Sonus_NULL|
163 09202018 165651.637727: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route lookup for destination |7778885001|, country |1|, partition |DEFAULT|
129 09202018 165651.637777: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Info entry found |0 3 DEFAULT 1 S S S S 7|
162 09202018 165651.637831: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route entry found |0 3 777888 1 DEFAULT Sonus_NULL|. Now
match criteria ...
123 09202018 165651.637883: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248)
156 09202018 165651.637932: .PES: .PES:
Routing label match found |TEAMS_RL|
Routing Label based
(20554|140262818965248) Got Routing Label [TEAMS_RL], Sequence Number [3] from Routing Query. on the route lookup.
130 09202018 165651.637982: .PES: .PES:
(20554|140262818965248) Fetching routing label TEAMS_RL from cache. Egress Trunk Group ,
(20554|140262818965248) Copying following route to output...
187 09202018 165651.641288: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) IP-Peer Name , Egress
Endpoint1=|TEAMS2_TG| Endpoint2=|PTFY06| Endpoint3=|TEAMS3_IPP|
Priority=|3| Type=|1| Cost=|1000000|
173 09202018 165651.641342: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) [TEAMS_RL]: Reordering my own routes only. Checking 3 routes starting at route
index 0.
222 09202018 165651.641391: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Skiping Reorder/Filter Routes - Softswitch provisioned to apply local route
reordering/filtering at the end - not at each routing label
062 09202018 165651.641440: .PES: .PES:
140 09202018 165651.641491: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Called Number 7778885001 for route at index 0.
145 09202018 165651.641539: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Called National Id 7778885001 for route at index 0.
135 09202018 165651.641588: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Called Country Id 1 for route at index 0.
133 09202018 165651.641635: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Partition DEFAULT for route at index 0.
131 09202018 165651.641683: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Call Type 17408 for route at index 0.
140 09202018 165651.641730: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Called Number 7778885001 for route at index 1.
145 09202018 165651.641777: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Called National Id 7778885001 for route at index 1.
135 09202018 165651.641825: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Called Country Id 1 for route at index 1.
133 09202018 165651.641873: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Partition DEFAULT for route at index 1.
131 09202018 165651.641919: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Call Type 17408 for route at index 1.
140 09202018 165651.641967: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Called Number 7778885001 for route at index 2.
145 09202018 165651.642013: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Called National Id 7778885001 for route at index 2.
135 09202018 165651.642060: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Called Country Id 1 for route at index 2.
133 09202018 165651.642107: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Partition DEFAULT for route at index 2.
131 09202018 165651.642154: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Setting Call Type 17408 for route at index 2.
121 09202018 165651.642201: .PES: .PES:
(20554|140262818965248) Getting the next Routing Criteria. Num of Routes returned based on
134 09202018 165651.642249: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Routing Label is valid. Check for Route Hopping.
route lookup and each route
123 09202018 165651.642296: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route Hop routing labels not present.
108 09202018 165651.642343: .PES: .PES:
(20554|140262818965248) Routing Query Type 2: details returned
124 09202018 165651.642393: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Primary Parent Routing Label TEAMS_RL.
107 09202018 165651.642440: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Of Routes |3|
098 09202018 165651.642487: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route Info:
172 09202018 165651.642535: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Endpoint1=|TEAMS_TG| Endpoint2=|PTFY06|
Endpoint3=|TEAMS1_IPP| Priority=|1| Type=|1|
134 09202018 165651.642584: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Proportion=|0| Tar Action=|0| Tar Location=|0|
151 09202018 165651.642631: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) DmRuleId=|| Apply Later Dm Rule=|0| Use Scp Outpulse Digits=|0|
100 09202018 165651.642680: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Info:
148 09202018 165651.642728: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Called Number=|7778885001| Egr=|0| NOA=|2| NPI=|1|
168 09202018 165651.642776: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Partition = |DEFAULT| Called National Id = |7778885001| Called
Country Id = |1|.
129 09202018 165651.642823: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Routing Label Id=|TEAMS_RL| Location=|1|.
098 09202018 165651.642869: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route Info:
173 09202018 165651.642917: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Endpoint1=|TEAMS1_TG| Endpoint2=|PTFY06|
Endpoint3=|TEAMS2_IPP| Priority=|2| Type=|1|
134 09202018 165651.642965: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Proportion=|0| Tar Action=|0| Tar Location=|0|
151 09202018 165651.643013: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) DmRuleId=|| Apply Later Dm Rule=|0| Use Scp Outpulse Digits=|0|
100 09202018 165651.643060: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Info:
148 09202018 165651.643107: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Called Number=|7778885001| Egr=|0| NOA=|2| NPI=|1|
168 09202018 165651.643154: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Partition = |DEFAULT| Called National Id = |7778885001| Called
Country Id = |1|.
129 09202018 165651.643200: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Routing Label Id=|TEAMS_RL| Location=|1|.
098 09202018 165651.643246: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route Info:
173 09202018 165651.643293: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Endpoint1=|TEAMS2_TG| Endpoint2=|PTFY06|
Endpoint3=|TEAMS3_IPP| Priority=|3| Type=|1|
134 09202018 165651.643339: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Proportion=|0| Tar Action=|0| Tar Location=|0|
151 09202018 165651.643386: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) DmRuleId=|| Apply Later Dm Rule=|0| Use Scp Outpulse Digits=|0|
100 09202018 165651.643432: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Info:
148 09202018 165651.643479: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Called Number=|7778885001| Egr=|0| NOA=|2| NPI=|1|

137 09202018 165651.684157: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) ############OUTPUT DATA START############

105 09202018 165651.684205: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Command code [109]
097 09202018 165651.684251: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Status [0]
110 09202018 165651.684298: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Transaction Id [524603] PSX sends the Policy response
095 09202018 165651.684345: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context:
105 09202018 165651.684391: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Node [10] back to SBC with all details as
108 09202018 165651.684439: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Sequence [0]
112 09202018 165651.684486: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context SSG [2080616596] processed
114 09202018 165651.684535: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Transaction Id [0]
109 09202018 165651.684588: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Invoke Id [0]
111 09202018 165651.684637: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Service Name []
113 09202018 165651.684683: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Service Count [0]
121 09202018 165651.684730: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Context Collected Digits Type [0]
094 09202018 165651.684777: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Script:
108 09202018 165651.684824: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Script Name [TANDEM]
108 09202018 165651.684871: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Script Version [1.0]
112 09202018 165651.684918: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Script Cpl Version [2.1]
124 09202018 165651.684965: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Script Supported Interrupt Types [0]
103 09202018 165651.685012: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Script Len [51]
111 09202018 165651.685057: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Script Runtime variables
119 09202018 165651.685103: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number of Runtime variables [0]
099 09202018 165651.685150: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route Table:
114 09202018 165651.685196: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Routetable name [TEAMS_RL]
107 09202018 165651.685244: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number of routes [3]
097 09202018 165651.685290: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route[0]:
111 09202018 165651.685339: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TrunkGroup:[TEAMS_TG]
151 09202018 165651.685386: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) IP Signaling peerServerFQDN [sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com]:[5060]
097 09202018 165651.685434: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route[1]:
112 09202018 165651.685481: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TrunkGroup:[TEAMS1_TG]
152 09202018 165651.685528: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) IP Signaling peerServerFQDN [sip2.pstnhub.microsoft.com]:[5060]
097 09202018 165651.685576: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route[2]:
112 09202018 165651.685623: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) TrunkGroup:[TEAMS2_TG]
152 09202018 165651.685671: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) IP Signaling peerServerFQDN [sip3.pstnhub.microsoft.com]:[5060]
098 09202018 165651.685719: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Trunkgroup:
109 09202018 165651.685766: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Trunkgroup [TEAMS_TG]
119 09202018 165651.685815: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Trunkgroup Dest Switch Type [5]
125 09202018 165651.685861: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Trunkgroup User To User Attribute [0]
104 09202018 165651.685911: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) GW Name [PTFY06]
102 09202018 165651.685960: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route Type [1]
097 09202018 165651.686008: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Sock Addr:
097 09202018 165651.686059: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Sock Addr:
136 09202018 165651.686106: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) SockAddr Fam [8293] Port [2569] Addr []
111 09202018 165651.686154: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Alternate Route Address:
104 09202018 165651.686201: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Route Attributes:
102 09202018 165651.686247: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Billing number:
107 09202018 165651.686294: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) IncludeInEgress [1]
103 09202018 165651.686341: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Flag [0]
103 09202018 165651.686387: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Type [2]
103 09202018 165651.686433: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Plan [1]
104 09202018 165651.686479: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Presentation [1]
101 09202018 165651.686525: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Screening [4]
100 09202018 165651.686571: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) GAP type [0]
107 09202018 165651.686618: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digits [9620428031]
104 09202018 165651.686664: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Country Code [1]
103 09202018 165651.686710: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Global Flag [3]
102 09202018 165651.686756: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Calling number:
107 09202018 165651.686803: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) IncludeInEgress [0]
103 09202018 165651.686849: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Flag [0]
103 09202018 165651.686895: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Type [2]
103 09202018 165651.686941: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Plan [1]
104 09202018 165651.686987: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Presentation [1]
101 09202018 165651.687033: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Screening [4]
100 09202018 165651.687079: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) GAP type [0]
107 09202018 165651.687125: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digits [9620428031]
104 09202018 165651.687171: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Country Code [1]
103 09202018 165651.687217: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Global Flag [3]
101 09202018 165651.687263: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Called number:
107 09202018 165651.687309: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) IncludeInEgress [0]
103 09202018 165651.687354: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Flag [0]
103 09202018 165651.687401: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Type [2]
103 09202018 165651.687449: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Number Plan [1]
104 09202018 165651.687496: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Presentation [2]
101 09202018 165651.687549: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Screening [1]
100 09202018 165651.687602: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) GAP type [0]
107 09202018 165651.687649: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Digits [7778885001]
104 09202018 165651.687695: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Country Code [1] SBC prints the
103 09202018 165651.687741: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Global Flag [3]
092 09202018 165651.687789: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) OLIP: Number of
137 09202018 165651.720495: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) ############OUTPUT DATA END ############
110 09202018 165651.720543: .PES: .PES: (20554|140262818965248) Building Policy Response routes returned
.01.01.41511.Info .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--PsxInteg: The toatalRoutes[3] received for Index[0] -- RoutesResp
148 09202018 165651.722282: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--******************** POPULATE ROUTE DATA - NumRoutes:3 ********************
by PSX
147 09202018 165651.722893: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--Converted routeType 1 to gwLocal, routeIndex 0, PTFY06:TEAMS_TG Line:3355
128 09202018 165651.722925: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--------------------- Route Index - 0 -------------------
181 09202018 165651.722957: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--====== CcDsDiamRetrieveEgressExtnRoutesDataStream: ==== diamLocalPktProfile 0
diamRemotePktProfile 1 debug 0
148 09202018 165651.724563: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--Converted routeType 1 to gwLocal, routeIndex 1, PTFY06:TEAMS1_TG Line:3355
128 09202018 165651.724596: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--------------------- Route Index - 1 -------------------
Transparency unknown codec PACKET SIZE ( 0 ) ; reserveBwForPrefCodec ( 0 ) ; policeOnHeaviestCodec ( 0 )
148 09202018 165651.726172: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--Converted routeType 1 to gwLocal, routeIndex 2, PTFY06:TEAMS2_TG Line:3355
SBC prints the
128 09202018 165651.726204: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--------------------- Route Index - 2 ------------------- routes returned
181 09202018 165651.726235: .CC: *GCID:0x0004013B--====== CcDsDiamRetrieveEgressExtnRoutesDataStream: ==== diamLocalPktProfile 0
diamRemotePktProfile 1 debug 0 by PSX
139 09202018 165651.727350: .CC: ... Route 0::PTFY06::TEAMS_TG Route 1::PTFY06::TEAMS1_TG Route 2::PTFY06::TEAMS2_TG
184 09202018 165651.727388: .SIPSG: sipsgMsgProc.c (-14380) 93644. SipSgProcessExtnIpsp cpcOpType 225 - Mirror len 4 bytes: [00] [01] [00] [02] ,
127 09202018 165651.728557: .NRMA: *NrmaProcessAllocResCmd: --> The ingress CallPtr test call value is[0]
880 09202018 165651.728640: .NRMA: *Route PSP: gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=0 noAudio=0 rtcpSBW=0xfa rtcpRBW=0xfa options=0x2b24
Route PSP: Provides the
options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0010 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0 dtmfRelay(RxPT=0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 TxPT=0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0)
comfortNoise(RxPT=0 TxPT=0) T38(maxBuf=262 maxDataGram=176 selected=0/0 t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=40 tos=0x00 voiceInitPODly=10 rtpDataPayloadType=0x38
Codec Information
dataCallPktSize=20 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=23 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/00 2833=0x65 sid=0x0d ipInfo/remote: ipInfo/local: altlocal
null sRTPAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0 cryptoSuite[0]=0 sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0 cryptoSuite[1]=0
sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0 dtlsSrtpAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0 dtlsSctpRelay=0 configured on SBC for
081 09202018 165651.728681: .NRMA: * Select: None selected
188 09202018 165651.728717: .NRMA: * Ingress Leg ( legid=0)
Audio01: G711 (1) 20ms attr 0x1f00 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x80/80 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 LawFromOther
857 09202018 165651.730878: .NRMA: *Route PSP: gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=1 noAudio=0 rtcpSBW=0xfa rtcpRBW=0xfa options=0x2b24
options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0010 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0 dtmfRelay(RxPT=0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 TxPT=0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0)
comfortNoise(RxPT=0 TxPT=0) T38(maxBuf=262 maxDataGram=176 selected=0/0 t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=40 tos=0x00 voiceInitPODly=10 rtpDataPayloadType=0x38
dataCallPktSize=20 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=23 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/00 2833=0x65 sid=0x0d ipInfo/remote:null:0 ipInfo/local:null:0 altlocal null sRTPAdminState=0
allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0 cryptoSuite[0]=0 sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0 cryptoSuite[1]=0 sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0 dtlsSrtpAdminState=0
allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0 dtlsSctpRelay=0
081 09202018 165651.730931: .NRMA: *
196 09202018 165651.730970: .NRMA: *
Select: None selected
Route PSP: Provides the
Audio01: G711S (2) 20ms attr 0x3f00 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x80/80 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Codec Information
938 09202018 165651.735706: .NRMA: *Working PSP (after intersect,Purge,Precedence Rules): gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=0 noAudio=0
rtcpSBW=0xffff rtcpRBW=0xffff options=0x2b24 options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0010 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0 dtmfRelay(RxPT=0/0
configured on SBC for
0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 TxPT=127/0 128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0) comfortNoise(RxPT=0 TxPT=128) T38(maxBuf=262 maxDataGram=176 selected=0/0 t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=40

Egress Leg ( legid=1)

tos=0x00 voiceInitPODly=10 rtpDataPayloadType=0x38 dataCallPktSize=20 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=1 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/80 2833=0x65 sid=0x0d
ipInfo/remote: ipInfo/local: altlocal null sRTPAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0 cryptoSuite[0]=0
sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0 cryptoSuite[1]=0 sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0 dtlsSrtpAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0 dtlsSctpRelay=0
081 09202018 165651.735756: .NRMA: * Select: None selected
181 09202018 165651.735799: .NRMA: * Audio01: G711 (1) 20ms attr 0x1f02 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/00 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 U-Law

914 09202018 165651.738474: .NRMA: *Working PSP (after augment): gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=1 noAudio=0 rtcpSBW=0xffff rtcpRBW=0xffff
options=0x2b24 options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0010 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0 dtmfRelay(RxPT=128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0
TxPT=127/0 128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0) comfortNoise(RxPT=13 TxPT=128) T38(maxBuf=262 maxDataGram=176 selected=0/0 t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=40 tos=0x00
voiceInitPODly=10 rtpDataPayloadType=0x38 dataCallPktSize=20 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=1 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/80 2833=0x65 sid=0x0d ipInfo/remote:null:0
ipInfo/local: altlocal null sRTPAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0 cryptoSuite[0]=0 sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0
cryptoSuite[1]=0 sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0 dtlsSrtpAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0 dtlsSctpRelay=0
081 09202018 165651.738518: .NRMA: * Select: None selected
181 09202018 165651.738573: .NRMA: * Audio01: G711 (1) 20ms attr 0x1f02 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/00 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 U-Law
189 09202018 165651.738613: .NRMA: * Audio02: G711S (2) 255ms attr 0xa0a1 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/08 OOB:0 2833:0 Either:1
Both:0 Intwk:0 A-Law SendSID
939 09202018 165651.739028: .NRMA: *Working PSP (after intersect,Purge,Precedence Rules): gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=1 noAudio=0
rtcpSBW=0xffff rtcpRBW=0xffff options=0x2b24 options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0010 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0
dtmfRelay(RxPT=128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0 TxPT=127/0 128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0) comfortNoise(RxPT=13 TxPT=128) T38(maxBuf=262 maxDataGram=176 selected=0/0
t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=40 tos=0x00 voiceInitPODly=10 rtpDataPayloadType=0x38 dataCallPktSize=20 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=1 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/80
2833=0x65 sid=0x0d ipInfo/remote:null:0 ipInfo/local: altlocal null sRTPAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0
cryptoSuite[0]=0 sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0 cryptoSuite[1]=0 sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0 dtlsSrtpAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0
081 09202018 165651.739073: .NRMA: * Select: None selected
181 09202018 165651.739122: .NRMA: * Audio01: G711 (1) 20ms attr 0x1f02 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/00 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 U-Law
189 09202018 165651.739168: .NRMA: * After codec for Offer is
Audio02: G711S (2) 20ms attr 0x3f01 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x08/08 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 A-Law SendSID
finalized , SBC place the
204 09202018 165651.739226: .NRMA: *Working Stream PSP NRMA_SESSION_DESCRIPTION_STR gcid 0x4013b legGcid 0x4013b legId 1 numMediaStream 1
DpMode 0 Session: AS 0 TIAS 0 PRate 0 TxRx 0
303 09202018 165651.739267: .NRMA: *
call on Egress Leg
media[0]: streamAbsent 0 coreAudio AttrLen 0 TIAS=0 BwPrate 0 BwAs 0 sRTPAdminState 1 allowFallBack 0
updateKeyOnModify 0 srtpExtFlags 0x0 cryptoSuite[0] 2 sessionParameterMask[0] 0x0 cryptoSuite[1] 0 sessionParameterMask[1] 0x0
151 09202018 165651.742121: .NRMA: *NrmaCombineP2pControl: options=0x0 ownCodecXcodeAllowedMask=0x1 peerCodecXcodeAllowedMask=0x2
133 09202018 165651.742185: .NRMA: *NrmaIsPaySelPending: Non-core stream GCID: 0x4013b, legId: 1 status = FALSE SBC goes for DNS lookup
189 09202018 165651.743973: .SIPSG: sipsgEngine.c (-1633) 93682. SigSgPlaceCallCmd: SIPSGName=TEAMS_TG SIPSGIndex=2 DNSZoneName= (1),
GCID:0x0004013B, DNSRecordType=1 to resolve the FQDN as
137 09202018 165651.744009: .SIPSG: sipsgEngine.c (-1699) 93683. PlaceCallCmd: TBR CPC_REQ_DATA_PTR->msgId 8389139
136 09202018 165651.744044: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-70692) 93684. SipSgSetFilteredHeaders number of saved hdrs= 12 Route Peer information
140 09202018 165651.744083: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-46442) 93685. Set SIP_SERVICE_TYPE_USE_ZONE_FQDN_IN_CONTACT_HEADER
149 09202018 165651.746552: .SIPSG: SipCallSetMediaAttrFormatCmd - Set format to EQUAL Call ID 262459_124757918@ received from PSX
168 09202018 165651.746601: .SIPSG: SipsDnsAddrLookupCmd() - invoking SipsDnsLookupCmd(domainName=sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com, recordType=1,
170 09202018 165651.746639: .SIPSG: *DnsAgentLookupRecordCmd - DomainName=sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com, DnsZoneId=1, RecordType=1,
204 09202018 165651.746682: .SIPSG: *DnsAgentLookupRecordCmd - Record Not found in Agent Cache : DomainName=sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com,
DnsZoneId=1, RecordType=1, QueryType=0
181 09202018 165651.746728: .SIPSG: SipsDnsLookupReqInStateIdle: Call ID 262459_124757918@ Adding Entry to Waiting List
131 09202018 165651.746765: .SIPSG: SipsDnsLookupCmd - Result Count 0 Call ID 262459_124757918@
156 09202018 165651.746800: .SIPSG: SipsDnsSaveSipMsg - calling SipsTXNFormatPdu with pstCall, Call ID 262459_124757918@
139 09202018 165651.746791: .DNSC: *DnsClientProcessLookupReq: sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com 1 skipCache:F forceRequery:F
084 09202018 165651.746869: .SIPSG: Sip Parser sending RR=0

080 09202018 165651.746886: .DNSC: *DnsClientCreateTcb 0x1

085 09202018 165651.746906: .SIPSG: Sip Parser Reciever RS=0

087 09202018 165651.746929: .DNSC: *DnsClientSendQueryCmd - Start

136 09202018 165651.746958: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-23312) 93730. SipSgPopulateEgressCallPSSF: sip pai hdr is null
120 09202018 165651.746969: .DNSC: *DnsClientFindNameServers(sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com) - zoneId=1
136 09202018 165651.746996: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-23343) 93731. SipSgPopulateEgressCallPSSF: tel pai hdr is null
091 09202018 165651.747010: .DNSC: *DnsClientFindNameServers Failed.
152 09202018 165651.747033: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-23387) 93732. Unable to populate PANI header in CAM record for egress call leg
096 09202018 165651.747055: .DNSC: *DnsClientLoadDefaultServerList(zone=1)
238 09202018 165651.747076: .SIPSG: Place Call Cmd: CallId (262459_124757918@ GCID (0x0004013b) ID (01000158) lTag (gK040171e2)
Called (7778885001) Calling (9620428031), Signaling Port Id (4) DM (-1:0)
107 09202018 165651.747096: .DNSC: *Adding zone server to the list for zone=1
191 09202018 165651.747112: .SIPSG: sipsgEngine.c (-5785) 93733. CSD SipSgPlaceCallCmd: send INVITE at Egress: gcid=0x4013b setupReqTs=1823667627
(ms) setupRspTs=0 (ms)
099 09202018 165651.747133: .DNSC: *DnsClientSendQueryCmd - DNS_TRANSPORT_UDP
154 09202018 165651.747166: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-7570) 93734. SipSgFillInProtSpecificString: sub-field 35: ccbPtr->inSmmStatus[0]
163 09202018 165651.747171: .DNSC: *DnsClientSendQueryCmd : pstTcb->ednsPayloadSize = 0, pstStat->ednsTimerId = 0, pstStat->ednsFailures = 0
194 09202018 165651.747204: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-69021) 93735. SipSgFillSmmProfileNameSubFieldToCdrString: sub-field 45:
sipSmmInputProfileName[tg]: PRIVACY_Media_Bypass
108 09202018 165651.747208: .DNSC: *DnsClientSendQueryCmd() - sending query to
SBC sends the DNS
155 09202018 165651.747238: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-7598) 93736. SipSgFillInProtSpecificString: sub-field 36: ccbPtr->outSmmStatus[0]
095 09202018 165651.747247: .DNSC: *SENDING QUERY TO -> (s=54)
query to configured
DNS Server
114 09202018 165651.857181: .DNSC: *DnsSocketRecvFrom - Len 155 for sockNum 54, nifGroupId 3
105 09202018 165651.857250: .DNSC: *RCVD DNS RESPONSE FROM on NIFGROUPID=3
150 09202018 165651.857303: .DNSC: *DnsClientProcessQueryRsp - Answr section Domain Name [sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com] type [1].
081 09202018 165651.857365: .DNSC: *DnsClientReleaseTcb 0x1
157 09202018 165651.857419: .SIPSG: *DnsAgentProcessLookupRspCmd - lookupStatus 0 recType 1 numRec 1 dataLen 70 dnsZoneId 1 queryType 0
147 09202018 165651.857471: .SIPSG: *DnsAgentProcessLookupRspCmd - Record Name sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com Number of results 1
094 09202018 165651.857508: .SIPSG: *DnsAgentProcessLookupRspCmd - TTL 9
138 09202018 165651.857549: .SIPSG: SipsDnsLookupRspForTCB [sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com][1] Num Records [1] [125fa5ce]
140 09202018 165651.857592: .SIPSG: sipsgEngine.c (-58431) 93748. SipSgRetrieveSipParamFilterProfile: getting profile
127 09202018 165651.857772: .SIPSG: SMM - Applying SMM Profile Index (9) on Outbound PDU on TG (TEAMS_TG)
092 09202018 165651.857810: .SIPSG: SipsMmApply - advanced smm not set
113 09202018 165651.860826: .SIPSG: SipsMmGetRangeHdrInstances - hdr (NULL) all instances 0
156 09202018 165651.860863: .SIPSG: SipsMmEvaluateHeaderLine: HEADER criterion (index 3) NOT matched, result code 9, header instance 0
152 09202018 165651.860896: .SIPSG: SipsMmEvaluateCriteria - Match failed for Criterion [Index: 3, Type: Header] - Match result: 9 DNS response
172 09202018 165651.860929: .SIPSG: SipsMmValidateCriteria - Could not find match in the PDU for Index (Profile: 9, Rule: 9, Criterion: 1), status = 9
115 09202018 165651.860974: .SIPSG: SMM - SIP OUTBOUND before manipulation len 1278, 1 of 1: received and number
1303 09202018 165651.861009: .SIPSG: INVITE sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com:5061 SIP/2.0
of records returned
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04B0104215e0f985066
Raw PDU before SMM is
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK040171e2
by DNS server
To: <sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com> applied is shown in DBG
Call-ID: 262459_124757918@
CSeq: 917452 INVITE logs
Max-Forwards: 70
Accept: application/sdp, application/isup, application/dtmf, application/dtmf-relay, multipart/mixed
Contact: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@ribbon1.interopdomain.com:5061;transport=tls>
P-Preferred-Identity: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>
Supported: timer,100rel,histinfo,precondition,replaces
Session-Expires: 1800
Min-SE: 90
Content-Length: 384
Content-Disposition: session; handling=required
Content-Type: application/sdp

o=Sonus_UAC 676044 751364 IN IP4
s=SIP Media Capabilities
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 3554 RTP/SAVP 0 8 127 13
a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:D6OGnz9gopTenAua08Zfr09MOVwRnWvHA47s4Zom
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:127 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:127 0-15
a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000

096 09202018 165652.008652: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server hello A

TLS exchange (as peer is
102 09202018 165652.010052: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server certificate A configured with
110 09202018 165652.010117: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server certificate request A
095 09202018 165652.010160: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server done A transport TLS)
103 09202018 165652.010222: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 write client certificate A
104 09202018 165652.010560: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 write client key exchange A
103 09202018 165652.018397: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 write certificate verify A
103 09202018 165652.018521: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
093 09202018 165652.018606: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 write finished A
087 09202018 165652.018677: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 flush data
101 09202018 165652.018728: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 read finished A
109 09202018 165652.034615: .XRM: *XrmLifPollTimeout: Invalid LIF ID 3 received from NP
109 09202018 165652.034675: .XRM: *XrmLifPollTimeout: Invalid LIF ID 4 received from NP
092 09202018 165652.100445: .SIPCM: *SSL_connect:SSLv3 read finished A
130 09202018 165652.100508: .SIPCM: *SSL handshake done undefined:SSL negotiation finished successfully 198 SIP message after processed
by SMM is sent out by SBC
Ater SMM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
to remote Peer
188 09202018 165652.100616: .SIPCM: *Send Msg to:, len: 1289, sigPort: 4, socket: 198, INVITE
sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com:5061 SIP/2.0
987 09202018 165652.100664: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = INVITE sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com:5061 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04B0104215e0f985066
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@ribbon1.interopdomain.com>;tag=gK040171e2
To: <sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com>
Call-ID: 262459_124757918@
CSeq: 917452 INVITE
Max-Forwards: 70
Accept: application/sdp, application/isup, application/dtmf, application/dtmf-relay, multipart/mixed
Contact: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@ribbon1.interopdomain.com:5061;transport=tls>
P-Preferred-Identity: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>
Supported: timer,100rel,histinfo,precondition,replaces
Session-Expires: 1800
Min-SE: 90
Content-Length: 384
Content-Disposition: session; handling=required
Content-Type: application/sdp

, msgLen = 887.
469 09202018 165652.100705: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = v=0
o=Sonus_UAC 676044 751364 IN IP4
s=SIP Media Capabilities
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 3554 RTP/SAVP 0 8 127 13
a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:D6OGnz9gopTenAua08Zfr09MOVwRnWvHA47s4Zom
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:127 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:127 0-15
a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
, msgLen = 369.
140 09202018 165652.181014: .SIPCM: *Receive Msg From:, len: 447, sigPort: 4, socket: 198, 100 Trying
532 09202018 165652.181065: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 100 Trying
FROM: "9620428031"<sip:9620428031@ribbon1.interopdomain.com>;tag=gK040171e2
TO: <sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com>
CALL-ID: 262459_124757918@ SIP Msg received and Sent by
VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04B0104215e0f985066
CONTENT-LENGTH: 0 SBC are logged in DBG as
ALLOW: ACK “Receive Msg From:” ,
ALLOW: CANCEL “Send Msg to”
SERVER: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2018.9.12.1 i.ASEA.2

141 09202018 165653.044102: .SIPCM: *Receive Msg From:, len: 761, sigPort: 4, socket: 198, 180 Ringing
844 09202018 165653.044170: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
FROM: "9620428031"<sip:9620428031@ribbon1.interopdomain.com>;tag=gK040171e2
TO: <sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com>;tag=afa2f7ed2a51401faabaa064055b1f51
CALL-ID: 262459_124757918@
VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04B0104215e0f985066
RECORD-ROUTE: <sip:sip-du-a-as.pstnhub.microsoft.com:5061;transport=tls;lr>
CONTACT: <sip:api-du-c-asea.pstnhub.microsoft.com:8000;transport=tls;x-i=86315de2-873e-44e0-b2f4-4bd5af9162ba;x-
SERVER: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2018.9.12.1 i.ASEA.2

, msgLen = 744.
140 09202018 165653.069032: .SIPCM: *Send Msg to:, len: 756, sigPort: 1, socket: 199, 180 Ringing
612 09202018 165653.069079: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK04B0152263f85aeefe1
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK0400ac16 SIP Msg received and Sent by
To: <sip:7778885001@>;tag=gK04817038
Call-ID: 262231_91948632@ SBC are logged in DBG as
CSeq: 597085 INVITE
Contact: <sip:7778885001@> “Receive Msg From:” ,
Content-Length: 232 “Send Msg to”
Content-Disposition: session; handling=required
Content-Type: application/sdp

, msgLen = 512.
184 09202018 165653.069014: .SG: Out(1):SG FSM, SG:SIPSG,SgId:0x01000157,GCID:0x0004013B,Ev:SG_EV_NRMA_MSG,Old
321 09202018 165653.069120: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = v=0
o=Sonus_UAC 944519 838962 IN IP4
s=SIP Media Capabilities
c=IN IP4
SIP Msg received and Sent by
SBC are logged in DBG as
“Receive Msg From:” ,
t=0 0
m=audio 1230 RTP/AVP 0 127 “Send Msg to”
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:127 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:127 0-15
, msgLen = 221.
151 09202018 165654.246539: .SIPCM: *Receive Msg From:, len: 1218, sigPort: 4, socket: 198, 183 Session Progress
885 09202018 165654.246594: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress
FROM: "9620428031"<sip:9620428031@ribbon1.interopdomain.com>;tag=gK040171e2
TO: <sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com>;tag=2b832c76c949414c9d8f77ff5e5a6cc8
CALL-ID: 262459_124757918@
VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04B0104215e0f985066
RECORD-ROUTE: <sip:sip-du-a-as.pstnhub.microsoft.com:5061;transport=tls;lr>
CONTACT: <sip:api-du-c-asea.pstnhub.microsoft.com:8000;transport=tls;x-i=86315de2-873e-44e0-b2f4-4bd5af9162ba;x-
CONTENT-TYPE: application/sdp
SERVER: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2018.9.12.1 i.ASEA.2

, msgLen = 785.
497 09202018 165654.246638: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = v=0
o=- 18595 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 51138 RTP/SAVP 0 8 101 13
c=IN IP4
a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:QGqJFQ4yaTjpl2Eruui5Mpc/2Pd3cD3Xh99SMDUa|2^31
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-16
a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
, msgLen = 397.
126 09202018 165654.247851: .SIPSG: SMM - Applying SMM Profile Index (7) on Inbound PDU on TG (TEAMS_TG)
092 09202018 165654.247889: .SIPSG: SipsMmApply - advanced smm not set Peer PSP , codec received in
Operation: Regex Del, Index (Profile: 7, Rule: 6, Action 1).
096 09202018 165654.248526: .SIPSG: SipsMmApply - Message unaltered by SMM answer from remote SIP entity
122 09202018 165654.248559: .SIPSG: SipsPSParseMsgCmd - SMM profile found, advanced Smm flag = FALSE
149 09202018 165654.248608: .SIPSG: sipsgEngine.c (-44178) 93897. SipSgRetrieveSipFilterProfile:Setting filter profile index 1
892 09202018 165656.111489: .NRMA: *Peer PSP: gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=1 noAudio=0 rtcpSBW=0xffff rtcpRBW=0xffff options=0x0b48
options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0000 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0 dtmfRelay(RxPT=0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 TxPT=101/0 128/0 128/0 128/0
128/0) comfortNoise(RxPT=0 TxPT=13) T38(maxBuf=0 maxDataGram=0 selected=0/0 t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=0 tos=0x00 voiceInitPODly=0 rtpDataPayloadType=0xff
dataCallPktSize=255 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=23 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/80 2833=0x00 sid=0x00 ipInfo/remote: ipInfo/local:
altlocal null sRTPAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0 cryptoSuite[0]=0 sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0 cryptoSuite[1]=0
sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0 dtlsSrtpAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0 dtlsSctpRelay=0
191 09202018 165656.111467: .SG: Out(2):SG FSM, SG:SIPSG,SgId:0x01000158,GCID:0x0004013B,Ev:SG_EV_NTWK_ANSWER_ACK,Old
081 09202018 165656.111564: .NRMA: * Select: None selected
130 09202018 165656.111581: .SIPSG: sipsgXHeader.c (-3545) 93957. SIPSG-XHDR:Header Type:1:Status:DISABLED:
189 09202018 165656.111609: .NRMA: * Audio01: G711S (2) 20ms attr 0xa0a2 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/00 OOB:0 2833:0 Either:1
Both:0 Intwk:0 U-Law SendSID
115 09202018 165656.111642: .SIPSG: SIPS SipMsgCloneSdpCmd() - Cloned raw FMTP param = <0-16>
189 09202018 165656.111653: .NRMA: * Audio02: G711S (2) 20ms attr 0xa0a1 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/08 OOB:0 2833:0 Either:1
Both:0 Intwk:0 A-Law SendSID
148 09202018 165656.113391: .NRMA: *NrmaCheckIfRtcpBwToBeRelayed: gcid=0x4013b legId=1 - End Value of RR and RS is 65535 65535
917 09202018 165656.113443: .NRMA: *Working PSP (after intersect): gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=1 noAudio=0 rtcpSBW=0xffff rtcpRBW=0xffff
options=0x2b24 options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0010 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0 dtmfRelay(RxPT=0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 TxPT=101/0
128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0) comfortNoise(RxPT=0 TxPT=13) T38(maxBuf=262 maxDataGram=176 selected=0/0 t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=40 tos=0x00 voiceInitPODly=10
rtpDataPayloadType=0x38 dataCallPktSize=20 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=2 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/80 2833=0x65 sid=0x0d ipInfo/remote:
ipInfo/local: altlocal null sRTPAdminState=1 allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0 cryptoSuite[0]=2 sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0
cryptoSuite[1]=0 sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0 dtlsSrtpAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0 dtlsSctpRelay=0
148 09202018 165656.113432: .SIPSG: sipsgEngine.c (-6155) 93974. CallProgressCmd CPC_OP_SIP_RSP_DATA_STR cachedMsg id 8389141
081 09202018 165656.113487: .NRMA: * Select: None selected
207 09202018 165656.113499: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-69775) 93975. SipSgSetContactSchemeToSipsInIngress: Either sipSigSrvcGrpEnforceSips flag is disabled
or eSelectedTransport is not TLS
189 09202018 165656.113529: .NRMA: * Audio01: G711S (2) 20ms attr 0x3f02 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/00 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 U-Law SendSID
173 09202018 165656.113555: .SIPSG: sipsgUtils.c (-12587) 93976. SipSgFormSdp failed as ccb 0x7fc120426d20, pstSdpBody 0x7fc12003cef0, pSgPspStr
189 09202018 165656.113568: .NRMA: * Audio02: G711S (2) 20ms attr 0x3f01 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x08/08 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 A-Law SendSID
130 09202018 165656.113604: .SIPSG: sipsgXHeader.c (-3545) 93977. SIPSG-XHDR:Header Type:1:Status:DISABLED:
116 09202018 165656.113612: .NRMA: *NrmaIntersectSecPktServProfiles: SrtpRelay is not possible
171 09202018 165656.113647: .SIPSG: sipsgCpcUtils.c (-12804) 93978. SipSgCopyChgMsgInfoFromCpcToSip: PSX is not configured to send P-ChgMsg-Info
917 09202018 165656.114467: .NRMA: *Working PSP (after intersect): gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=1 noAudio=0 rtcpSBW=0xffff rtcpRBW=0xffff
options=0x2b24 options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0010 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0 dtmfRelay(RxPT=0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 TxPT=101/0
128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0) comfortNoise(RxPT=0 TxPT=13) T38(maxBuf=262 maxDataGram=176 selected=0/0 t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=40 tos=0x00 voiceInitPODly=10
rtpDataPayloadType=0x38 dataCallPktSize=20 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=2 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/80 2833=0x65 sid=0x0d ipInfo/remote:
ipInfo/local: altlocal null sRTPAdminState=1 allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0 cryptoSuite[0]=2 sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0
cryptoSuite[1]=0 sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0 dtlsSrtpAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0 dtlsSctpRelay=0
081 09202018 165656.114508: .NRMA: * Select: None selected
157 09202018 165656.114508: .SIPSG: SIP FSM: name INVITE SERVER TRANSACTION FSM Instance ID 0x225fa5cd state PROCEEDING event PROV RESP
189 09202018 165656.114549: .NRMA: * Audio01: G711S (2) 20ms attr 0x3f02 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/00 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 U-Law SendSID
119 09202018 165656.114555: .SIPSG: SipsTxnNetworkSend - bSmmOnlyForDlgScopehashUpdate is : FALSE
189 09202018 165656.114593: .NRMA: * Audio02: G711S (2) 20ms attr 0x3f01 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x08/08 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 A-Law SendSID
126 09202018 165656.114598: .SIPSG: SMM - Applying SMM Profile Index (1) on Outbound PDU on TG (PSTN_TG)
224 09202018 165656.114637: .NRMA: *NrmaIsMrfCall: Non-MRF call with gcid=0x4013b leg(gcid=0x4013b legId=1 mrfRes=(nil)) assocLeg (gcid=0x4013b
legId=0 mrfRes=(nil)) useActiveContext=0 contextUsed=acked
149 09202018 165656.116364: .SIPCM: *Send Msg to:, len: 449, sigPort: 1, socket: 199, 183 Session Progress
143 09202018 165656.116399: .NRMA: *NrmaComputeRtcpBandwidthAndAssign : Leg-Id= 0 Start Value of RR and RS is 65535 65535
539 09202018 165656.116410: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK04B0152263f85aeefe1
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK0400ac16
To: <sip:7778885001@>;tag=gK04817038
Call-ID: 262231_91948632@
CSeq: 597085 INVITE
Contact: <sip:7778885001@>
Content-Length: 0

, msgLen = 439.
914 09202018 165656.116706: .NRMA: *Working PSP (after intersect): gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=0 noAudio=0 rtcpSBW=0xffff rtcpRBW=0xffff
options=0x2b24 options2=0x0000 options3=0x0000 pktOptions=0x0000 rtpOptions=0x0010 servMode=0 dataPathMode=0 dtmfRelay(RxPT=0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 TxPT=101/0
128/0 128/0 128/0 128/0) comfortNoise(RxPT=0 TxPT=13) T38(maxBuf=262 maxDataGram=176 selected=0/0 t38FaxVersion=0) silenceFactor=40 tos=0x00 voiceInitPODly=10
rtpDataPayloadType=0x38 dataCallPktSize=20 dresAutoFallback=0 BTLindex=2 mediaFlow=0 nse=0x00/80 2833=0x65 sid=0x0d ipInfo/remote:
ipInfo/local: altlocal null sRTPAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 updateKeyOnModify=0 srtpExtFlags=0x0 cryptoSuite[0]=0 sessionParameterMask[0]=0x0
cryptoSuite[1]=0 sessionParameterMask[1]=0x0 dtlsSrtpAdminState=0 allowFallBack=0 setupRole=0 dtlsSrtpRelay=0 dtlsSctpRelay=0
081 09202018 165656.116740: .NRMA: * Select: None selected
181 09202018 165656.116774: .NRMA: * Audio01: G711 (1) 20ms attr 0x1f02 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x00/00 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 U-Law
181 09202018 165656.116806: .NRMA: * Audio02: G711 (1) 20ms attr 0x1f01 attr2 0x0000 attr3 0x0000 rx/tx 0x08/08 OOB:0 2833:1 Either:0
Both:0 Intwk:0 A-Law
224 09202018 165656.116841: .NRMA: *NrmaIsMrfCall: Non-MRF call with gcid=0x4013b leg(gcid=0x4013b legId=0 mrfRes=(nil)) assocLeg (gcid=0x4013b
871 09202018 165656.140310: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 200 OK
FROM: "9620428031"<sip:9620428031@ribbon1.interopdomain.com>;tag=gK040171e2
TO: <sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com>;tag=2b832c76c949414c9d8f77ff5e5a6cc8
CALL-ID: 262459_124757918@
VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04B0104215e0f985066
RECORD-ROUTE: <sip:sip-du-a-as.pstnhub.microsoft.com:5061;transport=tls;lr>
CONTACT: <sip:api-du-c-asea.pstnhub.microsoft.com:8000;transport=tls;x-i=86315de2-873e-44e0-b2f4-4bd5af9162ba;x-
CONTENT-TYPE: application/sdp
SERVER: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2018.9.12.1 i.ASEA.2

, msgLen = 771.
111 09202018 165656.140354: .NRMA: *NrmaConfigureXresDtmf: RxPT used with clockRate 127 0
497 09202018 165656.140355: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = v=0
o=- 18595 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 51138 RTP/SAVP 0 8 101 13
c=IN IP4
a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:QGqJFQ4yaTjpl2Eruui5Mpc/2Pd3cD3Xh99SMDUa|2^31
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-16
a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
, msgLen = 397.
785 09202018 165656.162926: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK04B0152263f85aeefe1
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK0400ac16
To: <sip:7778885001@>;tag=gK04817038
Call-ID: 262231_91948632@
CSeq: 597085 INVITE
Accept: application/sdp, application/isup, application/dtmf, application/dtmf-relay, multipart/mixed
Contact: <sip:7778885001@>
Require: timer
Supported: timer,replaces
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uac
Content-Length: 232
Content-Disposition: session; handling=required
Content-Type: application/sdp

, msgLen = 685.
113 09202018 165656.162943: .SIPSG: SipsRedMirrorMediaCmd: packing pvSessionVersion:838962
321 09202018 165656.162971: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = v=0
o=Sonus_UAC 944519 838962 IN IP4
s=SIP Media Capabilities
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 1230 RTP/AVP 0 127
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:127 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:127 0-15
, msgLen = 221.
177 09202018 165656.182820: .SIPCM: *Receive Msg From:, len: 331, sigPort: 1, socket: 199, ACK
sip:7778885001@ SIP/2.0
422 09202018 165656.182877: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = ACK sip:7778885001@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK04B0153d3ce85aeefe1
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK0400ac16
To: <sip:7778885001@>;tag=gK04817038
Call-ID: 262231_91948632@
CSeq: 597085 ACK
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 0

, msgLen = 322.
177 09202018 165707.713231: .SIPCM: *Receive Msg From:, len: 355, sigPort: 1, socket: 199, BYE
sip:7778885001@ SIP/2.0
445 09202018 165707.713307: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = BYE sip:7778885001@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK04B015630a385aeefe1
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK0400ac16
To: <sip:7778885001@>;tag=gK04817038
Call-ID: 262231_91948632@
CSeq: 597086 BYE
Max-Forwards: 70
Reason: Q.850;cause=16
Content-Length: 0

, msgLen = 345.

135 09202018 165707.724722: .SIPCM: *Send Msg to:, len: 284, sigPort: 1, socket: 199, 200 OK
150 09202018 165707.724735: .NRMA: *NrmaSendGroupResDeactivation: De-activate resources for gcid=0x4013b legGcid=0x4013b legId=1
163 09202018 165707.724756: .SIPSG: sipsgEngine.c (-29621) 94715. SipSgEventHandler: eEventType 0x3000000e RELEASED, hSipCallHandle 0xb9597b
153 09202018 165707.724749: .SIPFE: *SipFeProcessEndCallUcmd - GCID:0x4013b Callid:262231_91948632@ RemTag:gK0400ac16
376 09202018 165707.724769: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK04B015630a385aeefe1
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK0400ac16
To: <sip:7778885001@>;tag=gK04817038
Call-ID: 262231_91948632@
CSeq: 597086 BYE
Content-Length: 0

, msgLen = 276.

153 09202018 165707.773070: .SIPSG: SipsMmEvaluateCriteria - Match failed for Criterion [Index: 1, Type: Message] - Match result: 9
172 09202018 165707.773101: .SIPSG: SipsMmValidateCriteria - Could not find match in the PDU for Index (Profile: 9, Rule: 9, Criterion: 1), status = 9
114 09202018 165707.773144: .SIPSG: SMM - SIP OUTBOUND before manipulation len 619, 1 of 1:
666 09202018 165707.773178: .SIPSG: BYE sip:api-du-c-asea.pstnhub.microsoft.com:8000;transport=tls;x-i=86315de2-873e-44e0-b2f4-4bd5af9162ba;x-
c=/v1/ngc/call/56cb852bd56449869149285090b269fb/s/1/f4fcbaf5095b4cbfa3b550eaf4f5d908 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04B010e45b88ac7a1eb
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@>;tag=gK040171e2
To: <sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com>;tag=2b832c76c949414c9d8f77ff5e5a6cc8
Call-ID: 262459_124757918@
CSeq: 917455 BYE
Max-Forwards: 70
Route: <sip:sip-du-a-as.pstnhub.microsoft.com:5061;transport=tls;lr>
Reason: Q.850;cause=16
Content-Length: 0

719 09202018 165707.774129: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = BYE sip:api-du-c-asea.pstnhub.microsoft.com:8000;transport=tls;x-i=86315de2-873e-

44e0-b2f4-4bd5af9162ba;x-c=/v1/ngc/call/56cb852bd56449869149285090b269fb/s/1/f4fcbaf5095b4cbfa3b550eaf4f5d908 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04B010e45b88ac7a1eb
From: "9620428031" <sip:9620428031@ribbon1.interopdomain.com>;tag=gK040171e2
To: <sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com>;tag=2b832c76c949414c9d8f77ff5e5a6cc8
Call-ID: 262459_124757918@
CSeq: 917455 BYE
Max-Forwards: 70
Route: <sip:sip-du-a-as.pstnhub.microsoft.com:5061;transport=tls;lr>
Reason: Q.850;cause=16
Content-Length: 0

, msgLen = 619.
137 09202018 165707.974214: .SIPCM: *Receive Msg From:, len: 477, sigPort: 4, socket: 205, 200 OK
562 09202018 165707.974297: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 200 OK
FROM: "9620428031"<sip:9620428031@ribbon1.interopdomain.com>;tag=gK040171e2
TO: <sip:+17778885001@sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com>;tag=2b832c76c949414c9d8f77ff5e5a6cc8
CSEQ: 917455 BYE
CALL-ID: 262459_124757918@
VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04B010e45b88ac7a1eb
SERVER: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2018.9.12.1 i.ASSE.3

Troubleshooting Tips

1. Quick Analysis of Msg flow from DBG

Open the DBG logs in Notepad++ (after SFTP or SCP to Desktop or Laptop or any Windows Server)

msg =
Find All in the Current Document
This will show messages like

Line 284: 634 11122018 143438.638980: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = INVITE sip:5180052509@ SIP/2.0
Line 299: 271 11122018 143438.639014: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = v=0
Line 431: 426 11122018 143438.643293: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Line 3107: 856 11122018 143438.750471: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = INVITE sip:5180052509@ SIP/2.0
Line 3126: 377 11122018 143438.750514: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = v=0
Line 3161: 377 11122018 143439.058048: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Line 3173: 377 11122018 143439.058189: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Line 3257: 556 11122018 143439.228764: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress
Line 3270: 358 11122018 143439.228797: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = v=0
Line 3555: 583 11122018 143439.234755: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress
Line 4765: 808 11122018 143439.715679: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = UPDATE sip:61413613726@ SIP/2.0
Line 4836: 554 11122018 143439.718085: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 200 OK
Line 4850: 852 11122018 143439.987271: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 200 OK
Line 4870: 335 11122018 143439.987318: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketRecvMsg - msg = v=0
Line 6132: 1332 11122018 143440.021210: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = SIP/2.0 200 OK
Line 6156: 328 11122018 143440.021242: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = v=0
Line 6292: 410 11122018 143440.024785: .SIPCM: SipFeSocketSendMsg - msg = ACK sip:61246333777@ SIP/2.0

SipFeSocketRecvMsg <<<<<<<<<< Received from External Peer to SBC SIP SigPort

SIPCM: *Receive Msg From:, len: 727, sigPort: 6 <<<<<<<<< This is SIP Sig Port ID to
which this message is received
Receive Msg From: <<<<<< this will tell where the message is received from which
remote IP Address and Port.

*Send Msg to:, len: 1064, sigPort: 2 <<<<<<<<<< Sent to External Peer from SBC SIP
Send Msg to: <<<<<<<<<<< this will tell where the message is sent from SBC to
remote IP Address and Port.

Troubleshooting SIP Issues from Internal Call Failure

NOTE: Information in “Message” field can come from either TRC log or DBG minor log.

1. Excessive trunk group call limitation or bandwidth limitation.

Message : Excessive trunk group call limitation or bandwidth limitation for MLPP call.
Action : Change trunk group call and bandwidth configuration.

2. No RES resource for ingress leg.

Description : Excessive maximum of the number of MLPP incoming calls.

Message : “Minor .XRM : Tx: XRM_ALLOCATE_RPY,status=0xf04“
Action : Hit the box limitation, forward traffic to other SBC.

3. IP TG not found.

Description : Cannot find ingress trunk group for MLPP incoming call.
Message :
Action : Check trunk group status, Ingress Ip Prefix, trunk group and Ip Prefix should be in same
addressContext and same zone.

4. Media PSP negotiation failure.

Description : Media SDP offer/answer negotiation fails, which means the codec configuration does not
support IP peer’s SDP.
Message : “Selecteted: “ with no codec until the call failure.
Action : Change or add codec in Packet Service Profile.

5. Excessive registration attempts.

Description : Excessive registration attempts.

Message : "SipRaRegisterRequestNfy: Excessive registration attempts…”
Action : forward SIP registration traffic to other SBC.

6. INVITE has codec which is not in PSP-Ri and PSP-Re configuration.

Description : The sdp codec in incoming INVITE is not configured in ingress IPTG PSP and gateway
Message :
Action : add the codec in INVITE in Packet Service Profile.

7. No SrvcGrp configured

Description : Failed to find service parameters for trunk group. This is SBC internal memory problem.
Message : “SipSgPopulateAndSendToIngress: No SrvcGrp configured for IngressSvcGrpIndex”
Action : contact Sonus TAC.

8. FQDN DNS lookup fail.

Description : Full Qualified Domain Name lookup fail

Message :
Action : Check and modify Fqdn configuration in IPTG profile. Also check the DNS
request/response message.

9. Directory Media Path error.

Description : Received X-dmi line, but Ingress SG does not have IP Signaling Profile enabled.
Message :
Action : Check and set dmi flag in IP Signaling profile.

10. Un-supported media codec.

Description : The current configuration or HW doesn’t support a codec in coming INVITE message.
Message : “UN-SUPPORTED codecs in incoming SDP for gcid…”
Action : Add media codec in Ingress Packet Service Profile.

11. Data call is not configured as CLEARMODE for ingress.

Description : The ClearMode is not set for incoming INVITE with ClearMode.
Message : "SipSgProcessCcRoutingCallMsg: Data call did not ingress as CLEARMODE"
Action : Set ClearMode in IP Signaling Profile.

12. No IAD address.

Description : Either NAT is disabled and don’t have peer Contact Address, or NAT is enabled and the
contact address is NAT but don’t have nextHopTSAP. In either case cannot forward PDU to IAD, and
this SIP message.
Message : "ProcessSubsNotifyRelayNfy: No IAD address, PDU rejected…”
Action : Check peer.

13. No priority call configured.

Description : No priority MLPP call configured.

Message :
Action : Change priority call configuration.
Reason code 503

SIP call status code 503, which is generally defined as “Service Unavailable.

196 092292018 105453.00515:1.03.22350.Info .SIPSG: sipsgEngine.c (-8689) 102664.

Egress: Disconnect notification received on GCID:0x5C02243C eSipCallStatus:503

NOTE: Information in “Message” field could come either TRC log or DBG minor log.

1. Excessive trunk group call limitation or bandwidth limitation

Message Excessive trunk group call limitation or bandwidth limitation for calls.
Action : Change configuration of trunk group call limitation and bandwidth.

2. IP TG not found

Description: cannot find Ingress trunk group for incoming calls.

Message : “IP lookup…”
Action : Check trunk group status, Ingress Ip Prefix, trunk group and Ip Prefix should be in same
addressContext and same zone.

3. Module failure

Description : SBC process failure

Message : server module reset, or failure SYS message.
Action : Usually generate coredump, escalate to Sonus TAC with coredump and SYS/DBG logs.

4. Call congestion or CAC call congestion

Description : Call congestion or Call Administration Control call congestion.

Message : “Call Released due to Congestion for GCID”
Action : Check congestion status.

5. Invalid SIP-I message

Description : Invalid syntax in SIP-I body of incoming INVITE.

Message : “SipSgIncomingCallNfy: Failed to pass the SipSgStrictIsupMimeHandling on INVITE”
Action : Check INVITE message.

6. Registration check failure

Description : Registration validation checks error.

Message : Reason code 79 in ATTEMP CDR.
Action : SBC will inform peer by sending SIP message, check the message.

7. Signaling port not exist

Description : SIP signaling port doesn’t exist.
Message : “SipSgIncomingCallNfy: Signaling Port does not exist"
Action : Check the SIP signaling port configuration and status.

8. Invalid service group Index or data

Description : SBC failed to find service group index or data for trunk group.
Message : "SipSgIncomingCallNfy: Invalid Service Group Index" or "SipSgIncomingCallNfy:
Invalid Service Group Data"
Action : Escalate to Sonus TAC.

9. SDP interpret error

Description : Cannot interpret SDP header in coming SIP message.

Message :
Action : Check SDP content in coming SIP message.

10. INVITE without SDP

Description : No SDP in coming INVITE message.

Message : "SipSgIncomingCallNfy: Did not get SDP in INVITE for GCID”
Action : Check INVITE message.

11. Bad replace header in INVITE

Description : Replaces must contain exactly one call-id, totag and fromtag as per RFC.
Message : "SipSgIncomingCallNfy: Reject INVITE w/ ill formed Replace Header CALLID”
Action : Check INVITE message.

12. SIP registration failure

Description : The triggers of registration failure includes congestion, ingress TG not found, RCB
limitation exceeded, policing rejection, or child registration P-Associated_URIs.
Message : You will see related minor DBG logs.
Action : Base on errors, check IP prefix or policer packet drop statistic, or P-URI configuration.

13. No priority call configured

Description : No priority call configured.

Message :
Action : Configure for priority call.

14. Gateway Congestion

Description: SBC to SBC gateway congestion happens.

Message :
Action : Check GW link status, network status.
SIP Error Codes - Call Status Enumerations in Call Trace or Debug Log

The following enumerations define various call statuses that may be manifested by a call when
from transient to stable.

SIPSG: sipsgEngine.c (-8689)102664. Egress: Disconnect notification received on GCID:0x4013B


SIP_STATUS_INVALID = 0, // Not a valid status response

SIP_STATUS_TRYING = 100, // Call is being processed
SIP_STATUS_PROVISIONAL = 100, // Start of Provisional Responses
SIP_STATUS_PRACK_CAP_CHANGE = 101, // Cap Change expressed during PRACK
SIP_STATUS_RINGING = 180, // Call is ringing
SIP_STATUS_FORWARDED = 181, // Call is being forwarded
SIP_STATUS_QUEUED = 182, // Call Requested Queued
SIP_STATUS_PROCEEDING = 183, // Call Session Progress
SIP_STATUS_OK = 200, // Request Success
SIP_STATUS_FINAL = 200, // Start of the final responses
SIP_STATUS_ACCEPTED = 200, // Request Accepted
SIP_STATUS_SUBS_ACCEPTED = 202, // Request Accepted
SIP_STATUS_XFER_PROCEEDING = 202, // Refer Request Accepted
SIP_STATUS_NO_RESPONSE = 210, // No response required
SIP_STATUS_CANCELLED = 211, // Request Cancelled
SIP_STATUS_HANGUP = 212, // Call Hungup
SIP_STATUS_KEEPALIVE = 220, // Successfully completed Keepalive
SIP_STATUS_REFRESH = 230, // Successfully completed Refresh
SIP_STATUS_FAILURE = 300, // Failed Operation
SIP_STATUS_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300, // Reidirect - Multiple Choices
SIP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301, // Permanent Redirect
SIP_STATUS_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY = 302, // Temporary Redirect
SIP_STATUS_REDIRECT_USE_PROXY = 305, // Use Proxy Redirect
SIP_STATUS_REDIRECT_ALT_SERVICE = 380, // Alternate Service Redirect
SIP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST = 400, // Bad Request
SIP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED = 401, // Unauthorized Request
SIP_STATUS_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402, // Payment Required
SIP_STATUS_PAYMENT_FORBIDDEN = 403, // Request Forbidden
SIP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND = 404, // Route to destination is not found
SIP_STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED = 405, // Method not allowed for URI
SIP_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406, // Media type not acceptable
SIP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ = 407, // Proxy Authentication Required
SIP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEDOUT = 408, // Request Timeout
SIP_STATUS_CONFLICT = 409, // Request Conflict
SIP_STATUS_GONE = 410, // Requested resource is not available
SIP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411, // Length Required
SIP_STATUS_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413, // Entity Body Too Large
SIP_STATUS_URI_TOO_LARGE = 414, // Request URI Too Large
SIP_STATUS_BAD_MEDIA_TYPE = 415, // Bad MEdia Type passed
SIP_STATUS_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_PRI = 417, // Unknown Resource-Priority
SIP_STATUS_BAD_EXTENSION = 420, // Bad Function Extension
SIP_STATUS_EXTENSION_REQUIRED = 421, // Extention Required
SIP_STATUS_SE_MIN_TOO_SMALL = 422, // RFC 4208 - 422 method SE-Min Too
SIP_STATUS_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF = 423, // Interval Too Brief
SIP_STATUS_ANONYMITY_DISALLOWED = 433, // Anonymity Disallowed
SIP_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE = 480, // Temporarily Unavailable
SIP_STATUS_LEG_NOT_EXIST = 481, // Call Leg Doesn't Exist
SIP_STATUS_LOOP = 482, // Address Loop Detected
SIP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_HOPS = 483, // Too Many Delivery Hops
SIP_STATUS_ADDR_INCOMPLETE = 484, // Address is incomplete
SIP_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS = 485, // Ambiguous Request
SIP_STATUS_BUSY = 486, // Busy
SIP_STATUS_REQUEST_TERMINATED = 487, // Remotely initiated request was
SIP_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_HERE = 488, // Not Acceptble Here
SIP_STATUS_BAD_EVENT = 489, // Bad Event
SIP_STATUS_REQUEST_PENDING = 491, // Request Pending
SIP_STATUS_UNDECIPHERABLE = 493, // Undecipherable
SIP_STATUS_SEC_AGREMENT_REQUIRED= 494, //Security Agreement Required
SIP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR = 500, // Internal Server Error
SIP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501, // Not implemented
SIP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY = 502, // Bad Gateway
SIP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503, // Service or option unavailable
SIP_STATUS_SERVER_TIMEOUT = 504, // Server time out
SIP_STATUS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED= 505, // Version Not Supported
SIP_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE = 513, // Message too Large
SIP_STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILURE = 580, // Precondition failure
SIP_STATUS_DECLINED = 603, // Call rejected
SIP_STATUS_NOTFOUND_ANYWHERE = 604, // Resource Doesn't Exist Anywhere
SIP_STATUS_GLOBALLY_UNACCEPTABLE= 606, // Not Acceptable Anywhere
SIP_STATUS_STACK_ERROR = 700, // Stack Error
SIP_STATUS_OBSOLETE = 700, // OBSOLETED by 708-718 (Request
SIP_STATUS_PROVISIONAL_TIMEOUT = 701, // A provisional response retry timeout
SIP_STATUS_DEFINITIVE_TIMEOUT = 702, // A definitive response retry timeout
SIP_STATUS_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT = 703, // A keepalive timeout
SIP_STATUS_KEEPALIVE_MISCUE = 704, // A keepalive mistaken for a new call
SIP_STATUS_REFRESH_TIMEOUT = 705, // A Register or Subscribe Refresh
Timeout has occurred
SIP_STATUS_PARSER_ERROR = 706, // Parse Error to notify the application
SIP_STATUS_OFFER_QUEUED = 707, // A local offer is queued
SIP_STATUS_INFO_REQ_TIMEOUT = 712, // INFO Request Timeout
SIP_STATUS_BYE_REQ_TIMEOUT = 714, // BYE Request Timeout
SIP_STATUS_SERVER_REQUEST_PENDING = 719, // Server Request (INVITE) already being
processed // Used for 500 error which require retry-header
SIP_STATUS_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE = 720, // The address was found unreachable by
Address reachability service
SIP_STATUS_DNS_ERROR = 721, // Error in the DNS lookup
SIP_STATUS_PUBLISH_REQ_TIMEOUT = 722, // Publish Request Timeout
SIP_STATUS_MESSAGE_REQ_TIMEOUT = 723, // Message Request Timeout
SIP_STATUS_STACK_NOT_CONFIGURED = 724, // SIP Stack is not ready for call
SIP_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR = 725, // Error code to initiate releasing the
specified call leg
SIP_STATUS_DROPPED_POLICING = 726, // Dropped by an internal policer
SIP_STATUS_DROPPED_EP_CAC_MAX_CALLS = 727, // Dropped due to EP CAC maxCalls
SIP_STATUS_DROPPED_EP_CAC_REQ_RATE = 728, // Dropped due to EP CAC maxRate limits
SIP_STATUS_DNS_A_ERROR = 729 // Error in the DNS lookup for A record
SIP_STATUS_DNS_A_ERROR = 730, // Error in the DNS lookup for A record

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