Alt RN TV Lot 071493
Alt RN TV Lot 071493
Alt RN TV Lot 071493
also responds to requests for guidance approval of alternalives to the lot release release or an in-process. or bulk lot or
on what information should be provided requirements set forth in their license, batch was rejected.
when submitting such requests- Sum& roduct license application (3) A summary listing of all pmduct
. - Inlductiaa amen x ments may be submitted once a complaints which include, but are sot
manufacturer has documented an limited lo. presence of labeling errors.
Under section 351(d) of the Public acceptable history of lot release and decreased potency, contamination,
Hea1t.h Service Ad (42 U.S.C. 262(d)) WI control ofhe manufacturing facility, ptiicuiatdmatter, adverse reactions,
establishment may be issued a license to sthe definition of acceptable lot release and defect reuorts. The actions taken bv
manufacture a biological product only history will vary according to the the manufa&er for each identified- -’
ah showing hat the ~ab~s~ent and pduct and the completities of the production lot or batch should be
product meat standards designed to manufacturing us. CBER amsiders described.
ensure that product’s continued safety, granting requests for &srnatives to lot (4) A iistiug of any lot(s) which was
purity, end poten . Thereafter, a release only upon demonstration that subject to recall or market cormct~ve
manufacturer of aT iological product the alternative approach does not action following distribution.
subject to a license must demonstrate compromise the safety, u&y, and (5) A description of any major process
supervision and control of the entire potency of the blot cap roduct. change. including when the process
~~ufact~ pr-s to M.m% among Specific questions Ta s oul be addressed change was implemented and a list of
other thin s. i%at contaminants are not to the office with product responsibility lots manufactured using the new .
introdu UJ during production end that prior to submission of an amendment procedure.
there ia lot-lo-lot consistenllcy in the re uesting alternatives to lot release. After evaluating a lianse amendmen&
quality of the llc4msed product (sea 21 h moug the factors that CBER assesses requesting permission to use’
CFR part 600 ei seq.). in detwnintag whether to approve such alternatives to lot reiaase, CBER may
Under 5 610.2, mUfact=n UUYbe -endmat uests are caIJfoLnlMce to
required to submit samples brn all lots ),icena& - 3 ad&g pdW and determine that routine submission of lot
release protocols and samples tpat
of a lie bIolor$~ product together the ability of the manufacturer to necessary if the qbmission describes
with the rotocols showing results of consistentIy demonstrate
applicab B tests when deemed necessary p~ty, otency, ad st& alternatives wbkh provide continued
by the Director, CBER. For most In ad k- tron. thira should assurance of safety, purity, and potency.
biological products, CBER has required of FDA rstablishznent inspectlone that CBER may consider whether there is a
the stirnfssion of this information both ’ have shown comp&mce with apphble need for manufacturers to submlt
in support of a license ap lication and regulations during the period covered. samples and protocols at speciiic
for continued lot release Pallowing The period considered may vary hy intervals (e.g.. quarterly] for surveiilanca
product license application approvaL In product, because the number of lots purposes. Such Iots should be random1
these instances, a manufactures may not produced in a given time may vary, as selected in each period, or as inshucte B
distribute any product until tie . may the &tent to which lot r&ase by the D-or, CEER Regardless d
Director, CBEEt, issues an official release pmcadtues am viewed as important for CBER’s determination on submitting lot
for the lot. oonc?inR assuranm of sefetv and efficacv. release protocols and/or sampls’the
CB-j?Rrkgnizes that the rkd for - manufacturer is requhwd to maintain
Guidance and Rationale sufficient xxxcords,retentkm samples
submlssinn of lot r&ase protocols and/
Biological roducts historically have or samph may be greater for some and stability test samples as required by
been primari Py complex mixtures products than others, e.g.. pmducb 21CFR211.I70 and 211.160. -
produced by living organisms. The where main tenana, of consistent The approech described above is
products have ranged &XII whole blood specScations from lot-*lot Is d.iflkuIt based upon a retrospective analysis of
for transfusion to allergenic extracts, and/or where insuflident axrelstion is lot release history at CBER, including a
vaccines, and recombinant therapeutics. available between measuIsment of comparison of the number of lot failures
Current technology enables tndnstial potepcy and biological activity. The to the total number of lots tested. Whexx~
scale production of biological products e erienoe dieded in both the number a major change in mciaufMuring .
which are more easily characterized of“p ots produced and the period of recess or establishment is proposed or
using reprodudble methodology. In production is import8nt to assess the Ii as occurmd wJ3kh requires an
addition, improved analytical potential value of the Id release amendment, CBER may consider
techniques are available for procadums for a partirxlar product or reimposing the requirement far
ch-don of staxtin makriaL9 as product&s. - - submissiun of lots for release in
well as Anal products, an di efficient The followinn data should be addition to lots subldttted &I nippo$ of .
methods of purificatton can reduce submltted in thz fwm of a product the amendment. Furthermore, if a
levels of process-related impurities to a license application amendment covering product surveillance sample is tested
minimum. an adequate period of time and a . and fails a m ired test or established
Current technology combined with sufficient number of product lofs: specification, the product may be
the experience dertved from years of (11A well-orgtid table containing subject to recall by the manufacturer
product-specific inspections and testing a testing summary of all lots and/or the 88quirement for Iut release
in CBER laboraturies has demonstrated manutactured, including lots may be reimposed.
that. for some biological products, manufactured in sup ort of licensure. CBER is currently a plying the
alternatives to requiring a CBER release This testing history sl-iould include both approach set forth in % s notice. This
ection for every lat provide ddequate lots submitted to CBER for release notice provides information about. but
control to ensure continued safety, action and lots ar batches rejected does not set forth spedfic mquimmmts
purity, and potency (including during in-process, bulk, ur final testing for, the submission of a product licenso
effcctivonass). Therefore, manufacturers at the manufacturing ostablishmont. amendment requesting permission to
meeting the assurances described in this (2) A summary of the disposition of use alternatives ta lot release. FDA doa
document may submit product license the above lots, including the reason a not intend tar this guidance to be
application amendments requesting final lot was not submitted to CBER for comprehensive. All information in this
‘. . FcderaI Register I