Explicit Formulation of The Shields Diagram For Incipient Motion of Sediment
Explicit Formulation of The Shields Diagram For Incipient Motion of Sediment
Explicit Formulation of The Shields Diagram For Incipient Motion of Sediment
Abstract: The Shields diagram remains the most widely used criterion for incipient motion of sediment. However its implicit nature
makes applications rather inconvenient. By deploying Guo’s logarithmic matching method twice, this technical note develops an explicit
formulation of the Shields diagram, enabling the critical Shields parameter to be determined directly from fluid and sediment character-
istics without resorting to any trial and error procedure or iteration. An extended application of the logarithmic matching method is
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9429共2006兲132:10共1097兲
CE Database subject headings: Sediment transport; Shear stress; Hydraulics; Coastal environment.
method feasible. In particular, a distinct lower and upper logarith- straight line with a slope of −1 for R* ⬍ ⬇ 2, as initially thought
mic asymptote can be readily found, as a smooth transition re- by Shields 共Graf 1971; Chien and Wan 1999兲.
gime in between 共Graf 1971; Yang 1996; Chien and Wan 1999;
Yalin and da Silva 2001兲. The logarithmic matching method has
been well described by Guo 共2002兲, and thus the following for- Critical Shields Parameter versus Particle Reynolds
mulations are directly provided without detailed derivations. Ac- Number „c È R…
cording to Guo 共2002兲, there are two possible models that are
quite close to each other. Thus only one model is chosen for the For applications, the logarithmic matching formulation Eq. 共1兲 is
following analysis, which read not yet “well shaped” as the shear Reynolds number R* involves
the unknown bed shear velocity. Nevertheless it has been well
ln c = − ln R* + 0.5003 ln关1 + 共0.1359R*兲2.5795兴 − 1.7148 共1兲
known for long that R* can be represented using the critical
where the shear Reynolds number R* 苸 共2 , 60兲. Shields parameter c and a nondimensional parameter defined
For the lower region 共R* ⬍ ⬇ 2兲, the critical Shields parameter purely with particle and fluid characteristics 共e.g., Yalin 1977;
c was deemed to decline with increasing shear Reynolds number Yalin and da Silva 2001兲. When the particle Reynolds number R
R* following a straight line with a slope of −1 共Graf 1971兲. How- is used, one has
ever, a number of later studies suggest that the slope of the de-
clining straight line should be −0.3 共e.g., Chien and Wan 1999; R* = R冑c 共4兲
Yalin and da Silva 2001兲. In this respect, the explicit formulations While it seems not straightforward to analytically eliminate the
of Brownlie 共1981兲 and Vajda 共1991兲 need to be revised because bed shear velocity from the right-hand side of Eq. 共1兲, it is quite
both fit the declining straight line of slope −1. Further, collections easy to acquire a discrete relationship between c and R using Eq.
of experimental data shown by Yalin and da Silva 共2001, Fig. 1.6, 共1兲. This discrete c ⬃ R relationship is not yet convenient for
p. 8兲 and also Yang 共1996, Fig. 2.3, p. 24兲 apparently support an applications. However it can be readily inferred from Eq. 共4兲 that
even smaller slope 共⬍0.3兲 of the declining straight line, otherwise the c ⬃ R relationship should follow a similar “shape” to the
the critical Shields parameter could be underestimated compared Shields diagram 共Fig. 1兲 except that it is “stretched” in R, com-
to the experimental data around R* 苸 共0.1, 2兲. This observation pared to R* 共note that c ⬍ 1兲. Alternatively, a lower and upper
makes a modification desirable over the explicit relationship of logarithmic asymptote can be expected as a transition in between.
Yalin and da Silva 共2001兲. As such, the following expression for This once again motivates one to deploy Guo’s 共2002兲 logarith-
the lower region is suggested
c = 0.1096R−0.2607
* , R* ⬍ ⬇ 2 共2兲
It is appreciated that the critical Shields parameter approaches a
constant when the shear Reynolds number is sufficiently large
共say R* ⬎ 400, Graf 1971兲, and the constant would be 0.045,
rather than 0.06 共Chien and Wan 1999; Yalin and da Silva 2001兲.
Numerically, a value of approximately 60 for R* appears to suf-
fice for defining the upper region 共i.e., R* ⬎ ⬇ 60兲. Thus one has
c = 0.045 R* ⬎ ⬇ 60 共3兲
A comparison between Eq. 共1兲, along with Eqs. 共2兲 and 共3兲, and
that of Yalin and da Silva 共2001兲 is shown in Fig. 1. Fairly good
agreement is obtained, apart from the appreciable discrepancy due
to the present modified fit to the lower region by a declining
straight line of a reduced slope, as stated above. Also shown in
Fig. 1 are the lower and upper asymptotes for the logarithmic Fig. 3. Critical Shields parameter as function of particle material
matching. The lower asymptote essentially represents a declining number 共c ⬃ M兲