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Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3 – 23


Package FLUIDS 1. Computer programs for analysis of fluid

inclusion data and for modelling bulk fluid properties
Ronald J. Bakker *
Mineralogy and Petrology, Institute of Geosciences, University of Leoben, Peter-Tunner-Str. 5, Leoben A-8700, Austria

Received 21 December 2001; received in revised form 19 June 2002


The computer package FLUIDS contains five sets of computer programs written in C++ for the calculation of fluid
properties. Both model fluids and data from fluid inclusions can be analysed in the programs. Bulk density, molar volume
and composition of fluid inclusions are calculated with the program BULK, which uses microthermometric data, micro-
Raman spectroscopic data, cation ratios and volume-fraction estimations as input. The program offers a broad variety of
equations of state, which are selected according to the fluid system or the temperature and pressure conditions of interest.
The isochores that correspond to the output or test V  x properties of fluid inclusions are calculated by the program ISOC.
In calculating the isochores, this program takes account of the compressibility and expansion of selected host minerals. The
program TEST allows different equations of state to be compared directly with experimental data, thereby facilitating
selection of the most adequate model in the programs BULK and ISOC. Loner is a group of programs that handle individual
equations of state (EoS) for all fluid systems presented in the programs BULK and ISOC. Aqso is a group of programs that
allows purely empirical modelling of electrolyte-bearing aqueous solutions, Henry’s law for dilute gas-bearing aqueous
solutions, and osmotic coefficients for dilute electrolyte-bearing aqueous solutions. The programs are available on the
University of Leoben web site at http:/www.unileoben.ac.at/~buero62/minpet/ronald.
D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fluid inclusions; Thermodynamic modelling; Equations of state; Isochores; Computer programs; C++

1. Introduction which gas ratios can be estimated. In addition, other

analytical methods like laser ablation coupled to ICP-
Direct, nondestructive analysis of fluids trapped in MS and crush-leach may provide information about
microcavities in minerals depends on visible phase the components within fluid inclusion. These analyt-
transitions using microthermometry, in addition to ical techniques provide numbers, which must be
component identification with Raman spectroscopy. integrated to determine the bulk composition and
The latter also allows a semiquantitative approach, in density of the fluid trapped in the inclusions. This is
one of the primary goals of fluid inclusion studies.
Equations of state (EoS) for fluids are of major
* Fax: +43-3842-47016. importance for the analysis of phase transition temper-
E-mail address: bakker@unileoben.ac.at (R.J. Bakker). atures and the construction of isochores. Ideally, an

0009-2541/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 4 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 2 6 8 - 1
4 R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23

EoS relates pressure ( p), temperature (T), molar vol- and molar volumes at selected p – T conditions of
ume (Vm) and composition (x). In practice, however, supercritical fluid mixtures in the C –H –O – N – S–
most EoSs only yield part of this relation, and they are Ar system. Two specific EoSs, i.e. Belonoshko and
usually restricted to very narrow temperature and Saxena (1992) and Shi and Saxena (1992), are used
pressure ranges. The number of published EoSs has for pure gases, in addition to low pressure substitute
increased sharply during the past few decades, and it EoSs for pure H2O, CO2 and CH4 (i.e. Saul and
has become a time-consuming task to find and to apply Wagner, 1989; Kerrick and Jacobs, 1981; Jacobs
the most suitable EoS for a specific research problem. and Kerrick, 1981b, respectively). Gas mixture prop-
The aim of this paper is to present the computer erties are defined according to Saxena and Fei (1988)
package FLUIDS, which has been written in C++ and Shi and Saxena (1992). The programs GEO-
(Borland, Turbo C++ version 3.0; CodeWarrior, ver- FLUIDS (http://geotherm.ucsd.edu/geofluids/) are
sion 7.0) for the interpretation of fluid inclusion data. developed to calculate fluid properties, i.e. isochores
The package can also be used for the calculation of and liquid – vapour equilibria, solely with the EoS
fluid properties in general. Experimental data on from Duan et al. (1992a,b, 1996a).
specific fluid properties can be directly compared to FLINCOR (Brown, 1989) and MacFLINCOR
EoSs, which may improve the interpretation of fluid (Brown and Hagemann, 1994) are specially designed
inclusion studies. The program structure is flexible, for fluid inclusion studies. Data obtained directly from
and is readily modified to allow use of alternative or microthermometry and volume fraction estimations are
additional EoSs. This paper is the first in a series, used for isochore and bulk density and composition
which describes the thermodynamic modelling and calculations. H2O, CO2, CH4, N2, H2S, H2, SO2, CO,
EoSs used in the package. Most of the published EoSs NaCl, KCl, and CaCl2 are the fluid components
had to be modified and improved to make them included in the programs, which are described by about
suitable for fluid inclusion research. 12 EoSs. However, not every compositional combina-
tion of those components is included, and calculations
are mainly restricted to the H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 –
2. Published computer programs on fluid systems NaCl system. The use of clathrate melting temperatures
in FLINCOR can only be applied to pure CO2 clath-
In addition to computer programs that mainly treat rates. The programs contain several interactive phase-
thermodynamic data of minerals like Ge0-Calc (Ber- diagrams to avoid complex calculation procedures.
man et al., 1987; Brown et al., 1989) and THERMO- Most of the equations of state in these programs have
CALC (Powell et al., 1998), several programs are become obsolete and describe only a small part of the
restricted to calculate fluid properties only. Many of previously mentioned fluid mixtures. The programs
those programs are applicable only to fluid systems offer extrapolation possibilities outside the range of
with a small number of components, mainly H2O, defined compositions or conditions for specific EoSs.
CO2 and NaCl (e.g. Jacobs and Kerrick, 1981a; Thermodynamic properties of H2O and aqueous
Bowers and Helgeson, 1985; Nicholls and Crawford, species can be calculated with SUPCRT92 (Johnson et
1985; Hurai, 1989; Cavarretta and Tecce, 1995). al., 1992). Some purely empirical equations on melt-
Calculations of complex fluid mixtures including a ing behaviour of fluid inclusions in the system H2O –
large number of gas components are restricted to NaCl – KCl and H2O –NaCl – CaCl2 are presented in
isochore estimation at supercritical conditions. For the programs SALTY (Bodnar et al., 1989) and Cal-
example, the program ISOCHORE (Holloway, 1981) cicBrine (Naden, 1996), respectively.
is confined to one modified Redlich – Kwong EoS Bulk fluid composition and density in equilibrium
originally developed by Holloway (1977), and calcu- with specific mineral assemblages at higher temper-
lates an isochore for supercritical fluid mixtures of atures and pressures are calculated with the programs
known composition. Other programs offer a wider FLEVOL (Bakker, 1992) and GEOFLUID (Larsen,
range of calculational options and include more EoSs. 1993). Both are based on fluid modelling according to
For example, the program SUPERFLUID (Belo- French (1966) in which individual gas fugacities are
noshko et al., 1992) can calculate Gibbs free energies controlled by solid-phase buffers. FLEVOL calculates
R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23 5

fluid properties in the system C – O – H – N using (see Appendices A –F). (4) Experimental data on fluid
several types of EoSs, whereas GEOFLUID includes systems.
the C – O – H fluid system using the EoS of Saxena Global variables are defined uniquely in the file
and Fei (1987a,b). NumDef.CPP and they are applied to all libraries.
Recent EoSs have superseded many of the formu- They include the definition of macros for the identi-
lations developed by earlier investigators, with higher fication of phases, components, and EoSs. The prop-
accuracy over larger temperature and pressure ranges. erties of elements, i.e. atomic number, relative atomic
The computer package, FLUIDS presented in this mass, and oxidation states, are encapsulated in a class-
study is designed as a digital library and workshop type object. The properties of gases and salts are
for all available EoSs and thermodynamic modelling summarised in a struct-type object. They included
of fluid systems, and will be regularly updated. the definitions of relative molecular mass, critical-
point conditions, and triple-point conditions. In addi-
tion, the amount-of-substance fraction (commonly
3. Program structure termed ‘‘mole fraction’’), fugacity, fugacity coeffi-
cient, and activity in specific phases are stored in this
The computer programs in the package FLUIDS object. The file Equation.CPP gives the analytical
are organised according to the programming structure solutions of quadratic, cubic and quartic equations,
in Fig. 1 (see also Bakker, 1999a). The programs use including complex number solutions (Beyer, 1991).
various files (so-called libraries), which operate inde- Nonlinear equations are numerically solved with the
pendently. In addition to a standard library (included secant method (Press et al., 1997).
in C++ software packages), four supplementary libra- Components of the libraries can be introduced in
ries have been developed: (1) Global variables and any kind of main program, which is developed
mathematical functions, which can be used in any according to the physicochemical properties to be
kind of (sub) program. Also, physical constants are calculated. The advantage of this program structure
defined in this section. (2) Equations of state, a group is that recently published thermodynamic models can
of files handling individual EoSs. (3) Thermodynamic be easily included, without changing the overall pro-
modelling, a group of files including osmotic coef- gram structure. Moreover, development of new main
ficients, Henry’s constants, excess Gibbs energy mod- programs with a different objective can be accom-
els and liquid – vapour equilibrium (LVE) calculations plished quickly and efficiently.

4. The programs

At present, the package FLUIDS treats the fluid

components H2O, CO2, CH4, N2, C2H6, H2S, NH3,
H2, O2, CO, and the salt components NaCl, KCl,
CaCl2, MgCl2. Salts dissolved in water can be defined
as corresponding anions and cations, i.e. Na+, K+,
Ca2 +, Mg2 + and Cl. The package consists of five
main groups of programs, developed for the Macin-
tosh, Windows-based and DOS-based platforms:
BULK, ISOC, TEST, Loner and Aqso.

4.1. BULK
Fig. 1. General structure of the FLUIDS computer programs, which
are divided into several libraries, i.e. standard libraries, global The program BULK uses information obtained
variables and functions, equations of state, thermodynamic directly from fluid inclusions to calculate bulk fluid
algorithms, experimental data, and the user interface. density and composition.
6 R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23
R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23 7

The nonaqueous vapour or liquid bubble is speci- confused by this kind of calculation. It should be noted
fied by its composition and density, as obtained from that this equation does not accurately describe this fluid
micro-Raman spectroscopy and homogenisation tem- system at liquid-like conditions but the calculations are
peratures. In addition, hypothetical compositions and easily reproduced and they illustrate the general pro-
densities of the vapour bubble can be introduced in cedures well. We consider a mixture with an amount-
the program if these data are missing. The calculation of-substance fraction of 0.8 CO2 and 0.2 CH4 that
of densities at the input homogenisation temperatures homogenises at 5 jC in the liquid phase (Fig. 2a and b).
is done according to the LVE calculations in the file After 11 iterations in the LVE calculation, a trivial
LVequil.CPP (see Appendix A). Alternatively, this file solution appears on the screen (Fig. 2c), where both
also offers the possibility to calculate densities from phases have a similar composition and density. New
input homogenisation pressures. values of the initial guess are introduced for the
The program BULK offers several EoSs for the composition of the coexisting vapour phase and for
analysis of homogenisation conditions. The difficul- pressure (Fig. 2d). A true solution is found after several
ties associated with solving the equilibrium equations iterations (Fig. 2e), when phase 1 (liquid) and phase 2
depend primarily on the selected initial values for the (vapour) have clearly distinct compositions and molar
parameters used in LVE calculations. Multiple solu- volumes. The EoS of Redlich and Kwong (1949) gives
tions may appear at a selected homogenisation tem- a solution of 77.088113 cm3/mol at a pressure of
perature. Furthermore, LVE calculations in the 7.135368 MPa, where the fugacity of CO2 in both
vicinity of the critical point in multi-component sys- phases equals 2.91544 MPa.
tems are extremely sensitive to the initial conditions Clathrate-melting temperatures are not included in
because both liquid and vapour have nearly equal the program BULK because they require an extra
compositions and densities. After a successful calcu- analytical procedure that would unnecessarily compli-
lation, the program displays the solution on the cate the program structure. Based on similar program
screen. Possible trivial solutions, i.e. when both liquid structuring, Bakker (1997, 1999a) has already pre-
and vapour phase have equal composition and density, sented several computer programs, which were
are signalled with a warning sign. The LVE calcula- designed to handle different types of clathrate melting
tion can be restarted by choosing new initial values for in fluid inclusions for a H2O–CO2 –CH4 – N2 –C2H6 –
the parameters in order to avoid this trivial solution. NaCl –KCl –CaCl2 fluid system.
The fugacity of a component is calculated with the The aqueous solution can be specified by introduc-
same EoS for both phases, which therefore must ing an ice-melting temperature or a known molality or
accurately describe both liquid- and vapour-like fluids mass percentage of specific salts. At present, only
at similar temperature – pressure conditions. The accu- aqueous solutions up to eutectic compositions are
racy of the selected EoS at homogenisation conditions included in the program BULK. In the presence of a
should be tested against experimental data (see main multiple salt solution, the ratio of salts can be obtained
program TEST). In one-component fluid systems, from the peritectic and cotectic melting temperatures.
such as pure H2O, CO2, CH4, N2, C2H6, NH3, O2 For example, in a fluid inclusion containing a mixture
and CO, purely empirical equations (file Satura- of dissolved NaCl and MgCl2, hydrohalite melts com-
tion.CPP) can be used to calculate saturation fluid pletely at  24 jC, whereas ice melts at  4.3 jC. The
properties at homogenisation conditions (see Appen- peritectic melting of hydrohalite defines the mass ratio
dix F). of NaCl/MgCl2 at 61:39 (Dubois and Marignac, 1997).
An example of LVE calculations in the binary CO2 – This ratio or selected test values is entered in the
CH4 fluid system is illustrated here, with the EoS of program. The test value allows the use of equivalent
Redlich and Kwong (1949), because novices are often mass % for the presence of an unknown salt.

Fig. 2. Example of liquid – vapour equilibrium calculations in the computer package FLUIDS. The pT-diagram (a) and Vx-diagram (b) illustrate
the physical parameters which are to be determined at homogenisation conditions (Th, Ph, Vh and xh). Screen read-out (c) illustrates the trivial
solution after the first calculation procedures. Screen read-out (d) gives the correction possibility, changing the first guess of composition,
pressure and accuracy. Screen read-out (e) illustrates the final solution of liquid – vapour equilibrium calculations (see text for further details).
8 R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23

Table 1
References and corresponding fluid systems and program numbers in the group Loner
Reference Program Fluid System Limits Fit
Anderko and Pitzer (1993a,b), Loner15 H2O – CO2 – NaCl – KCl 573 to 1200 K, < 500 MPa LVE + SVP
Duan et al. (1995)
Angus et al. (1976) Loner17 CO2 216 to 1100 K, < 100 MPa LVE + SVP
Angus et al. (1978) Loner21 CH4 90 to 620 K, < 100 MPa LVE + SVP
Angus et al. (1979) Loner25 N2 63 to 1100 K, < 100 MPa LVE + SVP
Belonoshko and Saxena (1991a,b) Loner23 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – CO – H2 – O2 400 to 4000 K, 500 to 1000 MPa SVP
Belonoshko and Saxena (1992), Loner40 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 – 400 to 4000 K, 0.5 to 100 GPa SVP
Shi and Saxena (1992) H2S – NH3 – H2 – O2 – CO
(S2 – SO2 – COS – Ar)
Bodnar and Vityk (1994), Loner32 H2O – NaCla 323 to 973 K, < 600 MPa SVP
Bodnar (1992, 1994),
Knight and Bodnar (1989)
Bowers and Helgeson (1983), Loner8 H2O – CO2 – NaCl, 623 to 773 Kb, 50 to 150 MPab SVP
Bakker (1999a,b) H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 – C2H6 –
H2S – NH3 – H2 – O2 – CO – NaCl
Christoforakos and Franck (1986) Loner26 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 (Xe)c 500 to 650 K, < 250 MPa LVE
Chueh and Prausnitz (1967) Loner2 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 – C2H6 – H2Sd n.s. LVE
Duan et al. (1992a,b, 1996b) Loner9 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – H2S – (NaCl) 273 to 1273 K, < 800 MPa LVE + SVP
Duan et al. (1992c, 1996a) Loner10 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 – 273 to 2000 K, < 2000 MPa SVP
H2S – H2 – O2 – CO (Ar)
Friend et al. (1991) Loner20 C2H6 90 to 625 K, < 70 MPa LVE + SVP
Gallagher et al. (1993) Loner27 H2O – CO2 400 to 1000 K, < 100 MPa LVE + SVP
Goodwin (1985) Loner28 CO 68 to 1000 K, < 100 MPa LVE + SVP
Haar and Gallagher (1978) Loner29 NH3 195 to 750 K, < 500 MPa LVE + SVP
Haar et al. (1984) Loner14 H2O 273 to 1273 K, < 1000 MPa LVE + SVP
Holloway (1977, 1981, 1987), Loner5 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 – C2H6 – 673 to 1573 K, < 200 MPa SVP
de Santis et al. (1974), H2S – NH3 – H2 – O2 – COd
Flowers (1979)
Jacobsen et al. (1986) Loner22 N2 126 to 2000 K, < 1000 MPa LVE + SVP
Kell (1967), Loner16 H2O 273 to 423 K, < 100 MPa SVP
Kell and Whalley (1965)
Kerrick and Jacobs (1981), Loner6 H2O – CO2 – CH4 673 to 1073 K, < 1500 MPa SVP
Jacobs and Kerrick (1981b)
Kestin and Sengers (1986) Loner30 H2O (D2O) 277 to 800 K, < 100 MPa LVE + SVP
Lee and Kesler (1975) Loner7 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – Tr = 0.3 to 4, Pr = 0 to 10 LVE + SVP
N2 – C2H6 – H2S – NH3d
Lvov et al. (1990), Loner31 H2O – NaCle 273 to 973 K, 0.1 to 1000 MPa SVP
Lvov and Wood (1990)
Peng and Robinson (1976) Loner4 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 – C2H6 – n.s. LVE + SVP
H2S – NH3 – H2 – O2 – COd
Redlich and Kwong (1949) Loner1 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 – C2H6 – >Tc, >Pc SVP
H2S – NH3 – H2 – O2 – COd
Saxena and Fei (1987a, 1988) Loner24 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – >400 K SVP
N2 – CO – H2 – O2
Saxena and Fei (1987b, 1988) Loner33 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 – < 3000 K, < 100 GPa SVP
CO – H2 – O2 (Ar – Xe)
Setzmann and Wagner (1991) Loner19 CH4 90 to 625 K, < 1000 MPa LVE + SVP
Shi and Saxena (1992) Loner39 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – H2S – n.s. SVP
H2 – O2 (S2 – SO2 – COS)
Shmonov and Shmulovich (1974) Loner13 CO2 373 to 1273 K, 200 to 1000 MPa SVP
Soave (1972) Loner3 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – N2 – C2H6 – n.s. LVE
H2S – NH3 – H2 – O2 – COd
Span and Wagner (1996) Loner18 CO2 216 to 1100 K, < 800 MPa LVE + SVP
R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23 9

Table 1 (continued)
Reference Program Fluid System Limits Fit
Spycher and Reed (1988) Loner34 H2O – CO2 – CH4 – H2 289 to 1273 K, < 100 MPa SVP
Sterner and Bodnar (1991) Loner12 H2O – CO2a 673 to 973 K, 200 to 600 MPa SVP
Stewart et al. (1991) Loner35 O2 54 to 300 K, < 80 MPa LVE + SVP
Thiéry et al. (1994a,b) Loner11 CO2 – CH4 – N2d < 304 K, < 40 MPa LVE
Tillner – Roth et al. (1993) Loner36 NH3 223 to 573 K, < 1000 MPa LVE + SVP
Tillner – Roth and Friend (1998) Loner37 H2O – NH3 200 to 600 K, < 40 MPa LVE + SVP
Zhang and Frantz (1987) Loner38 H2O – NaCl – KCl – CaCl2a,f 453 to 973 K, < 300 MPa SVP
Gas components in brackets are originally included in the references, but not used in the programs. Temperature – pressure limits for each EoS are
indicated (n.s.—not specified). Tr and Pr are the reduced temperature and pressure, Tc and Pc are the critical temperature and pressure. The type of
experimental data to which the equations were fitted is denoted as liquid – vapour equilibria (LVE) or single-phase volumetric properties (SVP).
Data obtained from synthetic fluid inclusion studies.
Extended by Bakker (1999a,b).
Only for binary systems H2O – gas.
More gases can be incorporated.
More salts can be incorporated.
Only for binary systems H2O – salt.

Final ice-melting temperatures are analysed with Finally, bulk compositions and densities of indi-
thermodynamic models, either by using the ion-inter- vidual fluid inclusions can be obtained from estima-
action model (e.g. Pitzer, 1991), with osmotic coef- tions of volume fractions of phases present at room
ficients calculated in file Osmotic.CPP (see Appendix temperature, as described in the previous paragraph.
C), or by using purely empirical models (e.g. Bodnar, Volume fraction estimates are a source of errors with
1993). The disadvantage of purely empirical models magnitudes that are presently unknown, but sensitiv-
for electrolyte solutions is that they can only be ity calculations can be easily performed with the
applied to restricted predefined compositions and program BULK. Bulk densities can also be obtained
conditions. They can provide salinity in terms of from total homogenisation temperatures, however, it
equivalent mass percentage, and they do not take into can mainly be applied to one-component fluids, for
account the total pressure and the presence of dis- which accurate thermodynamic models are available,
solved gases. True salinities are, therefore, overesti- e.g. Wagner and Pruß (1993) for H2O (see Appendix
mated using such models. Henry’s constants are used F, Table F1). Most EoSs were not designed to predict
to calculate the solubility of gases (e.g. Carroll et al., solvus conditions, i.e. homogenisation conditions, of
1991), including salting-out coefficients (e.g. Cramer, multi-component fluid systems. Therefore, highly
1982) in the file GasSol.CPP (see Appendix B). The incorrect values for bulk density are obtained by using
activity of H2O in complex solutions is obtained by such equations to predict Th values, whereas bulk
combining the models for dissolved electrolytes and densities based on volume fraction estimation of
gases, according to the theoretical considerations in phases at room temperature provide more reliable,
Bakker et al. (1996). albeit approximate values. Except for single compo-
The program BULK calculates the composition and nent fluids and NaCl – H2O mixtures, the program
density of the vapour bubble and the aqueous solution BULK inquires input of volume fraction estimates.
at room temperature (20 jC) according to the pre-
viously described procedures. If an additional liquid 4.2. ISOC
CO2-rich phase is present at this temperature, the
program calculated the relative proportions according The information obtained from the program BULK,
to the LVE calculations. The density of the H2O-rich or a hypothetical bulk composition and density, are
liquid solution at room temperature is calculate from entered into the program ISOC to calculate corre-
several thermodynamic models that account for either sponding isochores. This program includes many
dissolved gases (e.g. Duan et al., 1992a,b) or dis- different types of EoSs (Table 1), and the relevant
solved electrolytes (e.g. Krumgalz et al. 1996). equations are automatically selected according to the
10 R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23

fluid composition. The user is able to select one of the mixture. The precision of both EoSs at higher temper-
EoSs for the isochore calculation. Each selection is ature and pressure is tested against an experimental
accompanied by an indication of limits of applicabil- datum from Sterner and Bodnar (1991), for which
ity of the EoS, as specified in the original publication. x(H2O) is 0.38 and x(CO2) is 0.62, and molar volume
The selection can be changed arbitrarily if those limits is 46.8 cm3 mol 1 at 700 jC and 300 MPa. With these
do not correspond to the required p– T conditions. fixed Vm  x values, the EoSDMW overestimates the
Included in the program is an option to correct fluid experimental pressure by 14 MPa, whereas the EoSH
isochores for reversible changes in the absolute volume underestimates the pressure by 21 MPa (Fig. 3). The
of the host minerals. Compressibility and expansion of isochore according to EoSH is nearly a straight line in a
18 possible host minerals (e.g. quartz, carbonates, p –T diagram (Fig.3), whereas EoSDMW has irregular-
Al2SiO5 polymorphs, olivines, garnets, feldspars, and ities at low temperature (below 450 jC) and a negative
pyroxenes) are included (Hosieni et al., 1985; Berman, slope at high temperatures (above 890 jC). The
1988). Isochore calculations are defined by the user EoSDMW appears to be more accurate for the example
over a certain temperature interval with selected step experimental datum. However, extrapolation of this
sizes. equation to lower and higher temperatures evidently
The differences in prediction of the selected EoSs yields unrealistic isochore slopes.
and the effect of isochore corrections are illustrated in If we assume that this example fluid is trapped in
Fig. 3. For comparison, two EoSs have been selected, quartz at the specified experimental conditions, then
i.e. Duan et al. (1992a,b), EoSDMW, and Holloway the p– T path of cooling can be predicted by taking
(1977, 1981), EoSH, for a binary H2O – CO2 fluid into account the compressibility and thermal expan-

Fig. 3. Pressure – temperature diagram with isochores (solid curves) for a fixed bulk composition and molar volume. Short-dashed curves
illustrate the change in p – T paths of a hypothetical fluid inclusion as a consequence of the expansion of the host mineral at higher temperatures
and pressures. The cross represents an experimental datum for 700 jC and 300 MPa from Sterner and Bodnar (1991). The shaded area indicates
the immiscibility field of the specified fluid mixture according to the experiments of Tödheide and Franck (1963) (TF). The long-dashed line is
the phase boundary between a- and h-quartz (see text for further details).
R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23 11

Table 2 4.3. TEST

Purely empirical equations for freezing-point-depression of aqueous
solutions with one or two dissolved salts, and the corresponding
program numbers in the group Aqso Both programs ISOC and BULK permit the user to
choose among different EoSs and thermodynamic
Reference Program Fluid System
models. As mentioned above, the program ISOC
Bakker et al. (1996) Aqso4e H2O – KCl, H2O – CaCl2
includes limit indications for the selected EoSs as
Dubois and Aqso3e H2O – NaCl – MgCl2
Marignac (1997) stated in the source publications. The program TEST
Naden (1996) Aqso2e H2O – NaCl – CaCl2 provides extra information on the limitations of spe-
Potter et al. (1978) Aqso5e H2O – NaCl cific EoSs, as obtained from mathematical restrictions
VPI: Hall et al. (1988), Aqso1e H2O – NaCl, and comparison with experimental data. These data
Sterner et al. (1988), H2O – NaCl – KCl,
can be selected from a program library, which has
Bodnar et al. (1989), H2O – NaCl – CaCl2
Oakes et al. (1990), been specially designed in C++ for storing published
Bodnar (1993) experimental data on fluid systems, or they can be
entered by the user. The accuracy, precision, extrap-
olation possibilities and improvements of the EoSs
sion of quartz. By graphically intersecting the path will be discussed elsewhere (Bakker, in preparation)
with the experimentally determined solvus of Töd- are further discussed in the papers following the
heide and Franck (1963) (curve TF in Fig. 3), the general introduction to the computer package FLU-
homogenisation conditions are predicted to be about IDS.
261 jC and 101 MPa (Th and Ph in Fig. 3). The
calculation predicts a bulk molar volume of 45.3 cm3 4.4. Loner
mol 1 at these conditions. These Vm  x numbers
could also have been obtained, using the program Loner is a group of programs (Table 1) that handles
BULK, from the homogenisation temperature of the individual EoSs. These programs can be used to
CO2 phases at 25.1 jC (in the liquid) and from the
vapour bubble volume fraction of 0.843 (see also
Bakker and Diamond, 2000). Table 3
Host mineral corrections of isochores are illus- Dilute aqueous solutions according to Henry’s law for several
trated only for the EoSH in Fig. 3. It should be noted dissolved gases and the salting-out effect, with corresponding
references and program numbers in the group Aqso
that corrected isochores have a variable molar volume.
Reference Program Fluid System
Therefore, they are not strictly isochores, but specific
fluid inclusion p– T paths. As a second example of Anderson and Aqso1h H2O – CH4 – N2
Prausnitz (1986)
such calculations, we now assume that the molar
Benson and Aqso2h H2O – N2 – O2
volume of the fluid inclusion is 46.8 cm3 mol 1, as Krause (1976)
determined from the measured homogenisation con- Carroll et al. (1991), Aqso3h H2O – CO2
ditions (e.g. Bakker and Diamond, 2000). The host Carroll and
mineral correction now tends towards lower pressures Mather (1992)
Cramer (1982) Aqso4h H2O – CO2 –
at higher temperatures (dashed curve 1 in Fig. 3). At
CH4 – O2 – NaCl
700 jC, the molar volume of the fluid has changed to Crovetto (1991) Aqso5h H2O – CO2
48.3 cm3 mol 1 at 262 MPa. Alternatively, if we Drummond (1981) Aqso6h H2O – CO2 – CH4 –
assume that at 700 jC the inclusion has a molar H2S – H2 – NaCl
volume of 46.8 cm3 mol 1, as obtained from exper- Prini and Aqso7h H2O – CH4 – N2 –
Crovetto (1989) C2H6 – H2 – O2
imental data, than the isochore is corrected towards
Rettich et al. (1981) Aqso8h H2O – CH4 – C2H6
higher pressures at lower temperatures (dashed curve Stoessell and Aqso9h H2O – CH4 – NaCl –
2 in Fig. 3). The homogenisation conditions for this Byrne (1982), KCl – CaCl2 – MgCl2
specific fluid mixture are at a similar temperature but Byrne and
at higher pressures, 109 MPa, whereas the molar Stoessell (1982)
Teng et al. (1997) Aqso10h H2O – CO2
volume has decreased to 45.3 cm3 mol 1.
12 R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23

evaluate temperature, pressure, molar volume (and Appendix B); (3) electrolyte solution models with
excess molar volume), fugacity, activity and liquid – osmotic coefficients (Table 4, see Appendix C).
vapour equilibrium from known variables using a Similar to EoSs, the accuracy of these thermodynamic
single EoS. Excess molar volumes and activity coef- models, their extrapolation possibilities and improve-
ficients of fluid mixtures can be calculated from the ments will be discussed elsewhere (Bakker, in prep-
mixing rules used in the source publications or from aration).
standard excess Gibbs energy functions in the file
Gexcess.CPP (see Appendix D). Additionally, unified
Helmholtz energy functions (e.g. Span and Wagner, 5. Concluding remarks
1996) allow the calculation of Helmholtz energy,
entropy, internal energy, enthalpy, Gibbs energy, iso- The computer package FLUIDS has been devel-
choric heat capacity, isobaric heat capacity, speed of oped for the analysis of fluid inclusion data (pro-
sound and Joule – Thomson coefficient. grams BULK and ISOC) and for the calculation of
bulk fluid properties in general (programs TEST,
4.5. Aqso Loner, Aqso). The programs run on Macintosh,
Windows-based and DOS-based platforms. The pack-
Aqso contains three groups that calculate the age contains a broad variety of EoSs and thermody-
properties of dilute aqueous solutions at relatively namic modelling. Those that have not yet been
low temperatures. Each group is the application of a included in this paper may be easily inserted into
specific thermodynamical model: (1) purely empirical these programs, without changing the overall pro-
equation for H2O – salt fluid systems (Table 2); (2) gram structure. The package is designed as a digital
Henry’s law and salting-out coefficients for H2O – gas library and workshop for fluid properties. The pro-
and H 2 O – gas – salt fluid systems (Table 3, see grams are available on the University of Leoben web
site http:/www.unileoben.ac.at/~buero62/minpet/
ronald, which also includes several worked examples
Table 4 of each type of program. To ensure reproducibility of
Electrolyte solution models based on osmotic coefficients with calculations and to provide correct documentation,
corresponding references and program numbers in the group Aqso users of the FLUIDS program package should cite
Reference Program Fluid System not only this publication and program version num-
Archer Aqso3c H2O – NaCl, ber, but also the original publications of the selected
(1992, 1999) H2O – KCl EoSs or empirical equations.
Bakker Aqso10c H2O – NaCl – KCl –
et al. (1996) CaCl2 – MgCl2
Conceicao Aqso11c H2O – NaCl – MgCl2a
et al. (1983)
Harvie Aqso4c H2O – CO2 – NaCl –
et al. (1984) KCl – CaCl2 – MgCl2a I would like to thank James G. Blencoe, Larryn W.
Holmes and Aqso8c H2O – KCla Diamond and Régis Thiéry for their constructive
Mesmer (1983) reviews that greatly improved the quality of this
Holmes Aqso9c H2O – CaCl2
et al. (1994, 1997)
paper. [RR]
Krumgalz Aqso5c H2O – NaCl – KCl –
et al. (1996) CaCl2 – MgCl2a
Møller (1988) Aqso6c H2O – NaCl – CaCl2a Appendix A . Liquid –vapour equilibrium
Phutela and Aqso7c H2O – CaCl2
Pitzer (1983)
Pitzer et al. (1984), Aqso1c H2O – NaCl – KCl –
The phase equilibrium between vapour and liquid
Pitzer (1991) CaCl2 – MgCl2a phases at constant temperature and pressure is calcu-
Spencer et al. (1990) Aqso2c H2O – NaCl – KCl – lated in file LVEquil.CPP according to the method of
CaCl2 – MgCl2a Prausnitz et al. (1980), and is described by the
More salts can be incorporated. equality of chemical potentials (or fugacities) of a
R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23 13

component in each phase (Eqs. (A1), (A2a) and point, i.e. homogenisation into the liquid and vapour
(A2b)). phase, respectively, are calculated at a fixed temper-
ature, i.e. the homogenisation temperature, and by
fivapour ¼ filiquid ðA1Þ setting xvap at 0 or 1, respectively. The homogenisa-
tion pressure and density are numerically obtained
(secant method) using the restriction of the mass
fivapour ¼ #i yi P ðA2aÞ balance. The fugacity coefficients for both the liquid
and vapour phase (wi and #i) are calculated from the
same EoS. A first guess of K values is obtained from
filiquid ¼ wi xi P ðA2bÞ both Raoult’s law and the Wilson approximation
(Michelsen, 1993). Liquid – vapour equilibrium within
where P is pressure, #i and wi are the fugacity the immiscibility region of a certain fluid mixture is
coefficients in the vapour and liquid phase, respec- obtained at selected temperatures by numerical calcu-
tively; yi and xi are the amount-of-substance fractions lation (secant method) of pressure and xvap simulta-
(commonly termed mole fractions) in the vapour and neously, which may vary between 0 and 1. The
liquid phase, respectively. The ratio of this fraction relation between xvap and volume fractions u of the
can be expressed in a K value (Eq. (A3)). phases is given in Eqs. (A6a –6c).

yi wi nvap Vmvap
Ki ¼ ¼ ðA3Þ uvapour ¼ ðA6aÞ
xi #i nvap Vmvap þ nliq Vmliq

During phase separation, the amount-of-substance

fractions in each phase are not independent (Eq.
xvap Vmvap
(A4)). uvapour ¼ ðA6bÞ
xvap Vmvap þ ð1  xvap ÞVmliq
nvap yi þ nliq xi
Xibulk ¼ ðA4Þ
nvap þ nliq
uliquid ¼ 1  uvapour ðA6cÞ
where Xibulk is the bulk amount-of-substance fraction
of component i; nvap and nliq are the total number of where Vm is the molar volume of the superscripted
moles in the vapour and liquid phase, respectively. phase.
Substitution of Eq. (A3) in Eq. (A4) and defining the
sum of nvap and nliq as nbulk results in Eqs. (A5a– 5d).
Appendix B . Gas solubility in aqueous solutions
nvap nbulk  nvap
Xibulk ¼ bulk
Ki xi þ xi ðA5aÞ
n nbulk The solubility of gases in dilute aqueous solutions
is calculated with Henry’s law (e.g. Prausnitz et al.,
Xibulk 1986) in the file GasSol.CPP. Similar to the previous
xi ¼ ðA5bÞ section, equilibrium calculations are based on the
xvap ðK
i  1Þ þ 1
equality of fugacities of components in each phase
Ki Xibulk they are present (cf. Eq. (A1)). The solvent, i.e. H2O,
yi ¼ ðA5cÞ and solutes, i.e. dissolved gases are treated separately
xvap ðKi  1Þ þ 1
(Eqs. (B1a) and (B1b)).
xvap ¼ ðA5dÞ vapour
fgas liquid
¼ fgas ðB1aÞ

where xvap is the amount-of-substance fraction of the

vapour phase in the bulk system. The bubble and dew fHvapour
¼ fHliquid
14 R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23

The solution of both equations gives the composi- where vl i is the partial molar volume of component i
tions of the coexisting aqueous solution and gas-rich at infinite dilution. The vl
i values for CO2, CH4, N2
vapour phase, which is numerically calculated (secant and C2H6 are partly dependent on temperature and are
method). The fugacities of a component in the liquid obtained from Bakker (1998). Summarised, the fugac-
and vapour phase are defined by Eqs. (B2a) and (B2b) ity of H2O and a gas component in the liquid phase
(cf. Eqs. (A2a) and (A2b)). are defined by Eqs. (B6a) and (B6b).

filiquid ¼ wi xi P ¼ xi ci fi0 uHi;w xi ðB2aÞ  

vH2 O ðP  Psat Þ
¼ xH2 O Psat wsat
H2 O exp ðB6aÞ
fivapour ¼ #i yi P ðB2bÞ

where ci is the activity coefficient of the component i,  

and fi 0 is the fugacity of i at the standard state, Hi,w is liquid sat gas ðP  P Þ
fgas ¼ xgas Hgas;w exp ðB6bÞ
the Henry’s constant of component i in water. The RT
pressure effect on the gas solubility in aqueous
solutions is obtained from the definition of fugacity
coefficient (Eq. (B3)). where wH 2O
is the fugacity coefficient of pure H2O at
its saturation pressure, which is 1 at low temper-
  Z Psat  
fi RT atures. The fugacities of H2O and gas in the vapour
RT ln ¼ vi  dP phase are obtained from the EoS of Redlich and
xi P 0 P
Z P  Kwong (1949). At temperatures below 0 jC, the
RT saturation pressure of water is set equal to the satu-
þ vi  dP ðB3Þ
Psat P ration pressure of ice, i.e. sublimation curve (Wagner
et al., 1994).
where vi is the partial molar volume of component i in The temperature dependence of the Henry’s con-
the liquid phase, R is the gas constant and T is stant is expressed in a general formula for CO2, CH4,
temperature in K. The integral has been split up at N2 and C2H6 (Eq. (B7)).
the saturation pressure of the water, Psat. Eq. (B3) can
be rewritten to include the Henry’s constant as defined
sat a1 a2 a3 a4
in Eq. (B2a). lnðHi;w =MPaÞ ¼ a0 þ þ 2þ 3þ 4 ðB7Þ
   sat  Z P  
fi fi 1 P
ln ¼ ln sat sat þ vi dP  ln sat where the constants a0, a1, a2, a3 and a4 are defined
xi P xi P RT Psat P
according to Bakker (1998).
(B4a) The solubility of gases decreases if salts are also
   sat  Z P dissolved in the aqueous solution. Therefore, the
fi fi 1 Henry’s constant for gases is corrected with the salt-
ln ¼ ln sat þ vi dP ðB4bÞ
xi P xi P RT Psat ing-out coefficient, ks (Eqs. (B8a – 8c)).

  Z P
fi sat 1 !
ln ¼ lnðHi;w Þþ vi dP ðB4cÞ salt
xi RT Psat ln ¼ ks bsalt ðB8aÞ
The remaining integral in Eq. (B4c) can be
replaced by Eq. (B5), assuming that vi in the aqueous
solution is independent of pressure. ks ðCO2 Þ=ðmol1 kgÞ ¼ 0:11572  0:00060293t
1 vl ðP  Psat Þ þ 3:5817  106 t 2
vi dP ¼ i ðB5Þ
RT psat RT  3:7772  109 t 3 ðB8bÞ
R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23 15

ks ðCH4 Þ=ðmol1 kgÞ ¼ 3:38828  0:0318765T ai ¼ ci xi ðC2bÞ

þ 0:000122003T
In dilute solutions the logarithm of Eq. (C2b) is
 2:31891  107 T 3
simplified as follows:
þ 2:22938  1010 T 4
 8:83764  1014 T 5 ðB8cÞ lnðai Þ ¼ lnðci xi Þ ¼ Ui lnðxi Þ ðC3Þ

where bsalt is the molality of a dissolved salt, t and T where Ui is the osmotic coefficient of component i.
are the temperature in jC and K, respectively. Eqs. Eqs. (C4a) and (C4b) give the definition of the
(B8b) and (B8c) are empirical fits to the data from osmotic coefficient for water, as obtained from Eq.
Cramer (1982), and represent the salting-out coeffi- (C3), again by separating solvent and solute compo-
cient of CO2 and CH4 in NaCl solutions, valid nents.
between 0 and 300 jC. For KCl solutions, a constant
value of 0.04 and 0.026 (Stoessell and Byrne, 1982) is xH O
subtracted from ks in Eqs. (B8b) and (B8c), respec- UH2 O ¼ X 2 lnðaH2 O Þ ðC4aÞ
tively. A constant value of 0.075 and 0.066 is sub- j
tracted for CaCl2 solutions, and a constant value of
0.075 and 0.074 is subtracted for MgCl2 solutions in
2 3
Eqs. (B8b) and (B8c), respectively. It is assumed that
all salts are distributed in the liquid phase, and that the 6 xH2 O 7
vapour phase is free of salts. lim 64 X lnðxH2 O Þ7
5¼1 ðC4bÞ
xj !0 xj

Appendix C . Osmotic coefficients

where xj is the amount-of-substance fraction of dis-
solved electrolytes in water. Eq. (C4b) is a combina-
The file Osmotic.CPP calculates the osmotic coef-
tion of Eqs. (C3) and (C4a), which indicates that it can
ficients, activity coefficients and mean activity coef-
only be applied to dilute solutions. The derivation of
ficients of H2O and dissolved salts in electrolyte
Eqs. (C4a) and (C4b) can also be illustrated by
solutions according to the thermodynamic model of
expressing the amount-of-substance fraction of H2O
Pitzer (1991). The chemical potential of a component
in molalities (bi) of the corresponding components in
in a certain phase is expressed as in Eq. (C1).
the aqueous solution (Eq. (C5)).
BG fi
li ¼ ¼ l0i þ RT ln 0 ðC1Þ nH 2 O nH 2 O
Bni T;P;nj fi xH2 O ¼ ¼ X
ntotal nH 2 O þ nj
where the superscript 0 refers to standard conditions,
G is the Gibbs energy, fi and ni are the fugacity and the 1
¼ Mr ðH2 OÞ
X ðC5Þ
amount-of-substance of component i, respectively, R 1þ bj
is the gas constant and T is temperature in K. The ratio j
of the fugacity of a component in the mixture and the
pure component at p – T is defined as the activity. where Mr(H2O) is the relative molar mass of water.
Furthermore, the activity ai can be expressed as the The logarithm of this equation can be simplified for
product of amount-of-substance fraction xi and activ- dilute solutions (Eqs. (C6a) and (C6b)).
ity coefficient ci (Eqs. (C2a) and (C2b)).
fi Mr ðH2 OÞ X
¼ ai ðC2aÞ lnðxH2 O Þ ¼ ln 1 þ bj ðC6aÞ
fi0 1000 j
16 R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23

Mr ðH2 OÞ X Mr ðH2 OÞ X Gexcess
m Mr ðH2 OÞ
 ln 1 þ bj c  bj ¼ xH2 O
1000 1000 RT 1000
j j " #
ðC6bÞ  ð1  UH2 O Þ bj þ bj lnðcj Þ
j j

Subsequently, the osmotic coefficient can be
expressed as a function of molalities by substitution The excess Gibbs energy can be obtained from
of Eqs. (C6a) and (C6b) into Eq. (C3): experimental data, which are reproduced by relatively
simple mathematical functions dependent on compo-
1 sition and temperature, such as the Margules equation
UH2 O ¼ X
Mr ðH2 OÞ
lnðaH2 O Þ ðC7Þ
1000 bj and the Redlich –Kister equation (e.g. Prausnitz et al.,
j 1986). From statistical mechanics, some rough phys-
ical significance can be assigned to the parameters
The total molar Gibbs energy of the aqueous that appear in these equations. The excess Gibbs
solution is expressed in Eqs. (C8a) and (C8b). energy function for dilute electrolyte solutions is
modelled according to two major assumptions. (1)
Gm ¼ xi li ¼ xH2 O lH2 O þ xj lj ðC8aÞ The interaction between dissolved salt molecules is a
i j function of its potential, and (2) the interaction of
individual H2O molecules is ignored. The function is
described by two- and three-body interactions (Eqs.
Gm ¼ xH2 O ½l0H2 O þ RT lnðaH2 O Þ
X (C11a) and (C11b)).
þ xj ½l0j þ RT lnðaj Þ ðC8bÞ XX XXX
j Gexcess
m ¼Aþ xi xj Bij þ xi xj xk Cijk
i j i j k
The excess molar Gibbs energy is obtained by
subtracting the ideal mixing Gibbs energy from Eqs. (C11a)
(C8a) and (C8b).
" # Gexcess
m Mr ðH2 OÞ
X ¼ xH 2 O
RT " 1000
Gexcess ¼ RT xH2 O lnðcH2 O Þ þ xj lnðcj Þ ðC9Þ
m XX
 f ðIÞ þ bi bj kij ðIÞ
i j
The activity coefficient of water is obtained by com-
bining Eqs. (C2b), (C6a), (C6b) and (C7): #
þ bi bj bk lijk ðC11bÞ
i j k
Mr ðH2 OÞ X
lnðcH2 O Þ ¼ ð1  UH2 O Þ bj where f and kij are the transformed Debye – Hückel
1000 j
term and binary interaction parameters (i.e. short-
X UH2 O range interaction between two solute molecules),
¼ xj  lnðxH2 O Þ ðC10aÞ
xH 2 O respectively. Both are functions of the ionic strength
(I). lijk is the triple interaction parameter, which is
" # independent of I. This equation can be rearranged in
X X order to obtain experimentally determinable quantities
m ¼ RT xj ð1  UH2 O Þ þ xj lnðcj Þ (see Pitzer, 1991). Values for the osmotic coefficient
j j
and the activity coefficient of dissolved salts are
ðC10bÞ obtained from partial differentiation of Eq. (C11b).
R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23 17

The file Osmotic.CCP includes the possibility to qi u1 ðD2eÞ
calculate the ionic strength, the electrostatic term i
(Debye– Hückel parameter) and several empirical fits
of the parameters that occur in Eqs. (C11a) and where aij represents the energy of interaction between
(C11b) of many dissolved components. a molecule of type i and j, 2zizj is the probability that
any nearest neighbours are a pair of molecules i and j,
qi is a measure of the size of molecule i. The lattice
Appendix D . Excess Gibbs energy and Lattice theory treats a liquid as a quasicrystalline state, where
theory molecules tends to stay in a small region (Guggen-
heim, 1966; Prausnitz et al., 1986). The total potential
The file Gexcess.CPP calculates excess properties energy of this liquid is the summation of all molecular
of fluid mixtures, i.e. excess functions for molar pairs. The interaction between two unlike molecules is
volume, enthalpy, entropy, Helmholtz energy and described by the interchange energy w (Eq. (D3)).
Gibbs energy, according to a combination of the van 1
Laar equation (e.g. Wohl, 1946) and lattice theory wij =JuZ Cij  ðCii þ Cjj Þ ðD3Þ
(e.g. Guggenheim, 1966). The excess Gibbs energy is
directly related to the activity coefficients of the where Z is the coordination number ( = 10), and Cij is
components in the solution (Eqs. (D1a) and (D1b), the intermolecular potential between molecule i and j.
cf. Eqs. (C8a), (C8b) and (C9)). The total potential energy can be transformed by the
canonical partition function into thermodynamic prop-
X   erties, such as excess Helmholtz energy (Eqs. (D4a)
Gm ¼ xi l0i þ RT lnðai Þ ðD1aÞ
and (D4b)).

X Aexcess
m 1 XX 1
Gexcess ¼ RT xi lnðci Þ ðD1bÞ ¼ wij xi xj ðD4aÞ
m RT kT i j p i 2

XX 1
where ai and ci are the activity and the activity Aexcess ¼ NA wij xi xj ðD4bÞ
coefficient of component i, respectively, and the sub- i jp i
script m denotes a molar basis. According to the
theory of van Laar (1910), the excess Gibbs energy where k is the Boltzmann constant, and NA is Avoga-
can be expressed as in Eqs. (D2a– 2e). dro’s number. Eqs. (D4a) and (D4b) is equivalent to
the two-suffix Margules excess function. Application
of this principle to the van Laar excess function (Eqs.
Gexcess XX (D2a –2e)) results in a direct relation between wij and
X ¼ aij zi zj ðD2aÞ aij (Eq. (D5)).
RT x i qi i jp i
NA wij
2aij ¼ ðD5Þ
x i qi A general formulation of the intermolecular poten-
zi u X ðD2bÞ
x i qi tial energy is described by a combination of the
i Lennard – Jones-, Kihara-, and Stockmayer-potential
(Eq. (D6)).
aij uaji ðD2cÞ "    #
rij  2aij 12 rij  2aij 6 l2ij
Cij =J ¼ 4eij   3
rij  2aij rij  2aij rij
qi Vi
u ðD2dÞ
qj Vj (D6)
18 R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23

Table F1 li
Purely empirical equations of vapour-saturated fluid properties of li* ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðD8eÞ
pure gases in the file Saturation.CPP ei r3i
Fluid system Reference
H2O Wagner and Pruß (1993) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
CO2 Duschek et al. (1990) lij* ¼ l*i l*j ðD8f Þ
CH4 Setzmann and Wagner (1991)
N2 Jacobsen et al. (1986)
C2H6 Friend et al. (1991)
H2S This paper (Eqs. (F1) and (F2)) where l* is the reduced dipole moment.
NH3 Haar and Gallagher (1978) The excess functions for molar volume, entropy,
O2 Stewart et al. (1991) enthalpy and Helmholtz energy are obtained from
CO Goodwin (1985)
classical thermodynamic derivations of the excess
Gibbs energy (Eqs. (D9a– 9d)).
where e is the minimum energy corresponding to the
equilibrium separation, r is the intermolecular dis-
tance, r is the intermolecular distance where C = 0, a BGexcess
Vmexcess ¼ m
is the radius of the spherical molecular core and l is BP T
the dipole moment. This equation reduces to a Len-
nard – Jones potential if aij = 0 and lij = 0, to a Stock-
mayer potential if only aij = 0, and to a Kihara  
potential if only lij = 0. The distance between mole- Smexcess ¼ m
cules is obtained from the molar volume of pure gases BT P
Vmpure (Kohler, 1957), assuming that each molecule
occupies the same cube of space (Eq. (D7)).
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Hmexcess ¼ Gexcess þ TSmexcess ðD9cÞ
pure m
3 Vm
r=m ¼ ðD7Þ

The mixing rules, i.e. geometric mean assumption Aexcess

m ¼ Gexcess
m  PVmexcess ðD9dÞ
(with Bertholot’s mixed parameter) and arithmetic
average, are applied to these molecular parameters
(Eqs. (D8a– 8f)). These excess functions can be applied to mixtures
of all fluid components included in the FLUIDS
1 computer package. Pure fluid properties can be
rij ¼ ðri þ rj Þ ðD8aÞ
2 obtained from any of the EoSs mentioned in the text.

Table F2
1 Empirical constants for pure H2S in Eqs. (F1) and (F2)
aij ¼ ðai þ aj Þ ðD8bÞ
2 i a b (vap) b (liq)
1  5.7856 1.1411 1.4933
2  9.4242  22.088  22.741
3 16.381 35.292 42.079
rij ¼ ðri þ rj Þ ðD8cÞ 4  48.551 71.91 62.138
2 5 –  332.78  267.42
6 – 323.15 228.43
7 – – –
8 – – –
pffiffiffiffiffiffi  131.37  51.943
eij ¼ ei ej ðD8dÞ 9 –
R.J. Bakker / Chemical Geology 194 (2003) 3–23 19

Appendix E . Thermodynamic properties of saturation temperature can be obtained from either a

minerals and fluids selected pressure or density. The saturation properties
of pure H2S are fitted to experimental data (West,
Heat capacity, entropy, enthalpy and Gibbs energy 1948; Reamer et al., 1950), according to the equations:
at 0.1 MPa (1 bar) and various temperatures of both
pure minerals and pure fluids are calculated in the file   X  
P 4
T i
Thermo.CPP. Heat-capacity functions, standard state ln ¼ ai 1  ðF1Þ
Gibbs energy and enthalpy of formation from the PC i¼1
elements, and entropy at standard-state conditions
are taken from Robie et al. (1978) and Berman   X  
V 9
T i=3
(1988). A general formula for heat capacity has been ln ¼ bi 1  ðF2Þ
adopted in this study, which combines all formula- VC i¼1
tions presented in literature:
where TC, PC and VC are the critical temperature
1 1 C1 C2 C3 C4 (373.539 K), critical pressure (9.00455 MPa) and
CP =J K mol ¼ C0 þ pffiffiffiffi þ þ 2þ 3
T T T T critical molar volume (97.6998 cm3 mol-1), respec-
þ C5 T þ C6 T þ C7 T þ C8 T 3
2 tively. Eq. (F2) is used for both the liquid and the
vapour phases. The empirical constants a and b in Eqs.
(F1) and (F2) are defined in Table F2.
Subsequently, entropy, enthalpy and Gibbs energy
are obtained from the integration of this function
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