Great Books PDF
Great Books PDF
Great Books PDF
One goal was to was to list all of the great, excellent and fine
literature and literary writing produced in the past 50 years all over
the globe. Then we want all of the classics around the globe for the
previous 50 years. The second list will be shorter as some works fail
to stand the test of time. Before 1900, we will include any quality
literary work that is still withstanding the test of time. The third list
will be even shorter because after 100 years, works start to be
increasingly labeled as not withstanding the test of time.
Surely this list does not even include 1% of the excellent books
written around the globe in the past century.
This was a very difficult project. All books on the list were at least
researched, but of course they were not all read. One method was
utilizing the Amazon ratings system. I wanted a rating of at least 4 on
the 1-5 scale of a work that qualified as a great book or classic. Then
I often wanted at least 5 reviews. I used the same system on
Goodreads – a 4 or more on the 1-5 scale and at least 5 reviews.
These strict rules winnowed out a very large number of books, often
up to 90-95% of even an excellent author's repertoire.
For modern authors, I wanted any books that were widely reviewed
and considered to be excellent, fine quality literature. Any high quality
work of modern literary quality that was widely and well reviewed
should make it on. Or I looked to Wikipedia to see if the work was
praised as excellent. Then I went to Amazon or Goodreads and went
with my four star average for five or more reviews rule. I also utilized
various great books lists around the net.
Any older book that made it onto any book publisher's "classics"
series of any type is virtually assured of making it onto the list. If so,
it went on. I also consulted Amazon to see if I could get five or more
reviews giving four or more stars.
For some superb authors who I personally love, rules were violated,
and their works simply went on the list because I thought they were
great. In addition, many right-wing books or authors were kept off the
list for ideological reasons. Sorry about that!
Last count I have read 418 of the works below either partially or in
whole. If it's italicized, that means that I read it.
If you've got nothing better to do and feel like reading a book, you
might want to look through the list and see if there is anything that
tickles your fancy. You can hardly go wrong with any book on the list,
provided it's to your taste. And there are much worse ways to spend
your time than reading a great book.
Or if you don't want to read any of the books, you might want to look
them up to see why they are on the list. If you've never heard of an
author on the list, you might want to look them up to see why they
are on the list too.
'Attar, Farid ud-Din: The Conference of the Birds
Abbott, Lee K.: Best of the Web 2009; Dreams of Distant Lives;
Living after Midnight; Love Is the Crooked Thing; Strangers in
Paradise; The Heart Never Fits Its Wanting: Stories; Wet Places at
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot: Benjamin Franklin; Christopher
Carson; Daniel Boone: The Pioneer of Kentucky; Davy Crockett: His
Life and Adventures; Hernando Cortez; Hernando De Soto: Discoverer
of the Mississippi; History of Napoleon Bonaparte; History of the Civil
War in America (1863–1866); Hortense; Josephine; King Philip; Kit
Carson; Louis XIV; Madame Roland; Maria Antoinette; The History of
Frederick II, Called Frederick the Great
Ackley, Laura A.: San Francisco's Jewel City: The Panama -Pacific
International Exposition of 1915
Ackroyd, Peter: Blake; Chatterton; Dan Leno and the Limehouse
Golem; Dickens: Public Life and Private Passion; Ezra Pound;
Hawksmoor; London: The Biography; Milton in America; Newton; Poe:
A Life Cut Short; Shakespeare: The Biography; T.S. Eliot: A Life; The
Canterbury Tales: A Retelling; The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein;
The Clerkenwell Tales; The Death of King Arthur; The Lambs of
London; The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde; The Life of Thomas More;
The Trial of Elizabeth Cree
Adcock, Fleur and Dronke, Peter: Hugh Primas and the Archpoet
Aesop: Fables
Agee, James and Evans, Walker: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men:
Three Tenant Families; Pseudo-Folk
Aichinger, Ilse: Selected Poetry & Prose; The Bound Man and Other
Aiken, Joan: Jane Fairfax: The Secret Story of the Second Heroine in
Jane Austen's Emma; Mansfield Park Revisited: A Jane Austen
Entertainment; Not What You Expected: A Collection Of Short Stories
Aiskhylos: Agamemnon
Ajvaz, Michal: Empty Streets; The Golden Age; The Other City; The
Return of the Old Komodo Dragon; The White Ants; The Wire Book;
Zeno’s Paradoxes
Akinari, Ueda: Tales of Moonlight and Rain; The Tales of Spring Rain
Alan of Lille: Anticlaudianus: The Good and Perfect Man; The Art of
Preaching; The Plaint of Nature
Albahari, David: Bait; Götz and Meyer; Leeches; Tsing; Words Are
Something Else
Aldous, Richard: The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli
Alexander, Caroline: Lost Gold of the Dark Ages: War, Treasure, and
the Mystery of the Saxons; Mrs. Chippy's Last Expedition: The
Remarkable Journal of Shackleton's Polar-Bound Cat; The Bounty:
The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty; The Endurance:
Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition; The War That Killed
Achilles: The True Story of Homer's Iliad and the Trojan War
Algren, Nelson: A Walk on the Wild Side; Chicago, City on the Make;
Never Come Morning; Nonconformity; Notes from a Sea Diary; The
Man with the Golden Arm; The Neon Wilderness
Allen, James Lane: A Kentucky Cardinal; Flute and Violin and Other
Kentucky Tales; Summer in Arcady: A Tale of Nature; The Blue Grass
Region of Kentucky; The Bride of the Mistletoe; The Choir Invisible;
The Mettle of the Pasture; The Reign of Law: A Tale of the Kentucky
Allen, Jeffery Renard: Song of the Shank
Allison, Andrew M.: The Real Benjamin Franklin; The Real Thomas
Alter, Robert and Kermode, Frank: The Literary Guide to the Bible
Alvarez, Al: The Biggest Game in Town; The Savage God: A Study of
Amado, Jorge: Captains of the Sands; Dona Flor and Her Two
Husbands; Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon; Shepherds of the Night;
Tent of Miracles; Tereza Batista: Home from the Wars; The Discovery
of America by the Turks; The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell; The
Violent Land; The War of the Saints; Tieta
Ambler, Eric: Epitaph for a Spy; Journey into Fear; The Mask of
Anand, Mulk Raj: Across the Black Waters; Coolie; Morning Face;
Private Life of an Indian Prince; The Sword and the Sickle; The
Village; Two Leaves and a Bud: Tales of a Ceylon Tea Planter;
Attanasio, A. A.: Arc of the Dream; In Other Worlds; Radix; The Last
Legends of Earth
Anaya, Rudolfo: Bless Me, Ultima
Aneirin: Y Gododdin
Anonymous: Aliscans
Anonymous: Amiran-Darejaniani
Anonymous: Hávamál
Anonymous: Panchatantra
Anonymous: Popul Vuh
Anonymous: Ruodlieb
Anonymous: Völuspá
Anthony, David W.: The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How
Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern
Aquinas, Saint Thomas: Life, or Soul and Its Abilities; On Being and
Essence; On Kingship; Summa Theologica; Treatise of Law
Arax, Mark: The King of California: J.G. Boswell and the Making of a
Secret American Empire
Arguedas, José María: Deep Rivers; The Fox from Up Above and the
Fox from Down Below
Arias-Misson, Alain: Theatre of Incest
Arimah, Lesley Nneka: What It Means When a Man Falls from the
Armah, Ayi Kwei: The Beautyful Ones Are Not yet Born; Two
Thousand Seasons
Armstrong, Jennifer Keishin: Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted
Ashby, Cliff: A Few Late Flowers; In the Vulgar Tongue; Old, Old
Story; Plain Song: Collected Poems
Asher, Neal: Africa Zero; Brass Man; Cowl; Gabble and Other
Stories; Hilldiggers; Line War; Orbus; Shadow of the Scorpion; The
Engineer; The Engineer ReConditioned; The Parasite; The Polity Line;
The Skinner; The Technician; Voyage of the Sable Keech; Zero Point
Auerbach, Erich and Annie: Literary Language & Its Public in Late
Latin Antiquity and in the Middle Ages
Bacchelli, Riccardo: Nothing New under the Sun; The Mill on the Po
Bacigalupi, Paolo: Pump Six and Other Stories; The Water Knife;
The Windup Girl
Bahr, Howard: Pelican Road; The Black Flower: A Novel of the Civil
War; The Judas Field; The Year of Jubilo
Bailey, Sydney: Four Arab Israeli Wars and the Peace Process
Bales, Kevin and Trodd, Zoe: To Plead Our Own Cause: Personal
Stories by Today's Slaves
Bales, Kevin and Soodalter, Ron: The Slave Next Door: Human
Trafficking and Slavery in America Today
Ball, Jesse: March Book; Parables & Lies; Samedi the Deafness; The
Curfew; The Early Deaths of Lubeck, Brennan, Harp, and Carr; The
Village on Horseback: Prose and Verse, 2003-2008; The Way Through
Doors; Vera & Linus
Banffy, Miklos: They Were Counted; They Were Divided; They Were
Found Wanting
Bangs, Lester: Blondie; Let Us Now Praise Famous Death Dwarves
(Or How I Slugged It Out with Lou Reed and Stayed Awake);
Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung
Banim, John: Crohoore of the Bill Hook; Father Connell; The Boyne
Water; The Croppy, A Tale of 1798; The Denounced, or The Last
Baron of Crana; The Ghosthunter and His Family; The Mayor of
Windgap; The Smuggler
Baptist, Edward E.: The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the
Making of American Capitalism
Barlow, John: Everything but the Squeal: Eating the Whole Hog in
Northern Spain
Baroja, Pío: Cæsar or Nothing; Red Dawn; The Lord of Labraz; The
Quest; The Restlessness of Shanti Andia and Other Writings; The
Road to Perfection; The Tree of Knowledge; Weeds; Zalacain the
Barrett, Andrea: Servants of the Map; Ship Fever and Other Stories;
The Air We Breathe; The Forms of Water
Barrow, Isaac: The Works of Dr. Isaac Barrow: With Some Account
of His Life, Summary of Each Discourse, Notes, etc.
Barry, Kevin: Beatlebone
Bass, Rick: Colter: The True Story of the Best Dog I Ever Had; In the
Loyal Mountains; Nashville Chrome; Oil Notes; The Black Rhinos of
Namibia; The Book of Yaak; The Diezmo; The Hermit's Story; The
Lives of Rocks; The Lost Grizzlies: A Search for Survivors in the
Wilderness of Colorado; The Ninemile Wolves; The Sky, the Stars, the
Wilderness; The Watch; The Wild Marsh: Four Seasons at Home in
Montana; Why I Came West: A Memoir; Winter: Notes from Montana
Bates, H. E.: A Breath of French Air; A Month by the Lake & Other
Stories; A Party for the Girls; Darling Buds of May; Elephant's Nest in
a Rhubarb Tree and Other Stories; Love for Lydia; Love in a Wych Elm
and Other Stories; My Uncle Silas; Party for the Girls; The Happy
Countryman; When the Green Woods Laugh
Bates, Ralph: The Olive Field; The Poisoner: The Life and Crimes of
Victorian England’s Most Notorious Doctor
Bayley, Aida Ellen (Edna Lyall): Hope the Hermit; In the Golden
Days; We Two
Bean, Walton: Boss Ruef's San Francisco: The Story of the Union
Labor Party, Big Business, and the Graft Prosecution
Beauvoir, Simone de: A Very Easy Death; All Men Are Mortal;
America Day by Day; Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter; She Came to
Stay; The Blood of Others; The Coming of Age; The Ethics of
Ambiguity; The Mandarins; When Things of the Spirit Come First
Beck, James M.: The Constitution of the United States: A Brief Study
of the Genesis, Formulation and Political Philosophy of the
Constitution of the United States
Becker, Jo: Forcing the Spring: Inside the Fight for Marriage Equality
Beevor, Antony: Crete: The Battle and the Resistance; D-Day: The
Battle for Normandy; Paris After the Liberation 1944-1949;
Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege: 1942-1943; The Battle for Spain: The
Spanish Civil War 1936-1939; The Fall of Berlin 1945; The Second
World War
Bell, Gertrude: The Arab of Mesopotamia; The Desert and the Sown
Bell, Madison Smartt: All Souls' Rising; Anything Goes; Charm City:
A Walk through Baltimore; Devil's Dream: A Novel About Nathan
Bedford Forrest; Freedom's Gate: A Brief Life of Toussaint
L'Ouverture; Master of the Crossroads; Waiting for the End of the
Bellairs, John: St. Fidgeta & Other Parodies; The Face in the Frost
Benedetti, Mario: Blood Pact and Other Stories; Office Poems; Only
in the Meantime
Bengtsson, Frans G.: The Life of Charles XII: King of Sweden 1697-
1718; The Long Ships
Benjamin, Walter: Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of
High Capitalism; Illuminations: Essays and Reflections; Reflections:
Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings; Some Motifs on
Baudelaire; The Task of the Translator; The Work of Art in the Age of
Mechanical Reproduction and Other Writings on Media; The Writer of
Modern Life: Essays on Charles Baudelaire
Bennett, Arnold: A Man from the North; Anna of the Five Towns;
Books and Persons: Being Comments on a Past Epoch, 1908-1911 ;
Buried Alive: A Tale of These Days; Clayhanger; Denry the Audacious;
Helen with the High Hand: An Idyllic Diversion; Hilda Lessways; How
to Live on 24 Hours a Day; Hugo: A Fantasia on Modern Themes;
Imperial Palace; Journal of Arnold Bennett: 1896-1910; Judith;
Literary Taste: How to Form It, with Detailed Instructions for
Collecting a Complete Library of English Literature; Lord Raingo; Mr
Prohack; Over There: War Scenes on the Western Front; Riceyman
Steps; The Author's Craft; The Grand Babylon Hotel; The Grim Smile
of the Five Towns; The Human Machine: How to Get Along with People
and Live a Happy Life; The Lion's Share; The Loot of Cities; The
Matador of the Five Towns and Other Stories; The Old Wives' Tale;
The Plain Man and His Wife; The Roll-Call; The Truth about an Author;
These Twain; Things That Have Interested Me; Whom God Hath
Benson, E. F.: Colin; Dodo, Dodo the Second; Dodo Wonders; Queen
Lucia; The Luck of the Vails; The Rubicon
Berger, Thomas: Arthur Rex; Best Friends; Little Big Man; Regiment
of Women; Reinhart in Love; Sneaky People; The Feud; The Return of
Little Big Man
Berlin, Brent and Kay, Paul: Basic Color Terms: Their Universality
and Evolution
Bernays, Anne and Kaplan, Justin: Back Then: Two Lives in 1950's
New York
Berrigan, Ted: Above the Leaders; Dear Sandy, False Gods Real
Men; Hello: Letters from Ted to Sandy Berrigan; Songs for the Unborn
Second Baby; The Collected Poems; The Sonnets; Time Without
Besant, Sir Walter: All in a Garden Fair; All Sorts and Conditions of
Men: An Impossible Story; As We Are and As We May Be; Children of
Gibeon; Dorothy Forster; Holborn and Bloomsbury; The Art Of Fiction:
A Lecture Delivered at the Royal Institution on Friday Evening; The
History of London; The Revolt Of Man
Bhartrhari: Poems
Bibbins, Mark: They Don’t Kill You Because They’re Hungry, They Kill
You Because They’re Full
Bielski, Nella: Oranges for the Son of Alexander Levy; The Year Is
Bioy Casares, Alfredo: A Plan for Escape; Asleep in the Sun; Morel's
Invention; The Russian Doll and Other Stories
Bloom, Amy: A Blind Man Can See How Much I Love You; Come to
Me; Love Invents Us; Lucky Us; Where the God of Love Hangs Out
Bloomfield, Robert: Rural Tales, Ballads and Songs; The Farmer Boy
Bly, Robert: A Little Book on the Human Shadow; Eating the Honey
of Words; Iron John: A Book About Men; News of the Universe;
Reaching Out to the World: New & Selected Prose Poems; Silence in
the Snowy Fields; The Light around the Body; The Sibling Society;
The Soul Is Here for Its Own Joy: Sacred Poems from Many Cultures;
The Winged Energy of Delight: Selected Translations
Bly, Robert and Woodman, Marion: The Maiden King: The Reunion
of Masculine and Feminine
Bogza, Geo: Land of Stone: The Land of the Motzi; Years of Darkness
Böll, Heinrich: 18 Stories; Adam and the Train; And Where Were
You, Adam?; Billiards at Half Past Nine; Children Are Civilians Too;
Group Portrait with Lady; Irish Diary; Stories, Political Writings, and
Autobiographical Works; The Clown; The Lost Honour of Katharina
Blum, or How Violence Develops and Where It Can Lead; The Safety
Net; The Silent Angel; The Stories of Heinrich Böll; The Train Was on
Time; What’s to Become of the Boy?, or Something to Do with Books
Bologna, Sergio: Independent Work in a Postfordist Society
Booth, Stanley: Dance with the Devil: The Rolling Stones and Their
Time; Rhythm Oil: A Journey through the Music of the American
South; The True Adventures of the Rolling Stones
Borowski, Tadeusz: This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen
Bourjaily, Vance: Brill among the Ruins; The End of My Life; The
Hound of Earth; The Violated
Bouton, Jim: Ball Four: My Life and Hard Time Throwing the
Knuckleball in the Big Leagues
Bouvier, Nicolas: The Way of the World
Boyle, Andrew: Poor Dear Brendan: Quest for Brendan Bracken; The
Climate of Treason
Bragg, Rick: All Over but the Shouting; Jerry Lee Lewis: His Own
Bramah, Ernest: Kai Lung's Golden Hours; Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat;
The Wallet of Kai Lung
Brenner, Anita: Idols behind Altars; The Wind That Swept Mexico
Brittain, Vera: Because You Died: Poetry and Prose of the First World
War and After; Chronicle of Youth: The War Diary, 1913-1917; Letters
from a Lost Generation; Testament of Experience; Testament of
Youth; The Dark Tide
Britton, Lionel: Brain: A Play of the Whole Earth; Hunger and Love
Brockmeier, Kevin: The Truth About Celia; The View from the
Seventh Layer; Things That Fall from the Sky
Brodber, Erna: Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home; Myal
Brodkey, Harold: First Love and Other Sorrows; Sea Battles on Dry
Land: Essays; Stories in an Almost Classical Mode; The Abundant
Dreamer; The Runaway Soul; The World Is the Home of Love and
Brooks, Cleanth: Modern Poetry and the Tradition; The Hidden God:
Studies in Hemingway, Faulkner, Yeats, Eliot, and Warren; The
Language of the American South; The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in
the Structure of Poetry; William Faulkner: First Encounters; William
Faulkner: Toward Yoknapatawpha and Beyond
Brooks, Terry: Shannara Series; The Word and the Void Trilogy
Brown, Larry: A Miracle of Catfish; Big Bad Love; Billy Ray's Farm:
Essays from a Place Called Tula; Dirty Work; Father and Son; Joe; On
Brown, Thomas Edward: Fo'c'sle Yarns; Old John; The Doctor; The
Manx Witch
Buford, Bill: Among the Thugs; Granta 5: The Modern Common Wind
Burnie, David and Wilson, Don E.: Animal: The Definitive Visual
Burns, Robert: Auld Lang Syne; A Man's a Man for A' That; A Red,
Red Rose; Address to the Deil; Ae Fond Kiss; Hallowe'en; Scots Wha
Hae; Tam o' Shanter; The Battle of Sherramuir; The Cotter's Saturday
Night; The Twa Dogs; To a Mountain Daisy; To a Louse; To a Mouse
Burroughs, William S.: And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks;
Burroughs Live: The Collected Interviews, 1960-1997; Call Me
Burroughs: William Burroughs; Cities of the Red Night; Dead Fingers
Talk; Exterminator; Interzone; Junky: The Definitive Text of "Junk";
Naked Lunch; Nova Express; Port of Saints; Queer; Roosevelt After
Inauguration and Other Atrocities; The Adding Machine: Selected
Essays; The Job: Interviews with William S. Burroughs; The Letters,
Vol. 1: 1945-1959; The Place of Dead Roads; The Retreat Diaries;
The Soft Machine; The Ticket That Exploded; The Western Lands; The
Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead; Uncommon Quotes; With William
Burroughs: A Report from the Bunker; Word Virus: The William S.
Burroughs Reader
Butler, Jack: Dreamer; Jack's Skillet: Plain Talk and Some Recipes
from a Guy in the Kitchen; Jujitsu for Christ; Living in Little Rock with
Miss Little Rock; The Kid Who Wanted To Be A Spaceman
Buzzati, Dino: A Love Affair; Poem Strip; Restless Nights; The Tartar
Byers, Michael: Long for This World; Percival's Planet; The Coast of
Good Intentions; Who Owns the Arctic?
Byron, Henry James: Cyril's Success; Our Boys; The Upper Crust
Byron, Robert: The Road to Oxiana; The Station: Travels to the Holy
Mountain of Greece
Cable, Vince: After the Storm: The World Economy and Britain's
Economic Future
Cabral de Melo Neto, João: Education by Stone: Selected Poems;
Selected Poetry, 1937-1990
Calasso, Roberto: Ardor; K.; Ka: Stories of the Mind and Gods of
India; The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony; The Ruin of Kasch
Calders, Pere: Pere Calders: The Virgin of the Railway and Other
Callaghan, Morley: It's Never Over; The Loved and the Lost; The
New Yorker Stories; That Summer in Paris
Calvin, William H.: A Brain for All Seasons: Human Evolution and
Abrupt Climate Change
Calvocoressi, Peter and Wint, Guy: Total War: The Greater East
Asia and Pacific Conflict -
Camenisch, Arno: Behind the Station; Last Last Orders; The Alp
Campbell, David A.: Greek Lyric Poetry; Greek Lyric: Sappho and
Alcaeus: v. 1; Greek Lyric, Volume II: Anacreon, Anacreontea, Choral
Lyric from Olympus to Alcman; Greek Lyric, Volume III: Stesichorus,
Ibycus, Simonides, and Others; Greek Lyric, Volume IV: Bacchylides,
Corinna, and Others; Greek Lyric, Volume V: The New School of
Poetry and Anonymous Songs and Hymns
Campbell, Olive Dame and Sharp, Cecil: English Folk Songs from
the Southern Appalachians
Campbell, Ramsey: Alone with the Horrors: The Great Short Fiction
of Ramsey Campbell 1961-1991; Ancient Images; Cold Print; Dark
Companion; Ghosts and Grisly Things; Incarnate; Meddling with
Ghosts: Stories in the Tradition of M.R. James; Midnight Sun;
Nazareth Hill; The Doll Who Ate His Mother; The Grin of the Dark; The
Hungry Moon; The Influence; The Long Lost; The Nameless; To Wake
the Dead; Told by the Dead
Campbell, Roy: Adamastor, Flowering Reeds; Selected Poems; The
Flaming Terrapin
Canetti, Elias: Auto Da Fe; Crowds and Power; Memoirs: The Tongue
Set Free, The Torch in My Ear, The Play of the Eyes; The Agony of
Flies: Notes and Notations; The Conscience of Words; The Human
Province; The Secret Heart of the Clock: Notes, Aphorisms, Fragments
1973-85; The Voices of Marrakesh: A Record of a Visit
Canin, Ethan: Carry Me Across the Water; Emperor of the Air; For
Kings and Planets; The Palace Thief
Carey, Edward: Alva & Irva: The Twins Who Saved a City;
Observatory Mansions
Carr, John Dickson: The Burning Court; The Case of the Constant
Suicides; The Crooked Hinge; The Department of Queer Complaints;
The Hollow Man; The Judas Window; The Plague Court Murders; The
Reader is Warned; The White Priory Murders
Carr, Nicholas: The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to
Carter, Dale: The Rise and Fall of the American Rocket State
Carver, Raymond: A New Path to the Waterfall; All of Us; Call If You
Need Me; Cathedral; Collected Stories; Elephant; Fires: Essays,
Poems, Stories; Short Cuts; Ultramarine; Where I'm Calling from;
Where Water Comes Together with Other Water; What We Talk About
When We Talk About Love; Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?
Cash, Arthur H.: John Wilkes: The Scandalous Father of Civil Liberty
Cave, Nick: And the Ass Saw the Angel; The Death of Bunny Munro
Cecil, Hugh: The Flower of Battle: How Britain Wrote the Great War
Child, Lydia Maria: Over the River and through the Woods
Christgau, Robert: Any Old Way You Choose It: Rock and Other Pop
Music, 1967-1973; Christgau's Record Guide: The '80's; Rock Albums
of the 70's: A Critical Guide
Christie, Agatha: And Then There Were None; Death on the Nile;
Five Little Pigs; Murder on the Orient Express; Ordeal by Innocence;
The Clocks; The Murder of Roger Ackroyd; The Mysterious Affair at
Church, Richard: News from the Mountain; Over the Bridge; The
Golden Sovereign; The Voyage Home
Clare, John: I Am
Clark, Eleanor: Eyes, Etc.: A Memoir; Rome and a Villa; The Oysters
of Locmariaquer
Clark, Tom: At The Fair; Champagne and Baloney: The Rise and Fall
of Finley's A's; Charles Olson: The Allegory of a Poet's Life;
Canyonesque; Distance; Easter Sunday; Evening Train; Junkets on a
Sad Planet: Scenes from the Life of John Keats; Late Returns: A
Memoir of Ted Berrigan; Light and Shade: New and Selected Poems;
Like Real People; Paradise Resisted; Ride; Rock Hudson: Friend of
Mine; Smack; Something in the Air; Stones; The Exile of Celine; The
Last Gas Station & Other Stories; The Spell: A Romance; The World
Of Damon Runyon; Truth Game; When Things Get Tough on Easy
Street: Selected Poems, 1963-1978
Clark, T. J.: Image of the People: Gustave Courbet and the Second
French Republic, 1848-1851; The Absolute Bourgeois: Artists and
Politics in France, 1848-1851
Clarke, James Stanier: Life of King James II, from the Stuart Mss in
Carlton House; Life of Lord Nelson
Claus, Hugo: Even Now: Poems; The Sign of the Hamster; The
Sorrow of Belgium
Cliett, Bill Cole: Riverrun to Livvy: Lots of Fun Reading the First
Page of James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake"
Cockburn, Andrew: Kill Chain: The Rise of the High Tech Assassins
Cocteau, Jean: Beauty and the Beast: Diary of a Film; The Holy
Terrors; Livre Blanc; The Infernal Machine and Other Plays;
Cocteau, Jean and Feydeau, Georges: Cocteau & Feydeau:
Thirteen Monologues
Cohn, Ruby: Samuel Beckett: The Comic Gamut; The Beckett Canon
Coles, Robert and Harris, Alex: The Old Ones of New Mexico
Colum, Padraic: Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived before
Achilles; The Children of Odin
Connell, Evan S.: Mr. Bridge; Mrs. Bridge; Son of The Morning Star:
Custer and the Little Bighorn; The Aztec Treasure House: New and
Selected Essays; The Connoisseur; The Diary of a Rapist
Cook, Nick: The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of
Antigravity Technology
Cooke, John Esten: A Life of General Robert E. Lee; Henry St. John,
Gentleman; Leather Stocking and Silk; Mohun, or The Last Days of
Lee; Outlines from the Outpost; Surry of Eagle’s Nest; Swallow Barn;
The Last of the Foresters, or Humors on the Border - A Story of the
Old Virginia; The Virginia Comedians; The Youth of Jefferson, or A
Chronicle of College Scrapes at Williamsburg, in Virginia, A.D. 1764
Cope, Jack: Alley Cat and Other Stories; The Man Who Doubted and
Other Stories; The Tame Ox
Cornford, Daniel: We All Live More Like Brutes Than Like Humans:
Labor and Capital in the California Gold Rush
Cossery, Albert: Lazy Ones; Men God Forgot; Proud Beggars; The
Colors of Infamy; The Jokers
Costain, Thomas: The Conquerors; The Magnificent Century; The
Three Edwards; The Tontine
Cox, Michael: The Glass of Time; The Meaning of Night; The Oxford
Book of Twentieth Century Ghost Stories
Crabbe, George: Poems; Tales of the Hall; Tales 1812 and Other
Selected Poems; The Borough; The Learned Boy; The Parish Register;
The Poetical Works of George Crabbe; The Tales; The Village
Craig, William: Enemy at the Gates: The Battle for Stalingrad; The
Fall of Japan
Crockett, S. R.: Bog-Myrtle and Peat; Cleg Kelly, Arab of the City:
His Progress and Adventures; Lads' Love; The Lilac Sunbonnet; The
Standard Bearer
Crumley, James: Muddy Fork & Other Things; The Final Country;
The Last Good Kiss; The Right Madness
Dacus, Joseph A.: Life and Adventures of Frank and Jesse James
Dafydd ap Gwilym: Dafydd ap Gwilym: The Poems
Dahl, K. O.: The Fourth Man; The Last Fix; The Man in the Window
Daigle, Megan: From Cuba With Love: Sex and Money in the
Twenty-First Century
Daisne, Johan: The Man Who Had His Hair Cut Short
Danner, Mark: Stripping Bare the Body: Politics Violence War; The
Massacre at El Mozote; The Road to Illegitimacy: One Reporter's
Travels through the 2000 Florida Recount; The Secret Way to War;
Torture and Truth
Danto, Arthur: After the End of Art; Encounters and Reflections: Art
in the Historical Present; Nietzsche as Philosopher
Davies, Philip R.; Brooke, George J. and Callaway, Philip R.: The
Complete World of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Davis, H . L.: Honey in the Horn; Proud Riders and Other Poems;
Selected Poems of H.L. Davis; Winds of Morning
Davison, Frank Dalby: Dusty; Man Shy; The Woman at the Mill
Davitt, Michael: The Fall of Feudalism in Ireland, or The Story of the
Land League Revolution
De Botton, Alain: How Proust Can Change Your Life; Kiss & Tell; On
Love; Status Anxiety; The Architecture of Happiness; The Art of
Travel; The Consolations of Philosophy; The Pleasures and Sorrows of
Work; The Romantic Movement: Sex, Shopping, and the Novel
De Burgos, Julia: Song of the Simple Truth: Poems
De Kock, Charles Paul: The Cuckold; The Girl with the Three Pairs
of Stays
Defoe, Daniel: A Tour thro' the Whole Island o Great Britain: Divided
into Circuits or Journeys: Giving a Particular and Entertaining Account
of Whatever Is Curious and Worth Observation, Interspersed with
Useful Observations Particularly Fitted for the Perusal of Such As
Desire to Travel over the Island (A Tour through the Whole Island of
Great Britain); History of the Great Plague in London: A Journal of the
Plague Year: Being Observations or Memorials of the Most Remarkable
Occurences, As Well Public As Private Which Happened in London
during the Last Great Visitation in 1665 (Journal of the Plague Year);
The Memoirs of a Cavalier; Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress, or A
History of the Life and Vast Variety of Fortunes of Mademoiselle de
Beleau, afterwards Called the Countess de Wintselsheim (Roxana);
Serious Reflections during the Life and Surprising Adventures of
Robinson Crusoe: With His Vision of the Angelick World; Comp/eat
English Gentleman; The Education of Women; The Farther Adventures
of Robinson Crusoe; The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll
Flanders & C. (Moll Flanders); The History and Remarkable Life of the
Truly Honourable Colonel Jacque, Commonly Called Colonel Jack
(Colonel Jack); The King of the Pirates, Being an Account of the
Famous Enterprises of Captain Avery, with Lives of Other Pirates and
Robbers (The King of Pirates); The Life, Adventures and Piracies of
the Famous Captain Singleton (Captain Singleton); The Life and
Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner,
Who, for Upwards of Twenty-Eight Years, Lived on an Uninhabited
Island on the Coast of America, Near the Mouth of the Great River
Oronooko, with an Account of His Deliverance Thence, and His Further
Adventures in Returning from His Second Voyage to the Island
(Robinson Crusoe); The Shortest-Way with the Dissenters, or
Proposals for the Establishment of the Church; Tour through the
Eastern Counties of England, 1722; Voyage Round the World by a
Course Never Sailed before (Voyage Round the World)
Delbanco, Andrew: College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be; Death
of Satan: How Americans Have Lost the Sense of Evil; Melville: His
World and Work; The Puritan Ordeal
Delibes, Miguel: Five Hours with Mario; The Heretic: A Novel of the
Inquisition; The Prince Dethroned
Dewey, John and Bentley, Arthur F.: Knowing and the Known
DeWitt, Helen: Lightning Rods; The Last Samurai; Your Name Here
Díaz, Junot: Drown; The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao; This Is
How You Lose Her
Doig, Ivan: English Creek; Dancing at the Rascal Fair; Heart Earth;
Ride with Me, Mariah Montana; The Sea Runners; The Whistling
Season; This House of Sky: Landscapes of a Western Mind; Winter
Brothers: A Season at the Edge of America
Donald, David Herbert: Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil
War; Lincoln; Look Homeward: A Life of Thomas Wolfe; We Are
Lincoln Men: Abraham Lincoln and His Friends
Dongala, Emmanuel: Johnny Mad Dog; Little Boys Come from the
Doty, Mark: Dog Years; Fire to Fire: New and Selected Poems;
Firebird: A Memoir; Heaven's Coast: A Memoir; My Alexandria:
Poems; Seeing Venice: Bellotto's Grand Canal; Source: Poems; Still
Life with Oysters and Lemon: On Objects and Intimacy; Sweet
Machine: Poems; The Art of Description: World into Word
Doughty, Charles Montagu: Adam Cast Forth; The Cliffs; The Dawn
in Britain; Travels in Arabia Deserta
Douglas, David C.: William the Conqueror: The Norman Impact upon
Dowell, Coleman: Island People; Mrs. October Was Here; One of the
Children is Crying; Too Much Flesh and Jabez
Drummond, Bill: 45
Drury, Bob: The Last Stand of Fox Company: A True Story of U.S.
Marines in Combat
Dryden, John: Alexander's Feast, or the Power of Music; All for Love;
Annus Mirabilis; Astraea Redux; Essay of Dramatick Poesie; Fables
Ancient and Modern; Heroique Stanzas; Marriage à la Mode; Religio
Laici; Selected Poems; The Hind and the Panther; The Indian
Emperour; To His Sacred Majesty, a Panegyric on His Coronation; To
My Lord Chancellor
Du, Fu: Facing the Moon: Poems of Li Bai and Du Fu; Selected Poems
Dundy, Elaine: Elvis and Gladys; The Dud Avocado; The Old Man
and Me
Duo Duo: Looking Out from Death: From the Cultural Revolution to
Tiananmen Square; The Boy Who Catches Wasps
Dyson, Freeman: The Sun, the Genome and the Internet; Weapons
and Hope
Edson, Russell: Ordinary Lives: Platoon 1005 and the Vietnam War;
The Childhood of an Equestrian; The Clam Theater; The Falling
Sickness: A Book of Plays; The Intuitive Journey and Other Works;
The Reason Why the Closet-Man Is Never Sad; The Tormented Mirror;
The Tunnel: Selected Poems; The Very Thing That Happens: Fables
and Drawings; The Wounded Breakfast
Edwards, Gavin: Last Night in the Viper Room: River Phoenix and
the Hollywood He Left Behind
Egan, Jennifer: A Visit from the Goon Squad; Look at Me; The
Invisible Circus; The Keep
Egan, Kieran: Building My Zen Garden; The Educated Mind: How
Cognitive Tools Shape Our Understanding
Egolf, Tristan: Lord of the Barnyard: Killing the Fatted Calf and
Arming the Aware in the Corn Belt; Skirt and the Fiddle
Ehrenpreis, Irvin: Swift: The Man, His Works, and the Age
Eiseley, Loren: All the Night Wings; All The Strange Hours; Another
Kind of Autumn; Darwin's Century; Notes of an Alchemist; The
Firmament of Time; The Immense Journey; The Innocent Assassins;
The Invisible Pyramid; The Night Country; The Unexpected Universe
Ekkehard: Waltharius
Elkin, Stanley: Criers and Kibitzers; George Mills; Mrs. Ted Bliss;
Searches and Seizures; The Dick Gibson Show; The Franchiser; The
Living End; The MacGuffin
Enright, Ann: The Forgotten Waltz; The Gathering; The Green Road;
The Pleasure of Eliza Lynch; The Wig My Father Wore; What Are You
Evans, Anna M.: Saint-Pol-Roux & Other Poems from the French
Evenson, Brian: Father of Lies; God's Country; Last Days; The Open
Curtain; The Wavering Knife
Faber, Michel: Some Rain Must Fall; The Apple: Crimson Petal
Stories; The Book of Strange New Things; The Crimson Petal and the
White; The Fahrenheit Twins; Under the Skin; Vanilla Bright like
Fagan, Brian F.: The Rape of the Nile: Tomb Robbers, Tourists, and
Archaeologists in Egypt
Fagen, Donald: Eminent Hipsters
Fall, Bernard: Hell in a Very Small Place: The Siege of Dien Bien
Phu; Street without Joy: The French Debacle in Indochina
Fallada, Hans: Alone in Berlin; Every Man Dies Alone; Iron Gustav;
Little Man; Once We Had a Child; Peasants, Bosses and Bombs; What
Now?; The Drinker
Fante, John: 1933 Was A Bad Year; Ask the Dust; Dreams from
Bunker Hill; Full of Life; The Brotherhood of the Grape; The Road to
Los Angeles; The Wine of Youth; Wait until Spring, Bandini; West of
Fay, Eliza: Original Letters from India; The Origins of the World War
Fearing, Kenneth: Clark Gifford's Body; New & Selected Poems; The
Big Clock
Fell, Alison: Kisses for Mayakovsky; The Pillow Boy of the Lady
Fenton, James: All the Wrong Places; Children in Exile: Poems 1968-
1984; Our Western Furniture; Out of Danger; Selected Poems;
Terminal Moraine; The Memory of War: Poems, 1968-1982
Ferris, David F.: Judge Marvin and the Founding of the California
Public School System
Feynman, Richard P.: Don't You Have Time to Think?; QED: The
Strange Story of Light and Matter; Six Easy Pieces; What Do You Care
What Other People Think
Fiedler, Leslie: Love and Death in the American Novel; The Second
Stone; The Devil Gets His Due: The Uncollected Essays; A New Fiedler
Reader; Nude Croquet
Fine, Gary Alan: Gifted Tongues: High School Debate and Adolescent
Culture; Shared Fantasy: Role Playing Games as Social Worlds;
Whispers on the Color Line: Rumor and Race in America
Fine, Gary Alan and Ellis, Bill: The Global Grapevine: Why Rumors
of Terrorism, Immigration, and Trade Matter
Fischer, Louis: Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World; The Life
of Lenin; The Life of Mahatma Gandhi
Fitch, Noel Riley: Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of
Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties
Fitzgerald, F. Scott and Zelda: Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda: The Love
Letters of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald
Forbes, Esther: A Mirror for Witches; Paul Revere and the World He
Lived In
Ford, Ford Maddox: A Call: The Tale of Two Passions; An English Girl
or The Spirit of the Country; A Man Could Stand Up-; Critical Essays;
From Inland and Other Poems; It Was the Nightingale; Joseph
Conrad: A Personal Remembrance; Ladies Whose Bright Eyes: A
Romance; Last Post; Memories and Impressions: A Study in
Atmospheres; No More Parades; Parade’s End; Privy Seal: His Last
Venture; Provence: From Minstrels to the Machine; Selected Poems:
Ford Maddox Ford; Some Do Not…; The English Novel: From the
Earliest Days to the Death of Joseph Conrad; The Good Soldier: A Tale
of Passion; The Fifth Queen, and How She Came to Court; The Fifth
Queen Crowned; The Halfmoon: A Romance of the Old World and the
New; The Heart of the Country: A Survey of a Modern Land; The
March of Literature: From Confucius' Day to Our Own; The Rash Act;
The Soul of London: A Survey of a Modern City; The Spirit of the
People: An Analysis of the English Mind; The Young Lovell
Ford, John: Perkin Warbeck; ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore; The Broken
Heart; The Lady's Trial; The Lover's Melancholy
Forel, Auguste: Ants and Some Other Insects; The Senses of Insects
Forster, John: The Life of Charles Dickens; The Life and Times of
Oliver Goldsmith
Forsyth, Frederick: The Day of the Jackal; The Dogs of War; The
Odessa File
Frank, Robert: Black White and Things; Peru; Robert Frank: Hold
Still- Keep Going; Robert Frank: London/Wales; Robert Frank: Moving
Out; Robert Frank: Storylines; Robert Frank: Zero Mostel Reads a
Book; The Americans; The Lines of My Hand
Fraser, Phillis and Wise, Herbert: Great Tales of Terror and the
Fraser, Raymond: I’ve Laughed and Sung through the Whole Night
Long Seen the Summer Sunrise in the Morning
Fraser Jr., Walter J.: Charleston! Charleston! The History of a
Southern City
Fregosi, Paul: Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to
the 21st Centuries
Friedlander, Saul: Nazi Germany and the Jews: Volume 1: The Years
of Persecution 1933-1939; Volume 2: The Years of Extermination:
Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945; Reflections of Nazism: An
Essay on Kitsch and Death
Friedman, Bruce Jay: Far from the City of Class; Stern; The
Collected Short Fiction of Bruce Jay Friedman
Fuess, Billings S.: How to Use the Power of the Printed Word
Gadow, Hans: The Last Link: Our Present Knowledge of the Descent
of Man
Gaiman, Neil and Pratchett, Terry: Good Omens: The Nice and
Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
Gardam, Jane: A Long Way from Verona; Black Faces, White Faces;
Faith Fox; God on the Rocks; Going into a Dark House; Old Filth; The
Man in the Wooden Hat; The Pangs of Love and Other Stories; The
People on Privilege Hill; The Queen of the Tambourine; The Stories
Gardner, Helen: Art Through the Ages; The Metaphysical Poets; The
New Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1950
Gardonyi, Geza: Eclipse of the Crescent Moon; Love and Loss: Tales
from Hungary; Slave of the Huns
Garnett, David: A Man in the Zoo; Lady into Fox; No Love; The
Sailors Return
Garrett, Richard: Life of John Milton; The Twilight of the Gods and
Other Tales
Garrigue, Jean: Country without Maps
Garshin, Vsevolod: Officer and Servant; The Red Flower; The Signal
Gass, William H. and Drucker, Joanna: The Dual Muse: The Writer
as Artist, the Artist as Writer - Catalogue of the Exhibition
Gat, Azar: War and Civilization
Gay, Peter: Freud: A Life for Our Time; Modernism: The Lure of
Heresy; Mozart: A Life; My German Question: Growing Up in Nazi
Berlin; The Enlightenment: An Interpretation; The Enlightenment: The
Rise of Modern Paganism; The Enlightenment: The Science of
Freedom; Weimar Culture
Genet, Jean: Funeral Rites; Miracle of the Rose; Our Lady of the
Flowers; Querelle of Brest; The Balcony; The Blacks; The Maids; The
Screens; The Thief’s Journal
Genovese, Eugene D.: Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made
Gibbons, Kaye: A Cure for Dreams; Charms for the Easy Life;
Divining Women; Ellen Foster; On the Occasion of My Last Afternoon;
Sights Unseen
Gilman, Rebecca: Boy Gets Girl; Spinning into Butter; The Glory of
Gilmore, Glenda: Gender and Jim Crow: Women and the Politics of
White Supremacy in North Carolina, 1896-1920
Gissing, George: Books and the Quiet Life; Born in Exile; By the
Ionian Sea: Notes of a Ramble in Southern Italy; Demos: A Story of
English Socialism; Denzil Quarrier; Eve's Ransom; Human Odds and
Ends: Stories and Sketches; In the Year of Jubilee; New Grub Street;
The Crown of Life; The Emancipated; The House of Cobwebs; The
Immortal Dickens; The Nether World; The Odd Women; The Paying
Guest; The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft; The Unclassed; The
Whirlpool; Thyrza; Will Warburton
Gleick, James: Chaos: Making a New Science; Genius: The Life and
Science of Richard Feynman; Isaac Newton
Goldoni, Carlo: The Mistress of the Inn; The Servant of Two Masters
Goll, Yvan and Claire: 10,000 Dawns: The Love Poems of Yvan and
Claire Goll
Gooch, Brad: City Poet: The Life and Times of Frank O'Hara;
Godtalk: Travels in Spiritual America; Jailbait and Other Stories;
Zombie 00
Gopal, Anand: No Good Men among the Living: America, the Taliban,
and the War through Afghan Eyes
Gorky, Maxim: Creatures That Once Were Men and Other Stories;
Foma Gordyeff; Her Lover; Mother; My Apprenticeship, My Childhood;
My Universities; One August Night; The Life of Klim Sangin
Gornick, Vivian: The End of The Novel of Love; The Men in My Life;
The Situation and the Story: The Art of Personal Narrative
Gotein, S. D.: Jews and Arabs: Their Contacts Through the Ages
Gottlieb, Robert and Wolt, Irene: Thinking Big: The Story of the
Los Angeles Times, Its Publishers and Their Influence on Southern
Gozzi, Carlo: The Green Bird; The Love of Three Oranges; The Snake
Lady; Turandot
Grand, Sarah: The Beth Book - Being a Study of the Life of Elizabeth
Caldwell MacLure, a Woman of Genius; The Heavenly Twins
Grass, Gunter: Cat and Mouse; Crabwalk; Dog Years; Flood; In the
Egg and Other Poems; Local Anesthetic; Mister, Mister; My Century;
On Writing and Politics, 1967-1983; Only Ten Minutes to Buffalo;
Peeling the Onion; The Call of the Toad; The Flounder; The Rat; The
Tin Drum; The Wicked Cooks; Too Far Afield
Grau, Shirley Ann: The Black Prince and Other Stories; The Condor
Passes; The Keepers Of The House
Graves, Robert: Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina; Count
Belisarius; Goodbye to All That: An Autobiography; Greek Gods and
Heroes; Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis; Hercules, My Shipmate;
I, Claudius: From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, Born 10
B.C., Murdered and Deified A.D. 54; King Jesus; The Greek Myths:
Complete Edition; The Long Week-End, a Social History of Great
Britain, 1918-1939; The Reader Over Your Shoulder: A Handbook for
Writers of English Prose; The Twelve Caesars; The White Goddess: A
Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth
Gray, John N.: Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of
Utopia; False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism; Straw Dogs:
Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals; The Immortalization
Commission: Science and the Strange Quest to Cheat Death
Gray, Thomas: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard; Ode on a
Distant Prospect of Eton College; The Bard; The Progress of Poesy
Greeley, Andrew M.: The Irish Americans: The Rise to Money and
Power; The Making of the Popes, 1978: The Politics of Intrigue in the
Green, Julien: Each Man in His Darkness; God's Fool: The Life of
Francis of Assisi; Green Paradise: Autobiography; Journal; Leviathan;
Love in America: Autobiography; Paris; Restless Youth:
Autobiography, (1922-1929); The Other Sleep; The Transgressor; The
War at Sixteen: Autobiography, 1916-1919
Groff, Lauren: Arcadia; Delicate Edible Birds; Fates and Furies; The
Monsters of Templeton
Groom, Winston: 1942: The Year That Tried Men's Souls; A Storm in
Flanders: The Triumph and Tragedy on the Western Front; As
Summers Die; Better Times Than These; Conversations with the
Enemy; Forrest Gump; Only; Patriotic Fire: Andrew Jackson and Jean
Laffite at the Battle of New Orleans; Shrouds of Glory: From Atlanta
to Nashville: The Last Great Campaign of the Civil War; Vicksburg,
Grose, Francis: Advice to the Officers of the British Army: With the
Addition of Some Hints to the Drummer and Private Soldier
Grumbach, Doris: Chamber Music; Coming into the End Zone; Extra
Innings; Fifty Days of Solitude; The Presence of Absence: On Prayers
and an Epiphany
Gunn, Thom: Fighting Terms; Jack Straw's Castle; The Man with
Night Sweats
Guthrie Jr., A. B.: The Big It and Other Stories; The Big Sky; The
Blue Hen's Chick: An Autobiography; The Way West; These Thousand
Guzman, Jorge: Ay Mama Ines; JOB BOJ; The Law of the Henhouse;
When the Fig Tree Blossoms
H.D. and Alton, Delia: The Sword Went Out to Sea: (Synthesis of a
Haas, William S.: The Destiny of the Mind: East and West
Haasse, Hella: Heren Van de Thee (The Tea Lords); Het Woud der
Verwachting (In a Dark Wood Wandering); Oeroeg (The Black Lake)
Hackett, David G.: The Rude Hand of Innovation: Religion and Social
Order in Albany, New York, 1652-1836
Hafez: I Heard God Laughing: Poems of Hope and Joy; The Gift; The
Green Sea of Heaven: Fifty Ghazals from the Diwan of Hafiz; The
Poems of Hafez; The Subject Tonight Is Love: 60 Wild and Sweet
Haft, Adele; White, Jane and Robert White: The Key to The Name
of the Rose
Hagio, Moto: A, A'; A Drunken Dream and Other Stories; The Heart
of Thomas; They Were Eleven
Hale, Edward Everett: The Man without a Country and Other Tales
Halikowska, Teresa and Hyde, George: The Eagle and the Crow:
Modern Polish Short Stories
Hall, Donald: Exiles and Marriages; Life Work; Poetry and Ambition:
Essays 1982-1988; String to Short to Be Saved; The Best Day the
Worst Day: Life with Jane Kenyon; The Happy Man; The Museum of
Clear Ideas; The Painted Bed; The Toy Bone; That One Day;
Unpacking the Boxes: A Memoir of a Life in Poetry; White Apples and
the Taste of Stone; Without
Hall, Donald and Birkerts, Sven: Writing Well
Hall, Oakley: How Fiction Works; Love and War in California; Warlock
Hamilton, Jane: A Map of the World; The Book of Ruth; The Short
History of a Prince
Harjo, Joy: A Map to the Next World; In Mad Love and War; She Has
Some Horses; The Good Luck Cat; The Woman Who Fell from The Sky
Harris, Frank: Montes the Matador and Other Stories; My Life and
Loves (Volume 1); Oscar Wilde: His Life and Confessions; The Bomb;
The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life Story
Harris, Mark (b. 1922): A Ticket for a Seamstitch; Bang the Drum
Slowly; City of Discontent: An Interpretive Biography of Vachel
Lindsay; It Looked Like Forever; Killing Everybody; Something about
a Soldier; The Southpaw; Trumpet to the World; Wake up, Stupid
Harris, Mark (b. 1963): Five Came Back: A Story of Hollywood and
the Second World War; Pictures at a Revolution: Five Movies and the
Birth of the New Hollywood
Harris, Mark Edward: Inside Iran; Inside North Korea; The Way of
the Japanese Bath
Harris, Wilson and McWatt, Mark: The Sleepers of Roraima & The
Age of the Rainmakers: Amerindian Fables
Harrison, Harry and Holm, John: One King's Way; The Hammer &
the Cross
Hart, John: Storm over Mono: The Mono Lake Battle and the
California Water Future
Hass, Robert: Field Guide; Human Wishes; Praise; Now and Then:
The Poet's Choice Columns, 1997-2000; River of Words: Young Poets
and Artists on the Nature of Things; Sun under Wood; The Addison
Street Anthology; The Apple Trees at Olema: New and Selected
Poems; Time and Materials: Poems 1997-2005; Twentieth Century
Pleasures: Prose on Poetry; What Light Can Do: Essays on Art,
Imagination, and the Natural World
Hay, John (1915-): Nature’s Year: The Seasons of Cape Cod; The
Heliodorus: Aethiopica
Hemon, Aleksandar: Blind Josef Pronek and Dead Souls; Love and
Obstacles; Nowhere Man; The Lazarus Project; The Question of Bruno
Heraclitus: Fragments
Herlihy, James Leo: All Fall Down; Blue Denim; Midnight Cowboy;
The Season of the Witch
Herrigel, Eugen: Zen and the Art of Archery; Zen in the Art of
Flower Arrangement: The Classic Account of the Meaning and
Symbolism of the Japanese Art of Ikebana
Herriot, James: All Creatures Great and Small
Herskovits, Melville J.: Life in a Haitian Valley; Man and His Works;
The Myth of the Negro Past
Hill, Birkbeck: Dr. Johnson: His Friends and His Critics; Dr. Johnson
as a Radical; Johnson Miscellanies
Hill, Susan: Air and Angels; Howards End Is on the Landing: A Year
of Reading from Home; I'm the King of the Castle; The Albatross; The
Beacon; The Bird of Night; The Boy Who Taught the Beekeeper to
Read; The Man in the Picture; The Mist in the Mirror; The Risk of
Darkness; The Shadows in the Street; The Various Haunts of Men;
The Woman in Black
Hilton, James: And Now Goodbye; Goodbye Mr. Chips and Other
Stories; Lost Horizon; Nothing So Strange; Random Harvest; Storm
Passage; The Passionate Year; The Silver Flame; To You, Mr Chips; We
Are Not Alone; Without Armor
Hirst, David: The Gun and the Olive Branch: The Roots of Violence in
the Middle East
Hobbie, Douglas: Being Brett; The Day; This Time Last Year
Hobbs, Jeff: The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant
Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League
Hodgson, William Hope: The Boats of the “Glen Carrig”; The Ghost
Pirates; The House on the Borderland; The Night Land
Holland, Merlin: Coffee with Oscar Wilde; The Real Trial of Oscar
Wilde; The Wilde Album
Holliday, J. S.: Rush for Riches: Gold Fever and the Making of
California; The World Rushed In: The California Gold Rush Experience
Holliday, Robert Cortes: Broome Street Straws; Men and Books and
Cities; Peeps at People; Turns about Town; Walking-Stick Papers
Holub, Miroslav: Poems before and after; The Fly; Vanishing Lung
Hornby, Nick: A Long Way Down; About a Boy; Fever Pitch; High
Fidelity; Housekeeping vs. the Dirt; How to be Good; Juliet, Naked;
My Favourite Year: A Collection of New Football Writing; Slam;
Songbook; Speaking with the Angel; Ten Years in the Tub; The
Polysyllabic Spree
Howard, Donald R.: Chaucer: His Life, His Works, His World
Hudson, Michael: Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt
Bondage Destroy the Global Economy
Huneker, James O.: Chopin: The Man and His Music; Painted Veils
Hunt, Violet: Tales of the Uneasy; The Human Interest; The Maiden's
Progress; White Rose of Weary Leaf
Hyde, Lewis: The Gift: How the Creative Spirit Transforms the
World; Gift Trickster Makes This World
Iggulden, Conn: The Field of Swords; The Gates of Rome; The Gods
of War
Ilf and Petrov (Ilf, Ilya and Petrov, Evgeny): 12 Chairs; The
Little Golden Calf
Ingram, J. H.: The Life, Letters, and Opinions of Edgar Allan Poe
Irby, Kenneth: Call Steps; Orexis; The Intent On: Collected Poems,
Irigaray, Luce: This Sex Which Is Not One
Irving, John: A Prayer for Owen Meany; A Widow for One Year; Cider
House Rules; The Hotel New Hampshire; The World According to
Garp; Trying to Save Piggy Snead
Jackman, Brian and Scott, Jonathon and Angie: The Marsh Lions:
The Story of an African Pride
Jackson, Shirley: Come Along With Me; Dark Tales; Life among the
Savages; The Haunting of Hill House; The Lottery and Other Stories;
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Jacobs, Joseph: Celtic Folk and Fairy Tales; English Fairy Tales; More
English Fairy Tales; The Fables of Aesop; The Jews of Angevin England
Jansson, Tove: Fair Play; The Summer Book; The True Deceiver
Jean Paul: Analects from John Paul Richter; Bailiff Josuah Freudel's
Complaint Bible; Conjectural Biography; Dr. Katzenberger's Journey to
the Baths; Dream upon the Universe; Flegeljahre; Flower, Fruit and
Thorn Pieces, or The Married Life, Death and Wedding of Siebenkäs,
Last Will and Testament — The House of Weeping; Poor Man's Lawyer
(Siebenkäs); Hesperus, or 45 Dog-post-days; Introduction to
Esthetics; Levana; Life of Quintus Fixlein, Based on Fifteen Little
Boxes of Memoranda; Life of the Contented Schoolmaster Maria Wuz;
Mr. Florian Fülbel's Journey; On Charlotte Corday; The Campaner
Thal, and Other Writings; The Comet; The Devil's Papers; The Happy
Life of a Parish Priest in Sweden; The Invisible Lodge; Titan; Truth
about Jean Paul's Life; Wild Oats
Jin, Ha: A Good Fall; In the Pond; Ocean of Words: Army Stories;
The Bridegroom; The Crazed; Waiting; War Trash; Under The Red Flag
John of the Cross: Dark Night of the Soul; Living Flame of Love;
Sayings of Light and Love; Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the
Bridegroom Christ
Jókai, Mór: A Hungarian Nabob; Eyes Like the Sea; The Golden Age
in Transylvania; The Man with the Golden Touch; The Last Days of the
Janissaries; The Turks in Hungary; The Yellow Rose
Jones, Edward P.: All Aunt Hagar's Children; Lost in the City; The
Known World
Jones, Owen: The Establishment: And How They Get Away with It
Jong, Erica: Fear of Flying; Fear of Dying; How to Save Your Own
Joseph, Manu: Armed and Dangerous; Miss Laila; Serious Men; The
Illicit Happiness Of Other People
Judis, John B.: The Folly of Empire: What George W. Bush Could
Learn from Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson
Judt, Tony: Ill Fares the Land; Israel: The Alternative; Past
Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 1944-1956; Postwar: A History of
Europe Since 1945; Reappraisals: Reflections on the Forgotten
Twentieth Century; The Burden of Responsibility: Blum, Camus, Aron,
and the French Twentieth Century; The Country That Wouldn't Grow
Up; The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy; The Memory Chalet
Juhász, Ferenc: The Boy Who Changed into a Stag Clamors at the
Gate of Secrets; The Poems of Ferenc Juhasz
Juvenal: Satires
Karr, Mary: The Art of Memoir; The Liars' Club; Viper Rum
Kay, Jackie: Darling: New & Selected Poems; Fiere; Life Mask; Other
Lovers; Out of Bounds: British Black & Asian Poets; Reality, Reality;
Red Dust Road: An Autobiographical Journey; Sonata; Ten Poems of
Kindness; The Adoption Papers; The Empathetic Store; The
Lamplighter Trumpet; Wish I Was Here
Keene, Donald: Dawn to the West Vols. 1 & 2; Seeds in the Heart;
World Within Walls.
Kellogg, Vernon Lyman: Herbert Hoover, The Man and His Work
Kelly, Robert: Kill the Messenger Who Brings Bad News; Red
Actions: Selected Poems 1960-1993
Kenyon, Jane: Collected Poems; One Last Story and That's It;
Otherwise; The Boat of Quiet Hours
Kernahan, Coulson: God and the Ant; The World Without a Child
Kesey, Ken: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Sometimes a Great
Kessel, Joseph: Belle Du Jour; The Escape; The Lion; The Man with
the Miraculous Hands
Killion, Tom: California's Wild Edge: The Coast in Prints, Poetry, and
Kilmer, Joyce: Rouge Bouquet; The Circus and Other Essays; Trees
Kilroy, Thomas: The Big Chapel
Kirst, Gary: Empire of Sin: A Story of Sex, Jazz, Murder, and the
Battle for Modern New Orleans
Knight, Etheridge: Belly Song and Other Poems; Black Voices from
Prison; Poems from Prison
Kosinski, Jerzy: Being There; Blind Date; Steps; The Painted Bird
Kraft, Eric: Herb 'n' Lorna; Inflating a Dog: The Story of Ella’s Lunch
Launch; Leaving Small's Hotel; Little Follies; The Static of the Spheres
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von: Psychopathia Sexualis
Kucich, John and Taylor, Jenny Bourne: The Oxford History of the
Novel in English: Volume 3: The Nineteenth-Century Novel 1820-1880
(Oxford History of the Novel in English)
Kurlansky, Mark: 1968: The Year That Rocked the World; A Chosen
Few: The Resurrection of European Jewry; A Continent of Islands:
Searching for the Caribbean Destiny; Boogaloo on 2nd Avenue: A
Novel of Pastry, Guilt and Music; Cod: A Biography of the Fish that
Changed the World; Hank Greenberg: The Hero Who Didn't Want to
Be One; Nonviolence: The History of a Dangerous Idea; Salt: A World
History; The Basque History of the World: The Story of a Nation; The
Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell; The Cod's Tale; The Food of a
Younger Land: A Portrait of American Food - Before the National
Highway System, Before Chain Restaurants, and Before Frozen Food,
When the Nation's Food Was Seasonal; The Last Fish Tale; The Story
of Salt; The White Man in the Tree and Other Stories
Lalic, Ivan V.: A Rusty Needle; Fading Contact; Fire Gardens; Last
Quarter; Roll Call of Mirrors; The Passionate Measure; The Works of
Lamb, Wally: I Know This Much Is True; She's Come Undone; The
Hour I First Believed; Wishin' and Hopin': A Christmas Story
Lanier, Sidney: Poems; The English Novel and the Principle of its
Larson, Erik: The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and
Madness at the Fair That Changed America
Larsson, Stieg: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest; The Girl Who
Played with Fire; The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Le, Thi Thiem Thuy: The Gangster We Are All Looking For
Lesage, Alain-René: The Adventures of Gil Blas; The Devil upon Two
Levy, Andrea: Every Light in the House Burnin′; Never Far from
Nowhere; Small Island; The Long Song
Lewes, George Henry: Actors and Acting; Life of Goethe; The Lady
Novelists; The Spanish Drama
Lewin, Leonard C.: Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility &
Desirability of Peace
Lewis, Alfred Henry: The Boss, and How He Came To Rule New
York; The President; Wolfville; Wolfville Days; Wolfville Nights
Lewis, Janet: Poems Old and New, 1918-1978; The Trial Of Sören
Lewis, W. H.: The Splendid Century: Life in the France of Louis XIV
Li, Yiyun: A Thousand Years of Good Prayers; Gold Boy, Emerald Girl;
The Vagrants
Lin, Tao: Eeeee Eee Eeee; Shoplifting from American Apparel; Today
the Sky is Blue and White with Bright Blue Spots and a Small Pale
Moon and I Will Destroy Our Relationship Today
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow: Gift from the Sea; The Unicorn and Other
Lindsay, Franklin: Beacons in the Night: With the OSS and Tito's
Partisans in Wartime Yugoslavia
Lindsay, Vachel: Collected Poems; General William Booth Enters
Heaven; Going to the Sun; The Art of the Moving Picture; The Congo
and Other Poems; The Golden Whales of California
Livy: From the Founding of the City, Books 1-10 and 21-45;
Hannibal's War or Books 21-30 (Dexter Hoyos/J. C. Yardley
translation); Rome and the Mediterranean or Books 31-45 (Henry
Bettenson translation) Rome’s Italian Wars or Books 6-10 (J. C.
Yardley translation); The Early History of Rome (Aubrey de Selincourt
translation); The War with Hannibal or Books 21-30 (Aubrey de
Selincourt translation)
Llewellyn, Karl N.: The Bramble Bush: The Classic Lectures on the
Law and Law School
Llewellyn, Sacha and Liss, Paul: Evelyn Dunbar: The Lost Works
Loades, David: Henry VII; The Fighting Tudors; The Making of the
Tudor Navy; The Tudor Queens
Logevall, Fredrik: Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and the
Escalation of War in Vietnam; Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire
and the Making of America’s Vietnam
Lott, Bret: Ancient Highway; Jewel; The Man Who Owned Vermont
Lowell, Robert: Collected Poems; For the Union Dead; Life Studies;
Lord Weary's Castle; Notebook; Notebook 1967-68: Poems; The
Löwith, Karl: From Hegel to Nietzsche; Max Weber and Karl Marx;
Meaning in History: The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of
Loy, Mina: Insel; Lunar Baedeker; Stories and Essays of Mina Loy
Lucas F. L.: Ariadne; Cécile; Euripides and His Influence; From Many
Times and Lands; Greek Drama for Everyman; Greek Poetry for
Everyman; Land's End; Poems, 1935; Seneca and Elizabethan
Tragedy; Style; Tragedy: Serious Drama in Relation to Aristotle's
Poetics; Time and Memory
Lucan: Pharsalia
Lungu, Dan: Hens' Heaven; How to Forget a Woman; In Hell All the
Light Bulbs Are Burned Out; The Little Girl Who Played at Being God
Lycett, Andrew: Ian Fleming: The Man Behind James Bond; The Man
Who Created Sherlock Holmes: The Life and Times of Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle
MacCarthy, Fiona: Anarchy & Beauty: William Morris and His Legacy
1860-1960; The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Edward Burne-Jones and the
Victorian Imagination
MacDonald, John D.: The Deep Blue Good-By; The Dreadful Lemon
MacIntyre, Ben: A Spy among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great
Mackail, John William: An Introduction to Virgil's Aeneid; Latin
Literature; Virgil; Virgil and His Meaning to the World of To-day;
Virgil's Work: The Aeneid, Eclogues, Georgics
Maclean, John Norman: Fire on the Mountain: The True Story of the
South Canyon Fire; The Thirtymile Fire: A Chronicle of Bravery and
Maine, Henry James Sumner: Ancient Law: Its Connexion with the
Early History of Society and Its Relation to Modern Ideas;
International Law; Popular Government
Maistre, Xavier de: Journey around My Room; The Leper of the City
of Aoste; The Prisoners of the Caucasus
Malone, Dumas: Jefferson and His Time; Jefferson and the Rights of
Man; The Public Life of Thomas Cooper, 1783-1839
Malraux, André: Man’s Estate; Man’s Fate; Man’s Hope; The Voices
of Silence; The Way of the Kings
Mandel, Eli: An Idiot Joy; The Other Harmony: The Collected Poetry
of Eli Mandel
Manning, Olivia: Friends and Heroes; School for Love; The Battle
Lost and Won; The Danger Tree; The Doves of Venus; The Great
Fortune; The Remarkable Expedition; The Reluctant Rescue; The
Spoilt City; The Sum of Things
Mano, D. Keith: Bishop's Progress; Harry The Goth; Horn; Take Five;
War Is Heaven
Marcus, Ben: Leaving the Sea; Notable American Women; The Age
of Wire and String; The Father Costume
Mark, Jason D.: Island of Fire: The Battle for the Barrikady Gun
Factory in Stalingrad
Markandaya, Kamala: Nectar in a Sieve
Markham, Laura: The Far Away Brothers: Two Young Migrants and
the Making of an American Life
Markle, Joyce B.: Fighters and Lovers: Themes in the Novels of John
Marquis, Don: the lives and times of archy and mehitbal; The Old
Martel, Yann: Beatrice & Virgil; Life of Pi; The Facts Behind the
Helsinki Roccamatios
Martensen, Hans Lassen: Life of Jakob Böhme
Martial: Epigrams
Martínez, Tomás Eloy: Santa Evita; The Peron Novel; The Tango
Maruya, Saiichi: Grass for My Pillow; Rain in the Wind: Four Stories;
Singular Rebellion
Marwick, Arthur: The Deluge, British Society and the First World
War; The Sixties: Cultural Revolution in Britain, France, Italy, and the
United States, c. 1958-c. 1974
Marx, Karl and Engels, Frederick: Das Capital, Vol. 2; Das Capital,
Vol. 3; Political and Economic Manuscripts of 1844, The Communist
Manifesto; The German Ideology
Massinger, Philip: A New Way to Pay Old Debts; The Bondman; The
City Madam; The Duke of Milan; The Great Duke of Florence; The
Guardian; The Roman Actor; The Unnatural Combat
Matsuo, Bashō: Narrow Road to the Interior and Other Writings; The
Complete Haiku
Matusiak, John: Henry VIII: The Life and Rule of England’s Nero
Mauriac, François: A Kiss for the Leper; Asmodée; Cain, The Family;
De Gaulle; God and Mammon; Flesh and Blood; Genitrix; Holy
Thursday: An Intimate Remembrance; Questions of Precedence; Saint
Margaret of Cortona; The Desert of Love; The Frontenac Mystery; The
Holy Terror; The Lamb; The Life of Jean Racine; The Loved and the
Unloved; The Mask of Innocence; The Unknown Sea; The Weakling
and the Enemy; The Woman of the Pharisees; Thérèse Desqueyroux;
Three Great Men Before God; Vipers' Tangle; What Was Lost; Where
is Your Brother?; Young Man in Chains
Mauss, Marcel: The Gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in
Archaic Societies
May, Henry F.: The End of American Innocence: A Study of the First
Years of Our Own Time, 1912-1917
Mayer, Henry: All on Fire: William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolition
of Slavery
McDonald, Ian: Brasyl for Brazil; River of Gods; The Dervish House
McLynn, Frank: Genghis Khan: The Man Who Conquered the World;
McNeill, William H.: Plagues and Peoples; The Rise of the West: A
History of the Human Community
Meltzer, Richard: A Whore Just Like The Rest: The Music Writings of
Richard Meltzer; Gulcher: Post-Rock Cultural Pluralism in America
(1649-1993); L.A. is the Capital of Kansas: Painful Lessons in Post-
New York Living; The Aesthetics of Rock
Mencius: Mencius
Messud, Claire: The Emperor's Children; The Last Life; The Woman
Upstairs; When the World Was Steady
Meyer, G. J.: A World Undone: The Story of the Great War, 1914-
1918; The Borgias: The Hidden History; The Tudors: The Complete
Story of England's Most Notorious Dynasty
Meyrink, Gustav: Angel of the West Window; The Golem; The Green
Face; The Opal and Other Stories; Walpurgisnacht
Michon, Pierre: Masters and Servants; Small Lives; The Origin of the
Miller, Arthur: A View from the Bridge; After the Fall; All My Sons;
Death of a Salesman: Certain Private Conversations in Two Acts and a
Requiem; Incident at Vichy; Jane's Blanket; Misfits; The Creation of
the World and Other Business; The Crucible; The Man Who Had All the
Luck; The Price
Miller, D. A.: The Novel and the Police
Miller, Henry: A Devil in Paradise; Aller Retour New York; Big Sur
and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch; Black Spring; Book Of
Friends; Nexus: On Writing; Plexus: The Rosy Crucifixion II; Quiet
Days in Clichy; Sexus: The Rosy Crucifixion I; Stand Still Like the
Hummingbird; The Air-Conditioned Nightmare; The Books in My Life;
The Colossus of Maroussi; The Cosmological Eye; The Rosy Crucifixion
III; The Sacred Fount; The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder; Time of
Assassins; Tropic of Cancer; Tropic of Capricorn; Under the Roofs of
Milne, A. A.: Mr. Pim Passes By; Not That It Matters; The House at
Pooh Corner
Milosz, Oscar: The Noble Traveller: The Life and Writings of Oskar
Mitchell, Joseph: Joe Gould's Secret; My Ears Are Bent; Old Mr.
Flood; The Bottom of the Harbor; Up in the Old Hotel and Other
Mitchell, W. O.: Back to Beulah; Jake and the Kid; Who Has Seen
the Wind
Mitsuse, Ryu: The Sunset, 2217 A.D. Ten Billion Days and One
Hundred Billion Nights
Mo Yan: Big Breasts & Wide Hips; Life and Death Are Wearing Me
Out; Red Sorghum; The Garlic Ballads
Moers, Walter: A Wild Ride through the Night; Rumo & His
Miraculous Adventures; The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear; The
Alchemaster’s Apprentice; The City of Dreaming Books
Montero, Mayra: The Braid of the Beautiful Moon; The Last Night I
Spent with You
Montherlant, Henry de: Chaos and Night; The Bachelors; The Boys;
The Young Girls
Moore, Ward: Bring the Jubilee; Greener Than You Think; Lot and
Lot’s Wife
Morgan, Dan: Merchants of Grain: The Power and Profits of the Five
Giant Companies at the Center of the World's Food Supply 0th Edition
Morley, Hilda: A Blessing outside Us; What Are Winds and What Are
Morris, Donald R.: The Washing of the Spears: The Rise and Fall of
the Zulu Nation
Morris, William: A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and All the
Kindreds of the Mark; Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair; News
from Nowhere; The Earthly Paradise; The Story of Sigurd the Volsung
and the Fall of the Niblungs; The Story of the Glittering Plain; The
Sundering Flood; The Water of the Wondrous Isles; The Well at the
World's End; The Wood Beyond the World; Useful Work Versus Useless
Morris, Willie: Good Old Boy: A Delta Boyhood; My Cat Spit McGee;
My Dog Skip; North Toward Home; Taps; The Courting of Marcus
Dupree; The Ghosts of Medgar Evers
Morris Jr., Roy: Ambrose Bierce: Alone in Bad Company; The Better
Angel: Walt Whitman in the Civil War
Moss, Stanley: God Breaketh Not All Men's Hearts Alike: New &
Later Collected Poems
Mosse, George: Germans and Jews: The Right, the Left and the
Search for a Third Force in Pre-Nazi Germany; The Crisis of German
Ideology: Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich
Motley, John Lothrop: Polity of the Puritans; The Rise of the Dutch
Republic; The United Netherlands
Mottram, Ralph Hale: New Poems; Repose and Other Verses; Sixty-
Four Ninety-Four; The Crime at Vanderlynden's; The Spanish Farm
Mungoshi, Charles: One Day, Long Ago. More Stories from a Shona
Childhood; Waiting for the Rain; Walking Still
Munro, Alice: Beggar Maid: Stories of Flo and Rose; Carried Away: A
Selection of Stories; Dance of the Happy Shades; Dear Life; Friend of
My Youth; Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship; Lives of Girls
and Women; No Love Lost; Open Secrets; Runaway; Selected Stories;
The Love of a Good Woman; The Moons of Jupiter; The Progress of
Love; The View from Castle Rock; Too Much Happiness; Vintage
Munro; Who Do You Think You Are?
Muñoz, Manuel: The Faith Healer of Olive Avenue; What You See in
the Dark
Murakami, Haruki: 1Q84; A Wild Sheep Chase; After Dark; after the
quake; Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman; Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and
His Years of Pilgrimage; Dance, Dance, Dance; Hard-Boiled
Wonderland and the End of the World; Honey Pie from after the
Quake; Kafka on the Shore; Norwegian Wood; South of the Border;
Sputnik Sweetheart; The Elephant Vanishes; The Wind-up Bird
Chronicle; West of the Sun; What I Talk About When I Talk About
Running; Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese
Murray, Les: Fredy Neptune: A Novel in Verse; Waiting for the Past
Mykle, Agnar: Lasso round the Moon; The Song of the Red Ruby
Myles, Eileen: Cool for You; I Must Be Living Twice: New and
Selected Poems
Naipaul, V. S.: A Bend in the River; A House for Mr. Biswas; A Turn
in the South; A Way in the World; Among the Believers: An Islamic
Journey; An Area of Darkness; Between Father and Son: Family
Letters; Guerrillas; In a Free State; India: A Million Mutinies Now;
India: A Wounded Civilization; Magic Seeds; Miguel Street; The
Enigma of Arrival; The Loss of El Dorado; The Middle Passage:
Impressions of Five Societies - British, French and Dutch in the West
Indies and South America; The Mimic Men; The Mystic Masseur; The
Return of Eva Peron; The Writer and the World: Essays
Nee, Watchman: Christ the Sum of All Spiritual Things; Let Us Pray;
Sit Walk Stand; Spiritual Authority; The Holy Spirit and Reality; The
Latent Power of the Soul; The Normal Christian Life; The Release of
the Spirit; The Spiritual Man
Nodier, Charles and Morlock, Frank J.: Lord Ruthven The Vampire
Nonnus: Dionysiaca
Nordan, Lewis: Boy with Loaded Gun; Lightning Song; Music of the
Swamp; The Sharpshooter Blues; Welcome to the Arrow-Catcher Fair;
Wolf Whistle
Norman, Howard: The Bird Artist; The Haunting of L.; The Northern
Lights; What Is Left the Daughter
Norse, Harold: Beat Hotel; In the Hub of the Fiery Force: Collected
Poems 1934-2003
Nye, Naomi Shihab: Fuel; Words under the Words: Selected Poems
Ō no Yasumaro: Kojiki
Ó Faoláin, Seán: Bird Alone; Collected Stories; Heat of the Sun and
Other Stories; The Finest Stories of Sean O’Faolain
O'Brien, Darcy: A Dark and Bloody Ground; A Way of Life, Like Any
Other; Murder in Little Egypt; Power to Hurt: Inside a Judge's
Chambers: Sexual Assault, Corruption, and the Ultimate Reversal of
Justice for Women; The Hidden Pope: The Untold Story of a Lifelong
Friendship That Is Changing the Relationship between Catholics and
Jews: The Personal Journey of John Paul II and Jerzy Kluger; Two of a
Kind: The Hillside Strangler
O'Connor, Edwin: All in the Family; The Edge of Sadness; The Last
O’Neill, Eugene: Beyond the Horizon; Desire Under the Elms; Long
Day’s Journey into Night; Seven Plays of the Sea; The Emperor Jones;
The Iceman Cometh; The Straw;
O’Neill, Tony: Digging the Vein; Down and Out on Murder Mile; Neon
Angel: A Memoir of a Runaway; Sick City
Oates, Joyce Carol and Atwan, Robert: The Best American Essays
of the Century
Oates, Joyce Carol and Beha, Christopher R.: The Ecco Anthology
of Contemporary American Short Fiction
Olds, Sharon: One Secret Thing; Satan Says; Strike Sparks; The
Dead and the Living; The Father; The Gold Cell; The Wellspring
Onetti, Juan Carlos: A Brief Life; Body Snatcher; The Pit; The
Onians, R. B.: The Origins of European Thought about the Body, the
Mind, the Soul, the World, Time, and Fate
Ormrod, W. M.: The Reign of Edward III: Crown and Political Society
in England 1327-1377; Political Life in Medieval England, 1300-1450
Osborne, John: A Patriot for Me; Look Back in Anger; The Hotel in
Oz, Amos: A Perfect Peace; A Tale of Love and Darkness; Black Box;
Don't Call It Night; Elsewhere, Perhaps; Fima; Panther in the
Basement; To Know a Woman
Pacheco, José Emilio: An Ark for the Next Millennium; Battles in the
Desert & Other Stories; City of Memory and Other Poems; Don't Ask
Me How the Time Goes By: Poems, 1964-1968; Signals from the
Page, P. K.: Brazilian Journal; Coal and Roses; Planet Earth; The
Metal and the Flower
Palmer, Vance: The Legend of the Nineties; The Man Hamilton; The
Passage; The Swayne Family
Papini, Giovanni: Dante Vivo; Gog; The Devil - Notes for Future
Diabology; The Failure; The Story of Christ
Park, Robert Ezra: The City: Suggestions for the Study of Human
Nature in the Urban Environment
Parrott, Dial: The Genius of Venice: Piazza San Marco and the
Making of the Republic
Patai, Raphael: The Arab Mind; The Hebrew Goddess; The Messiah
Patchett, Ann: Bel Canto; Taft; The Magician's Assistant; The Patron
Saint of Liars; Truth & Beauty: A Friendship; What Now?
Paul, Erodman W.: California Gold: The History of Mining in the Far
Paul, Jim: Medieval in LA: A Fiction
Pearl Poet: Cleanness; Patience; Pearl; Sir Gawain and the Green
Knight (Bernard O’Donoghue and Adam Golaski translations); St.
Perlstein, Rick: The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise
of Reagan
Perrault, Charles: Tales and Stories of the Past with Morals: Tales of
Mother Goose; The Complete Fairy Tales
Perrin, Alice: From the Five Rivers; Idolatry; Tales of the Punjab;
The Hosts of the Lord
Persius: Satires
Perucho, Joan: Joan Miro and Catalonia; Natural History
Petras, James F.: The Power of Israel in the United States; Zionism,
Militarism and the Decline of US Power
Pinero, Arthur Wing: The Gay Lord Quex; The Magistrate; The
Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith; Trelawny of the 'Wells'
Pinker, Steven: The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has
Declined; The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature; The
Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language; The Stuff of
Thought; Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language
Pinker, Stephen: How the Mind Works; The Sense of Style: The
Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century
Pinto, Jerry: Em and the Big Hoom; Helen: The Life and Times
Piotrovsky, Boris: Urartu: The Kingdom of Van and Its Art; The
Ancient Civilization of Urartu; The Hermitage: Its History and
Collections; The History of Urartu and its Culture
Piper, Donald: Synthetic Criticism and Frank Norris: Or Mr. Marx, Mr.
Taylor, and The Octopus; The Concept of Nature in Frank Norris' The
Platonov, Andrey: Soul and Other Stories; The Fierce and Beautiful
World; The Foundation Pit; The Return
Plimpton, George: Fireworks; Mad Ducks and Bears; Open Net; Out
of My League; Paper Lion; Shadow Box; The Bogey Man; The Curious
Case of Sidd Finch; Truman Capote
Polito, Robert: Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1930's & 40's;
Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1950's; Hollywood & God; Savage
Art: A Biography of Jim Thompson
Polo, Marco: The Travels of Marco Polo; Travels in the Land of Kubilai
Popper, Karl and Eccles, John C.: The Self and Its Brain: An
Argument for Interactionism
Popper, Karl and Hansen, Troels Eggers: The Two Fundamental
Problems of the Theory of Knowledge
Porter, Katherine Anne: Pale Horse, Pale Rider; Ship of Fools; The
Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter; The Days Before
Powell, Eric: Satan's $@#%* Baby; The Goon Fancy Pants Edition -
Volume 1; The Goon, Volume 1: Nothin' but Misery; The Goon,
Volume 2: My Murderous Childhood; The Goon, Volume 3: Heaps of
Ruination; The Goon, Volume 4: Virtue and the Grim Consequences
Thereof; The Goon, Volume 5: Wicked Inclinations; The Goon, Volume
6: Chinatown and The Mystery of Mr. Wicker; The Goon, Volume 7: A
Place of Heartache and Grief; The Goon, Volume 8: Those That Is
Damned; The Goon, Volume 9: Calamity of Conscience; The Goon,
Volume 10: Death's Greedy Comeuppance; The Goon, Volume 11:
The Deformed of Body and the Devious of Mind; The Goon Volume
12: Them That Raised Us Lament; The Goon: The Return of Labrazio;
The Goon: The Rise and Fall of the Diabolical Dr. Alloy
Powell, Eric and Hotz, Kyle: Billy the Kid's Old Timey Oddities and
The Ghastly Fiend of London
Powell, John Wesley: The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its
Powicke, F. M.: King Henry III and the Lord Edward: The Community
of the Realm in the Thirteenth Century
Preston, Richard: The Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of the
Origins of the Ebola Virus
Pritchett, V. S.: A Cab at the Door; Balzac; Midnight Oil; The Living
Novel; The Spanish Virgin and Other Stories
Prose, Francine: Anne Frank: The Book, the Life, the Afterlife; Blue
Angel; Guided Tours of Hell; Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris
1932; Marie Laveau; Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who
Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them; The Peaceable
Prudentius: Psychomachia
Prus, Bolesław: Pharaoh; The Doll; The New Woman; The Outpost;
The Sins of Childhood and Other Stories
Quigley, J.: The Irish Race in California and on the Pacific Coast
Quillian, William H.: Hamlet and the New Poetic: James Joyce and
T. S. Eliot
Quintus of Smyrna: The Trojan Epic (Alan James and Arthur Way
Randall, James G.: Midstream: Lincoln the President; The Civil War
and Reconstruction
Ransmayr, Christoph: The Dog King; The Last World; The Terrors of
Ice and Darkness
Ransom, John Crowe: Chills and Fever; Poems About God; Selected
Poems; Two Gentlemen in Bonds
Rappaport, Roy A.: Ecology, Meaning, and Religion Pigs for the
Ancestors: Ritual in the Ecology of a New Guinea People; Ritual and
Religion in the Making of Humanity
Ravenel, Shannon: New Stories from the South: The Year's Best
1989; New Stories from the South: The Year's Best, 1990; New
Stories from the South: The Year's Best, 1991; New Stories from the
South 1992: The Year's Best; New Stories from the South 1994: The
Year's Best; New Stories from the South 1995: The Year's Best; New
Stories from the South 1996: The Year's Best; New Stories from the
South: The Year's Best-1997; New Stories from the South 2001: The
Year's Best; New Stories from the South 2003: The Year's Best
Reade, Aleyn Lyell: Dr. Johnson’s Ancestry: His Kinsfolk and Family
Reade, Charles: It Is Never Too Late to Mend; The Cloister and the
Reaney, James: A Suit of Nettles; Poems; The Box Social and Other
Stories; The Donnellys; The Essential James Reaney; The Killdeer and
Other Plays; The Red Heart; Twelve Letters to a Small Town
Remi Herge, Georges: The Castafiore Emerald; The Crab with the
Golden Claws; Tintin in Tibet
Remnick, David: Lenin's Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire
Restall, Matthew and Solari, Amana: 2012 and the End of the
World: The Western Roots of the Maya Apocalypse
Restall, Matthew and Armesto, Felipe Fernandez: The
Conquistadors: A Very Short Introduction
Rhys, Jean: After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie; Cla: Let Them Call It Jazz;
Good Morning, Midnight; Quartet; Smile Please: An Unfinished
Autobiography; The Left Bank and Other Stories; Tigers are Better-
Looking; Voyage in the Dark; Wide Sargasso Sea
Rich, Paul J.: Creating the Arabian Gulf: The British Raj and the
Invasions of the Gulf
Richards, David Adams: For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down;
Lines on the Water: A Fisherman's Life on the Miramichi; Mercy
Among the Children; Nights Below Station Street; The Friends of
Meager Fortune; The Lost Highway
Richter, Conrad: Sea of Grass; The Fields; The Town; The Trees;
The Waters of Kronos
Rickford, John R. and Rickford, Russell J.: Spoken Soul: The
Story of Black English
Risen, James: Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War
Roberts, Dorothy E.: Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big
Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-first Century; Killing the Black
Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty; Punishing
Drug Addicts Who Have Babies: Women of Color, Equality, and the
Right of Privacy
Robinson, Tjalie: The Hunt for the Heart: Selected Tales from the
Dutch East Indies
Rogers, Byron: The Last Englishman; The Man Who Went into the
Roscoe, William: Mount Pleasant; The Council of Dogs; The Life and
Pontificate of Leo the Tenth; The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, Called the
Rosen, David: Power, Plain English, and the Rise of Modern Poetry
Roske, Roger J.: The World Impact of the California Gold Rush,
Roskell, John S.: The Impeachment of Michael De La Pole, Earl of
Suffolk in 1386, in the Context of the Reign of Richard II
Rosnow, Ralph L. and Fine, Gary Alan: Rumor and Gossip: The
Social Psychology of Hearsay
Ruff, Matt: Bad Monkeys; Fool on the Hill; Set This House in Order
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos: The Angel's Game; The Shadow of the Wind
Rulfo, Juan: Pedro Paramo; The Burning Plain and Other Stories
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Stories; Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism 1981-1991; Luka
and the Fire of Life; Midnight’s Children; Joseph Anton: a Memoir;
Shalimar the Clown; Shame; Step Across This Line: Collected
Nonfiction 1992-2002; The Enchantress of Florence; The Ground
Beneath Her Feet; The Jaguar Smile: Nicaraguan Journey; The Moor’s
Last Sigh; The Satanic Verses; Two Years Eight Months and Twenty
Eight Nights
Ryan, Cornelius: A Bridge Too Far; The Last Battle; The Longest
Day: June 6, 1944 D-Day
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Bosnia 1992-1995
Safina, Carl: Song for the Blue Ocean; The View from Lazy Point: A
Natural Year in an Unnatural World; Voyage of the Turtle
Saint John of the Cross: Ascent of Mount Carmel; Dark Night of the
Soul; Living Flame of Love; Sayings of Light and Love; Spiritual
Saki: Best of Saki; Sredni Vashtar and Other Stories; The Complete
Short Stories; The Unbearable Bassington
Salinger, J.D.: Franny and Zooey; Nine Stories; Raise High the Roof
Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction; The Catcher in the
Salter, James and Kay: Life Is Meals: A Food Lover's Book of Days
Sampson, Robert J.: Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring
Neighborhood Effect
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Years; Chicago Poems; Corn Huskers; Remembrance Rock; Selected
Poems; Smoke and Steel; The Complete Poems; The People; Yes
Sanders, Andrew: In the Olden Time: Victorians and the British Past
Sarduy, Severo: Christ on the Rue Jacob; Cobra; Firefly; For Voice:
The Beach, Fall, Re-Cite, the Ant-Killers; From Cuba with a Song;
Maitreya; Written on a Body
Saterstrom, Selah: The Meat and Spirit Plan; The Pink Institution
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World of Arts and Letters
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the Role of Women in Society; Busman's Honeymoon; Clouds of
Witness; Dorothy L. Sayers: The Complete Stories; Further Papers on
Dante; Gaudy Night; Great Short Stories Of Detection, Mystery And
Horror; Hangman's Holiday: A Collection of Short Mysteries; Have His
Carcase; In the Teeth of the Evidence; Introductory Papers on Dante:
Volume 1: The Poet Alive in His Writings; Lord Peter; Lord Peter Takes
the Case; Lord Peter Views the Body: A Collection of Mysteries;
Murder Must Advertise; Poetry Of Dorothy L. Sayers; Strong Poison;
The Adventurous Exploit of the Cave of Ali Baba; The Documents in
the Case; The Dragon's Head: Classic English Short Stories; The
Emperor Constantine: A Chronicle; The Just Vengeance; The Letters
of Dorothy L. Sayers. Vol. 1, 1899-1936: The Making of a Detective
Novelist; The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers. Vol. 2, 1937-1943: From
Novelist to Playwright; The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers. Vol. 3, 1944-
1950: A Noble Daring; The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers: Vol. 4, 1951-
1957: In the Midst of Life; The Lost Tools of Learning; The Man Born
to be King: A Play-Cycle on the Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ; The Mind of the Maker; The Nine Tailors; The Omnibus of
Crime; The Poetry of Search and the Poetry of Statement, Vol, 3: On
Dante and Other Writers; The Third Omnibus of Crime; The
Undignified Drama of the Bone of Contention; The Unpleasantness at
the Bellona Club; The Zeal of Thy House; Unnatural Death; Whose
Body?; Wilkie Collins: A Critical and Biographical Study
Scarry, Elaine: Dreaming by the Book; The Body in Pain: The Making
and Unmaking of the World
Schjeldahl, Peter: Let's See: Writings on Art from The New Yorker
Schramm, Wilbur and Roberts, Donald F.: The Process and Effects
of Mass Communication
Schuré, Édouard: Ricardo Wagner his Work and Ideas; The Great
Schwartz, Philip J.: Twice Condemned: Slaves and the Criminal Law
of Virginia, 1705-1860
Sciascia, Leonardo: Equal Danger; The Day of the Owl; The Moro
Affair; The Wine-Dark Sea; To Each His Own
Sears, Stephen W.: The Civil War: The Second Year Told by Those
Who Lived It
Segev, Tom: 1949: The First Israelis; 1967: Israel, the War and the
Year That Transformed the Middle East; Elvis in Jerusalem: Post-
Zionism and the Americanization of Israel; One Palestine, Complete:
Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate; The Seventh Million: The
Israelis and the Holocaust
Selby, Hubert Jr.: Last Exit to Brooklyn; Requiem for a Dream; Song
of the Silent Snow; The Demon; The Room
Self, Will: Cock and Bull; Great Apes; How the Dead Live; Liver: A
Fictional Organ with a Surface Anatomy of Four Lobes; My Idea of
Fun; Shark; The Book of Dave; The Butt; The Quantity Theory of
Insanity; The Sweet Smell of Psychosis; Tough, Tough Toys for Tough,
Tough Boys; Umbrella
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Other Poems; Signs of Fire; The Evidences; The Poetry of Jorge de
Sena; Wondrous Physician
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Tonight; From Heaven Lake: Travels through Sinkiang and Tibet; The
Golden Gate; Two Lives
Seung-Yu, Lee: The Private Lives of Plants; The Reverse Side of Life
Shaara, Michael: For Love of the Game; Gods and Generals; The
Killer Angels; The Last Full Measure
Shacochis, Bob: The Woman Who Lost Her Soul: Lectures Delivered
at Oxford; On Poetic Interpretation of Nature
Šalamun, Tomaž: Feast; Poker; Row!; Selected Poems; The Book for
My Brother; The Four Questions of Melancholy; The Shepherd, the
Hunter; There's the Hand and There's the Arid Chair Woods and
Shaw, Irwin: Bury the Dead; Nightwork; Rich Man, Poor Man; Short
Stories: Five Decades; Top of the Hill; The Young Lions
Shchedrin: Fables
Sheehan, Neil: A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in
Shermer, Michael: The Science of Good and Evil: Why People Cheat,
Gossip, Care, Share, and Follow the Golden Rule; Why Darwin
Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design
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Shilts, Randy: And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the
AIDS Epidemic; Conduct Unbecoming - Lesbians and Gays in the U.S.
Military, Vietnam to the Persian Gulf; The Mayor of Castro Street: The
Life and Times of Harvey Milk
Shimoni, Youval: A Room
Shiner, Lewis: Black & White; Glimpses; Say Goodbye: The Laurie
Moss Story
Shiroyama, Saburo: War Criminal: The Life and Death of Hirota Koki
Sholokhov, Mikhail: Quiet Flows the Don; The Don Flows Home to
the Sea
Shrake, Bud: Billy Boy; Blessed McGill; Bootlegger's Boy; But Not for
Love; Strange Peaches; Willie: An Autobiography
Shreve, Porter: Drives Like a Dream; The Obituary Writer; When the
White House Was Ours
Shulsky, Abram N. and Schmitt, Gary J.: Leo Strauss and the
World of Intelligence (By Which We Do Not Mean Nous)
Shute, Nevil: A Town Like Alice; An Old Captivity; Beyond The Black
Stump; In the Wet; Landfall; Lonely Road; No Highway; On the
Beach; Pastoral; Pied Piper; Requiem for a Wren; Round the Bend;
Ruined City; The Chequer Board; The Rainbow and the Rose; The
Seafarers; Trustee from the Toolroom
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Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia
Silone, Ignazio: Bread and Wine; Fontamara; The Seed Beneath the
Simon, Claude: Story; The Georgics; The Grass; The Flanders Road;
The Palace; The Trolley
Simon, David and Burns, Ed: The Corner: A Year in the Life of an
Inner-City Neighborhood
Simpson, Brooks: The Civil War: The First Year Told by Those Who
Lived It
Simpson, Louis: At the End of the Open Road; The Arrivistes; The
Owner of the House: New Collected Poems, 1940-2001; There You
Simpson, Mona: A Regular Guy; Anywhere but Here; Off Keck Road;
The Lost Father
Sinclair, Andrew: The Better Half: The Emancipation of the
American Woman
Slesinger, Tess: On Being Told That Her Second Husband Has Taken
His First Lover and Other Stories; The Unpossessed
Smith, Adam: Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
Smith, Ali: Artful; Hotel World; How to Be Both; Public Library and
Other Stories; The Accidental; Winter
Smith, Barbara: All the Women Are White, All the Blacks are Men,
but Some of Us Brave: Black Women's Studies
Smith, Clark Ashton: The Dark Eidolon and Other Fantasies; The
Star-Treader and Other Poems; The Tale of Satampra Zerios
Smith, Patti: Babel; Early Work: 1970-1979; Ha! Ha! Houdini; Just
Kids; Land 250; Patti Smith: Complete: Lyrics, Reflections, and Notes
for the Future; Seventh Heaven; Witt; Woolgathering
Smith, Reformed: Erasmus
Smolin, Lee: The Trouble With Physics: The Rise of String Theory,
The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next
Solomon, Andrew: Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the
Struggle for Identity
Somers, Jeff: The Digital Plague; The Electric Church; The Eternal
Prison; The Final Evolution; The Freaks Are Winning: The Inner Swine
Collection; The Terminal State; Trickster
Somerset, Anne: Queen Anne: The Politics of Passion
Spencer, Elizabeth: The Light in the Piazza and Other Italian Tales;
The Stories of Elizabeth Spencer; The Voice at the Back Door
Spencer, Scott: A Ship Made of Paper; Endless Love; The Rich Man's
Table; Waking the Dead
Spitzer, Robert J.: Evidence for God from Physics and Philosophy:
Extending the Legacy of Monsignor Georges Lemaitre and St. Thomas
Aquinas; The Soul’s Upward Yearning: Clues to Our Transcendent
Nature from Experience and Reason
Sproul, Robin: Exit Polls: Better or Worse Since the 2000 Election?
Spurling, Hilary: Burying the Bones: Pearl Buck in China; Ivy When
Young: The Early Life of Ivy Compton-Burnett 1884-1919; La Grande
Therese: The Greatest Scandal of the Century; Matisse the Master:
The Conquest of Colour 1909-1954; The Unknown Matisse
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Hope: A Trilogy
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Poems; The Red Leaves of Night: Poems
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Midnight; Edna St. Vincent Millay: Poems; Fatal Interview: Sonnets;
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April; The Early Poetry and Criticisms of Edna St. Vincent Millay;The
Harp-Weaver and Other Poems; The Lamp and the Bell
Stapledon, Olaf: Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far
Future; Odd John: A Story between Jest and Earnest; Sirius; Star
Starr, Jason and Bruen, Ken: Bust; Fake I.D.; The Max
Stead, Christina: Cotters England; Letty Fox: Her Luck; The Man
Who Loved Children
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of Repose; Beyond the Hundredth Meridian: John Wesley Powell and
the Second Opening of the West; Collected Stories; Crossing into
Safety; Discovery! The Search for Arabian Oil; Mormon Country;
Recapitulation; Remembering Laughter; The Big Rock Candy
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Spectator Bird; Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs:
Living and Writing in the West; Wolf Willow: A History, a Story, and a
Memory of the Last Plains Frontier
Sterling, George: The House of Orchids and Other Poems; The Thirst
of Satan: Poems of Fantasy and Terror
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I Have Known
Still, James: And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World
of Anne Frank; Chinaberry; From the Mountain, from the Valley: New
and Collected Poems; Pattern of a Man & Other Stories; Run for the
Elbertas-Pa; Sporty Creek; The Hills Remember: The Complete Short
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Record of Appalachian Life; Way Down Yonder on Troublesome Creek:
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Stone, Robert: A Flag for Sunrise; A Hall of Mirrors; Bear and His
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Outerbridge Reach
Strayed, Cheryl: Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from
Dear Sugar
Strong, Roy: And When Did You Last See Your Father?: The Victorian
Painter and British History
Strout, Elizabeth: Abide with Me; Amy and Isabelle; Olive Kittridge
Sturges, Preston: Sullivan's Travels; The Lady Eve; The Palm Beach
Sturrock, John: Paper Tigers: The Ideal Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges
Swan, Patrick A.: Alger Hiss, Whitaker Chambers, and the Schism in
the American Soul
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Words; Nature; The Complete Love Poems; The Complete Poems to
Solve; To Mix with Time: New and Selected Poems
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of the Western World; The Riders to the Sea; The Shadow of the
Glen; The Tinker’s Wedding; The Well of Saints
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Lincoln to Roosevelt
Tardi, Jacques: It Was the War of the Trenches; The Mad Scientist
and Mummies on Parade
Tarn, Nathaniel: Ins and Outs of the Forest Rivers; Lyrics for the
Bride of God; Scandals in the House of Birds: Shamans and Priests on
Lake Atitlan
Tartt, Donna: The Goldfinch; The Little Friend; The Secret History
Taylor, John (b. 1952): Into the Heart of European Poetry; Paths to
Contemporary French Literature, Vols. 1-3; The World As It Is
Teschke, B.: The Myth of 1648: Class, Geopolitics and the Making of
Modern International Relations
Theocritus: Idylls
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Blue Yonder
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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; Fear and Loathing on the Campaign
Trail, 1972; Gonzo: Literary Edition; Kingdom of Fear: Loathsome
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Century; Songs of the Doomed: More Notes on the Death of the
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Kill Your Mother: Writers and Their Families; Nora Webster; On
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Kaufmann, and America's Most Extraordinary House; Pittsburgh: A
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Tomkis, Thomas: Lingua, or the Combat of the Tongue and the Five
Senses for Superiority; Pathomachia or the Battle of Affections
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Waiting for Daylight
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Mountain; Portugal; Tales From The Mountain; The Creation of the
World: The First Day & the Second Day
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World He Made; The Roar of the Lion
Tranter, Nigel: The Fortified House in Scotland; The Path of the Hero
King; The Price of the King's Peace; The Steps to the Empty Throne
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Other Stories; Cheating At Canasta; Collected Stories; Felicia's
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Boys; The Story of Lucy Gault; Two Lives
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Knight of the Lion
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Tuck, Lily: Siam, or the Woman Who Shot a Man; The News from
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Fire; The Hunter; The Wind
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Movies; Screening the Sexes: Homosexuality in the Movies;
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Mexican Border; By the Lake of Sleeping Children; In Search of Snow;
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Western Music
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American Frontier, 1754-1774; The Final Challenge: The American
Frontier, 1804-1845
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Assassination of James Jesse Strang
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Irving Trial
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Scriptwriter; Captain Pantoja and the Special Service; Conversation in
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Tellers; No Go the Bogeyman: On Scaring, Lulling, and Making Mock;
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the Ancient Greeks; The Aerodrome
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Experience; What Is Tao?; What Is Zen?; Wisdom of Insecurity
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Mankind; Waiting for God; War and the Iliad
Wheeler, B.: Reality Is What You Can Get Away with: Fantastic
Imaginings, Rebellion and Control in Terry Gilliam's Brazil
Wiener, Eric: The Geography of Bliss: One Grump’s Search for the
Happiest Places in the World
Weiner, John: Selected Poems: 1958-1984
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in the Blood
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Loves of a She Devil; Worst Fears
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The Sugar House
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Wiesel, Elie: Night; The Trial of God: (As It Was Held on February
25, 1649, in Shamgorod)
Wiley, Philip; Luxon, Norval and Neil, Porter: The Reporter and
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1862; Lincoln Finds A General - Volume One; Volume Three - Grant's
First Year in the West
Wills, C. J.: The Land of the Lion and Sun, or Modern Persia
Wills, Garry: Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National
Security State; Head and Heart: American Christianities; Henry
Adams and the Making of America; Inventing America: Jefferson's
Declaration of Independence; James Madison; Lincoln at Gettysburg:
The Words That Remade America; Mr. Jefferson's University; Nixon
Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man; Saint Augustine: A
Penguin Life; The Rosary; Under God: Religion and American Politics;
What the Gospels Meant; What Paul Meant
Wilson, Sloan: Ice Brothers; The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
Wilson, William S.: Birthplace; Why I Don’t Write Like Franz Kafka
Wingrove, David: Beneath the Tree of Heaven; Ice and Fire; White
Moon, Red Dragon; The Middle Kingdom; The Stone Within
Wingrove, David and Miller, Rand: Myst: The Book of Atrus; Myst:
The Book of D'Ni; Myst: The Book of Ti'ana
Winters, Topaz: Monsoon Dream (2412 #6); poems for the sound of
the sky before thunder
Winterson, Jeanette: Art & Lies: A Piece for Three Voices and a
Bawd; Art Objects: Essays on Ecstasy and Effrontery; Boating for
Beginners; Gut Symmetries; Lighthousekeeping; Oranges Are Not the
Only Fruit; Sexing the Cherry; Tanglewreck; The Passion; The
PowerBook; The Stone Gods; The World and Other Places; Weight:
The Myth of Atlas and Heracles; Written on the Body
Wolf, Christa: Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays; The Quest for
Christa T.
Wolfe, Tom: Bonfire of the Vanities; Hooking Up; Mau Mauing the
Flak-Catchers; Mauve Gloves & Madmen, Clutter & Vine; The Electric
Kool-Aid Acid Test; The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline
Baby; The Painted Word; The Right Stuff
Wolff, Geoffrey: Black Sun: The Brief Transit and Violent Eclipse of
Harry Crosby; The Duke of Deception: Memories of My Father; The
Hard Way around: The Passages of Joshua Slocum
Wolff, Leon: In Flanders Field
Womack, Jack: Ambient; Going, Going, Gone; Let's Put the Future
Behind Us; Random Acts of Senseless Violence; Terraplane
Womack, John S.: Zapata and the Mexican Revolution
Woodrell, Daniel: Give Us a Kiss; Ride with the Devil; Tomato Red;
Winter's Bone; Woe to Live On; The Death of Sweet Mister
Wright, Franz: God's Silence; ILL LIT: Selected & New Poems;
Walking to Martha's Vineyard; The Beforelife; The Earth without You
Wright, James: Collected Poems; The Branch Will Not Break; The
Green Wall
Wright, Mabel Osgood and Coues, Dr. Elliott: Citizen Bird: Scenes
from Bird-life in Plain English for a Beginner
Wyatt, Thomas:
Yates, Frances: Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition; The Art
of Memory
Yasuoka, Shōtarō: A View by the Sea; The Glass Slipper and Other
Yong, Jin: Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain; The Book and the
Sword; The Deer and the Cauldron
Young, Al: Bodies and Soul: Musical Memoirs; Something About the
Blues; The Sound of Dreams Remembered: Poems 1990-2000
Zamyatin, Yevgeny: We
Zeitz, Joshua: Lincoln’s Boys: John Hay, John Nicolay and the War
for Lincoln’s Image
Zhu, Xiao Di: Leisure Thoughts on Idle Books; Thirty Years in a Red
House: A Memoir of Childhood and Youth in Communist China
Zola, Émile: A Flash in the Pan; A Page of Love; Abbe Mouret’s Sin;
Captain Burle; Coqueville on the Spree; Dead Men Tell No Tales;
Death by Advertising; Doctor Pascal; Fruitfulness; Germinal; His
Masterpiece; His Excellence Eugene Rougon; Jean Gourdon's Four
Days; L’Assomoir; Lourdes; Money; Nana; Paris; Pot Luck; Rentafoil;
Shellfish for Monsieur Chabre; Therese Racquin; The Beast Within;
The Belly of Paris; The Conquest of Plassans; The Death of Olivier
Becaille; The Downfall; The Dream; The Dreyfus Affair: "J'Accuse" and
Other Writings; The Earth; The Experimental Novel; The Flood; The
Fortune of the Rougons; The Girl Who Loves Me; The Joy of Living;
The Kill; The Ladies' Paradise; The Way People Die
Zwicky, Jan: Chamber Music: The Poetry of Jan Zwicky; Forge; Lyric
Philosophy; Plato as Artist; Robinson's Crossing; Songs for
Relinquishing the Earth; The Long Walk; Thirty-Seven Small Songs &
Thirteen Silences; Where Have We Been; Wisdom & Metaphor;
Wittgenstein Elegies
Zykë, Cizia: Oro: The True Story of an Adventurer Who Made His
Own Law in the Jungle of Central America; Tuan Charlie: Dust