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Literature Review Demographics of The End-Stage Renal Disease Population

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Mr. Wong was a 46-year old man.

He defaulted current follow up

and 2 days continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). On
admission, his blood pressure (BP) was 197/106mmHg, pulse was
108/min, oxygen saturation was 94% in room air, body
temperature was 36.5 degree Celsius, body height was 1.78 m,
and body weight was 82.3 kg (body mass index was 26.0kg/m2).
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was E4; V5; M6 (E4: Open eyes
spontaneously; V5: Oriented, converses normally; M6: Obey
commands). His chief complaints were fatigue, shortness of
breath, dyspnea on exertion at this admission.

From this preliminary data, the following literature review and

nursing assessment was trying to understand anemia in CAPD

Literature review

Demographics of the end-stage renal disease population

The World Health Organization (WHO) had already recognized
that renal disease was a public health issue. In 2000, there were
about 1.5 million patients globally on dialysis; in 2010, this
number was projected to increase to 2.5 million, a 7% increase
year on year. A similar trend was being observed in Hong Kong.
The incidence of end-stage renal failure (ESRF) requiring
replacement therapy had increased significantly around the world.
Data from the United States Renal Data System (USRDS) for the
year 2005 showed that Taiwan had an annual incidence of 404
new cases per million population (pmp), the highest in the world.
In Hong Kong, the annual incidence was 173 new cases pmp in
2005, taking the 13th place in the USRDS data. The prevalence
was 965 uremic patients pmp requiring treatment in Hong Kong
in 2005. For the age group of 20-44, Hong Kong ranked number 4
with 88 new cases pmp. For the age group of 45-64, Hong Kong
ranked number 5 with 289 new cases pmp (USRDS, 2007). This
signified that renal disease was common in our relatively younger
population. Prevalence and incidence in 2007 were respectively
1026 and 164 pmp according to the Hong Kong Renal Registry.
Prevailing causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Hong Kong
were diabetes (23%), glomerulonephritis (GN, 34%) and
hypertension (7%) for existing renal replacement therapy (RRT)
patients surveyed in 2007 (Lam, 2009). This had prompted the
development of strategies aimed at preventing the development
and progression of asymptomatic CKD. Rising demand for dialysis
therapy and its associated costs were placing an unsustainable
financial burden on public sector health care budgets in countries
all over the world, which carried profound implications for health
care financing in the near future. The predicted dialysis cost
globally would increase to about US$1.1 trillion for the decade of
2001-2010, compared with about US$500 billion spent for the last
decade worldwide. An ideal renal replacement therapy should
have optimal survival, lowest possible risk for comorbidity, highest
level of quality of life and, equally important, acceptable cost for
society. Viable solutions were urgently needed in managing the
treatment of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and controlling
spending on ESRD without compromising the quality of patient
care. The policy model used in Hong Kong was using CAPD first,
was also being considered by other countries as an appealing
cost-effective modality. The overall survival of peritoneal dialysis
(PD) patients in PWH was very respectable, with a 2-year patient
survival of 91% and technique survival of 82%. With an increasing
number of elderly ESRD patients, the 2-year and 5- year patient
survival rates for the elderly group in PD program were 89.3% and
54.8%, respectively, which were comparable to the rate of survival
in the non-elderly group. There were good reasons for why the PD
program was successful in Hong Kong (Li, 2008).
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Anemia in ESRF
Anemia meant there was a low supply of red blood cells (RBC) in
the body. Red blood cells carried oxygen from your lungs to all
your organs and tissues. They provided energy for our daily
activities. Anemia was a major complication of stages 2-5 CKD
affecting more than 50% ESRD patients before treatment. Anemia
especially hemoglobin (Hb) below 11 g/dL could have a
devastating impact secondary to chronic renal failure had been
associated with cardiovascular complications including left
ventricular hypertrophy and congestive heart failure (CHF),
reduced cognitive function, decreased quality of life and, more
importantly, mortality (Tang, Fung, Chu, Lee, Cheuk, Yim, Chan,
Tong, 2007; Silverberg, Wexler, Blum, Schwartz and Iaina, 2004).
Furthermore, correction of anemia would eliminate the need of
regular blood transfusion, which increased the risk of transfusion-
related viral transmission and sensitization for subsequent
transplantation (Lai, 2009; Nissenson and Fine, 2008). Therefore,
early treatment of anemia would stop the progression of CKD and
CHF. It was because their kidneys failed to make enough of a
certain hormone, which called erythropoietin (EPO). EPO helped
bone marrow make RBC. There was anemia if Hb level was lower
than the normal range (which was 12.0 for women and 13.5 for
men). Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) act like the natural
hormone EPO, which helped our body to make red blood cells.
Short-acting ESAs are more effective when given subcutaneously
(as an injection under the skin) rather than by intravenous
(through the blood tubes during dialysis). Examples of short-
acting ESAs were epoetin alfa and epoetin beta. Long-lasting ESAs
were equally effective regardless of how they were given.
Darbepoetin was an example of a long lasting ESA (National
Kidney Foundation (NKF), 2006). Recombinant human
erythropoietin (rHuEPO) including Eprex and Recormon had been
widely used for treatment of renal anemia. However, up to 25% of
dialysis patients were relatively resistant to replacement requiring
higher doses to reach target Hb concentration (11 g/dL), and 5-
10% fail to respond even on high doses of ESAs (Lam, 2009). The
National Kidney Foundation’s 2007 Update of the Kidney Disease
Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) Clinical Practice Guidelines
and Recommendations for Hemoglobin Target advised that the
hemoglobin target should generally be in the range of 11 -12
g/dL. The Hb target should not be greater than 13.0 g/dL was
based on analysis of all-cause mortality and adverse
cardiovascular events in patients with CKD assigned to Hb
targeted greater than 13.0 g/dL compared with lower Hb targeted
for ESA therapy (NKF, 2007).

Nursing assessment
Past medical history
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)

Current medication (appendix 1)


Mr. Wong had no known drug or food allergies

Past surgical history

Right nephrectomy and left nephrectomy were done on 25th
February 2003 and 14th September 2005 respectively in Prince of
Wales Hospital

Social history and family history

He was a lorry driver before being diagnosed chronic renal failure.

He was a form 3 graduate. He denied ever smoking, drinking and
using illegal drugs. He lived alone in a renting apartment for over
5 years. He did not attend any regular classes or exercise for his
leisure time, but he liked horse racing. Both parents of Mr. Wong
had expired. He denied his parents had any chronic diseases. He
also denied having any siblings. He devoiced in 2005 and he did
not have any contact with his ex-wife and 16-year old daughter.
During this admission, no relatives or friends visited him.

Review of system

Constitutional: Mr. Wong stated he was well-rested. He denied

any weight change, chills or fever. He was alert and oriented to
time, place and person. He could answer questions well. Speech
was clear and appropriate. Emotion was calm but with tired-
looking (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Vital signs: On admission, his BP was 197/106mmHg, pulse was

108/min, oxygen saturation was 94% in room air, body
temperature was 36.5 degree Celsius, body height was 1.78 m,
and body weight was 82.3 kg (body mass index was 26.0kg/m2).
GCS was E4; V5; M6 (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Skin: He complained pruritus over the trunk but no change in

pigment or color, no change in mole. Both ankle edema observed
but no rash or bruising observed. Cold extremities noted with
poor circulation. Skin tone with ashen appearance also noted
(Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Head: no headache, head injury, dizziness or vertigo (Jarvis, 2007

and Phillips, 2009).

Eyes: he did not wear glasses. No difficulty with vision (no

decreased acuity, blurring, blind spot), no eye pain, no diplopia,
no redness or swelling, no watering or discharge (Jarvis, 2007 and
Phillips, 2009).
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Ears: he reported no recent change in hearing. No earaches, ear

discharge, tinnitus or vertigo (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).
Nose and sinuses: no nose bleed, nasal obstruction, allergies or
hay fever, or change in sense of smell (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips,

Mouth and throat: no bleeding gums, sore throat, toothache,

dysphagia, hoarseness (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Neck: no pain, limitation of motion, lumps or swelling, enlarged or

tender nodes, stiff neck (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Breasts: no lumps, pain, or nipple discharge (Jarvis, 2007 and

Phillips, 2009).

Respiratory: he complained shortness of breath, dyspnea on

exertion for any physical movement at this admission. No history
of lung diseases including asthma, emphysema, bronchitis,
pneumonia, tuberculosis. No cough, production of sputum,
hemoptysis, toxin or pollution exposure (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips,

Cardiovascular: no complain of chest pain or palpitation. No heart

murmur and jugular vein distention. Pallor fingers and toes;
bilateral ankle edema observed. Hypertension was measured
(Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Gastrointestinal: no change in appetite, food intolerance,

dysphagia, heartburn, indigestion, pyrosis, nausea and vomiting,
history of abdominal disease (ulcer, liver, gallbladder, jaundice,
appendicitis, and colitis), constipation or diarrhea, tarry stool,
rectal bleeding (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).
Urinary: anuria observed. No pain in flank, groin, suprapubic
region, or low back (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Male genital system: no penis or testicular pain, sores or lesions,

penile discharge, lumps, hernia. He stated no any sexual activity
for over 5 years (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Musculoskeletal: He complained left hip stiffness and occasional

pain for 3 year. No history of arthritis or gout. No joint swelling,
deformity, limitation of motion than usual. No muscle pain,
cramps, weakness, gait problems (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Neurologic: no history of seizure, stroke, fainting, or blackout. In

motor function, there was no weakness, tic, or tremor, paralysis, or
coordination problems. In sensory function, there was no
numbness and tingling (paresthesia). In cognitive function, there
was no memory loss and he was oriented. In mental status, there
was no nervousness, mood change, depression, or any history of
mental health dysfunction or hallucinations (Jarvis, 2007 and
Phillips, 2009).

Hematologic: no bleeding tendency of skin or mucous membrane,

excessive bruising, lymph node swelling (Jarvis, 2007 and Phillips,

Endocrine: no history of diabetes or diabetic symptoms (polyuria,

polydipsia, polyphagia). No history of thyroid disease, intolerance
to heat and cold, change in skin pigmentation or texture,
excessive sweating, abnormal hair distribution, nervousness,
tremors, and need for hormone therapy. He complained loss of
appetite but no regular body weight measurement that did not
conclude any relationship between appetite and weight (Jarvis,
2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Functional assessment (including activities of daily living)

Barthel Index (BI) measured the individual’s performance on 10

activities of daily living (ADL) functions including personal
hygiene, bathing self, feeding, toilet, stair climbing, dressing,
bowel control, bladder control, ambulation and chair/bed transfer
range. Mr. Wong scored 100 that he was totally independence.
The BI was found to be reliable and repeatable in skilled and
unskilled hands (Shah, Vanclay and Cooper, 1989).

Perception of health: he had acquired chronic renal failure for

over 7 year. He accepted this chronic illness and learnt how to live
with it. He could perform CAPD and self injection of Recormon
tactfully by himself (Jarvis C, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Self-esteem, self-concept: He was a form 3 graduate. He was a

lorry driver before being diagnosed chronic renal failure. He did
not have any social welfare subsidy by the government. He used
his own saving for daily living. He did not have any religious belief
as he knew no one could help (Jarvis C, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Activity, exercise: he was totally independence of his daily living.

He did not attend any regular classes or exercise for his leisure
time, but he liked horse racing. He engaged in horse racing (Jarvis
C, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Nutrition: he did not like to take the diet and snack provided by
the hospital. He did not cook the meal by himself; he usually had
the meal in the fast food shop when he felt hungry but not at
regular time. He denied any food allergy or intolerance and intake
of caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drinks). He said he did not have any
food restriction as he ate whatever he liked (Jarvis C, 2007 and
Phillips, 2009).

Interpersonal relationship: He lived alone in a renting apartment

for over 5 years. Both parents of Mr. Wong had expired. He
denied his parents had any chronic diseases. He also denied
having any siblings. He devoiced in 2005 and he did not have any
contact with his ex-wife and 16-year old daughter. During this
admission, no relatives or friends visited him. He refused to
disclose the contact telephone number of his ex-wife and
daughter as he did not want to be their burden (Jarvis C, 2007 and
Phillips, 2009).

Coping and stress management: he thought divorce and renal

chronic disease were the greatest stress in his life. He was clam to
face his incidence and did not take any decision. Divorce was
handled by his ex-wife. His health care treatment plan was
decided by nephrologists and medical physician (Jarvis C, 2007
and Phillips, 2009).

Personal habit: he denied ever tried any tobacco, alcohol and

street drug including marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine,
amphetamines, and barbiturates (Jarvis C, 2007 and Phillips, 2009).

Identifying client’s health problems and evaluation

Anemia: Mr. Wong was suffering anemia. 2 pint of blood was
transfused to him immediately. Also, injection of Recormon 4000
units once weekly resumed. Pre-transfusion Hb was 5.9 g/dL while
post-transfusion Hb was 6.1 g/dL. Blood transfusion seemed not
to be effective. The complete blood count provided information
about the severity of anemia. However, physician forgot to take
folate, vitamin B12 blood sampling (NKF, 2007), which were
essential in blood production. Patient with inflammatory state
always had an elevated ferritin level in the presence of low
transferring saturation (TSAT) (Levy, Brown, Daley, Lawrence,
2009). As Mr. Wong had an elevated ferritin 1015 pmol/L but
there was no any information about TSAT, C-reactive protein.
Further investigation should be ruled out any inflammation that
causing anemia. Furthermore, Mr. Wong missed the ESAs before
hospitalization. It should reinitiate Recormon or other ESAs at a
higher dose; typically 25% higher than the pre-hospitalization
dose (Krishnan and Adams, 2004) rather than just resume the
previous dosage.
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Fluid overload: Mr. Wong another health problem was fluid

overload. Using CAPD Baxter ultra bag (low calcium) 4.25%
dextrose 2.5 litres 1 bag per day and CAPD Baxter ultra bag (low
calcium) 2.5% dextrose 2.5 litres 3 bags per day rather than
original CAPD regime to treat fluid overload. During the dwell
phase, ultrafiltration occurred as a consequence of the osmotic
gradient between the relatively hyperosmolarity of the dialysate
solution and the peritoneal capillary blood. Higher concentration
of dextrose increased the osmotic gradient that increased
ultrafiltration. Also, shortening the dwell time would result in
removal of increased ultrafiltrate volume compared to long dwells
(Kelley, 2004 and Maaz, 2004). It was because higher dextrose
acted as an osmotic agent to draw the overloaded fluid gradually.
Eventually, hypertension would be improved. Strict intake and
output, daily body weight and low salt diet should be

Non-compliance: Mr. Wong was non-compliance to his treatment

as he defaulted follow up, CAPD and injection of ESA secondary to
lack of financial support. The health care team should refer him to
the medical social worker for arrangement of placement and
financial security. His non compliance also included imbalance
diet; home helper might be arranged for his low salt, low
phosphorus diet.

Avoidance coping strategy: The avoidance coping strategy of Mr.

Wong caused this hospitalization. He did not think much until he
used up all his saving that he could not live in the apartment
anymore. Therefore, he could not perform CAPD and injection of
Recormon. He did not seek help until he could not tolerate. This
avoidance act made him nearly death (National Institutes of
Health Clinical Center, 1996). As he did not get support from his
family, the health care team could refer community support group
to him. Also, the health care team should establish good rapport
with him and reinforce positive coping strategies. If Mr. Wong
discharged, community care service should refer to encourage
client participation and compliance. On the other hand, Mr. Wong
was lack of competence of self care even he could perform aseptic
CAPD by himself. However, he could not detect any signs and
symptoms of CKD complications and leading to hospitalization.
There was lack of communication or trust between health care
team and Mr. Wong as he did not seek help until his physical
condition could not tolerate anymore.

Elevation of parathyroid hormone: Mr. Wong had elevated plasma

levels of intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) of 146 pmol/L.
Calcitriol or 1 of its analogs (doxercalciferol, alfacalcidol, or
paricalcitol) should be used to reverse the bone features of PTH
overactivity in order to reduce the serum levels of PTH to a target
range of 16.5 to 33.0 pmol/L. Severe hyperparathyroidism
(persistent serum levels of intact PTH >88.0 pmol/L),
parathyroidectomy might be considered. Therefore, regular blood
monitoring at least every month after initiation of therapy for the
first 3 months, then every 3 months thereafter should be
suggested (NKF, 2003). However, there was no current medication
to treat his PTH.

Aluminum toxicity: Mr. Wong complained left hip stiffness and

occasional pain for 3 year. He might suffered from aluminum
toxicity, which occurred in dialysis patients or CKD patients with
GFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Stages 4 and 5 CKD) because
aluminum that was absorbed from the gut or entered the body
from dialysate or another parenteral route was not excreted or
was inadequately excreted by the diseased kidneys. When
aluminum accumulated in dialysis patients, it was only slowly
removed by dialysis because 90% of aluminum was bound to
plasma proteins (primarily transferrin). The aluminum entering the
body accumulated in various tissues, including bone, brain,
parathyroid glands, and other organs. Such accumulation of
aluminum could produce toxicity with several distinct syndromes,
depending on the rate and magnitude of aluminum loading. The
first to be described was dialysis encephalopathy (or dialysis
dementia). Aluminum was then recognized as the cause of both
"fracturing dialysis osteomalacia" (aluminum-related bone
disease) and a microcytic anemia developing without iron
deficiency. Patient with aluminum related disease such as
aluminum bone disease insidious bone pain (soft tissue
calcification) (Michael and Garcia, 2004). This aluminum toxicity
was due to ingestion of Alutab (aluminum hydroxide) tablet which
was a phosphate binder to improve the skin pruritus. However,
serum aluminum levels never be monitored, even the x-ray hip
never be done to rule out any deformity of hip.

Low quality of life: According to the study of Ching, Pun, Wong

and Chan, 2000, Mr. Wong might have low quality of life (QOL) as
he lack of family support with divorce, physically disability,
unemployment leading low self esteem and social isolation. Mr.
Wong’s situation was congruent with the study. Summarized the
study, patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) could sustain
life through peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. In Hong Kong, a
home-based therapy, CAPD was the main form of peritoneal
dialysis therapy for patients with ESRD. It encouraged self-care
and freed patients from hospital based treatment. However, with
organ shortage in renal transplantation, peritoneal dialysis might
mean a never-ending treatment for these patients. Chronic renal
failure patients had been reported to have the worst QOL among
patients with different chronic illnesses. QOL was generally
defined as life satisfaction or satisfaction of needs. It
encompassed multifaceted elements that act on one’s external
and internal well-being. Satisfaction was a sense of feeling from
one’s subjective point of view. As regarded to home-based
dialysis, family members could provide both caring and financial
support to the patients. Our patients’ divorce rate was four times
higher than that of the general population in Hong Kong though
the study did not reveal exactly when the patients divorced,
before or after started on dialysis. This finding supported that
married patients had a better social and economic support than
divorced or separated patients. Besides, role difference might
enable a better acceptance of female patients on their disease
and living conditions than male patients. Health and functioning
got the lowest score among all subscales of QOL. Own health was
perceived to be the most important item but it ranked low in the
satisfaction ranking. The dissatisfaction on health could be
attributed to the irreversibility of their disease and the
dependency on dialysis. Besides, anemia, hypoalbuminia and
inadequate dialysis might also affect patients’ well being. Being
asked on sex-related questions often embarrassed Chinese
patients. Sex was a cultural taboo for Chinese, especially in the
poorly sexual functioning dialysis patients. Dialysis patients often
had a decline in sexual activity and functioning. Sex-life got the
lowest importance ranking among all life items. It seemed that
sex-life was perceived as a luxury for dialysis patients taking into
account of their poor health and physical functioning status. In
this study, the working group had a significantly higher QOL score
than the unemployed. However, 46% of CAPD patients in working
age were unemployed. Job readjustment may be necessary in
order to fit in their change in life style. In this study, the median
family income was HK$8000 per month. It was lower than the
median of HK$17500 for the general population of Hong Kong. In
fact, patients with higher family income were found to have
higher QOL scores. Patients receiving social/disability allowance
had the lowest QOL score across all subscales. It could be
attributed to the poor health, feeling of dependence, low self-
esteem and inadequacy of social allowance. Most of the stressors
were due to uncertainty about future in dialysis patients. Dialysis
patients only focused on the living for today. Some of the patients
mentioned that they dared not think about the future. They
expressed a negative feeling for the future. Only one-third of the
respondents looked forwards to receiving renal transplantation
and considered it the most important aspect of their lives.
However, 26% of respondents expressed hopelessness that
people tend to adjust their aspiration level to fit with the new
circumstances, which in turn restored subjective well-being. The
pessimistic thought may be the result of multiple
“maladjustments” in their aspiration (Ching, Pun, Wong and Chan,
2000). Mr. Wong also complained of fatigue which might due to
anemia but also the low QOL. His social isolation, inactivity,
deconditioning, and fatigue continued to feed off each other,
creating a serious disability (Straub, Murphy, Rosenblum, 2008).
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Knowledge deficit: Knowledge deficit of Mr. Wong was observed.

ADPKD was passed from parent to child by dominant inheritance.
Symptoms usually began between the ages of 30 and 40, but they
could begin earlier, even in childhood. ADPKD was the most
common form of polycystic kidney disease (PKD) that causing
about 90% PKD. High blood pressure was the most common sign
of PKD, this insidious sign always delayed client seek for help.
Ultrasound was the most reliable, inexpensive and non-invasive
way to diagnose PKD (NKF, 2010). However, general practitioner
might only treat hypertension rather than finding out root cause.
A low-salt diet was recommended when hypertension or renal
failure was present. Mr. Wong felt anxiety related to his current
disease process and gradual worsening of his disease. He also felt
guilty about potential of passing ADPKD to his daughter and for
not having his daughter genetically tested early.

Chronic renal failure required long-term and multidiscipline to
tailor each client’s need concerning their physical, psychosocial
and environmental need. No matter which type of dialysis they
used, they were waiting for renal transplantation hopelessly due
to shortage of organ. Self-care at home was encouraged in Hong
Kong. However, in the unit policy of Tuen Mun Hospital, there was
no case manager to collaborate process of on-going assessment,
planning, facilitation and advocacy for options and services to
meet an individual’s health needs through communication and
available resources to provide continuity of care and thus lower
hospitalization. Also, lack of follow up to detect problems was
another policy problem. Health care professionals could detect
the physical and psychosocial problems and referred other
discipline promptly when necessary in follow up. Case
management seemed to be a new strategies dealing with chronic

Ching C.S.Y., Pun O.M., Wong K.S., Chan C.L.K. (2000). Quality of
life of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients.
Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology, 2(2), 98-103.

Kelley K.T. (2004). How peritoneal dialysis works. Nephrology

Nursing Journal, 31(5), 481-489.

Krishnan M. and Adams E. (2004). Managing the anemia of end-

stage renal disease after hospitalization. Nephrology Nursing
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Jarvis C. (2007). Physical examination and health assessment. (5th

Ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.

Lai K.N. (2009). A practical manual of renal medicine: nephrology,

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Lam C.W.K. (2009). Inflamation, Cytokines and Chemokines in

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Levy, J., Brown, E., Daley C. and Lawrence A. (2009). Oxford

handbook of dialysis. (3rd Ed.) . United Kingdom: Oxford
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Li P.K.T. (2008). Science and care in nephrology: journey from

prevention to peritoneal dialysis. Hong Kong Journal of
Nephrology, 10(1), 1-6.
Maaz D.E. (2004). Troubleshooting non-infectious peritoneal
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Michael M. and Garcia D. (2004). Secondary hyperparathyroidism

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The association between congestive heart failure and chronic
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Hypertension, 13, 163-170.

Straub C.K., Murphy S.O., Rosenblum R. (2008). Exercise in the

management of fatigue in patients on peritoneal dialysis.
Nephrology Nursing Journal, 35(5), 469-475.

Tang H.L., Fung K.S., Chu K.H., Lee W., Cheuk A., Yim K.F., Chan
H.W.H., Tong K.L. (2007). Conversion from recombinant human
erythropoietin to once every 4 weeks darbepoetin alfa for
treatment of renal anemia in CAPD patients. Hong Kong Journal
of Nephrology, 9(2), 77-81.

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Report: Atlas of Chronic Kidney Disease and End-Stage Renal
Disease in the United States. National Institutes of Health,
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,
Bethesda, MD.

Appendix 1

Current medication
CAPD Baxter ultra bag (low calcium)

2.5% dextrose 2.5 litres 4 bags per day

Alutab (aluminium hydroxide) tablet

Oral: 1200 mg tds

Renitec (enalapril maleate) tablet

Oral: 5 mg daily

Adalat retarded (nifedipine) sustained release tablet

Oral: 20 mg bd

Recormon (erythropoietin beta) prefilled syringe

Parenteral: 4000 units once (every Friday) weekly

Slow K (potassium chloride) sustained release tablet

Oral: 600 mg daily

Synalar (fluocinolone acetonide) cream 0.005% 100g

Tropical: bd

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