Prevalence of Actinic Keratoses and Associated Factors in A Representative Sample of The Italian Adult Population
Prevalence of Actinic Keratoses and Associated Factors in A Representative Sample of The Italian Adult Population
Prevalence of Actinic Keratoses and Associated Factors in A Representative Sample of The Italian Adult Population
Objective: The Prevalence of Actinic Keratoses Italian ported that they did not receive therapy. Based on the
Study (PraKtis) was designed to estimate the point preva- interviewer’s judgment, the point prevalence of AKs was
lence of actinic keratoses (AKs) and associated factors in a 1.4% (95% confidence interval, 1.2%-1.8%). Forty-two
representative sample of the Italian adult population. percent of people with AKs were unaware of their con-
dition. The prevalence was higher among men than
Design: A representative sample of people 45 years or
women and increased steadily with age. The prevalence
older was selected from the electoral rolls according to a
stratified random sampling design. increased with lighter phenotype and with more severe
facial wrinkling. It also increased with the reported num-
Setting: A total of 180 specifically trained interviewers ber of hours spent in the sun during the week and on
contacted the sampled subjects and conducted face-to- holidays. No clear variation was observed according to
face, computer-assisted interviews and skin assessments. the reported use of sunscreens. Lesions were usually mul-
tiple (median number, 4). There was a strong associa-
Participants: A total of 12 483 subjects contacted and
tion between a history of nonmelanoma skin cancers and
interviewed from March 1, 2003, through April 30, 2004. the presence of AKs (odds ratio, 4.5; 95% confidence in-
Main Outcome Measures: History of AKs and evi- terval, 1.8-11.0).
dence of AKs at the interview.
Conclusions: The prevalence of AKs in our study was
Results: Overall, an estimated 34% of the Italian popu- remarkably lower than expected based on data from the
lation reported ever having undergone a dermatological United States and Australia; in Italy, AKs seem to be
examination. A history of AKs was reported by 0.3% of underdiagnosed and undertreated.
the total sample. Topical therapy was the most popular
treatment according to 39% of subjects, whereas 25% re- Arch Dermatol. 2006;142:722-726
CTINIC KERATOSES(AKS)ARE sex, sociodemographic variables and envi-
skinlesions,especiallycom- ronmental exposures; and describe treatment
mon in fair-complexioned modalities.15
Author Affiliations: people living in sunny cli-
Coordinating Center, Italian mates, which have been METHODS
Group for Epidemiological strongly associated with the risk of both basal
Research in Dermatology cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcino- A representative sample of people 45 years or
(GISED), Department of ma and are considered to be precursors (or older was selected according to a stratified ran-
Dermatology, Ospedali Riuniti, dom sampling design. Subjects were subse-
evenan early form) of invasive squamous cell
Bergamo, Italy (Drs Naldi and quently visited at their homes, where a face-
Placchesi); Laboratory of carcinoma.1-4In spite of being common, only to-face, computer-assisted personal interview
Epidemiology, Istituto di limited data on the epidemiology of AKs de- and skin examination were conducted.
Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario rived from country-based surveys are avail-
Negri, Milan, Italy able. Moreover, most studies have been con-
(Drs Chatenoud and La ducted in Australia or the United States, with SAMPLING PROCEDURE
Vecchia); Medical Direction 3M scanty datafrom most Europeancountries.5-14
Italia, Milan (Dr Piccitto); and The sampling procedure was envisaged in col-
Doxa, Milan (Dr Colombo).
The Prevalence of Actinic Keratoses Italian laboration with Doxa, the Italian branch of the
Group Information: A complete Study (PraKtis) was designed to estimate the Gallup International Association. The uni-
list of the PraKtis Study Group point prevalence of AKs in the Italian adult verse, or statistical population, to which the sur-
is given at the end of the article. population; assess variationsaccordingtoage, vey refers to was made up of all Italian adults,
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.
*Estimates from multiple logistic regression including, when appropriate, 4.1
terms for sex, age, area of residence, and skin phenotype. 4
†y2 Trend, 56.7; P = .001. 3.4
Prevalence, %
0.6 0.7
4. A history of nonmelanoma skin cancers was reported 0.5
Abbreviations: CI, confidenc e interval; OR, odds ratio. reasonable option than destructive procedures performed
*Estimates from multiple logistic regression including terms for sex, age, on individual lesions. In our study, we were unable to docu-
area of residence, and phenotype score. ment a protective effect from the use of sunscreens, but the
†y2 Trend, 14.0; P = .002. percentage of people using sunscreens in the whole popu-
‡y2 Trend, 8.6; P = .003.
lation was notably low (about 30%).
In conclusion, the prevalence of AKs in Italy was con-
siderably lower than the prevalence in the United States
women) treated at outpatient (nondermatology) clinics, and Australia. Age, skin phenotype, and sun exposure were
the prevalence of AKs was 15.4% in men and 5.9% in strongly associated with the prevalence of these lesions;
women. In another study,14 conducted in the community they seem to be underdiagnosed and undertreated in our
of Freixo de Espada à Cinta in northeast Portugal, AKs were population.
identified in 9.6% of subjects, and no relation was docu-
mented between skin phenotype and AKs. Interestingly, Accepted for Publication: April 26, 2005.
AKs were diagnosed in 3.6% of 190 adults treated at a can- Correspondence: Luigi Naldi, MD, Centro Studi GISED,
cer prevention program in Rome.21 There are many rea- Clinica Dermatologica, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, Largo
sons for the discrepancies between our data and those ob- Barozzi 1, 24128 Bergamo, Italy (
tained in other studies. The method used to collect Author Contributions: Study concept and design: Naldi, La
information in our survey may be of concern because we Vecchia, Piccitto, and Colombo. Acquisition of data:
relied on evaluations by interviewers who, even though Colombo and Placchesi. Analysis and interpretation of data:
they had been trained, may have missed or misclassified La Vecchia, Chatenoud, and Naldi. Drafting of the manu-
cases. However, in preliminary exercises, the perfor- script: Naldi. Critical revision of the manuscript for impor-
mance of interviewers in correctly classifying cases of AKs tant intellectual content: La Vecchia and Piccitto. Statistical
was judged to be satisfactory. In addition, we were un- analysis: Colombo and Chatenoud. Obtained funding:
able to document large discrepancies between interview- Piccitto. Administrative, technical, and material support:
ers in case identification. Placchesi. Study supervision: Naldi and La Vecchia.
As expected,6,7,12,13 the prevalence of AKs was higher Group Members: Collaborators of the PraKtis Study
in men than women. It increased significantly with age, Group: Unità Operativa Dermatologia, Ospedali Ri-
with increased number of hours spent in the sun during uniti, Bergamo, Italy (A. Reseghetti, MD); Clinica Der-
weekdays and on holidays, and with more severe signs matologica, Università Cagliari (A. L. Pinna, MD, and L.
of purported skin photodamage (ie, facial wrinkles); and Atzori, MD); Clinica Dermatologica, Università Catania
it was higher in people with a lighter skin phenotype. Ac- (G. Micali, MD, and M. L. Musumeci, MD); Clinica Der-
tually, differences in prevalent skin phenotype, lati- matologica, Università Chieti (C. Feliciani, MD); Osped-
tude, and sun exposure habits may explain, at least partly, ale Cà Granda Niguarda, Milano (I. Stanganelli, MD, and
the differences in prevalence between our study and simi- M. Locatelli, MD); Ambulatorio di Dermatologia, Napoli
lar surveys in other countries. Interestingly, the preva- Azienda Sanitaria Locale (A. Aurilia, MD, and P. Raiola,
lence of AKs in Japan is considerably lower than the one MD); Clinica Dermatologica, Università Padova (S.
we reported, ranging from 0.2% to 0.7%.8-10 Piaserico, MD); Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio
In agreement with other surveys in Europe and the Emilia (G. Lo Scocco, MD, and A. Bonci, MD); Clinica
United States,22,23 the level of awareness about AKs in the Dermatologica, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Roma (S.
general population of Italy was rather low; 42% of sub- Chimenti, MD, and E. Campione, MD); Ospedale S. Paolo,
jects with AKs were unaware of their skin lesions. Only Savona (A. Farris, MD, and A. Pestarino, MD); Istituto
about 25% of all the subjects with AKs interviewed re- S. Gallicano, Roma (L. Eibenschutz, MD, and C. Catricalà,