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FINAL February 2012

Nickel Reference
Exposure Levels


February 2012

1 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012


1 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Acute Toxicity (for a 1-hour exposure)................................................................ 7
1.2 8-Hour REL (for repeated 8-hour exposures) ...................................................... 7
1.3 Chronic REL Nickel and Nickel Compounds (except NiO) ................................ 7
1.4 Chronic REL Nickel Oxide .................................................................................. 8
1.5 Chronic Oral REL Nickel and Nickel Compounds .............................................. 8

2 Physical and Chemical Properties (HSDB, 1994 except as noted) ............................. 8

2.1 Physicochemical Properties Affecting Toxicity................................................... 8
2.1.1 Particle Size Distribution, Density and Concentration ................................. 8
2.1.2 Solubility..................................................................................................... 10

3 Major Uses or Sources of Exposure.......................................................................... 12

3.1 Air....................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Soil ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Water .................................................................................................................. 14
3.4 Food .................................................................................................................... 15

4 Toxicokinetics ........................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Absorption .......................................................................................................... 16
4.1.1 Oral Route ................................................................................................... 16
4.1.2 Inhalation Route .......................................................................................... 18
4.2 Distribution......................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Excretion ............................................................................................................ 24
4.4 Physiological Models ......................................................................................... 26
4.4.1 Biokinetic Models ....................................................................................... 26
4.4.2 Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models .......................... 28
4.4.3 Lung Deposition-Clearance Models ........................................................... 29

5 Acute Toxicity .......................................................................................................... 32

5.1 Acute Toxicity Summary ................................................................................... 32
5.2 Acute Toxicity to Humans ................................................................................. 32
5.3 Acute Toxicity to Experimental Animals........................................................... 35
5.3.1 Supporting studies ....................................................................................... 35
5.3.2 Other studies ............................................................................................... 36
5.4 Predisposing Conditions for Nickel Toxicity ..................................................... 43

6 Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity .............................................................. 44

6.1 Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity Summary ....................................... 44
6.2 Human Studies ................................................................................................... 44
6.3 Animal Studies ................................................................................................... 49
6.3.1 Reproductive Toxicity ................................................................................ 49
6.3.2 Developmental Toxicity.............................................................................. 56
6.3.3 Testicular Effects ........................................................................................ 57

2 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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7 Chronic Toxicity ....................................................................................................... 61

7.1 Chronic Toxicity Summary ................................................................................ 61
7.2 Human Studies ................................................................................................... 61
7.2.1 Pneumotoxicity ........................................................................................... 61
7.2.2 Cytotoxicity and Studies with Human Cells in vitro .................................. 66
7.2.3 Cardiovascular Effects ................................................................................ 72
7.3 Chronic Toxicity to Experimental Animals ....................................................... 72
7.3.1 Pneumotoxicity ........................................................................................... 72
7.3.2 Cytotoxicity................................................................................................. 83
7.3.3 Cardiovascular Effects ................................................................................ 86

8 Immunotoxicity ......................................................................................................... 88
8.1 Immunotoxicity Summary.................................................................................. 88
8.2 Human Immunotoxicity Studies ........................................................................ 88
8.3 Studies on Cells in vitro. .................................................................................... 92
8.4 Immunotoxicity Studies in Experimental Animals ............................................ 95

9 Derivation of Reference Exposure Levels .............................................................. 101

9.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 101
9.2 Selection of Critical Studies ............................................................................. 101
9.3 Acute Reference Exposure Level (aREL) ........................................................ 102
9.4 8-Hour Reference Exposure Level (8-hour REL) ............................................ 103
9.5 Derivation of Chronic Reference Exposure Levels (cRELS) .......................... 107
9.6 cREL for Nickel and Nickel Compounds (except nickel oxide)...................... 110
9.7 Nickel Oxide .................................................................................................... 111
9.7.1 Nickel Oxide Chronic REL....................................................................... 113
9.7.2 Applicability of Nickel Oxide REL .......................................................... 113
9.8 Data Strengths and Limitations for Development of the Chronic RELs.......... 114
9.9 Oral Chronic Reference Level.......................................................................... 114

10 Nickel as a Toxic Air Contaminant that Disproportionately Impacts Children...... 116

11 References ............................................................................................................... 117

Appendix A: Additional Toxicological Data on Nickel and its Compounds. ................ 148
A1 Air Pollution Studies: Nickel as a Component of Particulate Matter .................. 148
A2 Genetic Toxicity................................................................................................... 150
A2.1 Studies in Humans ........................................................................................ 150
A2.2 Microbial and Mammalian Test Systems ...................................................... 154
A2.3 Mode of Genotoxic Action ........................................................................... 163
A3 Effects on Gene Expression and the Epigenome ................................................. 167
A3.1 Structural and Functional Impacts on the Epigenome .................................. 167
A3.2 Altered Gene Expression .............................................................................. 175
A4 Mechanisms of Toxicity ...................................................................................... 177

3 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Appendix B ..................................................................................................................... 180

B.1 Berkeley Madonna Code for Sunderman et al. Human Oral Nickel Model. ....... 180
B.2 Berkeley Madonna Code for Nickel Keratinocyte Model of Franks et al. .......... 181
B.3 Intracellular Dosimetry Model of Inhaled Nickel Subsulfide. ............................ 182
B.4 PBPK Rat Model for NiO Inhalation Based on Teeguarden et al....................... 185
B.5 Biokinetic Model of Uthus (1999) for Oral NiCl2 in the Rat. ............................. 192


Table 1. Nickel and Common Compounds ........................................................................ 6

Table 2. Aqueous Solubility and Solubility Products of Nickel Compounds................... 11

Table 3. Atmospheric Nickel Concentrations and Dry Deposition Rates in Some Recent
Studies ............................................................................................................................... 13

Table 4 Absorption of Ingested Nickel in Humans from Bioavailability Studies

(Diamond et al., 1998; ATSDR, 2005) ............................................................................. 17

Table 5. Median Nickel Body Burden and Contents of Major Organs in Mice as
Percentage of Administered Dose (from Nielsen et al., 1993)*. ...................................... 21

Table 6. Mean Nickel Concentrations in Rat Organs 24 Hours after Oral Administration
(adapted from Ishimatsu et al., 1995)* ............................................................................. 22

Table 7. Mean Nickel Concentrations in Rat Organs after 13 Weeks Exposure to NiSO4
in Drinking Water (µg Ni/g tissue, Obone et al., 1999)*.................................................. 22

Table 8. Summary of Acute Nickel Toxicity in Humans ................................................ 34

Table 9. Summary of Acute Nickel Toxicity in Animals ................................................ 40

Table 10. Summary of Human Reproductive or Developmental Toxicity of Nickel ...... 47

Table 11. Summary of Animal Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Nickel ... 52

Table 12. Reproductive Outcomes of Breeding Female Rats Exposed to Nickel Chloride
in Drinking Water (Smith et al., 1993). ............................................................................ 57

Table 13. Summary of Chronic Nickel Toxicity in Humans ........................................... 64

Table 14. Summary of Studies with Human Cells in vitro .............................................. 70

Table 15. Summary of Chronic Nickel Toxicity in Animals ........................................... 78

Table 16. Benchmark Dose Analysis of Respiratory Tract Lesions Induced by Nickel
Metal Inhalation in Wistar Rats (Data of Oller et al. 2008).*........................................... 82

4 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 17. Immunologic Effects of Nickel Compounds Observed in Rodent Studies (NTP,
1996a) ............................................................................................................................... 97

Table 18. Studies and Toxic Endpoints Considered for the 8-Hour REL ..................... 105

Table 19. Non-neoplastic Lung Toxicity Observed with Inhalation of Nickel Sulfate
(NTP, 1994c)................................................................................................................... 106

Table 20. Benchmark Dose Analysis of Lung Effects Induced by NiSO4 in Two-Year
Studies (NTP, 1994c) ...................................................................................................... 107

Table 21. Lung Deposition of NiSO4 •6H2O and NiO Particles Predicted by the Hsieh et
al. (1999a, c) and the Age-Specific MPPD Model (Version 2)* .................................... 108

Table 22. Benchmark Dose Analysis of Pulmonary Fibrosis in Nickel Refinery Workers
(data from Berge & Skyberg, 2003) ............................................................................... 111

Table 23. Benchmark Dose Analysis of Lung Effects Induced by NiO in Two-Year
Studies (NTP, 1994a)* .................................................................................................... 112

Table 24. Genotoxicity of Nickel Compounds in Human Test Systems ........................ 152

Table 25. Genotoxicity of Nickel in Microbial and Mammalian Test Systems (updated
from ATSDR, 2005) ....................................................................................................... 154

Table 26. Effects of Nickel on the Epigenome* ............................................................ 171

Table 27. Comparison of Predicted and Observed Nickel Tissue Concentrations Twelve
Months after a 140 Hours Exposure to NiO Aerosol.* ................................................... 191


Figure 1. Continuous Benchmark Dose Analysis of Decrease in Plaques/106 Spleen Cells

vs. µg Ni/m3, 2 Hours Exposure of Female Swiss Mice. BMD and BMDL are for a 100
Plaque Decrease (data from Graham et al. 1978, their Fig.3)........................................... 96

Figure 2. Possible Mechanisms of Nickel-induced Genotoxicity (from NTP, 1996a). . 166

5 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is required to

develop guidelines for conducting health risk assessments under the Air Toxics Hot Spots
Program (Health and Safety Code Section 44360 (b) (2)). OEHHA developed a
Technical Support Document (TSD) in response to this statutory requirement that
describes acute, 8 hour and chronic reference exposure levels (RELs) and was adopted in
December 2008. The TSD presents methodology reflecting the latest scientific
knowledge and techniques, and in particular explicitly includes consideration of possible
differential effects on the health of infants, children and other sensitive subpopulations, in
accordance with the mandate of the Children’s Environmental Health Protection Act
(Senate Bill 25, Escutia, chapter 731, statutes of 1999, Health and Safety Code Sections
39669.5 et seq.). These guidelines have been used to develop acute, 8-hour and chronic
RELs for nickel and nickel compounds. The nickel RELs are applicable to the chemicals
listed in Table 1 below, with the exception of nickel carbonyl because of its unique
toxicity. In addition, nickel oxide has a separate chronic REL.

This document will be added to Appendix D of the TSD.

Table 1. Nickel and Common Compounds

Molecular Molecular CAS Registry

Formula Weight Synonyms Number
Ni 58.69 elemental nickel 7440-02-0
nickel metal
NiO 74.69 nickel oxide green 1313-99-1
nickel monoxide
nickel(II) oxide
Ni2O3 165.36 nickel oxide black
Ni(OH)2 92.71 nickel hydroxide 12054-48-7
nickelous hydroxide
NiCl2 129.6 nickel chloride 7718-54-9
nickel dichloride
NiSO4 154.75 nickel sulfate 7786-81-4
nickelous sulfate
NiSO4·6H2O 262.85 nickel sulfate hexahydrate 10101-97-0
NiCO3 118.7 nickel carbonate 3333-67-3
carbonic acid nickel(2+) salt
nickelous carbonate
Ni3S2 240.2 nickel subsulfide 12035-72-2
trinickel disulfide

6 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 1. Nickel and Common Compounds

Molecular Molecular CAS Registry

Formula Weight Synonyms Number
NiS 90.8 nickel sulfide 11113-75-0
nickel monosulfide
Ni(NO3)2·6H2O 290.8 nickel nitrate hexahydrate 13478-00-7
Ni(O2CCH3)2 178.8 nickel acetate 373-02-4
Ni3(CO3)(OH)4 304.1 nickel carbonate hydroxide 12607-70-4
Ni(CO)4 170.7 nickel carbonyl 13463-39-3

Nickel causes a variety of non-carcinogenic toxic effects including occupational contact

dermatitis, occupational asthma, and reproductive toxicity in humans. Studies in
experimental animals exhibit immune suppression, nephrotoxicity, pneumotoxicity,
perinatal mortality and altered gene expression. The most sensitive effects appear to be
in the lung and immune system. Descriptions of toxicokinetics, standard acute and
chronic toxicity, immunotoxicity and reproductive toxicity appear below in Sections 4 to
8. Selection of key studies and derivation of RELs are presented in Section 9. Other
observations on toxic effects and related studies which are important in defining the
overall toxicity profile of nickel and its compounds, but do not contribute to the
derivation of the RELs are described in Appendix A. The findings suggest that nickel be
identified as a toxic air contaminant which may disproportionately impact children,
pursuant to Health and Safety Code, Section 39669.5(c). The key values are summarized

1.1 Acute Toxicity (for a 1-hour exposure)

Inhalation reference exposure level 0.2 μg Ni/m³
Critical effect(s) Immune system
Hazard Index target(s) Immune system

1.2 8-Hour REL (for repeated 8-hour exposures)

Inhalation reference exposure level 0.06 μg Ni/m3
Critical effect(s) Lung lesions, immunotoxicity
Hazard Index target(s) Respiratory system; immune system

1.3 Chronic REL Nickel and Nickel Compounds (except NiO)

Inhalation reference exposure level 0.014 μg Ni/m3
Critical effect(s) Lung, nasal epithelial and lymphatic
pathology in male and female rats
Hazard index target(s) Respiratory system; hematopoietic

7 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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1.4 Chronic REL Nickel Oxide

Inhalation reference exposure level 0.02 μg Ni/m3
Critical effect(s) Lung pathology in male and female
Hazard index target(s) Respiratory system

1.5 Chronic Oral REL Nickel and Nickel Compounds

Oral Reference exposure level 0.011 mg Ni/kg-day
Critical effect(s) Perinatal mortality in rats
Hazard index targets(s) Developmental system


Description Ni metal: silvery metal

NiO: black crystals
NiCl2: yellow deliquescent crystals (U.S.EPA, 1985)
Density 8.9 g/cm (Ni)
2.07 g/cm3 (NiSO4·6H2O)
6.67 g/cm3 (NiO)
Boiling point 2730°C (Ni)
Melting point 1455°C (Ni); 1030°C (NiCl2)
Vapor pressure not applicable for dust
Flashpoint not applicable
Explosive limits Nickel dust or powder is flammable (CDTSC,
Solubility Elemental nickel, nickel subsulfide, and nickel
oxide are insoluble in water, but are soluble in
dilute nitric, hydrochloric, and sulfuric acids. The
chloride and sulfate forms of nickel are water-
Odor threshold odorless
Metabolites Ni2+
Oxidation states 0, +1, +2, +3 (Von Burg, 1997)

2.1 Physicochemical Properties Affecting Toxicity

2.1.1 Particle Size Distribution, Density and Concentration

Aerosols, liquid or solid particulate matter (PM) suspended in air are present in the
atmosphere as a result of dust storms, forest and grass fires, vegetation, sea spray,
vehicular and industrial emissions, and atmospheric chemical reactions (Rostami, 2009).
Anthropogenic activities account for about 10% of atmospheric aerosols.

8 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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The toxicity of inhaled aerosols depends upon the extent of deposition in the head or
extra-thoracic region, upper and lower airways of the lung (bronchi and alveoli),
chemical composition, and subsequent fate, including clearance. The deposition of
airborne particles depends on physical properties, the size or diameter of the particle (and
distribution thereof), the concentration, and the density. The clearance of deposited
particles depends on location of deposition, solubility, and the mass deposited or burden.
In general deposited PM is more rapidly cleared from the upper airways
(tracheobroncheal region, TB) than from the pulmonary region (alveoli) and soluble
particles are more rapidly cleared than insoluble particles. Removal of particles from the
alveoli may require engulfment by alveolar macrophages. Several computational models
are available for the prediction of airway deposition and clearance (Jarabek et al., 2005;
Brown et al., 2005; Rostami, 2009).

In the inhalation studies described and analyzed in this document nickel particles are
usually described as having a mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) in µm, a
geometric standard deviation (for lognormal size distribution), and a particle density in
g/cm3. All three parameters and the aerosol concentration are required inputs in the
Multiple Path Particle Dosimetry (MPPD2) model used to assess airway deposition in the
calculation of chronic RELs. The model was also used in deposition and clearance mode
to estimate nickel particle retention over various timed simulations for age-specific
human models (µg Ni/day/m2 alveolar surface area). However, retention estimates are
less certain than deposition values since they depend on factors other than size,
particularly solubility of the various nickel compounds in the lung surface layers.

Emissions of nickel particles from facilities subject to risk assessments under the Air
Toxics Hot Spots program will vary in size and distributional characteristics. These
characteristics are not necessarily reported in the emissions inventory, which forms the
basis of the site-specific risk assessments. Thus, there is an implicit assumption that the
size distributions are similar enough to those used in the toxicity studies that form the
basis of the Reference Exposure Level.

In the studies used as a basis for the chronic RELs, animals were exposed to particle size
distributions more or less centered on 2.5 µm mean diameter. CARB (2009) estimated
that for 2010, PM2.5 from stationary sources comprised about 15% of PM2.5 emissions
from all sources and about 38% of PM from stationary sources. Kleeman and Cass
(1999) concluded that PM2.5 from various stationary sources ranged from 11 to 50% of
total PM emissions (tons/day), the remainder essentially was PM10.

Linak et al. (2000) evaluated particle size distributions (PSDs) and elemental partitioning
with three coal types and residual fuel oil combusted in three different systems simulating
process and utility boilers. Uncontrolled PM emissions from the three coals ranged from
3800 to 4400 mg/m3 compared to 90 to 180 mg/m3 for fuel oil. The mass and
composition of particles between 0.03 and >20µm in aerodynamic diameter showed that
PM for the combustion of these fuels produced distinctive bimodal and trimodal PSDs.
The trace element concentrations (µg/g) in emitted PM size fractions indicated that Ni
was somewhat higher in the <2.5µm fraction than in the >2.5µm fraction: Western

9 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Kentucky coal, 110/86.2; Montana coal, 41.5/29.3; Utah coal, 109/39.4; and high sulfur
No.6 oil, 8000/2270, respectively.

Krudysz et al. (2008) investigated spatial variation of PM in an urban area impacted by

local and regional PM sources. Weekly size-segregated (<0.25, 0.25-2.5, and >2.5 µm)
PM samples were collected in the winter of 2005 in the Long Beach, California area.
Coefficients of divergence analyses were conducted for size-fractionated PM mass,
organic and elemental carbon, sulfur and 18 other metals and trace elements. For most
metal species the highest concentrations were present in the coarse particles (>2.5µm),
followed by the 0.25 to 2.5 µm fraction with significantly lower concentrations in the
<0.25µm fraction. However, vanadium, nickel, cadmium, zinc and lead concentrations
were highest in the <0.25µm and 0.25 to 2.5µm fractions. Nickel concentrations in the
three fractions were approximately 2 ng/m3, <0.25µm; 1 ng/m3, 0.25-2.5µm; and 1.5
ng/m3, >2.5µm (their Fig. 4).

On this basis we think that the particle size distributions used in the animal studies are a
reasonable surrogate for PM2.5 and PM10 emitted from stationary and possibly mobile

2.1.2 Solubility

The aqueous solubility of nickel compounds has a significant effect on their uptake and
tissue distribution. In rodent studies with several water soluble and insoluble compounds,
the water soluble compounds (e.g., NiSO4, NiCl2, Ni(NO3)2) were generally found in 10
to 100 fold higher concentrations in lung, liver, kidney, heart, brain and blood than the
water insoluble compounds (e.g., NiS, Ni3S2, NiO). Insoluble compounds have solubility
<0.01 mol/L, soluble compounds have solubility >0.1 mol/L and slightly soluble
compounds range between 0.01 and 0.1 mol/L. Insoluble nickel compounds have
solubility products that range from about 1 x 10-9 to 1 x 10-31 (Table 2).

10 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 2. Aqueous Solubility and Solubility Products of Nickel Compounds

Name Formula Solubility g/L @ Ksp @ 25ºC

Soluble Compounds
Nickel chloride NiCl2 553
Nickel nitrate Ni(NO3)2•6H2O 600
Nickel sulfate NiSO4•6H2O 400
Nickel acetate Ni(CH3CO2)2•4H2O 270 @ 0ºC
Insoluble Compounds
Nickel carbonate NiCO3 90 mg/L 6.6 x 10-9
Nickel hydroxide Ni(OH)2 2.0 x 10-15
Nickel sulfide NiS 3.0 x 10-19
Nickel sulfide α NiS 4.0 x 10-20
Nickel sulfide β NiS 1.3 x 10-25
Nickel arsenate Ni(AsO4)2 3.1 x 10-26
Nickel cyanide Ni(CN)2 1.7 x 10-9
Nickel ferrocyanide Ni2[Fe(CN)6] 1.3 x 10-15
Nickel oxalate NiC2O4 4.0 x 10-10
Nickel iodate Ni(IO3)2 4.7 x 10-5
Nickel phosphate Ni3(PO4)2 4.7 x 10-32

Occupational Health Guide for Nickel Metal and Soluble Nickel Compounds, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, September, 1978.

11 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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The most common airborne exposures to nickel compounds are to insoluble nickel
compounds such as elemental nickel, nickel sulfide, and the nickel oxides from dusts and
fumes. Contributions to nickel in the ambient air are made by combustion of fossil fuels,
nickel plating, and other metallurgical processes. The most common oxidation state of
nickel is the divalent (Ni(II) or Ni2+) form (U.S.EPA, 1985). Elemental nickel is a
malleable, silvery-white metal that is highly resistant to strong alkali. Because of its
corrosion resistance, about 40% of nickel is used in the production of stainless steel,
permanent magnets, and other alloys that require resistance to extremes of temperature or
stress (U.S.EPA, 1985). About 20% of nickel is produced as nickel sulfate and hydroxide
used in electroplating baths, batteries, textile dyes, and catalysts (U.S.EPA, 1985, Von
Burg, 1997). Nickel dust or powder is flammable (CDTSC, 1985). Nickel carbonyl also
is volatile. However, because of its unique toxicity relative to the inorganic nickel
compounds, this REL is not applicable to nickel carbonyl.

3.1 Air

The primary stationary source categories that emit nickel into ambient air in California
are fuel combustion, nickel alloy manufacture, cement production, asbestos mining and
milling, municipal waste sludge incineration, iron and steel foundries, secondary metal
recovery, cooling towers, coal gasification petroleum processing, and electroplating.
Also nickel has been detected in vehicular exhaust, tobacco smoke, and indoor smoke
from home-heating and cooking fuels (CARB, 1991). The United States Environmental
Protection Agency (U.S. EPA, 1986) estimated that particles found in ambient air as a
result of oil combustion might contain nickel in the form of nickel sulfate, with smaller
amounts of nickel oxide and complex metal oxides containing nickel. The majority of
the nickel in the atmosphere is thought to be associated with human activities. Up to one-
third of atmospheric nickel could come from windblown dusts, forest fires and volcanic
emissions (CARB, 1991). The annual average ambient air concentration of nickel as
measured by the air monitoring network operated by the California Air Resources Board
and local air districts in 2002 was 4.5 ± 4.1 SD ng/m3 (CARB, 2008). This value is quite
similar to the values reported for earlier years 1992 to 2001 (CARB, 2008). Recent data
from the south coast air basin (SCAQMD, 2008) show average sampled concentrations of
nickel in total suspended particulate of around 6 ng/m3. The highest individual area was
West Long Beach at about 11 ng/m3 possibly resulting from increased shipping activity at
the ports since nickel is naturally present in bunker fuel used in ships. Some additional
recent studies of nickel in ambient air are listed in Table 3. In general concentrations
range from 2 to 9 ng Ni/m3. Besides ambient and occupational exposures, nickel has
been measured in mainstream cigarette smoke in concentrations higher than other metals
such as copper, cadmium and iron: 0.2-0.51, 0.19, 0.07-0.35, and 0.042 µg/m3,
respectively (IARC, 1986).

12 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 3. Atmospheric Nickel Concentrations and Dry Deposition Rates in Some

Recent Studies

Study Region No. Analyte(s) Sample Ni, Deposition

sites period ng/m3 Rate, µg
sampled Ni/d/m2
Agrawal Los Angeles, 10 Metals, 2 years 3-7.5 N.A.
et al., CA Air Basin PM2.5
Armami Los Angeles, 6 Metals, 7 weeks N.A.
et al., CA, Long PM2.5-10 2-8
2009 Beach PM0.25-2.5 5-9
PM0.25QUF 4-9
Lim et Los Angeles, 7 Metals, 24 hr x 4 9.2 9.4
al., 2006 CA PM6-11 seasons
Polidori So. Calif 4 Metals, 2x6 4 indoor N.A.
et al., indoor and PM<0.25 weeks/site 5
2009 outdoor PM0.25-2.5 outdoor
retirement PM2.5-10 S.Gabriel
Sabin et Los Angeles, 4 Metals, 3 weeks, 10 1-3
al., 2006 CA. PM<6 8AM- 5 PM
I-405 PM6-11 300,000
highway 10- PM11-20 vehicles/day
proximity 400m PM20-29

Sabin et So. Calif 8 Metals 3months 0.21-5.4

al., 2008 coast, Santa 10/site
Barbara to
San Diego
Hays et Raleigh, NC 1 Metals, 2 months, N.A.
al., 2011 I-440 PM2.5-10 125,000 0.7
highway 20m PM0.1-2.5 vehicles/d 1.1
PM0.1 0.2
Bell et Connecticut, 4 Metals, Weekly 3.1±1.5 N.A.
al., 2010 and Mass. PM2.5 averages for
Low birth 39 week
weight in gestation
76,788 period
infants of

13 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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3.2 Soil

Nickel occurs naturally in the Earth’s crust at an average concentration of 0.0086% (86
ppm) (Duke, 1980). The nickel content of soil can vary widely depending on local
geology. Both the southeastern United States and southern Quebec can have nickel
concentrations greater than 1000 ppm due to local ultramafic rock, which is rich in
nickel. Typical nickel soil concentrations range from 4 to 80 ppm (ATSDR, 2005). A
soil survey by the U.S. Geological Survey throughout the U.S. reported concentrations
from <5 to 700 ppm, with a geometric mean of 13.0 ± 2.31. Nickel ranked 15th among 50
elements included in the study (Shacklette and Boerngen, 1984). Auto emissions can
also raise the level of nickel in soil. Lagerwerff and Sprecht (1970) found nickel
concentrations from 0.9 to 7.4 ppm in roadside soils. The concentrations were lower at
greater distances from the road and at greater soil depths. Munch (1993) found 32 ppm
Ni in soil lying directly at the roadside edge of a busy forest road (3200 vehicles/day) in
Germany. Haal et al. (2004) reported nickel roadside soil concentrations of 12 to 33 ppm
5 to 15 m from the roads in Tallinn, Estonia. They noted that while lead had decreased
over the past decade, Zn and Ni had doubled.

3.3 Water

Nickel enters groundwater and surface water via dissolution of rocks and soils, from
atmospheric deposition, from biological decay, and from waste disposal. Nickel
compounds are relatively soluble in water and usually exist as nickel ions in aqueous
environments. Uncontaminated surface freshwater and seawater usually contain low
concentrations of nickel (<0.3 µg/L, Barceloux, 1999). The nickel concentration of fresh
surface water has been reported to average between 15 and 20 µg/L (Grandjean, 1984;
ATSDR, 2005). The nickel concentration in groundwater is normally less than 20 µg/L
(U.S.EPA, 1986), and levels appear similar in raw, treated, and distributed municipal

Elevated nickel in drinking water may result from corrosion of nickel-containing alloys
used in valves and other components in the water distribution system as well as from
nickel-plated faucets. Tap water that is used for drinking purposes generally contains
nickel at concentrations ranging from 0.55 to 25 μg Ni/L in the United States (ATSDR,
2005; FDA 2000; O’Rourke et al. 1999; Thomas et al. 1999). Nickel concentrations in
tap water measured in the Total Diet Study 1991–1999 ranged from 0 to 0.025 mg Ni/kg
(0–25 μg Ni/L) with a mean value of 0.002 mg/kg (2 μg Ni/L) (FDA 2000). Analysis of
data obtained during 1995 - 1997 from the National Human Exposure Assessment Study
(NHEXAS) yielded median concentrations of nickel in tap water (used as drinking water)
of 4.3 μg Ni/L (10.6 μg Ni/L, 90th percentile) in the Arizona study and 4.0 μg Ni/L (11
μg Ni/L, 90th percentile) in the U.S. EPA Region 5 (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin) study (O’Rourke et al., 1999; Thomas et al., 1999). In
a 1969–1970 survey of 969 water supplies in the United States representing all water
supplies in eight metropolitan areas and one state (2,503 samples), 21.7% of samples had
concentrations <1 μg Ni/L, 43.2% of the samples contained between 1 and 5 μg Ni/L,
25.6% of the samples contained between 6 and 10 μg Ni/L, 8.5% of the samples
contained between 11 and 20 μg Ni/L, and 1% had levels >20 μg Ni/L (NAS 1975).

14 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Nickel has been detected in California drinking water sources. According to the
monitoring data collected by the California Department of Health Services (DHS)
between 1984 and 1997, the highest, average and median concentrations of nickel in
water were 540 µg/L, 26 µg/L, and 17.9 µg/L, respectively (DHS, 1998). The detection
limit for the purposes of reporting for nickel is 10 µg/L (10 ppb).

3.4 Food

Terrestrial plants take up nickel from soil mainly via the roots. The amount of uptake
depends on the concentration in soil, soil pH, organic matter content and the type of
plant. The nickel concentration in most natural vegetation ranged from 0.05 to 5.0 mg
Ni/kg dry weight (dw) (NRC, 1975). Some food sources such as chocolate, nuts, beans,
peas, and grains are relatively rich in nickel.

There have been several studies regarding nickel content in an average diet (ATSDR,
2005). Current information on the dietary intake of nickel in the United States is based
on data gathered from the NHEXAS study. Nickel concentrations were measured in
duplicate diet samples, which, in combination with study participant’s estimates of food
and water intake, were used to determine both the overall concentration of nickel in
combined solids and liquids in the total diet and the average nickel intake of study
participants. In the U.S. EPA Region 5 (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio,
and Wisconsin) study, the mean and median concentrations of nickel in combined dietary
solids and liquids were 47 and 43 μg Ni/kg, respectively (Thomas et al., 1999).

Calamarie et al. (1982) showed that nickel is not likely to accumulate in fish. They
exposed rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) to nickel contaminated water at 1.0 mg Ni/L for
180 days and found 2.9 mg Ni/kg wet weight in liver, 4.0 mg/kg in kidneys, and 0.8
mg/kg in muscle. Initial study values for these tissues were 1.5, 1.5, and 0.5 mg Ni/kg,

Myron et al. (1978) studied nickel levels in meals sampled from the University of North
Dakota and from a hospital. The average nickel concentration of the student meals
ranged from 0.19 to 0.29 µg Ni/g dry weight and for the hospital meals from 0.21 to 0.41
µg Ni/g dry weight. Based on the nine diets examined, the authors estimated an average
daily dietary intake of 168 ± 11 µg nickel. This value is similar to those estimated in
other studies (ATSDR, 2005).

15 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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4.1 Absorption

4.1.1 Oral Route

Ishimatsu et al. (1995) demonstrated that the absorption fraction of orally administered
nickel compounds in rats was closely related to their water solubility. They administered
eight nickel compounds and nickel metal. The solubilities in saline solution were in the
following order: [Ni(NO3)2 > NiCl2 > NiSO4] >> [NiS > Ni3S2] > [NiO (black) > Ni
(metal) > NiO (green)]. The insoluble nickel metal and nickel oxides ranged from 0.01 to
0.09% absorbed. The absorption of the slightly soluble nickel subsulfide and nickel
sulfide was 0.5% to 2.1% and the soluble nickel compounds (sulfate, nitrate and chloride)
ranged from 10 to 34 percent. In rats administered NiCl2, NiSO4, and NiS 84-87% of
recovered nickel was detected in the kidneys. Lesser kidney ratios were found for Ni3S2,
Ni(NO3)2, NiO(B) and Ni(M): 76%, 73%, 62%, and 51%, respectively. However,
NiO(G) showed greater recovery from liver than kidney.

Ho and Furst (1973) reported that gavage administration of rats with 63NiCl2 in 0.1N HCl
led to 3 to 6 percent absorption of the labeled nickel, independent of dose level (4, 16,
and 64 mg Ni/kg body weight (bw)). One day after administration 94 to 97 percent of the
dose was excreted in the feces and 3 to 6 percent in the urine. Nielsen et al. (1993)
administered 57NiCl2 at 3 to 300 µg Ni/kg bw by gavage to male mice, and estimated that
intestinal absorption ranged from 1.7 to 7.5 percent of administered dose.

Nickel is absorbed in the gastrointestinal (G.I.) tract of humans either as free ions or as
complexes. The degree of uptake or bioavailability depends on the vehicle (water or
food) and has ranged from 1% to 40% in several studies (Table 4).

Cronin et al. (1980) reported that ingestion of a soluble nickel compound during fasting
by a group of female subjects resulted in urinary elimination of four to 20 percent of the
dose. Sunderman et al. (1989) found that about 40 times more nickel was absorbed from
the G.I. tract when nickel sulfate was given to human volunteers in drinking water (27 ±
17 %, mean ± SD) than when it was given in food (0.7 ± 0.4 %). Sunderman et al. (1989)
also reported that absorption fraction was independent of dose at 12, 18, or 50 µg Ni/kg

16 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 4 Absorption of Ingested Nickel in Humans from Bioavailability Studies

(Diamond et al., 1998; ATSDR, 2005)

Study Number of Vehicle Duration Fasting Absorption

subjects status (% of Dose)
Nielsen et al., 8 Water plus Acute Fasted 25.8 to 2.5
1999 scrambled
Patriarca et 4 Water Acute Fasted 29-40
al., 1997
Sunderman et 8 Water Acute Fasted 29.3
al., 1989
Sunderman et 8 Food Acute Fasted 1.8
al., 1989
Cronin et al. , 5 Capsule plus Acute Fasted 12-32
1980 100 mL
Christensen 8 Capsule Acute With meal 5.7
& Lagassoni,
Gawkrodger 3 Capsule Acute With meal 2.7, 2.8
et al., 1986
Menne et al., 6 Capsule Acute Not fasted 2.2 (women)
Menne et al., 7 Capsule Acute Not fasted 1.7 (men)
Horak & 10-50 Food Chronic Not fasted 1.0
McNeeley et 19 Food & Chronic Not fasted 1.6
al., 1972 water
McNeeley et 20 Food Chronic Not fasted 1.2
al., 1972

Solomons et al. (1982) and Nielson et al. (1999) reported similar results. They found that
plasma nickel concentrations in five fasted human subjects were significantly elevated
when they were given nickel sulfate (5 mg Ni) in drinking water with a peak level of
about 80 µg Ni/L at three hours after oral administration. When five mg Ni (as nickel
sulfate) were administered in whole cow-milk, coffee, tea, orange juice, or Coca Cola,
the rise in plasma Ni was significantly suppressed with all but the Coca Cola. By four
days after administration, 26% of a dose given in water was excreted in urine and 76% in
feces. When the nickel dose was given in food, 2% was excreted in the urine and the
balance in feces. The elimination half-life for absorbed nickel averaged 28 ± 9 hours
(Sunderman et al., 1989).

17 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Solomons et al. (1982) showed that plasma nickel levels of subjects who consumed a
typical Guatemalan meal with 5 mg nickel or a North American breakfast with 5 mg
nickel were only about 5 to 20 percent of that which resulted from the consumption of 5
mg nickel in water. Nielsen et al. (1999) administered nickel in drinking water (12 µg
Ni/kg bw) to eight fasted volunteers at different time intervals, with standardized portions
of scrambled eggs. They found that the highest fraction of nickel dose (25.8%) excreted
in urine was observed when the scrambled eggs were taken four hours prior to nickel in
drinking water. A much lower fraction of nickel dose (2.5%) was excreted when the
nickel was mixed into the eggs or when the drinking water was taken together with the
eggs (3.4%).

Patriarca et al. (1997) studied nickel metabolism in humans using the stable isotope 62Ni
(98.83%, as metal). Four healthy adult subjects (two women and two men) were fasted
overnight and administered 10 µg 62Ni/kg bw in water. Blood samples were drawn in
fixed intervals and the total daily output of urine and feces was collected for the first five
days after dose ingestion. 62Ni was measured in plasma, urine and feces by isotope
dilution using 61Ni and plasma-mass spectrometry. Fecal excretion of 62Ni averaged 66.9
± 4.9 % of administered dose with an absorbed fraction of 33.1 ± 4.9 %. Urinary
excretion over five days ranged from 51% to 82% (mean ± SD= 65.2 ± 13.4 %) of
absorbed dose. Plasma 62Ni peaked between 1.5 and 2.5 hours after ingestion with
concentrations ranging between 269 and 344 nM; 62Ni was rapidly cleared from the
plasma but was still detectable at 96 hr post ingestion (< 32 nM). The authors reported
no evidence of biliary excretion or enterohepatic circulation of 62Ni as indicated by the
appearance of secondary peaks in plasma or urinary nickel concentrations. Also the
elimination of 62Ni in feces followed the same pattern as the fecal marker (radio-opaque
pellets) indicating that biliary excretion is very low or absent in humans, albeit with a
limited number of subjects.

Nickel has been reported as an essential element in several animal species. Signs of Ni
deficiency include depressed growth and reduced hematocrit (Nielsen, 1996). In the case
of human nutrition the essentiality of Ni has yet to be established (IOM, 2001).

4.1.2 Inhalation Route

Animal models have been used to estimate the inhalation absorption of water-soluble and
water-insoluble nickel compounds. English et al. (1981) administered nickel chloride
and nickel oxide intratracheally to rats and reported greater than 50% of the soluble
nickel chloride was cleared from the lungs within three days. Most of the nickel was
excreted in the urine. In contrast, the water-insoluble nickel oxide persisted in the lung
for more than 90 days, and the nickel was excreted equally in urine and feces.

Valentine and Fisher (1984) administered slightly soluble nickel subsulfide

intratracheally to mice and observed the pulmonary clearance to have two distinct
components with initial and final half-lives of 1.2 and 12.4 days, respectively. The
excretion of the chemical (measured as 63Ni) was 60% in the urine and 40% in the feces.
Similar findings were reported by Finch et al. (1987) who observed that the pulmonary

18 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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clearance of intratracheally administered nickel subsulfide in mice was biphasic with

clearance half-lives of two hours and 119 hours for initial and final phases, respectively.

Tanaka et al. (1985) exposed male Wistar rats to NiO aerosols of mass median
aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and geometric standard deviation (gsd) of 1.2 µm, 2.2
gsd and 4.0 µm, 2.0 gsd. The average exposure concentration was 0.6 mg/m3 or 70
mg/m3 and total exposure time was 140 hours. Some rats were sacrificed after exposure
while others were kept for 12 and 20 months prior to sacrifice. The biological half-lives
of NiO deposited in the lungs based on the assumption of first order clearance kinetics
were 11.5 and 21 months for 1.2 and 4.0 µm MMAD aerosols, respectively. The relation
used was T50 = -0.301/log(1- f), where f , the clearance ratio, was selected as 0.002 or
0.001 depending on fit to the experimental data.

Following a single 70-minute inhalation exposure of rats to green nickel oxide (63NiO;
9.9 mg Ni/m3; AMAD 1.3 μm, 2.0 gsd), the fraction of the inhaled material deposited in
the total respiratory tract was 0.13, with 0.08 deposited in the upper respiratory tract and
0.05 deposited in the lower respiratory tract (Benson et al. 1994). During the 180 days
post-exposure, nickel was not detected in extra-respiratory tract tissues.

Tanaka et al. (1988) studied the biological half-life of amorphous NiS aerosols in
exposed rats. The rats were exposed to a NiS aerosol with MMAD of 4.0 µm (gsd = 2.0)
and either a single four hr exposure of 107 mg/m3 or repeated 8.8 mg/m3 for 7 hr/day, 5
days/week for one month. After exposure, the nickel contents in lung, liver, kidney,
spleen, blood and urine were measured. In sharp contrast to the findings with NiO
(above), NiS was rapidly cleared from lung tissue following a four-hour exposure with a
half-life of 20 hours (f = 0.57). Repeated exposures of NiS at lower concentration
showed no accumulation of NiS in the lung and similar clearance kinetics following the
final exposure (their Fig. 2).

Following a single 120 minute inhalation exposure of rats to nickel subsulfide (63Ni3S2;
5.7 mg Ni/m3 AMAD 1.3 μm, gsd 1.5), the fraction of inhaled material deposited in the
upper respiratory tract was similar to that observed for nickel oxide (0.14 in the total
respiratory tract, 0.09 in the upper respiratory tract, and 0.05 in the lower respiratory
tract). In contrast to nickel from nickel oxide, nickel from nickel subsulfide was detected
in the blood, kidneys, and carcass between 4 and 24 hours after the exposure (Benson et
al., 1994).

Data in rats and mice indicate that a higher percentage of less-soluble nickel compounds
was retained in the lungs for a longer time than soluble nickel compounds (Benson et al.
1987, 1988; Dunnick et al. 1989; Tanaka et al. 1985) and that the lung burden of nickel
decreased with increasing particle size (≤ 4 μm) (Kodama et al. 1985a, 1985b). Nickel
retention was six times (mice) to 10 times (rats) greater in animals exposed to less-soluble
nickel subsulfide compared to soluble nickel sulfate (Benson et al. 1987, 1988).

The lung burdens of nickel generally increased with increasing exposure duration and
increasing levels of the various nickel compounds (Dunnick et al. 1988, 1989). From
weeks 9 to 13 of exposure, lung levels of nickel sulfate and nickel subsulfide remained

19 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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constant while levels of nickel oxide continued to increase (Dunnick et al. 1989). Slow
clearance of nickel oxide from the lungs was also observed in hamsters (Wehner and
Craig 1972). Approximately 20% of the inhaled concentration of nickel oxide was
retained in the lungs at the end of exposure for two days, three weeks, or three months.
The retention was not dependent on the duration of exposure or exposure concentration.
By 45 days after the last exposure to nickel oxide (two-day exposure), 45% of the initial
lung burden was still present in the lungs (Wehner and Craig 1972).

Workers occupationally exposed to nickel have higher lung burdens of nickel than the
general population. Dry weight nickel content of the lungs at autopsy was 330 ± 380
μg/g in roasting and smelting workers exposed to less-soluble compounds, 34 ± 48 μg/g
in electrolysis workers exposed to soluble nickel compounds, and 0.76 ± 0.39 μg/g in
unexposed controls (Andersen and Svenes 1989). In an update of this study, Svenes and
Andersen (1998) examined 10 tissue samples taken from different regions of the lungs of
15 deceased nickel refinery workers; the mean nickel concentration was 50 μg/g dry
weight. Nickel levels in the lungs of cancer victims did not differ from those of other
nickel workers (Kollmeier et al. 1987; Raithel et al. 1989).

Nickel levels in the nasal mucosa are higher in workers exposed to less-soluble nickel
compounds relative to soluble nickel compounds (Torjussen and Andersen 1979). These
results indicate that, following inhalation exposure, less-soluble nickel compounds
remain deposited in the nasal mucosa. Higher serum nickel levels have been found in
occupationally exposed individuals compared to non-exposed controls (Angerer and
Lehnert 1990; Elias et al. 1989; Torjussen and Andersen 1979). Serum nickel levels were
found to be higher in workers exposed to soluble nickel compounds compared to workers
exposed to less-soluble nickel compounds (Torjussen and Andersen 1979).
Concentrations of nickel in the plasma, urine, and hair were similar in nickel-sensitive
individuals compared to non-sensitive individuals (Spruit and Bongaarts 1977).

Serita et al. (1999) evaluated pulmonary clearance and lesions in rats after a single
inhalation of ultrafine metallic nickel (Uf-Ni, 20 nm average particle diameter). Wistar
rats (sex unspecified) were exposed to 0.15 (Low), 1.14 (Medium), or 2.54 (High) mg
Uf-Ni/m3 for five hours. Groups of five rats per dose group were sacrificed at 0 hr and 1,
3, 7, 14, and 21 days post exposure. The amount of nickel in the lung accumulated in a
dose-dependent manner (1.4, 10.1, 33.5 µg Ni/lung, respectively). The half times for
nickel in the lung averaged about 32 days and appeared independent of initial dose.

4.2 Distribution

Several studies of nickel administered to rodents via the oral route show that nickel was
mainly concentrated in the kidneys, liver, and lungs, and the absorbed nickel was
excreted primarily in the urine (Borg and Tjalve, 1988; Jasim and Tjalve, 1984, 1986a,
1986b; Dieter et al., 1988). Nielsen et al. (1993) showed that retention and distribution of
nickel in mice was dependent on the route of administration. As shown in Table 5,
Nielsen et al. (1993) showed that 20 hours after nickel administration, deposition in body
tissues resulting from intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection was much greater than that observed
after gavage administration.

20 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 5. Median Nickel Body Burden and Contents of Major Organs in Mice as
Percentage of Administered Dose (from Nielsen et al., 1993)*.

Tissue Gastric Intubation Intraperitoneal Injection

Liver 0.0439 (0.046) 0.255 (0.044)b
Kidneys 0.029 (0.030) 1.772 (0.306)
Lungs <0.010 (0.010) 0.114 (0.020)
Carcass 0.106 (0.111) 3.164 (0.546)
Stomach 0.014 (0.015) <0.010 (0.002)
Intestine 0.762 (0.799) 0.490 (0.084)
Total body burden 0.954 (1.0) 5.794 (1.0)

*Note: a) Measurements made 20 hr after oral dose of 10 µmol Ni/kg bw. b) Measurements
made 20 hr after intraperitoneal injection of 1.0 µmol Ni/kg bw. Values in parentheses are ratios
of relative tissue burden over total body burden.

Ishimatsu et al. (1995) evaluated the distribution of various nickel compounds in rat
organs 24 hours after oral administration. Male Wistar rats (10 weeks old, 8/compound)
were administered the nickel compounds by gavage as 10 mg of Ni dissolved in a 5%
starch saline solution. The animals were sacrificed at 24 hr after dosing and organs and
blood taken for Ni determination. Selected results are presented in Table 6. The kidney
stands out as the major site of nickel deposition. This table also demonstrates the high
bioavailability of soluble nickel compounds compared to poorly soluble compounds.

Obone et al. (1999) measured the accumulation of nickel in tissues of rats exposed to
NiSO4 in drinking water for 13 weeks. Accumulation in all organs examined was
observed to increase with increasing dose level. The order of accumulation compared to
the control was kidneys > testes > brain > spleen > lung = heart= liver (Table 7).

Absorbed nickel is unlikely to exist as free ionic Ni2+, but rather as nickel complexes.
Sunderman and Oskarsson (1991) noted that in humans absorbed nickel is transported by
binding to a metalloprotein (nickeloplasmin), albumin, and ultra-filterable ligands, such
as small polypeptides and L-histidine. Van Soestbergen and Sunderman (1972)
administered nickel chloride (as 63Ni) to rabbits by intravenous injection at 0.24 mg Ni/kg
bw. They found that between two and 24 hr after injection, approximately 90% of serum
Ni was bound to proteins (e.g., albumin) with molecular weights greater than 10,000
and the remaining label was bound to small organic molecules such as short peptides and
amino acids.

21 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 6. Mean Nickel Concentrations in Rat Organs 24 Hours after Oral

Administration (adapted from Ishimatsu et al., 1995)*

Ni Lung Liver Kidney Heart Brain Blood

Compound µg/g µg/g µg/g µg/g µg/g µg/mL
NiO (Green) 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Ni metal 0.18 0.04 0.31 0.04 0.02 0.02
NiO (Black) 0.08 0.04 0.32 0.04 0.02 0.05
Ni3S2 0.17 0.07 1.2 0.04 0.02 0.05
NiS 0.34 0.11 6.4 0.60 0.04 0.21
NiSO4 2.5 0.57 25.5 0.47 0.04 0.28
NiCl2 3.7 0.53 28.7 1.2 0.18 0.31
Ni(NO3)2 6.3 1.1 32.6 2.4 0.15 2.25
Control 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03
* Note 8 animals/compound; 10 mg Ni oral dose by gavage

Table 7. Mean Nickel Concentrations in Rat Organs after 13 Weeks Exposure to

NiSO4 in Drinking Water (µg Ni/g tissue, Obone et al., 1999)*

Treatment Liver Kidney Spleen Heart Lungs Brain Testis

0% 1.58 1.39 1.51 1.60 1.22 1.59 1.50
0.02% 1.60 1.88 1.85 1.74 1.60 1.68 1.85
0.05% 1.63 3.45 1.86 1.83 1.95 1.77 2.05
0.1% 2.08 5.48 2.26 2.12 2.11 2.78 2.84

*Note: Values are means of three different experiments. Measurements made 24 hr after
termination of exposure.

Chelation of Ni2+ by organic compounds has a significant effect on the cellular uptake,
absorption, and distribution of Ni2+ (Sakar, 1984; Nierborer et al., 1984; Borg and Tjalve,
1988; Hopfer et al., 1987). Nierborer et al. (1984) studied cellular uptake of Ni2+ in
human B-lymphoblasts, human erythrocytes and rabbit alveolar macrophages. They
observed that addition of L-histidine or human serum albumin at physiological
concentrations to the cell cultures reduced Ni2+ uptake by up to 70%. The concentration
of Ni2+ used in the study was 7 x 10-8 M (4.1 µg/L); it was comparable to serum nickel
levels observed in workers occupationally exposed to nickel.

Rezuke et al. (1987) measured nickel concentrations in human postmortem samples in

seven to 10 adults. In decreasing order the mean and range in µg Ni/kg dry weight in the

22 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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tissue specimens were: lung 173 (71-371); thyroid 141 (41-240); adrenal 132 (53-241);
kidney 62 (19-171); heart 54 (10-110); liver 50 (11-102); brain 44 (20-65); spleen 37 (9-
95); and pancreas 34 (7-71). In five specimens of bile, nickel concentrations averaged
2.3 ± 0.8 µg/L (range 1.5-3.3 µg/L). These values differ markedly from the distribution
of Ni in the rat noted in Table 7 above. The relatively high Ni burden in the human lung
and low burden in the human kidney may indicate significantly more inhalation exposure
in humans and/or significant differences in the chemical state of nickel absorbed in
laboratory rodent versus human environmental exposures.

Nickel has been shown to cross the human placenta; it has been found in both fetal tissue
(Schroeder et al., 1962) and the umbilical cord blood serum (McNeely et al., 1971).
Similar findings have been reported in animal studies. Szakmary et al. (1995)
administered a single gavage dose of 5.4, 11.3, or 22.6 mg Ni/kg bw as nickel chloride to
pregnant rats. Twenty-four hours after exposure, nickel levels in fetal blood were raised
from 10.6 (control) to 14.5, 65.5, and 70.5 µg/L for the low, medium, and high dose
groups, respectively. Jacobsen et al. (1978) observed that when pregnant mice were
given a single i.p. injection of 63Ni chloride (0.14 mg/kg bw) on day 18 of gestation,
passage of 63Ni from mother to fetus was rapid and concentrations in fetal tissues were
generally higher than those in the dam.

The distribution of nickel chloride in pregnant and lactating rats following its injection
has been studied by a number of authors (Dostal et al., 1989; Mas et al., 1986;
Sunderman et al., 1978). Half-lives of nickel in whole blood following i.p. treatment of
pregnant and non-pregnant rats were similar (3.6–3.8 hours), while the half-life for nickel
in fetal blood was 6.3 hours following treatment on gestation days 12 or 19 (Mas et al.,
1986). Intramuscular injection of nickel chloride (12 mg Ni/ kg/day) into pregnant and
non-pregnant rats resulted in a greater accumulation of nickel in the pituitary of pregnant
rats (Sunderman et al. 1978).

Tallkvist et al. (1998) evaluated the olfactory transport and subcellular distribution of
Ni2+ solution instilled intra-nasally in rats (4 µg/nostril). Cellular fractionation was
conducted at one day, one week and three weeks after exposure. Of the 63Ni2+ present in
the olfactory epithelium, 60% to 70% was present in the supernatant, whereas in the
olfactory bulb and the basal hemisphere about 70% - 80% of the nickel was bound to
particulate cellular constituents. Gel filtration of the cytosol indicated that the 63Ni2+
eluted with a molecular weight of about 250, identical to that obtained with histidine.
Also, in olfactory tissues 63Ni2+ was partly present in the cytosol associated with a 25,000
molecular weight component. The authors conclude that: 1) nickel is transported in the
primary olfactory neurons via slow axonal transport; (2) the metal is bound to both
soluble and particulate cytosolic constituents; and (3) the metal also shows this
subcellular distribution in other parts of the olfactory system. The authors also note that
neuronal transport of nickel was about 20 times slower than cadmium (109Cd2+) or
manganese (54Mn2+) studied earlier.

Schwerdtle and Hartwig (2006) evaluated the subcellular distribution of NiCl2 and black
NiO in human lung A549 cells exposed for 20 and 24 hr, respectively. Cells treated with
NiCl2 at 0, 50, 100, 250, or 500 µM exhibited dose-dependent uptake of Ni into the

23 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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cytoplasm and nuclei. Intracellular Ni concentrations in cytoplasm were about 10, 20,
50, 275, and 550 µM, respectively. Concentrations in the nuclei were much lower at
about 5, 10, 15, 40, and 110 µM, respectively. Cells treated with black NiO at 0, 0.2, 0.5,
1.0, and 2.0 µg NiO/cm2 showed a similar pattern of intracellular distribution with greater
relative concentrations in the nuclei. For cytoplasmic distribution the Ni concentrations
were about 5, 110, 150, 240, and 450 µM, respectively. For nuclear distribution the Ni
concentrations were about 2, 60, 70, 125, and 230 µM, respectively. The authors
concluded that particulate Ni(II) exhibits greater toxicity due to its longer retention times
rather than a different MOA which still involves Ni(II) ions as the direct or indirect

4.3 Excretion

Nickel burden in humans does not increase with age. A majority of nickel absorbed from
environmental media and diet is rapidly excreted via the urine. Solomons et al. (1982)
found that nickel in water was quickly absorbed and excreted by humans; they estimated
a biological half-life of about eight hours. Hogetveit et al. (1978) reported that elevated
levels of nickel were detected in urine samples collected from workers exposed to soluble
or insoluble nickel through inhalation.

The kinetics of nickel elimination in humans and animals appear to be similar. Onkelinx
et al. (1973) injected nickel chloride i.v. to rats and rabbits and followed the nickel in
plasma over time. Elimination profiles were similar in both species with early and later
phases of elimination from plasma exhibiting first-order kinetics with half-lives of 6 and
50 hr for rats and 8 and 83 hr for rabbits, respectively.

Sweat and milk are also possible excretion routes for absorbed nickel in humans.
Hohnadel et al. (1973) observed that, in sauna bathers, the mean concentrations of nickel
in the sweat from healthy men and women were significantly higher than the mean
concentrations in urine. Several studies have demonstrated that excretion of nickel in
human milk is quite low and should be considered a minor route of excretion in lactating
women (Feeley et al., 1983; Mingorance and Lachica, 1985). Casey and Neville (1987)
reported a mean nickel concentration of 1.2 ± 0.4 µg/L in 46 human milk samples from
13 women during the first month of lactation with an average estimated daily infant
intake of 0.8 µg Ni. Krachler et al. (2000) measured trace elements in 27 human milk
samples and found a median nickel concentration of 0.79 µg/L (range < 0.13-6.35 µg/L).

Graham et al. (1978) measured the clearance of NiCl2 aerosol in mice exposed to 644 µg
Ni/m3 for two hours. Immediately following exposure and at 24 hr intervals thereafter
the mice were sacrificed, their lungs and spleens were removed and weighed, and nickel
concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Clearance of nickel
from the lung followed first-order kinetics with a fitted curve of Y = 7.569exp (-0.291t),
where Y is µg Ni/g dry weight lung and t is days post exposure. The spleen did not
exhibit a significant uptake of nickel following exposure.

Koizumi et al. (2004) measured the urinary excretion of nickel nitrate hexahydrate in rats
by inductively coupled plasma argon emission spectroscopy (ICPAES). Male Wistar rats

24 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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received single oral doses of 0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0,
1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, and 50.0 mg Ni(NO3)2•6H2O/kg bw. Five animals were
used for analysis at each dose level. The 24-hr urinary excretion of nickel was observed
to fit the relation Y = 62.68X0.8527, R = 0.9488, where Y is the excreted Ni in µg and X is
the oral dose in mg/kg bw. The proportion of total nickel elimination decreased from
25% at 0.01 mg/kg to about 5% at 0.1 mg/kg and higher doses. Urological analysis of
markers of renal toxicity, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine (NAG), β2-microglobulin, urine
albumin, and urine protein, showed no indication of toxicity at any dose level used.

Dostal et al. (1989) showed that milk is an excretion pathway of nickel chloride in
rodents. Daily subcutaneous injections of lactating rats with 3 or 6 mg Ni/kg bw for four
days raised nickel levels in milk from < 2 µg/L to 513 ± 54 and 1030 ± 66 µg/L,
respectively. They also showed that nickel treatment significantly changed the
composition of milk by increasing the milk solids (42%) and lipids (110%) and
decreasing milk protein (29%) and lactose (61%).

Oyabu et al. (2007) studied the biopersistence of inhaled NiO particles in the rat lung.
Thirty male Wistar rats were exposed to NiO particles (geometric mean diameter =
139±12 nm, average exposure concentration = 1.0±0.5 x 105 particles/m3) for six hr/day
for four weeks. At four days and one and three months after inhalation, a group of 10 rats
was sacrificed and the NiO particles deposited in the lung determined by chemical
analysis. The retained Ni particle content of the lung decreased exponentially with a
calculated half time of 62 days.

Oliveira et al. (2000) studied urinary nickel excretion in 10 workers from a galvanizing
plant using NiSO4, a soluble nickel compound, and 10 control subjects. Personal air
monitors were used with 0.8 µm filters (OSHA method). No other particle size
information was provided. Nickel airborne levels varied between 2.8 and 116.7 µg/m3.
Pre- and post-shift urinary Ni levels were taken on five consecutive workdays. Post-shift
values ranged from 4.5 to 43.2 µg Ni/g creatinine. A significant correlation was observed
between urinary and airborne nickel (r = 0.96, P ≤ 0.001) with the relation urinary Ni
(µg/g creatinine) = 6.00 + 0.43(airborne Ni, µg/m3). No differences were observed with
respect to different workdays.

Yokota et al. (2007) studied the urinary elimination of nickel and cobalt in relation to
airborne exposures in a battery plant. The workers were exposed to nickel hydroxide,
metallic cobalt, and cobalt oxyhydroxide. Nickel in the air was several fold higher than
cobalt and positively correlated (r2 = 0.958). Cobalt in air and post-shift urine gave a
regression equation of Co (µg/L)urine = 15.8 + 243.8 Co (mg/m3)air with a poor correlation
coefficient (r = 0.491). No correlation was found between Ni in air and post-shift urine
[Ni (µg/L)urine = -17.3 + 7.33 Ni (mg/m3)air, r = 0.272, P = 0.15]. The authors note that
the workers were using respiratory protection which presumably reduced inhalation
exposure to Ni(OH)2. They also note discrepancy with treatment of Ni inhalation by the
DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2005) which gives the relations for airborne
nickel exposure and urinary nickel for water-soluble and water-insoluble compounds.
For soluble nickel compounds including the hydroxide, acetate, chloride, sulfate and
similar salts they give Ni (µg/L)urine = 10 + 600 Ni(mg/m3)air. For insoluble nickel

25 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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compounds including the metal, oxide, carbonate, sulfide, and sulfidic ores they give Ni
(µg/L)urine = 7.5 + 75 Ni(mg/m3)air. The authors argue that Ni(OH)2 should be treated as
an insoluble compound with respect to urinary excretion rather than a soluble one.

Afridi et al. (2006) measured metal content in biological samples from 56 production
workers (PW) and 35 quality control workers (QCW) of a steel mill and 75 unexposed
normal controls (all male, age range 25-55 yr). For nickel in scalp hair the PW showed
the highest Ni concentration of 13.76 ± 4.48 µg Ni/g with QCW lower at 9.02 ± 2.64 µg
Ni/g. These values were significantly higher than the non-occupationally exposed
controls at 5.25 ± 1.46 µg Ni/g hair (P < 0.02). Surprisingly the mean lead values were
quite similar at 16.21, 10.33, and 6.84 µg Pb/g hair, respectively. Urine concentrations
were also measured and showed lesser, but also significant, differences i.e. 9.47, 7.62,
and 6.31 µg Ni/L urine, respectively.

Ohashi et al. (2006) evaluated selected urinary metals in 1000 women in the general
Japanese population. The geometric mean concentration for nickel was 2.1 µg Ni/L or
1.8 µg Ni/g creatinine. Unlike copper and manganese both nickel and cobalt showed no
substantial age dependency for urinary excretion.

4.4 Physiological Models

4.4.1 Biokinetic Models

Onkelinx et al. (1973) conducted a kinetic analysis of 63Ni2+ clearance in rats and rabbits
following a single intravenous injection of 63NiCl2 (specific activity 5.9 µCi/µg Ni). In
both species 63Ni2+ was rapidly cleared from plasma or serum during the first two days,
and more slowly after two days. The blood elimination data were best described by the
bi-exponential relations:

Rats: S = 226 exp[-0.11t] + 0.57 exp[-0.014t] for 17 µg Ni/rat (82 µg

Ni/kg bw);

Rabbits: S = 1165 exp[-0.092t] + 4.95 exp[-0.0084t] for 816 µg Ni/rabbit

(240 µg Ni/kg bw);

where S is the plasma concentration of Ni2+ (µg/L) and t is the time after injection (hr).
A two-compartment model derived from the data successfully predicted serum or plasma
concentrations of Ni2+ in animals receiving continuous infusions or repeated daily
injections of 63NiCl2.

Sunderman et al. (1989) developed a model to predict nickel absorption, serum levels,
and excretion following oral exposure to nickel in water and food. The model was
developed based on two experiments in humans in which serum nickel levels and urinary
and fecal excretion of nickel were monitored for two days before and four days after eight
subjects were given an oral dose of nickel as nickel sulfate (12, 18, or 50 μg Ni/kg bw) in
water or in food. The data were then analyzed using a four-compartment toxicokinetic
model consisting of Gut, Serum, Urine and Tissues. Two inputs of nickel, the single oral
dose, in which uptake was considered to be a first-order process, and the baseline dietary

26 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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ingestion of nickel, in which uptake was considered to be a pseudo-zero order process

were used. Model parameters were determined for the model from the two experiments.
No further model validation (i.e. with independent data) was described. A sample model
code implemented in Berkeley Madonna software is given in Appendix B.1 for a single
50 µg Ni/kg bw dose in water.

Uthus (1999) proposed a 16-compartment biokinetic model to describe the uptake and
metabolism of orally administered 63NiCl2. The compartments were either in groups
representing the GI tract, Blood, Liver or Body, or individual for Urine and Feces.
Transfer of Ni mass between compartments was governed by first order rate constants.
Oral dosing of female Sprague-Dawley rats with 0.84 µg 63Ni (10.7 µCi) resulted in
seven day cumulative urinary and fecal excretions of 2.46% and 97.5% of dose,
respectively. For liver, peak 63Ni radiolabel occurred within 30 min of dosing and
reached 0.09% of dose. Peak radiolabel in kidney was 0.04% of dose and in bone
0.001% of dose. The model predicts 2.54% and 96.4% of dose excretions for urine and
feces, respectively. Retention of Ni in grouped organs was predicted to amount to 0.34%
seven days after dosing. Model code for a single oral dose is provided in Appendix B.

Franks et al. (2008) describe a mathematical model of the in vitro keratinocytes response
to chromium or nickel exposure. The model tracks the interaction between metal ions (in
both intra- and extra-cellular states) and their effect on the viability of keratinocytes and
the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1α (IL-1ά). The model is
intended to describe a monolayer of freshly isolated keratinocytes (10 µm), which has
been grown to confluence and dosed with media containing, e.g., 0.01 to 10,000 µM
NiCl2 for 24 hours. The metal ion is assumed to be in equilibrium between extracellular
concentration (Ac) and intracellular concentration (Ai), with the latter inducing the
cytokine response. The volume fraction of keratinocytes is (n) and the amount of metal
associated with the cell is given by (nAi). The volume fraction of keratinocytes in the
system is described by dn/dt = - Kdn, where Kd = δniAi + δn. This accounts for death due
to the toxic effects of the intracellular ion (δniAi) and the net birth and natural death of
cells (δn). Control experiments indicated that 80% of cells were still alive after 24 hr,
indicating that δn > 0. The model assumes: (1) an exchange between extra- and
intracellular metal ions; (2) cell death releases metal ions to the extracellular region; and
(3) partitioning between extra- and intracellular states according to a partition coefficient
(µn). The main equations for extra- and intracellular metal ions, respectively, are as

d/dt((1 – n)Ac) = -knn(µnAc - Ai) + KdnAi;

d/dt(nAi) = knn(µnAc – Ai) - KdnAi.

Keratinocytes with metal bound to them release a variety of chemokines and cytokines, in
particular IL-1ά, release of the latter is described in the model by:

d/dt((1 – n)c) = βcnn + βcinAi - δc(1 - n)c;

27 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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where βcn is the rate of cytokine release by unaffected cells, βci is the rate of cytokine
release by affected cells, δc is the rate of natural decay of cytokines in the media, and c is
the concentration of IL-1ά. In comparing model predictions to experimental data for
nickel the authors report no apparent relationship between nickel dose and IL-1ά release
except a decrease at high nickel concentrations (> 100 µM). Good agreement between
model predictions and existing experimental data was observed. An example
implementation of the Franks et al. model in Berkeley Madonna code is given in the
Appendix B.2. Approximate parameter values obtained by curve fitting to experimental
data were: δni =6.3 x 10-5/µM-d; βci = 0/day; Kn = 320/day; µn = 2.2 unitless; δn =
0.21/day; δc = 3.2/day; βcn = 1.5 x 10-3/µM-d. The initial concentration of cells (n0) was
estimated to be 0.0165 and the molecular mass of IL-1α was 17.7 kDa.

4.4.2 Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models

The only PBPK models for nickel compounds identified in the published literature were
those of Menzel et al. (1987) and Menzel (1988). These rat models are interesting but
few details were provided by the authors and they would be difficult to reproduce. An
example of what an alternative nickel PBPK model might look like is given in Appendix
B.4. This example is based in part on the manganese rat PBPK model of Teeguarden et
al. (2007). The model was adjusted for nickel using data from Ishimatsu et al. (1995),
Benson et al. (1994) and Tanaka et al. (1985). The model represents six perfused tissues:
upper and lower respiratory tracts, bone, liver, kidneys, and muscle. Each of these tissues
has a shallow tissue pool in rapid equilibrium with blood and a deep tissue store
connected to the shallow tissue by transfer rate constants. Exchange of nickel between
the shallow tissue pools and venous blood is controlled by tissue/blood partition
coefficients (Ishimatsu et al., 1995). Absorption of airborne nickel oxide includes
transport of deposited nickel into shallow tissue pools and mechanical removal from
respiratory surfaces to the gastro-intestinal tract. The model includes fecal, urinary and
biliary excretion of absorbed or ingested nickel. Comparisons of model predictions with
observed data of Tanaka et al. (1985) for prolonged exposures to NiO aerosol were good
for lung tissue Ni concentrations at high and low exposure concentrations and for liver
and kidney concentrations at high exposure concentration (Appendix B.4).

Hack et al. (2007) describe a physiological model of the intracellular dosimetry of

inhaled nickel. The model consists of seven intracellular compartments of the
tracheobronchial epithelial cell: Cytoplasm, Cytoplasmic Proteins, Vacuolar Particles,
Perinuclear Cytoplasm, Perinuclear Cytoplasmic Proteins, Nucleus, and Nuclear Proteins.
Extracellular compartments consist of Surface Particles, GI Tract, Ionic Ni in Mucus, and
Venous Blood. The model accepts the deposited dose into the mucous layer following
inhalation of nickel particles or aerosols.

Particulate nickel compounds are either cleared from the mucous layer by mucociliary
action, dissolved into Ni2+ ions, or taken up by the cells. Phagocytosis of nickel particles,
such as Ni3S2 or crystalline NiS, results in the formation of a vacuole in which nickel
particles are encased and ultimately dissolved. Extracellular dissolution of soluble nickel
compounds results in the release of ionic nickel, which enters the cell via divalent ion
transport systems (e.g., magnesium). Both influx and efflux of nickel ions are described

28 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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by saturable Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Once in the cytoplasm nickel ions may bind
with cytosolic proteins or diffuse through the cytoplasm to the perinuclear cytoplasm.
Once there, nickel ions may bind reversibly to perinuclear proteins, enter the nucleus and
bind to nuclear proteins. Model processes are mostly modeled with first order rate
constants for forward and reverse directions. An exception is the Michaelis-Menten
kinetics for influx and efflux of Ni from mucous to cytoplasm to venous blood. In this
respect the Hack et al. model resembles a biokinetic model. Model parameters were
based mostly on published values. An example of this model implemented in Berkeley
Madonna code is given in Appendix B.3.

The model for uptake of NiCl2 by cultured pneumocytes predicted steady state
concentrations better than the rate of uptake where the model underpredicted intracellular
levels in the first half hour after exposure (data of Saito and Menzel, 1986). Model
comparisons with the data of Costa et al. (1981) gave good observed/predicted ratios
(O/P) of 1.57 to 0.94 for Ni3S2 in the nucleus (nmol/mg protein), 0.65 for NiCl2 in the
whole cell, 0.3 for NiCl2 in the cytoplasm, and 0.5 for NiCl2 in the nucleus (all nmol/mg
protein). With the data of Abbracchio et al. (1982) agreement was more variable for O/P:
NiCl2 in the nucleus, 2.5 to 5.7; NiCl2 in cytoplasm, 0.18; crystalline NiS in the nucleus
0.96 to 3.5; crystalline NiS in the particulate fraction 1.02; crystalline NiS in the
cytoplasmic fraction 1.10.

4.4.3 Lung Deposition-Clearance Models

Hsieh et al. (1999a) proposed a dosimetric model of nickel deposition and clearance from
the rat lung. The model was developed using lung burden data from the National
Toxicology Program (NTP) studies of nickel sulfate (NTP, 1996c), nickel subsulfide
(NTP, 1996b), and nickel oxide (NTP, 1996a) and earlier models (Yu and Xu, 1986).
The model consists of a single alveolar compartment. Deposited particles are removed
from the lung by two principal mechanisms: (1) mechanical clearance via mucociliary
transport; and (2) clearance by dissolution. For moderately soluble Ni3S2 particles both
mechanisms are operable. The lung burden buildup in the alveolar region of the rat lung
is described by the following equations:

dMi/dt = ri – λiMi (1);

ri = Ci x η MV (2);

λi = ai x exp[ -bi{ms/ms0)ci] (3);

where M is the mass burden, i indicates the particular nickel compound, r is the
deposition rate, λi is the total alveolar clearance rate coefficient, η is the alveolar
deposition fraction, Ci is the air concentration, MV is the minute ventilation, ai, bi, ci are
compound specific clearance rate coefficient constants, ms = M/S in which M is the lung
mass burden and S is the total alveolar surface area (ms = 5.38 x 103 cm2 for rats), and
ms0 = 1 mg/cm2 is the dimensional constant introduced to normalize ms. For NiSO4, the
a, b, c parameter values were 10.285, 17.16, and 0.105, respectively. For Ni3S2, the a, b,

29 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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c parameter values were 0.00768, -20.135, and 0.266, respectively. For NiO, the a, b, c
parameter values were 0.0075, 300, and 0.95, respectively.

Hsieh et al. (1999b) modified the rat model to develop a model of deposition and
clearance of nickel in humans. Deposition rates were calculated for six scenarios: nose-
breathing at rest, nose-breathing at light work, nose breathing at moderate work, mouth
breathing at rest, mouth breathing at light work, and mouth breathing at moderate work.
The clearance rate coefficient constants for humans were modified from the rat values.
For nickel oxide, clearance rate coefficient constant a was estimated to be 1/7.6 times the
rat value; constants b and c were assumed to be the same as rats. For nickel subsulfide,
clearance is due to mechanical transport and dissolution; the clearance rate coefficient
constant a was estimated to be the sum of the clearance rate coefficient constant a for
insoluble nickel (nickel oxide) and the difference between the clearance coefficient
constant for nickel oxide and for nickel subsulfide for rats. For nickel sulfate, clearance
rate coefficient constants in humans were assumed to be the same as in rats.

Hsieh et al. (1999c) developed a model for deposition, clearance and retention kinetics in
the respiratory tract for inhaled nickel compounds in the mouse. The nickel compounds
studied were NiO (green), Ni3S2, and NiSO4•6H2O. The approach and equations for
alveolar deposition and clearance are similar to those given above for the rat (Hsieh et al.,
1999a). In this case the compound specific clearance coefficients a, b, c were: NiO,
0.0085, 180, 0.95; Ni3S2, 0.011, -9.293, 0.266; and NiSO4, 10.285, 15.78, 0.105,
respectively. The model predictions were compared with experimental data for the
normalized lung burden metric (Ni-lung burden/g lung/unit concentration) and the
calculated results did not always show good agreement. Because of lower deposition
rates and faster clearance rates, mice have lower lung burdens than rats when exposed to
the same concentrations of NiO or NiSO4 particles. For Ni3S2, the lung burden/gram of
lung in mice can be lower or higher than in rats depending upon exposure concentration
and duration.

The Yu et al. (2001) modification of the model was used to predict lung burdens in nickel
refinery workers and comparison with measured lung Ni burdens in deceased refinery
workers showed good agreement between predicted and measured values. The model
treats the alveolar region of the human lung as a single compartment. The kinetic
expressions governing the change in mass with time in this compartment for NiO, Ni3S2
and NiSO4 are as follows:

dMNiO/dt = rNiO - λNiOMNiO;

dMNi3S2/dt = rNi3S2 - λNi3S2MNi3S2;

dMNiSO4/dt = rNiSO4 – λNiSO4MNiSO4;

where M is the mass burden, r is the deposition rate and λ is the total alveolar clearance
rate coefficient (/day) over all clearance pathways. For a given concentration, r in the
above expressions is equal to concentration x alveolar deposition fraction (η) x minute

30 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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ventilation (MV). The clearance rate coefficients are based on extrapolation from rat
data, e.g.

λNiO = 0.00099exp[-300(V/VAM)0.95] (/day);

where V is the total volume of Ni compounds retained in the lung (mm3) and VAM = 1.75
x 104 mm3 is the total alveolar macrophage volume in humans. When the dosimetry
model is applied to worker exposure, three additional factors are incorporated in the
model: inhalability, mixed breathing mode, and clearance rate coefficient of a Ni
compound mixture. The inhalability expression is based on the recommendation of the
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP ,1994):

ηinhalability = 1-0.5 x (1-(7.6 x 10-4 da2.8 +1)-1 + 1.0 x 10-5 U2.75 exp(0.055da);

where da is the aerodynamic diameter of the particle in µm and U is the wind speed in
m/s, usually taken to be zero for workplace calculations. Deposition rates are calculated
for three different ventilations: at rest, light work, and moderate work.

This modified dosimetry model was applied to the data on lung Ni burden for 39 workers
reported by Andersen and Svenes (1989). Since particle sizes were not measured in the
study, values from the same facility measured by Vincent (1996) were used. Particle
sizes ranged from 42 to 62 µm MMAD for roasting and smelting and 1.4 to 51 µm
MMAD for electrowinning work areas. These values are much greater than the 2 to 3 µm
MMAD used in the chronic rat inhalation study. The correspondence of observed vs.
predicted lung burdens for the two work areas are presented by the authors (their Figs. 1
and 2) but no statistical correlations were provided. Nevertheless several points fall on or
close to the 1:1 correlation line generally supporting their claim of good agreement.

31 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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5.1 Acute Toxicity Summary

Studies of acute toxicity of nickel and compounds are summarized in Table 8 and Table
9. The acute toxicity of inhaled nickel compounds is affected by their solubility and
particle size distribution. Similar toxic effects were seen in both exposed humans and
experimental animals, primarily lung lesions, decreased lung function and
immunotoxicity. The immunotoxicity endpoint appears to form the best basis for
deriving an acute reference exposure level.

5.2 Acute Toxicity to Humans

A group of seven metal plating workers with occupational asthma were evaluated for
atopy and pulmonary function challenge in response to inhalational challenge with nickel
sulfate hexahydrate and other metals (Cirla et al., 1985). Three of the asthmatics tested
positive for the presence of nickel-specific IgE antibodies. Positive reactions to skin
testing with nickel were found in 3 of the asthmatic workers who also had dermatitis. Six
out of the seven asthmatics exhibited significantly decreased FEV1 (> 15%) when
exposed to 0.3 mg/m3 nickel sulfate aerosol for 30 minutes. Control challenges with
other metal salts did not reveal similar deficits in FEV1. No particle size information was
provided by the authors.

The study by Cirla et al. (1985) has been used in previous analyses of nickel health
effects by OEHHA and U.S. EPA, but was considered inadequate for the present purpose.
Other studies of acute toxicity to humans are reported in Table 8 below.

Soluble nickel compounds appear to be the greatest concern for acute health effects. The
soluble forms of nickel are absorbed as Ni2+ (Coogan et al., 1989). Divalent nickel
competes with copper for binding to serum albumin and is systemically transported in
this way (Sunderman, 1986). The kidneys, lungs, and placenta are the principal organs
for systemic accumulation of nickel (Sunderman, 1986). In contrast to the long half-life
of the insoluble forms of nickel in the nasal mucosa, the elimination half-life of Ni2+ in
the plasma is 1-2 days in mice (Nieboer et al., 1988).

A two-year-old child died after accidentally ingesting an oral dose of approximately 570
mg/kg bw of nickel sulfate (Daldrup et al., 1983). Cardiac arrest occurred four hours
after the ingestion, and the child died eight hours after the accident. Webster (1980, cited
in Norseth, 1984) reported nickel intoxication in a group of 23 dialysis patients. The
source of nickel was plated stainless steel in a water heater tank. The concentration of
nickel was approximately 250 µg/L in the dialysate. This level was much higher than
those found in five other dialysis units (average 3.6 µg/L, range 2.5 to 4.5 µg/L).
Symptoms observed included nausea, weakness, vomiting, headache and palpitations.

Remission was relatively rapid, occurring in three to 13 hours after cessation of dialysis.
Sunderman et al. (1988) report on an episode of 32 workers in an electroplating plant
accidentally drinking water containing NiSO4 and NiCl2 with a concentration of

32 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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1.63 g Ni/L. Twenty workers experienced nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort,

diarrhea, giddiness, lassitude, headache, cough and shortness of breath, which lasted for a
few hours to several days. Nickel intakes were estimated at between 0.5 and 2.5 g.
Serum concentrations ranged from 13 to 1340 µg Ni/L and urine concentrations from
0.15 to 12 mg Ni/g creatinine. Elimination half times ranged from 27 hr with induced
diuresis to 60 hr in non-induced subjects.

Nickel fumes from high nickel alloy welding (mean concentration = 440 µg Ni/m³, range
= 70-1,100 µg Ni/m³) caused complaints of upper respiratory irritation and headache in
welders exposed for 4 weeks (Akesson and Skerfving, 1985).

Exposure to nickel in occupational settings causes dermatitis and asthma in some

individuals with repeated exposures (Davies, 1986). The nickel ion, bound to proteins in
the dermis, acts as an antigen eliciting a type IV (delayed type) hypersensitivity response.
This response, mediated by T-lymphocytes, causes dermal hypersensitivity. This
hypersensitivity can be diagnosed by patch testing (Menne and Maibach, 1989).

Phillips et al. (2010) re-examined a case report of a 38-year-old healthy male who inhaled
nanoparticles of nickel while spraying nickel onto bushes for turbine bearings using a
metal arc process. The spraying process lasted about 90 minutes and the subject was
observed to remove a protective half face mask during the spraying process. The subject
complained of feeling unwell and went home and the next day he complained of cough,
shortness of breath, and a tight chest. Four days after exposure he was admitted to the
hospital and was tachypneic, pyrexial and cyanosed. He was treated with supplemental
oxygen and antibiotics but died of respiratory failure 13 days after exposure (official
cause of death was adult respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS). Nickel nanoparticles (<
25 nm) were identified in lung macrophages using transmission electron microscopy.
High levels of nickel were measured in the subject’s urine (780 µg/L) and his kidneys
showed evidence of tubular necrosis. In addition, there was hematuria and proteinuria
also indicative of kidney toxicity. The updated examination supports the idea that
inhaled nickel can be absorbed systemically and affect other organs.

33 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 8. Summary of Acute Nickel Toxicity in Humans

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Dalrup et al., 1983 NiSO4 Accidental ingestion of a Mortality at 8 hr via 2-yr old child.
single dose, ca. 570 mg/kg cardiac arrest
Webster, 1980 Ni 2+ form not Dialysis patients, 250 µg Nausea, weakness, Remission in 3-13 hr after
specified Ni/L in dialysis fluid, vomiting, headache, cessation of dialysis.
N = 23 palpitations
Sunderman et al., NiSO4 Accidental ingestion of Nausea, vomiting, Ni intake estimates 0.25 to 2.5
1988 NiCl2 contaminated drinking abdominal discomfort, g. Serum concentrations 13-
water with 1.63 g Ni/L diarrhea, giddiness, 1340 µg Ni/L, urine
N = 20 electroplating lassitude, headache, concentrations 0.15-12 mg Ni/g
workers cough, shortness of creatinine
Cirla et al., 1985 NiSO4 aerosol Metal plating workers with 6/7 had FEV1 No particle size information,
occupational asthma. N = reductions > 15% 3/7 positive for Ni-specific IgE
7, 0.3 mg Ni/m3 x 30 min antibodies.
Phillips et al., Ni nanoparticles, <25 Occupational exposure ARDS, respiratory Ni nanoparticles found in lung
2010 nm diameter during spraying 90 min failure and death 13 macrophages, high levels of Ni
days after exposure in urine (780 µg/L) and
kidneys. Evidence of kidney
tubular necrosis.

Note: ARDS = adult respiratory distress syndrome; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume 1 second.

34 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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5.3 Acute Toxicity to Experimental Animals

5.3.1 Supporting studies

Ishihara et al. (2002) studied inflammatory responses and mucus secretion in rats with
acute bronchiolitis induced by nickel chloride inhalation. Male Wistar-jcl strain SPF rats
at age 10 weeks were exposed (5 animals/group) via whole body to aerosols of nickel
chloride with an ultrasonic nebulizer 5 hours/day for 5 days. The average concentrations
of the aerosols were 0.85 mg Ni/m3 in day one and 0.24 mg Ni/m3 during days two to
five. Following exposure the animals were given clean air on days six to eight prior to
sacrifice. The nickel aerosols had a MMAD of 1.8 µm with a gsd of 1.6. The measured
inflammatory biomarkers were total protein concentration, total elastolytic activity, α1-
antitrypsin, and β-glucuronidase activity. Sialic acid and fucose were measured as mucus
components. Also measured were soluble L-selectin, cytokine-induced neutrophil
chemoattractant (CINC) and growth-regulated gene products (GRO). Total protein
concentrations, total elastolytic activity, trypsin inhibitory capacity, β-glucuronidase,
fucose, and sialic acid in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were significantly greater
than control (P < 0.05 vs. control, N = 5) at day 3 to day 8 time points following nickel
exposure. CINC/GRO and soluble L-selectin were significantly increased at days 3-6
and days 5-6, respectively. The extent of lung tissue injury was scored by
histopathological observations. There was no exfoliation of the airway epithelium found
on exposure day five when bronchiolitis developed. The data indicate that nickel
chloride inhalation caused an acute inflammatory response with hypersecretion of mucus,
which cleared in one month.

The data of Ishihara et al. were analyzed using benchmark dose methodology. Doses
were calculated as mg Ni2+ inhaled with the average body weight of 0.289 kg and the
relation Inhalation in rats (m3/day) = 0.105 x (bodyweight, kg/0.113)2/3. Adequate model
fits (P ≥ 0.1) were obtained for continuous benchmark doses at the one standard deviation
point with linear, power or polynomial models. The 95% lower bounds on the
benchmark doses for a one standard deviation change in the respective endpoints
(BMDL1SD) were 5.5 µg (linear, P = 0.132), for total cells/µL BALF; 18.6 µg (power, P=
0.156), for total protein mg/mL BALF; 50 µg (polynomial, P = 0.19), for total elastolytic
activity as nmol succinyl trialanine p-nitroanilide hydrolyzed/hr/mL BALF; and 13.5 µg
(power, P = 0.34) for sialic acid µg/mL BALF. For the five hours/day times five days
inhaled exposure volume of 0.2 m3, the BMDL1SD equivalent concentrations for the four
endpoints would be 27.5, 93, 250, and 67.5 µg/m3, respectively. These values appear
significantly lower than the BMDL of 165 µg/m3 for inhibition of antibody production in
mice (data of Graham et al., 1978) but are consistent with the more extensive exposure
protocol (5hr/day x 5 days).

It has been shown that water-soluble nickel compounds are more acutely toxic than the
less soluble compounds by ingestion. The single dose oral LD50’s in rats for less-soluble
NiO and Ni3S2 were > 3000 mg Ni/kg bw, while the oral LD50’s for the more soluble
NiSO4 and nickel acetate ranged from 39 to 141 mg Ni/kg bw in rats and mice
(Mastromatteo, 1986; Haro et al., 1968). Soluble nickel compounds appear to be more

35 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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toxic by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection than by intramuscular (i.m.) or subcutaneous (s.c.)

injections. Acute LD50 values for NiCl2 in rats were 5 mg Ni/kg bw by i.p. injection, 23
mg Ni/kg bw by i.m. injection, and 25 mg Ni/kg bw by s.c. injection (Knight et al.,

Jia et al. (2010) conducted a mechanistic study of nickel-induced olfactory impairment.

Male mice were intranasally instilled with NiSO4 or saline followed by ATP, purinergic
receptor antagonists, or saline. The olfactory epithelium was examined histologically and
with immunochemistry 1 to 7 days postinstillation. Doses of 0, 0.1, 0.5, or 2.5 mg/kg
body weight showed both time and dose dependence in nasal toxicity indicated by
decreases in thicknesses of the ectoturbinate 2 and endoturbinate 2 regions. Decreases in
thickness ranged up to 30 and 15 µm at the top doses, respectively. No effects were seen
in the nasal septum. Reductions in thickness were due to sustentacular cell loss measured
by terminal dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) staining at 1-day postinstillation and
caspase-3-dependent apoptosis of olfactory sensory neurons at 3-days postinstillation.
An increase in cell proliferation was observed by BrdU incorporation at 5 and 7 days
postinstillation. Treatment with purinergic receptor antagonists reduced cell proliferation
whereas exogenous ATP significantly increased cell proliferation. The authors conclude
that ATP has neuroproliferative and neuroprotective roles in normal and injured olfactory

5.3.2 Other studies

Subcutaneous injections of 10 mg/kg nickel chloride have been shown to increase

prolactin secretion in rats one day following administration (Clemons and Garcia, 1981).
However, an earlier study showed that prolactin secretion in rats is specifically inhibited
for 30 minutes following intravenous exposure to 100 µg Ni2+ as NiCl2 (LaBella et al.,

Donskoy et al. (1986) found that s.c. injection of 125 to 750 µmol Ni/kg to male Fischer
344 rats resulted in acute hepatic toxicity within 24 hr as evidenced by enhanced lipid
peroxidation, microvesicular steatosis, and increased serum aspartate aminotransferase
(AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). The latter serum enzymes were significantly
increased about two-fold by the low dose of 125 µmol Ni/kg compared to control animals
(P < 0.05, N = 14).

Subacute (12-day) inhalation exposures (5 days/week, 6 hours/day) of 10 mice to nickel,

as 10 mg Ni3S2/m³ (AMAD = 1.3µm, gsd = 1.5), caused 100% mortality (Benson et al.,
1987). Two of 10 rats also died from this exposure. Although no effect was seen on
natural killer cell activity in these animals, lesions in the nasal and lung epithelium and in
bronchial lymph node were observed. Pathology revealed emphysematous changes in the
lungs of rats exposed to 5 or 10 mg Ni3S2/m³, and fibrosis in mice exposed to 5 mg
Ni3S2/m³. Atrophy of lymphoid tissues, including spleen, thymus, and bronchial lymph
nodes, was observed in mice and rats exposed to 5 or 10 mg Ni3S2/m³.

Nickel distributes preferentially to the lungs and kidneys following intratracheal

administration of NiCl2 to rats (Carvalho and Ziemer, 1982). The electrophilic Ni2+ ion is

36 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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reported to be the causative agent of nephrotoxicity in rats; it binds to intracellular

nucleophiles in kidney tissue such as guanine, adenine, and glutathione two hours
following intraperitoneal exposure to 10 mg Ni/kg as NiCO3 (Ciccarelli and Wetterhahn,

Toya et al. (1997) evaluated the effects of single and repeated intratracheal instillations of
nickel fumes (about 10 nm in diameter), Ni2O3 (2.0 µm geometric mean diameter and
1.69 gsd) and NiO (2.2µm geometric mean and 1.68 gsd) powders, all dispersed in saline
and sonicated immediately prior to instillation, in the Sprague-Dawley rat. The LD50 of
nickel fumes was estimated to be 38.2 mg/kg bw. Body weight gain was retarded by
single doses of 13.0 mg Ni2O3/kg, 14.3 mg Ni fumes/kg, or 13.0 mg NiO/kg compared to
controls. The lung lesions induced by a single nickel exposure were characterized by
goblet cell hyperplasia, perivascular inflammatory cells and edema in the alveolar space.
Nickel fumes and Ni2O3 produced goblet cell hyperplasia, focal granuloma, and
inflammatory cells in the alveolar space but NiO did not produce lesions. Repeated
instillations of nickel fumes (5.9 mg/kg-d for four days to one week) produced a secretion
of proteinaceous materials in the alveolar space. The authors note that although the Ni
fumes were composed of about 3% Ni2O3 and the remainder NiO, its toxicity was greater
on a weight basis than Ni2O3 administered alone. They speculate that the difference in
toxicity was due to the presence of ultrafine particles in the Ni fumes.

Serita et al. (1999) studied lesions formed in rat lungs after a single five hour inhalation
exposure to agglomerated ultrafine metallic nickel (Uf-Ni) with an initial 20 nm average
particle diameter and an exposure aerosol of MMAD = 1.3 µm, and geometric standard
deviation (gsd) = 1.54. Sixty to 80 Wistar rats per dose group (sex unspecified) were
exposed to 0.15 (Low), 1.14 (Medium), or 2.54 (High) mg Uf-Ni/m3for five hours. Five
animals /dose group were sacrificed at 0 hr and 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 days post exposure.
The Low group also had sacrifices at 28, 56, and 84 days post exposure. The
toxicological findings included: (1) a significant increase in lung weight in the Medium
and High groups; (2) accumulation of foamy alveolar macrophages (AM) and debris of
burst AM which may restrict pulmonary ventilation; (3) degenerated AM indicating
alveolar lipoproteinosis which was aggravated for up to four weeks in the High group;
and (4) acute calcification of the degenerated AM possibly related to a disruption of Ca2+
ion transport by solubilized Ni2+ ion. This study indicates a LOAEL of 1.14 mg Ni/m3
and a NOAEL of 0.15 mg Ni/m3 for a single five-hour exposure to metallic nickel.
However, as the authors point out, if half of the amount of Ni deposited in the lung in the
Low group were carried over to the next day, the amount of deposition after 30 days at
5hr/d would exceed the single exposure deposition for the High group. Therefore, it is
difficult to accept 0.15 mg/m3 as a true NOAEL applicable to repeated exposure

Prows and Leikauf (2001) studied the genetic determinants underlying the susceptibility
to acute nickel-induced lung injury in sensitive and resistant mouse strains. The mice
were exposed 6 times over one year in an inhalation chamber to air containing 152 ± 12
µg Ni/m3 (0.2 µm MMAD) generated from 50 mM (10-3 M) NiSO4•6H2O (duration of
individual exposures not given). Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of 307 backcross
mice generated from the sensitive A/J and resistant C57BL/6J mouse strains identified a

37 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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significant linkage on chromosome 6 ( designated Aliq4) and suggestive linkages on

chromosomes 1 and 12. Analysis of phenotypic extreme responders to nickel-induced
lung injury, including 55 most sensitive (survival times ≤ 66 hr) and 54 most resistant
(survival times ≥ 112 hr) backcross mice, identified possible linkages on chromosomes 1,
6, 8, 9, and 12, which explained 62% of the genetic variance in the extreme phenotypic
cohort. Comparing mean survival times of backcross mice with similar haplotypes gave
an allelic combination of four QTLs that could account for the survival differences. The
QTL intervals on chromosomes 6 and 12 were previously identified with ozone
sensitivity. Candidate genes for chromosome 6 locus include Tbxas1 (thromboxane A
synthase 1), Aqp1 (aquaporin-1), Crhr2 (corticotropin releasing hormone receptor-2),
Sftpb (surfactant-associated protein-B), Pecam (platelet/endothelial cell adhesion
molecule), and Tgfa (TGF-α). The results suggest that relatively few genes might be
important for irritant-induced acute lung injury. In a subsequent study (Prows et al.,
2003) examined gene expression in sensitive and resistant strains (see Appendix A,
Section A3.2)

Nishi et al. (2009) evaluated the effects of NiO nanoparticles on inflammation and
chemokine expression in rats exposed intratracheally. The mass median diameter of NiO
agglomerates suspended in distilled water was 26 nm (8.41 nm weighted average surface
primary diameter and 104.6 m2/g specific surface area). The particle size distribution of
the sample nanoparticles was determined by a dynamic light scattering technique
(diameter range ca. 10 to 60 nm). Male Wistar rats were exposed to 0.1 mg (0.33 mg/kg)
or 0.2 mg (0.66 mg/kg) followed by sacrifice at 3 days, 1 week, and 1, 3, and 6 months
following a single instillation. Control animals received intratracheal instillation of
distilled water. Cytokine-induced neutrophil attractant-1 (CINC-1), CINC-2αβ, and
CINC-3 in lung tissue and BALF were determined by measurement of protein by ELISA.
Both CINC-1 and CINC-2αβ were elevated from day 3 to 3 months in lung tissue and
from 3 to 6 months in BALF. CINC-3 was elevated on day 3 both in lung tissue and
BALF, then decreased. Total cell and neutrophil counts in BALF were increased from
day 3 to 3 months. In lung tissue, infiltration of neutrophils and alveolar macrophages
was seen from day 3 to 6 months in alveoli. Dose-responses were observed for total cells
at 1, 3 , and 6 months; CINC-1 in lung at 3 days, 1 week and 3 months and in BALF at 3
days, and 6 months; CINC-2 at 3 days, 1 week, and 3 months in lung and 3 days, 1 month
and 6 months in BALF; and CINC-3 at 3 days and 1 week in lung and 3 days, 1 week and
1 month in BALF. The data indicate the involvement of CINC in NiO nanoparticle
induced lung injury.

Singla et al. (2006) found that acute oral administration of NiSO4 (50 mg/kg-d x 7 days)
to rats affected the structural and functional integrity of the intestine. The activities of the
brush border enzymes maltase (P < 0.05), lactase (P < 0.05), alkaline phosphatase (P <
0.05) and leucine amino peptidase (P <0.05) were increased in purified brush borders
from Ni-treated rats compared to controls. Alternatively, sucrase, trehalase (P < 0.01)
and glutamyl transpeptidase (P < 0.05) were reduced in nickel fed animals compared to
controls. Kinetic analysis of alkaline phosphatase and sucrase indicated that quantity of
enzymes (Vmax) was altered by nickel exposure rather than their activity (Km).
Regional analysis indicated that the changes in enzyme activity were mainly located in
the villus tip and mid villus regions, rather than the crypt base. The authors conclude that

38 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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acute feeding of nickel affects the development of various brush border enzymes along
the crypt-villus axis of the rat intestine.

39 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 9. Summary of Acute Nickel Toxicity in Animals

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Mastromatteo, NiO, Ni3S2 Single dose oral toxicity in LD50s > 3000 mg/kg.
1986 mice and rats.
Haro et al., 1986 NiSO4, Ni acetate Single dose oral toxicity in LD50s 39 to 141 mg/kg.
mice and rats.
Knight et al., 1991 NiCl2 Intraperitoneal (i.p.), Acute LD50s:
intramuscular (i.m.) and i.p. = 5 mg/kg
subcutaneous (s.c.) injection i.m. = 23 mg/kg;
in rats. s.c. = 25 mg/kg
Donskoy et al., NiCl2 s.c. injection of 125-750 Acute hepatic toxicity within Enhanced lipid
1986 µmol Ni/kg in male F344 24 hr. peroxidation at 750 µmol
rats. Ni/kg, 4-fold increase in
thiobarbituric acid
chromogens in hepatic
Benson et al., 1987 Ni3S2 Inhalation exposure 6hr/d. Mortality 100 % in mice, Lesions in nasal and lung
AMAD = 1.3 µm, 5d/wk, 12 days, 5 or 10 20% in rats epithelium and lymph
gsd = 1.5 mg/m3 to mice and rats nodes. Atrophy of
lymphoid tissues incl.
spleen, thymus, bronchial
lymph in mice and rats at
both doses.
Graham et al. NiCl2, 99% < 3 µm Inhalation of 0, 100, 250, Immunotoxicity, decrease in BMDL based on loss of
1975, 1978 375, 490 µg Ni/m3 in mice splenic antibody formation 100 hemolytic plaques per
for 2 hr. Challenge with with linear dose response. 106 spleen cells.
sheep RBC.

40 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 9. Summary of Acute Nickel Toxicity in Animals

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Condevaux et al., NiCl2 Natural killer (NK) cell NK activity:
2001 activity with 0, 1, 10, 100 in monkey 34-42% ↓: in rat
µg Ni/mL monkey and rat 22-24% ↓.
cells in vitro
Haley et al., 1987, Ni3S2 Intratracheal instillation of Impaired pulmonary Secondary increase in NK
1990 NiO 0.06 µmol Ni/g lung in macrophage phagocytic cell-mediated killing of
monkey and mice function. target AM cells.
Adkins et al., 1979 NiCl2, 86-96% < Host resistance in 80-120 Response to experimental BMDL of 365 µg Ni/m3
1.4µm, 99% < 3µm mice/dose group: 0, 289, infection with Streptococcus for a doubling of mortality
369, 499 µg Ni/m3 x 2 hr. pyogenes 24 hr after Ni dose increase (3.74 to 7.4%).
gave increase in mortality Supporting study for
Toya et al., 1997 Ni2O3, NiO powders Intratracheal instillation in Mortality of Ni fumes LD50 Lung lesion induced by
and Ni fumes in rats: 23 -30 /group. = 38.2 mg/kg. Reduced BW single exposures of Ni
particulate Ni2O3 1.4, 13 mg/kg; NiO gain at 13 mg/kg Ni2O3, 14 fumes and Ni3O2 but not
suspensions 13 mg/kg; Ni fumes 3.8, mg/kg Ni fumes, and 13 NiO.
14.3 mg/kg and repeated 4 x mg/kg NiO.
5.9 mg/kg in 8 weeks.
Serita et al., 1999 Ultrafine Ni 20 nm Single inhalation study in Lung lesions observed at Lung weight ↑
MMAD = 1.3 µm, rats, 60-80 rats/dose. 1.14 mg Ni/m3 Foaming alveolar
gsd = 1.54 0.15, 1.14, 2.54 mg/m3 for 5 macrophages (AM) ↑
hr. Rats sacrificed at Degenerated AM with
intervals up to 84 days alveolar lipoproteinosis ↑
Acute calcification of
degenerated AM ↑

41 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 9. Summary of Acute Nickel Toxicity in Animals

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Ishihara et al., NiCl2 aerosol Inhalation in male rats 5hr/d Inflammatory biomarkers in Fucose ↑; sialic acid ↑; L-
2002 MMAD = 1.8µm, x5d BALF: total protein selectin ↑
gsd = 1.6 0.85 (d1) to 0.24 (d2-5) mg concentration ↑; Total BMDLs estimated for total
Ni/m3. elastolytic activity ↑; trypsin cells, total protein, total
inhibitory capacity ↑; elastolytic activity and sialic
β-glucuronidase ↑. acid.
Nishi et al., 2009 NiO nanoparticles Intratracheal instillation, Cytokine –induced CINC-3 ↑ at 3 days then
MMAD = 26 nm, inflammation and neutrophil attractant decreased.
10-60 nm chemokine expression in 1(CINC-1) ↑ and CINC-2αβ
distribution by light rats. 0.1 or 0.2 mg single ↑ in BALF at both doses P <
scattering. instillation sacrifice 3d to 6 0.01 vs. control.
Singla et al., 2006 NiSO4 Oral exposure in rats Functional integrity of Sucrose ↓ p <0 .01,
50 mg/kg-d x 7 days. intestine, activity of brush trehalase ↓p < 0.01,
border enzymes: maltase ↑, glutamyl trans-peptidase↓
lactase ↑, alkaline p < 0.05.
phosphatase ↑, leucine amino
peptidase ↑ all P < 0.05.
Jia et al.,2010 NiSO4 Intranasal instillation in Nasal toxicity time and dose BMDL05 estimates of 10.6
mice, dependent decreases in to 24.3 µg Ni/kg bw for
0, 0.1, 0.5, 2.5 mg/kg bw. thickness of ectoturbinate 2 endoturbinate II data set.
Histological and immuno- and endoturbinate II regions.
chemical analysis at 1-7 d
post treatment.

Note: AM = alveolar macrophages; AMAD = activity median aerodynamic diameter; MMAD = mass median aerodynamic diameter ARDS = adult respiratory
distress syndrome; BMDL 95% lower bound on a specific response level (e.g. BMDL05 = lower bound on a 5% response); BALF = bronchial alveolar lavage
fluid; CI = 95% confidence interval; NK = natural killer;; ↑ = increase; ↓ = decrease.

42 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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5.4 Predisposing Conditions for Nickel Toxicity

Medical: Asthmatics or atopic individuals may be especially at risk for developing

nickel-induced asthma (Cirla et al., 1984). Cigarette smokers may receive
greater nickel exposure, since cigarette smoke contains nickel (Menden et
al., 1972; Smith et al., 1997; Reprotext, 1999; Torjussen et al., 2003).
These authors report about 0.5 to 2.5% of cigarette tobacco nickel
appeared in the particulate phase of mainstream smoke. Additionally, a
review of the literature on nickel toxicity showed that Ni2+ causes
vasoconstriction in animals and humans, which may potentiate the effects
of a primary ischemic lesion in the cardiovascular system (U.S.EPA,

Chemical: In rats, rabbits, and dogs, one mg/kg nickel chloride antagonizes the
cardiac arrhythmia induced by digoxin by competing with calcium at
cardiac membrane sites (Prasad et al., 1980). The implications of this
effect for persons with congestive heart failure have not been investigated.

43 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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6.1 Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity Summary

Studies of reproductive and developmental toxicity of nickel and compounds are

summarized below. Human studies (Table 10) of workers exposed to nickel compounds
by the inhalation route suggest increased incidence of spontaneous abortions in females
and spermatotoxicity in males. In experimental animals (Table 11), no inhalation studies
were identified. But oral exposures resulted in spermatotoxicity in mice and rats
involving both induction of mutation and endocrine disruption, and reduced reproduction
in rats (both sexes exposed separately and together). Nickel-exposed mice and rats also
exhibited significantly increased perinatal mortality.

Although reproductive and developmental effects are a substantial source of concern,

none was selected as the basis of any of the inhalation RELs. The animal studies used
less relevant routes of exposure. The human studies involved fairly high exposures,
where these were quantified. The inhalation-based acute, 8-hour and chronic RELs
derived in this document are at least 50-fold lower than the chronic oral REL which is
based on perinatal mortality in rats (see section 9.8).

6.2 Human Studies

Chashschin et al. (1994) reported that an increase in spontaneous abortions was observed
among 290 women (15.9%) who worked in a nickel hydrometallurgy refining plant in
Russia, compared with 336 female construction workers without any occupational nickel
exposure as controls (8.5%). The workers were exposed to primarily nickel sulfate at
0.11 to 0.31 mg Ni/m3, but no particle size information was provided. In the same study,
the authors also noted a statistically significant increase in structural malformations
among offspring born to 356 workers (16.9%) compared to 342 controls (5.8%). They
reported relative risks were 2.9 for all kinds of defects, 6.1 for cardiovascular system
defects, and 1.9 for musculoskeletal defects. They noted heavy manual activity and heat
stress as potential confounders. No confidence intervals or other statistical analyses were
provided by the authors.

Benoff et al. (2000) studied the effects of metal ions on human sperm mannose receptor
expression, a biomarker of spermatotoxicity. Exposure of human sperm to Ni(II) had a
biphasic effect with a low concentration of 4.21 nM Ni(II) stimulating the mannose
receptor expression (P < 0.01) and higher concentrations of 421 nM and 42 µM Ni(II)
decreasing expression (P < 0.014).

Danadevi et al. (2003) studied semen quality of Indian welders occupationally exposed
to nickel and chromium. Fifty-seven workers from a welding plant in South India and 57
controls were monitored. Blood nickel and chromium concentrations (oxidation states
unspecified) were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-
MS). World Health Organization criteria were employed in analyzing semen samples.
The nickel and chromium blood concentrations for 28 exposed workers were 123±35 and
131±53 µg/L, respectively. The control levels (N = 27) were much lower at 16.7±5.8 and

44 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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17.4±8.9 µg/L, respectively. Sperm concentrations were 14.5±24.0 x 106/mL for exposed
workers vs. 62.8±43.7 x 106/mL in the controls. Rapid linear sperm motility was
decreased in the exposed subjects compared to controls and there was a significant
positive correlation between the percentage of sperm tail defects and blood nickel in
exposed workers (R = 0.485, P = 0.036). These investigators also report a negative
correlation of sperm concentration with blood chromium in exposed workers (R = -0.424,
P = 0.025).

Vaktskjold et al. (2006) investigated the incidence of genital malformations in newborns

of women nickel-refinery workers. In this register-based cohort study, data about
pregnancy outcome and occupation were obtained from the Kola Birth Registry, covering
the township of Mončegorsk in Northwestern Russia. The reference population
comprised delivering non-Ni-exposed women from Mončegorsk. Nickel exposure was
characterized by using as a guideline the water-soluble Ni subfraction of the inhalable
aerosol fraction obtained by personal monitoring for nickel- and copper-refinery workers
and/or measured urinary-Ni concentrations. The following exposure categories were
assigned according to the occupation the delivering woman had at the time of becoming
pregnant: background, observed urinary Ni concentration < 10 µg/L; low, <70 µg/L;
high, ≥ 70 µg/L, which roughly corresponds to airborne exposure concentrations
≥160 µg/m3 of the water-soluble inhalable subfraction. This registry and exposure
classifications were also used in the other studies by Vaktskjold et al. described below.
The association of the outcome with assigned exposure ratings was analyzed with a
logistic regression model, adjusted for parity, maternal malformation, exposure to
solvents and infection in early pregnancy. There was no association between nickel
exposure and genital malformations in this study. The odds ratio (OR) for nickel-
exposed women delivering a newborn with a genital malformation was 0.81(95% C.I.
0.52-1.26) and that for undescended testicle was 0.76(95% C.I. 0.40-1.47). The study is
limited by few cases in the higher exposure groups.

Vaktskjold et al. (2007) evaluated the possible association between nickel exposure in
early pregnancy and the delivery of small-for gestational-age (SGA) newborns. Live
births and stillbirths after at least 28 weeks’ gestation from the Kola Birth Registry were
considered. The study population consisted of 22,836 births and SGA was defined as
birth weight below the tenth percentile for the gestational age in the source population.
There were 2,096 (9.2%) newborns defined as SGA. The mothers of 10.6 percent of the
SGA and 13 percent of the reference infants were employed at jobs with Ni exposure
above the background level. The unadjusted odds ratio (OR) for an SGA birth per unit
increase in exposure category was 0.79 (95% C.I. = 0.68-0.91) and the adjusted OR
(Model 1) was 0.84 (95% C.I. = 0.75-0.93). The authors concluded that the maternal
exposures to water-soluble nickel in the first part of pregnancy did not increase the risk of
an SGA newborn without trisomy in the study population. (The marginal decrease in OR
for SGA with exposure category, which was reduced by adjustment, was not considered
biologically significant.)

Vaktskjold et al. (2008a) studied the incidence of musculoskeletal defects in the offspring
of women occupationally exposed to nickel in early pregnancy, based on the Kola
registry and exposure categories described above. In total, the study population consisted

45 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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of 22,965 births. Three hundred and four infants (13.3/1000 births; 95% C.I. 11.9-14.7)
were diagnosed with isolated musculoskeletal defects(s) at birth. The adjusted odds ratio
for the association between maternal exposure to nickel and the observed defects was
0.96 (95% C.I. 0.76-1.21). The authors concluded that despite the high incidence of
defects there was no apparent association with maternal nickel exposure.

Similarly, Vaktskjold et al. (2008b) studied the incidence of spontaneous abortion among
nickel-exposed female refinery workers. A case-control study involved women
employed in nickel-exposed work areas in early pregnancy. Each pregnancy record was
assigned a categorical nickel exposure rating according to occupation at pregnancy onset.
The guidelines were the water-soluble Ni subfraction of the inhalable aerosol fraction
obtained by personal monitoring for nickel- and copper-refinery workers and/or measured
urinary-Ni concentrations. The cut-off between low and high exposure levels was 70 µg
Ni/L urine corresponding to about 160 µg Ni/m3 of the water soluble sub-fraction. The
unadjusted OR for the association between maternal Ni exposure and spontaneous
abortion was 1.38 (95% C.I. 1.04-1.84), and the adjusted OR was 1.14 (95% C.I. 0.95-
1.37). Adjustments included previous induced abortion, previous delivery, solvent or
paint exposure, heavy lifting, and maternal age >34 years. Addition of maternal smoking
did not significantly change the OR, 1.15(0.96-1.39). The authors concluded that no
statistical association was established; however they note that the findings do not exclude
the possibility of a weak excess risk.

46 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 10. Summary of Human Reproductive or Developmental Toxicity of Nickel

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Chashschin et al., NiSO4 Airborne exposure of Spontaneous abortion Significant increase in structural
1994 female refinery workers, (SA): 15.9% in exposed malformations (16.9%) vs.
0.11 to 0.31 mg Ni/m3, vs.8.5% in controls. No 5.8% in controls. RR = 2.9 for
N = 290 vs. 336 controls confidence interval (CI). all defects, 1.9 for
musculoskeletal defects. No
Benoff et al., 2000 Ni2+ In vitro treatment of human Mannose receptor P < 0.014 for observed
spermatozoa: expression a biomarker decreases in mannose receptor
4.21 nM, 421 nM, 42 µM for spermatotoxicity. expression.
Ni2+. 4.21 nM ↑, 421 nM ↓, 42
µM ↓
Danadevi et al., Ni, Cr Semen quality in Indian Sperm concentrations Linear sperm motility ↓, sperm
2003 welders. 14.5 ± 24.0 x 106/mL in tail defects ↑. Effects correlate
N = 57 exposed vs 57 exposed vs. 62.8 ± 43.7 x with blood Ni.
controls 106/mL in controls.
Vaktsjold et al., Ni, water soluble Female Ni refinery workers. Genital malformations: Few cases in high exposure
2006 inhalable Urinary Ni < 10µg/L OR = 0.81 (95% CI = group. Only 103 newborns
control, < 70 µg/L low 0.52-1.26); undescended diagnosed with one or more
exposure group, ≥ 70 µg/L testicle OR = 0.76 (95% malformation (44.5/10,000)
high exposure group CI = 0.75-0.93)
Vaktsjold et al., Ni, water soluble Female Ni refinery workers. Small for gestational age SGA = birth weight below 10th
2007 inhalable Urinary Ni < 10µg/L (SGA) newborns: percentile. 2096 (9.2%) defined
control, < 70 µg/L low unadjusted OR = as SGA
exposure group, ≥ 70 µg/L 0.79(95%CI = 0.68-
high exposure group. 0.91); adjusted OR =
0.84(95%CI = 0.75-0.93)

47 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 10. Summary of Human Reproductive or Developmental Toxicity of Nickel

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Vaktsjold et al., Ni, water soluble Female Ni refinery workers. Musculoskeletal (MS) No Ni-induced MS defects
2008a inhalable Urinary Ni < 10µg/L defects: despite high incidence: 304
control, < 70 µg/L low adjusted OR = 0.96 (95% (13.3/1000).
exposure group, ≥ 70 µg/L CI = 0.76-1.21)
high exposure group.
Vaktsjold et al., Ni, water soluble Female Ni refinery workers. Spontaneous abortion Possible weak effect or
2008b inhalable 474 cases, 4571 controls. (SA): unadjusted OR increased excess risk in early
Urinary Ni < 10µg/L 1.38 (95% CI = 1.04- pregnancy.
control, < 70 µg/L low 1.84); adjusted OR =
exposure group, ≥ 70 µg/L 1.14 (95% CI = 0.95-
high exposure group 1.37).

Note: CI = 95% confidence interval; MS = musculoskeletal; OR = odds ratio; SA = spontaneous abortion; SGA = small for gestational age; ↑ = increase; ↓ =

48 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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6.3 Animal Studies

Animal studies of the developmental and reproductive toxicity of nickel compounds are
summarized in Table 11.

6.3.1 Reproductive Toxicity

The studies of NiPERA (2000a,b) showing perinatal mortality in nickel treated rats were
selected as the basis of the chronic oral REL. The details of the derivation are given in
section 9.8.

NiPERA (2000a) sponsored a one-generation reproduction study in Sprague-Dawley rats

with nickel sulfate hexahydrate. Eight animals per sex/dose group were administered 0,
10, 20, 30, 50 or 75 mg/kg-d by daily aqueous gavage to the F0 parental animals and
selected F1 offspring. Dosing of the F0 animals began two weeks prior to mating and
dosing of F1 offspring began on PND 22. All doses were given at constant volume of 10
mL/kg. Both F0 and F1 animals were examined for indications of toxicity. Experimental
endpoints for F0 animals included clinical observations, body weights, food and water
consumption, mating, parturition, lactation and offspring growth and viability.
Experimental endpoints for selected F1 animals included survival, clinical observations
and body weight during the F1 dosing phase. All F0 and F1 animals were subjected to
gross necropsy examination at time of death or terminal sacrifice. For the F0 animals
post-implantation loss (implantation scar count minus the number of live pups on Day 0)
was significantly increased at the 30, 50, and 75 mg/kg-d dose levels and increased at the
10 and 20 mg/kg-d levels (mean loss values: 0.4 control; 2.6; 1.5; 2.3 (P<0.05); 2.7
(P<0.01); 4.8 (P<0.01)). For F1, pup viability was significantly decreased at all dose
levels except 50 mg/kg-d compared to the control (dead/live: 1/128 control; 12/100;
10/106; 10/92; 4/89; 23/80 all P < 0.01 except 50 mg/kg-d). For this study a LOAEL of
10 mg/kg-d equivalent to 2.1 mg Ni/kg-d was identified.

NiPERA (2000b) sponsored a two-generation reproduction study in Sprague-Dawley rats

with nickel sulfate hexahydrate. Twenty-eight animals per sex per group were
administered 0, 0.22, 0.56, 1.12, or 2.23 mg Ni/kg-d by aqueous gavage. The animals
were exposed from ten weeks prior to mating for F0, through gestation, and until PND 21
(13 weeks to delivery of F1 offspring). Exposure for F1 was from in utero, during
lactation, through development from PND 22 to about PND 92 (a minimum of 70 days of
treatment). In contrast to the one-generation study the F0 animals showed no statistically
significant effects of nickel administration on implantation and post-implantation losses.
Statistically significant differences in F0 organ weights consisted of decreased absolute
and relative liver weights in the high dose males, decreased absolute brain weight in the
mid dose females, and increased relative liver weight in 0.56, 1.12 and 2.23 mg/kg-d
group females. The investigators did not consider these organ weight effects to be
toxicologically meaningful. The percent of dead pups/total in the respective dose groups
were: 2.2 (control); 3.7; 2.2; 2.1; 4.2 (P = 0.105 vs. control by one-sided Fisher exact
test). For this study a NOAEL of 2.23 mg Ni/kg-d was identified by the authors.

49 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Schroeder and Mitchener (1971) conducted a three-generation reproduction study in

Long-Evans rats administered drinking water containing five mg Ni/L (0.43 mg Ni/kg-d,
U.S.EPA, 1988). Five pairs of rats were randomly selected at the time of weaning,
placed in separate cages and given nickel in drinking water ad libitum. The rats were
allowed to breed for up to nine months of age or longer. At weaning, pairs were
randomly selected from the first, second and third litter (F1) and allowed to breed and to
produce the F2 generation. Pairs were likewise selected at random from the F2 litters to
breed the F3 generation. They observed that all nickel-exposed animals in the three
generations gave birth to litters that exhibited significantly increased perinatal mortality
(P < 0.0001), and there was a significantly increased number of “runts” in the first
(P <0.025) and third (P <0.0001) generations. The study suffers from small sample size,
and the fact that matings were not randomized and that the males were not rotated.

Ambrose et al. (1976) studied the effects of dietary administration of nickel sulfate
hexahydrate in a three-generation study in rats. Male and female rats in the parent
generation were exposed to 0, 250, 500, or 1000 ppm nickel, starting at 28 days of age.
Mating was initiated after 11 weeks of nickel exposure. Rats in the first, second and third
generations were also given the same diet as the parent generation. At each mating, 20
females from each dose level were transferred to individual breeding cages and mated
with a male from the same dietary nickel level. The authors did not observe any adverse
effect on fertility, pregnancy maintenance, or postnatal survival of offspring in the three
generations. They did report a dose-dependent decrease in the number of siblings
weaned per litter averaging 8.1, 7.2, 6.8, and 6.4, respectively. Weanling body weight
was clearly affected at the top dose level averaging 73% of the controls. The study
suffers from small sample size and the use of pups rather than litters as the unit of

In a two-generation study (RTI, 1988), nickel chloride was administered in drinking

water to male and female CD rats (30/sex/dose) at dose levels of 0, 50, 250, or 500 ppm
(mg Ni2+/L) for 90 days before breeding. A significant decrease in the P0 maternal body
weight was observed at the highest dose level. A significant decrease in live pups/litter
and average pup body weight versus controls was also seen at the 500 ppm level in the
F1a generation. Similar effects were seen in the F1b litters of P0 dams exposed to the 500
ppm dose level. Increased pup mortality and decreased live litter size were also observed
in the 50 and 250 ppm dose groups in the F1b litters. These latter findings are
questionable due to increased temperature and humidity experienced by the F1b litters,
which could have influenced the observed effects (Edwards, 1986). F1b males and
females were randomly mated on postnatal day (PND) 70 and their offspring were
evaluated through PND 21. The 500 ppm dose level caused a significant body weight
depression of both mothers and pups, and increased neonatal mortality. The 250 ppm
dose level produced transient depression of maternal weight gain and water intake during
gestation of the F2b litters. A significant increase in short ribs was observed in the 50
ppm dose group, but since this was not seen in the higher doses, it is not considered to be
biologically significant.

Kakela et al. (1999) evaluated the effect of NiCl2 administered in drinking water on
reproduction in Wistar rats. Four groups of six female rats were exposed to 10-100 ppm

50 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Ni2+ for up to 100 days prior to conception and through gestation and lactation. Two
groups of male rats were exposed to 30 ppm Ni2+ for 28 and 42 days prior to conception
and one group of males and females were exposed to 30 ppm Ni2+ for 28 days prior to
conception. Exposure was continued for the females through lactation. The males were
sacrificed at conception. When males were exposed to Ni2+ both the number of
pregnancies and the number of pups born were reduced. The control value for gestation
index (number of live pups per dam) was 10.2 ± 1.5 SE versus 2.7 ± 1.4 (P < 0.01) for 28
day exposures and 7.8 ± 2.0 for 42 day exposures. The litter sizes were 9.2 ± 1.5, 1.3 ±
0.9 (P < 0.01), and 6.2 ± 2.0, respectively. Females exposed to 100 ppm Ni2+ 14 days
prior to conception also gave reduced litters: 4.0 ± 1.0 (P < 0.05). Histological
examination of testes in nickel-exposed rats revealed shrinkage of the seminiferous
tubules and decreased number of basal spermatogonia. When both parents were exposed
to nickel, pup mortality during lactation was high.

Administration of 25 µmol Ni/kg-d for 5 days only marginally affected mating efficiency
of males (75% vs. 80-90% in controls). No significant difference was seen in the total
number of implantations among pregnancies resulting from nickel-treated males. Total
implantations/litter from nickel-treated males ranged from 10.9 to 11.4. However there
was a marked decrease in the number of live implantations among the nickel animals
during weeks 1 to 3. The mean incidence of dead implantations during these three weeks
was 1.9, 3.2, and 2.2, respectively (all P < 0.05 vs. control). These values compare with
those for a single 100 mg/kg dose of cyclophosphamide, a dominant lethal mutagen, of
5.3, 6.33, and 3.6, respectively (all P < 0.001 vs. control). The percentage of dead
implantations/litter expressed as a percentage of total implants for weeks 1, 2, and 3
were: control, 8.69, 8.03, 10.9; nickel, 16.5 (P < 0.05), 28.00 (P < 0.001), 19.64 (P <
0.001); cyclophosphamide, 60.27, 55.86, 35.00 (all P < 0.002). The results clearly
suggest a specific Ni-induction of dominant lethal-type mutations.

51 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 11. Summary of Animal Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Nickel

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Schroeder and Ni in drinking water 3-generation reproduction Increased perinatal Small sample size, mating not
Mitchener, 1971 study in rats, mortality in all randomized, males not rotated.
0.43 mg Ni/kg-d generations.
Ambrose et al., NiSO4•6H2O 3-generation study in rats: Reproductive effects: Small sample size, use of pups
1976 0, 250, 500, 1000 ppm Ni dose-dependent decreases rather than litters as unit of
in number of comparison.
siblings/litter, 8.1, 7.2,
6.8, 6.2, respectively.
RTI, 1988 NiCl2 2-generation study in rats, Reproductive effects: 500 ppm considered significant
30/sex/dose. P0 maternal BW ↓, BW ↓ in mothers and pups, and
0, 50, 250, 500 ppm Ni in live pups/litter ↓, increased neonatal toxicity.
drinking water for 90 d avg. pup weight in F1a and
before breeding. F1b ↓.
Kakela et al., 1999 NiCl2 Reproduction in female Reproductive effects: Histology of males showed
rats 10, 30, 100 ppm Ni, females exposed t o100 shrinkage of the seminiferous
and 30 ppm Ni in male ppm Ni 14 d prior to tubules and decreased number
rats. conception gave reduced of basal spermatogonia.
litters. Males exposed Perinatal mortality seen when
gave reduced number of both parents were exposed.
pregnancies and number
of pups born.
NiPERA, 2000a NiSO4•6H2O 1-generation reproduction Reproductive effects: LOAEL = 10 mg/kg-d ≈2.1 mg
study in rats, F1 pup viability Ni/kg-d.
8/sex/dose group, significantly decreased at
0, 10, 20, 30, 50, or 75 all dose levels except 50
mg/kg-d, aqueous gavage. mg/kg-d.

52 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 11. Summary of Animal Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Nickel

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

NiPERA, 2000b NiSO4•6H2O 2-generation reproduction Reproductive effects: % Decreased absolute brain weight
study in rats dead pups/total: 2.2, 3.7, in mid dose females, increase in
28/sex/dose group; 2.2, 2.1, 4.2 (P = 0.105), relative liver weight at 0.56,
0, 0.22, 0.56, 1.12, 2.23 respectively. Suggestion 1.12, or 2.23 mg/kg-d.
mg Ni/kg-d. of a specific Ni-induced
dominant lethal mutation.
Smith et al., 1993 NiCl2 2-generation reproduction Reproductive effects: LOAEL = 10 ppm ≈ 1.3 mg
study in rats maternal weight gain Ni/kg-d.
34 females/dose group; reduced. Increased
0, 10, 50, 250 ppm Ni in perinatal mortality in G1
drinking water for 11 250 ppm (P<0.01) and in
weeks prior to mating. G2 10 ppm (P< 0.03); 50
ppm (P< 0.076), 250 ppm
(P < 0.01).
Slotkin & Seidler, NiCl2 Neurodevelopmental cell Gene expression: Significant decrements in htr1d,
2008 model. Tryptophan hydroxylase htr2a, and htr3b. Evidence of
PC12 pheochromocytoma (tph) ↓, vesicular toxic action on specific
cells treated with 30 µM monoamine transporter neurotransmitter pathways.
NiCl2 , 5-8 cell cultures (slc6a4) ↑. Ni reduced net
examined at 24, 72 hr post expression of 5HT receptor
treatment. genes.

53 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 11. Summary of Animal Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Nickel

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Pandey et al., 1999 NiSO4 Oral exposure of adult Dose-dependent decreases Sperm motility ↓; Sperm
male mice in absolute and relative concentration ↓. Altered marker
0, 5, 10 mg/kg bw, weights of testes, testicular enzymes: γ-glutamyl
5d/week x 35 days. epididymides, seminal trans-peptidase ↑; sorbitol
vesicle, and prostate gland dehydrogenase ↓; LDH ↑. All
at 5 mg/kg-d (except effects at 10 mg/kg-d, P < 0.05.
epididymides) and 10
Pandey and NiSO4 Oral exposure of young Same effects as above for Curved neck, curved, bent,
Srivastava, 2000 NiCl2 male mice, reproductive tissue round, loop, or folded tails with
6/dose group, 0, 5, 10, or weights and sperm higher doses of NiSO4 or NiCl2.
20 mg/kg-d x 5d/week x concentration and BMDL1SD (motility decrease) =
35 days. motility. Abnormal sperm 2.91 mg/kg-d NiSO4; BMDL1SD
head, neck and tail (sperm abnormality) = 0.46
morphology with higher mg/kg-d NiSO4;
doses of either compound. 0.34 mg/kg-d NiCl2.
Xie et al., 1995 NiCl2•6H2O Male ICR mice i.p. doses Dose dependent increases Testicular weight decrease
of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, or 5.0 in testicular LPO, Ni, Ca, 0.65% bw to 0.4% bw (P<0.05,
mg Ni/kg bw. Mice Fe (P<0.05, N=5). Lesser N=5).
sacrificed 24 hr post increases in Cu, Zn.
treatment and 5.0 mg/kg 7
days post treatment.

54 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 11. Summary of Animal Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Nickel

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Das & Dasgupta, NiSO4•6H2O Adult male rats fed Testicular steroido- Significant recovery seen 15
1997 normal or protein genesis: NiSO4 days after cessation of nickel
restricted diets dosed withsignificantly reduced 3β- treatment.
20mg/kg i.p. on alternate hydroxysteroid
days for 20 days. dehydrogenase (HSD) and
17β-HSD in both dietary
Forgacs et al., NiSO4•7H2O Primary Leydig cell Dose-dependent In vitro exposure of 48 hr
1998 cultures with exposures in depression of human cultures of hCG-stimulated
vivo or in vitro. chorionic gonadotropin testicular interstitial cells to 0,
Mice dosed s.c with (hCG)-stimulated 62.5, 125, 250, 500, and 1000
NiSO4 0, 10, 20, 40 mg/kg testosterone over 48 hr in µM NiSO4. Testosterone
bw every 3 days x 4. cultured testicular production 100, 105, 78*, 56*,
interstitial cells. 32*, 18*%, respectively
(* P < 0.05, N = 7).
Doreswamy et al., NiCl2 Testicular oxidative stress LPO increased in: Antioxidant enzymes ↑: GSH
2004 in male mice testicular homogenate peroxidase (8-26%); GST (15-
0, 12.5, 25, or 50 µmol (10-25%); mitochondria 26%); catalase (10-25%).
NiCl2/kg-d i.p. for 3-5 (20-45%); microsomes Double stranded DNA↓ in testis
days. Mice sacrificed 24 (25-60%); epididymal and epididymal spermatozoa.
hr after last dose. sperm (8-25%).

Note: BMDL 95% lower bound on a specific response level (e.g. BMDL05 = lower bound on a 5% response); G1,G2 = first and second generations; GSH =
glutathione; GST = glutathione sulfotransferase; hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin; HSD = hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; LDH = lactate dehydrogenase;
LPO = lipid peroxidase; ↑ = increase; ↓ = decrease.

55 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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6.3.2 Developmental Toxicity

There are several reports of teratogenicity and other reproductive effects in laboratory
animals exposed to nickel (Ambrose et al., 1976; Schroeder and Mitchener, 1971; RTI,
1987; Smith et al., 1993). Mice exposed during pregnancy to NiCl2 by intraperitoneal
injection bore offspring with numerous fetal malformations and skeletal anomalies. In
addition there were increased fetal resorption rates and decreased fetal weights (Lu et al.,
1979). Woollam (1972) showed that nickel acetate, when injected intraperitoneally into
pregnant hamsters, caused significant fetal mortality at 25 mg/kg.

Intravenous exposure of pregnant rats to 11 mg Ni/kg caused increased fetal mortality

and a 16% incidence of fetal malformations including anopthalmia, cystic lungs, and
hydronephrosis (Sunderman et al., 1983). Temporary hyperglycemia was seen in
pregnant rats exposed intraperitoneally to NiCl2 at four mg/kg (Mas et al., 1985). The
authors proposed that this hyperglycemia was a mechanism for teratogenicity.

Sunderman et al. (1978) administered nickel chloride (16 mg Ni/kg) to Fischer rats by
intramuscular (i.m.) injection on day eight of gestation. The body weights of fetuses on
day 20 of gestation and of weanlings four to eight weeks after birth were reduced. No
congenital anomalies were found in fetuses from nickel-treated dams, or in rats that
received 10 i.m. injections of 2 mg Ni/kg as nickel chloride twice daily from day 6 to day
10 of gestation.

Diwan et al. (1992) showed that intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of nickel acetate to
pregnant F344/NCr rats caused early mortality in the offspring. They administered four
i.p. injections of nickel acetate (2.6 mg Ni/kg) on days 12, 14, 16, and 18 of gestation and
reported that all offspring died within 72 hr after birth.

Smith et al. (1993) administered nickel chloride in drinking water at 0, 10, 50, or 250
ppm (0, 1.3, 6.8, or 31.6 mg/kg-d) to 34 female Long-Evans rats per group for 11 weeks
before mating and subsequently during two sequential gestations (G1, G2) and lactation
(L1, L2) periods. Pups were observed until weaning and breeder males were unexposed.
Dams were rested for two weeks after weaning of the first litters before initiating the
second breeding. During this time exposure to nickel was continuous. The animals were
6-7 months old when they produced their second litters. Throughout the study, there
were no overt clinical signs of toxicity in any of the dose groups. Reproductive
performance was unaltered by nickel exposure although maternal weight gain was
reduced during G1 in the mid and high dose groups. The most significant finding was the
increased frequency of perinatal death (Table 12). The authors reported that the
proportion of dead pups per litter was significantly increased at the highest dose level in
G1 (P ≤ 0.01) and at the low (P ≤ 0.03) and high (P ≤ 0.01) dose levels in G2. The mid
dose level in G2 was also increased (P = 0.076). Overall there was a dose related
increase in perinatal mortality in both segments of the study. The authors concluded that
10 ppm NiCl2 (1.3 mg Ni/kg-d) represented the LOAEL in the study.

56 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 12. Reproductive Outcomes of Breeding Female Rats Exposed to Nickel

Chloride in Drinking Water (Smith et al., 1993).

Total dead
Concentration Average pups on
of nickel in no. of pups No. of post natal
water Sperm per litter litters with day 1(%
ppm Ni positive No. viable (live and dead pups dead pups
(No. females) females litters dead) at birth per litter)
G1, L1
0 (34) 29 25 12.9 5 5 (1.7)
10 (34) 30 25 12.2 5 9 (3.1)
50 (34) 30 24 11.7 0 0 (0)
250 (34) 32 27 13.2 11 35***
G2, L2
0 (29) 28 23 10.6 2 2 (1.0)
10 (29) 28 22 12.5 7 11**
50 (30) 29 24 13.3 6 16* (4.6)
250 (31) 31 25 11.3 10 22***

Note: Significant levels, pairwise comparison to control: * 0.05 < P ≤ 0.10; ** 0.01 < P ≤
0.03; *** 0.001 < P ≤ 0.01.

Slotkin and Seidler (2008) evaluated the effects on Ni2+ in a neurodevelopmental cell
model. Neurodifferentiating rat PC12 pheochromocytoma cells were treated with 30 µM
NiCl2. The cell cultures were examined 24 and 72 hr after the start of exposure with five
to eight independent cultures at each time point. Unlike organophosphorus (OP) agents
studied with this system, nickel reduced expression of tryptophan hydroxylase (tph) and
enhanced vesicular monoamine transporter (slc6a4). Nickel exposure reduced the net
expression of serotonin (5HT) receptor genes more effectively than did diazinon or
dieldrin. Significant decrements were seen for receptor genes htr1d, htr2a and htr3b.
The authors conclude that the results provide “evidence connecting the direct, initial
mechanisms of toxicant action on specific neurotransmitter pathways with their long-term
effects on synaptic function and behavior.”

6.3.3 Testicular Effects

Male rat reproductive toxicity (damage to epididymal tubules and abnormal spermatozoa)
was observed following a single subcutaneous dose of 5 mg Ni/kg as Ni3S2 (Hoey, 1966).

57 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Benson et al. (1987) showed that mice and rats exposed to 5 or 10 mg Ni3S2/m³ displayed
degeneration of testicular germinal epithelium after 12 days exposure (6 hours/day, 5

Pandey et al. (1999) administered NiSO4 orally to adult male mice at 0, 5 or 10 mg/kg bw
for 5 days/week for 35 days. Significant dose-dependent decreases were observed in
absolute and organ-to-body weight ratios of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles, and
prostate gland. Also observed were decreases in sperm motility and count. Significant
alterations of marker testicular enzymes were seen: γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, 28.76,
35.23, and 38.44*; sorbitol dehydrogenase, 7.88, 6.00, and 4.04*; and lactate
dehydrogenase, 194, 237, 244*, respectively (* P<0.05, N=10, all activities nmol/min/mg

Pandey and Srivastava (2000) reported spermatotoxic effects of nickel in mice. Young
male mice (25 ± 5 g), six/dose group were administered 0, 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg bw of
NiSO4 or NiCl2 orally by gavage in 0.2 mL distilled water five days/week for 35 days.
The animals were sacrificed on day 36 and the testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and
prostate glands were removed and weighed. No overt toxicity was observed. The
absolute and relative weights of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and prostate gland
were significantly decreased at the top dose of 20 mg/kg bw. Dose-dependent reductions
in sperm motility were observed at 10 and 20 mg/kg bw with nickel sulfate and nickel
chloride (P <0.05). Dose-dependent decreases in sperm count were also seen with both
nickel compounds but were statistically significant only at the top dose with NiSO4.
There was a significant increase in abnormal sperm including abnormalities of the head,
neck and tail region. Curved neck and curved, bent, round, loop and folded tail were seen
at both higher doses with NiSO4 and NiCl2. A continuous benchmark dose analysis of
the sperm motility and sperm count data gave only one adequate fit, namely decrease in
motility with NiSO4 treatment (BMDL1SD = 2.91 mg/kg bw, linear model, P = 0.22). A
similar analysis of sperm abnormality data gave adequate fits for both compounds:
NiSO4, BMDL1SD = 0.46 mg/kg, polynomial model, P = 0.97; and NiCl2, BMDL1SD =
0.34 mg/kg, polynomial model, P = 0.12.

Xie et al. (1995) evaluated the effects of chelating agents on testicular toxicity in mice
caused by acute nickel exposure. Male ICR mice were injected intraperitoneally with
NiCl2•6H2O at doses of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, or 5.0 mg Ni/kg bw and sacrificed 24 hr after
injection. Nickel administration resulted in dose-dependent increases in testicular lipid
peroxidation (LPO), and Ni, calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) concentrations (all P < 0.05,
N=5). Lesser increases in testicular copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were also seen. Treatment
with 5.0 mg Ni/kg and seven days observation showed increasing LPO with a peak at two
days after Ni administration followed by a gradual decrease. Testicular weight decreased
from about 0.65% of body weight to 0.4% over the same period (P < 0.05, N = 5).
Among five chelating agents tested meso-2, 3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and N-
benzyl-D-glucaminedithiocarbamate (BGD) were the most effective in removing nickel
from the testes, protecting against LPO and Ni-induced sterility.

Das and Dasgupta (1997) treated male Wistar rats with 20 mg NiSO4/kg bw by
intraperitoneal injection on alternate days for 20 days. Significant decreases were

58 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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observed in testicular weight, lactate dehydrogenase, and protein concentration and

increases in testicular glycogen and cholesterol (all P < 0.05, N = 6). The differences
from control animals were generally enhanced in parallel groups fed a protein-restricted
diet with or without nickel sulfate administration.

Forgacs et al. (1998) evaluated the effects of Ni(II) on testosterone production of mouse
Leydig cells in vitro following repeated in vivo or in vitro exposures. CFLP mice were
injected s.c. (four treatments every three days) with 0, 10, 20, or 40 mg NiSO4•7H2O/kg
bw. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-stimulated testosterone response was reduced
by Ni-treatment in 48 hr cultures of testicular interstitial cells from treated animals in a
dose-dependent manner (100 (control), 88%, 80%*, and 59%*, respectively (* P < 0.05,
N = 4)). Direct nickel effects were assessed in 48 hr cultures of hCG-stimulated
testicular interstitial cells exposed to 0, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, or 1000 µM NiSO4.
Testosterone production relative to hCG control was 100% (control), 105%, 78%*,
56%*, 32%*, and 18%* respectively (* P < 0.05, N = 7). Cytotoxicity was assessed by
the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay following
exposure and cell viability remained above 80% at all doses. The data indicate that the
effect of nickel on the Leydig cell testosterone production is time and concentration
dependent, and is not due to cytotoxicity.

Das and Dasgupta (2000) treated male Wistar rats with 20 mg NiSO4/kg bw by
intraperitoneal injection on alternate days for 20 days. Significant decreases in cauda
epididymal sperm count and sperm motility were observed following treatment (P <
0.05). In addition decreases were seen in testicular DNA, RNA, and total protein
concentrations (P < 0.05). The authors conclude that NiSO4 is a likely gonadotoxicant
that adversely affects the expression of genetic information via reduced nucleic acids and
protein. In a subsequent study using a similar protocol in male rats Das and Dasgupta
(2002) found that nickel treatment significantly reduced the activities of two testicular
steroidogenic enzymes, 3β- and 17β-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenases (HSD), and plasma
testosterone concentration. 3β-HSD was reduced from 8.97 ± 0.18 in control normal
protein diet rats to 6.57 ± 0.23 units/mg (P < 0.05) in normal diet plus NiSO4. For 17β-
HSD the reduction was from 6.50 ± 0.29 to 5.10 ± 0.21 units/mg protein (P < 0.05),
respectively. Plasma testosterone was reduced from 3.27 ± 0.06 to 2.43 ± 0.10 ng/mL (P
< 0.05), respectively. Increases in testicular cholesterol and ascorbic acid were observed
in the same groups of rats. Some reversibility of the effects was seen when treated
animals were fed a normal diet during a withdrawal period.

Doreswamy et al. (2004) treated adult male CFT-Swiss mice with 0, 12.5, 25, or 50 µmol
NiCl2/kg bw/d by single i.p. injection for three or five treatments. The mice were
sacrificed 24 hr after the final dose and evaluated for biochemical endpoints, DNA
damage and fragmentation and at 1, 2, 3, and 5 weeks from the beginning of treatment for
sperm head abnormalities. No clinical signs of toxicity were observed at any
administered dose. Dose-dependent increases in lipid peroxidation were seen with whole
testicular homogenates (10-25%), mitochondrial fractions (20-45%), microsomal
fractions 25-60%), and epididymal sperm (8-25%). Antioxidant enzymes were similarly
increased: glutathione peroxidase (8-26%); glutathione S-transferase (15-26%); and
catalase (10-25%). Nickel treatment also resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in double

59 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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stranded DNA (ds-DNA) in the testis and in epididymal spermatozoa. For testis the
proportion of ds-DNA was 83% (control), 80%, 65% (P < 0.05), and 62% (P < 0.05),
respectively. For epididymal sperm the values were 90%, 85%, 82% (P < 0.01), and 80%
(P < 0.01), respectively. Agarose gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA, visualized by
ethidium bromide fluorescence, showed DNA damage at 6.25, 12.5, 25.0 and 50 µmol
Ni/kg-d for three days. Caudal sperm counts did not differ from the control. However,
nickel treatment induced a significant dose-dependent increase in the percentage of
abnormal sperm, mainly amorphous heads, balloon heads, and hammerheads.

60 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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7.1 Chronic Toxicity Summary

Studies of human chronic toxicity of nickel and compounds, and also studies with human
cells in vitro, are summarized in Table 13 and Table 14. Animal studies are summarized
in Table 15. The most important toxic effect seen in both nickel-exposed humans and
experimental animals by inhalation is pneumotoxicity. In humans exposed
occupationally this is expressed as nickel-induced asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, decreased
lung function (FEV1), and increased lung abnormalities revealed by radiography. In
experimental animals adverse lung effects included inflammatory lesions, macrophage
hyperplasia, alveolar proteinosis, and fibrosis (rats only), in addition to bronchial lymph
node hyperplasia and nasal epithelial atrophy. Numerous other adverse effects at the
cellular level were also seen contributing to cytotoxicity, genetic toxicity,
immunotoxicity, and other metal-induced toxicity (Beyersmann and Hartwig, 2008;
Rana, 2008). However, the most sensitive adverse effects (occurring at lower
doses/exposures) were seen in the lung.

7.2 Human Studies

7.2.1 Pneumotoxicity

A number of studies indicate that occupational inhalation exposure to nickel aerosols can
result in development of asthma specific to nickel. Davies (1986) found 3 cases of
asthma among 53 nickel-plating workers without a history of asthma prior to
employment. Novey et al. (1983) described biphasic metal-specific bronchial responses
in an individual metal-plating worker exposed to nickel and chromium salts. In another
case, immunological studies conducted in a 24-year old man showed nickel-specific
antibodies in the serum after several weeks of working in a nickel-plating shop using
nickel sulfate (McConnell et al., 1973). Dermatitis was observed on exposed areas of his
skin, and pulmonary function, measured by FEV1 with and without isoproterenol
challenge, was significantly impaired compared with a control subject and normal values.
This worker reported dyspnea, non-productive cough, chest-tightness, and wheezing as
symptoms during the work period.

Fernandez-Nieto et al. (2006) reported results obtained from four patients with work-
related asthma due to exposure to metallic salts. Two subjects came from factories where
potassium dichromate and nickel sulfate were used for electroplating, another worked in
a cement factory (potassium dichromate), and one was a welder exposed to metal fumes,
including nickel and chromium. All the patients had bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BH)
to methacholine, which increased 24 hr after challenge with metal salts. Airway
hyperresponsiveness to methacholine was assessed as the provocative concentration of
methacholine causing a 20% fall in FEV1 (PC20). The methacholine inhalation test was
performed the day before the antigen challenge and again 24 hr after challenge. A two-
fold or greater reduction of the PC20 compared to baseline value was considered a
significant change. Nickel sulfate challenge of subject 1 (electro-plating) elicited a BH

61 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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response at a methacholine concentration of 10 mg/mL and in subject 2 (cement) of

0.1 mg/mL. Twenty-four hours after nickel challenge, the PC20 for subject 1 was
0.15 mg/mL.

Although asthma has been described in the above studies, occupational inhalation of
nickel dusts has not been found to be associated with pulmonary fibrosis although an
increase in irregular lung opacities was observed by Muir et al. (1993) with exposures ≥
five years in 149 nickel sinter plant workers. Pang et al. (1996) observed slight but not
statistically significant increased relative risk of mortality due to non-malignant diseases
of the respiratory system in nickel platers exposed to NiCl2 and NiSO4. The relative risk
with adjustment for age, period of follow up, and year starting nickel work was 1.59
(95% CI, 0.58 to 4.36). The study suffers from low numbers (248 subjects total) and
relatively brief soluble nickel exposures (mean = 2.1 yr, median 0.86 yr). An
occupational epidemiology report by Broder et al. (1989) found no significant effects on
pulmonary function in relation to nickel exposure in a nickel smelter.

Moulin et al. (2000) conducted a mortality study of 4898 stainless steel workers exposed
to metallic alloys including nickel. Among the non-malignant endpoints included, no
significant increases in standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) for chronic bronchitis,
pneumoconiosis or other respiratory system effects were seen. Huvinen et al. (2002)
studied 284 workers in a ferrochromium and stainless steel plant. Long-term workers
(average 23 years) exposed to low levels of dusts and fumes containing molybdenum (0.3
µg/m3), nickel (1.8 µg/m3) and chromium (4.7 µg/m3) did not show evidence of
respiratory disease detectable by lung function tests or chest radiography. Similarly,
Egedahl et al. (2001) studied mortality experience among employees at a
hydrometallurgical nickel refinery and fertilizer complex in Alberta, Canada. A total of
1649 males who worked continuously for at least 12 months during the years 1954 to
1978 were followed for an additional 17 years. Exposure with this refining process
involves nickel metal rather than soluble nickel or sulfides. The observed deaths due to
respiratory disease were less than expected (SMR = 36, C.I. 13 to 79).

Berge and Skyberg (2003) reported evidence of increased radiographic lung

abnormalities with increased exposure to soluble or sulfidic nickel, albeit with a
relatively small number of cases (47/1046) and relatively mild effects. Exposure factors
for 1046 refinery workers were, mean ± SD: total Ni, 5.59 ± 11.73; soluble Ni, 1.43 ±
2.23; sulfidic Ni, 0.55 ± 1.19; oxidic Ni, 3.09 ± 8.54; and metallic Ni, 0.52 ± 1.35
(mg/m3)yr. For quantal dose response analysis the following mean exposures were used
for sulfidic nickel: 0.03 (254 subjects), 0.27 (237), 1.03 (282), and 4.32 (mg/m3)yr (263).
For soluble nickel the mean exposures were: 0.01 (264), 0.08 (237), 0.33 (282), and
1.73(mg/m3)yr (263). Pulmonary fibrosis was defined as a median reading of
International Labor Organization (ILO) score ≥ 1/0. For soluble nickel exposure the
crude odds ratio for pulmonary fibrosis was 4.34 (95% CI, 1.75 to 10.77). The risk
adjusted for age, smoking, asbestos, and sulfidic nickel was 2.24 (95% CI, 0.82 to 6.16)
with a dose-response. The corresponding values for sulfidic nickel were crude 5.06 (95%
CI, 1.70 to 15.09) and adjusted, as above except for substituting soluble nickel for
sulfidic nickel, 2.04 (95% CI, 0.54 to 7.70). The prevalence values for pulmonary
fibrosis and both soluble and sulfidic cumulative nickel exposure (their Tables 5 and 6)

62 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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were acceptably fit by the multistage model. For soluble nickel a BMDL01 (1 % excess
risk) of 0.35 (mg Ni/m3)-yr was obtained (χ2 = 2.21, P = 0.33). For sulfidic nickel the
BMDL01 was 0.19 (mg Ni/m3-yr, χ2 = 3.91, P = 0.14). Dose responses on the adjusted
data sets were not fit as well by the model as were the crude data. For example the
soluble nickel gave a BMDL01 of 0.69 (χ2 = 3.11, P = 0.08) when adjusted for smoking,
age, asbestos and sulfidic Ni (g-adjustment) and a BMDL01 of 0.56 (mg/m3)-yr (χ2 =
1.72, P = 0.42) when adjusted for age, smoking and asbestos only (f-adjustment). For
sulfidic nickel no BMD or BMDL could be calculated from the g-adjusted data sets and
with f-adjustment the BMDL01 was 0.34 (mg Ni/m3)-yr (χ2 = 4.16, P = 0.125). As the
authors note, the data are not strong but there is a measureable dose response for
cumulative nickel exposure and pulmonary fibrosis. The mean and median exposure
periods were 21.8 and 21.9 years, respectively.

Sivulka et al. (2007) reviewed the literature on nickel exposure and non-malignant
respiratory disease and suggested that the failure to observe frank lung toxicity in
exposed nickel workers may be related to the particle size to which the workers were
exposed. The authors point out that in rat studies showing lung lesions, exposures have
been to respirable-sized particles (< 4 µm diameter) whereas occupational exposures
constitute largely non-respirable larger diameter particles.

63 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 13. Summary of Chronic Nickel Toxicity in Humans

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Fernandez-Nieto et NiSO4 Work-related asthma in Specific inhalation Positive IgE determination for
al., 2006 K2Cr2O7 electroplating and cement challenge to reduce Cr and Ni was found in one
workers (N=4). Bronchial concentration of subject. Skin tests negative for
hyper-responsiveness (BH) methacholine to cause a Cr and Ni.
to methacholine. 20% reduction of FEV1
(PC20) = increased BH.
Both Ni and Cr gave
positive responses.
Pang et al., 1996 NiCl2 Nickel platers, N = 248, Mortality due to non- Low numbers and brief
NiSO4 exposure mean = 2.1 yr, malignant diseases of the exposures.
median = 0.86 yr. respiratory tract.
Adjusted RR = 1.59
(95% CI = 0.58-4.36).
Moulin et al., 2000 Metallic alloys incl. Steel workers Non-malignant
Ni N = 4898 endpoints, chronic
bronchitis, pneumo-
coniosis, and other
respiratory system
effects: no significant
increases in SMRs.
Berge & Skyberg, Soluble Ni Nickel refinery workers Radiographic lung Unadjusted data: soluble Ni
2003 Sulfidic Ni 47/1046, abnormalities indicative BMDL01 = 0.35 (mg/m3)yr;
mean soluble Ni for of pulmonary fibrosis sulfidic Ni BMDL01 = 0.19
exposure categories, 0.03, (PF). Soluble Ni (mg/m3)yr. Adjusted data: 0.56
0.27, 1.03, and 4.32 adjusted OR = 2.24 (95% and 0.34 (mg/m3)yr,
(mg/m3)yr; CI = 0.82-6.16); sulfidic respectively. Data are weak but
mean sulfidic Ni 0.01, 0.08, Ni adjusted OR = 2.04 there is a measureable dose-
0.33, 1.73 (mg/m3)yr. (95% CI = 0.54-7.70). response.

64 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 13. Summary of Chronic Nickel Toxicity in Humans

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Jensen et al., 2004 NiSO4•6H20 Lymphocyte subpopulations PBMC isolated from
and cytokine profiles in Ni- blood 24 hr after Ni
sensitive (N = 33) and treatment for analysis.
normal (N=19) subjects. Ni-sensitive had
Ni-sensitive (7-10/group): 0, significantly higher
0.3, 1.0, 4.0 mg Ni; controls fractions of lymphocytes
(9-10/group) 0, 4.0 mg Ni. in their blood:
CD3+-type (P = 0.0035);
(P = 0.000095); CD8+-
type (P = 0.000007).
Yoshioka et al., Ni, Cd Ni-Cd battery workers, Ni in urine, Cd in blood, Combined effects of Ni and Cd
2007 N = 66 8-OH-G in urine. not additive. Data suggest that
Creatinine adjusted 8- Ni is the main stressor
OH-G correlated with increasing 8-OH-G in urine.
age, Ni-U, Cd-B.

Note: BMDL 95% lower bound on a specific response level (e.g. BMDL01 = lower bound on a 1% response); 8-OH-G = 8-hydroxyguanine.

65 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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7.2.2 Cytotoxicity and Studies with Human Cells in vitro

Yoshioka et al. (2007) studied the urinary excretion of 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OH-G), an

oxidative stress marker, in nickel-cadmium battery workers. Sixty-six subjects (64 male
and two female) provided urine and blood samples. The levels of cadmium in blood (Cd-
B) and nickel in urine (Ni-U) were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption
spectroscopy. 8-OH-G in urine was analyzed by high performance liquid
chromatography-electrochemical detector system. Creatinine-adjusted 8-OH-G was
significantly correlated with age, Ni-U, and Cd-B in univariate analysis, while
multivariate analysis revealed that Ni-U and Cd-B were significantly independent
variables positively correlated with 8-OH-G. The data were analyzed for mixture
toxicity. The subjects were divided into groups based on median concentration of Ni-U
and Cd-B (2.86 µg/g creatinine and 0.23 µg/dL, respectively). Subjects with high Ni-
U/high Cd-B (Group 4) had the highest levels of 8-OH-G (21.7, 2.0, GM, GSD),
followed by those with high Ni-U/low Cd-B (11.5, 1.6, Group 3), those with low Ni-
U/high Cd-B (Group 2, 8.9, 1.9) and those with low Ni-U/low Cd-B (Group 1, 8.5, 1.5).
The p values of Student’s t-tests between Group 1 and Group 2, 3, and 4 were 0.847,
0.050, and < 0.001, respectively. The combined effect of Cd and Ni on the urinary
excretion of 8-OH-G departed from additivity. The results indicate that nickel exposure
was the primary stressor resulting in increased production and excretion of 8-OH-G.

Carroll and Wood (2000) exposed monolayer cultures of human keratinocytes and
fibroblasts to nickel sulfate at concentrations above 0.001 M. Cytotoxicity to both cell
types was 50% based on decreased viability. 35S-methionine labeling followed by
sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and
immunoblotting with specific monoclonal antibodies indicated an increased synthesis of
heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) in keratinocytes at concentrations above 10-5 M and
induction of heat shock protein 72 (Hsp72) above 10-4 M. For fibroblasts increased
induction of Hsp90 was seen at all concentrations tested and a dose-related increase was
observed for Hsp72. The results indicate a stress response to the toxic effects of nickel
ions at fairly low concentrations.

Cell lines derived from monkey kidney (COS-7), human lung tumors (A549), or human
liver tumors (HepG2) were cultured for four days with 0, 100, 200, or 400 µM Ni Cl2.
Nickel treatment decreased growth rates in all cell lines after four days in a dose
dependent manner. In HepG2 cells GRP96 expression was significantly enhanced at 400
µM Ni(II) (P < 0.05) whereas Hsp72 and Hsp73 were significantly suppressed (P < 0.01).
COS-7 cells showed a similar pattern. GRP96 was over-expressed in A549 cells at 400
µM Ni(II) and Hsp73 was moderately increased.

Au et al. (2006) studied the cytotoxicity of nickel(II) in human T-lymphocyte Jurkat cells
in vitro. Jurkat cells were incubated with 0, 1, 10, or 100 µg/mL Ni2+ (compound
unspecified: 100 µg/mL Ni2+ = 1.7mM) for 24 hours. The treatment reduced cell
viability and proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. Cell viability was reduced by
35% at 100 µg Ni/mL. A significant decrease in cell proliferation was also seen at 100
µg Ni/mL. Nickel(II) at 10 µg Ni/mL induced expression of caspase-3, but not at 100 µg

66 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Ni/mL. Cells incubated at 100 µg Ni/mL showed fragmented nuclei. Enumeration of

Hoechst 33258-stained cells showed that Ni2+ at 100 µg/mL induced 16% of the cells to
undergo apoptosis. In contrast the lower Ni concentrations were indistinguishable from
the control. The authors note that the onset of apoptosis by metal ions may be due to a
disruption in cell signaling, DNA damage, or changes in cell constituents such as Ca2+.

M’Bemba-Meka et al. (2006) exposed isolated human lymphocytes to solubilized Ni3S2

in vitro to assess cytotoxicity. Lymphocyte suspensions were exposed to 0, 0.25, 0.50,
0.75, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 mM Ni3S2 for 3-4 hr and to 2.0 mM Ni3S2 for 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 or
240 min. Cell viability was assessed by trypan blue exclusion. Nickel(II) treatment
resulted in both concentration- and time-dependent lymphocyte death. Significant
increases in cell death were seen at 0.75 mM Ni3S2 for 4 hr and 1.0 mM Ni3S2 for 2 hr (P
< 0.05). Increased production of H2O2 and superoxide anion (O2-), lipid peroxidation and
depletion of cellular sulfhydryl contents were induced by 1 mM Ni3S2. Nickel-induced
lymphocyte death was significantly prevented by pretreatment with scavengers of
reactive oxygen species (catalase, superoxide dismutase, dimethylthiourea/mannitol,
deferoxamine or glutathione/N-acetylcysteine). Co-treatment with cyclosporin A
inhibited Ni3S2-induced disturbances of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), and
significantly prevented Ni3S2-induced cell death (P < 0.05 vs. Ni3S2 alone treatment).
Lymphocyte death was also significantly reduced by treatment with Ca2+ channel
blockers (diltiazem, nifedipine, and verapamil) and intracellular Ca2+ antagonists
(dantrolene, cyclosporin A, and ruthenium red). Treatment of lymphocytes with 1 mM
Ni3S2 alone increased intracellular Ca2+ about three fold over three hours. The authors
interpret the findings as indicative of an activation of cell death signaling pathways
involving generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress, loss of
mitochondrial membrane potential, and disruption of cellular calcium homeostasis.

Guan et al. (2007) also studied the toxicity of nickel(II) in human T-lymphocyte Jurkat
cell line. The cells were exposed to 0, 20, 40, 60, or 80 µg Ni/mL NiCl2 for 0, 6, 12, or
24 hr and viability measured by trypan blue staining assay. Viability was less than 10%
when cells were incubated for 24 hr at 80 µg Ni/mL. Treated cells exhibited
morphological changes and chromosomal condensation indicative of apoptosis. The
apoptotic fraction increased in a dose- and time-dependent manner. After incubation
with nickel(II) for 6 hr the concentration of NO increased linearly from ca. 0.9 (control)
to 3.7 µM (80 µg Ni/mL) (monitored by release of NO2-/NO3- into the cell culture
medium). Nickel(II) treatment was also observed to dissipate mitochondrial membrane
potential and down regulate bcl-2 mRNA after 12 hr exposure at 60 µg Ni/mL possibly
modulating Ni-induced cell apoptosis. The authors speculate that a key process in the
immune cellular response to nickel(II) is nickel induced apoptosis mediated by a
mitochondrial pathway associated with NO.

Ke et al. (2007) studied fluorescent tracking of nickel ions in human cultured cells.
Water-insoluble nickel compounds such as NiS and Ni3S2 were shown in vitro to enter
cells by phagocytosis. Using a dye that fluoresces when intracellular Ni2+ ion binds to it,
the authors showed that both soluble and insoluble nickel compounds elevated Ni ions in
the cytoplasm and nuclear compartments. However, soluble nickel compounds were
more readily removed than the insoluble nickel compounds. Within 10 hours after NiCl2

67 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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removal from the culture medium, Ni ions disappeared from the nucleus and were not
detected in the cells by 16 hours. Insoluble Ni3S2 yielded Ni ions that persisted in the
nucleus after 16 hours and were detected in the cytoplasm even after 24 hours following
Ni removal.

Trombetta et al. (2005) evaluated the toxic effects of nickel in a three dimensional model
of human epithelium (RHE) reconstituted from TR146 cells derived from a human
squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa. The RHE cultures were exposed for 72
hr to eight concentrations of NiCl2 ranging from 0.05 to 7.6 mM. Cell viability, assessed
by the MTT assay, was significantly reduced at Ni(II) concentrations greater than 1.3
mM. Similarly the release of prostaglandin E2 and interleukin-6 into the culture medium
was also significantly increased above 1.3 mM Ni(II). However no change was seen in
interleukin-8 release at any nickel concentration. In addition to cytokines the effect of
nickel on glutathione (GSH) was also measured. Nickel induced a non statistically
significant reduction in GSH from 2.392 nmol/cm2 in control cultures to 2.151 nmol/cm2
at 7.6 mM Ni(II). By contrast an increase in tissue oxidized glutathione (GSSG) was
seen at all nickel concentrations and was statistically significant above 0.7 mM (P <
0.05). Total tissue glutathione (GSH + GSSG) appeared to increase compared to controls
after nickel exposure. The ratio of GSH/GSSG was significantly reduced at all nickel
concentrations tested (P < 0.05). The results indicate that nickel exposures that are not
toxic enough to affect cell viability or inflammatory cytokine release can affect cellular
redox equilibrium. The authors also observed an increase in vacuolized cells and
apoptotic cells in tissue cultures at all Ni concentrations ≤ 0.7 mM without evidence of
cellular necrosis. Thus low “non-toxic” nickel exposure may modify cellular effectors of

Davidson et al. (2005) reported that 63NiCl2 interfered with cellular iron homeostasis in
human lung A549 cell cultures. Soluble nickel was observed to block the uptake of iron
into transferrin-bound iron and non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI) leading to cellular
ferritin accumulation. Since excessive iron is toxic to cells, such nickel-induced blockage
might be expected to lead to cytotoxicity. Nickel also decreased the binding of Von
Hippel-Landau (VHL) protein to hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) possibly by
competing for iron sites on prolyl hydroxylases. Prolyl hydroxylases 1-3 hydroxylate the
ODD (oxygen-dependent degradation) domain in HIF-1α. VHL can bind to hydroxylated
proline residues in the ODD domain of HIF-1α and target it for degradation. When the
prolyl hydroxylases are not functional, no hydroxylation of proline residues occurs and
VHL will not bind.

Cheng et al. (2003) quantified gene expression in microarrays with cDNA chips (ca. 8000
cDNAs) after exposure of human peripheral lung epithelial cells to nickel(II). Cultured
human lung epithelial HPL1D cells were exposed for 24 hr to non-cytotoxic (50, 100, or
200 µM) or cytotoxic (400, 800, or 1600 µM) Ni2+ concentrations. Cytotoxicity was
assessed by loss of cell adhesion in 70% confluent cultures after 24 hr Ni-exposure. The
data set comprising 868 genes was filtered to select only those 113 genes, which showed
a ≥ 2-fold change in expression at one or more of the three nontoxic nickel
concentrations. Most of the genes impacted by low nickel concentrations were related to

68 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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gene transcription, protein synthesis and stability, cytoskeleton, signaling, metabolism,

cell membrane, and extracellular matrix.

Gazel et al. (2008) evaluated transcriptional profiles in Ni(II) treated human epidermal
keratinocytes using DNA microarrays. Reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) was
exposed to 11 µM NiSO4 for 30 min or 6 hr. Microarray analysis showed that 134 genes
were affected by Ni(II) exposure: 97 genes were induced and 37 genes were suppressed.
The functional categories of affected genes indicated that Ni(II) inhibits apoptosis,
promotes cell cycle and induces synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins and proteases.
Ni also regulates secreted signaling proteins, inducing vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF), amphiregulin (AREG), placental growth factor (PGF), prostate differentiation
factor (GDF15), and bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST2), while suppressing IL-
18, galectin-3 (LGALS3), and lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-α Factor (LITAF).
Interestingly no Ni(II) effects were seen in epidermal differentiation genes.

Ouyang et al. (2009) studied the effect of nickel compounds on the cell cycle in human
lung carcinoma A549 cells in vitro. NiCl2 at doses from 0.25 to 1.0 mM were found
equivalent to 0.25 to 2 µg NiS/cm2 in the activation of transcription factor NFkB and
HIF-1α, and induction of TNF-α and CAP43 gene expression. Growth of A549 cells was
significantly inhibited by 0.25 mM NiCl2 but only marginally inhibited by NiS at 2.0
µg/cm2. Nickel sulfide also failed to significantly inhibit human bronchial epithelial cell
line HCCBE-3 or mouse skin epidermal cell line C141. Exposure to NiCl2, but not NiS,
caused a significant inhibition of cell growth and G1/G0 cell cycle arrest concomitant
with a marked down-regulation of cyclin D1 in A549 cells. The down-regulation is due
to protein degradation rather than inhibition of transcription. The degradation of cyclin
D1 is a ubiquitination- and proteosome-dependent process, but how soluble nickel
initiates or regulates this process is unknown. Effects on other cell cycle regulatory
proteins were also evaluated, namely cyclin E and p21. Nickel had no effect on cyclin E
while both nickel compounds increased the amounts of p21.

Rossman (2009) has criticized the use of dyes, particularly Trypan Blue in the assessment
of cytotoxicity when used close to the time of exposure. These methods give better
results (close to results with clonal survival) when used about three days after exposure;
otherwise cytotoxicity may be significantly underestimated.

69 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 14. Summary of Studies with Human Cells in vitro

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Au et al., 2006 Ni2+ Human T-lymphocytes Cell viability ↓ 35% at 16% of cells induced to undergo
Jurkat cells in vitro: 0, 1, 10, 100 µg/mL; caspase-3 ↑ apoptosis at 100 µg Ni/mL.
100 µg Ni/mL for 24 hr. at 10 µg/mL; fragmented
nuclei at 100 µg/mL.
M’Bemba-Meka et Ni3S2 Isolated human Concentration and time- At 1.0 mM Ni3S2: H2O2 ↑; O2-↑,
al., 2006 lymphocytes in vitro: dependent lymphocyte lipid peroxidation ↑; cellular
0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, death. Significant death sulfhydryl ↓.
or 2.0 mM Ni3S2for 30 min increases at 0.75 mM for
to 6 hr 4 hr and 1.0 mM for 2hr
(P < 0.05)
Guan et al., 2007 NiCl2 Human T-lymphocytes Viability < 10% at 80 Morphological changes and
Jurkat cells in vitro: µg/mL-24 hr. After 6 hr chromosome condensation
0, 20, 40, 60, or 80 µg Ni treatment NO indicative of apoptosis in Ni-
Ni/mL for 0, 6, 12, 24 hr. increased from 0.9 (0) to treated cells, dose- and time-
3.7 µM(80 µg Ni/mL) dependent.
Trombetta et al., NiCl2 Human oral epithelium Cell viability reduced at No changes in IL-8 noted, GSH
2005 model (RHE) from TR-146 >1.3 mM Ni, decreased but not significantly,
cells exposed to 0, 0.05, 0.1, prostaglandin E2 and IL- GSSG increased at all
0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3, 3.3, or 7.6 6 increased at < 1.3 mM concentrations, P< 0.05 at ≥ 0.7
mM Ni for 72 hr. Ni. mM Ni.

70 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 14. Summary of Studies with Human Cells in vitro

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Davidson et al., NiCl2 Human A549 cells in Ni2+ taken up by cells via Ni decreased binding of Von
2005 FeSO4 culture. divalent metal ion Hippel-Landau (VHL) protein
Cells treated with 1 mM transporter 1 (DMT1). to HIF-1α, indicating a decrease
NiCl2, 500 µM FeSO4, 500 Ni blocked transferrin- in prolyl hydroxylase activity,
µM FeSO4 + 500 µM NiCl2; dependent and transferrin affecting HIF-1α signaling
500 µM FeSO4 + 1 mM independent Fe binding pathway.
NiCl2 for 24 hr. and led to increased
cellular ferritin
Gazel et al., 2008 NiSO4 Human epidermal 134 genes affected, 97 Factors induced: VEGF, AREG,
keratinocytes (RHE) induced, 37 suppressed. PGF, GDF-15, BST2. Factors
exposed to 11 µM Ni SO4 Apoptosis suppressed, suppressed IL-18, LGALS3,
for 30 min or 6 hr. cDNA cell cycle and protein LITAF.
micro array analysis of gene synthesis induced.
Ouyang et al., NiCl2 Human lung carcinoma cells Inhibition of cell growth NiCl2 and NiS doses were
2009 NiS A549 in vitro. 0.25 to 1.0 and G1/G0 cell cycle equivalent in activation of
mM NiCl2, 0.25 to 2.0 µg arrest by NiCl2 at 0.25 NFκB and HIF-1α and
NiS/cm2. and 0.5 mM but not NiS induction of TNF-α and CAP43
at 2 µg/cm2. NiCl2 also gene expression.
caused a marked
decrease in cyclin D1
protein, NiS effect was

71 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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7.2.3 Cardiovascular Effects

Afridi et al. (2010) evaluated the association between trace toxic elements zinc (Zn),
cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb) in biological samples of scalp hair, blood, and
urine of 457 smoker and nonsmoker hypertensive patients and 369 referent males,
residents of Hyderabad, Pakistan. Of the hypertensive subjects 297 were smokers and
160 were nonsmokers. The metal concentrations were measured by atomic absorption
spectroscopy. Mean values of Cd, Ni and Pb were significantly higher in hair, blood and
urine of both smoker and nonsmoker hypertensive patients than in referents (P < 0.001).
Zinc was lower in hair and blood but higher in urine of hypertensive subjects versus

The levels of Ni in scalp hair samples of nonsmoker and smoker referents were lower 6.1
± 1.5 and 7.85 ± 0.95 µg/g, respectively than in hypertensives 12.2 ± 1.48 and 15.7 ±
0.96 µg/g, respectively. The excretion of Ni in hypertensive subjects was higher than in
referents (P < 0.0002). The amount of nickel in tobacco ranges from 0.64 to 1.15 mg/g
and the higher Ni in hair of hypertensive smokers may be due in part to Ni inhaled from
smoking. The reduced Zn and higher exposure to toxic metals as a result of smoking
may be synergistic with other risk factors associated with hypertension. Chronic Toxicity
to Experimental Animals

Studies of chronic toxicity in animals are summarized in Table 15. The principal target
site identified in these studies is the lung.

7.2.4 Pneumotoxicity

Both chronic RELs for nickel and nickel compounds (except NiO) and for NiO were
based on lung toxicity seen in NTP (1994c, NiSO4) and NTP (1994a, NiO). These are
large studies involving several interim evaluations and relatively large numbers of mice
and rats of both sexes. The critical effect for the 8-hour REL was also based on lung
toxicity seen in NTP (1994c). See sections 9.4 amd 9.5 for details of these derivations.

A two-year inhalation study of nickel oxide (MMAD = 2.8 µm, gsd = 1.87, density =
7.45 g/cm3) in rats and mice (65 per sex, per group) was conducted by the National
Toxicology Program (NTP, 1994a). In the first study, rats were exposed to 0, 0.62, 1.25,
or 2.5 mg nickel oxide/m3 (0, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 mg Ni/m3) 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for 104
weeks. In addition to the carcinogenic effects of nickel oxide, a number of non-
cancerous lesions were observed, particularly in the lungs. The incidence of
inflammatory pigmentation in the alveoli was significantly greater in all exposed groups,
compared to controls. The severity of the lesions reportedly increased with increasing
exposure. Atypical alveolar hyperplasia was also seen in all exposed groups. Lymphoid
hyperplasia in the bronchial lymph nodes was observed in males and females exposed to
1 mg Ni/m3 or greater at 7 and 15 months and the incidence generally increased with
increasing concentration at the end of the 2-year study. Females had an increased
incidence of adrenal medullary hyperplasia at all exposures of nickel oxide. Body

72 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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weights were significantly lower in the groups exposed to 2.0 mg Ni/m3 for both sexes,
and in males exposed to 1.0 mg Ni/m3.

A companion study on nickel oxide in mice conducted by NTP showed similar lung
inflammatory changes as seen in the rats, in addition to pigmentation of the alveolar
region at all exposure concentrations, compared with controls (NTP, 1994a). The mice
were exposed to 0, 1.0, 2.0, or 3.9 mg Ni/m3. Bronchial lymph-node hyperplasia was
also evident in all nickel-exposed animals. Body weights were slightly but significantly
lower in the 3.9 mg Ni/m3 group, compared with controls.

A continuous exposure of rats (20 - 40 per group) to 0, 60, or 200 µg Ni/m3 as nickel
oxide for two years resulted in severe pulmonary damage and premature mortality so that
carcinogenesis could not be evaluated (Glaser et al., 1986). Pulmonary alveolar
proteinosis and septal fibrosis were observed in the animals exposed to nickel. Only one
rat per group survived the nickel exposures to the end of the experiment.

The NTP (1994c) studied the chronic non-cancer and carcinogenic effects of nickel
sulfate hexahydrate (MMAD = 2.50 µm, gsd = 2.38, density = 2.07 g/cm3) on rats and
mice. Rats were exposed to 0, 0.12, 0.25, or 0.5 mg NiSO4/m3 (0, 0.03, 0.06, or 0.11 mg
Ni/m3) for 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for 16 days to 104 weeks. Interim evaluations were
made at 16 days and 13 weeks, and 7 and 15 months. Chronic effects of nickel exposure
in rats included inflammatory lesions in the lung, lung macrophage hyperplasia, alveolar
proteinosis, and fibrosis, in addition to bronchial lymph node hyperplasia and nasal
epithelial atrophy. The above effects were seen at exposures of 0.06 mg Ni/m3 or greater
and at interim evaluations from 13 weeks. Histological details of these effects are quoted
from the NTP report:

“The incidences of chronic active inflammation, macrophage hyperplasia,

alveolar proteinosis, and fibrosis were markedly increased in male and female
rats exposed to 0.25 and 0.5 mg/m3. Chronic active inflammation consisted of
multifocal, minimal to mild accumulations of macrophages, neutrophils, and
cell debris within alveolar spaces, frequently subjacent to pleural surfaces (Plate
1). Macrophage hyperplasia was of minimal to mild severity and consisted of
macrophages (usually with abundant pale vacuolated cytoplasm) within alveolar
spaces. The source of these macrophages was probably the intravascular pool
of circulating monocytes. Proteinosis consisted of minimal to mild amounts of
eosinophilic granular or globular homogeneous pale, acellular, proteinaceous
material within alveolar spaces (Plate 2). Fibrosis included increased
connective tissue and collagen involving alveolar septae within the parenchyma
and subjacent to the pleura and focal solid sclerotic areas either subjacent to the
pleura or at the tips of the lung lobes. Focal alveolar epithelial hyperplasia was
slightly increased in 0.5 mg/m3 female rats. Focal alveolar epithelial
hyperplasia was a discrete cluster of of alveoli lined by low cuboidal or low
columnar cells.”

Mice were exposed to a similar regimen that included 0, 0.06, 0.11, and 0.22 mg Ni/m3 as
nickel sulfate hexahydrate (NTP, 1994c). Similar pulmonary, lymphatic and nasal

73 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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changes were observed in the mice as with the rats. Fibrosis was not reported, but an
increased incidence of interstitial infiltration and alveolar proteinosis were observed at
exposures of 0.11 mg Ni/m3 or greater. No clinical findings or hematological effects
were observed, but body weights were significantly depressed in all groups of nickel-
exposed female mice. The body weights of males were reduced only in the group
exposed to 0.22 mg Ni/m3.

A two-year study on the effects of nickel subsulfide (MMAD = 2.54 µm, gsd = 2.1,
density = 5.82 g/cm3) in rats and mice was conducted by NTP (1994b). Rats (52-53 per
sex per group) were exposed to 0, 0.15, or 1 mg Ni3S2/m3 (0, 0.11, or 0.73 mg Ni/m3) for
6 hours/day, 5 days/week for 104 weeks. Body weights were lowered in rats exposed to
0.73 mg Ni/m3 compared with controls. Lung inflammation, alveolar hyperplasia,
macrophage hyperplasia, and pulmonary fibrosis were observed with a significantly
increased incidence at both nickel concentrations. Female rats exposed to nickel had
significantly increased adrenal medullary hyperplasia. In addition to the pulmonary
lesions, nasal inflammation and olfactory epithelial atrophy were observed in both sexes
exposed to 0.73 mg Ni/m3.

In the second phase of the NTP study (NTP, 1994b), mice were exposed to 0, 0.6, or
1.2 mg Ni3S2/m3 (0, 0.44, or 0.88 mg Ni/m3) for 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for 104 weeks.
The same pathological lesions were observed in the lung and nasal passages as in the rats
in the above study. These lesions were evident at both the 0.44 mg Ni/m3 and the
0.88 mg Ni/m3 concentrations. The adrenal medullary hyperplasia seen in female rats
was not observed in the mice.

It should be noted that although the non-neoplastic lung effects seen in the animal studies
discussed above were relatively mild similar effects in humans may be serious or even
fatal. For example pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare clinical condition first
described by Rosen et al. (1958) with some 410 cases reported through 2002 (Seymour
and Presneill, 2002). The syndrome is characterized by alveolar accumulation of
surfactant components with minimal interstitial inflammation or fibrosis. PAP has a
variable clinical course from spontaneous resolution to death with pneumonia or
respiratory failure (Seymour and Presneill, 2002). Kitamura et al. (1999) have identified
idiopathic pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (I-PAP) with an autoimmune disease.
Neutralizing antibody against granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-
CSF) was found in all specimens of BALF from 11 I-PAP patients but not in 2 secondary
PAP patients, 53 normal subjects and 14 patients with other lung diseases. A possible
immunological mechanism in human alveolar proteinosis is consistent with the nickel-
induced immunotoxicity and pneumotoxicity seen in the rodent studies.

An exposure of rats to either 0 or 0.97 mg Ni3S2/m3 (0 or 0.71 mg Ni/m3) for 6 hours/day,

5 days/week for 78-80 weeks resulted in decreased body weight, hyperplasia, metaplasia,
and neoplasia in the lungs (Ottolenghi et al., 1974).

Rats and mice (10 per group) were exposed to nickel sulfate, nickel subsulfide, or nickel
oxide six hours/day, five days/week, for 13 weeks (Dunnick et al., 1989). Exposure-
related increases in lung weight and histological lesions were observed in both species for

74 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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all nickel exposures. Histological lesions included inflammatory changes, fibrosis, and
alveolar macrophage hyperplasia. Nasal lesions were also observed in animals treated
with nickel sulfate or nickel subsulfide. Lung weight changes were observed at
exposures of 0.05 mg Ni/m3 or greater in female rats. Macrophage hyperplasia in the
alveolar region was observed at concentrations as low as 0.02 mg Ni/m3. Additional
inflammatory lesions in the lungs were observed at 0.1 mg Ni/m3.

Early studies on the chronic non-cancer effects of metallic nickel dust were complicated
by early mortality and cancer in guinea pigs and rats (Hueper, 1958).

Tanaka et al. (1988) exposed male Wistar rats (five/dose group) to green NiO aerosols
(MMAD = 0.6 µm) for 7 hr/day, 5 days/week for up to 12 months. The average exposure
concentration was either 0.3 mg/m3 or 1.2 mg/m3. For histopathological examination,
rats were sacrificed at 3, 6, and 12 months of exposure and 8 months following a 12-
month exposure. The nickel content of rat lungs was as high as 2.6 mg and 0.6 mg after
12 months exposure at the high and low concentrations, respectively. Higher incidence
of lesions in exposed compared to control animals was seen for pneumonia in all
exposure durations at low and/or high exposure concentrations and for bronchiolar
metaplasia and adenomatosis for 12 months exposure at the low and/or high exposure

Obone et al. (1999) evaluated the effects of NiSO4•6H2O (0, 44.7, 111.75, or 223.5 mg
Ni/L) in drinking water of male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed for 13 weeks. Alkaline
phosphatase activity in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was significantly decreased
at all dose levels compared to the control animals (8/dose group, P < 0.05). No
significant changes were seen in the activities of alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase,
or lactate dehydrogenase in lung tissues after 13 weeks exposure. However, a significant
increase in BALF proteins was seen at 111.8 and 223.5 mg Ni/L NiSO4 in drinking water

McDowell et al. (2000) exposed C57BL/6 mice to NiSO4•6H2O aerosol in a steel

inhalation chamber. The particulate aerosol had a MMAD of 0.22 µm and a gsd of 1.85
with a chamber concentration of 110 ± 26 µg/m3. The mice were exposed for 0 (control),
3, 8, 24, 48, or 96 hr before sacrifice and assessment of the progression of lung injury by
microarray analysis with murine complementary DNAs. Lung polyadenylated mRNA
was isolated, reverse transcribed, and fluorescently labeled. Samples from exposed mice
(Cy5 labeled) were competitively hybridized against samples from unexposed, control
mice (Cy3 labeled) to microarrays containing 8734 murine cDNAs. Of the > 8700 genes
analyzed, 17 were differentially expressed at 3 hr and 255 at 96 hr. The overall pattern of
gene expression with increasing lung injury was indicative of oxidative stress, hypoxia,
cell proliferation and extracellular matrix repair, followed by a decrease in surfactant

Oller et al. (2008) evaluated the effects of inhaled nickel metal powder in a chronic study
in Wistar rats. The animals (50/sex/dose group) were exposed by whole-body inhalation
to 0, 0.1, 0.4 and 1.0 mg Ni/m3 nickel metal powder (MMAD = 1.8 µm, gsd = 2.4) for six
hr/day, five days/week for up to 24 months. High mortality in the 1.0 mg Ni/m3 dose

75 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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group resulted in earlier termination of exposures in this group. No NOAEL was

observed. Non-respiratory treatment-related histopathological lesions were a granular
brown pigment in the kidneys, extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen and
hypercellularity of sternum and femoral bone marrows, all in both sexes. Respiratory
tract lesions included alveolar proteinosis, alveolar histiocytosis, chronic inflammation,
bronchiolar-alveolar hyperplasia and bronchial lymph node infiltrate. Nearly all of these
effects exhibited dose-responses in both sexes.

A benchmark dose analysis of the data in Oller et al. (2008, their Table 5B) for the sum
of moderate and severe incidences of respiratory tract lesions is summarized in Table 16.
BMDL05 values ranged from 1 to 12 µg Ni/m3. A similar analysis of non-respiratory
tract lesions (not shown) gave BMDL05 values ranging from 8 µg Ni/m3 (female spleen)
to 27 µg Ni/m3 (male kidney). An average dosimetric adjustment factor (DAF) of 0.395
was derived from Multipath Particle Deposition (MPPD) model (v.2) airway deposition
calculations for the rat and average of human age groups (3 months to 21 years) exposed
continuously to 0.1 mg Ni/m3. The human equivalent concentration (HEC) is calculated
as Rat Concentration x DAF.

At the 78-week evaluation significant increases (P < 0.01) were seen in mean red blood
cell count (RBC), hemoglobin levels (Hb) and hematocrit values (HCT) at 0.1 and 0.4 mg
Ni/m3 in males and at 0.4 mg Ni/m3 in females. These findings were suggested by the
study authors as possibly resulting from hypoxia secondary to lung injury, however, they
note that similar increases were seen in another study of oral nickel sulfate hexahydrate
exposure when no lung injury was observed (Heim et al., 2007). Also, a direct effect of
nickel on gene expression of erythropoietin has been reported (e.g. Salnikow et al. 2000).
A continuous benchmark dose analysis was conducted on the blood effects data (Oller et
al., 2008, Table 3). For male rats the BMDL1SD values for RBC, Hb and HCT averaged
1.9 µg/m3 and, for females, averaged 3.1 µg/m3. All the individual data sets were well fit
visually by the polynomial model although there were insufficient degrees of freedom to
do a fitness test (data not shown).

Ogami et al. (2009) evaluated the toxicity of different sizes of nickel oxide particles
following intratracheal instillation in rats. Two sizes of NiO were used: a fine sized NiO
with a median diameter of 0.8 µm (nNiOm), and micrometer sized NiO with a median
diameter of 4.8 µm (NiO). The particle distributions were bimodal (NiO) or trimodal
(nNiOm) with lower or higher peaks than the median, respectively. The pathological
effects were compared with crystalline silica (SiO2, geometric mean diameter 1.6 µm, gsd
= 2.0) and TiO2 (geometric mean diameter 1.5 µm, gsd = 1.8) particles. The particles
(2.0 mg) were suspended in 0.4 mL saline and instilled into Wistar rats (10 weeks old, 25
animals/group) along with a saline only control group. Animals were sacrificed at three
days, one week, one month, three and six months after particle instillation. At autopsy 50
mL of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were obtained by injecting saline into the
right lung of each animal. Total cells and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) in
BALF were recovered and counted.

The number of total cells in BALF in the nNiOm group was significantly higher than the
control and the other particle treatments at all time periods except SiO2 at 6 mo when

76 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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comparable values were seen (all P < 0.01). NiO showed a gradual increase in total cells
with a significant difference at 6 mo (P < 0.05). The PMN percentages in BALF were
significantly higher than controls for nNiOm and SiO2 for all time periods, although
nNiOm decreased over time (40% to10%) while SiO2 increased (40% to 65%) (all P <
0.01). TiO2 also showed a significant increase at three days only (25%, P < 0.05). The
inflammation area rate by the point counting method showed a gradual increase for
nNiOm with significant increases vs. controls at all time points with a peak at 3 mo (P <
0.01). SiO2 also increased gradually showing the highest value at 6 mo (P < 0.01). No
significant differences were seen for the NiO or TiO2 groups. The results suggest that
submicrometer nano-nickel oxide is significantly more toxic to the lung than micrometer-
sized nickel oxide. The observed effects were similar in qualitative and quantitative
respects to those caused by similar administration of crystalline silica but apparently less

Lu et al. (2009a) evaluated several short-term in vitro assays for predicting the potential
of metal oxide nanoparticles including NiO to cause pulmonary inflammation. The
assays were intrinsic free radical generation, extracellular oxidative activity, cytotoxicity
to lung epithelial cells, hemolysis, and inflammation in rat lungs via intratracheal
instillation. Twelve nanoparticle species (NPs) ranging from 2-4 nm (Al2O3, alumina 1)
to 300 nm (Alumina 3) were included in the study. The nickel oxide was characterized as
10-20 nm in size, 92 m2/g in surface area, and 5.4 mg/500 cm2 in mass (their Table 1, we
calculate as 0.54 mg/500 cm2). Intrinsic free radical generation (IFR) was assessed by
electron paramagnetic resonance with surface area doses of 1,500 and 3,000 cm2/mL.
Only NiO, CeO2, Co3O4 and carbon black (CB) showed significant increases in IFR over
control (P < 0.05). Oxidative potential was measured with a cell-free dichlorofluorescein
assay and significant fluorescence intensity over control was observed only for NiO,
Co3O4, and CB (P< 0.05). Cytotoxicity was assessed by incubating alveolar A549 cells
with NPs at different surface area doses (9.4 – 300 cm2/mL) for 24 hr and measuring
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release in cell lysates. There were clear positive LDH
dose-responses for NiO, Co3O4 and CB. Linear dose-dependent hemolytic activity in
fresh human venous blood was observed for NiO, CeO2, and alumina 2. Lung
inflammation in vivo was assessed by intratracheal instillation of NPs at 500 cm2/mL in
rats and measuring polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) numbers in BALF 24 hr after
instillation. Only NiO and alumina 2 were significantly inflammogenic at the dose
employed. Of the assays evaluated, only blood hemolysis gave a correct prediction of
lung inflammatory activity for 12/13 NPs (CeO2, false positive). NiO gave the strongest
positive response in all five assays and gave the largest inflammation response in vivo
(total PMN).

77 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 15. Summary of Chronic Nickel Toxicity in Animals

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Tanaka et al., NiO (green) Male Wistar rats Ni content of organs and lung After an 8 mo clearance period
1988 aerosols MMAD = 5/dose group: histopathology. Lung Ni 0.6 and following a 12 mo exposure, no
0.6 µm 0, 0.3, 1.2 mg/m3, 2.6 mg, respectively. lung lesions were observed in
7 hr/d, 5 d/wk, 3, 6, 12 Lung lesions at 12 mo: the low dose group. Lower
mo. pneumonia at 0.3 mg/m ; incidences of pneumonia,
bronchitis with atypical gland bronchitis and bronchiolar
hyperplasia, bronchiolar metaplasia were seen at the
metaplasia, adenomatosis at 1.2 high dose. No adenomatosis
mg/m3. was seen in this group.
NTP, 1994a NiO 2-Year Inhalation study Lung lesions: dose-dependent Pigmentation in the alveoli of
MMAD = 2.8 µm, in rats, 65/sex/dose group atypical alveolar epithelial exposed rats. Pigmentation in
gsd = 1.87, density 0, 0.62, 1.25, 2.5 mg hyperplasia in males and bronchial lymph nodes similar
= 7.45 g/cm3 NiO/m3 females. Chronic to lung except 0.62 mg/m3
0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg Ni/m , inflammation of the lung in animals at 7 mo.
6hr/d, 5d/wk, 104 weeks. most animals exposed ≥ 7 mo.
NTP, 1994a NiO 2-Year Inhalation study Lung lesions: Chronic Pigment in the lungs increased
MMAD = 2.8 µm, in mice inflammation increased with with exposure conc. at ≥ 7 mo.
gsd = 1.87, density 65/sex/dose group: exposure in males and females Lymphoid hyperplasia dose-
= 7.45 g/cm3 0, 1.25, 2.5, or 5.0 mg at ≥ 7mo. At 2 yr incidences and time-related increases in
NiO/m , of chronic inflammation, males and females. Lung Ni
0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.9 mg Ni/m3, alveolar epithelial hyperplasia burdens at 15 mo 331 to 2258
6hr/d, 5d/wk, 104 weeks. and proteinosis most severe in μg/g lung (dose- and time-
high dose mice. dependent)

78 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 15. Summary of Chronic Nickel Toxicity in Animals

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

NTP, 1994b Ni3S2 2-Year Inhalation study Lung lesions: inflammation, Females had significantly
MMAD = 2.54µm, in rats alveolar hyperplasia, increased adrenal medullary
gsd = 2.1, density 52-53/sex/dose group: macrophage hyperplasia, hyperplasia. Nasal
= 5.82 g/cm3 0, 0.15, or 1.0 mg pulmonary fibrosis. inflammation and olfactory
Ni3S2/m3, 0, 0.11 or 0.73 Body weights lowered at high epithelial atrophy seen in both
mg Ni/m3, 6hr/d, 5d/wk, dose. sexes at 0.73 mg Ni/m3.
104 weeks.
NTP, 1994b Ni3S2 2-Year Inhalation study Lung lesions: inflammation, Nasal inflammation and
MMAD = 2.54µm, in mice, alveolar hyperplasia, olfactory epithelial atrophy
gsd = 2.1, density 52-53/sex/dose group: macrophage hyperplasia, seen in both sexes at 0.88 mg
= 5.82 g/cm3 0, 0.6, or 1.2 mg pulmonary fibrosis. Ni/m3.
Ni3S2/m3, 0, 0.44 or 0.88
mg Ni/m3, 6hr/d, 5d/wk,
104 weeks.
NTP, 1994c NiSO4•6H2O 2-Year Inhalation study Lung, lymph nodes and nasal
MMAD = 2.50µm, in rats lesions: active pulmonary
gsd = 2.38, density 52-53/sex/dose group: inflammation, macrophage
= 2.07 g/cm3 0, 0.12, 0.25 or 0.5 mg hyperplasia, alveolar
NiSO4/m3, proteinosis, fibrosis, lymph
0, 0.03, 0.06 or 0.11 mg node hyperplasia, olfactory
Ni/m3, epithelial atrophy.
6hr/d, 5d/wk, 104 weeks.

79 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 15. Summary of Chronic Nickel Toxicity in Animals

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

NTP, 1994c NiSO4•6H2O 2-Year Inhalation study Lung lesions: Chronic active
MMAD = 2.50µm, in mice inflammation, bronchialization,
gsd = 2.38, density 60-61/sex/dose group: macrophage hyperplasia,
= 2.07 g/cm3 0, 0.25, 0.5 or 1.0 mg interstitial infiltration, alveolar
NiSO4/m3, proteinosis, at high dose in both
0, 0.06, 0.11 or 0.22 mg sexes and in females at 0.11 mg
Ni/m3, Ni/m3.
6hr/d, 5d/wk, 104 weeks.
Glaser et al., 1986 Ni (form and size 2-Year Inhalation Study Severe pulmonary damage and Only 1 Ni-exposed rat
unspecified) in rats mortality. Pulmonary alveolar survived for 2 yr.
20-40/dose group: proteinosis, septal fibrosis.
continuous exposure 0,
60, 200 µg Ni/m3.
Obone et al., 1999 NiSO4•6H2O 13-week drinking water Alkaline phosphatase activity Blood: total proteins ↓; plasma
study in rats in BALF significantly albumins ↓; globulins ↓; plasma
8 rats /dose group: decreased at all dose levels (P glutamate-pyruvate
0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1% or < 0.05). transaminase ↓ all P < 0.05 at
0, 44.7, 111.75, 223.5 mg high dose.
Ni/L dw.
Oller et al., 2008 Ni metal powder 2-Year inhalation study Respiratory tract lesions: High mortality at 1 mg Ni/m3,
MMAD = 1.8µm in rats alveolar proteinosis, alveolar granular brown pigment in
gsd = 2.4 50/sex/dose group: histiocytosis, chronic kidneys, extramedullary
0, 0.1, 0.4, 1.0 mg Ni/m3, inflammation, bronchial hematopoiesis in spleen,
6hr/d, 5 d/wk, 24 mo alveolar hyperplasia, bronchial hypercellularity in sternum and
lymph node infiltrate, most femoral bone marrows.
effects in both sexes.

80 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 15. Summary of Chronic Nickel Toxicity in Animals

Study Compound System Toxic Endpoint Comments / other effects

Ogami et al., 2009 NiO Intratracheal instillation BALF: significantly increased
0.8µm MMAD in rats: total cells, % PMN and
(nNiOm) 5/dose group examined at inflammation at all time points
4.8 µm MMAD 3d, 1 wk, 1 mo, 3 mo, 6 with nNiOm vs. controls (P <
(NiO) mo post treatment, 0.01) and for total cells at 6 mo
single 2 mg doses. with NiO (P < 0.05).

Note: AM = alveolar macrophages; MMAD = mass median aerodynamic diameter; BALF = bronchial alveolar lavage fluid; PMN = polymorphonuclear
lymphocytes; ↑ = increase; ↓ = decrease.

81 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 16. Benchmark Dose Analysis of Respiratory Tract Lesions Induced by

Nickel Metal Inhalation in Wistar Rats (Data of Oller et al. 2008).*

Lung Lesion Incidence at Χ2 P BMD05 BMDL05 BMDL05

Observed 0, 0.1, 0.4 mg/m3 mg/m3 µg/m3
mg/m3 Continuous*
Proteinosis 0/50, 19/50, 0.35 0.83 0.012 0.0095 1.7
Histiocytosis 0/50, 7/50, 0.69 0.71 0.045 0.0326 5.8
Inflammation 0/50, 1/50, 0.34 0.84 0.12 0.07 12.5
Hyperplasia 1/50, 3/50, 9/50 0 1.0 0.12 0.069 12.3
Lymph node 0/34, 4/37, 9/42 1.16 0.56 0.073 0.0475 8.5
Proteinosis 0/50, 22/50, 0 1.0 0.0077 0.0053 0.95
Inflammation 0/50, 10/50, 0 1.0 0.021 0.012 2.1
Lymph node 0/39, 4/42, 9/44 0.88 0.64 0.078 0.051 9.1

*Note: All dose responses fit with the multistage-quadratic model of BMDS v 1.4.1c;
values are for rats adjusted for continuous exposure (values multiplied by 6/24 x 5/7) but
not for human equivalent concentrations. Χ2 and P are the goodness of fit statistics. An
acceptable fit has a P value ≥ 0.1)

82 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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7.2.5 Cytotoxicity

Morimoto et al. (1995) studied the effects of nickel oxide (green) (MMAD = 2.7 µm, gsd
= 2.3) on the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) by alveolar macrophages of rats
exposed in vitro and in vivo. For in vivo exposure five male Wistar rats (nine weeks old)
were exposed to 11.7 ± 2.0 mg NiO/m3 for 8 hr/day, 5days/week, for 4 weeks along with
five unexposed control animals. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed and recovered
alveolar macrophages were assayed for TNF production. Nickel oxide exposure
produced a three-fold higher concentration of TNF produced by macrophages from
exposed animals compared to controls (P < 0.01). In addition acid phosphatase and
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release from macrophages were also significantly greater
(P<0.01) than controls, both indicators of cytotoxicity.

Shiao et al. (1998) investigated the effects of nickel acetate on cell cycle, apoptosis and
p53 expression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in vitro. CHO cells were grown
for 72 hours in medium containing 0, 40, 80, 160, 240, 320, 480, or 640 µM nickel(II)
acetate. DNA fragmentation, representative of apoptosis, was examined by gel
electrophoresis. The distribution of cells in various stages of the cell cycle was
determined by DNA flow cytometry and p53 expression by the Western blotting
technique. DNA fragmentation was seen at nickel concentrations ≥ 160 µM. The
proportion of cells at S-phase declined in a Ni2+ concentration-dependent manner above
160 µM (33% to 12%). The decline was accompanied by an increase in the proportion of
G2/M phase cells (9% to 26%). Expression of p53 was not affected by nickel exposure.
The authors conclude that these cellular responses were most likely induced by a
common effector(s) that cause G2/M arrest and concurrent apoptosis. P53 protein is
apparently not responsible for the effects seen but nickel(II) up-regulates other proteins,
which may be involved.

Gurley et al. (1983) studied the toxicity to CHO cells in vitro of particulate Ni5As2, one
of a number of nickel arsenides formed during oil shale retorting. The Ni5As2 particles
(examined by electron microscopy) ranged in size from 0.14 to 9.40 µm with 1.8%
>2µm, 75% 0.23 to 1.0 µm, and 94% 0.18 to 1.40µm. The insoluble Ni5As2 powder was
suspended in culture medium with the cells at concentrations of 0, 10, 25, 50, and 100
µM Ni5As2 (assuming complete solubility of the powder). At 10 µM Ni5As2 the growth
rate doubling time was increased from 16.5 hr (control) to 40 hr. At 100 µM Ni5As2
growth was completely inhibited. Cell cycle analysis showed that at Ni5As2
concentrations ≥ 50µM cells accumulated in the G2 +M phases. Cells treated for 24 hr
with 25 µM Ni5As2 and transferred to nickel arsenide free medium completely recovered
viability but grew at a slower than control rate. Cells similarly treated at 50 or 75 µM
nickel arsenide had survivals of only 61% and 25%, respectively.

Takahashi et al. (1999) studied the cytotoxicity of two types of NiO (black and green)
and five intermediate types prepared by calcinations of black NiO at 600-1000ºC. The
NiO forms varied in Ni and O content, color and X-ray diffractometric pattern. They also
varied in water solubility from NiO(B) at 6-7µg/mL to 1-3 µg/mL for calcined forms and
0.5-1.5 for NiO(G). Cytotoxicity was assessed with rat alveolar macrophages obtained

83 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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from female Sprague-Dawley rats aged 12-16 weeks and CHO cells cultured in vitro.
The viability of rat alveolar macrophages exposed to NiO at 800 µg/mL for 18, 42 and 72
hr showed the greatest toxicity for NiO(B) followed by NiO(600ºC) and NiO(800ºC).
CHO cells exposed to 50, 100, or 200 µg/mL of each nickel oxide for 24 hr exhibited a
dose and compound related decrease in cell proliferation from NiO(B) to NiO(G) with
the calcined forms in order of temperature. The authors conclude that water solubility,
which is inversely related to calcination temperature, modulates the cytotoxicity of NiO

Clemens and Landolph (2003) evaluated the cytotoxicity and cell transformation of
mouse embryo cells by samples of nickel refinery dust containing different
concentrations of nickel arsenide and pure nickel arsenide. Mouse embryo C3H/T101/2
cells (200/dose) were treated with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 or 7.5 µg/mL. The dust samples
were composed largely of NiO and Cu2Ni8O10 with 25% Ni5As2 in dust sample 1 and
2.5% Ni5As2 in dust sample 2. After treatment for 48 hr the cells were recovered and
assayed for survival. For each treatment the average survival fraction was plotted to
determine the 50 percent lethal concentration (LC50) value. Dust sample 1 and nickel
arsenide gave an identical LC50 value of 2.4 µg/mL, whereas dust sample 2 with less
Ni5As2 gave a slightly lower LC50 of 1.7 µg/mL. Although the dust sample appeared to
be more cytotoxic than the other samples, the reverse was true in parallel chromosome
aberration and cell transformation assays.

Nickel chloride induced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release and lipid peroxidation
(LPO) in rat renal cortical slices in vitro in a concentration- (0 to 2.0 mM) and time- (0 to
4 hr) dependent manner (Chakrabarti and Bai, 1999). Both NiCl2-induced LDH release
and LPO were significantly prevented by glutathione and dithiothreitol, suggesting that
NiCl2-induced renal cell injury is partially dependent on thiols. Superoxide dismutase
partially reduced the NiCl2-induced LDH release without affecting LPO and glutathione,
whereas catalase did not affect such LDH release and LPO. Dimethylthiourea and
DMSO completely prevented NiCl2-induced LPO, but only partially reduced LDH
release. Deferoxamine prevented NiCl2-induced renal cell injury without affecting LPO
and without significantly reducing Ni2+ uptake by the renal cortex, suggesting that nickel
chelation is not important in prevention of cell injury. NiCl2-induced loss of cellular
glutathione was significantly prevented by thiols and deferoxamine, but not by
superoxide dismutase or dimethylthiourea. The results suggest that LPO was not related
to NiCl2-induced lethal renal cell injury. Renal cell injury was more likely the result of
the induction of the Fenton reaction, generating hydroxyl radicals.

The effects of nickel chloride on the expression patterns of stress proteins in rat organs
and human and monkey cell lines was studied by Hfaiedh et al. (2005). Three-month old
female Wistar rats were injected i.p. with 4 mg NiCl2/kg bw for 1, 3, 5, or 10 days. Rat
kidneys, liver and ovaries were cut into small pieces, sonicated briefly in lysis buffer, and
5000 x g (30 min) supernatants collected and frozen until use. Relative protein
expression in total organ extracts was measured for three proteins, namely, cytosolic
Hsp72 and Hsp73, and the reticulum-associated GRP94. In kidney, nickel induced
significant increases (P < 0.01) in GRP96 and Hsp73 at ≥ 3 days of treatment (GRP96)
and at 3 and 5 days (Hsp73). Hsp72 was significantly suppressed at all days of treatment

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(P < 0.05). Few effects were noted in liver or ovary. Dietary restriction (1 month 50%)
did not significantly alter the results. The authors infer that Ni-induced GRP94 over-
expression in kidney and in cell lines could be mediated by hypoxic stress at the cellular

The effects of nickel ions on reductive amination and oxidative deamination activities of
bovine liver glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were studied kinetically by UV
spectroscopy (Ghobadi et al., 2007). The fact that Ni2+ ions have the capacity to enhance
binding of NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) to the enzyme was
confirmed by an electrochemical method. Ni2+ decreased the Km for NADH from 0.083
mM (control) to 0.053 mM at 200 µM NiCl2. The NADPH (reduced nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide phosphate) Km was similarly decreased (0.077 to 0.036 mM,
respectively). Lineweaver-Burk plots with respect to alpha-ketoglutarate and ammonium
ions indicated substrate and competitive inhibition patterns in the presence of nickel ion,
respectively. Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) at 0.2 mM protected inhibition caused by
nickel. The observations are explained by the authors in terms of formation of a nickel-
NADH complex with a higher affinity for binding to the regulatory site in GDH, than in
the absence of nickel. (The Km is the Michaelis or affinity constant for Michaelis-Menten
enzyme kinetics defined by the rectangular hyperbola, reaction velocity V = Vmax x S/(Km
+ S) where Vmax is the maximum reaction rate (e.g., mg/hr), S is the substrate
concentration (mg/L) and Km is the concentration at Vmax/2.)

Lu et al. (2009b) studied the mechanisms of cytotoxicity of Ni(II) ions based on gene
expression profiles. Mouse fibroblast cells (L-929) were cultured in medium with 0, 100,
200, 300, 400, or 500 µM NiCl2•6H2O for 24, 48, or 72 hours. Cytotoxicity was assessed
by methylthiazoltetrazolium (MTT) assay. Ni-induced cytotoxicity was dose- and time-
dependent. After 72 hr, cell viability was reduced from 100% (control) to 36.1% at 500
µM. Gene expression was assessed by cDNA microarray analysis of cells treated with
200 µM Ni(II) for 24, 48, or 72 hr. Twenty up-regulated and 19 down-regulated genes
were differentially expressed in all three exposure periods. Gene ontology analysis
showed that the Ni- affected genes represented biological processes (e.g., development-
7%, cellular process-36%, physiological process-38%), molecular function (e.g., binding-
52%, catalytic activity-24%, signal transducer-6%), and cellular components (cell-48%,
protein complex-8%, organelle-36%). Specifically the down-regulation of the Hsp90aa1
gene affected the processes associated with cell adhesion, cell morphogenesis, regulation
of cell proliferation, and regulation of cell migration. Overall the results showed broad
effects on gene expression even when no obvious cytotoxicity was evident (i.e., 91.5%
viability at 200 µM Ni(II), 24 hr). Ni(II) has extensive effects on cells by inhibiting cell
proliferation and differentiation, through inducing cell apoptosis, affecting cell
development and influencing cholesterol metabolism.

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7.2.6 Cardiovascular Effects

Rubanyi and Kovach (1980) observed the effects of NiCl2 on contractility, NADH-
fluorescence, O2-consumption and total coronary resistance (TCR) of isolated perfused
rat hearts. Ni2+ at 1 mM abolished contractability, reduced O2 consumption, increased
TCR and caused a biphasic NADH-fluorescence response. Inhibition of cardiac
contractability was dose-dependent in the Ni2+ concentration range 10-7 to 10-3 M, in the
presence of 1.3 mM Ca2+. The amplitude of TCR elevation reached its maximum at 10-6
M Ni2+. Koller et al. (1982) reported Ni-induced coronary vasoconstriction in dog heart
in situ in the presence of the selective Ca-antagonist verapamil. Verapamil abolished the
coronary blood flow (CBF) and basal conductance (BC) decreasing the effect of low
doses of Ni2+ (0.02-0.2 mg/kg). Higher doses of NiCl2 increased CBF and BC in the
presence of verapamil. The authors conclude that trace amounts of exogenous NiCl2
induce coronary vasoconstriction in the dog heart in situ by enhancing Ca2+ influx into
vascular smooth muscle cells.

Golovko et al. (2003) studied the possible role of the Na-Ca exchange (NCX) in
arrhythmogenesis in isolated rat heart atrial preparations using microelectrodes. In
preparations with low beating frequency (~48/min) a partial inhibition of NCX by 0.3
mM Ni(II) was observed to cause a single early afterdepolarization (EAD) at 15 min. In
preparations with a high beating frequency (~84/min) 0.3 mM Ni(II) did not cause EAD,
but at a higher concentration of 0.5 mM a single EAD was observed. The authors
conclude that Ca2+ overload due to partial block of NCX may contribute to the
development of atrial tachyarrhythmias.

Wellenius et al. (2002) studied the effects of Boston residual oil fly ash (ROFA,
3 mg/m3) in a rat model for myocardial infarction. The ROFA was reported to produce
arrhythmias, ECG abnormalities, and decreases in heart rate variability (HRV). Increased
arrhythmias, decreased heart rates, and hypothermia were seen in monocrotaline-treated
Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to 15 mg/m3 ROFA (Watkinson et al., 2000). The same
concentration of ROFA in spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats caused cardiomyopathy,
monocytic cell infiltration, and increased expression of cardiac cytokines IL-6 and
TGF-β. ROFA-exposed SH rats also exhibited ECG abnormalities compared to air-
exposed rats. Inhalation of 50 µg/m3 of oxides or sulfates of Ni or V for 3 hr/d for 3
consecutive days in old dogs with preexisting cardiac abnormalities showed no acute
changes in cardiovascular function (Muggenburg et al. 2003). However, in a different
study NiSO4 (>1.2 mg/m3, 6hr/d, for 4 days) caused delayed bradycardia, hypothermia,
and arrhythmogenesis in rats (Campen et al., 2001).

Lippmann et al. (2009) evaluated the cardiovascular effects of nickel in ambient air in a
mouse model of atherosclerosis. Six week old ApoE-/- mice were implanted with
electrocardiograph (ECG) transmitters three weeks prior to the initiation of exposure.
Ten-second ECG, heart rate (HR), activity, and body temperature were sampled every 5
minutes. Six mice were exposed to 10 times concentrated air particulate matter (CAPs,
with 43 to 174 ng Ni/m3) or filtered air for 6 hr/d, 5 days/ week, for 6 months. Six
control mice were sham exposed to the same protocol. To estimate the effects of
exposure on HR and heart rate variability (HRV), generalized additive models (GAMs)

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were used to fit the nonlinear trends of chronic and acute effects. Of the four metals
evaluated in the GAM for acute HR effect only nickel was a significant CAP component
(β = 3.321 ± 1.628SE, P = 0.041). Similarly for acute HRV only nickel was significant
(β = 0.044 ± 0.016SE, P = 0.005). The authors note the paucity of mechanistic studies on
the cardiovascular effects of Ni but also note nickel’s effects on signaling pathways that
may have an adverse cumulative effect on vascular function.

Kang et al. (2011) found that inhaled nickel hydroxide nanoparticles exacerbated
atherosclerosis in hyperlipidemic, apoprotein E-deficient (ApoE-/-) mice exposed to 0 or
79 µg Ni/m3, via whole body inhalation, for 5 hr/day, for either 1 week or 5 months. The
nanoparticles of Ni(OH)2 induced significant oxidative stress and inflammation in the
pulmonary and extrapulmonary regions. These effects were indicated by up-regulated
levels of antioxidant enzyme and inflammatory cytokine genes, increased mitochondrial
DNA damage in the aorta, significant signs of inflammation in BALF, and alterations in
lung histopathology. After 5 month’s exposure the nickel nanoparticles exacerbated the
progression of atherosclerosis in the ApoE-/- mouse model.

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8.1 Immunotoxicity Summary

Contact dermatitis is a widespread disease and, in the western hemisphere, nickel

sensitization is the most common single cause of contact allergy (Lisby, 1999b). The
mechanism underlying nickel-induced allergy is still incompletely understood. As noted
in the papers described below most research has focused on T cell activation in Ni-
allergic patients. Systemic contact dermatitis in humans has been used to study
inflammatory skin disease occasionally seen as a flare-up of previous dermatitis or as de
novo dermatitis when sensitized individuals are exposed to the hapten orally,
transcutaneously, intravenously or by inhalation. Studies of immunological mechanism
of Ni-induced disease have tried to determine if effects are elicited primarily via
activation of CD4+ and/or CD8+ T cells of the type 1 or type 2 or even type 0 cytokine
profile subsets (Jensen et al., 2004). The likely involvement of MAPK and possibly other
signaling pathways in the disease process has added another level of complexity. The
potential role of nickel in airborne particulate matter (PM2.5)-induced human respiratory
disease may also have an immunological mechanism.

8.2 Human Immunotoxicity Studies

Dermal exposure to nickel and nickel alloys has long been known to cause dermatitis in
both nickel workers and the general population. A number of studies indicated that oral
exposure of nickel could aggravate nickel dermatitis in people who are sensitive to
nickel. Christensen and Möller (1975) found that oral administration of nickel
(approximately 5 mg) in diet worsen hand eczema in nickel-allergic patients. In a clinical
trial, Kaaber et al. (1978) reduced the nickel dose to 2.5 mg and observed flaring of hand
dermatitis in 13 of the 28 patients with chronic nickel dermatitis. A similar finding was
reported by Veien et al. (1983); they observed that 26 patients had flare-ups following
oral challenge with nickel compounds (2.5 mg nickel in a capsule). The conditions of
some of the patients improved when they were placed on a low-metal allergen diet for
four to six weeks (Kaaber et al., 1978; Veien et al., 1983).

Cronin et al. (1980) gave groups of five fasting female patients that had hand eczema a
gelatin lactose capsule containing nickel, together with 100 ml of water. Three doses
were used, 2.5 mg, 1.25 mg, and 0.6 mg nickel as nickel sulfate. After administration of
nickel, the fast was continued for a further hour, at which time the patient was given a
cup of coffee; thereafter, normal meals were taken. Assuming a female body weight of
62 kg (OEHHA, 2000b, p10-4) and the lowest dose that aggravated nickel dermatitis of
0.6 mg, we estimate a LOAEL of 9.7 μg Ni/kg bw.

Nielsen et al. (1999) studied the aggravation of nickel dermatitis in people by giving
them an oral dose of soluble nickel. Twenty nickel-sensitized women and 20 age-
matched controls, both groups having vesicular hand eczema of the pompholyx type,
were given a single dose of nickel in drinking water (3 μg/mL or 12 μg Ni/kg bw). All
patients fasted overnight and fasting was maintained for another 4 hours after the nickel

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administration. Nielsen et al. (1999) reported that nine of 20 nickel-allergic eczema

patients experienced aggravation of hand eczema after nickel administration, and three
also developed a maculopapular exanthema. No exacerbation was seen in the control
group. From the results of this study, we identified a LOAEL of 12 μg Ni/kg bw for the
nickel-sensitized women.

A number of human studies have shown that oral administration of low levels of soluble
nickel over a long period of time may reduce nickel contact dermatitis. Sjovall et al.
(1987) orally administered 0, 5 or 0.5 mg nickel per day to a group of patients allergic to
nickel. After six weeks, they found evidence of reduced sensitization in patients exposed
to 5 mg/day but not to 0.5 mg/day. Santucci et al. (1988) gave a single oral dose of 2.2
mg Ni to 25 nickel-sensitized women and found that 22 reacted to the treatment. After a
15-day rest period, the subjects were given gradually increasing doses under the
following schedule: 0.67 mg Ni/day for one month, 1.34 mg Ni/day for the second
month, and 2.2 mg Ni/day for the third month. In the last phase of the testing, 3/17 of the
subjects had flare-ups even at the lowest dose. The other 14 subjects, however, did not
respond to the highest dose, even though they had responded to that dose in the initial

Boscolo et al. (1999) evaluated systemic effects of ingested nickel on the immune system
of nickel-sensitized women. Twenty-eight women were administered 10 mg of NiSO4.
Group A consisted of 19 non-atopic Ni-sensitized or nine non-allergic women. After Ni
ingestion non-allergic and 12 Ni-sensitized women were asymptomatic (non-responders,
group B) while seven Ni-sensitized women showed a flare up of urticaria and/or eczema
(responders, group C). Before Ni treatment, groups B and C showed higher values of
blood CD19+ (280 for both groups, vs. 150 pg/mL for Group A, P < 0.05) and CD5--
CD19+ (235 for B,183 for C, vs. 113 pg/mL for A, P < 0.05). Group C also showed
higher serum interleukin (IL) 2 (538 vs. 483) and lower serum IL-5 (296 vs. 445, P <
0.05) than Group A. Four hours after Ni ingestion, group C showed a significant increase
in serum IL-5 (+53.7%, P <0.05). Twenty-four hours after treatment, group A showed a
significant reduction in blood CD4+-CD45RO- “virgin” cells and an increase of CD8+
lymphocytes, while group C showed a marked decrease in total blood lymphocytes and
CD3+(-41.5%), CD4+-CD45RO-(-46.5%), CD4+-CD45RO+(-35.6%), CD8+(-34.6%),
CD19+(-28.8%), and CD-CD19+(-20.8%) cell subsets (all P <0.05 by Kruskall-Wallis
test and/or Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test). Overall the results suggest that Ni
ingestion induces a change in immune response from a TH-1 like pattern to a TH-0 like
pattern in responder patients with systemic symptoms, as indicated by elevated serum IL-
2 and IL-5 during the test.

Rietschel et al. (2008) studied trends in nickel sensitivity in 25,626 North American
subjects over the period 1992 to 2004. The data exhibited a steady increase in nickel
sensitivity indicated by patch test from 14.5% in 1992 to 18.8% in 2004 (P < 0.0001).
Females were 1.1 to 1.2 times more likely to be allergic in the late (2001-2004) group
compared to the early group (1992-1995) with a relative risk (RR) = 1.2, 95% C.I. 1.10-
1.28, P < 0.0001, or the middle group (1996-2000) P = 0.0011. Younger males and
females (≤ 18 yr) showed significantly higher sensitivity compared to older subjects, i.e.
14.1% (55/389) vs. 6.1% (536/8839) in males and 32.4% (177/546) vs. 21.4%

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(3385/15,821) in females. The cause of increased sensitivity is unclear but seems

indicative of increased population exposures to nickel possibly related to body piercing
(Nielsen et al., 1993; Meijer et al., 1995).

Mann et al. (2010) conducted a cross-sectional study of airborne nickel exposure and
nickel sensitization in 309 6-year old children from three towns in North Rhine
Westphalia, Germany (about 100 subjects from each town). Two of the towns were in
the proximity of steel mills (Duisburg and Dortmund) and one was in a rural area
(Borken). Ambient air quality data and Lagrangian dispersion modeling were used to
estimate individual annual average air concentrations. Assessment of internal nickel
exposure was accomplished by analysis of morning urine samples by electro-thermal
atomic absorption spectroscopy. Nickel content of drinking water was also analysed as a
potential confounder. Nickel sensitization was measured with a dermatological patch
test. A weak but significant correlation (r = 0.256, 95% CI = 0.137-0.375, P < 0.001)
was observed between nickel concentration in ambient air and urine using Pearson
correlation of log-transformed values. A comparison of the nickel concentrations in
ambient air between sensitized and non-sensitized children shows an association of nickel
sensitization prevalence with exposure to nickel for Duisburg (Mann-Whitney test: P =
0.094). A similar association was not seen in Dortmund. Overall, nickel levels in urine
of sensitized children were higher than non-sensitized children (P < 0.001). Children
who had urinary Ni or ambient air Ni below the median showed a higher prevalence of Ni
sensitization than children with both levels below the median (Χ2-test: P = 0.109). The
authors conclude that nickel in ambient air might be a risk factor for nickel sensitization,
but a larger study is necessary.

Lisby et al. (1999a) observed nickel-induced activation of T cells in individuals with

negative patch test to nickel sulfate. Eighteen subjects (8 males and 10 females, aged 27-
54 years) were included in the study. Maximum T cell proliferation was seen after seven
days of in vitro stimulation of isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with
NiSO4. Nickel sulfate concentrations above 1.0 mM were toxic to the cells by trypan
blue exclusion. At concentrations between 0.1 and 100 µM a dose-dependent stimulation
of PBMC was seen in 16 of the 18 subjects. Maximum stimulation occurred between 1
and 100 µM NiSO4 with the mean maximum stimulation index (SI) of 7.1, range 1.4-21.8
(P < 0.0005). Similar results were obtained with NiCl2 (N = 3, mean SI = 13, range 8.0-
20.2). The functional capacity of Ni-inducible T cells was assessed by cytokine release
from PBMC from Ni-allergic and Ni-nonallergic individuals. T cells from both allergic
and nonallergic subjects released interferon-γ (IFN-γ) but no significant difference was
observed between the two groups in the concentrations of IFN-γ released after 72 hr
stimulation with NiSO4. Umbilical cord mononuclear cells (UCMC) were used as a
model for unexposed individuals. When incubated with 10-10 to 10-4 M NiSO4 these cells
showed no cell proliferation compared to controls. The authors note that: “even if the
observed T cell reactivity towards Ni by itself does not result in the development of
clinical disease, such a T cell reactivity may add to the reactivity of other T cells with
other allergen specificity resulting in the development of overt clinical disease.”

In a follow-up study, Lisby et al. (1999b) found that the proliferative response in Ni-
nonallergic individuals was mainly confined to T cells within the CD4+ subset. Also in

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contrast to the conventional recall antigen tetanus toxoid, NiSO4 stimulated both naïve
and memory CD4+ T cells. Preincubation of monocytes/macrophages but not T cells
with NiSO4 resulted in subsequent T cell proliferation. The results suggest that T cells in
Ni-nonallergic individuals are capable of recognizing nickel or nickel-modified peptides.

Buchvald and Lundeberg (2004) investigated the in vitro responses of peripheral blood
mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to nickel stimulation in groups of atopic and nonatopic
patients with nickel allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). ACD is dependent on cell-
mediated immune responses mediated by type-1 T lymphocytes whereas atopic dermatitis
(AD) occurs via sustained activation of type-2 subsets of T cells. Ten subjects each with
nonatopic nickel ACD, nickel ACD + concomitant AD, AD but no contact allergy, and
healthy controls provided PBMCs that were stimulated with NiSO4, phytohemagglutinin
(PHA), or tetanus toxoid (TT). Ni-induced lymphocyte DNA synthesis in PBMC
cultures was measured with [3H] thymidine incorporation and expressed as a stimulation
index (SI). The SI for controls averaged about one, for AD about two, for ACD about 20
and for ACD+AD about two. IL-2 secretion (pg/mL) averaged about 1, 1, 50, and 10,
respectively. IL-5 secretion (pg/mL) averaged about 10, 10, 175, and 25, respectively.
The results indicated that PBMCs of nickel-allergic subjects with concomitant AD
exhibited impaired in vitro proliferative and secretory responses to nickel but not to the
mitogen PHA or the recall antigen TT. There was a statistically significant correlation
between the amounts of IL-2 and IL-5 secreted by Ni-stimulated lymphocytes of the
ACD+AD subjects. The authors speculate that IL-5 may play a role in the development
of ACD.

Moed et al. (2004) determined the identity of nickel-responding T cell subsets in five
nickel-allergic subjects and four controls. The T cell subsets were isolated from
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and their proliferative capacity, type-1 or
type-2, measured by IFN-γ or IL-5 release, and phenotypical marker expression were
assessed after nickel treatment with 50 µM NiSO4. The authors found that only CD4+
CLA+ CD45RO+ and not CD8+ T cells proliferated and produced both type-1 and type-2
cytokines in response to nickel. Cells with the marker CLA in combination with CD4+,
CD45RO+, or CD69 are increased after nickel stimulation. Analysis of nickel-reactive
cells for expression of distinct chemokine receptors showed that proliferative capacity
and cytokine production were confined to subsets expressing CXCR3 and CCR4 but not
CCR6. A subset of T cells expressing CLA+ and CXCR3, CCR4 and CCR10 increased
in response to allergen. The authors conclude that Ni-reactive T cells are characterized as
CD4+ CLA+ memory cells, which express chemokine receptors CXCR3, CCR4, and
CCR10, but not CCR6. The lack of Ni-induced IFN-γ or IL-5 release from CD8+ T-cell
fractions suggests that they play no significant role in nickel allergy.

Jensen et al. (2004) similarly characterized lymphocyte subpopulations and cytokine

profiles in PBMCs of Ni-sensitive individuals after nickel exposure. Thirty-three Ni-
sensitive individuals were randomly divided into four groups of 7-10 each and orally
challenged with 0, 0.3, 1.0, or 4.0 mg nickel given as NiSO4•6H2O. Nineteen healthy
controls were randomly divided into two groups and orally challenged with 0 or 4.0 mg
Ni. Blood samples were obtained 24 hr after Ni-exposure and PBMCs isolated for
analysis. Ni-sensitive individuals had significantly higher fractions of lymphocytes in

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their peripheral blood than the healthy controls (mean percent): CD3+ CD45RO+ CLA+
cells (12.5 vs. 8.5, P = 0.0035); CD4+ CD45RO+ CLA+ cells (21.2 vs. 12.2, P =
0.000095); and CD8+ CD45RO+ CLA+ cells (6.1 vs. 1.6, P = 0.000007).

The Ni-sensitive subjects were divided into two groups based on cutaneous response
following oral exposure (responders N = 13, non-responders N = 20). A dose-response
reaction was observed among nickel-sensitive subjects. Both responders and non-
responders had significantly higher fractions of CD3+ CD45RO+ CLA+ lymphocytes
before challenge than the healthy controls (P = 0.014 and 0.049, respectively). After
challenge this was significant only for the non-responders (P = 0.025). Both Ni-sensitive
groups showed significantly higher fractions of CD4+ CD45RO+ CLA+ cells before and
after Ni-challenge (P < 0.001). Responders had the highest fraction of CD8+ CD45RO+
CLA+ before and after Ni-challenge [7.7 vs. 1.6 (P = 0.022) and 6.5 vs. 1.6 (P = 0.0014),
respectively]. Only those individuals that responded to Ni-challenge with 4 mg Ni had
significantly elevated levels of IL-5 in the serum (P = 0.025) and a smaller non-
significant increase in IL-10. No differences in the levels of IL-2, IL-4, IFN-γ, or TNF-α
were observed before or after challenge. Overall the results indicate that CD8+
CD45RO+ CLA+ T-lymphocytes and T lymphocytes with the type 2 cytokine profile are
involved in systemic contact dermatitis associated with nickel exposure.

Minang et al. (2006a) investigated the effect of IL-10 on Ni-induced Th-1(IFN-γ) and Th-
2-type (IL-4 and IL-13) cytokine responses in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMC). PBMC from 15 Ni-allergic and 8 control donors were stimulated with nickel
and the frequency of cytokine-producing cells and cytokine concentrations analyzed by
enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISpot) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA). PBMC suspensions of 2.5 x105 cells with or without 50 µM NiCl2•6H2O were
incubated with different concentrations of recombinant rIL-10 (0 to 25 ng/mL). Nickel-
PBMC showed significantly higher levels of endogenous IL-10 compared to control
PBMC. The mean increase in IL-10 induced by Ni(II) was 33.1 pg/mL and 2.2 pg/mL in
the Ni-PBMC and control PBMC, respectively. Addition of rIL-10 to Ni-PBMC reduced
the levels of Ni-induced IL-13, and IFN-γ. The mean levels of IFN-γ were reduced by
40% to 71% using 0.2 and 1 ng/mL of rIL-10. No effects of rIL-10 were seen in the
control PBMC. The results suggest that IL-10 may play a role in vivo in counteracting
the allergic reactions mediated by Th-1-type reactions. In a follow-up study the authors
observed similar mixed Th1- and Th2-type cytokine profiles in allergic subjects with
cobalt(II), chromium(Cr III and VI), palladium(Pd II) and gold(Au I and III). In terms of
the optimal dose for induction of cytokines IL-2, IL-4 and IL-13 the order of
effectiveness was: Cr(VI), 0.5 µM > Au(III), 2 µM > Au(I), 25 µM > Ni(II) ~ Co(II), 50
µM > Cr(III) ~ Pd(II), 100 µM.

8.3 Studies on Cells in vitro.

Zeromski et al. (1995) measured the effects of Ni3S2 (median particle size ≥ 30 µm) or
NiSO4 on human lymphocytes in vitro. Blood was obtained from a blood bank and
peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from normal donors were cultured for 24 hr at 0,
0.01, 0.02, or 0.04 mM Ni. Following culture, the immuno-phenotype of the cells was
determined by indirect immunofluorescence, using monoclonal antibodies to major

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differentiation antigens of PBMCs, and their natural killer (NK) activity toward K562
target cells. Ni3S2 had a marked inhibitory effect on the PBMCs consisting of a
decreased number of CD4-positive cells at 0.02 and 0.04 mM Ni and a fall of NK (CD56-
positive) cell number at all concentrations tested. NiSO4 induced a significant 30 percent
decrease in the CD4 phenotype of T cells at 0.04 mM (P < 0.05 vs. control). The
inhibitory effects noted by both nickel compounds could be prevented by co-treatment
with magnesium acetate. Ni or Mg salts did not affect CD3, CD8, CD20, or CD11a cell

Caicedo et al. (2007) investigated the metal ion-induced DNA damage, apoptosis,
necrosis and proliferation in a human CD4+ T-helper lymphocyte (Jurkat) cell line. Cell
suspensions with 1 x 106 cells were incubated for 48 hr with 0, 0.05, 0.5, 1.0, or 5.0 mM
metal ion as chlorides. The results indicated that the metal ions did not preferentially
induce Jurkat T-lymphocyte DNA damage prior to other forms of toxicity indicated by
apoptosis and/or necrosis. In terms of the average concentration (of the four endpoints)
required to induce a significant adverse effect, the metals were ranked as follows: V(III),
0.29 mM; Ni(II), 1.41 mM; Co(II), 2.65 mM; Cu(II), >2.65 mM; Nb(V), >2.75 mM;
Mo(V), >2.87 mM; Zr(II), >3.875 mM; Be(II), >4 mM; Cr(III), >5 mM; Al(III), >5 mM;
and Fe(III), >5 mM. Vanadium (III) and nickel (II) stand out as the more toxic of the
metal ions surveyed on average. In terms of cytotoxicity only cobalt (II) and niobium (V)
were more toxic (0.5 mM) than vanadium (1.0 mM) and nickel (5.0 mM).

Miyazawa et al. (2008) studied the role of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)
signaling pathway in the activation of dendritic-type THP-1 cells by nickel sulfate.
Nickel and other low molecular weight allergens induce contact hypersensitivity via a
cell-mediated delayed-type immune response. In the induction phase these compounds or
haptens first make contact with dendritic cells (DCs) in the skin, including Langerhans
cells (LCs). Activated DCs migrate to regional lymph nodes and trigger the allergen-
specific T-cell response with expression of stimulatory molecules (e.g., CD86 and CD54)
and the production of several stimulatory cytokines (e.g., IL-1β). Human myeloid cell
lines (THP-1, U937 and MUTZ-3) are good surrogates of DCs and have a high capacity
to induce tumor necrosis factor (TNF-ά) release and CD86, CD54 and CD40 expression
following allergen treatment. THP-1 cells (1 x 106) were cultured for one hour in one mL
of culture medium with either 170 µg/mL NiSO4 or 5 µg/mL 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene
(DNCB). Some experiments included 0.03 to 3 µM of the p38 MAPK inhibitor
SB203580. Nickel sulfate and DNCB induced phosphorylation of p38 and extracellular
signal-regulated kinase (ERK). Inhibition of p38 MAPK activation selectively blocked
DNCB-induced TNF-ά release, but not NiSO4. Alternatively, inhibition of ERK
pathways selectively suppressed NiSO4-induced TNF-ά but not DNCB-induced release.
The authors conclude that the two allergens activate p38 MAPK and ERK, and stimulate
TNF-ά release via different signal transduction pathways.

Boisleve et al. (2005) demonstrated that in immature human CD34+-derived DC, three
MAPK pathways (ERK, p38MAPK, and JNK) participated in the expression of CD83,
CD86 and CCR7 molecules induced by NiSO4. In contrast, following TNF-α
stimulation, only p38 MAPK was involved in CD83 and CCR7 expression. ERK
inhibited DC maturation while JNK had no effect. The authors also demonstrated that

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inhibition of the MAPK pathways did not suppress NiSO4-induced down-regulation of

the adhesion molecule E-cadherin and the specific LC protein, langerin, suggesting that
other signaling pathways may be involved.

Goebeler et al. (1993) evaluated the effects of sensitizing agents (2,4-dinitro-

benzenesulfonic acid, metal salt haptens) on endothelial adhesion molecule expression.
Endothelial surface molecules play a role in leukocyte recruitment to sites of
inflammation. Using flow cytometry and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, NiCl2
and to a lesser extent CoCl2 were observed to up-regulate intercellular adhesion
molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and endothelial
leukocyte adhesion molecule-1(ELAM-1, E-selectin) expression on cultured human
umbilical vein endothelium. The other substances tested showed no effects including
AlCl3, CrCl3, K2Cr2O7, MnCl2, CuCl2, ZnCl2 and dinitrobenzenesulfonate. Induction of
adhesion molecules by NiCl2 required de novo mRNA and protein synthesis and could be
blocked by kinase inhibitor H-7. Neutralizing antibodies to IL-1 did not block Ni(II) up-
regulation indicating independence of an IL-1-dependent autocrine mechanism. In a
separate analysis of foreskin specimens in organ culture, NiCl2 up-regulated
microvascular ELAM-1 expression (2.06 ± 0.31SEM in control vs. 3.25 ± 0.27SEM with
0.7mM NiCl2: P < 0.01). The authors speculate on the importance of the findings with
regard to nickel induced contact allergies.

Schmidt et al. (2010) reported that Ni(II) (form not specified) triggered an inflammatory
response by directly activating human Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). The response was
specific to humans and absent in mouse TLR4. Studies with mutant TLR4 proteins
showed that the non-conserved histidines 456 and 458 of human TLR4 are required for
Ni(II) activation but not by the natural ligand polysaccharide. Transgenic expression of
human TLR4 in TLR4 deficient mice allowed efficient sensitization to Ni(II). The results
suggest site-specific human TLR4 inhibition as a potential therapy for contact

Gao et al. (2010) studied the interaction of microbial stimuli and nickel to amplify the
release of inflammatory and immune-modulating cytokines in cultured human lung
fibroblasts (HLF). NiSO4 and MALP-2(M. fermentans-derived macrophage-activating
lipopeptide-2) induced synergistic increases in IL-6 gene expression. HLF were exposed
to 200 µM NiSO4 and/or 600 pg/mL MALP-2. The combined treatment increase in IL-6
mRNA was about 20-fold versus 5-fold for individual treatments over 30 hr. Nickel and
MALP-2, alone or together, led to rapid and transient phosphorylations of ERK1/2 and
JNK/SAPK. P38 phosphorylation was seen only after prolonged treatment with both
agents together. PI3K-dependent Akt phosphorylation was unchanged by Ni and/or
MALP-2 treatment. IL-6 induced by Ni/MALP-2 was partially dependent on the activity
of HIF-1α and COX-2. IL-6 was also partially sensitive to the inhibition of ERK1/2, p38,
and PI3K signaling. Protein kinase inhibitors had little or no effect on Ni/MALP-2-
induced accumulation of HIF-1α protein, however, COX-2 expression and, especially,
PGE2 production were suppressed. The authors conclude that Ni/MALP-2 interactions
involve multiple protein kinase pathways (ERK1/2, p38, PI3K) that modulate events
downstream from early accumulation of HIF-1α gene expression to COX-2 derived
autocrine products like PGE2.

94 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Fugitive fly ash derived from the combustion of residual fuel oil (ROFA) containing
nickel has been used to study the effects of metal-containing PM. The toxicity of ROFA
and other PM involves initiation of inflammatory cascades within the lung (Gao et al.,
2010). It is possible that these effects may play a role in human disease caused by nickel
bearing PM.

Carter et al. (1997) exposed normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells for 2 or 24
hr to 0, 5, 50, or 200 µg/mL residual oil fly ash (ROFA). The ionizable metal content of
the ROFA was mainly vanadium (185 mg/g), nickel (37.5 mg/g) and iron (35.5 mg/g).
Concentrations of inflammatory cytokines IL-8, IL-6 and TNF-α, as well as mRNA
coding for these cytokines were measured using ELISA and RT-PCR methods.
Incubation of cells for 2 hr stimulated the accumulation of IL-8 protein and mRNA in a
dose-dependent manner. Significant increase of IL-8 mRNA was seen in 2 hr with
5 µg/mL ROFA. ROFA induction of IL-6 was similar to that of IL-8. ROFA induction
of TNF-α was not as marked, with cells requiring 50 or 200 µg/mL for 2 hr to elicit a
significant increase. Cytokine induction by ROFA was inhibited by inclusion of either
the metal chelator deferoxamine (1.0 mM) or the free radical scavenger dimethylthiourea
(1.0 mM). On this basis the authors concluded that the ROFA-induced cytokine
production by the human airway cells was metal-dependent.

8.4 Immunotoxicity Studies in Experimental Animals

Both the critical study and the supporting study for the derivation of the acute REL for
nickel compounds exhibited immunotoxicity endpoints in experimental animals. The
study of Graham et al. (1978) on inhibition of antibody production was the critical study
for the aREL and was a supporting study for the 8-hour REL. Adkins et al. (1979)
showing increased mortality in nickel-treated animals subjected to experimental infection
was the supporting study for the aREL. The details of the derivations are given in
sections 9.3 and 9.4 below.

Studies by Graham et al. (1975, 1978) indicate that the immune system is a sensitive
target for acute nickel toxicity showing inhibition of antibody production against sheep
erythrocytes. These authors used a hemolytic plaque technique to determine the number
of specific antibody-producing spleen cells. Six-week old SPF female Swiss mice (14-
29 per group) were exposed by inhalation to 0, 100, 250, 375, or 490 µg Ni/m³ as NiCl2
(99% of particles were ≤ 3µm in diameter, exposure values were estimated from their
Fig. 3) for two hours. The exposed animals showed a significant decrease in splenic
antibody-forming cells following a challenge with a T-lymphocyte dependent antigen
(Graham et al., 1978). A linear dose-response was observed with a negative linear
regression of Y = -34.9 - 0.347X, where Y is the number of hemolytic plaques
formed/106 spleen cells and X is the exposure concentration in µg Ni/m3. The results
indicate a LOAEL of 250 µg Ni/m3 and a potential NOAEL of 100 µg Ni/m3.
Unfortunately this study is short on details and the NOAEL is not considered as reliable
as the LOAEL (no control values are given). We analyzed the data in the Graham et al.
(1978, Figure 3) with a continuous benchmark dose approach. The extrapolated
background from their Fig. 3 is approximately -40 plaques/106 cells. Using a criterion of
-100 plaques/106 cells as a significant effect (a reduction of more than double the

95 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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background), we obtained a good fit to a linear model (P = 0.95) with a benchmark dose
(BMD) for a 100 plaque loss of 284 µg Ni/m3 and a 95% lower confidence limit on BMD
(BMDL) of 164.6 µg Ni/m3 (Figure 1). The latter value is used as the point of departure
in the derivation of a potential 8-hour REL (Section 9.4).

Figure 1. Continuous Benchmark Dose Analysis of Decrease in Plaques/106 Spleen

Cells vs. µg Ni/m3, 2 Hours Exposure of Female Swiss Mice. BMD and BMDL are
for a 100 Plaque Decrease (data from Graham et al. 1978, their Fig. 3).

Linear Model with 0.95 Confidence Level

Mean Response Decrease
Plaques/106 Spleen Cells




100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
µg Ni/m
11:30 11/21 2008

A host-resistance study by Adkins et al. (1979) showed that mice (80-120 per group)
exposed to inhaled soluble nickel aerosols for two hours in the form of NiCl2 or NiSO4
(particle sizes 86 to 96% <1.4µm, 99% <3.0µm) were significantly more susceptible to
mortality from streptococcal bacterial infection. The concentrations of nickel that
showed these effects were 499 µg Ni/m³ (NiCl2) and 455 µg Ni/m³ (NiSO4). No
significant change in mortality was seen with exposure to 369 µg Ni/m³ as NiCl2. The
data for percentage mortality difference from control for the post NiCl2 treatment
infection interval of 24 hr (their Table 1) was analyzed by the benchmark dose method.
Using a doubling of the mortality percentage as the benchmark (i.e., 3.74 to 7.5%) a
BMDL of 365 µg Ni/m3 was obtained with the power model and unequal variances

96 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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(doses of 0, 289, 369, and 499 µg Ni/m3). This value is about twice the BMDL obtained
with the Graham et al. (1978) data shown above but for a more severe endpoint.

Some of the immunologic effects of nickel in exposed rodents in vivo are summarized in
Table 17.

Table 17. Immunologic Effects of Nickel Compounds Observed in Rodent Studies

(NTP, 1996a)

Nickel Chemical
Compound Species/Route treatment Response Reference
Cell-mediated immunity
Nickel CBA/J mice, Single injection,
Reduced T- Smialowicz
chloride intramuscular 18 mg/kg bw lymphocyte et al., 1984
Nickel B6C3F1 mice Up to 4,000 Depressed spleen Dieter et al.,
sulfate female, oral mg/kg-d for 23 lymphoproliferative 1988
weeks response to LPS
(no effect on NK
activity; PFC assay;
mitogen response
in spleen cells;
resistance to
Listeria challenge)
Nickel Sprague- 0, 0.02, 0.05, Increase of CD4+ Obone et al.
sulfate Dawley rats, 0.1%NiSO4•6H2O, and CD8+ T-cells 1999.
oral, drinking or 0, 44.7, 11.75, and decrease of
water 13 weeks 223.5 mg Ni/L CD4/CD8 ratio
Humoral immunity
Nickel CBA/J mice, Single injection, Reduced antibody Smialowicz
chloride intramuscular 18 mg/kg bw response to T-cell et al., 1984
dependent sheep
red blood cells
Swiss albino 3-12 µg Ni/kg bw Depressed antibody Graham et
mice, followed by formation al., 1975
intramuscular immunization
with sheep red
blood cells
Swiss mice, 2-hour inhalation Depressed antibody Graham et
inhalation exposure at 250 response to sheep al., 1978
µg/m3 red blood cells
Nickel Sprague- 11 mg/kg bw Depressed Figoni and
acetate Dawley rats, immunized with circulating Treagan,
intraperitoneal E. coli antibody response 1975

97 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 17. Immunologic Effects of Nickel Compounds Observed in Rodent Studies

(NTP, 1996a)

Nickel Chemical
Compound Species/Route treatment Response Reference
Macrophage function
Nickel CBA/J mice, Single injection, No effect on Smialowicz
chloride intramuscular 18 mg/kg bw phagocytic capacity et al., 1984
of peritoneal
Natural killer cell activity
Nickel CBA/J and Single injection, Depressed NK Smialowicz
chloride C57BL/6J 18 mg/kg bw activity against et al., 1984,
mice, Yac-1 murine 1985, 1986
intramuscular lymphoma cells
Host resistance
Nickel CD mice and 0.5 mg/m3 for 2 Enhanced Adkins et
chloride and Sprague- hours respiratory al., 1979
nickel oxide Dawley rats, infection by
inhalation Streptococcus

A similar suppression in antibody-forming cells was seen in mice (10-12/dose group)

exposed intramuscularly to 0, 3.09, 6.17, 9.25, or 12.34 µg Ni/g body weight as NiCl2 or
NiSO4 (Graham et al., 1975, 1978). Statistically significant decreases in plaque
production (P < 0.05 vs. control by William’s test) were seen at 9.25 µg Ni/m3 with NiCl2
and at 3.09 µg Ni/m3 with NiSO4 (Graham et al., 1975). Similar exposures with NiO
showed no decreases at any dose. A linear dose-response was given for NiCl2 of Y =
-2.64 – 0.028X, where Y is the log10 of plaques/106 cells and X is the i.m. dose of µg
Ni/g bw.

Condevaux et al. (2001) compared the effects of morphine and nickel chloride on natural
killer (NK) cell activity in vitro in rats and in the cynomolgus monkey. The NK cells
were exposed to either NiCl2 at 0, 1, 10, or 100 µg/mL or morphine at 0, 0.01, 1, or
1000 nM. There were statistically significant decreases in NK cell activity at the highest
concentrations of nickel or morphine. The magnitudes of the decreases were greater in
the monkey than in the rat, i.e. for NiCl2 the decreases were 34.4-42.2% in monkey and
21.6-24.3% in rat. Morphine hydrochloride induced decreases of 59.1-68% in the
monkey and 23.7-34.7% in the rat.

Haley et al. (1987) showed that male cynomolgus monkeys, exposed to intratracheal
Ni3S2 (particle size not stated) at a delivered dose of 0.06 µmol Ni/g lung tissue, had
impaired pulmonary macrophage phagocytic function and increased NK cell activity.
Mice also exhibited impairment of pulmonary macrophage function in addition to
decreases in antibody-forming spleen cells with inhalation exposure to Ni3S2 or NiO

98 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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(Haley et al., 1990). Natural killer cell activity measured by splenic cytotoxic activity to
tumor cells as well as by clearance of melanoma tumors in vivo was suppressed in two
strains of mice exposed to intramuscular injections of 18.3 mg Ni/kg as NiCl2 as
compared to controls (Smialowicz et al., 1985).

Smialowicz et al. (1984, 1985) injected nickel chloride i.m. in mice and found a
significant reduction in a variety of T-lymphocytes and natural killer cell-mediated
immune functions. They also demonstrated that suppression of natural killer cell activity
could be detected with in vitro and in vivo assays and that reduction of natural killer cell
activity was not associated with either a reduction in spleen cellularity or the production
of suppressor cells. Their findings confirmed those reported by other investigators on the
immunosuppressive effects of nickel compounds on circulating antibody titers to T1
phage in rats (Figoni and Treagan, 1975), on antibody response to sheep erythrocytes
(Graham et al., 1975), on interferon production in vivo in mice (Grainer et al., 1977), and
on the susceptibility to induced pulmonary infection in mice following inhalation of
nickel chloride (Adkins et al., 1979).

Haley et al. (1990) found that exposure of mice to nickel sulfate, nickel subsulfide, or
nickel oxide resulted in various immunological effects. Mice were exposed to 0, 0.11,
0.45, or 1.8 mg Ni/m3 as Ni3S2 (MMAD = 2.4 µm, gsd = 2.2); 0.47, 2.0, or 7.9 mg Ni/m3
as NiO (MMAD = 2.8 µm, gsd = 1.8); and 0.027, 0.11, and 0.45 mg Ni/m3 as NiSO4
(MMAD = 2.3 µm, gsd = 2.4) for 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for 13 weeks. Nickel
exposures consistently decreased splenic antibody-forming cell (AFC) responses, with
significant decreases occurring at 1.8 mg Ni/m3 as nickel subsulfide. In contrast, AFC
responses in the lung-associated lymph nodes were consistently increased, indicating a
possible indirect influence of inflammatory mediators released in the lung on local lymph

Rabbits (8 nickel exposed and 8 controls) exposed to 0.24 mg Ni/m3 as nickel chloride
(MMAD = 0.5-1.0 µm, cut off at ≤7.0µm) 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for 4 weeks
exhibited significantly decreased macrophage lysozyme activity in pulmonary lavage
fluid and in macrophage cultures, compared with control animals (Lundborg and Camner,
1984). Similar exposures of rabbits to chlorides of cadmium, cobalt, or copper did not
reduce lysozyme activity.

Obone et al. (1999) evaluated the bioaccumulation and toxicity of nickel sulfate in rats
following 13 weeks of oral exposure. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (8/dose group)
were given 0, 0.02%, 0.05% and 0.1% nickel sulfate, i.e. 0, 44.7, 111.75, and 223.5 mg
Ni/L, in their drinking water for 13 weeks. Measurements of splenic lymphocyte
subpopulations following exposure to 0.05% NiSO4 showed significant increases in
absolute numbers of T-cells, CD4+ and CD8+. Statistically significant increases in
CD8+ and decrease in the ratio of CD4/CD8 were observed at all dose levels. Significant
increases in both the absolute number and percentage of thymocyte CD8+ cell
populations were also seen at all dose levels. The findings indicate a LOAEL of
approximately 7.0 mg/kg-d for immunotoxicity (C = 0.1*W0.7377 L/d, W = 0.185 kg rats;
U.S. EPA, 1988).

99 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Harkin et al. (2003) studied immunosuppression in Sprague-Dawley rats following i.p.

administration of 0 (vehicle), 0.12, 0.36, 1.1, or 3.3 mg NiCl2/kg bw. Nickel chloride
suppressed T-lymphocyte proliferation and Th-1 (IFN-γ) and Th-2 (IL-10) cytokine
production in a dose- and time-dependent manner. In addition, NiCl2 inhibited
production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-ά and increased the production of the
anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 from lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated cultures.
Three of the cytokine data sets from Harkin et al. (2003) were subjected to continuous
benchmark dose analysis (their Figure 2 (a), (b), and (c)). All the data sets were fit by the
Hill model with P values greater than 0.22 (P ≥ 0.1 adequacy of fit criterion). For
concanavalin-A (Con-A) stimulated Th1:IFN-γ, the BMDL1SD was 0.18 mg Ni2+/kg bw.
For Con A-stimulated Th2:IL-10, the BMDL1SD was 0.14 mg Ni2+/kg bw. LPS-
stimulated TNF-ά gave a BMDL1SD of 0.17 mg Ni2+/kg bw. The similarity of the
quantitative dose responses for nickel-induced cytokine suppression may indicate a
common mode of action. The authors reported that the minimum plasma concentrations
of nickel required to provoke immunosuppression are in the range 209 to 585 ng/mL. In
the kinetic portion of the study a 3.3 mg/kg NiCl2 dose provoked immunological changes
that were maximal one hour following administration. The data demonstrate that NiCl2
suppresses T-cell function and promotes an immunosuppressive macrophage phenotype
in rats.

Roberts et al. (2009) studied the metal components of residual oil fly ash (ROFA) on
pulmonary host defense in rats. The soluble fraction of ROFA contained Ni, Fe, Al and
Zn. Sprague-Dawley rats were intratracheally instilled with 55.7 µg/rat (NiCl2), 32.7
µg/rat (FeSO4), 46.6 µg/rat (Al3(SO4)2), 8.69 µg/rat (ZnCl2), or a combination of all
metals. Rats were also instilled with mixtures without a specific metal e.g., Mix-No Ni.
Prior to infection with Listeria monocytogenes (5 x 104 cells) soluble nickel alone or in
metal mixture produced no more lung injury than saline controls. Following infection
nickel-treated animals had increased bacterial lung burden and body weight decrease. Ni
alone and in mixtures increased reactive oxidants in the lung and was most important in
suppressing T-cell activity following infection. Weight decreases in the mixes without
Fe or Al indicate that iron and aluminum may act antagonistically to nickel. Overall the
authors conclude that soluble Ni is the primary metal involved in the increased
susceptibility to infection observed in rats exposed to the soluble metals of ROFA.

100 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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9.1 Introduction

The toxic effects of chemicals are of varying types and degrees of severity. Toxic effects
from airborne substances may be due to exposure via the skin, eyes, and upper and lower
respiratory tract. Systemic effects, such as hemolysis or central nervous system injury,
may result from absorption of material through the lungs, and, to a lesser extent, through
the skin. For a toxic endpoint to be considered due to acute exposure, the effects do not
have to be observed immediately. Rather, the effects may be observed hours to days
following the acute exposure. OEHHA has chosen to adopt U.S.EPA’s general definition
of adverse effects as “a biochemical change, functional impairment, or pathologic lesion
that negatively affects the performance of the whole organism, or that reduce an
organism’s ability to respond to an additional challenge” (U.S.EPA, 2007). In assessing
the dose-response relationship for non-cancer toxicological endpoints and developing
RELs, the objective is to define concentrations of chemicals at or below which no
adverse health effects are anticipated in the general human population, including sensitive
subpopulations, over the specified exposure duration (1 hour, eight hours or chronic).

In selecting the critical and supporting studies upon which to base the RELs a number of
factors are considered. Firstly, human studies are preferred if they are of sufficient
quality in terms of endpoint relevance, numbers of subjects, dose response, study design
etc. Most often we rely on animal studies, which generally are more available and have
better dosimetry data than human studies. Here we look for the most sensitive effect in
the most sensitive sex and species. We favor studies that provide a dose response that we
can analyze with either quantal or continuous data yielding a BMDL or 95% lower
confidence bound on a specific response level, usually 5%. This approach uses all the
available data and is generally superior to the traditional approach of identification of a
NOAEL or LOAEL, which is more influenced by dose selection (spacing), does not
consider sample size and does not use information from the higher doses. When a BMD
analysis is not possible, the NOAEL/LOAEL approach is used. Both approaches employ
uncertainty factors to address shortcomings in available toxicity data when deriving the

9.2 Selection of Critical Studies

The available studies of acute lung toxicity in humans and animals were unsuitable for
the derivation of an acute REL. Human data were limited to case reports and small
occupational clinical or epidemiological studies with limited reporting and inadequate
exposure data. Animal studies in many cases are complicated by less relevant exposure
routes (e.g. subcutaneous injection, intratracheal installation), or the endpoints examined
were not the most sensitive. Instead, it was found that acute or short-term studies of
immunotoxicity provided a better basis for this derivation. In the derivations for the
acute REL we have selected critical studies based on two related toxic endpoints, namely
immunotoxicity and pneumotoxicity. The acute REL critical study (Graham et al., 1978)
and its supporting study (Adkins et al., 1979) are both based on immunotoxicity and give

101 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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values of 0.2 and 0.7 µg Ni/m3, respectively. Another study we considered was that of
Ishihara et al. (2002) on bronchial inflammatory responses and mucus secretion in rats
but the exposure of 5 hr/day x 5 days/week was too extensive for the 1 hour aREL.

The 8-Hour REL uses the NTP (1994c) NiSO4 inhalation study in rats as the critical
study and the Graham et al. (1978) as a supporting study. In this case we used a NOAEL
approach but for a very large study with several time intervals up to 2 years. We also
considered two other studies for the 8-hour REL (see Table 18). The chronic RELs for
nickel compounds and for NiO also use NTP studies for NiSO4 in rats, and NiO in mice.
Both studies show similar effects of lung toxicity (e.g., alveolar proteinosis) but the
derivation of the cRELs differ somewhat in that the rat data could be analyzed using a
computer program for particle deposition in rats and humans (MPPD2) whereas the
mouse used published data on deposition calculations since the MPPD2 model does not
analyze deposition in the mouse lung. Both data sets were analyzed for dose response
(i.e. BMDL05). For the oral REL we adopted a study previously used in our drinking
water program to set the public health goal (PHG). In all cases we apply uncertainty
factors according to our published guidance (OEHHA, 2008) and the sufficiency of the
data available in deriving the final REL proposals.

9.3 Acute Reference Exposure Level (aREL)

Study Graham et al., 1978;
supported by Adkins et al. (1979)
Study population Immunotoxicity in mice,
Exposure method Inhalation of 100 to 490 µg/m³ NiCl2
Critical effects Depressed antibody response
BMDL 165 µg Ni/m3 (-100 plaques/106 cells)
Exposure duration 2 hours
Extrapolated 1 hour concentration 233 µg Ni/m³ (usingCn x T = K, with n =2)
BMR uncertainty factor √10 (clear response at BMR)
Interspecies uncertainty factor 10(default)
Intraspecies uncertainty factor (√10PD * 10PK)
Cumulative uncertainty factor 1000
Reference Exposure Level 0.2 µg Ni/m³

An acute REL of 0.2 µg Ni/m³for mild effects following a 1-hour exposure was derived
using the study of Graham et al. (1978) as the basis. This study is discussed above in
section 8.4 and a dose response analysis is shown in Figure 1. The study gives a clear
linear dose response. It involved an adequate number of animals per dose group (14-29)
and each group was compared with its own controls. An extrapolation from the BMDL
of 165 µg Ni/m3 to that of a 1-hour exposure was made using the time adjustment
formula Cn * T = K, where n = 2. This yielded a 1-hour value of 233 µg/m3. An overall
uncertainty factor of 1000 was applied. This included a factor of √10 to allow for the fact
that the BMDL was calculated for a benchmark response rate (BMR) which was
considered to be a clearly measurable and biologically significant response. Interspecies
and individual variabilities were represented by the usual defaults of 10 and 30,
respectively. This results in a 1-hour REL of 0.2 µg Ni/m³.

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The data of Graham et al. are supported by Adkins et al. (1979), who demonstrated
increased mortality in mice exposed to NiCl2 aerosol followed by streptococcal infection.
In this case a BMDL of 365 µg Ni/m3 for a doubling of mortality (from 3.74 to 7.5%)
was obtained with the continuous power model. Other acute studies, particularly Ishihara
et al. (2002) on lung toxicity, are less suitable to deriving a one-hour value. This aREL
value should be reevaluated if human immunotoxicity or other human data become
available. The aREL specifically does not apply to nickel carbonyl, which releases both
nickel and carbon monoxide.

9.4 8-Hour Reference Exposure Level (8-hour REL):

Study NTP, 1994c (supported by Graham et al.,

Study population Female and male rats
Exposure method inhalation of 0.12 to 0.5 mg NiSO4/m³
6.2hr/d x 5d/wk, 16 days to 24 months
Critical effects alveolar macrophage hyperplasia, alveolar
proteinosis, chronic active inflammation
NOAEL 0.03 mg/Ni/m3 for 13 weeks
Exposure duration 6.2 hours/day
Extrapolated 8 hour concentration 5.7 µg Ni/m³ (30 µg/m3 x 0.264 DAF x 5/7

Interspecies uncertainty factor √10 (default)

Intraspecies uncertainty factor 30
Cumulative uncertainty factor 100
Reference Exposure Level 0.06 µg Ni/m³

The studies and endpoints considered in deriving the 8-hour REL are summarized in
Table 18. The 8-hour REL proposed is based on the NTP (1994c) bioassay results on
non-neoplastic lung lesions. This study provides daily exposures of 6.2 hours for five
days/week for durations of 16 days to 24 months(Table 19). The data were unsuitable for
benchmark dose analysis. The most consistent value presented was a NOAEL of 0.03 mg
Ni/m3 for alveolar macrophage hyperplasia in female rats (Table 19). This would give a
daily value of 5.7 µg Ni/m3 (30 µg Ni/m3 x 0.264DAF x 5/7 days/wk). A value of 1 for
UFL was used since an acceptable NOAEL was identified. Determination of the DAF in
this study is described below in the section on derivation of the chronic REL. A model
was used to account for rat to human differences in upper and lower airway deposition of
nickel particles and it seems likely that deposition is the key event leading to subsequent
lung toxicity. Therefore, a UFA-k subfactor of 1 was applied to pharmacokinetic
differences and UFA-d = √10 for pharmacodynamic differences, for a total UFA = √10.
An intraspecies uncertainty factor (UFH) of 30 was used incorporating a subfactor of 10
for pharmacodynamic differences and √10 for pharmacokinetic differences. The value of
UFH-d of 10 addresses potential increased sensitivity of infants and children vs. adults to
continuous exposures to airborne nickel particles. There is also pharmacokinetic
uncertainty, but this is somewhat lessened by the deposition model which was also appled
to several child lung structures. With a cumulative uncertainty factor of 100 (√10 x 30)

103 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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the calculated 8-hour REL would be 0.06 µg Ni/m3. The experimental exposures were
6.2 hours and repeated daily exposures were made over a period of 13 weeks.

A suitable supporting study for the 8 hour REL is the Graham et al. (1978) study, the
immunotoxicity endpoint and the 2 hr BMDL of 165 µg Ni/m3. Where the 1-hour
extrapolation yielded a value of 233 µg/m³ the 8-hour value was 82 µg/m3. In this
derivation we used an uncertainty factor (UFL) of √10 for the BMDL, which replaces the
LOAEL. The BMDL has the advantage over the LOAEL of using all the dose-response
data, although in this case the benchmark response was considered to represent a
measurable non-zero response rate. However, since a dose-response model was used, a
smaller UF than would be applied for a LOAEL is adequate. There was insufficient
confidence in the reported NOAEL to base a REL on that value. For interspecies
uncertainty (UFA) we adopted the usual value of 10 which can be considered to account
equally for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences between mice and
humans. For intraspecies uncertainty (UFH) we used a value of 30, which includes a
subfactor of 10 for pharmacodynamic differences (i.e., child sensitivity) and √10 for
pharmacokinetic differences. Using the cumulative uncertainty factor of 1000 yields an
8-hour REL of 0.08 µg/m3. Repeated exposures to airborne nickel may have a greater
impact on infants and children than on adults due to its targeting of the immune system
and lung function, and its asthma inducing capability. Thus, following our approved
guidelines, we have used a full UFH of 30.

The advantage of the NTP study is multiple doses in two species and both sexes with
extended durations of exposure. Daily exposures are close to eight hours and
approximate the type of repeated exposures the 8-hour REL is intended to address.
However, the Graham et al. (1978) study addresses an alternate toxic endpoint albeit with
greater uncertainty due to study design limitations. The Ishihara et al. (2002) data on
lung inflammation and mucus secretion endpoints generally fall in between the Graham
et al. and the NTP studies in severity and duration of exposure, however the derived REL
values appear to be consistent with the more severe lung and immunotoxicity effects

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Table 18. Studies and Toxic Endpoints Considered for the 8-Hour REL

Study Endpoint Criterion Duration 8 hr Cumulative Proposed

Adjusted uncertainty REL
Value factor µg/m3
Graham et Immunotoxicity BMDL = 2hr (single 82.3 1000 0.082
al., 1978 165 µg/m3 inhalation µg/m3
(BMD100 = exposure)
284 µg/m3)
NTP Lung toxicity in NOAEL = 6.2 hr/d x 5 5.7 µg/m3 100 0.06
1994c rats 0.03 mg/m3 d/wk, 16 d,
≤ 24 mo
Ishihara et Lung BMDL1SD = 5 hr/d x 5 19.6 300 0.065
al. 2002 inflammation, 5.5 µg d/wk x 1wk µg/m3
total cells/µL in (BMD1SD =
BALF 9.8 µg)
“ Lung BMDL1SD = 5 hr/d x 5 66.4 300 0.22
inflammation, 18.6 µg d/wk x 1 µg/m3
total protein in (BMD1SD = wk
BALF, mg/mL 26.9 µg)
“ Lung BMDL1SD = 5 hr/d x 5 178 300 0.60
inflammation, 50.0 µg d/wk x 1 µg/m3
total elastolytic (BMD1SD = wk
activity in BALF 53.0 µg)
“ Mucus secretion, BMDL1SD = 5 hr/d x 5 48.2 300 0.16
sialic acid in 13.5 µg d/wk x 1wk µg/m3
BALF, µg/mL (BMD1SD =
23.0 µg)
Pandey & Decreased sperm BMDL1SD = 1 oral 0.47 mg 1000 3.3
Srivastava, motility percent 2.91 mg dose/d x 5 Ni/kg-d
2000 NiSO4/kg d/wk x 5
“ Increased Sperm BMDL1SD = 1 oral 0.074 mg 1000 0.52
Abnormalities 0.46 mg dose/d x 5 Ni/kg
percent NiSO4/kg d/wk x 5
“ Increased Sperm BMDL1SD = 1 oral 0.060 mg 1000 0.42
Abnormalities 0.34mg dose/d x 5 Ni/kg
percent NiCl2/kg d/wk x 5

Note: BALF = bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; for spermatotoxicity it was assumed that the hexahydrate salts
were used, for the inhalation equivalent level it was assumed that only 50% of nickel would be absorbed
via the inhalation route in addition to a 70 kg body weight and a 20 m3/d inhalation rate (i.e. mouse µg/kg/d
x 70 kg/20 m3/d/0.5 = human µg/m3.

105 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 19. Non-neoplastic Lung Toxicity Observed with Inhalation of Nickel Sulfate
(NTP, 1994c).

Effect 16 days 13 weeks 7 months 15 months 24 months

(N)OAEL or (L)OAEL mg Ni/m3
Male Mice
Lung 0.77L (5) 0.44N(10) 0.22N(5) 0.11N(5) 0.056N(61)
Alveolar 0.056N(10) 0.11N(5) 0.056N(5) 0.056N(61)
Fibrosis 0.22N(10)
Female Mice
Lung 0.77L(5) 0.22N(10) 0.22N(5) 0.11N(5) 0.056L(60)
Alveolar 0.056N(10) 0.11N(5) 0.11N(5) 0.056L(60)
Fibrosis 0.22N(10)
Male Rats
Lung 0.7L(5) 0.11N(10) 0.03L(5) 0.06N(5) 0.03N(53)
Alveolar 0.03L(10) 0.03N(5) 0.06N(5) 0.03N(53)
Fibrosis 0.11N(5) 0.03N(53
Female Rats
Lung 0.7L(5) 0.06N(10) 0.03N(5) 0.06N(5) 0.03N(53)
Alveolar 0.03L(10) 0.03N(5) 0.06N(5) 0.03N(53)
Fibrosis 0.11N(5) 0.03N(53)

*Note: animals exposed to NiSO4 aerosol for 6.2 hr/day, 5days/week.

106 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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9.5 Derivation of Chronic Reference Exposure Levels (cRELS)

The studies conducted by NTP (1994a & c) were used as the bases for the chronic RELs.
These studies all showed similar non-carcinogenic effects in rats and mice, regardless of
the form of nickel administered. It therefore appears that soluble and insoluble forms of
nickel cause similar effects in rodents. For nickel sulfate the NOAELs for alveolar
proteinosis are virtually identical for male or female rats (Table 19). The data set for
exposures of 24 months duration was used in the development of the cREL for nickel and
nickel compounds other than nickel oxide. Benchmark dose analysis was undertaken
with the results shown in Table 20. A benchmark concentration of 0.0305 mg Ni/m3,
which is the average of the values obtained for alveolar proteinosis in male and female
rats, was selected.

Table 20. Benchmark Dose Analysis of Lung Effects Induced by NiSO4 in Two-
Year Studies (NTP, 1994c)

Species, Sex, Model Goodness of BMD05 BMDL05

Endpoint, Quantal Fit, Χ2, p
Response mg Ni/m3 mg Ni/m3

Rats, Male

Macrophage Log logistic 1.30, 0.25 0.024 0.016



Alveolar proteinosis Multistage 1.68, 0.64 0.036 0.029


Rats, Female

Macrophage Multistage 3.94, 0.14 0.018 0.007



Alveolar proteinosis Log probit 2.02, 0.16 0.038 0.032


For extrapolation to humans the multiple-path particle dosimetry model (MPPD) version
two was used to derive a dosimetric adjustment factor (DAF) to calculate a human
equivalent concentration (HEC), see Table 21.

107 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 21. Lung Deposition of NiSO4 •6H2O and NiO Particles Predicted by the
Hsieh et al. (1999a, c) and the Age-Specific MPPD Model (Version 2)*

Age NiSO4 NiO NiSO4 NiO

Distribu- Hsieh Hseih MPPD2 MPPD2
tion et al. et al.
1999a 1999c
MMAD, 2.33 2.80 2.50 2.46
gsd 2.20 1.87 2.38 1.87
Density, 2.07 7.45 2.07 6.67
Concn. 0.12, 1.25, 0.12 1.25
mg/m3 0.2, 2.5, 5.0
Species Rat Mouse Rat Rat


Rat, adult 0.0769 1.00 0.0354 1.00 0.089 1.00 0.1289 1.00
Human 0.3982 0.193 0.4491 0.0788 0.4008 0.2225 0.4329 0.30
3 months
Human 0.3246 0.237 0.3674 0.0964 0.3245 0.274 0.3552 0.36
3 years
Human 0.4086 0.188 0.4631 0.0764 0.4047 0.2199 0.4502 0.29
9+ years
Human 0.3653 0.21 0.3209 0.1102 0.3600 0.2472 0.4039 0.32
14 years
Human 0.2643 0.291 0.2957 0.1197 0.2479 0.3597 0.3026 0.43
21 years
Human 0.224 0.096 0.264 0.338

*Note: MPPD = Multi-Pathway Particle Dosimetry model run with particle concentration of 1 µg/m3, rat
nasal breathing and human oronasal normal augmenter, ADF = airway deposition fraction
(tracheobronchial plus alveolar), DAF = dosimetric adjustment factor (Human Equivalent Concentration =
DAF x Animal Concentration);The MPPD model was developed by the CIIT Center for Health Research,
The National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands (RIVM), the Ministry of
Housing Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Netherlands, and the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). See Brown et al. (2005) for model comparisons.

108 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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In using the ratio of animal to human deposition fractions (Fr)A/(Fr)H as the DAF, our
approach differs from that of U.S.EPA (1994). In their regional deposited dose rate ratio
(RDDRr) approach they would multiply the deposition ratio by the ratios of adult minute
volumes (VE)A/(VE)H and regional surface areas (SA)H/(SA)A to estimate a deposited
dose. In our case this adjustment would approximately double the DAF to 0.554 from
0.264. We have chosen not to apply this adjustment since our human fractional
deposition in the above ratio is the average of several age-specific MPPD2 model
predictions. We believe that this ratio would be significantly discounted by the RDDRr
approach, which does not include deposition predictions for children. Note that in Table
17 all of the child models show higher airway deposition fractions than adult (0.32 to 0.4
vs. 0.25 for adult).

We have investigated the use of the MPPD2 model in deposition and clearance
simulations to estimate alveolar dosimetry in units of µg Ni retained/day/m2 alveolar
surface area (TB clearance is very rapid and doesn’t figure in the retention rates) for the
various age-specific models. The results indicate an average retention ratio (R)A/(R)H of
0.61 leading to a DAF of about 2/3 the value we are currently using. For the present time
we propose to continue using the simple deposition fraction ratio as providing the most
direct and unmanaged value without additional assumptions about clearance rates and
adult values etc.

With a DAF of 0.26 the HEC was calculated as 1.4 µg/m3. The uncertainty factors
applied to this value were UFL = 1 since a NOAEL was identified. The interspecies
uncertainty factor UFA = √10 was used since the MPPD2 model accounted for rat to
human differences in upper and lower airway deposition of nickel particles and it seems
likely that deposition is the key event leading to subsequent lung toxicity (e.g., alveolar
proteinosis). Therefore, a UFA subfactor of 1 would then apply to pharmacokinetic
differences and √10 for pharmacodynamic differences. The default intraspecies
uncertainty factor (UFH) of 30 was used, incorporating a subfactor of 10 for
pharmacodynamic differences and √10 for pharmacokinetic differences. The value of 10
addresses potential increased sensitivity of infants and children vs. adults to continuous
exposures to airborne nickel particles. There is also pharmacokinetic uncertainty but this
is somewhat lessened by the MPPD2 model which was also applied to several child lung
structures. A cumulative uncertainty factor of 100 was then used to derive a chronic REL
of 0.014 µg/m3.

109 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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9.6 cREL for Nickel and Nickel Compounds (except nickel oxide)
Study National Toxicology Program, 1994c
Study population Male and female F344/N rats (52-53 per group)
Exposure method Discontinuous inhalation
Critical effects Pathological changes in lung, lymph nodes, and
nasal epithelium: (1) active pulmonary
inflammation, (2) macrophage hyperplasia,
(3) alveolar proteinosis, (4) fibrosis, (5) lymph
node hyperplasia, (6) olfactory epithelial
BMDL05 30.5 µg/m3 (alveolar proteinosis, male and female
Exposure continuity 6 hours/day, 5 days/week
Exposure duration 104 weeks
Average experimental exposure 5.4 µg Ni/m3 for NOAEL group (30 x 6/24 x 5/7)
Human equivalent concentration 1.4 µg Ni/m3 for NOAEL group males
(particulate with respiratory effects, DAF =
0.26 based on MMAD = 2.50 µm, gsd = 2.38
µm, density = 2.07 g/cm3 by MPPD2 model)
LOAEL uncertainty factor 1(default)
Subchronic uncertainty factor 1(default)
Interspecies uncertainty factor √10 (√10 PD * 1 PK)
Intraspecies uncertainty factor 30 (10 PD * √10 PK)
Cumulative uncertainty factor 100
Inhalation reference exposure level 0.014 µg Ni/m3

A supporting study is that of Berge and Skyberg (2003) measuring pulmonary fibrosis in
nickel refinery workers over a 22 year period. The authors found a weak but positive
dose response for pulmonary fibrosis and cumulative nickel exposure expressed as (mg
Ni/m3)-yr. The best model fit to the data was obtained with the unadjusted data on
soluble nickel of 0.35 (mg/m3)-yr for the BMDL01 (1% excess risk, multistage model)
(Table 22). Converting this value to a lifetime continuous value (8/24 hr x 5/7 days x
1/70 yr) gives 1.2 µg/m3 equivalent and applying a 30-fold UFH would give a supporting
value for the cREL of 0.04 µg/m3. The respiratory lesions observed in the Oller et al.
(2008) chronic rat study with nickel metal powder give lower cREL values, particularly
for alveolar proteinosis (0.004 µg Ni/m3 female and 0.007 µg Ni/m3 male), but the
material is probably atypical of ambient air exposures.

110 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 22. Benchmark Dose Analysis of Pulmonary Fibrosis in Nickel Refinery

Workers (data from Berge & Skyberg, 2003)

Nickel type, Quantal Adjustment, BMD01 BMDL01

cumulative response goodness of fit (mg/m3)-yr (mg/m3)-yr
dose χ2, P
Soluble Ni: 6/254, 3/246, None, 2.21, 0.51 0.35
0.03, 0.27, 13/283, 25/263 0.33
1.03, and 4.32 6/254, 4/246, Age, smoking, 1.38 0.69
(mg/m3)-yr 12/283, 13/263 asbestos,
sulfidic Ni,
2.21, 0.33
6/254, 4/246, Age, smoking, 0.98 0.56
12/283, 16/263 asbestos, 1.72,
Sulfidic Ni: 4/264, 9/237, None, 3.91, 0.33 0.19
0.01, 0.08, 15/282, 19/263 0.14
0.33, 1.73 4/264, 9/237, Age, smoking, No Value for No Value for
(mg/m3)-yr 11/282, (8/263) asbestos, full data set; full data set;
soluble Ni, (0.15 without (0.063 without
3.27, 0.20; top dose) top dose)
(1.87, 0.17)
4/267, 10/237, Age, smoking, 0.95 0.34
13/282, 12/263 asbestos, 4.16,

9.7 Nickel Oxide

For nickel oxide the benchmark dose analysis of the lung lesion data from NTP (1994a)
gives an improved value of 117 µg Ni/m3 for the BMDL05. The results of the analysis are
summarized in Table 23. The derivation of the chronic REL for NiO is similar to that for
other nickel compounds shown above with only a slightly different DAF resulting in a
proposed cREL for NiO of 0.06 µg/m3 based on pulmonary inflammation in male and
female mice.

111 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 23. Benchmark Dose Analysis of Lung Effects Induced by NiO in Two-Year
Studies (NTP, 1994a)*

Species, Sex, Model Goodness of BMD05 BMDL05

Endpoint, Quantal Fit, X2, p mg Ni/m3 mg Ni/m3
Response (see note) (see note)
Rats, Male
Bronchiolar hyperplasia Quantal 0.22, 0.89 0.15 0.004
0/52,7/51,10/53,18/52 Linear
Mice, Male
Lung inflammation Quantal 0.09, 0.95 0.16 0.052
0/57,21/67,34/66,55/69 Linear
Alveolar proteinosis Quantal 0.09, 0.96 0.33 0.13
0/57,12/67,22/66,43/69 Linear
Mice, Female
Lung inflammation Multistage 0, 1.0 0.056 0.028
7/64,43/66,53/63,52/64 Cubic
Alveolar proteinosis Quantal 0.14, 0.93 0.40 0.12
0/64,8/66,17/63,29/64 Linear

*Note: BMD and BMDL values are in mg Ni/m3 continuous

Note that since the MPPD2 model does not calculate airway deposition fractions for the
mouse we have included airway deposition fractions from Hsieh et al. (1999c) in Table
21. These authors used the following values for NiO: MMAD = 2.8 µm; gsd = 1.87;
density = 7.45 g/cm3; and concentrations from 1.25 to 5.0 mg NiO/m3. Predicted mouse
deposition fraction for the tracheobronchial region was 0.0096 and for the alveoli was
0.0258 with a total (TB + Alv) of 0.0354. This is much lower than the MPPD2 rat
deposition fraction of 0.1289 (OEHHA) or 0.0801 in Hsieh et al. (1999a). Applying this
mouse deposition from Hsieh gives a lower DAF of 0.096 and consequently lower HEC
of 2.0 µg Ni/m3. We applied the following uncertainty factors in the derivation of the
cREL summarized below. Since an adequate chronic BMDL was available, the UFL is 1.
For interspecies uncertainty we used the same UFA and rationale as for nickel (above).
We assumed that alveolar deposition was the key event leading to subsequent lung toxic
effects (e.g., alveolar proteinosis) and that the dosimetric adjustment factor (DAF) would
adequately account for the interspecies differences. We applied a factor of √10 for
pharmacodynamic differences between mice and humans. For intraspecies differences
we applied a UFH of 30 using the same rationale as with the values derived above. A
subfactor of 10 was used to account for the anticipated greater sentitivity of infants and
children to continuous exposure to airborne nickel oxide particles. A subfactor of √10
was applied for pharmacokinetic differences between children and adults. The
cumulative UF of 100 (√10 x 30) was applied to the HEC of 2.0 µg Ni/m3 to derive the
cREL of 0.02 µg Ni/m3. This derivation is summarized below.

112 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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9.7.1 Nickel Oxide Chronic REL

Study National Toxicology Program, 1994a
Study population Male and female B6C3F1 mice (57-69 per group)
Exposure method Discontinuous inhalation
Critical effects Pathological changes in lung:
(1) active pulmonary inflammation,
(2) alveolar proteinosis
BMDL05 117 µg Ni/m3 (alveolar proteinosis)
Exposure continuity 6 hours/day, 5 days/week
Exposure duration 104 weeks
Average experimental exposure 20.9 µg Ni/m3 for LOAEL group
(117 x 6/24 x 5/7)
Human equivalent concentration 2.0 µg Ni/m3 for BMDL05 for female mice
(particulate with respiratory effects, DAF =
0.096 based on MMAD = 2.80 µm, gsd =
1.87, density = 7.45 g/cm3, from Hsieh et al.
LOAEL uncertainty factor 1(default)
Subchronic uncertainty factor 1(default)
Interspecies uncertainty factor √10 (√10PD * 1PK)
Intraspecies uncertainty factor 30 (10 PD * √10 PK)
Cumulative uncertainty factor 100
Inhalation reference exposure level 0.02 µg Ni/m3 as NiO

9.7.2 Applicability of Nickel Oxide REL

The human epidemiological literature predominantly describes cancer mortality rates

from occupational exposures to nickel compounds, but does not specifically examine
non-cancer effects. However, it is clear from many case reports that allergies and
dermatitis can occur in exposed workers. Hypersensitive reactions to nickel have not
been quantitatively studied in humans or animals; therefore it is not possible to develop
an REL based on immunological hypersensitivity at the present time. A host of subacute
and subchronic animal studies have shown nickel to affect certain immunological
responses unrelated to hypersensitivity, but the applicability of these results to chronic
human exposures and responses involves considerable uncertainty. Furthermore, data
show that nickel may precipitate onset of asthma in occupational settings.

The results of the NTP studies and these dose response analyses support the speciation of
nickel oxide for noncancer effects. The health effects data for nickel oxide indicate that
its adverse pulmonary effects were less severe (absence of fibrosis, lower chronic lung
inflammation severity scores) at higher doses than the pulmonary effects observed for
nickel sulfate and nickel subsulfide. The higher chronic REL value for nickel oxide of
0.06 µg/m3 reflects these dose response differences. OEHHA therefore concludes that
0.06 µg/m3 is an appropriate REL for nickel oxide. However, in setting inhalation
exposure RELs for groups of compounds, OEHHA uses the most sensitive strain, species,
sex, chronic endpoint, and agent for each group of substances. Therefore, as the

113 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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pulmonary toxicity of the relatively insoluble nickel subsulfide is greater than that of
nickel oxide and closer to that of nickel sulfate, OEHHA proposes to use the chronic REL
derived from nickel sulfate for all other nickel compounds.

It should be noted tha although the non-neoplastic lung effects seen in the animal studies
discussed above were relatively mild, similar effects in humans may be serious or even

9.8 Data Strengths and Limitations for Development of the Chronic RELs

The strengths of the inhalation REL include the availability of controlled lifetime
exposure inhalation studies in multiple species at multiple exposure concentrations and
with adequate histopathological analysis and the observation of a NOAEL. The major
areas of uncertainty are the lack of adequate human exposure data and the lack of lifetime
toxicity studies in any non-rodent species. The toxicological response to various inhaled
nickel compounds in children compared to adults is also an area of uncertainty addressed
by a larger uncertainty factor for intra-individual variation (UFH). Nickel targets the
immune system and the lung, which are likely a more susceptible system and organ in
exposed infants and children.

9.9 Oral Chronic Reference Level

Study NiPERA (2000a,b) supported by
Smith et al., 1993
Study population Rats (Sprague-Dawley)
Exposure method Aqueous gavage
Critical effects Perinatal mortality in two generation
LOAEL 2.23 mg Ni/kg-d
NOAEL 1.12 mg Ni/kg-d
Exposure continuity Continuous
Exposure duration Chronic (70 weeks)
Average exposure 1.12 mg/kg-day
Human equivalent concentration 1.12 mg/kg-day
LOAEL uncertainty factor 1(default)
Subchronic uncertainty factor 1(default)
Interspecies uncertainty factor 10(default)
Intraspecies uncertainty factor 10(default)
Cumulative uncertainty factor 100
Oral reference exposure level 0.0112 mg/kg-day

In addition to being inhaled, airborne nickel can settle onto crops and soil and enter the
body by ingestion. Thus an oral chronic REL for nickel is also required.

The proposed oral REL for nickel uses the same three studies used to support OEHHA’s
Public Health Goal for nickel in drinking water. OEHHA (2000) identified the oral dose
of 1.12 mg/kg-d from the lower dose-range of (NiPERA, 2000b) as the appropriate
NOAEL value. This NOAEL is lower than the doses at which early pup mortality was

114 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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observed (LOAEL of 2.23 mg/kg-d) in the preliminary study (NiPERA. 2000a) and the
LOAEL of 1.3 mg Ni/kg-d reported by Smith et al. (1993). The oral REL derivation
summarized above used uncertainty factors of 10 each for interspecies, and intraspecies
extrapolations. The final value is 0.0112 mg Ni/kg-d or 11.0 µg Ni/kg-d. Haber et al.
(2000) have proposed an oral reference dose of 8 µg Ni/kg-d based on albuminuria seen
in female Wistar rats exposed to NiSO4 for six months (Vsykocil et al., 1994). In our
view the limitations of the Vsykocil et al. study, particularly the lack of a clear dose
response, render it less acceptable than the NiPERA studies as the basis for a chronic oral
REL. All of the inhalation-based RELs derived above give much lower intake values
than the oral chronic REL and are considered sufficiently protective of nickel-mediated
developmental or reproductive toxicity.

115 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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There is a potential for exposure to nickel and nickel compounds in view of its
widespread occurrence and numerous uses (see section 3). Nickel is a minor component
of airborne particulate matter (PM) and may play a role in the toxicity of PM. It also
occurs in tobacco smoke. The adverse impacts of nickel compounds on the respiratory
and immune systems (including asthma), and also the increased perinatal mortality and
reduced birth weight observed in animal studies of reproductive toxicity (see Section 6),
are among the types of effect leading to the potential for differential impacts on infants
and children. OEHHA therefore recommends that nickel be identified as a toxic air
contaminant, which may disproportionately impact children, pursuant to Health and
Safety Code, Section 39669.5(c).

116 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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147 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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A1 Air Pollution Studies: Nickel as a Component of Particulate Matter

Inhalation exposure to airborne particulate matter (PM) has been linked to multiple
adverse respiratory and cardiovascular effects including premature deaths (Englert,
2004). PM of 2.5 µm or less is considered more hazardous since a larger percentage of
fine particles are retained in the lung compared with larger particles. PM2.5 contains a
variety of heavy metals such as iron (Fe), vanadium (V) and nickel (Ni). Several studies
in the past several years have found associations between nickel as a metal constituent of
PM2.5 or PM10 and both mortality and morbidity. In a study of daily mortality in 60
National Mortality and Morbidity Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS) cities in the United
States Lippmann et al. (2006) found that the association between PM10 and mortality was
significantly higher in cities where the nickel component level was high (95th percentile)
versus when it was low (5th percentile). The difference was 0.6 percent per 10 µg/m3
increase in PM10. A subsequent reanalysis of the NMMAPS data found that when
counties included in the New York community were excluded the effect modification by
nickel was much weaker and no longer statistically significant (Dominici et al., 2007).
Another study of mortality in 25 U.S. cities found that the effect of PM2.5 on mortality
increased significantly (0.37%) when PM2.5 mass contained a higher proportion of nickel
(Franklin et al., 2008). In a study of mortality and sources of PM2.5 in six U.S. cities,
Laden et al. (2000) found that an increase in nickel from the 5th to 95th percentile of
exposure (10.3 ng/m3) was associated with a significant 1.5% increase in daily mortality.
Burnett et al. (2000) studied mortality and fine particulate matter components in 8
Canadian cities. Nickel was significantly associated with mortality in both single
pollutant models and multi-pollutant models, which included ozone. A study of mortality
and fine particulate components in nine California counties failed to find any association
for nickel (Ostro et al., 2007).

Patel et al. (2009) investigated associations between respiratory symptoms in the first 24
months of age and specific components of PM2.5 including elemental carbon (EC), Ni, V,
and Zn. The study included 653 children. Twenty-four-hour average ambient
concentrations of PM2.5 and PM2.5 fractions of Ni, V, Zn, and EC were measured every
third day by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Data on
subject characteristics, residence, ETS exposure, and respiratory symptoms were
collected by questionnaires administered to mothers every three months. Associations
between metals, EC and PM2.5 and the presence of wheeze and cough were analyzed
using generalized additive mixed effects models. In single pollutant models each
pollutant was analyzed as a parametric continuous variable. For each subject, 3-month
moving average concentrations of Ni, V, Zn, EC, and PM2.5 were calculated for each
symptom-reporting period. Significant positive associations were observed between
metals and wheeze but not cough. The analysis was conducted using general additive
mixed models adjusted for sex, ethnicity, postnatal ETS exposure and calendar time. The
authors found that an increase in interquartile range concentration of ambient nickel
(0.014 µg/m3) was associated with a 28% increased probability of wheeze (p = 0.0006).
The findings were robust to the inclusion of co-pollutants EC, NO2, copper and iron.
FINAL February 2012

The largest effect estimates were seen with nickel. In models that adjusted for sex,
ethnicity, postnatal ETS exposure, and calendar time, an increase of 0.014 µg Ni/m3 was
associated with a 28% increased probability of wheeze (P = 0.0006). The authors
conclude that exposure to PM2.5 associated metals (particularly Ni) and EC may be
associated with asthma morbidity in urban children as young as 2 years of age. Perhaps
the biggest limitation of the study is that exposure estimates were based on two
monitoring stations in the general residential area, which exhibited significant differences
in Ni and EC between them. These may not represent true exposures as accurately as
personal or residential measurements. Alternatively the exposed population is one of
specific concern to OEHHA and the study involves realistic exposure conditions.

In a recent study of birth weight and constituents of PM2.5 in three Connecticut counties
and one Massachusetts county from 2000 to 2004, Bell et al (2010) found that an
interquartile range increase in nickel resulted in an 11% increase in term low birth
weight. The analysis was adjusted for tobacco use, alcohol use, marital status, age, race
and education of the mother. Looking at change in birth weight, the authors found a
significant decrease in birth weight associated with third trimester exposure to nickel. A
study of 106 U.S. counties estimated county and season specific relative risks of
cardiovascular and respiratory hospital admissions associated with PM2.5 chemical
components (Bell et al 2009). The authors found that the effect of PM2.5 on both
respiratory and cardiovascular admissions was significantly modified by the fraction of
nickel in the PM2.5 mass. An interquartile range increase in nickel resulted in 19%
increase in the association between PM2.5 and cardiovascular admissions and a 223%
increase for respiratory admissions. These increases were robust to adjustment for
elemental carbon or vanadium for the cardiovascular but not for the respiratory hospital
admissions. Lippmann et al. (2006) and Chen and Lippmann (2009) analyzed and
reviewed the data on health-related effects caused by inhalation of airborne particulate
matter (PM) and metals within PM in the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air
Pollution Study (NMMAPS). Based on human and laboratory animal studies of
concentrated PM and human population studies for which health effects and PM
composition data were available, they reached the following conclusions: (1) residual oil
fly ash (ROFA) was the most toxic source-related mixture, and (2) Ni and V, which are
characteristic of ROFA, were the most influential components for acute cardiac function
changes and excess short-term mortality. The difference in PM10 mortality risk estimates
(in percent/10-µg/m3 increase in PM10) per 5th to 95th percentile difference in the the PM
component across 60 metropolitan areas for which speciation data were available showed
Ni and V with high risk coefficients of 0.6 (their Fig. 1). Dominici et al. (2007) analyzed
the same data and more or less came to the same conclusion.

Franklin et al. (2008) investigated the role of particle composition on the association
between PM2.5 and mortality in 25 communities including six in California. The study
sites included PM2.5 mass concentration and daily mortality data for at least two years
between 2000 and 2005. The data were obtained from the U.S. EPA’s Technology
Transfer Network Air Quality System and the National Center for Health Statistics.
Meteorologic data were obtained form the National Climatic Data Center. 1,313,983
nonaccidental deaths were examined. Thirty-one percent of deaths were due to
cardiovascular, 10% were due to respiratory disease, and 7% were due to stroke. The

149 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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average number of PM2.5 days examined per community was 1451 and the number of
speciation days was 321. Seasonally averaged PM2.5 concentrations ranged from well
below the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 15 µg/m3 in Sacramento, CA in
spring (6.7 µg/m3) to over twice the standard in Bakersfield and Fresno, CA in winter
(34.4 and 33.4 µg/m3, respectively). There was a 0.74% (95% CI = 0.41-1.07%) increase
in nonaccidental deaths associated with a 10 µg/m3 increase in 2-day averaged PM2.5
mass concentration. The association was smaller in the west than in the east and was
highest in spring. It was increased when PM2.5 mass contained a higher proportion of
aluminum, arsenic, sulfate, silicon, and nickel. The combination of aluminum, sulfate
and nickel also modified the effect. The results support the concept that mass alone is an
insufficient metric when evaluating the health effects of PM exposure and that metal ions,
specifically nickel may play a role in the toxic mechanism.

In summary it appears that nickel is a component of ambient PM, which contributes to

the overall toxicity, but the available data are not consistent as to the extent of this effect.
This and the fact that the studies all involve mixed exposures where the overall effects
are dominated by other components and properties of PM make these data unsuitable for
consideration as the basis for an REL.

A2 Genetic Toxicity

While genetic toxicology generally provides key supporting documentation for cancer
risk assessment rather than the present noncancer assessment, we believe that
mutagenicity and other genetox effects, particularly oxidative DNA damage, may
contribute to chronic diseases such as heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes
mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis and aging, irrespective of their role in initiation and
promotion of tumors (Burnet, 1974; Cooke et al., 2006; Kelly et al., 2007). In particular
nickel’s effects on the epigenome and gene expression indicate the probability that
nickel’s genetic toxicity is relevant to its noncancer effects.

A2.1 Studies in Humans

The International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC, 1990), the International Program
on Chemical Safety (IPCS, 1991), and NTP (1998) have reviewed the genotoxicity of
nickel and nickel compounds in humans. Waksvik and Boysen (1982) studied groups of
nickel refinery workers (9-11 workers in each group) and observed increases in
chromosomal aberrations compared to controls. Deng et al. (1988) found elevated levels
of both sister chromatid exchanges and chromosome aberrations (gaps, breaks,
fragments) in seven electroplating workers exposed to nickel and chromium. Kiilunen et
al. (1997) found that the frequency of micronucleated epithelial cells in the buccal
mucosa of nickel refinery workers in the Helsinki area was not significantly elevated
versus controls. The significance of these study results is somewhat limited due to the
small sample sizes and the possibility that some workers were exposed to genotoxic
compounds other than nickel. We summarize genetic toxicity findings in human test
systems in Table 24.

150 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

Chen et al. (2003) evaluated the effects of nickel chloride on genotoxicity in human
lymphocytes in vitro. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC, primarily
lymphocytes) were collected from five randomly selected healthy individuals (aged 18 to
23). Isolated lymphocytes (2 x 106 cells/µL) were incubated in saline solution with 0,
0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, or 10.0 mM NiCl2 for one hour at 37ºC with continuous shaking in the
dark. The levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation,
hydroxyl radical (•OH), and DNA damage via the Comet assay were evaluated.

The viability of the lymphocytes based on either trypan blue or neutral red exclusion
decreased in a dose-dependent manner (neutral red control 92.3 % vs. 69.7% at 10 mM
NiCl2). Intracellular oxidants measured by dichlorofluorescin (DFC) increased in a dose-
dependent manner (control 4.8% vs. 59.9% fluorescence intensity at 10 mM NiCl2) with
all dose levels significantly greater than the control. 2-Thiobarbituric acid reactant
substances (TBARS) were also significantly increased compared to control at all NiCl2
levels (control 156.5 vs. 553.7 nmol/106 cells at 10 mM NiCl2). Lipid peroxidation in
lymphocytes was significantly increased by three-fold with 10 mM NiCl2.

Hydroxy radical production was measured by the hydroxylation of salicylate to

2,3-dihydroxybenzoate (2,3-DHB) and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate (2, 5-DHB) byproducts.
Both byproducts were significantly increased by NiCl2 in a dose-dependent manner. The
greater increase was seen with 2, 3-DHB (control 33.3 vs. 80.5 nM/106 cells at 10 mM
NiCl2). DNA damage as assessed by the extent of cell tailing in the Comet assay was
increased in a dose-dependent manner (control 60 vs. 260 arbitrary units at 10 mM
NiCl2). The authors conclude that the generation of •OH radical was responsible for the
NiCl2-induced DNA strand breakage as evidenced by the dose-dependent association
with •OH radical generation and comet tailing. The high correlation of DNA damage and
DHB byproducts (r2 = 0.9519) indicates that ROS in Ni-treated lymphocytes are
responsible for Ni-induced oxidative stress. The generation of Ni-induced •OH radical
may play an important role in genotoxicity in human cells.

151 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 24. Genotoxicity of Nickel Compounds in Human Test Systems

(adapted from ATSDR, 2005)

Compound Test System End point Result Reference

Nickel chloride Human diploid DNA damage - Hamilton-Koch et al.,
fibroblasts 1986
Nickel sulfate Human gastric DNA damage - Pool-Zobel et al., 1994
mucosal cells
Nickel chloride Human HeLa DNA + Chin et al., 1994
cells replication
Nickel sulfate Human Sister + Andersen, 1983;
Nickel sulfide lymphocytes chromatid Larremendy et al., 1981;
exchange Ohno et al., 1982;
Saxholm et al., 1981
Nickel sulfate Human Chromosome + Larremendy et al., 1981
lymphocytes aberration
Nickel Human Sister + Arrouijal et al., 1982
subsulfide lymphocytes chromatid
exchange, +
micronuclei +
Nickel sulfate Human Chromosome + Lechner et al., 1984
bronchial aberration
epithelial cells
Nickel Human foreskin Cell + Bidermann and
subsulfide cells transformation Landolph,1987
Nickel oxide
Nickel sulfate
Nickel acetate
Nickel oxide Human Sister - Waksvik and Boysen,
Nickel lymphocytes chromatid 1982;
subsulfide exchange + M’Bemba-Meka et al.
Nickel 2007
nickel sulfate
Nickel chloride Human DNA strand + Chen et al., 2003
lymphocytes breakage,
Comet assay +
Nickel Human A549 Cytotoxicity, + Mehta et al., 2008
containing lung cells DNA repair +
particles capacity,
mutation +

152 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Broday et al. (2000) observed nickel-induced inhibition of histone H4 acetylation in yeast

and human cells in vitro. Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells were grown in medium with 0,
0.2 or 0.5 mM NiCl2 for 1, 3, or 6 cell generations. Histones were isolated and analyzed
with antibodies specific for H4 acetyl-lysine 5, 8, 12, or 16. The addition of 0.5 mM
NiCl2 suppressed the growth-related accumulation of lysine acetylation at all four lysine
residues compared with the control cells. The effect of nickel on the levels of histone
acetylation was also examined in human lung carcinoma A549 cells treated with soluble
NiCl2 and insoluble Ni3S2. The soluble nickel treatment of 0 or 3 mM NiCl2 did not
change the level of H4 acetylation. Nickel subsulfide treatment at 0, 0.5, 1.0 µg/cm2 for
two days (40 to 80% confluent growth) resulted in a concentration-dependent decrease in
H4 acetylation at Lys-12. The concentrations used were reported as nontoxic. What
toxic effects may result from altered histone acetylation patterns in vivo, particularly
when coupled with Ni-induced DNA methylation, are unknown.

Jia and Chen (2008) studied nickel-induced DNA damage and cell death in human
leukemia HL-60 cells and the protecting role of antioxidants. Cells were treated for up to
96 hr with 0, 0.5, 1.0, or 10.0 mM Ni2+. Ten mM Ni2+ was rapidly fatal to cells along
with a concomitant increase in DNA fragmentation as measured by flow cytometry with
propidium iodide. Lower concentrations of Ni2+ also resulted in DNA fragmentation and
death but at lower levels and after much longer exposures, i.e. no less than 48 or 72 hr at
1.0 or 0.5 mM, respectively. Nickel treatment of HL-60 cells also resulted in a release of
malondialdehyde (MDA) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The antioxidants
ascorbic acid and N-acetyl-cysteine significantly reduced the Ni-induced generation of
MDA and DNA fragmentation in a dose-dependent manner. Alternatively, H2O2
increased both Ni-induced MDA generation and DNA fragmentation also in a dose-
dependent manner. Similar results were obtained for the cell death endpoint.

Mehta et al. (2008) evaluated the effects of particulate matter containing nickel and
chromium on nucleotide excision repair capacity (NER) in human lung cells in vitro.
They observed that human A549 cells exposed to 100 µg/mL of urban particulate matter
(collected in the Washington DC area) for 24 hr had only a 10% reduction in viability,
but a 35% reduction in repair capacity, and a five-fold increase in mutation frequency.
The authors interpret their results with a view to three potential mechanisms: (1) particle
components such as heavy metals and aldehydes directly modify repair proteins and
DNA; (2) ROS and secondary products of ROS modify repair proteins and DNA; and (3)
direct modification of DNA replication proteins by heavy metals and aldehydes reduce
the fidelity of DNA replication. Specifically “Ni and cadmium can induce repair protein-
DNA damage complex formation. Aldehydes, Cr, and Ni are known to have a high
affinity towards thiol groups and histones and, therefore, their potential targets could be
zinc finger structures in DNA binding motifs.”

153 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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A2.2 Microbial and Mammalian Test Systems

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2005), NTP (1998),
Snow (1992), Kasprzak (1991), IPCS (1991), Costa (1991), IARC (1990), the California
Air Resources Board (CARB, 1991), and Sunderman (1989) have reviewed the
genotoxicity data and mode of action of nickel and nickel compounds. In Table 25 are
summarized the in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity data of nickel compounds in microbial
and mammalian test systems. In general the data suggest that nickel does not alter the
frequency of gene mutations in non-mammalian systems although some studies have
found gene mutations (ATSDR, 2005). The results in mammalian systems are stronger
with increased gene mutations found at the HGPRT locus in Chinese hamster V79 cells
(Hartwig and Beyermann, 1989; Miyaki et al., 1979) but not in Chinese hamster ovary
(CHO) cells (Hsie et al., 1979). Increased gene mutations were also seen in CHO AS52
cells (grp locus) (Fletcher et al., 1994), mouse lymphoma cells (Amacher and Paillet,
1980; McGregor et al., 1988), and virus-infected mouse sarcoma cells (Biggart and
Murphy, 1988; Biggart et al., 1987).

Table 25. Genotoxicity of Nickel in Microbial and Mammalian Test Systems

(updated from ATSDR, 2005)

Compound Test System End point Result Reference

Microbial systems
Nickel chloride Salmonella Gene mutation - Arlauskas et al., 1985;
Nickel nitrate typhimurium Biggart and Costa,
Nickel sulfate 1986; Marzin and Phi,
1985;Wong, 1988
Nickel chloride Escherichia Gene mutation - Green et al., 1976
Nickel chloride Escherichia DNA + Chin et al., 1976
coli replication
Nickel chloride Corynebacter- Gene mutation + Pikalek and Necasek,
ium sp. 1983
Nickel oxide Bacillus DNA damage - Kanematsu et al., 1980
Nickel trioxide subtilis
Nickel chloride Saccharomyces Histone H4 + Broday et al., 2000
cerevisiae acetylation
decreases at

154 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 25. Genotoxicity of Nickel in Microbial and Mammalian Test Systems

(updated from ATSDR, 2005)

Compound Test System End point Result Reference

Mammalian systems
Nickel chloride CHO cells Gene mutation - Hsie et al., 1979
at the HGPRT
Nickel chloride Virus-infected Gene mutation + Biggart and Murphy,
mouse cells 1988; Biggart et al.,
Nickel chloride Mouse Gene mutation + Amacher and Paillet,
Nickel sulfate lymphoma 1980; McGregor et al.,
cells 1988
Nickel chloride Chinese Gene mutation + Hartwig and
hamster V79 Beyersmann, 1989;
cells Miyaki et al., 1979
Nickel chloride CHO cells DNA damage + Hamilton-Koch et al.,
Crystalline NiS 1986; Patierno and
Costa, 1985
NiO (black and CHO AS52 Gene mutation + Fletcher et al., 1994
green, <10 µm)) cells (grp locus)
NiS (amorphous,
<10 µm)
Nickel subsulfide
(< 10µm)
Nickel chloride
Nickel sulfate
Nickel acetate
Nickel chloride Hamster cells SCE + Andersen, 1983;
Nickel sulfate Larremendy et al.,
NiS (crystalline) 1981; Ohno et al., 1982;
Saxholm et al., 1981
Nickel sulfate Hamster cells Chromosome + Conway and Costa,
Nickel chloride aberration 1989; Larremendy et
NiS al., 1981; Sen and
Costa, 1986b; Sen et al.,
Nickel sulfate Rat bone Chromosome - Mathur et al., 1978
marrow and aberration
Nickel chloride Mouse bone Micronucleus + Sobti and Gill, 1989
Nickel sulfate marrow cells test (oral)
Nickel nitrate

155 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 25. Genotoxicity of Nickel in Microbial and Mammalian Test Systems

(updated from ATSDR, 2005)

Compound Test System End point Result Reference

Nickel chloride Mouse bone Chromosome - Dhir et al., 1991
marrow cells aberrations
Nickel chloride Mouse bone Micronucleus - Deknudt and Leonard,
marrow cells test (i.p.) 1982
Nickel acetate Mouse Dominant - Deknudt and Leonard,
lethal test (i.p.) 1982
Nickel subsulfide Human lung DNA strand + Zhuang et al., 1996
(< 10 µm) fibroblast breaks, +
MRC-5 cells PADPRP
Nickel chloride CHO Cells DNA repair + Lynn et al. 1997;
inhibition Iwitzki et al. 1998
Nickel subsulfide Transgenic Gene mutation - Mayer et al., 1998
(97% < 10 µm, mouse (inhalation)
70% < 5 µm)
Nickel subsulfide Rat Gene mutation - Mayer et al., 1998
(97% < 10 µm, respiratory
70% < 5 µm) tissue
Nickel sulfide, BALB/c-3T3 DNA strand + Lei et al. 2001
(0.5 µg/cm2) Ni-transformed breaks (comet), +
Nickel chloride, cells in vitro DNA-protein +
(50 µmol/L) crosslinks,
Nickel sulfate, Telomerase
(100 µmol/L)
Nickel sulfate Chinese Gene mutation, + Ohshima, 2003
hamster V79 Chromosome +
cells aberrations, +
Aneuploidy, +
Nickel sulfate Human lung Induction of + Zienolddiny et al., 2000
tumor cell microsatellite +
lines, HCC15, mutations +
Nickel subsulfide Human lung Histone H4 + Broday et al., 2000
(particle size not carcinoma acetylation
stated) A549 cells decrease at Lys
Nickel chloride Male Mice Dominant + Doreswamy et al., 2004
lethal mutation

156 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 25. Genotoxicity of Nickel in Microbial and Mammalian Test Systems

(updated from ATSDR, 2005)

Compound Test System End point Result Reference

Nickel chloride Male Mice DNA + Danadevi et al., 2004
Nickel chloride Human lung Histone H4 - Broday et al., 2000
carcinoma acetylation
A549 cells
Nickel sulfate Male Rats Micronuclei - Oller and Erexson, 2007
formation oral
Nickel chloride Human DNA + Jia and Chen, 2008
leukemia HL- fragmentation, +
60 cells cell death
Nickel arsenide Mouse embryo Cell + Clemens and Landolph,
C3H/10T1/2 Cl transformation + 2003
8 cells Chromosome
Tungsten-nickel- Cultured L6- DNA damage, + Harris et al. (2011)
cobalt alloy 91- C11 rat muscle Caspase-3 +
6-3 particles cells inhibition, +
hypoxia, cyto- +
Ni(OH)2 Hyperlipidemic Mitochondrial + Kang et al. (2011)
nanoparticles (ApoE -/-) DNA damage
(size not Mice, 79 µg in the aorta
specified) Ni/m3

A2.2.1 Studies in vitro

Examination of the genotoxicity database for soluble nickel compounds indicated that
they generally did not cause mutation in bacterial test systems. Positive results have been
observed (1) in tests for single and double DNA strand breaks and/or crosslinks in both
human and animal cells, (2) in tests for cell transformation, (3) in tests for sister
chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations in hamster and human cells, and (4)
in tests for mutation at the HGPRT locus in animal cells (IARC, 1990).

Several studies reported that nickel compounds have the ability to enhance the
cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of other DNA damaging agents such as ultra-violet light,
benzo(a)pyrene, cis-platinum, and mitomycin C (Hartwig and Beyersmann, 1989;
Christie, 1989; Rivedal and Sanner, 1980). Hartwig et al. (1994) showed that Ni2+
inhibited the removal of pyrimidine dimers and repair of DNA strand break in HeLa cells
after exposure to ultra-violet light or X-rays. Hartmann and Hartwig (1998)
demonstrated that the inhibition of DNA repair was effective at a relatively low
concentration, 50 μM Ni2+, and partly reversible by the addition of Mg2+. Based on these

157 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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observations, they suggested that Ni2+ disturbed DNA protein interactions essential for
the DNA repair process by the displacement of essential metal ions.

Soluble nickel compounds can inhibit the normal DNA synthesis, impair or reduce the
fidelity of DNA repair, and transform initiated cells in vitro. Basrur and Gilman (1967)
and Swierenga and McLean (1985) showed that nickel chloride inhibited DNA synthesis
in primary rat embryo cells and in rat liver epithelial cells. Costa et al. (1982) found that
nickel chloride at 40-120 μM selectively blocked cell cycle progression in the S phase in
Chinese hamster ovary cells.

Abbracchio et al. (1982) demonstrated that Chinese hamster ovary cells maintained in a
minimal salts/glucose medium accumulated 10-fold more 63Ni than did cells maintained
in a minimal salts/glucose medium with 5 mM cysteine. The results were obtained after
the removal of surface-associated radioactivity by treating the cells with trypsin. They
also showed that supplementation of the salts/glucose medium with fetal bovine serum
decreased in a concentration dependent fashion both the Ni2+ uptake and cytotoxicity.

Nieborer et al. (1984) demonstrated that chelation of Ni2+ by amino acids and proteins
has a significant effect on the cellular uptake of Ni2+ in human B-lymphoblasts, human
erythrocytes, and rabbit alveolar macrophages. They observed that addition of L-
histidine or human serum albumin at physiological concentrations to the cell cultures
reduced Ni2+ uptake by 70% -90%. The concentration of nickel used in the study was
7x10-8 M (or 4.1 μg/L); it was comparable to serum nickel levels observed in workers
occupationally exposed to nickel.

Findings of Nieborer et al. (1984) and Abbracchio et al. (1982) indicate the important
role of specific amino acids and proteins in regulating the uptake and cytotoxicity of Ni2+.
For this reason, when in vitro genotoxicity test results are compared, it is important to
standardize the concentration of these chelating agents.

Zhuang et al. (1996) treated MRC-5 human lung fibroblast cells with crystalline Ni3S2 (0,
2.5, 5.0, 10.0, or 20 µg/cm2) for four hours and DNA strand breaks measured by single
cell electrophoresis (comet assay). All Ni-treated cells gave significantly increased tail
lengths compared to the control (P < 0.01). A linear dose-response was observed up to
10 µg Ni/cm2 (their Fig 2a). Significant leakage of lactate dehydrogenase was seen at 10
and 20 µg/cm2 and increased activity of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PADPRP) at 5.0
µg/cm2 and above (P < 0.01). PADPRP is a nuclear enzyme associated with DNA
damage and repair. PADPRP activity (pmol/µg DNA) was directly correlated with tail
length (µm) in the comet assay (R = 0.971).

Lynn et al. (1997) studied the role of Ni2+ and ROS on enzymes of DNA repair in CHO
cells in vitro. Nickel chloride exposure increased cellular oxidant levels in CHO cells in
a dose-dependent manner between two and eight mM. When inhibitors of glutathione
(BSO, buthione sulfoximine) or catalase (3ATA, 3-aminotriazole) were included with
nickel chloride the cytotoxicity of Ni2+ was significantly enhanced. The effect was more
pronounced in UV-irradiated cultures indicating that ROS were involved in the cytotoxic
effect of nickel as well as the enhancing effect of nickel on UV cytotoxicity. The authors

158 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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tested the effect of H2O2 on Ni inhibition of DNA polymerase and ligation. In the
presence of 0.1 mM NiCl2 or 1.0 mM H2O2, the activities of DNA ligation were about
85% and 50% of control, respectively. The activity of DNA ligation decreased to 9.3%
when cell extracts were treated with 0.1 mM NiCl2 and then with 1.0 mM H2O2. This
level was significantly lower than expected by simple additivity (χ2 analysis).

This synergistic inhibition induced by Ni plus H2O2 was also observed in DNA
polymerization in which activity fell to 46.5% after treatment with 0.1 mM NiCl2 and 2.0
mM H2O2. The results indicate that DNA ligation is more sensitive to oxidant enhanced
Ni inhibition than DNA polymerase. A 30-minute incubation with glutathione could
completely remove the inhibition of Ni or recover ligation activity to 80% of control
following H2O2 treatment or only 45% of control following Ni plus H2O2. Ni has a high
binding affinity with cellular proteins (K = 109 M-1). The redox potential of Ni2+ is very
high but can be lowered by binding to suitable ligands, such as the imidazole nitrogen of
histidine. In the presence of oxidants such as H2O2, Ni2+/Ni3+ redox cycling can occur
leading to the formation of free radicals such as •OH. Radical formation can lead to
irreversible damage to proteins involved in DNA repair, replication, recombination and
transcription and contribute to the toxic effects of nickel.

Mayer et al. (1998) tested Ni3S2 in a lacI transgenic BigBlue Rat 2 embryonic fibroblast
cell line exposed for two hours to 0, 0.01, 0.04, or 0.17 mM Ni3S2. The mutation
frequencies were 4(control), 7.2, 10.4, and 34.1 (x 10-5), respectively. However,
molecular analysis in one-third of the mutants did not show DNA sequence change in the
lacI gene despite loss of function. DNA damage as indicated by fragmentation in the
comet assay was also seen in lung and nasal mucosa cells at 0.04 and 0.3 mM Ni3S2.
Transgenic mice and rats were also exposed by inhalation for two hours (nose only) to
24-352 mg Ni3S2/m3. Control animals were exposed to 8-126 mg CaCO3/m3and
sacrificed immediately after exposure. Transgenic test animals were sacrificed after an
expression time of 14 days. Nasal mucosa and lung tissues were removed and frozen
until analysis. The spontaneous mutation frequencies of the lacZ in mice or the lacI in
rats was not significantly increased compared to controls in these tissues by exposure to
10 mg Ni3S2/kg bw and 6 mg Ni3S2/kg bw, respectively.

Iwitzki et al. (1998) studied the effect of nickel chloride on the induction and repair of
O6-methylguanine and N7-methylguanine after treatment with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea
(MNU) in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The CHO cells were transfected with human O6-
methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) cDNA, and compared with MGMT-
deficient parental cells. For N7-methylguanine repair, there was no marked difference in
the kinetics of lesion removal with or without nickel. However, nickel (II) led to a
significant decrease in repair of O6-methylguanine lesions. Seventy-eight percent of O6-
methylguanine was repaired in 24 hours in the absence of nickel, while this was reduced
to 48% with 250 µM Ni2+. Nickel-induced inhibition of repair exhibited a dose-
dependence in the 50-250 µM range. Repair inhibition was accompanied by an increase
in MNU-induced cytotoxicity in nickel-treated cells but not in MGMT-deficient controls.

Kawanishi et al. (2001, 2002) described two separate mechanisms of oxidative DNA
damage induced by 20 µM NiSO4 in studies with calf thymus DNA, 10 µg/mL of various

159 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Ni compounds in cultured HeLa cells, or rats exposed intratracheally. With calf thymus
DNA treated with Ni(II) and H2O2 they observed a time- and peroxide-dependent
increase in 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG). Ni(II) or H2O2 alone gave little or no
increase in 8-OH-dG. With HeLa cells, incubation with Ni3S2 (10 µg/mL) for 24 hr
significantly increased 8-OH-dG in extracted cellular DNA. Similar incubations (10
µg/mL) with Ni2O3 (black), NiO (green), or NiSO4 did not induce 8-OH-dG formation.
A significant increase in of 8-OH-dG was found in DNA extracted from lungs of 3 to 5
rats treated with 1.0 mg each of the nickel compounds intratracheally. The mean 8-OH-
dG formation was Ni3S2 (2.57±0.87), Ni2O3 (black, 2.33±0.55), NiO (green, 2.33±0.61),
NiSO4 (1.65±0.97), and control (0.78±0.51) in units of 8-OH-dG/dG x 105. All mean
increases were significantly greater than the control mean (P < 0.05). The results were
interpreted by the authors as supporting a direct mode of DNA damage whereby Ni(II)
enters the cells and then interacts with endogenous and/or Ni3S2-produced H2O2 to give
reactive oxygen species that cause DNA damage. Additionally an indirect mode of
oxidative DNA damage via inflammation is also supported. In this mode the sources of
endogenous oxygen radicals are phagocytic cells such as neutrophils and macrophages.
All of the nickel compounds can operate via the indirect mode while nickel subsulfide
can also act directly.

Lei et al. (2001) measured DNA strand breaks, DNA-protein crosslinks, and telomerase
activity in nickel-transformed BALB/c-3T3 cells in vitro. The transformed loci were
induced by insoluble crystalline NiS (particle size not specified, 0.5 µg/cm2), soluble
NiCl2 (50 µM) and NiSO4 (100 µM). All three compounds showed statistically
significant DNA strand breaks by the comet assay (single cell electrophoresis). The
mean tail lengths of 100 comets were control 13.4, NiS 51.9, NiCl2 48.3, and NiSO4 42.2
µm, (all P < 0.01 vs. control). DNA-protein crosslinks were measured by 125I-
postlabelling techniques. Again all three nickel compounds gave significantly increased
crosslinks compared to the control non-transformed cells 618, NiS 2414, NiCl2 1127, and
NiSO4 988 cpm/µgDNA (all P < 0.05). In this case NiS was clearly much more active
than the soluble nickel compounds. Telomerase activities were detected in all three
nickel-transformed cells but the activity was much higher with NiS and NiCl2 than with

Ohshima (2003) studied genetic instability induced by nickel sulfate in V79 Chinese
hamster cells. The cells were treated with 320 µM NiSO4 for 24 hr at low cell density of
100 cells/100 mm diameter dish and clones selected from single surviving cells. When
post-treatment cells were grown to 23-25 population doublings, the mutation frequency at
the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) locus and chromosome aberration
frequency of each clone were measured. Five out of 37 clones from Ni-treated cells
showed increased frequencies of HPRT mutations (≥ 1 x 10-4), while only 1/37 control
clones showed a mutation rate this high. Also, 17/37 clones from treated cells showed
structural chromosomal aberrations vs. 3/37 for the controls. These included chromatid
gaps and breaks, chromosome gaps and breaks, exchange, ring, and dicentric aberrations.
The frequencies of chromosome gaps, ring, and dicentric aberrations were statistically
significantly increased compared to controls, as was mean frequency of all aberrations (P
< 0.05, t-test). Numerical aberrations were also observed in clones from Ni-treated cells:
8/37 for aneuploidy and 11/37 for polyploidy. Only a few control clones showed such

160 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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numerical aberrations. The authors conclude that nickel sulfate can induce genetic and
chromosomal instability in V79 cells.

Oxidative DNA damage has been implicated as a contributing factor in

neurodegeneration and heart disease as well as cancer and may figure in many
degenerative diseases. Several studies to date have focused on the formation of the
primary products of DNA oxidation: 7, 8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) and 8-
hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG). Kelly et al. (2007) studied the oxidation of
guanine, 8-oxoG and DNA by a Ni(II)/H2O2 system in vitro. They observed erratic
oscillatory-like formation of 8-oxoG from free guanine and from DNA. Oxidation of 8-
oxoG by Ni(II)/H2O2 led to guanidinohydantoin (GH) or its oxidized analog (oxGH).
The authors conclude that the instability of 8-oxoG (and presumably 8-OH-dG) in this
system and its further oxidation products indicate a complex oxidative mechanism for
guanine and unsuitability as a biomarker of DNA damage. However, it’s not yet clear
how quantitatively significant these “further” oxidative steps are under usual exposure

Another problem with interpreting DNA adduct data is revealed by the study of Kaur and
Dani (2003) on the relative nickel binding to RNA versus DNA. Female Sprague-
Dawley rats (3 x 0.15 kg) were administered i.p. injections of 63NiCl2. After 24 hr the
animals were sacrificed and selected tissues removed for analysis. The subcellular
distribution of 63Ni in the liver, kidney, spleen and lungs was highest in the nucleus.
About 10% to 50% of the nuclear radioactivity level was seen in the mitochondria,
lysosomes, and microsomes. Further analysis of the nuclear fraction showed that in each
tissue the large majority of 63Ni label was associated with RNA rather than with DNA or
nucleoproteins. The highest association observed was with kidney RNA. In vitro
binding of 63NiCl2 to DNA, denatured DNA, highly polymerized (HP) DNA, and RNA
showed the maximum binding to RNA and HP DNA. Binding to DNA and denatured
DNA was less than 25% of these values. Significant differences were observed between
the infrared (IR) spectra of RNA and DNA incubated in vitro with NiCl2, which also
support the radiolabel findings. The authors postulate that Ni(II) may act by controlling
gene expression post-transcriptionally via interaction with mRNA. Loss of mRNA has
been reported in nickel-transformed cells (Salnikow et al., 1994).

Deng et al. (2006) observed that treatment of V79 cells with NiCl2 after, but not before,
exposure to benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) or its diol-epoxide (BPDE) metabolite led to
significant enhancements of chromosome damage compared to control cells. Treatment
of V79 cell for two hours with 0, 1, 5, 10, or 20 µg/mL of NiCl2 resulted in proportions of
aberrant cells of 0.75%, 0.75%, 1.0%, 1.3%, and 1.8 %, respectively. A similar value,
1.3% was obtained with 0.5 µg/mL BaP. Treatment of NiCl2 at 5, 10, or 20 µg/mL after
BaP exposure gave 9.3%, 12%, or 13% aberrant cells (all P < 0.05). The large majority
of aberrations were chromosome breaks. The authors interpret the Ni-mediated
potentiation of BaP genetic toxicity as a result of nickel inhibition of nucleotide excision
repair (NER).

161 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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A2.2.2 Studies in vivo

The clastogenic potential of soluble nickel compounds has been shown in many in vivo
studies. Sobti and Gill (1989) reported that oral administration of nickel sulfate (28 mg
Ni/kg bw), nickel nitrate (23 mg Ni/kg bw), or nickel chloride (43 mg Ni/kg bw) to mice
increased the frequency of micronuclei in the bone marrow at 6 and 30 hours after
treatment. Details of the study were not reported and it was not clear how many animals
were used in each experiment. Mohanty (1987) reported that intraperitoneal injections of
nickel chloride at 6, 12, or 24 mg/kg bw increased the frequency of chromosomal
aberrations in bone-marrow cells of Chinese hamsters. However, Mathur et al. (1978)
observed that intraperitoneal injections of nickel sulfate at 3 and 6 mg/kg bw did not
induce chromosomal aberrations in bone-marrow cells and spermatogonia of male albino
rats. Saplakoglu et al. (1997) administered 44.4 mg nickel chloride/kg bw to rats via
subcutaneous injections and did not observe increased levels of single-strand breaks in
cultured lung, liver, or kidney cells.

Similarly, Deknudt and Leonard (1982) administered 25 mg/kg bw nickel chloride and 56
mg/kg nickel nitrate (about 50% of the LD50 in both cases) to mice by intraperitoneal
injection and did not detect a significant increase of micronuclei in the bone marrow of
the animals after 30 hours. Inhibition of DNA synthesis has been observed in vivo.
Amlacher and Rudolph (1981) observed that intraperitoneal injections of nickel sulfate at
15 - 30% of the LD50 to CBA mice suppressed DNA synthesis in hepatic epithelial cells
and in the kidney. Hui and Sunderman (1980) also reported that intramuscular injections
of nickel chloride to rats at 20 mg Ni/kg bw inhibited DNA synthesis in the kidney.

Danadevi et al. (2004) administered NiCl2 to 4-week old male Swiss mice. Eight groups
of five animals each were given 0, 3.4, 6.8, 13.6, 27.2, 54.4, or 108.8 mg NiCl2/kg bw by
gavage. One group was given 25 mg cyclophosphamide/kg bw i.p. as a positive control.
Blood was collected from each animal at 24, 48, and 72 hr, one week and two weeks
post-treatment. DNA damage was assessed by single cell electrophoresis of leucocytes
(comet assay). All doses produced significant dose-dependent DNA damage (P < 0.05)
when compared to controls at 24, 48, 72 hr and one week. Clinical signs included loss in
weight and feed intake at doses ≥ 13.6 mg NiCl2/kg bw. From 72 hr post-treatment the
mean comet lengths of all doses gradually decreased and after two weeks the lower doses
(≤13.6 mg/kg) were not significantly different from the negative controls.

Oller and Erexson (2007) found a lack of micronuclei formation in 6 male Sprague-
Dawley rats/dose group exposed to 0, 125, 250, or 500 mg NiSO4•6H2O/kg-d for 3 days.
At least 2000 polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs) per animal were analyzed for
micronuclei. Average micronuclei (2000/animal) found were 0.07, 0.01, 0.07, 0.06%,
respectively. Nickel concentrations found in plasma and bone marrow were significantly
higher in all dose groups than in the control animals.

Jia and Chen (2008) extended their study of antioxidant protection against nickel-induced
DNA fragmentation to 40 male C57 mice and ascorbic acid (ASA) as antioxidant. Five
groups of eight mice each were treated with a single daily i.p. injection for two weeks
with 0, 2.0, 20.0 mg/kg-d NiCl2, 2.0 + 5.0 mg/kg-d ASA, or 20.0 + 5.0 mg/kg-d ASA.

162 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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DNA fragmentation and malondialdehyde (MDA) generation were measured in

peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and serum, respectively. Without ASA
significant dose-dependent DNA fragmentation and MDA generation was observed. For
DNA fragmentation the mean (± SD, N = 8) for 0, 2, and 20 mg Ni/kg-d were
4.68 ± 0.89%, 9.83 ± 1.16%* and 15.25(1.91) %*, respectively (*P < 0.01). MDA in
serum also showed a significant but shallower increase. Treatment of Ni + ASA showed
slight, non-statistically significant, increases of MDA and DNA fragmentation. For the
latter the values were 4.68(0.89), 6.16(0.88), and 7.85(1.1), respectively. MDA values
gave a shallower response. No trend tests were provided. The authors suggest the use of
ascorbic acid to ameliorate the chronic toxic effects in individuals occupationally
exposed to nickel compounds.

A2.3 Mode of Genotoxic Action

A number of hypotheses have been proposed about the mechanisms that can explain the
observed genotoxicity and transformation potential of soluble nickel compounds. Costa
et al. (1982) and Sahu et al. (1995) showed that soluble nickel compounds affected cell
growth by selectively blocking the S-phase of the cell cycle. Kasprzak (1991) and
Sunderman (1989) suggested that most of the genotoxic characteristics of Ni2+ including
DNA strand breaks, DNA-protein crosslinks, and chromosomal damage could be
explained by the ability of Ni2+ to generate oxygen free radicals. While Ni2+ in the
presence of inorganic ligands is resistant to oxidation, Ni2+ chelated with peptides has
been shown to be able to catalyze reduction-oxidation reactions. Andrews et al. (1988)
observed that certain peptides and proteins (especially those containing a histidine
residue) form coordination complexes with Ni2+. Many of these complexes have been
shown to react with O2 and/or H2O2 and generate oxygen free radicals (such as •OH) in
vitro (Bossu et al., 1978; Inoue and Kawanishi, 1989; Torreilles and Guerin, 1990;
Nieboer et al., 1984 and 1988). It is important to note that the major substrates for nickel
mediated oxygen activation, O2 and H2O2, are found in mammalian cells, including the
nucleus (Peskin and Shlyahova, 1986).

Tkeshelashvili et al. (1993) showed that mutagenesis of Ni2+in a bacterial test system
could not only be enhanced by the addition of both hydrogen peroxide and a tripeptide
glycyl-glycyl-L-histidine but also could be reduced by the addition of oxygen radical
scavengers. Huang et al. (1993) treated Chinese hamster ovary cells with 0 to 5 mM
nickel chloride and the precursor of fluorescence dye, 2, 7-dichlorofluorescin diacetate,
and observed a significant increase of fluorescence in intact cells around the nuclear
membranes. The effect was related to the concentration of the nickel chloride and was
detectable at or below 1 mM. Since only strong oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide and
other organic hydroperoxides, can oxidize the nonfluorescent precursor to a fluorescent
product, Huang et al. (1993) suggested that Ni2+ increased the level of such oxidants in
intact cells.

Evidence of oxidative damage to cellular and genetic materials as a result of nickel

administration has also been obtained from a number of in vivo studies. There are data
indicating lipid peroxidation participates in the pathogenesis of acute nickel poisoning
(Sunderman et al., 1985; Donskoy et al., 1986; Knight et al., 1986; Kasprzak et al., 1986

163 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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and Sunderman et al., 1987). Stinson et al. (1992) subcutaneously dosed rats with nickel
chloride and observed increased DNA strand breaks and lipid peroxidation in the liver 4-
13 hours after the treatment. Kasprzak et al. (1992) administered nickel acetate (5.3 mg
Ni/kg bw) to pregnant rats by a single or two intraperitoneal injections and identified
eleven oxidized purine and pyrimidine bases from the maternal and fetal liver and kidney
tissues. Most of the products identified were typical hydroxyl radical-produced
derivatives of DNA bases, suggesting a role for hydroxyl radical in the induction of their
formation by Ni2+. In two other animal studies, Kasprzak et al. (1990 and 1992) also
observed elevated levels of 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) in the kidneys of
rodents administered a single intraperitoneal injection of nickel acetate. Formation of 8-
OH-dG is often recognized as one of the many characteristics of •OH attack on DNA.

Besides generating oxygen free radicals, Ni2+ can also weaken cellular defense against
oxidative stresses. Donskoy et al. (1986) demonstrated that administration of soluble
nickel compounds depleted free-radical scavengers (e.g., glutathione) or catalase,
superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, or other enzymes that protect against free-
radical injury in the treated animals.

Insoluble crystalline nickel compounds are generally found to be more potent in genetic
toxicity assays than the soluble or amorphous forms of nickel. To find out the reason for
this phenomenon, Harnett et al. (1982) compared the binding of 63Ni to DNA, RNA, and
protein isolated from cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells treated with either crystalline
nickel sulfide (63NiS) or a soluble nickel compound, 63NiCl2 (both at 10 μg/mL). They
reported that in the case of 63NiCl2 treatment, cellular proteins contained about 100 times
more bound 63Ni than the respective RNA or DNA fractions; whereas in cells treated with
crystalline 63NiS, equivalent levels of nickel were associated with RNA, DNA, and
protein. In absolute terms, RNA or DNA had 300 to 2,000 times more bound nickel
following crystalline 63NiS treatment compared to cells treated with 63NiCl2. Fletcher et
al. (1994) reported similar findings. Chinese hamster ovary cells were exposed to either
water-soluble or slightly water-soluble salts. They observed relatively high nickel
concentrations in the cytosol and very low concentrations in the nuclei of the cells
exposed to the water-soluble salts. In contrast, they found relatively high concentrations
of nickel in both the cytosol and the nuclei of the cells exposed to the slightly water-
soluble salts.

Sen and Costa (1986) and Costa et al. (1994) theorized that this is because NiS and NiCl2
are taken up by cells through different mechanisms. Ni2+ has a high affinity for protein
relative to DNA; treatment of cells with soluble nickel compounds resulted in substantial
binding of the metal ion to cytoplasmic proteins, with a small portion of the metal ion
eventually reaching the nucleus. When cells are treated with crystalline nickel sulfide,
the nickel containing particles were phagocytosed and delivered to sites near the nucleus.
This mode of intracellular transport reduces the interaction of Ni2+ with cytoplasmic
proteins and peptides.

To support their theory, Sen and Costa (1986) exposed Chinese hamster ovary cells to
nickel chloride alone, nickel chloride-albumin complexes, nickel chloride-liposomes, and
nickel chloride-albumin complexes encapsulated in liposomes. They found that at a

164 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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given concentration (between 100 and 1,000 μM), cellular uptakes of nickel were 2-4 fold
higher when the ovary cells were exposed to nickel chloride-liposomes or nickel
chloride-albumin complexes encapsulated in liposomes than to nickel chloride alone or
nickel chloride-albumin complexes. Even at comparable levels of cellular nickel
(approximately 300 pmole Ni/106 cells), fragmentation of the heterochromatic long arm
of the X chromosome was only observed in cells treated with nickel encapsulated in
liposomes and not in those exposed to nickel or nickel-albumin. Based on these data,
they suggested that the higher genotoxic potency of crystalline nickel sulfide and nickel
encapsulated in liposomes was not primarily due to the higher cellular nickel
concentration, but rather to the way nickel ion was delivered into cells.

IARC (1980) suggested that cellular binding and uptake of nickel depend on the hydro-
and lipophilic properties of the nickel complexes to which the cells are exposed. Nickel-
complexing ligands, L-histidine, human serum albumin, D-penicillamine, and
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, which form hydrophilic nickel complexes, inhibited the
uptake of nickel by rabbit alveolar macrophages, human B-lymphoblasts, and human
erythrocytes. Diethyldithiocarbamate and sodium pyridinethione, however, which form
lipophilic nickel complexes, enhanced the cellular uptake of nickel. Several ideas and
findings bearing on the mode of action of nickel genotoxicity have been integrated into a
scheme proposed by NTP (1996a) and reproduced in Figure 2.

165 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Figure 2. Possible Mechanisms of Nickel-induced Genotoxicity (from NTP, 1996a).

1) Soluble nickel compounds such as nickel chloride diffuse into the cell; Ni ions are rapidly
bound to cytoplasmic proteins (P) (Lee et al., 1993).
2) Insoluble nickel compounds such as nickel subsulfide are phagocytized into the cell and move
toward the nucleus (Costa et al., 1982).
3) Lysosomal breakdown of insoluble nickel compounds releases large quantities of Ni2+ ions that
concentrate adjacent to the nuclear membrane (Costa and Heck, 1983).
4) Oxidative damage is induced in DNA by nickel ions bound to nuclear proteins (Ni2+ → Ni3+),
releasing active oxygen species (Tkeshelashvili et al., 1993; Sugiyama, 1994).
5) DNA-protein crosslinks are produced by Ni2+ ions binding to heterochromatin (Lee et al.,
1982; Patierno and Costa, 1985; Sen and Costa, 1986).
6) Binding of nickel ions to the heterochromatic regions of the long arm of the X chromosome,
which may contain a senescence gene and a tumor suppressor gene, can cause deletion of all or
part of this region, leading to an immortalization of the cell and clonal expansion (Conway and
Costa, 1989; Klein et al., 1991).

166 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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In general nickel genotoxicity is the result of indirect mechanisms. Three mechanisms

predominate: (1) interference with cellular redox regulation and induction of oxidative
stress and possible oxidative DNA damage; (2) inhibition of major DNA repair systems
resulting in genomic instability and accumulation of mutations; and (3) deregulation of
cell proliferation by induction of signaling pathways or inactivation of growth controls
including tumor suppressor genes (Beyersmann and Hartwig, 2008).

A3 Effects on Gene Expression and the Epigenome

A3.1 Structural and Functional Impacts on the Epigenome

The effects of nickel on the epigenome are summarized in Table 26. Effects on DNA
methylation and/or histone methylation, acetylation, or ubiquitination may influence the
initiation and/or progression of chronic diseases in addition to cancer. In their review of
metal epigenetics Arita and Costa (2009) conclude :

“Taken together, numerous data suggest that epigenetic changes contribute more
to nickel-induced toxic and carcinogenic effects than mutagenic effects.”

Yan et al. (2003) studied histone modifications and gene silencing in nickel-treated gpt
(guanine phophoribosyl transferase gene) transgenic G12 Chinese hamster cells. Four
nickel-induced gpt-silenced G12 clones (N24, N37, N96, N97) obtained by treatment
with NiS or Ni3S2 were used (particle sizes not specified). These clones were readily
reverted to wild type (gpt+) by treatment with 5-azacytidine. Analysis of chromatin
proteins associated with Ni-silenced gpt gene was by chromosome immunoprecipitation
assay (ChIP). The results showed hypoacetylation of both histones H3 and H4 in all four
silenced G12 cell clones. Histone H4 acetylation of N24 was higher than the other clones
but much lower than G12 control cells. The ChIP assay also showed hypoacetylation of
histone H3-K9 in all four silenced clones. Alternatively, methylation was higher than
controls in three of four silenced clones. Overall the results indicate that gene silencing
induced by nickel involved the loss of histone acetylation and the activation of histone
methylation. Silenced clones exhibited an increase in the methylation of the lysine 9 in
histone H3.

Zhang et al. (2003) observed inhibition and reversal of nickel-induced transformation by

the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA). Human T85 osteoblastic cells
(HOS) were exposed to 0, 0.15, or 0.30 µg/cm2 Ni3S2 or 0, 1, 2 mM NiCl2 for 24 hr. The
cells were rinsed, allowed to grow for 48 hr and the Ni treatment repeated. This
procedure was repeated nine times. Either 5.0 ng/mL or 25 ng/mL TSA were added to
the cells four hr before each exposure. Ni treated HOS cells exhibited dose-dependent
increases in anchorage-independent colonies with both nickel compounds (ca. 500-
750/105 cells vs. 250/105 cells in controls). Similar exposure to mouse PW cells showed
150 -250/105 cells for NiCl2 and 1500-2200/105 cells for Ni3S2 vs. 0 for controls. TSA
treatment caused a dose-dependent suppression of Ni-induced transformation of HOS and
PW cells. For HOS cells treated with 2 mM NiCl2 the extent of transformation at 0, 5.0,
and 25.0 ng/mL TSA was 100%, 59.5% (P < 0.05), and 51.0% (P < 0.01), respectively.
For HOS cells treated with 0.30 µg/cm2 Ni3S2 the extent of transformation was 100%,

167 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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93.3% and 78.9% (P<0.05), respectively. Suppression was greater in the mouse PW cells
(range 67 to 39%). Isolated Ni-transformed clones of mouse PW cells were reverted to
normal by treatment with 5.0 ng/mL or 25.0 ng/mL TSA. Transformed cells ranged from
33 to 65% at 5 ng TSA/mL, 16 to 36% at 25.0 ng TSA/mL vs. 100% in untreated Ni-
transformed clones.

Costa et al. (2005) found that exposure of human lung A540 cells to NiS particles for 48
to 72 hours resulted in most of the nickel bound in the cell nuclei. In contrast cells
exposed to soluble NiCl2 resulted in Ni ions localized in the cytoplasm. This result is
consistent with reports that short-term (1-3 days) exposure to crystalline nickel particles
can epigenetically silence target genes near heterochromatin, while similar short-term
exposure to soluble nickel does not silence the genes. However, longer term (3 weeks)
exposure to soluble nickel is also able to induce gene silencing. Nickel compounds were
also found to activate hypoxia-signaling pathways. This probably results from nickel
compounds blocking iron uptake leading to cellular iron depletion, affecting iron-
containing enzymes. The inhibition of iron-dependent enzymes, such as aconitase and
HIF proline hydroxylases may stabilize HIF protein and activate hypoxic signaling.
Nickel and hypoxia decrease histone acetylation and increase methylation of H3 lysine 9.
The loss of histone acetylation and methylation of lysine 9 in H3 results in global
silencing of gene expression. Costa et al. also observed increases in the ubiquitination of
histones of H2A and H2B in A549 cells after only 8 hours exposure to 1 mM NiCl2. No
changes were seen in ubiqitinated H4 as a result of similar exposures for up to 72hr.

Ke et al. (2006) studied alterations of histone modifications and transgene silencing by

NiCl2. Human lung bronchoepithelial A549 cells in culture were exposed to 0, 0.25,
0.50, or 1.0 mM NiCl2 for 24 hr. Using pan-acetylated histone antibodies, the global
levels of histone acetylation on histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 were measured following
nickel exposure. The nickel doses had no effect on cell viability whereas histone
acetylation was decreased in all four-core histones. A similar loss of histone acetylation
was also observed in human hepatoma Hep3B cells, mouse epidermal C141 cells and gpt
transgenic Chinese hamster G12 cells. Nickel treatment also resulted in increases of
ubiquitination of H2A and H2B in a dose-dependent manner. The G12 gpt transgenic
cell line was used to measure Ni-induced gene silencing in cells treated for 7 to 21 days
with 50 or 100 µM NiCl2 or 1 µg/cm2 NiS. Treatments of three days or longer, resulted
in increased frequency of 6-thioguanine (6-TG) resistant colonies, suggesting silencing of
the gpt transgene in a time-dependent manner. After Ni-treatment the cells were placed
in normal medium for either one or five weeks. The mRNA levels of the gpt transgene,
which were very low after Ni treatment, returned to basal level after five weeks recovery.
The data suggest that the nickel-induced effects were epigenetic.

Chen et al. (2006) reported that NiCl2 treatment of human lung carcinoma A549 cells
induced increases in histone H3 lysine 9 dimethylation and transgene silencing.
Nickel(II) ions were found to increase global histone H3K9 mono- and dimethylation but
not trimethylation. Increases in dimethylation occurred at ≥ 250 µM Ni(II) in a time-
dependent manner. Nickel exposure decreased the activity of histone H3K9
methyltransferase G9a thus interfering with the histone dimethylation process. Cultured
transgenic gpt+ hprt- G12 cells were used to study Ni-induced gene silencing. Both acute

168 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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and chronic nickel exposures decreased the expression of the gpt transgene in G12 cells.
The cells were exposed to Ni(II) for 3 to 25 days to 50 or 100 µM NiCl2 then selected for
the gpt- phenotype by growing cells in the presence of 6-thioguanine (6-TG). Nickel
exposure increased the frequency of 6-TGr variants in a dose- and time-dependent
manner. The variants were treated with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine resulting in a very high
percentage reversion from gpt- to gpt+ phenotype. Such a high frequency of reversion
indicates that Ni(II) silenced the gpt transgene via an epigenetic rather than a genetic
mechanism involving mutations or deletions. Overall the results indicated that the
increase in H3K3 dimethylation played a key role in the gpt transgene silencing due to
Ni(II) exposure.

Karaczyn et al. (2006) observed that human lung cells treated with Ni(II) resulted in a
stimulation of mono-ubiquitination of H2A and H2B histones. Cultured 1HAEo and
HPL1D human diploid lung cells were treated for 1 to 5 days with 0.05 to 0.5 mM Ni(II)
acetate. Cell viability, assessed by Trypan blue exclusion, ranged from 90% at the low
nickel concentration to 55-65% at the high concentration. Maximum stimulation of
ubiquitination of H2B histone was reached in 24 hr at 0.25 mM Ni(II) in both cell lines.
The authors note: “covalent modifications of core histones in chromatin, such as
acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, ribosylation, ubiquitination, sumoylation, and
possibly others (e.g. deimination and biotinylation) serve as regulatory mechanisms of
gene transcription.” Usually increased ubiquitination of histone H2B is associated with
gene silencing and decreased ubiquitination with gene activation, although this may
depend on gene location. The authors interpret their results on Ni-induced histone
ubiquitination as part of nickel’s adverse effects on gene expression and DNA repair.

Ji et al. (2007) investigated epigenetic alterations in a set of DNA repair genes in NiS-
treated 16HBE human bronchial epithelial cells (0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 µg Ni/cm2 for 24
hr). The silencing of the O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene locus
and upregulation of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) expression was observed in
treated cells. Other epigenetic alterations included DNA hypermethylation, reduced
histone H4 acetylation and a decrease in the ratio of Lys-9 acetylated/methylated histone
H3 at the MGMT CpG island in NiS-transformed 16HBE cells. It is likely that Ni-
induced alterations in DNA and histones contribute to altered gene expression,
cytotoxicity and tumorigenicity.

Ke et al. (2008) demonstrated the both water-soluble and insoluble nickel compounds
induce histone ubiquitination (uH2A and uH2B) in a variety of cell lines. Human A529
lung cells were treated with NiCl2 (0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 mM) or Ni3S2 (0.5 and 1.0 µg/cm2)
for 24 hr. After exposures histones were isolated and Western blots performed using
antibody against uH2A. NiCl2 and Ni3S2 exposures resulted in increased levels of uH2A
in a dose-dependent manner. Other mouse and human cell lines tested were C141, Beas-
2B, HeLa, and Hep3B. In each case NiCl2 treatment resulted in increased levels of
uH2A. In vitro assays indicated that the presence of nickel did not affect the levels of
ubiquinated histones through increased synthesis; instead nickel significantly prevented
loss of uH2A and uH2B presumably inhibiting putative deubiquitinating enzyme(s). The
study indicates that nickel ions may alter epigenetic homeostasis in cells.

169 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Li et al. (2009) studied signaling pathways induced by nickel in non-tumorigenic human

bronchial epithelial Beas-2B cells. Both 0.25 mM and 1.0 mM NiSO4 exposures for 24
hr significantly up-regulated c-Myc protein in Beas-2B cells in a time-dependent manner.
Because of the central role of c-Myc in cell growth regulation, cell apoptosis was also
studied. Beas-2B cells were treated with NiSO4 and whole cell lysates to determine poly
(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage, a marker for cell apoptosis. Nickel ions at
0.5 and 1.0 mM significantly induced PARP cleavage, indicating NiSO4- induced
apoptosis in the Beas-2B cells. Knockout of c-Myc and its restoration in a rat cell system
confirmed the role of c-Myc in Ni(II)-induced apoptosis. Ni(II) ions increased the c-Myc
mRNA concentration and c-Myc promoter activity but not c-Myc mRNA and protein
stability. By the use of pathway specific inhibitors the investigators concluded that Ni(II)
induced c-Myc in Beas-2B cells via the Ras/ERK signaling pathway. The study suggests
possible roles for c-Myc in Ni-induced toxicity.

Ellen et al. (2009) observed that nickel ion Ni2+ condenses chromatin to a greater extent
than the natural divalent cation in the cell, the magnesium ion Mg2+. The authors found a
significant difference in circular dichroism spectropolarimetry (CD) of oliginucleosomes
exposed to the divalent cations. The maximum molar ellipticity at 272 nm decreased
from ~6000 in the absence of cations to ~5000 with 0.6mM Mg2+. In the presence of
0.6mM Ni2+ the molar ellipticity was reduced to ~3000. The authors note that this
condensation or heterochromatinization of chromatin within a region containing a target
gene would inhibit further molecular interactions essentially silencing the gene. In
addition they used a model system that incorporated a transgene, the bacterial xanthine
guanine phophoribosyl transferase gene (gpt) near and far from a heterochromatic region
of the genome in two cell lines of Chinese hamster V79-derived cells. The model
demonstrated by a Dnase I protection assay that nickel treatment protected the gpt gene
sequence from Dnase I exonuclease degradation. The authors propose Ni-induced
condensation of chromatin as a mechanism of nickel-mediated gene regulation.

The effects of nickel, chromate, and arsenite on histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation in
human A549 cells was evaluated by Zhou et al. (2009). Treatment of human lung
carcinoma A549 cells with NiCl2 (1.0 mM), Cr(VI) (10 µM), or As(III) (1.0 µM)
significantly increased tri-methyl H3K4 after 24 hr exposure. Seven days exposure to
lower levels (e.g., 50 µM Ni(II)) also increased tri-methyl H3K4. The results indicate
that the metals studied alter various histone tail modifications, which can affect the
expression of genes that may cause cell transformation or other cytotoxic effects. The
specific genes that may be affected by these alterations are unknown. Other relevant
DNA methylation and mapping of post-translational modifications of histones in the
promoter regions of target genes warrant further investigation.

170 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 26. Effects of Nickel on the Epigenome*

Study Compound Gene or factor Effect Cell Type Comments or other effects
c-Myc ↑ BEAS-2B
Li et al., 2009 NiSO4 Apoptosis induced.
c-Myc ↑ HaCaT
Guan et al., NiCl2 bcl-2 ↓ T cells Jurkat Apoptosis induced, NO ↑.
Andrew & Ni3S2 PAI-1 ↑ BEAS-2B Fibrinolysis inhibited.
Barchowsky, Particle sizes < 2.5µm
Andrew et al., Ni3S2 PAI-1 ↑ BEAS-2B Fibrinolysis inhibited.
2001 c-Jun ↑ Particle sizes < 2.5µm
c-Fos ↑
Salnikow et NiCl2 HIF-1α ↑ Mouse fibroblasts Hypoxia, Nip3 and prolyl-4-hydroxylase are HIF-
al., 2002 Cap43 ↑ HIF-1α knockout 1 dependent; HSP70, GADD45, p21 and p53 are
Nip3 ↑ HIF-1 independent; ATM, GADD153, Jun B and
Prolyl-4- ↑ MDR-1 are mixed.
hydroxylase ↑
HSP70 ↑
GADD45 ↑
p21 ↑

*Note: BEAS, human bronchial epithelial cells; HaCaT, human keratinocyte cells; NO, nitric oxide generation; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; HIF-
1α, hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1; AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor; A549, human lung bronchoepithelial cells; H3B, human hepatoma cells; H3K9,
histone H3 lysine 9; HOS, human osteoblastic cell line; PW, mouse embryo fibroblasts; MGMT, O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase gene locus; DNMT1,
DNA methyltransferase 1 gene; 16HBE, Ni-transformed human bronchial epithelial cells; H3K9ac, histone H3 lys-9 acetylation; H4ac, histone H4 acetylation;
H3K9me2, histone H3 Lys-9 methylation; NHBE, normal human bronchial epithelial cells; ↑, enhanced activity; ↓, reduced activity.

171 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 26. Effects of Nickel on the Epigenome*

Study Compound Gene or factor Effect Cell Type Comments or other effects
Salnikow et NiCl2 HIF-1α ↑ Mouse fibroblasts HIF-1 independent genes up-regulated GADD45,
al., 2003 Cap43 ↑ HIF-1α knockout p21, ATM, p53, Jun B; genes up-regulated in HiF-
Bcl-2 ↑ 1α deficient cells HSP70, NGFb, IP-10, CD44
Nip3 ↑ antigen, melanocortin 1 receptor, heparin-
EGLN1 ↑ binding EGF-like, SGK kinase, BCL-2-like, E-
HIG1 ↑ MAP-115.
Prolyl-4- ↑
hydroxylase ↑
Focal adhesion
Davidson et NiCl2 HIF-1α ↑ Mouse fibroblasts All genes suppressed were HIF-independent
al., 2003 AhR ↓ HIF-1α knockout including prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase I
CYP1B1 ↓ and glutathione S –transferases µ, α3, and α Ya
NQO1 ↓
UDP glucuronyl- ↓
transferase 1A6
Li et al., 2004 NiCl2 HIF-1α ↑ Mouse C141 Activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-
Ni3S2 Cap43 protein epidermal cells and 3L), Akt, and p70S6 kinase (p70S6k). Particle
expression PI-3K and Akt sizes of Ni3S2 not specified.
deficient mutants
Broday et al., NiCl2 Histone H4 ↓ A549 lung Lysine 12 acetylation in H4 inhibited in A549
2000 Ni3S2 acetylation carcinoma cells, cells and at Lys 12, 16, 5, and 8 in yeast. Particle
yeast cells sizes of Ni3S2 not specified.

*Note: BEAS, human bronchial epithelial cells; HaCaT, human keratinocyte cells; NO, nitric oxide generation; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; HIF-
1α, hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1; AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor; A549, human lung bronchoepithelial cells; H3B, human hepatoma cells; H3K9,
histone H3 lysine 9; HOS, human osteoblastic cell line; PW, mouse embryo fibroblasts; MGMT, O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase gene locus; DNMT1,
DNA methyltransferase 1 gene; 16HBE, Ni-transformed human bronchial epithelial cells; H3K9ac, histone H3 lys-9 acetylation; H4ac, histone H4 acetylation;
H3K9me2, histone H3 Lys-9 methylation; NHBE, normal human bronchial epithelial cells; ↑, enhanced activity; ↓, reduced activity.

172 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 26. Effects of Nickel on the Epigenome*

Study Compound Gene or factor Effect Cell Type Comments or other effects
Yan et al., Ni3S2 gpt+ ↓ G12 Chinese Histones H3 and H4 hypoacetylated,H3K9
2003 NiS gene silencing hamster transgenic methylated, H3K9 deacetylated. Particle sizes of
gpt+ cells Ni3S2 not specified.
Ke et al., NiCl2 gpt+ ↓ A549 cells, Histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 deacetylated,
2006; 2008 NiS gpt- Hep3B cells, increases of H3K9 dimethylation, increases of
G12 Chinese H2A and H2B ubiquitination, minimal
hamster transgenic cytotoxicity. Ni acts by inhibiting
gpt+ cells, and gpt- deubiquitination. Particle sizes of NiS not
clones N24, N37, specified.
Chen et al., NiCl2 gpt+ ↓ G12 Chinese Increased mono- and dimethylation of histone
2006 gene silencing hamster transgenic H3K9, decreased H3K9 methyltransferase G9a.
gpt+ cells, A549 gpt silencing reversed by dimethylation of H3K9
cells with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine.
Zhang et al., Ni3S2 Reversion of Ni- ↑ Human HOS TE85 Cells treated with histone deacetylase inhibitor
2003 NiCl2 induced cell cells, mouse PW trichostatin A (TSA) had increased frequency of
transformation cells revertants in transformed cells. Particle sizes of
Ni3S2 not specified.
Ji et al., 2008 NiS MGMT ↓ NiS-transformed Silencing of MGMT associated with DNA
DNMT1 ↑ human 16HBE hypermethylation, altered histones H3K9me2,
cells H4ac and H3K9ac, and DNMT1 upregulation.
Particle sizes of NiS not specified.

*Note: BEAS, human bronchial epithelial cells; HaCaT, human keratinocyte cells; NO, nitric oxide generation; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; HIF-
1α, hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1; AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor; A549, human lung bronchoepithelial cells; H3B, human hepatoma cells; H3K9,
histone H3 lysine 9; HOS, human osteoblastic cell line; PW, mouse embryo fibroblasts; MGMT, O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase gene locus; DNMT1,
DNA methyltransferase 1 gene; 16HBE, Ni-transformed human bronchial epithelial cells; H3K9ac, histone H3 lys-9 acetylation; H4ac, histone H4 acetylation;
H3K9me2, histone H3 Lys-9 methylation; NHBE, normal human bronchial epithelial cells; ↑, enhanced activity; ↓, reduced activity.

173 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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Table 26. Effects of Nickel on the Epigenome*

Study Compound Gene or factor Effect Cell Type Comments or other effects
Karaczyn et Ni(II) counter Dysregulation of ↑ 1HAEo- and Histone H2B and H2A ubiquitination stimulated
al., 2006 ion H2B HPL1D human by Ni(II) exposure. H2B was monoubiquinated
unspecified ubiquitination lung cells and H2A mono- and diubiquinated.
Kang et al., NiCl2 Histone ↓ Human Hep3B Dose- and time-dependent decrease in H4
2003 acetylation hepatoma cells acetylation. Ni(II) inhibited histone
Reactive oxygen acetyltransferase (HAT) but not histone
species (ROS) deacetylase (HDAC). ROS involved in MOA.
Zhou et al., NiCl2 Histone ↓ A549 cells H3K4 increased di- and tri-methylation but not
2009 methylation ↓ NHBE cells mono-methylation.

*Note: BEAS, human bronchial epithelial cells; HaCaT, human keratinocyte cells; NO, nitric oxide generation; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; HIF-
1α, hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1; AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor; A549, human lung bronchoepithelial cells; H3B, human hepatoma cells; H3K9,
histone H3 lysine 9; HOS, human osteoblastic cell line; PW, mouse embryo fibroblasts; MGMT, O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase gene locus; DNMT1,
DNA methyltransferase 1 gene; 16HBE, Ni-transformed human bronchial epithelial cells; H3K9ac, histone H3 lys-9 acetylation; H4ac, histone H4 acetylation;
H3K9me2, histone H3 Lys-9 methylation; NHBE, normal human bronchial epithelial cells; ↑, enhanced activity; ↓, reduced activity.

174 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

A3.2 Altered Gene Expression

Salnikow et al. (2002) studied gene expression in nickel(II) treated mouse embryo
fibroblasts with and without the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1 (HIF -1α +/+,
HIF-1α -/-). HIF-1α strongly induces hypoxia-inducible genes, including the tumor
marker gene Cap43. The wild type and knockout cells were exposed to 1.0 mM NiCl2 for
20 hr and gene expression assessed by cRNA hybridization and GeneChip microarray
analysis. Nickel exposure induced genes involved in glucose metabolism in HIF-1α-
proficient cells. Of 12 glycolytic enzyme genes studied by microarray 10 were induced
by Ni(II) exposure in proficient but not in HIF-1α deficient cells. Glucose-6 phosphate
dehydrogenase and hexokinase I were the only unaffected genes. Nickel(II) was also
found to induce some genes in HIF-1α proficient and deficient cells (HSP70, GADD45,
p21, p53, ATM, GADD, JunB, and MDR-1).

In a subsequent study, Salnikow et al. (2003) found a number of genes induced by Ni(II)
in HIF-1α deficient but not in proficient cells. Among these genes are NGF-β, SGK,
IP10, CD44, heparin binding EGF-like, melanocortin 1 receptor, Grg1, BCL-2-like, and
tubulin-binding protein E-Map-115. IFN-inducible protein 10 (IP10) is a chemokine that
targets T cells and NK cells. The elevation of IP10 expression has been demonstrated in
human diseases including chronic cirrhosis and biliary atresia (Koniaris et al., 2001).
Most of the nickel-induced genes appear to be related to stress response. A number of
genes were significantly suppressed by nickel exposure in an HIF-1-dependent manner
(i.e. suppression was greater in HIF-1α proficient cells compared with HIF-1α deficient
cells) including monocytes chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) and the tumor suppressor
gene Zac1. Zac1 induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest and was not suppressed in HIF-
1α deficient cells. Neuropilin-1 (Npn-1) was also suppressed by nickel in an HIF-1α-
dependent manner. Neuropilin is a transmembrane receptor in endothelial and other
cells. The effects of nickel on gene expression after 20 hr exposure were transient and
disappeared after nickel removal, although chronic nickel exposure can lead to selection
of cells in which these changes persist.

Salnikow et al. (2003) evaluated the modulation of gene expression by NiCl2 and Ni3S2 in
two mouse and one human cell lines. Mouse embryo fibroblast cell lines MEF-HIF1α
and PW were exposed to 0, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, or 2.0 µg Ni3S2/cm2 or 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5,
1.0, or 2.0 mM NiCl2 for 20 hr. Total RNA was isolated from Ni-exposed and control
cells and cDNA prepared for GeneChip analysis. Both soluble and insoluble nickel
compounds induced similar signaling pathways in the mouse cell lines. The microarray
data indicated increases in expression of genes involved in glucose metabolism including
glucose transporter I and glycolytic enzymes such as hexokinase II, phosphofructokinase,
pyruvate kinase, and triosephosphate and glucose phosphate isomerases and lactate
dehydrogenase. All of these genes are induced by hypoxia, suggesting that nickel
similarly induces the HIF-1 transcription factor, which regulates these genes. Other HIF-
1 genes induced included Tdd5, Egln I, Nip3, Est and Gly96. The results indicate that the
form of nickel has little effect on the Ni-induced alterations of gene expression and is
therefore expected to have little effect on carcinogenic or other toxic potential in vivo.

175 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

Davidson et al. (2003) studied the interaction of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)
pathway and the hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) pathway in nickel-exposed cells.
HIF-1α knockout and wild type cells were derived from C57B mice. Mouse cells
exposed to1.0 mM NiCl2 for 24 hr exhibited the suppression of several AhR-regulated
genes including CYP1B1, NQO1, UDP-glucuronyltransferase 1A6, and glutathione S-
transferase Ya. All of the observed AhR-dependent genes except glutathione S-
transferase θ1 were down regulated in the HIF-1α knockout cells. The most suppressed
gene was CYP1B1, which was reduced 22.9-fold in wild type cells and 29.7-fold in
knockout cells. Desferrioxamine and hypoxia were also able to suppress basal and
inducible expression levels of AhR genes. Dimethyloxalylglycine, an inhibitor of Fe(II)-
and 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG)-dependent dioxygenases also inhibited AhR-dependent gene
expression in an HIF-1α-dependent manner. The authors conclude that an Fe(II)-, 2-OG-
or oxygen-dependent enzyme may be involved in the regulation of AhR-dependent
transcriptional activity by nickel(II).

Lee (2006) studied differential gene expression in nickel(II)-treated normal rat kidney
cells. NRK-52E cells were exposed for two months to 0, 160 and 240 µM Ni2+ (acetate).
cDNAs corresponding to mRNAs for which expression levels were altered by nickel
were isolated, sequenced and followed by GenBank Blast homology search. Specificity
of differential expression of cDNAs was determined by reverse transcriptase-polymerase
chain reaction. Two of the nickel(II) responsive differential display clones were down
regulated: SH3 glutamic acid-rich protein (SH3BGRL3) and fragile histidine triad
(FHIT). One clone was up-regulated, metallothionein. The expression of these mRNAs
was nickel concentration-dependent. The author notes that SH3BGRL3 probably belongs
to the thioredoxin-like superfamily. These small disulfide-reducing enzymes act as
hydrogen donors and are thought to be involved in regenerating glutathionated proteins.
Down-regulation of SH3BGRL3 may be related to apoptotic death of NRK-52E cells
induced by nickel (e.g., as noted by Shiao et al., 1998). Metallothionein is involved in
the regulation of physiologically important trace metals such as copper and the
detoxification of toxic metals. Since the kidney is a target organ of nickel toxicity the
observed up-regulation of metallothionein is not surprising.

Prows et al. (2003) used cDNA microarray analysis in nickel sensitive (A/J) and resistant
(C57BL/6J) mouse strains. The mice were exposed continuously to NiSO4 150 µg Ni/m3
(MMAD = 0.22 µm, gsd = 1.85) for 3, 8, 24, or 48 hr. Significant expression changes
were identified in one or both strains for more than 100 known genes. The results
indicated a temporal pattern of increased cell proliferation, extracellular matrix repair,
hypoxia, and oxidative stress, followed by reduced surfactant proteins. Fifteen functional
candidate genes were associated with expression ratio differences of two-fold or greater
between strains for at least one exposure time. Of these two genes—metallothionein-1
(Mt1) on chromosome 8 and SP-B (Sftpb) on chromosome 6—map to QTL intervals
linked to nickel-induced acute lung injury survival.

176 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

A4 Mechanisms of Toxicity

It is possible that the effects of nickel on the various elements of the immune system and
its ability to induce lung injury are related on a mechanistic level. This may involve
increased levels of oxidative stress, both directly via Ni- induced formation of reactive
oxygen species (ROS) and by modulation of signaling pathways promoting inflammatory
processes. This section is not meant to be a comprehensice review of mechanistic
studies. Rather, we provide a synopsis of several mechanistic studies examining potential
mechanisms of action of nickel compounds.

Inhalation of nickel dust has been associated with increased incidence of pulmonary
fibrosis. A potential mechanism is via inactivation of the pulmonary fibrinolytic cascade
(Andrew and Barchowsky, 2000). Andrew et al. (2001) studied the effect of nickel
subsulfide on activator protein-1 (AP-1) induction of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
(PAI-1). Addition of 2.34 µg Ni/cm2 Ni3S2 (<2.5µm) to a layer of cultured BEAS-2B
human airway epithelial cells stimulated intracellular oxidation, induced c-Jun and c-Fos
mRNA levels, increased phospho- and total c-Jun levels, and increased PAI-1 mRNA
levels over a 24-hr treatment period. No cytotoxicity was observed with nickel treatment.
Pretreatment with the antioxidants N-acetyl-L-cysteine and ascorbic acid blocked the
nickel-induced increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS) but did not affect the nickel
induction of PAI-1. The results indicate that the potential effect of nickel on fibrinolytic
activity is independent of its participation in redox cycling.

Barchowsky et al. (2002) exposed BEAS-2B human airway epithelial cells in culture to
non-cytotoxic levels (based on cell survival assays) of Ni3S2 (< 2.5 µm diameter) and
observed increased expression of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-8 (IL-8).
Confluent layers of cultured cells were treated with 2.34 µg Ni/cm2 nickel subsulfide for
24 or 48 hr. After 48 hr there was a statistically significant increase in IL-8 protein in the
culture medium compared to the control (ca. 2.3 vs. 0.9 ng/mL, P < 0.001, their Fig. 1).
No increase was seen after 24 hr. IL-8 mRNA levels preceded the increase in IL-8
protein. Transient exposure to soluble nickel sulfate failed to increase IL-8 mRNA.
Further study revealed that nickel induced IL-8 transcription through a novel pathway
that requires both AP-1 and non-traditional transcription factors, Fos and cJun. The
authors note that the protracted course of particulate nickel-stimulated IL-8 production
observed in the study contrasts with the immediate IL-8 induction in response to
cytokines, hypoxia, and many inhaled toxicants. Thus the study indicates “particulate
Ni3S2 activates specific signaling cascades following uptake by pulmonary epithelial
cells. These activated cascades stimulate parallel pathways for inducing transcription of
both inflammatory and profibrotic genes.”

Mongan et al. (2008) studied the role of mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1
(MAK3K1) in nickel-induced acute lung injury in mice. Wild type mice and MAK3K1
deficient mutants were exposed to NiSO4•6H2O aerosol (MMAD = 0.2 µm) at 150 µg/m3
continuously and survival times recorded. Inactivation of one functional allele in
Map3k1+/ΔKD heterozygous mutants did not alter survival; however, Map3k1 homozygous
mutants died significantly sooner than wild type control mice. Wild type and
heterozygous mutants showed 20% survival at 110 hr compared to 20% survival at 80 hr

177 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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for the homozygous mutants (N = 6 mice/group, P < 0.01 by t-test). During exposure, the
mice developed severe dyspnea, with gross lung pathology showing air trapping and
extensive hemorrhagic edema indicative of acute lung injury. Other experiments carried
out in vitro with mouse embryo fibroblast cells indicate that MAK3K1 protects against
lung injury by inhibiting the Ni-induced activation of c-jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs).

Carter et al. (1997) noted that the induction of inflammatory cytokines in human airway
epithelial cells by airborne particulate pollution was dependent on particle metal content,
particularly vanadium and nickel. Miyazawa et al. (2008) concluded that NiSO4 could
activate p38 MAPK and ERK and stimulate the release of TNF-α in THP-1 cells.

Li et al. (2009) concluded that nickel sulfate induced c-Myc in human bronchial epithelial
cells via the Ras/ERK signaling pathway. Freitas et al. (2010) found that Ni(II) as nickel
nitrate induced oxidative burst in human neutrophils where significant increases in
chemiluminescence were seen at ≥250 µM Ni(II) and a clear dose response extended
down to 7.8 µM Ni(II). Forti et al. (2011) evaluated the effects of NiCl2 and Ni metal
particles (0.5-1.0 µm diameter) on Calu-3 human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro.
Exposure to NiCl2 or Ni metal particles resulted in disruption of epithelial cell barrier
function as demonstrated by transepithelial electrical resistance and increased oxidative
stress as indicated by Ni-induced ROS and upregulation of stress-inducible genes (i.e.,
MT1X, HSP70, HMOX-1, and γGCS). The effects were partially attributed to an increase
in intracellular levels of Ni2+ ions.

Horie et al. (2009) evaluated uptake and subsequent Ni2+ release in A549 human lung
cells exposed to ultrafine NiO particles (black NiO = 20 nm; green NiO = 100 nm).
Ultrafine NiO particles showed higher cytotoxicity than fine NiO particles (600-2000
nm) and up to 150-fold higher degree of dissolution in the cell culture medium than fine
particles. The authors conclude that intracellular Ni2+ release may be a key factor
determining the cytotoxicity of NiO and that ultrafine particles release more Ni2+ than
fine particles.

Nickel metal nano particles (Ni NP, <100 nm in diameter) induce a number of toxic
responses in human lung epithelial A549 cells (Ahamed, 2011). The cells were exposed
to Ni NP (0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 µg/mL) for 24 hr or 48 hr. Cell viability decreased linearly
with dose for both 24 and 48 hr Ni metal NP exposures, by up to 80 and 90% ,
respectively. Significant increases (P < 0.05) were seen in LDH leakage, ROS
generation, and lipid peroxidation at ≥2 µg/mL. Significant decreases in cellular GSH at
≥2 µg/mL were also seen. The authors concluded that Ni metal NP toxicity to human
lung cells in vitro was mediated by oxidative stress. Horie et al. (2011) evaluated the
acute oxidative stress induced by NiO nanoparticles in vivo and in vitro. Black NiO
nanoparticles (20 nm) were evaluated with human A549 cells in vitro, and responses in
vivo were examined by intratracheal instillation of nanoparticles in rats. The levels of
intracellular ROS and lipid peroxidation in A549 cell increased with increasing exposure
to NiO nanoparticles. Increased gene expression of lipid peroxide heme oxygenase-1
(HO-1) and surfactant protein-D (SP-D) were also seen in A549 cells. The lipid peroxide
level in BALF significantly increased after 24 hr instillation. LDH leakage was also

178 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

observed in BALF of exposed rats. The authors concluded that NiO nanoparticles
induced oxidative stress-related lung injury.

Ahamed et al. (2011) studied the toxicity of nickel ferrite nanoparticles (26 nm) in A549
human lung cells. The NiFe2O4 particles at doses of 1 to 100 µg/mL induced dose-
dependent cytotoxicity as demonstrated by MTT, NRU and LDH assays. Nickel ferrite
nanoparticles were also seen to induce oxidative stress by ROS generation and GSH
depletion. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis showed that following exposure, the level
of mRNA expression of cell cycle checkpoint protein p53 and apoptotic proteins (bax,
caspase-3 and caspase-9) were significantly up-regulated, whereas expression of anti-
apoptotic proteins (survivin and bcl-2) were down-regulated. The authors concluded that
nickel ferrite nanoparticles induced apoptosis in A549 cells through ROS generation and
oxidative stress via p53, survivin, bax/bcl-2, and caspase pathways.

Long-term exposure of hyperlipidemic apoprotein E-deficient mice to Ni(OH)2

nanoparticles (5 nm diameter, count median diameter of agglomerates = 40 nm, gsd =
1.50) resulted in significant oxidative stress and inflammation in the lung and
extrapulmonary organs (Kang et al., 2011). The ApoE-/- mice were exposed to 0 or 79 µg
Ni/m3 for 5 hr/day, 5 days/week for 1 week (6 mice/group) or 5 months (16 mice/group).
Pulmonary responses included significant increases in the number of cells, number of
neutrophils and total protein in BALF of Ni exposed mice compared to controls at either
exposure duration (P < 0.01). Relative increases in proinflammatory genes (mRNA) Ccl-
2 and Il-6 were seen in the lung at 1 week (P < 0.01) and Ccl-2, Il-6, and Tnf-α at 5
months (P < 0.05). Significantly, increases in expression of Ccl-2 and Il-6 (P < 0.05)
were also seen after 5 months Ni exposure in the heart and of Ccl-2, Il-6, and Tnf-α
(P<0.01) in the spleen. Also relative mRNA levels of Ccl-2, Vcam-1 and Cd68 were all
increased in aortas from 5 months Ni-exposed mice (P <0.01). After 5 months exposure
to Ni nanoparticles relative Ho-1 mRNA levels, indicative of oxidative stress, were
significantly increased in lung > heart > spleen > aorta (all P < 0.05). Mitochondrial
DNA damage in the aorta was also observed after 5 months exposure (P < 0.01) as were
relative increases in plaque area in four regions of the aorta (all P < 0.01). This paper
demonstrates that inhaled Ni(OH)2 nanoparticles can induce oxidative stress and
inflammation, not only in the lung but systemically in the cardiovascular system and can
ultimately contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis in an ApoE-/- mouse system.

A possible mechanism leading to nickel pneumotoxicity may involve Ni-induced reactive

oxygen species (ROS) and electrophiles initiating prooxidant activity, which in turn
activates signaling pathways, including MAPK and multiple proteins involved in the
pathway (p38, JNK, ERK). This leads to activation of transcription factors that initiate
inflammatory processes and subsequent immunological effects leading to respiratory
effects such as alveolar proteinosis. That is, the mechanism of respiratory effects derives
from activation/inactivation of signaling pathways. A similar scheme was described by
Pan et al. (2010) for Ni-induced apoptosis in human Beas-2B cells via the Akt/ASK1/p38
signaling pathway.

179 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012


B.1 Berkeley Madonna Code for Sunderman et al. Human Oral Nickel Model.

METHOD RK4 {integration routine}


STOPTIME=24 {hours}

DT = 0.02 {step time or integration interval, i.e. 1200 steps total}

{Nickel biokinetic model of Sunderman et al. 1989; model units µg, hr}

{Nickel compartments, µg Ni initial values}

init Agi = 50*BW {Ni dose given in water 50 µg/kg body weight}

init Aserum = 0

init Aurine = 0

init Atissues = 0

{Model parameters, /hr unless otherwise specified}

Kf = 0.092 {zero-order rate constant for dietary absorption of nickel}

K01 = 0.28 {first-order rate constant for intestinal absorption of oral NiSO4 in water}

K10 = 0.21 {first-order rate constant for nickel excretion in urine}

K12 = 0.38 {first-order rate constant for nickel transfer from serum to tissues}

K21 = 0.08 {first-order rate constant for nickel transfer from tissues to serum}

BW = 70 {kg}

{Model differential equations calculate masses of nickel in respective compartments over

24 hours}

d/dt(Agi) = -Kf - K01*Agi

d/dt(Aserum) = Kf + K01*Agi - K10*Aserum - K12*Aserum + K21*Atissues

d/dt(Atissues) = K12*Aserum - K21*Atissues

d/dt(Aurine) = K10*Aserum

180 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

Massbal = Agi + Aurine+ Aserum + Atissues {sum of model compartments equals dose

B.2 Berkeley Madonna Code for Nickel Keratinocyte Model of Franks et al.

METHOD RK4 {integration routine}



DT = 0.02

{Model parameters}

dni = 2.62E-5 {rate of cell death due to nickel ions, /µM/hr}

bci = 0 {/hr, rate of cytokine release by nickel affected cells}

kn = 13.3 {/hr, rate of ion exchange}

un = 2.2 {unitless, partition coefficient}

dn = 0.00875 {/hr, rate of natural wastage of cells}

dc = 0.133 {/hr, rate of natural decay of cytokines within the media}

bcn = 6.25E-5 {µM/hr, rate of cytokine release by nickel affected cells}

n0 = 0.0165 {volume of cells, mL}

A0 = 100 {µM}

cpg = c*1.77E4*1000 {IL-1ά, pg/mL}

init c = 0 {initial concentration IL-1ά}

init Ai = 0 {initial intracellular Ni concentration}

init n = n0 {initial volume of keratinocytes}

init Ac = A0 {initial extracellular concentration of Ni}

{model differential equations}

d/dt(n) = -kd*n {volume fraction of keratinocytes}

kd = dni*Ai + dn

d/dt(Ac) = -kn*n*(un*Ac - Ai) + kd*n*Ai {extracellular nickel}

181 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

d/dt(Ai) = kn*n*(un*Ac - Ai) - Kd*n*Ai {intracellular nickel}

d/dt(c) = bcn*n + bci*n*Ai - dc*(1-n)*c {IL-1ά cytokine release}

B.3 Intracellular Dosimetry Model of Inhaled Nickel Subsulfide.

METHOD RK4 {integration routine}


STOPTIME= 168 {hours}

DT = 0.01

DTOUT = 0.5

{Nickel mass µmoles Ni3S2}

init Agi = 0

init Asurf = Concn*Vmuc*0.23/MW

init Aionic = Concn*Vmuc*0.10/MW

init Aven = 0

init Avacuol = 0

init Acyto = 0

init Acytprot = 0

init Aperinuc = 0

init Aperinucytprot = 0

init Anucl = 0

init Anucprot = 0

{Concentrations, µmol/mL}

Csurf = Asurf/Vsurf

Cionic = Aionic/Vmuc

Ccyto = Acyto/Vcyto

Cperinuc = Aperinuc/Vperinuc

182 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

Cven = Aven/Vven

Cnucl = Anucl/Vnucl

Cnuni = 3*Cnucl

{Volumes, mL}

Vcyto = 0.54*Vtb

Vnucl = 0.06*Vtb

Vperinuc = 0.1*Vtb

Vtb =0.07*Vlu

Vlu = 0.014*BW

Vsurf = Vtb

Vionic = Vtb

Vven = 0.04*BW

Vmuc = 100 {mL}

{Model parameters}

VmiC = 10 {µmol/hr/µm2}

Vmi = VmiC*2.4E11

Kmi = 1E9 {µmol/mL}

VmeC = 0.001 {µmol/hr/µm2}

Vme = VmeC*2.4E11

Kme = 1E9{µmol/mL}

Kdm = 0.0001{/h}

Kdv = 0.0106 {/h}

PAcpC = 0.011{µm2/hr}

PAcp = PAcpC

183 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

PApnC = 1.5

PApn = PApnC

ClpC = 1E-8 {mL/hr/cell}

Clp = ClpC*1E9 {/1E9 cells}

ClmC = 1.0E-11{mL/hr/cell}

Clm = ClmC*1E9 {/1E9 cells}

AbcC = 1E3{µmol/mL}

Abc = AbcC

AbpC = 1E3

Abp = AbpC

AbnC = 1E4

Abn = AbnC

Kbc = 1E9 {µmol/mL}

Kbn = 1E9

Kbp = 1E9

Frac = 0.08

Md = 0.1*MMAD

MMAD = 3.75 {µm}

Concn = 10 {µg/mL}

MW = 234.19

BW = 7E4

Protmg = 161{mg/1E9 cells}

Acytomg = Acyto/Protmg {µmol Ni/mg cytosol protein}

{Differential equations, µmol/hr}

d/dt(Agi) = Asurf*Clmc + Aionic*Clmc

184 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

d/dt(Asurf) = - Asurf*Kdm - Csurf*Clmc - Csurf*Clp

d/dt(Aionic) = Asurf*Kdm - Cionic*Vmi/(Kmi + Cionic) - Cionic*Clm

d/dt(Aven) = Ccyto*Vme/(Kme + Ccyto)

d/dt(Acyto) = Cionic*Vmi/(Kmi + Cionic) - Ccyto*Vme/(Kme + Ccyto) +

Avacuol*Kdv*Frac - Ccyto*Abc/(Kbc + Ccyto) - Acyto*PAcp

d/dt(Avacuol) = Csurf*Clp - Avacuol*Kdv*Frac - Avacuol*Kdv*(1-Frac)

d/dt(Acytprot) = Ccyto*Abc/(Kbc + Ccyto)

d/dt(Aperinuc) = Avacuol*Kdv*(1-Frac) + Acyto*PAcp - Cperinuc*Abp/(Kbp +

Cperinuc) - Aperinuc*PApn

d/dt(Aperinucytprot) = Cperinuc*Abp/(Kbc + Cperinuc)

d/dt(Anucl) = Aperinuc*PApn - Cnucl*Abn/(Kbn + Cnucl)

d/dt(Anucprot) = Cnucl*Abn/(Kbn + Cnucl)

B.4 PBPK Rat Model for NiO Inhalation Based on Teeguarden et al.

METHOD Stiff {integration routine}


STOPTIME= 8640 (12 months}

DT = 0.001

DTOUT = 0.25

{Draft PBPK model for nickel inhaled as nickel oxide; model loosely based on
Teeguarden et al. 2007 Mn model w/ Pi's based on Ishimatsu et al.1995 and lung
clearance based on Benson et al. 1994 and Tanaka et al. 1985}

{NiO in tissues, µg}

init Aart =0 {arterial blood}

init Aven = 0 {venous blood}

init Amusc = 0 {muscle shallow}

init Amuscdeep = 0 {muscle deep}

init Abone = 0

185 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

init Abonedeep =0

init Akid = 0 {kidney shallow}

init Akiddeep = 0 {kidney deep}

init Aliv = 0 {liver shallow}

init Alivdeep = 0 {liver deep}

init Alu = 0 {lung shallow}

init Alungdeep = 0 {lung deep}

init Alungdep = 0 {lung surface deposition}

init Anpdeep = 0 {nasopharynx deep}

init Anpdep = 0 {nasopharynx surface deposition}

init Anp = 0 {nasopharynx shallow}

init Agi = 0 {gastro-intestinal tract}

init Afeces = 0

init Aurine = 0

{Cardiac output, alveolar ventilation, body weight L/hr, kg}

BW = 0.325 {body weight}

Qtot = 14.6*BW^0.74 {cardiac output}

Qalv = 1.2*Qtot {alveolar ventilation}

{Blood flows, L/hr}

Qmusc = 0.534*Qtot

Qbone = 0.122*Qtot

Qkid = 0.141*Qtot

Qliv = 0.183*Qtot

Qnp = 0.01*Qtot

{Tissue volumes, L}

186 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

Vart = 0.0224*BW

Vblood = 0.0676*BW

Vmusc = 0.738*BW

Vbone = 0.021*BW

Vbonedeep = 0.052*BW

Vkid = 0.007*BW

Vliv = 0.034*BW

Vlu = 0.007*BW

Vnp = 0.0038*BW

Vtb = 0.01107*BW

Vpu = 0.01107*BW

Vven = 0.0452*BW

Vdeplu = Vtb + Vpu

{Concentrations µg Ni/L}

Cart = Cvlung {arterial concentration}

Cvmusc = Amusc/(Vmusc * Pmusc) {concentration leaving the muscle shallow


Cmusc = (Amuscdeep+Amusc)/Vmusc {total concentration in muscle}

Cvbone = Abone/(Vbone*Pbone)

Cbone = (Abonedeep + Abone)/Vbone

Cvkid = Akid/(Vkid*Pkid)

Ckid = (Akiddeep + Akid)/Vkid

Cvliv = Aliv/(Vliv*Pliv)

Cliv = (Alivdeep + Aliv)/Vliv

Cvnp = Anp/(Vnp*Pnp)

Cnp = (Anpdeep + Anp)/Vnp

187 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

Cvlung = Alu/(Vlu*Plung)

Clung = (Alungdeep + Alu)/Vlu

Cven = Aven/Vven {venous concentration}

Cvtot = (Qmusc*Cvmusc + Qkid*Cvkid + Qliv*Cvliv + Qbone*Cvbone +

Qnp*Cvnp)/Qtot {mixed venous concentration}

Cair = IF TIME <= 140 THEN 600 ELSE 0 {140 hr exposure to 600 µg/m3}

Tvol = Qalv/0.6 {tidal volume}

{tissue/blood partition coefficients, unitless}

Pmusc = 0.8

Pbone = 1.0

Pkid = 16.0

Pliv = 2.0

Plung = 4.0

Pnp = 0.3

{Clearance rates, /hr}

Kf = 0.0001*BW^-0.25

Kinmusc = 0.017*BW^-0.25 {rate constants for nickel moving into and out of deep tissue

Kinbone = 0.105*BW^-0.25

Kinkid = 0.146*BW^-0.25

Kinliv = 0.621*BW^-0.25

Kinnp = 0.035*BW^-0.25

Kinlung = 0.035*BW^-0.25

Koutmusc = 0.0035*BW^-0.25

Koutbone = 0.085*BW^-0.25

Koutkid = 0.007*BW^-0.25

188 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

Koutliv = 0.015*BW^-0.25

Koutnp = 0.035*BW^-0.25

Koutlung = 0.0002*BW^-0.25

Kurine = 0.15 {kidney shallow to urine}

Kfeces = 0.5 {GI tract to feces}

Kai = 0.25 {GI tract to liver shallow}

Kbile = 0.05 {Liver to GI tract}

Kgi = 0.1 {respiratory tract to GI tract, i.e. swallowed particles mechanically removed
from lung}

{rate constants for uptake from respiratory tract surface into shallow and deep
compartments for lung and nasopharynx}

KdepSL = 2.0*BW^-0.25

KdepDL = 0.0*BW^-0.25

KdepSN = 0.2*BW^-0.25

KdepDN = 0.0*BW^-0.25

{fractional coeffs for deposited particles}

fdepNP = 0.2 {nasopharnyx}

fdepTB = 0.08 {tracheobroncheal}

fdepPu = 0.05 {pulmonary}

fdepLu = fdepTB + fdepPu

{differential equations}

d/dt(Abone) = Qbone*(Cart - Cvbone) - Kinbone*Cvbone*Vbone +


d/dt(Abonedeep) = Kinbone*Cvbone*Vbone - Koutbone*Abonedeep

d/dt(Amusc) = Qmusc*(Cart - Cvmusc) - Kinmusc*Cvmusc*Vmusc +


d/dt(Amuscdeep) = Kinmusc*Cvmusc*Vmusc - Koutmusc*Amuscdeep

189 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

d/dt(Akid) = Qkid*(Cart - Cvkid) - Kinkid*Cvkid*Vkid + Koutkid*Akiddeep

d/dt(Akiddeep) = Kinkid*Cvkid*Vkid - Koutkid*Akiddeep

d/dt(Alu) = Qtot*(Cvtot - Cvlung) - Kinlung*Cvlung*Vlu + Koutlung*Alungdeep +


d/dt(Alungdeep) = Kinlung*Cvlung*Vlu - Koutlung*Alungdeep + kdepDL*Alungdep

d/dt(Alungdep) = fdepLu*Cair*Tvol - kdepDL*Alungdep - kdepSL*Alungdep -


d/dt(Aven) = Qmusc*Cvmusc + Qbone*Cvbone + Qkid*Cvkid + Qliv*Cvliv +

Qnp*Cvnp - Qtot*Cven

d/dt(Aart) = Qtot*(Cvlung - Cart)

d/dt(Aliv) = Qliv*(Cart - Cvliv) - Kbile*Cvliv*Vliv - Kinliv*Cvliv*Vliv +

Koutliv*Alivdeep - Aliv*Kbile

d/dt(Alivdeep) = Kinliv*Cvliv*Vliv - Koutliv*Alivdeep

d/dt(Anp) = Qnp*(Cart - Cvnp) - Kinnp*Cvnp*Vnp + Koutnp*Anpdeep +


d/dt(Anpdeep) = kdepDN*Anpdep - Koutnp*Anpdeep + Kinnp*Cvnp*Vnp

d/dt(Anpdep) = fdepNP*Cair*Tvol - kdepDN*Anpdep - kdepSN*Anpdep - Anpdep*Kgi

d/dt(Agi) = Anpdep*Kgi + Alungdep*Kgi - Kai*Agi - Kfeces*Agi + Aliv*Kbile

d/dt(Afeces) = Kfeces*Agi

d/dt(Aurine) = Akid*Kurine

MASSBAL1 = Abone + Akid + Aliv + Anp + Amusc + Alu

MASSBAL2 = Abonedeep + Akiddeep + Alivdeep + Anpdeep + Amuscdeep +


MASSBAL3 = Anpdep + Alungdep

MASSBAL4 = Aurine + Afeces + Agi


190 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

Table 27. Comparison of Predicted and Observed Nickel Tissue Concentrations

Twelve Months after a 140 Hours Exposure to NiO Aerosol.*

Tissue 8.0 mg/m3 Observed O/P 0.6 mg/m3 Observed O/P

µg/L Model Model
Bone 5.95 ND 0.45 ND
Kidneys 99.62 100 ± 90 1.00 7.47 80 ± 30 10.7
Liver 116.72 110 ± 70 0.94 8.75 50 ± 20 5.7
Nasopharynx 3.47 ND 0.26 ND
Muscle 15.82 ND 1.19 ND
Lung 285826 277000 ± 0.97 21437 17000 ± 0.79
98000 4000

*Note: NiO aerosol MADD = 1.2 µm, gsd = 2.2. Model exposure was continuous for 140 hr,
actual exposure was discontinuous over a one month period (not specified but probably
about 6 hr/day x 5 days/week x 30days).

191 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

B.5 Biokinetic Model of Uthus (1999) for Oral NiCl2 in the Rat.



STOPTIME= 10000 {minutes}

DT = 0.02

DTOUT = 10

{Uthus biokinetic model for 63Ni in the rat, Proc ND Acad Sci, 53:92-96(1999)}

{model compartments, ug Ni}

init GI_1 = 0.84 {ug at 12.7 uCi/ug Ni}

init GI_2 = 0

init GI_11 = 0

init Feces_3 = 0

init Blood_16 = 0

init Blood_15 = 0

init Blood_10 = 0

init Blood_4 = 0

init Liver_5 = 0

init Liver_6 = 0

init Liver_12 = 0

init Urine_9 = 0

init Urine_13 = 0

init Body_7 = 0

init Body_8 = 0

init Body_14 = 0

{mass transfer rate constants, /min}

192 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

K2_1 = 0.975

K3_11 = 0.000543

K4_1 = 0.025

K4_5 = 0.14

K4_7 = 0.3

K4_15 = 0.02

K5_4 = 0.155

K5_6 = 0.055

K6_5 = 0.05

K6_12 = 0.00003

K7_4 = 1.0

K7_8 = 0.005

K8_7 = 0.05

K8_14 = 0.0004

K9_13 = 0.0007

K10_4 = 0.0525

K11_2 = 0.001

K12_6 = 0.00175

K13_4 = 1.05

K14_8 = 0.0075

K15_10 = 0.066667

K15_16 = 0.0015

K16_15 = 0.01

{model differential equations, ug/min}

d/dt(GI_1) = -GI_1*K2_1 - GI_1*K4_1

193 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

FINAL February 2012

d/dt(GI_2) = GI_1*K2_1 - GI_2*K11_2

d/dt(GI_11) = GI_2*K11_2 - GI_11*K3_11

d/dt(Feces_3) = GI_11*K3_11

d/dt(Blood_4) = GI_1*K4_1 - Blood_4*K5_4 + Liver_5*K4_5 - Blood_4*K10_4 +

Blood_15*K4_15 - Blood_4*K13_4 - Blood_4*K7_4 + Body_7*K4_7

d/dt(Blood_10) = Blood_4*K10_4 - Blood_10*K15_10

d/dt(Blood_15) = Blood_10*K15_10 - Blood_15*K4_15 + Blood_16*K15_16

d/dt(Blood_16) = -Blood_16*K15_16 + Blood_15*K16_15

d/dt(Liver_5) = Blood_4*K5_4 - Liver_5*K4_5 -Liver_5*K6_5 + Liver_6*K5_6

d/dt(Liver_6) = Liver_5*K6_5 - Liver_6*K5_6 - Liver_6*K12_6 + Liver_12*K6_12

d/dt(Liver_12) = Liver_6*K12_6 - Liver_12*K6_12

d/dt(Urine_13) = Blood_4*K13_4 - Urine_13*K9_13

d/dt(Urine_9) = Urine_13*K9_13

d/dt(Body_7) = Blood_4*K7_4 - Body_7*K4_7 - Body_7*K8_7 + Body_8*K7_8

d/dt(Body_8) = Body_7*K8_7 - Body_8*K7_8 + Body_14*K8_14 - Body_8*K14_8

d/dt(Body_14) = Body_8*K14_8 - Body_14*K8_14

{Mass balance}

Mass_1 = GI_1 + GI_2 + GI_11 + Feces_3

Mass_2 = Blood_4 + Blood_10 + Blood_15 + Blood_16

Mass_3 = Liver_5 + Liver_6 + Liver_12

Mass_4 = Body_7 + Body_8 + Body_14

Mass_5 = Urine_13 + Urine_9

Mass_total = Mass_1 + Mass_2 + Mass_3 + Mass_4 + Mass_5

PCRECOV = Mass_total*100/0.84 {percent recovery of administered Ni}

194 Nickel and Nickel Compounds

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