Set - A Otet 2013: Paper
Set - A Otet 2013: Paper
Set - A Otet 2013: Paper
No. of Printed Pages : 63
No. of Questions : 150
Roll No.
1. Read the instructions carefully.
1. DNÿ œÿç{”öÉæ¯ÿÁÿêLëÿ Ó†ÿLÿö†ÿæÀÿ ÓÜÿ ¨Þ > 2. The admission to the examination is provisional.
In the event of any information furnished by the
2. ¨Àÿêäæ$öêZÿÀÿ ¨÷æ$çö†ÿ´ ÓæþßçLÿ (A×æßê) > ¾’ÿç {Lÿò~Óç ¨Àÿêäæ$öê candidate found false / in-correct / incomplete
üÿþö ¨íÀÿ~ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ Óþß{Àÿ {’ÿB$#¯ÿæ †ÿ$¿ µëÿàÿ, þç$¿æ Lÿçºæ or illegible detected at any stage, the
candidature shall be rejected.
AÓ¸í‚ÿö ¨÷þæ~ç†ÿ ÜëÿF, {†ÿ{¯ÿ ¨÷æ$öê†ÿ´ œÿæLÿ`ÿ {ÜÿæB¾ç¯ÿ >
3. Please bring the admit card and the
3. ¨Àÿêäæ {’ÿ¯ÿæ ¨æBô ¨÷{¯ÿÉ ¨†ÿ÷ H ¨÷æ©çÓê´ LÿæÀÿ ¨†ÿ÷ ÓóS{Àÿ Aæ~;ëÿ > acknowledgement card for admission to the
¨Àÿêäæ SõÜÿ{Àÿ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ ×{Áÿ FÜÿæLëÿ D¨×樜ÿ LÿÀÿ;ëÿ > examination and produce the same as and when
4. D¨×æœÿ üÿ”ö{Àÿ œÿçÀÿêäLÿZÿ D¨×ç†ÿç{Àÿ œÿçfÀÿ ¨í‚ÿö ’ÿÖQ†ÿ
4. Please put your full signature in the descriptive
LÿÀÿ;ëÿ > roll-sheet in presence of the invigilator.
5. H. Fþú. AæÀúÿ. üÿ”ö{Àÿ $#¯ÿæ ¯õÿˆÿLëÿ LÿÁÿæ Lÿçºæ œÿêÁÿÀÿèÿÀÿ ¯ÿàÿ 5. Darken the circles in the OMR Sheets
completely with Blue / Black ball point
¨F+ Lÿàÿþ{Àÿ Ó¸í‚ÿö Àíÿ{¨ LÿÁÿæ / œÿêÁÿ LÿÀÿ;ëÿ > pen only.
6. œÿçfÀÿ {Àÿæàúÿ œÿºÀÿ œÿç•öæÀÿç†ÿ {LÿævÿÀÿê{Àÿ vÿçLúÿµÿæ{¯ÿ {àÿQ;ëÿ > 6. Write your Roll No. correctly in the space
7. FÜÿç ¨÷ɧ¨†ÿ÷ ¨ëÖLÿæsç œÿç{”öÉ œÿ¨æB¯ÿæ ¨í¯ÿöÀëÿ {Qæàÿ;ëÿ œÿæÜÿ] > provided.
8. {Lÿ¯ÿÁÿ Lÿàÿþ H {¨œúÿÓçàÿ ¯ÿ¿†ÿê†ÿ Aœÿ¿ {Lÿò~Óç fçœÿçÌ ¨Àÿêäæ 7. Do not open this Booklet until instructed.
8. Do not take any other materials to the
SõÜÿ µÿç†ÿÀÿLëÿ œÿçA;ÿë œÿæÜÿ] > examination hall other than pen and pencil.
9. B{àÿæ{Lÿu ÷æœÿçLúÿ ¾¦æ’ÿç ¾$æ - LÿæàÿLëÿ{àÿsÀÿ, ÓâæBÝúÀëÿàÿÀÿ, 9. Electronic devices such as calculators, Slide
{þæ¯ÿæBàÿ {üÿæœúÿ, àÿSú {s¯ëÿàÿ, Lÿ¿æ{þÀÿæ B†ÿ¿æ’ÿç ¨Àÿêäæ SõÜÿLëÿ rulers, cell phones, log tables, camera etc. not
to be taken to the examination hall.
{œÿ¯ÿæ œÿçÌç• >
10. Please check the No. of printed pages,
10. FÜÿç ¨ëÖLÿæ{Àÿ àÿçQç†ÿ ¨õÏæ ÓóQ¿æ F¯ÿó ¨÷ɧÓóQ¿æ µÿàÿ µÿæ¯ÿ{Àÿ Questions Serial No. and in case of any
¾æo LÿÀÿçœÿçA;ëÿ > ¾’ÿç Lÿçdç †ÿøsç $æF {†ÿ{¯ÿ ¨æo þçœÿçsú µÿç†ÿ{Àÿ discrepancy, exchange the same within five
minutes and thereafter no complaint shall be
FÜÿæ ¯ÿ’ÿÁÿ{Àÿ Aœÿ¿ FLÿ ¨ëÖçLÿæ œÿçÀÿêäLÿZÿvÿæÀëÿ þæSç œÿçA;ëÿ > ¨æo entertained.
þçœÿçsú ¨{Àÿ {Lÿò~Óç A樈ÿç S÷Üÿ~ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ œÿæÜÿ] > 11. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the
11. {Lÿò~Óç ¨Àÿêäæ$öêZëÿ ¨Àÿêäæ {ÉÌ {Üÿ¯ÿæ ¨í¯ÿöÀëÿ ¨Àÿêäæ SõÜÿ dæÝç examination hall until the examination is over.
12. Discipline must be maintained in the examination
¾ç¯ÿæLëÿ Aœëÿþ†ÿç ’ÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿœÿæÜÿ] > hall as per the Odisha conduct of Examination
12. HÝçÉæ ¨Àÿêäæ ¨Àÿç`ÿæÁÿœÿæ AæBœúÿ, 1988 AœëÿÓæ{Àÿ ¨Àÿêäæ SõÜÿ{Àÿ Act 1988.
Éõ\ÿÁÿæ ÀÿQç¯ÿæLëÿ {Üÿ¯ÿ > 13. The candidature is liable for rejection in the
event of any infringement of the instructions
13. ¨Àÿêäæ œÿçßþ µÿèÿ Lÿ{àÿ, ¨÷æ$öê†ÿ´ œÿæLÿ`ÿ LÿÀÿç’ÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿ > mentioned above.
14. ¨ÀÿêäæÀÿ {ÉÌ 20 þçœÿçsú þš{Àÿ ¨Àÿêäæ$öêþæ{œÿ {Éò`ÿæÁÿ¾Lëÿ 14. The candidates are not allowed to go to toilet
during the last twenty minutes of the
¾æB¨æÀÿç{¯ÿœÿæÜÿ] > examination.
ZR – 1A/101 (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ÉçÉë ¯ÿçLÿæÉ H Éçäæ
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Each question has four possible / probable answers. Choose the correct answer
from among them and darken the appropriate circle completely in the OMR Sheet
with Blue / Black ball point pen.
1. Aæþ Àÿæf¿Àÿ {LÿDô Óó×æ ¨÷æ$þçLÿ ÖÀÿ ¨æBô ¨ævÿ¿ QÓÝæ ¨÷Öë†ÿ LÿÀÿç$æF ?
(A) H{¨¨æ (B) sç. B. F¯ÿó FÓú. Óç. B. AæÀúÿ. sç
Which organisation of our State prepares the courses of studies for the primary
level ?
3. "¯ÿ¿Nÿç œÿçfÀÿ µÿëàúÿÀëÿ Üÿ] Éç{Q' — FÜÿæ {LÿDô Éçä~ †ÿˆÿ´ D¨{Àÿ Aæ™æÀÿç†ÿ ?
(A) ¾æ¦êLÿ Aœëÿ¯ÿ¤ÿ (B) A;ÿ…’õÿÎç (C) ¨÷¾œ#ÿ¨÷þæ’ÿ (D) Óæ{¨ä ¨÷†ÿç¯ÿˆÿö
What type of evaluation identifies learning deficiencies and difficulties of the learners ?
OTET – P - I
7. f{~ dæ†ÿ÷Àÿ ¨÷Lõÿ†ÿ ¯ÿßÓ 7 ¯ÿÌö F¯ÿó þæœÿÓçLÿ ¯ÿßþ þš 7 ¯ÿÌö {Üÿ{àÿ dæ†ÿ÷sç œÿç{þ§æNÿ {LÿDô {É÷~ê{Àÿ A;ÿµëÿöNÿ
{Üÿ¯ÿ ?
(A) Óæþæœÿ¿ ¯ëÿ•ç Ó¸Ÿ (B) Óæ™æÀÿ~ ¯ëÿ•ç Ó¸Ÿ (C) {¯ÿÉê ¯ëÿ•ç Ó¸Ÿ (D) AÓæ™æÀÿ~ ¯ëÿ•ç Ó¸Ÿ
Both the chronological age and the mental age of a pupil is 7 years. He may be classified
into which category ?
Which is different from the other three with respect to fine motor Movement ?
9. "¨÷æLúÿ ¨æ÷$þçLÿ Éäæ' {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ FLÿ Óþß{Àÿ AäÀÿ {àÿQç¯ÿæ H ¯ÿÝ ¨æsç{Àÿ ¨Þç¯ÿæ D¨{Àÿ SëÀÿë †ÿ´ ’ÿçAæ-
¾æB$æF — FÜÿæ {LÿDô Éçä~ †ÿˆÿ´ D¨{Àÿ Aæ™æÀÿç†ÿ ?
(A) ¨÷¾œ#ÿ¨÷þæ’ÿ (B) Aœëÿ¯ÿ¤ÿ
At the pre-primary stage reading aloud while writing is given importance. This is based on
which theory of learning ?
10. ¨÷ɧ-¨†ÿ÷ œÿOÿæ ¨÷Öë†ÿç Óþß{Àÿ œÿç{þ§æNÿ þšÀëÿ LÿæÜÿæLëÿ ¯ÿçãæÀÿLëÿ œÿçAæ¾æBœÿ$æF ?
(A) ¨÷Óèÿ (B) {ÉðäçLÿ D{”É¿ (C) ¨÷ɧÀÿ ¨÷LÿæÀÿ{µÿ’ÿ (D) Éçäæ’ÿæœÿ Óþß
OTET – P - I
Which one of the following is not taken into consideration while preparing the blue-print for
a test ?
Psycology is a —————.
14. œÿç{þ§æNÿ {LÿDô ¨•†ÿç ’ÿ´æÀÿæ þëQ¿†ÿ… ÉçäLÿ Éçäæ$öêþæœÿZÿÀÿ {SæÏêS†ÿ AæãÀÿ~ Ašßœÿ LÿÀÿç$æ';ÿç ?
(A) Óæäæ†ÿLÿæÀÿ (B) Óó¨Àÿêä~
The teacher studies pupils group behaviour mainly by which of the following
methods ?
16. ÉçÉë œÿç{f œÿ {QÁÿç Aœÿ¿Àÿ {QÁÿ{’ÿQç Aæœÿ¢ÿ D¨{µÿæS LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLëÿ {LÿDô ¨÷LÿæÀÿ Lÿ÷êÝæ LëÿÜÿæ¾æF ?
(A) ÓLÿ÷çß (B) þëNÿ
What type of game is it called when a child derives pleasure by watching others
playing instead of playing himself ?
19. œÿç{þ§æNÿ {LÿDô {É÷~êÀÿ Éçäæ$öê ""Ó´†ÿ¦ {SæÏê'' {É÷~ê A;ÿµÿöëNÿ œëÿÜÿô;ÿç ?
(A) þ¡ÿÀÿ (B) AœÿS÷ÓÀÿ
(C) Óæ™æÀÿ~ (D) ¨÷†ÿçµÿæÉæÁÿê
Which class of learners are not included under “Exceptional Category” ?
(C) É÷¯ÿ~ÉNÿç Éæ~ç†ÿ ÜëÿF (D) Dµÿß ’õÿÎç H É÷¯ÿ~ ÉNÿç Éæ~ç†ÿ ÜëÿF
23. f{~ dæ†ÿ÷ SõÜÿLÿæ¾ö¿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ{¯ÿ{Áÿ {SæsçF S~ç†ÿ ¨÷ɧ vÿçLúÿ Óþæ™æœÿ LÿÀÿç {¯ÿÉú Aæœÿ¢ÿ ¨æBàÿæ H ¨Àÿ¯ÿˆÿöê ¨÷ɧ
Óþæ™æœÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨æBô AæS÷Üÿ ¨÷LÿæÉ Lÿàÿæ — FÜÿæ Éçä~Àÿ {LÿDô œÿçßþ D¨{Àÿ Aæ™æÀÿç†ÿ ?
(A) Aµÿ¿æÓ (B) ¨÷Öë†ÿç (C) Óæ’õÿÉ¿ (D) üÿÁÿæüÿÁÿ
25. f{~ Éçäæ$öêÀÿ ¯ÿˆÿöþæœÿÀÿ {ÉðäçLÿ ÓüÿÁÿ†ÿæÀëÿ µÿ¯ÿçÌ¿†ÿ{Àÿ †ÿæ'Àÿ ¯ÿçµÿçŸ {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ ’ÿä†ÿæ H ÓüÿÁÿ†ÿæ AæLÿÁÿœÿ
LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ œÿçþ{;ÿ {LÿDô ¨Àÿêä~ LÿÀÿæ¾æB$æF ?
(A) Aµÿç{¾æS¿†ÿæ ¨Àÿêä~ (B) Lõÿ†ÿê ¨Àÿêä~
(C) FLÿLÿ ¨Àÿêä~ (D) þ{œÿæ¯õÿˆÿç ¨Àÿêä~
Which test is conducted to estimate the future efficiency and achievement of a student
based on his present educational achievements ?
(A) Black Board (B) Display Board (C) Still Picture (D) Model
27. ¨÷æ$þçLÿ ¯ÿç’ÿ¿æÁÿßÀÿ Éçäæ$öêþæ{œÿ þëQ¿†ÿ… œÿç{þ§æNÿ {LÿDô D¨æß ’ÿ´æÀÿæ Aµÿçj†ÿæ Aföœÿ LÿÀÿç$æ';ÿç ?
(A) ¯ÿæÖ¯ÿ ¨¾ö¿{¯ÿä~ (B) Aœÿ¿þæœÿZÿ vÿæÀëÿ Éë~ç (C) AœëÿLÿÀÿ~ (D) LÿæÅÿœÿçLÿ ãç;ÿœÿ
By which of the following methods the pupils of primary school mainly gain experience ?
(B) The teacher gives task in one class and teaches in the other class
(D) While teaching in one class maintains discipline in the other class through the monitor
ZR – 1A/101 ( 10 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
M. I. L. (ODIA)
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31. "Éçäæ' ɱÿsç Óæ™æÀÿ~ þ{œÿÜëÿF, LÿæÀÿ~ —
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ZR – 1A/101 ( 11 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
34. œÿç{þ§æNÿ {LÿDô Lÿ$æLëÿ DaÿLÿˆõÿö¨ä ¯ÿæÀÿºæÀÿ ¨÷LÿæÉ LÿÀÿçd;ÿç ?
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Wò¡àƒ [ÅJàìºà ÒàÎìt¡ ³‹å¹
³‹å¹ A¡=à ¤ºìt¡ ¡ú
Òü[Uìt¡ t¡à¹ [ÅJàÚ ÎàK¹ —
"”z¹ ëÒàA¡ ¹â— "àA¡¹,
>ƒã¹ A¡àìá [ÅÛ¡à 뚺à³
"àš> ë¤ìK W¡ºìt¡ ¡ú
³à[i¡¹ A¡àìá Î[ÒÌå¡t¡à
뚺ೠ"à[³ [ÅÛ¡à,
"àš> A¡àì\ A¡ìk¡à¹ Òìt¡
šàÈào [ƒº ƒãÛ¡à ¡ú
c¡¹oà t¡àÒ๠ÎÒ\ Kàì>
Kà> \àKàìºà "à³à¹ šøàìo,
Ÿ೺ A¡à>> ιÎt¡à
"à³àÚ [ƒº [®¡Û¡à ¡úú
ZR – 1A/101 ( 18 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
[¤Å«ì\àØl¡à šàk¡Åàºà ë³à¹
Τ๠"à[³ áày,
>à>à ®¡à줹 >tå¡> [\[>È
[ÅJ[á [ƒ¤à¹ày ¡ú
&Òü šõ[=¤ã¹ [¤¹ài¡ Jàt¡àÚ
šàk¡¸ ë™ Î¤ šàt¡àÚ šàt¡àÚ,
[ÅJ[á ë™ Î¤ ëA¡ïtè¡Òìº
Îì–ƒÒ ë>Òü ³ày ¡úú
36. "àA¡àÅ "à³à샹 [A¡ [ÅÛ¡à ëƒÚ ?
(A) l¡üƒà¹ Òìt¡ (B) A¡³ã¢ Òìt¡
(C) ³Òà> Òìt¡ (D) [ƒºìJàºà Òìt¡
37. Îè왢¹ A¡àá ë=ìA¡ "à³¹à [A¡ [ÅÛ¡à šàÒü ?
(A) ³‹å¹ A¡=à ¤ºìt¡ (B) ÒàÎìt¡
(C) [>ì\¹ ët¡ì\ aºìt¡ (D) A¡ìk¡à¹ Òìt¡
38. ÎàKì¹ ë™³> ³[o³åìv¡û¡à ®¡¹à =àìA¡, ët¡³[> ëÎ "à³à샹 "”zì¹ [A¡ ¹â— ®¡ì¹ ¹àJìt¡ ëÅJàÚ ?
(A) "àA¡àTà (B) ºàºÎà
(C) ëyû¡à‹ (D) `¡à>, ΃ôP¡o
39. "à³¹à Î[ÒÌå¡t¡à A¡à¹ A¡àá ë=ìA¡ [ÅJ¤ ?
(A) šà=ì¹¹ A¡àá ë=ìA¡ (B) ³à[i¡¹ A¡àá ë=ìA¡
(C) Qàìι A¡àá ë=ìA¡ (D) \캹 A¡àá ë=ìA¡
40. A¡[¤ [ƒ>¹à[y &Òü¹A¡³ >à>à¹A¡ì³¹ >tå¡> >tå¡> [¤ÈÚ ëA¡à>ô [¤¹ài¡ šàk¡Åàºà ë=ìA¡ ëÅìJ> ?
(A) ®¡à¹t¡¤ìÈ¢¹ (B) Nøàì³¹
(C) šõ[=¤ã¹ (D) [¤ìƒìŹ
ZR – 1A/101 ( 19 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
[>³—[º[Jt¡ šøÅ—P¡[º¹ (41 ÒÒüìt¡ 50) [k¡A¡ l¡üv¡¹ ƒà* :
41. Ç¡‡ý¡ ¤à>à> =àA¡à Ŧ ëA¡à>ô[i¡ ?
(A) "ÅôšÎ õ ¸ (B) "ÑšõŸ
(C) "Ñšõȸ (D) "ÍšõŸ
42. >ãìW¡ ëƒ*Úà ŦP¡[º¹ ³ì‹¸ ‘¤o¢’ Å즹 [®¡Äà=¢A¡ Ŧ ƒå[i¡ ëƒJà* :
(A) \–µ, ëÅøoã (B) ëNày, ¤}Å
(C) "Û¡¹, ¹} (D) "¹o¸, γå‰
ZR – 1A/101 ( 20 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
49. ‘‘[Ål¡ü[º-ëáàšàì>à Åà[Øl¡Jà[> šì¹à "àK³>ã Kà> Kà[ÒÚà ¡ú’’ — &[i¡ ëA¡à>ô ˜ t塹 ¤o¢>à ?
(A) NøãͶ (B) ¤È¢à
(C) Ź; (D) Åãt¡
52. š[¹¤à¹ ÒÒüìt¡ [ÅÇ¡ ë™ ë™ [ÅÛ¡à NøÒo A¡ì¹ t¡àÒà >ãìW¡ ëƒ*Úà ÒÒüº ¡ú ëA¡à>ô[i¡ [k¡A¡ >ìÒ ?
(A) γàì\¹ "àƒÅ¢, "àW¡¹o * ¹ã[t¡>ã[t¡ [ÅÛ¡à A¡ì¹
(B) š[¹¤àì¹¹ [¤[®¡Ä ëºàìA¡¹ Î}ÑšìÅ¢ "à[ÎÚà "”z[>¢[Òt¡ * ΃ôP¡ìo¹ [¤A¡àÅ ÒÚ ¡ú
(C) [¤ÅõTºà¹ ‡à¹à šö®¡à[¤t¡ ÒÚ ¡ú
(D) ¤ÚÑH ëºàìA¡¹ ">åA¡¹ìo Î[k¡A¡ "®¡¸àÎ Kk¡> ÒÚ
53. ³Òàuà KàÞê¡ã ³àtõ¡®¡àÈàìA¡ [Åۡ๠³à‹¸³ ë®¡ì¤ ë™ P¡¹ç¡â«P¡[º [ƒÚà[áìº>, t¡àÒà >ãìW¡ ëƒ*Úà ÒÒüº ¡ú ëA¡à>ô[i¡
ëƒ> >àÒü ?
(A) [ÅÇ¡¹ ®¡à¤ šøA¡àÅ * NøÒo ÎÒ\ ÒÚ
(B) A¡³ γìÚ¹ ³ì‹¸ [¤ÈÚ¤Ññ "àÚw A¡¹à 䱤 ÒÚ
(C) Òü}¹à\ã ®¡àÈ๠šøà‹à>¸ [ÅÇ¡ìA¡ l¡üÄt¡ A¡ì¹
(D) [ÅÇ¡¹ ¤å[‡ý¡, A¡¿>à, ¹ç¡[W¡ * >ã[t¡ì¤à싹 [¤A¡àÅ ÒÚ
54. ë³ï[JA¡ ®¡àÈà [ÅÛ¡à A¡[¹¤à¹ \>¸ šø=ì³ ëA¡à>ô ƒåÒü[i¡ š™¢àìÚ¹ [¤[ÅÊ "¤ƒà> ¹[ÒÚàìá ?
(A) A¡=> * Kk¡> (B) šk¡> * [ºJ>
(C) Åö¤o * A¡=> (D) Åö¤o * [ºJ>
ZR – 1A/101 ( 21 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
55. šk¡> [ÅÛ¡à [A¡ ®¡àì¤ ëƒ*Úà ÒÒüì¤ ?
(A) Å즹 ³à‹¸ì³ (B) ¤àìA¡¸¹ ³à‹¸ì³
(C) K쿹 ³à‹¸ì³ (D) ëºJ๠³à‹¸ì³
56. ¤oà¢Ç¡[‡ý¡¹ šø‹à> A¡à¹o ëA¡à>ô[i¡ ?
(A) "³ì>àì™à[Kt¡à
(B) Ç¡‡ý¡ l¡üZW¡à¹ìo¹ "®¡à¤
(C) ¤¸àA¡¹oKt¡ `¡àì>¹ "®¡à¤
(D) [¤`¡àš>, šøW¡à¹šy, Î}¤àƒšìy =àA¡à ¤o¢àÇ¡[‡ý¡¹ šø®¡à¤
57. ³àtõ¡®¡àÈà [ÅÛ¡àƒàì> ¤¸¤Òê¡t¡ ƒõŸÅøस l¡üšA¡¹oP¡[º¹ ³ì‹¸ ëA¡à>ôP¡[º Åøस l¡üšA¡¹o ?
(A) á[¤, ³à>[W¡y, ¤Ã¸àA¡ì¤àl¡¢ Òüt¡¸à[ƒ (B) "[®¡>Ú šøƒÅ¢>ã Òüt¡¸à[ƒ
(C) ë¹[l¡*, ëi¡šì¹A¡l¢¡à¹, Nøàì³àìó¡à> (D) ëi¡[º[®¡Å>, W¡º[ZW¡y
58. Kƒ¸ [ÅÛ¡àƒàì> [>ì³—àv¡û¡ ëA¡à>ô[i¡¹ "à¤Å¸A¡t¡à >àÒü ?
(A) šk¡> (B) ¤¸àJ¸à
(C) ³åJÑ‚ (D) [¤ìÅÃÈo
59. ÒÑzàÛ¡¹ [ºJì>¹ \>¸ [>³—[º[Jt¡ ëA¡à>ô[i¡ Ò*Úà l¡ü[W¡t¡ >Ú ?
(A) š[¹ÍH๠š[¹ZáÄ ëºJà Ò*Úà
(B) "Û¡¹P¡[º¹ γt¡à =àA¡à
(C) ëºJàP¡[º¹ "àAõ¡[t¡ Îå–ƒ¹ * "àA¡È¢oãÚ Ò*Úà
(D) ëºJ๠K[t¡ "[t¡ ‰ç¡t¡ Ò*Úà
60. [ÅÛ¡A¡ šƒ¸ [ÅÛ¡àƒà> A¡[¹¤à¹ γìÚ ëA¡à>ô[i¡ A¡[¹ìº šƒ¸[i¡¹ ³à‹å™¢ >Ê ÒÒüì¤ ?
(A) [¤ÈÚ¤Ññ¹ &A¡ ιº l¡üšyû¡³[oA¡à šøƒà> A¡[¹ì¤>
(B) [ÅÛ¡A¡ ÒüÒà á–ƒ * K[t¡¹ Î[Òt¡ šàk¡ A¡[¹ì¤>
(C) ¤¸àA¡¹oKt¡ šøìÅ—¹ l¡üxàš> A¡[¹ì¤>
(D) šƒ¸[i¡¹ ³³¢, ¤àA¡¸à}ìŹ ¤¸¤Òà¹, á–ƒ * ®¡àÈà šøìÚàìK¹ ³‹å¹t¡à ">åÅãº> A¡[¹ì¤>
ZR – 1A/101 ( 22 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
M. I. L. (HINDI)
{ZåZ{b{IV AZwÀN>oX H$mo n‹T>H$a 31 go 35 VH$ Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE Ÿ:
^mfm na _Zwî` H$m {deof A{YH$ma h¡ Ÿ& ^mfm Ho$ H$maU hr _Zwî` BVZr CÞ{V H$a gH$m h¡ Ÿ& OmZda hOmam|
df© go Ohm± Ho$ Vhm± ~Zo hþE h¢ Ÿ& {H$ÝVw _Zwî` CÎmamoÎma CÞ{V H$aVm Mbm Am`m h¡ Ÿ& AÝ` OmZdam| H$s Anojm
_Zwî` ^m¡{VH$ ~b go Ý`yZ hmoVm hþAm ^r AnZr ~w{Õ Am¡a ^mfm Ho$ ghmao A{YH$ g~b hmo J`m h¡ Ÿ& CgZo n§M
_hm^yVm| H$mo AnZo de _| H$a {b`m h¡ Ÿ& `h g~ ^mfm Ûmam àmá ghH$m[aVm Ho$ ~b na hr hmo gH$m h¡ Ÿ& ^mfm Ûmam
h_mao kmZ Am¡a AZw^d H$s ajm hmoVr h¡ Ÿ&
^mfm Ûmam _Zwî` H$s gm_m{OH$Vm H$m`_ h¡, {H$ÝVw ^mfm H$m Xwén`moJ hr Cgo {N>Þ-{^Þ ^r H$a XoVm h¡ Ÿ&
EH$ _Ywa eãX Xmo ê$R>m| H$mo {_bm XoVm h¡ Am¡a EH$ hr H$Qw> eãX Xmo {_Ìm| Ho$ _Z _| d¡_Zñ` CËnÞ H$a XoVm h¡ Ÿ& A~
àíZ `h hmoVm h¡ {H$ _Ywa `m {_ï> ^mfU {H$go H$hVo h¢ ? gmYmaUV`m Omo dñVw _ZmoZwHy$b hmoVr h¡, {Oggo {MÎm
X«{dV hmoVm h¡, dhr _Ywa H$hbmVr h¡ Ÿ& _mYw`© ^mfm H$m ^r JwU h¡ Ÿ& {MÎm H$mo {nKbmZo dmbm Omo AmZÝX hmoVm h¡,
Cgo "_mYw`©' H$hVo h¢ Ÿ& dMZm| H$m _mYw`© öX`Ûma Ho$ ImobZo H$s Hw§$Or h¡ Ÿ&
31. AmO _Zwî` BVZr CÞ{V H$aZo H$m H$maU Š`m h¡ ?
(A) kmZ (B) ^mfm
(C) VH$ZrH$s Ÿ (D) g_mO
32. _Zwî` Zo AnZr ~w{Õ Am¡a ^mfm Ho$ ghmao A{YH$ g~b hmoH$a {H$g H$mo AnZo de _| H$a {b`m h¡ ?
(A) Ob (B) ñWb
(C) AmH$me Ÿ (D) n§M _hm^yV
33. AÝ` OmZdam| H$s Anojm _Zwî` ^m¡{VH$ ~b go Ý`yZ hmoVm h¡ Ÿ& `hm± ^m¡{VH$ ~b H$m AW© h¡ :
(A) emar[aH$ ~b (B) _mZ{gH$ ~b
(C) Z¡{VH$ ~b (D) AmÜ`mpË_H$ ~b
34. EH$ _Ywa eãX Xmo ê$R>m| H$mo Š`m H$a XoVm h¡ ?
(A) AbJ H$a XoVm h¡
(B) g_mZ H$a XoVm h¡
(C) {_bm XoVm h¡
(D) naoemZ H$a XoVm h¡
35. {ZåZ{b{IV _| H$m¡Z-gm eãX "d¡_Zñ`' eãX Ho$ AW© H$mo ñnï> H$aVm h¡ ?
(A) gabVm (B) CXmaVm
(C) eÌwVm (D) M§MbVm
ZR – 1A/101 ( 23 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
{ZåZ{b{IV H${dVm H$mo n‹T>H$a 36 go 40 VH$ Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE :
^yb J`m h¡ Š`m| BZgmZ ?
g~H$s h¡ {_Å>r H$s H$m`m
g~ na Z^ H$s {Z_©b N>m`m,
`hm± Zht H$moB© Am`m h¡,
bo {deof daXmZ
^yb J`m h¡ Š`m| BZgmZ ?
YaVr Zo _mZd CnOmE,
_mZd Zo hr Xoe ~ZmE,
~hwXoem| _| ~gr hþB© h¡,
EH$ Yam g§VmZ
^yb J`m h¡ Š`m| BZgmZ ?
Xoe AbJ h¢, Xoe AbJ hm|
doe AbJ h¡, doe AbJ hm|
_mZd H$m _mZd go bo{H$Z
AbJ Z AÝVa àmU Ÿ&
^yb J`m h¡ Š`m| BZgmZ ?
36. H${d Ho$ AZwgma h_ g~H$m eara {H$ggo ~Zm h¡ ?
(A) ApñW (B) IyZ
(C) {_Å>r (D) _m§g
37. {H$gZo _mZd CnOmE h¢ ?
(A) Aå~a (B) YaVr
(C) Ob (D) dm`w
38. Xoe Am¡a doe AbJ hmoZo na ^r _mZd H$m Š`m AbJ Zht h¡ ?
(A) eara (B) ~w{Õ
(C) àmU (D) kmZ
ZR – 1A/101 ( 24 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
39. YaVr H$mo AbJ-AbJ Xoem| _| {H$gZo ~m±Q>m h¡ ?
(A) amOm (B) _mZd
(C) XmZd (D) ^JdmZ
40. {ZåZ{b{IV H$m¡Z-gm eãX "{Z_©b' eãX H$m {dbmo_ eãX h¡ ?
(A) gm\$ (B) ñdÀN>
(C) n{dÌ (D) Xy{fV
41. ^mfm-{ejU _| AmOH$b na§namJV gm_J«r Ho$ ê$n _| H$m¡Z-gr gm_J«r A{YH$ ghm`H$ hmoVr h¡ ?
(A) nmR²>`-nwñVH$ (B) í`m_nQ>
(C) aoIm{MÌ (D) {MÌ
42. àmW{_H$ ñVa Ho$ ~ƒmo§ H$mo H${dVm-{ejU Ho$ g_` {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$g à{H«$`m Ho$ Ûmam {ejU A{YH$
Cn`moJr hmo gH$Vm h¡ ?
(A) JrV (B) A{^Z`
(C) ì`m»`m (D) JrV Am¡a A{^Z`
45. {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo nmR> n‹T>mVo g_` {ZåZ{b{IV H$m¡Z-gr gmdYmZVm ~aVZr Mm{hE ?
(A) H$WmdñVw {dÚmWu na AZwHy$b à^md S>mb|
(B) nmR> _| J{VerbVm Am¡a H«$_~ÕVm ahZr Mm{hE
(C) nmR> _| ^`mZH$ Am¡a ZH$mamË_H$ à^md n‹S>Zo dmbr Ñí` Z hmo
(D) D$na Ho$ g^r CÎma
ZR – 1A/101 ( 25 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
46. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm EH$ Ñí`-lì` CnH$aU h¡ ?
(A) ao{‹S>`mo (B) Q>on[aH$m°S>©a
(C) XyaXe©Z (D) _mBH«$mo\$moZ
47. EH$ {dÚmWu Ho$ {bE ^mfm grIZo H$m àW_ gmonmZ h¡ :
(A) nR>Z (B) boIZ
(C) ldU (D) dmMZ
48. H$jm-{ejU Ho$ g_` {dÚm{W©`m| Ho$ A{YJ_ hoVw ào[aV H$aZo Ho$ {bE {ZåZ{b{IV {H$g {df` na Omoa XoZm
Mm{hE ?
(A) {dÚm{W©`m| Ho$ ì`{º$Ëd gå~ÝYr OmZH$mar aIZm
(B) {dÚm{W©`m| Ho$ gm_m{OH$ Am¡a gm§ñH¥${VH$ n¥ð>^y{_ H$m n[aM` aIZm
(C) {dÚm{W©`m| H$s A{YJ_ e¡br na ZOa aIZm
(D) D$na Ho$ g^r CÎma
49. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$maH$ {eewAm| Ho$ ^mfm-{dH$mg _| ghm`H$ Zhr§ hmoVm h¡ ?
(A) emar[aH$ Am¡a _mZ{gH$ ñdmñÏ` (B) d§e na§nam
(C) n[adma H$m gm_m{OH$ n[adoe (D) ~w{Õ
50. {ejU _| _yë`m§H$Z EH$ à_wI A§J h¡ Ÿ& _yë`m§H$Z Ho$ g§X^© _| Š`m ghr h¡ ?
(A) `h EH$ {Za§Va MbZodmbr à{H«$`m (B) `h CÔoí` ny{V© H$m H$maH$ h¡
(C) `h e¡{jH$ àJ{V H$m {ddaU àXmZ H$aVm h¡ (D) D$na Ho$ g^r CÎma ghr h§¡
ZR – 1A/101 ( 26 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
54. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm eãX dV©Zr H$s Ñ{ï> go ghr eãX h¡ ?
(A) amOZrVr (B) amO{ZVr
(C) amO{Z{V (D) amOZr{V
55. {ZåZ{b{IV H$m¡Z-gm eãX "kmZ' eãX H$m {dbmo_ eãX h¡ ?
(A) _hmkmZ (B) AkmZ
(C) {Xì`kmZ (D) na_kmZ
56. {ZåZ{b{IV H$m¡Z-gm eãX "Kmo‹S>m' eãX H$m g_mZmW©H$ eãX Zht h¡ ?
(A) Aíd (B) KmoQ>H$
(C) Vwa§J (D) JO
57. "{OgH$s bmR>r, CgH$s ^¢gŸ&' Bg H$hmdV H$m AW© {ZåZ{b{IV C{º$`m| _| go {H$g C{º$ H$mo ñnï> H$aVm
h¡ ?
(A) VmH$Vda H$s hr {dO` hmoVr h¡
(B) bmR>r go ^¢g H$mo nrQ>>m OmVm h¡
(C) ~bdmZ ì`{º$ AÝ`m`r hmoVm h¡
(D) ~bdmZ ì`{º$ H$m à^md H$^r-H$^r ahVm h¡
58. "{JZZm' {H«$`m eãX go ~ZZodmbr ^mddmMH$ g§km nX h¡ :
(A) {JZVm (B) {JZVr
(C) {JZ (D) {JZmVm
59. dh AmO ~hþV Iwe hþAm Ÿ& Bg dmŠ` _| à`moJ hmoZodmbm gd©Zm_ nX h¡ :
(A) dh (B) AmO
(C) ~hþV (D) Iwe hþAm
60. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go g§»`mdmMH$ {deofU h¡ :
(A) _moQ>m (B) H$B©
(C) WmoS‹ >m (D) H$m¡Z
ZR – 1A/101 ( 27 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
M. I. L. (URDU)
ZR – 1A/101 ( 28 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ZR – 1A/101 ( 29 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ZR – 1A/101 ( 30 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ZR – 1A/101 ( 31 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ZR – 1A/101 ( 32 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
¨Væü$Ðèþ °_a¯èþ Væü«§æþÅ ¿êVæüÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ^èþ¨Ñ 31 ¯èþ$…yìþ 35 ÐèþÆæÿMæü$ VæüË {ç³Ôèý²ËMæü$ fÐéº$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.
E™èþµË çÜ™èþůéÆ>Äæý$×ê^èþÆæÿÅ 1928 ÌZ QÐèþ$Ã… hÌêÏ _…™èþM>°ÌZ f¯èþ¯èþ…. gê¡Äñý*§æþÅÐèþ$…ÌZ ´ëÌŸY¯é²Ææÿ$.
™öÍ M>ÐèþÅ… gZ™èþÞü² D f…r ¯èþVæüÆ>Ë$ õßýÐèþ$…™èþ ÕÕÆ>Ë$ çÜÓ´ë²Ë §æþ$ç³µsìý ÒÇ M>ÐéÅËÌZ Ðèþ$$QÅÐðþ$O¯þè Ñ.
í³ËÏË MøçÜ… VóüÄæý*Ë$ Ææÿ_…^éÆæÿ$. ÆæÿÒ…{§æþ$° Ææÿ^èþ¯èþ˯èþ$ ™ðþË$Væü$ÌZMìü A¯èþ$Ðèþ¨…^éÆæÿ$. Ðèþ$¨Ææÿ ™éË$M>ÌZ
G{Ææÿ$´ëÌñý… A¯óþ FÆæÿ$ E…¨. B FâZå G…§æþÆø Ðèþ$çßý±Äæý$$Ë$ f°Ã…^éÆæÿ$. G{Ææÿ$´ëÌñý… çÜÒ$ç³…ÌZ¯óþ
fÐèþ$Ìêç³#Ææÿ… A¯óþ {V>Ðèþ$… AMæüPyöMæü Mö…yæþ, B Mö…yæþ Ò$§æþ {Ö Ððþ…MæüsôýÔèýÓÆæÿ ÝëÓÑ$ §óþÐéËÄæý$… E…¨. B
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°gê… MæüâêÔéËÌZ {ç³ÐóþÕ…^éyæþ$. Aç³µsìýMóü BÄæý$¯èþMæü$ ò³ãå AÆÿ$$Å…¨. BÄæý$¯èþ ¿êÆæÿÅ A¯èþ²ç³NÆæÿ~Ðèþ$Ã
ѯèþÄæý*°Mìü MúÔèýÌêÅ°Mìü Ðèþ*Ææÿ$õ³Ææÿ$V> E…yóþ¨. _¯èþ²™èþ¯èþ…ÌZ¯óþ MóüÔèýÐèþÆ>Ðèþ# çßý–§æþÄæý$…ÌZ §óþÔèý¿æýMìü¢ ½gêË$
¯ér$Mæü$¯é²Æÿ$$. MæüâêâêË ^èþ§æþ$Ðèþ#Mæü$ Ðèþ_a¯èþ ™èþÆæÿ$Ðé™èþ §óþÔèý ç³ÇíÜ™¦ þè $˯èþ$ MæüâêåÆæÿ ^èþ*íܯèþ ™èþÆæÿ$Ðé™èþ BÄæý$¯èþ
çßý–§æþÄæý$…ÌZ §óþÔèý ¿æýMìü¢ ´÷…W ´÷ÆæÿÍ…¨. Ðèþ$à™éÃV>…«©° Væü$Ææÿ$Ðèþ#V> G…^èþ$Mæü$¯é²yæþ$. §óþÔèý ÝëÓ™èþ…{™èþÅ…
çÜ…´ë¨…^èþyæþ…. °gê… Æ>k¯èþ$ Væü§ðþª ¨…ç³yæþ… Ðèþ$$QÅ…V> ¿êÑ…^éyæþ$. °Æ>Äæý$$«§æþ$yæþ$V>¯óþ ÝëÓ™èþ…{™èþÅ
çÜÐèþ$Ææÿ…ÌZMìü {ç³ÐóþÕ…^éyæþ$. MóüÔèýÐèþÆ>Ðèþ# í³yìþMìüÍ ¼W…_ °gê… Æ>k¯èþ$ G§æþ$ÆöP¯óþr糚yæþ$ A™èþyöMæü
ÒÆ>{VóüçÜÆæÿ$yæþ$V> Mæü°í³…^óþÐéyæþ$. BÆæÿ$¯èþ²Ææÿ Ayæþ$Væü$Ë G™èþ$¢ ÐðþË$Væü$Ë$, ÑÆæÿhÐóþ$à Mæüâæý$å, VæüÇjçÜ$¢¯þè ²r$ϯþè ² Mæü…uæÿ…
VæüË MóüÔèýÐèþÆ>Ðèþ# C™èþÆæÿ$Ͳ G糚yæþ$ ç³ËMæüÇçÜ$¢…yóþÐéyæþ$.
ZR – 1A/101 ( 33 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
33. H FÇ MæüâêÔéËÌZ A«§éÅç³Mæü$Ë$V> ç³° ^óþÝëÆæÿ$ ?
(A) òßýO§æþÆ>»ê§æþ$ (B) íÜMìü…{§é»ê§æþ$
(C) °gêÐèþ*»ê§æþ$ (D) Ðèþ$*íÙ§é»ê§æþ$
¨Væü$Ðèþ °_a¯èþ 糧æþÅ ¿êVæüÐèþ$$ ^èþ¨Ñ 36 {ç³Ôèý² ¯èþ$…_ 40 ÐèþÆæÿMæü$ fÐéº$Ë$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$ ?
Brf° M>…^ðþ ¿æý*Ñ$ çÜ$Ææÿ$yæþ…ºÆæÿ ^èþ$…yìþÇ çܵÆæÿ»ôý¾È
ç³rËÐèþ$$çßý$Ææÿ$ çßýÐèþ$ÏÆæÿÐèþ ¿æý…Væü™èþÆæÿ…Væü Ðèþ$–§æþ…Væü°çܦüÅÐèþ
çÜ–r¯èþrÐé¯èþ$Mæü*Ë çßýÇ ç³#ËÏ MæüÌêç³Ìê íÜgêËÄæý$$¯Œþ
VæürMæü ^èþÆæÿ™èþP Æóÿ×ý$MæüÆæÿMæüÑ$™èþ´ëËÐèþ$$È™èþÔðýOËÐèþ$$¯Œþ
A¯èþ${§æþ$…VæüÐèþ$ÃÆÿ$$Ðóþâæý ±çßýÇçßýÇ
KÆæÿíÜ™èþ™éµ Ðèþ$™éç³…º$ VæüÇ…W´ùÄñý$¶
VæüÆæÿ…W´ùÐèþ#r Äñý$‚ý¶Væü§æþ$§æþµÆæÿ {MîüçÜ$Ææÿ$yæþ$
§ðþOÐèþMæü–™èþÐèþ$$¯èþ Mìü˯èþ Ý뫧æþÅ…º$Væü˧ðþ ?
ZR – 1A/101 ( 34 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
GMæüPyìþÄæý$Ææÿ$Ë$ çܵ§æþç³#Ææÿ ?
Äñý$$MæüPyìþ™èþ$õßý¯é{© ? {Mîü°ÓÄñý$Æ>…VæüVæü$¯óþ ?
Äæý$MæüPr ? Ðèþ$$¯èþ$çÜÐèþ$$¨…_¯èþ
¨MæüP¨§æþ$° Äñý$‚ýVæüò³yæþË$ ™ðþÆæÿ$ÐðþÄæý$ŨÄñý* ?
36. ¿æý*ÑçÜ*Ææÿ$yæþ$ A¯èþV> AÆæÿ¦ Ðóþ$Ñ$ ?
(A) çÜ*Ææÿ$Åyæþ$ (B) {»êçßýÃ×ý$yæþ$
(C) ^èþ…{§æþ$yæþ$ (D) ¯èþ„æü{™éË$
ZR – 1A/101 ( 35 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
43. A…º$§æþ$Ë$ A¯èþV> AÆæÿ®Ðóþ$Ñ$ ?
(A) ^ðþÆæÿ$Ðèþ# (B) çÜÐèþ$${§æþÐèþ$$
(C) ¯èþ$Æÿ$$Å (D) Üç ÆæÿÜç $Þ
ZR – 1A/101 ( 36 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
51. ""†…sôý V>ÆðÿÌôý †¯éÍ, Ñ…sôý ¿êÆæÿ™èþÐóþ$ ѯéÍ'' A¯óþ ÝëÐðþ$™èþ¯èþ$ GÐèþÆæÿ$ {ÐéÝëÆæÿ$ ?
(A) Ðóþ§æþ ÐéÅçÜ$yæþ$ (B) ¯èþ¯èþ²Äæý$Å
(C) †MæüP¯èþ² (D) H© M>§æþ$
(C) 17 (D) 18
ZR – 1A/101 ( 37 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ZR – 1A/101 ( 38 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
Answer the following questions choosing the correct alternatives given (Q. Nos. 61 to 70) :
61. The four countries of the world, where ‘English’ is a Mother Tongue are :
(A) United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, Canada
(B) United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, Japan
(C) United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, China
(D) United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, Russia
62. If RMSA (Rashtriya Madhyamik Sikshya Abhiyan) is being organized in the State level by
OMSM (Odisha Madhyamik Sikshya Mission), SSA (Sarba Sikshya Abhiyan) is being
organized in Odisha by :
64. The right sequence for learning the four Macro Skills is :
(A) Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking
(B) Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
(C) Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
(D) Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing
66. Summarising, note making and reporting are associated with ________ skill.
ZR – 1A/101 ( 39 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
67. Holistic Evaluation of learners is done by :
(A) Unit end Evaluation (UE)
(B) Term end Evaluation (TE)
(C) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
(D) Month-end Evaluation (ME)
68. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education was made in the year :
(A) 2007 (B) 2008 (C) 2009 (D) 2010
69. What step does a teacher have to undertake to facilitate reading habit of a learner ?
(A) Reading News Papers (B) Library Reading
(C) Picture and Map Reading (D) All the above
70. ‘By Education, I mean an allround drawing out of the best, in the child and the man ‘body’,
‘mind’ and ‘spirit’. This was told by :
(A) M. K. Gandhi (B) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan (D) R. N. Tagore
Read the paragraphs mindfully and answer the following five questions (from 71
to 75) choosing the correct alternatives.
This is a story about the great Moghul Emperor Akbar, who ruled India about 500
years ago. His capital was Agra. Akbar could not read or write, but he was one of the best
and wisest kings that ever ruled India. Although he had no education, he had great respect
for learning. He invited some of the greatest scholars from different parts of the country to
come to his court and help him to rule the country. He chose nine of these wise men to be
his close advisors and to follow their advice in all matters. These nine wise men were
known as ‘Nava Ratna’ or the nine Gems of Akbar's Court.
The most famous of the Nine Gems was Raja Birbal, who was always at the Emperor's
side. Birbal had a great sense of humour and often said things which made Akbar laugh.
Whenever Akbar felt sad, he called Birbal to tell him a joke or a humorous story. Birbal
never failed to make Akbar laugh. But, although his stories were funny, there was great
wisdom in them. Akbar respected him and loved him like a brother.
ZR – 1A/101 ( 40 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
71. The unusual thing about Akbar was :
(A) He was one of the best and wisest kings of India
(B) He had great respect for learning
(C) He was illiterate
(D) He loved Indians
72. Akbar invited his ‘Nine Gems’ from different parts of the country with a view
to :
(A) helping him to rule his Country (B) listening to stories from them
(C) listening to their songs (D) getting himself amused
74. Birbal had great sense of humour and often said things which made Akbar laugh. The
underlined word in the sentence is a / an ________.
(A) Noun (B) Adjective
(C) Verb (D) Adverb
75. Birbal for Akbar was as loving and respectable as a ________.
(A) minister (B) courtier (C) story teller (D) brother
Read the paragraphs mindfully and answer the following questions choosing
correct alternatives.
In football, hockey and other games the length and breadth of the playing area is
fixed, but in cricket the playing area can be of any size. A sixer at Melbourne Cricket Ground
in Australia needs to clear much more ground than it does at Feroz Shah Kotla Ground in
New Delhi. Moreover cricket grounds can have different shapes.
Mumbai, the first Cricket Club of India, was founded by Parsis in 1848. India played
its first test match against England in the year 1932. C. K. Naidu, an outstanding batsman
of his time was the country’s first test captain.
In today’s world, television coverage has made cricket very popular. Children in rural
areas love to watch cricket on television. Within a few years cricket has become the most
popular sport even in small towns and villages in India.
ZR – 1A/101 ( 41 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
Cricket has become popular all over the world. But our country has the largest num-
bers of viewers in the world. For cricket, India has the largest market. Therefore, South
Asia has become the centre of cricket playing activities and the Headquarters of ICC
(International Cricket Committee) has shifted from London to Dubai.
76. The country which has the largest number of cricket viewers in the world is ________.
(A) India (B) England (C) Australia (D) West Indies
77. A sixer at Melbourne Cricket Ground in Australia needs to clear much more ground than it
does at Feroz Shah Kotla Ground in New Delhi. This means :
(A) Melbourne Cricket Ground is smaller than Feroz Shah Kotla Ground
(B) Melbourne Cricket Ground is bigger than Feroz Shah Kotla Ground
(C) Melbourne Cricket Ground is as big as Feroz Shah Kotla Ground
(D) Melbourne Cricket Ground is oval
Answer the following questions choosing the correct alternatives given (Q. No. 81 to 90) :
(A) a (B) an
82. Dr. Manoj Das is a versatile writer. The underlined Noun phrase is a / an ________.
ZR – 1A/101 ( 42 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
83. Please don't throw a stone ________ the monkey.
87. The police failed to catch the criminal. Before they arrived at the spot, the criminal ________ .
(A) escaped (B) would escape
(C) had escaped (D) was escaping
(A) How are you my dear ! (B) How are you, my dear !
(C) How are you my dear ? (D) How are you, my dear ?
ZR – 1A/101 ( 43 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
91. 23567 {Àÿ 3 H 6 Àÿ ×æœÿêß þæœÿÀÿ ÓþÎç F¯ÿó 5 H 7 Àÿ ×æœÿêß þæœÿÀÿ ÓþÎç þš{Àÿ ¨æ$öLÿ¿ {Lÿ{†ÿ ?
(A) 2353 (B) 2535 (C) 2553 (D) 2355
What is the difference between the sum of the place values of 3 and 6 and the sum of the
place values of 5 and 7 in 23567 ?
93. A, B, C H D Lëÿ {œÿB Svÿç†ÿ `ÿæÀÿçAZÿ ¯ÿçÉÎç ¯õÿÜÿˆÿþ ÓóQ¿æsç ABCD {Üÿ{àÿ, œÿçþৠÿçQ†# ÿ DNÿç SëLç ÿ þšÀëÿ {LÿDôsç
vÿçLÿú ?
(A) A>B>C>D (B) A>C>B>D (C) D > C > B > A (D) D > B > C > A
If the greatest four digit number using A, B, C and D is ABCD, then which of the following is
true ?
(A) A>B>C>D (B) A>C>B>D (C) D > C > B > A (D) D > B > C > A
94. ’ëÿBsç ÓóQ¿æÀÿ àÿ. Óæ. Së H S. Óæ. Së Àÿ Së~üÿÁÿ 630 > {ÓþæœÿZÿ þšÀëÿ {SæsçF ÓóQ¿æ 30 {Üÿ{àÿ Aœÿ¿
ÓóQ¿æsç {Lÿ{†ÿ ?
(A) 22 (B) 21 (C) 20 (D) 18
The product of the L. C. M and H. C. F of two numbers is 630. If one number is 30 then what
is the other number ?
16 3 8 8 3 1 1 5
(A) ÷ (B) × (C) × (D) +
81 8 27 9 4 2 2 2
ZR – 1A/101 ( 44 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
Which is the second step in the following simplification ?
8 2 3 1 5 1
× ÷ × + −
27 3 4 2 2 2
16 3 8 8 3 1 1 5
(A) ÷ (B) × (C) × (D) +
81 8 27 9 4 2 2 2
96. 25.0203 = 20 + ———— + ———— + ———— ¨æBô œÿç{þ§æNÿ þšÀëÿ {LÿDôsç vÿçLúÿ ?
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
(A) 5, , (B) 5, , (C) 5, , (D) 5, ,
100 10000 100 1000 10 10000 1000 10000
Which one of the following is correct for 25.0203 = 20 + ———— + ———— + ———— ?
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
(A) 5, , (B) 5, , (C) 5, , (D) 5, ,
100 10000 100 1000 10 10000 1000 10000
97. 2012 þÓçÜÿæ{Àÿ {¾Dô {ÀÿÝçHÀÿ þíàÿ¿ 320 sZÿæ $#àÿæ, 2013 þÓçÜÿæ{Àÿ †ÿæÜÿæÀÿ þíàÿ¿ 368 sZÿæ {Üÿàÿæ >
{†ÿ{¯ÿ {ÀÿÝçHÀÿ þíàÿ¿{Àÿ ¯ÿæÌ}Lÿ ɆÿLÿÝæ {Lÿ{†ÿ ¯õÿ•ç ¨æBàÿæ ?
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 25
The price of a radio in the year 2012 was Rs. 320. In the year 2013 it became Rs. 368.
What is the percentage of increase in the price of the radio per annum ?
98. Óë¯ÿæÌ ¯ÿæ¯ëÿ ¨æÀÿÁÿæ{QþëƒÀç ÿë {s÷œÿú {¾æ{S SëÀÿë ¯ÿæÀÿ 8.25 p. m. {Àÿ ¯ÿæÜÿæÀÿç LÿsLÿ {ÎÓœúÿ{Àÿ ÉëLÿ÷¯ÿæÀÿ 7.35 a. m.
{Àÿ ¨Üÿo#{àÿ > {†ÿ{¯ÿ Óë¯ÿæÌ ¯ÿæ¯ëÿZÿë ¨æÀÿÁÿæ{Qþëƒç {ÎÓœúÿÀëÿ LÿsLÿ {ÎÓœúÿ{Àÿ ¨Üÿo#¯ÿæLëÿ {Lÿ{†ÿ Óþß àÿæSçàÿæ ?
(A) 10 W 15 þçœÿçsú (B) 11 W 15 þçœÿçsú (C) 11 W 30 þçœÿçsú (D) 12 W 15 þçœÿçsú
Subash Babu left Paralakhemundi by train on Thursday at 8.25 p. m. and reached Cuttack
station at 7.35 a. m. on Friday. What time did Subash Babu take to reach Cuttack from
Paralakhemundi ?
99. FLÿ †ÿæÀÿLëÿ ¯ÿZÿæB ¯ÿSö{ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ ¨Àÿç~†ÿ Lÿ{àÿ {ÓÜÿç ¯ÿSö {ä†ÿ÷Àÿ {ä†ÿ÷üÿÁÿ A2 cm2 {Üÿ{àÿ †ÿæÀÿÀÿ {’ÿðW¿ö {Lÿ{†ÿ ?
(A) 4 cm (B) A cm (C) 2A cm (D) 4A cm
ZR – 1A/101 ( 45 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
When a wire is bent to form a square its area becomes A2 cm2. What is the length of the
wire ?
(A) 4 cm (B) A cm (C) 2A cm (D) 4A cm
100. {SæsçF {Lÿæ~Àÿ ¨Àÿç¨íÀÿLÿ {Lÿæ~Àÿ Aœëÿ¨íÀÿLÿ {Lÿæ~Àÿ ¨Àÿçþæ~ 78o {Üÿ{àÿ {Lÿæ~sçÀÿ ¨Àÿçþæ~ {Lÿ{†ÿ ?
(A) 168o (B) 102o (C) 78o (D) 12o
The complementary angle of supplementary angle of an angle is78o. What is the measure
of that angle ?
(A) 168o (B) 102o (C) 78o (D) 12o
101. {SæsçF ×íÁÿ {Lÿæ~ê †ÿ÷çµëÿfÀÿ àÿº¯ÿç¢ëÿ FÜÿæÀÿ {LÿDôvÿæ{Àÿ A¯ÿ×æœÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿ ?
(A) †ÿ÷çµëÿfÀÿ A;ÿ…{”öÉ{Àÿ (B) †ÿ÷çµëÿfÀÿ ¯ÿÜÿç…{”öÉ{Àÿ
(C) †ÿ÷çµëÿfÀÿ Lÿ‚ÿö D¨{Àÿ (D) †ÿ÷çµëÿfÀÿ FLÿ {Lÿæ~{Àÿ
Where does the orthocentre of an obtuse angled tringle lie ?
(A) Inside the triangle (B) Outside the triangle
(C) On the hypotenuse of the triangle (D) An angle of the triangle
102. {SæsçF †ÿ÷çµëÿfÀÿ {SæsçF ¯ÿÜÿç…× {Lÿæ~Àÿ ¨Àÿçþæ~ 80DFF¯ÿó FÜÿæÀÿ A;ÿÀÿ× ’ÿ´Àÿ¯ÿˆÿöê {Lÿæ~ ’ÿ´ßÀÿ Aœëÿ¨æ†ÿ 3:5
{Üÿ{àÿ, FÜÿæÀÿ ÓŸçÜÿç†ÿ A;ÿ…× {Lÿæ~Àÿ ¨Àÿçþæ~ {Lÿ{†ÿ ?
(A) 100o (B) 80o (C) 120o (D) 60o
The measure of an external angle of a triangle is 80o and the ratio of the two internal opposite
angles is 3:5. What is the measure of its adjacent internal angle ?
(A) (B)
ZR – 1A/101 ( 46 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
104. {SæsçF œÿç’ÿæ ÓçàÿçƒÀÿÀÿ {Lÿ{†ÿæsç Óþ†ÿÁÿ ¨õφÿÁÿ $æF ?
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
105. {SæsçF ÓþWœÿÀÿ ÉêÌö ÓóQ¿æ H ™æÀÿ ÓóQ¿æÀÿ {¾æSüÿÁÿÀëÿ FÜÿæÀÿ ¨æÉ´ö ÓóQ¿æ ¯ÿç{ßæS Lÿ{àÿ ¯ÿç{ßæSüÿÁÿ
{Lÿ{†ÿ {Üÿ¯ÿ ?
(A) 14 (B) 12 (C) 10 (D) 8
What is the value when the number of the sides of a cube is subtracted from the sum of its
vertices and edges.
106. {SæsçF Aæ߆ÿ ãç†ÿ÷Àÿ Lÿ‚ÿösçF AZÿœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æBdç, Fvÿæ{Àÿ {Lÿ{†ÿæsç {Lÿæ~ ãçÜÿ§s LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç¯ÿæ ?
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8
A diagonal of a rectangle has been drawn. How many angles can we identify ?
107. œÿçþ§{Àÿ ’ÿçAæ¾æB$#¯ÿæ {LÿDô BóÀÿæfê AäÀÿLëÿ ’ëÿBsç ¨÷†ÿçÓþ AóÉ{Àÿ ¯ÿçµÿNÿ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç¯ÿæ ?
(A) K (B) E (C) H (D) R
Which of the following English alphabets can be divided into two symetrical parts ?
108. {SæsçF Óþ’ÿ´ç¯ÿæÜëÿ †ÿ÷çµëÿf AæLõÿ†ÿçÀÿ LÿæSfLëÿ {þæÝç {LÿDô ¨’ÿæ$öÀÿ ™æÀÿ~æ ’ÿçAæ¾æB ¨æÀÿç¯ÿ ?
(A) {Lÿæœúÿ (B) ¨÷çfçþú (C) ÓçàÿçƒÀÿ (D) ¨çÀÿæþçÞú
The idea of which object can be given by folding a paper having the shape of a isosceles
triangle ?
ZR – 1A/101 ( 47 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
109. {SæsçF A™#¯ÿÌö{Àÿ Ó©æÜÿ H ’ÿçœÿ ÓóQ¿æ {Lÿ{†ÿ ?
(A) 52 Ó©æÜÿ 1 ’ÿçœÿ (B) 52 Ó©æÜÿ 2 ’ÿçœÿ (C) 52 Ó©æÜÿ 3 ’ÿçœÿ (D) 52 Ó©æÜÿ 4 ’ÿçœÿ
How many weeks and days are there in a leap year ?
110. {SæsçF ¯õÿˆÿÀÿ ¨Àÿç™# FÜÿæÀÿ ¯ÿ¿æÓÀÿ {Lÿ{†ÿ Së~ ÓÜÿ Óþæœÿ ?
(A) π (B) (C) 3.1416 (D) 10
111. ¨÷æLúÿ ¨÷æ$þçLÿ ÉçÉëþæœÿZëÿ S~ç†ÿ Éçäæ’ÿæœÿ ¨æBô œÿç{þ§æNÿ LÿæÜÿæ D¨{Àÿ SëÀëÿ†ÿ´ ’ÿçAæ¾æB$æF ?
(A) f¿æþç†ÿçLÿ ãç†ÿ÷ AZÿœÿ H þæ¨
(B) Daÿ†ÿæ H {’ÿðWö¿ œÿç‚ÿöß F¯ÿó þæ¨ 22
(C) {¾æS H ¯ÿç{ßæS Lÿ÷çßæ
(D) ÓóQ¿æ S~œÿæ
Emphasis is given on which of the following for teaching Mathematics to the pre-primary
pupils ?
112. ¨Àÿç{¯ÿÉ{Àÿ ¯ÿÖëÀÿ A¯ÿ×ç†ÿç ’õÿÎç{Lÿæ~Àëÿ {LÿDô {¾æÝæsç Aœÿ¿ †ÿç{œÿæsç vÿæÀëÿ µÿçŸ ?
(A) ¯ÿÝ, {dæs (B) ¯ÿæþ, ÝæÜÿæ~ (C) AæS, ¨d (D) D¨Àÿ, †ÿÁÿ
ZR – 1A/101 ( 48 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
Which pair is different from the other three so far as the position of the object in the envi-
ronment is concerned ?
(A) Big, Small (B) Left, Right (C) Front, Back (D) Up, Down
114. f¿æþç†ÿç{Àÿ ¾ëNÿç þíÁÿLÿ ÓþÓ¿æ Óþæ™æœÿ œÿçþ{;ÿ, œÿç{þ§æNÿ {LÿDô ¨•†ÿç ¯ÿ¿¯ÿÜÿæÀÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æB$æF ?
115. S~ç†ÿÀÿ œÿë¿œÿ†ÿþ Éçä~ÖÀÿ ’õÿÎçÀÿë ¨÷æ$þçLÿ ¯ÿç’ÿ¿æÁÿßÀÿ Éçäæ$öêþæ{œÿ ¨÷æ߆ÿ… {LÿDô ’ÿä†ÿæ ÜÿæÓàÿ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿçœÿ$æ';ÿç ?
Which skill is not usually achieved by the pupils of primary schools so for as the minimum
ZR – 1A/101 ( 49 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
116. S~ç†ÿ-Éçäæ’ÿæœÿ{Àÿ Éçäæ$öêþæœÿZÿÀÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æœÿ þíàÿ¿æßœÿ LÿæÜÿ]Lÿç LÿÀÿæ¾æB$æF ?
(A) ¯ÿSöêLÿÀÿ~ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨æBô (B) Éçä~S†ÿ ’ëÿ¯ÿöÁÿ†ÿæ ãçÜÿ§s LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨æBô
(C) ¯ëÿ•ç ¨Àÿçþæ¨ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨æBô (D) {É÷~ê ¨÷{þæÓœÿ (Dˆÿöê‚ÿ) ¨æBô
Why is placement evaluation of the pupils done in teaching Mathematics ?
(A) For classification of pupils (B) For identification of learning deficiency
(C) For measuring intelligence of the pupils (D) For class promotion
117. f{~ dæ†ÿ÷ 100{Àÿ 1 þçÉæB 110 {àÿQ#àÿæ > dæ†ÿ÷Àÿ FµÿÁÿç †ÿøsç Óó{É晜ÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨æBô ÉçäLÿ œÿç{þ§æNÿ {LÿDô
¨•†ÿç A¯ÿàÿºœÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ ?
(A) S~œÿÓóQ¿æ ÓÜÿç†ÿ ¨Àÿçãç†ÿç LÿÀÿæB{¯ÿ
(B) ÓóQ¿æS~œÿæ Aµÿ¿æÓ LÿÀÿæB{¯ÿ
(C) ÓóQ¿æÀÿ ×æœÿêßþæœÿ ¯ëÿlæB{¯ÿ
(D) {¾æSLÿ÷çßæ Aµÿ¿æÓ LÿÀÿæB{¯ÿ
A pupil wrote 110 being asked to add 1 to 100. To rectify such error committed by the
pupil, which of the following methods should the teacher adopt ?
ZR – 1A/101 ( 50 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
(B) Knows how to write the fractions in symbolic languages
(C) Knows how to write the symbolic language in mathematical language
1 1 1
120. f{~ Éçäæ$öê + = {àÿQ#àÿæ, FÜÿæ Éçäæ$öêÀÿ {LÿDô ¨÷LÿæÀÿ †ÿøsçLëÿ ÓíãæDdç ?
2 3 5
ZR – 1A/101 ( 51 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
123. {LÿDô ’ëÿBsç S÷Üÿ{Àÿ Óí¾ö¿ ¨É½çþ{Àÿ D’ÿç†ÿ {ÜÿæB ¨í¯ÿö{Àÿ AÖ ÜëÿF ?
(A) ¯ëÿ™ H ÉëLÿ÷ (B) Éœÿç H ßë{ÀÿœúÿÓú
(C) ¯õÿÜÿ؆ÿç H Éœÿç (D) ÉëLÿ÷ H ßë{ÀÿœúÿÓú
In which two planets the sun rises in the West and sets in the East ?
ZR – 1A/101 ( 52 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
125. D¨Àÿ ãç†ÿ÷sç FLÿ ÓÁÿQ ÓÝLÿ¨$Lëÿ Óí`ÿæDdç, {¾Dô$#{Àÿ A ¯ÿç¢ëÿLëÿ 0 (Éíœÿ) œÿçAæ¾æBdç F¯ÿó †ÿæÜÿæÀÿ Dµÿß
¨æÉ´ö{Àÿ 20 þçsÀúÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ™æœÿ{Àÿ {SæsçF {àÿQæFô ’ÿæS Adç > f{~ ¯ÿ¿Nÿç A Àÿë ¯ÿæÜÿæÀÿç {ÓÜÿç ¨${Àÿ `ÿæàÿç B {Àÿ
¨Üÿoç{àÿ F¯ÿó {ÓvÿæÀëÿ {àÿDsç {ÓÜÿç ¨${Àÿ `ÿæàÿç D {Àÿ ¨Üÿoç{àÿ > ¯ÿ¿Nÿç f~Lÿ A†ÿçLÿ÷þ LÿÀÿç$#¯ÿæ ’íÿÀÿ†ÿæ F¯ÿó
†ÿæZÿÀÿ ¯ÿç×樜ÿ ¾$æLÿ÷{þ {ÜÿDdç :
(A) 100 þç. H 100 þç. (B) 100 þç. H – 100 þç.
(C) 160 þç. H 40 þç. (D) 160 þç. H – 40 þç.
The diagram above represents a straight road in which point ‘A’ is taken as 0 (zero) and
on its both sides marks are made after every 20 m. A person started from ‘A’ and walked
upto B on the road and from there turned back and walked upto ‘D’ on the same road. The
distance covered by the person and his displacement are respectively :
127. (a) ¨õ$#¯ÿêÀÿ †ÿæ¨þæ†ÿ÷æ ¯õÿ•ç¨æBô Ó¯ëÿf {LÿævÿÀÿê ¨÷µÿæ¯ÿ þëQ¿LÿæÀÿ~ A{s >
(b) AþÈ ¯õÿÎç ¨æBô fèÿàÿäß þëQ¿LÿæÀÿ~ A{s >
(c) Ó¯ëÿf {LÿævÿÀÿê ¨÷µÿæ¯ÿ ¨æBô CFC FLÿ LÿæÀÿ~ A{s >
(A) (a) vÿçLúÿ F¯ÿó (b) H (c) µëÿàúÿ (B) (b) vÿçLúÿ F¯ÿó (c) H (a) µëÿàúÿ
(C) (c) vÿçLúÿ F¯ÿó (a) H (b) µëÿàúÿ (D) (a), (b) H (c) µëÿàúÿ
ZR – 1A/101 ( 53 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
(A) (a) is correct and (b) and (c) are wrong
128. {LÿDô Óí†ÿ÷sç µëÿàúÿ ? (¨÷{†ÿ¿Lÿ Óí†ÿ÷{Àÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿÜõÿ†ÿ ¨÷†ÿêLÿSëÝçLÿ {ÓþæœÿZÿÀÿ Ó´æµÿæ¯ÿçLÿ A$ö¯ÿÜÿœÿ LÿÀÿ;ÿç >)
(A) Lÿæ¾ö¿ (W) = Fs (B) ¯ÿÁÿ (F) = ma2
(C) ×ç†ÿçf ÉNÿç (P. E) = mgh (D) S†ÿçf ÉNÿç (KE) = 1mv2
Which formula is wrong ? (The symbols used in each formula carry their usual meanings.)
(C) Potential Energy (P. E) = mgh (D) Kinetic Energy (KE) = 1mv2
132. ¯ÿÜÿç…-ÓÜÿÓº¤ÿ Éçäæ’ÿæœÿ Éçä~ ¨•†ÿç{Àÿ ¯ÿçjæœÿ ÓÜÿç†ÿ {LÿDô ¯ÿçÌß ÓÜÿ Óó¨Lÿö Àÿäæ LÿÀÿæ¾æB$æF ?
(A) ÀÿÓæßœÿÿ ¯ÿçjæœÿ (B) fê¯ÿ ¯ÿçjæœÿ (C) µíÿ-¯ÿçjæœÿ (D) µíÿ{SæÁÿ
Which subject is associated with science in inter-correlation method of teaching learning
process ?
133. {’ÿðœÿ¢ÿçœÿ ¯ÿçjæœÿ Éçäæ’ÿæœÿÀÿ ÓüÿÁÿ†ÿæ ¨æBô ÉçäLÿ {LÿDô {¾æfœÿæ D¨{Àÿ SëÀëÿ†ÿ´ {’ÿ¯ÿæ Dãç†ÿ ?
(A) ÓÜÿ¨ævÿ¿ {¾æfœÿæ (B) ¨ævÿ¿ {¾æfœÿæ
(C) FLÿLÿ {¾æfœÿæ (D) {É÷~ê ¨ÀÿçãæÁÿœÿæ {¾æfœÿæ
Which strategy should a teacher emphasize in day to day teaching science effectively ?
135. ""¯ÿæßë{Àÿ fÁÿêß ¯ÿæÑ Adç'' — FÜÿæLëÿ f{~ ÉçäLÿ Lÿæã SÈæÓ{Àÿ ¯ÿÀÿüÿ Qƒ ÀÿQç Lÿçdç Óþß ¨{Àÿ SÈæÓÀÿ
¯ÿæÜÿæÀÿ ¨s{Àÿ àÿæSç$#¯ÿæ fÁÿLÿ~æLëÿ {’ÿQæB ¯ëÿlæB{àÿ > FÜÿæ ÉçäLÿZÿÀÿ {LÿDô µíÿþçLÿæLëÿ ¯ëÿlæDdç ?
(A) ¨ÀÿçãæÁÿLÿ (B) †ÿˆÿ´æ¯ÿ™æÀÿLÿ (C) ÓÜÿæßLÿ (D) ’ÿçS’ú ÿÉöLÿ
‘‘Water vapour is present in the Air’’ — This was explained by a teacher keeping pieces of
ice in the glass and exhibiting water droplets on the outer surface of it after a while. Which
role of the teacher does it signify ?
ZR – 1A/101 ( 55 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
136. þÜÿæÓæSÀÿ Óþ†ÿÁÿ {LÿDô {É÷~êÀÿ µíÿþçÀíÿ¨ A{s ?
(A) ¨÷$þ (B) ’ÿ´ç†ÿêß (C) †õÿ†ÿêß (D) ã†ëÿ$ö
Ocean floor belongs to which category of landforms ?
(A) First (B) Second (C) Third (D) Fourth
139. f{~ ¯ÿ¿Nÿç 5 œÿºÀÿ fæ†ÿêß Àÿæf¨${Àÿ ¯ÿæ{àÿÉ´ÀÿÀëÿ ¯ÿ÷Üÿ½¨ëÀÿ ¾ç¯ÿæ ¯ÿæs{Àÿ {LÿDô œÿ’ÿê SëÝçLëÿ Lÿ÷þæœÿ´ß{Àÿ
A†ÿçLÿ÷þ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ ?
(A) þÜÿæœÿ’ÿê, ¯ÿ÷æÜÿ½~ê, {¯ÿð†ÿÀÿ~ê, JÌçLíÿàÿ¿æ (B) {¯ÿð†ÿÀÿ~ê, ¯ÿ÷æÜÿ½~ê, þÜÿæœÿ’ÿê, JÌçLíÿàÿ¿æ
(C) JÌçLíÿàÿ¿æ, ¯ÿ÷æÜÿ½~ê,þÜÿæœÿ’ÿê, {¯ÿð†ÿÀÿ~ê (D) ¯ÿ÷æÜÿ½~ê, {¯ÿð†ÿÀÿ~ê, JÌçLíÿàÿ¿æ, þÜÿæœÿ’ÿê
A person travelling on N. H. no. 5 from Balasore to Berhampur will cross the rivers in which
of the following orders ?
(A) Mahanadi, Brahmani, Baitarani, Rushikulya
ZR – 1A/101 ( 56 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
Which of the following is the extension of the north temperate zone ?
(A) From Tropic of Capricon to antarctic Circle (B) From Equator to Tropic Capricon
(C) From Equator to Tropic of Cancer (D) From Tropic of Cancer to Arctic Circle
141. {Lÿò~Óç FLÿ {µÿò{SæÁÿçLÿ ×æœÿÀÿ {ÉðäçLÿ µÿ{”É¿ Aæ™æÀÿç†ÿ {¾æfœÿæ¯ÿ• ¨¾ö¿{¯ÿä~Lëÿ Lÿ'~ LëÿÜÿæ¾æF ?
(A) þëNÿ ¨¾ö¿{¯ÿä~ (B) œÿçߦç†ÿ ¨¾ö¿{¯ÿä~
(C) ¨÷†ÿ¿ä ¨¾ö¿{¯ÿä~ (D) ¨{Àÿæä ¨¾ö¿{¯ÿä~
What is it called to visit a geographical location for objective based observation in a planned
way ?
142. ¨÷æ$þçLÿ ÖÀÿ{Àÿ U-D¨†ÿ¿Lÿæ ¨|ÿæB¯ÿæ ¨æBô œÿçþ§àÿçQç†ÿ {LÿDô ¨•†ÿç Ó{¯ÿöæLõÿÎ ?
(A) ãç†ÿ÷ ¨÷’ÿÉöœÿ (B) œÿþëœÿæ ¨÷’ÿÉöœÿ
(C) {É÷~êSõÜÿ ¨÷’ÿÉöœÿê (D) {ä†ÿ÷ ¨Àÿçµÿ÷þ~
To teach U-shaped valley at primary level which of the following is the best method ?
143. B†ÿçÜÿæÓ Éçäæ’ÿæœÿ{Àÿ "Óþß {ÀÿQæ' ¯ÿ¿¯ÿÜÿæÀÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æB$æF, LÿæÀÿ~ Éçäæ$öêþæ{œÿ ............
(A) FLÿ Óþß{Àÿ Wsë$#¯ÿæ ’ëÿB ¯ÿæ †ÿ{ˆÿæ™#Lÿ G†ÿçÜÿæÓçLÿ Ws~æþš{Àÿ Óó¨Lÿö ×樜ÿ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ >
(B) G†ÿçÜÿæÓçLÿ Ws~æSëÝçLëÿ ÓÜÿf{Àÿ þ{œÿ ÀÿQç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ >
(C) G†ÿçÜÿæÓçLÿ Ws~æ SëÝçLëÿ Lÿ÷þæœëÿÓæ{Àÿ LÿÜÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ >
(D) F ÓþÖ Lÿæ¾ö¿ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ >
ZR – 1A/101 ( 57 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
‘Time line’ is used in History teaching, because pupils can .................
(A) establish relationship between two or more historical events taking place simultaneously
144. ¨÷æ$þçLÿ ÖÀÿ{Àÿ B†ÿçÜÿæÓ Éçäæ’ÿæœÿ œÿçþ{;ÿ {LÿDô ¨•†ÿçsç A™#Lÿ D¨{¾æSê A{s ?
(A) ¨¾ö¿{¯ÿä~ (B) ¨÷’ÿÉöœÿ (C) SÅÿ Lÿ$œÿ (D) ¨÷LÿÅÿ
Which method is most useful for teaching History at primary level ?
145. B†ÿçÜÿæÓ Éçäæ’ÿæœÿ{Àÿ ãç;ÿæ H ¨÷†ÿ¿æÉæþíÁÿLÿ ¨÷ɧ ¨ãÀÿæ ¾æB$æF, LÿæÀÿ~ FÜÿæ’ÿ´æÀÿæ Éçäæ$öê þæœÿZÿÀÿ ------.
(A) ¯ÿÜëÿþëQê ãç;ÿœÿ ¨÷Lÿ÷çßæÀÿ ¯ÿçLÿæÉ Wsç$æF
(B) Wsç$#¯ÿæ Ws~æSëÝçLëÿ ¯ÿç{ÉÈÌ~ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ{Àÿ ÓÜÿæßLÿ {ÜÿæB$æF >
(C) ¯ÿç{ÉÈÌ~æþ#Lÿ †ÿ$¿Àëÿ ¨Àÿ¯ÿˆÿöê Ó»æ¯ÿ¿ Ws~æÀÿ Àíÿ¨{ÀÿQ Óº¤ÿ{Àÿ ¨í¯ÿöæœëÿþæœÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ{Àÿ ÓÜÿæßLÿ {ÜÿæB$æF >
(D) D¨{ÀÿæNÿ ÓþÖ ’ÿä†ÿæÀÿ ¯ÿçLÿæÉ Wsç$æF
Thought provoking questions are aksed while teaching History, because they help the pupils
to :
(C) predict the occurence of the next probable event from its analytical account
(A) Lok Sabha (B) Rajya Sabha (C) Supreme Court (D) President
ZR – 1A/101 ( 58 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
147. ¯ÿ÷çsçÉú ¨æàÿöæ{þú+ ’ÿ´æÀÿæ ¨÷~ê†ÿ {LÿDô ÉæÓœÿ QÓÝæsçÿ 1919 þÓçÜÿæ{Àÿ "µÿæÀÿ†ÿ ÉæÓœÿ AæBœÿú'Àÿ Àíÿ¨ {œÿàÿæ ?
(A) þ{+Së-{ãþúÓ{üÿæxÿöú ÓóÔÿæÀÿ AæBœúÿ (B) ÀÿæH´æàÿæ†ÿú AæBœúÿ
(C) þ{àÿö-þç{+æ ÓóÔÿæÀÿ AæBœúÿ (D) Lÿ¿æ¯ÿç{œÿsú þçÉœúÿ AæBœúÿ
Which administrative act passed by the British Parliament became a law of Indian Admin-
istration in 1919 A. D ?
The first struggle for Indian Independence took place in which of the following years ?
149. ÓóÓ’ÿêß ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿ{Àÿ ÓæóÓ’ÿþæ{œÿ ¯ÿçµÿçŸ Lÿæ¾ö¿ ¨æBô LÿæÜÿæ¨æQ{Àÿ DˆÿÀÿ’ÿæßê ÀÿÜÿ;ÿç ?
(A) ¨÷™æœÿþ¦ê (B) ÀÿæÎ÷¨†ÿç
(C) {àÿæLÿ Óµÿæ (D) {’ÿÉÀÿ fœÿÓæ™æÀÿ~
To whom do the Members of Parliament owe their accountability for various functions in a
parliamentary form of government ?
150. {Lÿ{†ÿ†ÿþ Óó¯ÿç™æœÿ Óó{É晜ÿ AæBœÿ Aœëÿ¾æßê µÿæÀÿ†ÿLëÿ FLÿ ™þö œÿçÀÿ{¨ä ÀÿæÎ÷Àÿí {¨ {WæÌ~æ LÿÀÿæ¾æBdç ?
(A) 40 (B) 42 (C) 70 (D) 76
By which of the following constitutional ammendment act India has been declared ?
ZR – 1A/101 ( 59 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ZR – 1A/101 ( 60 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ZR – 1A/101 ( 61 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ZR – 1A/101 ( 62 ) (Continued)
OTET – P - I
ZR – 1A/101 ( 63 ) OTET – I