Notes On Sales
Notes On Sales
Notes On Sales
Stages in Life of Contract of Sale
Contract of Sale
1. Negotiation
One of the contracting parties obligates himself
2. Perfection – by mere consent; performance
to transfer the ownership of and to deliver a
may be demanded (specific performance)
determinate thing, and the other to pay therefor
3. Consummation
a price certain money or its equivalent. A
contract of sale may be absolute or conditional.
Contract to Sell
Exclusive right and privilege to purchase an
Elements of Contract of Sale
a. Essential Elements – those without which,
A bilateral contract whereby the prospective
there can be no valid sale:
seller, while expressly reserving the ownership
Consent or meeting of minds
of the subject property despite delivery thereof
A determinable subject matter
to the prospective buyer binds himself to sell
Price certain in money or its equivalent
the said property exclusively to the prospective
b. Natural Elements – inherent in the contract, buyer upon fulfilment of the condition agreed
and which in the absence of any contrary upon, that is, full payment of the purchase
provision, are deemed to exist in the contract: price.
Warranty against eviction
Warranty against hidden defects Contract of Sale vs. Contract to Sell
c. Accidental Elements – may be present or 1. Contract of Sale (absolute)
absent depending on the stipulation of the Real obligation – obligation to give
parties Remedies available:
Conditions a. Specific performance
Interest b. Rescission
Penalty c. Damages
Time or place of payment
2. Contract to Sell (conditional)
Characteristics of Contract of Sale Personal obligation – obligation to do
1. Nominate – law gave it a name Remedies available:
2. Principal – can stand on its own; unlike a. Resolution
accessory contract b. Damages
3. Bilateral – imposes obligation on both parties
a. Obligation of seller – transfer ownership & Contract of Sale Contract to Sell
b. Obligation of buyer – pay for price Ownership is reserved
Consequence: power to rescind is implied Title passes to the in the seller and is not
in bilateral contracts buyer upon delivery of to pass until full
4. Onerous – with valuable consideration the thing sold payment of the
Consequence: all doubts in construing contract purchase price
to be resolved in greater reciprocity of interest
5. Commutative – equal value is exchanged for Full payment is a
equal value positive suspensive
Non-payment of the
condition, the failure of
Test: subjective – as long as parties in all price is a negative
which is not a breach
honesty that he is receiving equal value resolutory condition
– casual or serious but
then it complies with test & would not be and the remedy of the
simply prevents the
deemed a donation; but must not be seller is to exact
obligation of the
absurd. fulfilment or to rescind
vendor to convey title
Inadequacy of price or aleatory character the contract
from having binding
not sufficient ground to cancel contract of force
sale; inadequacy can show vitiation of
consent & sale may be annulled based on Vendor loses and Title remains in the
vice but not on inadequacy cannot recover vendor if the vendee
6. Consensual – meeting of minds makes a ownership of the thing does not comply with
sold and delivered condition precedent of
perfect contract of sale but needs delivery to
until the contract of making payment at the
sale is resolved and time specified in the
7. Title & not a mode – gives rise to an obligation set aside contract.
to transfer; it is delivery which actually transfer
ownership; mode which actually transfer
Contract of Sale vs. Contract of Donation Seller warrants the thingAgent makes no
sold warranty for which he
Contract of Sale Contract of Donation
assumes personal
Onerous Gratuitous
liability as long as he
Consensual Formal Contract
acts within his authority
Governed by law on sales Governed by law on
and in the name
Buyer can deal with the Agent in dealing with the
thing sold as he pleases thing received, must act
Contract of Sale vs. Barter being the owner and is bound according
Contract of Sale Barter to the instructions of the
Giving of money as The consideration is the principal
payment giving of a thing
Both are governed by law on sales; both are the Contract of Sale vs. Dation in Payment
species of the genus of sales
If consideration consists of partly in money & partly by Contract of Sale Dation in Payment
thing – look at manifest intention; No pre-existing credit Pre-existing credit
If intention is not clear: Obligations are created Obligations are
Value of thing is equal or Value of thing is more extinguished
less than the amount of than the amount of money Consideration on the part Consideration of the
money of the seller is the price; debtor is the
on the part of the buyer is extinguishment of the
the acquisition of the debt; on the part of the
Contract of Sale vs. Contract of Piece of Work
object creditor, it is the
Contract of Sale Contract of Piece of acquisition of the object in
Work lieu of the original credit
The thing transferred is The thing transferred is
one which would have one not in existence and Contract of Sale vs. Lease
existed and would have which never would have
been the subject of sale to existed but for the order of Contract of Sale Lease
some other person, even the party desiring to Obligation to absolutely Use of thing is for
if the order had not been acquire it transfer ownership of specified period only with
given thing obligation to return
The primary objective of The services dominate Consideration is price Consideration is rent
the contract is a sale of the contract even though Seller needs to be owner Lessor need not be owner
the manufactured item; it there is a sale of goods of thing to transfer
is a sale of goods even involved ownership
though the item is
manufactured by labor II. PARTIES TO A CONTRACT OF SALE
furnished by the seller
and upon previous order General Rule: All parties with capacity to contract
of the customer can enter into a valid contract of sale
Within the Statute of Not within the Statute of 1. Natural
Frauds Frauds
2. Judicial – corporation / partnership /
associations / cooperatives
Contract of Sale vs. Agency to Sell
Status of contract valid
Contract of Sale Agency to Sell Remedies available therefore are:
Buyer receives the Agent receives the a. Specific performance
goods as owner goods as goods of the b. Rescission
principal who retains his c. Damage
ownership over them
Buyer pays the price Agent delivers the price Exception to General Rule:
which in turn he got from 1. Minors
his buyer
Status of contract: Voidable only; therefore
Buyer, as a general rule, Agent can return the
cannot return the object goods in case he is
sold unable to sell the same Remedy is action for annulment (with
to a third person partial restitution in so far as the minor is
Seller warrants the thing Agent makes no benefited)
sold warranty for which he 2. Sale by & between spouses
assumes personal a. Contract with third parties
liability as long as he Status of contract is valid
acts within his authority b. Sale between parties
and in the name of the Status not provided for but by law but
seller VOID according to case law
Reason: Emptio Rei Speratae Emptio Spei
i. Prevent defraudation of creditors Sale of an expected Sale of a mere hope or
ii. Avoid situation where dominant thing expectancy that the
spouse take advantage of others thing will come to
iii. Avoid circumvention on prohibition existence; Sale of the
of donation between spouses hope itself
Sale is subject to the Sale produces effect
condition that the even if the things does
i. Separation of property agreed
things will exist; if it not come into
(marriage settlement) does not, there is no existence, unless it is a
ii. Judicial separation of property contract vain hope
c. Common Law Spouses (Paramours) The uncertainty is with The uncertainty is with
Status of contract: VOID regard to the quantity regard to the existence
Rationale: evil sought to be avoided is and quality of the thing of the thing
present and not the existence
3. Others per specific provisions of law of the thing
a. Guardian with regards to property of ward Object is a future thing Object is a present
during period of guardianship thing which is the hope
b. Agent with regards to property of principal or expectancy
c. Executor/administrator with regards to the NOTES:
estate of the deceased In case of doubt, the presumption is in favor of
d. Public officers with regards to the property emptio rei speratae which is more in keeping
of the estate with the commutative character of the contract
e. Officer of court & employee – with regards A sale of future goods is valid only as an
to property in litigation executory contract to be fulfilled by the
acquisition and delivery of goods specified.
While there can be sale of future property,
there can generally be no donation of future
Future inheritance cannot be sold
A contract of sale or purchase of goods to be
a. Determinate or determinable
delivered at a future time, if entered into without
b. Lawful
the intention of having any goods pass from
c. Should not be impossible
one party to another, but with an understanding
2. RIGHTS – must be transmissible
that at the appointed time, the purchaser is
merely to receive or pay the difference between
a. Future inheritance
the contract and the market prices, is illegal.
b. Service
Such contract falls under the definition of
Goods which may be Object of Sale “futures” in which the parties merely gamble on
1. Existing goods – goods owned or possessed the rise or fall in prices and is declared null and
by the seller void by law.
2. Future goods – goods to be manufactured,
Licit & Vendor must have a Right to Transfer
raised or acquired by the seller after the
perfection of the contract Subject Matter
1. Licit – must be within the commerce of men
Refers to subject matter that are existing & not
existing but capable of existence VOID Subject Matter:
a. Contrary to law
If this is present, status of contract: VALID
b. Simulated/fictitious
c. Did not exist at a time of transaction
therefore no cause of action
d. Outside commerce of men
If mere pipe dream: VOID
e. Impossible service
f. Intention cannot be ascertained
existence (Emptio Rei Speratae)
g. By provision of law
b. SALE OF HOPE (Emptio Spei)
2. Seller must be OWNER – only at a time of
consummation since tradition transfers
ownership but to have a perfected contract of
sale. Vendor need not be owner of thing; can
be validated/ratified by subsequent acquisition
of title by seller
Determinate & Determinable Real
Absence: VOID; there is subject matter but 1. When price stated is one intended by parties
intention regarding subject matter cannot be If fictitious: no intention with respect to
ascertained price - VOID
Kinds of subject matter: If False/simulated: what appears in
1. Specific – Determinate contract is not the true price
Particularly designated or segregated a. VALID if there is true consideration
from all others of the same class b. VOID but if none (because it is fictitious)
2. Generic – Determinable 2. Valuable
Test: Reach a point of description When not valuable – VOID
where both minds concur When contract is onerous, presumed to
At the time the contract is entered have valuable consideration
into, the thing is capable of being Nominal consideration w/c is common law
made determinate without the concept does not apply (P1.00)
necessity of a new or further Gross inadequacy of price in ordinary sale
agreement between parties does not render contract void unless it is
Exact quantity not essential shocking to conscience of man.
Sale of generic things – VALID; still Except:
executory a. Judicial Sale
There can only be contract of sale Shocking to conscience of man
when subject is finally chosen for Higher price can be obtained at
delivery – already segregated or resale
designated b. Rescissible contracts due to lesion
3. Undivided interest (BUYER becomes co- c. Sales with right to repurchase (raises
owner) presumption of equitable mortgage) –
4. Undivided share in mass of fungible Remedy is reformation
goods (BUYER becomes co-owner)
Manner of payment must be agreed upon
Deemed to be an essential requisite because it
is part of the presentation of the contract
Price – the sum stipulated as the equivalent of the Integral part of concept of price
thing sold and also very incident taken into If there is failure to meet minds as regards term
consideration for the fixing of the price, put to the of payment: CASH BASIS
debit of the vendee and agreed to by him. Must be certain or at least ascertainable
1. Certainty or ascertainable at the time of Effect when the price is fixed by the third
perfection person designated:
2. Real, not fictitious
3. In some cases, must not be grossly inferior to General Rule: Price fixed by a third person
the value of the thing sold designated by the parties to binding upon them
4. Paid in money or its equivalent Exceptions:
1. When the third person acts in bad faith or by
Certain or Ascertainable mistake
It is not necessary that the certainty of the price be 2. When the third person disregards the specific
actual or determined at the time of the execution of instructions or the procedure marked out by
the contract. The price is certain in the following the parties
1. If the parties have fixed or agreed upon a Effect when the price is not fixed by the third
definite amount person designated:
The fixing of the price can never be left to 1. If the third person refuses or cannot fix the
the discretion of one of the contracting price, the contract shall become ineffective,
parties. However if the price fixed by one of unless the parties subsequently agree upon
the parties is accepted by the other, the the price
sale is perfected. 2. If the third person is prevented from fixing the
2. If it be certain with reference to another thing price by the fault of the seller or buyer, the
certain party not in fault may obtain redress against
3. If the determination of the price is left to the the party in fault
judgment of a specified person or persons even
before such determination
4. In the case provided under Art. 1472 NCC
Effect of Gross Inadequacy of Price: 2. Perfection – concurrence of all requisites;
1. Voluntary Sales meeting of minds
General Rule: Mere inadequacy of the 3. Consummation – parties perform their
price does not affect validity of the sale respective undertakings
A valuable consideration, however
small or nominal, if given or stipulated Policitation
in good faith is, in the absence of fraud, 1. Offer is floated but not absolute
sufficient. 2. Acceptance is likewise floated but conditional
Future inheritance cannot be sold
1. Offer is floated – prior to acceptance, may
a. Where low price indicates vice of
be withdrawn at will by offeror
consent, sale may be annulled; or
2. Offer floated with a period – without
contract is presumed to be an equitable
acceptance, extinguished when period has
ended & maybe withdrawn at will by offeror;
b. Where the price is so low as to be
right to withdrawn must not be arbitrary
“shocking to conscience”, sale may be
otherwise, liable to damage under Art. 19,
set aside.
20, 21 of Civil Code
2. Involuntary or Forced Sales
3. Offer floated with a condition –
General Rule: Mere inadequacy of the
extinguished by happening/non-happening
price is not a sufficient ground for the
of condition
cancellation of the sale, if property is real.
4. Offer floated without period/without
condition – continues to be valid depending
a. Where the price is so low as to be
upon circumstances of time, place & person
shocking to the moral conscience,
5. Offer is floated & there is counter-offer –
judicial sale of personal property will be
original offer is destroyed, there is a new
set aside
offer; cannot go back to original offer
b. In the event of a resale, a better price
6. Offer is floated – no authority of offeror to
can be obtained
modify offer
Note: The validity of the sale is not
7. Offer is accepted absolutely – proceed to
necessarily affected where the law gives to
perfected stage
the owner the right to redeem, upon the
theory that the lesser the price, the easier it
Option Contract
is for the owner to effect redemption.
Floats in the policitacion stage
Effect where price is simulated Offer with a period but founded upon a
1. If it is shown to have been in reality a separate consideration distinct from the price
donation or some other act or contract No presumption of consideration, needs to be
The sale is void but the act or contract proven
may be valid as a donation Characteristics:
2. If not a. Not the contract of sale by itself, distinct
The contract is void and inexistent b. Nominate
c. Principal; but can be attached to other
Effect of Failure to determine price: principal contracts
1. Where contract executory d. Onerous
The contract is inefficacious e. Commutative
2. Where the thing has been delivered to and f. Unilateral
appropriated by the buyer To be perfected & give rise to action, the
The buyer must pay a reasonable following must concur
price therefore a. subject matter of sale must be agreed upon
b. price of sale & manner of payment must be
Reasonable price – generally the market price at agreed upon
the time and place fixed by the contract or by law c. consideration separate & distinct from price
for the delivery of the goods d. period – as per contract; if period not
provided – prescribes in 10 years (written
e. how exercised: notice of acceptance should
3 Stages in Life of a Contract of Sale be communicative to offeror without actual
1. Policitation / Negotiation Stage – offer is payment as long as there is delivery of
floated, acceptance is floated but they do payment in consummation stage
not meet; time parties indicate their interest
but no concurrence of offer & acceptance
2 Situations in an Option Contract Option Contract vs. Right of First Refusal
1. With separate consideration Option Contract Right of First Refusal
Legal consequence: Principal contract; Accessory; cannot
a. option contract is valid stands on its own stand on its own
b. offeror can not withdrawn offer until Needs separate Does not need
after expiry period consideration separate consideration
c. subject to rescission, damages but Subject matter & price There must be subject
not to specific performance because must be valid matter but price not
this is not an obligation to give important
2. Without separate consideration Not conditional Conditional
Legal consequence: Not subject to specific Subject to specific
OLD RULE: performance performance
a. Offer is still valid, but
b. Option contract is void Perfection
c. Not subject to rescission, damages Sale is a consensual contract, perfected by
NEW RULE: Right of first refusal meeting of minds regarding subject matter &
recognized price
Meeting of minds:
Right of First Refusal 1. Offer – certain
It is a right of first priority all things and 2. Acceptance – absolute
conditions being equal; there should be
Qualified acceptance – merely a
identity of the terms and conditions to be
counter-offer which needs to be
offered to the optionee and all other
absolutely accepted to give rise to
prospective buyers, with optionee to enjoy
perfected contract of sale
the right of first priority. A deed of sale
Business ads are mere invitations to
executed in favor of a third party who
make an offer except when it appears
cannot be deemed a purchaser in good
to be otherwise
faith, and which is in violation of the of the
Acceptance by letter/telegram – binds
right of first refusal granted to the optionee
only at time it came to knowledge of
is NOT voidable under the Statute of
SELLER; prior thereto – offer may still
Frauds, such contract is valid BUT
be withdrawn
rescissible under Article 1380 to 1381(3) of
Must be exact terms to be considered
the New Civil Code
The basis of the right of first refusal must be When sale is subject to suspensive condition,
the current offer to sell of the seller or offer no perfected contract of sale yet; becomes
to purchase of any prospective buyer. Only perfected only upon happening of condition
after the optionee fails to exercise its right In sale at auction, perfected when auctioneer
of first priority under the same terms and announces its perfection by the fall of the
within the period contemplated could the hammer or in other customary manner may
owner validly offer to sell the property to a impose terms under bidder may retract his bid;
third person, again, under the same terms owner of property sold at auction may impose
as offered to the optionee terms under which the auction will proceed & it
The lessee’s right of first option to buy the shall be binding within the bidders are aware
leased property in case of its sale is but a Place of perfection: where the meeting of
part of the bigger right to lease the said minds happen; when acceptance sent by mail,
property from the lessor. The option was perfection is deemed where the offer is made
given to the lessee because she was the Performance has nothing to do with perfection
lessee of the subject property. It was a stage
component of the consideration of the
lease. The option was by no means an Earnest Money – or “ARRAS” is something of
independent right which can be exercised value to show that the buyer was really in earnest,
by the lessee. If the lessee is barred by the and given to the seller to bind the bargain. It is
contract from assigning her right to lease considered as:
the subject property to any other party, the a. Part of the purchase price
lessee is similarly barred to assign her first b. Proof of perfection of the contract
option to buy the leased property to
Note: it shall be deducted from the total price
Earnest Money Option Money Execution
Title passes to the Ownership is reserved Exception:
buyer upon delivery of to the seller and is not a. When there is stipulation to
the thing sold to pass until full contrary, execution does not
payment produce effect of delivery
In case of non- In case of non- b. When at the time of execution of
payment, an action for payment, there can be
instrument, subject matter was
specific performance action for specific
not subject to control of the seller
or for rescission can be performance
filled by the injured Subject matter should be
party within control of seller; he
Part of the purchase Money given as a should have capacity to
price distinct consideration deliver at the time of execution
for an option contract of public instrument when he
When given, the buyer The would-be-buyer is wants to effect actual delivery
is bound to pay the not required to buy Such capacity should subsist
balance for reasonable time after
Given when there is Applies to a sale not execution of instrument
already a sale yet perfected (reason: time depends on
circumstances of persons,
Consummation places & things)
Stage where parties both comply with their
Effect when 2 requisites do not concur:
no constructive delivery; no compliance
Nature of diligence required: diligence of good
on part of SELLER to deliver. Even
father of family unless other requirement is when thing is mortgaged, seller can still
stipulated deliver because naked title still belongs
Consequence: Seller will guilty of breach if to him & can still do acts of ownership
thing is lost through his fault including conveyance
General Rule: The seller is not bound to deliver General Rule: First in time, priority in right
the thing sold unless the purchase price has been When does it apply: when not all requisites
paid. embodied in 1544 concur
Exception: The seller is bound to deliver even if Requisites: VOCS
the price has not been paid, if a period of payment 1. Two or more transactions must constitute Valid
has been fixed sales
2. They must pertain exactly to the same Object
Who bears expenses of Delivery? or subject matter
Answer: Buyer 3. Two or more buyers who are at odds over the
rightful ownership of the subject matter must
Sale of description/sample represent Conflicting interests; AND
1. Sample – goods must correspond with 4. They must be bought from the same or
sample shown. immediate Seller
2. Description – goods must correspond with Rules of Preference:
description or sample 1. Personal Property
Effect if there is no compliance: a. First possessor in good faith
RESCISSION may be availed of by the 2. Real Property
buyer a. First registrant in good faith
b. First possessor in good faith
Obligations of Buyer c. Person with oldest title in good faith
1. Pay the price
Buyer is obligated to pay price according to Notes:
terms agreed upon – regarding time, place Purchaser in Good Faith – one who buys the
& amount property of another without notice that some
If payment of interest is stipulated – must other person has a right to or interest in such
pay; if amount of interest not mentioned – property and pays a full and fair price for the
apply legal rate same at the time of such purchase or before he
has notice of the claim or interest of some other
When buyer defaults – constitutes breach:
person in the property
subject to specific performance/rescission
Registration requires actual recording; if the
& damages; interest to be paid also from of
property was never really registered as when
the registrar forgot to do so although he has
2. Accept delivery of thing sold
been handed the document, there is no
Where to accept: at time & place stipulated
in the contract; if none specified – at the
Possession is either actual or constructive
time & place of delivery
since the law made no distinction
Goods; there is acceptance when:
Possession in Art.1544 includes not only
a. He intimates to seller that he has
material but also symbolic possession
Title means title because of sale, and not any Effect: buyer acquired no better right than
other title or mode of acquiring property transferor
When the property sold on execution is Legal effect: CAVEAT EMPTOR – BUYER
registered under Torrens, registration is the BEWARE
operative act that gives validity to the transfer a. co-owner sells whole property prior to
or creates a lien on the land, and a purchaser partition – sale is void as to his spiritual
on execution sale is not required to go behind share
the registry to determine the conditions of the b. co-owner sells definite portion to
property. partition – sale is void as to other co-
Exception: Where the purchaser had owner but valid as to his spiritual share
knowledge, prior to or at the time of the levy, of Exception:
such previous lien or encumbrance, his a. owner by his conduct is precluded from
knowledge is equivalent to registration. denying seller’s authority (ESTOPPEL)
b. contrary is provided for in recording
VI. SALE BY NON-OWNER OR BY ONE laws (pd 1529)
HAVING VOIDABLE TITLE c. sale is made under statutory power of
sale or under a court of competent
General Rule: Buyer acquires no title even if in jurisdiction
good faith and for value under the maxim Nemo d. sale is made under merchant’s store in
dat quid non habet (“You cannot give what you accordance with code of commerce &
do not have”) special laws