C Annex-I
This is to certify that, 1 have examined Mr./Ms./
Mrs. (name of the candidate
rien diesislity) 1 a person! wilt, eens es ieee Sees eee (nana)
and percentage of disability as mentioned in the certificate of disability), S/o
1 d/o
resident of Village
District/ State) and to state that he/she has physical limitation which
hampers his/her
writing capabilities owing to his/ her disability.
Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of
a Government health care institution
Name & Designation
Name of Government Hospital/ Health Care Centre with Seal
Note: Certificate should be given by a specialist of the relevant stream/ disability
(e.g. Visual impairment-Ophthalmologist, Locomotor —_disability-Orthopedic
specialist/ PMR).Annex-II,
Letter of Undertaking for Using Own Scribe
1 , a candidate with (name
of the disability) appearing for the (name
of the examination) bearing Roll No. ac
(name of the examination venue) in the
(name of the State/UT).
qualification is
| do hereby state that (name of the scribe)
will provide the service of scribe/ reader/ lab assistant for the undersigned for
taking the aforesaid examination.
| do hereby undertake that his/ her qualification is sin
case, subsequently it is found that his/ her qualification is not as declared by the
undersigned and is beyond my qualification, | shall forfeit my right to the post and
claims relating thereto.
(Signature of the candidate with Disability)