Cuemath Year 4
Cuemath Year 4
Cuemath Year 4
0.07015 ? 0.070105
> or = or <
Which number do you think is bigger?
A point to consider... Have you ever wondered why 0.5, 0.50 and 0.500 are the same even though 5,
50 and 500 are different numbers?
= 3+ km
= 3 km 200 m
1 2 2 2
= 1.22 = 0.2
Flat Rods Blocks
At Cuemath, children relate decimals to fractions using manipulatives and the number line.
Important they “see” them as the same. They no longer see a decimal as "something point something"
but as a fraction in different avatar. They visualise decimals, solve decimals as fractions and vice versa,
thus creating their own mental models. By linking decimals to fractions - a topic learnt earlier, they make
connections and see patterns. This foundational ability allows the mind to link various concepts
intuitively in later years.
Students form large numbers building up on the concepts of place values. They learn that a number can
be represented or expanded in multiple ways. They intuitively understand the algorithm of scaling
numbers. Manipulating numbers is a precursor to advanced concepts of number theory. Also visualising
large numbers builds the ability to abstract, which is foundational to master complex concepts like
algebra and calculus in later years.
What are like fractions and unlike fractions? Can they be unlike each other if they'd like to?
Identify the fraction represented by the shaded portion. Then write in the fraction using numerals and names. Each shape represents one unit
3 1 1
4 Three-fourths 2 One-half 3 One-third
Apart from from becoming familiar with various concepts, students enjoy playing with
fractions.They visualise multiplication of fractions through various visual models. This helps
them deduce the algorithm to solve them faster, rather than having to mechanically memorise and apply
a series of steps. This understanding helps build speed and is foundational to learning of advanced
concepts like rational numbers, ratios and percentages.
Higher Grades
Grade 4