Maternal and Child Nutrition
Maternal and Child Nutrition
Maternal and Child Nutrition
Earn an advanced
degree in a highly
specialized field
Taught by leading
faculty and researchers
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the program will qualify for
positions as pediatric nutrition specialists,
maternal nutrition specialists, lactation
educators and lactation specialists
within healthcare organizations, and for
administrative positions in public health
agencies at both state and national levels. “I gained the breadth I needed to
understand the bigger picture relating
About the Program to public health issues, as well as
The program consists of four required core indispensable breastfeeding and infant
courses, six to eight units of special topics nutrition knowledge.
seminars, two to four units of electives and a ~ Carolyn Donohoe Mather, alumna
six-unit student project for a total of 36 units.
Each core course comprises 10 weeks of in-
class instruction, twice per week for two-and- FOR MORE INFORMATION
a-half hours per meeting.
CALL (800) 752-0881
Student project: Each student will carry out
a research or evaluation project (produced EMAIL
in consultation with a guidance committee)
during their second year, intended to allow OR VISIT US ONLINE
them to use the knowledge and skills
learned in a manner that will best serve them
in their profession. The educational mission of the Maternal and Child Nutrition Program
Fees: Tuition is paid on a course-by-course is to provide excellent learner-centered education to a diverse body of
graduate students. We will strive to cultivate an inclusive environment
basis. For current fees visit:
where individuals from diverse backgrounds feel respected and empowered to develop and implement culturally sensitive maternal and child health
programs that provide the best evidence-based care for the diverse
populations in the state of California. Learn more at: https://gradstudies.
Required Courses Faculty
Nutrition During Pregnancy 6 units Faculty members are internationally known
Lactation and Infant Nutrition 6 units for their groundbreaking research in maternal
and child nutrition.
Child and Adolescent Nutrition 6 units
Lindsay H. Allen, Ph.D., R.D., director, USDA
Applied Research Methods 4 units
Western Region Human Nutrition Research
Elective Courses
Caroline J. Chantry, M.D., professor, clinical
Two to four units of electives selected from
pediatrics, UC Davis Medical Center
related courses (may be taught in other
departments) as approved by the student’s Kathryn Dewey, Ph.D., professor,
advisers. Department of Nutrition, and director,
Program in International and Community
Seminars Nutrition, UC Davis
A series of special two-unit seminars are Jane Heinig, Ph.D., IBCLC, academic
offered in the second year. Topics will vary administrator, Department of Nutrition,
from year-to-year but will include: UC Davis, and executive director, UC Davis
• Topics in Epidemiology of Maternal and Human Lactation Center
Child Nutrition Carl L. Keen, Ph.D., professor, Department of
• Public Policy in Maternal and Child Nutrition, UC Davis
Nutrition Bo Lönnerdal, Ph.D., professor, Department
• Principles of Evidence-Based Practice of Nutrition, UC Davis
• Principles of Adult Education Christine Stewart, Ph.D., M.P.H., associate
professor, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
• Promotion of Breastfeeding in the Public
Health Setting Mark Underwood, M.D., M.A.S, associate
professor, clinical pediatrics, and chief,
• International Board Certified Lactation
Division of Neonatology, UC Davis Health
Specialist Standards of Practice
Sample Program
Fall Year 1 Winter Year 1 Spring Year 1
Nutrition During Pregnancy Lactation and Infant Nutrition Child and Adolescent Nutrition
(6 units) (6 units) (6 units)
Fall Year 2 Winter Year 2 Spring Year 2
Applied Research Methods Seminar (2 units) Seminar (2 units)
(4 units)
Elective (2 units) Seminar (2 units)
Student Project (2 units) Student Project (4 units)
How to Apply
Admission is accepted for fall quarter every Transcripts: UC Davis requires academic
other year. A complete application package records from each college-level institution
must be submitted by April 15 for the fall attended. Vist: https://gradstudies.ucdavis.
2017 program. edu/submit-transcripts
Apply online: Financial assistance: Students must be
prospective-students/apply-online enrolled in at least six units per quarter to be
For application requirements, visit: eligible. For details visit: http://financialaid.