Active Suspension of Truck Seat
Active Suspension of Truck Seat
Active Suspension of Truck Seat
Masaaki Kawana and Taro Shimogo the dynamic response. Shinjo [20] examined transient
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kanagawa riding comfort for heavy duty trucks, and Volfson [23]
Institute of Technology, 1030 Shimo-ogino, Atsugi, carried out simulations of the seat dynamics of off-
Kanagawa 243-02, Japan road vehicles. Huston et al. [5] performed field mea-
Tel.: +81 462 41 1211; Fax: +81 462 42 0846; surements of seat vibrations, and Gu [4] measured vi-
E-mail: bration transmissibility using a mass dummy, Lewis
and Griffin [9] also studied vibration transmissibility
of a car seat with a suspended back-rest.
The driver’s seat of a heavy duty truck is usually mounted The second group is concerned with the isolation
on a spring–damper assembly anchored to the cab floor. To
of seat vibration, and this group is further divided into
improve riding comfort, this study investigated the effects
3 groups; the passive suspension, the semi-active sus-
of mounting a computer-controlled actuator in parallel with
the traditional spring–damper assembly. A dynamic model pension, and the full-active suspension. The passive
of the seat is represented by a two degree-of-freedom sys- suspension, composed of spring–damper assemblies,
tem, including a cushion. In this paper, a control system has been analyzed by Gouw et al. [3] in their study of
is designed, using optimal control theory, which minimizes driver comfort and safety in off-highway vehicles us-
rms vertical acceleration at a point representing the driver’s ing optimal seat suspensions. Sankar and Afonso [14]
hip point. In this system, accelerations of the hip point, the promoted design and testing for lateral seat suspen-
seat frame and the cab floor are picked up and integrated sion of off-road vehicles.
to obtain the state variables to be fed back and fed forward The semi-active suspension, in which suspension
to the actuator through a digital computer. The actuator is parameters are adaptively shifted, Ranganathan and
constructed with electric servo-motor and ball-screw mech-
Sriram [12] designed a PC-based software for off-road
anism. The experimental study was carried out on a shaker,
which simulates the vibrations of the cab floor in actual ser-
vehicle seat suspensions, and Amirouche et al. [1]
vice. Results were obtained for both a dummy and a real worked out an optimal driver seat suspension design
human body. The vibration test produced rms accelerations for heavy trucks and heavy vehicle systems.
of the seat and the hip point of about 1.0 m/s2 without As for the full-active suspension, McCormac et al.
the actuator, while the rms accelerations were suppressed to [10] developed a dual-axis active seat suspension sys-
about 0.5 m/s2 at a rms input voltage to the servo-motor tem using an electro-hydraulic actuator, and Stein and
of 1.0 V. Ballo [21] developed a driver’s active seat suspen-
sion for off-road vehicles using an electro-hydraulic
actuator. Johnson [7] developed an active seat sus-
1. Introduction pension to control low back injuries using an electro-
hydraulic actuator. Stein [22] investigated an active
Freight shipment by heavy duty truck is becoming vibration control system for a driver’s seat using an
more common recently, with longer distances and long electro-pneumatic actuator, and Ballo [2] examined
transit times contributing to corresponding increases the power requirements of an active vibration control
in driver’s fatigue and driver’s fatigue related acci- system using an electro-pneumatic actuator. Ballo’s
dents. As a result, improvement of the riding com- results were discussed by Ryba [13]. Shimogo and his
fort of the driver’s seat is seen as an important step team [15–19] developed active suspension systems for
in improving safety, and driver performance. Many heavy duty truck seats using an electric servo-motor.
studies on car seat vibration have been published to In the case of the heavy duty truck, the driver’s
date; these studies are classified into 2 groups. seat is usually supported by a spring–damper assem-
The first group is concerned with the measurement bly connected to the cab floor. The cab-floor vibra-
and/or analysis of seat vibration. For example, Pope tion has a relatively wide band width with a dominant
et al. [11] studied the effects of various cushions on frequency of 2.2 Hz. Although the general floor vi-
3. State equations
Substituting Eqs (3) and (4) into Eq. (2), we obtain The parameters ωf and ζf are determined by curve
fitting to the actual data in the frequency domain of
ẏ1 − ż1 = av − bu, Fig. 3. The state equation of the shaping filter is
derived from the transfer function as follows:
u = −(ẏ1 − ż)/b + (a/b)v, (5)
żf = Af zf + df w, (9)
where a = a0 α, b = b0 α2 . Substituting Eq. (5) into
Eq. (1), the vertical force u is replaced by the input where
voltage v. The state equation of the seat suspension zf = z ż ,
system is introduced from the motion equation, that
is: 0 1 0
Af = , df = ,
−ωf2 −2ζf ωf 1
ẏs = As ys + bs v + ds zf , (6)
w(t) is Gaussian white noise with mean zero.
where So the state equation of the augmented system, in-
T T cluding the shaping filter, is obtained:
y = y1 y2 ẏ1 ẏ2 , zf = z ż , (7)
ẏ = Ay + bv + dw, (10)
38 M. Kawana and T. Shimogo / Active suspension of truck seat
Table 1
where Specification of experimental model
y = b ys zf c = y1 y2 ẏ1 ẏ2 z ż , Floor vibration model ωf = 13.82 rad/s,
ζf = 0.150
W = 4.4 × 10−4 (m/s2 )2 /Hz
As ds bs 0
A= , b= , d= . (11) rms z̈ = 1.158 m/s2
0 Af 0 df
Seat suspension k1 = 1.960 × 104 N/m
c1 = 2.156 × 103 N s/m
Cushion k2 = 6.907 × 104 N/m
4. Optimal control law c2 = 7.247 × 102 N s/m
Seat mass m1 = 15 kg
[22] G.J. Stein, Results of investigation of an electro-pneumatic [23] B.P. Volfson, Simulation of off-road vehicle operator station
active vibration control system for a driver’s seat, Proc. I. dynamics, Part 1: physical model, in: Proc. 10th Int. Conf.
Mech. E., part D: J. Automobile Eng. 209(3) (1995), 227– ISTVS, Vol. 3, Kobe, 1990, pp. 731–741.
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