Prediction of Warship Manoeuvring Coefficients Using CFD: C. Oldfield, M. Moradi Larmaei, A. Kendrick
Prediction of Warship Manoeuvring Coefficients Using CFD: C. Oldfield, M. Moradi Larmaei, A. Kendrick
Prediction of Warship Manoeuvring Coefficients Using CFD: C. Oldfield, M. Moradi Larmaei, A. Kendrick
Verification and validation has been completed for the use of computational fluid dynamics as a practical means of
simulating captive manoeuvring model tests. Verification includes spatial and temporal refinement studies. Direct
validation includes the comparison of individual steady drift and planar motion mechanism simulations to physical
model test data. Rotating arm simulations are validated indirectly on the basis of manoeuvring derivatives developed
from the PMM tests. The merits of steady and unsteady simulations are discussed.
KEY WORDS: Manoeuvring, Manoeuvering, Maneuvering, at the design stage, and it is necessary to use other means to
Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD, Planar Motion predict the manoeuvring performance.
Mechanism, Rotating Arm, Verification, Validation.
Manoeuvring performance predictions can be made using
INTRODUCTION physical model tests to directly simulate the trials maneuvers with
While a basic level of manoeuvring performance is essential for a free-running model. Alternatively, either rotating arm tests or
the safe navigation of all vessels, the manoeuvring performance planar motion mechanism (PMM) tests can be conducted at
of a warship is an integral aspect of the vessel capability. High model scale with the aim of developing mathematical models of
manoeuvring performance can be leveraged to effect a tactical the manoeuvring performance. Manoeuvring model tests are
advantage in combat situations, can improve the safety of ship- expensive due to the large testing program and the specialized
to-ship and fleet operations, and can improve performance in equipment required. Manoeuvring model tests are therefore
peacetime roles requiring launch and recovery operations or typically undertaken only late in the design cycle, and possibly
performance in high winds or seas. not at all for some types of naval vessels.
The ability to accurately describe the manoeuvring performance In the absence of model test data, the necessary data to populate
of an existing warship can help the performance limitations to be a mathematical manoeuvring model can be approximated using
better understood by the ship’s captain, so that the vessel’s techniques such as regression analysis of data obtained from other
capability can be exploited more effectively. This quality of (similar) vessels, strip-wise integration of estimated coefficients,
information is typically obtained through manoeuvring trials, and semi-empirical methods to separately account for the effects
including standard tests such as turning circles, zig-zag of appendages. The reliability of these methods is not high,
maneuvers, crash stop maneuvers, spiral maneuvers, and more because they often do not provide sufficient account of the
specialized maneuvers. specific geometry of the vessel, and the influence it has on the
flow patterns and forces.
An accurate prediction of manoeuvring performance is also
important at the design stage, when it remains possible to make Even manoeuvring model tests results are subject to greater
design adjustments which can remedy deficiencies in the uncertainty than classic resistance and propulsion model tests. In
manoeuvring performance or further enhance the performance. many manoeuvring model tests, the measured loads include the
However, trials data are not available for the first-of-class vessel load required to accelerate the vessel, and this must be removed
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2015
from the measured loads to obtain the pure hydrodynamic loads. simulations on a 7 million cell mesh, and found about 2% change
Such indirect measurements incur additional error. Also, when coarsening the mesh to 3 million cells. Sakomoto (2009)
manoeuvring forces include strong viscous components, so using completed simulations for the same vessel as used in the present
Froude scaling to full scale may introduce error. work, and found accuracies of about 4%, 10%, and 2% for the
longitudinal force, lateral force, and yaw moment in a 10° steady
The prominence of viscous forces has also made it challenging to drift simulation, respectively. In the same work, the accuracy in
use numerical techniques to estimate the manoeuvring an unsteady yaw and drift simulation was about 12% for the
performance of a vessel. This is in contrast to other aspects of transverse force and yaw moment, and about 24% for the
hydrodynamic performance, many of which can be predicted longitudinal force.
reasonably well under the assumption of inviscid potential flow.
This combination of challenges has helped manoeuvring Objective
prediction to earn a reputation as a “black art”, with final results The objective of the present work has been to validate CFD as a
having an intricate dependency on coefficients that are difficult reliable and practical technique for determining hull manoeuvring
to estimate. force coefficients. This includes direct validation of steady drift
simulations and PMM simulations against model test data
Meanwhile, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has presented by Simonsen (2004), and indirect validation of rotating
developed from a research tool for use in specialized problems to arm simulations by comparison of mathematical manoeuvring
a routine design tool. Integral aspects of this shift have been the models. The objective of ensuring practicality of the technique
dramatic increase in computational resources, technical from a ship designer’s perspective has implied limiting the
developments, and their incorporation into commercially computer hardware and simulation run time to that typically
available CFD software. Important developments have spanned available to a ship designer.
the whole range of the CFD workflow, including the direct import
of 3D CAD geometry, automated meshing tools including local METHODOLOGY
mesh refinement and specialized meshing models to resolve the
turbulent boundary layer, the introduction of the volume of fluid Conventions
(VOF) approach to modelling free surface flows, the collection of All results are reported in a ship-fixed coordinate system with
a wide range of physics models within a single program, and origin on centerline amidships, as shown in Fig. 1.
integrated post-processing. This has led to the routine use of CFD
for vessel resistance calculations with good accuracy, and several ߰
publications on the use of CFD for more challenging problems.
ܺ ܻ ܰ
ܺᇱ ൌ ܻᇱ ൌ ܰᇱ ൌ (3)
ͳ ଶ ͳ ଶ ͳ ଶ ଶ
ߩܷ ܶܮ ߩܷ ܶܮ ߩܷ ܶ ܮ
ʹ ʹ ʹ
Steady drift
Rotating arm
Rotating arm
with drift
Unsteady yaw and drift
Not to scale
Fig. 2. Vessel and mesh motions for simulation of planar-motion mechanism tests and rotating arm tests.
SIMULATION CONDITIONS The simulation matrix, including both steady and unsteady
Vessel Description simulations, is included in Table 2. Steady simulations were
The subject vessel for this work is the DTMB 5415 destroyer carried out using each of the conditions marked with an “S” in the
model used in the physical model tests reported by Simonsen table, where the condition is described by the corresponding drift
(2004). The model has a typical fine hull form for a fast angle and non-dimensional yaw rate. The highest non-
displacement naval monohull, and includes a sonar bulb below dimensional yaw rate of ݎᇱ ൌ ͲǤͷ corresponds to a turning
baseline and bilge keels. No rudder, propellers, shafts, or other diameter ofʹǤܮ. The steady cases with drift angles of 0°, 9°,
appendages were included in either the model tests or the CFD 10°, and 11° were repeated using draft and trim from the model
simulations. The model was built to a notional scale of 1:35.48. test results, and draft and trim as determined by iterative CFD
Particulars of the model are shown in Table 1, and a visualization analyses.
of the hull is shown in Fig. 3. The hull form and bilge keel design
were obtained in electronic format from FORCE Technology Unsteady simulations were carried out using each of the
(2014), from which 3D geometry was developed for input into the combinations marked with “U” in the table. In cases of unsteady
CFD software. pure sway (i.e. no yawሻ, the sine of the drift angle shown gives
the nominal amplitude of the non-dimensional sway rate. For
Table 1. DTMB 5415 destroyer model particulars coupled unsteady yaw and drift cases, the drift angle shown in the
Description Value Units table is steady throughout the simulation. In all unsteady cases,
Length between perpendiculars, ܮ 4.0023 m the yaw rate shown in the table is taken as the nominal amplitude.
Length on waterline 4.0083 m The actual values of ܵ and ܻ used to achieve the nominal
Beam on waterline, ܤ 0.5382 m unsteady motions shown in Table 2 are as presented by Simonsen
0.1736 m (2004). The PMM motion period was based on seven cycles per
Calm water draft, ܶ
minute in most cases, and nine cycles per minute for the pure yaw
Calm water trim 0 °
cases with non-dimensional yaw rate amplitudes of 0.6 and 0.75.
Volumetric displacement 0.1897 m³
2 SU
4 U
6 S
9 S S SU
10 S S S SU S S SU
11 S S SU
12 S
16 S
20 S
Validation has focused on the cases where “S” or “U” is shown flow phenomena was not considered important to the overall
in bold italics in Table 2; in these cases the corresponding steady accuracy of the larger scale hull manoeuvring forces.
or unsteady model tests included 12 repeat runs. Verification has
focused on the cases where “S” or “U” is underlined in the table. Attached to hull Port bilge keel vortex
Breaking wave
Many results were derived from the various CFD simulations. A
few samples of these are included here, mainly for verification
and validation purposes. The ensembles of steady manoeuvring
force and moment results are shown later in the context of
determining the manoeuvring derivatives.
Bulb vortex Port bilge keel vortex
Flow Features
Steady Simulations. The steady drift simulations predicted vortex
generation at the bow by the sonar bulb, at each of the bilge keels,
and at the skeg. The bulb vortex was predicted to be both large
and strong, and at some modest drift angles it passed under the Skeg vortex
starboard bilge keel. In these cases, the top part of the bow vortex Attached to hull
Breaking wave
caused the transverse flow component in way of the bilge keel tip Port bilge keel vortex
to be from starboard to port, rather than the opposite trend
generally observed elsewhere (see Fig. 7). The effects of this
reversal would not be predicted by a simpler methodology that
does not consider interaction effects. An example of this is shown
in the underwater view in Fig. 4. It includes vortex identification
using iso-surfaces of the Q-criterion at ܳ ൌ ͵Ͳ, determined Stbd. bilge keel vortex
following Sakomoto (2009). The colours of the vortex are based Bulb vortex
on dimensionless helicity, and indicates the direction of rotation:
red vortices are rotating clockwise when viewed from Fig. 4. Steady vortex structures at 10° drift (top), steady ݎᇱ ൌ ͲǤ͵
downstream. While this also identifies vortex structures in the (middle), and 10° drift with ݎᇱ ൌ െͲǤ͵ (bottom), view from
breaking wave and against the hull surface, they are not as below
important as the vortices generated by the bulb, bilge keels, and
While the general trends in the upper and lower parts of Fig. 6 are
similar, some details are different. The steady case has well-
developed vortices due to the bilge keels, skeg, and bulb, while
the vortices in the unsteady case were still growing in strength
Fig. 5. Port side volume fraction at 0° (top), 10° (middle), and 20° and longitudinal extent, and their transverse position was
(bottom) steady drift changing in time. This caused the unsteady result to have a
smaller low pressure region near the port bilge keel and a smaller
The rotating arm simulations also predicted several vortices, low-pressure streak trailing aft of the bulb on the port side of the
breaking waves, and bubble sweep-down. The bow vortex was bow. The longer bulb and bilge keel vortices in the steady case
again found to be larger than the others, but in rotating arm cases also resulted in a low-pressure streak inboard of the port bilge
with no drift it rotated in the direction opposite to the bilge keel keel, between its aft end and the skeg; it is not present in the
and skeg vortices. This is consistent with the opposite direction unsteady result. The unsteady result has a smaller wave trough to
of the transverse flow component in the forward and aft parts of port of the bulb, a steeper rise to a narrower crest immediately aft
the ship. The bulb vortex was not generated in the drift and yaw of it, and more interference around amidships from the closer
cases where ߚ and ݎԢ were both positive, as the local angle of wake on the port side. These relate to the substantially different
attack at the bow was near zero. In the combined case with distribution of the pressure disturbance on the port side, including
negative ݎԢ, the bulb and leeward bilge keel vortices switched much lower pressures near the port shoulder. The differences on
direction, and the bilge keel vortex detached and was swept under the starboard side are more subtle. Although the spray and details
the bulb vortex. This is shown in the bottom of Fig. 4. of the wave breaking phenomena are also different, more refined
simulations would be required to resolve them accurately.
Many of the flow phenomena predicted in the steady simulations
with large drift angles or yaw rates were inherently unsteady. As
such, a true steady solution to the RANS equations does not exist.
The computational demands of achieving a time-accurate
solution to resolve these flow features is much greater than that
required to obtain reasonable convergence of the overall and
nominally steady flow, and has not been attempted here.
As in the steady case, the method of Celik et al. (2008) has been
used to calculate the fine-mesh spatial discretization relative
error, ܫܥܩ , and the apparent order. This has been done for each
Bulb vortex of the Fourier coefficients of the non-dimensional forces
individually, as shown in Table 4. For consistency with the
comparison with model tests, the relative error has been
calculated by dividing the absolute error (ܫܥܩ × fine mesh
Fig. 7. Vorticity predicted with coarse (top), medium (middle), result) by the maximum absolute value reported in the mean third-
and fine (bottom) meshes order Fourier fit to the experimental data. The relative error
therefore shows where the inaccuracy in the coefficients is
The bottom row of Table 3 shows fine-mesh spatial discretization
relative error, or the grid convergence index, ܫܥܩ , calculated
important to the overall fit between the CFD time-history and the As compared to the first time step, the others represent
experimental time-history. refinements of 7.5 and 15 times, respectively. The coarsest time
step was selected considering time-accuracy of flow phenomena
Table 4 classifies the convergence type of some of the Fourier having a temporal scale on the order of the motion period, and is
coefficients to be divergent in some cases. This reflects a greater consistent with that used by Sakamoto (2009). The finer time
difference between the fine-mesh and medium-mesh results when steps were selected on the basis of achieving a CFL number on
compared to the difference between the medium-mesh and the the order of one or one-half, respectively, on the free surface near
coarse-mesh results. While this can be an indication of the vessel. With a time step of ܶȀʹͺͺͲ, the influence of switching
divergence, it can also be an indication of oscillatory convergence between a first- and second-order accurate time stepping scheme
or an indication that the mesh refinement is not yet in the was also investigated. It would normally be expected that the best
asymptotic range. For example, the coarse mesh may be too time accuracy would be achieved with the finest time step and the
coarse to capture all of the relevant flow features, so the results highest order of accuracy, although guidance from CD-adapco
from it are not as useful in determining how accurately these indicates that the 1st order method is appropriate for many
features have been captured on the finer meshes. The relative unsteady problems.
error computed for the coefficients noted as divergent is therefore
of questionable accuracy. The apparent order also gives an The choice of temporal method had a strong influence on flow
indication of the accuracy of the error calculation: ܫܥܩ ଶଵ
is aeration against the hull. This is depicted in Fig. 8, which shows,
predicted more accurately when the apparent order is closer to the from top to bottom, time steps and orders of accuracy of ܶȀ͵ͺͶ
expected value of two. 2nd order, ܶȀʹͺͺͲ 1st order, ܶȀʹͺͺͲ 2nd order, and ܶȀͷͲ 2nd
order. This is shown at a phase of 270°, when the yaw rate is large
The largest Fourier coefficients of ܺ ᇱ have been identified as and opposing the superimposed drift angle at the bow. It shows
divergent, so more mesh refinement is required to accurately that the longest time step resulted in dramatically increased flow
predict the spatial discretization error in ܺԢ. The results for ܻԢ aeration, and the two finer time steps resulted in similar amounts
and ܰԢ are more typically convergent, but some relative errors of flow aeration although the details of the aeration pattern are
on the order of 10% indicate that the use of coarser meshes had different. The use of the first order temporal method did not
an important influence on accuracy. dramatically change the amount of flow aeration, but resulted in
smooth streaks rather than defined bubbles.
Unsteady Time Refinement. A time refinement study was carried
out using the same case as in the mesh refinement study: the
unsteady yaw and drift PMM case with ݎᇱ ൌ ͲǤ͵ and a drift angle
of 10°. This included time steps of ܶȀ͵ͺͶ, ܶȀʹͺͺͲ, and ܶȀͷͲ.
For these cases, Fourier series have been fitted to the results of greater differences when the motion includes dynamic yaw. The
the CFD simulations and model tests. As presented in Tables 8- relative differences in the ܥଵǡ coefficient of ܰԢ are also
10, the relative difference between CFD and model test results consistently large for all test types.
was calculated using the average of the repeated model test
Fourier coefficients. Other statistics of the model tests results are For the combined yaw and drift case in more detail, the spatial
shown to illustrate the repeatability. The model test ranges and discretization error can be also considered. Relative differences
relative differences shown in the tables are normalized with that are greater than the relative spatial discretization error are
respect to the maximum absolute value of the mean third-order shown with a thick border in Tables 8-10. This shows that the
Fourier fit to the model test data. This helps to highlight the differences between the model test and CFD predictions of many
differences that would be of importance to a mathematical of the Fourier coefficients cannot be accounted for by the model
manoeuvring model based on these results. This is important test repeatability or spatial discretization errors. Observations
because some of the higher order terms are difficult to predict from the mesh refinement study and the steady simulations
with much accuracy – the model test results show fluctuating indicate that the use of a finer mesh shows promise for better
signs in some cases – but are so small that their accuracy is of resolving the flow features, and that this may result in better
little importance. alignment with the model test results. Systematic bias in the
model tests could also contribute to this.
Due to symmetry considerations, one would expect that the first-
and third-order Fourier coefficients (ܥଵǡ , ܥଵǡ௦ , ܥଷǡ , and ܥଷǡ௦ ) of Nonetheless, most of the relative differences between the model
ܺԢ as well as the mean values (ܥ coefficiets) of ܻԢ and ܰԢ to be test and CFD Fourier coefficients are less than about 4%, and in
zero for the pure sway and pure yaw tests. This is typically all cases the relative difference is less than 12%.
achieved more precisely with CFD than in the model tests,
indicating the difficulty of achieving exact symmetry in a Manoeuvring Derivatives
physical model test. These results are shown in italics in the The results of the steady CFD simulations, unsteady CFD
tables, and are not considered further. simulations, and unsteady model tests have each been used to
calculate the manoeuvring derivatives. These correspond to the
The relative differences which are substantially more than the coefficients appearing in classical Taylor series representations of
model test repeatability (range/2) are shown in bold in Tables 8- the manoeuvring force coefficients in equations (11) through
10. There is at least one Fourier coefficient with such a difference (13), and were determined by the regression technique discussed
for every force component, in every simulation. above. The manoeuvring derivatives are shown in Tables 11-13.
The results show a tendency for the mean values (ܥ coefficients) Each of the Taylor series for ܻԢ and ܰԢ achieved a very good fit
of ܺԢ as predicted by CFD to show greater differences from the with the source data. This is reflected by the values of ܧோெௌ ,
model test results than the other Fourier coefficients of ܺԢ. There which are about two to three orders of magnitude smaller than
is also a tendency for the ܥଵǡ and ܥଵǡ௦ coefficients of ܻԢ to have typical ܻԢ and ܰԢ values. The deviations between the fitted curves