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International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 17(1), 48-57, 2010.


Jau-Chuan Ke1, Chia-Jung Chang2 and Fu-Min Chang3
Department of Applied Statistics,
National Taichung Institute of Technology,
Taichung 404, Taiwan
Email: jauchuan@ntit.edu.tw
Department of Accounting,
National Taichung Institute of Technology,
Taichung 404, Taiwan
Department of Finance,
Chaoyang University of Technology,
Taichung County 413, Taiwan

This paper considers the optimal management problem of a finite capacity M/M/1 queueing system with F-policy in
which some customers may demand a second service in addition to the first essential service. The F-policy investigates
the frequent issue of controlling arrival to a queueing system and its required startup time before allowing customers to
enter the system. This system has potential applications in the wireless communication networks, the transport service
and production system. By applying the birth and death process, some important performance measures are derived. A
cost model, developed to determine the optimal control F-policy at a minimum cost, and sensitivity analysis are also

Keywords: Control; F-Policy; Server startup; Optional service

Significance: We study the controlling arrivals of a Markovian queueing system through simple mathematical tools,
where some customers may demand a second service in addition to the first essential service. Such a system has
potential applications in the wireless communication networks, the transport service and production system, etc.

(Received 24 March 2008; Accepted in revised form 30 July 2009)


In this paper, we deal with the issue of controlling arrivals for an M/M/1/K queuing system with an F-policy, which
some customers may demand a second service in addition to the first essential service. In the proposed model, when the
number of customers in the system reach its capacity K ( ), no further arriving customers are allowed to enter
into the system until a certain number of customers, who are already in the system, have been served in order to make
sure the number of customers in the system decreases to a predetermined threshold F ( ). At that time,
the server needs to take an exponential startup time and allow customers to enter into the system. Moreover, the server
provides the first essential service as well as a second optional service. Upon completion of the essential service, the
customer may opt for an optional service with probability q.
Controllable queueing models aim to find the optimal operating policy, that is, rules for turning the server on and
off that result in the lowest long-run cost. Past works regarding such queueing problems could be divided into two parts
according to whether the system is considered to control the service or the arrival. The issue of controlling the service
includes: the N-policy introduced by by Yadin and Naor (1963), the T policy proposed by Heyman (1977) and the
D-policy introduced by Balachandran (1973). Among said operating policies, the studies of N-policy queueing models
gained a lot of attention due to analytical being easily tractable. The variations and extensions of these vacation models
with N policy can be referred to Lee et al. (1994, 1995), Ke (2003), Arumuganathan and Jeyakumar (2005), Moreno
(2008), and others. The developments and applications on service control of queueing systems are rich and diverse (see
Tadj and Choudhury (2005)). In the other hand, F-policy, the pioneering work in the issue of controlling the arrivals,
was first investigated by Gupta (1995). The intention of the F-policy is to control the arrival process when service
control is not possible through N-policy.
As for optional service, Madan (2000) first investigated an M/G/1 queueing system with a second optional service,
in which some of arrivals may require a second optional service immediately after completion of the first essential
service. In Madan's work (2000), the service times of the first essential service are assumed to be a general distribution
Arrivals for a Markovian Queuing System

and those of the second optional service are exponential. He also cited some important applications in day-to-day life
situations. Madan's work (2000) is extended to ‘optional service’ with general distribution case by Medhi (2002). Later,
Choudhury and Paul (2006) studied the queue size distribution at a random epoch as well as at a departure epoch for an
Mx/G/1 queueing system with second optional channel under N-policy. They also derived a simple procedure to obtain
optimal stationary policy under a suitable linear cost structure. The reliability measures were examined by Wang (2004)
for the ordinary M/G/1 queue with channel breakdowns and second optional service. Recently, Tadj and Ke (2008)
examined the optimal control policy for a two-phase bulk service queueing system under N policy with multiple
vacation and setup, where the group of customers has the option to choose the service type in either phase of service.
Existing research, however, seldom addresses the optimization issue in such queueing systems with optional service.
Besides the lack of research works on such problem, our study is also motivated by some practical systems. For
example, in the wireless communication system, arriving (new and handoff) calls are granted, or denied, access to the
network by the call admission scheme (CAC) based on predefined criteria, taking the network loading conditions into
consideration. When the system capacity has reached the predefined level, the arriving calls will be restricted entrance
until the number of calls drops to a threshold level. When system capacity reduces to the threshold level, the calls are
allowed to enter the system. This will help to prevent the system from becoming over-loaded (F-policy). In addition,
multimedia services such as voice, video, data, and audio are to be offered with various QoS profiles in the third
generation and beyond wireless systems. Hence, except for handing the normal accesses from wireless mobile devices
(essential service), the access gateway may need additional work (optional service) to negotiate with other gateway for
QoS control depending on the request of wireless mobile devices.
The other applications in our model are the transport service and production system. Considering the transport
service based on Ke (2006), all ships arriving at a port may need unloading service on arrival. Due to the limited
working place and labor power, the control policy should be executed to maintain the quality of unloading service.
When the capacity of working place is full, the arriving ships will be restricted entrance until the capacity of working
place drops to a threshold level. When the capacity of working place reduces to the threshold level, the ships are
admitted to enter the port (F-policy). Yet, some of ships may require a re-loading service (which is optional) soon after
the unloading (essential service). In the production system, items are allowed to be produced by the machine based on
predefined criteria, taking the machine loading conditions into consideration. When the machine capacity is reached the
predefined level, the arriving items will be restricted entrance until the number of items drops to a threshold level.
When machine capacity reduces to the threshold level, the items are allowed to enter the system. This will help to
maintain the production performance of the machine (F-policy). The machine producing items, however, may require
two of services such as periodic checking (essential service) and repairing (optional service) during the processing of
raw materials. At times, some of units may either left the system after periodic checking or rest of units may send to
workshop for the reprocessing service.
The reminder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the queueing model is briefly described. In Section
3, the mathematical model is developed and its analytical steady-state solutions are derived. Various system
performance measures are presented in Section 4. In Section 5, we develop the total expected cost function per unit
time for the F-policy M/M/1/K queueing system with a second optional service, and then provide the numerical
illustration and sensitivity analysis in Section 6. Finally, some concluding remarks are drawn.


We consider the issue of controlling arrivals for the F-policy M/M/1/K queueing system with a second optimal
service. It is assumed that arriving customers follow a Poisson process with parameter ". A general case for a customer
service is considered. All arriving customers require the essential service and some customers may further demand a
second optional service. On completion of the essential service, the customer may leave the system with probability p
or may opt for the second optional service with probability q (1-p), the times of the essential service and the optional
service are assumed to be exponential distribution with parameter µ1 and µ2, respectively. Arriving customers form a
single waiting line based on the order of their arrivals. In other words, they are queued according to the first-come,
first-served (FCFS) discipline. The server can only provide either the essential or the optional service for one customer
at a time and that the service is independent of the arrival of customers. A customer who arrives and finds the server
busy must wait in the queue until he is available. In addition, the server operates F-policy when the number of arrivals
reaches its capacity K (i.e., the system becomes full). As soon as the number of the customers drops to a predetermined
threshold value F ( ) since the system becomes full, the server immediately requires an exponential
startup time with parameter # to start allowing customers in the system. The system operates normally until the number
of customers in the system reaches its capacity at which time the above process is repeated all over again.

The following pair describes the states of the F-policy M/M/1/K system with second optional service channel
, where i represents server’s state and n represents the number of customers in the system. Let i=0 denote the
customer is not allowed to enter into the system when the server is providing the essential service, i=1 denote the
Ke et al.

customer is not allowed to enter into the system when the server is providing the optional service, i=2 denote the
customer is allowed to enter into the system when the server is providing the essential service, i=3 denote the customer
is allowed to enter into the system when the server is providing in the optional service. Thus

In steady-state, the following notation are used,
: Probability that there are n customers in the system when the arrivals are not allowed to enter into the system,
and the server is providing the essential service, where .
: Probability that there are n customers in the system when the arrivals are not allowed to enter into the system,
and the server is providing the optional service, where .
: Probability that there are n customers in the system when the arrivals are allowed to enter into the system, and
the server is providing the essential service, where .
: Probability that there are n customers in the system when the arrivals are allowed to enter into the system, and
the server is providing optional service, where .
Referring to the state-transition diagram depicted in Figure 1, the steady-state equations for
are given by:

, ... (1)

... (2)

, ... (3)

, ... (4)

, ... (5)

, ... (6)

, ... (7)

, ... (8)

, ... (9)

, ... (10)

, ... (11)

, ... (12)

Since the closed-form solutions of equations (1) - (12) are too complicated to obtain by using a recursive method, a
computer software (MATLAB) is used to compute the ( ) by using the following normalizing

... (13)

Arrivals for a Markovian Queuing System

1 2 F-1 F F+1 K-1 K

1 … … K-2
F 1
No allowed
customer entering
the system in .> .>
optional service >. >.
0 0 1 2 .… F-1 F F+1 .
… K-2 K-1 K
No allowed
customer entering
the system in .> .>
essential service >. >.
0 1 2 . F-1 F F+1
. K-2 K-1
Allowed customers …
entering the system in
essential service .>
3 >.
2 F-1 F+1 K-2 K-1
. …
1 F
Allowed customers
entering the system in
optional service .>
Figure 1. State-transition rate diagram for the F-policy M/M/1/K queueing system with optimal service

Ke et al.


Some important system performance measures of the F-policy M/M/1/K queueing system with a second optional
service are defined as follows:
L ! the expected number of customers in the system;
Pe ! the probability that the server is providing the essential service;
Pop ! the probability that the server is providing the optional service;
Ps ! the probability that the server requires a startup time before starting the service;
Pb ! the probability that the system is blocked
W ! the expected waiting time in the system
E(S) ! the expected number of customers when the server starts to allow customers entering the system;
E(B) ! the expected number of customers when the system is blocked;
The expression for L, Pe, Pop, Ps, Pb and W are given by:

... (14a)
L= ,

... (14b)
Pe = ,

... (14c)
Pop = ,

... (14d)
Ps = ,

... (14e)
Pb = .

The effective arrival rate is "eff="[ ],

... (15a)
W= ,

... (15b)

... (15c)


We construct a total expected cost function per unit time for the F-policy M/M/1/K queueing system with a second
optimal service, in which F and K are a decision variable. Our objective is to determine the optimum threshold F, say F*,
and the optimum system capacity K, say K*, simultaneously at minimum cost. The joint optimal values (F*, K*) and
various system performance measures are obtained based on assumed numerical values given to the system parameters.
Let us define the following cost elements:
Ch : the holding cost per unit time for each customer present in the system;
Ce: the cost per unit time for the busy server with essential service;
Cop: the cost per unit time for the busy server with optional service;
Cs: the setup cost per unit time for the preparatory work of the server before staring the service;
Cb : the fixed cost for each lost customer when the system is blocked;
Arrivals for a Markovian Queuing System

Cw : the waiting cost per unit time when one customer is waiting for service;
C7: the fixed cost per customer’s space;
The total expected cost function per unit time is determined by

TC(F,K)= ChL+CePe+CopPop+CsPs+Cb"Pb+CwW+C7K, ... (16)

where L, Pe, Pop, Ps, Pb and W are defined above.

The cost parameters in Eq. (16) are assumed to be linear in the expected number of the indicated quantity.
Substitution of Eqs. (14) and (15a) into Eq. (16), the cost function is too ample to be shown here. In many practical
optimization problems, we must focus our attention on finding the absolute minimum (or absolute maximum) of a
function of two variables. We should mention that the first and second partial derivatives are powerful tools for locating
and categorizing the relative extrema (relative minimum or relative maximum) of a function of two variables.
Following the Calculus textbook, the second derivative test is used to find and classify the relative extrema of a
function of two variables. Unfortunately, the analytic study of the behavior of the cost function TC(F, K) would have
been an arduous task to undertake, or at least extremely difficult to develop the optimal solution (F*, K*) symbolically
due to the highly non-linear and complex nature of the optimization problem. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no
new and efficient methods to solve this optimization problem currently exist. This is due to the fact that there are two
decision variables, F and K, involved in our model. Here, we should explicitly point out that the solution really gives
the minimum value and the second partial derivative of TC(F, K) at the (F*, K*) is greater than 0 when the values of
system parameters satisfy suitable conditions. Yet, it is quite boring to provide the explicitly expression. Thus, we will
present extensive numerical experiments to show that the function is truly convex and that the solution actually gives a
minimum. An efficient and direct procedure is used to obtain (F*, K*). Following Hilliard (1976), we carry out the
following steps for achieving the joint optimal values (F*, K*).
Step 1: Find the optimal system capacity K*, for threshold value F, i.e.,

Step 2: Find the set of all minimum cost solutions for F=1, 2,…, K-1,
Step 3: Find the minimum cost solution for F=1, 2,…, K-1,

An example (such as the transport service system mentioned in Section 1) is provided to illustrate the direct search
procedure. For example:
! The ships arrive follows a Poisson process with rate "=1.5.
! The preparing interval for admitting ship entrance is an exponential random variable with rate #=0.1.
! The unloading and re-loading time are according to an exponential distribution with rate µ1=1.0 and µ2=1.2,
! Upon the completion of unloading, the ships require re-loading with probability p=0.6.
! Holding cost Ch=$10/unit, unloading cost Ce =100/day, re-loading cost Cop=60/day, Setup cost Cs =300/day,
blocked cost Cb=400/unit, waiting cost Cw=8/day, and fixed cost C7=5/unit.
Step 1 Find K* for threshold value F, where F=1, 2, 3…, 29 (see Table 1)
Step 2 From Table 1 the set of all minimum cost solutions $={$692.09, $691.42, $692.22,…, $1063.63}
Step 3 From Step 2, the optimal solution TC(F*,K*)= $691.42 is achieved at F*=2 and K*=9.
Alternatively, we also sketch this example to demonstrate that the expected cost function is convex and the solution
achieves a global minimum. From Figure 2, we can find the expected cost function attains a minimum $ 691.42 at F*=2
and K*=9.

Ke et al.

Table 1. The expected cost TC(F,K*) for given

F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(F,K*) (1,9) (2,9) (3,9) (4,9) (5,9) (6,10) (7,10) (8,11) (9,11) (10,12)
TC(F,K*) 692.09 691.42 692.22 694.54 698.40 703.03 708.96 716.34 724.09 733.52
F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(F,K*) (11,12) (12,13) (13,14) (14,15) (15,16) (16,17) (17,18) (18,19) (19,20) (20,21)
TC(F,K*) 743.15 754.12 766.47 780.01 794.60 810.11 826.43 843.49 861.20 879.50
F 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
(F,K*) (21,22) (22,23) (23,24) (24,25) (25,26) (26,27) (27,28) (28,29) (29,30)
TC(F,K*) 898.34 917.67 937.45 957.63 978.20 999.10 1020.33 1041.84 1063.63

Figure 2. The expected cost TC(F,K) for different values of different F and K.


The numerical model is analyzed to illustrate how the management of the transport service system can use the
above results to make the decision regarding the system capacity and the threshold level to minimize the total expected
cost (such as Table 1 and Figure 2). The managers can find the optimal system capacity (working place) and the
optimal threshold level (for admitting ship entrance) are 9 and 2, respectively, which attain the minimum cost. Based on
above cost setting listed above, we also perform a sensitivity analysis for changes in the optimal value (F*, K*) along
with changes in specific values of the system parameters. Under optimal operating condition, numerical results are
presented in which various system performance measures are calculated. Various values of (", µ1, µ2) are considered
when #=0.1 and p=0.6. The optimal value (F*, K*), the minimum expected cost TC(F*, K*), and various system
performance measures are displayed in Table 2.
From Table 2, one can see that (i) the optimal value (F*, K*) and the minimum expected cost TC(F*, K*) increase as
" increases; and (ii) the optimal value (F*, K*) and the minimum expected cost TC(F*, K*) non-increase as µ1 increases.
Moreover, (F*, K*) do not change as µ2 increases and TC(F*, K*) slightly decreases with µ2 increases. It is reasonable
that the cost of maintaining the transport service system increases as the number of arriving ships increases. On the
other hand, the optimal system capacity (working place) and the optimal threshold level don’t almost change when
re-loading service rate varies. The cost of maintaining the transport service system slightly decreases as the rate of
re-loading service increases. We believe that the numerical investigation is useful and significant for the manager to
make intelligent decision (such as the determination of working place and threshold level for admitting ship entrance,

Arrivals for a Markovian Queuing System

Table 2. System performance measures for different values of ", µ 1 and µ 2 under optimal operating conditions

(",µ1,µ2) (0.1,1.0,1.5) (0.4,1.0,1.5) (0.4,2.0,1.5 (0.4,3.0,1.5) (0.4,1.0,3.0) (0.4,1.0,4.0) (0.9,1.0,1.5) (0.4,2.0,3.0) (0.4,2.0,4.0)
(F*, K*) (2,3) (4,6) (4,5) (3,4) (4,6) (4,6) (4,9) (4,5) (4,5)
* *
TC(F , K ) 129.4397 163.3724 136.4057 129.0396 159.3366 158.5444 370.5292 134.9840 134.7584

L 0.1397 0.8794 0.4231 0.3037 0.7458 0.7159 3.2937 0.3265 0.3051

E(B) 0.0058 0.0505 0.0064 0.0049 0.0379 0.0353 0.9419 0.0042 0.0039
E(S) 0.0021 0.0172 0.0027 0.0016 0.0144 0.0138 0.1426 0.0022 0.0021

Table 3. System performance measures for different values of # and p under optimal operating conditions

(!, p) (0.01, 0.7) (0.5, 0.7) (0.1, 0.2) (1, 0.2) (10, 0.2) (1, 0.5) (1, 0.8) (0.1, 0.5) (0.1, 0.8)
(F*, K*) (1,8) (2,6) (1,7) (2,4) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) (2,8) (3,10)
TC(F*, K*) 981.1184 524.8738 714.7991 502.1438 426.5778 492.0476 475.9678 699.7748 667.1461
L 0.6893 3.0147 2.6301 2.4426 2.1537 2.3212 2.6669 3.0246 3.8226
E(B) 0.3750 1.6911 1.5687 1.4840 1.3365 1.4038 1.5246 1.7077 1.9437
E(S) 0.0083 0.1216 0.0307 0.1349 0.0478 0.1501 0.1233 0.0894 0.1579

Alternatively, Table 3 shows the optimal value (F*, K*), the minimum expected cost TC(F*, K*), and various system
performance measures for different values of # and p, in which "=1.5, µ1=1.0 and µ2=1.2. Table 3 reveals that (i) the
optimal value K* and the minimum expected cost TC(F*, K*) increase as!# decreases, but F* increases as # increases; and
(ii) the optimal value (F*, K*) increases as p increases, but the minimum expected cost TC(F*, K*) increases with p
decreases. It is logical that the cost of maintaining the transport service system decreases as the startup rate (preparing
for admitting ships entrance) increases or the occurrence of ships re-loading (1-p) decreases. Moreover, the optimal
system capacity (working place) increases as the startup rate decreases and the optimal threshold level increases as the
startup rate increases.


In this paper, we studied an F-policy M/M/1/K queueing system with a second optional service, and obtain the
steady-state analytic solutions. This model generalizes (i) a generally M/M/1/K queueing system with a second optional
service; and (ii) an F-policy M/M/1 /K queueing system (see Gupta (1995)). We have provided a method to determine
the optimal threshold and system capacity simultaneously, to minimize the expected cost function, and calculated
various system performance measures under optimal operating conditions. This research presents an extension of the
Markovian model theory and the analysis of the model will provide a useful performance evaluation tool for more
general situations arising in practical applications, such as the wireless communication networks, the transport service
and production system, and many other related systems.


The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees and editor whose constructive comments have led to a substantial
improvement in the presentation of the paper. The work was partly supported by National Science Council of Taiwan,
under Contract No. 96-2628-E-025-001-MY3.


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Arrivals for a Markovian Queuing System


Jau-Chuan Ke is a professor of Applied Statistics at National Taichung Institute of

Technology, Taiwan. He received his M.S. in Applied Mathematics at National
Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, and his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at National
Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan. His research interests include reliability, statistics,
and queueing theory.

Chia-Jung Chang is an instructor of statistics in the Department of Accounting

Information, National Taichung Institute of Technology, Taiwan. She received her
Master. Degrees in Business Administration from Tamkung University, Taiwan,
R.O.C., in 1987. Her current research interests include the area of applied statistics.

Fu-Min Chang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance, ChaoYang

University of Technology, Taiwan. He received his Master and Ph.D. degrees from
National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1992 and 2005, respectively.
His current research interests include the area of queueing network, network
performance evaluation, and system and network management.


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