Maximilian Robespierre, the Jacobian leader, Robespierre was convicted, arrested and guillotined
Political Social Economic Ideas of followed policy of severe control and punishment in 1794 and the Jacobian government fell fell
Over exploitation of New constitution established denying concentration
Nobles and members against him were arrested and guillotined
Absolute Inefficient middle class due to Debt due to wars Unfair Taxes of power in a one-man executive
Monarchy Government feudal system
Inequality in taxes as the The government issued laws placing a maximum ceiling on wages and prices Led to the clash of the Directors with the Legislative Councils
burden was on the third estate
Louis XVI had Ministers were
unlimited power and corrupted and were France engaged in Participation in
lead a luxurious life selected on basis of long years of wars American war of Over exploitation by the policies led to the revolt of people Political instability paved the way for the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
birth and favouritism. which drained the Independence Ideas given by philosophers like John
financial resources added more debt Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau
influenced common people Women in France Slavery in France
Events of the French Revolution Women were denied education and job Slavery began in 17th century in the colonies of the Caribbean
training except noble class women for the supply of tobacco, indigo, sugar and coffee
Immediate Cause Louis XVI proposed to Assembly led by Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes Feudal system and taxes including The condition of working women was Europeans denied to work at such distant places thus resulted in shortage of
increase taxes due to huge Royal Debt got busy in drafting the Constitution. tithes got abolished miserable due to low wages
Led to the emergence of Napoleon Later became dictator of France which led to his
Abolition of censorship paved fall and he was defeated in waterloo in 1815
Bonaparte as the French ruler
way for freedom of press