Building Technology 5: (Assignment No. 5)
Building Technology 5: (Assignment No. 5)
Building Technology 5: (Assignment No. 5)
(Assignment No. 5)
This process involves the stressing of wires or cables by anchoring them at the
end of a metal form, which may be up to 120 m in length. Hydraulic jacks stress the
wire as required, often adding 10% to accommodate creep and other pre-stress losses
that may be incurred. Side molds are then fixed and the concrete placed around the
tensioned wires. The concrete hardens and shrinks, gripping the steel along its length,
transferring the tension from the jacks to exert a compressive force in the concrete.
Once the concrete has reached the desired strength, the tensioned wires are
released from the jacks. A typical concrete strength of 28 N/mm2 can be achieved by
24-hour steam curing, as well as using additives.
To create shorter members, dividing plates can be placed at any point along
the member which, when removed, permit the cutting of the wires.
This follows the reverse method to pre-tensioning, whereby the concrete
member is cast and the prestressing occurs after the concrete is hardened. This
method is often used where stressing is to be carried out on site after casting an insitu
component or where a series of precast concrete units are to be joined together to
form the required member.
The wires, cables or bars may be positioned in the unit before concreting, but
bonding to the concrete is prevented by using a flexible duct or rubber sheath which
is deflated and removed when the concrete has hardened.
Stressing is carried out after the concrete has been cured by means of hydraulic
jacks operating from one or both ends of the member. Due to the high local stresses
at the anchorage positions it is common for a helical (spiral) reinforcement to be
included in the design. When the required stress has been reached, the wire or cables
are anchored to maintain the prestress. The ends of the unit are sealed with cement
mortar to prevent corrosion due to any entrapped moisture and to assist in stress
Anchorages used in post-tensioning depend on whether the tendons are to be
stressed individually or as a group. Most systems use a form of split cone wedges or
jaws which act against a form of bearing or pressure plate.
There are many different post-tensioning systems. For example, the Freyssinet
system enables the stressing strands to be tensioned simultaneously using center hole
tensioning jacks, anchored by tapered jaws. This is suitable for pre-
stressing elements up to 50 m in length.