SeismicReflectionandRefractionMethods PDF
SeismicReflectionandRefractionMethods PDF
SeismicReflectionandRefractionMethods PDF
A. K. Chaubey
National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa-403 004.
Seismic Methods
Advantage Disadvantage
Can detect both lateral and depth variations in a physically Amount of data collected in a survey can rapidly
relevant parameter: seismic velocity. become overwhelming.
Data is expensive to acquire and the logistics of
Can produce detailed images of structural features present in
data acquisition are more intense than other
the subsurface.
geophysical methods.
Data reduction and processing can be time
Can be used to delineate stratigraphic and, in some instances,
consuming, require sophisticated computer
depositional features.
hardware, and demand considerable expertise.
Response to seismic wave propagation is dependent on rock
Equipment for the acquisition of seismic
density and a variety of physical (elastic) constants. Thus, any
observations is, in general, more expensive than
mechanism for changing these constants (porosity changes,
equipment required for the other geophysical
permeability changes, compaction, etc.) can, in principle, be
delineated via the seismic methods.
Direct detection of common contaminants present
Direct detection of hydrocarbons, in some instances, is
at levels commonly seen in hazardous waste
spills is not possible.
Factors affecting the amplitude of seismic
waves Geometry of reflection paths
Many factors affect the amplitude of seismic waves When there is a series of interfaces separating
and some of them are shown in Fig. 1. Many of these do individual formations having different velocities and the
not involve the subsurface of the Earth. In order to make distances between the interfaces are large compared
meaningful interpretation of amplitude variations, the with the seismic wavelengths employed, a separate
effects of irrelevant factors need to be removed. reflection should theoretically be observed from each
interface, although this does not always occur for a
The energy density of the seismic wave decreases number of reasons.
as it travels down in the subsurface. The decrease of
energy density is inversely proportional to the square of The time required for the waves to travel from a
the distance over which the wave has travelled, near surface source to the reflectors and back to
assuming a constant velocity. This phenomenon is called receivers on the surface are used, along with all
as spherical divergence. Because velocity increases with available information to determine the structure of the
depth, ray path curvature causes the energy density to reflecting surface. This process forms the geometrical
fall off even more rapidly. The rate of amplitude change basis for the reduction used with the reflection method.
for multiples and primaries differ because the curvature
depends upon the velocity variations. Reflection from horizontal surface
Let us assume a horizontal reflecting interface at a
depth z below the Earth’s surface. The seismic velocity
above the interface is Vo and that below it is V1 (Fig. 2a).
The path of the reflected wave generated at the shot
point and received by a detector at a distance x (also
known as offset) away from it consists of two segments
which have travelled from the surface to the reflecting
interface and back to the surface. If T is the total time,
the total path length L is related to x and z by the
L = 2√[z2+(x/2)2] = V0T........................(1)
V02T2 = 4z2+x2
V02T2 / 4z2 - x2 / 4z2 = 1
Fig. 1. Factors which affect amplitude of seismic wave.
Therefore, it is evident from the above equation
Absorption is another factor, which affects that the relation of T to x is hyperbolic for a horizontal
amplitude. The loss of energy in the Earth due to reflector. The equation (1) can also be written as:
absorption is described in various ways viz., i) by a
quantity called ‘Q’ (the amount of energy in a seismic T = (2/V0)√ [z2+(x/2)2 ]
wavelet compared to the amount of energy dissipated in T2 = 4/V02 (Ζ2+x2 /4)
one cycle); ii) by an absorption coefficient, which is an Z2 =T2 V02 /4 – x2 /4
exponential decay factor, and iii) by logarithmic z = [√{(V0T)2 - x2}]/2
decrement, a measure of the change of amplitude
between two successive cycles. The loss of energy by Fig. 2b shows the relation between travel time and
absorption increases with frequency. horizontal distance for a reflected ray. It can be shown
that the curve is actually a symmetrical one, as it holds
The shape of a reflector affects the energy density. for negative and positive value of x. The portion
The curvature of the reflector acts to focus or defocus corresponding to the negative values is not shown in the
the energy. Velocity situations such as a gas cap can figure. The axis of symmetry of hyperbola representing
have similar effects, acting as a lens to distort reflections the relationship is the line x=0.
from underneath them.
Seismic reflection Method After squaring, equation (1) can be written as :
The seismic reflection method is one of the best
geophysical methods because it produces the best T2 = x2/V02 + 4z2/V02
images of the subsurface. These data resolve mappable
features such as faults, folds and lithologic boundaries The plot of T2 against x2 is a straight line, which
measured in the 10's of meters, and image them laterally has a slope of 1/Vo2 and an intercept of 4z2/V02. The Fig.
for 100's of kilometers and to depths of 50 km or more. 2b (inset) shows the linearity between T2 and x2. The
velocity V0 can readily be determined from the slope of
the line thus obtained. Similarly the equation for travel Earth’s surface will be the first event to arrive up to the
time for the reflection from a bed (Fig. 3b), dipping at an distance xcross, which is shown in Fig. 3a.
angle φ can be derived.
At greater distance, the wave that took an indirect path, reaching it and leaving it at the critical angle ic, takes a
travelling down to, along and up from V1 layer arrive first path consisting of three legs, AB, BC and CD. To
because the time gained in travel through the higher determine the time in terms of horizontal distance
speed material makes up for the longer path. traveled, the following relations are considered:
sin ic = V0/V1
When the spherical wave fronts from S strike the cos ic = √ (1-V02/V12)
interface where the velocity changes, the energy will be tan ic = sin ic/cos ic
reflected into the lower medium according to Snell’s law. = Vo/√(V12-Vo2)
The processes are demonstrated in Fig. 4 for the time The total time (T) along the refraction path ABCD is
corresponding to the wave front 7. At point A on wave given as :
front 7, the tangent to the sphere in the lower medium T = TAB+TBC+TCD
becomes perpendicular to the boundary. The ray passing The above equation can also be written as :
through this point now begins to travel along the T = [z / (V0 cos ic)] + [(x - 2z tan ic) / V1] + [z / (V0 cos ic)]
boundary with the speed of the lower medium. = (2z / V0 cos ic) - (2z sin ic / V1 cos ic) + (x / V1)
Thus, by definition, the ray SA strikes the interface This can be transformed as :
at the critical angle. To the right of A, the wave fronts T = [2z / (V0 cos ic) (1 - sin2ic)] +[x/V1]
below the boundary travel faster than those above. = [x / V1 ] + [2z cos ic / V0]
= [x / V1] + [2z √(1 - (V0/V1)2) / V0]
The material on the upper side of the interface is Therefore,
subjected to oscillating stress from below which, as the T = [x / V1]+[2z √(V12 - V02) / V0V1]
wave travels, generates new disturbances along the
boundary. These disturbances themselves spread out On a plot of T vs x, the equation of straight line
spherically in the medium with a speed of V0. The wave which has a slope of 1/V1 and intercepts the T axis (x =
originating at point B in the lower medium will travel a 0) at a time (Ti) is given :
distance BC during the time in which the one spreading Ti = 2z √ [(V12 - V02) / V0V1 ]...............................(2)
out in the upper medium will attain a radius of BE. The where Ti is known as the intercept time.
resultant wave front above the interface will follow the
line CE, which makes the angle ic with the boundary. It
can be seen from Fig. 4 that:
sin ic = BE / BC
= V0t/V1t
= V0/V1
separated from its substratum horizontal interface. Xcrit is the increases with the depth. The slope of each segment is
critical distance and Xcross is the crossover distance. simply the reciprocal of the speed in the layer if the wave
(b) Refracted ray paths for two layers separated by two has travelled horizontally along the same. The intercept
horizontal interfaces. time of each segment depends on the depth of the
(c) Ray paths, time-distance curve and critical distances for interface at the bottom of the corresponding wave path
multilayered horizontal interfaces. Xc1, Xc2 etc. are crossover as well as on the depths of all those interfaces that lie
distances for successively dipping interfaces. above it in the section.
Blind zone First Full Fold CDP = [First CDP + (No. of Channel -
A similar kind of error may occur if the thickness of CDP per Shot)]
the layer with a speed intermediate between that of the
layer overlying and the one below is small and/or the Last Full Fold CDP = [Last CDP + (No. of Channel - CDP
velocity contrast between this and the layer that per Shot)]
underlies is inadequate. If only first arrivals can be
observed on the records, the refracted waves from the
intermediate layer will not be discernible because they
will always reach the surface at a later time than from
either a shallower or a deeper bed, depending on the
shot-detector distance. Fig. 6b shows the relation of the
(OBS) are normally designed to record the earth motion OBS is bolted to the anchor and then dropped (gently)
under oceans and lakes from air-gun seismic sources. over the side.
The air gun array is towed behind a ship usually at a
distance of about 50-60 m and about 25 m below sea Prior to deployment, the data logger is
surface. The air gun shooting is carried out either at fixed programmed with the number of sensors to record, the
time interval or at a fixed distance interval at a ship’s sample rate for data acquisition, and the start time. At
speed of about 4-5 knots. The seismic waves, generated the designated time, information from the selected
by air gun at the sea, travel at different paths as sensors is recorded on the data logger's which is usually
mentioned earlier. Each OBS then receives several a high capacity hard disk. This information is recorded
seismic waves for each shots arriving at different times. continuously for all selected sensors until either the hard
Each one of these arrivals is called a ray path. By disk is filled or the OBS is recovered and the data
combining the time of the arrival, and the magnitude and collection stopped.
phase of ray paths at many different locations and from
several OBS, a model of the earth's structure can be The OBS is recovered with an acoustic release.
created. The ship is positioned at the deployment location, and an
electronics unit on the ship transmits a pulse at a specific
The sensors used in the OBS consist of one frequency. The OBS, sitting on the ocean bottom,
vertical seismometer, two horizontal seismometers, and detects this pulse and replies with its own pulse at a
one hydrophone (Fig. 8). The seismometers are gimbal- different frequency. The time from the moment that the
mounted to ensure that the sensors are level to operate ship sent the first pulse to the time the ship receives the
efficiently. The horizontal seismometers are mounted 90 return pulse from the OBS is used to determine the
degrees to the vertical and 90 degrees to each other. distance between the ship and the OBS. Once the OBS's
The hydrophone provides information that is similar to location is confirmed, a coded transmitted pulse is sent
the vertical seismometer, and under certain conditions from the surface to initiate the release. The OBS then is
can have a better signal/noise ratio. The horizontal released from its anchor and enables a double pulse
geophones, mounted in the OBS, record S-wave (shear return (to indicate that it has released). Once the OBS is
wave) information. This method of imaging the earth is reached the sea surface, the instrument is retrieved and
called wide-angle seismic reflection and refraction washed with fresh water. The next deployment requires
because the trajectories of the ray paths are generally at downloading the data onto another computer, replacing
wide-angle from the vertical. The OBS typically provide the batteries, testing the system, and programming in
information about the structure of the Earth down to new parameters.
about 30-40 kilometers.
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