Peza Firms 03-31-2013
Peza Firms 03-31-2013
Peza Firms 03-31-2013
5.02% - Mixed
Construct a proposed 20-storey office
3 100% - Filipino Facilities E-Square I.T. Park Original building to be known as NET PLAZA for Real Estate Activities 07-09-F (IT) 3-Jul-2007
lease to PEZA-registered enterprises
99.992% - American
Exportation of ICT based research and IT Research and
13 360TRAINING.COM INC. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original 11-74-IT 9-Sep-2011
development and training activities Development
0.008% - Filipino
14 100% - Japanese I.T. UnionBank Plaza Original Outsourcing of Engineering CAD designs Architectural and Other 06-08-IT 27-Feb-2006
Design Services
3D AUTO DESIGNS (PHILS.), INC. To include Computer Aided Design (CAD)
I.T. UnionBank Plaza Amendment Architectural and Other S.A. 21-Dec-2006
training services
Design Services
65% - Filipino
20% -
Laguna International To lease out to PEZA-registered export
15 3H INTERNATIONAL, INC. Korean Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 03-10-F 17-Mar-2003
Industrial Park - SEZ enterprises its existing building
15% -
Page 1 of 240
3M PHILIPPINES (EXPORT), INC. 99.999% - Filipino
Golden Mile Business Conversion and sales of industrial and Paper and Paper
16 Export Original 08-24 12-May-2008
Park - SEZ specialty tapes and other related products Products
0.001% - Korean
8M PLASTICS TECHNOLOGIES, Filinvest Technology Manufacture of high precision plastic parts Rubber and Plastic
22 100% - Filipino Export Original 03-089 5-Dec-2003
INC. Park Calamba - SEZ and fabrication of molds for plastic injection Products
99.9% - Belgian
A.D.S. PHILIPPINES Mactan Economic To engage in business process outsourcing
26 0.1% - I.T. Original Software Development 10-57-IT 3-Sep-2010
CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ services
60% - Filipino
Radio, Television and
30% - Manufacture, production and assembly of
Cavite Economic Communication
27 A.L. E-COMPONENT INTL. INC. Singaporean Export Original various electronic components, products, 10-39 17-May-2010
Zone Equipment and
10% - devices and/or parts, etc.
99.98% - Korean
Cavite Economic Paper and Paper
28 A.P. CARTON BOX, INC. Export Original Manufacture of carton boxes 07-32 9-May-2007
Zone Products
0.02% - Filipino
Cavite Economic To include manufacture of pallets and other Paper and Paper
A.P. CARTON BOX, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 16-Nov-2011
Zone packaging materials Products
66% - Japanese
30 A.T. PRIME SOLUTION CORP. 34% - I.T. One Corporate Centre Original To engage in software development Software Development 12-60-IT 4-Jul-2012
Page 2 of 240
Calamba Premiere
Logistics Warehousing and
A2Z LOGISTICS INC. International Park - New Project Establishment of second warehouse facility S.A. 21-Dec-2006
Service Storage
Fabricated Metal
A-5 ALLIANCE INDUSTRIAL Filinvest Technology Fabrication and assembly of precision Products, Except
32 100% - Filipino Export Original 05-38 30-Jun-2005
MACHINES INCORPORATED Park Calamba - SEZ component parts Machinery and
ABANTE TIRE MARKETING First Cavite Industrial To lease out its existing two (2)-storey
34 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 03-01-F 15-Jan-2003
CORP. Estate - SEZ building with basement
PHILIPPINES INC. 44% - American
Eastwood City
35 56% - I.T. Original To engage in software development Software Development 08-28-IT 16-Jun-2008
Other IT-enabled
36 ABCACADEMY INC. 100% - Japanese I.T. KRC IT Zone Original To engage in Online English tutorial services 13-21 6-Feb-2013
95.72% - Filipino
CORPORATION People's Technology Manufacture of semi-refined carrageenan, Food Products and
43 Export Original 11-43 6-Jul-2011
(Formerly: Rico Philippines Complex - SEZ seaweed chips and seaweed flour Beverages
4.28% - Taiwanese
Industrial Corp.)
Calamba Premiere
Construction of a four-storey building for
44 ACCEL WAREHOUSE 100% - Filipino Facilities International Park - Original Real Estate Activities 02-01-F 1-Mar-2002
lease to PEZA-registered export enterprises
99.99995% - Dutch
Engage in software development and
45 ACCENTURE, INC. 0.00004% - Filipino I.T. Robinsons CyberPark Original Software Development 06-37-IT 18-Jul-2006
business process outsourcing (BPO)
0.00001% - Brazilian
ACCENTURE, INC. I.T. Robinsons CyberPark New Project Engage in call center services Call Centers S.A. 12-Jul-2007
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ACCENTURE, INC. I.T. Pioneer House Cebu New Project Software development services project Software Development S.A. 30-Jul-2007
McKinley Hill
ACCENTURE, INC. I.T. Expansion To engage in software development Software Development S.A. 21-Jan-2009
McKinley Hill
ACCENTURE, INC. I.T. Expansion To engage in software development Software Development S.A. 19-Jul-2010
McKinley Hill
ACCENTURE, INC. I.T. Expansion To engage in Software Development Software Development S.A. 23-Mar-2012
McKinley Hill
ACCENTURE, INC. I.T. Expansion To engage in Software Development Software Development S.A. 20-Dec-2012
61% - Filipino
30% -
To engage in on-line tutorial service of Other IT-enabled
46 ACCESS E-TALK PLUS, INC. Japanese I.T. Mango Square Original 11-66-IT 17-Aug-2011
English language and customer support Services
9% -
To set-up an IT-enabled facility to perform
business processes outsourcing (BPO), i.e.,
call center, data entry and encoding, design
99.99996% - American
ACCESS WORLDWIDE (AWWC) and implementation and operations of back-
47 I.T. RCBC Plaza Original Call Centers 05-08-IT 13-Apr-2005
PHILIPPINES, INC. office business process such as finance and
0.00004% - Filipino
accounting management, supply chain
transformation, and human resources
Page 4 of 240
99.99985% - American To engage in Call Center Services
49 I.T. Original Call Centers 08-57-IT 25-Sep-2008
0.00015% - Filipino
99.9975% - Australian
To engage in Business Process Outsourcing
ACQUIRE ASIA PACIFIC MANILA Eastwood City and Call Center Services for information,
57 0.002% - Filipino I.T. Original Call Centers 12-113-IT 20-Nov-2012
2, INC. Cyberpark support, lead generation and other related
0.0005% - American
Data Encoding,
ACS OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park New Project Data encoding and indexing Transcribing and S.A. 28-Jan-2007
Related Services
Page 5 of 240
To perform information technology
outsourcing services and business process
Business Process
ACS OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. SM iCITY 2 Expansion outsourcing (BPO) to all types of S.A. 20-Apr-2009
enterprises, organizations, entities and
Data Encoding,
ACS OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Expansion Data encoding and indexing Transcribing and S.A. 18-Jan-2012
Related Services
Data Encoding,
ADAMAY INTERNATIONAL CO., Carmelray Industrial
Export Amendment Encoding of various documents Transcribing and S.A. 10-May-2005
INC. Park II - SEZ
Related Services
99.99625% - Singaporean
ADAMPAK & PRINT Carmelray Industrial Rubber and Plastic
63 Export Original Manufacture of self-adhesive labels 00-022 7-Mar-2000
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Park II - SEZ Products
0.00375% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
Wood, Wood Products
ADAPTIS MODULAR 20% - Mactan Economic
64 Export Original Manufacture of prefabricated houses and Cork, Except 12-61 24-Aug-2012
20% - Australian
67 ADP (PHILIPPINES), INC. 0.000003% - Filipino I.T. RCBC Plaza Original To engage in IT-enabled Call Center/BPO Call Centers 10-62-IT 22-Sep-2010
0.000001% - American
To engage in IT-enabled Call Center/BPO to
ADP (PHILIPPINES), INC. I.T. RCBC Plaza Amendment Call Centers S.A. 28-Oct-2011
include the 40th Floor, Tower II
99.9999% - Italian
Baguio City Economic
68 ADRISTE (PHILIPPINES), INC. Export Original Manufacture of high fashion leather gloves Wearing Apparel 80-10 15-Oct-1980
0.0001% - Filipino
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97% - Korean
ADT ADTECH PROTECTIVE FILM People's Technology Rubber and Plastic
69 3% - Export Original Manufacture of protective films 06-08 19-Jan-2006
PHILIPPINES, INC. Complex - SEZ Products
99.7% - Japanese
Research and Experimental Development in IT Research and
71 ADVANCED JP 7, INC. I.T. PBCom Tower Original 12-106-IT 7-Nov-2012
Information and Technology Development
0.3% - Filipino
99.99875% - British Virgin
0.00075% - Light Industry & Manufacture of foam swab and polyester Rubber and Plastic
72 ADVANCED MOLDING CO., INC. Export Original 04-78 6-Dec-2004
Filipino Science Park I - SEZ swab Products
0.0005% -
Fabricated Metal
Greenfield Automotive Products, Except
ADVANCED MOLDING CO., INC. Export New Project Machining and assembling metal parts S.A. 5-Jul-2010
Park - SEZ Machinery and
80% - Filipino
ADVANCED SOUND Radio, Television and
Manufacture/ assembly of loud speakers
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Cavite Economic Communication
74 19.9995% - Hong Kong Export Original (audio) for radios, TV sets, microphones, 04-03 7-Jan-2004
(Approved as Billion Sounds Zone Equipment and
speaker system, etc.
Electronics, Inc.) Apparatus
0.0005% - British
ADVANCED SOUND Cavite Economic Authority to lease out its factory building to
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 2-Dec-2008
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone CQS Stainless Corporation
ADVANCED SOUND Cavite Economic Authority to lease out its building space to
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 30-Sep-2009
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone Prophile Sound Industries, Inc.
ADVANCED SOUND Cavite Economic Authority to lease out its factory building
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 4-Aug-2010
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone space to Dae Yun Co., Inc.
ADVANCED TRADELINKS Logistics Carmelray Industrial Establishment of a new warehouse facility Warehousing and
New Project S.A. 20-Jun-2006
PHILS., INC. Service Park II - SEZ for lease to PEZA-registered enterprises Storage
Page 7 of 240
To construct a 12-storey office building
(exclusive of 1 penthouse and 2 level
79 100% - Filipino Facilities Cebu I.T. Park Original basement parking) for lease to PEZA- Real Estate Activities 09-03-F (IT) 28-May-2009
registered enterprises to be known as
99.999951% - American
Establishment of a contact center which will
provide outsourced customer care services
AEGIS PEOPLESUPPORT, INC. 0.000025% - Filipino
and site hosting activities, particularly the
80 (Formerly: I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original Call Centers 03-17-IT 12-Aug-2003
provision of fully managed service facility for
Peoplesupport (Philippines), Inc.) 0.000012% - Australian
call center operations of other PEZA-
registered BPO companies
0.000012% - Indian
99.99995% - Dutch
Contact center operation which will provide
AEGIS SERVICES PHILIPPINES, The Rockwell outsourced customer care services and
81 0.00004% - Filipino I.T. Original Call Centers 10-84-IT 22-Nov-2010
INC. Business Center engage in business process outsourcing
0.00001% - Australian
70% - Japanese
10% -
Thai Philplans Corporate To engage in IT system development and
83 (Formerly: Aeon Credit I.T. Original Software Development 08-65-IT 17-Nov-2008
10% - Malaysian Center maintenance services
Technology Systems
(Philippines) Inc.)
10% - Hong Kong
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AGA PHILIPPINES, INC. 99.99998% - Japanese
Laguna Technopark - Electrical Machinery and
88 (Formerly: Aruze Export Original Production of gaming machine 08-55 30-Sep-2008
SEZ Apparatus, N.E.C.
Gaming Philippines, Inc.) 0.00002% - Filipino
Laguna Technopark - Wire harness, die cut, printing, vaccum Electrical Machinery and
AGA PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Expansion S.A. 29-May-2012
SEZ forming and baking finish Apparatus, N.E.C.
AGC FLAT GLASS PHILIPPINES, 84.46% - Japanese Manufacture of architectural flat glass
Other Non-Metallic
90 INC. (Formerly: Asahi Export Asahi - SEZ Original products such as float glass, figured glass 07-33 28-May-2007
Mineral Products
Glass Philippines, Inc.) 15.54% - Filipino and industrial flat glass such as solar glass
AGC FLAT GLASS PHILIPPINES, Increase in production capacity of solar Other Non-Metallic
Export Asahi - SEZ Expansion S.A. 20-May-2010
INC. glass cover (solite) Mineral Products
Calamba Premiere
Engage in the construction of factory
91 AGC REALTY CORPORATION 100% - Filipino Facilities International Park - Original Real Estate Activities 95-A08 14-Feb-1995
buildings with Mezzanine Office
0.005% - Australian
To engage in warehousing/logistics
operations: (a) storage, deposit, inventory
management of goods for subsequent
transfer directly to ecozone plant of the
PEZA-registered export entreprise-owner /
99.998% - Filipino consignee thereof; and (b) importation /
procurement of goods for resale, or for
(Formerly: a) Logistics People's Technology Warehousing and
93 0.001% - German Original packing/covering (including marking and 03-29-L 17-Dec-2003
Geologistics Solutions Service Complex - SEZ Storage
labeling), cutting or altering to customer's
b)Geologistics Distribution, Inc.)
0.001% - Australian specification, mounting and/or packaging
into kits or marketable lots thereof for
subsequent sale, transfer or disposition to
PEZA-registered export enterprises, for
direct export or for consignment to PEZA-
registered export enterprises
A-GRADE GARMENTS First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of men's and ladies' garments
95 100% - Filipino Export Original Wearing Apparel 95-26 1-Mar-1995
MANUFACTURING CORP. Estate - SEZ such as blazers/jackets, pants and skirts
Fabricated Metal
AICHI FORGING COMPANY OF Toyota Sta. Rosa - Manufacture of forged products, specifically Products, Except
98 100% - Japanese Export Original 04-17 3-Mar-2004
ASIA, INC. SEZ closed impression forging of steel Machinery and
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Fabricated Metal
AICHI FORGING COMPANY OF Toyota Sta. Rosa - Manufacture of parts for engine and drive Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 3-Mar-2004
ASIA, INC. SEZ train Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Production of pressed molded parts for DVD
First Philippine Products, Except
AIKAWA PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project drives of personal computers and other S.A. 9-May-2006
Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
related equipment and application
Fabricated Metal
Engage in the fabrication of parts and
First Philippine Products, Except
AIKAWA PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project components and die sets and plastic S.A. 24-Apr-2007
Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
injection moulds from steel plates
First Philippine Production of Plastic Pressed Parts using Rubber and Plastic
AIKAWA PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 2-Jun-2011
Industrial Park - SEZ Hot Runner Technology Products
Fabricated Metal
First Philippine Production of Metal Pressed Parts using Products, Except
AIKAWA PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 2-Jun-2011
Industrial Park - SEZ Servo Process/Technology Machinery and
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES Mactan Economic Generation of industrial gases such as Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export New Project S.A. 7-Sep-2000
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. Zone Nitrogen, Hydrogen and liquid Nitrogen and Hot Water Supply
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES West Cebu Industrial Installation of an Air Separation Unit, as Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export New Project S.A. 5-Aug-2004
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. Park - SEZ "New Project with Base Figure" and Hot Water Supply
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES First Philippine Installation of an APSA T7 Nitrogen Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export New Project S.A. 25-Jun-2008
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ Generating System and Hot Water Supply
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES Light Industry & Installation of an APSA T3 Nitrogen Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export New Project S.A. 25-Jun-2008
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. Science Park II - SEZ Generating System and Hot Water Supply
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES Laguna Technopark - Installation of a TCN 3600AR Nitrogen Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export Expansion S.A. 15-Dec-2008
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. SEZ Generating System and Hot Water Supply
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AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES Golden Mile Business Installation of an APSA T5 Nitrogen Gas Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export New Project S.A. 25-Feb-2009
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. Park - SEZ Generator and Hot Water Supply
Calamba Premiere
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES Installation of Nitrogen Gas Generating Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export International Park - Expansion S.A. 21-Jul-2010
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. System (APSA T7) and Hot Water Supply
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES First Philippine To include the installation of a Silane Tube Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export Amendment S.A. 5-Aug-2010
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ Trailer Maintenance Facility and Hot Water Supply
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES Installation of a Nitrogen Gas Generating Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export Asahi - SEZ Amendment S.A. 7-Apr-2011
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. System (HMS) and Hot Water Supply
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES First Philippine Installation of an additional Nitrogen Gas Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export Expansion S.A. 12-Jul-2011
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ Generating System (APSA T7) and Hot Water Supply
Calamba Premiere
Export International Park - New Project Installation of an Air Separation (ASU) Plant S.A. 29-Sep-2011
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. and Hot Water Supply
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES Food Terminal Inc. - Installation of a Nitrogen Gas Generator Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export New Project S.A. 7-May-2012
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. SEZ (APSA T6) and Underground Pipelines and Hot Water Supply
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES Laguna Technopark - Installation of additional underground Electricity, Gas, Steam
Export Amendment S.A. 18-Jan-2013
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. SEZ pipelines to supply Nitrogen gas and Hot Water Supply
99.99979% - French
To engage in warehousing/logistics
Logistics New Cebu Township - operations, particularly importation and Warehousing and
104 SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. - Original 10-18-L 18-Nov-2010
Service SEZ distribution of Fumigas in cylinders to PEZA- Storage
WAREHOUSING DIVISION 0.00008% - Filipino
registered export enterprises
0.00005% - Korean
To engage in warehousing operations, i.e.,
AIR LIQUIDE PIPELINE UTILITIES importation and distribution to PEZA-
Logistics New Cebu Township - Warehousing and
SERVICES (ALPLUS), INC. - Amendment registered export enterprises of various S.A. 27-Feb-2012
Service SEZ Storage
WAREHOUSING DIVISION industrial gases not manufactured by
ALPLUS in any of its facilities
Fabricated Metal
To engage in heat treatment of metal shafts
Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
106 AIR WATER PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original for hard disk drives of computers and other 02-055 23-Oct-2002
SEZ Machinery and
electronic products.
81.75% - Japanese
Carmelray Industrial Engage in the manufacture of various Rubber and Plastic
107 AKAGI GOMU PHILS. CORP. Export Original 07-08 30-Jan-2007
Park I - SEZ rubber molded products Products
18.25% - Filipino
Page 11 of 240
98.96% - Taiwanese
ALICIA ANN INTERNATIONAL, Mactan Economic To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
110 Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 10-11-F 24-Jun-2010
INC. Zone its existing building
1.04% - Filipino
Page 12 of 240
ALTA RESOURCES To engage in software development, risk
(PHILIPPINES) CORPORATION 99.97% - American management services and information
Wynsum Corporate
125 I.T. Original technology professional services focused on Software Development 08-20-IT 29-Apr-2008
(Formerly: Alta Se Asia 0.03% - Filipino delivering productivity improvements and
Philippines Corporation) cost efficiencies
To construct a 10-storey office building for
127 100% - Filipino Facilities Cebu I.T. Park Original lease to PEZA-registered enterprises to be Real Estate Activities 08-08-F (IT) 13-Aug-2008
76% - Filipino
Eastwood City
128 24% - I.T. Original To engage in call center services Call Centers 09-18-IT 11-Feb-2009
99.993% - Japanese
Cavite Economic
130 AMCA SMART SOLUTIONS INC. I.T. Original Smart card integration and business solution Software Development 03-02-IT 27-Jan-2003
0.007% - Filipino
99.992% - American
To provide Business Processing Business Process
131 AMEERATEL INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original 13-39 26-Feb-2013
Outsourcing Outsourcing
0.008% - Filipino
West Cebu Industrial To engage in the production of coconut Food Products and
134 AMELIORATE INC. 100% - Filipino Export Original 13-26 12-Feb-2013
Park - SEZ based food wrap Beverages
Cavite Economic Engage in the operation of a customer call
135 CONVERSION CORPORATION 100% - American I.T. Original Call Centers 07-30-IT 10-May-2007
Zone center
(A.P.C.) B.V.
Cavite Economic Manufacture of New Data Center Office, Accounting and
CONVERSION CORPORATION Export New Project S.A. 12-Dec-2002
Zone Architecture called PowerStruXure™ Computing Machinery
(A.P.C.) B.V.
Page 13 of 240
60.66% - Filipino
Baguio City Economic
137 AMIDA SOFTWARE ASIA, INC. I.T. Original To engage in Software Development Software Development 12-30-IT 29-Mar-2012
39.34% - Japanese
99.99995% - British Virgin
0.00003% -
Israeli McKinley Hill
138 AMIKAT SERVICES INC. I.T. Original To engage in call center operations Call Centers 12-04-IT 11-Jan-2012
0.00001% - Cyberpark
0.00001% -
AMIKAT SERVICES INC. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park New Project To engage in call center/IT-enabled services Call Centers S.A. 15-Oct-2012
60% - Filipino
39.98% - To construct and operate 16 units factory
140 Singaporean Facilities Original buildings for lease/sale to PEZA-registered Real Estate Activities 12-09-F 24-Jul-2012
INC. Center - SEZ
0.02% - enterprises
Radio, Television and
To engage in the manufacture of blank Communication
141 (Formerly: Beall 100% - Korean Export International Park - Original 03-076 22-Oct-2003
compact disc for CD-R and DVD drive Equipment and
Philippines, Inc.) SEZ
99.996% - Austrian
ams Asia Inc. Radio, Television and
(Formerly: Carmelray Industrial Testing and customized packaging of Communication
143 0.003% - Filipino Export Original 06-10 30-Jan-2006
austriamicrosystems Park II - SEZ Integrated Circuits / Semiconductors Equipment and
(Philippines) Inc.) Apparatus
0.001% - American
Electrical sort testing of semiconductor Radio, Television and
Carmelray Industrial integrated circuits in wafer form, dicing of Communication
ams Asia Inc. Export New Project S.A. 4-Feb-2008
Park II - SEZ wafers into indivisual chip component and Equipment and
packing of chips in plastic reels Apparatus
99.99959% - Dutch
Radio, Television and
Manufacture, assembly and test of
Gateway Business Communication
145 ANALOG DEVICES (PHILS.) INC. 0.00025% - Filipino Export Original integrated circuit chips/semiconductor 12-12 13-Feb-2012
Park - SEZ Equipment and
devices, and inspection of dice
0.00016% - American
99.9995% - Dutch
Radio, Television and
ANALOG DEVICES GEN. TRIAS, Gateway Business Manufacture, assembly and testing of semi- Communication
146 0.0004% - Filipino Export Original 95-117 6-Nov-1995
INC. Park - SEZ conductor devices and inspection of dice Equipment and
0.0001% - American
Radio, Television and
ANALOG DEVICES GEN. TRIAS, Gateway Business Increase in production capacity of the Communication
Export Expansion S.A. 1-Dec-2000
INC. Park - SEZ production of integrated circuits Equipment and
Page 14 of 240
To provide warehousing/logistics support
99.9995% - Dutch
services, particularly
ANALOG DEVICES GEN. TRIAS, Logistics Gateway Business importation/procurement, storage, deposit, Warehousing and
147 0.0004% - Filipino Original 08-13-L 24-Jun-2008
INC. - WAREHOUSING DIVISION Service Park - SEZ inventory management of goods, for Storage
subsequent sale, transfer or disposition to
0.0001% - American
PEZA/BOI-registered export enterprises
99.9995% - Dutch
ANALOG DEVICES GEN. TRIAS, Gateway Business To engage in ADPhils HR Shared Services Business Process
148 0.0004% - Filipino I.T. Original 10-83-IT 23-Nov-2010
INC.. Park - SEZ Center Outsourcing
0.0001% - American
To engage in the manufacture of parts of Fabricated Metal
81% - Japanese
ANDO SEIMITSU KOGYO MFG. People's Technology automobile, electrical appliances, aircraft, Products, Except
149 19% - Export Original 07-51 7-Sep-2007
AND TRADING PHILS., CORP. Complex - SEZ medical equipment, industrial machines and Machinery and
other related items Equipment
Fabricated Metal
99% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Engage in fabrication of metal parts and Products, Except
150 ANT STEEL CORPORATION 1% - Export Original 91-034 5-Jan-1991
Zone fittings for the construction industry Machinery and
37.5% - American
To engage in software development (self-
Summit One Office service order entry device, integration
152 ANTICO MANILA, INC. 37.5% - Filipino I.T. Original Software Development 03-27-IT 20-Nov-2003
Tower broker, resource management application,
25% -
intranet) and IT consulting services
Page 15 of 240
Golden Mile Business Manufacture of wrist strap, grounding cord, Machinery and
153 SYSTEM CORP. 10% - Export Original 08-36 23-Jul-2008
Park - SEZ shoe grounder, and conductive chair Equipment, N.E.C.
ANTISTATIC PRODUCT Cavite Economic Manufacture of portable and mountable type Electrical Machinery and
Export Amendment S.A. 8-Apr-1991
SPECIALIST Zone of anti-static service mats Apparatus, N.E.C.
Page 16 of 240
85.714293% - Filipino
0.0000071% - American
To engage in the manufacture of home
decorative items, household wares and
Wood, Wood Products
Mactan Economic furniture such as window blinds, lamps and
160 APOLLO SUN CORPORATION 100% - Taiwanese Export Original and Cork, Except 03-071 19-Sep-2003
Zone II - SEZ other similar products as well as sliced and
treated wood lumber as component parts
87% - American
12% - Eastwood City
161 APPLABS DIGITAL STUDIOS INC. I.T. Original To engage in Software Development Software Development 12-27-IT 20-Mar-2012
Filipino Cyberpark
1% - Burmese
Fabricated Metal
89% - Filipino Manufacture of automotive, motorcycle,
APPLIEDMACHINING Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
164 11% - Export Original industrial, electronics, semiconductor and 10-94 6-Dec-2010
Canadian other parts/components of similar nature
Calamba Premiere
166 100% - Filipino Facilities International Park - Original Construct three (3) units factory buildings Real Estate Activities 01-004-F 6-Mar-2001
Fabricated Metal
Engage in the manufacture / fabrication of
ARGENTSEM TECHNOLOGY Filinvest Technology Products, Except
172 100% - Filipino Export Original tools and dies, and system and equipment 07-18 22-Feb-2007
SYSTEMS INC. Park Calamba - SEZ Machinery and
Page 17 of 240
Increase in services rendered in its
registered activity, i.e., Business Process
ARINSO INTERNATIONAL Eton Cyberpod Outsourcing (BPO) focusing on full range of Business Process
I.T. Expansion S.A. 7-Apr-2011
PHILIPPINES, INC. Corinthian Human Relations (HR) needs and provides Outsourcing
consulting services in the areas of HR
strategy, HR integration and HR operations
Stenciling, etching and photoplot design for Radio, Television and
INT'L., INC. 60% - Filipino
Laguna Technopark - the semiconductor and electronics industry Communication
177 40% - Export Original 09-30 1-Jun-2009
SEZ Equipment and
60% - Filipino UP Science and To engage in IT Systems Development and
178 40% - I.T. Technology Park Original Web Applications and Multi-media Software Development 08-10-IT 22-Feb-2008
American (North) Development Services
60% - Filipino
First Philippine To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
180 ARKTECH LANDHOLDING CORP. 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 09-03-F 12-Mar-2009
Industrial Park - SEZ its three (3) existing buildings
Fabricated Metal
Engage in the high precision processing of
First Philippine Products, Except
181 ARKTECH PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original plates and various types of press and 03-029 1-Apr-2003
Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
assembly works
Fabricated Metal
First Philippine To include the manufacture of die and mould Products, Except
ARKTECH PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 24-Sep-2004
Industrial Park - SEZ for computer parts and other ATM parts Machinery and
75% - Chinese
Manufacture of various plastic products,
15% -
Cavite Economic such as T-Shirt Bags, Roll Bags, Grab Bags, Rubber and Plastic
187 ARTPACK PHILIPPINES, INC. Japanese Export Original 11-22 20-Apr-2011
Zone Notion Bags and other Packaging Plastic Products
10% -
items for Malls and/or Supermarkets
84.9857% - Korean
People's Technology Manufacture of Wall Covering and Woven
188 ARTVIVANT, INC. 10% - Japanese Export Original Textiles 02-033 27-Jun-2002
Complex - SEZ Textiles
5.0143% - Filipino
Manufacture and production of gaming
machines such as, but not limited to, slot
BRANCH Laguna Technopark - Electrical Machinery and
189 100% - American Export Original machines, roulette machines and other 09-41 27-Jul-2009
SEZ Apparatus, N.E.C.
gaming equipment for industrial and
commercial casino users and operators
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ARUZE G.A. PHILIPPINES Pacific Star Building To engage in software development
190 100% - American I.T. Original Software Development 09-68-IT 26-Aug-2009
BRANCH Condominium
99.9999% - Chinese
ARUZE PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Electrical Machinery and
191 Export Original Manufacture/assembly of gaming machines 12-79 16-Oct-2012
0.0001% - Japanese
ASABA MANUFACTURING Light Industry & To include the manufacture of industrial Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 30-May-1997
PHILS., INC. Science Park II - SEZ wheel assembly Products
ASABA MANUFACTURING Light Industry & Manufacture of parts of Innovative Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 8-Jan-2009
PHILS., INC. Science Park II - SEZ Multipurpose Vehicle (IMV) Products
Fabricated Metal
70% - Japanese
Light Industry & Products, Except
194 ASAHICAST PHILIPPINES, INC. 30% - Export Original Manufacture of metal diecast products 01-039 18-Jun-2001
Science Park II - SEZ Machinery and
99.995% - Singaporean
ASCENDAS E-SQUARE Construction of a 15-storey building to be
196 Facilities E-Square I.T. Park Original Real Estate Activities 07-10-F (IT) 20-Sep-2007
PROPERTIES CORPORATION known as Total Corporate Center II
0.005% - Filipino
ASHFORD WELLS GLOBAL LTD To engage in IT enabled services,
199 100% - Filipino I.T. Bancorporation Original Call Centers 12-55-IT 19-Jun-2012
INC. specifically call center operations
75% - Taiwanese
ASIA PACIFIC ENERGY Develop and operate a power supply and Electricity, Gas, Steam
200 25% Utilities TECO - SEZ Original 04-01-U 12-Mar-2004
CORPORATION distribution facility and Hot Water Supply
- Bahamian
Fabricated Metal
West Cebu Industrial Manufacture and fabrication of all kinds of Products, Except
ASIAN CRAFT (CEBU), INC. Export Amendment 99-038 24-May-1999
Park - SEZ metal products Machinery and
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Fabricated Metal
West Cebu Industrial To include fabrication of steel blocks for Products, Except
ASIAN CRAFT (CEBU), INC. Export Amendment S.A. 26-Jul-2012
Park - SEZ barges Machinery and
To provide BPO, KPO and other IT-related
204 COMMUNICATION SUPPORT 100% - Japanese I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original Software Development 13-59 21-Mar-2013
99.9989% - Japanese
ASIAN GLOBAL CREATION To engage in call center services
205 I.T. Cebu I.T. Tower Original Call Centers 12-52-IT 8-Jun-2012
PHILS., INC. (inbound/outbound services)
0.0011% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
ASIAN MICRO REALTY DEV'T., Light Industry & Construction of factory buildings for lease to
207 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 98-05-F 31-Aug-1998
INC. Science Park II - SEZ PEZA-registered ecozone enterprises
99.999945% - British
0.000018% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Laguna Technopark - Design and manufacture / assembly of food Products, Except
209 ASIASUPPLYLINE INC. 100% - Filipino Export Original 10-100 28-Dec-2010
SEZ mixers and food processors Machinery and
ASPAC WORLDWIDE Laguna International Engage in the establishment and operation Warehousing and
212 100% - Filipino Free Trade Original 01-01-FT 8-Nov-2001
LOGISTICS, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ of a worldwide distribution and logistics hub Storage
ASTEC INTERNATIONAL Orient Square I.T. To provide business process outsourcing Business Process
I.T. New Project S.A. 26-May-2009
LIMITED - PHIL. BRANCH Bldg. services Outsourcing
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ASTEC INTERNATIONAL Eastwood City To provide business process outsourcing Business Process
I.T. New Project S.A. 26-May-2009
LIMITED - PHIL. BRANCH Cyberpark services Outsourcing
I.T. Amendment To include the Prototyping Function activity Architectural and Other S.A. 27-Oct-2011
Design Services
ASTEC POWER PHILIPPINES, Cavite Economic Manufacture of telecommunications mini- Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 16-Sep-2002
INC. Zone system Apparatus, N.E.C.
ASTEC POWER PHILIPPINES, Cavite Economic Manufacture of standard modular power Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 16-Sep-2002
INC. Zone supply Apparatus, N.E.C.
ASTEC POWER PHILIPPINES, Cavite Economic Manufacture of external power supply Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 30-Oct-2006
INC. Zone (adaptors) Apparatus, N.E.C.
99.994% - Japanese
To engage in ICT-enabled general ship Business Process
219 ASTRO SHIPMANAGEMENT, INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original 07-59-IT 6-Sep-2007
management services Outsourcing
0.006% - Filipino
Eastwood City
221 AT NETWORK SERVICES INC. 100% - Filipino I.T. Original Engage in Software Development Software Development 06-96-IT 5-Dec-2006
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To operate and maintain an existing building
Facilities New Project for lease/sale to PEZA-registered Real Estate Activities S.A. 17-Oct-2011
Mactan Economic Manufacture of injected and extruded plastic Rubber and Plastic
ATOMED CEBU, INC. Export Expansion S.A. 28-Nov-2011
Zone II - SEZ parts project Products
99.925% - German
TECHNOLOGY INC. 0.05% - Singaporean, Eastwood City Call center operations offering IT helpdesk
227 I.T. Original Call Centers 10-89-IT 16-Dec-2010
(Formerly: Siemens IT Indian, Austrian and Filipino Cyberpark and customer care
Solutions and Services, Inc.)
0.025% - British
Production services and facilitate the
PHILIPPINES, INC. Other IT-enabled
231 100% - American I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original publishing, marketing and on-line 10-49-IT 13-Aug-2010
(Formerly: Xlibris Services
distribution of books
Philippines, Inc.)
AUTOLIV CEBU SAFETY Mactan Economic To include the manufacture of plastic Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 12-May-2005
MANUFACTURING, INC. Zone packaging materials and Semi-Trailers
Radio, Television and
(PHIL.) INC. 60% - Filipino
Light Industry & Manufacture of semiconductor parts and Communication
233 (Formerly: 1) Automated 40% - Export Original 96-068 4-Jun-1996
Science Park I - SEZ electronic components Equipment and
Technology (Phil.), Inc.; 2) ISPL British Virgin Islander
(Phil.) Inc.)
Page 22 of 240
99.9977% - Singaporean
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of automotive air conditioning Motor Vehicles, Trailers
234 CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY 0.0017% - Japanese Export Original 04-20 29-Mar-2004
Park I - SEZ system and/or parts and Semi-Trailers
0.0006% - Filipino
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of pipes for automotive air bag Motor Vehicles, Trailers
CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY Export Amendment S.A. 14-Nov-2006
Park I - SEZ system and Semi-Trailers
Fabricated Metal
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of automotive airbag steel pipe Products, Except
CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY Export Expansion S.A. 3-Oct-2008
Park I - SEZ with controlled atmosphere brazing furnace Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
AUTOMOTIVE AIR- Assembly of cooling unit, compressor mount
Carmelray Industrial Products, Except
CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY Export Amendment bracket and installation of aircon systems S.A. 2-Jul-2010
Park I - SEZ Machinery and
PHILIPPINES, INC. and parts at the customer sites
80% - American
236 20% - I.T. Original Engage in call center services Call Centers 08-38-IT 24-Jul-2008
INC. Cyberpark
B/E AEROSPACE B.V. - PHIL. First Philippine Manufacture and sale of commercial aircraft Other Transport
242 100% - British Export Original 10-09 28-Jan-2010
BRANCH Industrial Park - SEZ galleys Equipment
Fabricated Metal
B/E AEROSPACE B.V. - PHIL. First Philippine Manufacture of Commercial Ovens for Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 2-May-2011
BRANCH Industrial Park - SEZ installation in Aircraft Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
B/E AEROSPACE B.V. - PHIL. First Philippine To include manufacture of water boilers for Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 9-May-2012
BRANCH Industrial Park - SEZ installation in aircraft Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
B/E AEROSPACE B.V. - PHIL. First Philippine Manufacturing, Sale, Distribution and Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 19-Jul-2012
BRANCH Industrial Park - SEZ Marketing of Commercial Aircraft Lavatories Machinery and
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Radio, Television and
99.9% - Korean Calamba Premiere
247 Baek Geum Philippines Corp. 0.1% - Export International Park - Original Manufacture of Radar Detector 12-96 20-Dec-2012
Equipment and
American SEZ
84.313% - American
To provide legal process outsourcing Business Process
248 BAER REED, INC. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original 11-18-IT 16-Mar-2011
services to international clients Outsourcing
15.687% - Filipino
88% - Taiwanese
250 12% Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Original Manufacture of all kinds/types of bags 10-62 28-Jul-2010
CORPORATION Handbags and Footwear
- Filipino
99.9997% - Filipino
BALAMBAN ENERZONE West Cebu Industrial Operate and maintain a power distribution Electricity, Gas, Steam
251 Utilities Original 07-03-U 16-Apr-2007
CORPORATION Park - SEZ facility and Hot Water Supply
0.0003% - Japanese
99.997% - Hong Kong
Lima Technology
252 BANDAI PHILIPPINES INC. 0.002% - Filipino Export Original Manufacture of toys and related products Manufacturing, N.E.C. 12-70 25-Sep-2012
Center - SEZ
0.001% - Japanese
67.5% - Filipino
253 32.5% Facilities Original To lease its existing building Real Estate Activities 04-17-F 10-Aug-2004
- Mixed
BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE Mactan Economic Registration of its additional building for
Facilities New Project Real Estate Activities S.A. 29-Dec-2010
ISLANDS Zone lease/sale to PEZA-registered enterprises
BARY'S INDUSTRIAL Mactan Economic Manufacture of paint products and surface Chemicals and Chemical
254 100% - Taiwanese Export Original 04-63 10-Sep-2004
CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ coating solutions Products
60% - Filipino
BASAK HOLDINGS, Cebu Light Industrial To construct a factory building for lease to
255 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 06-20-F 28-Nov-2006
INCORPORATED Park - SEZ PEZA - registered enterprise
91.43% - Chinese
Angeles Industrial
257 BAYABAS TOBACCO CORP. Export Original Manufacture of cigarettes Tobacco Products 10-11 8-Feb-2010
Park - SEZ
8.57% - Filipino
99.99583% - Dutch
0.00167% - German
BAYER BUSINESS SERVICES McKinley Hill Business Process
258 I.T. Original Establishment of a Shared Service Center 12-10-IT 3-Feb-2012
PHILIPPINES, INC. Cyberpark Outsourcing
0.00167% - Filipino
0.00083% - Pakistani
Manufacture/ assembly of door answering
BAY-SPORTS MFG., INC. 80% - Filipino
Baguio City Economic machines, alarm locks, other security Electrical Machinery and
259 (Formerly: Bay 20% - Export Original 95-80 17-Aug-1995
Zone devices and other electric devices and Apparatus, N.E.C.
Lock Manufacturing, Inc.) German
products and/or parts, components thereof
Fabricated Metal
99.993% - Korean
First Cavite Industrial Metal spray painting of electronics and Products, Except
260 BBSON TECHNOLOGY, INC. Export Original 05-39 30-Jun-2005
Estate - SEZ automotive case Machinery and
0.007% - Filipino
99.994% - Japanese
6788 Ayala Avenue To engage in Online Language Educational Other IT-enabled
261 BBT ONLINE GLOBAL INC. I.T. Original 11-97-IT 21-Nov-2011
Bldg. Service Services
0.006% - Filipino
BELTONTOTOKU PHILIPPINES, Carmelray Industrial To include the manufacture and export of Electrical Machinery and
Export Amendment S.A. 3-Jan-2000
INC. Park II - SEZ molded coil and coreless coil wire Apparatus, N.E.C.
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Engage in the construction of warehouse
BENNY DE GUZMAN Laguna International
264 100% - Filipino Facilities Original type factory building(s) for lease to Real Estate Activities 96-03 29-Jan-1996
registered ecozone enterprises
Manufacture of biaxially-oriented
BEST CHEMICALS AND People's Technology Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project polyporpylene (BOPP) and Cast S.A. 20-Jul-2012
PLASTICS, INC. Complex - SEZ Products
Polypropylene (CPP) films
Cavite Economic To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
268 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 08-18-F 28-Oct-2008
Zone its existing factory building
(Formerly: Best Electronics
Radio, Television and
60% - Filipino
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture/assembly of Global Positioning Communication
269 BESTOFBEST CORPORATION 40% - Export Original 10-76 24-Sep-2010
Park II - SEZ System and Radar Detector Equipment and
99.998% - Chinese
To engage in the provision of technology
0.0012% - Filipino and software consultancy services, including
270 I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original software development, primarily for its Software Development 13-17 1-Feb-2013
0.0004% - British foreign parent company and other foreign
0.0004% - Spanish
BETTER PHILS. APPAREL, INC. 99% - Taiwanese Manufacture of various garment items such
Cavite Economic
271 1% - Export Original as blouses, skirts, pants, dresses, jackets, Wearing Apparel 92-044 21-Jul-1992
(Formerly: Pamela, Inc.) Filipino suits, nightgowns
99.75% - Japanese
Daiichi Industrial Park Manufacture of moulds, plastic products and Rubber and Plastic
276 BIG PHILIPPINES CORPORATION Export Original 97-081 12-Nov-1997
- SEZ electrical component parts Products
0.25% - Filipino
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99.9999% - Japanese
West Cebu Industrial To engage in painting of ships built by Other Transport
280 BISYOU INDUSTRY CEBU, INC. Export Original 12-46 18-Jun-2012
Park - SEZ Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (Cebu), Inc. Equipment
0.0001% - Filipino
80% - Filipino
Burgundy Corporate
283 BIZSOLUTION CORP. 20% - I.T. Original To engage in software development Software Development 10-66-IT 12-Oct-2010
66% - Korean
Cavite Economic Electrical Machinery and
284 BK ELECTRONICS PHILS., INC. 34% - Export Original Manufacture of wire harness and cables 98-002 9-Jan-1998
Zone Apparatus, N.E.C.
99.997% - Caymanian
To engage in call center operations,
BLACK MARLIN DATA software development, data
285 0.002% - Filipino I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original Call Centers 08-06-IT 1-Feb-2008
CORPORATION indexing/encoding, and logistics analysis
and auditing
0.001% - American
Radio, Television and
Calamba Premiere
286 100% - Filipino Export International Park - Original Assembly of glass bead and glass probe 05-26 26-May-2005
INC. Equipment and
55.78% - Filipino
Orient Square I.T.
287 BLASTASIA, INC. I.T. Original To engage in software development Software Development 09-100-IT 29-Dec-2009
44.22% - Indian
BLUEPRINT GAMING, INC. I.T. Philamlife I.T. Tower Expansion Development of gaming software Software Development S.A. 14-Oct-2008
OUTSOURCING SOLUTIONS INC. 67% - Filipino Data Encoding,
Summit One Office Provision of medical and legal transcription
293 33% - I.T. Original Transcribing and 09-90-IT 11-Nov-2009
Tower services
American Related Services
99.84% - Korean
Cavite Economic
294 BOORIM TECH PHILS. INC. Export Original Manufacture of model toy train Manufacturing, N.E.C. 11-52 12-Aug-2011
0.16% - Filipino
99.9954% - British Virgin
0.0028% -
Boracay Eco-Village
BORACAY SHANGRI-LA HOTEL Filipino To construct, develop and operate a De
295 Tourism Resort Tourism Original Hotels and Restaurants 06-02-T 8-Dec-2006
& RESORT, INC. 0.0009% - Luxe Class Hotel
Economic Zone
0.0009% -
British & Hongkong
Cavite Economic
296 BORMAHECO INC. 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Leasing Activities Real Estate Activities 95-10-F 1-Mar-1995
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99.98% - Japanese Medical, Precision and
CORPORATION Mactan Economic
298 Export Original Manufacture of dental forceps Optical Instruments, 03-056 13-Aug-2003
(Formerly: Cebu Zone II - SEZ
0.02% - Filipino Watches and Clocks
Shioda Factory Corporation)
0.001% - German
300 I.T. Original Provide customer contact center services Call Centers 07-32-IT 7-May-2007
0.001% - British
0.003% - Filipino
99.997% - American
BRANDERS. COM Engage in business process outsourcing - Business Process
301 I.T. UnionBank Plaza Original 06-34-IT 11-Jul-2006
(PHILIPPINES), INC. sales and sales support Outsourcing
0.003% - Filipino
BRIDGESTONE PRECISION Cavite Economic Increase in production capacity of the Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 10-Feb-2009
MOLDINGS PHILIPPINES, INC. Zone manufacture of dispenser type top covers Products
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To provide warehousing/logistics support
services, particularly storage, deposit,
inventory management,
importation/procurement of goods for
subsequent sale, transfer or disposition to
PEZA/Board of Investments (BOI)-
LOGISTICS CORP. Logistics Greenfield Automotive Warehousing and
304 100% - Filipino Original registered export enterprises and export 10-02-L 11-Jan-2010
Service Park - SEZ Storage
enterprises operating in Clark/Subic
economic zones and other special economic
zones outside the administration of PEZA,
for direct export or for consignment to
PEZA-registered export enterprises
BROTHER INDUSTRIES First Philippine Manufacture of Multi Function Printer and Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 29-Nov-2012
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ spare parts Computing Machinery
BROTHER INDUSTRIES First Philippine Manufacture of Supply Tape for Labeling Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 29-Nov-2012
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ Machine Computing Machinery
(Formerly: 1) Best 84.03% - Korean Warehousing and inventory management,
Logistics Carmelray Industrial Warehousing and
307 Selling Electro-Components Inc.; Original sales and distribution of electronic 09-05-L 1-Apr-2009
Service Park II - SEZ Storage
and 2) Bosung Electro- 15.97% - Filipino components to PEZA-registered companies
Components Inc.)
Fabricated Metal
99.994% - Korean Calamba Premiere
Manufacture of aluminum plate and DC plug Products, Except
308 BUGIL TECHNOLOGY, INC. Export International Park - Original 01-026 2-Apr-2001
accessories Machinery and
0.006% - Filipino SEZ
Fabricated Metal
Calamba Premiere
Products, Except
BUGIL TECHNOLOGY, INC. Export International Park - New Project Manufacture of metal press S.A. 16-May-2007
Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
99.7% - Irish
C & F MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic Products, Except
310 0.3% - Export Original Manufacture of fabricated products 04-02 6-Jan-2004
Fabricated Metal
C & F MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic Manufacture of fabricated products and Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 10-Apr-2007
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION Zone motorized assembly parts Machinery and
60% - Filipino
313 CA TELEMARKETING INC. 40% - I.T. Niscom IT Building Original Call center operations Call Centers 11-47-IT 17-Jun-2011
50% - American
McKinley Hill To engage in offshore software development
314 CAI-STA PHILIPPINES, INC. 50% - I.T. Original Software Development 03-32-IT 23-Dec-2003
Cyberpark services
Page 28 of 240
To include the manufacture, assembly and
Calamba Premiere processing of parts, components and
CALAMBA SHINEI INDUSTRY Office, Accounting and
Export International Park - Amendment devices for the automotive, electronic and S.A. 30-Mar-2009
SEZ electrical industries and other items similar
in nature
99.968% - American
JY Square I.T. Center
320 CALLTEK CENTER INT'L., INC. I.T. Original To operate a customer contact center Call Centers 04-19-IT 24-Jun-2004
0.032% - Filipino
CALSLAND REALTY & Cebu Light Industrial Construct three (3) warehouse buildings for
321 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 06-17-F 10-Oct-2006
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Park - SEZ lease to PEZA-registered enterprises
99.99999% - Singaporean
Radio, Television and
Manufactrure/production of electro-
CAM MECHATRONIC (PHILS.), Light Industry & Communication
322 0.000008% - Malaysian Export Original mechanical components for computer & 95-106 4-Oct-1995
INC. Science Park II - SEZ Equipment and
data storage industry
0.000002% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
CAM MECHATRONIC (PHILS.), Light Industry & Products, Except
Export New Project Plating line / activity S.A. 9-Dec-2010
INC. Science Park II - SEZ Machinery and
60% - Filipino
CAM VENTURES Light Industry & Construction of factory building for lease to
323 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 97-005-F 7-Aug-1997
DEVELOPMENT, INC. Science Park II - SEZ ecozone registered enterprise
CANON BUSINESS PROCESS McKinley Hill Financial and Accounting and Related Business Process
I.T. New Project S.A. 15-Feb-2010
SERVICES PHILIPPINES, INC. Cyberpark Backroom Operations/Shared Services Outsourcing
99.996% - Japanese
TECHNOLOGIES PHILIPPINES, Eastwood City To engage in software and hardware design
328 I.T. Original Software Development 08-26-IT 3-Jun-2008
INC. Cyberpark development
0.004% - Filipino
Page 29 of 240
Engage in business process outsourcing
using e-commerce, particularly web
63% - Filipino development and providing contact center
Orient Square I.T. Business Process
332 CAREEREDGE PHILIPPINES INC. 37% - I.T. Original for information technology services as may 07-35-IT 1-Jun-2007
Bldg. Outsourcing
American be required by manufacturers and sellers of
goods and services and the buyers and
consumers thereof
0.02% - Chinese
Increase in production capacity of its
Laguna International manufacture of ladies' undergarments such
CARINA APPAREL, INC. Export Expansion Wearing Apparel S.A. 26-Oct-2005
Industrial Park - SEZ as bra, camisole, brief, bikini, panties,
thongs and T-shirts
48.856% - British Virgin
CARNIPHIL INDUSTRIES 0.0002% - Light Industry & To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
336 Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 07-16-F 14-Sep-2007
CORPORATION Taiwanese Science Park I - SEZ its existing warehouse building
51.1438% -
Radio, Television and
CARRITAPE PACKAGING Food Terminal Inc. - Communication
337 100% - Filipino Export Original Manufacture of carrier tapes 06-52 31-May-2006
SOLUTIONS, INC. SEZ Equipment and
CASA ALMACEN VENTURES, Light Industry & To construct a factory building for lease/sale
338 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 12-12-F 12-Sep-2012
INC. Science Park III - SEZ to PEZA-registered enterprises
Fabricated Metal
99.99999% - Japanese
CASTEM FRONTIER Cavite Economic Products, Except
341 Export Original Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) 11-16 1-Apr-2011
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
0.00001% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
CASTEM FRONTIER Cavite Economic CAM-CAD Design and CAD-Die Mould Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 6-May-2011
CORPORATION Zone Fabrication Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Fabrication, assembly and finishing of
CASTEM PHILIPPINES Cavite Economic Products, Except
Export Amendment aluminum casted product namely, S.A. 22-Jun-2000
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
CASTMETAL ASIA Daiichi Industrial Park Engage in metal die-casting and precision
343 100% - Filipino Export Original Basic Metals 07-03 19-Jan-2007
Page 30 of 240
Fabricated Metal
First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
CAVITE NAGANO SEIKO INC. Export Amendment To include the cutting of drive shafts S.A. 22-May-1997
Estate - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
First Cavite Industrial To include the manufacture of die cast auto Products, Except
CAVITE NAGANO SEIKO INC. Export Amendment S.A. 28-Jan-1998
Estate - SEZ parts, computer parts and compressor parts Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
To include die casting of automobile parts,
First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
CAVITE NAGANO SEIKO INC. Export Amendment electric parts and lawn mower parts S.A. 17-Mar-2010
Estate - SEZ Machinery and
including sub-assembly
73.75% - German
Cavite Economic To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
347 CAVITE SOCKS PHILS., INC. Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 08-04-F 22-Feb-2008
Zone its existing buildings
26.25% - British
50% - American
Manufacture of men's, ladies' and children's
45% - Cavite Economic
348 CAVITE SOXNET, INC. Export Original socks, arm warmer, knit mittens, scarf, Wearing Apparel 12-92 12-Dec-2012
Korean Zone
beanie hats and wristband
5% - Filipino
Laguna Technopark -
349 CAYON HOLDINGS, INC. 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Leasing Activities Real Estate Activities 02-14-F 3-Dec-2002
63% - Filipino
To engage in Business Process Outsourcing Business Process
352 CC247 SERVICES INC. 37% - I.T. Philamlife I.T. Tower Original 11-53-IT 20-Jul-2011
using e-commerce Outsourcing
Page 31 of 240
60% - Filipino To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
358 40% - Facilities Original its existing four (4) units warehouse Real Estate Activities 10-05-F 5-Mar-2010
INC. Zone
Japanese buildings
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of metal parts for riflescopes,
CEBU AOI DEVELOPMENT Mactan Economic Products, Except
359 100% - Japanese Export Original sporting scope of cameras, overhead 03-037 27-May-2003
projector, copiers and fishing reels
80% - Filipino
CEBU ATG REALTY Mactan Economic To construct a warehouse-type building for
361 20% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 06-13-F 19-Jul-2006
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Zone lease to PEZA-registered enterprises
99.9957% - Caymanian
Mactan Economic manufacture of fine gold bonding wires for Electrical Machinery and
362 CEBU CHIP CONNECTION, INC. 0.0026% - Filipino Export Original 95-25 1-Mar-1995
Zone industrial purposes Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.0017% - American
Mactan Economic Electrical Machinery and
CEBU CHIP CONNECTION, INC. Export New Project Manufacture of aluminum bonding wires S.A. 4-Jul-2003
Zone Apparatus, N.E.C.
60% - Filipino
Mactan Economic To engage in design and manufacture of
366 CEBU FUKUSHIN, INC. 40% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 13-60 22-Mar-2013
Zone fashion gloves and scarves
95% - American
367 5% - I.T. Mango Square Original Operate a Call Center Call Centers 06-33-IT 23-Jun-2006
CEBU JEWELPICO Mactan Economic Manfuacture of clasps of various models for Other Non-Metallic
369 100% - Japanese Export Original 90-012 16-Apr-1990
CORPORATION Zone pearl necklaces Mineral Products
60% - Filipino
Other IT-enabled
371 CEBU LEVIWORLD CENTER INC. 40% - I.T. Benedicto I.T. Center Original To engage in contact center operations 11-102-IT 7-Dec-2011
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Development, manufacture and assembly of
microwave amplifiers, microchip devices,
Radio, Television and
pick-up needles for chip devices, electronic
CEBU MICROELECTRONICS, Mactan Economic Communication
Export New Project circuit boards, laser connector optical S.A. 7-Apr-1995
INC. Zone Equipment and
devices primarily used for microwave
communications system and made-to-order
electronic parts
CEBU MITSUMI, INC. Export MRI Ecozone - SEZ New Project To lease-out its Building No.4 Real Estate Activities S.A. 20-May-2008
Fabricated Metal
99.992% - Japanese
Mactan Economic Products, Except
376 CEBU MOLD TECHNOLOGY, INC. Export Original manufacture of mold/ die and parts 01-056 18-Sep-2001
Zone II - SEZ Machinery and
0.008% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic Products, Except
CEBU SHINSEI CORPORATION Export New Project Coil winding S.A. 8-Mar-2002
Zone Machinery and
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Medical, Precision and
Mactan Economic Increase of production capacity of its lens
CEBU TOYO CORPORATION Export Expansion Optical Instruments, S.A. 1-Mar-2001
Zone II - SEZ products
Watches and Clocks
Fabricated Metal
99.998% - Japanese
Manufacture of pressed steel parts for Products, Except
382 CEBU YMTECHNOLOGY, INC. Export MRI Ecozone - SEZ Original 04-42 23-Jun-2004
electronic components Machinery and
0.002% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Assembly of tool parts for stamping and Products, Except
CEBU YMTECHNOLOGY, INC. Export MRI Ecozone - SEZ New Project S.A. 28-Jul-2008
metal molding industry Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Metal slitting of various metal foils
Products, Except
CEBU YMTECHNOLOGY, INC. Export MRI Ecozone - SEZ New Project converting into metal coils and sheets of S.A. 28-Dec-2010
Machinery and
specific sizes
Manufacture/asseembly of pallets made of
CORPORATION Mactan Economic
384 100% - Filipino Export Original wood, plastic, metal and other similar Manufacturing, N.E.C. 95-128 22-Nov-1995
(Formerly: United Cebuano Mfg. Zone
99.9217% - Filipino
CEBU-HARVEST HOLDINGS CO., To construct a two-storey IT building for
387 Facilities Cebu I.T. Park Original Real Estate Activities 04-22-F 21-Sep-2004
INC. lease to PEZA-registered I.T. enterprises
0.0783% - Indonesian
Fabricated Metal
60% - Filipino
Mactan Economic To engage in design and manufacture of Products, Except
388 CEBUOGAWA PHILIPPINES, INC. 40% - Export Original 13-47 13-Mar-2013
Zone pre-fabricated industrial metal products Machinery and
99.9659% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Manufacture of Adhesives, Sealants, Chemicals and Chemical
390 CEMEDINE PHILIPPINES CORP. Export Original 12-84 13-Nov-2012
Zone II Special Paints and Coating materials Products
0.0341% - Filipino
Laguna Technopark - Construct an eight-unit factory building for
392 INC. (Formerly: 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 08-03-F 4-Feb-2008
SEZ lease to PEZA-registered enterprises
NQHI Manufacturing, Inc.)
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Business Process Outsourcing in the form of
encoding, processing and storage in the
computer, readable form or otherwise, Data Encoding,
393 100% - Filipino I.T. Keppel Center Original including all kinds of data, developing Transcribing and 11-17-IT 8-Mar-2011
systems design and analysis, software and Related Services
application systems development including
computer securities
99.975% - Swiss
CHAMP CARGOSYSTEMS Software development, marketing,
PHILIPPINES, INC. maintenance and support of air cargo IT
399 0.015% - British I.T. MSE Center Original Software Development 09-80-IT 6-Oct-2009
solutions, technical design and architecture,
and customer support services
- Filipino
Software development and product
I.T. MSE Center Expansion management in support of CHAMP Software Development S.A. 3-Dec-2012
Cargosystems' growing clients worldwide
99.99% - Korean
Cavite Economic Manufacture of polyester-covered spandex
400 CHAMSEN CORPORATION Export Original Textiles 04-55 19-Jul-2004
Zone yarn
0.01% - Filipino
70% - Filipino
CHELA MANUFACTURING 24% - First Cavite Industrial Leather, Luggage,
405 Export Original Manufacture of "Jog Jike" industrial footwear 99-023 6-Apr-1999
CORPORATION Chinese Estate - SEZ Handbags and Footwear
6% - British
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Cavite Economic Manufacture of wire harnesses and power Electrical Machinery and
407 10% - Export Original 96-077 21-Jun-1996
Zone supply cords Apparatus, N.E.C.
(Formerly: Chiao Lin Electronics Singaporean
Philippines, Inc.)
99.998% - Japanese
CHIYODA INTEGRE Logistics Light Industry & Warehousing and
412 Original To conduct Warehousing Operations 12-25-L 14-Dec-2012
(PHILIPPINES) CORPORATION Service Science Park III - SEZ Storage
0.002% - Filipino
Lima Technology Increase in volume of production of wire Electrical Machinery and
MANUFACTURING Export Expansion S.A. 15-Mar-2010
Center - SEZ harness Apparatus, N.E.C.
To engage in the manufacture of automotive
INC. Laguna Technopark - Motor Vehicles, Trailers
416 100% - Filipino Export Original parts (PU forming) and construction 08-20 7-May-2008
SEZ and Semi-Trailers
equipment parts
99.994% - German
Mactan Economic manufacture of leather and sheepskin Leather, Luggage,
417 CHRIST PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Original 97-011 12-Feb-1997
Zone garments such as coats and jackets Handbags and Footwear
0.006% - Filipino
99.984% - American
Website and smartphone applications
418 CHROMEDIA FAR EAST INC. I.T. Keppel Center Original Software Development 12-94-IT 4-Oct-2012
0.016% - Filipino
99.9999% - Mauritius
CHUANSHUN ELECTRIC Cavite Economic Manufacture / assembly of power Electrical Machinery and
419 0.00006% - Filipino Export Original 10-87 19-Nov-2010
(PHILIPPINES) INCORPORATED Zone transformers, coils and inductors Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.00004% - Taiwanese
99.9998% - Korean
Engage in the training of the English Other IT-enabled
420 CHUNGDAHM (PHILS) INC. I.T. The Enterprise Center Original 08-35-IT 8-Jul-2008
language using VOIP and the internet Services
0.0002% - American
33.33% - American
To set-up an IT-enabled facility to provide
33.33% - Israeli
Robinsons-Equitable contact center which includes inbound/
423 CINNOVATION, INC. I.T. Original Call Centers 05-21-IT 11-Aug-2005
Tower outbound customer services, and business
33.33% - Polish
process outsourcing
- Filipino
Page 36 of 240
99.999995% - British
Radio, Television and
0.000003% - Filipino
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of standard IC discrete, hybrid Communication
424 CIRTEK ELECTRONICS CORP. Export Original 98-022 24-Mar-1998
SEZ and potential new packages Equipment and
0.000001% - Irish
0.000001% - Chinese
Radio, Television and
Assembly of diaphragms, MLP/ QFN
Laguna Technopark - Communication
CIRTEK ELECTRONICS CORP. Export New Project module (mixer assembly), PA module, flip S.A. 7-May-2003
SEZ Equipment and
chip and hexdip products
Provision of business process outsourcing,
call center and other such IT/ IT-enabled
425 100% - Singaporean I.T. PBCom Tower Original Call Centers 04-21-IT 12-Jul-2004
services to various Citibank/ Citigroup
(Formerly: Crescent Services
entities around the world
Pte. Ltd.)
I.T. PBCom Tower Expansion Call center operations Call Centers S.A. 24-May-2011
I.T. E-Square I.T. Park New Project Call Center Operations Call Centers S.A. 7-Jan-2013
99.9999% - Japanese
PHILIPPINES, INC. First Philippine Manufacture, assembly, and engineering of Machinery and
426 Export Original 08-14 2-Apr-2008
(Formerly: Miyano Industrial Park - SEZ CNC Lathes and Parts Equipment, N.E.C.
0.0001% - Filipino
Philippines Inc.)
99.982% - Korean
Cavite Economic Manufacture of various molded plastic Rubber and Plastic
428 CJ TEC CORPORATION Export Original 04-05 15-Jan-2004
Zone products Products
0.018% - Filipino
64.71% - Korean
CJ TOYOTA TSUSHO DADC Economic Food Products and
429 Export Original Manufacture of xylose 10-38 17-May-2010
PHILIPPINES, INC. Zone Beverages
35.29% - Japanese
99.98% - Taiwanese
EMBROIDERY, INC. Mactan Economic Embroidery and stitching of garments and/or
432 Export Original Textiles 03-059 18-Aug-2003
(Approved as MEPZ Computer Zone wearing apparel
0.02% - Filipino
Embroidery, Inc.)
Fabricated Metal
Calamba Premiere
CLAYMOUNT ASSEMBLIES Manufacture of 150KV High Voltage Cable Products, Except
Export International Park - New Project S.A. 4-Jun-2007
PHILIPPINES, INC. Assembly Machinery and
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Calamba Premiere
CLAYMOUNT ASSEMBLIES Manufacture of Hercules and Perseus Electrical Machinery and
Export International Park - New Project S.A. 15-Mar-2011
PHILIPPINES, INC. cables Apparatus, N.E.C.
CLEANPAK INC. Greenfield Automotive Manufacture of thermoformed packaging Rubber and Plastic
435 100% - Filipino Export Original 10-10 5-Feb-2010
Park - SEZ and shipping tray Products
CLIFFORD PROJECTS FAR EAST 99.99985% - American To engage in IT and computer-enabled Engineering,
Eastwood City
439 INC. I.T. Original engineering and architectural design and Architectural and Other 08-19-IT 30-Apr-2008
0.00015% - Filipino advisory services Design Services
70% - South African
Software Research and Development, IT
Eastwood City
440 CLOUD121 ASIA CORP. 20% - Filipino I.T. Original related services, and Business Process Software Development 12-89-IT 2-Oct-2012
10% - Outsourcing
IT-enabled services, IT consulting firm
CLOUDSHERPAS, INC. 99% - Filipino focused on Client Management Solution
441 (Formerly: GlobalOne 1% - I.T. Philamlife I.T. Tower Original (CRM) & the emerging Software-as-a- Software Development 11-04-IT 13-Jan-2011
Solutions, Inc.) Australian Service (SaaS) & cloud computing
72.8% - Japanese
Cavite Economic To manage and operate an existing two-
442 CNTEC CORPORATION Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 04-36-F 10-Dec-2004
Zone storey factory building
27.2% - Filipino
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To engage in IT and IT services, including
voice and non-voice business process
99.7% - Australian outsourcing activities, and services relating
COLLECTION HOUSE Eastwood City Business Process
446 I.T. Original to backroom, monitoring, document and 12-56-IT 20-Jun-2012
INTERNATIONAL BPO, INC. Cyberpark Outsourcing
0.3% - Filipino accounts support services, business and
knowledge processing, data entry and data
99.4% - Belgian
Cebu Light Industrial Engage in the processing of specimen
451 CONCHOLOGY, INC. 0.6% - Export Original Manufacturing, N.E.C. 03-058 14-Aug-2003
Park - SEZ seashells
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Manufacture of the following: (a)
Light Industry & Programmable Piezo Resistive Transducer Machinery and
ELECTRONICS (PHILIPPINES), Export New Project S.A. 8-May-2008
Science Park II - SEZ (PPRT); and (b) High Pressure Sensor Equipment, N.E.C.
Light Industry & Manufacture and export of Automotive Motor Vehicles, Trailers
ELECTRONICS (PHILIPPINES), Export Expansion S.A. 19-Jan-2011
Science Park II - SEZ Safety Sensor and Semi-Trailers
Light Industry & Manufacture and export of Chassis Motor Vehicles, Trailers
ELECTRONICS (PHILIPPINES), Export New Project S.A. 19-Jan-2011
Science Park II - SEZ Electronics and Semi-Trailers
Page 40 of 240
(a) Providing outsourced contact-
management services for customers,
employees and business channel partners
of its clients currently based in North
America and Europe through the medium of
CONVERGYS PHILIPPINES telephone, email and web-based
I.T. Lakeside Evozone New Project Call Centers S.A. 6-Oct-2008
SERVICES CORPORATION interactions; (b) Providing outsourced
marketing services for clients through the
medium of telephone, email and web-based
interactions; and (c) providing other IT
enabled services (such as back-office
services for clients)
Page 41 of 240
a) Providing outsourced contact-
management services for customers,
employees and business channel partners
of its clients currently based in the USA
through the medium of telephone, email and
I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Expansion web-based interactions; (b) providing Call Centers S.A. 2-Mar-2010
outsourced marketing services for clients
through the medium of telephone, email and
web-based interactions; and (c) providing
other IT enabled servcies (such as back-
office services for clients)
I.T. Cebu I.T. Park New Project Call Center Operations Call Centers S.A. 31-Jan-2011
I.T. MDC 100 New Project Call Center Operations Call Centers S.A. 22-Jul-2011
I.T. Northgate Cyberzone New Project Call Center Operations Call Centers S.A. 22-Jul-2011
Page 42 of 240
To provide: (a) outsourced contact-
management services for customers,
employees and business channel partners
of the REGISTRANT's clients currently
based in North America and Europe through
CONVERGYS PHILIPPINES the medium of telephone, email and web-
I.T. Two Sanparq New Project Call Centers S.A. 3-Feb-2012
SERVICES CORPORATION based interactions; (b) outsourced
marketing services for clients through the
medium of telephone, email and web-based
interactions; and (c) other IT-enabled
services (such as back-office services for
90% - Japanese
461 10% - Export Original Manufacture of nickel/cobalt mixed sulfide Basic Metals 02-072 27-Dec-2002
CORPORATION 68.57% Processing Zone
Filipino - Filipino
2.86% - German
To construct 15-storey building for lease to
Mactan Economic
462 19.05% - American Facilities Original PEZA-registered IT enterprises to be known Real Estate Activities 08-11-F (IT) 11-Dec-2008
as Marina I.T. Center
9.52% - Swiss
99.997% - American
CORDIA PHILS., INC. To engage in IT-enabled services,
463 0.002% - Filipino I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original Call Centers 08-17-IT 31-Mar-2008
particularly call center operations
0.001% - Indian
Leyte Information Data Encoding,
Data processing / analysis /entry and back-
464 COREDATA, INC. 100% - Filipino I.T. Communication Original Transcribing and 06-45-IT 17-Aug-2006
end office
Technology Park Related Services
Data Encoding,
Data processing and encoding
COREDATA, INC. I.T. Sun Plaza New Project Transcribing and S.A. 21-Jun-2010
Related Services
33.333% - Australian
Engage in facility management software
466 CORMANT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original Software Development 02-008 14-Feb-2002
development, support, sales and marketing
0.001% - American
0.001% - Filipino
To expand and increase the capacity of its
CORMANT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Expansion facility management software development Software Development S.A. 16-Jul-2007
and support services
Page 43 of 240
To engage in warehousing/logistics
operations, particularly storage, deposit,
inventory management,
importation/procurement of semi-finished
goods for subsequent sale, transfer or
CP NEWMAN INDUSTRIES Logistics Cebu Light Industrial Warehousing and
471 100% - Filipino Original disposition to export-producer enterprises 07-02-L 18-Jan-2007
CORPORATION Service Park - SEZ Storage
registered with PEZA, and BOI operating
Bonded Manufacturing Warehouses
(CBMWs, for direct export or for
consignment to PEZA-registered export
99.03% - Japanese
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Manufacture of stainless steel pipes, fittings Products, Except
475 CQS STAINLESS CORPORATION 0.62% - Taiwanese Export Original 05-63 14-Nov-2005
Zone and flanges Machinery and
0.35% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of stainless & carbon steel
Cavite Economic Products, Except
CQS STAINLESS CORPORATION Export New Project sheets, coils, plates and other related S.A. 1-Jul-2011
Zone Machinery and
99.998% - Australian
To engage in Knowledge-based and Business Process
478 CREATIVE OUTSOURCING INC. I.T. JG Summit Center Original 12-117-IT 11-Dec-2012
computer-enabled services Outsourcing
0.002% - Filipino
99% - Indian
Summit One Office Knowledge process outsourcing for PR, Business Process
479 1% - I.T. Original 10-10-IT 3-Mar-2010
Tower Marketing & Allied Services Outsourcing
70.92% - British
482 I.T. JG Summit Center Original To engage in Software Development Software Development 12-48-IT 1-Jun-2012
29.08% - Filipino
483 CREDITCORP INCORPORATED 100% - Australian I.T. MSE Center Original Call center specializing in collection services Call Centers 10-59-IT 6-Sep-2010
CRESTVIEW E-OFFICE Ayala North Point To construct four (4) IT buildings for lease to
484 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 10-04-F (IT) 17-Dec-2010
CORPORATION Technohub PEZA-registered enterprises
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90% - American
488 10% - Export Original To engage in slurry processing Manufacturing, N.E.C. 11-68 6-Oct-2011
(PHILIPPINES) INC. Industrial Park - SEZ
Fabricated Metal
99.996% - American Fabrication of miscellaneous and
490 Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Original ornamental metals 09-10 13-Mar-2009
PHILS., INC.. Machinery and
0.004% - Filipino
70% - German
Cavite Economic manufacture of men's and boy's woven
491 CS GARMENTS, INC. 30% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 89-064 18-Dec-1989
Zone shirts
Technical Support and Business Process
99.995% - American
CSSCORP ICT SERVICES, INC. Outsourcing (BPO) Services, Remote
(Formerly: McKinley Hill Infrastructure Management System, Business Process
492 0.003% - Filipino I.T. Original 09-43-IT 15-Jun-2009
Cybernet Slashsupport Cyberpark Software Development and Testing Outsourcing
Philippines, Inc.)
0.002% - Indian
CYBERZONE PROPERTIES, INC. Facilities Northgate Cyberzone Expansion Construction of Convergys Building Real Estate Activities S.A. 1-Dec-2003
CYBERZONE PROPERTIES, INC. Facilities Northgate Cyberzone New Project Construction of a 6-storey I.T. building Real Estate Activities S.A. 1-Jun-2006
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To include the manufacture of thin shrink
small outline package (TSSOP), small Radio, Television and
CYPRESS MANUFACTURING, Gateway Business outline integrated circuit (SOIC) - 300 - MIL Communication
Export Amendment S.A. 19-Sep-2005
LTD. - PHILIPPINE BRANCH Park - SEZ Body, and small outline integrated circuit Equipment and
(SOIC) - 150 - MIL Body using the autoline Apparatus
Cavite Economic
DAE KYUNG PHILS. CO., INC. Export New Project To include leasing activity Real Estate Activities S.A. 1-Jun-2007
Page 46 of 240
Radio, Television and
Cavite Economic Manufacture of Radio Frequency Communication
DAE KYUNG PHILS. CO., INC. Export New Project S.A. 8-Mar-2010
Zone Identification (RFID) Equipment and
99.99% - Korean
DAE YOUNG MANUFACTURING Angeles Industrial Manufacture/assembly of electric printed Electrical Machinery and
505 Export Original 11-34 9-Jun-2011
(PHILS.), INC. Park - SEZ circuit boards and transformers Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.01% - Filipino
80% - Filipino
Cavite Economic Recycling of copper, aluminum and other
506 DAE YUN CO., INC. 20% - Facilities Original Recycling 10-10-F 11-Jun-2010
Zone non-ferrous metals
99.98% - Korean
DAEJIN HI-TECH PHILIPPINES, Carmelray Industrial Rubber and Plastic
510 Export Original Manufacture of plastic trays 12-03 19-Jan-2012
INC. Park II - SEZ Products
0.02% - Filipino
96% - Korean
Gateway Business Manufacture and export of Consumable Rubber and Plastic
511 DAEJIN SOLUTION PHILS., INC. 4% - Export Original 13-44 15-Mar-2013
Park - SEZ Plastic tray products for electronic parts Products
Laguna Technopark - To include the assembly of "Tray Assembly, Rubber and Plastic
DAIHO (PHILIPPINES), INC. Export Amendment S.A. 5-Feb-1999
SEZ Ink Eject", for ink jet printers Products
Lima Technology Manufacture of all types of plastic injected Rubber and Plastic
DAIHO (PHILIPPINES), INC. Export Amendment S.A. 6-Jun-2000
Center - SEZ products Products
99.9997% - Japanese
DAIKI OM ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY Cavite Economic Manufacture of secondary Aluminum alloy Machinery and
514 Export Original 10-79 14-Oct-2010
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Zone ingots and deoxidation ingots (powder) Equipment, N.E.C.
0.0003% - Filipino
Page 47 of 240
(i) To provide warehousing/logistics support
services, particularly,
importation/procurement, storage, deposit,
inventory management of secondary
aluminum alloy ingots, industrial furnaces
and related equipment for subsequent
sales, transfer or disposition to PEZA/BOI-
registered export enterprises, for direct
export or for consignment to PEZA-
registered export enterprises. Specific items
Logistics Cavite Economic which will be handled by the company Warehousing and
515 (PHILIPPINES), INC. - Original 10-15-L 14-Oct-2010
Service Zone include secondary aluminum alloy ingots Storage
and industrial furnaces and related
equipment; (ii) To provide
warehousing/logistics support, particularly,
the procurement, storage and exportation of
aluminum scrap materials to the other
subsidiaries of Daiki Aluminum Industry Co.,
Ltd., as well as other clients overseas; and
(iii) To provide engineering services,
particularly, maintenance and repair
services for melting furnaces
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of Double-Sided Adhesive Chemicals and Chemical
INTERNATIONAL(PHILIPPINES), Export New Project S.A. 14-Nov-2007
Park I - SEZ (DSA) tapes Products
99.9965% - German
DAIMLER GROUP SERVICES Robinsons Cybergate To engage in business process outsourcing Business Process
518 I.T. Original 12-22-IT 8-Mar-2012
PHILIPPINES, INC. Cebu involving accounting services Outsourcing
0.0035% - Filipino
Mactan Economic Manufacture of object lens for audio and Rubber and Plastic
DAITOH PRECISIONS, INC. Export New Project S.A. 7-May-2001
Zone video components Products
DAIWA SEIKO PHILIPPINES, Laguna International Manufacture of motor vehicle transmission Motor Vehicles, Trailers
520 100% - Japanese Export Original 95-104 4-Oct-1995
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ parts and Semi-Trailers
DAIWA SEIKO PHILIPPINES, Laguna International Manufacture and assembly of automotive Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 8-Jul-1997
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ transmission parts and Semi-Trailers
DAIWA SEIKO PHILIPPINES, Laguna International Machining of motorcycle accessory parts, Other Transport
Export Amendment S.A. 1-Mar-1999
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ namely, Boss Pedal Gear Change Equipment
DAIWA SEIKO PHILIPPINES, Laguna International Increase in the production capacity of its Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Expansion S.A. 26-May-2004
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ automotive transmission parts and Semi-Trailers
DAIWA SEIKO PHILIPPINES, Laguna International Manufacture and assembly of R-Type Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 28-Aug-2007
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ transmission parts Equipment, N.E.C.
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Cavite Economic Manufacture of sensor subassembly for Electrical Machinery and
DANAM PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 18-May-2002
Zone circuit breaker Apparatus, N.E.C.
84.92% - British
6788 Ayala Avenue To engage in Business Process Outsourcing
525 DATACENTRIC CORPORATION I.T. Original Call Centers 11-104-IT 13-Dec-2011
Bldg. (BPO)/Call Center services
15.08% - Filipino
527 DATAFORENSICS INC. 0.0019% - Filipino I.T. BA-Lepanto Building Original Data analysis and software development Software Development 11-31-IT 4-May-2011
0.0006% - British
99.99% - American Data Encoding,
ExportBank Plaza Data entry, encoding, imaging, and storage
528 DATAMINE CORPORATION I.T. Original Transcribing and 04-06-IT 11-Mar-2004
Building of information in computer-readable form
0.01% - Singaporean Related Services
99.99666% - American
Mactan Economic Manufacture of plastic related components Rubber and Plastic
535 (Formerly: Sofanou 0.00167% - French Export Original 99-063 15-Oct-1999
Zone II - SEZ primarily for wire harness industry Products
(Philippines), Inc.)
0.00167% - Filipino
Page 49 of 240
Manufacture of plastic and related
First Cavite Industrial components primarily for automotive Rubber and Plastic
DELFINGEN PH - FILIPINAS INC. Export New Project S.A. 11-Nov-2011
Estate - SEZ industry such as convoluted tubing, PVC Products
tubing, etc.
To engage in warehousing/logistics
operations particularly the
99.99666% - American importation/procurement of semi-finished
goods for storage, deposit, inventory
Logistics Mactan Economic Warehousing and
536 DELFINGEN PH - FILIPINAS INC.. 0.00167% - French Original management and subsequent sale, transfer 06-13-L 24-Jul-2006
Service Zone II - SEZ Storage
or disposition to PEZA-registered export
0.00167% - Filipino enterprises, for direct export, or for
consignment to PEZA-registered export
64.1489516% - American
537 35.8510481% - Dutch I.T. New Project Engage in Call Center Operations Call Centers 05-26-IT 29-Aug-2005
0.0000002% - Filipino
(a) Business process outsourcing and
information services; (b) business process
DELL INTERNATIONAL Eastwood City Business Process
I.T. New Project outsourcing and information services, S.A. 14-Feb-2011
SERVICES PHILIPPINES, INC. Cyberpark Outsourcing
specifically accounts receivable processing;
and (c) inbound customer service call center
99.9988% - Japanese
DENSO TECHNO PHILIPPINES To engage in embedded software
539 I.T. BPI Buendia Center Original Software Development 08-12-IT 6-Mar-2008
INC. development
0.0012% - Filipino
Page 50 of 240
To include the web development and other
IT related services, documents management
DG3 IDOCS, INC. I.T. UnionBank Plaza Amendment services, accounting sevices, customer Software Development S.A. 17-Apr-2009
service/marketing services or generally
known as Business Process Outsourcing
DHL EXEL SUPPLY CHAIN Logistics Laguna Technopark - Establishment of its second warehouse Warehousing and
New Project S.A. 15-May-2008
MANAGEMENT PHILS., INC. Service SEZ facility Storage
54.6% - Israeli
27.2% -
Mactan Economic
547 Filipino Export Original Lapidary production of rough diamonds Manufacturing, N.E.C. 09-60 6-Nov-2009
18.2% -
Fabricated Metal
99.9943% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Manufacture of custom-made tool and die, Products, Except
548 DIC SEIMITSU PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Original 96-020 6-Feb-1996
Zone pinch punch and tiber-cut punched die plate Machinery and
0.0057% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Manufacture of core pins, ultra sensitive Products, Except
DIC SEIMITSU PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 13-Aug-2008
Zone molding dies and related parts Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
To include repair and maintenance of
Cavite Economic Products, Except
DIC SEIMITSU PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment machines related to manufacturing of S.A. 3-Nov-2012
Zone Machinery and
precision tools and jigs
Designing, development, creation and
production of information technology relative
99.999% - Dutch
Mactan Economic to, but not limited to software outsourcing
549 DIJKSMAN.COM ASIA, INC. I.T. Original Software Development 10-45-IT 29-Jul-2010
Zone II - SEZ and data production in the international
0.001% - Filipino
Irasan-Roxas Zanorte
DIPOLOG COCONUT OIL MILL, To engage in oil milling of crude oil and Food Products and
551 100% - Filipino Export Special Economic Original 13-04 10-Jan-2013
INC. copra cake Beverages
Fabricated Metal
99.994% - Japanese
Laguna International Manufacture of metal stamped parts for CD- Products, Except
552 DIUP, INCORPORATED Export Original 00-068 22-Aug-2000
Industrial Park - SEZ ROM,DVD-ROM and Laser Disk Machinery and
0.006% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of stamped metal parts for
Laguna International Products, Except
DIUP, INCORPORATED Export New Project metal frame, plate, sub-plate, of speaker S.A. 21-Jun-2004
Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
and bushing cushion of automobile
Fabricated Metal
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of electronic door locking Products, Except
DIUP, INCORPORATED Export New Project S.A. 27-Dec-2012
SEZ system Machinery and
Manufacture of 1) Biaxially-oriented
65% - Filipino
DIVERSIFIED PLASTIC FILM Plastic Processing Coextruded Polypropylene Film (BOPP) and Rubber and Plastic
553 35% - Export Original 98-031 20-May-1998
SYSTEMS, INC. Center - SEZ 2) Non-oriented Coextruded Polypropelene Products
Film ( CPP)
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Development and Manufacture of
DLA NATURALS, INC. Food Products and
Export Subic Shipyard - SEZ New Project Biotechnology Ingredients, Cosmetics and S.A. 8-Dec-2008
Healthcare Products
99% - Korean
557 1% - Export Original Manufacture of wearing apparel Wearing Apparel 04-72 11-Nov-2004
99.9942% - Singaporean
558 0.0035% - Filipino I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original Call center operations Call Centers 11-30-IT 2-May-2011
0.0023% - Japanese
Marketing and back-office services to small
559 100% - Filipino I.T. Trafalgar Plaza Original and medium sized business specializing in Call Centers 09-52-IT 8-Jul-2009
call center and AutoCad services
SRC Calumpang
To include the manufacture of corrugated Paper and Paper
DOLE PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Economic Amendment S.A. 13-Jan-2005
boxes (COBOX) Products
Development Zone
SRC Calumpang Printing of industrial and commercial labels, Publishing, Printing and
DOLE PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Economic Amendment forms, brochures, and all packaging Reproduction of S.A. 9-Aug-2007
Development Zone materials Recorded Media
99.98% - Japanese
DO-NET SOFTWARE To engage in Software Development and
563 I.T. Marvin Plaza Building Original Software Development 13-18 1-Feb-2013
PHILIPPINES INC. other IT related activities
0.02% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
60% - Filipino
DONG SUN IRONWARE Cavite Economic Manufacture of shafts, terminal pins, screw Products, Except
566 40% - Export Original 04-67 21-Oct-2004
PROCESSOR, INC. Zone and inserts Machinery and
99.996% - Korean
Cavite Economic Production of plastic pellets and press Rubber and Plastic
567 DONG WU PLASTIC INC. Export Original 04-45 29-Jun-2004
Zone stamping activity Products
0.004% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of Die-Cutting Metal products
Cavite Economic Products, Except
DONG WU PLASTIC INC. Export New Project for Electronic and Non-Electronic S.A. 5-Mar-2013
Zone Machinery and
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60% - Filipino Phil. BXT Corp.
569 DOSHA KOREA PHIL INC. 40% - Tourism Tourism Economic Original To operate a Spa and Wellness Center Hotels and Restaurants 10-06-T 20-Oct-2010
Korean Zone
First Cavite Industrial manufacture of garments including industrial
570 100% - Japanese Export Original Wearing Apparel 94-45 23-Jun-1994
Estate - SEZ rags.
(Formerly: Triple Sister Garments
0.0000004% - German
Manufacture of cross-linked polyethylene
DRAKA PHILIPPINES, Mactan Economic Electrical Machinery and
Export Expansion coated automotive wires and PVC coated S.A. 20-May-2003
INCORPORATED Zone II - SEZ Apparatus, N.E.C.
automotive wires, and recoiling of wire
Fabricated Metal
60% - Japanese
Mactan Economic Products, Except
575 DRECOME, INC. 40% - Export Original Plating of various metal products 03-013 6-Feb-2003
Zone Machinery and
DSM (MANILA) LLC - PHILIPPINE Provide back-office outsourced processing Business Process
578 100% - American I.T. The Enterprise Center Original 07-45-IT 8-Aug-2007
BRANCH services Outsourcing
50% - Indian
Orient Square I.T. To provide software design and
579 DUCEN INFOTEK INC. - American I.T. Original Software Development 12-26-IT 21-Mar-2012
Bldg. development services
0.0003% -
99.99625% - Korean
DUCK-IL KOREA Cebu Light Industrial Manufacture of automobile electric supply Motor Vehicles, Trailers
580 Export Original 11-82 17-Nov-2011
INCORPORATED Park - SEZ parts, switch parts and connector parts and Semi-Trailers
0.00375% - Filipino
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To include the assembly, inspection and
reworks of the following: (1) CIS accessories
(light source, sensor chips, rod lens, hybrid Radio, Television and
DYNA IMAGE CORPORATION Cavite Economic board, precision case); and (2) printed Communication
Export Amendment S.A. 20-Jan-1999
PHILIPPINES Zone circuit board assembly (hybrid board, PCB- Equipment and
SMT, IC card, chip on board, main board, Apparatus
camera module, ball grid array and all
necessary PCB assembly products)
Fabricated Metal
99.4% - Korean
DYNAMIC HARNESS YOUR Cavite Economic Products, Except
586 0.6% - Export Original Assembly of various wire harness 11-40 4-Jul-2011
ELECTRONICS (DHYE) INC. Zone Machinery and
587 DYNATEC, INC. 100% - Filipino I.T. Niscom IT Building Original Engage in the operation of a Call Center Call Centers 07-18-IT 13-Mar-2007
91.24% - Japanese
Manufacture of stainless steel and carbon Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic steel fittings, flanges and related metal Products, Except
588 E N CORPORATION 6.37% - Taiwanese Export Original 09-13 24-Mar-2009
Zone products or goods similar in nature Machinery and
2.39% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Manufacture of various types and kinds of Products, Except
E N CORPORATION Export New Project S.A. 3-Dec-2010
Zone steel pipes Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Manufacture of Flanges, Fittings and other Products, Except
E N CORPORATION Export New Project S.A. 13-May-2011
Zone related products Machinery and
50.000002% - Filipino
EAST ASIA UTILITIES Mactan Economic Electricity, Gas, Steam
589 49.999997% - Dutch Utilities Original To provide electricity 98-01-U 27-Apr-1998
CORPORATION Zone and Hot Water Supply
0.000001% - Australian
EAST ASIA UTILITIES West Cebu Industrial Electricity, Gas, Steam
Utilities Amendment To provide electric power requirement S.A. 21-Apr-2009
CORPORATION Park - SEZ and Hot Water Supply
50% - Japanese
CORPORATION First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of ceramic powder for multi- Chemicals and Chemical
591 49.96% - Taiwanese Export Original 03-088 4-Dec-2003
(Formerly: East Ceramic Estate - SEZ layer capacitors Products
Philippines Corp.)
0.04% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
EAST STACKER PHILIPPINES First Cavite Industrial Assembly of machines and processing Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 24-Apr-2012
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ machine parts Machinery and
99.99% - Korean
592 Export Original Softening, hanking and cone winding of yarn Textiles 02-060 14-Nov-2002
0.01% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
Eastbay Arts,
39% - Development and operation of a hotel with a
593 EASTBAY RESORTS, INC. Tourism Recreational and Original Hotels and Restaurants 05-01-T 30-Mar-2005
American casino component
Tourism Zone
1% - Spanish
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(1) BPO Building, an existing 2-storey
building; (2) 1880 Eastwood Avenue, a
EASTWOOD CYBER ONE Eastwood City proposed 10-storey building; (3) e-
Facilities New Project Real Estate Activities S.A. 10-Oct-2007
CORPORATION Cyberpark Commerce Plaza, a proposed 10-storey
building; and (4) Global One Center, a
proposed 20-storey building
65% - American
Call center services
597 EBUSINESS BPO INC. 35% - I.T. Cebu I.T. Tower Original Call Centers 09-61-IT 29-Jul-2009
99.999994% - Filipino
ECOZONE POWER Laguna Technopark - Electricity, Gas, Steam
600 Utilities Original Retail Electricity Supplier (RES) 12-01-U 16-May-2012
MANAGEMENT INC. SEZ and Hot Water Supply
0.000006% - Japanese
Lima Technology
ECOZONE PROPERTIES, INC. Facilities Expansion Construction of factory buildings for lease Real Estate Activities S.A. 16-Jul-1999
Center - SEZ
Carmelray Industrial
ECOZONE PROPERTIES, INC. Facilities New Project To lease out an existing warehouse building Real Estate Activities S.A. 11-Jan-2008
Park I - SEZ
73.973% - Mexican
Engage in the medical and legal
Data Encoding,
transcription services for the healthcare
602 eDATA SERVICES PHILS., INC. 19.248% - American I.T. RCBC Plaza Original Transcribing and 02-017-IT 3-Oct-2002
business and legal process outsourcing
Related Services
6.779% - Filipino
Data Encoding,
To provide high speed and accurate data
eDATA SERVICES PHILS., INC. I.T. RCBC Plaza New Project Transcribing and S.A. 15-Jul-2005
entry and processing services
Related Services
To provide medical records summary and
Data Encoding,
eDATA SERVICES PHILS., INC. I.T. RCBC Plaza New Project Transcribing and S.A. 21-Sep-2007
Related Services
Data Encoding,
To provide medical utilization review
eDATA SERVICES PHILS., INC. I.T. RCBC Plaza New Project Transcribing and S.A. 30-Jun-2011
Related Services
Page 55 of 240
Increase in the production capacity of its Motor Vehicles, Trailers
EDS MANUFACTURING, INC. Export EMI - SEZ Expansion S.A. 25-Nov-2002
automotive wire harness and Semi-Trailers
96% - Korean
Other IT-enabled
605 4% - I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original To engage in English On-Line Teaching 10-14-IT 11-Mar-2010
Other IT-enabled
606 EEIKAIWA INC. 100% - Japanese I.T. KRC IT Zone Original To engage in English Online Tutorial 12-15-IT 21-Feb-2012
98.33% - Danish
EG CEBU MANUFACTURING, Cebu Light Industrial Manufacture of fine jewelry of all kinds and
607 Export Original Manufacturing, N.E.C. 02-062 20-Nov-2002
INC. Park - SEZ classes
1.67% - Filipino
99.73% - Japanese
Eastwood City
609 E-HIME SYSTEM CORPORATION I.T. Original To engage in software development Software Development 05-04-IT 15-Feb-2005
0.27% - Filipino
99.988% - Japanese
First Philippine Production of cloned or seedling orchid
610 Export Original Growing of Crops 10-06 22-Jan-2010
Industrial Park - SEZ plantlet
0.012% - Filipino
615 ELEMENTZ INTERACTIVE INC. 47.997% - American I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original To engage in software development Software Development 10-73-IT 9-Nov-2010
0.006% - Filipino
To provide the global software development
industry with high-end, well-priced quality
Business Process
616 ELEVATED PLAY PHILS. INC. 100% - Filipino I.T. Trafalgar Plaza Original assurance, localization and consultation 11-55-IT 20-Jul-2011
services, while still providing the high level
of work provided by an on-site team
Calamba Premiere
617 100% - Filipino Facilities International Park - Original Construct a 1-unit 3-storey factory building Real Estate Activities 06-12-F 18-Jul-2006
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To provide information technology services,
support and solutions (excluding internal
99.98% - Singaporean service provider) including outsourcing
Business Process
623 EMERIO PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. UnionBank Plaza Original activities, primarily for infrastructure 07-58-IT 4-Sep-2007
0.02% - Filipino management services, application
management services, software services
and consulting services
99.9997% - American
Orient Square I.T. To provide business process outsourcing
631 ENFRAUSA SOLUTIONS, INC. I.T. Original Call Centers 04-26-IT 6-Sep-2004
Bldg. services
0.0003% - Filipino
Page 57 of 240
To offer management information
technology and data processing services
such as, but not limited to, computer
programming, software package
development, system design and analysis,
installation support, job processing and
ENGAGE OUTSOURCING other related activities like contract
99.99% - British Multinational
WORLDWIDE INC. programming, consultancy, hardware
632 0.01% I.T. Bancorporation Original Software Development 12-79-IT 29-Aug-2012
(Formerly: Obimapp maintenance and likewise engage in
- Filipino Centre
Incorporated) business process outsourcing, account
management services, technical
support/help desk services, customer care
services, and back office processing and do
all things necessary and proper in the
pursuance of the above objects without
engaging as internet service provider
99.999996% - Malaysian
Carmelray Industrial
634 ENGTEK PHILIPPINES, INC. Facilities Original To lease out its existing building Real Estate Activities 05-18-F 6-Jun-2005
Park I - SEZ
0.000004% - Filipino
ENGTEK PRECISION Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of actuator assemblies and Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 6-Jun-2005
PHILIPPINES, INC. Park I - SEZ peripheral assemblies Computing Machinery
Fabricated Metal
ENGTEK PRECISION Carmelray Industrial Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of base plate S.A. 31-Jan-2012
PHILIPPINES, INC. Park I - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
ENLIN STEEL (PHILIPPINES) Cavite Economic Products, Except
636 100% - Japanese Export Original Manufacture of steel pipe fittings 94-29 7-Nov-1994
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
99.8% - Japanese
ENOMOTO PHILIPPINE Gateway Business Manufacture of metal moulds & connector Products, Except
637 Export Original 95-119 7-Nov-1995
MANUFACTURING, INC. Park - SEZ parts Machinery and
0.2% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
ENOMOTO PHILIPPINE Gateway Business Increase in the capacity of its metal Products, Except
Export Expansion S.A. 8-Dec-2000
MANUFACTURING, INC. Park - SEZ connector production Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
ENOMOTO PHILIPPINE Gateway Business Manufacture of plastic mouldings, i.e., Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 1-Oct-2001
MANUFACTURING, INC. Park - SEZ holder of flourescent display Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
ENOMOTO PHILIPPINE Cebu Light Industrial Products, Except
Export New Project High precision tooling S.A. 4-Jun-2002
MANUFACTURING, INC. Park - SEZ Machinery and
Page 58 of 240
Fabricated Metal
ENOMOTO PHILIPPINE Gateway Business Products, Except
Export New Project Electroplating Line S.A. 16-May-2007
MANUFACTURING, INC. Park - SEZ Machinery and
ePERFORMAX CONTACT Pacific Star Building Extension office to be used as training Other IT-enabled
I.T. Amendment LOA 27-Mar-2008
CENTERS CORP. Condominium facility to its incoming trainees Services
EPSON PRECISION Lima Technology To include inspection and quality checking of Office, Accounting and
Export Amendment S.A. 20-Oct-1999
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Center - SEZ terminal printer parts Computing Machinery
Fabricated Metal
EPSON PRECISION Lima Technology Design and fabrication of molds and press Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 19-Mar-2001
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Center - SEZ metal dies Machinery and
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Radio, Television and
EPSON PRECISION Lima Technology Manufacture of Head Mounted Display Communication
Export New Project S.A. 29-Mar-2012
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Center - SEZ (HMD) Equipment and
99% - Chinese
First Cavite Industrial Rubber and Plastic
644 EREACH PHILIPPINES INC. 1% - Export Original Manufacture and export of plastic trays 12-47 20-Jun-2012
Estate - SEZ Products
Laguna Technopark -
ESJ PROPERTIES Facilities Expansion Construction of 2-unit factory buildings Real Estate Activities S.A. 12-Aug-2005
96% - Japanese
ESPERANT SYSTEM Summit One Office Engage in the development and design of
649 4% - I.T. Original Software Development 07-36-IT 1-Jun-2007
PHILIPPINES CORP. Tower business application software
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of rubber parts to be used in
E-TECHNOLOGY PHILIPPINES, Cavite Economic Products, Except
652 100% - Korean Export Original the production of electrical wirings and parts 95-145 18-Dec-1995
INC. Zone Machinery and
for the automobile industry
Fabricated Metal
Calamba Premiere
ETERNITY MOULD Products, Except
653 100% - Chinese Export International Park - Original Manufacture of plastic injection moulds 13-25 11-Feb-2013
Fabricated Metal
99.85% - Korean
EUN YE METAL PHILIPPINES, Cavite Economic Products, Except
654 Export Original Manufacture of metal stamped parts 12-33 3-Apr-2012
INC. Zone Machinery and
0.15% - Filipino
95.24% - Chinese
657 EVEB CORPORATION I.T. SM iCITY 2 Original To engage in Call Center Services Call Centers 12-67-IT 18-Jul-2012
4.76% - Filipino
99.996% - British Virgin
Islander Fabricated Metal
0.0025% - Greenfield Automotive To engage in machining and assembly of Products, Except
658 MANUFACTURING COMPANY Export Original 11-80 14-Nov-2011
Filipino Park - SEZ metal parts Machinery and
0.0015% - Equipment
Page 60 of 240
Fabricated Metal
EVERBRILLIANT Temporary authority to proceed with its
Light Industry & Products, Except
MANUFACTURING COMPANY Export Amendment Machining and Assembling of Metal parts LOA 3-Jan-2012
Science Park I - SEZ Machinery and
INC. projects
70% - Chinese
EVERGREEN PARK Lima Technology Construction of factory building for lease to
660 30% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 00-02-F 16-May-2000
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Center - SEZ PEZA - registered ecozone enterprises
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic Manufacture of pressed steel parts of floppy Products, Except
662 EXAS PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original 92-058 23-Oct-1992
Zone disk drives of personal computers Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic Products, Except
EXAS PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Expansion Production of die set S.A. 18-Dec-1997
Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic Products, Except
EXAS PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project Manufacture of VCR cylinder heads S.A. 14-May-1998
Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic Products, Except
EXAS PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project Manufacture of plastic pressed parts S.A. 26-Jun-1998
Zone Machinery and
90.3225% - Japanese
667 I.T. Original Software Development and Programming Software Development 12-109-IT 8-Nov-2012
INC. Bldg.
9.6775% - Filipino
99.9988% - American
668 0.0008% - French I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original To engage in call center services Call Centers 08-69-IT 20-Nov-2008
0.0004% - Filipino
Page 61 of 240
To engage in the fabrication, conversion and
Filinvest Technology cushioning of packaging foam, carton Paper and Paper
669 EXELPACK CORPORATION 100% - Filipino Export Original 08-50 10-Sep-2008
Park Calamba - SEZ boxes, petrochemical based materials and Products
die cutted materials
99.9999% - Bermudian
EXPERTISE BPO SERVICES To provide outsourced payroll, accounting Business Process
675 I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original 12-59-IT 29-Jun-2012
MANILA, INC. and financial services Outsourcing
0.0001% - Filipino
Calamba Premiere
Construction of additional (14) warehouse
EZP DEVELOPMENT, INC. Facilities International Park - New Project Real Estate Activities S.A. 23-Mar-2006
buildings with mezzanine
Calamba Premiere
To construct seven (7) factory buildings for
EZP DEVELOPMENT, INC. Facilities International Park - New Project Real Estate Activities S.A. 2-Dec-2010
lease to PEZA-registered enterprises
99% - Korean
Cavite Economic
678 F & TS PHILIPPINES, INC. 1% - Export Original Manufacture of wearing apparel Wearing Apparel 05-60 28-Oct-2005
60% - Filipino
First Cavite Industrial To operate and maintain a two-storey
679 F.E.E. ESTATE CO., INC. 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 05-01-F 14-Jan-2005
Estate - SEZ warehouse building
Page 62 of 240
Manufacture of fiberglass-reinforced plastic
60% - Filipino
F.R.P. PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - products which include: sewerage pool Rubber and Plastic
680 40% - Export Original 94-56 2-Aug-1994
CORPORATION SEZ cover, purifying tank parts, pier cover, Products
portable toilet, duct, pipe, and flange
F.R.P. PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - To include the manufacture of FRP wall Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 16-Oct-2009
CORPORATION SEZ products for railway/seaport Products
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Radio, Television and
FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR Mactan Economic Manufacture of Power Quad Flat No-Lead Communication
Export New Project S.A. 14-Jun-2007
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Zone (PowerQFN) Equipment and
Fabricated Metal
To include the manufacture, fabrication and
FAMOUS SECRET PRECISION Daiichi Industrial Park Products, Except
Export Amendment assembly of aerospace parts, including S.A. 13-Mar-2009
MACHINING, INC. - SEZ Machinery and
machining services
99.9% - Korean
Cavite Economic Manufacture of knitted and woven apparels
694 FAREMO INTERNATIONAL, INC. 0.1% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 03-027 21-Mar-2003
Zone for men, ladies and children's wear
Page 64 of 240
Radio, Television and
Light Industry & To include dicing, sawing, bulk packaging, Communication
FASTECH ELECTRONIQUE, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 27-Aug-2010
Science Park I - SEZ tape and reel, and plating Equipment and
To engage in warehousing/logistics
operations, particularly, the
importation/procurement of semi-finished
FATEC CORPORATION goods for subsequent sale to PEZA-
(Fuji Advance Technology Logistics First Cavite Industrial registered export enterprises and to those Warehousing and
700 100% - Japanese Original 05-16-F 24-May-2005
and Engineering Components Service Estate - SEZ export enterprises registered with BOI, Clark Storage
Corporation). and Subic and those export enterprises
operating in other special economic zones
outside the administration of PEZA, for
subsequent export
FBMA MARINE, INC. 50% - British Ship building of aluminum hulled vessels,
West Cebu Industrial Other Transport
701 (Approved 50% - Export Original such as catamaran high-speed ferries, and 07-69 11-Dec-2007
Park - SEZ Equipment
as FBMA Babcock Marine, Inc.) Filipino ship repair
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of motorcycle clutch parts and Electrical Machinery and
FCC (PHILIPPINES) CORP. Export Expansion S.A. 25-Nov-2011
SEZ motorcycle clutch assembly Apparatus, N.E.C.
Fabricated Metal
Filinvest Technology Products, Except
708 FERUSCHE STAINLESS, INC. 100% - Filipino Export Original Manufacture of stainless steel products 10-16 24-Feb-2010
Park Calamba - SEZ Machinery and
Page 65 of 240
60% - Filipino
FE-TRONIC MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic Manufacture of magnetic products, coil Electrical Machinery and
710 40% - Export Original 97-013 17-Feb-1997
(PHILS.), INC. Zone assembly & transformers Apparatus, N.E.C.
Hong Kong
99.994% - Korean
715 Export Original Manufacture of fabrics Textiles 05-10 14-Mar-2005
CORP. Zone
0.006% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
Laguna Technopark -
716 FINLAY CABINETRY INC. 40% - Export Original Manufacture of wooden furniture Furniture 11-20 8-Apr-2011
60% - Filipino
718 40% - Facilities Original Construct one (1)-unit factory building Real Estate Activities 07-19-F 17-Dec-2007
INC. Park - SEZ
Page 66 of 240
Radio, Television and
Light Industry & Manufacture of lead-free flexible printed Communication
FIRST SUMIDEN CIRCUITS, INC. Export New Project S.A. 3-Sep-2004
Science Park I - SEZ circuits (FPC) for combo drive Equipment and
728 LIMITED (Approved 100% - Indian I.T. Northgate Cyberzone Original Engage in Call Center Operations Call Centers 07-16-IT 28-Feb-2007
as ICICI Onesource Limited)
I.T. Northgate Cyberzone New Project To engage in call center operations Call Centers S.A. 8-Sep-2011
99.985% - Chinese
Mactan Economic manufacture of garments / or wearing
729 FIRSTGLORY PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Original Wearing Apparel 05-66 6-Dec-2005
Zone apparels
0.015% - Filipino
99.997% - American
Worldwide Corporate To engage in IT-enabled support services,
731 FIVE9 PHILIPPINES INC. I.T. Original Call Centers 12-32-IT 11-Apr-2012
Center specifically technical support call center
0.003% - Filipino
99% - Korean
(Formerly: First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of polyester and nylon yarn
732 1% - Export Original Textiles 07-01 9-Jan-2007
Chamsen Dasmariñas Estate - SEZ and sewing thread
99.9999875% - American
Calamba Premiere Manufacture of high precision molded
733 0.0000075% - Filipino Export International Park - Original plastic products, devices, components and 06-34 27-Mar-2006
INC. Products
SEZ accessories
0.000005% - Chinese
To provide information technology-enabled
99.88% - Australian services which include, but not limited to, a
Business Process
734 FLAT PLANET PHILIPPINES INC. I.T. JG Summit Center Original full range of business process outsourcing 11-32-IT 4-May-2011
0.12% - Filipino and high value knowledge process
outsourcing for foreign clients
Page 67 of 240
To engage in export outsourcing services for
Multi-Media Graphics,
FLIPSIDE DIGITAL CONTENT Eastwood City the production and development of multi-
735 100% - Filipino I.T. Original Animation, Printing and 10-76-IT 11-Nov-2010
COMPANY INC. Cyberpark media and multi-format electronic book and
Other Services
other digital content
FORT ILOCANDIA LAND Fort Ilocandia Tourism To develop and operate a hotel with a
744 100% - Filipino Tourism Original Hotels and Restaurants 06-01-T 2-Jan-2006
DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. Economic Zone casino component
FORT WAYNE WIRE DIE First Philippine To include the manufacture and selling of Electrical Machinery and
Export Amendment S.A. 5-Oct-2011
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ Wire Die Polishing Equipment Apparatus, N.E.C.
Fabricated Metal
FORTUNECROSS PHILIPPINES, Cavite Economic To include the assembly and attachment of Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 12-Nov-2009
INC. Zone shaft to plastic injected parts Machinery and
Page 68 of 240
99.84% - Japanese
748 FORTY DEGREES CELSIUS INC. I.T. Keppel Center Original To engage in web development Software Development 13-57 21-Mar-2013
0.16% - Filipino
Carmelray Industrial Fabrication and consolidation of complete
751 100% - Swiss Export Original Manufacturing, N.E.C. 00-082 16-Oct-2000
Park II - SEZ kitchen package
(Formerly: Franke Contract
Group Philippines, Inc.)
To include the repair, refurbishing and
FRANKE FOODSERVICE Carmelray Industrial
Export Amendment retrofit activities of kitchen and buy-out Manufacturing, N.E.C. S.A. 11-Mar-2002
Calamba Premiere
FRESCANO FOOD Food Products and
754 100% - Filipino Export International Park - Original Processing of milkfish products 03-062 20-Aug-2003
Page 69 of 240
Calamba Premiere (a) Fresh frozen peeled halves mangoes
FRESCANO FOOD Food Products and
Export International Park - New Project and its by products (b) Frozen cooked S.A. 29-Mar-2004
SEZ banana fritters
99.985% - Japanese
0.005% - British
CORPORATION 6750 Ayala Avenue Provision of eMarket application for produce Business Process
755 I.T. Original 05-35-IT 29-Nov-2005
(Formerly: Bldg. wholesalers Outsourcing
0.005% - American
Freshremix Asia Corporation)
0.005% - -Filipino
99.992% German
Carmelray Industrial
756 FRESHTEX PHILIPPINES, INC. 0.005% - Filipino Export Original Production of finished garments Wearing Apparel 12-21 5-Mar-2012
Park I - SEZ
0.003% - Sri Lankan
99.995% - American
Business process outsourcing, which
6780 Ayala Avenue Business Process
757 FRIENDSTER PHILIPPINES, INC. 0.003% - Malaysian I.T. Original includes software application, research, 10-74-IT 11-Nov-2010
Bldg. Outsourcing
development and maintenance
0.002% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
To engage in software, systems applications
758 FRITZ & MACZIOL ASIA INC. 40% - I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original Software Development 07-20-IT 28-Mar-2007
and services
Calamba Premiere
Manufacture of Halal and other customized Food Products and
762 FSI FOODSHOP INC. 100% - Filipino Export International Park - Original 11-81 11-Nov-2011
food products Beverages
Laguna Technopark
763 FTA HOLDINGS, INC. 100% - Filipino Facilities Original To construct a warehouse-type building Real Estate Activities 10-18-F 17-Dec-2010
Annex - SEZ
F-TECH PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of sub-frame comp front Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 24-Sep-2002
MANUFACTURING, INC. SEZ suspension and crossbeam rear suspension and Semi-Trailers
Fabricated Metal
F-TECH PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of jigs and dies, (with non- Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 2-Jul-2008
MANUFACTURING, INC. SEZ pioneer status) Machinery and
F-TECH PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - To lease out a space within its factory
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 30-Oct-2008
MANUFACTURING, INC. SEZ building to F.Tech R & D Philippines Inc.
F-TECH PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Production of plastic auto parts Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 15-Sep-2009
F-TECH PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Aluminum die casting of motorcycle parts Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 14-Aug-2012
MANUFACTURING, INC. SEZ project and Semi-Trailers
Manufacture/production of different
FTM ELECTRONICS AND electronic products specifically Printed
ASSEMBLY CORPORATION Circuit Assembly/Casing Assembly for Car Radio, Television and
60% - Filipino
Cavite Economic Fuel Pump, Car Back Sensor Unit, Car Communication
765 40% - Export Original 10-05 21-Jan-2010
Zone Antenna Amplifier Unit, Card LED Indicator Equipment and
Unit, Fishing Reel Unit, Medical equipment Apparatus
and relative inspection and packaging
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Manufacture of electronic transistors and Radio, Television and
FUJI ELECTRIC PHILIPPINES, Carmelray Industrial diodes metal oxide semiconductor field Communication
766 100% - Japanese Export Original 95-54 15-May-1995
INC. Park I - SEZ effect transistors (MOSFETS), bipolar Equipment and
transistors and bipolar diodes (twin attack) Apparatus
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of assembly parts for automatic Rubber and Plastic
FUJI NAME PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Expansion S.A. 20-Aug-2010
Estate - SEZ shifter Products
98% - Japanese
FUJIKASUI WATER OPERATION, Laguna Technopark - To engage in water treatment for the Electricity, Gas, Steam
774 2% - Export Original 10-46 28-May-2010
INC. SEZ production of pure water and Hot Water Supply
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To engage in warehousing/logistics
operations, particularly storage, deposit,
inventory management,
importation/procurement of semi-finished
99.96% - Singaporean Calamba Premiere goods for subsequent sale, transfer or
FUJIPHILIPPINES SERVICES, Logistics Warehousing and
778 International Park - Original disposition to export-producer enterprises 08-01-L 21-Jan-2008
INC. Service Storage
0.04% - Japanese SEZ registered with PEZA, SBMA, CDC, BOI,
operating Bonded Manufacturing
Warehouses (CBMWs) and to overseas
clients, for direct export or for consignment
to PEZA-registered export enterprises
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture/assembly of aluminum
First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
780 FUJISASH PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original products such as aluminum exteriors, doors 95-16 8-Feb-1995
Estate - SEZ Machinery and
and sash
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of PVC windows and door Rubber and Plastic
FUJISASH PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 1-Aug-2008
Estate - SEZ frames with glass attachment Products
Fabricated Metal
FUJITSU DIE-TECH manufacture of dies and molds for export /
Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
782 CORPORATION OF THE 100% - Japanese Export Original maintenance & production services in 96-094 10-Sep-1996
SEZ Machinery and
PHILIPPINES connection with its products
Fabricated Metal
FUJITSU DIE-TECH Manufacture of various precision machine
Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
CORPORATION OF THE Export New Project parts of hard disk drives such as cover and S.A. 31-Dec-1998
SEZ Machinery and
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of mechanical units for Machinery and
CORPORATION OF THE Export New Project S.A. 21-Dec-2001
SEZ automated machines Equipment, N.E.C.
60% - Filipino Development and sale of software
783 (Formerly: 1) Magnus Support 40% - I.T. The Enterprise Center Original technology and related information Software Development 04-13-IT 6-May-2004
Services Philippines, Inc.; 2) Dutch technology services
Supply Chain Consulting
(Philippines), Inc.)
74.9998% - Japanese
Manufacture of new models of car audio Radio, Television and
FUJITSU TEN CORPORATION OF Laguna Technopark - products, car electronic products and Communication
784 25% - Singaporean Export Original 01-063 29-Oct-2001
THE PHILIPPINES SEZ electronic PCB assemblies (Expansion Equipment and
Project) Apparatus
0.0002% - Filipino
Radio, Television and
Increase production capacity of car audio
FUJITSU TEN CORPORATION OF Laguna Technopark - Communication
Export Expansion products, car electronic products and PCB S.A. 9-Dec-2005
Fabricated Metal
FUJITSU TEN CORPORATION OF Laguna Technopark - Design and fabrication of jigs, fixtures and Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 9-Dec-2005
THE PHILIPPINES SEZ checkers Machinery and
FUJITSU TEN CORPORATION OF Laguna Technopark - To include: a) parts and material analysis;
Export Amendment Other Service Activities S.A. 15-Dec-2009
THE PHILIPPINES SEZ and b) reliability test services
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FURUHASHI KNIT GLOVE Cavite Economic Manufacture of knitted working/industrial
788 100% - Japanese Export Original Wearing Apparel 99-072 1-Dec-1999
FURUKAWA ELECTRIC Laguna Technopark - Manufacture and assembly of relay box Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 25-Oct-2000
AUTOPARTS PHILIPPINES, INC. SEZ assembly parts and Semi-Trailers
FURUKAWA ELECTRIC Laguna Technopark - Increase in the production capacity of its Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Expansion S.A. 23-Jun-2003
AUTOPARTS PHILIPPINES, INC. SEZ production of steering roll connectors and Semi-Trailers
FURUKAWA ELECTRIC Laguna Technopark - Testing and evaluation of steering roll Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 23-Aug-2004
AUTOPARTS PHILIPPINES, INC. SEZ connector (SRC) and connector models and Semi-Trailers
99.999903% - Japanese
FUTABA CORPORATION OF THE Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of vacuum fluorescent displays Electrical Machinery and
797 Export Original 95-28 13-Mar-1995
0.000097% - Filipino
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FUTABA CORPORATION OF THE Laguna Technopark - Increase in the production capacity of its Electrical Machinery and
Export Expansion S.A. 14-Oct-1997
PHILIPPINES SEZ Vacuum Flourescent Display (VFD's) Apparatus, N.E.C.
FUTABA CORPORATION OF THE Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of chip in glass - vacuum Electrical Machinery and
Export Expansion S.A. 26-Jul-2007
PHILIPPINES SEZ fluorescent display (CIG-VFD) Apparatus, N.E.C.
50% - Dutch
49.96% - Mactan Economic Manufacture of furniture, home decors,
799 FUTURA GROUP CORPORATION Export Original Furniture 05-12 21-Mar-2005
Italian Zone II - SEZ novelty items and fashion accessories
0.04% - Filipino
99.9964% - Australian
Data Encoding,
McKinley Hill To engage in Non-voice Business
800 FXDMS PHILIPPINES, INC. 0.0024% - Filipino I.T. Original Transcribing and 13-56 26-Mar-2013
Cyberpark Processing Outsourcing
Related Services
0.0012% - Japanese
Manufacture of wire harness, accessories
Cavite Economic and parts for electronic devices such as Electrical Machinery and
801 GA&P TEC INC. 100% - Korean Export Original 05-37 28-Jun-2005
Zone switch harness, connectors, silicon and Apparatus, N.E.C.
leadwire assembly
Angeles Industrial
806 GB GLOBAL EXPREZ INC. 100% - Filipino Export Original Manufacture of cigarettes Tobacco Products 10-67 13-Aug-2010
Park - SEZ
Page 74 of 240
Manufacture of electronic and electrical
GEMPHIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. parts and components particularly
Light Industry & Electrical Machinery and
812 (Formerly: 100% - Filipino Export Original transformers, chokers, inductors, filters, 95-105 4-Oct-1995
Science Park I - SEZ Apparatus, N.E.C.
Gemphil Semiconductors, Inc.) coils, discrete semiconductor devices/ Ics,
and ferrite cores, etc.
813 GENPACT SERVICES LLC 100% - American I.T. Northgate Cyberzone Original Call Center Operations Call Centers 06-23-IT 11-May-2006
GENPACT SERVICES LLC I.T. Northgate Cyberzone New Project Call Center Operations Call Centers S.A. 12-Jul-2007
GENPACT SERVICES LLC I.T. Northgate Cyberzone Amendment To include the call center operations Call Centers S.A. 24-Jul-2008
(a) FCD 488nm PM Fiber Collimator; and (b) Medical, Precision and
Export New Project Precision Beam Profile Converter Optical Instruments, S.A. 12-Nov-2009
Watches and Clocks
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McKinley Hill Software application development and
816 INC. (Formerly: Sunbelt Software I.T. Original Software Development 10-37-IT 7-Jul-2010
Cyberpark maintenance
Philippines Inc.) 0.5% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
GJ PRECISION TECHNOLOGY Laguna International Production of spare parts, parts and Products, Except
818 100% - Korean Export Original 12-91 7-Dec-2012
INC. Industrial Park - SEZ components of machineries Machinery and
Eastwood City Provision of online customer support service
822 TECHNOLOGIES 100% - Filipino I.T. Original Call Centers 06-22-IT 11-May-2006
Cyberpark (call center) and software development
Fabricated Metal
99.9% - Japanese
GLOBAL ENGINERY Products, Except
824 Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Original Manufacture of die and die equipment 05-67 7-Dec-2005
TECHNICIANS INC. Machinery and
0.1% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
GLOBAL ENGINERY To include repair and maintenance services Products, Except
Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Amendment S.A. 8-Dec-2006
TECHNICIANS, INC. of various machines and equipment Machinery and
Calamba Premiere
GLOBAL METAL VENTURES Reprocessing of electronics/ semiconductor
826 100% - Filipino Export International Park - Original Recycling 04-16 27-Feb-2004
CORPORATION production excesses, rejects and scraps
99.9972% - Singaporean
0.0008% - American
GLOBAL MOBILETECH Development of mobile software
827 I.T. Allegro Center Original Software Development 07-62-IT 1-Oct-2007
PHILIPPINES INC. applications
0.0004% - Irish
0.0016% - Filipino
Manufacture of plastic parts for antenna
99.9995% - Japanese
GLOBAL MOULDING Cavite Economic cover/holder parts, battery charger parts, Rubber and Plastic
828 Export Original 00-057 7-Jul-2000
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone washing machine parts, coil bobbin parts Products
0.0005% - Filipino
and coil case parts for export
GLOBAL MOULDING Cavite Economic To include painting process and assembly of Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 30-Jan-2002
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone compact case A & D for casing of earphone Products
GLOBAL MOULDING Cavite Economic Manufacture of air conditioner control box Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project S.A. 19-Feb-2004
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone front case Products
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GLOBAL MOULDING Cavite Economic To include fabrication, subcontracting and Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 26-Jul-2004
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone repairing of molds Products
Fabricated Metal
GLOBAL MOULDING Cavite Economic Metal stamping and manufacture of various Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 10-Jul-2007
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone metal machine parts Machinery and
GLOBAL PACKAGING AND Cavite Economic Manufacture of packaging products and Paper and Paper
830 100% - Filipino Export Original 07-17 22-Feb-2007
LOGISTIC SOLUTIONS INC. Zone materials Products
99.995% - Singaporean
0.002% - American
GLOBAL PAYMENTS PROCESS To provide various credit/debit processing Business Process
831 I.T. Robinsons CyberPark Original 10-29-IT 14-May-2010
CENTRE INC. functions Outsourcing
0.002% - Filipino
99.9925% - Taiwanese
GLOBALWEAR Mactan Economic To construct a warehouse building for
835 Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 11-15-F 10-Oct-2011
MANUFACTURING INC. Zone lease/sale to PEZA-registered enterprises
0.0075% - Filipino
50.09% - Filipino
GLOBEPLAS INTERNATIONAL Golden Mile Business Manufacture of special plastic sheets for Rubber and Plastic
836 Export Original 05-55 28-Sep-2005
CORP. Park - SEZ electronics application Products
49.91% - Korean
99.98% - British
Cebu Light Industrial Manufacture of sails and accessories for
837 GLOBESAILS, INC. 0.02% Export Original Textiles 10-90 24-Nov-2010
Park - SEZ yachts and racing dinghies for export
- Filipino
99.999991% - Japanese
West Cebu Industrial Exportation of various metal scraps and its
838 GLO-CAL CEBU INC. Facilities Original Recycling 05-42-F 1-Dec-2005
Park - SEZ kinds
0.000009% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of metal parts and sub-
Cavite Economic Products, Except
GLORY (PHILIPPINES), INC. Export New Project assembly of component for money-handling S.A. 25-Apr-2001
Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic To include quality inspection of die-sets and Products, Except
GLORY (PHILIPPINES), INC. Export Amendment S.A. 1-Aug-2003
Zone moulds Machinery and
Cavite Economic Manufacture of RBW-10 (Euro Bill Sorting Office, Accounting and
GLORY (PHILIPPINES), INC. Export New Project S.A. 26-Aug-2010
Zone Machine) Computing Machinery
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Cavite Economic Office, Accounting and
GLORY (PHILIPPINES), INC. Export New Project Manufacture of RB-500 S.A. 15-May-2012
Zone Computing Machinery
96% - French
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of men's and ladies' leather
841 GLOVE STORY (PHILS.), INC. 4% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 11-84 24-Nov-2011
Estate - SEZ dress gloves and comfort slippers
99.995% - Singaporean
0.001% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
GOJI INDUSTRY PHILIPPINES Mactan Economic Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of LCD panel holder S.A. 30-Jun-2005
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
64% - Korean
Cavite Economic Manufacture of ladies' knitted sweaters and
846 GOLD & GREEN APPAREL, INC. 36% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 99-02 11-Jan-1999
Zone other ladies' apparel
Page 78 of 240
Export Amendment To include leasing activity Real Estate Activities S.A. 7-Nov-2005
60.05% - Filipino
IT operations, business process
Pacific Star Building outsourcing, software development, and
849 39.9% - Australian I.T. Original Software Development 09-03-IT 8-Jan-2009
Condominium Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP)/projects implementation
0.05% - British
98.998% - Taiwanese
GOOD ENTERPRISE Mactan Economic Manufacture of ladies' & men's ready-to-
850 Export Original Wearing Apparel 96-043 10-Apr-1996
CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ wear garments
1.002% - Filipino
99.986% - American
GRACALL INTERNATIONAL MNL To engage in outsourced contact center
852 I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original Call Centers 11-46-IT 14-Jun-2011
INC. services or business process outsourcing
0.014% - Filipino
50.99965% - Hong Kong
Fabricated Metal
GRANDWAY INDUSTRIAL Light Industry & To engage in metal parts stamping and Products, Except
853 49% - Filipino Export Original 11-86 21-Dec-2011
MANUFACTURING CORP. Science Park I - SEZ fabrication Machinery and
0.00035% - Chinese
99.9997% - Japanese
Other IT-enabled
858 GREATENGLISH CORPORATION I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original To engage in English On-Line Tutorial 12-19-IT 7-Mar-2012
0.0003% - Filipino
Coke, Refined
GREEN FUTURE INNOVATIONS, Ecofuel Agro- Manufacture/production of bioethanol and
860 100% - Filipino Agro-Industrial Original Petroleum and Other 10-02-AI 23-Nov-2010
INC. Industrial Ecozone its by-products, i.e., power/electricity
Fuel Products
GREENWOOD MOULDING AND Laguna International To engage in plastic injection moulding and Rubber and Plastic
864 100% - Filipino Export Original 12-42 25-May-2012
MANUFACTURING, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ manufacturing Products
Mactan Economic Manufacture of recycled color plastic resins,
865 RECYCLE MANUFACTURING 100% - Filipino Export Original Recycling 09-74 22-Dec-2009
Mactan Economic Electrical Machinery and
RECYCLE MANUFACTURING Export New Project Manufacture of PVC Pipes S.A. 13-May-2011
Zone Apparatus, N.E.C.
Page 79 of 240
Laguna Technopark - To engage in buying, collecting, segregating
866 100% - Malaysian Facilities Original Recycling 09-07-F 6-Jul-2009
SEZ and crushing of scrap materials
(Formerly: Victory Recovery and
Recycle Technologies, Inc.)
GREPAC REALTY LEASING Cavite Economic Construction of factory buildings for lease to
867 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 96-05 4-Mar-1996
CORPORATION Zone registered ecozone enterprises
Fabricated Metal
West Cebu Industrial To include the "Fabrication of Outfitting Products, Except
GRT (CEBU) CORPORATION Export Amendment S.A. 4-Sep-2012
Park - SEZ Parts for Barges" Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
GUNMA GOHKIN PHILIPPINES Light Industry & Products, Except
Export Amendment Assembly of hook plates assembly S.A. 31-Jul-2000
CORP. Science Park I - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
GUNMA GOHKIN PHILIPPINES Light Industry & Manufacture of die and press mould Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 8-Jan-2002
CORP. Science Park I - SEZ products Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
GUNMA GOHKIN PHILIPPINES Light Industry & Manufacture of zinc die cast parts such as Products, Except
Export Expansion S.A. 18-Mar-2004
CORP. Science Park I - SEZ zinc plates and zinc brackets Machinery and
99.88% - American
GXS PHILIPPINES, INC. Development of software and associated
(Formerly: GXS services, consulting services and
876 0.1% - Filipino I.T. RCBC Plaza Original Software Development 05-07-IT 30-Mar-2005
Software Development miscellaneous computer aided and detailing
0.02% -
Philippines, Inc.) services
To include the call center operations
GXS PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Amendment contracted with ePLDT, Inc. through Vocativ Call Centers S.A. 14-Jan-2010
Systems Inc.
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Manufacture of valves such as main starting
Laguna International valves, cylinder valve, pneumatic control Machinery and
877 H. PHIL CORP. 100% - Korean Export Original 11-48 2-Aug-2011
Industrial Park - SEZ valve, pressure reducing valve, motor valve, Equipment, N.E.C.
conventional safety relief valve
Cavite Economic
H.R.D. SINGAPORE PTE LTD Export Amendment To include quality control services Manufacturing, N.E.C. S.A. 7-Jul-1999
Fabricated Metal
Laguna Technopark Products, Except
880 HADORON STUDIO, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original Manufacture of Plating Machines 13-19 6-Feb-2013
Annex - SEZ Machinery and
65% - Thai
Fabricated Metal
24% - Manufacture of PCD/CBN/Carbide and
HALCYON TECHNOLOGY Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
881 Singaporean Export Original natural diamond cutting tools, jigs and 10-72 2-Sep-2010
(PHILIPPINES) INC. SEZ Machinery and
11% - fixture, machine parts
Fabricated Metal
HALSANGZ PLATING CEBU Mactan Economic To include the assembly and nickel plating Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 5-Feb-1996
CORPORATION Zone of bobbins for sewing machines Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
HALSANGZ PLATING CEBU Transfer of plating and surface treatment of Products, Except
Export MRI Ecozone - SEZ Amendment LOA 27-Mar-2003
CORPORATION metals Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
99.9988% - American
HAMMON PLATING Cavite Economic Products, Except
885 Export Original To engage in plating and coating services 12-67 11-Sep-2012
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone Machinery and
0.0012% - Filipino
Page 81 of 240
99.9988% - Korean Engaged in embroidery and printing of
887 Export Original designs in garments and other wearing Textiles 02-065 22-Nov-2002
CORP. Zone
0.0012% - Filipino apparel
60% - Filipino
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of die releasing agents and Chemicals and Chemical
888 HANANO PHILS. CORP. 40% - Export Original 07-56 9-Oct-2007
SEZ plunger lubricant Products
HARBOUR CENTRE PORT Manila Harbour Operation and maintenance of a Port Warehousing and
893 100% - Filipino Facilities Original 99-04-F 18-Jun-1999
TERMINAL, INC. Centre - SEZ Terminal Facility Storage
60% - Filipino
Cavite Economic Manufacture of wearing apparel such as
894 HARDSTONE JEANS INC. 40% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 06-27 13-Mar-2006
Zone shirts, pants and jackets
Fabricated Metal
HARMO TECHNOLOGY First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
Export Amendment To include the manufacture of metal parts S.A. 20-Oct-2010
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
HARMO TECHNOLOGY First Cavite Industrial To include "stamping, machining, Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 14-Feb-2013
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ wirecutting, drilling, tapping services" Machinery and
HAYAKAWA COMPONENT Cavite Economic Manufacture / assembly of finisher / sorter Office, Accounting and
Export Amendment S.A. 8-Aug-2001
TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Zone for photocopying machines Computing Machinery
HAYAKAWA COMPONENT Cavite Economic Assembly of electronic hand-held design Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 23-Nov-2009
TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Zone module Apparatus, N.E.C.
HAYAKAWA ELECTRONICS Cavite Economic Junction box assembly for solar panel Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 14-Nov-2011
(PHILS.) CORP. Zone modules project Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.0035% - Filipino
HCL TECHNOLOGIES To engage in Business Process Outsourcing Business Process
901 I.T. Sunnymede IT Center Original 12-47-IT 22-May-2012
PHILIPPINES, INC. (BPO) and Back Office Services Outsourcing
0.0011% - American
0.0011% - Singaporean
HDK PHILIPPINES Radio, Television and
99.9996% - Japanese
INCORPORATED Cavite Economic Manufacture of chips on flexible printed Communication
902 Export Original 04-77 24-Nov-2004
(Formerly: MD Tech Phils., Zone circuit Equipment and
0.0004% - Filipino
Incorporated) Apparatus
Page 82 of 240
HEADWAY CAPS 72.73% - Taiwanese
Mactan Economic Production of baseball caps, other
903 INTERNATIONAL CO., INC. Export Original Manufacturing, N.E.C. 00-063 3-Aug-2000
Zone II - SEZ headgears, garments & accessories
27.27% - Filipino
HEAVY DUTY PACKAGING Cavite Economic Manufacture of heavy duty cartons for Paper and Paper
904 100% - Filipino Export Original 96-033 27-Feb-1996
CORPORATION Zone export Products
HEAVY DUTY PACKAGING Cavite Economic Manufacture of hand-made paper and other Paper and Paper
Export New Project S.A. 28-Jun-2011
CORPORATION Zone similar products Products
HEAVY DUTY PACKAGING Logistics First Cavite Industrial Establishment of its second warehouse Warehousing and
905 100% - Filipino New Project 05-43-L 2-Dec-2005
CORPORATION. Service Estate - SEZ facility for warehousing/storage purposes Storage
99.999988% - Singaporean
To engage in: a) production of medical
Carmelray Industrial Electrical Machinery and
906 HEWTECH PHILIPPINES CORP. 0.000007% - Filipino Export Original tubes; and b) assembly of cable and wire 11-56 26-Aug-2011
Park II - SEZ Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.000005% - Japanese
Manufacture of Transport Packaging
People's Technology Rubber and Plastic
907 HEXAPACK CORPORATION 100% - Filipino Export Original Products (Paper pallet, Honey comb 11-76 21-Oct-2011
Complex - SEZ Products
Boards, Slip sheet, Angle Boards)
54.55% - Japanese
Recycling of used clothing partly into wiping
HIDEKA MANUFACTURING Mactan Economic rags and partly for shredding into wool,
911 27.27% - Filipino Export Original Textiles 96-031 20-Feb-1996
CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ polyester and cotton fibers for 100 % re-
18.18% - Chinese
99.88% - Japanese
HIGH FREQUENCY CIRCUIT First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of remote control security and Motor Vehicles, Trailers
914 Export Original 04-36 25-May-2004
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Estate - SEZ engine starting systems and Semi-Trailers
0.12% - Filipino
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Manufacture of plastic molding, chip
Radio, Television and
99% - Taiwanese process, light source assembly and other
HIGH WELL ELECTRONICS MFG. Cavite Economic Communication
915 1% - Export Original services such as Surface Mount Technology 03-014 6-Feb-2003
CORPORATION Zone Equipment and
Filipino (SMT) light source, chip process and glass
79.9993% - Korean
Radio, Television and
Manufacture of static controlled/electronic
Laguna International Communication
916 HIGHCOM THERMOTECH INC. 20% - Japanese Export Original device Packing Tube for semiconductor, 07-38 9-Jul-2007
Industrial Park - SEZ Equipment and
connector and relay packing
0.0007% - Filipino
HI-LAS MARKETING Production of fresh mangoes, frozen mango
CORPORATION Food Terminal Inc. - halves/diced, mango puree, dried mangoes Food Products and
917 100% - Filipino Export Original 09-06 4-Feb-2009
SEZ and pineapples, papaya, melons and other Beverages
tropical fruits for export
CORPORATION Food Terminal Inc. - To include the production of fresh and Food Products and
Export Amendment S.A. 13-Dec-2011
SEZ frozen okra Beverages
920 HISOLOMON CORPORATION 100% - Korean Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Original Manufacture of all kinds of furniture Furniture 05-08 17-Feb-2005
HI-SPEED PROPERTIES & Cebu Light Industrial To construct a warehouse building for
921 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 12-04-F 17-Feb-2012
DEVELOPMENT, INC. Park - SEZ lease/sale to PEZA-registered enterprises
Fabricated Metal
Design, fabricate, manufacture and sell
HISTOTECH PRECISION (PH), Light Industry & Products, Except
922 100% - Malaysian Export Original certain component parts and specialized 11-45 18-Jul-2011
INC. Science Park I - SEZ Machinery and
Page 84 of 240
To engage in warehousing/logistics support
services, i.e., (i) storage, deposit, safekeeping of
goods for subsequent transfer directly to the
ecozone plant of the PEZA-registered export
enterprise-owner/consignee thereof; (ii)
importation and/or procurement from other PEZA-
registered enterprise, of goods for resale, or for
packing/covering (including marking, labeling),
cutting or altering to customers' specification,
HITACHI CABLE ASIA PACIFIC mounting and/or packaging into kits or
Logistics First Cavite Industrial Warehousing and
(HCAP) PTE. LTD. - PHILIPPINE Original marketable lots thereof for subsequent sale, 10-17-L 28-Oct-2010
Service Estate - SEZ transfer or disposition directly to PEZA-registered Storage
export enterprises, and to export enterprises
engaged in the semiconductor and electronics
industry which are registered with the BOI or
operating at the Clark, Subic economic zones
and other special economic zones outside the
administration of PEZA, for direct export, or for
consignment to PEZA-registered export
enterprises; and (iii) marketing for an affiliate,
Hitachi Cable Phil. Inc.
HITACHI CABLE PHILIPPINES, Lima Technology Manufacture of rubber and plastic parts and Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 21-Oct-1998
INC. Center - SEZ assemblies for office automation equipment Products
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of ultrasonic sensor for the Motor Vehicles, Trailers
HKT PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 29-Jul-2004
Park II - SEZ automotive industry and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export Amendment To include the manufacture of metal crates S.A. 11-Sep-1995
SEZ and Semi-Trailers
Page 85 of 240
Laguna Technopark - To include the manufacture of generator Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export Amendment S.A. 20-Feb-1996
SEZ parts and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export New Project Manufacture of metal crates S.A. 13-Feb-2002
SEZ and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export New Project Assembly of transmission assembly S.A. 13-Feb-2002
SEZ and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - Increase in the production capacity of its Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export Expansion S.A. 19-Sep-2002
SEZ transmission assembly and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export New Project Production of gears and shafts S.A. 19-May-2009
SEZ and Semi-Trailers
99.998% - Japanese
HONDA TRADING PHILIPPINES Logistics Laguna Technopark - To provide warehousing/logistics support Warehousing and
935 Original 04-25-F 25-Oct-2004
ECOZONE CORPORATION Service SEZ services Storage
0.002% - Filipino
HOUSE TECHNOLOGY Cavite Economic Manufacture of kitchen top, wash top and Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 28-Jan-2000
INDUSTRIES PTE. LTD. Zone other similar products Products
HOUSE TECHNOLOGY Cavite Economic To lease out 100 sq.m. building space to PV
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 15-Feb-2011
INDUSTRIES PTE. LTD. Zone Tech Pte. Ltd.
Page 86 of 240
Radio, Television and
Laguna Technopark - Communication
938 INC. (Formerly: Export Original Manufacture of magnetic glass disks 97-010 6-Feb-1997
SEZ Equipment and
NSG Philippines, Inc.) 0.0004% - Filipino
99.84% - Dutch
Light Industry & To engage in developing IT and technical IT Research and
940 PHILIPPINES Japanese I.T. Original 13-06 17-Jan-2013
Science Park I - SEZ support with IP for optical lens production Development
INC.. 0.06% -
99.9996% - Japanese Medical, Precision and
Mactan Economic Manufacture of super high precision optical
942 Export Original Optical Instruments, 09-53 15-Oct-2009
Zone devices
0.0004% - Filipino Watches and Clocks
Mactan Economic To lease out its 811.5 sq.m. building space
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 1-Mar-2011
Zone to PENTAX Cebu Philippines Corporation
Repair and refurbishment of endoscopes, Medical, Precision and
Mactan Economic
Export New Project endoscopic systems, trainings and other Optical Instruments, S.A. 12-Oct-2011
related activities Watches and Clocks
90% - Filipino
Manufacture of garments
943 10% - Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Original Wearing Apparel 09-36 8-Jul-2009
Fabricated Metal
99.9997% - Japanese Manufacture and sale of metal parts for
HS TECHNOLOGIES (PHILS.), Cavite Economic Products, Except
944 Export Original various electronic and electrical applicances 94-100 15-Dec-1994
INC. Zone Machinery and
0.0003% - Filipino and equipment
Page 87 of 240
99.999986% - British
HSBC ELECTRONIC DATA 0.000007% - American To operate a call center providing inbound
945 PROCESSING (PHILIPPINES) I.T. Northgate Cyberzone Original and outbound customer service via Call Centers 04-07-IT 29-Mar-2004
INC. 0.0000035% - Indian telephone and web-based services
0.0000035% - Filipino
Limited to the operation of a call center
providing inbound and outbound customer
PROCESSING (PHILIPPINES) I.T. Technology Park New Project Call Centers S.A. 6-Jun-2007
service via telephone and web-based
INC. (North)
85% - Korean
Cavite Economic Production and exports of resin coloring and Rubber and Plastic
946 HWA IN ENPLA CORP. 15% - Export Original 10-37 12-May-2010
Zone pelletizing Products
99.92% - Korean Printing of colored gift boxes, labels, rubber
Cavite Economic Paper and Paper
947 Export Original pads, tags, stickers and process sponged 09-65 19-Nov-2009
Zone Products
0.08% - Filipino cushion mould
99.995% - British
Cebu Light Industrial Manufacture of sails for yachts and racing
949 HYDE SAILS CEBU, INC. Export Original Textiles 03-053 11-Aug-2003
Park - SEZ dinghies
0.005% - Filipino
Cebu Light Industrial To include the repair of sails for yachts and
HYDE SAILS CEBU, INC. Export Amendment Textiles S.A. 10-Jun-2005
Park - SEZ dinghies
HYE SUNG IND. (PHILIPPINES) Cavite Economic Manufacture of vibration motors and micro Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 29-Jan-2000
INC. Zone receivers / speakers Apparatus, N.E.C.
99.997% - British
To engage in business process outsourcing,
955 IASA, INC. I.T. RCBC Plaza Original Call Centers 03-29-IT 24-Nov-2003
which includes contact center operations
0.003% - Filipino
Page 88 of 240
Radio, Television and
First Philippine To include the back end process of Rambus Communication
IBIDEN PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 31-Jul-2001
Industrial Park - SEZ Inline Memory Module (RIMM) Equipment and
Fabricated Metal
First Philippine Manufacture of tooling assembly products, Products, Except
IBIDEN PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 11-Oct-2007
Industrial Park - SEZ such as drilling bit Machinery and
Page 89 of 240
To provide Business Transformation Outsourcing
(BTO) services including, but not limited to: (a)
Human Resources functions such as payroll
delivery, benefits administration, compensation
planning, relocation and expatriate services, travel
and expense management, HR data management,
workforce management, employee interface
services, manual expense reporting card
administration, E-receipting, contract support, check
and wire request, HR system administration, and
other HR related services; (b) Financial &
Accounting Services functions such as accounts
payable, general accounting, consolidation activity,
expense base general administration, invoice
processing, account reconciliation, financial
statement analysis, journal entries, ledger interface,
Eastwood City Business Process
IBM BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. I.T. Expansion ledger account reconciliation, tax reporting and other S.A. 29-Aug-2006
Cyberpark related activities; (c) Shared Service Center Outsourcing
functions such as project management, financial
planning and reporting, inter-company agreement
and billing preparation, utilization reporting, intranet
labor claiming administration, rates preparation and
coordination, HR services, F&A support, Business
controls, global Delivery Learning and other related
activities; (d) Customer Interface functions such as
contact center, employee inquiries and other related
activities; (e) Supply Chain Management functions
such as strategic sourcing, ongoing buying, order
To customer
provide Business assistance center,
Transformation Outsourcing
(BTO) servicesaccounts payable,
including, but notproject
limited to: (a)
Human and other
Resources related
functions activities;
such and (f)
as payroll
other BTO
delivery, relatedadministration,
benefits activities whichcompensation
requires technical
skill and support
planning, relocation and expatriate services, travel
and expense management, HR data management,
workforce management, employee interface
services, manual expense reporting card
administration, E-receipting, contract support, check
and wire request, HR system administration, and
other HR related services; (b) Financial &
Accounting Services functions such as accounts
payable, general accounting, consolidation activity,
expense base general administration, invoice
processing, account reconciliation, financial
statement analysis, journal entries, ledger interface,
Eastwood City Business Process
IBM BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. I.T. New Project ledger account reconciliation, tax reporting and other S.A. 4-Jan-2007
Cyberpark related activities; (c) Shared Service Center Outsourcing
functions such as project management, financial
planning and reporting, inter-company agreement
and billing preparation, utilization reporting, intranet
labor claiming administration, rates preparation and
coordination, HR services, F&A support, Business
controls, global Delivery Learning and other related
activities; (d) Customer Interface functions such as
contact center, employee inquiries and other related
activities; (e) Supply Chain Management functions
such as strategic sourcing, ongoing buying, order
To customer
provide Business assistance center,
Transformation Outsourcing
(BTO) servicesaccounts payable,
including, but notproject
limited to: (a)
Human and other
Resources related
functions activities;
such and (f)
as payroll
other BTO
delivery, relatedadministration,
benefits activities whichcompensation
requires technical
skill and support
planning, relocation and expatriate services, travel
and expense management, HR data management,
workforce management, employee interface
services, manual expense reporting card
administration, E-receipting, contract support, check
and wire request, HR system administration, and
other HR related services; (b) Financial &
Accounting Services functions such as accounts
payable, general accounting, consolidation activity,
expense base general administration, invoice
processing, account reconciliation, financial
statement analysis, journal entries, ledger interface,
Eastwood City Business Process
IBM BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. I.T. New Project ledger account reconciliation, tax reporting and other S.A. 1-Jun-2007
Cyberpark related activities; (c) Shared Service Center Outsourcing
functions such as project management, financial
planning and reporting, inter-company agreement
and billing preparation, utilization reporting, intranet
labor claiming administration, rates preparation and
coordination, HR services, F&A support, Business
controls, global Delivery Learning and other related
activities; (d) Customer Interface functions such as
contact center, employee inquiries and other related
activities; (e) Supply Chain Management functions
such as strategic sourcing, ongoing buying, order
To customer
provide Business assistance center,
Transformation Outsourcing
(BTO) servicesaccounts payable,
including, but notproject
limited to: (a)
Human and other
Resources related
functions activities;
such and (f)
as payroll
other BTO
delivery, relatedadministration,
benefits activities whichcompensation
requires technical
skill and support
planning, relocation and expatriate services, travel
and expense management, HR data management,
workforce management, employee interface
services, manual expense reporting card
administration, E-receipting, contract support, check
and wire request, HR system administration, and
other HR related services; (b) Financial &
Accounting Services functions such as accounts
payable, general accounting, consolidation activity,
expense base general administration, invoice
processing, account reconciliation, financial
UP Science and statement analysis, journal entries, ledger interface,
Business Process
IBM BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. I.T. Technology Park New Project ledger account reconciliation, tax reporting and other S.A. 10-Dec-2007
related activities; (c) Shared Service Center Outsourcing
functions such as project management, financial
planning and reporting, inter-company agreement
and billing preparation, utilization reporting, intranet
labor claiming administration, rates preparation and
coordination, HR services, F&A support, Business
controls, global Delivery Learning and other related
activities; (d) Customer Interface functions such as
contact center, employee inquiries and other related
activities; (e) Supply Chain Management functions
such as strategic sourcing, ongoing buying, order
management, customer assistance center,
procurement accounts payable, project
management and other related activities; and (f)
other BTO related activities which requires technical
skill and support
Page 90 of 240
To provide Business Transformation Outsourcing
(BTO) services including, but not limited to: (a)
Human Resources functions such as payroll
delivery, benefits administration, compensation
planning, relocation and expatriate services, travel
and expense management, HR data management,
workforce management, employee interface
services, manual expense reporting card
administration, E-receipting, contract support, check
and wire request, HR system administration, and
other HR related services; (b) Financial &
Accounting Services functions such as accounts
payable, general accounting, consolidation activity,
expense base general administration, invoice
processing, account reconciliation, financial
UP Science and statement analysis, journal entries, ledger interface,
Business Process
IBM BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. I.T. Technology Park Expansion ledger account reconciliation, tax reporting and other S.A. 22-Dec-2009
related activities; (c) Shared Service Center Outsourcing
functions such as project management, financial
planning and reporting, inter-company agreement
and billing preparation, utilization reporting, intranet
labor claiming administration, rates preparation and
coordination, HR services, F&A support, Business
controls, global Delivery Learning and other related
activities; (d) Customer Interface functions such as
contact center, employee inquiries and other related
activities; (e) Supply Chain Management functions
such as strategic sourcing, ongoing buying, order
To customer
provide Business assistance center,
Transformation Outsourcing
(BTO) servicesaccounts payable,
including, but notproject
limited to: (a)
Human and other
Resources related
functions activities;
such and (f)
as payroll
other BTO
delivery, relatedadministration,
benefits activities whichcompensation
requires technical
skill and support
planning, relocation and expatriate services, travel
and expense management, HR data management,
workforce management, employee interface
services, manual expense reporting card
administration, E-receipting, contract support, check
and wire request, HR system administration, and
other HR related services; (b) Financial &
Accounting Services functions such as accounts
payable, general accounting, consolidation activity,
expense base general administration, invoice
processing, account reconciliation, financial
UP Science and statement analysis, journal entries, ledger interface,
Business Process
IBM BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. I.T. Technology Park New Project ledger account reconciliation, tax reporting and other S.A. 20-Jul-2010
related activities; (c) Shared Service Center Outsourcing
functions such as project management, financial
planning and reporting, inter-company agreement
and billing preparation, utilization reporting, intranet
labor claiming administration, rates preparation and
coordination, HR services, F&A support, Business
controls, global Delivery Learning and other related
activities; (d) Customer Interface functions such as
contact center, employee inquiries and other related
activities; (e) Supply Chain Management functions
such as strategic sourcing, ongoing buying, order
management, customer assistance center,
procurement accounts payable, project
management and other related activities; and (f)
other BTO related activities which requires technical
IBM DAKSH BUSINESS 99.99978% - American skill and support
Business process outsourcing and
958 PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED 0.00015% - Filipino I.T. PBCom Tower Original Call Centers 03-25-IT 29-Oct-2003
establishment of a contact center
(Formerly: Daksh
eServices (Philippines), Inc.) 0.00007% - Indian
UP Science and
Increase in volume and capacity of its IT - Other IT-enabled
IBM SOLUTIONS DELIVERY, INC. I.T. Technology Park Amendment S.A. 4-Oct-2010
Application Management Services Services
Other IT-enabled
IBM SOLUTIONS DELIVERY, INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park New Project IT - Application Management Services S.A. 12-Oct-2012
UP Science and
Other IT-enabled
IBM SOLUTIONS DELIVERY, INC. I.T. Technology Park New Project IT Application Management S.A. 6-Nov-2012
Page 91 of 240
Radio, Television and
ICHINOMIYA ELECTRONICS Laguna Technopark - Communication
Export New Project Manufacture of cap and thrust yoke S.A. 26-Mar-2009
Fabricated Metal
ICOAST MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic Products, Except
962 100% - Filipino Export Original Production of press stamping products 99-019 29-Mar-1999
GROUP, INC. Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
ICOAST MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic Electro-plating or surface coating of press Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 23-Jan-2001
GROUP, INC. Zone stamping products Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
ICOAST MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic Manufacture/ assembly of atomizers and Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 23-Feb-2005
GROUP, INC. Zone isolators/ circulators Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
ICOAST MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic Products, Except
Export Amendment To include the assembly of misting fans S.A. 4-Apr-2008
GROUP, INC. Zone Machinery and
ICOAST MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic To lease out its 450-sq. m. factory building
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 2-Feb-2009
GROUP, INC. Zone entirely to Kyoei Denki Technologies, Inc.
50.9% - Caymanian
Engage in IT and communication services
48.93% - Japanese
and website marketing and customer
Business Process
963 ICOMM INTERNATIONAL INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original service using the Internet, provide 07-17-IT 6-Mar-2007
0.14% - New Zealander Outsourcing
administrative, human resource, finance and
and Filipino
logistical support to foreign companies
0.03% -
IT and communication services, and website
marketing and customer service using the
Business Process
ICOMM INTERNATIONAL INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Expansion Internet, provide administrative, human S.A. 4-Apr-2011
resource, finance and logistical support to
foreign companies
967 IGNIFY CORPORATION 5.0005% - Filipino I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original To engage in software development Software Development 10-34-IT 22-Jun-2010
0.0005% - Indian
Page 92 of 240
99.999488% - Indian
TECHNOLOGIES PHILIPPINES To engage in IT-enabled services/activities
INC. McKinley Hill such as inbound/outbound contact center
968 0.000341% - Filipino I.T. Original Call Centers 09-65-IT 4-Aug-2009
Cyberpark services, business knowledge transaction
processing and other IT-enabled services
IGT-INTERGLOBE 0.000171% - American
To engage in Inbound/Outbound Contact
INC. Worldwide Corporate
I.T. New Project Center Services and Business Process Call Centers S.A. 7-Sep-2011
Outsourcing in the Travel Industry
Carmelray Industrial
ILO LAND, INC. Facilities Expansion Construction of three units factory buildings Real Estate Activities S.A. 12-Apr-1999
Park I - SEZ
Carmelray Industrial
ILO LAND, INC. Facilities Expansion To lease out its existing building Real Estate Activities S.A. 24-Jan-2005
Park II - SEZ
Greenfield Automotive
ILO LAND, INC. Facilities New Project Construction of a warehouse building Real Estate Activities S.A. 9-Jan-2008
Park - SEZ
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of seat reclining adjusters and Motor Vehicles, Trailers
973 MANUFACTURING 100% - Japanese Export Original 96-114 11-Nov-1996
SEZ brake assemblies for vehicular seats and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - To include the manufacture of vehicle seat Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export Amendment S.A. 21-Jan-1998
SEZ rails and Semi-Trailers
95.85% - Japanese
Mactan Economic To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
974 IMCON WORLD CORPORATION Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 07-18-F 19-Nov-2007
Zone portions of its existing buildings
4.15% - Filipino
65% - Filipino
Call center operations including inbound
975 IMPERA GLOBALTECH INC. 35% - I.T. UnionBank Plaza Original Call Centers 13-13 29-Jan-2013
and outbound
Packaging and repackaging / redressing of
goods such as food and beverages
IMXPO INCORPORATED (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and other non-
food items, produced and manufactured
Logistics Warehousing and
976 100% - Filipino Victoria Wave - SEZ Original Filipino products which shall be 100% for 09-17-L 12-Aug-2009
Service Storage
Fabricated Metal
99.97% - Japanese Manufacture, assembly and/or heat
Light Industry & Products, Except
979 INATEC CORPORATION Export Original treatment of various types of precision 12-71 25-Sep-2012
Science Park III - SEZ Machinery and
0.03% - Filipino springs
Page 93 of 240
INDIAN SUMMER GIFTS & Mactan Economic Manufacture of fashion jewelry and
981 100% - Filipino Export Original Manufacturing, N.E.C. 11-01 3-Jan-2011
ACCESSORIES Zone accessories
50% - American
985 INFLUENT PHILIPPINES, INC. 50% - I.T. Original To engage in call center operations Call Centers 03-31-IT 22-Dec-2003
INFLUENT PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. Bancorporation New Project Call center operations Call Centers S.A. 6-Sep-2005
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Fabrication and repair of molds and dies Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 12-Jan-2010
Zone including their parts Machinery and
BPO LLC. McKinley Hill To provide business process outsourcing
994 100% - American I.T. Original Call Centers 09-20-IT 12-Feb-2009
Cyberpark and call center operation
Page 94 of 240
To provide warehousing/logistics support
services, particularly the
importation/procurement, storage, deposit,
INLAND WAREHOUSING & inventory management of goods for
LOGISTICS DIVISION (IWLD) subsequent sale, transfer or disposition to
Logistics Laguna Technopark - Warehousing and
996 CORPORATION 100% - Filipino Original PEZA/BOI-registered export enterprises, 08-17-L 21-Aug-2008
Service SEZ Storage
and to export enterprises operating at Clark,
Subic, and other special economic zones
outside the administration of PEZA, for
direct export, or for consignment to PEZA
export enterprises
99.9994% - Bermudian
To engage in the business of electronic
SERVICES, INC. 0.0003% - Filipino Data Encoding,
information processing services, particularly
997 I.T. HVG Arcade I.T. Park Original Transcribing and 06-29-IT 9-Jun-2006
in the areas of data capture, conversion and
(Formerly: Innodata XML Content 0.0002% - American Related Services
Factory, Inc.)
0.0001% - Dutch
998 (Formerly: 1) JJ 100% - Filipino Facilities Cebu I.T. Park Original Construct a 9-storey IT building Real Estate Activities 07-05-F (IT) 29-Jan-2007
Summit Land Ventures
Corporation; 2) iNNO.LAND
Development Corporation)
60% - Filipino
INSKY BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Burgundy Corporate IT-enabled services like software
1005 40% - I.T. Original Software Development 11-01-IT 5-Jan-2011
INC. Tower development
INTEGRA BUSINESS Fit-out, architectural finishes, structural,
I.T. Northgate Cyberzone Amendment Architectural and Other LOA 4-Jan-2010
PROCESSING SOLUTIONS INC. mechanical, electrical and other works
Design Services
INTEGRA BUSINESS Laguna Technopark - To include its additional disaster recovery Other IT-enabled
I.T. Amendment S.A. 15-Nov-2010
PROCESSING SOLUTIONS INC. SEZ site/operations Services
Page 95 of 240
To engage in development of financial
INTEGRA OUTSOURCED services software and maintenance of
1010 100% - Filipino I.T. RCBC Plaza Original Software Development 04-29-IT 23-Sep-2004
SYSTEMS, INC. database to provide information services for
credit providers and capital market investors
Fabricated Metal
INTEGRATED FLOW SYSTEMS Mactan Economic Manufacture of high purity plumbing, gas Products, Except
1011 100% - American Export Original 06-72 27-Nov-2006
LLC Zone line and equipment Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
INTEGRATED FLOW SYSTEMS Mactan Economic Increase in volume of its high purity Products, Except
Export Expansion S.A. 13-Jun-2011
LLC Zone plumbing, gas line and equipment Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
INTEGRATED FLOW SYSTEMS Mactan Economic Manufacturing and refurbishing of Stainless Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 1-Dec-2011
LLC Zone Steel Bubblers Machinery and
67.673% - British
Page 96 of 240
Radio, Television and
INTEGRATED Laguna International Communication
Export New Project Assembly of laser cut wire S.A. 20-Aug-1998
MICROELECTRONICS, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ Equipment and
INTEGRATED Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of small signal transistors Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 3-Mar-2003
MICROELECTRONICS, INC. SEZ project Apparatus, N.E.C.
INTEGRATED Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of flex printed circuit board Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 8-Jul-2003
MICROELECTRONICS, INC. SEZ assembly for 1.8" HDD Computing Machinery
Page 97 of 240
INTEGRATED Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of 1.8" hard disk drive Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 14-Aug-2003
MICROELECTRONICS, INC. SEZ mainboard Computing Machinery
INTEGRATED Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of voice coil magnet for 2.5 Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 10-Aug-2004
INTEGRATED Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of portable e-mail terminal - Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 16-Oct-2006
MICROELECTRONICS, INC. SEZ "New Project without Base Figure" Computing Machinery
INTEGRATED Laguna Technopark - Establish a warranty repair center for Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 5-Feb-2007
MICROELECTRONICS, INC. SEZ electronic data storage Computing Machinery
INTEGRATED Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of Super Slim Multi-Drive Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 5-Feb-2007
INTEGRATED Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of Blu-ray half-height pick-up Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 14-Feb-2008
MICROELECTRONICS, INC. SEZ unit Computing Machinery
Page 98 of 240
Manufacture of Stepping Motor Hybrid ICs Radio, Television and
INTEGRATED Laguna Technopark - for Office Automation Equipment, Industrial Communication
Export New Project S.A. 9-Mar-2009
MICROELECTRONICS, INC. SEZ Use and for Other Applications Equipment and
Manufacture/conversion of carton
Carmelray Industrial corrugated boxes into carton boxes; carton Paper and Paper
LOGISTICS MANUFACTURING, Export New Project S.A. 17-Mar-2009
Park II - SEZ die cut pad, carton assembly and other Products
paper products
Carmelray Industrial Corrugating of kraft paper into corrugated Paper and Paper
LOGISTICS MANUFACTURING, Export New Project S.A. 1-Sep-2011
Park II - SEZ fiber boards Products
Logistics Carmelray Industrial To engage in warehousing and distribution Warehousing and
1015 LOGISTICS MANUFACTURING, 100% - Filipino Original 09-10-L 4-Jun-2009
Service Park II - SEZ of packaging materials and supplies Storage
Carmelray Industrial To engage in recycling of polystyrene (PS)
1016 LOGISTICS MANUFACTURING, 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Recycling 11-12-F 26-Aug-2011
Park II - SEZ scrap into PS ingot
1020 100% - Filipino I.T. JG Summit Center Original To provide customer contact center services Call Centers 07-60-IT 11-Sep-2007
90% - Japanese
INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC Luisita Industrial Park Manufacture of wire and cables for Electrical Machinery and
1023 10% - Export Original 95-123 20-Nov-1995
WIRES PHILS. CORP. - SEZ automatic wire harnesses Apparatus, N.E.C.
INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC Luisita Industrial Park Increase in the production capacity of wires Electrical Machinery and
Export Expansion S.A. 14-Dec-2006
WIRES PHILS. CORP. - SEZ and cables Apparatus, N.E.C.
Page 99 of 240
INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC Luisita Industrial Park Increase in production capacity of its Electrical Machinery and
Export Expansion S.A. 14-Sep-2011
WIRES PHILS. CORP. - SEZ automotive wires Apparatus, N.E.C.
INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC Luisita Industrial Park Increase in production capacity of its Electrical Machinery and
Export Expansion S.A. 8-May-2012
WIRES PHILS. CORP. - SEZ automotive wires Apparatus, N.E.C.
99.73% - Japanese
1024 Export Original jewelry and jewelry parts Manufacturing, N.E.C. 99-073 7-Dec-1999
MFG., INC. Zone
0.27% - Filipino
Luisita Industrial Park Electrical Machinery and
SYSTEMS (PHILS.) Export Expansion Production capacity for wiring harness S.A. 24-Apr-1996
- SEZ Apparatus, N.E.C.
99.68% - American
INTOUCH CONTACT SOLUTIONS Burgundy Corporate Call Center and Business Process
1029 I.T. Original Call Centers 10-51-IT 24-Aug-2010
INC. Tower Outsourcing (BPO) services
0.32% - Filipino
Light Industry & To include (a) fabrication of molds and dies; Rubber and Plastic
I-OMNI PRECISION, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 3-Jun-2003
Science Park II - SEZ and (b) printing of plastic parts Products
Light Industry & To include the manufacture of supercell Electrical Machinery and
I-OMNI PRECISION, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 21-May-2009
Science Park II - SEZ solar panels Apparatus, N.E.C.
Carmelray Industrial
IONICS EMS, INC. Export New Project Re-manufacture of mobile phones Recycling S.A. 22-May-2009
Park II - SEZ
98.12% - Filipino
Light Industry &
1033 IONICS EMS, INC. I.T. Original To engage in design and development Software Development 05-01-IT 6-Jan-2005
Science Park I - SEZ
1.88% - Mixed
99.9996% - Filipino
IP CONVERGE DATA SERVICES, To engage in IT Data Center Services and Other IT-enabled
1037 I.T. RCBC Plaza Original 12-68-IT 17-Jul-2012
INC. Systems Provider Services
0.0004% - British
IP CONVERGE DATA SERVICES, To engage in IT Data Center Services and Other IT-enabled
I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original 12-68-IT 17-Jul-2012
INC. Systems Provider Services
Summit One Office Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided
1038 IPGEN CORPORATION 100% - Korean I.T. Original Architectural and Other 11-73-IT 9-Sep-2011
Tower Manufacturing (CAD-CAM)
Design Services
65% - Filipino
IRAJ REALTY & DEVELOPMENT Filinvest Technology Construct a 1-unit warehouse-type building
1044 35% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 06-15-F 20-Sep-2006
CORPORATION Park Calamba - SEZ for lease to PEZA-registered enterprises
60% - Filipino
Carmelray Industrial To construct a factory building for lease to
1045 IRI HOLDINGS, INC. 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 01-005-F 7-Mar-2001
Park II - SEZ PEZA-registered export enterprise
99.9944% - Singaporean
Assembly of various component parts for Radio, Television and
IRISO ELECTRONICS Cavite Economic hard disc drive ("HDD"), namely pin heads, Communication
1046 0.0044% - Japanese Export Original 96-013 29-Jan-1996
PHILIPPINES, INC. Zone high print pin heads, socket, shunt Equipment and
connectors and pitch sockets Apparatus
0.0012% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
To provide quantity surveying (costing), Engineering,
20% -
1047 IRN TECHNICAL SERV., INC. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original drafting and design of furniture and fixture, Architectural and Other 11-54-IT 20-Jul-2011
and fit-out Design Services
20% - Australian
60% - Filipino
30% - Manufacture of special corrugated plastic
ISHIP LOGIPACK Laguna Technopark - Rubber and Plastic
1049 Japanese Export Original sheet (DANPLA Sheet), PET vacuum tray, 03-092 17-Dec-2003
10% - creforms assembly and others
89.4% - Hong Kong
10.2% - British Mactan Economic Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Business Process
1050 ISL ASIA CEBU PHILIPPINES INC. I.T. Original 11-06-IT 27-Jan-2011
0.2% - Zone services Outsourcing
0.2% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
First Philippine Manufacture of pre-engineered metal Products, Except
1054 ISTEEL INC. 100% - Filipino Export Original 11-79 9-Nov-2011
Industrial Park - SEZ building systems (MBS) Machinery and
ISUZU AUTOPARTS MFG. Laguna Technopark - Manufacture/assembly of transmission and Motor Vehicles, Trailers
1057 100% - Japanese Export Original 97-015 19-Feb-1997
CORPORATION SEZ other automotive parts for motor vehicles and Semi-Trailers
ITO MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic To include the rebuilding/repair of head light Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 15-Nov-2010
(PHILIPPINES) CORP. Zone casing and Semi-Trailers
ITO MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic To include "Rebuilding of used Blower Motor Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 18-Sep-2012
(PHILIPPINES) CORP. Zone of Automobile/Motor Vehicle" and Semi-Trailers
99.996% - British
6780 Ayala Avenue To engage in development and testing of
1071 ITRS (PHILS.) INC. I.T. Original Software Development 11-87-IT 7-Oct-2011
Bldg. software products
0.004% - Filipino
Light Industry & To include decontamination from TOC of Chemicals and Chemical
ITW TEXWIPE PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 17-Jun-2010
Science Park I - SEZ newly manufactured/unused vials Products
99.99975% -
IVOCLAR VIVADENT, INC. Medical, Precision and
0.00015% - Filipino Light Industry &
1074 (Formerly: Ivoclar, Export Original Manufacture artificial porcelain teeth Optical Instruments, 93-15 10-Mar-1993
Science Park I - SEZ
Inc.) Watches and Clocks
0.00005% - Austrian
0.00005% - Italian
Medical, Precision and
Light Industry &
IVOCLAR VIVADENT, INC. Export Expansion Manufacture of artificial resin teeth Optical Instruments, S.A. 31-Oct-1997
Science Park I - SEZ
Watches and Clocks
Provision of online tutorial services through Other IT-enabled
1076 IWILLPASS LTD., INC. 100% - Korean I.T. Bancorporation Original 07-51-IT 29-Aug-2007
internet Services
60% - Filipino
Hermosa Ecozone To construct a building for lease to PEZA-
1078 IWS REALTY CORPORATION 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 11-05-F 2-May-2011
Industrial Park registered enterprises
To engage in payroll process outsourcing Business Process
1079 0.04% - Singaporean I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original 09-54-IT 10-Jul-2009
0.04% - Malaysian
Fabricated Metal
J & J PHILIPPINES First Philippine Manufacture of various replaceable metal Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 27-Feb-2012
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ parts, such as iron blades Machinery and
97% - Korean
Cavite Economic To engage in embroidery and stitching of
1084 J.S. HAPPY EMBROIDERY, INC. 3% - Export Original Textiles 04-87 29-Dec-2004
Zone garments and/or wearing apparel
(Formerly: 1) Japan Call center and business process
1093 100% - Japanese I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original Call Centers 10-44-IT 28-Jul-2010
Intertrade Callcenter outsourcing services
Corporation; 2) Hampstead Ph
Marketing Research Inc.)
60% - Filipino
Carmelray Industrial To construct a two-storey factory building for
1094 JAPAN PROJECT, INC. 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 05-30-F 24-Aug-2005
Park I - SEZ lease to PEZA-registered enterprises
98% - Japanese
Cavite Economic specialized glass for use in mounting on Other Non-Metallic
1096 JAPAN SPECIAL GLASS, INC. 2% - Export Original 91-022 23-Jul-1991
Zone electronic equipment Mineral Products
60% - Filipino
JAPAN-PNB LEASING & Mactan Economic
1097 40% - Facilities Original To lease out an existing warehouse facility Real Estate Activities 04-27-F 29-Oct-2004
Fabricated Metal
99.947% - French
JCC FINAL PLATING Mactan Economic Products, Except
1099 Export Original Plating Services 12-14 9-Feb-2012
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
0.053% - Filipino
99.9959% - Filipino
Cavite Economic
1100 JD TEXTILE INDUSTRIES, INC. Facilities Original To lease out its existing factory building Real Estate Activities 05-19-F 9-Jun-2005
0.0041% - Singaporean
JECO AUTOPARTS PHILIPPINES, Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of meter assembly accessory Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 17-Nov-2004
INC. Park I - SEZ and lamp assembly telltale and Semi-Trailers
CORPORATION 60% - Filipino
First Philippine To construct a factory building for lease/sale
1103 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 09-11-F 23-Nov-2009
Industrial Park - SEZ to PEZA-registered enterprises
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Stamping and assembly of various metal Products, Except
1105 JFB TECH PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original 03-061 20-Aug-2003
Zone parts Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Products, Except
JFB TECH PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project Fine blanking of various metal products S.A. 21-May-2008
Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
JFS PRECISION TECHNOLOGY Manufacture of jigs and fixtures, precision
Baguio City Economic Products, Except
CORP. Export Expansion tooling for semicon and other industrial S.A. 25-Jun-2008
Zone Machinery and
engineering works
JGC Philippines Provide engineering, procurement and
1111 JGC PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese I.T. Original Architectural and Other 07-14-IT 27-Feb-2007
Building construction (EPC) services
Design Services
To construct a four (4)-unit standard factory
INC. Greenfield Automotive
1112 100% - Filipino Facilities Original building for lease to PEZA-registered Real Estate Activities 08-07-F (IT) 29-Jul-2008
Park - SEZ
Fabricated Metal
90% - Korean Manufacture of heat sink, speaker grille,
Cavite Economic Products, Except
1114 JIN BO SUNG METAL, INC. 10% - Export Original speaker parts and other metal pressed 05-43 14-Jul-2005
Zone Machinery and
Filipino products
Fabricated Metal
99.94% - Korean
JIN-HUNG TECHNOLOGY PHILS. Golden Mile Business Products, Except
1118 Export Original Manufacture of forging metal for HDD parts 05-65 23-Nov-2005
CORP. Park - SEZ Machinery and
0.06% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
To include (1) manufacture of forged metal
JIN-HUNG TECHNOLOGY PHILS. Golden Mile Business Products, Except
Export Amendment for horse shoe; and (2) Solder Less S.A. 15-Jan-2007
CORP. Park - SEZ Machinery and
Connector for Electrical Terminal
Fabricated Metal
JIN-HUNG TECHNOLOGY PHILS. Golden Mile Business Increase in production capacity of its Products, Except
Export Expansion S.A. 14-Feb-2012
CORP. Park - SEZ manufacture of forged metal for HDD Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
JIN-HUNG TECHNOLOGY PHILS. Golden Mile Business To include assembly of meter base, Fibre Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 11-Jan-2013
CORP. Park - SEZ Reinforced Plastic (FRP)/Steel Cross Arm Machinery and
99.5% - Korean
Cavite Economic Manufacture of knitted men's shirts, ladies'
1120 JJ FASHION CORPORATION 0.5% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 00-097 27-Nov-2000
Zone dresses, blouses, skirts, pants & sleepwear
60% - Filipino
JMMV CREATIONS Mactan Economic
1121 40% - Export Original Manufacture of carnival costumes Wearing Apparel 10-71 27-Aug-2010
99.95% - Japanese
Laguna International Processing of latex and manufacture of Rubber and Plastic
1128 JP LATEX TECHNOLOGY, INC. Export Original 03-017 12-Feb-2003
Industrial Park - SEZ rubber balloons Products
0.05% - Filipino
99.914% - Japanese
Development of computer software and
1130 JPMED ASIAN PACIFIC, INC. I.T. PBCom Tower Original Software Development 02-013-IT 29-Jul-2002
hardware solutions
0.086% - Filipino
Renting of Machinery
99.914% - Japanese
JPMED ASIAN PACIFIC, Logistics To provide "rental" of IT equipment with and Equipment Without
1131 PBCom Tower Original 06-01-L 12-Jan-2006
INCORPORATED Service upgraded software Operator; Personal and
0.086% - Filipino
Household Goods
Fabricated Metal
JPN, INC. (JAPAN PHILIPPINE Cavite Economic Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of metal sheet products S.A. 24-May-2001
NAMEPLATES, INC.) Zone Machinery and
99.944% - Japanese
Insular Life Corporate
1135 J-SYS PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. Original To engage in software development Software Development 11-22-IT 31-Mar-2011
0.056% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Manufacturing production (Phase 3), i.e.,
JX NIPPON MINING & METALS Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
Export Expansion manufacture of copper foil for printed circuit S.A. 19-Feb-2008
Fabricated Metal
60% - Japanese Manufacture/ fabrication of hull blocks and
West Cebu Industrial Products, Except
1146 K & A METAL INDUSTRIES, INC. 40% - Export Original steel beams and shot-blasting of steel 00-036 26-Apr-2000
Park - SEZ Machinery and
Filipino plates
Fabricated Metal
Lima Technology Fabrication/ repair and maintenance of Products, Except
1147 K & K CENTRAL MOLD, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original 03-063 20-Aug-2003
Center - SEZ molds/ molds parts Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
99.99% - Japanese
First Cavite Industrial Aluminum anodizing, metal painting and Products, Except
1151 KAKEHI SS PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Original 06-37 28-Apr-2006
Estate - SEZ silkscreen printing Machinery and
0.01% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of stainless steel and steel Products, Except
KAKEHI SS PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 19-Dec-2007
Estate - SEZ electrolytic grinding Machinery and
KAKUYO MINOURA PHILIPPINES Mactan Economic Lamination and cutting of tapes such as Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project S.A. 30-Sep-2002
CORPORATION Zone cushion tapes, sealing and sticking Products
94.67% - American
Orient Square I.T. To provide in software development and I.T.
1155 KANATI, INC. I.T. Original Software Development 06-61-IT 30-Oct-2006
Bldg. management services
5.33% - Filipino
99.9987% - Japanese
KANEPACKAGE PHILIPPINE, Cavite Economic Manufacture of shock-absorbing packaging Electrical Machinery and
1157 Export Original 96-028 20-Feb-1996
INC. Zone system called PADPAK Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.0013% - Filipino
KANEPACKAGE PHILIPPINE, Light Industry & To increase the capacity of its production of Paper and Paper
Export Expansion S.A. 26-Apr-2000
INC. Science Park II - SEZ various packaging products Products
KANEPACKAGE PHILIPPINE, Light Industry & To include the manufacture of heavy-duty Paper and Paper
Export Amendment S.A. 17-Jul-2000
INC. Science Park II - SEZ type of packaging product or "triple wall box" Products
80% - Korean
KANG NAM PACKAGING HOUSE, Cavite Economic Rubber and Plastic
1158 20% - Export Original plastic bags 99-077 16-Dec-1999
INC. Zone Products
KANG NAM PACKAGING HOUSE, Cavite Economic To include the manufacture of disposable Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 19-Feb-2001
INC. Zone poly aprons, gloves and bibs Products
99.6% - Filipino Establishment of four (4) hotel rooms or
INC. Pamalican Island
1159 0.4% - Tourism Original casitas, living room pavilion, service Hotels and Restaurants 09-07-T 20-Apr-2009
Tourism Ecozone
American building, and swimming pool
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic To provide magnetic barreling and chemical Products, Except
KAPCO MANUFACTURING, INC. Export New Project S.A. 27-Sep-2007
Zone etching services Machinery and
55% - Taiwanese
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture and export of garments and
1161 KARETEXT CO., INC. - Marshallese Export Original Wearing Apparel 11-65 6-Oct-2011
Estate - SEZ other related products
10% -
99.999% - Japanese
KARIKAWA CEBU Mactan Economic To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
1163 Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 07-09-F 18-Jun-2007
CORPORATION Zone its existing building
0.001% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
99.999% - Japanese Manufacture of shaft for agricultural
KARUMONA NAGANO SEIKO, People's Technology Products, Except
1164 Export Original machinery (TTC Project), and marine engine 05-02 18-Jan-2005
INC. Complex - SEZ Machinery and
0.001% - Filipino diesel parts
Fabricated Metal
KARUMONA NAGANO SEIKO, People's Technology Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of Metal Press Parts S.A. 12-Feb-2013
INC. Complex - SEZ Machinery and
99.995% - Japanese
KATIPUNAN METALS manufacture of aluminum alloy in the form of
1165 Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Original Basic Metals 96-086 26-Jul-1996
0.005% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
KEDICA PHILIPPINES First Philippine To include another type of electroplating Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 4-Nov-2003
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ proces, i.e., Lead-free (tin bismuth) plating Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
KEDICA PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
Export New Project Tin-copper plating S.A. 23-Aug-2005
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
KEDICA PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
Export New Project Non-Electrolytic Nickel Plating S.A. 26-Jan-2006
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
KEDICA PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
Export Amendment To include Pure Tin Plating activity S.A. 7-Jul-2008
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
KEDICA PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
Export Expansion Electrolytic nickel plating S.A. 31-Aug-2010
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
KEDICA PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
Export New Project Hydrogen annealing S.A. 31-Aug-2010
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
KEO SUNG ENTERPRISE CO. Cavite Economic Manufacture of baseball and various rubber
Export Expansion Manufacturing, N.E.C. S.A. 18-Feb-2005
(PHILS.) Zone products
99.88% - Korean
Radio, Television and
manufacture of telephone handset cords,
KEON YANG INDUSTRIAL Cavite Economic Communication
1173 0.08% - Filipino Export Original line cords, carphone cords, KBD cables and 93-09 11-Feb-1993
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Zone Equipment and
0.04% other communication wires & cables
- American
Manufacture of electronic and
99.99% - Korean communication wires, cable assembly,
Cavite Economic Electrical Machinery and
1174 KEONYANG TECHNOLOGY, INC. Export Original including water leak detector and other 04-49 12-Jul-2004
Zone Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.01% - Filipino electronic accessories and other product of
similar nature
80.79% - Singaporean
Engage in oil rig construction, shipbuilding,
13.61% - Filipino
KEPPEL PHILIPPINES MARINE, Keppel Philippines ship repair & conversion, and leasing Other Transport
1175 Export Original 07-53 17-Sep-2007
INC. Marine - SEZ Equipment
0.37% - Australian
79.21% - Filipino
Ship building & repair, conversion and ship
(Formerly: Other Transport
1176 12.71% - Japanese Export Subic Shipyard - SEZ Original building for vessels 11,000 DWT up to 96-002 10-Jan-1996
Subic Shipyard and Engineering Equipment
300,000 DWT
8.08% - Singaporean
Fabrication of blocks of pontoons for semi- Other Transport
KEPPEL SUBIC SHIPYARD, INC. Export Subic Shipyard - SEZ New Project S.A. 29-Jan-2007
submersible rigs Equipment
Ship building & ship repair and other related Other Transport
KEPPEL SUBIC SHIPYARD, INC. Export Subic Shipyard - SEZ Expansion S.A. 2-Feb-2012
activities Equipment
99.9987% - Japanese
1177 KERNEL PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. The Discovery Centre Original To engage in Software Development Software Development 12-101-IT 22-Oct-2012
0.0013% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
99.9935% - Korean Manufacture of toolings and fixtures used
Cavite Economic Products, Except
1179 KEYMAXX CORPORATION Export Original for PCB manufacturing and other electronic 06-65 20-Sep-2006
Zone Machinery and
0.0065% - Filipino products
99.88% - Korean
Radio, Television and
KEYRIN ELECTRONICS (PHILS.), Cavite Economic Manufacture of micro speakers and receiver Communication
1180 0.08% - Filipino Export Original 93-34 22-Jul-1993
INC. Zone units Equipment and
- American
KGB_PHILIPPINES, INC. 99.9975% - American
Call center services to customers located in
1181 (Formerly: I.T. RCBC Plaza Original Call Centers 01-011-IT 30-Aug-2001
the United States of America and Europe
Infonxx Philippines, Inc.) 0.0025% - Filipino
80% - Japanese
KGK GASKET PHILIPPINES, Cavite Economic Motor Vehicles, Trailers
1182 20% - Export Original Manufacture of automobile gasket 91-045 5-Dec-1991
CORPORATION Zone and Semi-Trailers
99.97% - Japanese
1183 Export Original Manufacture of Braille cells Manufacturing, N.E.C. 95-38 29-Mar-1995
0.03% - Filipino
KGS PHILIPPINES Mactan Economic Manufacture of various types of coils for Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 31-Mar-2009
CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ Solenoid fabrication Apparatus, N.E.C.
88% - Japanese
Mactan Economic
1184 KH CEBU CORPORATION 12% - Export Original Manufacture of RTW ladies' garments Wearing Apparel 89-041 28-Sep-1989
To engage in engineering design and
KHI DESIGN & TECHNICAL 6788 Ayala Avenue technical services
1185 100% - Japanese I.T. Original Architectural and Other 07-65-IT 23-Oct-2007
Design Services
1194 KMC MAG SOLUTIONS, INC. 22.5% - Filipino I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original Business Process Outsourcing services Call Centers 11-20-IT 23-Mar-2011
5% -
Radio, Television and
99.9995% - American Manufacture of audio devices (receivers and
KNOWLES ELECTRONICS Cebu Light Industrial Communication
1195 Export Original speakers) to be used in hearing aids and 12-41 11-May-2012
0.0005% - Filipino mobile/consumer electronics
Fabricated Metal
99.999% - Korean
Angeles Industrial Manufacture of base plate for hard disk Products, Except
1198 KODEC PRECISION INC.. Export Original 09-44 18-Aug-2009
Park - SEZ drive Machinery and
0.001% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Angeles Industrial Increase in the capacity of manufacture of Products, Except
KODEC PRECISION INC.. Export Expansion S.A. 20-Aug-2011
Park - SEZ HDD Base (Diecasting, E-Coating Process) Machinery and
Manufacture of polypropylene industrial
Cavite Economic bags and sheets and polyethylene film and Rubber and Plastic
1201 100% - Japanese Export Original 96-041 18-Mar-1996
Zone bags & other industrial goods of similar Products
(Formerly: Philippine Kohsei
KOHSEI MULTIPACK Cavite Economic Increase the volume of its polypropylene Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 4-Dec-1997
PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED Zone bags production Products
Fabricated Metal
Light Industry & Manufacture of pressed metal parts for Products, Except
1202 KOHWA PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original 96-032 23-Feb-1996
Science Park II - SEZ terminal printers and micro-printers Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Light Industry & To include fabrication and repair of tooling Products, Except
KOHWA PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 3-Aug-2006
Science Park II - SEZ dies Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
99.998% - Japanese
KOJIMA SPRING PHILIPPINES First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
1204 Export Original Manufacture of various types of springs 11-41 6-Jul-2011
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ Machinery and
0.002% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic To include the manufacture of moulds and Products, Except
KOOK JAE PRESS DIE INC. Export Amendment S.A. 28-Apr-2008
Zone dies Machinery and
To engage in warehousing/logistics
99.5% - Filipino operations to import consigned materials for
KORCHINA LOGISTICS Logistics Lima Technology Warehousing and
1210 0.5% - Original Just-In-Time delivery and subsequent 12-15-L 13-Aug-2012
Korean transfer to PEZA/BOI/SBMA/CDC-registered
export enterprises
Fabricated Metal
KOSAKASCREW PHILIPPINES, Cavite Economic Engage in the manufacture of industrial Products, Except
1211 100% - Japanese Export Original 07-44 7-Aug-2007
INC. Zone fasteners Machinery and
KURODA ELECTRIC Logistics Laguna Technopark - To engage in warehousing/logistics support Warehousing and
1220 100% - Japanese Original 03-18-L 4-Aug-2003
PHILIPPINES, INC. Service SEZ services Storage
99.97% - Japanese
Mactan Economic Other Non-Metallic
1222 KY POLYMER CORPORATION Export Original Manufacture of artificial marble 00-099 13-Dec-2000
Zone II - SEZ Mineral Products
0.03% - Filipino
PHILIPPINES, INC. Software development and application,
(Formerly: 1) Kyocera Mita including programming and adaptation of
1224 100% - Japanese I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original Software Development 06-09-IT 2-Mar-2006
Technology Development system softwares and middlewares for
Philippines, Inc.; 2) Epson products of Kyocera Mita and/or third parties
Software Engineering (Phils.),
Laguna Technopark - Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export Amendment Manufacture of stator products S.A. 26-Feb-2002
SEZ and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - To include the manufacture of alternator Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export Amendment S.A. 19-Aug-2002
SEZ assy and starter assy and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - Increase in the production capacity for its Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export Expansion S.A. 19-Aug-2002
SEZ stator product and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export New Project Manufacture of air temperature sensor S.A. 16-Feb-2004
SEZ and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MANUFACTURING Export New Project Manufacture of stator 8GMi S.A. 24-Mar-2004
SEZ and Semi-Trailers
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of giant magneto resistance Machinery and
MANUFACTURING Export New Project S.A. 28-Mar-2008
SEZ sensor Equipment, N.E.C.
Laguna Technopark - Increase in production capacity of its Giant Machinery and
MANUFACTURING Export Expansion S.A. 4-Jun-2012
SEZ Magneto Resistive (GMR) Sensors Equipment, N.E.C.
99.86% - Singaporean
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of molding dies, plastic parts Rubber and Plastic
1236 LAGUNA DAI-ICHI, INC. Export Original 94-10 18-Feb-1994
SEZ and stamping metal pressed parts Products
0.14% - Japanese
Laguna Technopark - Increase the volume of its industrial plastic Rubber and Plastic
LAGUNA DAI-ICHI, INC. Export Expansion S.A. 15-Dec-1997
SEZ parts production Products
Laguna Technopark - To include the final inspection of a plastic Rubber and Plastic
LAGUNA DAI-ICHI, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 11-May-2000
SEZ injected product called "RAMP" Products
COMPANY LIMITED 60% - Filipino
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of electric flourescent lamp Electrical Machinery and
1237 40% - Export Original 09-57 28-Oct-2009
Park II - SEZ ballasts Apparatus, N.E.C.
Calamba Premiere
LAGUNA INTERNATIONAL To construct twelve (12) warehouses for
1238 100% - Filipino Facilities International Park - Original Real Estate Activities 09-12-F 3-Dec-2009
PROCESSING CENTER INC. lease/sale to PEZA-registered enterprises
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of aluminum die-casting
Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
1239 LAGUNA METTS CORPORATION 100% - Japanese Export Original products for electronics, automotive and 96-011 25-Jan-1996
SEZ Machinery and
other industries
Fabricated Metal
Laguna Technopark - To include machining and sub-assembly of Products, Except
LAGUNA METTS CORPORATION Export Amendment S.A. 7-Jan-2011
SEZ aluminum casted parts Machinery and
LANDEL LOGISTICS Logistics Light Industry & To provide warehousing/logistics support Warehousing and
1243 100% - Filipino Original 05-06-F 7-Feb-2005
CORPORATION Service Science Park III - SEZ services Storage
99.9995% - Japanese
LEADENCE PHILIPPINES Light Industry & Manufacture and assembly of plastic Rubber and Plastic
1255 Export Original 00-024 13-Mar-2000
CORPORATION Science Park II - SEZ precision moldings and mechanical parts Products
0.0005% - Filipino
99.95% - Korean
LEE CHO ELECTRONIC PHILS. Cavite Economic Electrical Machinery and
1261 Export Original Manufacture of wire harness powder 05-69 16-Dec-2005
INC. Zone Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.05% - Filipino
Business Process
1264 100% - Filipino I.T. SM iCITY 2 Original To engage in Legal Processing Outsourcing 09-08-IT 7-Jan-2009
To engage in warehousing/logistics
operations, particularly storage, deposit,
inventory management,
60% - Filipino importation/procurement of semi-finished
SERVICES, INC. Logistics Laguna Technopark - Warehousing and
1266 40% - Original goods for subsequent sale, transfer or 09-04-L 4-Feb-2009
(Approved as H. I. Kousan, Inc. - Service SEZ Storage
Japanese disposition to PEZA-registered export
Warehousing Division)
enterprises, for direct export or for
consignment to PEZA-registered export
99.99986% - Swiss
LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL Mactan Economic Office, Accounting and
1268 Export Original Manufacture of inkjet cartridges 99-07 2-Feb-1999
(PHILIPPINES), INC. 0.00014% - (Filipino, Zone II - SEZ Computing Machinery
French, American, British)
Radio, Television and
LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL Mactan Economic To include the manufacture of circuit Communication
Export Amendment S.A. 13-Jun-2000
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Zone II - SEZ assembly Equipment and
0.0005% - Filipino
Engineering design and hardware
development through the establishment of a
printer hardware and firmware development
I.T. Lexmark Plaza New Project Architectural and Other S.A. 9-Dec-2004
laboratory that will develop selected inkjet
Design Services
printer controllers and low-end laser printer
Engineering design and hardware
I.T. Lexmark Plaza New Project Architectural and Other S.A. 14-Dec-2005
development of the entire printer
Design Services
Business Process
I.T. Creativo IT Center New Project Establishment of Cebu Shared Service S.A. 18-Nov-2006
Business Process
I.T. Creativo IT Center New Project Establish a Technical Support Center S.A. 4-Sep-2009
99% - Filipino
LEXTER AND JORDAN Laguna Technopark To construct four (4) units warehouse-type
1270 1% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 10-19-F 22-Dec-2010
HOLDINGS, INC. Annex - SEZ buildings
99.9998% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Manufacture of electromagentic, electronic Electrical Machinery and
1282 LINE SEIKI PHIL., INC. Export Original 95-87 11-Sep-1995
Zone and mechanical counters and tachometers Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.0002% - Filipino
99.998% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Provide product engineering design and Other IT-enabled
1283 LINE SEIKI PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. Original 06-27-IT 24-May-2006
Zone development solutions Services
0.002% - Filipino
74% - Filipino
LINEARWORKS REALTY People's Technology To construct a two-storey building for lease
1286 26% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 07-15-F 5-Sep-2007
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Complex - SEZ to PEZA-registered enterprises
Fabricated Metal
99.995% - Singaporean
LINTEC PHILIPPINES (PEZA), Golden Mile Business Engage in the manufacture of pressure Products, Except
1288 Export Original 07-64 7-Nov-2007
INC. Park - SEZ sensitive adhesive products Machinery and
0.005% - Japanese
LIPA ECOZONE PROPERTIES, Lima Technology Construction of 2-unit factory building for
1290 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 05-28-F 11-Aug-2005
INC. Center - SEZ lease to PEZA-registered enterprises
Baguio City Economic New Product Release and Post Process Miscellaneous Business
1305 (Approved as LTX Asia 100% - American Export Original 07-04 24-Jan-2007
Zone Debug Centre Activities
International, Inc. - Philippine
Calamba Premiere
To construct a warehouse building for
1309 M & H FOOD CORPORATION 100% - Filipino Facilities International Park - Original Real Estate Activities 11-14-F 12-Oct-2011
lease/sale to PEZA-registered enterprises
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Manufacture of metal parts and plastic parts Products, Except
1315 M2 FABRICATION, INC. 100% - Filipino Export Original 06-61 24-Aug-2006
Zone for electronic industries Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Products, Except
M2 FABRICATION, INC. Export Amendment To include the assembly of racks / cabinets S.A. 8-Jun-2012
Zone Machinery and
99.96% - Taiwanese
MACTAN DIAMOND Mactan Economic Embroidery and taping/stitching of any and
1319 Export Original Textiles 10-57 7-Jul-2010
EMBROIDERY, INC. Zone all kinds of garments/wearing apparel
0.04% - Filipino
MACTAN ENERZONE Mactan Economic Operate and maintain a transmission and Electricity, Gas, Steam
1320 100% - Filipino Utilities Original 07-04-U 16-Apr-2007
CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ distribution facility and Hot Water Supply
MACTAN KARZAI EXPORT Mactan Economic Manufacture of Watch Holder/Plastic Rubber and Plastic
1321 100% - Filipino Export Original 12-01 3-Jan-2012
ENTERPRISE Zone Injection Products
Construction of a 3-storey Information
CORP. Mactan Economic
Facilities New Project Technology (IT) Center for lease to PEZA- Real Estate Activities S.A. 15-Dec-2011
registered IT service enterprises
99.98% - Japanese
First Cavite Industrial manufacture of iron, steel/stainless steel
1329 MAENO GIKEN, INC. Export Original Basic Metals 01-051 21-Aug-2001
Estate - SEZ products
0.02% - Filipino
99.997% - British
MAGENIC MANILA, INC. 6788 Ayala Avenue
1331 I.T. Original To engage in software development Software Development 12-33-IT 17-Apr-2012
(Formerly: Rivereo, Inc.) Bldg.
0.003% - Filipino
MAGENTE BPO CO. LTD. 80% - Indian Business process outsourcing - pre-press, Multi-Media Graphics,
6780 Ayala Avenue
1332 20% - I.T. Original graphic design and web development Animation, Printing and 09-79-IT 2-Oct-2009
(Approved as Magenta Inc.) Japanese Other Services
90% - French
1333 10% - I.T. Original Software development and application Software Development 11-09-IT 4-Feb-2011
To engage in warehousing/logistics
operations, particularly storage, dposit,
86.36% - Swedish inventory mangament,
MAGNETRON TECHNOLOGY Logistics Cavite Economic Warehousing and
1335 Original importation/procurement of goods for 07-03-L 19-Jan-2007
13.64% - Malaysian subsequent sale, transfer or disposition to
PEZA-registered export-producer
MAHLE FILTER SYSTEMS First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of automotive air filters for light Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 19-Jul-2002
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION Estate - SEZ motor vehicles and Semi-Trailers
MANILA REFINING Cocochem Agro- To include "crude fatty acid distillate" as one Food Products and
Export Amendment S.A. 18-Aug-2004
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ of its registered products Beverages
MANILA REFINING Cocochem Agro- Refinery of crude coconut oil (CNO) and Food Products and
Export New Project S.A. 16-Aug-2005
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ other vegetable oil products Beverages
Light Industry & Manufacture of plastic-injected gears for Rubber and Plastic
1360 MATEX INTERNATIONAL, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original 96-100 1-Oct-1996
Science Park II - SEZ washing machines Products
Fabricated Metal
MATEX PLANETARY DRIVE Light Industry & Increase in the production capacity of its Products, Except
Export Expansion S.A. 21-May-2007
INTERNATIONAL, INC. Science Park II - SEZ manufacture of molds and its accessories Machinery and
99.9998% - American
MAXIM (I.P.) ENTERPRISE To engage in business process outsourcing Business Process
1364 I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original 09-48-IT 2-Jul-2009
SOLUTIONS CORPORATION and support solutions Outsourcing
0.0002% - Filipino
0.02% - American
Engage in inbound and outbound call center
1373 McLARENPHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. Synergis I.T. Center Original Call Centers 07-64-IT 16-Oct-2007
0.01% - Bulgarian
0.03% - Filipino
75% - Japanese
Laguna Technopark - To lease out to PEZA-registered export
1376 MD DISTRIPARK MANILA, INC. 25% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 06-16-F 15-Sep-2006
SEZ enterprises its existing factory building
60% - Filipino To engage in inbound call center services
1387 40% - I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original Call Centers 09-33-IT 5-May-2009
MEKTEC (PHILIPPINES), Computer-aided design of inflexible printed
1391 100% - Japanese I.T. Lakeside Evozone Original Architectural and Other 11-07-IT 31-Jan-2011
CORPORATION circuit boards of various electronic devices
Design Services
54.998% - Japanese
Fabricated Metal
MELTEC PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
1392 45% - Chinese Export Original Production of Electronic Precision Parts 12-38 3-May-2012
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
- Filipino
Fabricated Metal
MELTEC PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of Electronic Fusion Product S.A. 5-Feb-2013
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
MENIMA CASTING PRODUCTS First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of construction equipment, Products, Except
1393 100% - Filipino Export Original 11-62 22-Sep-2011
INC. Estate - SEZ automotive, and motorcycle parts Machinery and
MEPZ MIXED GASES Mactan Economic recovery of Hydrogen & Oxygen gas from Electricity, Gas, Steam
1394 100% - Filipino Export Original 92-034 9-Jun-1992
CORPORATION Zone pure water for industrial use and Hot Water Supply
Mactan Economic Manufacture of extruded and injected plastic Rubber and Plastic
MERASENKO CORPORATION Export New Project S.A. 24-Nov-2005
Zone II - SEZ parts Products
Fabricated Metal
99.998% - Japanese
METALPRODIGY Mactan Economic Products, Except
1398 Export Original Manufacture of metal accessory / ornament 09-58 4-Nov-2009
INCORPORATED Zone Machinery and
0.002% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
METALPRODIGY Mactan Economic Products, Except
Export New Project Electroplating process S.A. 29-Sep-2011
INCORPORATED Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
West Cebu Industrial Increase the production capacity of its Products, Except
METAPHIL INTERNATIONAL, INC. Export New Project S.A. 24-Jun-2008
Park - SEZ fabrication works Machinery and
97.6% - Australian
To engage in Software Design,
1401 METRICBPO INC. I.T. Crown 7 I.T. Center Original Software Development 13-29 18-Feb-2013
Development and Programming
2.4% - Filipino
99.9953% - Taiwanese
Manufacture of apparels such as jackets-
Mactan Economic
1403 METRO WEAR INC. 0.0035% - Filipino Export Original natural, parka jackets, pants, shorts , suits Wearing Apparel 97-006 24-Jan-1997
and other apparel
0.0012% - British
Mactan Economic Manufacture and export of garments and
METRO WEAR INC. Export New Project Wearing Apparel S.A. 25-May-2011
Zone wearing apparel
60% - Filipino
Business process outsourcing using e- Business Process
1405 METRODEAL INC. 40% - I.T. The Enterprise Center Original 12-03-IT 10-Jan-2012
commerce Outsourcing
60.2% - Filipino
METTS PILIPINAS REALTY Laguna Technopark - Construction of a two (2) units warehouse
1407 39.8% Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 04-29-F 24-Nov-2004
- Japanese
Manufacture/assembly of Hermetically
MICROSEMI SEMICONDUCTORS- Food Terminal Inc. - Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project Sealed Electro Mechanical Relay and its S.A. 19-Nov-2010
MICROSOURCING PHILIPPINES General Business Process Outsourcing
I.T. MDC 100 New Project Architectural and Other S.A. 8-Oct-2012
INC. (BPO) and Contact Center Services
Design Services
Fabricated Metal
99.97% - American
MIDDLEBY PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of stainless steel food service Products, Except
1417 Export Original 00-049 16-Jun-2000
CORPORATION SEZ and kitchen equipment Machinery and
0.03% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
99.984% - Indian Calamba Premiere Design and manufacture of stamping dies,
1419 Export International Park - Original metal stampings, fabricated assemblies and 07-35 28-Jun-2007
INC. Machinery and
0.016% - Filipino SEZ machined components
99.998% - Filipino
Logistics Laguna Technopark - To engage in warehousing/logistics support Warehousing and
1420 MIFFI LOGISTICS CO., INC. Original 03-03-F 21-Jan-2003
Service SEZ services Storage
0.002% - Japanese
99.988% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Engage in the assembly of large automated Office, Accounting and
1422 MIKUNI ELECTRONICS CORP. Export Original 01-068 14-Nov-2001
Zone deposit system units Computing Machinery
0.012% - Filipino
Data Encoding,
MIRAMED PHILIPPINES GROUP To engage in medical coding and medical
1425 100% - American I.T. One Corporate Centre Original Transcribing and 12-95-IT 12-Oct-2012
Related Services
99.9967% - Dutch
To provide computer software technology,
MISYS PHILIPPINES, INC. custom development, support and
0.0013% - British
(Formerly: enhancement of wholesale banking
1427 I.T. Zuellig Building Original Software Development 08-08-IT 10-Jan-2008
Misys International Banking computer packages and training of technical
0.0013% - Filipino
Systems, Inc.) personnel in the latest productivity and
development tool techniques
0.0007% - Malaysian
99.9998% - Japanese
First Cavite Industrial Production of various automotive Motor Vehicles, Trailers
1429 MITSUBA PHILIPPINES CORP. Export Original 96-107 14-Oct-1996
Estate - SEZ components, molds and electrodes and Semi-Trailers
0.0002% - Filipino
Lima Technology Manufacture of various motor and electrical Motor Vehicles, Trailers
MITSUBA PHILIPPINES CORP. Export New Project S.A. 27-Aug-2009
Center - SEZ parts for automobile industry and Semi-Trailers
First Cavite Industrial To include the manufacture of packaging Rubber and Plastic
MITSUBA PHILIPPINES CORP. Export Amendment S.A. 28-Apr-2011
Estate - SEZ materials for its automotive parts Products
60% - Filipino
MITSUBA PHILIPPINES REALTY First Cavite Industrial To construct a building for lease/sale to
1430 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 12-18-F 18-Dec-2012
CORP. Estate - SEZ PEZA-registered enterprises
99.98% - Japanese
First Cavite Industrial To engage in the manufacture and Rubber and Plastic
1431 CORPORATION Export Original 07-14 16-Feb-2007
Estate - SEZ distribution of plastic molded products Products
0.02% - Filipino
First Cavite Industrial Electrical Machinery and
CORPORATION Export New Project Manufacture of vinyl captyre cords S.A. 27-Mar-2008
Estate - SEZ Apparatus, N.E.C.
First Cavite Industrial Rubber and Plastic
CORPORATION Export New Project Manufacture of window seal S.A. 7-Oct-2008
Estate - SEZ Products
60% - Filipino
CORPORATION First Cavite Industrial To lease-out an existing building to PEZA-
1433 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 09-10-F 13-Nov-2009
Estate - SEZ registered enterprises
99.9934% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Manufacture of plastic injected parts such as Rubber and Plastic
1439 MITSUWA PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Original 94-65 12-Sep-1994
Zone escutcheon assemblies and parts Products
0.0066% - Filipino
Cavite Economic Fabrication and repair of plastic injection Rubber and Plastic
MITSUWA PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 4-Sep-2001
Zone moulds Products
Fabricated Metal
Increase in the production capacity in
MIYOSHI TECHNOLOGIES Carmelray Industrial Products, Except
Export New Project providing high quality precision electro-less S.A. 24-Sep-2004
PHILS., INC. Park II - SEZ Machinery and
nickel plating services
Fabricated Metal
MIYOSHI TECHNOLOGIES Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of large-sized metal stamped Products, Except
Export Expansion S.A. 30-Aug-2006
PHILS., INC. Park II - SEZ parts Machinery and
MIYOSHI TECHNOLOGIES Carmelray Industrial To lease out a 362.88 sq.m. area within its
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 21-Dec-2010
PHILS., INC. Park II - SEZ factory building to Miyoshi FL Systems, Inc.
Advanced Cleaning
Cavite Economic
MKP, INC. Export New Project Services/Decontamination of Critical Other Service Activities S.A. 18-Feb-2009
Environment and Industrial Supplies
Mactan Economic
MOBILIA PRODUCTS, INC. Export Amendment Include leasing activity Real Estate Activities S.A. 28-Jun-2006
Fabricated Metal
MOOG CONTROLS Baguio City Economic Manufacture and assembly of servo Products, Except
1462 100% - American Export Original 85-01 15-Apr-1985
CORPORATION (PHIL. BRANCH) Zone components Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Increase in the production capacity of its
MOOG CONTROLS Baguio City Economic Products, Except
Export Expansion manufacture and assembly of servo S.A. 18-Feb-2005
Baguio City Economic To construct 3 units of factory building for
1463 PHILIPPINE BRANCH 100% - Irish Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 08-20-F 3-Dec-2008
Zone lease to PEZA-registered enterprises
Laguna Technopark - molds and plastic products for automobiles Rubber and Plastic
1464 MORIROKU PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original 94-35 27-May-1994
SEZ and electric appliances Products
Fabricated Metal
99.99339% - Japanese
MOTTAI-NAI PHILIPPINES First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
1468 Export Original To engage in plating and coating services 12-94 17-Dec-2012
0.00661% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
MSM CEBU, INC. Manufacture of flat springs, tension springs,
Mactan Economic Products, Except
1474 (Formerly: 100% - Japanese Export Original torsion springs, compression springs for 94-70 19-Sep-1994
Zone Machinery and
Precision Springs Cebu, Inc.) industrial purposes
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic Increase in capacity of its flat springs Products, Except
MSM CEBU, INC. Export Expansion S.A. 1-Dec-2000
Zone (connector parts) production Machinery and
Mactan Economic Manufacture/ assembly of video parts for Electrical Machinery and
MSM CEBU, INC. Export New Project S.A. 18-Apr-2002
Zone digital video cameras Apparatus, N.E.C.
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic Manufacture of hinge assembly for mobile Products, Except
MSM CEBU, INC. Export New Project S.A. 7-Aug-2006
Zone cellular phones, video cameras and others Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Production of flat springs (pressed flat),
Mactan Economic Products, Except
MSM CEBU, INC. Export Amendment consisting entirely of equipment to be S.A. 12-Sep-2011
Zone Machinery and
transferred from MSM Manila, Inc.
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic To include fabrication of die & mold and Products, Except
MSM CEBU, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 7-Aug-2012
Zone tools and jigs Machinery and
99.997% - Japanese
MSPECIALTY PRINTING Laguna Technopark - Paper and Paper
1477 Export Original Manufacture of labels and seals 08-11 25-Mar-2008
0.003% - Filipino
70% - Singaporean
Fabricated Metal
Carmelray Industrial Products, Except
1479 MTE PRECISION TOOLINGS INC. 20% - Indian Export Original Manufacture of precision wear parts 08-04 30-Jan-2008
Park II - SEZ Machinery and
10% -
manufacture of jigs and fixtures, and Fabricated Metal
60% - Filipino
Carmelray Industrial fabrication of casting and trimming dies, Products, Except
1480 MTE TECHNOLOGY, INC. 40% - Export Original 99-058 3-Sep-1999
Park II - SEZ production automation lines, and other Machinery and
precision engineering facilities Equipment
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of metal and non-metal
Carmelray Industrial Products, Except
MTE TECHNOLOGY, INC. Export New Project stamping parts and the provision of S.A. 16-Aug-2004
Park II - SEZ Machinery and
stamping services
Contract IT development services, BPO and
I.T. The Discovery Centre New Project Call Centers S.A. 16-Oct-2012
outsourced call center services
Manufacture/stamping of metal
parts/products, manufacture of precision Fabricated Metal
MURAMOTO AUDIO-VISUAL Mactan Economic plastic molding of all audiovisual, computer Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 9-Jul-2010
PHILS., INC. Zone and engineering products, plastic parts and Machinery and
repair of dies (making parts or replacements Equipment
for dies/or modification of dies)
98% - Korean
Cavite Economic Manufacture of woven and knit garments
1487 MYDEE APPAREL, INC. 2% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 05-30 9-Jun-2005
Zone and all types of wearing apparel
Fabricated Metal
MYSERVEL MANUFACTURING Mactan Economic Manufacture of automotoive wire harness Products, Except
1488 100% - Filipino Export Original 06-42 12-May-2006
CORPORATION Zone and other electronic products Machinery and
NAIGAI GOMU PHILIPPINES First Philippine Engage in the manufacture of rubber Rubber and Plastic
1492 100% - Japanese Export Original 07-16 23-Feb-2007
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ products and other related items Products
NAIGAI GOMU PHILIPPINES First Philippine Manufacture of rubber products and other Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 10-Oct-2012
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ related items Products
60% - Filipino
NAIGAI GOMU PHILIPPINES First Philippine To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
1493 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 10-09-F 4-May-2010
ESTATE CORP. Industrial Park - SEZ an existing building
99.9999% - Japanese
West Cebu Industrial To engage in painting of ships built by Other Transport
1494 NAKANISHI PAINT CEBU, INC. Export Original 12-45 18-Jun-2012
Park - SEZ Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (Cebu), Inc. Equipment
0.0001% - Filipino
Cavite Economic
1496 NALI INDUSTRIES 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Leasing Activities Real Estate Activities 02-11-F 3-Oct-2002
Cavite Economic Manufacture of plastic injected parts for Rubber and Plastic
NANBU PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 30-Jan-2004
Zone household appliances and furnitures Products
99.9999% - American
1500 I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original To engage in call center operations Call Centers 11-96-IT 18-Nov-2011
0.0001% - Filipino
0.00000003% - British
I.T. Cebu I.T. Park New Project Call center operations Call Centers S.A. 13-Jan-2012
99.975% - Japanese
NEC TOKIN ELECTRONICS Light Industry & Manufacture of electro mechanical device Electrical Machinery and
1509 Export Original 02-043 19-Aug-2002
(PHILIPPINES) INC. Science Park II - SEZ such as relay and others Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.025% - Filipino
NEC TOPPAN CIRCUIT DESIGN, Eastwood City To engage in designing and engineering
1510 100% - Japanese I.T. Original Architectural and Other 05-05-IT 8-Mar-2005
INC. Cyberpark printed wiring board (PWBs)
Design Services
Radio, Television and
Light Industry & Communication
1511 Export Original Manufacture of electronics components 96-045 10-Apr-1996
Science Park II - SEZ Equipment and
(Formerly: NEC Components 0.01% - Filipino
Philippines, Inc.)
Radio, Television and
Manufacture of special high-tech printed
NEC TOPPAN CIRCUIT Light Industry & Communication
Export New Project wiring board (PWB) for flip chip ball grid S.A. 18-Aug-2006
SOLUTIONS PHILIPPINES, INC. Science Park II - SEZ Equipment and
arrays (FCBGA)
Calamba Premiere
Logistics Warehousing and
NEP LOGISTICS, INC. International Park - New Project Establishment of a new warehouse facility S.A. 27-Mar-2007
Service Storage
0.00029% - Filipino
To engage in back office support using
1516 I.T. Supima E-Circle Original information technology, i.e. finance services 07-67-IT 24-Oct-2007
AOA, INC. 0.00014% - Indian Outsourcing
and employee services
0.00028% - Hungarian and
Web research-on-line web research and
Summit One Office IT Research and
1517 NETPLANS INC. 100% - Japanese I.T. Original data research for all medical related 11-19-IT 21-Mar-2011
Tower Development
materials worldwide
60% - Filipino
NEW ELECTRONICS SYSTEM Cavite Economic Electrical Machinery and
1520 40% - Export Original Manufacture of transformer 02-006 31-Jan-2002
CO., INC. Zone Apparatus, N.E.C.
99.9993% - Thai
Radio, Television and
NEW KINPO GROUP Manufacture of electronic products, main
Carmelray Industrial Communication
1521 TECHNOLOGY (PHILIPPINES), 0.00035% - Taiwanese Export Original products are computer peripheral and 12-48 25-Jun-2012
Park II - SEZ Equipment and
INC. telecommunication products
0.00035% - Filipino
97% - American
NEXT LEVEL IT TELESERVICES, Business process outsourcing and Business Process
1526 3% - I.T. The Block I.T. Park Original 09-21-IT 13-Feb-2009
INC. knowledge process outsourcing Outsourcing
99.997% - Japanese
Cavite Economic To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
1531 NICHIVI PHILIPPINES CORP. Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 11-06-F 16-Jun-2011
Zone its existing factory/warehouse building
0.003% - Filipino
NICHIVI PHILIPPINES Cavite Economic Manufacture/ assembly of tanks, tubes and Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 14-Nov-2003
CORPORATION Zone level sensors and Semi-Trailers
NICHIVI PHILIPPINES Cavite Economic To include the manufacture and repair of Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 22-Sep-2004
CORPORATION Zone molds, jigs and tools for various industries and Semi-Trailers
NICHIVI PHILIPPINES Cavite Economic Manufacture / assembly of nozzles with Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project S.A. 7-Mar-2008
CORPORATION Zone plastic medama Products
NICHIVI PHILIPPINES Cavite Economic Increase in volume of its plastic injection Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 7-Mar-2008
CORPORATION Zone and molding project / operation Products
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture and / or assembly of metal
NIDEC COPAL PHILIPPINES Light Industry & Products, Except
Export Amendment press parts, plastic injection parts, diecsat S.A. 8-Dec-1992
CORPORATION Science Park I - SEZ Machinery and
parts, moulds and other elctronic products
Fabricated Metal
NIDEC COPAL PHILIPPINES Light Industry & Products, Except
Export New Project Plating S.A. 7-Sep-2000
CORPORATION Science Park I - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
NIDEC PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of Top Cover for HDD S.A. 20-Feb-2013
NIDEC PRECISION PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of spindle motor (SPM) parts Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 1-Aug-2006
CORPORATION SEZ for hard disk drives Computing Machinery
NIDEC PRECISION PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - To lease-out a portion of its factory building
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 7-Sep-2010
CORPORATION SEZ to Microtop Philippines, Inc.
Fabricated Metal
NIDEC PRECISION PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Fabrication of Tools, Jigs, Fixtures and Products, Except
Export Expansion S.A. 14-May-2012
CORPORATION SEZ Diemold Machinery and
NIHON FUJI MULTI-PRODUCTS Mactan Economic Manufacture of plastic laundry hangers Rubber and Plastic
1538 100% - Japanese Export Original 94-13 23-Feb-1994
CORPORATION Zone made of polypropelene Products
NIHON FUJI MULTI-PRODUCTS Mactan Economic To include the manufacture of Oxygen Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 28-Aug-2008
CORPORATION Zone Analyzer/Concentrator Products
Calamba Premiere
NIHON HOUZAI LAGUNA Logistics Warehousing and
International Park - New Project Establishment of a new warehouse facility S.A. 3-Feb-2010
CORPORATION Service Storage
Fabricated Metal
99.999% - Japanese Manufacture of die cast metals, press
NIKKOSHI PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
1544 Export Original stamped metal parts and machining parts 99-068 29-Oct-1999
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
0.001% - Filipino for automotive and electric industries
Fabricated Metal
NIKKOSHI PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of new stainless steel carriage S.A. 29-Sep-2005
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
First Philippine Electrical Machinery and
1547 (Formerly: Nittetsu 100% - Japanese Export Original Manufacture of gold bonding wires 00-096 27-Nov-2000
Industrial Park - SEZ Apparatus, N.E.C.
Micrometal Corporation
NIPPON MICROMETAL First Philippine To include the cleaning of spools for Electrical Machinery and
Export Amendment S.A. 17-Aug-2004
CORPORATION PHILIPPINES Industrial Park - SEZ bonding wire Apparatus, N.E.C.
99.9993% - Japanese
1550 Export Original Manufacture of precise metal parts Basic Metals 06-47 29-May-2006
0.0007% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
99.97% - Japanese
NISHIZAWA MANUFACTURING Mactan Economic Products, Except
1551 Export Original Manufacture of car aircon component parts 04-43 23-Jun-2004
CEBU, INC. Zone Machinery and
0.03% - Filipino
99.9926% - Japanese
Radio, Television and
Manufacture of electronic components as
NISSEN ELECTRONICS Laguna Technopark - Communication
1552 0.0037% - Korean Export Original Fuses, Optical Fiber Cables and 12-05 24-Jan-2012
(PHILIPPINES), INC. SEZ Equipment and
Communication Cables, and Magnet Wires
0.0037% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
99.9% - Japanese
NISSHO SEIKEN PHILIPPINES Cebu Light Industrial Products, Except
1553 Export Original Manufacture of precision steel shafts 12-86 23-Nov-2012
CORPORATION Park - SEZ Machinery and
0.1% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
NISSIN PRECISION PHILIPPINES First Philippine Manufacture of pressed parts, components Products, Except
1554 100% - Japanese Export Original 02-001 9-Jan-2002
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ of presing mold and pressing molds Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
To include Subcontracting of Machining
NISSIN PRECISION PHILIPPINES First Philippine Products, Except
Export Amendment Process (Milling, Grinding, Electric S.A. 27-Jul-2011
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
Discharge and Barreling Process)
99.9998% - Japanese
NITTO DENKO PHILIPPINES Logistics Greenfield Automotive Warehousing and
1556 Original To engage in warehousing operations 01-009-L 29-May-2001
CORPORATION Service Park - SEZ Storage
0.0002% - Filipino
NITTO DENKO PHILIPPINES Logistics Greenfield Automotive Operation of a cold storage facility for epoxy Warehousing and
New Project S.A. 29-Oct-2002
CORPORATION Service Park - SEZ moulding compound encapsulates Storage
NKC MANUFACTURING Mactan Economic Manufacture of rubber seals and sash Rubber and Plastic
1559 100% - Japanese Export Original 97-031 8-Apr-1997
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ rollers and other bearing-related products Products
NKC MANUFACTURING Mactan Economic To include the manufacture of magnetic Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 19-Aug-2008
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ yoke assembly and Semi-Trailers
NKC MANUFACTURING Mactan Economic To include the manufacture of sub material Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 7-Sep-2010
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ and accessories for aluminum sash Products
Fabricated Metal
NKC MANUFACTURING Mactan Economic Manufacture of Radial Retainer or Radial Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 15-Dec-2010
NKC MANUFACTURING Mactan Economic To include the manufacture of bracket Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 11-Oct-2011
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION Zone II - SEZ assembly and Semi-Trailers
Manufacture/assembly of electronic
99.9989% - German
stepdown converters ( DC / or AC supplied Radio, Television and
electronic step-down converters) used Communication
1561 NOBILE, INC. 0.0007% - Filipino Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Original 95-49 19-Apr-1995
mainly for low-voltage halogen lamps, Equipment and
heating elements and generally resistive Apparatus
0.0004% - Malaysian
70.07% - Filipino
Baguio City Economic Call center services and business process
1562 NOBLE TRENDS UNBOUND, INC. I.T. Original Call Centers 07-68-IT 23-Oct-2007
Zone outsourcing
29.93% - American
80.135433% - Korean
Radio, Television and
NOBLELINK INC. Cavite Economic Manufacture of upper case assembly, horn Communication
1563 19.86456% - American Export Original 02-005 29-Jan-2002
(Formerly: Hana Million Inc.) Zone assembly and front panel Equipment and
0.000007% - Filipino
Radio, Television and
Cavite Economic To include the manufacture of cordless Communication
NOBLELINK INC. Export Amendment S.A. 14-Jun-2002
Zone phone and radar detector Equipment and
Cavite Economic Quality control / inspection and packaging of Rubber and Plastic
NOBLELINK INC. Export New Project S.A. 23-Aug-2002
Zone plastic injected parts Products
Advanced Laundry
Cavite Economic
NOBLELINK INC. Export New Project Services/Decontamination of Cleanroom Other Service Activities S.A. 5-Mar-2013
0.00241% - Filipino
99.992% - Filipino
a) Manufacture of semiconductor devices, Radio, Television and
0.004% - Dutch
NXP SEMICONDUCTORS Light Industry & such as power transistor and metal can Communication
1576 Export Original 07-21 9-Mar-2007
CABUYAO, INC. Science Park I - SEZ under NXP SPI's Registration Agreement Equipment and
0.002% - Malaysian
with PEZA dated Sep 28, 1994; Apparatus
99.996% - American
To engage in business process outsourcing,
particularly as Operational Support Center
1581 NYSE PHILIPPINES, INC. 0.003% - Filipino I.T. Bancorporation Original Software Development 12-121-IT 26-Dec-2012
for NYSE Technologies, Inc.'s products and
0.001% - Swiss
Light Industry &
1582 CORPORATION 40% - Facilities Original To construct a factory building Real Estate Activities 08-11-F 18-Jul-2008
Science Park III - SEZ
O.M. MANUFACTURING Cavite Economic Manufacture of tin drops and mining of tin Machinery and
Export Amendment S.A. 21-Oct-2002
PHILIPPINES, INC. Zone alloys and lead alloys Equipment, N.E.C.
Fabricated Metal
99.996% - Japanese
Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
1585 O.P. WORKS, INC. Export Original Manufacture of hooks and sub-products 12-16 17-Feb-2012
SEZ Machinery and
0.004% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Laguna Technopark - Registration of the additional operations of Products, Except
O.P. WORKS, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 15-Mar-2013
SEZ its manufacture of Hooks and Sub-products Machinery and
OAK PRECISION PLASTICS Laguna Technopark - To engage in plastic vacuumed forming and Rubber and Plastic
1586 100% - Japanese Export Original 12-44 8-Jun-2012
INDUSTRIES, INC. SEZ paper and/or woody crate packaging Products
70% - Japanese
OAKWAVE (PHILIPPINES) Cavite Economic Electrical Machinery and
1587 30% - Export Original assembly of wire harness 95-23 28-Feb-1995
CORPORATION Zone Apparatus, N.E.C.
First Cavite Industrial Increase the capacity of its production of Rubber and Plastic
OGAMI CORPORATION Export Expansion S.A. 27-Nov-2001
Estate - SEZ variuos plastic parts Products
OGINO PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of automotive parts, Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 4-Aug-2005
CORPORATION SEZ specifically, case, cap valve, and piston and Semi-Trailers
Fabricated Metal
OGINO PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
Export New Project Machining of frames S.A. 4-Jun-2007
OGINO PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - To include the manufacture of pin used in Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 19-May-2008
CORPORATION SEZ auto transmission and Semi-Trailers
OGINO PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - To include machining of bracket as part of Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 16-Jul-2008
CORPORATION SEZ auto window wiper and Semi-Trailers
Light Industry & To lease out an 800 sq.m. building floor area
OHGITANI PHILIPPINES INC. Facilities Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 3-Dec-2012
Science Park I - SEZ to Rohm Mechatech Philippines, Inc.
To engage in warehousing/logistics
operations, particularly storage, deposit,
inventory management,
OHGITANI PHILIPPINES, INC. 56.97% - Filipino importation/procurement of semi-finished
Logistics Light Industry & Warehousing and
1595 (Formerly: Original goods for subsequent sale, transfer or 06-16-L 13-Nov-2006
Service Science Park I - SEZ Storage
Ohgitani Kogyo Philippines, Inc.) 43.03% - Japanese disposition of PEZA-registered export
enterprises for direct export or for
consignment to PEZA-registered export
60% - Filipino
Cebu Light Industrial To construct two (2), 2-storey buildings for
1596 OHMORI DEVELOPMENT CORP. 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 12-19-F 18-Dec-2012
Park - SEZ lease/sale to PEZA-registered enterprises
99.9996% - Japanese
OHTSUKA POLY-TECH Light Industry & manufacture of rubber parts for automobiles, Rubber and Plastic
1597 Export Original 92-052 16-Sep-1992
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Science Park I - SEZ motorcycles & electric appliances. Products
0.0004% - Filipino
OHTSUKA POLY-TECH Light Industry & Manufacture of rubber parts for cars, Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 3-Apr-2008
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Science Park I - SEZ motorcycles and electrical appliances Products
OHTSUKA POLY-TECH Light Industry & Manufacture of rubber parts for cars and Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 31-Jan-2013
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Science Park I - SEZ motorcycles Products
Multi-Media Graphics,
Summit One Office
1601 OLSWORLD, INC. 100% - Indian I.T. Original Outsourcing center for web-related services Animation, Printing and 10-86-IT 3-Dec-2010
Other Services
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Products, Except
1602 OM ELECTROLYZING INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original Engage in electrolyzed refining of metals 03-050 24-Jul-2003
Zone Machinery and
99.9995% - Japanese
Carmelray Industrial To provide application development, IT
1604 OMED CORP.. I.T. Original Software Development 05-31-IT 11-Oct-2005
Park II - SEZ consulting services and IT outsourcing
0.0005% - Filipino
99.94% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Manufacture of plastic products such as air Rubber and Plastic
1605 OMED OHKAWA CORP. Export Original 11-07 11-Feb-2011
Zone pumps parts and semiconductor items Products
0.06% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
20% - Cavite Economic Manufacture of industrial fasteners, cable
1612 OMON GROUP INC. Export Original Basic Metals 12-28 29-Feb-2012
French Zone assembly and wire harness
20% - Chinese
99.99982% - American
Radio, Television and
ON SEMICONDUCTOR Golden Mile Business Engage in probe, assembly and test of Communication
1613 0.00009% - Filipino Export Original 07-36 2-Jul-2007
PHILIPPINES, INC. Park - SEZ semiconductor devices Equipment and
0.00009% - Malaysian
ONDA GROUP OF COMPANIES, People's Technology To include the assembly of decorative glass,
Export Amendment Manufacturing, N.E.C. S.A. 3-Sep-2007
INC. Complex - SEZ set of lights/lamps and accessories
Fabricated Metal
99.99% - Korean
ONE & ONE PRECISION Cavite Economic Manufacture of screws and related items Products, Except
1617 Export Original 98-001 8-Jan-1998
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zone such as washers Machinery and
0.01% - Filipino
99.99% - Korean
Cavite Economic Office, Accounting and
1623 OPHIL CORPORATION Export Original Device pick-up assembly 05-35 21-Jun-2005
Zone Computing Machinery
0.01% - Filipino
Calamba Premiere Medical, Precision and
(Formerly: Preparation of camera parts and assembly
1624 100% - Filipino Export International Park - Original Optical Instruments, 93-043 9-Sep-1993
Offshore Product Technology of various camera models
SEZ Watches and Clocks
International, Inc.)
Radio, Television and
Calamba Premiere
OPT INT'L., INC. Export International Park - Amendment To include the assembly of poer transfromer S.A. 5-Mar-1996
Equipment and
60% - Filipino
1626 40% - I.T. Original To engage in software development Software Development 11-81-IT 30-Sep-2011
0.0000063% - Indian
Manufacture of processed chemicals, Medical, Precision and
Laguna International
OPTODEV, INC. Export Amendment particularly varnish products for ophthalmic Optical Instruments, S.A. 21-Dec-2000
Industrial Park - SEZ
lenses Watches and Clocks
ORACLECMS INTERNATIONAL 6780 Ayala Avenue To engage in call center / Business Process
1633 100% - Australian I.T. Original Call Centers 13-22 7-Feb-2013
INC. Bldg. Outsourcing (BPO)
I.T. I-Square Building Amendment To include its new call center operations Call Centers S.A. 5-Sep-2012
ORIENT GOLDCREST REALTY, First Cavite Industrial To lease out an existing warehouse building
Facilities New Project Real Estate Activities S.A. 6-Jun-2007
INC. Estate - SEZ to PEZA registered enterprises
ORIENT GOLDCREST REALTY, Laguna Technopark - Construction of three (3) buildings for
Facilities New Project Real Estate Activities S.A. 28-Jul-2009
INC. SEZ lease/sale to PEZA-registered enterprises
ORIENT GOLDCREST REALTY, Laguna Technopark - Construction of nine (9) buildings for
Facilities New Project Real Estate Activities S.A. 19-May-2010
INC. SEZ lease/sale to PEZA-registered enterprises
60% - Filipino
OSATO BIO-INDUSTRY Laguna Technopark - bio-normalizer health food supplements, Food Products and
1642 40% - Export Original 95-88 12-Sep-1995
CORPORATION SEZ cosmetics and agricultural products Beverages
99.97% - Singaporean
Importation and distribution of goods such
Logistics Laguna Technopark - as but not limited to cutting tools, forming Warehousing and
1643 0.02% - Japanese Original 09-01-L 9-Jan-2009
Service SEZ dies, measuring tools, machine tools and Storage
0.01% - Filipino
80% - Taiwanese
Logistics Cavite Economic To engage in battey charging such as
1645 OTKM SERVICES PHILS. INC. 20% Original Other Service Activities 12-21-L 8-Oct-2012
Service Zone Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS)
- Filipino
Mactan Economic Manufacture of blocks made of rubber with Rubber and Plastic
OUROKU CORPORATION Export New Project S.A. 18-Jun-2012
Zone II - SEZ ducts inserted in them Products
P. IMES CORP. (PHILIPPINE Manufacture of compact disc - read only Radio, Television and
99.99991% - Japanese
INTERNATIONAL Cavite Economic memory (CD-ROM) drives, subcompact Communication
1652 Export Original 93-062 21-Dec-1993
MANUFACTURING AND Zone passbook printers (SCP), parts and Equipment and
0.00009% - Filipino
ENGINEERING SERVICES CORP.) peripherals Apparatus
96% - Australian
Business Process
1656 PA EVERYDAY INCORPORATED 4% - I.T. Keppel Center Original To engage in business process outsourcing 11-58-IT 26-Jul-2011
Phividec Industrial
1657 100% - Filipino Export Estate-Economic Original Manufacture of activated carbon 10-95 8-Dec-2010
CO., INC. Products
60% - Filipino
PACIFIC MEDICAL Provide educational program/ technical Other IT-enabled
1659 40% - I.T. Mango Square Original DM 06-01-IT 24-Apr-2006
TRANSCRIPTION SCHOOL, INC. instruction on Medical Transcription Services
98.420393% - Dutch
Processing and refining tellurium, selenium,
1.5796% - Australian tellurium dioxide, selenium salts (barium
1660 Export Original selenate, sodium selenate, sodium selenite Basic Metals 01-046 18-Jul-2001
0.000004% - American and zinc selenite), bismuth, indium, silver,
gold, lead, and copper sulfate
0.000003% - Filipino
0.001% - Filipino
92% - Korean
PACKING & VACUUMING Cavite Economic Manufacture of vacuum plastic packing Rubber and Plastic
1663 8% - Export Original 11-64 5-Oct-2011
PRECISIONS, INC. Zone industrial supplies Products
PACKING & VACUUMING Laguna International Manufacture of vacuum plastic packing Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project S.A. 13-Aug-2012
PRECISIONS, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ industrial supplies Products
99.94% - Taiwanese
PALMPHIL GARMENTS Light Industry & Engage in the manufacture of ladies' and
1664 Export Original Wearing Apparel 07-54 20-Sep-2007
PHILIPPINE CORPORATION Science Park I - SEZ men's shirts/jogging suits
0.06% - Filipino
99.99996% - Filipino
Pamalican Island Establish, renovate and expand the Seven
1665 PAMALICAN RESORT, INC. 0.00002% - American Tourism Original Hotels and Restaurants 11-02-T 1-Jul-2011
Tourism Ecozone Seas Property Villa Resort
51.224% - British
0.00002% - Dutch
16.601% - Panamanian
PAN CENTURY SURFACTANTS, 13.105% - Hong Kong Jose Panganiban - To engage in the manufacture of fatty Chemicals and Chemical
1666 Export Original 06-35 3-Apr-2006
INC. SEZ alcohol and fatty acids Products
16.601% - Swiss
2.469% -
99.96% - Lebanese
0.001% - Indian
PANASIATIC CALL CENTERS, Contact Center for customer interaction
1667 0.03% - Filipino I.T. The Block I.T. Park Original Call Centers 10-15-IT 18-Mar-2010
INC. services
- Canadian
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of air conditioners and oven Machinery and
1668 Export Original 03-005 23-Jan-2003
SEZ toasters Equipment, N.E.C.
(Formerly: Matsushita Electric 20.04% - Filipino
Philippines Corporation)
PANASONIC MANUFACTURING Laguna Technopark - Increase in the production capacity of its air Machinery and
Export Expansion S.A. 23-Jan-2003
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION SEZ conditioners project Equipment, N.E.C.
(Formerly: 1) Kyushu
Matsushita Electric Corporation Radio, Television and
99.999999% - Dutch
of the Philippines; 2) Panasonic Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of slim CD-R/RW drive and Communication
1669 Export Original 00-075 8-Sep-2000
Communications Corporation of Park II - SEZ slim DVD combination drive Equipment and
0.000001% - Japanese
the Philippines; 3) Panasonic Apparatus
Communications Philippines
Corporation; 4) Panasonic
System Networks Philippines
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of Flexible Printed Circuit Office, Accounting and
DEVICES PHILIPPINES Export New Project S.A. 4-Apr-2006
SEZ (FPC) Computing Machinery
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of Blu-ray Drives, sub- Office, Accounting and
DEVICES PHILIPPINES Export New Project S.A. 22-Sep-2006
Park II - SEZ assemblies and parts Computing Machinery
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of Rainbow Laser Scanning Office, Accounting and
DEVICES PHILIPPINES Export New Project S.A. 12-Feb-2007
Park II - SEZ Unit Computing Machinery
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of Rainbow Multi-Function Office, Accounting and
DEVICES PHILIPPINES Export New Project S.A. 7-Sep-2007
Park II - SEZ Printer, Sub-Assemblies and Parts Computing Machinery
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of Blu-Ray Half-Height Pick-Up Office, Accounting and
DEVICES PHILIPPINES Export New Project S.A. 28-Nov-2007
SEZ Unit Computing Machinery
Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of Slot Type Blu-Ray Drive, Office, Accounting and
DEVICES PHILIPPINES Export New Project S.A. 13-Dec-2007
Park II - SEZ sub-assemblies and parts Computing Machinery
PANORAMA PROPERTY Baguio City Economic Construction of four (4)-unit two (2) storey
Facilities New Project Real Estate Activities S.A. 25-Jan-2008
VENTURES, INC. Zone factory/warehouse buildings
99.96% - Dutch
Processing, production and manufacturing
Mactan Economic of panels, tiles, laminated and unlaminated
1678 INC. - Filipino Export Original and Cork, Except 09-64 12-Nov-2009
Zone II - SEZ surfaces of natural materials for various
0.01% - Furniture
PAUL DECO INDUSTRIAL Mactan Economic Authority to sub-lease one of its buildings to
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 22-Feb-2013
PCM BPO, LLC I.T. Octagon I.T. Bldg. New Project Call Center Services Call Centers S.A. 27-May-2011
PD ENERGY INTERNATIONAL Luisita Industrial Park Manufacture of low and medium voltage Electrical Machinery and
1687 100% - Filipino Export Original 07-49 22-Aug-2007
CORPORATION - SEZ power cables Apparatus, N.E.C.
PEACE AND YOUNG (PY) Lima Technology Manufacture of corrugated plastic boards, Rubber and Plastic
1688 100% - Chinese Export Original 13-03 7-Jan-2013
PLASTIC HARDWARE Center - SEZ boxes and pipe racks Products
Fabricated Metal
PENTA TECHNOLOGICAL Laguna Technopark - Engage in the production of specialized Products, Except
1690 100% - Filipino Export Original 07-50 4-Sep-2007
PRODUCTS, INC. SEZ steel products and heat treatment service Machinery and
PENTAX RICOH IMAGING To include repair of Pentax Ricoh cameras Medical, Precision and
Mactan Economic
PRODUCTS (PHILIPPINES) Export Amendment including cameras assembled from other Optical Instruments, S.A. 19-Feb-2013
CORPORATION Pentax Ricoh factories abroad Watches and Clocks
Fabricated Metal
First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
1700 (Formerly: 100% - Japanese Export Original Manufacture of lead frames 95-11 24-Jan-1995
Estate - SEZ Machinery and
Dowa Hightech Philippines, Inc.)
Fabricated Metal
To include the solder plating operations and
First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
PHCP, INC. Export Amendment production of other types of lead frames for S.A. 10-May-1996
Estate - SEZ Machinery and
electronic production
Fabricated Metal
First Cavite Industrial Different type of lead frames for electronics Products, Except
PHCP, INC. Export New Project S.A. 2-Jun-1997
Estate - SEZ products Machinery and
89.37% - Filipino
Sta. Maria Industrial Electrical Machinery and
1701 PHIL. BATTERIES INC. Export Original Manufacture of lead-acid batteries 06-53 8-Jun-2006
10.63% - British Virgin Park Apparatus, N.E.C.
Establishment and operation of three (3)
PHIL. BXT CORP. 97.31% - Korean Phil. BXT Corp. high rise buildings, three (3) medium rise
1702 Tourism Tourism Economic Original buildings and forty-eight (48) pool villas with Hotels and Restaurants 08-02-T 17-Dec-2008
2.69% - American Zone a total of 556 hotel rooms
Fabricated Metal
60% - Filipino
Cavite Economic manufacture of aluminum heat sink, CPU, Products, Except
1704 PHILAKE METAL CORPORATION 40% - Export Original 97-042 2-Jun-1997
Zone heat sink and building hardware Machinery and
99.9998% - Japanese
Lima Technology Manufacture and assembly of metal, Rubber and Plastic
1706 PHILINAK INDUSTRIES, INC. Export Original 99-056 1-Sep-1999
Center - SEZ rubbers, and plastic parts Products
0.0002% - Filipino
63.69% - Filipino
Manufacture of copper cathodes, gold in
dore, silver in dore, selenium blister copper
1709 SMELTING & REFINING 31.23% - Dutch Export Development Estate - Original Basic Metals 82-40 23-Sep-1982
(containing copper, gold and silver) and
sulfuric acid
- American
PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATED Leyte Industrial Produce high purity oxygen for its
Electricity, Gas, Steam
SMELTING & REFINING Export Development Estate - Expansion (PASAR's) smelting plant to increase S.A. 9-Jan-2013
and Hot Water Supply
CORPORATION (PASAR) SEZ production of New Fine Copper (NFC)
99.999967% - Singaporean
Manufacture of automobile parts and
PHILIPPINE AUTO Carmelray Industrial Motor Vehicles, Trailers
1710 Export Original components for Original Equipment 12-57 13-Aug-2012
COMPONENTS, INC. 0.000033% - Park I - SEZ and Semi-Trailers
Manufacturer (OEM)
I.T. Philamlife I.T. Bldg. Amendment To include its operation at The PhilamLife IT Architectural and Other S.A. 29-Oct-2012
Design Services
59.99% - American
PHILIPPINE BIO INDUSTRIES, Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of Carrageenan and Blends of Food Products and
1712 40% - Filipino Export Original 10-44 31-May-2010
INC. Park I - SEZ Carrageenan Beverages
0.01% -
manufacture of various kinds of small metal
Cavite Economic parts usch as brackets, clamp, plate, Motor Vehicles, Trailers
1715 Export Original 02-010 26-Feb-2002
Zone stoppers, nut housing and bracket assembly and Semi-Trailers
(Formerly: Cavite Miumi 0.15% - Filipino
for automotive parts products
99.997% - Japanese
Mactan Economic Manufacture of motorcycle engine Motor Vehicles, Trailers
1719 PHILIPPINE IINO CORPORATION Export Original 91-013 13-Jun-1991
Zone II - SEZ knockpins and Semi-Trailers
0.003% - Filipino
Mactan Economic Manufacture and production of pipe A joint, Motor Vehicles, Trailers
PHILIPPINE IINO CORPORATION Export New Project S.A. 31-Aug-2005
Zone II - SEZ pipe B joint, and collar and Semi-Trailers
Mactan Economic To include the production of manual valve Motor Vehicles, Trailers
PHILIPPINE IINO CORPORATION Export Amendment S.A. 24-Oct-2008
Zone II - SEZ body, pipe comp A & B and Semi-Trailers
99% - Japanese
Light Industry & Manufacture of buttons, buckles and other
1721 PHILIPPINE IRIS CO., INC. 1% - Export Original Manufacturing, N.E.C. 93-01 14-Jan-1993
Science Park I - SEZ clothing and fashion accessories
Fabricated Metal
60% - Filipino
Laguna International Manufacture of precise-sized screws and Products, Except
1724 PHILIPPINE KOYAMA, INC. 40% - Export Original 96-112 24-Oct-1996
Industrial Park - SEZ nuts Machinery and
99.98% - German
Processing and finishing of leather, leather-
1725 0.01% - Uruguayan Export Original faced lamb and sheep garments, wallets, Textiles 03-021 19-Feb-2003
INC. Zone
bags, and other similar items
0.01% - Filipino
Manufacture of aluminum (diecasting) body
Fabricated Metal
99.992% - Japanese and other mechanical component parts of
PHILIPPINE MAKOTO Mactan Economic Products, Except
1726 Export Original prismatic binoculars specifically, the right 93-47 1-Oct-1993
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
0.008% - Filipino and left parts of the binoculars and the
central axis of aluminum
Fabricated Metal
PHILIPPINE MAKOTO Mactan Economic Manufacture of magnetic eraser heads Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 5-Apr-1995
CORPORATION Zone (MEH) Machinery and
99.97% - Japanese
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of wiring harness and antenna Electrical Machinery and
1728 PHILIPPINE MATSUDEN INC. Export Original 11-18 5-Apr-2011
Estate - SEZ cable Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.03% - Filipino
99.9987% - Japanese
PHILIPPINE NAGANO SEIKO, People's Technology Manufacture of reduction gear boxes and Machinery and
1729 Export Original 01-002 5-Jan-2001
INC. Complex - SEZ parts (main project) Equipment, N.E.C.
0.0013% - Filipino
PHILIPPINE NAGANO SEIKO, First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of shafts for agricultural Machinery and
Export New Project LOA 20-Feb-2002
INC. Estate - SEZ machinery (TTC project) Equipment, N.E.C.
PHILIPPINE NAGANO SEIKO, People's Technology Manufacture of electronic throttle for motor Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 20-Jun-2002
INC. Complex - SEZ shaft Apparatus, N.E.C.
Leyte Industrial
PHILIPPINE PHOSPHATE To include the manufacture of sulfuric acid Chemicals and Chemical
Export Development Estate - Amendment S.A. 14-Apr-2011
FERTILIZER CORPORATION and phosphoric acid Products
99.99% - Taiwanese
PHILIPPINE POTENTATE Mactan Economic Manufacture of ladies', men's and kids'
1732 Export Original Wearing Apparel 05-45 2-Aug-2005
0.01% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
PHILIPPINE PRECISION Carmelray Industrial To include the manufacture of plate size Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 21-Sep-1998
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Park I - SEZ metal materials Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
98% - Filipino Manufacture of water-supply products
PHILIPPINE SANITARY FITTINGS, Light Industry & Products, Except
1734 2% - Export Original including but not limited to faucets and 06-64 5-Sep-2006
INC. Science Park III - SEZ Machinery and
Japanese similar lavatory faucets
Fabricated Metal
PHILIPPINE SANITARY FITTINGS, First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
Export Amendment Casting operations S.A. 7-Jun-2007
INC. Estate - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
99% - Japanese Manufacture of hairsprings for automobiles
PHILIPPINE SANYU Cavite Economic Products, Except
1735 1% - Export Original and motorcycles, level pressure gauge, 95-100 28-Sep-1995
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
Filipino voltmeter, timer and other indication meters
99.985% - Korean
Radio, Television and
manufacture of quartz crystals, crystal clock
PHILIPPINE SUNNY Cavite Economic Communication
1737 0.01% - Filipino Export Original oscillators, monolothic crystal filters and 94-64 1-Sep-1994
other similar crystal products
0.005% - American
99.984% - Korean
PHILIPPINE TECHNOLOGIES Laguna International Manufacture of push carts, carton boxes, Paper and Paper
1738 Export Original 12-49 29-Jun-2012
HOTLINE INC. Industrial Park - SEZ conveyor and jigs Products
0.016% - Filipino
99.9997% - Japanese
PHILIPPINE TOHBE Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of various plastic precision Rubber and Plastic
1740 Export Original 01-043 22-Jun-2001
CORPORATION Park II - SEZ parts Products
0.0003% - Filipino
PHILIPPINE TOHBE Carmelray Industrial Manufacture and assembly of various plastic Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 7-Dec-2004
CORPORATION Park II - SEZ precision parts Products
99.9997% - Japanese
PHILIPPINE TONAN Mactan Economic Manufacture of water supply hardware,
1741 Export Original Manufacturing, N.E.C. 89-028 2-Aug-1989
CORPORATION Zone kitchen apparatus and equipment
0.0003% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of metal-based products such
PHILIPPINE TONAN Mactan Economic Products, Except
Export Amendment laundry and clothes hanger, terminal S.A. 3-Aug-1994
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
connectors and air-conditioning parts
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of wrought iron furniture such
PHILIPPINE TONAN Mactan Economic Products, Except
Export Amendment as poster bed, top swivel bucket chairs, S.A. 8-Nov-1995
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
tables, etc.
Fabricated Metal
PHILIPPINE TONAN Mactan Economic Manufacture of Dehumidifying Box (Tobo Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 13-Dec-1995
CORPORATION Zone Living Auto Dry) Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Design, fabrication and installation of
PHILIPPINE TONAN Mactan Economic Products, Except
Export Amendment various machines and machine parts, and S.A. 3-Mar-2003
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
maintenance and repair of various machine
Fabricated Metal
PHILIPPINE TONAN Mactan Economic To include the treatment of metals through Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 26-May-2005
CORPORATION Zone galvanizing process Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
PHILIPPINE TONAN Mactan Economic To include the manufacture and export of ice Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 4-Nov-2010
CORPORATION Zone can Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture and fabrication of quadrangular
PHILIPPINE TONAN First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
Export New Project metal support for plastic glass window and S.A. 26-Oct-2011
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ Machinery and
other metal based products
Fabricated Metal
60% - Filipino
PHILIPPINES CLAVON COATING Keppel Philippines To provide specialized corrosion protection Products, Except
1744 40% - Export Original 07-43 3-Aug-2007
MARINE SERVICES INC. Marine - SEZ control services Machinery and
99.88% - Japanese
First Cavite Industrial
1745 PHILIPPINES MANSHO, INC. Export Original Manufacture of ashtray for automobiles Manufacturing, N.E.C. 95-03 2-Jan-1995
Estate - SEZ
0.12% - Filipino
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of automotive components and Electrical Machinery and
PHILIPPINES MANSHO, INC. Export New Project S.A. 13-Jul-2000
Estate - SEZ electrical parts Apparatus, N.E.C.
Mactan Economic
PHILIPPINES MANSHO, INC. Export New Project Coating of automotive and car parts (MEZ) Manufacturing, N.E.C. S.A. 23-Apr-2003
60% - Filipino
PHILIPPINES MURATA LAND First Philippine To construct several structures for
1746 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 11-13-F 29-Sep-2011
AND BUILDING INC. Industrial Park - SEZ lease/sale to PEZA-registered enterprises
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of metal shafts as component
Lima Technology Products, Except
PHILIPPINES TRC, INC. Export New Project part for printers and mechanical parts for S.A. 7-Mar-2003
Center - SEZ Machinery and
assorted machinery and other equipment
Fabricated Metal
Lima Technology Products, Except
PHILIPPINES TRC, INC. Export New Project Manufacture of lead screw S.A. 14-Feb-2004
Center - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Lima Technology Anti-static coating of paper feed roller for Products, Except
PHILIPPINES TRC, INC. Export New Project S.A. 14-Oct-2005
Center - SEZ Epson printer project Machinery and
Cavite Economic
PHILS-JEON GARMENTS, INC. Export New Project Manufacture of knitted fabric/knitting yarns Wearing Apparel S.A. 12-Apr-2010
Jasaan Misamis Increase in the production capacity of its Chemicals and Chemical
PILIPINAS KAO, INC. Export Expansion S.A. 5-Feb-2004
Oriental - SEZ manufacture of tertiary amine Products
Jasaan Misamis Manufacture of High Purity Fatty Alcohol Chemicals and Chemical
PILIPINAS KAO, INC. Export New Project S.A. 7-Feb-2005
Oriental - SEZ (HPFA) Products
Jasaan Misamis Manufacture its Tertiary Amine (TA) - 2 Chemicals and Chemical
PILIPINAS KAO, INC. Export New Project S.A. 26-Sep-2007
Oriental - SEZ Project Products
Jasaan Misamis Increase in production capacity of its High Chemicals and Chemical
PILIPINAS KAO, INC. Export Expansion S.A. 31-May-2012
Oriental - SEZ Purity Fatty Alcohol (HPFA) Project Products
PILIPINAS WATER RESOURCES, Cebu South Road Establishment, operation and maintenance Electricity, Gas, Steam
1764 100% - Filipino Utilities Original 11-02-U 15-Mar-2011
INC. Properties of the water system and Hot Water Supply
99.9995% - Japanese
PLA MATELS (PHILIPPINES) Logistics Laguna Technopark - To engage in logistics and warehousing Warehousing and
1769 Original 11-21-L 24-Nov-2011
CORPORATION Service SEZ services Storage
0.0005% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
99.92% - Japanese
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture/production of various molds Products, Except
1772 PLANEX T&M, INC. Export Original 12-53 16-Jul-2012
SEZ and molded products Machinery and
0.08% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
Baguio City Economic
1774 PLASTIC & TOOLS, INC. 40% - Facilities Original To lease out an existing building Real Estate Activities 03-21-F 16-Sep-2003
MANUFACTURING INC. Cavite Economic Manufacture of plastic products and Rubber and Plastic
1775 100% - Filipino Export Original 08-51 8-Sep-2008
Zone extrusion of plastic sheets Products
60% - Filipino
To maintain, manage and operate an
PNK LANDHOLDINGS PHILS. 35% - First Cavite Industrial
1779 Facilities Original existing building for lease/sale to PEZA- Real Estate Activities 11-08-F 25-Jul-2011
INC. Japanese Estate - SEZ
registered enterprises
5% - Korean
POLARIS MOLD FABRICATION Golden Mile Business Manufacture/fabrication of plastic moldings, Rubber and Plastic
1781 100% - Taiwanese Export Original 08-46 29-Aug-2008
CORPORATION Park - SEZ parts and accessories Products
99.98% - Filipino
First Cavite Industrial Other Non-Metallic
1782 POLYCELL TECHNOLOGY, INC. Export Original Manufacture of Cross Link Polyolefin Foam 06-70 10-Nov-2006
Estate - SEZ Mineral Products
0.02% - Korean
To engage in slitting and shearing of steel Fabricated Metal
First Philippine sheets in coils to supply tailor-made steel Products, Except
1783 100% - Korean Export Original 08-01 16-Jan-2008
Industrial Park - SEZ sheet products for various steel components Machinery and
(Formerly: Pos-Philippine Manila
manufacturers Equipment
Processing Center Inc.)
Laguna International
1785 PPRC DEVELOPMENT, INC. 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Leasing Activities Real Estate Activities 96-06 22-Mar-1996
Industrial Park - SEZ
Fabricated Metal
PRICON MICROELECTRONICS, Carmelray Industrial Products, Except
Export New Project To engage in Metal Stamping S.A. 4-Oct-2012
INC. Park I - SEZ Machinery and
To engage in the construction of factory
CORPORATION Mactan Economic
1793 100% - Filipino Facilities Original building for sale/ lease to PEZA-registered Real Estate Activities 94-A10-F 25-Mar-1994
(Formerly: Primary Industrial Zone
Properties Corporation)
PHILS., INC. 99.98% - Korean
Light Industry & Manufacture of flexible printed circuit board Electrical Machinery and
1795 (Formerly: Export Original 95-69 9-Jun-1995
Science Park III - SEZ (PCB) cable connectors Apparatus, N.E.C.
Prime Electronics Philippines, 0.02% - Filipino
Radio, Television and
PRIME MICRO-ELECTRONICS Light Industry & Communication
Export New Project Manufacture of flexible flat cables S.A. 21-Aug-2002
PHILS., INC. Science Park III - SEZ Equipment and
50% - American IT-enabled services/activities such as call
1796 50% - I.T. Octagon I.T. Bldg. Original center operations and business process Call Centers 09-44-IT 23-Jun-2009
Filipino outsourcing operations
Manufacture of thermoformed plastic
INC. Light Industry & Rubber and Plastic
1797 100% - Filipino Export Original products and to provide cleaning services 00-009 2-Feb-2000
(Formerly: Texchem-Pack Science Park II - SEZ Products
on thermoformed plastic products
(Philippines), Inc.)
PRIMEPACK TECHNOLOGIES, Light Industry & To include contract packaging and toll Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 28-Aug-2009
INC. Science Park II - SEZ manufacturing services Products
20% - Chinese
PRIMER STAR LAND Laguna Technopark - Construction of three (3) warehouse
1799 80% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 03-25-F 13-Nov-2003
80% - Taiwanese
Mactan Economic Leather, Luggage,
1802 PROBAG CEBU EXPORTS, INC. 20% Export Original Manufacture and export of bags 10-45 1-Jun-2010
Zone Handbags and Footwear
- Filipino
99.999975% - Dutch
(PHILIPPINES), INC. GT Tower Software development and operate a
1811 I.T. Original Software Development 07-10-IT 13-Feb-2007
International Network Operations Center (NOC)
0.000025% - Filipino
(PHILIPPINES), INC. Software Development and Operation of a
I.T. Trafalgar Plaza New Project Software Development S.A. 15-Mar-2011
Network Operations Center (NOC)
PRS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Manufacture, processing and/or assembly or Medical, Precision and
Mactan Economic
1815 (Approved as 100% - Filipino Export Original sub-assembly of watches and other Optical Instruments, 00-034 24-Apr-2000
Cebu Allied Technologies, Inc.) component parts Watches and Clocks
84.98% - Filipino
To engage in Business Process Outsourcing
Business Process
1816 PSG 123 TEN, INC. 15.01% - American I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original services for corporate backroom operations, 07-49-IT 17-Aug-2007
particularly for financial services
0.01% - British
99.99995% - American
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Business Process
1817 PSG GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 0.00004% - Filipino I.T. Bancorporation Original 11-68-IT 25-Aug-2011
services Outsourcing
0.00001% - Indian
55.78% - Filipino
Radio, Television and
44.02% - American Food Terminal Inc. - Communication
1818 PSI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Export Original Manufacture of semiconductor devices 04-34 17-May-2004
SEZ Equipment and
0.2% - British Virgin Apparatus
Radio, Television and
Food Terminal Inc. - Communication
PSI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Export New Project Manufacture of Quad Flat No Leads (QFN) S.A. 9-Jun-2005
SEZ Equipment and
99.998% - Filipino
Laguna Technopark - Electricity, Gas, Steam
1820 PTGI LAGUNA GAS, INC. Export Original Manufacture and supply of nitrogen gas 00-011 10-Feb-2000
SEZ and Hot Water Supply
0.002% - Japanese
99.97% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Rubber and Plastic
1821 PTON CORPORATION Export Original Manufacture of plastic injected products 96-076 21-Jun-1996
Zone Products
0.03% - Filipino
PYTHOS TECHNOLOGY Baguio City Economic To engage in Engineering Technical Miscellaneous Business
Export Expansion S.A. 2-Jun-2009
PHILIPPINES, INC. Zone Services Activities
60% - Filipino
Call center operation, technical support, and
1830 QI PHILIPPINES, INC. 40% - I.T. One Corporate Centre Original Call Centers 11-49-IT 29-Jun-2011
software development
QUALFON PHILIPPINES, INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park New Project Customer Contact Center Call Centers S.A. 1-Apr-2011
To engage in Business Process Outsourcing
1835 SERVICES PTE. LTD. PHILIPPINE 100% - Singaporean I.T. Keppel Center Original Call Centers 12-45-IT 24-May-2012
(BPO)/Call Center Services
60% - Filipino
Laguna International Engage in the manufacture of plastic Rubber and Plastic
1838 RAINIER PACIFIC CORP. 40% - Export Original 07-19 5-Mar-2007
Industrial Park - SEZ hangers Products
99.9995% - Caymanian
EDSA Central I.T.
1839 (Formerly: 0.0003% - Filipino I.T. Original Call Center services Call Centers 07-22-IT 27-Mar-2007
Qinteraction Philippines Inc.)
0.0002% - American
Alphaland Southgate
RAINMAKER ASIA INC. I.T. New Project To provide call center services Call Centers S.A. 28-Jun-2010
99.988% - Filipino
Rapu-Rapu Ecozone - Manufacture of gold/ silver dore, copper and
1841 RAPU-RAPU PROCESSING, INC. Export Original Basic Metals 04-52 12-Jul-2004
SEZ zinc concentrates
0.012% - Australian
99.97% - American
1842 I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original Engage in the operation of a Call Center Call Centers 08-14-IT 25-Mar-2008
0.03% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
RD ENVIRONMENTAL Cavite Economic Establishment of a waste treatment facility
1845 40% - Facilities Original Recycling 05-17-F 3-Jun-2005
SOLUTIONS, INC. Zone using state-of-the-art plasma converter
99.99989% - British Virgin
Islander Fabricated Metal
READORE TECHNOLOGY PHILS. 0.00006% - Cavite Economic Manufacture and assembly of heatsinks and Products, Except
1846 Export Original 12-64 4-Sep-2012
CORPORATION Filipino Zone bussbars Machinery and
0.00004% - Equipment
1847 100% - Filipino Facilities E-Square I.T. Park Original To construct a 20-storey building Real Estate Activities 08-06-F (IT) 14-Jul-2008
0.0001% - Bangladeshi
0.001% - British
Call Center Services, IT Help Desk
Services, IT Software Quality
UP Science and
REED ELSEVIER SHARED Control/Assurance and Support, IT Data
I.T. Technology Park New Project Call Centers S.A. 13-Nov-2012
SERVICES (PHILIPPINES) INC. Center Operations Services, Paralegal
Services, General Accounting Services and
Web Development and Analytics
99.96% - Singaporean
Manufacture and assembly of packaging
REFLEX PACKAGING Carmelray Industrial cushions made of polyethylene plastics Rubber and Plastic
1855 0.03% - Filipino Export Original 11-21 19-Apr-2011
PHILIPPINES, INC. Park II - SEZ used for protecting mechanical, electronic, Products
electric, electro-mechanical products
- Japanese
99.99998% - Australian
To enage in Staff Hosting, Business Process Business Process
1860 REMOTE STAFF, INC. I.T. Trafalgar Plaza Original 12-54-IT 15-Jun-2012
Outsourcing and E-commerce Business Outsourcing
0.00002% - Filipino
99.998% - Irish
Multinational Software development, software testing
1861 RENDITIONDIGITAL, INC. 0.0016% - Filipino I.T. Bancorporation Original services, localization support services, and Software Development 05-32-IT 26-Oct-2005
Centre e-learning support services
0.0004% - American
Manufacture, remanufacture, testing, repair,
RENEWABLE PRODUCTS 99.99% - Korean Calamba Premiere
assembly and export of various mobile
1862 GROUP, INC. Export International Park - Original Recycling 09-25 25-May-2009
phones and related products and
(Formerly: Sinojoy, Inc.) 0.01% - Filipino SEZ
99.9998% - Canadian
Inbound call centers providing customer
1866 RESULTS MANILA, INC. I.T. Silver City Original Call Centers 09-75-IT 14-Sep-2009
care services and support
0.0002% - Filipino
RESULTS MANILA, INC. I.T. Q Plaza Bldg. II New Project Call Center Services Call Centers S.A. 24-Feb-2012
99.997% - Japanese
1867 Facilities Original To lease out an existing warehouse building Real Estate Activities 05-15-F 3-May-2005
0.003% - Filipino
RIH ITA ELECTRONICS CORP. Manufacture of LED Lighting products, Radio, Television and
99.95% - Korean
Cavite Economic Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Communication
1870 Export Original 10-18 26-Feb-2010
Zone Cordless Phones, CCTV Camera, and other Equipment and
0.05% - Filipino
OEM products and PCB Assembly Apparatus
RMH TELESERVICES ASIA Philplans Corporate Call center operations (inbound and
I.T. New Project Call Centers S.A. 1-Jul-2008
PACIFIC, INC. Center outbound)
RMH TELESERVICES ASIA Blue Wave Marikina IT To provide inbound and outbound call center
I.T. New Project Call Centers S.A. 10-Mar-2009
PACIFIC, INC. Center services
ROA SYSTEMS CO., LTD. GT Tower Engage in Total Solution including Software
1875 100% - Japanese I.T. Original Software Development 06-35-IT 13-Jul-2006
MANILA BRANCH International Development
99.991% - Japanese
1879 I.T. The Enterprise Center Original Provide system development Software Development 11-64-IT 19-Aug-2011
0.009% - Filipino
99.95% - Singaporean
Engage in the calibration and repair of
ROHDE AND SCHWARZ SERVICE Laguna Technopark - electronic equipment used in the Electrical Machinery and
1880 0.04% - Filipino Export Original 07-20 6-Mar-2007
CENTER PHILIPPINES INC. SEZ manufacture of the radio frequency devices, Apparatus, N.E.C.
semiconductors and other electronic devices
- German
Fabricated Metal
ROHM ELECTRONICS People's Technology Products, Except
Export Amendment Plating of dummy balls S.A. 9-Jan-2002
PHILIPPINES, INC. Complex - SEZ Machinery and
99.99997% - Japanese
ROHM LSI DESIGN PHILIPPINES, Research and development of integrated IT Research and
1882 I.T. Anson’s Centre Original 04-03-IT 10-Feb-2004
INC. circuit design Development
0.00003% - Filipino
ROHM LSI DESIGN PHILIPPINES, To engage in integrated circuit (IC) mask
I.T. Anson’s Centre New Project Architectural and Other S.A. 23-Oct-2007
INC. design
Design Services
Fabricated Metal
ROHM MECHATECH People's Technology Manufacture of precision semicon copper- Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 7-Jul-2007
PHILIPPINES, INC. Complex - SEZ plated leadframes Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
ROHM MECHATECH People's Technology Products, Except
Export New Project Palladium plating of leadframes S.A. 7-Mar-2011
PHILIPPINES, INC. Complex - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic manufacutre of stainless steel screws and Products, Except
1884 (Formerly: Lu Chu 100% - Taiwanese Export Original 88-09 26-May-1988
Zone hexagon nuts Machinery and
Shin Yee Works (Philippines)
53.33% - American
ROUNSEVILLE GLOBAL Call Center and Business Process
1885 I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original Call Centers 11-21-IT 24-Mar-2011
SOLUTIONS CORPORATION Outsourcing (BPO) services
46.67% - Filipino
To provide specialized field of engineering
that deals with structural detailing of steel Engineering,
1886 100% - American I.T. Original including design and estimates Architectural and Other 08-01-IT 4-Jan-2008
PHILS. INC. Cyberpark
Design Services
99.9996% - Dutch
INC. (Formerly: East Cyber Gate IT Provide business process services and call
1887 0.002% - American I.T. Original Call Centers 06-28-IT 2-Jun-2006
Officetiger Philippines Building center
0.002% - Filipino
RYONAN ELECTRIC Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of lead wires mainly for Motor Vehicles, Trailers
1890 100% - Japanese Export Original 95-148 20-Dec-1995
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION SEZ automotive electrical equipment and Semi-Trailers
RYONAN ELECTRIC Laguna Technopark - Increase in the capacity of its assembly and Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Expansion S.A. 13-Aug-2002
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION SEZ test of lead wires/wire harnesses and Semi-Trailers
RYONAN ELECTRIC Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of lead wire assy and Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 30-Apr-2007
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION SEZ automotive parts assembly and Semi-Trailers
RYONAN ELECTRIC Logistics Laguna Technopark - To engage in warehousing/ logistics support Warehousing and
1891 100% - Japanese Original 04-12-F 19-Jul-2004
60% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
27% -
Light Industry & Products, Except
1892 S & G PRECISION, INC. Korean Export Original Fabrication of metallic/ alloy molds 05-51 30-Aug-2005
Science Park III - SEZ Machinery and
13% -
Fabricated Metal
Calamba Premiere
Manufacture of home appliance harness, Products, Except
1893 S & L ELECTRONICS INC. 100% - Korean Export International Park - Original 12-25 7-Mar-2012
and assembly of RF Cable and Blu Harness Machinery and
99.88% - Korean
Cavite Economic Manufacture of garments and wearing
1895 S & S PHILIPPINES INC. Export Original Wearing Apparel 10-68 19-Aug-2010
Zone apparel
0.12% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
Light Industry & To construct a factory building for lease/sale
1896 S & T REALTY CORP. 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 12-08-F 26-Jul-2012
Science Park III - SEZ to PEZA-registered export enterprises
S BROS. PRECISION, INC. 75% - Filipino
12.5% -
Cavite Economic Manufacture of plastic moulded parts Rubber and Plastic
1897 Japanese Export Original 10-20 1-Mar-2010
Zone products Products
12.5% -
(Formerly: 1) Western Wats Mactan Economic
1898 100% - American I.T. Original To operate a call center Call Centers 03-13-IT 17-Jun-2003
Philippines, Inc.; 2) Opinionology Zone II - SEZ
Philippines, Inc.)
98% - Japanese
S.H. INTERNATIONAL Cavite Economic
1901 2% - Export Original Manufacture of all kinds of wearing apparel Wearing Apparel 00-103 19-Dec-2000
99.999934% - American
Software application, research, development
1902 SAFEWAY PHILTECH, INC. I.T. RCBC Plaza Original Software Development 03-18-IT 14-Aug-2003
and maintenance
0.000066% - Filipino
99.97% - British
Cebu Light Industrial
1906 SAILTORQUE, INC. 0.03% Export Original Production of sail membranes Textiles 11-25 11-May-2011
Park - SEZ
- Filipino
SAKAMOTO ORIENT Cocochem Agro- Increase in the production capacity of its Chemicals and Chemical
Export Expansion S.A. 5-May-2006
CHEMICALS CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Refined Glycerin (RG) project Products
SAKAMOTO ORIENT Cocochem Agro- Increase in the production capacity of its Chemicals and Chemical
Export Expansion S.A. 27-Nov-2006
CHEMICALS CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Poly-G project Products
SAKAMOTO ORIENT Cocochem Agro- Increase in production capacity of its Poly Chemicals and Chemical
Export Expansion S.A. 28-Sep-2011
CHEMICALS CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Glycerin (DG and RPG) Plant project Products
SAKAMOTO ORIENT Cocochem Agro- Increase in production capacity of Poly Chemicals and Chemical
Export Expansion S.A. 5-Jan-2012
CHEMICALS CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ Glycerin (TG or Triglycerin) Plant project Products
Fabricated Metal
97% - Korean Calamba Premiere To engage in precision machining, industrial
Products, Except
1911 SAM HYUNG PRECISION CORP. 3% - Export International Park - Original fabrication, gear manufacturing, jigs and 11-59 8-Sep-2011
Machinery and
Filipino SEZ plastic injection molds production
Fabricated Metal
99.99% - Korean
SAM KYUNG ELECTRONICS, First Cavite Industrial Engage in metal plating services of metal Products, Except
1912 Export Original 06-26 14-Mar-2006
INC. Estate - SEZ products Machinery and
0.01% - Filipino
99.99% - Korean
SAMDO PHILIPPINES Logistics Laguna International To provide warehousing/logistics support Warehousing and
1915 Original 03-09-F 17-Mar-2003
CORPORATION Service Industrial Park - SEZ services Storage
0.01% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
First Philippine Products, Except
1917 INC. (Approved as 100% - Korean Export Original Manufacture of steel strappings 08-09 14-Mar-2008
Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
Samhwan-Philippine Co., Ltd.)
87.5% - Korean
Cavite Economic Engage in automated and / or computerized
1918 SAMMI EMBROIDERY CO., INC. 12.5% Export Original Textiles 00-038 4-May-2000
Zone embroidery
- Filipino
SAMPO MOLDING AND Fabrication of metal/plastic tools and dies,
Fabricated Metal
ASSEMBLY INDUSTRY CORP. 99.99982% - Japanese Calamba Premiere and the assembly and processing of
Products, Except
1919 Export International Park - Original metal/plastic injection spare parts, parts and 09-45 27-Aug-2009
Machinery and
0.00018% - Korean SEZ components
Fabricated Metal
69% - Chinese Production of precision metal stamped
Cavite Economic Products, Except
1925 SAN MIND PHILIPPINES, INC. 31% - Export Original electronic parts, e.g. connectors, using high 01-023 21-Mar-2001
Zone Machinery and
Filipino speed press machines
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Products, Except
SAN MIND PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project Manufacture of tools and dies S.A. 7-Jul-2005
Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Manufacture cut-to-length line of silicone Products, Except
SAN MIND PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 24-Sep-2007
Zone steel Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Manufacture of Nickel plating of VCM Products, Except
SAN TECHNOLOGY , INC. Export Expansion S.A. 17-Feb-1999
Zone products Machinery and
99.9997% - Japanese
Logistics First Cavite Industrial Warehousing and
1927 SANAC PHILIPPINES, INC. Original To engage in warehousing operations 02-02-F 28-May-2002
Service Estate - SEZ Storage
0.0003% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
SANG WOO REALTY HOLDING Laguna International To lease out its existing building to PEZA-
1928 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 05-20-F 27-Jun-2005
COMPANY, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ registered export enterprises
Fabricated Metal
99.993% - Japanese
Cavite Economic manufacture of top clamp, acoustic cover, Products, Except
1930 SANKOU SEIKI CO., LTD Export Original 95-75 3-Aug-1995
Zone acoustic base dumping and tool die Machinery and
0.007% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
MANUFACTURING CORP. 99.99997% - Japanese
Gateway Business Plating of pins, connector parts and lead Products, Except
1931 Export Original 96-003 11-Jan-1996
Park - SEZ frames used for semiconductors Machinery and
0.00003% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Gateway Business Products, Except
Export New Project Flat Cable Plating projects S.A. 1-Jul-2009
Park - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Gateway Business Products, Except
Export New Project Tin-Silver (SnAg) plating line S.A. 22-May-2012
Park - SEZ Machinery and
Light Industry & Manufacture of various coils and parts for Electrical Machinery and
1934 SANSEN PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original 96-083 10-Jul-1996
Science Park II - SEZ the electronics and computer industries Apparatus, N.E.C.
99.99944% - Japanese
Lima Technology Manufacture of precision plastic parts, Rubber and Plastic
1935 SANSYU PRECISION LIPA, INC. Export Original 13-09 21-Jan-2013
Center - SEZ precision molds, printing and laser marking Products
0.00056% - Filipino
SANWA ELECTRIC PHILIPPINES, First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of DC Type Fan Motors and Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 29-Sep-2000
INC. Estate - SEZ mold assembly Apparatus, N.E.C.
SANWA ELECTRIC PHILIPPINES, First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of electromagnetic coil Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 24-Jan-2005
INC. Estate - SEZ assembly Apparatus, N.E.C.
Fabricated Metal
SANYO PLASTIC PHILIPPINES, Laguna Technopark - Products, Except
Export New Project Fabrication of metal parts S.A. 18-Jun-2012
INC. SEZ Machinery and
Kamanga Agro-
SARANGANI ENERGY Establishment, operation and maintenance Electricity, Gas, Steam
1940 100% - Filipino Utilities Industrial Economic Original 11-03-U 7-Jun-2011
CORPORATION of a coal-fired power plant facility and Hot Water Supply
99.983% - American
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Business Process
1943 SAVVYSHERPA ASIA, INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original 10-42-IT 28-Jul-2010
Software Development Outsourcing
0.017% - Filipino
Cavite Economic Provision of business process outsourcing Business Process
1950 LOGISTICS ASIA PTE LTD - 100% - Singaporean I.T. Original 10-65-IT 11-Oct-2010
Zone (BPO) services Outsourcing
SDE (PHILIPPINES) Luisita Industrial Park Manufacture of parts for applicator / press Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 19-Jun-2006
CORPORATION - SEZ for wire harness Apparatus, N.E.C.
Logistics Luisita Industrial Park Warehousing and
1959 CORPORATION - WAREHOUSING 100% - Japanese Original To establish a logistics hub 10-13-L 16-Sep-2010
Service - SEZ Storage
99.96% - Korean
First Cavite Industrial
1960 SE JUNG APPAREL, INC. Export Original Manufacture of various wearing apparel Wearing Apparel 10-40 21-May-2010
Estate - SEZ
0.04% - Filipino
51% - Japanese
Fabricated Metal
SEIKO MOULD TECHNOLOGY, Cavite Economic Products, Except
1966 48.9988% - Korean Export Original Manufacture of moulds and dies 06-50 1-Jun-2006
INC. Zone Machinery and
0.0012% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
SEIKO MOULD TECHNOLOGY, Lima Technology To engage in the same product line, i.e., Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 2-Aug-2007
INC. Center - SEZ Manufacture of moulds and dies Machinery and
99.6% - Korean
(Formerly: 1.) Y & C Cavite Economic Manufacture of garments and wearing
1967 0.4% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 04-81 15-Dec-2004
International Manufacturing Zone apparel for men, ladies and children
2.) Woosu CNS
International Corporation)
99.995% - Korean
Cavite Economic
1968 SEJIN NAWOO INC. Export Original Manufacture of men's suits Wearing Apparel 12-18 21-Feb-2012
0.005% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Pipe assembly system for work tables,
SEKISUI JUSHI PHILIPPINES, Carmelray Industrial Products, Except
Export New Project shelves, shooters, flowracks and transport S.A. 24-May-2007
INC. Park I - SEZ Machinery and
wagons, among others
99.996% - Korean
Cavite Economic To lease out to PEZA-registered enteprises
1970 SELMA APPAREL CORPORATION Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 08-09-F 16-May-2008
Zone its existing buildings
0.004% - Filipino
86.842105% - Korean
SEMICHEM PLASTIC Light Industry & Engage in recycling of plastic scrap, such as
1971 Facilities Original Recycling 07-12-F 26-Jul-2007
RECYCLING COMPANY INC. Science Park I - SEZ plastic IC tray, for subsequent export
13.157895% - Filipino
SEMPAC PHILIPPINES, INC. Engaged in PCB/ BIB repairing, burn-in and Radio, Television and
72.73% - Malaysian
(Formerly: First Cavite Industrial testing of electric components, and provision Communication
1975 Export Original 00-008 31-Jan-2000
Conformance Technology Estate - SEZ of technical support for semi-conductors and Equipment and
27.27% - Filipino
Philippines, Inc.) anti-static material Apparatus
Fabricated Metal
71.43% - Japanese
SENJU SOLDER (PHILIPPINES), Cavite Economic Products, Except
1977 Export Original Manufacture of bars and wire solders 95-143 14-Dec-1995
INC. Zone Machinery and
28.57% - Malaysian
99.98% - Korean
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of garments and wearing
1980 SEOJIN APPAREL CO., INC. Export Original Wearing Apparel 04-30 3-May-2004
Estate - SEZ apparel for ladies, men and children
0.02% - Filipino
99.985% - Korean
SEUNG YEUN TECHNOLOGY Cavite Economic Rubber and Plastic
1987 Export Original Production of Plastic Injected Molded Parts 12-43 29-May-2012
0.015% - Filipino
SGL PHILIPPINES E-ZONE Logistics First Cavite Industrial Establishment of additional/new Warehousing and
New Project S.A. 14-Oct-2011
SERVICES, INC. Service Estate - SEZ warehousing site Storage
20.01% - Japanese
SHEMBERG BIOTECH Carmen Cebu Gum Food Products and
1994 Export Original To engage in processing of seaweeds 12-95 18-Dec-2012
CORPORATION Industrial Zone Beverages
5.99% - British
96% - Filipino 2.01% -
American 2% -
SHEMBERG FOOD Mactan Economic Food Products and
1995 1% - Export Original manufacture of blended carageenan extract 93-24 5-May-1993
1% -
83.99% - Chinese
SHEN LONG PROPERTY Light Industry & To construct two (2) buildings for lease/sale
1996 Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 12-15-F 16-Oct-2012
MANAGEMENT INC. Science Park III - SEZ to PEZA-registered enterprises
16.01% - Japanese
Fabricated Metal
SHI MANUFACTURING & First Philippine Products, Except
Export New Project Polishing of jet engine blades S.A. 20-Mar-2003
SERVICES (PHILIPPINES), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
SHI MANUFACTURING & First Philippine Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of electric lifting magnets S.A. 24-Jan-2005
SERVICES (PHILIPPINES), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ Machinery and
SHI MANUFACTURING & First Philippine Manufacture of controllers for oil-controlled Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 16-Mar-2007
SERVICES (PHILIPPINES), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ and electric-powered motors Apparatus, N.E.C.
SHI MANUFACTURING & First Philippine Manufacture of control units for DVD, HD- Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 16-Mar-2007
SERVICES (PHILIPPINES), INC. Industrial Park - SEZ DVD and Blu-Ray Disks Apparatus, N.E.C.
Fabricated Metal
SHIMADZU PHILIPPINES, MFG., Cavite Economic Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of metal products S.A. 13-Aug-2004
INC. Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Calamba Premiere
SHIN HEUNG ELECTRO-DIGITAL, Manufacture of electronic and mechanical Products, Except
Export International Park - Expansion S.A. 16-Apr-2010
INC. parts and assembly of CD ROM Machinery and
99.997% - Taiwanese
SHING HUNG PLASTICS First Philippine manufacture of plastic parts for inkjet Rubber and Plastic
2009 Export Original 99-060 7-Sep-1999
COMPANY, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ computer printers Products
0.003% - Filipino
SHING HUNG PLASTICS First Philippine Painting, printing, and assembly of plastic Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project S.A. 12-Aug-2004
COMPANY, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ injected molded parts Products
Fabricated Metal
SHING HUNG PLASTICS First Philippine Mold Making and fabrication of metal Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 23-Mar-2006
COMPANY, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ products Machinery and
SHINGTEX INDUSTRIAL First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of knitted gloves and spandex
2010 100% - Filipino Export Original Wearing Apparel 96-118 9-Dec-1996
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ fabric gloves
Importation/procurement of goods/products
for resale, or for packing/covering, which
99.999991% - Japanese
SHINSEI PRINTING PHILIPPINES, Logistics Laguna Technopark - includes marking and labeling, cutting, or Warehousing and
2016 Original 11-17-L 8-Nov-2011
INC. - WAREHOUSING DIVISION Service SEZ altering according to clients' specifications, Storage
0.000009% - Filipino
for subsequent sale to PEZA and BOI-
registered enterprises
99.98% - Japanese
SHINSHO (PHILIPPINES) Logistics People's Technology Warehousing and
2017 Original To provide logistics support services 05-36-F 26-Oct-2005
CORPORATION Service Complex - SEZ Storage
0.02% - Filipino
99.98% - Japanese
To engage in recycling, sorting, dismantling
2018 SHINTEN PHILIPPINES CO., INC. Facilities MRI Ecozone - SEZ New Project Recycling 07-06-F 19-Feb-2007
and cleaning of scrap materials
0.02% - American
99.998% - Japanese
SHOSHIBA FILIPINA INDUSTRIA, First Cavite Industrial Motor Vehicles, Trailers
2020 Export Original Manufacture/ assembly of automotive parts 95-13 1-Feb-1995
INC. Estate - SEZ and Semi-Trailers
0.002% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
SHOSHIBA FILIPINA INDUSTRIA, First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
Export New Project Die / mould fabrication S.A. 28-Mar-2008
INC. Estate - SEZ Machinery and
51.2499% - British
37.4997% - Australian
2021 SHORE SOLUTIONS, INC. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original To engage in call center operations Call Centers 11-75-IT 6-Sep-2011
11.2495% - Canadian
0.0009% - Filipino
SHORE SOLUTIONS, INC. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park New Project To engage in call center operations Call Centers S.A. 29-Aug-2012
95% - Japanese
SHOWA ALUMINUM MFG. First Cavite Industrial Electrical Machinery and
2023 5% - Export Original manufacture of S-FIN type evaporator 96-007 15-Jan-1996
Pampanga Economic
2025 SHOWCASE AIRPLANE CO., INC. 100% - Filipino Export Original Manufacture of model planes and ships Manufacturing, N.E.C. 12-52 13-Jul-2012
60% - Filipino
SIHUN LANDHOLDINGS First Cavite Industrial To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
2028 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 07-03-F 29-Jan-2007
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ its existing building
Importation of electronic parts and
Logistics Laguna Technopark - Warehousing and
2029 100% - Japanese Original components, sorting and kitting them for 97-002-F 28-Feb-1997
(Formerly: Sakata Inx Logistics Service SEZ Storage
subsequent sale to an export manufacturer
Philippines, Inc.)
To include the distribution of electronic
Logistics Laguna Technopark - Warehousing and
SIIX LOGISTICS PHILS., INC. Amendment products to other export manufacturers in S.A. 11-Sep-1998
Service SEZ Storage
PEZA-administered ecozones
Fabricated Metal
99.2% - Filipino
SILAN TECHNOLOGIES First Cavite Industrial Die-casting, fabrication and machining of Products, Except
2030 0.8% - Export Original 12-24 7-Mar-2012
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ metal products Machinery and
99.99994% - American
Manufacture of Metal Twist-offTM and Press- Fabricated Metal
Greenfield Automotive onTM Vacuum Closures (Project Gemini) Products, Except
2031 EAST ASIA, INC. - GREENFIELD 0.00004% - Filipino Export Original 07-48 23-Aug-2007
Park - SEZ (Transfer of BOI Machinery and
Registration to PEZA) Equipment
0.00002% - German
Radio, Television and
95% - Filipino
SILICON LINK, INC. Laguna Technopark - Communication
2032 5% - Export Original To engage in IC manufacturing for export 08-59 14-Oct-2008
SEZ Equipment and
SILVERFOILTUBES Light Industry & Manufacture of cigarette filter tube and filter
2033 100% - Filipino Export Original Tobacco Products 11-47 26-Jul-2011
99.99987% - Chinese
0.00002% - Singaporean
Engage in the design, manufacture and Fabricated Metal
SINAG PRECISION Laguna Technopark - assembly of electrical related products, Products, Except
2035 100% - Japanese Export Original 06-45 24-May-2006
MANUFACTURING LAGUNA, INC. SEZ including but not limited to, sheet metal Machinery and
press cutting, die, tools, and mechatronics Equipment
99.999972% - American
Operation of a call center providing
SITEL PHILIPPINES 0.000014% - Filipino
customer services including but not limited
CORPORATION Baguio City Economic
2036 I.T. Original to desktop troubleshooting for operating Call Centers 04-18-IT 9-Jun-2004
(Formerly: Clientlogic 0.000007% - New Zone
systems, software, hardware and general
Philippines, Inc.) Zealander
internet connectivity
0.000007% -
Call center operations providing customer
I.T. New Project services, software, hardware and general Call Centers S.A. 1-Aug-2006
internet connectivity
I.T. Robinsons CyberPark New Project Operation of a customer contact center Call Centers S.A. 21-Jan-2011
I.T. Robinsons CyberPark New Project Call Center Call Centers S.A. 25-Aug-2011
Fabricated Metal
99.97% - Taiwanese Manufacture/assembly of metal products,
Cavite Economic Products, Except
2038 SK10 CORP. Export Original panels, casings, brackets, particularly 10-54 23-Jun-2010
Zone Machinery and
0.03% - Filipino Network Rack Assembly
Light Industry & To construct a factory building for lease to
2039 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 09-04-F 20-Apr-2009
Science Park III - SEZ PEZA-registered enterprises
60% - Filipino
SKYFALCON IT CONSULTING Web and Software Development and IT-
2042 40% - I.T. The Enterprise Center Original Software Development 10-72-IT 28-Oct-2010
SERVICES INC. related consultancy
99% - Filipino
2044 1% - Facilities Cebu I.T. Park Original To construct an eight-storey IT building Real Estate Activities 04-33-F 9-Dec-2004
99.96% - Korean
Cavite Economic Engage in the printing / production of Paper and Paper
2045 S-LABEL, INC. Export Original 06-49 31-May-2006
Zone stickers and labels Products
0.04% - Filipino
PHILIPPINES, INC. Engage in the design, manufacture, and Radio, Television and
Calamba Premiere
(Formerly: 1) Philippine sale of electronic products, including optical Communication
2049 100% - Korean Export International Park - Original 01-011 9-Feb-2001
Samsung Electronics disk drive products, their components and Equipment and
Corporation; 2) Samsung parts Apparatus
Electronics Philippines
Manufacturing Corporation)
99.8% - Korean
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of ladies, men's and children's
2052 SNK GARMENT CORPORATION 0.2% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 03-091 17-Dec-2003
Estate - SEZ apparel
50% - Austrian
2053 - Slovakian I.T. Original Software Development Software Development 11-14-IT 23-Feb-2011
0.12% -
To conduct and carry on the business of
99.99% - Swiss
SOFTWAREONE PHILIPPINES 6780 Ayala Avenue information technology consulting services,
2054 0.01% I.T. Original Software Development 12-119-IT 17-Dec-2012
CORPORATION Bldg. software licensing and other related
- Filipino
99.988% - British
To engage in IT and business consulting,
PHILIPPINES, INC. Summit One Office
2062 0.008% - Filipino I.T. Original call center services and BPO services Call Centers 09-37-IT 13-May-2009
0.004% - Australian
To provide customized and quality support
services which include, but not limited to: 1)
manufacturing quality assurance; 2) treasury
and cash management; 3) accounts
99.999995% - American payable; 4) collections; 5) bookkeeping; 6)
2063 I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original preparation of payrolls; 7) tax services such 12-108-IT 9-Nov-2012
SERVICES INC. Outsourcing
0.000005% - Filipino as preparations of required filings and
report; 8) information technology services;
and 9) financial planning to its affiliate as
well as other customers, both local and
59.996% - American
SOS PACASIA TECHNOLOGIES Provision of on-line technical support and Business Process
2065 I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original 11-43-IT 3-Jun-2011
INC. monitoring services Outsourcing
40.004% - Filipino
95% - Japanese
SOUHATSU CEBU Mactan Economic Processing/shaping of various iron rods and
2066 5% - Export Original Basic Metals 90-037 8-Oct-1990
Fabricated Metal
SOUHATSU CEBU Mactan Economic To include the processing of pipes, control Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 27-Jun-1995
MANUFACTURING, INC. Zone cables, wire works and wire harness Machinery and
SOUHATSU CEBU Cavite Economic Refinement processes of automotive metal Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 28-May-2010
MANUFACTURING, INC. Zone parts and Semi-Trailers
99.99% - Japanese
Greenfield Automotive Motor Vehicles, Trailers
2067 SOUHATSU PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Original Manufacture of iron rods and brackets 11-55 25-Aug-2011
Park - SEZ and Semi-Trailers
0.01% - Filipino
99.999975% - American
Software Development, IT Outsourcing
2070 SOURCEPAD INTL, INC. I.T. The Discovery Centre Original Software Development 12-31-IT 11-Apr-2012
0.000025% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
SOUTH SEA NAGANO People's Technology Construction of two(2) factory buildings for
2073 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 06-02-F 6-Feb-2006
DEVELOPMENT, INC. Complex - SEZ lease
Laguna Technopark -
2075 SOUTH WIN, INC. 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Leasing Activities Real Estate Activities 01-008-F 11-Apr-2001
0.0000004% - Japanese
Call center operations
SPi CRM INC. I.T. PLDT Garnet Building New Project Call Centers S.A. 11-May-2010
LP Information
SPi CRM INC. I.T. Amendment Call Center operations Call Centers S.A. 10-Jul-2012
Technology Park
First Philippine
2081 SPML LAND, INC. 100% - Filipino Facilities Original To lease-out an existing factory building Real Estate Activities 06-14-F 27-Jul-2006
Industrial Park - SEZ
Carmelray Industrial
2086 100% - American Export Original Manufacture of branded sportswear Wearing Apparel 08-41 7-Aug-2008
Park II - SEZ
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of Steel Reinforced Concrete Products, Except
2088 SRC INT'L. PANEL SYSTEM, INC. 100% - Filipino Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Original 10-51 16-Jun-2010
Panels Machinery and
99.94% - Japanese
STAHL MATERIALS Daiichi Industrial Park Manufacture of various stainless and special
2096 Export Original Basic Metals 11-27 23-May-2011
PHILIPPINES, INC. - SEZ steel parts
0.06% - Filipino
1% - American
Calamba Premiere
2103 STARLOG MANILA INC. 100% - Filipino Facilities International Park - Original To construct a one (1)-unit factory building Real Estate Activities 07-02-F 25-Jan-2007
To engage in business development,
customer support, documentation, Business Process
2106 100% - Filipino I.T. PBCom Tower Original 09-10-IT 22-Jan-2009
marketing, product development, risk and Outsourcing
compliance and web development
0.0001% - Dutch
99.9998% - Swiss
Radio, Television and
STMICROELECTRONICS, INC. Manufacture/assembly of integrated circuits
0.00012% - Malaysian, Light Industry & Communication
2110 (Formerly: NF Export Original (small shrink outline package and near-field 08-35 22-Jul-2008
Italian and French Science Park II - SEZ Equipment and
Philippines, Inc.) communication, and quad flat packages
0.00008% - Filipino
0.00008% - Filipino
99.99992% - British Engage in helpdesk/call center, production
CORP. McKinley Hill Business Process
2114 I.T. Original system support, system development and 07-75-IT 7-Dec-2007
(Doing business under the Cyberpark Outsourcing
0.00008% - Filipino support and business process outsourcing
name and style of CAPGEMINI
East Cyber Gate IT Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery Other IT-enabled
SOLUTIONS (PHILIPPINES) I.T. Amendment LOA 11-Jun-2008
Building facility Services
McKinley Hill "Create-Operate-Transfer" Business Model Business Process
SOLUTIONS (PHILIPPINES) I.T. New Project S.A. 17-Jun-2010
Cyberpark Outsourcing
80% - Filipino
To engage in Value-added service to Silicon
10% -
STRATEGIC SILICON SERVICES Light Industry & Industry in a Cleanroom Environment,
2115 American Export Original Recycling 10-43 28-May-2010
PHILIPPINES, INC. Science Park III - SEZ specifically Separation, Sizing and Cleaning
10% -
of Silicon Materials
Call center for customer service, sales and
GLOBAL SERVICES I.T. Cebu I.T. Park New Project Call Centers S.A. 30-Nov-2006
customer relationship management services
GLOBAL SERVICES I.T. PBCom Tower Amendment To include inbound programs Call Centers S.A. 29-May-2007
GLOBAL SERVICES I.T. SMNE IT Center New Project To engage in call center services Call Centers S.A. 21-Jan-2011
99.971% - Japanese
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of coating materials for Chemicals and Chemical
2118 STT PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Original 98-013 12-Feb-1998
SEZ automotive safety airbag products Products
0.029% - Filipino
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of new coating material (liquid Chemicals and Chemical
STT PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 1-Dec-2000
SEZ silicon rubber) for airbag fabrics Products
99.998% - American
SUBIC GLOVE Cavite Economic
2119 Export Original Manufacture of knitted and fabric gloves Wearing Apparel 95-97 25-Sep-1995
0.002% - Filipino
99.99999% - Japanese
SUMI PHILIPPINES WIRING Hermosa Ecozone Electrical Machinery and
2125 Export Original Manufacture of automotive wiring harness 11-38 16-Jun-2011
SYSTEMS CORPORATION Industrial Park Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.00001% - Filipino
Logistics Light Industry & Trading and distribution of electronic Warehousing and
2129 SUMITRONICS PHILS., INC. 100% - Japanese Original 97-003-L 28-Apr-1997
Service Science Park II - SEZ component products Storage
Inventory management/storage of
Logistics Light Industry & Warehousing and
SUMITRONICS PHILS., INC. Amendment electronics and semiconductor components S.A. 26-Jun-1998
Service Science Park II - SEZ Storage
for PEZA-registered enterprises
Logistics Light Industry & To extend intermediary support services to Warehousing and
SUMITRONICS PHILS., INC. Amendment S.A. 9-May-2000
Service Science Park II - SEZ Sumitomo Corp. Storage
99% - Korean
SUMMA CELLPHONE Light Industry & Assembly and repair of used/refurbished
2130 1% - Export Original Recycling 10-93 6-Dec-2010
PHILIPPINES INC. Science Park I - SEZ mobile phones
99.997% - Japanese
CORPORATION Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of polypropylene strapping Rubber and Plastic
2131 Export Original 96-105 9-Oct-1996
(Formerly: Sekisui Jushi Park I - SEZ materials Products
0.003% - Filipino
Philippines Corporation)
SUMMIT STRAPPING Carmelray Industrial Increase the production capacity of its Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 16-May-2001
CORPORATION Park I - SEZ polypropylene strapping materials project Products
SUMMIT STRAPPING Carmelray Industrial Manufacture and printing of strapping Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 26-Aug-2010
CORPORATION Park I - SEZ materials Products
Fabricated Metal
SUNG HYUNG PRECISION CO., Cavite Economic Products, Except
Export New Project Fabrication of moulds for plastic injection S.A. 18-Nov-2009
INC. Zone Machinery and
SUN-PLEATS CEBU Mactan Economic To include the manufacture of lampshade Paper and Paper
Export Amendment S.A. 11-Oct-2012
CORPORATION Zone (excluding electrical components and base) Products
Fabricated Metal
99.84% - Korean
SUPREME COIL ELECTRONICS Cavite Economic Products, Except
2152 Export Original Manufacture of voice coil 12-69 20-Sep-2012
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
0.16% - Filipino
Bagong Nayong
Construction, development, management
Pilipino –
2153 SURESTE PROPERTIES, INC. 100% - Filipino Tourism Original and operation of a hotel and entertainment Hotels and Restaurants 10-04-T 6-Sep-2010
Entertainment City
INC. Assembly of motorbike cluster, car cluster,
75% - British
(Formerly: 1)Surface Mactan Economic high power stabilizer, parking system and Motor Vehicles, Trailers
2154 25% - Export Original 09-09 4-Mar-2009
Technology International Zone other electronics and related products for and Semi-Trailers
Fourlink Inc.; the automotive industry
2) Fourlink Electronics
Philippines Inc.)
99.99991% - Dutch
Manufacture/production of disposable
SWEDISH MATCH-PHILIPPINES, Laguna Technopark - lighters (including kit variants), barbecue
2159 0.00007% - Filipino Export Original Manufacturing, N.E.C. 07-25 3-Apr-2007
INC. SEZ lighters and gas cartridges and component
parts of lighters
0.00002% - Swedish
2160 100% - Australian I.T. Original To engage in Engineering Drafting Architectural and Other 08-22-IT 21-May-2008
Design Services
0.00645% - American
2162 SYKES ASIA INC. I.T. JG Summit Center Original To engage in call center operations Call Centers 13-16 31-Jan-2013
0.00161% - British
0.00161% - Filipino
Burgundy Corporate
SYKES ASIA INC. I.T. Original To engage in call center operations Call Centers 13-16 31-Jan-2013
SYKES ASIA INC. I.T. Synergis I.T. Center Original To engage in call center operations Call Centers 13-16 31-Jan-2013
K-Pointe Technology
SYKES ASIA INC. I.T. Original To engage in call center operations Call Centers 13-16 31-Jan-2013
100% - British Virgin Eastwood City Operate a product support and customer
2168 CORPORATION I.T. Original Call Centers 02-002-IT 18-Mar-2002
Islander Cyberpark service call center
(Formerly: Link2support, Inc.)
I.T. Damosa I.T. Park New Project Call Center Operations Call Centers S.A. 20-Apr-2006
80% - Japanese
TAGANITO HPAL NICKEL Taganito Special To engage in nickel/cobalt mixed
2177 20% - Export Original Basic Metals 10-02 7-Jan-2010
CORPORATION Economic Zone sulfide/mineral processing
Cebu Light Industrial Manufacture of automotive seat plastic Rubber and Plastic
2178 TAIHOSANGYO PHIL. CORP. 100% - Japanese Export Original 12-27 13-Mar-2012
Park - SEZ cover, industrial plastic bag and bottle cap Products
Fabricated Metal
99.998% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Manufacture and export of industrial cutting Products, Except
2185 TAK TOOLS CORPORATION Export Original 12-06 24-Jan-2012
Zone tools Machinery and
0.002% - Filipino
99.999934% - Dutch
Manufacture of automotive safety products
TAKATA (PHILIPPINES) Laguna Technopark - and its components like webbing for Motor Vehicles, Trailers
2186 0.000053% - Japanese Export Original 97-050 10-Jul-1997
CORPORATION SEZ seatbelts, seatbelt products, driver/ and Semi-Trailers
passenger airbags and side airbags
0.000013% - Filipino
99.8% - Singaporean
Eastwood City To provide Business Processing Business Process
2189 TALENT2 HRBPO CORPORATION I.T. Original 12-120-IT 19-Dec-2012
Cyberpark Outsourcing Outsourcing
0.2% - Filipino
99.52% - American
To engage in data processing, software
2190 TALLECO.COM, INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Tower Original Software Development 11-111-IT 29-Dec-2011
development and creative services
0.48% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic Fabrication, repair, modification and Products, Except
TAMIYA (PHILIPPINES), INC. Export New Project S.A. 17-Sep-2002
Zone II - SEZ maintenance of metal molds Machinery and
99.9995% - Japanese Manufacture of plastic trays and other
CARMELRAY INC. Carmelray Industrial Rubber and Plastic
2192 Export Original products for packing, wrapping, protecting 08-52 16-Sep-2008
Park II - SEZ Products
0.0005% - Filipino and displaying items
TATE PUBLISHING AND 99.97% - American To engage in providing information Multi-Media Graphics,
JY Square I.T. Center
2199 ENTERPRISES (PHILIPPINES), I.T. Original technology (IT) and IT-enabled services Animation, Printing and 12-80-IT 7-Sep-2012
INC. 0.03% - Filipino related to the publishing industry Other Services
To engage in IT-enabled services
TAYLOR SCIENCE AND particularly to provide Technology Services,
TECHNOLOGY PHILIPPINES, including the Development, Consultation,
99.99% - American
INC. Service, Use and Transfer of Software
2200 I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original Software Development 09-51-IT 3-Jul-2009
Technologies, Products and Related
0.01% - Filipino
CORPORATION 99.99999% - Japanese
Radio, Television and
(Formerly: 1) TDK Fujitsu
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of magnetic heads and their Communication
2204 Philippines Corporation 2) TDK 0.000005% - Indian Export Original 97-020 28-Feb-1997
SEZ components Equipment and
Philippines Corporation; 3)
Components Manufacturer of 0.000005% - American
TDK Corporation)
TDK PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of multi-layered giant magneto- Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 4-Jan-2005
CORPORATION SEZ resistive (GMR) head Computing Machinery
TDK PHILIPPINES Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of multi-layered giant magneto- Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 19-May-2005
CORPORATION SEZ resistive GMR head gimbal assembly Computing Machinery
Back-office/offshore IT professionals
providing technical support to consumers
and corporate clients on the following
services: (a) Malware removal; (b) Business Process
2210 TECHFIXWIZARDS, INC. 100% - Filipino I.T. Bancorporation Original 10-90-IT 28-Dec-2010
Performance optimization; (c) Software Outsourcing
installation and configuration; and (d)
General PC support (consultation, advice,
technical maintenance, etc.)
TECHNOCLEAN PHILIPPINES, Laguna Technopark - Engage in advanced precision cleaning of Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project S.A. 8-Oct-2007
INC. SEZ disc cassette cases / boxes Products
TECHNOCLEAN PHILIPPINES, Light Industry & To include cleaning and washing of screw
Export Amendment Other Service Activities S.A. 22-Apr-2008
INC. Science Park II - SEZ for hard disk drive assembly
Manufacture/production of cleanroom
Export New Project apparel and assembly of cleanroom Wearing Apparel S.A. 4-Apr-2012
INC. Science Park II - SEZ
SOLUTIONS CEBU, INC. 99.84% - Australian
Engage in web design and development
2218 I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original Software Development 08-13-IT 12-Mar-2008
(Formerly: Loggedongroup 0.16% - Filipino
(Cebu), Inc.)
Fabricated Metal
60% - Filipino Engage in fabrication of mold/tooling, and
Cavite Economic Products, Except
2219 TECHNOMOLVA INC. 40% - Export Original manufacture of tray/blister tray, and blister 07-46 10-Aug-2007
Zone Machinery and
Japanese pack/ clam shell pack
TEKNO LOGIKA PILIPINAS INC. UP Science and Provision of IT software development and
2224 100% - Filipino I.T. Technology Park Original knowledge-based application to global Software Development 09-35-IT 13-May-2009
(South) companies
I.T. SDC IT Building New Project Call Center Operations Call Centers S.A. 14-Nov-2007
I.T. CBP-IT Park New Project Call Center Operations Call Centers S.A. 1-Jun-2011
0.03% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
TELFORD PROPERTY Gateway Business To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
2231 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 07-07-F 6-Mar-2007
MANAGEMENT, INC. Park - SEZ its existing building
48.5% - Singaporean
To provide inspection, detaping, tape and
Gateway Business
2232 TELFORD SVC. PHILS., INC. 48.5% - Malaysian Export Original reel, and rework services for the Other Service Activities 00-026 20-Mar-2000
Park - SEZ
3% semiconductor industry
- Filipino
Radio, Television and
Gateway Business Communication
TELFORD SVC. PHILS., INC. Export New Project Integrated cicuit (IC) device programming S.A. 14-Jul-2005
Park - SEZ Equipment and
74% - American
Cavite Economic Repair and/or refurbishment of cellular
2233 TELSIGMA CORPORATION Export Original Recycling 12-74 5-Oct-2012
Zone phones
26% - Filipino
Vitro Internet Data Authority to establish its 2nd POP/Office as Business Process
TELSTRA PHILIPPINES INC. I.T. Amendment S.A. 21-Dec-2012
Center Building extension of its first office Outsourcing
99.999994% - British Virgin
PHILIPPINES, INC. 0.000002% -
2235 I.T. The Discovery Centre Original Call center operations Call Centers 09-63-IT 31-Jul-2009
0.000003% -
0.000001% -
I.T. Market! Market! Original Call center operations Call Centers 09-63-IT 31-Jul-2009
I.T. Araneta Cyber Park New Project Call center operations Call Centers S.A. 31-Jul-2009
99.99994% - Dutch
TERADATA GCC (PHILIPPINES), To engage in software development and
2242 I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original Software Development 11-88-IT 13-Oct-2011
INC. consulting center for offshore clients
0.00006% - Filipino
TEST ADVANTAGE HARDWARE 99.996% - American Repair and service of Automated Test
Carmelray Industrial Miscellaneous Business
2247 PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Original Equipment (ATE) test systems for 09-01 8-Jan-2009
Park II - SEZ Activities
(Formerly: Microstats, Inc.) 0.004% - Filipino semiconductor tests
99.9989% - Japanese
TEST SOLUTION SERVICES, INC. Radio, Television and
Burn-in, repair and preventive maintenance
(Formerly: Laguna International Communication
2248 0.0008% - Filipino Export Original and testing services for semiconductor 98-006 19-Jan-1998
Pycon Technology Philippines, Industrial Park - SEZ Equipment and
Inc.) Apparatus
0.0003% - American
Radio, Television and
Baguio City Economic Burn-in board maintenance and repair, and Communication
TEST SOLUTION SERVICES, INC. Export New Project S.A. 27-Jan-2003
Zone on-site burn-in services Equipment and
Calamba Premiere
Rubber and Plastic
TESTECH, INC. Export International Park - Amendment To include the inspection of substrates S.A. 21-Dec-2001
Calamba Premiere
Increase in volume of inspection of Rubber and Plastic
TESTECH, INC. Export International Park - Expansion S.A. 27-Nov-2007
substrate Products
99.98% - Filipino
THE NORWEGIAN COLLECTION, Baguio City Economic To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
2255 Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 09-02-F 12-Feb-2009
INC. Zone its existing factory buildings
0.02% - Norwegian
82% - Filipino
THOMAS ASIA PACKAGING First Philippine To engage in box-making and other Paper and Paper
2259 18% - Export Original 08-02 22-Jan-2008
CORPORATION Industrial Park - SEZ packaging activities Products
Call center and customer support services,
business process outsourcing and
2261 100% - Luxembourger I.T. Original knowledge content and software Call Centers 09-32-IT 5-May-2009
(Formerly: The Thomson Cyberpark
development, and other allied IT-
Corporation Pte. Ltd. - Philippine
enabled/based services
99.999943% - American
TIGER RESORT, LEISURE AND Establishment and operation of "Manila Bay
2266 0.000034% - Filipino Tourism Okada Resorts Original Hotels and Restaurants 12-03-T 17-Apr-2012
0.000023% - Japanese
Manufacture of auto racing and coal mining Fabricated Metal
99.936% - American
TITAN EAST MANUFACTURING Laguna Technopark - components such as wheel centers, torsion Products, Except
2267 Export Original 10-70 24-Aug-2010
PHILS. INC. SEZ arms, steering wheels, chassis bolt, miner Machinery and
0.064% - Filipino
bits, drill tube, etc. Equipment
99.9992% - Korean
Cavite Economic Rubber and Plastic
2271 TMI RIBBON INDUSTRIES, INC. Export Original Manufacture of plastic injected parts 05-33 16-Jun-2005
Zone Products
0.0008% - Filipino
99.925% - Japanese
Mactan Economic Electrical Machinery and
2273 TOA KIKO CEBU CORPORATION Export Original Manufacture of electric lighting fixture parts 89-017 30-May-1989
Zone Apparatus, N.E.C.
0.075% - Filipino
TOHRITSU TECHNOLOGY ASIA Mactan Economic To include the manufacture of printwire Rubber and Plastic
Export Amendment S.A. 10-Jun-1996
CEBU, INC. Zone (circuit) board assembly Products
TOHRITSU TECHNOLOGY ASIA Mactan Economic Manufacture and assembly of Mold Die Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project S.A. 28-May-2001
CEBU, INC. Zone Equipment Products
99.99974% - Japanese
TOKAI PRECISION PHILIPPINES, Logistics Laguna Technopark - Warehousing and
2276 Original To engage in warehousing operations 98-03-F 13-Aug-1998
INC. Service SEZ Storage
0.00026% - Filipino
86% - Japanese
CORPORATION New Cebu Township - Manufacture of precise stainless steel shafts Machinery and
2280 14% - Export Original 08-05 11-Feb-2008
(Formerly: AP Precision Phil. SEZ for various electronic devices Equipment, N.E.C.
99.7% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Manufacture of small rubber parts for Rubber and Plastic
2281 TOKYO RUBBER CORPORATION Export Original 03-028 31-Mar-2003
Zone automotive industry Products
0.3% - Filipino
Cavite Economic To include the manufacture of jumper wire Rubber and Plastic
TOKYO RUBBER CORPORATION Export Amendment S.A. 11-Mar-2009
Zone for the automotive industry Products
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of stainless steel shafts and
TOKYO STEEL PHILIPPINES, Mactan Economic Products, Except
2282 100% - Japanese Export Original screws for computer and audi and video 97-036 7-May-1997
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
TOP MOST PACKAGING Cavite Economic Manufacture of packaging materials and Paper and Paper
2288 100% - Filipino Export Original 11-23 26-Apr-2011
CORPORATION Zone other related products Products
Fabricated Metal
2290 100% - Filipino Export YTMI Realty - SEZ Original Manufacture of tools and crimping dies 02-049 10-Sep-2002
CORPORATION Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
TORRES TECHNOLOGY CENTER To include the assembly of automotive Products, Except
Export YTMI Realty - SEZ Amendment S.A. 2-Apr-2003
CORPORATION wiring harness Machinery and
TOSHIBA INFORMATION Laguna Technopark - To engage in the manufacture of new 2.5" Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 16-Mar-2004
EQUIPMENT (PHILIPPINES), INC. SEZ Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) Computing Machinery
TOSHIBA INFORMATION Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of Solid State Drives (SSD) Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 2-Jun-2009
EQUIPMENT (PHILIPPINES), INC. SEZ and its peripherals/component parts Computing Machinery
Fabricated Metal
TOSHIBA INFORMATION Laguna Technopark - Tools and jigs fabrication and related parts / Products, Except
Export New Project S.A. 28-Dec-2010
EQUIPMENT (PHILIPPINES), INC. SEZ accessories Machinery and
84.5% - Japanese
Lima Technology Chemicals and Chemical
2294 TOSOH POLYVIN CORPORATION Export Original Manufacture of PVC compounds 98-047 19-Aug-1998
Center - SEZ Products
15.5% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture/processing of wire rope (Wire
TOYO FLEX CEBU Mactan Economic Products, Except
2300 100% - Japanese Export Original Rope) or steel cable attachments 96-051 24-Apr-1996
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Stranding of galvanized steel wire rope
TOYO FLEX CEBU Mactan Economic Products, Except
Export New Project (Wire Rope) / manufacture of window S.A. 23-Apr-2004
CORPORATION Zone Machinery and
regulators (Car Parts)
TOYO FLEX CEBU Mactan Economic Power Sliding Door Assembly Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 24-Aug-2009
CORPORATION Zone (Car Parts) and Semi-Trailers
TOYO FLEX CEBU Mactan Economic Assembly of mechanical unit specifically Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 29-Mar-2012
CORPORATION Zone operator handle for house window Equipment, N.E.C.
72% - Singaporean
TOYO-INK COMPOUNDS Carmelray Industrial Manufacture of plastic colorants, coloring Rubber and Plastic
2301 14% - Japanese Export Original 97-053 17-Jul-1997
CORPORATION Park I - SEZ pellets and plastic compounds Products
14% -
To provide warehousing/logistics support
services, particularly,
72% - Singaporean
importation/procurement, storage, deposit,
TOYO-INK COMPOUNDS Logistics Carmelray Industrial inventory management of goods, for Warehousing and
2302 14% - Japanese Original 05-41-F 5-Dec-2005
CORPORATION Service Park I - SEZ subsequent sale, transfer or disposition to Storage
14% -
PEZA/BOI-registered export enterprises, for
direct export, or for consignment to PEZA-
registered export enterprises
TOYO SEAT PHILIPPINES Greenfield Automotive To include the cutting of fabrics for Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 3-Apr-2002
CORPORATION Park - SEZ automotive seats and interior components and Semi-Trailers
TOYO SEAT PHILIPPINES Greenfield Automotive Manufacture of wire harness for automotive Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 3-Apr-2007
CORPORATION Park - SEZ seats Apparatus, N.E.C.
TOYO SEAT PHILIPPINES Greenfield Automotive To include welding of automotive seat Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 11-Mar-2009
CORPORATION Park - SEZ frames and Semi-Trailers
TOYOTA AUTOPARTS Toyota Sta. Rosa - Manufacture of constant velocity universal Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 21-Feb-1996
PHILIPPINES, INC. SEZ joint (CVJ) automotive parts and Semi-Trailers
TOYOTA AUTOPARTS Toyota Sta. Rosa - Manufacture of service parts for G- Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 21-Dec-2001
PHILIPPINES, INC. SEZ transmission assembly and Semi-Trailers
Manufacture of R150 Transmission
Assembly Units
TOYOTA AUTOPARTS Toyota Sta. Rosa - Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export New Project S.A. 3-Apr-2007
PHILIPPINES, INC. SEZ and Semi-Trailers
99.999% - Canadian
2307 I.T. Transcom Center Original To engage in call center services Call Centers 08-23-IT 26-May-2008
0.001% - Filipino
I.T. Amigo Mall New Project To engage in call center services and BPO Call Centers S.A. 10-Mar-2011
0.000016% - French
Medical, Precision and
TRANSITIONS OPTICAL Laguna International Increase in production capacity of its
Export Expansion Optical Instruments, S.A. 17-Sep-2002
PHILIPPINES, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ manufacture of photochromic plastic lenses
Watches and Clocks
60% - Filipino
HOTEL GROUP, INC. Dutch Newport City
2314 Tourism Original Operation of a 178-room Maxims Hotel Hotels and Restaurants 08-03-T 15-Dec-2008
20% - British CyberTourism Zone
Virgin Islander
HOTEL GROUP, INC. Newport City To operate the 342-room Marriot Hotel
Tourism New Project Hotels and Restaurants S.A. 24-Dec-2008
CyberTourism Zone
HOTEL GROUP, INC. Newport City To operate the 1,000-room Remington Hotel
Tourism New Project Hotels and Restaurants S.A. 21-Jul-2009
CyberTourism Zone
HOTEL GROUP, INC. Newport City To include "the Newport Entertainment and
Tourism Amendment Hotels and Restaurants S.A. 23-Nov-2009
CyberTourism Zone Commercial Center (NECC)"
60% - Filipino
TRAVELLERS INTERNATIONAL 20% - To construct an 8-storey office building with
HOTEL GROUP, INC.. Dutch Newport City 1-storey basement for lease to PEZA-
2315 Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 09-02-F (IT) 1-Apr-2009
20% - British CyberTourism Zone registered enterprises, henceforth to be
Virgin Islander known as STAR CRUISES CENTRE
To engage in software development and
2319 (Branch office of Tresmax 100% - Dutch I.T. One Corporate Centre Original Software Development 11-95-IT 10-Nov-2011
information technology consultancy
Asia B.V.)
99.99994% - Bermudan
2320 0.00005% - Filipino I.T. Silver City Original Call Center and BPO services Call Centers 11-29-IT 29-Apr-2011
0.00001% - Pakistani
First Cavite Industrial Rubber and Plastic
2321 MANUFACTURING & LOGISTICS 100% - Filipino Export Original Manufacture of polybags 10-50 10-Jun-2010
Estate - SEZ Products
Logistics To engage in the establishment of a logistics Warehousing and
2323 & LOGISTICS INCORPORATED - 100% - Filipino Victoria Wave - SEZ Original 10-14-L 1-Oct-2010
Service hub Storage
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic To include the manufacture of cartridge body Products, Except
TRIGGER CO. PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 28-May-2001
Zone of electrical fuse Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Mactan Economic Products, Except
TRIGGER CO. PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project The hardening process of steel plates S.A. 19-Sep-2002
Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Assembly of industrial machineries and
Mactan Economic Products, Except
TRIGGER CO. PHILIPPINES, INC. Export New Project equipment for induction, bonding, welding S.A. 30-Jan-2004
Zone Machinery and
and other industrial processes
Fabricated Metal
To include the manufacture of cutting tools
Mactan Economic Products, Except
TRIGGER CO. PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment such as knives, cutting tools and metal S.A. 19-Jun-2009
Zone Machinery and
parts, laser cut parts and other similar items
49.996% - Swiss
30% -
Filipino Engage in payment processing for e- Business Process
2327 TRI-HUB TRANSACTIONS, INC. I.T. UnionBank Plaza Original 06-50-IT 5-Sep-2006
20% - British commerce transaction system Outsourcing
0.004% - Swedish
99.925% - Israeli
TRUELOGIC ONLINE 6780 Ayala Avenue Outsourcing-software and system
2334 I.T. Original Software Development 12-100-IT 22-Oct-2012
SOLUTIONS, INC. Bldg. development
0.075% - Filipino
80.66% - Filipino
TRUST INTERNATIONAL PAPER Manufacture of newsprint and printing and Paper and Paper
2335 18.46% - Liberian Export TECO - SEZ Original 04-86 28-Dec-2004
CORPORATION writing paper Products
0.88% - Singaporean
To engage in the business of software and
99.998% - American
TRUSTe Web Services web development activities for offshore
2336 I.T. CBP-IT Park Original Software Development 12-46-IT 28-May-2012
Technologies, Inc. companies such as online privacy and
0.002% - Filipino
advertising compliance services
TSUKIDEN ELECTRONICS Laguna Technopark - Production of magnetic head stack Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 12-Aug-2004
PHILIPPINES, INC. SEZ assembly Computing Machinery
99.998% - Japanese
TSUKIDEN GLOBAL SOLUTIONS To engage in Quality Assurance and Testing Other IT-enabled
2343 I.T. One Corporate Centre Original 10-55-IT 6-Sep-2010
INC. of Software Services
0.002% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
TSUKUBA PHILIPPINE Cavite Economic Products, Except
Export New Project Manufacture of zinc diecast products S.A. 25-Apr-2007
TSUNEISHI ACCOMODATION Mactan Economic To lease out its building to Cebu Marine
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 22-Jul-2009
CEBU, INC. Zone II - SEZ Furnishing Industries, Inc.
Fabricated Metal
TSUNEISHI ACCOMODATION West Cebu Industrial Products, Except
Export New Project Fabrication of ship accommodation blocks S.A. 29-Apr-2010
CEBU, INC. Park - SEZ Machinery and
TSUNEISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES West Cebu Industrial To include the fabrication of ship parts and Other Transport
Export Amendment S.A. 4-Aug-1999
(CEBU), INC. Park - SEZ engineering works Equipment
Fabricated Metal
99.95% - Japanese
TURU SANTECHNO First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
2352 Export Original Manufacture of die-casted parts 06-57 13-Jul-2006
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ Machinery and
0.05% - Filipino
75% - American
To engage in the production of Equipment
Mactan Economic for Automotive manufacturing, CAD Drawing Machinery and
2353 TWTX CORPORATION 24.996% - Japanese Export Original 12-83 25-Oct-2012
Zone II - SEZ Engineering, Machining, Welding, Assembly Equipment, N.E.C.
and related Activities
0.004% - Filipino
99.99985% - American
Call Center and Business Process
2354 TxVia Philippines, Inc. I.T. E-Square I.T. Park Original Call Centers 10-64-IT 6-Oct-2010
Outsourcing (BPO) services
0.00015% - Filipino
99.98% - Japanese
2356 I.T. The Enterprise Center Original Software Development and support tools Software Development 06-03-IT 20-Jan-2006
0.02% - Filipino
98% - Canadian
To engage in Outbound Telemarketing
2359 UCONNECTS CORP. 2% - I.T. Octagon I.T. Bldg. Original Call Centers 11-105-IT 19-Dec-2011
99.96% - British
2360 UKLINK PROMOTION, INC. 0.04% I.T. JY Square I.T. Center Original Engage in call center operations Call Centers 06-63-IT 3-Nov-2006
- Filipino
First Philippine
2361 ULANGO LAND CORP. 100% - Filipino Facilities Original Completion of existing building for lease Real Estate Activities 02-03-F 24-Jun-2002
Industrial Park - SEZ
90% - Korean
2362 10% - Export Original Manufacture of all kinds of wearing apparel Wearing Apparel 06-03 6-Jan-2006
ULTIMATE ELECTRONICS Cavite Economic Manufacture of electronic coils, modules Electrical Machinery and
2363 100% - Korean Export Original 96-009 18-Jan-1996
COMPONENTS, INC. Zone and other electronic components Apparatus, N.E.C.
UNITED COCONUT CHEMICALS, Cocochem Agro- Engage in the manufacture of ftty acids, Chemicals and Chemical
2372 100% - Filipino Export Original 02-071 19-Dec-2002
INC. Industrial Park - SEZ fatty alcohol and glycerine Products
UNITED COCONUT CHEMICALS, Cocochem Agro- Additional splitting capacity for crude fatty Chemicals and Chemical
Export Expansion S.A. 1-Aug-2003
INC. Industrial Park - SEZ acid and crude glycerine Products
99.99% - Dutch
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP Eastwood City Information Technology Services, Call
2373 0.01% I.T. Original Call Centers 11-52-IT 14-Jul-2011
GLOBAL SERVICES, INC. Cyberpark Centre Services and Back Office Operations
- Filipino
UP Science and
2376 100% - Filipino Facilities Technology Park Original Construct of a 4-storey IT Building Real Estate Activities 07-11-F (IT) 19-Sep-2007
UP Science and
UP NORTH PROPERTY Construction of 5-unit IT Facility buildings
Facilities Technology Park New Project Real Estate Activities S.A. 15-Nov-2007
HOLDINGS, INC. each consisting of 4 storeys
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of halogen lamps of different Electrical Machinery and
2380 USHIO PHILIPPINES, INC. 100% - Japanese Export Original 96-014 29-Jan-1996
Estate - SEZ kinds and other related goods Apparatus, N.E.C.
Fabricated Metal
Laguna Technopark - Machining and washing of motor parts of Products, Except
2383 (Approved as 100% - Filipino Export Original 06-32 16-Mar-2006
SEZ computer Machinery and
Valerie Components, Inc.)
Fabricated Metal
Light Industry & Products, Except
VAC1 INC. Export Amendment Filing and deburring of automotive parts S.A. 20-Feb-2008
Science Park I - SEZ Machinery and
99.98% - Norwegian
VALENCIA HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Valencia Special Manufacture and assembly of hydraulic Machinery and
2385 Export Original 11-37 13-Jun-2011
TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Economic Zone pumps Equipment, N.E.C.
0.02% - Filipino
VAUBAN HOLDINGS, INC. 87% - Chinese Establishment of four (4) hotel rooms or
Pamalican Island
2388 13% - Tourism Original casitas, living room pavilion, service Hotels and Restaurants 09-04-T 23-Feb-2009
Tourism Ecozone
Filipino building, and swimming pool
VECTOR BPO, INC. 99.97% - American To engage in call center services and
2391 I.T. DG3 I.T. Center Original business process outsourcing Call Centers 09-38-IT 26-May-2009
0.03% - Filipino
99.995% - Mauritius
To provide BPO - visa processing for UK
2403 0.003% - Filipino I.T. ECO Plaza Original visa applicants using the REGISTRANT's 11-103-IT 12-Dec-2011
PRIVATE, INC. Outsourcing
software and manpower
0.002% - Indian
VFS SERVICES PHILIPPINES To include visa processing for US visa Business Process
I.T. ECO Plaza Amendment S.A. 20-Apr-2012
PRIVATE, INC. applicants Outsourcing
49.992% - Singaporean
Software Development and customization of
2404 VIAWEB, INC. 49.984% - Indonesian I.T. PBCom Tower Original Software Development 06-24-IT 22-May-2006
0.024% - Filipino
Wood, Wood Products
manufacture of various wood based
2405 VICTORIAN WOODWORKS, INC. 100% - Filipino Export Victoria Wave - SEZ Original and Cork, Except 00-048 14-Jun-2000
60% - Filipino
Hermosa Ecozone Manufacture of unplasticised Poly Vinyl Rubber and Plastic
2406 VIGNET UPVC PROFILE, INC. 40% - Export Original 06-44 19-May-2006
Industrial Park Chloride (UPVC) Profiles Products
VIGOROUS INT'L INTEGRATED Logistics Cavite Economic To include the proposed activity, i.e., Warehousing and
Amendment S.A. 18-Jan-2013
RESOURCES INC. Service Zone "provide of fumigation services" Storage
94.18% - Taiwanese
Fabricated Metal
1.94% - Japanese Manufacture of stainless steel pipes, fittings,
Cavite Economic Products, Except
2408 VINOX CORPORATION Export Original flanges & stainless steel, kitchenware 99-061 11-Oct-1999
Zone Machinery and
1.94% - Chinese handle
1.94% - American
99.8% - Australian To engage in Business Process Outsourcing
Business Process
2409 VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS XTRA INC. I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original (BPO) services and other incidental 12-49-IT 4-Jun-2012
0.2% - Filipino computer and/or internet-based services
99.999998% - German
Radio, Television and
Food Terminal Inc. - Communication
2413 VISHAY (PHILS), INC. 0.0000012% - Filipino Export Original Manufacture of semiconductor devices 04-32 17-May-2004
SEZ Equipment and
0.0000004% - Singaporean
Radio, Television and
Food Terminal Inc. - Communication
VISHAY (PHILS), INC. Export New Project Manufacture of SMD Transmissive Sensor S.A. 4-Jan-2007
SEZ Equipment and
99.999% - Dutch
VITALO PACKAGING Laguna Technopark - Rubber and Plastic
2417 Export Original Manufacture of plastic trays 96-088 9-Aug-1996
0.001% - Filipino
60% - Filipino
38% - Eastwood City To provide customer management and
2420 I.T. Original Call Centers 09-26-IT 20-Mar-2009
Nevisian Cyberpark business solutions
2% - French
VOYANS, INC. Multinational
2421 (Formerly: Seats 100% - Filipino I.T. Bancorporation Original Call center services Call Centers 05-36-IT 8-Dec-2005
Solutions, Inc.) Centre
Fabricated Metal
Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of axle assembly and Products, Except
2422 VSOGLOBAL INC. 100% - Filipino Export Original 07-30 2-May-2007
SEZ fabrication of steel crates Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Laguna Technopark - To include the assembly and painting of Products, Except
VSOGLOBAL INC. Export Amendment S.A. 11-Oct-2007
SEZ wiper Machinery and
VXI GLOBAL HOLDINGS B.V. SM Makati Cyberzone Provide call center operations / contact
2424 100% - Dutch I.T. Original Call Centers 09-78-IT 2-Oct-2009
(PHILIPPINES) 2 Building center activities
To include an additional 92
seats/workstations in a 1,000.13 sq m floor
VXI GLOBAL HOLDINGS B.V. area at the 6th floor of the same building to
I.T. Global Trade Center Amendment Call Centers S.A. 29-Jul-2011
(PHILIPPINES) provide a fully managed service facility for
the call operations of Western Union
Services (Phils.) Inc.
VXI GLOBAL HOLDINGS B.V. Eastwood City Registration of its new call center operations
I.T. New Project Call Centers S.A. 7-Dec-2011
(PHILIPPINES) Cyberpark line/facility
99.999583% - Swiss
(Formerly: First Cavite Industrial Manufacture and assembly of vibration Machinery and
2427 0.00025% - German Export Original 99-021 5-Apr-1999
Wacker Machinery Philippines, Estate - SEZ plates for soil and asphalt compaction Equipment, N.E.C.
0.000167% - Filipino
First Cavite Industrial Manufacture and assembly of floor saw and Machinery and
WACKER NEUSON MANILA, INC. Export New Project S.A. 17-May-2004
Estate - SEZ vibratory truss screed Equipment, N.E.C.
60% - Japanese
WAKOREPCO MANUFACTURING Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of rubber parts, mold parts, Rubber and Plastic
2428 40% - Export Original 04-22 14-Apr-2004
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION SEZ tubes and their components Products
WAKOREPCO MANUFACTURING Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of rubber parts, mold parts Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project S.A. 2-Jun-2008
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION SEZ (plastic), tubes and their components Products
60% - Filipino
WCL VENTURES First Philippine
2431 40% - Facilities Original Construction of a warehouse Real Estate Activities 03-28-F 1-Dec-2003
DEVELOPMENT, INC. Industrial Park - SEZ
60% - Filipino
WEALTHBUILT DEVELOPMENT Golden Mile Business To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
2432 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 10-13-F 27-Aug-2010
CORPORATION Park - SEZ an existing building
99.84% - Korean
2435 Export Original Manufacture of model toy trains Manufacturing, N.E.C. 11-53 12-Aug-2011
0.16% - Filipino
99.997% - American
2436 I.T. Original To engage in call center services Call Centers 11-67-IT 23-Aug-2011
0.003% - Filipino
WEST CONTACT SERVICES, INC. I.T. Robinsons CyberPark Expansion Call center operations Call Centers S.A. 23-Mar-2011
ExportBank Plaza
WEST CONTACT SERVICES, INC. I.T. Expansion Call center operations Call Centers S.A. 22-Sep-2011
ExportBank Plaza
WEST CONTACT SERVICES, INC. I.T. Expansion Call center operations Call Centers S.A. 23-Mar-2012
ExportBank Plaza
WEST CONTACT SERVICES, INC. I.T. Expansion Call center operations Call Centers S.A. 10-Jul-2012
0.003% - Filipino
2439 I.T. Global Trade Center Original To engage in the operations of a Call Center Call Centers 07-53-IT 3-Sep-2007
0.001% - British
0.001% - Canadian
40% - Korean
SOLUTIONS INC. Insular Life Corporate
2440 60% - I.T. Original To engage in call center services Call Centers 08-76-IT 23-Dec-2008
60% - Filipino
2447 40% - I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original To engage in call center services Call Centers 09-17-IT 10-Feb-2009
60% - Filipino
WINSOURCE SOLUTIONS 30% - Engage in Business Process Outsourcing
2448 I.T. Robinsons CyberPark Original Call Centers 06-36-IT 17-Jul-2006
(PHILS.), INC. British (BPO)/call center services and solutions
10% - American
Business Process
2450 WINTERWOODONLINE, INC. 100% - Filipino I.T. Keppel Center Original Shared Service Center 10-33-IT 17-Jun-2010
99.9991% - Cypriot
WIPRO BPO PHILIPPINES LTD. Engage in call center and business process
2451 I.T. Cebu I.T. Tower Original Call Centers 07-73-IT 29-Nov-2007
INC. outsourcing services
0.0009% - Filipino
96% - Japanese
6788 Ayala Avenue
2453 WISDOM PLUS INCORPORATED 4% - I.T. Original To engage in Software Development Software Development 11-91-IT 26-Oct-2011
99.999% - Australian
WL OUTSOURCING PHILIPPINES A. D. Gothong IT To engage in Database Administration, Web
2455 I.T. Original Software Development 12-40-IT 7-May-2012
INC. Center Development and Accounting Support
0.001% - Filipino
WNS GLOBAL SERVICES 99.9998% - Dutch
PHILIPPINES, INC. To engage in business process outsourcing
Eastwood City
2456 0.00014% - Filipino I.T. Original and contact center services Call Centers 09-71-IT 25-Aug-2009
WNS GLOBAL SERVICES 0.00006% - Indian
Eastwood City To engage in Business Process Outsourcing
I.T. New Project Call Centers S.A. 11-Oct-2012
Cyberpark and Contact Center Services
99.424% - Korean
WOO SUNG PHILIPPINES CO. Cavite Economic Manufacture of gift boxes and printed Paper and Paper
2458 Export Original 94-73 21-Sep-1994
INC. Zone matters Products
0.576% - Filipino
Calamba Premiere
2459 100% - Filipino Export International Park - Original Manufacture of wooden furniture Furniture 07-22 13-Mar-2007
80% - Korean
WOOSUNG GARMENTS Cavite Economic Manufacture of various wearing apparel for
2461 20% - Export Original Wearing Apparel 05-19 14-Apr-2005
INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Zone men, women and children
Data Encoding,
2462 100% - Filipino I.T. Cebu I.T. Park Original To provide business processing service Transcribing and 09-42-IT 15-Jun-2009
Related Services
Cavite Economic
WOW RECYCLING MFG, INC. Facilities New Project Establishment of its new facility Recycling S.A. 14-Oct-2009
85% - American
Baguio City Economic To engage in business process outsourcing Business Process
2466 WOWSTREAM INC. 15% - I.T. Original 12-05-IT 20-Jan-2012
Zone and live e-commerce Outsourcing
WU KONG (S) PTE., LTD. (PHIL. Cavite Economic Manufacture of honeycomb shade
Export New Project Furniture S.A. 5-Nov-2007
WU KONG (S) PTE., LTD. (PHIL. Cavite Economic To lease out the entire 31,104 sq.m. factory
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 20-Jan-2011
BRANCH) Zone II building to PV Tech Pte. Ltd.
WU KONG (S) PTE., LTD. (PHIL. Cavite Economic Manufacture of glass for housing and Other Non-Metallic
Export New Project S.A. 19-Apr-2012
BRANCH) Zone construction purposes Mineral Products
WU KONG (S) PTE., LTD. (PHIL. Cavite Economic Rubber and Plastic
Export New Project Plastic molding parts/profile project S.A. 17-Oct-2012
BRANCH) Zone II Products
99.95% - American
99.9998% - Japanese
YAMAHA MOTOR PHILIPPINES, Domestic Lima Technology Motor Vehicles, Trailers
2480 Original Engage in the production of motorcycles 07-01-DM 5-Sep-2007
INC. Market Center - SEZ and Semi-Trailers
0.0002% - Filipino
99.99992% - Japanese
YAMASHIN CEBU FILTER Mactan Economic Manufacture of hydraulic filter elements and Machinery and
2482 Export Original 89-014 14-Apr-1989
MANUFACTURING CORP. Zone II - SEZ cartridges for export Equipment, N.E.C.
0.00008% - Filipino
YAMASHIN CEBU FILTER Mactan Economic Manufacture of filter case assembly, process Rubber and Plastic
Export Expansion S.A. 31-Mar-1999
MANUFACTURING CORP. Zone II - SEZ filters and metal works parts Products
Fabricated Metal
YAMASHITA MOLD PHILIPPINE Daiichi Industrial Park Fabrication of precision molding dies and Products, Except
2483 100% - Japanese Export Original 98-025 7-Apr-1998
CORPORATION - SEZ parts Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
99.9983% - Japanese
YASUFUJI MOLD CORPORATION Cavite Economic Manufacture and repair of molds and jigs Products, Except
2486 Export Original 07-57 23-Oct-2007
Zone Machinery and
0.0017% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
YAZAKI-TORRES 60% - Filipino
Products, Except
2487 MANUFACTURING, 40% - Export YTMI Realty - SEZ Original Manufacture of automotive wiring harness 02-029 10-Jun-2002
Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
60% - Filipino
2489 40% - Export YTMI Realty - SEZ Original Manufacture of automotive wiring harness 02-052 16-Sep-2002
Fabricated Metal
98.4% - Korean
YCY TECHNOLOGY Cavite Economic Manufacture of electric cable wires and Products, Except
2491 1.6% - Export Original 03-031 4-Apr-2003
PHILIPPINES, INC. Zone recycling of PE-PP-ABS plastic materials Machinery and
99.9992% - British
Provision for production advertisement Multi-Media Graphics,
2493 0.0006% - Filipino I.T. Original services for Yellowbook US and other Yell Animation, Printing and 10-77-IT 15-Nov-2010
companies in the United Kingdom Other Services
0.0002% - Irish
Radio, Television and
First Cavite Industrial Communication
2495 INC. Export Original Manufacture of connector assembly 10-26 16-Mar-2010
Estate - SEZ Equipment and
(Formerly: Dong Eun Electronics 0.00014% - Filipino
Manufacturing Phils., Inc.)
First Cavite Industrial To include the manufacture of packaging Paper and Paper
MANUFACTURING PHILIPPINES, Export Amendment S.A. 15-May-2012
Estate - SEZ materials and tool and die Products
60% - Filipino
YEONHO HOLDING, INC. First Cavite Industrial To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
2496 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 10-04-F 2-Mar-2010
Estate - SEZ an existing building
50% - American
48% - Cavite Economic Painting and printing of metal and non-metal
2497 (Formerly: GM Export Original Manufacturing, N.E.C. 03-090 17-Dec-2003
Korean Zone products
Cosmetics, Inc.)
2% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Fabrication and assembly of metal pressed Products, Except
YE-SUNG TECHNOLOGY, INC. Export New Project S.A. 26-Apr-2007
Zone products Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
77.78% - Japanese To engage in fabrication of all kinds of metal
Cavite Economic Products, Except
2500 YKY PARTS CORPORATION Export Original parts for reflow ovens such as frames, 03-040 3-Jun-2003
Zone Machinery and
22.22% - Filipino ovens, covers, doors, etc.
60% - Filipino
DEVELOPMENT CORP. Carmelray Industrial To lease out to PEZA-registered enterprises
2501 40% - Facilities Original Real Estate Activities 10-01-F 6-Jan-2010
Park II - SEZ an existing factory building
Fabricated Metal
99.995% - Japanese
Cavite Economic Products, Except
2504 YOSHIMOTO COATING INC. Export Original To engage in spray coating of epoxy resin 12-90 10-Dec-2012
Zone Machinery and
0.005% - Filipino
YOUNG SHIN STARLINK PHILS., Light Industry & Manufacture of various Flat Flexible Cable Electrical Machinery and
2506 100% - Korean Export Original 11-10 14-Mar-2011
INC. Science Park III - SEZ Wire (FFC) Apparatus, N.E.C.
YOUNG SHIN STARLINK PHILS., Logistics Light Industry & Warehousing and
Amendment To allow its export sales in Asian countries S.A. 14-Dec-2011
INC. - WAREHOUSING DIVISION Service Science Park III - SEZ Storage
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture of computer hardware/parts Products, Except
2508 (Formerly: Youngsin- 100% - Korean Export International Park - Original 04-21 2-Apr-2004
such as slide rail, cover deck and others Machinery and
Tronics, Inc.) SEZ
Cavite Economic
YOUNGHWE PHILS., INC. Export Amendment To include the manufacture of sports apparel Wearing Apparel S.A. 13-Jun-2000
Fabricated Metal
99.92% - Korean
Cavite Economic Products, Except
2510 YOUNGJIN GSK INC. Export Original Manufacture of metal parts 11-35 14-Jun-2011
Zone Machinery and
0.08% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Production of swivel, a fishing tackle made Products, Except
YO-ZURI PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment S.A. 25-Jun-1997
Zone of brass Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Cavite Economic Products, Except
YO-ZURI PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Amendment To include fabrication of molds and jigs S.A. 4-Nov-2011
Zone Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
63.2% - Japanese
Products, Except
2513 YTM COMPONENT, INC. Export YTMI Realty - SEZ Original Manufacture of automotive low tension wires 02-038 16-Jul-2002
Machinery and
36.8% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
Increase in the production capacity of its Products, Except
YTM COMPONENT, INC. Export YTMI Realty - SEZ Expansion S.A. 7-May-2004
automotive low tension wires Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Increase in the production capacity of its Products, Except
YTM COMPONENT, INC. Export YTMI Realty - SEZ Expansion S.A. 27-Nov-2007
automotive low tension wires Machinery and
Fabricated Metal
Manufacture and export of New Kinds of Products, Except
YTM COMPONENT, INC. Export YTMI Realty - SEZ Expansion S.A. 6-Mar-2013
Automotive Low Tension Wire Machinery and
99.9976% - Filipino
YTP-LIMA MANUFACTURING, Lima Technology Motor Vehicles, Trailers
2514 Export Original Manufacture of automotive wiring harness 03-064 1-Sep-2003
INC. Center - SEZ and Semi-Trailers
0.0024% - Japanese
YU JIN OPTICAL ELECTRONICS, Cavite Economic To lease out portions of its factory buildings
Export Amendment Real Estate Activities S.A. 26-Sep-2005
INC. Zone at CEZ to PEZA-registered enterprises
YU JIN OPTICAL ELECTRONICS, Cavite Economic Manufacture/ assembly of laser opto pick-up Office, Accounting and
Export New Project S.A. 27-Oct-2005
INC. Zone device Computing Machinery
0.000019% - Filipino
Mactan Economic
2518 YUENTHAI PHILIPPINES, INC. Export Original Manufacture of garments Wearing Apparel 06-02 4-Jan-2006
0.000013% - Taiwanese
84% - Japanese
YUKIO IIMURA To engage in the manufacture and assembly
12% - Cavite Economic Rubber and Plastic
2519 MANUFACTURING INC. Export Original of faucet and drainage parts and other 08-23 2-May-2008
Filipino Zone Products
related products
4% - Korean
98% - Japanese Medical, Precision and
YUMEX ELEC PHILIPPINES First Cavite Industrial Engage in the manufacture/assembly of
2520 2% - Export Original Optical Instruments, 07-40 19-Jul-2007
CORP. Estate - SEZ constant temperture device
Filipino Watches and Clocks
Fabricated Metal
YUMEX PHILIPPINES First Cavite Industrial Products, Except
Export New Project Tooling die cast blocks S.A. 14-Feb-2006
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ Machinery and
YUMEX PHILIPPINES First Cavite Industrial Manufacture of Heat Run Oven-Controlled Electrical Machinery and
Export New Project S.A. 10-Dec-2007
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ Rack Apparatus, N.E.C.
YUMEX PHILIPPINES First Cavite Industrial To include the inspection, quality assurance Electrical Machinery and
Export Amendment S.A. 10-Oct-2008
CORPORATION Estate - SEZ and packing of printed circuit boards (PCBs) Apparatus, N.E.C.
60% - Filipino
Construction of a factory building, for lease
2523 YUSHIN DEVELOPMENT, INC. 40% - Facilities MRI Ecozone - SEZ Original Real Estate Activities 05-31-F 30-Aug-2005
to PEZA-registered enterprises
Fabricated Metal
99.996% - Japanese
YUTAKA FINEPACK PHILIPPINES Greenfield Automotive To engage in precise cutting of PET film Products, Except
2524 Export Original 13-34 22-Feb-2013
CORP. Park - SEZ products Machinery and
0.004% - Filipino
Fabricated Metal
YUTAKA MANUFACTURING Laguna Technopark - To include fabrication and repair of die Products, Except
Export Amendment S.A. 25-Mar-1998
(PHILIPPINES), INC. SEZ molds, jigs and fixtures Machinery and
YUTAKA MANUFACTURING Laguna Technopark - To include the Manufacture of front fender Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 2-Jun-1999
(PHILIPPINES), INC. SEZ component and Semi-Trailers
YUTAKA MANUFACTURING Laguna Technopark - Manufacture of tail pipe finisher (Honda Motor Vehicles, Trailers
Export Amendment S.A. 9-May-2006
(PHILIPPINES), INC. SEZ Odyssey and Honda Element models) and Semi-Trailers
GT Tower To engage in the management of Oracle Other IT-enabled
2528 I.T. Original 04-17-IT 26-May-2004
International databases for customers Services
(Formerly: Dataroad Philippines, 0.001% - Filipino
Paseo del Rio de
Establishment of a hotel and convention
2529 ZEALEP HOTELS INC. 100% - Filipino Tourism Cagayan Economic Original Hotels and Restaurants 10-03-T 19-Jul-2010
center (Swiss-Belhotel International)
Tourism Zone
Fabricated Metal
ZENTES UNITEX ASIA, INC. 78% - German Manufacture of industrial moulds, casings,
Cavite Economic Products, Except
2530 (Formerly: Filplast 22% - Export Original fittings, plastic coat hangers and other 86-13 8-Feb-1988
Zone Machinery and
Corporation) Filipino plastic-based materials
99.999886% - Filipino
Logistics Food Terminal Inc. - To engage in Supply Chain Management, Warehousing and
2535 PHILIPPINES, INC. - 0.000076% - Malaysian Original 12-04-L 10-Feb-2012
Service SEZ Warehousing and Logistics Services Storage
0.000038% - American
Provision of business processing
Robinland IT/BPO IT Research and
2536 ZOOG TECHNOLOGIES INC. 100% - Filipino I.T. Original outsourcing (BPO) services and to conduct 12-09-IT 30-Jan-2012
Center Development
product research and development