Gas Turbines Siemens Interactive
Gas Turbines Siemens Interactive
Gas Turbines Siemens Interactive
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Gas turbines
from 4 to 593 MW
Heavy-duty gas turbines
Industrial gas turbines
Aeroderivative gas turbines
Applications SGT-100 packages for power generation
50 Hz or 60 Hz
Technical Key
data sheet features
Frequency 50/60 Hz
the HL-class gas turbines are paving the way to the Gross efficiency 42.6% – 42.8%
next level. Heavy-duty gas turbines Exhaust temperature 670 – 680° C (1,238 – 1,256° F)
Outstanding performance
High flexibility, short start-up times
Proven in commercial operations
Technical Key
data sheet features Düsseldorf Lausward, Germany
Power generation
The SGT5-8000H achieves a high efficiency of 61% in Frequency 50 Hz
combined cycle operations Gross efficiency >41%
Exhaust temperature 630° C (1,166° F)
Outstanding performance
High flexibility, short start-up times
Proven in commercial operations
Technical Key
data sheet features Dangjin 3, South Korea
Power generation
The SGT6-8000H achieves a high efficiency of 61% in Frequency 60 Hz
combined cycle operations Gross efficiency >40%
Exhaust temperature 645° C (1,193° F)
Technical Key
data sheet features Al Taweelah, United Arab Emirates
Power generation
The SGT5-4000F is a well-proven 50 Hz gas turbine Frequency 50 Hz
with an outstanding reliability and availability Gross efficiency 41.0%
Exhaust temperature 599° C (1,110° F)
Technical Key
data sheet features La Caridad, Sonora, Mexico
Power generation
The SGT6-5000F offers world-class reliability and best- Frequency 60 Hz
in-class emission values Gross efficiency 39.5 – 40.0%
Exhaust temperature 592 – 612° C (1,098 – 1,134° F)
Best-in-class reliability
High operational and fuel flexibility
Easy maintenance
Technical Key
data sheet features Az-Zour, Kuwait
Power generation
Best-in-class reliable technology; robust and Frequency 50 Hz
flexible performance Gross efficiency 36.5%
Exhaust temperature 536° C (997° F)
Best-in-class reliability
High operational and fuel flexibility
Easy maintenance
Power generation
Best-in-class reliable technology; robust and Frequency 60 Hz
flexible performance Gross efficiency 35.4%
Exhaust temperature 532° C (990° F)
Proven reliability
Flexible solutions
Excellent performance
data sheet
SGT-800 packages at the Amata B.Grimm Power Plant, Amata
Maximized uptime
High efficiency
Low emissions
data sheet SGT-750 combined heat and power plant in Altamira, Mexico
data sheet Three SGT-700 packages for mechanical drive
data sheet SGT-600 installation for both mechanical drive and power generation
data sheet The SGT-400 is available as a factory-assembled package
data sheet The SGT-300 twin-shaft version is used for mechanical drive
data sheet The SGT-100 combines advanced technology with robust construction
data sheet
SGT-A65 units for power generation
data sheet
Four SGT-A45 mobile units for power generation
Power generation
The SGT-A45 mobile unit is offered with complete Frequency 50/60 Hz Note: Nominal performance shown. Performance guarantees are
fast-track power plant solutions. Gross efficiency 38.9 – 40.4% only provided in individual project proposals based on specifica-
Exhaust temperature 477 – 483 °C (891 – 934 °F) tions given. Nominal performance shown referred to sea level,
60% relative humidity, natural gas fuel, zero installation losses.
Exhaust mass flow 126 – 127 kg/s
data sheet
Two SGT-A35 (Industrial RB211-GT30) packages on an FPSO vessel
data sheet Power station at Mitchelstown, Ireland
Power generation
The SGT-A05 has black start and hot start capabil- Frequency 50/60 Hz
ity. Full power is available within 60 seconds Gross efficiency 29.7 – 33.2%
Exhaust temperature 494 – 560° C (921 – 1,040° F)
Exhaust mass flow 15.4 – 21.4 kg/s
Reference highlight
for mechanical drive
More installations
SGT5-9000HL SGT5-8000H SGT6-5000F SGT-800 SGT-600 SGT-100 SGT-A65 (Industrial Trent 60) SGT-A45
Show all choose SGT6-9000HL SGT6-8000H SGT5-2000E SGT-750 SGT-400 SGT-A35 (Industrial RB211)
highlights your
turbine: SGT5-8000HL SGT5-4000F SGT6-2000E SGT-700 SGT-300 SGT-A05 (Industrial 501-K)
Power output Frequency Gross Heat rate Turbine speed Pressure Exhaust Exhaust
efficiency ratio mass flow temperature
SGT5-9000HL 593 MW 50 Hz 42.8% 8,411 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 24.0 : 1 1,050 kg/s 670° C
SGT6-9000HL 405 MW 60 Hz 42.6% 8,451 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 24.0 : 1 725 kg/s 670° C
SGT5-8000HL 481 MW 50 Hz 42.6% 8,447 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 24.0 : 1 850 kg/s 680° C
SGT5-8000H 450 MW 50 Hz > 41% < 8,780 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 21.0 : 1 935 kg/s 630° C
SGT6-8000H 310 MW 60 Hz > 40% < 9,000 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 21.0 : 1 650 kg/s 645° C
SGT5-4000F 329 MW 50 Hz 41.0% 8,780 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 20.1 : 1 724 kg/s 599° C
SGT6-5000F (260 MW) 260 MW 60 Hz 40.0% 9,000 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 19.5 : 1 586 kg/s 592° C
SGT6-5000F (215 MW) 215 MW 60 Hz 39.5% 9,114 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 17.0 : 1 478 kg/s 612° C
SGT5-2000E 187 MW 50 Hz 36.5% 9,863 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 12.8 : 1 558 kg/s 536° C
SGT6-2000E 117 MW 60 Hz 35.4% 10,169 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 12.0 : 1 368 kg/s 532° C
SGT-800 (57.0 MW) 57.0 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 40.1% 8,970 kJ/kWh 6,608 rpm 21.8 : 1 136.6 kg/s 565° C
SGT-800 (54.0 MW) 54.0 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 39.1% 9,206 kJ/kWh 6,608 rpm 21.4 : 1 135.5 kg/s 563° C
SGT-800 (50.5 MW) 50.5 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 38.3% 9,389 kJ/kWh 6,608 rpm 21.0 : 1 134.2 kg/s 553° C
SGT-800 (47.5 MW) 47.5 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 37.7% 9,547 kJ/kWh 6,608 rpm 20.1 : 1 132.8 kg/s 541° C
SGT-750 39.8 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 40.3% 8,922 kJ/kWh 6,100 rpm 24.3 : 1 115.4 kg/s 468° C
SGT-700 32.8 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 37.2% 9,675 kJ/kWh 6,500 rpm 18.7 : 1 95.0 kg/s 533° C
SGT-600 24.5 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 33.6% 10,720 kJ/kWh 7,700 rpm 14.0 : 1 81.3 kg/s 543° C
SGT-400 (15 MW) 14.3 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 35.4% 10,178 kJ/kWh 9,500 rpm 18.9 : 1 44.0 kg/s 540° C
SGT-400 (13 MW) 12.9 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 34.8% 10,355 kJ/kWh 9,500 rpm 16.8 : 1 39.4 kg/s 555° C
SGT-400 (11 MW) 10.4 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 34.8% 10,342 kJ/kWh 11,500 rpm 16.0 : 1 33.8 kg/s 508° C
SGT-300 7.9 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 30.6% 11,773 kJ/kWh 14,010 rpm 13.7 : 1 30.2 kg/s 542° C
SGT-100 (5.4 MW) 5.4 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 31.0% 11,612 kJ/kWh 17,384 rpm 15.6 : 1 20.9 kg/s 541° C
SGT-100 (5.1 MW) 5.1 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 30.2% 11,913 kJ/kWh 17,384 rpm 14.0 : 1 19.5 kg/s 545° C
SGT-A65 50 Hz DLE 61.9 MW(e) 50 Hz 43.34% 8,307 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 38.1 : 1 171.0 kg/s 441° C
SGT-A65 50 Hz DLE with ISI 65.9 MW(e) 50 Hz 43.8% 8,228 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 39.6 : 1 178.0 kg/s 431° C
SGT-A65 60 Hz DLE 59.6 MW(e) 60 Hz 43.2% 8,330 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 36.6 : 1 165.0 kg/s 443° C
SGT-A65 60 Hz DLE with ISI 64.9 MW(e) 60 Hz 43.3% 8,311 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 38.0 : 1 171.0 kg/s 437° C
SGT-A65 50 Hz WLE with ISI 67.4 MW(e) 50 Hz 41.3% 8,724 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 39.9 : 1 178.0 kg/s 431° C
SGT-A65 60 Hz WLE with ISI 70.8 MW(e) 60 Hz 41.4% 8,696 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 39.3 : 1 176.0 kg/s 447° C
SGT-A45 50 Hz (at 15 °C ambient) 41.0 MW(e) 50 Hz 38.9% 9,260 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 27.7 : 1 127.0 kg/s 477° C
SGT-A45 50 Hz (at 30 °C ambient) 39.3 MW(e) 50 Hz 38.3% 9,405 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 26.7 : 1 120.0 kg/s 501° C
SGT-A45 60 Hz (at 15 °C ambient) 44.0 MW(e) 60 Hz 40.4% 8,944 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 27.9 : 1 126.0 kg/s 483° C
SGT-A45 60 Hz (at 30 °C ambient) 39.6 MW(e) 60 Hz 39.4% 9,137 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 25.8 : 1 116.0 kg/s 498° C
SGT-A35 (GT30 38 MW) 50 Hz 36.6 MW(e) 50 Hz 38.7% 9,298 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 25.4 : 1 111.0 kg/s 489 °C
SGT-A35 (GT30 34 MW) 50 Hz 32.2 MW(e) 50 Hz 37.5% 9,611 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 22.9 : 1 99.8 kg/s 503 °C
SGT-A35 (GT30 34 MW) DLE 50 Hz 31.9 MW(e) 50 Hz 37.3% 9,644 kJ/kWh 3,000 rpm 22.6 : 1 99.2 kg/s 504° C
SGT-A35 (GT30 38 MW) 60 Hz 37.4 MW(e) 60 Hz 39.7% 9,074 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 25.0 : 1 109.1 kg/s 487 °C
SGT-A35 (GT30 34 MW) 60 Hz 33.2 MW(e) 60 Hz 38.5% 9,362 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 22.7 : 1 98.9 kg/s 501 °C
SGT-A35 (GT30 34 MW) DLE 60 Hz 32.5 MW(e) 60 Hz 38.3% 9,397 kJ/kWh 3,600 rpm 22.3 : 1 97.9 kg/s 500° C
SGT-A35 (GT61) DLE 32.1 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 39.3% 9,159 kJ/kWh 4,850 rpm 21.6 : 1 94.0 kg/s 509° C
SGT-A35 (GT62) DLE 29.9 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 37.5% 9,589 kJ/kWh 4,800 rpm 21.7 : 1 95.0 kg/s 503° C
SGT-A35 (G62) DLE 27.2 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 36.4% 9,904 kJ/kWh 4,800 rpm 20.6 : 1 91.0 kg/s 501° C
SGT-A05 (KB7HE) 5.8 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 33.2% 10,848 kJ/kWh 14,600 rpm 14.1 : 1 21.4 kg/s 522° C
SGT-A05 (KB7S) 5.4 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 32.3% 11,152 kJ/kWh 14,600 rpm 13.9 : 1 21.3 kg/s 494° C
SGT-A05 (KB5S) 4.0 MW(e) 50/60 Hz 29.7% 12,137 kJ/kWh 14,200 rpm 10.3 : 1 15.4 kg/s 560° C
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