Exact Algorithms For Steiner Tree: Ondra Such y
Exact Algorithms For Steiner Tree: Ondra Such y
Exact Algorithms For Steiner Tree: Ondra Such y
Ondra Suchý
Ondra Suchý (FIT CTU Prague) Exact Algorithms for Steiner Tree IIT Delhi, 13.12.2014 1 / 41
Ondra Suchý (FIT CTU Prague) Exact Algorithms for Steiner Tree IIT Delhi, 13.12.2014 2 / 41
Steiner Tree
Steiner Tree
Given: Undirected graph G = (V , E ) and a set T ⊆ V
Find: A minimun size tree H = (V 0 , E 0 ) subgraph of G such that T ⊆ V 0 .
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Steiner Tree
Steiner Tree
Given: Undirected graph G = (V , E ) and a set T ⊆ V
Find: A minimun size tree H = (V 0 , E 0 ) subgraph of G such that T ⊆ V 0 .
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Steiner Tree
Steiner Tree T
Given: Undirected graph G = (V , E ) and a set T ⊆ V
Find: A minimun size tree H = (V 0 , E 0 ) subgraph of G such that T ⊆ V 0 .
The vertices in T are called terminals
The vertices in V \ T are called Steiner points
Denote n := |V |, m := |E |, and t := |T |
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Steiner Tree
Steiner Tree T
Given: Undirected graph G = (V , E ) and a set T ⊆ V
Find: A minimun size tree H = (V 0 , E 0 ) subgraph of G such that T ⊆ V 0 .
The vertices in T are called terminals
The vertices in V \ T are called Steiner points
Denote n := |V |, m := |E |, and t := |T |
A minimum size:
Vertex cardinality: |V 0 | or rather |S| := |V 0 \ T | (default)
Edge cardinality: |E 0 | = |V 0 | − 1, this is equal to the above
Node weighted: Given w : V → N minimize w (S)
Edge weighted: Given w : E → N minimize w (E 0 )
Steiner Tree (default decision variant)
Given: Undirected graph G = (V , E ), a set T ⊆ V , and k ∈ N
Question: Is there a tree H = (V 0 , E 0 ), subgraph of G , such that T ⊆ V 0
and |V 0 \ T | ≤ k.
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Ondra Suchý (FIT CTU Prague) Exact Algorithms for Steiner Tree IIT Delhi, 13.12.2014 5 / 41
Hardness and Approximability Results
NP-complete [Garey & Johnson 1979],
even on planar graphs [Garey & Johnson, SIAM J. Appl. Math 1977]
approximable to within O(log n) but
not within (1 − ε)(log t) unless NP ⊆ DTIME[N polylogn ]
[Klein & Ravi, Journal of Algorithms 1995];
The edge weighted variant is APX-complete even on complete graphs
with weights 1 and 2 [Bern, Plassmann, Inf. Proc. Lett. 1989]
There are many approximation results on various variants of Steiner
tree basically on every conference, e.g.,
I Bateni, Hajiaghayi, Marx: Approximation schemes for Steiner Forest on
planar graphs and graphs of bounded treewidth STOC 2010
I Bateni, Checkuri, Ene, Hajiaghayi, Korula, Marx: Prize-collecting
Steiner problems on planar graphs SODA 2011.
I STOC 2014, FOCS 2013, and elsewhere
An online compendium of approx. results: Hauptmann and Karpinski:
A Compendium on Steiner Tree Problems, University of Bonn.
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Exact Algorithms
In this talk:
1 Parameterized algorithms — exponential in some presumably small
I number of Steiner points in the solution k := |S| = |V 0 \ T |
I number of terminals t
I total cardinality of the tree t + k
2 Kernelizations
3 Exact exponential time algorithms — exponential in the “input size”
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Trivial Algorithms
Simple algorithm:
Leaves of an optimal tree are terminals.
An optimal tree contains at most t vertices of degree at least 3.
Once the set T 0 of vertices of degree ≥ 3 is known, the optimal tree
can be computed as minimum spanning tree of T ∪ T 0 , where the
lengths are distances in G .
This gives nO(t) and O(2 3 n nO(1) ) = O(1.6181n ) algorithm for edge
weighted variant of Steiner Tree.
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Parameterization by the Solution Size
Steiner Tree is W[2]-hard with respect to the number k of Steiner
points in the solution.
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Hardness of Steiner Tree, continued
For an instance (U, F, k) of Set Cover consider the following
instance (G = (V , E ), T , k) of Steiner Tree :
V = U ∪ F ∪ {t0 } t0
E = {{u, F } | u ∈ F ∈ F}
∪{{t0 , F } | F ∈ F}
T = U ∪ {t0 } F
Steiner points 1-1 correspond
to the sets in F
we claim that
the instances are equivalent U
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Hardness of Steiner Tree, continued
For an instance (U, F, k) of Set Cover consider the following
instance (G = (V , E ), T , k) of Steiner Tree :
V = U ∪ F ∪ {t0 } t0
E = {{u, F } | u ∈ F ∈ F}
∪{{t0 , F } | F ∈ F}
T = U ∪ {t0 } F
Steiner points 1-1 correspond
to the sets in F
we claim that
the instances are equivalent U
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Hardness of Steiner Tree, continued
For an instance (U, F, k) of Set Cover consider the following
instance (G = (V , E ), T , k) of Steiner Tree :
V = U ∪ F ∪ {t0 } t0
E = {{u, F } | u ∈ F ∈ F}
∪{{t0 , F } | F ∈ F}
T = U ∪ {t0 } F
Steiner points 1-1 correspond
to the sets in F
we claim that
the instances are equivalent U
If for any k ≥ 3 and ε > 0 Steiner Tree can be solved in time O(nk−ε )
then the Strong ETH fails.
follows from the results of Patrascu and Williams [SODA 2010], since
Dominating Set is a special case of Set Cover,
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Parameterization by Terminals
Theorem [Dreyfus & Wagner, Networks 1971] and [Levin 1971]
Edge weighted Steiner Tree can be solved in time
O(3t · n + 2t · n2 + n(n log n + m)).
The proof goes by dynamic programming.
Pick any terminal t0 and let T 0 = T \ {t0 }
For every nonempty X ⊂ T 0 and every v ∈ V we compute:
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Dreyfus-Wagner Algorithm continued
Now suppose |X | ≥ 2
Look at the tree from v
Starting from v go along the tree until you reach either a vertex in X
or a vertex of degree at least 3. Let us call it u. Possibly u = v .
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Dreyfus-Wagner Algorithm continued
Now suppose |X | ≥ 2
Look at the tree from v
Starting from v go along the tree until you reach either a vertex in X
or a vertex of degree at least 3. Let us call it u. Possibly u = v .
If u ∈ X then we let X 0 = {u}.
Otherwise we let X 0 be the vertices in X in one connected component
of the tree with {u} removed.
In both cases we have ∅ =6 X0 ( X
and the tree can be split into three pieces
I the path from v to u (possibly trivial) X
I a tree for u and X 0 (possibly trivial) u
I a tree for u and X \ X 0 v
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D-W Algorithm Recurrence
6 X 0 ( X and the tree can be split into three pieces
We have ∅ =
I the path from v to u (possibly trivial)
I a tree for u and X 0 (possibly trivial)
I a tree for u and X \ X 0 u
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D-W Algorithm Recurrence
6 X 0 ( X and the tree can be split into three pieces
We have ∅ =
I the path from v to u (possibly trivial)
I a tree for u and X 0 (possibly trivial)
I a tree for u and X \ X 0 u
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Improvements of the D-W Algorithm
The 1971 D-W algorithm achieves time
O(3t · n + 2t · n2 + n(n log n + m))
This can be improved to O(3t · n + 2t (n log n + m))
by computing the distances more cleverly on demand
[Erickson, Monma, Veinott Mathematics of Operations Research
In 2007 Fuchs, Kern, and Wang [Math. Meth. Oper. Res.] improved
this to O(2.684t nO(1) ) and
Mölle, Richter, and Rossmanith [STACS 2006] to O((2 + ε)t nf (e ) )
later the above two groups together [Theory Comput. Syst. 2007]
improved the exponent to O(( − εln ε )−δ ) for any 1/2 < δ which gives,
e.g., O(2.5t n14.2 ) or O(2.1t n57.6 )
By using subset convolution and Möbius inversion, one can get to a
running time of Õ(2t n2 + nm) for the node weighted case with
bounded weights [Björklund, Husfeldt, Kaski, Koivisto STOC 2007]
All these algorithms take exponential space.
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Polynomial Space Algorithms
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Further Improvements
Can we hope for an algorithm running in (2 − ε)t nO(1) -time?
This would imply an algorithm for Set Cover with running time
(2 − ε)|U| |F|O(1) (by the presented reduction)
By the framework of Bodlaender, Downey, Fellows, and Hermelin
[J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2009/ ICALP 2008] we have to show that
Steiner Tree is compositional with this parameterization
Consider instances (G1 , T1 , k1 ), . . . , (Gs , Ts , ks )
We may assume that |T1 | = |T2 | = . . . = |Ts | = t and
k1 = k2 = . . . = ks = k
We denote T1 = {t11 , . . . , tt1 }, etc.
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Kernel Lower Bound continued
We let G = i=1 Gi
For each j ∈ {1, . . . , t} we add to G a new vertex tj and connect it to
the vertices tj1 , tj2 , . . . , tjs by paths of length k + 2.
T1 T2 T3
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Kernel Lower Bound continued
We let G = i=1 Gi
For each j ∈ {1, . . . , t} we add to G a new vertex tj and connect it to
the vertices tj1 , tj2 , . . . , tjs by paths of length k + 2.
T1 T2 T3
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Kernel Lower Bound continued
We let G = i=1 Gi
For each j ∈ {1, . . . , t} we add to G a new vertex tj and connect it to
the vertices tj1 , tj2 , . . . , tjs by paths of length k + 2.
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Kernel Lower Bound continued 2
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Exponential Time Algorithms
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Steiner Problems in Directed Graphs
In directed graphs “to be connected” can mean several things:
Connect one distinguished root by directed paths
to all other terminals
Directed Steiner Tree (DST)
DSN hard to approximate within O(2log n ) unless
NP ⊆ TIME (2polylog (n) ) [Dodis, Khanna STOC 1999]
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Parameterization by Steiner Points—Directed
With respect to the number k of Steiner points in the solution:
The hardness reduction is easy to modify to show that both
Directed Steiner Tree and Strongly Connected Steiner
Subgraph are W[2]-hard.
It is enough to orientate all the edges “towards the universe”
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Parameterization by Steiner Points—Directed
With respect to the number k of Steiner points in the solution:
The hardness reduction is easy to modify to show that both
Directed Steiner Tree and Strongly Connected Steiner
Subgraph are W[2]-hard.
It is enough to orientate all the edges “towards the universe”
and add backward arcs.
Hence Directed Steiner Network is also W[2]-hard.
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Parameterization by Terminals—Directed
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Hardness of SCSS
We reduce
Multicolored Clique(MCC)
Given: A graph G = (V , E ), k ∈ N and a coloring c : V → {1, . . . , k}.
Decide: Is there a clique in G taking exactly one vertex of each color?
Parameter: k
MCC is W[1]-hard [Pietrzak, JCSS 2003]
we use the edge representation strategy by Fellows, Hermelin,
Rosamond and Vialette [Theor. Comp. Sci. 2009]
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SCSS Hardness Proof ctd t1,2 t2,1
uv ab vu ba
u a v b
t1 t2
For each color i introduce a vertex ti and for each vertex v of color i
we introduce an oriented triangle ti , v , v 0
For each pair of colors i 6= j, introduce two vertices ti,j and tj,i .
For each edge uv with c(u) = i and c(v ) = j, introduce two triangles
0 and t , x , x 0
ti,j , xuv , xuv j,i vu vu
0 , x ), (x 0 , x ), (x 0 , x ), (x 0 , x )
add arcs (xuv v u uv vu u v vu
let T = {t1 , . . . , tk } ∪ {ti,j | i 6= j} and k 0 = 2k + 2
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SCSS Hardness Proof Continued 2 t1,2 t2,1
uv ab vu ba
We claim that the instance (G , k, c)
of MCC is equivalent to
the constructed instance of SCSS
u a v b
t1 t2
SCSS cannot be solved in no(t/ log t) time unless ETH fails.
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Sparse graphs
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Graphs of Bounded Treewidth
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Cut and Count for Steiner Tree
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Cut and Count for Steiner Tree
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Cut and Count for Steiner Tree
We use N = 2n.
We guess the minimum weight, i.e., we compute the parity of the
number of subgraphs for each possible weight.
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Cut and Count — What We Count
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Cut and Count—Running Time
t1 X2
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Cut and Count—Running Time
t1 X2
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Cut and Count—Running Time
t1 X2
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Directed Steiner Tree in Sparse Graphs
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DST Hardness in Degenerate Graphs
DST is W[2]-hard with respect to k even on 2-degenerate graphs.
Use the reduction from setcover, but replace each terminal by a cycle
of vertices of degree three.
Subdivide the edges in these cycles.
All new vertices are terminals
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Directed Steiner Tree in Sparse Graphs continued
D[T ] arbitrary
O ∗ (3hk+o(hk) )-time on Kh -minor free digraphs
(the algorithm is based on a novel branching rule in combination with
the Nederlof’s algorithm)
O ∗ (f (h)k )-time on Kh -topological minor free digraphs
(using the decomposition theorem of Grohe and Marx [STOC 2012])
D[T ] acyclic
O ∗ (3hk+o(hk) )-time on Kh -topological minor free digraphs
O ∗ (3dk+o(dk) )-time on d-degenerate graphs
I DST is FPT wrt k on o(log n)-degenerate graph classes
I FPT algorithm for undirected Steiner Tree on d-degenerate
o( )
For any constant c > 0, no f (k)n log k -time algorithm on graphs of
degeneracy c log n unless ETH fails.
I no O ∗ (2o(d)f (k) )-time algorithm unless ETH fails
no O ∗ (2f (d)o(k) )-time algorithm unless ETH fails
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Kernelization in Sparse Graphs
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SCSS in Sparse Graphs
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Some Open Problems
The main open problems are (not repeating all already mentioned)
Subexponential algorithm for Steiner Tree with respect to only t
Improvement to the kernels for planar graphs
generalizing the result to the higher connectivity settings
(first results for SCSS obtained by Chitnis, Esfandiari, Hajiaghayi,
Khandekar, Kortsarz, Seddighin [IPEC 2014])
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Thank you for your attention!
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