Getaway Driver - Rules
Getaway Driver - Rules
Getaway Driver - Rules
Don’t get stuck in the slow lane reading this rulebook. Watch our speedy
walk-thru video instead:
Getaway Driver is a fast-playing, 2-player game. One player takes the role
of the Driver—a daredevil motorist with enough skill to pull off a variety
of crazy stunts—hoping to get out of town. The other player takes the role
of the Police—armed with an array of vehicles, equipment, and the city
itself—hoping to corner the Driver before they escape.
• Drawstring Bag • Pursuit token
• City tiles x 45: • Stash tokens x 8
• Green-Light tiles x 10 • Driver Car (+2 bonus cars)
• Yellow-Light tiles x 21 • Patrol Cars x 3
• Red-Light tiles x 12 • Motorcycle
• Start tile • Armored Car
• Escape tile • Helicopter
• Pursuit Meter / Driver Reference • Barricade tokens x 3
• Police Reference card • Tire Spike token
• Dual-purpose Driver cards x 11 • Terrain Obstacles x 3
• Police Upgrade cards x 8 • Event cards x 6
• Hazard tokens x 12 • Sticker sheet
• Police Enforcement tokens x 10 • Rulebook
How to Win
• The Driver wins if the Escape tile is placed—evading the Police long
enough to make a clean getaway out of town!
• The Police win if the Pursuit Meter token advances to its rightmost red
space. The Police also win if the Driver is unable to move on their turn.
Either way, the Police have outsmarted and caught the Driver.
Start by selecting 1 player to be the Driver and the other to be the Police.
Driver Setup
1. Place the Pursuit Meter card A in front of you with the Pursuit Meter
token B on the left (white) space of the card.
Not sure which cards
2. Select 5 Driver cards C to use this game,
to pick? For your first
keeping them hidden until played. Return the
game, we recommend
remaining Driver cards to the box.
Decoy Car, Last Ditch
3. Scatter 5 Stash tokens onto the table.
Effort, Hit the Gas,
4. After the Police have adjusted the Stash
Leave Wreckage, and
tokens (#4 in Police setup), place the Start
Stomping Grounds.
City tile E on the table. The Start City tile may
be placed anywhere on the table except on a Stash token.
5. Place the Driver Car F on the Start City tile facing any direction.
1. The Police expand the
search area
* optional
Start the Chase
To increase the difficulty for the Driver, decrease the number of Stash
tokens to as few as 2. To decrease the difficulty for the Driver, increase
the number of Stash tokens to as many as 8.
Escape Town I
Round Reference K
1. The Police expand the search area
2. The Driver makes their escape
a. Study the road (optional)
b. Move their car
c. Deal with the road conditions L M N
3. The Police close the net
a. Move non-pursuing police vehicles
b. Check for pursuing vehicles
c. Purchase an upgrade (optional)
Police Setup
1. Place the Police Reference card G in front of you.
2. Take the Escape City tile H , Police Vehicles (Patrol Cars I , Motorcycle J ,
Armored Car K , and Helicopter L ), Barricades M , and Tire Spike N , and
place them near the Police Reference card.
3. Take all Police Upgrade cards O into your hand.
4. After the Driver has scattered the Stash tokens (#3 in Driver setup),
adjust them as necessary to ensure all Stash tokens are between 1-2
card lengths away from the nearest token. Exact measurements are
not required.
5. Place all but the Start and Escape City tiles in the bag.
6. Place a single Patrol Car roughly 2 tile spaces away from the Driver
Car, facing any direction. The Patrol Car will begin on the table, and
not on a City tile.
Getaway Driver is a “real-space” game. Sometimes you will place objects on the
tiles. Other times, you will place objects on the table. The game builds over time,
respecting the boundaries of the area you play on. As the city organically grows
towards the edge of the table or other physical obstructions, don’t reposition the
game to make room. Instead, these limitations represent natural borders of the
city you are building (a mountain, a cliff, a city park, etc). If a City tile does
not fit or hangs off the edge, that City tile cannot be placed. The Driver should
actively avoid driving into natural dead ends such as these. For an even more
exciting game, you might consider placing your own obstacles or playing on a
smaller table. You can use the 3 terrain obstacles included with the game or use
your own! Hint: a fishbowl makes a great lake.
A round of Getaway Driver consists of the following phases:
1. The Police expand the search area
2. The Driver makes their escape
3. The Police close the net
Road conditions can vary depending on the City tile, Stash tokens, and
Police Vehicles present. The Police must consider the benefits of each type
of City tile:
The Police may view any face-down City tiles at any time.
a. Study the Road (optional)
Before moving, the Driver may choose to permanently reveal 1 or more
adjacent City tiles before deciding which tile to move onto. When doing
so, the Driver must announce that they are studying the road. If a Police
Badge is revealed, the Police gain the indicated number of Enforcement
tokens, even if the Driver chooses not to move onto that City tile.
Driving cautiously does have its price. Each time the Driver reveals a City
tile in this manner, the Driver must advance the Pursuit Meter token 1
space to the right. Remember: if the Pursuit Meter token advances to its
final, red space, the Police have caught the Driver and win the game. See
Check for Pursuing Vehicles (page 11) for more about the Pursuit Meter.
Any additional events on the tile only occur if the Driver chooses to move
onto it during the next step.
2 3
2 3
Correct Incorrect
If the Driver moves their car onto a face-down City tile, they flip the tile
over and deal with the road conditions.
If the Driver is ever in a position where they are unable to move, the Police
have caught the Driver and win the game.
Pursuing: Any Police Vehicle occupying the same City tile as the Driver is
considered Pursuing the Driver. The Pursuing Police Vehicle is bumper-to-
bumper with the Driver, driving recklessly in order to keep up. When the
Driver leaves a tile, the Pursuing Police Vehicle automatically follows the
Driver onto the new City tile. Turn the Police Vehicle in the same direction
as the Driver. However, if the Driver moves onto the tile directly behind
a pursuing Police Vehicle, that Police Vehicle cannot automatically turn,
which means it is no longer Pursuing, and does not automatically follow.
For example, at the end of a round, the Driver is on the same City tile as
a right-facing Patrol Car. The Patrol Car is now Pursuing the Driver.
On the next turn, the Driver turns left. Since the Patrol Car cannot turn
180°, it cannot follow and the Driver is no longer being Pursued.
Loading Ramp
2 3 2
• If the Driver moves onto a City tile with a Police Vehicle, Barricade,
or Tire Spike, no Hazard token is placed, regardless of the color of the
City tile.
• If the Driver moves onto a City tile with a Police Badge, a Hazard token
may still be placed, according to the color of the City tile as described
in this section.
Entering a City tile will always trigger its outcome, even if it has been
triggered previously.
be placed legally.
Police Vehicles do not reveal face-down City tiles. The Police always drive
as safely as possible and never cause Hazard tokens to be placed on a City
tile, regardless of the tile’s color. However, any time a Police Vehicle moves
onto a City tile with a Hazard token on it, they crash. Unless the Police
Vehicle has an ability that prevents the crash, they must find an alternative
route free from Hazard tokens.
There is no additional effect if a Police Vehicle moves onto a City tile with
a Stash token or Police Badge.
b. Check for Pursuing Vehicles
Once the Police have moved, they should check to see if a Police Vehicle
is Pursuing the Driver. If 1 or more Police Vehicles occupy a City tile with
the Driver, the Driver is being Pursued: advance the Pursuit Meter token
1 space to the right on the Pursuit Meter card, regardless of the number
of vehicles Pursuing. If the Pursuit Meter token advances to its final, red
space, the Driver is caught and the Police win the game.
If there are no Police Vehicles on the same City tile as the Driver, the
Driver is in the clear. Move the Pursuit Meter token 1 space to the left on
the Pursuit Meter card.
The Police are limited by the number of components included with the
game. For example, only 3 Patrol Cars may be in play at any given time.
The Police are unable to purchase a Patrol Car if all 3 are currently in play.
Should a Patrol Car crash, the Police may then purchase another Patrol
Car, bringing the number of in-play Patrol Cars back up to 3.
See Police Upgrades (page 15) for a description of the Upgrades the Police
have available to them.
The Chase Continues
After the Police have completed their turn, play proceeds to “The Police
Expand The Search Area” phase (page 4). Repeat this cycle until either
the Driver has escaped out of town (the Escape City tile has been placed)
or the Police have caught the Driver (either the Pursuit Meter token has
advanced to its rightmost space on the Pursuit Meter or the Driver is
unable to move).
The Driver may also play a card from their The Driver will need to
discard pile. To do so, the Driver must spend judiciously decide when to
a collected Stash token. Once a card is played employ their Abilities to
from the discard pile, both the card and Stash maximize their effects and
token are removed from the game. make them last until the
end of the game.
Driver Abilities
There are a variety of Abilities the Driver can use to gain an edge over the
• Decoy Car - Play after the Police move, but before checking for
Pursuing vehicles. Return back to the City tile you were previously on,
reverting back to the orientation you were before moving.
• Handbrake Turn - Play any time on your turn. Make a 180 degree
U-turn and move forward 1 space. This Ability may be used as a Stunt
to handle any Hazard token, regardless of the Hazard icon on the City
tile. When used as a Stunt, all Pursuing Police Vehicles not protected by
a special ability crash and are returned to the Police player. When played
as an Ability, Pursuing Police Vehicles do not follow.
• Hit the Gas - Play any time on your turn. Take an extra movement
action this round. If new City tile options are required for the additional
movement, the Police immediately place the tiles as usual. Any Pursuing
Police Vehicles do not follow.
• Jam the Police Radar - Play at the
beginning of your turn. You may turn and
move all diagonally-adjacent Police Vehicles
1 space in the direction of your choice. You
may not move them into a Hazard.
• Last Ditch Effort - Play any time on your
turn. Move the Pursuit Meter token 1 space
to the left.
• Leave Wreckage - Play any time on your
turn. Place a Hazard token on your current
City tile, regardless of the tile’s color. All
Police Vehicles currently on the City tile that are not protected by a
special ability crash and are returned to the Police player. The Driver
does not need to use another card to handle this Hazard.
• Ramming Speed - Play at the beginning of your turn. During this turn,
if you drive onto the same City tile as 1 or more Police Vehicles or
Barricades, those Vehicles and Barricades crash and are returned to the
Police player. If a Police Vehicle is protected by a special ability, it may
avoid crashing.
• Slam on the Brakes - Play at the beginning of your turn. Do not move
this round. On their turn, the Police must move all Police Vehicles 1
space in the direction they are facing without turning. If any Police
Vehicles move into a Hazard token or the Driver’s tile, and those
vehicles are not protected by a special ability, they crash and are returned
to the Police player.
• Stomping Grounds - Play at the start of a round. During the next 2
rounds, instead of the Police, the Driver draws and places the appropriate
number of City tiles during the Police Expand the Search Area phase.
• Switch Cars - Play at the beginning of your turn. Swap places with any
Police Vehicle currently on a City tile. The Driver adopts the orientation
of the Police Vehicle and vice versa. Pursuing Police Vehicles do not
follow. If the Driver’s new location is on a face-down City tile, the tile
is immediately flipped face up. Regardless of whether the tile was face
up or face down, the Driver must immediately resolve the results—see
Deal with the Road Conditions (page 8). If the City tile has or results in
a Hazard token, and the Driver cannot spend the Driver card to handle
the Hazard, the Driver must return to the City tile they came from,
maintaining their current orientation. In this case, the Police Vehicle
remains on the City tile with the Driver.
The 2 other Driver Abilities, Partners in Crime and Bait and Switch, are
only used in the 4-player variant—see 4-player Variant (page 20).
Driver Stunts
When playing a Driver Card, the Driver may perform a Stunt instead of
using an Ability to move onto a City tile with a Hazard token. To do so,
the Stunt Icon on your Driver card must match 1 of the icons on the City
tile. The icons include:
Midtown Tiles
A few City tiles include bonus abilities for the Driver. Each time the Driver
moves onto a City tile with a bonus ability, the ability triggers, as follows:
• Thoroughfare - Once face up, all vehicles (Driver and
Police) entering this tile may take an extra movement
action this round. If new City tiles are required for the
additional movement, the Police place the tiles as usual.
• Vantage Point - All adjacent City tiles that share an edge
with this tile are placed face up. All revealed Police Badges
provide Enforcement tokens to the Police.
Single-Player Variant
Ready to get out of town all on your own? Follow these instructions to play
Getaway Driver versus an automated Police force. There are 3 difficulty
levels you can attempt: standard, imposing, and relentless. Depending on
the difficulty level you choose, minor alterations will be made.
To set up the single-player variant, divide the City tiles into 2 stacks:
• The “Perilous” stack should consist of 8 Red-Light tiles, 5 Yellow-Light
tiles with 3-point Police Badges, and 2 Green-Light tiles with 2-point
Police Badges.
• The “Serene” stack should consist of all other City tiles.
Separate out the Patrol Car, Barricade, Police Motorcycle, and Police
Helicopter Upgrade cards. If you are playing at the imposing or relentless
difficulty, take the Armored Car card as well. Shuffle these cards together
and place them face down near the City tiles. All other Police Upgrade
cards are removed from the game.
Follow the game setup as usual. During step 5, if you are playing the
imposing or relentless difficulty, scatter 6 Stash tokens onto the table
instead of the regular 5.
Return the Enforcement tokens to the box - they are not used in the
single-player variant.
The Police Expand The Search Area
During this phase, draw City tiles face down from either the Perilous or
Serene pile, according to the instructions below:
• If the City tile would be placed underneath a Stash token, Police
Vehicle, or Barricade, draw from the Serene pile.
• If a Police Vehicle can move onto the City tile at the end of their turn,
draw from the Serene pile.
• In all other cases, draw from the Perilous pile.
If either pile runs out, draw from the other pile as necessary.
Unless you are playing the standard difficulty, reusing Driver ability cards
is now more difficult. During a imposing-difficulty game, the Driver must
exchange 2 Stash tokens in order to use a face-up ability card. During an
relentless-difficulty game, the Driver must exchange 3 Stash tokens.
If a Police Vehicle is already on the same tile as the Driver, it does not
move forward, and instead attempts to turn to face in the same direction
as the Driver. If a Police Vehicle is facing the
opposite direction as the Driver, it should turn to
the right of the Driver.
If there are no Police Vehicles on the table and no Police Upgrade cards
were drawn, the Police immediately draw 1 Police Upgrade card.
When placing a Barricade, place it 1 space away from the Driver. When
selecting which tile to place the Barricade on, priority should be given to
any space the Police cannot get to on their next turn, followed by the space
immediately in front of the Driver. In all instances, a Barricade may not
be placed on a space with a Stash token, a space with a Hazard token, or
on a space that already has a Barricade. If none of the 3 spaces around the
Driver are available, the Barricade should be placed on the closest possible
space in front of the Driver. If all 3 Barricades have already been placed,
reuse the Barricade that is farthest from the Driver.
If the Armored Car Upgrade is drawn, and all 3 Patrol Cars are already
on the table, redeploy the Patrol Car that is furthest away from the Driver,
using the rules as if you were placing a new Patrol Car.
The first time the Police Helicopter is drawn, remove the Police Helicopter
Upgrade card from the game after placing the Helicopter token.
4-Player Variant
If you have 2 copies of Getaway Driver, you can combine them together
to play a 4-player game of mayhem and insanity. In the 4-player game, the
Drivers win if they empty the bag of City tiles as usual. However, the Police
win if either of the Drivers are caught. The Drivers must work together to
avoid time behind bars.
1. Select 1 player to be the Police, 1 to be the City, and 2 to be the
Drivers. The Police and City players will work together to catch either
of the 2 Drivers.
2. Each Driver places their Pursuit Meter card in front of them, with the
Pursuit Meter token on the leftmost space of the card.
3. Each Driver selects 5 Driver cards to use this game. It is recommended,
though not required, that both Drivers select the Partners in Crime
Driver card. The Drivers should collaborate to ensure the cards they
pick complement each other’s hand. Return the remaining Driver
cards to the box.
4. The City takes both Escape City tiles and places them in front of their
play area.
5. The Police take the Police Upgrade cards, Barricades, Tire Spike, and
Police Vehicles, and place them near the Police Reference card in front
of them.
6. Each Driver places 5 Stash tokens into their hand and, after fist-
bumping, drops them onto the table. The difficulty of the game may
be modified by increasing or decreasing the number of Stash tokens.
7. The Police then adjust the Stash tokens just like the regular setup.
8. Each Driver places their Start City tile face up on the table. Start City
tiles may not be placed on a Stash token, but may be placed adjacent
or anywhere else on the table. The 2 Start City tiles should be rotated
parallel to each other to allow both segments of the city to eventually
be connected.
9. The City places the rest of the City tiles from both games in the bag. If
there is not enough room in the bag, 2 bags may be used.
10. Each Driver places their Driver Car on their Start City tile in the
orientation of their choosing.
11. The Police place 1 Patrol Car 2 spaces away from each Driver (a total
of 2 Patrol Cars), in the orientation of their choosing, on the table.
Play proceeds as per a regular game, with the following modifications:
Police Badges from both Drivers provide Enforcement tokens to the Police.
3. The Police Close The Net
If both Drivers are on the same City tile with the Police Pursuing, and
the Drivers divert to different tiles, each Pursing Police Vehicle may select
which Driver they Pursue.
The Police are under no obligation to chase both Drivers. The Police win
the game if either Driver is caught and may opt to focus their attention on
a single Driver.
Driver Abilities
When playing the 4-player variant, a
special Driver card becomes available.
Like other Driver cards, this card
provides 2 options for use, though, in
this instance, both options are Abilities:
• Partners in Crime - Use an Ability or Stunt on 1 of the other Driver’s
cards. The card may be in their hand or discard. If you use a card from
your partner’s hand, that card is not placed in the discard. If you use a
card from your partner’s discard, you do not need to spend a Stash token
and that card is not removed from the game.
• Bait and Switch - You may either switch places with the other Driver,
or pull the Driver to your location.
Event Cards
Ready to spice up your game? Mix in the event cards to dramatically alter
Getaway Driver for both the Driver and the Police. Event cards should
only be used in the standard 2-player game with the recommended number
of Stash tokens.
To play a game with event cards, set up and play the game as usual. Keep
an eye out for the City tile with the Event symbol. If that
tile is revealed, an event triggers. Shuffle the event cards and
draw 1 card. Follow the instructions on the card, replacing the
standard rules as indicated. The events include:
• The Hunter and the Prey - Any time the Driver enters a City tile with 1
or more Police Vehicles, those Police Vehicles crash. Police Helicopters
are not immune to crashing in this manner. As soon as a Police Vehicle
reaches the Start City tile, that vehicle escapes and is removed from
the game. The Driver wins if they crash half of the current Police force,
rounded up, before the Police Vehicles escape. The Police win if half of
their vehicles escape through the Start City tile.
• High Stakes Courier Service - The Driver wins if they collect all the
Stash tokens before getting caught. If the bag of City tiles runs out,
face-down tiles may be recycled to continue building the city. If there
are no face-down City tiles remaining, the Police win.
• Operativo Speciale - The Police have called in the airborne division. All
Police Vehicles can no longer crash. Driver cards are no longer removed
from the game. Each time a City tile with a Police Badge worth 3
Enforcement tokens is revealed, the
Driver gains a Stash token.
• Fresh Out of Traffic Cones - Police
Vehicles reveal City tiles. If they
reveal a Red-Light City tile, a Hazard
is placed and that vehicle crashes.
If a Police Vehicle is protected by a
special ability, it may avoid crashing.
The Police can no longer peek at
previously-placed City tiles.
• Vigilante Justice - If the Driver ends their turn on a City tile that was
face-up at the beginning of the round, the Driver is automatically being
Pursued and must advance the Pursuit Meter token 1 space to the right.
The Driver decides whether Red-Light City tiles result in a Hazard
token being placed (similar to Yellow-Light City tiles).
• Ticking Time Bomb - Collect all Stash tokens from the table and
Driver. Place 5 Stash tokens on this card, returning the rest to the box.
Remove 1 Stash token from this card for each Stash token previously
spent. At the end of each round, remove a Stash token. If the Police
have not caught the Driver before all Stash tokens have been removed
from this card, the Driver wins.
Getaway Driver was designed by Jeff Beck with development by Waitress
Games. Illustrations by Ryan Goldsberry. Iconography by Andrew Colin
Beck. Rulebook editing by Travis D. Hill and dozens of fantastic backers.
Special thanks to Edgar Wright for the inspiration, and an even bigger
thanks to our amazing backers, playtesters, families, and wives for
supporting us through this process. Please drive responsibly.
Copyright © 2019
Uproarious Games.