Loesche Overview EN PDF
Loesche Overview EN PDF
Loesche Overview EN PDF
Loesche Technology –
a Success Story
In 1927 Ernst Curt Loesche patented the world‘s Loesche also introduced this technology in the
first spring-loaded air-swept mill developed by ore industry and for grinding of steel slag.
him in Teltow near Berlin. And so began the
unprecedented career of the Loesche roller grind- A defined product particle size distribution can-
ing mill. not be achieved without classification. Loesche
developed highly efficient classifiers in tandem
It all started with the grinding of coal at the Kling- with grinding technology.
enberg power station in Berlin, the first coal-dust-
fired power station in Europe. For optimum combined drying and grinding
results Loesche‘s very own patented hot-gas
The technological and energy benefits of this new generators have been around for decades. These
type of mill were so outstanding that the technol- generators have steel combustion chambers, no
ogy was very quickly carried over into other fields refractory material, are energy-saving and ahead
of application. of their time. They are known throughout the
world as LOMA® heaters.
Today in the cement industry conventional grind-
ing technology for raw meal, coal, cement and
granulated blast furnace slag can be substituted
entirely by vertical air-swept mills – thanks to
Loesche Product Line
– the right mill size for every throughput
Product rates for cement raw material of 1400 t/h Loesche is the only mill supplier to have devel-
and mill drive ratings exceeding 10 000 kW are oped in-house hot-gas generator technology for
managed as flawlessly as 2 t/h at 110 kW. burning:
• solid fuels
Naturally we also supply suitable associated • low calorific value gases
machines for units to all mill sizes for example • conventional liquid and gaseous fuels –
classifiers for finenesses > 7000 Blaine or d50 < a significant advantage for an optimum com-
5 μm, and hot-gas generators ranging from bined drying and grinding process.
300 kW to 60 MW.
The delivery of turn-key grinding plants is as much
Loesche mills are supplied today for a multitude a part of our programme as the technological
of applications. They are adapted to the commi- advice we offer in respect of energy-efficiency and
nution requirements of the respective material environmental protection.
Loesche automation technology completes our
We supply: product line.
• Mills for cement raw meal
• Mills for cement and granulated blast We build complete grinding plants.
furnace slag
• Mills for solid fuels
• Mills for industrial minerals
• Mills for ores and steel slag
• Mobile grinding plants for solid fuels
• Mobile grinding plants for ores and slag
Mills for Cement Raw Meal
– from pure limestone to superfine clay
Mills for Cement and
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
– new roller concept, highest fineness
Mills for Solid Fuels
– it all began with coal
The world‘s first spring-loaded air-swept mill pat- Important features here are:
ented by Loesche in 1927, already demonstrated • no metallic contact between the grinding parts,
all the essential features of modern vertical air- even when the mill is empty; thus no sparking
swept mills. This first mill incorporated an inte- • individual guidance of the grinding rollers
grated dynamic classifier. The first shock-resistant ensures low-vibration mill operation even in the
pressure mill came onto the market in 1965, in partial-load range down to 20 %
response to tightened safety requirements. In • the hydropneumatic counter pressure system
1980 Loesche patented the modular mill con- makes it possible to grind a multitude of
struction, enabling identical components to be different fuels – both hard and soft
used in different mills. In 2008 the 800th coal mill • mill design with 2, 3, 4 or 6 rollers for fuel
was sold. With the world‘s first self-inert coal throughputs up to 350 t/h
grinding plant in a German steelworks, Loesche
played a significant role in the introduction of PCI Loesche‘s development of self-inerting grinding
technology (Pulverised Coal Injection) – to this plants in the mid-1970s provided the crucial
day we are the market leader in this field. foundations for the safety concepts associated
with the grinding of solid fuels.
Keep it solid and simple – Loesche builds safe and
reliable roller grinding mills and coal grinding
plants in accordance with this motto.
Mills for Industrial Minerals
- complete or partly complete delivery to the construction site
Mills for Ores and
Steel Slags
– the variety of ores requires high technical variability
Classifier, integrated in the Mill
- efficiency of separation, fineness, particle size distribution
The Loesche vertical mill is characterised by the The new LDC Series (Loesche-Dynamic-Classi-
fact that several processes – comminution, dry- fier) is optimally matched to the Loesche mills.
ing and classifying – can be implemented in a Upper housings with a rectangular horizontal
single machine. Since the birth of the Loesche outlet and a round sloping outlet are available.
mill back in 1927 we have devoted ourselves just
as much to classifying as we have to the grinding Using the patented swirl rectifier brings about a
process. This is because only highly efficient more homogeneous dust and gas distribution in
classifying delivers the desired product quality. the filter.
In addition to the operating parameters of the Here it‘s all about fineness.
classifier itself – such as separation efficiency or
pressure loss – the materials to be classified also
play a role.
Mobile Grinding Plants
- perfectly natural to us
In the technological field we cannot dispense To introduce new processing technologies in the
completely with the use of fossil fuels. We must ore industry – in this case a dry processing
however, depending on resources, turn to coal in method – Loesche also developed a transpor-
order not to destroy the declining supplies of table, fully-equipped container-based grinding
purer energy sources such as oil and gas. plant (OGP Ore Grinding Plant). This plant is
designed in such a way that it can be transported
In response to this finding Loesche developed a to practically any geographical and climatic
mobile coal grinding plant (CGP Coal Grinding region in the world where mining operations are
Plant) which produces 2–4 t/h coal dust for a conducted.
thermal output of approximately 5–20 MW. The
newly developed container-construction plant Loesche‘s purpose with this plant is to enable
provides for the local supply of thermal pro- ores to be immediately ground directly on site in
cesses and can be used at any site. an ore processing plant without intermediate
transportation so as to prevent potential changes
This plant type fills the gap in the supply of coal to the grinding stock. The material behaviour in
dust in that it eliminates long transportation the downstream processes can be analysed
routes in special vehicles. The use of coal instead immediately.
of gas and oil that is made possible by this plant
reduces operating costs dramatically. The customer is able to evaluate process variants
realistically and to determine economically in
the short term the influences on the production
of valuable substances in his plant.
Hot-gas Generator with
Steel Combustion Chamber
- a milestone
For the combined drying and grinding process a Increased energy awareness and the scarcity of
heat source is required to dry the grinding stock pure energy sources gave rise to a high demand
– this is usually a hot-gas generator. At the begin- for energy-efficient processes and the call for the
ning of the 1960s Loesche built the first com- use of alternative fuels.
bustion chamber with no refractory lining. This
signalled the start of a success story. The basis for the development of new hot-gas
generator systems by Loesche was on the one
Loesche was and is the only mill manufacturer hand gaseous industrial by-products such as
that can supply all the equipment in-house, i.e. blast furnace gas, coke gas, synthesis gas, etc.
the mill with its own hot-gas generator. and on the other hand the increased use of all
manner of solid fuels – from wood dust, through
The Loesche combustion chamber, known to pulverised lignite and pulverised hard coal, as
around the world by the name LOMA heater well as petroleum coke.
(LOchMAntel = German for perforated jacket),
initiated the age of steel combustion chambers We recognise the signs of the times – energy effi-
with no refractory linings and is the prototype of ciency and ecological awareness.
all these combustion chambers which are used
today worldwide for all kinds of thermal pro-
Our burner systems
– ready for all fuels for outputs from 0.1 MW to 60 MW
Loesche burners are used in a variety of industries This burner system represents the state of the art
for drying, heating, temperature control, power in engineering since the beginning of the 1990s.
and steam generation.
Even in the early days the advantages of the
Output ranges from 0.1 to 60 MW are reached Loesche steel combustion chamber were already
through a large number of applications and being exploited in the burning of solid fuels. In
optimised fuel burners. Loesche engineers advise the 1980s the wood industry played a pioneering
clients on a project-specific basis on whether role in the utilisation of industrial solid fuels.
gaseous, solid, liquid or powdered fuel offer Thanks to continuous further development pulve-
optimum energy efficiency and fuel costs. More rised lignite and pulverised hard coal can also be
than 600 reference plants have been erected efficiently burned today.
worldwide in the cement, power generation, steel,
minerals, ore, timber, animal feed and chemical In order to conduct combustion testing of solid
industry already. fuels from all kinds of sources Loesche built a
1 MW hot-gas test plant which is connected
At the beginning of the 1990s Loesche engineers online to a Loesche coal mill.
succeeded in combining the Loesche steel com-
bustion chamber with a new type of burner to cre- This plant enables Loesche to determine the com-
ate a new hot-gas generator system. This marked bustion parameters for any solid fuel under real
the birth of the multiple lance burner, or MLB for conditions.
short. This burner enables lean gases with heating
values down to a minimum of 2800 kJ/m³ (STP)
to be burned with great efficiency without the
need for combustion assistance.
Automation Technology
– regulates and controls the heart of the machine
Research and Development
– the basis for innovative engineering
One of the first steps in developing and launch- Depending on the geological origins of the grind-
ing new technologies involves practical testing at ing stock in nature one finds highly differing
the technical centre. properties even in evidently similar materials.
For our research and development projects we In industrial products differences in material are
have four test grinding plants for a variety of common and depend on the respective process
purposes: situation.
• Trials of new grinding technologies and
classifiers Analysis possibilities:
• Testing of client specific raw materials • Particle size analysis with Cilas laser granulo-
• Analysis of grinding stock for future market meter
segments • Determination of mass-related surface area
• Optimisation of plant components and according to Blaine
circuits • Determination of true density with gas
• Testing of new grinding stock for future market pycnometer
segments • Sieve analyses with Alpine air-jet sieve and
• Analysis and testing of new wear materials and Retsch vibratory sieve
concepts • Grindability according to Hardgrove
• Development of hot-gas generator plants for • Grindability according to Zeisel
burning solid fuels and lean gases • Microscopy with Zeiss Stemi SV 11
• Drying chambers for determining moisture
For grinding tests within the framework of pro- • Coal analysis (Cfix, volatile constituents,
jects or for special customer requests we operate ash content).
at the Loesche test centre LM 3.6 type grinding
plants for all kinds of applications and tasks. Materials:
• Coal
The most important key figures for a grinding • Cement, granulated slag
stock are the Loesche grindability and the specific • Cement raw meal
power demand, as related to a defined product • Ores and slag
fineness. • Industrial minerals
• Biomass.
Technology – Innovations
– we never rest on our laurels
The advantages:
• Annual fuel cost savings of between 10% and
• The additional investment in the optimised heat
recovery/heat utilisation system has a pay-back
of 1 and 2 years
Recovering metals and producing filler from Recycling of oil-contaminated scale
steelworks slag
The scarcity of resources is increasingly forcing Oil-contaminated scale is one of the most difficult
engineers to tap industrial by-products as materials to recycle and is created during the hot
“sources of raw materials”. By developing new forming of steel. The iron content of the dewatered
processes Loesche addresses both the challenges scale lies between 65% and 70%.
of environmental technology and the economic
constraints of conserving resources in the form The patented process developed by Loesche exhibits
of its “recovery philosophy”. the following attributes:
The dry reduction process developed by Loesche · The oil-contaminated scale is added in a specific
for recovering metals from slag combines all the relationship to the raw coal at its storage point.
advantages of conventional processes:
· The coal and scale mixture is transported to the
• Efficient and cost-effective metal recovery in bunker.
the coarse range
• Virtually 100% metal yield down to the finest · The drying and grinding process creates an optimal
grain range by means of optimised dry grind- homogenising and comminution of both compo-
ing, classification and finest grain sorting nents.
• Production of a high-quality mineral filler · The pulverised coal and scale mixture is fed via the
product with precisely definable grain distribu- dosing unit and the injectors into the blast furnace.
· This process of drying and grinding the coal-scale
The process is particularly suitable for mixture can be planned into the erection of new
• slag from the production of stainless steels PCI plants as well as being retrospectively fitted to
• LD slag, and existing plants. This process requires no extra,
• metallurgically modified slag expensive equipment.
Loesche GmbH People’s Republic of China Spain
Hansaallee 243 Loesche Mills (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Loesche Latinoamericana S.A.U.
40549 Düsseldorf No. 568, Jinhong Road Condesa de Venadito 1, Planta 4
Tel. +49 - 211 - 53 53 - 0 (near No. 555, Chunhe Road) 28027 Madrid, Spain
Fax +49 - 211 - 53 53 - 500 Baoshan District, Tel. +34 - 91 - 458 99 80
Email: loesche@loesche.de 201901 Shanghai, P. R. China Fax +34 - 91 - 457 10 17
www.loesche.com Tel. +86 - 21 - 5180 6100 Email: loesche@loesche.es
Fax +86 - 21 - 5180 6101 www.loesche.es
Email: info@loesche.cn
Brazil United Arab Emirates
Loesche Equipamentos Ltda. Loesche Mills (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Loesche Middle East FZE
Rua México 119 sl. 1908 5 Dongzhimen South Street P.O. Box 262 622
20031-145 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Room 817-818, CYTS Plaza Jebel Ali, Dubai, U.A.E.
Tel. +55 - 21 - 22 40 79 00 Dongcheng District, Tel. +971 - 4 - 886 59 11
Fax +55 - 21 - 22 20 94 40 100007 Beijing, P. R. China Fax +971 - 4 - 886 59 22
Email: loesche@terra.com.br Tel. +86 - 10 - 5815 6205 Email: info@loesche.ae
Fax +86 - 10 - 5815 6220
Germany Email: info@loesche.cn United Kingdom
Loesche Automatisierungstechnik GmbH Loesche Energy Systems Ltd.
Zum Pier 52 Russia 2, Horsham Gates
44536 Lünen OOO Loesche North Street
Tel. +49 - 231 - 98 70 10 Berezhkovskaya Naberezhnaya 16a/2 Horsham, RH135PJ, United Kingdom
Fax +49 - 231 - 98 70 10 - 20 P.O. Box 97, 121059 Moscow Tel. +44 - 1403 - 223 101
E-mail: info@loesche-automation.de Russian Federation Fax +44 - 1403 - 223 102
www.loesche-automation.de Tel. +7 - 495 - 988 50 81 Email: loesche@loesche.co.uk
Fax +7 - 495 - 988 60 86
Loesche ThermoProzess GmbH Email: info@loesche.ru USA
Küppersbuschstraße 2 www.loesche.ru Loesche America, Inc.
45883 Gelsenkirchen 20170 Pines Boulevard, Suite 301
Tel. +49 - 209 - 401 - 0 Socialist Republic of Vietnam Pembroke Pines
Fax +49 - 209 - 401 - 520 Loesche GmbH Viet Nam Florida 33029, USA
E-mail: info@loesche-tp.de Representative office Tel. +1 - 954 - 602 14 24
www.kueppersbusch.cc 60 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Str. Fax +1 - 954 - 602 14 23
www.loesche-tp.de Dakao Ward, Dist. 1 Email: webmaster@loescheamerica.com
HCM - Ho-Chi-Minh City, www.loescheamerica.com
India Tel. +84 - 8 - 39 10 45 62
Loesche India Pvt. Ltd. Fax +84 - 8 - 39 10 45 26
D - 83, Sector - 2 E-Mail: mai.lam@loesche.vn
Noida - 201301
U.P., India South Africa
Tel. +91 - 120 - 40 18 500 Loesche South Africa (Pty.) Ltd.
+91 - 120 - 24 44 205 - 207 55 Empire Road, Empire Park, Block C
Fax +91 - 120 - 40 18 590 - 91 2193 Parktown, South Africa
+91 - 120 - 24 43 327 Tel. +27 - 11 - 482 29 33
Email: loesche@loescheindia.com Fax +27 - 11 - 482 29 40
www.loescheindia.com Email: loesche4@global.co.za
Detailed information about the Loesche
products outlined in brief here can be ob-
tained from the product-specific brochures
available at www.loesche.com