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Videocon ORIGIN

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Summer Internship Project on


Submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of

Business Administration (2016-2018)


Under Corporate Guide – SUBMITTED BY-

Mr. Vany Balu Rahul
HR Manager MBA (HR & Marketing)

Submitted To – Reg No. 11605660

Dr. Ashutosh Gupta Roll No. D132-B34

Project Contents:

i. List of figures & diagrams

1 Introduction of the study

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background

1.3 Scope

2 Literature Review
3 Job Part
4 Company Profile
5 Research Methodology
6 Data Analysis & Data Interpretation
7 Findings
8 Conclusion
9 Limitations Of Study
12Daily Diary

This project has been a great learning experience for me & I would like to express my
sincere gratitude to all the people who guide me through the project and without the
valuable guidance and suggestions of these people this project would not have been
completely successful. . I took the opportunity to do my internship in a Multinational
company. It is the third largest picture tube manufacturer in the world “VIDEOCON”.

I owe enormous intellectual debt towards my Industry Mentor Mr. VANY BALU, HR
Manager, VIDEOCON, & Faculty Mentor MR. ASHUTOSH GUPTA Asst. Professor,
DAV University, Jalandhar for their continuous support & cooperation throughout
my project without which the present work would not have been possible.

I also want to give special thanks to MRS. PRIYANKA MARWAHA (HR OPPS)
for permitting me to do the summer training, sharing valuable experience and
suggestions regarding preparation of project report.

I would like to thank all the respondents whom I interacted during my project & all the

employees for their cooperation without this I may not able to complete it successfully.
Executive Summary

The Human Resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or

failure of an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein.

Without positive and creative contributions from people, organizations cannot progress and

prosper. In order to achieve the goals or the activities of an organization, therefore, they need

to recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience. While doing so, they

have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind.

Recruitment is defined as, “a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the

requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that

manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce.”

In order to attract people for the jobs, the organization must communicate
the position in such a way that job seekers respond. To be cost effective, the
recruitment process should attract qualified applicants and provide enough
information for unqualified persons to self-select themselves out
Internship details

1. Name of the student - Rahul

2. Registration number of the student - 11605660

3. Class/section of the student s- D-132

4. Phone/mobile number of the student - 8894667157

5. Name of the Interning organization - Videocon

6. Address of the Interning organization – B – 71, Phase – VII,

Industrial Focal Point, Mohali - 160055

7. Date of joining (start of internship) - (15/JUNE/2017 )

8. Topic of Internship report - Recruitment and Selection

9. Location where internship is being done - Mohali, Punjab

10. Responsibilities/ work given by organization – HR Executive

(Recruitment and Selection)

Of the
Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize
employee strength in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. In
short, Recruitment and Selection is the process of sourcing, screening, shortlisting
and selecting the right candidates for the filling the required vacant positions.

Recruitment is the process of attracting the most suitable people for the position,
selection is the process of choosing the best person for the position, and induction
is introducing the person to the position. This module describes a series of well-
tested steps to help you identify the right person, to ensure he or she will fit well
with your farm business, and to meet the various legal obligations of an employer.

Background of Study

There is no doubt that the world of work is rapidly changing. As part of an organization
then, HRM must be equipped to deal with the effects of the changing world of work. For
them this means understanding the implications of globalization, technology changes,
workforce diversity. Changing skill requirements, continuous improvement initiatives
contingent workforce, decentralized work sites and employee involvement are the issue
for confront. Now it is a big challenge for the HRM to support the organization by
providing the best personnel for the suitable position in shortest possible time. Start
with recognizing the vacancies and planning for them is a great task. Moreover selecting
attracting the suitable candidates and selecting the best person in time is a challenge.

The cost of the recruitment is significant. So, proper planning and formulate those plan
is the task that require more focus and improvement. Equal opportunity and sourcing is
also a vital part. Realizing this need we tried to find the difference and similarities
between theoretical aspects with the practical steps taken by the company. We took an
attempt to demonstrate the feature for the further improvement.
Objectives of the study
To know overall about the Company of VIDEOCON. The objective of my study is to
understand and critically analyze the recruitment and selection procedures at VIDECON.

i. To understand the process of recruitment

ii. To know the sources of recruitment at various levels and various jobs
iii. To critically analyze the functioning of recruitment procedures
iv. To identify the probable area of improvement to make recruitment
procedure more effective

Scope of study
The benefits of the study for the researcher is that it helped to gain
knowledge and experience and also provided the opportunity to study and
understand the prevalent recruitment and selection procedures.

The key points of my research study are:

i. To study the fact about the VIDEOCON as a Group.

ii. To analyses the recruitment policy of the organization.
iii. To Understand and analyze various HR factors including recruitment procedure at

iv. To suggest any measures/recommendations for the improvement of
the recruitment procedures
v. It extends to the whole Organization. It covers corporate office, sites
and works appointments all over India.
vi. It covers workers, Clerical Staff, Officers, Jr. Management, Middle
Management and Senior Management cadres.
Recruitment Process
1. Client need assessment
Define objectives and specifications

Understand client's business and culture

Understand the job/position specifications

Understand roles and responsibilities of the prospective
candidate Develop a search plan and review with the client
2. Candidate Identification
Identify target sources
Extensive organization mapping, research & database search of the
profile Provide status report to client about the available talent pool

3. Candidate assessment and Presentation

Screen and evaluate candidates
Personal Interviews with Candidates wherever possible - assess skills,
interest level and cultural fit
Discuss the shortlist with the client and send resumes
4. Candidate interview, selection & Presentation of Offer
Facilitate interviews with the
client Obtain feedback
Participate in decision making process
Provide inputs on candidate's desired compensation
5. Closure & Follow up
Negotiate offer acceptance
Execute Reference check, Compensation & Job Level Discussions
Coordinate Joining Formalities and on boarding as per predefined

date Closing review to understand client's level of satisfaction.

Telephonic Interview Questions:

Tell me about yourself?
Tell me about your job profile?
How much current CTC, you’re getting in current organization?

How much you’re expecting form new organization?

How the notice period you required if you are selected?

Why did you want to resign from your previous job?


History of Human Resource Management

The History of Human Resource Management is the strategic and coherent approach to the

management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who

individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.

The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely

replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in

managing people in organizations. Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human

resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the

theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce.

Human resource management has it roots in the late and early 1900's. When there are less

labor then there are more working with machinery. The scientific management movement

began. This movement was started by Frederick Taylor when he wrote about it a book titled

‘The Principles of Scientific Management’. The book stated, "The principal object of

management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the

maximum prosperity for each employee.” Taylor believed that the management should use

the techniques used by scientist to research and test work skills to improve the efficiency of

the workforce. Also around the same time came the industrial welfare movement. This was

usually a voluntary effort by employers to improve the conditions in their factories. The effort

also extended into the employee’s life outside of the work place. The employer would try to

provide assistance to employees to purchase a home, medical care, or assistance for

education. The human relations movement is the major influence of the modern human

resource management. The movement focused on how employees group behavior and how

employee feelings. This movement was influenced by the Hawthorne Studies.

Functional area of HRM

• Human resource auditing
• Human resource strategic planning
• Human resource planning
• Manpower panning
• Recruitment / selection
• Induction
• Orientation
• Training
• Management development
• Compensation development
• Performance appraisals
• Performance management
• Career planning / development
• Coaching
• Counseling’s
• Staff amenities planning
• Event management
• Succession planning
• Talent management
• Safety management
• Staff communication
• Reward

In sourcing:

Companies recruit the candidates and, employ them, train and develop them and

utilize the human resources of these candidates. This strategy is called In-sourcing.

Companies formulate and implement this strategy when the corporate strategy is stable.

Out sourcing:

Some service companies depend for their human resources on such external organization

whose core business is to provide human resources. This strategy is called Out-sourcing. Out-

sourcing strategy is more suitable for both the fast growing and diversifying companies.

To search for talent globally and not just within the company.
To design entry pay that competes on quality but not on quantum.

To anticipate and final people for positions that do not exists yet.

Selection process is a decision making process. This step consists a number of activities.

Employee selection is the process of putting right men on the right job.

Recruitment and selection in Videocon:

Recruitment techniques are the means or media by which the management
contacts prospective employees or provides necessary information or
exchange of ideas order to stimulate them to apply for jobs.
1. Direct method:
Under direct recruitment scouting, employees contacts, and waiting lists are
used. In scouting, representatives of the organisation are sent to educational
and training institutions. These travelling recruiters exchange information with
students, clarify their doubts, simulate them to apply for jobs conduct campus
interviews and short list candidates for further screening.

2. Indirect method:
Advertisement in newspaper, journals, on the radio and television are
used to publicise vacancies.
3. Third party method:
Various agencies can be used to recruit personnel. Public employment
exchanges, management consulting firms, professional societies, temporary
help societies, trade unions, labour contractors are the main agencies.
4. Internet recruitment:
Various job sites are now available on the internet. The organisation can create
profile on such sites so that various resumes of applicants can be viewed and
matched with the requirements of the job and as much as applicants can be
called because almost 25% of net users in India search for jobs through internet.


I am working there as an intern so I don’t have to handle any core responsibilities. I only
look after the supporting work, like: ID Card Activation, Written exam Coordination,
Calling Interview for Selected Participants, Coordinating Interviews, Coordinate and help
new employees to complete joining procedures, taking written exam etc and main work
is updating the files of existing employees, creates new employees files.

ID card Activations: To activate ID card, it’s necessary to take relevant

information from employees. Like Name, Designation, Division, Signature,
Picture etc. And then the complete forms send to the particular department.

Update old files: Before all employees files based on paper, which creates lots of
problems to maintain because it need lot of space, paper, cabinet to keep, spend time to
search and main problem was it has risk to lost. So now we convert it from paper based
to computer based. And also search those papers which are missing and add these .

Creates New Files: At a time more than one people can join in an organization and all of
them have different files which creates by us. Lots of papers we have to accumulate with
new files like joining forms, disclosures forms, declaration forms, gratuity forms,
Conflict of Interest, Medical reports, Pre-employment medical test, CV with Certificates,
Job Advertisement, Manpower Requisition forms, CV shortening criteria, Tabulation

Sheets (1st interview, written test), Approval note, Appointment Letter etc.
Written exam Coordination: Coordinate written exam in exam period like
guard the candidates in the time of exam. I any candidates eels any kind of
problem then solve it by conducting with the respective officer.

• HR Division is very alert for selecting candidates and also the process is very
transparent so that they can choose the best candidates among applicants.
• In this process there is no nepotism so there are higher possibilities to
be selected without having any back up.
• When they search for any experienced people they give more concentration on
Previous experienced, Educational background, length of services etc so that
they can select the most suitable experienced people.
• When they select entry level candidates than they concentrate more on
pro-activeness, creativeness, ideas which related with the post.
• VIDEOCON has CV bank. At the time of Selection process they collect
CV form the bank and give chinch to them.
• In the time of calling the candidates for interview or written exam, if the
candidates missed then the officers try hard to inform them.
• HR selects candidates from a pull of application so that they can choose
most suitable candidates.

But also the process has some problems like the space for written exam is very small, so

accommodation of all candidates is tough. And the difference between calling candidates and

taking interview is very short so sometimes it creates problems to contact with candidates.

Working environment is very good in VIDEOCON. They are very friendly to help each other.

Any one feels pleasure to work with VIDEOCON group. If they take corrective decision

beginning of starting a work then many mistakes can be solved. For example: there are many

rooms are available if tow of room is converting into a written exam room or then no

problem will be arise. If we consider two or three problems then the functioning
process are very good.


The story begins with the idea in the mind of a graduate boy who was
very agile and passionate about his ideas and have believe in them. He
initiated with sugar mill and ended with an MNC named Videocon India’s
no. 1 brand in Consumer electronics and Home appliances by almost 50
million people across the world.

The boy named was Shri Nandlal Madhavlal Dhoot, the founder of the Videocon Group
Background of VIDEOCON
Videocon Industries Limited, formerly named Videocon Leasing & Industrial Finance
Limited,is a global operating Indian conglomerate. The company was found in 1979 by
Nandlal Madhavlal Dhoot. With a mission: “To delight and deliver beyond expectation
through in genius strategy, intrepid entrepreneurship, improved technology, innovative
products, insightful marketing and inspired thinking about the future”, after three
decades of development, it is now a top consumer electronics and home appliances
brand in India and the third largest CPT manufacturer in the world (The Economist,
2007). The company is under control of the Dhoot family whom possesses over 70% of
the company’s ownership. Mr.Nandlal Madhavlal Dhoot initiated his sons into the
company. One of his sons, Mr. Venugoapl Dhoot, the Chairman and Managing Director of
Videocon, and another son Mr. Pradip kumar Dhoot, the company’s Whole-Time Director.
The Dhoot family has involved actively in managing Videocon’s business. In the 1980s,
along with the cooperation with Japanese corporation Toshiba, Nandlal launched ‘India’s
first world-class color’ TVs: Videocon. Today, the company is one of the most well-
known household brands in domestic market, and is listed at Bombay Stock Exchange
Limited and National Stock Exchange Limited of India Limited.

Milestones of Videocon Industries Ltd

1985- Manufacture of color TVs

1987- Manufacture of washing machines
1989-1990 Manufacture of home entertainment systems, electronic
motors, and air conditioners
1991- Manufacture of refrigerators
1995- Manufacture glass shells for CRT
1996- Manufacture kitchen appliances; crude oil
exploration 2000- Philips color TV plants takeover
2005- Thomson acquisition; Electrolux India
plants takeover 2008- Merger of groups of brands
2009- Telecom Venture
(Source: Videocon Industries Ltd)
Business Profile of Videocon

Videocon has four key operation sectors: customer electronics, home appliance and
compressor; display industry and its components; CPTs glass; oil & gas.

Manufacturer & Exporter of Conventional Colour TV and LCD TV Receiver Sets, D2h
Set Top Box, VCD/MP3 Players, Air Coolers, Music Systems, Air conditioners, Home
Theaters like Refrigerators, Automatic & Semi-Automatic Washing Machines, Dish
Washers, Microwave Ovens, Mixer, Grinders and Water Purifier like TV, DVD/MP3 &
Audio Components, Glass Shells for Colour Picture Tubes, Populated PCBs,
Tunners, Monitors for Computer, Compressors and other Electronic Assemblies and
Sub-Assemblies like Digital Diaries, Kiddy PC, Data Projector, Power Inverter, Digital
MP3 Player and Palm Top like ISP, Content and Web Solutions. Crude Oil Extraction
50000 Barrels per Day. 1050MW Power Generation. Videocon LCD TV, Videocon Air
Conditioners, Videocon Refrigerators, Videocon Washing Machine.
Type and Ownership Pattern

Consumer Electronics, Home Appliances &

Compressor manufacturing in India

Videocon enjoys a pre-eminent position in terms of sales and customer satisfaction in

many of our consumer products like Color Televisions, Washing Machines, Air
Conditioners, Refrigerators, Microwave ovens and many other home appliances, selling
them through a Multi-Brand strategy with the largest sales and service network in India.
Refrigerator manufacturing is further supported by our in-house compressor
manufacturing technology in Bangalore. Videocon has the largest distributed
manufacturing base across India – 12 facilities. It has the Capacity to manufacture 4
million CTVs, 2.5 lacs washing machines, 1 mn. DVD players, 4.8 mn refrigerators.
Videocon d2h

Videocon d2h is an Indian Pay TV company, providing Direct Broadcast Television service -

including satellite television, audio programming, and interactive television services—to

commercial and residential customers in India. It uses H.264 or MPEG-4 Part 10, Advanced

Video Coding (MPEG-4 AVC) with DVB S2 digital compression technology, transmitting using

ST-2 satellite. Videocon d2h has 11.86 million subscribers as of March 2016.

11 November 2016, the Board of Directors of Videocon d2h and Dish TV agreed to an all-
stock merger of their DTH operations. The merger will create the largest DTH provider in
India with a total valuation of ₹17,000 crore (US$2.6 billion). The merged entity will be
called Dish TV Videocon Limited. Dish TV will hold a 55.4% stake in the merged entity,
while Videocon d2h will own the remaining shares. The two companies combined would
have 27.6 million subscribers out of the estimated 175 million Indian households that
own a television. The deal is subject to regulatory approvals, which will take a minimum
of 8 month. The merger has been successfully completed and effective Oct'17 Dish Tv
and Videocon d2h are officially one. However, the operations still run under their
respective brand names. The operational and infrastructure costs are expected to be
leveraged with collaborative use of the existing infrastructure of individual companies.
Apart from the leveraged costs, now both the brands can effectively handle the existing
subscriber base and address the rapidly growing Indian DTH market.

Connect Broadband
Connect Broadband, the brand name for Quadrant Televentures Limited, is an Indian

broadband and fixed line service provider. Established in year 2000 and a subsidiary

Videocon Group, the company provides broadband services over 3 technologies namely

optical fiber, copper and wireless broadband. Connect Broadband credited for pioneering

broadband services in Punjab, is predominantly active in Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula.

Display industry audit components

With the Thomson acquisition Videocon has emerged as one of the largest
Color Picture tube manufacturers in the world operating in Mexico, Italy,
Poland and China, continuing to lead through new innovative technologies
like slim CPT, extra slim CPT and High Definition 16:9 format CPT.
Color Picture Tube Glass
Videocon is one of the largest CPT Glass manufacturers in the world with a high
level of experience and technical expertise operating through Poland and India.
Videocon will leverage on this synergy after the Thomson acquisition to internally
source glass for its CPT manufacturing increasing efficiencies and lowering costs.

Oil and Gas

An important asset for the group is its Ravva oil field with one of the lowest
operating costs in the world producing 50,000 barrels of oil per day. The
group has ambitious plans for expansion in this sector globally.

Logo Logic
This is the new Videocon symbol. It reiterates the ethos of a company dedicated to
maintaining the highest international standards of excellence through quality,
technology and innovation. For over a decade now, has been bringing the latest and
very best in Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances. Successfully adapting the
best of international technology to suit Indian Videocon needs, and crafting it to
improve the quality of life – as millions of satisfied customers will agree.
Logo of Videocon

The new symbol of Videocon asserts its passion for global impact, and the two ‘E’s on
either side represent the Group’s wide spectrum of interests ranging from ‘Electronics to
Energy’. Along with the steely glint, this communicates the group's global ambition, its
strength, sterling credentials and innovative drive. A symbol that proclaims a paradigm
shift. A sign that represents the new force that is Videocon. Thus, recapitulating our
principle of reaching out and touching the lives of millions of people Worldwide.
Ownership Pattern
Number of shares
Sr. Number of Total number As a % of
Category of shareholder held in de As a % of (A+B)
No shareholders of shares (A+B+C)
materialized form

(A) Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group

(1) Indian

(a) Individuals/ Hindu 13 1619838 1292950 0.87 0.73

Undivided Family

(b) Bodies Corporate 44 153823583 152711452 82.6 69.57

Sub-Total 57 155443421 154004402 83.47 70.3


(2) Foreign

(a) Individuals (Non- Resident 0 0 0 0 0

Individuals/ Foreign

(b) Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 0 0

(c) Institutions 0 0 0 0 0

(d) Any Other (specify) 0 0 0 0 0

Sub-Total 0 0 0 0 0

Total Shareholding of 57 155443421 154004402 83.47 70.3

Promoter and Promoter
Group (A)=

(B) Public shareholding

(1) Institutions

(a) Mutual Funds / UTI 21 36571 35228 0.02 0.02

(b) Financial Institutions/ 36 304403 291166 0.16 0.14


(c) Insurance Companies 5 5600352 5599752 3.01 2.53

(a) Bodies Corporate 1927 5516620 4962476 2.96 2.5

(b) Individuals

(i) Individual Shareholders holding nominal share capital up to 342862 4685290 2998613 2.52 2.12
Rs. 1 lakh

(ii) Individual Shareholders holding nominal share capital in 19 1171618 1171618 0.63 0.53
excess of Rs. 1 lakh

(c) Any Other (specify) 0 0 0 0 0

Sub-Total(B)(2) 344808 11373528 9132707 6.11 5.15

Total Public Shareholding (B)= (B) 344965 30782417 27765220 16.53 13.93

TOTAL(A)+(B) 345022 186225838 181769622 100 84.23

(C) Shares held by Custodians and against which Depository 2 34867863 34862403 0 15.77
Receipts have been issued

GRAND TOTAL 345024 221093701 216632025 100 100


(d) Foreign Institutional 95 13467563 12706367 7.23 6.09


Sub-Total 157 19408889 18632513 10.42 8.78


(2) Non-institutions
Organizational structure of Videocon

Production structure

Cost cutting – Videocon was better positioned to shift the activities to low-cost locations
and also it could integrate the operations with the glass panel facility in India with the
CPT manufacturing facilities acquired from Thomson S.A. Videocon wanted to leverage
its position in the existing parts of the business and this acquisition would give it a
strong negotiation position and could reduce impact of glass pricing volatility. Videocon
could also reduce the costs by upgrading and improving the existing production lines.
Vertical Integration – The acquisition helped Videocon in vertically integrating its
existing glass-shell business where it had been enjoying substantially high
margins.[8] Videocon’s glass division had the largest glass shell plant in a single
location. This gave the company an unrivalled advantage in terms of economies of
scale and a leadership position in the glass shell industry. The acquisition also gave
Videocon a ready-market for its glass business and it was part of Videocon’s long-
term strategy to have a global vertically-integrated manufacturing facility.
Rationalization of Product Profile – Videocon modified its product profile to cater to the
changing market needs like moving away from very large size picture tubes to smaller
ones. Apart from the overall strategy Videocon also had a plan on the technological
front. It wanted to improve the setup for the production line and line speed post-merger.
Its focus was to increase sales while reducing the costs and thereby improving the
productivity of the existing line. The company also wanted to foray in a big way into LCD
panels back-end assembly. On the sales front the company wanted to leverage on the
existing clients of Thomson and build relation as a preferred supplier to maximize sales.
Also, Videocon could benefit from OEM CTV business with the help of Videocon’s CTV
division, invest for new models and introduction of new technologies.
Videocon has not been able to turn the plant around in Italy still. However it is getting
support from the local governments (which want to prevent job cuts) in form of grants.
The government is in fact trying to set up a Greenfield venture in form of a LCD
manufacturing facility in partnership with Videocon. The banks are also supporting
Videocon and with help from all these quarters Videocon expects to turn around the
plant in Italy.[13] The Thomson plant has not turned around in Mexico as well and in fact
production has been reduced over there. In Poland, the situation is more promising and
Videocon hopes that plant over there will get in black in the very near future.[14]
However the surprise has been in the Chinese market .Despite facing a highly
competitive market Videocon has managed to turn a plant around while the other is on
its way. In China Videocon is adopting a different strategy for manufacturing CTVs as the
local players dominate the market .It plans to supply these players by taking advantage
of low-cost nature of mainland(the number targeted by it about 6 million CPT,s)

Multi-brand strategy
Videocon International was the first Indian company to adopt the strategy of multi-

brands. Apart from its mid-priced brand Videocon, the company now hawks Toshiba,

a premium brand, and the low-priced brands Akai and Sansui. The multi branding

technology paid off as Videocon managed to hold on to a combined market share of

around 19.6 percent, with LG at 25.9 percent and Samsung at around 13.8 percent.

Overall, the shift in the power to trade is probably one of the defining developments. It

is important since the TV companies themselves have taken it seriously and

embarked on crafting longer-term strategies to accommodate this development. The

effectiveness of their strategy and the responses of the other players promise to

deliver a few more years of enterprising developments in the Indian TV market.

Backward Integration
Videocon integrated backwards by getting into manufacture of components
such as electron guns, metal parts and deflection yokes for CTVs and
compressors, and electric motors and plastic components for households
appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators and Air conditioners. The
group integrated further to get in to manufacture of glass panels and funnels,
the key components for the manufacture of color picture tubes.
“Videocon enjoys a unique synergy in the global CTV business from glass to
CRT (Cathode Ray tubes) to CTVs. - (From Sand to CTV). Together with other
components for households appliances. This high degree of backward
integration bestows upon the company a unique benefit over competition.
Board of Directors

Name Age Since Current Position

Venugopal Dhoot 64 2005 Executive Chairman of the Board, Managing Director

Sunil Jain 48 2010 Senior Vice President

Mandar Joshi 2017 Compliance Officer, Company Secretary

Shekhar Jyoti 52 Vice President

Abhijit Kotnis 46 2011 Vice President

Arun Pal 42 2013 Vice President

Chandramani Singh 46 2011 Vice President

Sarita Surve 2017 Additional Director

Bhopinder Chopra 81 2016 Independent Director

Subhash Dayama 2016 Additional Independent Director

Radheyshyam Agarwal 73 2009 Non-Executive Independent Director


Name Description

Venugopal Dhoot Shri. Venugopal N. Dhoot is Executive Chairman of the Board,

Managing Director of Videocon Industries Ltd. He He is an
industrialist. He has experience spanning over four decades in
diversified fields such as consumer electronics and home
appliances, oil and gas and power. He was the President of the
Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India and
Electronic Industries Association of Marathwada. Presently, he is a
Member of Advisory Committee of Pune University of Information
Employment and Guidance and Advisor to the Government of
Orissa for industrial development of Orissa.

Sunil Jain Mr. Sunil Kumar Jain is an Senior Vice President of Videocon
Industries Limited, since 01, April 2010. He holds M.Com.,
ICWAI, C.S. He has 20 years of experience. He served on Bharat
Business Channel Limited.

Mandar Joshi

Shekhar Jyoti Mr. Shekhar Jyoti is an Vice President of Videocon Industries

Limited. Mr. Shekhar holds B.Com., M.B.A with specialization in
Marketing & HR, joined as a Management Trainee in 1986. He has
headed HR, Customer Service, Sales, Marketing & Administration
functions with Videocon Group. He has won several accolades like
CETMA (Consumer Electronics and Television Manufacturers'

Abhijit Kotnis Mr. Abhijit Kotnis is an Vice President of Videocon Industries Ltd.
He holds B.E. (Electronics). He has 23 years of experience. He
served on VDC Technologies SpA., Anagni., Italy.

Arun Pal
Chandramani Singh Mr. Chandramani Singh is Vice President of Videocon
Industries Ltd. He holds M.A., PGDBM. He has 15 years
of experience. He served on Arron Engineering.

Sarita Surve

Bhopinder Chopra

Subhash Dayama

Radheyshyam Agarwal Mr. Radheyshyam Dalchand Agarwal is Non-Executive

Independent Director of Videocon Industries Ltd. He carries
with him vast experience in the Technical fields. Amongst
other positions, he has served as Executive Director of IDBI
for 3 years in his total service of 28 years with IDBI.

VIDEOCON on Bombay Stock Exchange

11 Aug 2017
Change (% chg)

Rs-0.95 (-4.88%)
Prev Close

Day's High

Day's Low
Avg. Vol
52-wk High

52-wk Low

RESEARCH is a ‘careful investigation or inquiry especially through search
for new facts in any branch of knowledge’.


The project is a systematic presentation consisting of the enunciated

problem, formulated hypothesis, collected facts of data, analyzed facts and
proposed conclusions in form of recommendations.
The data has been collected from both the sources primary and secondary sources.
The research done by

Exploratory Research
This kind of research has the primary objective of development of
insights into the problem. It studies the main area where the problem lies and
also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of action.

Sample Design
A complete interaction and enumeration of all the employees of VIDECON
was not possible so a sample was chosen that consisted of 25 employees

The data for the survey will be conducted from both the Primaries as
well as secondary sources.
Primary Data
Primary data was collected using interviews technique the survey data will
collect by using questionnaire. The primary data collection for his purpose is
supposed to be done by judgment sampling conversation sampling. The
questionnaire has been formatted with both open and close structure questions.

Secondary Data
Data was collected from web sites, going through the records of the organisation, etc.

It is the data which has been collected by individual or someone else for
the purpose of other than those of our particular research study.
A research design is the specification of methods and procedure for
acquiring the information needed to structure or to solve problems. It is the
overall operation pattern or framework of the project that stipulates what
information is to be collected from which source and be what procedures.

“A research design is the arrangement of the condition for collection and

analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research
purpose with economy in procedure”

Design Decision happen.

1 What is study about?

2 What is study being made?
3 Where will the study be carried out?
4 What type of data is required?
5 Where can the required data be found?
6 What will be the sample design?
7 Technique of data collection.
8 How will data be analysed?

Data Analysis
Data Interpretation
A questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of getting feedback from employees and

manager regarding “Recruitment & Selection” of their Company. 20 employees are selected

from different department and were distributing questionnaire from the purpose of the study.

Analysis of data
The analysis of the data is done as per the survey finding. The percentage of
the people opinion were analyzed and expressed in the form of chart and
have been placed in the next few pages’
Question 1: The hiring process helps in identifying the competence both visible (like
Knowledge, Skill) and Hidden aspects (like behavioral, social role, Self Image, Trait)?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 18 2 20
Percentage 90 10 100%

90% of respondents thinks that hiring process helps in identifying the

competence both visible (like Knowledge, Skill) and Hidden aspects (like
behavioral, social role, Self Image, Trait).

Question 2: E-Recruitment (like portals, social websites) have become must

to survive in the competitive market?
Options Yes NO Total
Responses 17 3 20
Percentage 85 15 100%

85% respondents thinks that e-recruitment have become must to survive

in the competitive market.

Question 3: Is there any provision recruitment of summer trainees?

Options Yes No Total

Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%

Yes there are 100% provisions of recruitment of the summer trainees.

Question 4: Is there any contract (bond) signed by employees while joining the organization?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 18 2 20
Percentage 90 10 100%
90% employees are made to sign bond by employees before joining the
organization. Question 5: Employer branding plays key role in more
successful recruitment and retention of top talent?

Options Yes No Total

Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%

100% respondents think that employer branding plays key role in

more successful recruitment and retention of top talent

Question 6: Do you give special treatment to employees in order to give

them comfortable work environment?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 16 4 20
Percentage 80 20 100%
80% of respondents think that employees are given special treatment in
order to give them comfortable work environment.

Question 7: Corporate Social Responsibility can lead to attraction of

employees towards the company?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%

Corporate Social Responsibility can lead to attraction of employees towards the company.

Question 8: Does the developmental activity helps the management in identifying,

analyzing, forecasting and planning changes needed in company’s HR area?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%
100% employees think that developmental activity helps the management in identifying,

analyzing, forecasting and planning changes needed in company’s HR area.

Question 9: What is the attrition rate in the organization?

Options 1%-5% 5% - 10% 10% - 15% 15% - 20% Total

Responses 4 13 3 0 20
Percentage 20 65 15 0 100%

There is 65% attrition rate in the organization.

Question 10: Rank the following reasons for attribution rate.

A) Good working environment

B) Good compensation and bonus structure
C) Quality of workforce
D) All of the above
Options A B C D Total
Responses 0 0 18 2 20
Percentage 0 0 90 10 100%

90% employees think Quality of workforce is major reason of attrition.

Question 11: In Selection Process, do you think innovative techniques (likes

stress level test, psychometrics test) should be adopted?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 18 2 20
Percentage 90 10 100%

90% employees think innovative techniques (likes stress level test,

psychometrics test) should be adopted.
Question 12: Is internal hiring helps in motivating the employees?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%

100% employees think that internal hiring motivates the employees to be more productive.

Question 13: Is there any facility for absorbing the trainees in your organization?
Options Yes NO Total
Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%

Yes there is a facility for absorbing the trainees in our organizations.

Question 14: Do you have any system to calculate cost per recruitment?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 18 2 20
Percentage 90 10 100%
Yes there is a system to calculate cost per recruitment.

Question 15: Is there any provision for evaluation and control of recruitment process?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%

Yes there are provision for evaluation and control of recruitment process.

Question 16: You feel Branding of the organization contribute to the

effective recruitment and selection Process because of,

A) Good working environment

B) Good compensation and bonus structure
C) Quality of workforce
D) All of the above

Options A B C D Total
Responses 3 0 0 17 20
Percentage 15 0 0 85 100%
Branding of the organization contribute to the effective recruitment and
selection Process because of good working environment , good
compensation and bonus structure and quality of workforce.

Question 17: Does the organization provide any educational assistant?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 13 7 20
Percentage 65 35 100%

Yes 65% respondents think organization provides educational assistant.

Question 18: In case if the contract which was sign by the employee at the
time of the joining then, if company will take any legal action?
Options Yes NO Total
Responses 16 4 20
Percentage 80 20 100%

80% of employees think that in case if the contract which was sign by the
employee at the time of the joining then company will take any legal action.

Question 19: Is there is any cases which can be exceptional from the contract?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 16 4 20
Percentage 80 20 100%

Yes there are cases which can be exceptional from the contract.

Question 20: Should a company provide a Cab or Bus facility to its

employees for 24/7 hours for better relationship with their employees?
Options Yes NO Total
Responses 17 3 20
Percentage 85 15 100%

Yes company provide a Cab or Bus facility to its employees for 24/7
hours for better relationship with their employees
After the data analysis and interpretation the findings are:

According to the Survey, Recruitment differs from company to

company for each category.

According to the Survey, the company do utilize internet sites for

the recruitment process and for finding the talent candidate

According to survey it is observed that the company are utilizing the

job description in order to make screening process more efficient

The recruitment and selection process is decentralized


Recruitment as being one of the major topic is required by most of the Organization.
Hence the study helped in understanding the various aspects of recruitment and
selection process. In the VIDECON the sources of Recruitment is effective, the internal
Selection of the organization also in an economical means which also reduce costs, only
after looking the efficiency of the existing employee towards the company and his
sincerity that employee will be selected, in VIDEOCON the effective Selection process is
adopted in the last 7 years. It can be retained as such. Also the employee of VIDEOCON
are satisfied with the Recruitment and Selection Process. Also they are well aware about
the various sources and methods of Recruitment and Selection.
Limitations of the study

The employees were busy with their daily schedule and it was very
much difficult for them to give time.
Time and money was also an important constraint
1. K Ashwathapa, (1997) Human Resource and personnel Management,

2. David A. DeCenzo, Fundamental of Human Resource Management

3. Research Methodology,

1. India today
2. Business
world Newspapers:
1. Times of India
2. The Hindustan times
3. The economic times.
1. Annual report of VIDEOCON 2015-2016
2. Annual report of VIDEOCON 2016-2017.
1. www.videocon.com
2. www.en.wikipedia.org
3. www.scribd.com
Questionnaire Recruitment & Selection Process

Name –

Company’s name – B-71, Phase-VII, Industrial Focal Point, Mohali-160055

Department –

Designation – Date- 18 /08/2017

Question 1: The hiring process helps in identifying the competence both visible (like
Knowledge, Skill) and Hidden aspects (like behavioral, social role, Self Image, Trait)?

Yes No

Question 2: E-Recruitment (like portals, social websites) have become must to survive
in the competitive market?

Yes No

Question 3: Is there any provision recruitment of summer trainees?

Yes No

Question 4: Is there any contract (bond) signed by employees while joining the organization?

Yes No

Question 5: Employer branding plays key role in more successful recruitment and retention of top talent?

Yes No

Question 6: Do you give special treatment to employees in order to give them comfortable work environment?

Yes No

Question 7: Corporate Social Responsibility can lead to attraction of employees towards the company?
Yes No

Question 8: Does the developmental activity helps the management in identifying,

analyzing, forecasting and planning changes needed in company’s HR area?

Yes No

Question 9: What is the attrition rate in the organization?

A) 1% - 5%
B) 5% - 10%
C) 10% - 20%
D) 20% to Above

Question 10: Rank the following reasons for attribution rate.

A) Insufficient Salary Package

B) Because other colleagues leave
C) Higher studies and other personal reasons
D) Distance issue

Question 11: In Selection Process, do you think innovative techniques (likes stress level
test, psychometrics test) should b adopted?

Yes No

Question 12: Is internal hiring helps in motivating the employees?

Yes No

Question 13: Is there any facility for absorbing the trainees in your organization?
Yes No

Question 14: Do you have any system to calculate cost per recruitment?

Yes No

Question 15: Is there any provision for evaluation and control of recruitment process?
Yes No
Question 16: You feel Branding of the organization contribute to the effective recruitment and
selection Process because of,

A) Good working environment

B) Good compensation and bonus structure
C) Quality of workforce
D) All of the above

Question 17: Does the organization provide any educational assistant?

Yes No

Question 18: In case if the contract which was sign by the employee at the time of the
joining then, if company will take any legal action?

Yes No

Question 19: Is there is any cases which can be exceptional from to contract?

Yes No

Question 20: Should a company provide a Cab or Bus facility to its employees for
24/7 hours for better relationship with their employees?

Yes No
Daily Diary
Date Day Details of Works Done Learning Of the Day
15/06/2017 Thursday Interaction Interaction with All
16 Friday to Observation Observing the interviews
to19/06/2017 Monday session & other sessions
20/06/2017 Tuesday Written Exam Coordinating the written
21/06/2017 Wednesday Yoga Day Organized this session For
health tips.
22 to Thursday Updating Updating the old files on
26/06/2017 to Monday excel
27 to Tue to Group Discussion Coordinating the GD
01/07/2017 Saturday sessions
03 to Monday to Interviews Coordinating the interviews
07/07/2017 Friday
08/07/2017 Saturday Attending Workshop Learn about team building
& how work together.
10 to Monday to Campus Recruitment Know about the campus
13/07/2017 Thursday recruitment
14 to Thursday Calling Calling to candidates who
15/07/2017 to Saturday shortlisted for next round
17/07/2017 Monday Blood camp How Organizing the Blood
donation camp
18 to Tuesday to Employee engagement How engage the employee.
19/07/2017 Wednesday
20 to Thursday Interviews Coordinating the interviews
22/07/2017 to Saturday
24 to Monday to ID card activation How to Active the ID card
26/07/2017 Wednesday
27 to Thursday Joining Help the candidate to fill
29/07/2017 to Saturday the form of joining
31/07/2017 Monday Exit Interview Know & observe–
01 to Monday to Project work Working on project work &
05/08/2017 Saturday other office activity
06/08/2017 Sunday Organizing Friendship Day How celebrate in corporate
07/08/2017 Monday Rakshabandhan Organizing & Competition
08 to Tuesday to Questionnaire Distribution Analysis of questionnaire
12/08/2017 Saturday data
14/08/2017 Monday Interviews & GD & Written Coordinating all the session
15/08/2017 Tuesday Independence day Participating & Organizing

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