Experimental and Numerical Study On Coupled Motion Responses of A Floating Crane Vessel and A Lifted Subsea Manifold in Deep Water
Experimental and Numerical Study On Coupled Motion Responses of A Floating Crane Vessel and A Lifted Subsea Manifold in Deep Water
Experimental and Numerical Study On Coupled Motion Responses of A Floating Crane Vessel and A Lifted Subsea Manifold in Deep Water
Publishing Services by Elsevier
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16
The floating crane vessel in waves gives rise to the motion of the lifted object which is connected to the hoisting wire. The dynamic tension
induced by the lifted object also affects the motion responses of the floating crane vessel in return. In this study, coupled motion responses of a
floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea manifold during deep-water installation operations were investigated by both experiments and numerical
calculations. A series of model tests for the deep-water lifting operation were performed at Ocean Engineering Basin of KRISO. For the model
test, the vessel with a crane control system and a typical subsea manifold were examined. To validate the experimental results, a frequency-
domain motion analysis method is applied. The coupled motion equations of the crane vessel and the lifted object are solved in the fre-
quency domain with an additional linear stiffness matrix due to the hoisting wire. The hydrodynamic coefficients of the lifted object, which is a
significant factor to affect the coupled dynamics, are estimated based on the perforation value of the structure and the CFD results. The dis-
cussions were made on three main points. First, the motion characteristics of the lifted object as well as the crane vessel were studied by
comparing the calculation results. Second, the dynamic tension of the hoisting wire were evaluated under the various wave conditions. Final
discussion was made on the effect of passive heave compensator on the motion and tension responses.
Copyright © 2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Society of Naval Architects of Korea. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Keywords: Coupled motion; Crane vessel; Subsea manifold; Model test; Lifting operation
2092-6782/Copyright © 2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Society of Naval Architects of Korea. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
2 B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16
period of the hoisting system can be getting longer up to the They discussed the technical challenges to install the rigid
operational wave period. In this case, the resonant vertical pipeline with PLET, jumper and flying leads. Nam et al.
motions of the lifted object and the large dynamic tension of (2013) developed a time-domain analysis program for
the hoisting wire can occur during the lowering operation. floating crane vessel systems. They investigated the effect of
Final phase is touching down on sea bed and retrieval, which is heave compensator during lowering operation of subsea
landing stage. Horizontal offset and motions of the lifted ob- equipment.
ject, which are mainly affected by the low-frequency hori- Only a few model tests related to subsea installation or
zontal motions of the vessel as well as ocean current, can be floating crane can be found in literature survey. Clauss et al.
important considerations related to the accurate positioning of (2000) showed an experimental study of the nonlinear dy-
the subsea equipment. Appropriate weather conditions should namics of floating cranes. Fujarra et al. (2008) carried out a
be screened before the real-sea operation. seres of simplified model test in order to dimensioning the
During the deepwater lowering or lifting operation, a heave launching cables and to define the limit environmental con-
compensation system can be employed to mitigate the vertical ditions for the subsea installation. Nam et al. (2015) performed
resonant motion of the lifted equipment and reduce the dy- an experimental study on deepwater crane installation of
namic loads in the hoisting wire system. Three types of heave subsea equipment in waves. They carried out a model test for
compensators have been used in deep water lifts: Passive, deepwater lowering and lifting operation of subsea equipment
active and combined heave compensators. A Passive Heave under both regular and irregular wave conditions. They also
Compensator (PHC) is a kind of spring-damper systems which discussed the effect of passive heave compensator on the
shift resonant frequency of vertical motion of hoisting wire deepwater lowering operation of a manifold. To overcome the
system. The passive heave compensator is also designed to limitation of water depth in basin, new experimental technique
reduce impacts on offshore cranes by adding damping in the using truncated hoisting system was introduced.
hoisting wire. An Active Heave Compensator (AHC) uses In this study, coupled motion responses of a floating crane
either controlled winches or hydraulic pistons, and reference vessel and a lifted subsea manifold during deep-water instal-
signals. The active heave compensation systems generally use lation operations were investigated. A series of model tests for
information from vessel Motion Reference Unit (MRU) to the deepwater lifting operation were performed at Ocean En-
control payout length of winch line. gineering Basin of KRISO. To validate the experimental re-
Regarding the real-sea deepwater installation operation of sults, a frequency-domain motion analysis was carried out.
subsea equipment, dynamic analysis method is widely used in Under various irregular wave conditions, the motion responses
design stage to predict the motion responses of the subsea of the vessel as well as the lifted object were examined. The
equipment and determine the capacity of the installation dynamic tension of the hoisting wire were also evaluated
equipment and the weather windows. For example, Galgoul under the different wave period conditions. Discussion is made
et al. (2001) described the analyses and all the problems on the effect of passive heave compensator on the motion and
encountered during the installation project of a PETROBRAS tension responses.
manifold in a 1860 m water depth, at the Roncador field in the
Campos Basin, offshore Rio de Janeiro. They also pointed out 2. Model test
the axial resonance can be a major concern as the installation
depths increase to 3,000 m. Kimiaei et al. (2009) presented a 2.1. Experimental models
simplified numerical model for the accurate estimation of
hydrodynamic forces on subsea platforms and compared the A floating crane vessel named ‘HD2500’, which has been
results of the DNV guidelines. They carried out a series of used in real-sea installation project by Hyundai Heavy In-
sensitivity analyses using DNV guideline and OrcaFlex dustry (HHI), was selected in this model test. The main di-
models. Vries et al. (2011) described the monitoring campaign mensions of the crane vessel are 130 m(L)*36 m(B)
on a typical example of a deep water lowering operation. They *10.5 m(D). The displacement of the vessel is about 15,000
suggested the monitoring results about the subsea behavior of ton. Fig. 1 shows the image and experimental model for the
two suction piles during the installation operation in 2700 m crane vessel. The scale ratio of the model is 1:50 and the
water depth using a support vessel. They also compared the scaled vessel model was made of wood. The crane vessel is
monitoring results with numerical models used for dynamic equipped with dynamic positioning system for the deepwater
analysis and concluded that dynamic analysis methods can be operations. Four azimuth thrusters are located at each corner
applicable to prediction of the motion and load for subsea of the vessel. The GM value and roll natural period were
structure in deepwater installation operation. Legras and Wang adjusted by inclining and free-decay tests. The pitch gyration
(2011) suggested a new method to determine criteria for was measured with a swing table test. There is a single crane
lowering operations based on real time monitoring of the system with maximum capacity 2500 ton on the deck of the
vessel motion and time-domain simulation. They also vessel.
described the application of the method on an installation Among various types of subsea equipment, a typical subsea
vessel for lowering operations in West Africa. Wang et al. manifold was considered in this model test. Fig. 2 shows CAD
(2011) carried out pipeline installation analysis and jumper image and experimental model of the manifold. The present
lowering analysis by using the commercial software OrcaFlex. manifold has complex geometry, which consists of complex
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16 3
Fig. 1. Image (left) and experimental model (right) for the floating crane vessel.
Fig. 3. CAD model (left) and experimental model of the crane system.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
4 B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16
Fig. 4. Crane control motor (left) and tension measurement system (right).
Fig. 5. Photo (left) and schematic diagram (right) of passive heave compensator.
spring can be used to investigate the fundamental effect of of the vessel and the lifted manifold were examined under
passive heave compensator. In this study, passive heave various irregular wave conditions. Fig. 6 shows white noise
compensator is modeled as a linear spring, while damper is not and irregular wave spectra which have been used in the present
considered. model test. Irregular wave conditions are summarized in Table
2. The wave spectra used in this study are ITTC spectra. The
2.3. Experimental conditions and measurement significant wave height is fixed as 1.0 m because the instal-
lation operation is normally performed under the mild ocean
First, a white noise test was carried out to evaluate the environment when the significant wave height is less than
motion and tension RAOs. Then the coupled motion responses 1.0 m or 1.5 m. The wave periods range from 4.0 s to 14.0 s.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16 5
Table 2 MV þ AV ðuÞ 063 B ðuÞ 063
u2 iu V
Irregular wave conditions. 036 MS þ AS 036 Bvis
Wave ID Spectrum Tz (sec) Tp (sec) Hs (m) hydro
xV CV þ Cwire Cwire
IRW01 ITTC 4.000 5.620 1.000 þ V VS V
xS Cwire
SV Cwire
S xS
IRW02 ITTC 6.000 8.429 1.000
IRW03 ITTC 8.000 11.239 1.000 FV ðuÞ
IRW04 ITTC 10.000 14.049 1.000 ¼
IRW05 ITTC 12.000 16.859 1.000
IRW06 ITTC 14.000 19.669 1.000 ð1Þ
Where, MV and MS are the inertia matrix of the vessel and
the lifted structure, respectively. AV ðuÞ and Bpot V ðuÞ are the
The wave periods longer than 10 s are less meaningful for added-mass matrix and potential damping matrix of the vessel,
normal installation sites. However, for some specific installa- which are basically functions of the motion frequency. These
tion areas, the swell conditions of long wave periods can be added-mass and potential damping coefficients of the surface
critical for the installation operations. In addition, we want to vessel can be easily evaluated by applying conventional wave
evaluate PHC performance under wide-range period Green function method with boundary element method. In this
conditions. study, higher-order boundary element method is applied to
In order to measure the motion of the lifted subsea equip- obtain the added-mass and damping coefficients of the vessel.
ment in water, a underwater jig and two cameras were intro- AS and Bvis S are the added-mass matrix and the viscous
duced in this model test, shown in Fig. 7. The underwater jig damping matrix of the lifted structure. If the lifting location is
was installed in the pit at water depth of 700 m. A black ball deep enough, the added-mass of the lifted structure can be
maker is attached to the subsea equipment in order to capture assumed to be constant and potential damping is negligible. In
the motion of the lifted object by applying image processing. this case, additional damping due to the viscous drag force
Fig. 8 shows the typical motion trajectories of the lifted becomes significant compared to the potential damping. In this
manifold extracted from the recorded experimental movie. study, linearized viscous damping is considered. Chydro V is the
hydrodynamic restoring matrix. Cwire V , C wire
S , C wire
VS , C wire
SV are
3. Numerical analysis the linear spring matrix due to the crane wire, which connects
the vessel and the lifted structure.
3.1. Equation of motion
3.2. Hydrodynamic coefficient of the manifold
In this study, it is assumed that the crane vessel experience
6-dof motions and the lifted object is subjected to only 3-dof The motion response of the lifted object in water are quite
translation motions. Total coupled motion equations can be dependent on the hydrodynamic forces which can be decom-
expressed like followings; posed into added-mass and hydrodynamic damping forces.
Fig. 7. Underwater jig (left), camera (middle) and image processing results (right).
Fig. 8. Motion trajectories of the lifted subsea manifold under the irregular wave conditions (water depth ¼ 700 m).
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
6 B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16 7
Fig. 11. CFD simulation results of the streamlines and pressure contour around the manifold in uniform flow.
Fig. 13. Photos for deep-water lifting experiments with a floating crane vessel and a subsea manifold.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
8 B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16
Fig. 14. Motion RAOs of the crane vessel during the lifting operation of the subsea manifold.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16 9
Fig. 16. Motion RMS values of the installation vessel during lifting the subsea equipment.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
10 B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16
Fig. 18. Heave responses spectra of the crane tip and lifted subsea equipment during the deep-water lifting operation in irregular waves.
Fig. 19. Heave time series of the manifold during the deep-water lifting operation in irregular waves (Manifold, water depth ¼ 700 m).
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16 11
Fig. 20. Comparison of heave responses spectra of the lifted manifold in irregular waves.
Fig. 22 shows estimated heave motion responses of the 4.3. Dynamic tension of hoisting wire
lifted subsea manifold under various wave height conditions.
As the wave period is getting longer, the heave motion re- The dynamic tension of the hoisting wire is determined by
sponses of the lifted manifold increase. If the wave period is relative heave motion between the crane tip and the lifted
enough long, heave SDA (Significant Double Amplitude) object. Thus, the dynamic tension RAOs of the hoisting wire
value is similar to the significant wave height of the incident are largely affected by the motion response of the lifted object.
wave spectrum. This means that the motion response of the Fig. 23 compares the tension RAOs between the experiments
lifted object is similar to the incident wave elevations as the from the white noise test and calculation results. Similar to the
wave period is getting longer. heave motion RAOs of the lifted manifold, the tension RAOs
also shows three peak responses. The maximum dynamic
tension is about 18 tonf which is correspond to 12% of the
Fig. 21. Comparison of the wave-frequency heave RMS values of the lifted Fig. 22. Estimated heave motion responses of the lifted subsea manifold under
subsea equipment under the irregular wave conditions. various wave height conditions.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
12 B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16
Fig. 24. Tension RAOs of the hoisting wire during the lifting operations.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16 13
Fig. 25. Time series of the dynamic tension of the hoisting wires during the lifting operation under the irregular wave conditions (water depth ¼ 700 m).
Fig. 30 shows the effect of the passive heave compensator Fig. 31(a) compares the heave RMS values of the manifold
by showing the direct comparison of the heave time series of and dynamic tension responses of the hoisting wire under five
the manifold and the dynamic tensions of the hoisting wires different irregular wave conditions from the model tests. As
under three different irregular wave conditions. Relatively, can be seen, the heave compensation effect is not clearly
heave compensation effect is not clearly observed for all wave observed. If the wave period is longer than 10.0 s, the passive
conditions. Whereas, the dynamic tension of the hoisting wires heave compensator causes the increase of the heave motion of
are significantly reduced if the wave period is less than 10.0 s. the manifold. This is because the shift of the resonance by the
Fig. 26. Dynamic tension spectra of the hoisting wire in irregular waves.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
14 B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16
5. Conclusions
Fig. 27. Comparison of tension responses of the hoisting wire under the
irregular wave conditions (water depth ¼ 700 m). An experimental and numerical study was conducted for
investigating deepwater crane installation operation of the
Fig. 28. Effect of the passive heave compensator on heave RAOs of the manifold.
Fig. 29. Effect of the passive heave compensator on dynamic tension RAOs of the hoisting wire.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16 15
Fig. 30. Comparison of the manifold heaves and the wire tensions in irregular waves due to the passive heave compensator.
Fig. 31. Comparison of heave RMS of the manifold and dynamic tension RMS of the hoisting wire due to the passive heave compensator under five different
irregular wave conditions.
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002
16 B.W. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering xx (2017) 1e16
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Strategy Technology Development Programs from the Korea OTC-21209.
Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (No. 10038598,
Please cite this article in press as: Nam, B.W., et al., Experimental and numerical study on coupled motion responses of a floating crane vessel and a lifted subsea
manifold in deep water, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2017.01.002