UGCalendar18 19
UGCalendar18 19
UGCalendar18 19
University Mailing Addresses
Web Address
Concordia’s vision is to rank among Canada’s top five comprehensive universities within the next
decade, and to be a first choice for students and faculty locally, across Canada, and internationally
in a wide variety of defined areas of research and study.
Concordia’s core values stem from those long prized by its founding institutions. Concordia has
adopted the motto of the city of Montreal, Concordia salus, which speaks to well-being through
harmony. The union of two very different institutions of higher education has led to an exceptionally
successful synthesis of compatible and timely values.
Concordia values the curiosity and engagement of its faculty, staff, and students. Curiosity about
the world around us, respectful engagement with those who inhabit it, and strong determination
to improve it lead to productive exploration of current understandings, a rich spectrum of creative
activity and practice, and the creation and dissemination of new knowledge.
Concordia values the openness and respect necessary to provide opportunities to a highly diverse
student and faculty population. Diversity at Concordia is interpreted broadly: for example, in addition
to embracing diversity in ethnicity, gender, language, and accessibility, Concordia provides students
with different and original ways of exploring their interests. Enabling faculty, staff and students to
make a progressive impact on their world in ways that respect and engage the uniqueness of each
individual is a hallmark of Concordia.
Quality of Life
Concordia values a secure and respectful learning environment and workplace. Concordia is
committed to promoting a healthy, safe and sustainable campus and to enhancing the quality of
life of the community in which we live.
The Undergraduate Calendar is an official University document.
It defines academic programs and the regulations that pertain to them. The University Senate
reserves the right to modify the academic programs and regulations at its discretion after
the posting date of the Calendar. In addition, the University reserves the right to modify the
posted scale of tuition and other student fees and to limit the number of students who enrol
in any program or course at any time before the beginning of an academic term. Moreover,
the information contained in the Undergraduate Calendar or any other University document
related to academic programs, deadlines, and regulations is subject to verification and
correction by the Office of the Registrar and the School of Graduate Studies.
Not all courses listed in this Calendar are offered this year. Students are advised to consult
the Undergraduate Class Schedule for a timetable of courses offered.
Please note that the Undergraduate Calendar is available solely online and constitutes
the official Undergraduate Calendar of the University. The most recent version of the
Calendar is the only version currently in effect. Students are responsible for ensuring that
graduation requirements are met, in accordance with the requirements set out in the Calendar
corresponding to the year of admission, except for Engineering programs. Students in the
Engineering programs are required to graduate having met the substantial equivalent of the
curriculum in force in the winter term prior to degree conferral. Archived Calendars may be
consulted using the “Archived Calendars” link.
This Calendar is intended to assist readers to understand the academic and administrative
structure and policies and procedures of the University, and to describe the academic
programs offered. The material has been submitted by academic units and administrative
departments. Every effort has been made to ensure that all general information and course
references are accurate as of the date of posting, but these are subject to possible verification
and correction. By the act of registration each student becomes bound by the policies and
regulations of Concordia University, including the Faculty in which the student is registered.
Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the general information, rules and
regulations contained in the Calendar, and with the specific information, rules and regulations
of the Faculty or Faculties in which they are registered or enrolled or seek registration or
enrolment, as well as the specific requirements of each degree or certificate sought. It is the
student’s responsibility to ensure that the courses chosen are appropriate to the program
Concordia University disclaims all responsibility and liability for loss or damage suffered or
incurred by any student or other party as a result of delays in or termination of its services,
courses, or classes by reason of force majeure, including fire, flood, riots, war, strikes,
lock‑outs, damage to University property, financial exigency and/or other events beyond the
reasonable control of the University. Concordia University disclaims any and all liability for
damages arising as a result of errors, interruptions or disruptions to operations or connected
with its operations or its campuses, arising out of computer failure or non‑compliance of its
computing systems.
Section Page
ACADEMIC CALENDAR................................................................................................................ 11 9
ADMISSION REGULATIONS......................................................................................................... 13 21
MATURE ENTRY............................................................................................................................ 14 29
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS....................................................................................................... 19 95
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 3
FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCE.............................................................................................. 31 127
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Liberal Arts College........................................................................................................................ 31.520 400
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 5
Aerospace Engineering.................................................................................................................. 71.55 497
Complementary Studies for Engineering and Computer Science Students................................... 71.110 549
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
About the University
Concordia University is one of the largest urban universities
in Canada. It has two campuses — one in downtown Montreal
(Sir George Williams), the other in a residential setting in the
city’s west end (Loyola).
For more information about the University, its history and its
founding institutions, please see
Gender Neutral
Degree Nomenclature
Students may choose to graduate with degree titles that
are gender neutral and refer to the diplomas themselves
(Baccalaureate, Magisteriate, and Doctorate) or with the
traditional nomenclature (Bachelor, Master, and Doctor).
Academic Calendar
Section 11
The Academic Calendar is subject to change. Updated information will be available from the Birks Student Service Centre. For
dates pertaining to registration and non‑standard summer sessions, please consult the 2018‑19 Term Dates and Deadlines
webpage, the Course Registration webpage or visit the Birks Student
Service Centre. For financial deadlines see
Deadlines falling on weekends* or holidays will be extended to the next working day.
*Except for academic withdrawal deadlines.
MARCH Thursday, March 1 Last day to apply for admission to undergraduate programs —
Full‑time regular session 2018‑19.
Thursday, March 1 Last day to apply for degree transfer — Fall term 2018 (for currently
registered students to transfer into a different degree in any Faculty).
Monday, March 12 Registration start date for students with 0 to 9 credits to completion and for
co‑op students — Regular and summer sessions 2018‑19.
Tuesday, March 13 Registration start date for students with 10 to 21 credits to completion —
Regular and summer sessions 2018‑19.
Wednesday, March 14 Registration start date for students with 22 to 33 credits to completion —
Regular and summer sessions 2018‑19.
Thursday, March 15 Registration start date for students with 34 to 42 credits to completion —
Regular and summer sessions 2018‑19.
Friday, March 16 Registration start date for students with 43 to 54 credits to completion —
Regular and summer sessions 2018‑19.
Monday, March 19 Registration start date for students with 55 to 63 credits to completion —
Regular and summer sessions 2018‑19.
Monday, March 19 Last day for academic withdrawal (DISC) from two‑term and winter‑term
Tuesday, March 20 Registration start date for students with 64 to 72 credits to completion —
Regular and summer sessions 2018‑19.
Wednesday, March 21 Registration start date for students with 73 to 87 credits to completion —
Regular and summer sessions 2018‑19.
Thursday, March 22 Registration start date for students with 88 and more credits to completion
— Regular and summer sessions 2018‑19.
Friday, March 23 Registration start date for Visiting students and for returning and newly
authorized Independent students — Summer session 2018.
APRIL Sunday, April 1 Last day to apply for Quebec resident status for winter term 2018.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Monday, April 9 Last day for instructor‑scheduled tests or examinations.
Monday, April 16 Last day of classes — Fall/winter and winter terms 2017‑18.
Tuesday, April 17 Make‑up day for classes scheduled on March 30 and 31.
Wednesday, April 18 Registration start date for Visiting students and for newly admitted
undergraduate students — Regular session 2018‑19. Students admitted for
September 2018 should register for winter‑term courses at the same time as
fall‑term courses.
Friday, April 27 Aide financière aux études (AFE) end of funding for winter term.
Wednesday, May 2 Classes begin — First‑term and two‑term summer session courses.
Wednesday, May 9 Last day to add first‑term and two‑term summer session courses.
Wednesday, May 9 Deadline for withdrawal with tuition refund (DNE) from first‑term and two‑term
summer session courses.
Thursday, May 10 Last day to apply for DEF (Deferred) or MED (Medical) notation for courses
ending in April 2018.
Tuesday, May 15 Last day to apply for late completion of courses ending in April 2018.
Monday, May 21 Journée nationale des patriotes (Quebec), Victoria Day (elsewhere in
Canada) — University closed.
Wednesday, May 30 Last day for submission of late‑completion work for courses ending in
April 2018 (application deadline May 15).
Wednesday, May 30 Last day for academic withdrawal (DISC) from first‑term summer session
Friday, June 15 Last day to apply for supplemental examinations for courses taken during
the regular session 2017‑18.
Friday, June 15 Last day to apply for re‑evaluation of courses ending in April 2018.
Wednesday, June 27 Classes begin — Second‑term summer session and special three‑ or
six‑week summer session.
Wednesday, July 4 Last day to add second‑term summer session courses and first‑term special
three‑ or six‑week summer session courses.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 11
Wednesday, July 4 Deadline for withdrawal with tuition refund (DNE) from second‑term summer
session and first‑term special three‑ or six‑week summer session courses.
Tuesday, July 10 Last day for academic withdrawal (DISC) from first‑term special three‑week
summer session courses.
Wednesday, July 18 Last day of classes — First‑term special three‑week summer session.
Monday, July 23 Last day for academic withdrawal (DISC) from special six‑week summer
session courses.
Wednesday, July 25 Last day for academic withdrawal (DISC) from second‑term summer session
Thursday, July 26 Last day to register for second‑term special three‑week summer session
Thursday, July 26 Deadline for withdrawal with tuition refund (DNE) from second‑term special
three‑week summer session courses.
Tuesday, July 31 Last day for academic withdrawal (DISC) from second‑term special
three‑week summer session courses.
AUGUST Wednesday, August 1 Last day to apply for Quebec resident status for summer session 2018.
Wednesday, August 1 Registration start date for returning and newly authorized Independent
students — Fall 2018 term.
Wednesday, August 8 Last day of classes — Special six‑week and second‑term special three‑week
summer session courses.
Monday, August 13 Last day of classes — Two‑term and second‑term summer session courses.
Tuesday, August 14 Make‑up day for classes scheduled Monday only during two‑term summer
Wednesday, August 15 Make‑up day for classes scheduled Tuesday only during two‑term summer
Thursday, August 16 Examinations begin — Two‑term and second‑term summer session finals.
Tuesday, August 21 Examinations end — Two‑term and second‑term summer session finals.
Friday, August 31 Last day to apply for DEF (Deferred) or MED (Medical) notation for courses
taken during the summer session 2018.
SEPTEMBER Saturday, September 1 Last day to apply for late completion of courses taken during the summer
session 2018.
Monday, September 10 Registration start date for newly admitted students — Winter 2019 term.
New students admitted for winter 2019 can register any time after admission
and advising criteria have been satisfied.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Saturday, September 15 Last day for submission of late‑completion work for summer session 2018
courses (application deadline September 1).
Sunday, September 16 Last day to apply for supplemental examinations for courses taken during the
summer session 2018.
Monday, September 17 Last day to add fall‑term and two‑term courses.
Monday, September 17 Deadline for withdrawal with tuition refund (DNE) from fall‑term and two‑term
OCTOBER Monday, October 1 Last day to apply for re‑evaluation of courses taken during the summer
session 2018.
Saturday, October 6 Replacement and supplemental examinations — Summer session 2018
Monday, October 8 Thanksgiving Day — University closed (see December 4, 2018).
Thursday, November 1 Last day to apply for degree transfer — Winter term 2019 (for currently
registered students to transfer into the Faculty of Arts and Science or the
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science).
Monday, November 5 Last day for academic withdrawal (DISC) from fall‑term courses.
Monday, November 26 Registration start date for newly authorized Independent students —
Winter 2019 term.
DECEMBER Saturday, December 1 Last day to apply for Quebec resident status for fall term 2018.
Friday, December 21 Aide financière aux études (AFE) end of funding for fall term.
Monday, January 21 Deadline for withdrawal with tuition refund (DNE) from winter‑term courses.
FEBRUARY Friday, February 1 Last day to apply for supplemental examinations for courses ending in
December 2018 (graduating students only).
Friday, February 1 Last day to apply for re‑evaluation of courses ending in December 2018.
Friday, February 1 Last day to apply for late completion of courses ending in December 2018.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 13
Friday, February 15 Last day for submission of late‑completion work for courses ending in
December 2018 (application deadline February 1).
Monday, February 25 Supplemental examinations begin for courses ending in December 2018
(graduating students only)
MARCH Friday, March 1 Last day to apply for admission to undergraduate programs —
Full‑time regular session 2019‑20.
Friday, March 1 Last day to apply for degree transfer — Fall term 2019 (for currently
registered students to transfer into a different degree in any Faculty).
Monday, March 18 Last day for academic withdrawal (DISC) from two‑term and winter‑term
APRIL Monday, April 1 Last day to apply for Quebec resident status for winter term 2019.
Saturday, April 13 Last day of classes — Fall/winter and winter terms 2018‑19.
Tuesday, April 30 Aide financière aux études (AFE) end of funding for winter term.
Friday, May 10 Last day to apply for DEF (Deferred) or MED (Medical) notation for courses
ending in April 2019.
Wednesday, May 15 Last day to apply for late completion of courses ending in April 2019.
Monday, May 20 Journée nationale des patriotes (Quebec), Victoria Day (elsewhere in
Canada) — University closed.
Thursday, May 30 Last day for submission of late‑completion work for courses ending in
April 2019 (application deadline May 15).
Saturday, June 15 Last day to apply for supplemental examinations for courses taken during
the regular session 2018‑19.
Saturday, June 15 Last day to apply for re‑evaluation of courses ending in April 2019.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Administration and Governance
Section 12
Board of Governors
University Secretariat
Me Frederica Jacobs, BCL, LLB
Enza De Cubellis, BA
Me Valérie Gastebled, BCL, LLB
Danielle Tessier, LLB
Marie‑Pierre Aubé
François Langevin
Lisa White
Amy Fish, MHSc
Section 13
University Registrar
Associate Registrar
Director, Admissions
Sir George Williams Campus
J.W. McConnell Building, Room: LB 700
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2668
Fax: 514‑848‑2621
University Website:
Concordia University
Admissions Application Centre
P.O. Box 2900
Montreal, Quebec
H3G 2S2
The Academic Year
The academic year begins with a summer session (May to August) followed by a regular session (September to April). The summer
session includes all courses offered between the beginning of May and the end of August. The regular session is divided into a fall
term (September to December) and a winter term (January to April), each 15 weeks long. Terms include an examination period,
during which any final examination must be held. The Academic Calendar §11 lists precise dates for the beginning and end of
classes and examination periods.
A student may be exempted from a Concordia course based on previous study or a challenge exam. An exemption from a course
has no credit value towards a degree or certificate. Exemptions from required courses may be granted in cases where students
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
have already covered the work at any institution with an appropriate level of performance. Any such courses may be replaced with
courses chosen in consultation with their advisors. Students who complete a course for which an exemption has been granted will
not be permitted to retain the credits unless they have been granted prior approval from the Faculty and/or departmental advisor.
Sequence of Courses
• Prerequisite
Course A is a prerequisite of Course B when “A” must be taken and successfully completed before taking “B.” Students may be
deregistered from a course until its prerequisite course(s) has been successfully completed.
• Co‑requisite
Course A is a co‑requisite of Course B when “A” must be taken in the same academic term as “B,” unless it has already been
successfully completed. Students may be deregistered from Course B if they are not concurrently registered in the co‑requisite
Course A.
Residence Requirement
This refers to the minimum number of credits which must be taken at Concordia University to obtain a degree or certificate
awarded by the University.
Transfer Credits
Transfer credits are credits for courses taken at another institution (or in another Concordia program) which may be transferred
towards a Concordia degree or certificate. Concordia courses transferred from an incomplete degree or certificate program or
from independent studies will have the credits transferred as well as the corresponding grade provided a grade of C‑ or better
has been achieved. Concordia courses transferred from a completed degree or certificate will have the credits transferred but will
not include the corresponding grades. Courses from another institution with a grade of C‑ or better (or equivalent) may have the
credits transferred, if deemed appropriate, but will not include the corresponding grades. Students who repeat a course for which
transfer credits have already been awarded will not be permitted to retain the credits unless they have been granted prior approval
from the Faculty and/or departmental advisor.
Student Type
• Extended Credit Program Students
Students registered in an extended program, normally requiring 30 credits in addition to the regular requirements, designed for
students entering from secondary institutions outside Quebec. (See relevant Faculty section.)
• Independent Students
Students not seeking a degree or certificate.
• Mature Students
Undergraduate students who do not meet regular academic admission requirements and have been admitted on the basis of
their age, experience, and potential.
• Undergraduate Students
Students registered in an undergraduate degree or certificate program, whether on a full‑time or part‑time basis. See §16.1.2
for a definition of full‑time and part‑time study.
• Visiting Students
Undergraduate students from other universities who have written approval from their home university to take courses at
Concordia University, or students currently registered in certain certificate programs sponsored by external associations
(e.g. programs related to the John Molson School of Business).
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 23
To be considered for admission, students must have successfully completed prerequisites of the Concordia degree program
for which they are applying. The specific admission requirements are listed in the Undergraduate Program Guide and on the
Concordia website.
Students admitted to a particular program at the University and who subsequently wish to change to another program may have to
complete specific prerequisites in addition to their regular program requirements.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
attendance at another institution was based exclusively on a letter of prior approval from the Faculty Student Request
Committee, a new application would normally not be required. Students may, however, be eligible for transfer credits for the
work completed during their absence.
• Students who officially withdrew from Concordia University and who wish to return to study must submit a new application.
If they have attended another institution during their absence, they must also make arrangements to have an official transcript
sent to the Office of the Registrar. Transfer credits will be assessed as part of the admissions process.
• Students in the Faculty of Arts and Science who have been absent from their program for nine consecutive terms or more will
be withdrawn from their program and must meet with an academic advisor before reinstatement into the program.
• Students in the John Molson School of Business who have been absent from their program for six consecutive terms or more
will be withdrawn from their program and must meet with an academic advisor before reinstatement into the program.
• Students in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science who have been absent from their program for six consecutive
terms or more will be withdrawn from their program and must submit a new application for admission through the Concordia
• Students in the Faculty of Fine Arts who have been absent from their program for nine consecutive terms or more will be
withdrawn from their program and must meet with an academic advisor before reinstatement into the program.
The respective Faculty assesses all requests for transfer credits. Further detailed information is available in §13.3.3, §16.1.6 and
§16.2.2 of this Calendar.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 25
13.5.2 Deadlines
September is the normal point of entry to full‑time and part‑time studies. Entry in January is limited to certain programs. Students
should refer to the admissions information within the relevant Faculty section, in the Undergraduate Program Guide, or on the
Concordia website.
March 1 and November 1 are the application deadline dates normally set for the fall and winter terms respectively. However,
candidates are encouraged to submit their applications well before the start of term to allow sufficient time for evaluation and
notification. Candidates applying from outside of Canada should submit their applications by February 1 for September entry
and September 1 for January entry.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
13.6.4 Complementary University Credit Certificate Students
The University is no longer accepting students into the Complementary University Credit certificate programs. For more
information, contact the Centre for Continuing Education in §21.
In case of a discrepancy in information provided, the University reserves the right to ask students to provide additional
documentation to verify their legal name.
In addition, the student may fit into one of a number of other approved government categories. Among the categories recognized
by the Government are:
• A student adopted by a person with residency status in Quebec at the time of the adoption;
• A student, one of whose parents resides in Quebec;
• A student who has resided in Quebec for at least 12 months before becoming a full‑time student;
• A student who came to Canada as a permanent resident without a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) but has resided
in Quebec for at least three months without having lived elsewhere for more than three months since landing in Canada;
• A student whose spouse qualifies under these criteria as a Quebec resident.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 27
Students who had Quebec resident status at Concordia in the past may have to renew their Quebec resident status after an
absence of more than one year.
If, upon acceptance to a University program, proof of Quebec residency has not been established, students must apply for Quebec
residency on the student portal at and submit the required documentation by the deadline for the term in question.
Details can be found at Quebec resident status may not be granted
13.8.3 Registration
Complete information regarding registration is available at
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Mature Entry
Section 14
Concordia University has a long history of making education accessible to men and women of all ages and academic backgrounds.
Through Mature Entry, those lacking the regular pre‑university requirements can still earn university degrees and certificates.
The programs listed below have specific prerequisites which will take up some or all of the initial 18 credits.
Community Service (Certificate) AHSC 2303, 2323, 2703; ENGL 2123; 6 credits in the social sciences chosen in consultation
with the program advisor.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Family Life Education (Certificate) AHSC 2203, 2303, 2323; ENGL 2123; 6 credits in the social sciences chosen in consultation
with the program advisor.
Psychology (BA) PSYC 2006; BIOL 2013 or 2023; 3 credits in Mathematics (in preparation for statistics)
chosen in consultation with their departmental advisor.
For those Mature Entry students pursuing a degree in Science, the following courses must be included within their 108‑credit
6 credits in Chemistry: CHEM 2053, 2063
9 credits in Mathematics: MATH 2023, 2033, 2053*
8 credits in Physics: PHYS 2043, 2053, 2241, 2251
Requirements for certificate programs are listed with the program descriptions in §61 of this Calendar.
Mature Entrants to the BEng degree, which requires the completion of a minimum of 120 credits, are also required to complete all
outstanding required prerequisites in addition to their program. Prerequisite courses are as follows:
CHEM 2053
MATH 2033, 2043, 2053
PHYS 2043, 2053
Six credits chosen from courses in the humanities and social sciences. ESL courses and courses that focus on the acquisition
of a language may not be used to meet this requirement. Students should refer to §71.110 when selecting these courses.
NOTE: In all programs, students may need one or more of MATH 2003 and MATH 2013.
NOTE: Some students may require courses in English as a Second Language, as determined by language proficiency testing.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 31
Computer Science
Mature Entry students accepted to the BCompSc must include in their degree program (minimum 108 credits) the following
courses, depending upon their chosen option:
c) All other options (Computer Applications, Computer Games, Information Systems, Mathematics and Statistics, Software
Systems, and Web Services and Applications Options):
MATH 2033, 2043, 2053
and six credits chosen from courses in the Humanities or Social Sciences as noted in Section 71.110 and three elective
credits may be chosen as follows. ESL courses and courses that focus on the acquisition of a language may not be used to
meet this requirement.
• General Education Electives found in Complementary Studies for Engineering and Computer Science Students.
• Basic and Natural Science Courses found in Degree Requirements for the BEng in Software Engineering.
• Courses not included in the above lists may be taken with prior approval of the undergraduate program director.
Depending on the number of free electives in their option, Mature Entry Computer Science students may use up to a maximum of
24 credits of prerequisites (including the above courses) within the 108‑credit program.
A maximum of six credits of prerequisites may be used within the regular 90‑credit program.
NOTE: In all programs, students may need one or more of MATH 2003 and MATH 2013.
NOTE: Some students may require courses in English as a Second Language, as determined by language proficiency testing.
Mature Entry students wishing to pursue degree and certificate programs in the Faculty of Fine Arts must take 18 additional credits
appropriate for entry into their ultimate area of concentration. These credits will be chosen with the approval of the Faculty advisors.
Mature students accepted into the University must inform themselves of the specific requirements of their program and should
meet with their program advisors in the Faculties.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Tuition and Fees
Section 15
The University reserves the right to modify the published scale of tuition and other student fees without prior notice, at
any time before the beginning of an academic term. The Tuition and Fees information and the authoritative document
on tuition and other fees, and the University’s financial regulations, is available on the Concordia University website at
Section 16
University Registrar
Associate Registrar
Director, Admissions
Summer Session:
The summer session includes all courses offered between the beginning of May and the end of August.
Regular Session:
The regular session is divided into a fall term (September – December) and a winter term (January – April). Each term is 15 weeks
long and includes an examination period, during which any final examination must be held. The Academic Calendar §11 lists precise
dates for the beginning and end of classes and examination periods.
A student’s status is determined by the number of credits for which she or he is registered at the close of the tuition refund period,
in the following way:
Full‑Time* Part‑Time
Registration for both fall and winter terms 24 credits or more Fewer than 24 credits
Registration for fall term only 12 credits or more Fewer than 12 credits
Registration for winter term only 12 credits or more Fewer than 12 credits
Registration for the summer session 12 credits Fewer than 12 credits
*NOTE: According to the rules established by the Government of Quebec, students receiving Quebec loans and bursaries must
maintain registration of 12 credits or more each term. For further information, see Financial Aid §18.6.1. For Quebec residency
purposes, full‑time and part‑time are defined on a per‑term basis. Courses with DISC notation are included in the calculation. For
further information, see Proof of Quebec Residency §13.7.
Summer Session
Any student, other than one in the Institute for Co‑operative Education (§24) or the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
(§71), may register for a maximum of 12 credits during the summer session.
16.1.5 Withdrawal
1. The Student’s Responsibilities
It is the student’s responsibility to meet all deadlines and follow all necessary steps to withdraw from a course or courses, or from
the University. Not attending classes or informing an instructor of intent to withdraw does not constitute withdrawal. Instructors
are not required to provide students with any evaluation or feedback of their progress in a course before the withdrawal deadline.
Students who do not properly withdraw before the published deadlines, and who do not complete assigned work, tests or exams,
will receive failing grades.
4. Withdrawal Deadlines
Withdrawal deadlines are published online at
All financial regulations pertaining to course withdrawals, and refunds or financial credit for fees, are available online at:
• > Fee Payment Deadlines
• > My Student Centre > Finances > other financial (drop down menu) > Refund Request
With the following exceptions, students who wish to take courses at other universities for transfer credit (for example, in the
summer) must obtain permission in advance from their Faculty Student Request Committee. Students who study at other
universities should familiarize themselves with Concordia’s Residence Requirements (see §16.2.2).
2. Concordia Student Exchange Program and Internships Abroad: Authorization varies by Faculty. Specifics can be found at
16.1.8 Graduation
Degree and certificate candidates who expect to complete requirements in a particular year must apply to the Office of the Registrar
before July 15 for fall graduation and before January 15 for spring graduation. Students must complete the graduation application
online by accessing the Concordia website: > Student Information System > My Student Centre > Academics >
Apply for Graduation. The graduation fee is payable whether or not a student attends convocation.
} 3.30
} Very Good
} 2.30
} Satisfactory
} 1.30
} Marginal Pass
Just passing courses required to fulfill curriculum requirements is not sufficient to qualify a student to graduate. There is also an
academic performance requirement (grade point average) in most degree and certificate programs. See the pertinent section of
each Faculty’s entry in the Calendar for complete details:
Students admitted into the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science must meet a writing skills requirement. (See §71.20.7.)
1. A student may repeat a failed course only once. Nevertheless, a student who fails a required course twice may appeal to the
appropriate Student Request Committee for permission to take the course a third time. If permission is not granted, the
student may not be allowed to continue in the University towards that program and/or degree.
2. A student who has received a passing grade for a course may repeat the course for personal reasons (e.g. to meet an
external requirement) only once. A student may appeal to the appropriate Student Request Committee for permission to take
the course a third time. The student record and official transcript will include all grades, but grades with the “REPT” notation
will carry no credit value.
3. A student who wants or needs to repeat a course that is prerequisite to other courses must do so before taking any following
course in the sequence.
4. The grade corresponding to the latest attempt of the course will be used for calculating the cumulative grade point average
(CGPA: see §16.3.10 II.b) and the final graduation grade point average (FGGPA: see §16.3.10 II.c).
5. In the case of courses taken more than once in the same assessment period, only the grade corresponding to the latest
attempt of the course will be used in the calculation of the assessment grade point average (AGPA: see §16.3.10 II.a).
6. A grade obtained as the result of a penalty for academic misconduct will remain in the calculation of the AGPA, the CGPA,
and the FGGPA whether or not the course has been repeated.
16.3.4 Administrative Notations “CODE,” “CUC,” “DEF,” “DISC,” “DNE,” “DNW,” “EREM,” “EX,”
“EXTR,” “INC,” “INIT,” “LATE,” “MED,” “PEND,” “PEX,” “PTR,” “REPT,” “RPT,” “SRCR,”
1. “CODE” stands for Academic Code of Conduct Decision, and it is a repetition code that appears only on the student record.
It indicates that the grade obtained as a result of a penalty for academic misconduct is included in the calculation of the
GPAs whether or not the course has been repeated.
2. “CUC” stands for Complementary University Credits and indicates credits earned as part of a Complementary University
Credit certificate or individual study skills courses. These credits are not considered as program credits earned in any other
degree or Faculty certificate program or Independent studies.
3. “DEF” stands for Deferred and indicates that a student has been unable to write a final examination due to unforeseeable
circumstances beyond the student’s control. A “DEF” notation carries no grade point value.
For information on how to apply for “DEF” notations and the regulations that govern them, see §16.3.8 I.
4. “DISC” stands for Discontinued and indicates that a student has properly withdrawn from a course after the end of the
course‑change period. The notation appears permanently on the student record and official transcript. It carries no
grade point value and does not count in assessments of academic standing, but does count towards a student’s status
(i.e. full‑ and part‑time).
5. “DNE” stands for Did Not Enter and is a temporary notation indicating that a student has officially withdrawn from a course
by the deadline for withdrawal with tuition refund. The course and “DNE” notation are subsequently removed from the
student record.
6. “DNW” stands for Did Not Write and indicates that a student has not written the final examination for a course. The notation
is used only in combination with a letter grade (such as “F/DNW,” “B/DNW”).
A student in good standing may write a supplemental examination (if available) in a course with a “DNW” unless the grade is
“R/DNW” or “FNS/DNW.”
For information on how to apply for supplemental examinations and the regulations that govern them, see §16.3.8 III.
7. “EREM” stands for Exemption Received Credit Removed and indicates that the credit earned for this course is not retained
because it is a repetition of a course for which the student has already received exemption.
8. “EX” stands for Exemption and indicates an exemption awarded for a course completed at another institution (no credit value).
9. “EXTR” stands for Extra Credits and indicates that the grade is excluded from the GPA calculation but may be used in a
future program.
10. “INC” stands for Incomplete and indicates that a student has not completed required course work, such as a term paper,
assignment, or laboratory and that the instructor has agreed to accept the work after the due date. The notation is used only
in combination with a letter grade (such as “F/INC,” “C/INC”) and is assigned on the basis that the missing work is weighted
as zero.
When appropriate, “DNW” and “INC” can be used simultaneously (e.g. “F/INC/DNW”).
For information on how to apply to complete courses with an “INC” notation, and the regulations that govern late completion,
see §16.3.5.
11. “INIT” stands for Initial Attempt and indicates the initial attempt of a course that was subsequently repeated.
12. “LATE” stands for Late Completion Grade Obtained and indicates the final grade that replaces the grade attached to the
initial enrolment. Only the final grade is included in the GPA. (Used from 1977‑92.)
13. “MED” stands for Medical and indicates that a student has been unable to write a final examination or complete other
assignments due to a long‑term medical situation. A “MED” notation carries no grade point value.
For information on how to apply for “MED” notations and the regulations that govern them, see §16.3.8 II.
14. “PEND” stands for Pending, is assigned by the University Registrar, and indicates that the grade is not available at this time.
15. “PEX” stands for Potential Exemption and indicates a potential exemption for a course still in progress at another institution
(no credit value).
16. “PTR” stands for Potential Transfer Credits and indicates a potential transfer credit for a course still in progress at another
17. “REPT” stands for Repeat and indicates that the credit earned for this course is not retained because it is a repetition of a
course or of similar course material for which the credit has already been earned.
16.3.5 Late Completion of Courses with “INC” Notations — Procedures and Regulations
1. The deadlines for completion of course assignments are given to students on the first day of class. The “INC” notation is
assigned when an instructor has agreed that a student may complete work after the deadline.
2. A student with an “R” grade or “NR” notation in a course may not apply for late completion in that course.
3. Students must apply for late completion of a course. Applications for Late Completion are available at the Birks Student
Service Centre. For each course a processing fee applies. (See the Tuition and Fees website at
tuition-fees/how-fees-are-billed/undergraduate/fees for the current fee.) Completed applications must be returned to the
Birks Student Service Centre by:
February 1: Fall‑term courses
May 15: Winter‑term and fall/winter courses
September 1: Summer‑session courses
4. The completed work must be submitted by:
February 15: Fall‑term courses
May 30: Winter‑term and fall/winter courses
September 15: Summer‑session courses
5. It is the responsibility of the instructor to submit a final grade within five days of these dates.
16.3.6 In Progress “IP” Notations — Procedures and Regulations — Faculty of Arts and Science
1. The IP notation is assigned when an instructor has agreed that the work of a student in a course may be submitted past
the time for reporting grades. At the undergraduate level the IP notation is applicable only to the completion of an honours
thesis, internship or fieldwork outside of the University, or directed study or research. Students should refer to §31.003.3
for a list of applicable courses within the Faculty of Arts and Science. In all cases, the assignment of this notation is due to
third party involvement in course work, where it is beyond the control of the instructor and/or the student for the student to
complete the work within the required deadline.
2. The completed work must be submitted by:
April 1: Fall‑term courses
August 1: Winter‑term and fall/winter courses
December 1: Summer‑session courses
3. It is the responsibility of the instructor to submit a final grade within 10 days of these dates.
4. If the completed work is not submitted by the stated deadline, the IP notation will be changed to a letter grade.
16.3.7 Examinations
Students must present identification in order to write any examination. Acceptable identification is: Concordia student ID card or
Medicare card or driver’s licence that bears the photo and signature of the student. Unless expressly permitted by the instructor,
the possession of electronic communication devices is prohibited during examinations.
I. Final Examinations
1. Academic Calendar §11 lists the official examination periods.
2. Examination schedules are posted in the Mezzanine of the Hall Building and in the second floor of the John Molson School
of Business (SGW Campus) and CC 214 (LOY Campus); on kiosks throughout the campuses; or through the Concordia
website at
3. Because special arrangements cannot be made in the event of personal time conflicts (including personal travel plans),
students should not make commitments for the examination periods until after the final schedule is posted. Nonetheless, in
certain documented circumstances, a student who will not be in the Montreal area during the official final examination period
can request to write his/her examination at another university or college.
The University Examinations Committee is comprised of one faculty member from each Faculty, a student
representative, the Director of Health Services or delegate, and a representative from the Office of the Registrar.
1. Deferred Examinations
a) A student who did not write a final examination and has been granted a “DEF” notation is permitted to write a deferred
b) A deferred examination counts for the same weight in the course evaluation scheme and covers the same course
material as the original examination.
c) When a student receiving the privilege of writing a deferred examination does not write the examination during the
specified period, the privilege will be withdrawn and a final grade in the course will be recorded by the Office of the
Registrar according to the grade achieved by the student before the “DEF” notation was granted.
2. Replacement Examinations
a) A student who did not write a final examination and has been granted a “MED” notation is permitted to write a
replacement examination.
b) A replacement examination counts for the same weight in the course evaluation scheme and covers the same course
material as the original examination.
c) When a student does not write a replacement examination, no further examination, replacement or supplemental, will
be scheduled. However, students who were prevented from writing the replacement examination due to extraordinary
circumstances will be able to apply to the University Examinations Committee. If the Committee approves such a
request, the student will be granted a retroactive “DISC.” The Committee’s decisions are final.
d) When a replacement examination is not written, the “MED” notation (e.g. “MED/DNW”) will appear permanently on the
student record and official transcript.
e) When a replacement examination has been written and evaluated, the grade is added to the student’s marks for other
course work. The resulting final grade will replace the “MED” notation on the student record and official transcript.
f) A student who fails a course after writing a replacement examination, may have one opportunity to write a supplemental
examination during the next scheduled supplemental examination period provided the original grade was not “FNS”
and all other criteria for writing a supplemental have been met (see §16.3.8 III).
g) A student cannot write a replacement examination in a course with a grade of “R” or “NR.”
3. Supplemental Examinations
a) A student who applies for and satisfies all the requirements is permitted to write a supplemental examination.
b) Whether or not a supplemental examination is written, the original grade for the course (“F,”“F/DNW”) will remain
permanently on the student record and official transcript.
c) The grades from both attempts (first attempt and the supplemental examination) are included in calculating grade point
averages and assessments of academic standing.
d) A student who fails a supplemental examination is given a grade of “R.” A student who does not write a supplemental
examination is not assigned a second failing grade for the course.
e) When a student does not write a supplemental examination, no further examination, replacement or supplemental,
will be scheduled. However, students who were prevented from writing the supplemental examination because of
extraordinary circumstances will be able to apply to the University Examinations Committee.
f) The University Examinations Committee is comprised of one faculty member from each Faculty, a student representative,
and a representative from the Office of the Registrar. The Committee is chaired by the Associate Registrar. The
Committee’s decisions are final.
g) John Molson School of Business: There are no supplemental examinations available for courses offered in this School.
h) Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science: Students may apply to write a supplemental examination by submitting a
Student Request form if they meet the conditions listed in §71.10.3 Academic Regulations – Supplemental Examinations.
Deferred/Replacement Examinations
a) John Molson School of Business and Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science: Deferred examinations for courses
offered in these Faculties are written the next time the course is offered. For potential graduates in Engineering and
Computer Science, if there is no examination scheduled for the course in question in the term before graduation, a
deferred examination would be made available during the final examination period of that term.
b) Faculties of Arts and Science, and Fine Arts: Deferred examinations for courses in these Faculties are written during the
next regular examination period provided the course is given in the next term and that a final examination is scheduled.
If the course is not offered or there is no examination scheduled for the course in question in the subsequent
examination cycle, the deferred examination would be scheduled during the next replacement examination period
(February [mid‑term break], August, October).
2. Supplemental Examinations
a) John Molson School of Business: There are no supplemental examinations available for courses offered in this School.
b) Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science: Supplemental examinations for fall courses (term ending in 2) are
normally written in February. For winter courses (term ending in 4), supplemental examinations are normally written in
August, and for summer-session courses (session ending in 1), supplemental examinations are normally written in
3. Alternate Examinations
a) When an academic department requests that students from all sections of a particular course be examined at the same
date and time, this is known as a “common” exam.
b) Because the scheduling of these “common” exams may conflict with the scheduling of other exams, an “alternate” exam
can be made available. This “alternate” exam is a second exam covering the same material and is usually scheduled
for the first Sunday immediately following the regular exam date.
c) Courses with only one section will rarely have an “alternate” available to resolve conflicts.
4. In certain documented circumstances, a student who will not be in the Montreal area during the deferred, replacement,
supplemental, or alternate examination period can request to write his/her examination at another university or college.
For information on writing examinations at an external institution, see §16.3.7 I.
II. Procedure
7. Students who are dissatisfied with the grade received on one or more pieces of course work shall first attempt to meet with
the instructor and explain their position. If the student remains dissatisfied or is unable to meet with the instructor, he or she
may, upon receiving the final grade for the course, make a re‑evaluation request.
8. A re‑evaluation request shall be made on an “Academic Re‑evaluation Request” form available at the Birks Student Service
Centre. The student shall specify the reasons for seeking the re‑evaluation and shall indicate what informal attempts towards
re‑evaluation have been made. A processing fee must accompany the request. (See the Tuition and Fees website at for the current fee.)
9. A re‑evaluation request with respect to a fall‑term course must be made no later than the following February 1; with respect
to a fall/winter or winter‑term course, no later than the following June 15 and with respect to a summer‑session course, no
later than the following October 1. These deadlines may be extended by the University Registrar in particular cases if the
student can provide evidence that he or she was unable to have acted within the deadlines.
10. The University Registrar shall forward the re‑evaluation request to the Chair of the appropriate Department.
III. Appeals
22. A permanent Secretary of the Re‑evaluation Appeals Panel (RAP) (the Secretary) shall be appointed by the Secretary‑General.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the administrative functioning of the RAP and shall maintain the confidential files of
the RAP.
23. A RAP of three (3) members, as well as a non‑voting Chair, shall be selected by the Secretary for a given appeal. The RAP
shall be composed of two (2) faculty members drawn from the Faculty Tribunal Pool and one (1) student drawn from the
Student Tribunal Pool as provided for under the Policy for the Establishment of Tribunal Hearing Pools. Every attempt will be
made to select the student member from the student’s constituency (undergraduate or graduate status).
24. A student or instructor may appeal a re‑evaluation decision based on either substantive grounds or on the presence of
serious and prejudicial procedural defects. In the case of an appeal from an instructor, “prejudicial” shall be limited to the
effect that the alleged procedural defect has on other students in the course or on the academic standards of the University.
The appeal must state in clear and precise terms the grounds on which the appeal is based. Such an appeal must be made,
in writing, to the Secretary within fifteen (15) days after the date of transmission of the re‑evaluation decision.
25. A student may appeal a Chair’s decision that the re‑evaluation request did not conform to the criteria outlined in articles
4 and 5 above. This appeal may be based on either substantive grounds or on the presence of serious and prejudicial
procedural defects in the Chair’s consideration of the re‑evaluation request. The appeal must state in clear and precise
terms the grounds on which the appeal is based. Such an appeal must be made, in writing, to the Secretary within fifteen
(15) days after the date of transmission of the Chair’s decision.
26. Upon receipt of an appeal from a student, the Secretary shall send a copy to the University Registrar, the Chair, the instructor
and the re‑evaluator, if appropriate, soliciting their input within ten (10) days. Any input received within the ten (10) day period
shall be forwarded to all parties, soliciting their comments on the input within a further ten (10) days. All input and comments
received within the twenty (20) day period shall form part of the dossier submitted to the RAP.
Upon receipt of an appeal from an instructor, the Secretary shall send a copy to the University Registrar, the Chair, the student
and the re‑evaluator, if appropriate, soliciting their input within ten (10) days. Any input received within the ten (10) day period
shall be forwarded to all parties, soliciting their comments on the input within a further ten (10) days. All input and comments
received within the twenty (20) day period shall form part of the dossier submitted to the RAP.
These regulations may be modified in the case of students transferring either between Faculties or from another university.
Grade Credit Grade Weighted
Course Achieved Value Points* Grade Points
1 D 3.00 X 1.00 = 3.00
2 C+ 3.00 X 2.30 = 6.90
3 B 2.00 X 3.00 = 6.00
4 A‑ 6.00 X 3.70 = 22.20
5 F 3.00 X 0.00 = 0.00
Total Credits Attempted 17.00 Total Weighted Grade Points 38.10
Section 17
2. For the purposes of this Academic Code of Conduct, the student need only have been a student at the time of the alleged
offence. For the sake of clarity, any former student accused of having committed academic misconduct is subject to this
Academic Code of Conduct.
3. If, prior to the initiation of any proceedings under this Academic Code of Conduct, the student has graduated, the proceedings
will nonetheless take place.
4. Neither the withdrawal by a student from a degree, diploma or certificate program or from a course, nor the termination of
that student’s program by his or her department shall affect the filing of an Incident Report or any process provided for under
this Academic Code of Conduct.
5. Wherever there is doubt or ambiguity regarding any provision of this Academic Code of Conduct or the procedure to be
followed, that interpretation or procedure which appears to be most equitable and consistent with the general purposes and
philosophy of this Academic Code of Conduct shall be adopted. Except for those terms specifically defined in this Academic
Code of Conduct, the terms used shall have their usual meanings.
II. Definitions
Academic Hearing Panel or AHP
6. An Academic Hearing Panel or AHP is the body set forth at Article 49 of the present Academic Code of Conduct.
Appeals Panel
8. An Appeals Panel is the body set forth at Article 74 of the present Academic Code of Conduct.
10. Advocate means a member of the University community who may assist the student or Dean throughout the proceedings
and procedures associated with the Academic Code of Conduct.
11. Days is defined as working days which excludes weekends, holidays, and other days during which the University is closed
as listed in the Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars.
12. Dean is defined as:
• the Dean of the Faculty or School offering the program in which the student is registered; or
• if the student is not registered in a program, the Dean of the Faculty or School providing the course concerned or in the
event that the offence is not related to a particular course, the Dean of the Faculty or School providing the most credits
on the student’s record; or
• if the student is a graduate student, the Dean of Graduate Studies.
• The Dean may designate a delegate to fulfill any of his or her obligations under this Academic Code of Conduct in which
case they shall be termed the “Dean” for the purposes of this Academic Code of Conduct. Such delegate may be an
Academic Code Administrator, an Associate Dean or any other personnel that the Dean deems appropriate.
• If the course concerned is taught by the Dean, the Provost and Vice‑President, Academic Affairs shall assume all of the
duties imposed on the Dean in this Academic Code of Conduct.
13. Invigilator means an instructor or any other person who is charged with supervising an examination.
15. Student, for the purposes of this Academic Code of Conduct, is defined as any person who has been accepted to study at
the University at any point in time.
Student Record
16. The student record is a comprehensive, internal report of a student’s academic history at the University. It is a complete
academic record and includes all courses followed at Concordia. It is available to the student and to authorized University
staff and faculty.
Student Transcript
17. The student transcript is a version of a student’s record intended for the use of external institutions, organizations, and
employers. It is a complete academic record and includes all undergraduate and/or graduate courses followed at the
III. Offences
18. Any form of cheating, or plagiarism, as well as any other form of dishonest behaviour, intentional or not, related to the
obtention of gain, academic or otherwise, or the interference in evaluative exercises committed by a student is an offence
under this Academic Code of Conduct. Any attempt at or participation related in any way to an offence by a student is also
an offence.
19. Without limiting, or restricting, the generality of Article 18 above and with the understanding that Articles 19 a) to l) are to be
considered examples only, academic offences include, the carrying out, or attempting to carry out or participating in:
a. plagiarism — the presentation of the work of another person, in whatever form, as one’s own or without proper
b. the contribution by one student to another student of work with the knowledge that the latter may submit the work in part
or in whole as his or her own;
c. unauthorized collaboration between students;
d. tearing or mutilating an examination booklet or an examination paper, including, but not limited to, inserting pages into a
booklet or taking a booklet or a portion of the booklet or examination paper from the examination room;
e. multiple submission — the submission of a piece of work for evaluative purposes when that work has been or is currently
being submitted for evaluative purposes in another course at the University or in another teaching institution without the
knowledge and permission of the instructor or instructors involved;
Standard of Proof
20. The standard of proof which must be met in order for any offence to be upheld under the present Academic Code of Conduct
is that of the “preponderance of evidence.” A “preponderance of evidence” standard means that the Dean must establish that
his or her version of the facts is significantly more probable than the alternative(s).
21. If a charge is upheld against a student by the Dean pursuant to Article 42, and the Dean does not refer the case directly to
an AHP, the Dean must impose one or more of the following sanctions:
a. Reprimand the student;
b. Direct that a piece of work be re‑submitted;
c. Direct that the examination be taken anew;
d. Enter a grade reduction for the piece of work in question or enter a grade of “0” for the piece of work in question;
e. Enter a grade reduction in the course or enter a failing grade for the course;
f. Enter a failing grade and ineligibility for a supplemental examination or any other evaluative exercise for the course;
g. Impose the obligation to take and pass courses of up to twenty‑four (24) credits, as specified by the Dean, in addition to
the total number of credits required for the student’s program. If the student is registered as an Independent student, the
sanction will be imposed only if he or she applies and is accepted into a program.
22. If a charge is upheld by an AHP pursuant to Article 62, the AHP must impose one or more of the following sanctions:
a. Any or all of the sanctions listed at Article 21;
b. Impose a suspension for a period not to exceed six (6) academic terms. Suspensions shall entail the withdrawal of all
University privileges, including the right to enter and be upon University premises;
c. Expulsion from the University. Expulsion entails the permanent termination of all University privileges.
23. In the case of a student who has graduated, the only two available sanctions are i) a notation on the student’s academic
record that he/she has been found guilty of academic misconduct; or ii) a recommendation to Senate for the revocation of
the degree obtained.
24. A sanction of suspension or expulsion is subject to confirmation by the Provost and Vice‑President, Academic Affairs, who
shall also determine the effective date.
25. Any student found to have committed a second offence shall normally be suspended or expelled from the University subject
to confirmation by the Provost and Vice‑President, Academic Affairs.
IV. Procedures
General Provisions Governing Evaluative Exercises
26. It is the responsibility of members of the University to uphold academic integrity. As such, any member of the University who
has reasonable grounds to believe that a student has committed an offence pursuant to this Academic Code of Conduct will
promptly report his or her findings to the appropriate authority as defined in Articles 29 to 31 or 35 to 36 of this Academic
Code of Conduct.
27. A member of the University who identifies the alleged academic misconduct may not, on his or her own authority, impose a
sanction upon a student. Rather, alleged offences shall be handled only as set forth in this Academic Code of Conduct.
28. Every examination paper shall expressly list the materials and equipment that a student is permitted to have and use during
the examination and shall indicate any special conditions relating to the examination.
29. An instructor, supervisor, re‑evaluator or administrator who, in the course of grading a student’s work or through any other
means, has reasonable grounds to believe that a student has committed an offence pursuant to this Academic Code of
Conduct shall complete an Academic Code of Conduct Incident Report (“Incident Report”), see Appendix A. The instructor,
supervisor, re‑evaluator or administrator shall forward the Incident Report to the Dean.
30. A Teaching Assistant who, in the course of grading a student’s work or through any other means, has reasonable grounds
to believe that a student studying or working under his or her direction has committed an offence pursuant to this Academic
Code of Conduct shall inform the instructor of the course within which the alleged offence occurred. If the instructor believes
that there are reasonable grounds to support that such alleged offence occurred, the instructor shall forward the Incident
Report to the Dean.
31. Should a person other than an instructor, a supervisor, a re‑evaluator, an administrator, a Teaching Assistant or an invigilator
of a centrally supervised examination have reasonable grounds to believe that a student has committed an offence, he or
she may report his or her findings to the Department Chair, or equivalent. If the Chair, or equivalent, finds that there are
reasonable grounds, he or she shall complete an Incident Report. The Chair or equivalent shall forward the Incident Report
to the Dean.
Other Examinations
36. Where an examination is not supervised by the Office of the Registrar or where another central supervisory function is not
available to deal with allegations of offences related to examinations, a student who is suspected of an academic offence
during an examination shall be so informed by the individual invigilating the examination and may be required to leave
the examination area immediately. The procedures for completing and filing an Incident Report shall be those set forth at
Articles 29 to 31 above.
39. Should the Dean decide to interview the student, the interview shall normally take place within fifteen (15) days of the Dean’s
receipt of the Incident Report. Whenever possible, five (5) days’ notice shall be given to the student before the interview.
40. If the interview is for an alleged first offence, the purpose of such interview is for the Dean to ascertain whether or not an
offence occurred and to obtain information regarding any and all circumstances and evidence that mitigate or aggravate such
alleged offence. If the interview is for an alleged repeat offence, the purpose of such interview is for the Dean to ascertain
whether or not an offence occurred.
In convening the interview with the student, the Dean shall inform the student that he or she may consult any person and be
accompanied or be represented by an advocate during the interview.
41. At the outset of the interview, the Dean shall inform the student that he or she is not obliged to answer any of the Dean’s
questions and that any answers given may become the basis for an immediate disposition of the case under Article 42 or
cause the Dean to refer the case to an AHP or be the subject of testimony by both parties at any subsequent proceeding.
Students may participate in interviews in either English or French.
65. A request for authorization to appeal may be based only on the grounds of discovery of new evidence following the AHP or
on the presence of serious and prejudicial procedural defects of the AHP. In his or her request for authorization to appeal, an
appellant must set forth and explain in clear and precise terms, all grounds on which the appeal is based. Furthermore, if the
appellant is requesting an appeal based on the grounds of discovery of new evidence following the rendering of the decision
of the AHP, the appellant must provide such evidence as part of his or her request.
66. If neither the Dean nor the student has requested authorization to appeal within the fifteen (15) day delay stipulated at
Article 63, the Secretary of the Tribunals shall so inform the Registrar including a statement to the effect that the Dean and
the student concerned were notified in writing of the decision of the AHP and of their right to submit a request for authorization
to appeal such decision. Such report shall form a part of the student’s permanent file maintained by the Registrar. This
notification shall be sent to the Dean and the student.
67. If the Dean or the student has requested authorization to appeal the decision of the AHP, the Secretary of the Tribunals shall
forward such request to the other party, with a copy to the Registrar, soliciting his or her written response within ten (10) days.
Any response received by the Secretary of the Tribunals within the ten (10) day period shall be forwarded to the appellant
and, if the appellant wishes, he or she may submit a written rebuttal within a further ten (10) days.
68. An Appeals Authorization Panel shall be convened by the Secretary of the Tribunals as soon as possible after the expiry of
the delay to submit written input and normally within fifteen (15) days.
69. The Appeals Authorization Panel shall be selected by the Secretary of the Tribunals and shall be composed of three (3)
members, as well as a non‑voting Chair, none of whom may have sat as members of the AHP under appeal. The Appeals
Authorization Panel shall be composed of two (2) faculty members drawn from the Faculty Tribunal Pool and one (1)
student drawn from the Student Tribunal Pool. Every attempt will be made to select the student member from the student’s
constituency (undergraduate or graduate status).
70. The Appeals Authorization Panel must decide whether authorization to appeal the decision of an AHP will be granted having
regard to the allowable grounds of appeal and the circumstances of the case.
71. The Appeals Authorization Panel shall be provided with all written evidence provided to the AHP, the decision of the AHP, the
recording of the AHP, the request for authorization to appeal, and all written input received within the twenty (20) day period
set forth at Article 67. The decision of the Appeals Authorization Panel shall be based solely upon the documents and
recording listed in the present Article. Neither party is permitted to attend or make oral representations before the Appeals
Authorization Panel.
72. The Appeals Authorization Panel shall have the authority to grant or deny authorization to appeal based only on the grounds
for appeal set forth in the present Academic Code of Conduct. If it grants authorization to appeal based on the grounds of
discovery of new evidence following the rendering of the decision of the AHP or the reasonableness of the student’s excuse
for not appearing before the AHP pursuant to Article 60, the Appeals Authorization Panel may order a new hearing of the
case by a new AHP or may forward the file to an Appeals Panel. If it grants authorization to appeal based on the grounds of
presence of serious and prejudicial procedural defects of the AHP, it shall forward the file before an Appeals Panel.
73. The Appeals Authorization Panel shall normally render its decision within ten (10) days of its consideration of the request.
The decision of the Appeals Authorization Panel shall be signed, dated and reasoned and shall be sent to both parties and
the Registrar.
74. If a file is forwarded to an Appeals Panel, a panel of three (3) members, as well as a non‑voting Chair, shall be composed by
the Secretary of the Tribunals. The Appeals Panel shall be composed of two (2) faculty members drawn from the Faculty
Tribunal Pool and one (1) student drawn from the Student Tribunal Pool. Every attempt will be made to select the student
member from the student’s constituency (undergraduate or graduate status).
75. If the authorization to appeal is granted, the Appeals Panel shall normally take place within twenty (20) days of the decision
to authorize the appeal. Notification of the scheduling of the Appeals Panel shall be sent to both parties.
76. The Secretary of the Tribunals shall transmit the documentation listed at Article 71 as well as the decision of Appeals
Authorization Panel, together with a list of the panel members selected for the Appeals Panel and the present Academic
Code of Conduct, to the parties no later than five (5) days before the scheduled hearing date.
77. If either party fails to attend the Appeals Panel, the hearing may proceed in the other party’s absence or, at the Chair’s
discretion the start of the hearing may be delayed.
78. The Appeals Panel shall establish its own rules of procedure. All representations before the Appeals Panel shall be limited to
representations as to the grounds further to which authorization to appeal was granted by the Appeals Authorization Panel.
V. Miscellaneous Provisions
Delays and Language
82. In the calculation of any delay set out in the Academic Code of Conduct, the final examination period for the fall and winter
academic terms and the months of July and August shall not be taken into account. In the case of a hearing before an AHP
or an Appeals Panel that commenced before July 1, the regular delays set out in this Academic Code of Conduct shall apply.
83. Any party or witness participating in a hearing before an AHP or an Appeals Panel may make their presentation in either
English or French. If an interpreter is required to satisfy the preceding, the request shall be made at the same time as the
initial AHP request made in accordance with Article 45.
84. Any written notice addressed to a student pursuant to this Academic Code of Conduct shall be sent by registered mail, with a
copy sent by email, to the address of residence and the email address most recently provided by the student to the University,
through his or her MyConcordia Portal. All written notices shall be deemed to be received one (1) day after delivery.
Annual Report
94. An annual report detailing the number and type of charges laid under this Academic Code of Conduct and their disposition
shall be prepared by the Secretary of the Tribunals and presented to Senate by September 30 of each year. The report shall
be published on the University’s website. In no circumstances shall any mention be made of the names of the students
involved nor of any information, which might lead to their identification.
1. This policy deals with the establishment of tribunal hearing pools for hearings, both first‑level hearings as well as appeal
hearings, provided for in the Code of Rights and Responsibilities, the Academic Code of Conduct (including cases heard
under the previous Code of Conduct – Academic), the Academic Re‑evaluation Procedures, the Graduate Academic Appeals
Procedures and any other codes or policies which may be adopted that refer to the Tribunal Hearing Pools provided for
under this policy.
2. In the event that a hearing or appeal panel cannot be convened from the membership of the Student Tribunal Pool, the
Faculty Tribunal Pool, the Administrative and Support Staff Tribunal Pool or the Pool of Chairs, as outlined below, the
Secretary‑General shall designate the membership of the relevant hearing or appeal panel for a given case.
4. In order to be eligible, students shall be registered in an undergraduate or graduate program and be in good standing. Students
who are in failed standing, in conditional standing or on academic probation or who have been sanctioned under the Code of
Rights and Responsibilities, or the Academic Code of Conduct (including cases heard under the previous Code of Conduct –
Academic) within the three (3) years previous to their nomination are not eligible.
The status and standing of student nominees shall be confirmed by the University Registrar in September prior to the submission
of the list of nominees for approval to Senate by the Secretary of Senate. In addition, the status and standing of members of
the STP shall be confirmed by the University Registrar each September for as long as the member remains in office.
5. The term of office of members of the STP shall be for two (2) years, from September 1 to August 31, and shall be renewable.
Members remain in office until replaced.
7. The term of office of members of the FTP shall be for two (2) years, from September 1 to August 31, and shall be renewable.
Members remain in office until replaced.
8. The Secretary of each Faculty Council and the Council of the School of Graduate Studies shall forward a list of nominees to
the Secretary of Senate prior to its September meeting for approval.
10. The term of office of members of the AaSSTP shall be for two (2) years, from September 1 to August 31, and shall be
renewable. Members remain in office until replaced.
11. The Department of Human Resources shall forward a list of nominees to the Secretary of the Board of Governors prior to its
September meeting for approval.
12. In addition to the members of the STP and FTP appointed by Senate, and the members of the AaSSTP appointed by the
Board, Senate shall appoint as many individuals as necessary to serve as non‑voting Chairs of the various tribunal panels
dealt with under this policy.
13. The role of the Chairs shall be to preside over the various tribunal panels, keep order and ensure fairness. The Chairs shall, as
well, preside over the deliberations of the various tribunal panels but shall not vote.
15. The term of office for Chairs shall be for two (2) years, from September 1 to August 31, and shall be renewable.
16. The candidates for the Chairs shall be recommended to Senate by the University General Counsel in consultation with
the secretaries of the tribunal panels dealt with under this policy. Curriculum vitae of the candidates shall accompany the
17. All members of the STP, FTP and AaSSTP, and all Chairs shall receive training, prepared and conducted jointly by the
secretaries of the tribunal panels dealt with under this policy under the supervision of the University General Counsel.
Sir George Williams Campus
Office of Rights and Responsibilities
GM Building, Room: 1005.00
514‑848‑2424, ext. 8659
Academic Freedom
4. The Code is not to be applied in such a way as to detract from the right of Members to engage in the frank discussion of
potentially controversial matters, such as race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, politics or religion. Furthermore, the
Code shall not be interpreted in such a way as to limit the use of legitimate instructional techniques, such as irony, argument,
conjecture and refutation, or the assignment of readings, which may present a controversial point of view. The Code also
recognizes the right to teach, within the bounds of the course calendar description and requirements of competence, and to
conduct research and to engage in creative activity according to one’s best judgment.
5. All Members are expected to refrain from violating the Code and those who have supervisory authority over others bear a
particular responsibility to act in a timely and effective manner when they become aware of any alleged violation of the Code.
Management Rights
8. The Code is not to be applied in such a way as to detract from the right and duty of those with supervisory authority to
manage and, if necessary, to discipline Members in accordance with collective or employee agreements and University
policies and procedures.
Union Rights
9. The Code is not to be applied in such a way as to detract from the rights of unions or employee associations to defend the
interests of their members and to exercise their rights under a collective or employee agreement.
Section II: Mandate and Functions of the Office of Rights and Responsibilities and the Advisor
12. The mandate of the Office is to assist Members in resolving incidents involving an alleged violation of the Code in an
effective and constructive manner. Such assistance is available both to Members who believe that they have been subjected
to conduct that violates the Code and to those with supervisory authority who are called upon to respond to incidents of such
conduct. The operations of the Office are directed by the Advisor.
13. The Advisor shall actively promote, through education and direct intervention, the values outlined in article 1 while carrying out
all duties described in the Code. The Advisor shall be impartial in the exercise of duties, shall respect the confidentiality of all
who seek assistance from the Office, and shall do so in a non-judgmental manner. The Administration of the University shall
respect the independence of the Office as it carries out its duties.
14. The Advisor shall advise, assist and support Members who are experiencing behavioural problems from another Member, as
described in the Offences section of the Code, and shall endeavour to seek an appropriate response to any alleged violation.
Responses may range from the use of informal dispute resolution methods to formal procedures for adjudicating complaints.
15. The Advisor may, when warranted, make recommendations to University authorities regarding situations within a unit, department,
faculty, or the University as a whole, which have the general effect of violating the rights of Members to pursue their work,
study, and other activities related to University life in a safe and civil manner in keeping with the values espoused by the
University and outlined in the Code.
16. The Advisor shall submit an annual report to the Secretary-General by December 15 of each year covering the previous
academic year. The report shall detail the activities of the Office, including statistics on complaints received, and make
recommendations, as necessary, with regard to either the Code or the operations of the Office. The report shall be made
available by way of the University’s publications and shall be submitted, for information purposes, to the Senate and Board
of Governors.
17. If a Member considers that the Advisor has failed to follow the procedures outlined in the Code with respect to any matter
to which the Member has been a party, that Member may submit a written complaint within twenty (20) Days, detailing the
alleged procedural failure, to the Secretary-General. The written complaint shall be investigated and the Member will be
informed of the results of the investigation, normally within twenty (20) Days of the receipt of the complaint.
18. The Advisor shall be appointed by and shall report to the Secretary‑General upon the recommendation of an advisory
committee, composed of representatives of the University constituencies, including at least one (1) undergraduate and
one (1) graduate student, struck for this purpose.
19. The appointment shall be made for an initial term of two years, renewable for further terms of five (5) years. During the fourth
year of each such term, the Secretary‑General shall appoint an appraisal committee, composed of representatives of the
University constituencies, including at least one (1) undergraduate and one (1) graduate student, which shall:
a) review the operations of the Office;
b) make recommendations with respect to the Office;
c) make a recommendation with respect to the renewal of the Advisor.
This review shall include, but shall not be limited to, consultations with the University community as well as an external
Section III: Definitions
20. For the purposes of the Code:
“Authority” means the individual to whom a complaint must be submitted under the terms of a Respondent’s collective or
employee agreement or relevant University policy.
“Complainant” means:
• a Member who is directly affected by the conduct of another Member and who files a complaint against that other
Member under this Code.
• the University when, through its Disciplinary Officers, except for the Secretary-General, or a person designated by a
Disciplinary Officer, it files a complaint under this Code against a Member in relation to conduct against another Member
or non-Member.
“Days” means, subject to article 163, all working days, which excludes weekends, holidays and other days during which the
University is closed.
“Expulsion” or “to Expel” means the termination of all of the Member’s rights and privileges as a Student at the University,
including the right to enter and be on University property. Expulsion shall be recorded on the Member’s transcript as follows:
“Required to withdraw; may request to be considered for readmission after five (5) years from the date of expulsion pursuant
to the Code of Rights and Responsibilities.” The Student may submit a written request to the Provost and Vice‑President,
Academic Affairs to be considered for readmission after a period of five (5) years from the date of the expulsion.
“Hearing Panel” means a hearing panel composed pursuant to this Code further to a formal complaint against a Student.
“Investigator” refers to a person, external to the University, chosen to conduct an investigation into a complaint of
harassment made against a non‑Student Member, in accordance with article 137 of the Code.
“Member” means faculty members, employees, administrative and support staff, postdoctoral fellows, members of the
administration, Students and interns, stagiaires or researchers.
“Respondent” means any Member against whom a complaint under the Code is made.
“Secretary” means the Secretary of the Hearing and Appeal Panels, who shall form part of the Office of Student Tribunals,
and who shall be designated by the Secretary-General.
“Student” means:
• any person registered in any academic program on a full‑time or part‑time basis
• any person admitted as an independent student
• any person registered in a non‑credit course
• any person registered as an auditor in a credit or non‑credit course
• any person registered as a student at another university who has written approval from their home university to take
courses at the University, including exchange students and visiting students.
“Suspension” or to “Suspend” means the withdrawal of such University privileges of a Student as are specified by the
Provost and Vice-President Academic Affairs or delegate or the Hearing Panel. If no particular privileges are specified,
“Suspension” shall entail the withdrawal of all University privileges, including the right to write examinations and the right to
enter and be upon University premises, in which case the Student may only come upon University premises for a specified
purpose, previously authorized in writing by a Disciplinary Officer. Suspension shall be recorded on the academic transcript
as follows: “Required to withdraw. May not resume studies until (date).” At the date for resumption of studies, the notation
shall be removed from the transcript but shall continue to be maintained in the confidential files of the Dean of Students and
of the Registrar’s Office. The maximum length of a Suspension shall be two (2) years, after which the Student may resume
their studies at the next possible term, providing that all imposed conditions (if any) have been fulfilled.
“University” means the registered not-for-profit corporation named Concordia University, located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
21. Wherever there is doubt or ambiguity regarding any provision of the Code or the procedure to be followed, that interpretation
or procedure which appears to be most equitable and consistent with the general purposes and philosophy of the Code shall
be adopted. Except for those terms specifically defined in this Code, the terms used shall have their usual meanings.
Section IV: Jurisdiction
22. An alleged violation set forth in a Complainant’s complaint must have taken place:
a. on University premises, either rented or owned,
b. on other premises in the course of any University-sponsored activity or event, or
c. in the context where activities or events have a real and substantive link to the University.
In the present article 22, by way of example only, “real and substantive link to the University” does not include allegations
related to matters arising from or solely pertaining to student associations or fee-levy groups.
The Hearing
86. The procedures established by the Hearing Panel shall include, at a minimum, opening statements by the parties, the
presentation of evidence and witnesses (expert or otherwise), the right of cross examination, questioning by members of the
Hearing Panel, representations with respect to desired sanctions and closing statements. Hearings shall be recorded, and
the recording kept as part of the permanent record of proceedings for a period of not less than five (5) years. Recordings
shall be provided to a party to a Hearing Panel upon request to the Secretary.
87. The role of the Chair shall be to preside over the proceedings, keep order and ensure fairness. The Chair shall preside over
the deliberations of the Hearing Panel but shall not vote. Decisions shall be made by majority vote. The deliberations of the
Hearing Panel shall only be attended by the Chair, the Secretary and the panellists. If the Hearing Panel decides to uphold
the complaint it shall subsequently impose one or more of the sanctions that appear at article 91.
88. The hearing shall be closed and confidential unless both parties have consented in writing to the attendance of other people.
89. If the Respondent fails, without reasonable excuse, to attend the hearing, the hearing may proceed in the Respondent’s
absence or, at the Chair’s discretion, the start of the hearing may be postponed. If the hearing proceeds in the Respondent’s
absence, all rights contingent on the Respondent’s presence, with the exception of the right to have an advocate present,
are forfeited. In such a case, a Respondent’s right of appeal is limited to a consideration of the reasonableness of the
Respondent’s excuse for not appearing. If an Appeals Panel finds that the excuse is reasonable, it shall order a new hearing
by a new Hearing Panel with the Respondent present. The decision of the new hearing is appealable as if it were a first
90. The Hearing Panel shall provide a signed, dated and reasoned decision. The standard of proof to be relied upon by the
Hearing Panel shall be one of a “preponderance of evidence.” A “preponderance of evidence” standard means that the
Complainant must establish that their version of the facts is significantly more probable than the alternatives. This standard
is less rigorous than the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt” required under criminal law.
91. If a complaint is upheld against a Student by the Hearing Panel, the Hearing Panel must impose one (1) or more of the
following sanctions:
a) a written reprimand;
b) placing restricted access conditions (e.g., restricted access, non-contact/communication, space and time restrictions) on
the Respondent while they are on University premises or at University events, the whole subject to the confirmation or
modification by the appropriate unit at the University;
97. A party who wishes to appeal a decision or sanction of the Hearing Panel, or both, shall apply in writing to the Secretary for
the authorization to lodge an appeal. Such request for authorization to appeal shall be submitted to the Secretary no later
than fifteen (15) Days after the date of transmission to the parties of the decision of the Hearing Panel.
98. Any request for authorization to appeal may be based only on the following grounds:
a) the discovery of new evidence following the Hearing Panel;
b) the presence of serious and prejudicial procedural defects of the Hearing Panel; or
c) the decision of the Hearing Panel is patently unreasonable.
99. The request for authorization to appeal shall state in clear and precise terms the grounds on which the appeal is based.
Furthermore, if the party submitting an appeal (the “Appellant”) is requesting an appeal based on the grounds of discovery
of new evidence, the Appellant must provide such evidence as part of their request. Upon receipt of the request for
authorization to appeal, the Secretary shall provide the other party with a copy.
100. The execution of any sanctions by a Hearing Panel, except for sanctions further to the temporary exclusion of a Student
pursuant to article 148 or the Suspension or exclusion of a Student pursuant to article 154, or a sanction pursuant to article
91 b), shall be Suspended until the expiry of the fifteen (15) Day delay to request authorization to appeal or until the final
rendering of the decision with respect to the appeal.
101. If neither party has requested authorization to appeal within the fifteen (15) Day delay stipulated at article 97, the Secretary
shall so inform the Advisor and the Dean of Students, when they are responsible for the administration and monitoring of the
sanctions pursuant to article 95, and, when relevant the Registrar, including a statement to the effect that all the parties were
notified in writing of the decision of the Hearing Panel and of their right to submit a request for authorization to appeal such
decision. Such report shall form a part of the student’s permanent file maintained by the Secretary. This notification shall be
sent to the parties.
102. If an Appellant has requested authorization to appeal the decision of the Hearing Panel, the Secretary shall forward such
request to the other party(ies), with a copy to the Advisor and, if appropriate, to the Dean of Students and the Registrar,
soliciting the non-appealing party’s (the “Respondent on Appeal”) written response within ten (10) Days. Any response
received by the Secretary within the ten (10) Day period shall be forwarded to the Appellant and, if the Appellant wishes,
they may submit a written rebuttal within a further ten (10) Days.
103. An Appeals Authorization Panel shall be convened by the Secretary as soon as possible after the expiry of the delay to
submit written input.
Informal resolution
124. A Member who has a concern regarding the behaviour of a faculty, administrative or support staff member, or a member of
the administration is strongly encouraged to consult the Advisor and seek a remedy through one or more of the informal
dispute resolution procedures described in articles Section VII of the Code.
125. In order to facilitate the informal resolution of the complaint, a Member who belongs to a collective or employee association
may agree to suspend any applicable delays provided that all parties (the Member, the University, the union and/or the
association) have so agreed in writing.
126. A Member who chooses not to advise their union or employee association of the matter should consult the Advisor
concerning the possible consequences of such a decision.
127. Consulting the Advisor and/or attempts at informal resolution facilitated by the Advisor does not constitute a formal University
proceeding. Until a formal process is undertaken, no notification shall be deemed to have been made to the University of any
complaint or procedure involving a Member.
Initiating a Formal Complaint against a Faculty, Administrative or Support Staff Member or against a Member of
the Administration
128. To the extent permitted by the Respondent’s collective or employee agreement and relevant University policies and with the
agreement of the Respondent’s union or employee association on a case by case basis, the following procedure shall be
considered the formal investigation under the Respondent’s collective or employee agreement.
129. A Member who wishes to file a formal complaint against faculty, administrative or support staff members or against members
of the administration shall contact the Advisor.
130. The Advisor shall provide the Complainant with a copy of the Code and shall inform the Complainant of the following:
a) the required format for submitting the complaint, which must be made in writing, signed and dated and must identify the
Complainant and the Respondent and the precise nature of the Complaint, including the provision(s) of the Code under
which the complaint is being filed;
b) the right of the Complainant to consult any person in the preparation of their complaint, and to be accompanied or
represented by any Member during the process of resolution. If the Complainant is a Student, they may opt to be
accompanied by a student advocate from Advocacy and Support Services or a student advocacy service offered by a
student association. If the Complainant is a member of a union or an employee association, they may opt to be
accompanied by a union or association representative.
131. If the Respondent is a member of a union or association, the Advisor shall inform the Complainant of any delays regarding
the imposition of a disciplinary measure which may be set out in the Respondent’s collective or employee agreement. The
Advisor shall, in particular, advise the Complainant of the delay of ninety (90) calendar days since the last incident in matters
of psychological harassment complaints, as set out in the Quebec Labour Standards Act.
132. Upon receiving a formal complaint, the Advisor shall transmit the complaint and the relevant University policy, along with all
the relevant information and documentation to the Authority to whom the complaint must be submitted under the terms of the
Respondent’s collective or employee agreement, with a copy to the Respondent’s union or association. The Advisor shall
notify the Department of Human Resources in writing of the existence of the complaint and of who has been named as the
Authority. If there is no applicable union or association, the Advisor shall notify the Respondent directly.
133. In an egregious case, in which the safety or well-being of a Member, or of a group of Members, or of the University as a
whole, is deemed to be at risk, the Authority may take such temporary measures permitted under the collective or employee
agreement, relevant University policy and the law, as deemed necessary.
Files of Formal Complaints against Faculty, Administrative and Support Staff Members or Members of the Administration
144. The Advisor shall maintain a file of formal complaints received against faculty, administrative or support staff members or
members of the administration which shall summarize the substance of the consultation with the Complainant, the record of
resolution as supplied by the Authority and information that a sanction has been overturned through grievance or arbitration,
if applicable.
Section XI: Miscellaneous
Confidential Nature of Files
161. The Advisor shall maintain suitable records of complaints and their disposition which shall be accessible only to the staff
of the Office of Rights and Responsibilities or as required by law. Such files shall be destroyed according to a retention
schedule determined in accordance with provincial legislation.
162. All individuals who hold information with respect to complaints under this Code, including, but not limited to, the Advisor, the
Dean of Students, the Secretary, panel members and the Registrar, and the Department of Human Resources shall maintain
the confidentiality of all information, files, documents, decisions, recordings and materials in relation to the complaint.
163. In the calculation of any delay for a hearing set out in Section VIII of the Code, the months of July and August and final
examination periods shall not be counted. However, in the case of a hearing before a Hearing Panel or an Appeals Panel
that commenced before July 1, the regular delays set out in the Code shall apply.
164. Any written notice to any person shall be sent by courier, registered mail or e-mail to the last address provided by the person
to the University and shall be deemed to be received one (1) Day after delivery.
165. Any party or witness participating in a hearing before a Hearing Panel or an Appeals Panel may make their presentation in
either English or French. If an interpreter is required to satisfy the preceding, the request shall be made at the same time as
the initial request for a Hearing Panel.
The Secretary‑General
166. The overall responsibility for the implementation and recommended amendments to the Code shall rest with the
Sir George Williams Campus
Ombuds Office
GM Building, Room: 1005.00
514‑848‑2424, ext. 8658
8. In dealing with complaints, the Ombudsperson shall act impartially, acting neither as an advocate for the Member seeking
assistance nor as a defender of the University but rather, shall seek to promote procedural fairness and a reasonable
outcome. In so doing, the Ombudsperson shall endeavour to maintain harmonious relations with all Members using tact,
diplomacy and sensitivity.
9. The Ombudsperson shall have prompt access to such University records, reports or documents as are required to fulfill each
function. Requests for such access shall receive priority from all Members.
10. A complaint should be brought to the attention of the Ombudsperson within three (3) months of the Member seeking
assistance becoming aware of the situation giving rise to the complaint. This period may be extended at the discretion of the
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
11. If the Ombudsperson decides to inquire into a matter, the Ombudsperson shall make every effort to consult the relevant
parties and give such parties the opportunity to reply.
12. Upon the conclusion of an inquiry, the Ombudsperson shall advise the Member seeking assistance of any findings and any
formulated recommendations.
13. In addition, the Ombudsperson may bring any such findings to the attention of the University authorities and make whatever
recommendations deemed appropriate and to whomever within the University deemed appropriate. Such recommendations
may bear either on the actions or decision of an individual or a group, or on the policies, rules and procedures which gave rise
to them. If, upon receipt of such findings or recommendations, a University authority proceeds to disciplinary action in order
to resolve the matter, the procedure of any relevant University policy, collective or employee agreement shall be followed.
14. The Ombudsperson shall use judgement as to the appropriateness of intervention and may refuse to take up a case or may
withdraw from a case if continued involvement is ill-advised. In such cases, the Ombudsperson shall inform the Member
seeking assistance as to the appropriate channel of redress, if applicable.
15. If the Ombudsperson refuses to take up a case or withdraws from a case, a written statement of the reason shall be provided,
upon request, to the Member seeking assistance.
16. The Ombudsperson shall not inquire into any matter that is before a court of law or is pending at or before any administrative
tribunal outside the University. In addition, upon being informed that a legal claim or that a notice of a potential legal claim
has been received by the University, the Ombudsperson shall immediately withdraw from a case and shall cease any
communication with the Member seeking assistance.
17. Under no circumstances shall the mere fact of bringing a complaint to the attention of the Ombudsperson constitute a formal
notification, for legal purposes, to the University.
18. The Ombudsperson shall avoid involvement in cases where there the Ombudsperson perceives there may be a conflict of
25. The Ombudsperson shall maintain suitable records of complaints, findings and recommendations which shall be accessible
only to the staff of the Ombuds Office or as required by law. Such files shall be destroyed according to a retention schedule
determined in accordance with provincial legislation.
Appointment of Ombudsperson
26. The Ombudsperson shall be appointed by the Board of Governors (“the Board”) upon the recommendation of a representative
advisory committee struck for this purpose by the Board. The Committee shall be composed of representatives of the
University constituencies, including at least one (1) undergraduate and one (1) graduate student and shall be chaired by
the Secretary‑General.
27. The Secretary‑General shall act as the link between the Board and the Ombudsperson for administrative purposes.
28. The appointment shall be made for an initial term of two years, renewable for further terms of five years. During the fourth
year of each such term, the Board shall appoint an appraisal committee, chaired by the Secretary‑General, and composed
of representatives of the University constituencies, including at least one (1) undergraduate and one (1) graduate student
which shall:
a. review the operations of the Office;
b. make recommendations with respect to the Office;
c. make a recommendation with respect to the renewal of the Ombudsperson.
This review shall include, but shall not be limited to, consultations with the University community as well as an external appraisal.
29. The Ombudsperson shall submit an annual report to the Board by November 1 of each year covering the previous academic
year. The report shall detail activities of the Ombuds Office, including statistics on the concerns and complaints received, and
shall make recommendations, as necessary. The Secretary‑General shall ensure that the appropriate University authorities
consider and respond to the recommendations contained in the report.
30. The annual report shall be published in the University’s news site and submitted, for information purposes, to the Senate.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 77
Complaints Relating to the Operations of the Ombuds Office
31. If a Member considers that the Ombudsperson has committed a procedural or substantive violation of these Terms of
Reference, with respect to any matter to which the Member has been a party, the Member may submit a written complaint,
detailing the alleged violation, to the Secretary‑General. The Secretary‑General shall investigate the complaint and inform
the Member of the results of the investigation.
32. If the Member is not satisfied with the response of the Secretary‑General, the Member may request, in writing, within fifteen
(15) working days of receiving the response, that the Appeals Committee of the Board review the complaint against the
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Student Life and Student Services
18.1.1 Student Services’ Mission Statement
18.1.2 Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL)
Section 18
Deputy Provost
Dean of Students
The Dean of Students Office exists to support and promote all aspects of student life on campus. Student associations and groups
are one of the primary means by which students can engage meaningfully in the life of the institution and the greater community.
By providing liaison with and support to student groups and their governing bodies, the Dean of Students encourages students to
Loyola Campus
Administration Building, Room: AD 103.8 and 103.10
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3593
Open Fridays or by appointment
Loyola Campus
F.C. Smith Building, Room: FC 110
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3588
Loyola Campus
Administration Building, Room: AD 103
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3555
All services are strictly confidential. Information can only be released with the student’s written authorization. In rare cases,
clinical staff may need to share information with third parties if they believe that the student or community‑at‑large is at risk of harm.
The sharing of information in these rare cases is strictly governed by policies. Outside of these instances, information will not be
released to family members, community physicians, therapists or University officials without the student’s consent.
Clinical Services
• Booked appointments with physicians and nurses for check‑ups, non‑urgent or chronic issues
• Urgent care for unexpected illness and injury
• Sexual health: STI assessment and treatment, contraception
• Preventive medical care, including immunizations and annual physicals
• Psychiatry assessment and consultation
For those services that are not offered, such as dental and eye care, Health Services can provide a list of resources that are
located in the vicinity.
How to Use Health Services: Using Health Services is easy. Students may call ahead to make an appointment for predictable
issues or concerns such as a physical examination, prescription renewal or health education. For unpredictable and more urgent
health‑care needs, students may come to the urgent‑care clinic where patients are seen on a first‑come, first‑served basis.
Health Insurance
Most of the services offered at Health Services are free of charge, provided students are currently registered and have valid
health insurance. Students must ensure they bring their Concordia ID card and proof of Quebec Health Insurance plan coverage,
coverage from another province, or coverage from Concordia’s International Student Insurance Plan (Blue Cross) with them to
Health Services. If a patient does not have valid health insurance, he or she will be required to pay for a physician visit. Both
Health Services locations at SGW and Loyola can provide students with information pamphlets on how to obtain a valid health
card or how to maintain coverage while studying outside their province of origin. Patients do not need to pay for visits to a nurse or
health promotions specialist.
International and Out‑of‑Province Students: To retain health coverage while studying at Concordia, out‑of‑province students
must notify their provincial health authority of their new status as a student in Quebec. This must be done at the beginning of
each academic year. Information on how to do this can be obtained through Health Services or on their website. Unlike clinics in
the community, International and out‑of‑province students are not charged for a number of third‑party fees for their medical care.
Students are therefore encouraged to use Health Services for their health‑care needs.
Health Promotion
Health Services offers programs and activities in health education, health promotion and informed health‑care consumerism.
The health promotion specialists, along with other Health Services staff, bring health promotion information to students through
outreach events on campus; monthly brown bag lunch‑time lectures; classroom presentations; and presentations for student
organizations. A calendar of events can be found on the Health Services website.
Loyola Campus
7141 Sherbrooke St. W., Room: AD 131
Tel.: 514‑848‑2424, ext. 3575
Fax: 514‑848‑4533
Closed for lunch between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Personal Counselling
Manage symptoms related to anxiety, depression and stress
• Develop necessary self and life skills (self‑care, stress management, effective communication)
• Work through challenges related to relationships, loss, sexuality and identity development
Crisis Walk‑in
• Feeling overwhelmed, unable to cope? Counsellors are available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Confidentiality is assured.
Loyola Campus
Administration Building, Room: AD 103
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3555
Students in residence are required to enrol in a meal plan offered by Concordia’s food services provider, Aramark. Information about
the meal plan can be obtained directly from Aramark through the website
A computerized housing list is made available through the Concordia Student Union (CSU) at
18.6.1 Government of Quebec Student Financial Aid (Aide Financière aux Études)
Application forms for Quebec Loans and Bursaries are available from the Financial Aid and Awards Office. It is highly recommended
that students apply for Quebec Loans and Bursaries online at the Aide financière aux études website: All
students should apply a minimum of eight weeks prior to their studies. Each student is responsible for completing his or her
application form and forwarding it directly to the government. Once a student’s aid is calculated, he or she will receive a formal
calculation sheet indicating the amount of aid he or she will be entitled to receive.
It is important to note that the Loans and Bursaries Program is based on the principle that the student and, in some cases, his or
her parents, sponsor or spouse, must contribute toward the cost of the student’s education according to their respective means. In
addition, the Government Loan and Bursary programs serve as a supplement to a student’s own resources. Therefore, a student
should not expect that all of his/her expenses will be covered through government aid.
Financial assistance is initially granted in the form of a loan that a student must pay back at the end of his or her full‑time studies. If
a student is entitled to more than the maximum loan, he or she may receive additional assistance in the form of a bursary, which
does not have to be paid back.
Students are eligible to be considered for government assistance if they meet the following conditions:
1. are a Canadian citizen or have legal status in Canada;
2. are a Quebec resident or are deemed to reside in Quebec;
3. have been admitted to a recognized educational institution and be pursuing or be deemed to be pursuing full‑time studies in
a recognized program*;
4. have not exceeded the number of months of eligibility for which financial assistance may be awarded;
5. have not reached the debt limit for their level of education, type of degree or program;
6. do not have sufficient financial resources to pursue their studies.
*For further information, contact the Financial Aid and Awards Office.
The Government of Quebec sets the maximums for cumulative debt loads and period of eligibility. The maximum cumulative
debt load is unrelated to students’ eligibility periods; in other words, students might not be eligible for any assistance if they have
accumulated a maximum debt load even if they have not used all their eligibility periods.
If students receive approval for a tuition deferral, they will still be responsible for late fees and interest on their outstanding loan
balance. The purpose of applying for a tuition deferral is to allow students participating in a government loan/bursary program the
opportunity to register for the upcoming term.
Students must meet with a financial aid advisor to apply for a tuition deferral.
I. Entrance Scholarships
Recipients are recommended to the Undergraduate Scholarship and Awards Committee by the Faculties during admission
processing on the basis of academic achievement during the first three semesters of Cegep or equivalent. For a complete list,
consult the FAAO website.
I. Concordia University Requirements for Beginning the Application Process for Federal Student Aid
The loan application process at Concordia University is “borrower initiated.” This means that for each academic year, students
must begin the loan process by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application, a Master Promissory
Note and a Concordia University U.S. Direct Loan Application form. The Concordia University U.S. Direct Loan Application form is
available on Concordia’s Financial Aid and Awards website. Students must forward all application documents to the Financial Aid
and Awards Office, as they are not received through electronic means. For the FAFSA form, Concordia’s school code is 00836500.
Program Eligibility
All programs offered to Direct Loan recipients must meet the U.S. Department of Education’s program eligibility requirements, as
outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations. In the case of foreign institutions, for recipients of Direct Loan funding, this means
that the version of the program into which the student is accepted will not include the following:
1. Any use of a telecommunications course, correspondence course or direct assessment (CFR 600.51 [d]).
2. Any course, research, internship or externship or special studies that takes place in the United States (CFR 600.52).
3. Any arrangement where a Title IV ineligible entity provides any portion of the eligible institution’s programs (CFR 600.54).
As such, students receiving Title IV aid must register for on‑campus courses only throughout their academic career at Concordia
in order to be considered enrolled in an eligible program. Should students register in any ineligible course as outlined above, they
are automatically considered to be in an ineligible program and will immediately become ineligible for Title IV funds. There is no
appeal process for this requirement. Students are encouraged to discuss their study plans with a Financial Aid advisor before
To achieve satisfactory academic progress as per the U.S. Department of Education, students must:
• Maintain a minimum assessment GPA of 2.00 and
• Maintain a minimum cumulative completion rate of two‑thirds of credits attempted (67%) and
• Complete their educational program within a time frame no longer than 150% of its published length.
(For example, completing the program after attempting a maximum of 180 credits for a 120‑credit program).
DISC, INC, MED, DEF, AU, F/FNS/R/NR and S grades, and repeated course work will be treated as follows:
• Course withdrawals (DISC) after the drop/add period are not included in the GPA calculation but are considered as non-
completion of attempted course work.
Appeal Process
Students may appeal their Student Loan Denied status if it can be determined that an unusual or extraordinary situation affected
their academic progress. An example of an unusual or extraordinary situation would be a death in the family or a serious illness.
Appeals must be:
• Submitted in writing to the Financial Aid and Awards Office’s manager of client services or financial aid advisor by the date
specified in the Student Loan Denied notification letter.
• Submitted with documentation that supports the unusual or extraordinary situation (i.e. death of a family member is
supported by a death certificate). In addition, statements must include a specific plan for academic recovery.
The procedures and policies listed above are subject to change without advance notice.
Concordia supports three Stinger club teams competing on various regional and national stages outside of the varsity framework,
including baseball, golf and cross‑country.
Loyola Campus
7200 Sherbrooke St. W., Room: PA 104
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3858
Fax: 514‑848‑8637
Stinger Dome
7200 Sherbrooke St. W.
514‑848‑2424, ext. 8860
Immigration documents and/or passport are required by the Quebec and Canadian governments for each International
student studying at Concordia. As such, it is imperative that International students submit these documents as soon
as possible upon their arrival (see §19.2 for further details). Documents can be submitted either to the International
Students Office or the Birks Student Service Centre or uploaded directly through the Concordia Portal by the student.
Visit the International Students Office directly for information regarding the immigration document requirements as well
as the application or renewal process.
For details on documentation requirements, health insurance, and other important information, see §19.
Section 19
In this section, International students will find relevant information on admission requirements, immigration regulations, tuition
fees, scholarships and bursaries, the health insurance plan, as well as regulations on working in Canada.
The International Students Office (ISO), Student and Enrolment Services, has developed support services to promote the
adjustment of International students to life and study in Canada.
It is essential that International students submit their immigration documents and/or passport as soon as possible
(see §19.2 for further details). Documents can be submitted either to the International Students Office or the Birks
Student Service Centre or uploaded directly through the Concordia Portal by the student.
Immigration regulations cited in §19 are valid at the time of this writing. For further information, students should contact the
Canadian consulate/embassy in their country.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
International Baccalaureate
Candidates who complete the full IB Diploma and who obtain a minimum total of 27 points, may be considered for admission to
the three‑year (90 credits) programs of study (four years of study in the BEng, BA [Early Childhood and Elementary Education],
BEd [TESL], BSc in Athletic Therapy, and BFA [Specialization in Art Education]). Minimum scores in prerequisite subjects as well
as a higher overall average may be required for competitive programs. Students who have not completed the full IB Diploma
program but have IB Certificates in individual Higher Level subjects may be eligible for credit.
Other Countries
Candidates applying from other countries who have completed the level of education required for university admission in their
home country will be considered for admission provided that better‑than‑average grades have been attained. In most cases, a
specific minimum overall standard is required. More specific information with respect to admission requirements can be found by
visiting the University’s website:
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 97
The University reserves the right to modify the published scale of tuition and other student fees without prior notice.
The fees, payable to the University for the regular session of two terms commencing in September and concluding in April, range
from $18,440 to $24,280 for a full‑time student. This amount includes tuition fees for 30 credits; compulsory fees which include
student services, recreation and athletics, technology infrastructure, copyright and association and activity fees; administration fee;
registration fees; and the health insurance premium. This estimate does not include the cost of textbooks or living expenses.
Please refer to the Tuition and Fees website at for information concerning the payment
of tuition and fees.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
studies at Concordia University. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholastic achievement and in some cases,
consideration is given to the involvement in university life or other non‑academic criteria.
Bursaries are awarded based on financial need and acceptable academic standing, and sometimes additional criteria may apply.
For additional information on all undergraduate awards, consult the Financial Aid and Awards Office website.
Other Awards
Information on scholarships for International students from the Government of Canada can be found on the Department of
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development’s website: Students are also encouraged to check with their home
government for funding opportunities.
Emergency Loans
Funds are available at the International Students Office for short‑term emergency loans. Loans are issued to full‑time
undergraduate and graduate students who need temporary emergency financial assistance. For further information on eligibility
requirements and conditions, contact the coordinator, International Students Office, Room: GM 330, 514‑848‑2424, ext. 3514.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 99
documents do not indicate health insurance coverage, the monthly fee charged will not be refunded. If a student has filed an
insurance claim, the student can only receive a retroactive refund for the period (months) following the claim. Refunds are
provided in the form of credit to the student’s university account.
Section 20
Alumni Chapters
Canadian and International Chapters: There are active alumni groups in Beijing, Boston, Calgary, California, Dubai, Edmonton,
Hong Kong, India, Japan, Jordan, London, Mexico, Mississauga, Netherlands, New York, North Carolina, Ottawa, Qatar, Shanghai,
Texas, Toronto, Turkey, Vancouver, Washington, D.C., Washington State and Winnipeg.
Montreal Chapters: There are Faculty‑based chapters for the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and the John Molson
School of Business, in addition to alumni volunteer opportunities in the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Arts and Science.
For the latest information on alumni chapters, benefits, and events, visit or contact Advancement and Alumni
Relations, 1250 Guy St., Room FB 520, 514‑848‑2424, ext. 4856, fax: 514‑848‑2826, or email:
Section 21
Director, Administration
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3603
Director, Programs
514-848-2424, ext. 4312
Sir George Williams Campus
Faubourg Tower
1600 St. Catherine St. W., Room: FB 100
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3600
As part of its commitment to the lifelong pursuit of education, Concordia University, through its Centre for Continuing Education,
offers a variety of non‑credit educational programs. These are designed to meet the practical needs and interests of people in the
workplace, helping them to refine and improve their professional and personal skills.
Students may choose individual courses or a program series to earn diplomas or certificates in a particular area of specialization.
Acceptance to any of the Centre for Continuing Education’s programs does not guarantee admission to, or credit towards, any of
the University’s degree programs.
For the most up‑to‑date Continuing Education programs, courses, workshops, and professional and customized development
offerings, please go to
Section 23
Roma Medwid
Executive Director
Concordia Teacher Education Council
Mailing Address:
Office of the Provost and Vice‑President, Academic Affairs
Concordia University
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Room S‑GM 806
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
514‑848‑2424, ext. 8725
The Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES) certifies teachers for the primary and secondary schools of
the province, following completion of an approved 120‑credit program. This certification is also subject to legislative provisions on
judicial antecedents and satisfying the requirements of a MEES‑approved test of English language proficiency. The MEES
recognizes Concordia University as a centre for teacher training. Concordia offers three MEES‑approved programs that grant
teaching licences (brevets d’enseignement). Because Concordia University has chosen not to organize its teacher training programs
into a single Faculty, the programs are listed under different Faculties and departments. Students interested in pursuing teacher
training and certification are asked to consult with the appropriate Faculties and academic departments for further information.
These are:
Concordia offers other certificate and diploma programs. Please refer to the Undergraduate Calendar for certificate programs,
and the School of Graduate Studies Calendar for diploma and graduate certificate programs.
Section 24
Associate Director
The University through the Institute for Co‑operative Education offers programs in the co‑operative format in the departments of
Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Economics, Journalism, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, Political Science, Sociology and
Anthropology, and in the Translation program in the Faculty of Arts and Science; in all departments of the Faculty of Engineering and
Computer Science; in the areas of Accountancy, Business Technology Management (formerly Management Information Systems),
Finance, Human Resource Management, International Business, Marketing, and Supply Chain Operations Management in the
John Molson School of Business; and in Art History in the Faculty of Fine Arts.
As it becomes feasible, the University may consider offering other programs in the co‑op format.
Admission to Co‑op
Admission to co‑op is selective based on academic performance, as well as other factors such as extracurricular activities,
communication skills, motivation, personality, and drive. Applicants must be legally eligible to work in Canada. International
students are required to obtain a Canadian work permit.
Students applying to co‑op should complete the appropriate section on the University Admissions form. When students are
accepted, they may be asked to provide a resumé of past work experience and a statement of the reasons for their interest in the
co‑op format.
The final decision to accept or reject an applicant rests with the Director, Institute for Co‑operative Education.
Work Term
Co‑operative education at Concordia is not to be construed as a placement operation or an inexpensive labour apprenticeship.
The work term is an essential part of the student’s learning experience and there is to be equitable remuneration paid for work
performed. A co‑op coordinator or participating faculty member visits the students at their place of work to evaluate the work
performance, gauge the learning opportunities, assess the compatibility of student and employer and, if necessary, takes corrective
action. The procedures for matching students with employers are managed by the Institute for Co‑operative Education. Students
must be willing to work anywhere in Canada, and may go abroad for a work term. Students must begin and end their degree with
an academic study term. It should be noted that the University does not guarantee every student a job.
The work terms are designated as CWT 100, 200, 300, and 400 (Co‑op Work Term I, II, III, and IV respectively). An appropriate
letter is added to the course code to identify the student’s area of study. These work terms carry no credit value and are used to
indicate that the student is on a work term.
Biology Co‑op
Academic Director: Dr. Madoka Gray‑Mitsumune, 514‑848‑2424, ext. 4026
The Biology co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BSc Honours or Specialization in Biology; Cell and
Molecular Biology; and Ecology.
Students in Biology co‑op take the regular academic program. Work positions are available in industry, national and provincial
research institutes, health organizations, and universities located throughout Canada. Students are encouraged to choose
their work‑term positions that will provide practical experiences in biology‑related fields. Please see §31.030 for specific details
concerning the curriculum.
The Chemistry and Biochemistry co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BSc Honours or Specialization
in Chemistry, Biochemistry.
Students in Chemistry and Biochemistry co‑op take the regular academic program; however, in the work terms the employment
opportunities range among a wide variety of industrial and government agencies located throughout Canada. Students are
encouraged to choose their work‑term positions in a way which provides them with experience ranging from basic analysis in
industrial processes and environmental control to senior research placements in the laboratories of various employers. Please
see §31.050 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
Economics Co‑op
Academic Director: Dr. Christian Sigouin, 514‑848‑2424, ext. 3916
The Economics co‑operative program is offered to students enrolled in a BA Honours or Specialization in Economics. The
academic content of the Economics co‑op program is identical to that of the regular program; however, the required work terms
provide the co‑op student with the unique opportunity of experiencing economics in an applied format.
Because of the course choices available, an Economics co‑op student is prepared to undertake employment during his or her
work terms in a variety of public sectors including provincial and federal government agencies. Private sector positions might
include placements in banks, consulting firms, or planning departments in a variety of industries. Please see §31.080 for specific
details concerning the curriculum.
Journalism Co‑op
Academic Director: Dr. Andrea Hunter, 514‑848‑2424, ext. 2485
The Journalism co‑operative program is offered to full‑time students who are enrolled in the BA Major program in the Department
of Journalism. Students who meet the academic requirements for co‑op are eligible to apply. The academic content is very similar
to that of the regular programs, with some specific recommendations for courses to improve the students’ job skills. Work terms
provide co‑op students with the opportunity to gain practical journalism experience with a variety of employers. While most of
the positions will be in the Montreal area, students must be prepared to work in other parts of Canada. Please see §31.180 for
specific details concerning the curriculum.
The Mathematics and Statistics co‑operative program is offered to students enrolled in the BA or BSc degrees with Honours
or Specialization in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Mathematics, Actuarial Mathematics/Finance or
Mathematical and Computational Finance. The academic content of the Mathematics and Statistics co‑op programs is identical to
that of the regular programs.
Work terms provide co‑op students with the opportunity to gain practical experience with a variety of employers, such as insurance
companies, consulting firms, large Canadian corporations, government departments, and research establishments. Please see
§31.200 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
The Physics co‑operative program is offered to all full‑time students who are enrolled in the department and meet the academic
requirements for co‑op. Students in Physics co‑op take the regular academic program; however, in the work terms the employment
opportunities are from a wide variety of industrial and government agencies located throughout Canada. Students are encouraged
to choose their work‑term positions in a way which provides them with experience in applied mathematics, computer science, and
electronics. Please see §31.230 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
The Political Science co‑operative program is available to all full‑time students enrolled in the major and honours programs in the
Department who meet the academic requirements for co‑op. The academic content is identical to that of the regular program;
however, the required work terms provide the co‑op students with the unique opportunity to apply and refine their skills in public,
private and third sectors. Work opportunities are found in environments such as government departments and agencies; crown
corporations; industries such as banks, telecommunications, and transportation; international organizations; non‑government and
not‑for‑profit organizations; and similar. Please see §31.240 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
The Sociology and Anthropology co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BA Honours, Specialization
in Sociology/Anthropology, or Sociology or Anthropology Major. Academic content is identical to that of the regular program, but
six study terms are interspersed with three work terms. Students are supervised personally and must meet the requirements
specified by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Institute for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the
co‑op format. Liaison between the student, the employers and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Sociology
and Anthropology co‑op committee, which includes the student’s advisors. Please see §31.310 for specific details concerning the
Translation Co‑op
Academic Director: Dr. Danièle Marcoux, 514‑848‑2424, ext. 7894
The Translation co‑operative program is offered to students enrolled in a specialized BA in Translation. The academic content of the
Translation co‑op program is identical to that of the regular program; however, the required work terms provide the co‑op students
with the unique opportunity to apply their translation skills in the government and corporate sectors. Work opportunities are found in
environments such as government ministries, communication departments, and various organizations such as technical publishers,
consultants, advertising agencies, and similar. Please see §31.110 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
Accountancy Co‑op
Academic Director: Tara Ramsaran, 514‑848‑2424, ext. 2756
The Accountancy co‑operative program is available to students who are enrolled in the BComm program and are majoring in
Accountancy. The academic content is very similar to that of the regular programs, with some specific recommendations for
courses designed to improve and enhance the student’s quality of work performance. While most of the positions will be in the
Montreal area, students must be prepared to work in other parts of Canada. Please see §61.40 for specific details concerning the
The Business Technology Management co‑operative program is available to students who are enrolled in the BComm program
and are majoring in Business Technology Management. The academic content is very similar to that of the regular programs, with
some specific recommendations for courses designed to improve and enhance the student’s quality of work performance. While
most of the positions will be in the Montreal area, students must be prepared to work in other parts of Canada. Please see §61.50
for specific details concerning the curriculum.
Finance Co‑op
Academic Director: Loretta Hung, 514‑848‑2424, ext. 5114
The Finance co‑operative program is available to students who are enrolled in the BComm program and are majoring in Finance.
The academic content is very similar to that of the regular programs, with some specific recommendations for courses designed
to improve and enhance the student’s quality of work performance. Most of the positions will be in the Montreal area; however,
students must be prepared to work in other parts of Canada. Please see §61.70 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
The Human Resource Management co‑operative program is available to students who are enrolled in the BComm program and are
majoring in Human Resource Management. The academic content is very similar to that of the regular programs, with some specific
recommendations for courses designed to improve and enhance the student’s quality of work performance. While most of the
positions will be in the Montreal area, students must be prepared to work in other parts of Canada. Please see §61.90 for specific
details concerning the curriculum.
The International Business co‑operative program is available to students who are enrolled in the BComm program and are majoring
in International Business. The academic content is very similar to that of the regular program, with specific recommendations for
courses designed to improve and enhance the student’s quality of work performance. Positions for work terms are not limited to the
Montreal area, and may include one work term outside of Canada. Please see §61.80 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
Marketing Co‑op
Academic Director: Harold J. Simpkins, 514‑848‑2424, ext. 2955
The Marketing co‑operative program is available to students who are enrolled in the BComm program and are majoring in Marketing.
The academic content is very similar to that of the regular programs, with some specific recommendations for courses designed to
improve and enhance the student’s quality of work performance. While most of the positions will be in the Montreal area, students
must be prepared to work in other parts of Canada. Please see §61.100 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
The Supply Chain Operations Management co‑operative program is available to students who are enrolled in the BComm program
and are majoring in Supply Chain Operations Management. The academic content is very similar to that of the regular programs,
with some specific recommendations for courses designed to improve and enhance the student’s quality of work performance.
While most of the positions will be in the Montreal area, students must be prepared to work in other parts of Canada. Please see
§61.50 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
The Building and Civil Engineering programs are offered in the co‑op format to selected students pursuing undergraduate studies
leading to the degree of BEng. The academic content of the co‑op program is identical to that of the regular program but requires
one additional course per term. Work‑term opportunities range from a variety of industrial, government, and consulting organizations
in and out of town. Students are encouraged to choose work terms in both public and private sectors, and to mix office experience
with site work. Please refer to §71.10.8 and 71.50 for specific information on program and performance requirements.
The Electrical and Computer Engineering programs are offered in the co‑op format to selected students pursuing undergraduate
studies leading to the degree of BEng. The academic content of the co‑op program is identical to that of the regular program but
requires one additional course per term. Work‑term opportunities range from a variety of industrial, government, and consulting
organizations in and out of town. Students are encouraged to choose work terms in both public and private sectors, and to mix office
experience with site work. Please refer to §71.10.8 and 71.30 for specific information on program and performance requirements.
The Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering programs are offered in the co‑op format to selected students pursuing
undergraduate studies leading to the degree of BEng. The academic content of the co‑op program is identical to that of the regular
program but requires one additional course per term. Work‑term opportunities range from a variety of industrial, government, and
consulting organizations in and out of town. Students are encouraged to choose work terms in both public and private sectors, and
to mix office experience with site work. Please refer to §71.10.8 and 71.40 for specific information on program and performance
The Computer Science and Software Engineering Department offers a co‑operative program in Software Engineering. This is a
four‑year program which will lead to professional engineering qualifications in Software Engineering. The academic content is a mix
of Computer Science and Engineering courses and is similar to that of the regular programs. Please see §71.70 for further details.
All options in the Computer Science program are offered in the co‑op format to selected students enrolled in the BCompSc program.
Co‑op students in Computer Science take the regular academic program; however, they have the opportunity through the work terms
to experience computer science in the government and corporate sectors. As students near the end of their studies, they are able
to choose work terms directly related to their option, e.g. information systems, software systems, or computer applications. Please
refer to §71.10.8 and 71.70 for specific information on program and performance requirements.
The Art History co‑operative program is available to students who are enrolled in the BFA program and are majoring in Art History.
The academic content is the same as that of the regular program, with specific recommendations for courses designed to improve
and enhance the student’s quality of work performance. While most of the positions will be in the Montreal area, students must be
prepared to work in other parts of Canada. Please see §81.50 for specific details concerning the curriculum.
*Admission to the Art History co‑op program has been suspended for the 2017‑18 academic year and until further notice.
Activity flow chart for students undertaking their programs in the co‑op format:
Fall Winter Summer
Year 1 Term 1 Term 2 Work Term 1
Year 2 Term 3 Work Term 2 Term 4
Year 3 Work Term 3 Term 5 Term 6
Year 4 Graduate
Journalism, Physics
Fall Winter Summer
Year 1 Term 1 Term 2 Work Term 1
Year 2 Term 3 Term 4 Work Term 2
Year 3 Work Term 3 Term 5 Off/Term 6
Year 4 Term 6 Graduate
Software Engineering
Fall Winter Summer
Year 1 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Year 2 Work Term 1 Term 4 Work Term 2
Year 3 Term 5 Term 6 Work Term 3
Year 4 Term 7 Term 8 Graduate
NOTE 1: The above activity flow chart is for students admitted into the co‑op format in the fall term of the first year of their academic
program. However, students may be admitted at the start of the winter term, following their September entry, with special permission.
All are required to register as full‑time students, and they must plan their studies to give a reasonable division of the total credits
required for their degree between the specified number of campus terms. Students eligible to apply for NSERC grants should note
that they must take at least 15 credits per term to be considered.
NOTE 2: The work term negotiated with the employer is for a minimum of 12 weeks. Extension beyond this period, to a maximum of
17 weeks, is at the sole discretion of the employer. To complete the requirements of each work term, a student’s work performance
and work‑term report must be assessed as “pass” in accordance with the procedure specified under “Co‑op Performance
Admission Requirements
Students in all programs who have a minimum GPA of 2.50 (cumulative and last assessment) are eligible to apply for the Industrial
or Professional Experience option if their program offers them. Some departments may have a different requirement to be accepted
into and remain in the option. Please check with the co-op academic director of the respective program for more details.
Work Terms
Students in the Industrial or Professional Experience options may complete one or two work terms. For each work term, students
must register in their work experience courses (for example, ENGR 107, 207 for Engineering).
For each work term, all students must complete a work‑term report reviewed and graded by the co‑op academic director. Students
must also submit an Employer’s Evaluation completed by their job‑site supervisor. Work experience courses are assigned no
academic credits, and students receive a grade of pass or fail.
The work‑term evaluation consists of two components:
1. the student’s work‑term performance as evaluated by the Director of the Institute for Co‑operative Education or delegate, with
input from the employer;
2. the work‑term report or communications component and presentation, as evaluated by the co‑op academic director and the
Director of the Institute for Co‑operative Education or delegate.
Each component is evaluated separately. Students must successfully complete all required components to pass the work term
which is marked on a pass/fail basis. A failing grade for the work term or failure to meet the co‑op academic requirements will
normally result in the dismissal of the student from the Institute for Co‑operative Education.
Section 25
The Rytsa Tobias Memorial Medal: Presented by the Tobias Family, and awarded to the highest ranking student graduating with
a BA degree.
The Anne Stokes Medal: Awarded to the highest ranking student graduating with a BEd degree in Teaching English as a Second
The Mappin Medal: Donated by the Mappin Family, and awarded to the highest ranking student graduating with a BSc degree.
The Administration Medal: Awarded to the highest ranking student graduating with a BAdmin degree.
The Commerce Medal: Awarded to the highest ranking student graduating with a BComm degree.
The Computer Science Medal: Awarded to the highest ranking student graduating with a BCompSc degree.
The Chait Medal: Awarded to the highest ranking student graduating with a BEng degree.
The Alfred Pinsky Medal: Awarded to the highest ranking student graduating with a BFA degree.
The Dean of Students Medal: Presented by the Dean of Students to a graduating student in an undergraduate or graduate program
who has demonstrated a high level of engagement in student or community life while overcoming social, physical or intellectual
stigma and maintaining academic excellence. The focus of the award is on the accomplishments and not the challenge and is
meant to reward a student for having made a difference either within Concordia or in the outside community through involvement
in volunteerism or the development of an initiative that addresses a problem within society. The award is presented at the Spring
Convocation Ceremonies.
The First Graduating Class Award: Presented on behalf of the first graduating class of the Faculty of Arts, Science and Commerce of
Sir George Williams College, known as the Guinea Pig Club, for the most innovative contribution either academic or extra‑curricular
to University life. The award is presented at the Spring Convocation Ceremonies.
The O’Brien Medal: Presented in honour of Dr. J.W. O’Brien and awarded to the undergraduate graduating student whose efforts
and dedication best exemplify the values of the University within the larger external community. The award is presented at the
Spring Convocation Ceremonies.
The Provost’s Medal for Outstanding Achievement: Presented by the Office of the Provost and awarded to the undergraduate
graduating student whose commitment and spirit towards academic excellence, leadership, athleticism, and civic responsibility
reflect the values exemplified by Concordia University and the Office of the Provost. The award is presented at the Spring
Convocation Ceremonies.
Section 26
Section 31
ANDRÉ ROY, PhD State University of New York at Buffalo
Loyola Campus
Administration Building, Room: AD 328
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2080
The Faculty of Arts and Science, comprised of the former Loyola Faculty of Arts and Science, the former Sir George Williams
Faculty of Arts, and the former Sir George Williams Faculty of Science, was brought into being on July 1, 1977.
For administrative purposes, the Faculty consists of departments, programs, colleges, institutes, and schools.
The departments and other units of which the Faculty is comprised are as follows:
Applied Human Sciences
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
Communication Studies
Études françaises
Exercise Science
Geography, Planning and Environment
Mathematics and Statistics
Political Science
Religions and Cultures
Sociology and Anthropology
Theological Studies
Certificate in Arts and Science
Certificate in Science Foundations
Individually Structured Program
The Faculty of Arts and Science is committed to responsible and innovative leadership in developing and disseminating knowledge
and values, and encouraging constructive social criticism. The Faculty achieves these objectives through inclusive and accessible
academic programs which stress a broad‑based, interdisciplinary approach to learning. We are dedicated to superior teaching and
research supported by excellence in scholarship and creative activity, and a tradition of service to the community. The Faculty of
Arts and Science serves many interdependent academic communities in an urban environment where students and faculty can
pursue their shared commitment to lifelong learning.
Profile Requirements
0.80 Full‑time teaching position with an educational institution recognized by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de
l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES) and a Provisional Teaching Authorization from the MEES.
4.03 Social Science DEC plus Mathematics 300 and Biology 921 (Social Science DEC includes Introductory Psychology).
4.10 DEC in Humanities or equivalent. Any other DEC including courses in Psychology and Quantitative Methods or its
10.1 Mathematics 337 or 103 and 307 or 201‑NYA; Biology 301, 401, 911, 921 or 101‑NYA; Psychology 101 or 102.
10.5 Two Cegep courses or equivalent in the language to be studied. If these courses have not been available in the
Cegep attended, the student may be required to complete them at the university level.
10.9 Mathematics 103 or 201‑NYA and 203 or 201‑NYB; Physics 101 or 203‑NYA and 201 or 203‑NYB and 301 or
203‑NYC; Chemistry 101 or 202‑NYA and 201 or 202‑NYB; Biology 301 or 101‑NYA.
10.10 Mathematics 103 or 201‑NYA and 203 or 201‑NYB and 105 or 201‑NYC; Physics 101 or 203‑NYA and 201 or
203‑NYB and 301 or 203‑NYC; Chemistry 101 or 202‑NYA and 201 or 202‑NYB; Biology 301 or 101‑NYA.
10.12 Mathematics 103 or 201‑NYA and 203 or 201‑NYB and 105 or 201‑NYC.
10.13 There are no particular requirements for graduates of an anglophone Cegep other than the DEC. Graduates of a
francophone Cegep must hold a DEC with an advanced course in English or have an equivalent background in English.
A: Interview
E: Essay
G: Letter of intent
P: Competency in written and oral French, to be determined by a proficiency test, the results of which may lead to the
rejection of the candidate or the requirement of additional university courses.
Q: Competency in written and oral English, to be determined by a proficiency test, the results of which may lead to the
rejection of the candidate or the requirement of additional university courses.
+: Two letters of reference; Early Childhood and Elementary Education and Teaching of English as a Second Language
require three letters of reference.
Program titles refer to honours, specialization and major components where these exist. Full information about the programs
offered under each title (including combinations with programs in other disciplines) is to be found in the section of the Calendar
specified in the third column below.
Students admitted to the BSc Extended Credit Program are required to complete an additional 30 credits for the BSc degree and
must include the following 30 credits:
6 credits in Chemistry 2053, 2063
6 credits in Mathematics 2033, 2053*
12 credits in Physics 2043, 2053, 2063, 2241, 2251, 2261
3 credits in Biology 2013
3 credits in Mathematics 2043 for students intending to enter programs of concentration in Mathematics or Physics;**
or electives for all other students
*Students not having MATH 2013, or the equivalent, must take it in place of one of their elective courses.
**Students not having MATH 2023, or the equivalent, must take it in place of one of their elective courses.
NOTE: Students in the BA, BEd or BSc Extended Credit Program may not count towards their programs of concentration courses
taken as part of the first 30 credits.
Since the Cegep programs are designed to give all students the opportunity to explore different fields and thus acquire a broad
general basis for further study, the undergraduate programs in the Faculty of Arts and Science require some degree of concentration
The minor is a program consisting of a minimum of 24 specified credits in a single discipline and professing to give a basic
introduction to the methodology and key concepts of that discipline. A minor cannot in and by itself provide the concentration
required of a candidate for a degree and is therefore always taken in combination with another program. In addition to the
interdisciplinary and disciplinary minors available in Arts and Science, students may register with approval for selected minors in
other Faculties. Available Arts and Science interdisciplinary minors are listed in §31.170. Disciplinary minors are indicated in the
Calendar entry of each department or college.
The Faculty of Arts and Science and the John Molson School of Business:
With the approval of the John Molson School of Business, Arts and Science students may take a Minor in Business Studies
(see §61.140).
The Faculty of Arts and Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science:
With the approval of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Arts and Science students may take a Minor in Computer
Science (see §71.70.5).
All minors in the Faculty of Fine Arts are open to suitably qualified students.
The major consists of a minimum of 36 specified credits taken in an approved sequence of courses. Normally within a major program
not more than 36 credits are required from a single discipline or department. In certain programs, however, additional credits are
required in cognate disciplines and departments. The major provides a solid grounding in the academic knowledge comprehended
within the field of concentration. To enter and remain in it, a student normally does not have to meet a special performance require-
ment; see, however, Western Society and Culture §31.520. Students with appropriate admission requirements, normally after
completion of 24 credits, may request permission to be admitted to a second program of concentration in the Faculty, normally a
major. Exceptionally, students may complete a second major in the Faculty of Fine Arts with permission of both Faculties. Students
may apply to add a major program normally offered as part of a BA degree to a BSc degree or BEd degree or vice‑versa. Attainment
of acceptable GPA and satisfactory academic standing are required. The Faculty of Arts and Science will consider favourably such
requests subject to admission quotas and the student having the appropriate prerequisite and admission profile (see §31.002).
The student record and official transcript indicate all programs of concentration. Specific courses can only be used to fulfill the
requirements of one program.
Students completing the requirements of a BA, BEd, BSc, and/or BFA will elect one degree for graduation.
The specialization consists of a minimum of 60 specified credits, normally not more than 54 credits of which are mandated from a
single discipline or department. A specialization provides a comprehensive education in the field of concentration, but to enter and
remain in it, a student normally does not have to meet a special performance requirement unless otherwise indicated in the program.
Students interested in subsequent “classification” by the Government of Quebec may be advised to follow a specialization or an
honours program. Second programs of concentration (minor or major) may be combined with a specialization program according
to regulations described above for those programs.
The honours program consists of a minimum of 60 specified credits taken in an approved sequence of courses. Normally within
an honours program not more than 60 credits are mandated from a single discipline or department in the Arts and 72 credits in the
Sciences. Additional credits may be required in cognate disciplines and departments. Superior academic performance is required
for admission to and continuation in the honours program, the precise level of such performance being determined by Senate.
See §16.2.4 and Faculty Honours Regulations set out below for matters governing honours programs at Concordia. An honours
degree or equivalent, because it testifies to a student’s comprehensive education in a particular field, intellectual commitment to
that field, and achievement of a high level of academic performance, has traditionally been required of entrants to postgraduate
Graduation Requirements
1. A candidate for graduation must have successfully completed a program of concentration in the form of an honours,
specialization, or major program.
2. A candidate for graduation must have successfully completed at least 24 credits outside the single discipline or department
from which the degree concentration has been chosen. Within every block of 30 credits taken towards the degree, a student
will normally choose no more than 24 credits from any one discipline or department.
3. A candidate for graduation must have successfully completed at least 18 credits from courses in Arts and Science in every
block of 30 credits taken towards the degree.
4. A candidate for the BA degree must have qualified for admission to, and successfully completed, a program leading to that
degree. Specific admission requirements, expressed as Cegep pre‑Arts profiles, are given in §31.002. Students wishing to
transfer out of one degree program into another must satisfy the admission requirements of the program they seek to enter.
5. Program students in the Faculty of Arts and Science may take ESL courses for credit, up to a maximum of six credits.
6. A candidate for the BSc degree must have qualified for admission to, and successfully completed, a program leading to that
degree. Specific admission requirements, expressed as Cegep pre‑Science profiles, are given in §31.002. Students wishing to
transfer out of one degree program into another must satisfy the admission requirements of the program they seek to enter.
Honours Programs
The Faculty of Arts and Science has programs leading to an honours concentration in certain selected fields. To enter an honours
program, students may apply either for direct entry on admission or, if already admitted to a program in the Faculty of Arts and
Science, to the departmental honours advisor. The Department will notify the Office of the Registrar of the acceptance.
Failed standing results when a student obtains an AGPA of less than 1.50, or conditional standing in two consecutive periods of
Failed students may not write supplemental examinations.
Failed students are required to withdraw from their program. Students who are in failed standing for a second time will be dismissed
from the University. In subsequent years, should they wish to return to University studies, they must contact the Office of the
Registrar for information concerning conditions and procedures for seeking readmission. Decisions of the relevant authority in the
Faculty to which application is made are final.
Failed students who are not dismissed may apply for readmission through the Dean’s Office of the Faculty to which they wish to
be readmitted. If readmitted, they will be placed on academic probation. They must return to acceptable standing at the time of
their next assessment. Other conditions will be determined at the time of readmission.
Graduation Requirements
Students must satisfy all course requirements, be in acceptable standing, and have a minimum final graduation GPA of 2.00.
The standings of potential graduates who have attempted fewer than 12 credits since their last assessment are determined on the
basis that these credits constitute an extension of the last assessment period.
Potential graduates who fail to meet the requirements of acceptable standing, but meet the requirements of conditional standing,
will have the following options:
a) register for an additional 12 credits and, at the next assessment, meet the requirements for acceptable standing;
b) register for fewer than 12 additional credits.
In this case, standing will be determined on the basis that these extra credits constitute an extension of the last assessment
For both option a) and option b), the additional courses taken must be approved by the appropriate member of the Dean’s Office,
in consultation with the student’s department where necessary.
Dean’s Office
Dean’s Office is to be understood as being the appropriate member of the Dean’s Office, normally the Associate Dean, Student
Academic Services, or delegate.
PAUL JOYCE, PhD Dalhousie University; Associate Dean, Academic Programs
Loyola Campus
Faculty of Arts and Science
7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2088
An education for life requires the ability to read, write, speak, reason, compute, and listen effectively. This is true for all students,
whether they are in the social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, or any other Faculty in the University. The General Education
requirement is meant to provide breadth to the student’s program of study.
HUMANITIES: Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics; Communication Studies; English; Études françaises; History;
Irish Studies; Journalism; Liberal Arts College; Philosophy; Theological Studies
SOCIAL SCIENCE: Applied Human Sciences; Economics; Education; Geography, Planning and Environment; Loyola College
for Diversity and Sustainability; Political Science; Religions and Cultures; School of Community and Public
Affairs; Simone de Beauvoir Institute; Sociology and Anthropology
SCIENCE: Biology; Chemistry/Biochemistry; Exercise Science; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Psychology;
Science College
Courses falling under the administrative umbrella of Interdisciplinary Studies are considered for General Education requirement
purposes to fall within the Social Sciences.
Students may also count courses offered by the John Molson School of Business, the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science,
and the Faculty of Fine Arts toward their General Education requirement.
Students in a 90‑credit degree who successfully complete an honours program or a specialization program from the Science
disciplinary sector and who complete the Minor in Multidisciplinary Studies in Science offered by the Science College are
considered to have met the General Education requirement.
Students enrolled in two areas of concentration which are both within the same disciplinary sector are required to take six credits
outside of the sector. For example, students enrolled in a BA Major in History and a BA Major in Theological Studies, both of
which fall within the Humanities, must fulfill the requirement by successfully completing either six credits from the Social Science
or Science sector, or three credits from the Social Science sector and three credits from the Science sector, or six credits from
outside the Faculty of Arts and Science.
Students enrolled in two areas of concentration drawn from different disciplinary sectors will be considered as having satisfied the
General Education requirement. For example, students enrolled in a BA Major in Sociology (Social Science) and a BA Major in
English (Humanities) will be considered as having satisfied the General Education requirement.
Students enrolled in an undergraduate certificate program are exempt from the General Education requirement as are students
pursuing a second or subsequent undergraduate degree.
ESL courses or introductory English language courses are not considered as substitutions for this requirement.
PETER MORDEN, PhD University of Waterloo; Associate Professor
JAMES F. GAVIN, PhD New York University
RAYE KASS, PhD University of Toronto
VARDA MANN‑FEDER, DEd McGill University
LISA OSTIGUY, PhD University of Iowa
Associate Professors
NATASHA BLANCHET‑COHEN, PhD University of Victoria
JAMES CONKLIN, PhD Concordia University
GILBERT ÉMOND, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal
WARREN LINDS, PhD University of British Columbia
PATTI RANAHAN, PhD University of Victoria
ROSEMARY REILLY, PhD McGill University
HILARY ROSE, PhD University of Georgia
FELICE YUEN, PhD University of Waterloo
Assistant Professors
ELIZABETH FAST, PhD McGill University
DARLA FORTUNE, PhD University of Waterloo
SHAWN WILKINSON, PhD McGill University
Senior Lecturers
STEVEN HENLE, PhD New York University
ROBERT HOPP, MA University of Iowa
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Loyola Campus
7141 Sherbrooke St. W., Room: VE 223
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3330 or 2260
Department Objectives
The strategic objective of the Department of Applied Human Sciences is to improve quality of life and well‑being. This is
accomplished through the integration of theory and practice to promote effective practitioner skill. The Department of Applied
Human Sciences is an interdisciplinary and applied academic unit which generates knowledge and provides practice‑based
education in human relations, leisure sciences, therapeutic recreation, human systems intervention, family life education and
community service. Involvement in practical contexts beyond the University provides an important link with members of the
community, thereby offering a genuine environment for the exchange of knowledge and expertise.
Students in Human Relations, Leisure Sciences, and Therapeutic Recreation are required to complete the appropriate entrance
profiles. The entrance profile is 0.00G for Human Relations; 0.00G for Leisure Sciences; and 3.14G for Therapeutic Recreation.
Please Note: Students may complete the 3.14 profile at Concordia after admission (see Programs and Admission Requirements).
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
Students must follow one of the following concentrations: Individual and Small Group Processes; Family Science; Community
Development; or Organization Development and Change.
Recreation Programming
With at least three credits at the 400 level, chosen from AHSC 2813, 3103, 3113, 3233, 3333, 3603, 4033, 4213, 4223, 4443,
4503, 4606, 4903, 4913
Recreation Administration
With at least three credits at the 300 level, chosen from MANA 2013, 2023, 2983, 3003, 3433, 3623, 3743
Students must follow one of the following concentrations: Individual and Small Group Processes; Community Development; or
Organization Development and Change.
Admission Requirements
Students are required to complete the 0.00G entrance profile to enter the certificate.
Mature Entry students require the prerequisite: ENGL 2123.
Admission Requirements
Students are required to complete the 0.00G entrance profile to enter the certificate.
Mature Entry students require the prerequisite: ENGL 2123.
AHSC 225 Principles of Experiential and Action Learning and the Reflective Practitioner (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the ways in which theories of learning (including experiential, transformational, integral and
action learning) relate to and can inform efforts to bring improvement and change to individuals and groups. The course explores
the importance of personal engagement in learning, and illustrates how ongoing reflection strengthens a learning process. It
enables students to create clear personal visions, set relevant learning goals, create and organize related activities, and assess
their progress. The course provides learning process models and ways to identify personal stylistic differences which affect
personal learning progress and strategies.
AHSC 370 Organizational Development and Change: Models and Methods (3 credits)
Prerequisite: AHSC 270, 332. The focus of this course is on the practice of human system intervention from a pragmatic as well
as a theoretical perspective. The course emphasizes collaborative strategies for effecting change in human systems within a broad
range of intervention alternatives. It focuses on the interventionist’s role in effective change strategy development, initiation,
management, and evaluation. The course is taught with a special focus on personal and professional values and ethical issues
related to human systems intervention.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
PATRICK J. GULICK, PhD University of California, Davis; Professor
GRANT BROWN, PhD Memorial University of Newfoundland
EMMA DESPLAND, PhD University of Oxford
JAMES GRANT, PhD University of Guelph
MICHAEL T. HALLETT, PhD University of Victoria
VINCENT MARTIN, PhD University of British Columbia; Provost’s Distinction
PEDRO PERES‑NETO, PhD University of Toronto
VLADIMIR TITORENKO, PhD Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Moscow
ADRIAN TSANG, PhD York University
MALCOLM WHITEWAY, PhD University of Alberta; Provost’s Distinction
WILLIAM ZERGES, PhD Princeton University
Associate Professors
CHRISTOPHER BRETT, PhD Johns Hopkins University
DYLAN FRASER, PhD Université Laval
ALISA PIEKNY, PhD University of Calgary
MICHAEL SACHER, PhD McGill University
DAVID WALSH, PhD Dalhousie University
ROBERT WELADJI, PhD Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Assistant Professors
AASHIQ H. KACHROO, PhD Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore)
DAVID KWAN, PhD University of Cambridge
JIN SUK LEE, PhD University of British Columbia
JEAN‑PHILIPPE LESSARD, PhD University of Tennessee
Senior Lecturers
IAN FERGUSON, PhD Concordia.University
MADOKA GRAY‑MITSUMUNE, PhD University of British Columbia
DONALD GRAY STIRLING, PhD University of Maryland
Affiliate Professor
ANNE‑HÉLÈNE PRIEUR‑RICHARD, PhD Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Loyola Campus
Richard J. Renaud Science Complex, Room: SP 375.19
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3400
Department Objectives
The Biology Department is dedicated to teaching and research that advance understanding of life from molecules and cells to
organisms, populations, and entire ecosystems. The Department’s programs inspire students with an appreciation of the rich
diversity of the living world.
Students acquire a comprehensive grounding in modern biology through classroom study as well as extensive hands‑on training
in research methodology. A variety of specialized laboratories and equipment supports both research and teaching activities.
The Biology Department offers Honours and Specialization programs in Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Ecology, as
well as Major and Minor programs in Biology. Students planning a career or graduate studies in the biological sciences normally
follow the appropriate honours or specialization program. The major program is designed for students who wish to study biology
and either obtain a more general education or pursue an additional program in another discipline. The major program can be
combined with a major in another department.
Students registered in the Honours, Specialization, or Major in Biology may select Biology electives in various subject areas in
order to obtain a broad overview of the discipline. However, it is possible for students to pursue in‑depth studies in specific areas
such as animal biology, plant biology, or microbiology and biotechnology.
The minor program can only be taken by students registered in another degree program and provides an opportunity to gain a
basic exposure to the main sub‑disciplines of Biology or to pursue one such area in some depth.
Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of academic counselling services available in the Biology Department in
order to select the program and courses that best meet their needs. Students may transfer among programs after the first year of
study since the core courses in all programs are quite similar.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 149
9 Chosen from BIOL 4503, 4513, 4523, 4573, 4593, 4733; GEOG 4633
9 Chosen from Biology credits** at the 300 and/or 400 levels
NOTE: Biology lab requirement: Students must take at least nine credits from Biology courses with lab components (BIOL 227,
330, 337, 340, 368, 382, 450, 466).
NOTE: Students seeking admission to the honours program may apply either for direct entry on the University application form or,
once in another program, to the departmental honours advisor normally following the completion of 30 credits. Admission, retention,
and graduation in an honours program requires that the student has a cumulative and last assessment GPA of at least 3.30 with
no grade below C.
BSc Major in Biology
BIOL 2253, 2263, 2613, 2663, 3673; CHEM 2213*, 2713
Chosen from BIOL 3223; CHEM 2123
Chosen from BIOL 2273, 3303, 3373, 3403, 3643, 3663, 3713, 3823, 3853 with at least six credits from courses with lab
components (227, 330, 337, 340, 382)
12 Chosen from Biology credits** at the 300 and/or 400 levels with at least three credits at the 400 level
24 Minor in Biology
9 BIOL 2253, 2263, 2273
3 Chosen from BIOL 2063, 2613
12 Biology elective credits
*Students entering the program with Cegep Organic Chemistry must replace these credits with an equivalent number of credits in
Biology program electives.
**In addition to BIOL courses at the 300 and 400 levels, these courses can include the following CHEM courses: 212, 222
(counting as a 300‑level elective), 326, 335, 375, 425, 470, 471, 472, 475, 476, 477, 478, 481. CHEM 498 may be included if the
topic is approved by formal student request through the Biology departmental advisor.
The Biology co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BSc Honours or Specialization in Biology; Cell and
Molecular Biology; and Ecology. Students interested in applying for the Biology co‑op should refer to §24 where a full description
of the admission requirements is provided.
Academic content is identical to that of the regular program, but six study terms are interspersed with three work terms.
Students are supervised personally and must meet the requirements specified by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Institute
for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Biology co‑op committee,
which includes the student’s advisors.
Please refer to §24 for the schedule of study and work terms and the full description of admission requirements.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
BIOL 200 Fundamentals of Human Biology (3 credits)
A series of lectures, demonstrations, and seminars to provide non‑biologists with a general survey of the fundamental principles of
life, with special emphasis on the structures and functions of human beings. Lectures only.
NOTE: Students registered in a Biology or Biochemistry program may not take this course for credit. Students who have completed
Cegep Biology 921/931 may not take this course for credit.
BIOL 201 Introductory Biology (3 credits)
Fundamentals of plant and animal biology: basic physics and chemistry of life; cell and tissue structures and functions; anatomy
and physiology of human systems; survey of plant and animal taxonomy, ecology, heredity, and evolution. Lectures and laboratory.
NOTE: Students with Cegep Biology 301 or equivalent may not take this course for credit. Students entering BIOL programs
without Cegep Biology 301 or equivalent must take this course, but not for program credit.
BIOL 202 General Biology (3 credits)
This course presents the fundamentals of biology including the basic physics and chemistry of life, the structure and functions
of cell and tissues, and aspects of anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, heredity and evolution, with examples ranging from
micro‑organisms to humans. Lectures only.
NOTE: Students with Cegep Biology 301, 101‑NYA or BIOL 201 may not take this course for credit. Students enrolled in BSc
programs may not take this course for credit.
BIOL 203 Fundamental Nutrition (3 credits)
This course deals with food composition (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals), its absorption and utilization,
energy balance, special diets, and food technology. Lectures only.
NOTE: Students registered in a Biology or Biochemistry program may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 151
rearrangements; an introduction to molecular genetics, including nucleic acid structure and biosynthesis transcription and
translation; the course also includes an introduction to recombinant DNA technology and to concepts of population genetics.
Lectures and tutorials.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
BIOL 354 Behavioural Ecology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIOL 226. Behavioural ecology is the study of behavioural adaptation. The topics include foraging, anti‑predator,
fighting, mating, reproductive and social behaviour. Students will be introduced to optimality and game theories. Lectures and
BIOL 364 Cell Physiology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIOL 266; CHEM 271. This course covers general and specialized processes at the molecular and cellular level in
eukaryotes and prokaryotes; protein folding and degradation, signalling by nerves, bioenergetics (respiration and photosynthesis),
cell motility, muscle contraction, eukaryotic cilia and flagella, sensory perception, and fundamental immunology. Lectures only.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 153
and hypotheses testing. The course provides students with the theoretical and practical knowledge to decide which techniques are
best suited for particular biological problems, to report statistical results in an effective manner, and to apply their understanding
to new biological questions. Examples and applications are drawn from a wide range of biological fields including ecology,
epidemiology, genetics, molecular biology and genomics. Lectures and laboratory.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a BIOL 498 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
relationships. Topics include: maturation and differentiation of B and T lymphocytes; structure and properties of antibodies;
immune responses to antigens; genetic aspects of anti‑body synthesis; immunological considerations in AIDS, cancer, and
autoimmune diseases. Lectures and seminars.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 155
BIOL 481 Structural Genomics (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIOL 367; within 30 credits of graduating with a BSc in a Department of Biology honours or specialization program
and permission of the Department. This course provides an overview of genome analysis including cloning systems; sequencing
strategies; methods of detecting genes and approaches to mapping genomes. It covers the theory and design of the different
approaches, and the analysis of genomic data generated from them. Lectures only.
NOTE: This is primarily a graduate course with a limited number of places for undergraduate students depending upon availability.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
CHRISTINE DEWOLF, PhD Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; Associate Professor
JOHN A. CAPOBIANCO, PhD University of Geneva
YVES GÉLINAS, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal
PAUL JOYCE, PhD Dalhousie University
GILLES H. PESLHERBE, PhD Wayne State University
Associate Professors
LOUIS CUCCIA, PhD McGill University
GEORGE DÉNÈS, PhD Université de Rennes I
PAT FORGIONE, PhD University of Ottawa
GUILLAUME LAMOUREUX, PhD Université de Montréal
HEIDI M. MUCHALL, PhD University of Essen
JUNG KWON (JOHN) OH, PhD University of Toronto
XAVIER OTTENWAELDER, PhD Université Paris‑XI (Orsay)
PETER PAWELEK, PhD McGill University
JUSTIN B. POWLOWSKI, PhD University of Minnesota
INGO SALZMANN, PhD Humboldt University of Berlin
CAMERON SKINNER, PhD McGill University
Assistant Professors
BRANDON FINDLAY, PhD University of Manitoba
ASHLEE HOWARTH, PhD University of British Columbia
MAREK MAJEWSKI, PhD University of British Columbia
RAFIK NACCACHE, PhD Concordia University
DAJANA VUCKOVIC, PhD University of Waterloo
Senior Lecturers
CERRIE ROGERS, PhD University of British Columbia
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Loyola Campus
Richard J. Renaud Science Complex, Room: SP 201.01
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3366
Department Objectives
Chemistry is the science that examines the structure of substances and the reactions to produce novel and useful products.
Biochemistry is that part of chemistry which deals with chemical changes occurring in biologically relevant systems; i.e. changes
taking place in living cells that are responsible for life processes.
The mission of the Department is fourfold: (i) excellence in teaching and research in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry;
(ii) develop and maintain strong undergraduate and graduate teaching programs; (iii) develop and maintain state‑of‑the‑art quality
research; and (iv) meet the high standards of the scientific and industrial communities. Our programs have strength in both the
applied and the theoretical fields.
BSc Specialization in Biochemistry
Core component for Biochemistry
CHEM 3123, 3253, 3353, 4773; BIOL 3673, 4663
Credits of 400‑level courses in the Biochemistry area (CHEM 4703, 4713, 4723, 4753, 4763, 4783, 4813, and when appropriate,
CHEM 4983); three credits may be replaced by a 400‑level course in Chemistry or by a 400‑level course in Cell and
Molecular Biology (4433, 4613, 4623, 4633, 4673, 4683, 4723, and when appropriate, BIOL 4983).
NOTE: CHEM 4773 or BIOL 4663 plus a non‑biochemistry program elective can be replaced by CHEM 4196 or 4506.
NOTE: Students in the specialization program must maintain a GPA of 2.00 or better in the core program, to be evaluated annually.
24 Minor in Chemistry
24 Chosen from the Department’s offerings, with due regard to prerequisites, such that the courses chosen form a coherent
pattern which complements the student’s other areas of study. The course pattern chosen must have been previously
approved by a departmental program advisor.
The Chemistry and Biochemistry co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BSc Honours or Specialization
in Chemistry and Biochemistry. Students interested in applying for the Chemistry and Biochemistry co‑op should refer to §24 where
a full description of the admission requirements is provided.
Academic content is identical to that of the regular program, but six or seven study terms are interspersed with three work terms.
Students are supervised personally and must meet the requirements specified by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Institute
for Co‑operative Education, in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Chemistry and
Biochemistry co‑op committee, which includes the student’s advisors.
Please refer to §24 for the schedule of study and work terms and the full description of admission requirements.
A student may be exempted from one or more of the introductory courses, on the basis of work done at the Cegep level.
Where exemptions are given, replacement courses must be chosen with the approval of a department advisor. In the case
of certain programs approved by the Ordre des chimistes du Québec, the courses must be replaced with an equivalent
number of credits in the same subdiscipline as the exemptions.
Students who have successfully completed the Cegep equivalent for CHEM 205, 206, 221 and/or 222 should verify on their
Concordia student record that they have received an exemption. Similarly, students who have successfully completed
the equivalent course(s) at another university should verify on their Concordia student record that they have received
credit or exemption as appropriate for this course. If not, they should see the departmental advisor.
CHEM 204 From Alchemy to Modern Chemistry: A Historical Evolution of Chemistry (3 credits)
This course examines the development of chemistry before the 20th century from the Greek, Chinese and Islamic religions and
philosophies to the development of measurement and instrumentation to analyze matter. The objective is to understand the roots
of modern chemistry, and look at contributions and principles that are representative of the period in which they emerged.
NOTE: This course is not a prerequisite for any Chemistry course. Students in programs leading to the BSc degree may take this
course as an elective, but may not take this course for credit to be applied to their program of concentration.
CHEM 241 Inorganic Chemistry I: Introduction to Periodicity and Valence Theory (3 credits)
Prerequisite: CHEM 205, 206; PHYS 204, 206, 224, 226; MATH 203, 205; or equivalents for all prerequisite courses. The structure
of the atom; the periodic table; properties of atoms, covalent bonding treatments including Lewis theory, valence shell electron
pair repulsion theory of structure, valence bond and molecular orbital theory. Crystal field theory applied to the structure and
properties of transition metal complexes. Bonding theories of metallic materials and semi‑conductors. Lectures and laboratory.
CHEM 325 Organic Chemistry IV: Organic Structure and Stereochemistry (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Students must have completed a minimum of 15 credits in chemistry including CHEM 222. Organic structure and
stereochemistry including the relationship of stereochemistry to physical properties and chemical reactivity. Determination of
organic structure and stereochemistry by chemical and spectroscopic means. Introduction to molecular symmetry. Lectures and
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
MARK HALE, PhD Harvard University; Professor (Linguistics)
ANTHONY COSTANZO, MA University of Washington (Italian)
JOSÉ ANTONIO GIMÉNEZ‑MICÓ, PhD Université de Montréal (Spanish)
BRADLEY J. NELSON, PhD University of Minnesota (Spanish)
CHARLES REISS, PhD Harvard University (Linguistics)
LADY ROJAS‑BENAVENTE, PhD Université Laval (Spanish)
ANNETTE TEFFETELLER, PhD McGill University (Linguistics)
Associate Professors
ALAN C. BALE, PhD McGill University (Linguistics)
M. CATHERINE BOLTON, PhD McMaster University (Classics)
DARIO BRANCATO, PhD University of Toronto (Italian)
MIRIAM DÍAZ, PhD University of Arizona (Spanish)
JANE E. FRANCIS, PhD Bryn Mawr College (Classics)
DANIELA ISAC, PhD University of Bucharest (Linguistics)
MADELYN J. KISSOCK, PhD Harvard University (Linguistics)
M. GORETTI RAMÍREZ, PhD Brown University (Spanish)
ROBERTO VIERECK SALINAS, PhD Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spanish)
Senior Lecturers
ELENA BENELLI, PhD Université de Montréal (Italian)
LIAN DUAN, PhD Hunan Normal University (Chinese)
LUIS OCHOA, MA McGill University, MA Universidad de Salamanca (Spanish)
ALEXANDER DALE, DPhil University of Oxford (Classics)
RASHA EL HAWARI, PhD Alexandria University (Arabic)
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Faubourg Tower, Room: FB 1030
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2310
Department Objectives
Classics programs have two related aims: first, to provide a solid background to the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome through
written documents, including historical and literary sources, and archaeological evidence; and second, to train students to read
and interpret texts in ancient Greek and Latin.
The Modern Language programs provide a stimulating intellectual milieu for learning and strengthening skills in critical thinking,
language proficiency, intercultural understanding, literary studies and contemporary approaches to modern languages and cultures,
particularly Spanish, Italian, German, Modern Arabic, and Modern Chinese.
Linguistics is the scientific study of the human language faculty. Teaching and research in the Linguistics programs focus on two
areas: linguistics as a branch of cognitive science, encompassing fields such as syntax, phonology and language acquisition; and
the nature of language change, with particular emphasis on the Indo‑European language family.
The Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics offers undergraduate programs leading to the BA degree
in Classics, Italian, Spanish, and Linguistics. In addition, it offers Minor and Certificate programs in German, Modern Arabic
Language and Culture, and Modern Chinese Language and Culture.
60 BA Honours in Classics
30 Honours Core consisting of:
6 CLAS 2013 and 2023, or 2033 and 2043, or 2806, or 2906
6 CLAS 2113 and 2123
6 CLAS 2403 and 2423
3 CLAS 2603
6 CLAS 3833 and 3843, or 3913 and 3923
3 CLAS 4903
Concentration in Ancient History and Archaeology
30 Honours Core (see above)
3 CLAS 2303
3 Chosen from CLAS 2203, 2653, 3533
3 CLAS 2643 or 2673
6 CLAS 3413 and 3433
6 Chosen from CLAS 3633, 3643, 3653
3 CLAS 3693
3 CLAS 4603
3 Credits in either Classics or another subject chosen in consultation with the Department
Concentration in Classical Languages and Literature
30 Honours Core (see above)
6 CLAS 2013 and 2023, or 2033 and 2043, or 2806, or 2906
6 Chosen from CLAS 3213, 3223, 3303
6 CLAS 3833 and 3843, or 3913 and 3923
6 CLAS 4103 and 4113, or 4203 and 4213
6 Chosen from CLAS 4103, 4113, 4203, 4213; LING 4463, 4473, 4563, 4573
NOTE: Students who intend to apply to graduate programs in Classics are strongly encouraged to take the 400‑level courses in
both Latin and Ancient Greek.
42 BA Major in Classics
15 Major Core consisting of:
6 CLAS 2113 and 2123
6 CLAS 2403 and 2423
3 CLAS 2603
Concentration in Ancient History and Archaeology
15 Major Core (see above)
3 CLAS 2303
3 Chosen from CLAS 2203, 2653, 3533
3 CLAS 2643 or 2673
6 CLAS 3413 and 3433
6 Chosen from CLAS 3633, 3643, 3653
3 CLAS 3693
3 Credits in either Classics or another subject chosen in consultation with the Department
Concentration in Classical Languages and Literature
15 Major Core (see above)
6 CLAS 2013 and 2023, or 2033 and 2043, or 2806, or 2906
6 Chosen from CLAS 3213, 3223, 3303
6 CLAS 3833 and 3843, or 3913 and 3923
6 CLAS 4103 and 4113, or 4203 and 4213
3 Credits in Classics or another subject chosen in consultation with the Department
Chinese (Modern)
30 Minor in Modern Chinese Language and Culture
18 MCHI 2006, 2066, 2406
12 Chosen from MCHI 2503, 3063, 3083, 3103, 3113, 3653, 3663, 3983, 3996; HIST 2623, 3673; POLI 3353; RELI 3603
60 BA Honours in German*
12 GERM 2406, or 2413 and 2423; 2563, 2573
24 GERM 2713, 3013, 3023, 3063, 3073, 3083, 3653, 3663
21 Credits chosen from 400‑level courses in German, of which at least six credits must be from GERM 4053, 4063, 4613, 4623
3 GERM 4903
NOTE: Students with advanced placement must replace the 200-level language courses with 300- or 400-level courses offered
within the same program.
*Admission suspended for 2018‑19.
42 BA Major in German*
12 GERM 2406, or 2413 and 2423; 2563, 2573
15 Credits chosen from GERM 2713, 3013, 3023, 3063, 3073, 3083, 3653, 3663
15 Credits chosen from 400‑level courses in German, of which at least six credits must be from GERM 4053, 4063, 4613, 4623
NOTE: Students with advanced placement must replace the 200-level language courses with 300- or 400-level courses offered
within the same program.
*Admission suspended for 2018‑19.
60 BA Honours in Italian
6 ITAL 2406, or ITAL 2413 and 2423
12 Credits chosen from ITAL 3013, 3023, 3103, 3113, 3653, 3663
39 Credits in an approved sequence chosen from courses higher than ITAL 302, of which at least 12 credits must be at the
400 level
3 ITAL 4903
NOTE: Students with advanced placement must replace the 200-level language courses with 300- or 400-level courses offered
within the same program.
42 BA Major in Italian
6 ITAL 2406, or ITAL 2413 and 2423
12 Credits chosen from ITAL 3013, 3023, 3103, 3113, 3653, 3663
24 Credits in an approved sequence chosen from courses higher than ITAL 302, of which at least six credits must be at the
400 level
NOTE: Students with advanced placement must replace the 200-level language courses with 300- or 400-level courses offered
within the same program.
30 Minor in Italian
30 Credits chosen from ITAL, of which at least 15 credits must be at the 300 level and three credits at the 400 level
NOTE: Students with advanced placement must replace the 200-level language courses with 300- or 400-level courses offered
within the same program.
60 BA Honours in Spanish
15 SPAN 2406 (or 2413 and 2423), 3013, 3023, 3033
12 Credits chosen from SPAN 3103, 3113, 3203, 3213, 3623, 3633, 3653
30 Credits chosen from all other courses above SPAN 303, of which at least 21 credits must be at the 400 level
3 SPAN 4903
NOTE: Students with advanced placement must replace the 200-level language courses with 300- or 400-level courses offered
within the same program.
NOTE: Students registered in an Honours in Spanish program may not take SPAN 308 for program credit.
60 BA Specialization in Spanish
15 SPAN 2406 (or 2413 and 2423), 3013, 3023, 3033
12 Credits chosen from SPAN 3103, 3113, 3203, 3213, 3623, 3633, 3653
33 Credits chosen from all other courses above SPAN 303, of which at least 21 credits must be at the 400 level
NOTE: Students with advanced placement must replace the 200-level language courses with 300- or 400-level courses offered
within the same program.
42 BA Major in Spanish
15 SPAN 2406 (or 2413 and 2423), 3013, 3023, 3033
6 Credits chosen from SPAN 3103, 3113, 3203, 3213
3 Credits chosen from SPAN 3623, 3633, 3653
18 Credits chosen from all other courses above SPAN 303, of which at least 12 credits must be at the 400 level
NOTE: Students with advanced placement must replace the 200-level language courses with 300- or 400-level courses offered
within the same program.
30 Minor in Spanish
21 SPAN 2006 (or 2013 and 2023), 2406 (or 2413 and 2423), 3013, 3023, 3033
9 Credits chosen from courses above SPAN 303, of which at least three credits must be at the 400 level
NOTE: Students with advanced placement must replace the 200-level language courses with 300- or 400-level courses offered
within the same program.
24 Core Program
24 LING 2003, 2223, 3153, 3203, 3363, 3723, 3733, 4203
60 BA Honours in Linguistics
24 Core Program
3 Credits chosen from LING 3223, 3533, 3803
9 LING 4213, 4253, 4753
9 Credits chosen from LING 4153, 4293, 4363, 4373, 4733
3 Credits chosen from LING 3303, 4463, 4473, 4563, 4573, 4613
9 Additional LING credits
3 LING 4903
42 BA Major in Linguistics
24 Core Program
3 Credits chosen from LING 3223, 3533, 3803
6 Credits chosen from LING 4153, 4213, 4253, 4293, 4733, 4753
6 Credits chosen from LING 3303, 4363, 4373, 4463, 4473, 4563, 4573, 4613
3 Additional LING credits
24 Minor in Linguistics
6 LING 2003, LING 2223
18 Credits in Linguistics
CLAS 201 Introductory Ancient Greek I (3 credits)
This course presents students with the introductory elements of ancient Greek grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for CLAS 280 may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
MARA 365 Culture and Civilization of the Arab World: The Golden Age (3 credits)
This course provides an overview of the cultural history of the Arab world with an emphasis on the “Golden Age” (eighth to 13th
century). Special attention is given to some topics at the core of this period, namely the intellectual dynamics, sciences and arts.
The Arab civilization is put into the political, social and religious contexts that allowed it to emerge and flourish. This course is
taught in English and no prior knowledge of Arabic is required.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MARA 365 under a different title may not take this course for credit.
MARA 367 Culture and Civilization of the Arab World: The Modern Age (3 credits)
This course presents a comprehensive survey of modern Arab culture, from the “Nahda” or “Revival” of the late-19th and early-
20th to the 21st century. It discusses issues necessary to understand the modern Arab world including media and cinema, art,
architecture, folklore, and food. The roles played by various minorities and the Arab youth are also studied. This course is taught
in English and no knowledge of Arabic is required.
GERM 410 Cyborgs, Robots and Automata in German Literature, Film and Video Games (3 credits)
This course examines the figure of the android and explores representations of artificial beings in German literature, cinema, and
video games. A focus is on issues of technology, art, gender, race, and class. Students receive insights into narrative constructions
GERM 440 Dandies, Flâneurs and Tricksters: Crossover Figures in Modernism and Pop Modernism (3 credits)
This course introduces international literature and film, mainly from the 20th and 21st centuries with a strong focus on young
German authors associated with Popliteratur. Works focus on the perspective of particular literary characters who challenge
established boundaries or on allegories of crisis. In addition to becoming acquainted with theoretical texts, students explore
contemporary German identity narratives and their deep roots in the metaphysical tradition. The language of instruction is English,
and no prior knowledge of the German language is required. Advanced-level students — i.e. students placed at the 300 level or
higher in German language courses — must do the readings and submit their work in German.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this course under an ENGL 398 or a GERM 498 number may not take this course
for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
ITAL 446 Cultural Expressions in Italy from Neo‑Realism to the Present (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ITAL 301 or equivalent. This course examines the debate on Neo‑realism and looks at literary and cinematographic
expressions. It also deals with the Neo‑avanguardia movement and questions of gender and post‑modernism. Emphasis is on
Calvino, Sciascia, Fellini, Antonioni, and Eco. References are also made to the social and political reality of contemporary Italy.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
SPAN 310 Conquest and Empire: Spanish Literature from the 12th to the 17th Centuries (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 240 or 242 or equivalent with a grade of C or higher. This course introduces students to medieval and early
modern Spanish literature by examining the relationship between cultural manifestations and emergent narratives of Spanish
national history. Students are also introduced to literary analysis and its relation to socio‑cultural issues through activities that may
include small group discussions, close readings, short analytical papers, and essay exams.
SPAN 311 Crisis and Introspection: Spanish Literature from the 18th to the 21st Centuries (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 240 or 242 or equivalent with a grade of C or higher. This course introduces students to modern Spanish
literature and examines the relationship between these cultural manifestations and Spain’s difficult transition towards modernity,
with special emphasis on the Generation of ’98 and its role in the debates that culminated in the Spanish Civil War. Students
are also introduced to literary analysis and its relation to socio‑cultural issues through activities that may include small group
discussions, close readings, short analytical papers, and essay exams.
SPAN 320 Defining Difference in Spanish America: Literature from 1500 to 1880 (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 240 or 242 or equivalent with a grade of C or higher. This course introduces students to the richly varied
texts of colonial Spanish America and the early independence era. It examines how from its very beginnings Spanish‑American
discourse attempts to distinguish itself from Peninsular traditions throughout the various cultural eras and within its socio‑political
contexts. Readings include letters, chronicles, poetry, and essays. Activities may include critical reading, oral discussions and
presentations, summaries, and brief essays.
SPAN 321 Identity and Independence in Spanish America: Literature from 1880 to the Present (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 240 or 242 or equivalent with a grade of C or higher. This course introduces students to the literature of the
period following independence. It examines how the literature defines Spanish‑American identities in urban and rural perspectives,
in different genres and genders, throughout the cultural eras of the period, and within its socio‑political contexts. Readings include
poetry, essays, short stories, and excerpts from novels. Activities may include critical reading, oral discussions and presentations,
summaries, and brief essays.
SPAN 362 Cultures of Mexico, the Central American Region, and the Spanish Caribbean (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 240 or 242 or equivalent with a grade of C or higher. This course introduces students to the cultural
manifestations of the nations of these regions within an historical framework. Emphasis is on the interaction between the events
that shape the area, the wide variety of cultures that arose there, and the forms of artistic endeavour through which the peoples
express themselves. Mexico, Cuba, and Colombia are given special importance; the history and culture of the Dominican Republic,
Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and the Central American countries are also highlighted. Activities may include oral discussions and
presentations, analysis of written and visual texts, use of relevant Internet resources, summaries, and brief essays.
SPAN 363 Cultures of the Southern Cone and the Andean Region (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 240 or 242 or equivalent with a grade of C or higher. This course introduces students to the cultural
achievements of the nations of the region within an historical framework. Emphasis is on the interaction between the events that
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
SPAN 411 Freedom and Containment in Spanish Golden Age Prose, 1550‑1700 (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 303, 310. This course considers a selection of narrative texts from the Spanish Golden Age in order to
examine the relationship between the reading subject and an emergent official culture. Through close textual analysis and critical
discussion of representative works by authors such as Cervantes, Quevedo, and Zayas, students study and discuss literary and
extra‑literary issues representative of this period. Course topics may include theories of reader reception, the role of censorship,
the construction of gender, and the creation of social types and anti‑types.
SPAN 412 Golden Age Drama and Poetry: Theatricality in Renaissance and Baroque Spain, 1500‑1690 (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 303, 310. This course carries out a comparative study of the rhetorical strategies of literary and extra‑literary
representation in Golden Age Spain, and their role in the creation of an early modern subject of mass visual culture. Through close
textual analysis and critical discussions of representative works by Spanish poets and playwrights such as Garcilaso, Lope,
Góngora, Quevedo, Tirso, and Calderón, students examine a number of literary and theoretical topics. These may include the
performative aspects of poetry, the literary uses of pictorial perspective, and the relationship between subjectivity and theatricality.
SPAN 441 Romanticism and the Construction of Identity in Spanish America, 1820‑1890 (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 303 or equivalent. This course examines Spanish‑American literature and culture of the 19th century in terms
of the efforts to define national character through discourses on nature, the peoples, history, and traditions. The relationship of
these discourses with Romanticism, the role of the writer, and the image and function of the feminine are particularly examined.
Students study representative works by authors such as Heredia, Sarmiento, Gómez de Avellaneda, and Hernández. Students
are introduced to the formulation of critical discourse through a series of short essays and oral presentations.
SPAN 442 Modernism: Modernity and Rebellion, Rupture and Innovation in Spanish‑American Letters, 1880‑1920
(3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 303 or equivalent. Through the study of representative literary and other cultural texts, as well as the critical
debates of the era (such as those concerning industrialization, U.S. hegemony and feminism), this course examines the various
phases in the development of a Spanish‑American consciousness towards modernity and cultural autonomy. Students study
representative works by authors such as Martí, Gutiérrez Nájera, Darío, Lugones, and some women authors of the period. Students
are introduced to the formulation of critical discourse by writing a series of short essays and delivering oral presentations.
SPAN 450 The Short Narrative in Spain and Spanish America (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 303 or equivalent. From its beginnings as an independent genre in the 19th century to the most recent
minifiction, this course examines the short story in light of different theories of narratology, specifically as relating to the short
narrative. Texts are taken from representative authors from either or both Spain and Spanish America, within their cultural context.
Students are introduced to the formulation of critical discourse through a series of short essays and an oral presentation; students
also write their own short fiction.
SPAN 453 From Object to Subject: Women and Discourse in Spain and Spanish America (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 303 or equivalent. This course introduces texts from different historical periods from various theoretical
perspectives. Particular attention is given to theoretical perspectives pertinent to Spain and Spanish America. The function of
gender in Hispanic discourse, representation of women, and strategies of expression in women writers are some of the topics
that may be examined.
SPAN 464 Current Issues in the Hispanic Cultures: Spanish America (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 301; 362 or 363, or equivalent. This course explores current newsworthy events and affairs in the political,
social, and cultural spheres of Spanish America as seen through various media sources such as newspapers, magazines, radio
and television, and the Internet. It includes a systematic study of techniques of oral expression. As such, activities emphasize oral
skills and may include team‑based class work and presentations, brief summaries, journal, and oral exams. Format and content
vary from year to year.
SPAN 465 Current Issues in the Hispanic Cultures: Spain (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 301, 365. This course explores current newsworthy events and affairs in the political, social, and cultural
spheres of Spain as seen through various media sources such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television, and the Internet.
It includes a systematic study of techniques of oral expression. As such, activities emphasize oral skills and may include team‑based
class work and presentations, brief summaries, journal, and oral exams. Format and content vary from year to year.
SPAN 467 The Avant‑Gardes in Spanish America and Spain and their Repercussions in the Arts (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 303 or equivalent. Starting from an introduction to major currents of the historical Avant‑garde (1920‑1940),
such as Futurism, Cubism, Dadaism, and Surrealism, the course traces the impact of the avant‑gardes throughout 20th‑century
Hispanic poetry and the visual arts. Students explore particular manifestations of these currents in the art and poetry of Spanish
America (Creacionismo and Negrismo) and Spain (la Generación del ’27). Emphasis is placed on the role of the artist‑poet as
engaged actor of radical change in all dimensions of social and political life.
SPAN 472 Discourses of Discovery, Colonization, and Resistance in Spain and Spanish America (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 303, 310. This course examines the colonial subject as s/he appears in early modern articulations of the
imperial centre and its relation to the colonial periphery, as well as in the emerging centres of Spanish America. Through close
textual analysis and critical discussions of representative works by Peninsular and Colonial authors such as Columbus, Las Casas,
Sor Juana and el Inca Garcilaso, students investigate topics that may include the rhetorical and legal tropes of discovery and their
construction of an abject “other,” the historical conditions that inform the chronicles of conquest, and strategies of cultural
resistance employed by criollo and Amerindian subjects.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
LING 200 Introduction to Linguistic Science (3 credits)
This course provides an introduction to the principles of general linguistics for beginners in the field. There is an emphasis on
synchronic linguistic analysis, with a brief examination of historical and comparative linguistics.
Modern Languages
The following courses give instruction in languages and cultures not included in any of the Department’s programs.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Acting Chair
CHARLES ACLAND, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign; Professor
MAURICE CHARLAND, PhD University of Iowa
MIA CONSALVO, PhD University of Iowa
MONIKA KIN GAGNON, PhD Simon Fraser University
YASMIN JIWANI, PhD Simon Fraser University
BRIAN LEWIS, PhD University of Iowa
ELIZABETH MILLER, MFA Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
LORNA ROTH, PhD Concordia University; Provost’s Distinction
KIM SAWCHUK, PhD York University
MATTHEW SOAR, PhD University of Massachusetts Amherst
PETER C. VAN WYCK, PhD McGill University
Associate Professors
OWEN CHAPMAN, PhD Concordia University
TAGNY DUFF, MFA PhD Concordia University
SANDRA GABRIELE, PhD Concordia University
KRISTA LYNES, PhD University of California, Santa Cruz
ALESSANDRA RENZI, PhD University of Toronto
TIMOTHY SCHWAB, MFA Concordia University
JEREMY STOLOW, PhD York University
Assistant Professors
STEFANIE DUGUAY, PhD Queensland University of Technology
FENWICK MCKELVEY, PhD Ryerson University/York University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Loyola Campus
Communication Studies and Journalism Building, Room: CJ 3.230
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2555
Department Objectives
The Department of Communication Studies takes a broad approach to the study of media and communication. Its undergraduate
programs provide students with the analytical, critical, and creative skills necessary in a communication‑ and information‑rich world.
The Department provides the necessary equipment and facilities to accommodate students in laboratory courses. These include
production studios, Mac labs, field production equipment for video and film (H.D. and 16mm), editing suites for video and film,
digital sound facilities (production and post‑production), and intermedia laboratories. The Learning Centre provides resources for
supporting media production and studies as well as computers for program students to use. The media gallery is also housed in
the Learning Centre.
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
The Department offers three programs of study.
1. BA Specialization in Communication Studies: This program consists of 60 Communication Studies credits with the remaining
elective credits drawn from outside the Department. It provides students with training in a variety of media and an in‑depth
understanding of communicative processes and of the social, cultural, persuasive, and aesthetic aspects of media and
2. BA Major in Communication Studies: This program consists of 42 credits in Communication Studies with the remaining elective
credits drawn from outside the Department. It provides students with training in a variety of media and an understanding of
communicative processes and of the social, cultural, persuasive, and aesthetic aspects of media and communication.
3. BA Major in Communication and Cultural Studies: This program consists of 42 credits in Communication Studies with the
remaining elective credits drawn from outside the Department. It offers a strong theoretical and critical understanding of
communicative processes and of the social, cultural, persuasive, and aesthetic aspects of media and communication. It does
not offer media production.
Elective credits are understood as courses taken in other departments or Faculties of the University. Credits in Communication
Studies or in the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema may not be used in lieu of electives.
200‑level courses are normally taken in first year, 300‑level courses in second year, 400‑level courses in third year.
Students are required to complete the appropriate entrance profile for entry into the program (see §31.002 – Programs and
Admission Requirements – Profiles).
Practicum Courses
Practicum courses in the Department focus on the development of creative media practices within the context of Communication
Studies research based in the humanities and social sciences. These courses include weekly lectures, readings, critical analysis,
workshops, seminars, screenings, and presentations. First‑year courses include an average of three hours of creative laboratories
per week. Second‑ and third‑year courses include an average of eight hours of creative labs and/or fieldwork per week.
COMS 274 Communication Media: Intermedia I (3 credits)
COMS 276 Communication Media: Sound I (3 credits)
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 191
COMS 284 Communication Media: Moving Images I (3 credits)
COMS 374 Communication Media: Intermedia II (6 credits)
COMS 376 Communication Media: Sound II (6 credits)
COMS 384 Communication Media: Moving Images II (6 credits)
COMS 393 Communication Media: Special Topics (3 credits)
COMS 475 Communication Media: Intermedia III (3 credits)
COMS 477 Communication Media: Sound III (3 credits)
COMS 484 Communication Media: Moving Images III (3 credits)
COMS 491 Communication Media: Portfolio (3 credits)
Studies Courses
Studies courses in the Department offer theoretical and critical understandings of social, cultural, formal, and other aspects of
human communication and media. These courses may include weekly lectures, readings, critical analyses, seminars, screenings,
and presentations.
(1) 300‑level courses, unless otherwise indicated, are open to students who have successfully completed 24 university credits or
who have received permission from the Department.
(2) 400‑level courses, unless otherwise indicated, are open to students who have successfully completed 48 university credits or
who have received permission from the Department.
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Through collaborative assignments, lectures, discussions and readings, students explore the distinct language of each medium
and develop video production skills through teamwork.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for COMS 280 and 282 may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Communication Studies students may take no more than six credits from the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema in
the Faculty of Fine Arts.
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COMS 369 Visual Communication and Culture (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). This course introduces the basic principles of visual forms of communication, and considers
the relationship of visual and verbal components within media messages. It also presents various modes of visual communication,
considers their place within cultural understandings of representation, and examines the place of the visual within contemporary
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
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COMS 421 Communicative Performances and Interventions (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (2). This course examines how media can be used in order to intervene in social and cultural issues.
Emphasis is placed upon the performative character of interventions: they occur at a particular time and in a particular place, they
are addressed to and seek to move particular audiences. Topics may include the history of performance strategies, the social and
political character of aesthetic interventions, and the forms of such performances in relation to various media of communication.
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COMS 477 Communication Media: Sound III (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMS 376; permission of the Department. This advanced course involves analysis and creation of substantial audio
projects such as sound documentaries, song cycles, soundscape projects, multi‑layered soundtracks, and audio installations.
Emphasis is placed on creative portfolio development and public presentation.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for COMS 476 or 478 may not take this course for credit.
No more than six credits may be taken in Apprenticeships or Directed Study. The appropriate Cluster for Apprenticeship
and Directed Study courses is determined by the course content as outlined in the student proposal.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
GREG LEBLANC, PhD Queen’s University; Associate Professor
PAUL GOMME, PhD University of Western Ontario
JORGEN HANSEN, PhD University of Gothenburg
IAN IRVINE, PhD University of Western Ontario
JAMES McINTOSH, PhD London School of Economics
Associate Professors
PROSPER DOVONON, PhD Université de Montréal
TATYANA KORESHKOVA, PhD University of Western Ontario
MING LI, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison
DAMBA LKHAGVASUREN, PhD University of Rochester
DIPJYOTI MAJUMDAR, PhD Indian Statistical Institute
DAN OTCHERE, PhD McGill University
SZILVIA PÁPAI, PhD California Institute of Technology
CHRISTIAN SIGOUIN, PhD University of British Columbia
HUAN XIE, PhD University of Pittsburgh
Assistant Professors
XINTONG HAN, PhD Toulouse School of Economics
HEEJEONG KIM, PhD Ohio State University
Senior Lecturers
CAROL CHUI‑HA LAU, PhD University of Calgary
IVAN TCHINKOV, PhD Simon Fraser University
MOSHE LANDER, PhD University of Alberta
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Department Objectives
The Department aims to educate students in economics, both at the graduate and undergraduate level, and to contribute to the
advancement of the discipline through research and teaching. Economists study the production, distribution, and consumption of
goods and services ─ essential knowledge for today’s business people and policy makers. Blending both theory and practical
applications, the Department of Economics serves students preparing for related specialized professions (honours, specialization,
co‑operative) as well as those interested in a generalized understanding of the discipline (major, minor programs).
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Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
Students seeking admission to the honours program may apply either for direct entry on the University application form or, once in
the program, to the departmental honours advisor normally following the completion of 30 credits.
The superscript indicates credit value.
NOTE: Calculus I is a prerequisite for many Economics courses. Students who have not taken MATH 209 or equivalent must take
it as an elective within their first 15 credits.
Undergraduate Program Director
60 BA Honours in Economics
Stage I
6 * ECON 2013, 2033
6 ** ECON 2213, 2223
Stage II
6 ECON 3013, 3023
6 ECON 3033, 3043
6 ECON 3253, 3263
3 ECON 3243
3 Chosen from ECON 3183, 3193
Stage III
6 ECON 4013, 4033
6 ECON 4213, 4223
12 400‑level ECON elective credits
60 BA Specialization in Economics
Stage I
6 * ECON 2013, 2033
6 ** ECON 2213, 2223
Stage II
6 ECON 3013, 3023
6 ECON 3033, 3043
3 Chosen from ECON 3183, 3193
6 ECON 3243, 3253
3 300‑level ECON elective credits
Stage III
3 ECON 4213 or 4233
21 400‑level ECON elective credits
42 BA Major in Economics
Stage I
6 * ECON 2013, 2033
6 ** ECON 2213, 2223
Stage II
6 ECON 3013, 3023
6 ECON 3033, 3043
3 Chosen from ECON 3183, 3193, 3243
3 300‑level ECON elective credits
Stage III
12 400‑level ECON credits
Minor in Economics
Stage I
6 * ECON 2013, 2033
Stage II
6 ECON 3183, 3193
6 200‑ or 300‑level ECON elective credits
Stage III
12 300‑ or 400‑level ECON elective credits
*Students exempted from ECON 201 and/or 203 are required to replace these courses with ECON elective credits.
**Any equivalent six credits satisfy this component of the program.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
24 Minor in Analytical Economics
NOTE: MATH 203 or 209; MAST 221; or equivalent are prerequisites for this program. ECON 201, 203, and 325 are waived as
prerequisites only for those courses which are taken as part of the minor.
3 ECON 2223
12 ECON 3013, 3023, 3033, 3043
3 Chosen from ECON 3183, 3193
3 ECON 3243
3 Chosen from ECON 4213, 4233
NOTE: This program is intended for students in Science, Mathematics/Statistics, or Engineering.
• Certificate in Business Studies
• Minor in Business Studies
(See §61.140)
The Economics co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BA Honours or Specialization in Economics.
Students interested in applying for the Economics co‑op should refer to §24 where a full description of the admission requirements
is provided.
Academic content is identical to that of the regular program, but six study terms are interspersed with three work terms.
Students are supervised personally and must meet the requirements specified by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Institute
for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers, and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Economics co‑op
committee, which includes the student’s advisors.
Please refer to §24 for the schedule of study and work terms and the full description of admission requirements.
ECON 201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 credits)
Introduction to the functioning of the market system; concepts of supply and demand, the role of prices in resource allocation;
production decisions by firms. Analysis of differences between competition and monopoly, and the implications for economic
efficiency; theories of labour markets and wage determination.
NOTE: Students who have received credit or exemption for ECON 200 may not take this course for credit.
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ECON 251 Economic History Prior to the Industrial Revolution (3 credits)
This course is an introduction to the economic development of the Western world prior to the Industrial Revolution. The emphasis
is on economic factors in history: evolution of economic systems, economic growth, development and regression within the
context of changing institutional constraints. Interconnections among economic, social, and intellectual change are highlighted.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ECON 250 may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
values and vectors; matrix differentiation. In addition, the course covers a review of constrained and unconstrained optimization
with economic applications; Taylor series representation, implicit function theorem, and related topics.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MAST 234 or MATH 251 may not take this course for credit.
ECON 379 The Irish Economy and the European Union (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ECON 201, 203. This course has a dual objective: to examine economic developments and recent growth in the Irish
economy, and to examine the structure and importance of Ireland’s participation in the European Union in a global and European
context. Particular issues addressed are: high growth in developed economies, migration, taxation policy, integration and trade,
currency areas and capital mobility.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an ECON 398 number may not take this course for credit.
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ECON 386 Economics of Human Resources (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ECON 201, 203. A study of recent contributions by economists to the understanding of and solution to social
problems which society currently faces in the areas of crime, health, education, and welfare. In addition, specific federal and
provincial governmental policies in these areas are analyzed with the standard tools of economics.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ECON 422 Econometrics II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ECON 421. This course is a continuation of ECON 421. It deals with the problems of random‑error correlation,
stochastic regressors, and the simulation and the estimation of multiple‑equation models.
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ECON 463 Economics of Regulation (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ECON 222, 302. This course is devoted to an examination of the economic aspects of governmental regulations.
Besides a critical review of the economic theories of regulation, the spectrum of the existing regulatory network, and empirical
investigations aimed at discerning cost‑benefits, the course focuses on the process of regulatory reforms in all aspects of the
Canadian economy.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ECON 496 Natural Resource Economics (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ECON 222, 302, 304. This course focuses on the problems of the finiteness of the natural resources base in Canada
and in the world, and on an analysis of the demand for and supply of natural resources and energy. The course also discusses the
economic aspects of a selected group of conservation measures (financial incentives, reallocation of property rights, regulation).
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ECON 396 or for this topic under an ECON 498 number may not take this course
for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 209
EDUCATION Section 31.090
SARA KENNEDY, PhD McGill University; Associate Professor
PHILIP ABRAMI, PhD University of Manitoba; Provost’s Distinction
WALCIR CARDOSO, PhD McGill University
SAUL CARLINER, PhD Georgia State University; Provost’s Distinction
AILIE CLEGHORN, PhD McGill University
MIRANDA D’AMICO, PhD McGill University
NINA HOWE, PhD University of Waterloo
KIM MCDONOUGH, PhD Georgetown University
M. AYAZ NASEEM, PhD McGill University
RICHARD F. SCHMID, PhD Arizona State University
PAVEL TROFIMOVICH, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign
Associate Professors
LAURA COLLINS, PhD Concordia University
ANN‑LOUISE DAVIDSON, PhD University of Ottawa
ARPI HAMALIAN, MA American University of Beirut
SANDRA MARTIN‑CHANG, PhD McMaster University
HELENA P. OSANA, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison
DIANE PESCO, PhD McGill University
HOLLY RECCHIA, PhD Concordia University
STEVEN SHAW, PhD Concordia University
VIVEK VENKATESH, PhD Concordia University
DAVID WADDINGTON, PhD Stanford University
Assistant Professors
CAROLINA CAMBRE, PhD University of Alberta
Senior Lecturers
TERESA HERNANDEZ‑GONZALEZ, PhD Universidad Complutense de Madrid
HEIKE NEUMANN, PhD McGill University
SARA WEINBERG, MA Concordia University
ELSA LO, PhD McGill University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Faubourg Building
1610 St. Catherine St. W., Room: FG 5.150
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2004
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Department Objectives
The Department of Education offers general undergraduate programs as well as two teacher‑training programs. The general
programs focus on educational issues for lifelong learning, while the teacher‑training programs are specifically for Early Childhood
and Elementary Education and the Teaching of English as a Second Language. Students receive expert supervision in their field
placements and are carefully guided in their methods courses. The Department values creativity and innovation in the teaching/
learning environment and instills in its students a sense of responsibility with respect to equality, diversity and non‑discrimination.
(For Teaching of English as a Second Language, see §31.090.1; for Adult Education, see §31.090.2)
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
24 Minor in Education
24 Chosen from EDUC 2106, 2303, 2403, 2703, 2983, 2996, 3053, 3073, 3213, 3983, 3996, 4053, 4113, 4223, 4263, 4273, 4503,
4543, 4983, 4996
Students must take all Group A and Group B courses in the Early Childhood and Elementary Education (ECEE) program at
Concordia. For Group C courses, students must have a valid reason for taking courses at another university and must obtain
permission from the director of the ECEE program regarding any substitutions.
NOTE 1: This program is open to full‑time students only. In addition to the application submitted to the University, specialization
applicants MUST complete an additional application which may be obtained from the Early Childhood and Elementary Education
program assistant.
NOTE 2: Students may be recommended to the Quebec Teachers Certification Service for a Quebec permanent teaching
diploma, valid for teaching kindergarten and cycles 1 to 3 (Grades 1 to 6) provided they have met the following requirements:
1. successfully completing the degree and certification requirements for the BA Specialization in Early Childhood and Elementary
Education; 2. satisfying the English language proficiency requirements of the MEES; and 3. applying to graduate.
To remain in the Early Childhood and Elementary Education Specialization program and to be recommended for certification,
students must:
1. achieve at least a “B” grade in each of the following practicum courses: EDUC 295, 296, 297, 395, 396, 493, 494, 495, 496;
2. achieve at least a “C+” grade in each of the following methods courses: EDUC 222, 301, 355, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 386,
387, 388.
Students who obtain a grade that is below the above-required level are placed on conditional standing within the program and are
informed in writing. Students are allowed to repeat the course in question only once, the next time the course is given, in order to
achieve the required grade. (For the status of this grade as part of the student record, see §16.2.6.)
Students who fail to achieve the above minimum grades in two internships/methods courses (i.e. failing the same internship/
methods course twice or two different internships/methods courses) cannot continue in the program and are required to withdraw
from the Early Childhood and Elementary Education Specialization program (see §16.2.6).
Areas of Concentration
A. Early Childhood Settings (15 credits)
15 EDUC 3033, 3043, 4063, 4603, 4613
B. Exceptionality and Diversity in Childhood Settings (15 credits)
15 EDUC 3613, 3623, 4023, 4623, 4633
NOTE: A minimum “C+” grade is required for all Field Placement courses for the Child Studies program, i.e. EDUC 460, 461, 462,
463. Students who obtain a grade below the minimum “C+” are allowed to repeat the course(s) in question only once. Students
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 211
who achieve a final grade below C+ in the same Field Placement course(s) twice are asked to withdraw from the Major in Child
Studies program (see §16.2.6).
For other programs which may be of particular interest to teachers, see §23.
EDUC 200 English Exam for Teacher Certification (0 credit)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Early Childhood and Elementary Education Specialization, Teaching English as a Second Language
Specialization, or Art Education Major or Specialization. The regulation respecting teaching licences requires that all students
admitted to a teacher education program demonstrate their proficiency in the language of instruction as a condition for certification.
To fulfill this requirement, students are required to register and write the exam approved by the MEES. Students must pass this
exam prior to the start of the following internships: EDUC 493, TESL 486 or 487, and ARTE 423.
EDUC 260 Historical and Current Curriculum Models for Early Childhood and Elementary Education (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Early Childhood and Elementary Education Specialization, or Major in Child Studies. This course
provides an introduction to the historical and current curriculum models for early childhood and elementary education. The
historical and philosophical roots of modern constructivist approaches to curriculum are discussed with an emphasis on how
20th-century thinkers have influenced contemporary curriculum models. Recent Canadian approaches to curriculum development
and provincial curriculum frameworks also are discussed.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
EDUC 270 Educational Communication (3 credits)
In this course, students study fundamental communication skills used by effective instructors. By examining how to write the most
basic types of instructional content, including definitions, objectives, descriptions and procedures, and the most common forms
of written instructional content, including how‑to articles and lesson plans, this practical, writing‑intensive course emphasizes
effective instructional communication methodologies.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an EDUC 298 number may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
EDUC 302 Working in Childhood Settings: Leadership and Organizational Issues (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Major in Child Studies. This course provides students with an introduction to leadership in childhood
settings, with a focus on child care. Issues reviewed include the organizational framework, quality of curriculum, human resources,
leadership styles, financial and administrative matters, environments, and community relationships.
EDUC 307 Integrating Digital Technologies and Social Media in Learning Environments (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the social and cognitive theories of digital technologies in learning and training environments.
These technologies include hardware such as interactive tablets and screens, mobile devices, and software such as online
multimedia, video, serious games and social media. This course discusses these technologies using problem‑based learning
approaches. Students also engage in practical project‑based activities.
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EDUC 311 Child Development II: Ecology of the Family (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EDUC 210, 211; enrolment in Early Childhood and Elementary Education Specialization, or Major in Child Studies.
This course is designed to provide students with an in‑depth review of the developmental, psychological, and socio‑cultural
aspects of the child and the family. Emphasis is placed on structural elements related to the modern family (e.g. family size,
developmental tasks), family relations (e.g. transition to parenthood, parenting styles, early relationships) and issues related to
contemporary families.
EDUC 315 Sexual Health Education for Children and Youths (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Specialization in Early Childhood and Elementary Education; or 30 university credits and enrolment in
the Major in Child Studies or the Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality. By evaluating available resources, practical tools, and
curricula in today’s Canadian society, this course familiarizes students with approaches to sexual health education that are suitable
for working with children and youth in a variety of educational settings, including the home, community agencies, and schools. The
importance of gearing education to accommodate different developmental stages, ages, and local social contexts is stressed.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
EDUC 385 Teaching a Second Language in Early Childhood and Elementary School (3 credits)
Prerequisite: 30 credits; enrolment in Early Childhood and Elementary Education Specialization. This course is designed to give
teachers a background in current theories of language acquisition and second language learning. Teaching methodologies such
as immersion, enrichment, and core/complementary curricula are studied and resource materials are examined and evaluated.
Assignments include the development of appropriate classroom activities at the elementary level.
EDUC 406 Physical Activity: Health and Well-being in Early Childhood Settings (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Early Childhood and Elementary Education Specialization, or Major Child Studies; EDUC 210, 211.
This course examines the basic principles and practices of health, safety, physical activity, and nutrition that promote the wellness
of young children in early childhood environments. Topics include health promotion; illness and prevention; physical activity;
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 215
nutrition; safety promotion; preventing child maltreatment; and stress in the lives of young children. Students examine legislative
requirements of group care, which are necessary to plan safe, inclusive and developmentally appropriate environments.
EDUC 411 Toys, Media Literacy and Children’s Popular Culture (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in an Education program or permission of the Department. This interdisciplinary course examines the
multiple roles that toys and the popular culture of childhood and adolescence can play in relation to development, learning,
socialization and identity processes. Topics addressed include cultural and personal meanings constructed around toys, media
literacy, the increasing role of new technologies, and issues related to the branding and marketing of toys through the media.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an EDUC 498 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
placement one day per week, for a total of 60 hours in settings such as child care centres, after‑school programs, recreation
centres, libraries, museums, fine art centres or community organizations.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EDUC 374 may not take this course for credit.
EDUC 462 Child Studies Field Experience: Inclusive Practices in Childhood Settings (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Major in Child Studies; EDUC 360; EDUC 361 or 362; EDUC 463 concurrently. Students develop skills
in observing and planning curriculum for children exhibiting a range of social‑emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and academic
competencies and needs. Students are required to participate in a field placement one day per week, for a total of 60 hours in
settings such as schools, community organizations, hospitals, or rehabilitation centres.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EDUC 492 may not take this course for credit.
EDUC 463 Child Studies Seminar: Inclusive Practices in Childhood Settings (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Major in Child Studies; EDUC 360; EDUC 361 or 362; EDUC 462 concurrently. This course
complements EDUC 462 and covers theoretical and applied aspects of working with children in inclusive childhood settings. This
course focuses on reflective practices, curriculum planning and using observational techniques.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EDUC 492 may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 217
INST 250 Introductory Information Literacy Skills (3 credits)
This course is designed to introduce students to basic research practices. It familiarizes students with a variety of information
sources in both print and non‑print formats. Emphasis is placed on developing a systematic search strategy in the use and
evaluation of the information sources. Topics such as outlining and bibliographic format are covered as part of the research
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EDUC 250 may not take this course for credit.
LIBS 495 Field Practice (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Completion of all other required Library Studies courses. In consultation with the appropriate supervising librarian,
the student is placed in a local library system other than the library in which the student is employed. The duration of the field
practice is five weeks. Field practice includes a wide variety of library tasks. In addition the student is required to complete a
written research project on a topic approved by the professor.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Students must demonstrate proficiency in the language of instruction on an exam recognized by the MEES (EDUC 200 English
Exam for Teacher Certification) prior to the start of their third internship.
NOTE III: Upon admission, students may be granted exemptions from courses in TESL programs if they have completed equivalent
work at the university level.
Replacement for these exemptions must be made in accordance with the guidelines established by the Department of Education
and approved by the University. Copies of these guidelines may be obtained in the Department of Education.
NOTE IV: Students in the TESL Certificate must achieve at least a “C” grade in the Practicum, that is, TESL 433. Students are
allowed to repeat the course in question only once in order to achieve the required grade (see Calendar §16.2.6).
TESL Courses
TESL 201 Introduction to Teaching English as a Second Language (3 credits)
This introductory course provides students with a comprehensive idea of what Teaching English as a Second Language entails.
Activities are chosen to expose students to the wide range of possibilities of teaching English in Quebec and around the world.
Students are initiated into this much‑in‑demand profession through project‑based activities that require them to apply course
concepts and put teaching skills into practice. They also develop skills in exploiting spoken and written texts as resources for
language learning.
NOTE: Students currently enrolled in the BEd and Certficate in TESL programs may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 219
TESL 331 Grammar for Teachers (3 credits)
Prerequisite: TESL 231 with a grade of C+ or better. The purpose of this course is to provide students with current approaches,
methods, and materials in the teaching of grammar to children, adolescents, and adults of the ESL classroom. Students will be
prepared to analyze critically and modify published classroom materials related to the teaching and learning of grammar.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
TESL 467 Internship: Secondary I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: TESL 427 concurrently; TESL 466. The purpose of this course is to apply the principles acquired in TESL 427 to
the teaching of ESL to secondary‑school learners. Students attend on‑campus seminars and spend a minimum of 140 hours
observing and teaching in a secondary school supervised by a co‑operating teacher and a university professor.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Written work is required in English for these courses; please consult with the Department.
NOTE: Program students in the Faculty of Arts and Science may take ESL courses for credit, up to a maximum of six credits.
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reading, synthesizing, and integrated writing assignments. Attention is paid to analyzing patterns in written English and making
appropriate language choices as well as identifying, integrating, and referencing appropriate academic source material.
ADED 201 Concepts and Principles of Adult Education (3 credits)
This course consists of an overview of the field of adult education as a field of study with emphasis given to its philosophy, objectives,
historical development, and the nature of adult learners. It also examines adult education as a field of practice with emphasis
given to methods, techniques, roles, and competencies. This course stresses active student participation and self‑directedness.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ADED 200 may not take this course for credit.
ADED 202 The Scope and Nature of Adult Education Programs (3 credits)
This course is designed to help students develop an understanding of the scope and nature of adult education programs.
Emphasis is placed on existing programs, and institutions and agencies providing them. The course stresses active student
participation and self‑directedness.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ADED 200 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ADED 240 Introduction to Research in Adult Education (3 credits)
This course is designed to introduce students to how to gain access to and utilize major information sources in adult education.
In addition, the course examines research interests and problem areas studied in adult education and related fields, along with
current trends and various methods of inquiry used.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
ADED 333 Methods and Techniques for Facilitating Adult Learning (3 credits)
This course is designed to give adult educators an opportunity to practise and improve their skills in facilitating adult learning.
Different models of educational processes and optimal conditions for promoting adult learning are examined; attention is given
to case studies, role plays, and simulation methods and techniques, as well as to individualized learning formats.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ADED 330 or 331 may not take this course for credit.
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ADED 496 Integrative Internship I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ADED 201; ADED 202 and 15 credits in the program. This internship is designed to assist individual students in
achieving a synthesis of their own experiential learning in light of acquired knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through the
clarification of personal aims and the philosophy of adult education. Students will normally enrol in this internship near the end of
their program.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ADED 495 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students will normally enrol in ADED 496 near the end of their program.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ENGLISH Section 31.100
ANDRE FURLANI, PhD University of Toronto; Professor
STEPHANIE BOLSTER, MFA University of British Columbia
JILL DIDUR, PhD York University
MARY DI MICHELE, MA University of Windsor
MARCIE FRANK, PhD Johns Hopkins University
BINA FREIWALD, PhD McGill University
PATRICK LEROUX, PhD Université de Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle
JOSIP NOVAKOVICH, MPhil Yale University, MA University of Texas at Austin
KEVIN PASK, PhD Johns Hopkins University
JONATHAN SACHS, PhD University of Chicago
ALAN SHEPARD, PhD University of Virginia
Associate Professors
DANIELLE BOBKER, PhD Rutgers University
NATHAN BROWN, PhD University of California, Los Angeles
TERENCE BYRNES, MA Concordia University
JASON CAMLOT, PhD Stanford University
MARY ESTEVE, PhD University of Washington
MEREDITH EVANS, PhD Johns Hopkins University
MIKHAIL IOSSEL, MSc Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, MA University of New Hampshire
OMRI MOSES, PhD University of California, Berkeley
NICOLA NIXON, PhD University of Toronto
DANIEL O’LEARY, PhD University of British Columbia
STEPHEN POWELL, PhD University of Toronto
MANISH SHARMA, PhD University of Cambridge
KATE STERNS, MA Johns Hopkins University, MFA University of Texas at Austin
DARREN WERSHLER, PhD York University
STEPHEN YEAGER, PhD University of Toronto
Assistant Professors
JESSE ARSENEAULT, PhD McMaster University
JESSICA BARDILL, PhD East Carolina University
STEPHEN ROSS, PhD University of Oxford
Senior Lecturer
SINA QUEYRAS, MA Concordia University
DARRAGH LANGUAY, PhD Queen’s University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
J.W. McConnell Building, Room: LB 641
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2340
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 225
Department Objectives
The Department of English offers studies in literature, creative writing, and composition. Literary studies encourage appreciation
and critical analysis of texts in their historical, literary, and cultural contexts. The Creative Writing program allows students to learn
the craft involved in the production of original literary work. Professional Writing courses develop writing skills for use in business,
technical, and other professional environments. Composition courses help to develop writing skills from basic to advanced levels.
Admission Requirements
In order to be considered for admission to any of the programs offered by the Department of English, International applicants
whose first language is not English must submit a recent TOEFL iBT score of 100 or higher with a minimum of 22 on the writing
section. These tests must have been written within the past 24 months.
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
3) Canadian from ENGL 2443, 3706, 3733, 3743, 3763, 3773, 3783, 3793, 3803, 4513, 4523, 4533
4) Postcolonial from ENGL 3823, 3833, 3853, 3863, 3873, 3883, 4543
3 Literary Theory or History of Criticism chosen from ENGL 3893, 3903, 3913, 3923, 3933, 3943, 4443, 4473
3 ENGL 4703
12 Elective credits from ENGL 2243 through 4996
NOTE: Honours students must take at least nine credits at the 400 level, including ENGL 470. However, a student, in consultation
with the honours‑majors advisor may substitute another 400‑level course for ENGL 470.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 227
24 Minor in Creative Writing
12 Chosen from ENGL 2256, 2266, 2276
6 Chosen from ENGL 3426, 3443, 3473, 3486
6 Elective credits in English Literature courses (excludes ENGL 224 and all Creative Writing workshops. ENGL 270 does not
count for credit in any English or Creative Writing program.)
NOTE: The Department of English limits students to 12 credits of creative writing courses in a single academic year.
NOTE: Students wishing to register for the Minor in Creative Writing should refer to the admission requirements for Creative
Writing courses and programs.
200‑level courses and 300‑level courses without prerequisite are open to all students and may be used as English electives
unless otherwise indicated.
These courses may require students to submit all written work in English only. Please consult the Department.
Not all courses listed here are offered in a given year. The Department will make an effort to offer the 200‑ and 300‑level courses
that are required for specific programs on a regular basis. General electives (230‑254) and courses at the 400 level will be offered
on a rotating basis. Students should consult the Concordia University web page and follow the links to the Department of English.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ENGL 210 Introduction to Essay Writing (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 207 or placement test. The course provides further practice in English composition by focusing on diction,
sentence structure, punctuation, paragraph development, and essay writing.
NOTE 1: This course does not count for credit within any English program.
NOTE 2: Students who have received credit for this course may not subsequently take ENGL 206 or 207 for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 229
a common critical language and an understanding of drama from a writer’s point of view. This knowledge is applied during the
second half of the course, during which the class is conducted as a writing workshop. Students submit their original work for class
discussion and evaluation.
NOTE: Students wishing to register for ENGL 225, 226, or 227, should refer to admission requirements for Creative Writing.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ENGL 251 The Graphic Novel (3 credits)
This course examines both literary and popular antecedents to the graphic novel, the variety of its forms, and its status in
contemporary literature. Students are introduced to critical approaches that can take account of both verbal and visual aspects
of the graphic novel.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an ENGL 398 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 231
ENGL 308 Mysteries, Miracles, and Medieval Drama (3 credits)
This course studies drama in the period between the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the rise of the commercial theatre in
the 16th century, focusing particularly on late‑medieval England. This course includes such works as the Wakefield (or Towneley)
mystery plays, the N‑town plays, the York, Chester and Coventry Cycles, and morality plays such as Everyman.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ENGL 327 Restoration and 18th‑Century Satire (3 credits)
This course examines the development of satirical poetry, prose, and drama in the Restoration and 18th century. It explores formal
issues such as satire’s debts and contributions to pastoral, georgic, epic, comedy and the novel alongside such social, political,
and intellectual concerns as the battle of the ancients and the moderns, libel, sedition, and copyright law, the rise of party politics,
and changing gender roles. Writers may include Marvell, Rochester, Dryden, Swift, Pope, Manley, Gay, Fielding, and Sterne.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 233
ENGL 342 Creative Writing: Prose Fiction (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Creative Writing program and ENGL 226 or permission of the Department. Through intensive analysis
and discussion of submitted work and directed reading in modern fiction, this workshop extends the development of students’
narrative skills and their understanding of fictional forms.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ENGL 426 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Mary Lavin, Edna O’Brien, William Trevor, Ellis Ni Dhuibhne, and Bernard MacLaverty. Students discuss the narrative strategies
used to explore various versions of Irish identity.
NOTE: Students have received credit for this topic under an ENGL 359 or IRST 398 number may not take this course for credit.
ENGL 358 Emigrants and Immigrants: Writing the Irish Diaspora (3 credits)
This course examines various forms of literary expression — novels, stories, poems, and life‑writing (memoirs, autobiographies,
letters) — from Ireland and the Irish Diaspora that address the experience of emigration, settlement, and integration of Irish migrants
in various countries around the world. Issues explored include concepts of disaporic and transnational identities; the negotiation of
forms of self‑understanding and self‑transformation in the context of hybridity, fluidity, and multiplicity; and the roles of landscape,
memory, and cultural production as determining factors in the competing hegemonies of homeland and diaspora. A selection of
texts by writers from Ireland (Brian Friel, Joseph O’Connor, Eavan Boland), Canada (D’Arcy McGee, Brian Moore, Jane Urquhart),
America (William Kennedy, Alice McDermott, Maeve Brennan), England (Patrick MacGill, Elizabeth Bowen, William Trevor) and
Australia (Thomas Keneally, Vincent Buckley) is explored. A selection of letters, diaries, and personal reflections by Irish immigrants
is also studied.
NOTE: Students have received credit for this topic under an ENGL 359 number may not take this course for credit.
ENGL 365 American Literature from Mid‑20th Century to the Present (3 credits)
This course considers developments in American literature since World War II through the work of such writers as Plath, Bishop,
Baldwin, O’Connor, Bellow, Nabokov, Pynchon, Updike, Oates, Morrison, Barthelme, and Walker.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 235
ENGL 368 African‑American Literature to 1900 (3 credits)
This course traces the emergence of African‑American literature, from early poetry and slave narratives to later autobiographies
and novels, examining such writers as Wheatley, Turner, Douglass, Jacobs, Harper, Chesnutt, Washington, and DuBois.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ENGL 368N may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ENGL 386 Caribbean Literature (3 credits)
This course explores how Caribbean literature in English from nations such as Barbados, Trinidad, Antigua, Jamaica, Grenada,
St. Lucia, and Guyana is implicated in the history of slavery, colonialism, and postcolonialism. The work of such authors as
Bennett, Walcott, Brathwaite, Goodison, James, Selvon, Lamming, Naipaul, Brodber, Cliff, and Kincaid is examined in relation to
the writers’ socio‑cultural contexts and to the political and aesthetic issues raised by their texts.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 237
ENGL 397 Business Writing (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 213. This course examines written and visual strategies for communicating information in business contexts.
Practice includes experience in audience analysis and visual design in the creation of such business documents as letters,
memos, minutes, brochures, press releases, and company newsletters.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this course may not subsequently take ENGL 206–216 for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
ENGL 415 Literary Production: Curating and Archiving the Literary Event (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Creative Writing program and ENGL 225 or 226 or 227, or permission of the Department. This course
introduces contemporary modes of distributing literary production. Students conceive, implement, and manage all aspects of a
reading series, including the development of a mandate, solicitation and review of materials, event organization, and the introduction
of work online, verbally, and in print. Students also aid in the development and maintenance of a related blog and an archive of
current and previous reading series.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an ENGL 429 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ENGL 435 Women Writers of the Early Modern Period (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Nine credits at the 300 level or permission of the Department. This course examines the emergence into print of women
writers from the late‑16th to the late‑17th centuries, by exploring such issues as the construction of literary history, histories of
gender and sexuality, the relations between gender and genre. Works are chosen from such writers as Sidney, Sowernam, Wroth,
Cary, Lanyer, Philips, Cavendish, Behn, Killigrew, Manley, and Trotter.
ENGL 436 Literature of the Civil War and Commonwealth Period (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Nine credits at the 300 level or permission of the Department. This course studies the prose and poetry of the 1630s
through the 1650s. It explores the ways in which the Civil War was represented by such writers as Herrick, Suckling, Cowley,
Bradstreet, Milton and Marvell. Political tracts, journalism, and private papers and diaries may also form part of the material of the
ENGL 437 Advanced Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Writing (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Nine credits at the 300 level or permission of the Department. This course is a seminar on a selected topic, text, or
ENGL 438 History, Politics, and Literature in the 18th Century (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Nine credits at the 300 level or permission of the Department. This course examines the relations among the categories
of history, politics, and literature, and their development as distinct discourses over the course of the century, through a study of
such topics as the status of religion, the rise of science, the expansion of empire, the development of aesthetic discourse, and the
construction of the category of the neoclassical.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 239
ENGL 451 History and Ideology in Canadian Literature (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Nine credits at the 300 level or permission of the Department. This course studies the treatment in Canadian
literature of such historical and political events, issues, and ideologies as the Conquest, the railroad, the threat of American
domination, immigration, and the Canadian west.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Corps professoral
DENIS LIAKIN, PhD University of Western Ontario; Professeur agrégé
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Campus Sir George Williams
J.W. McConnell, Salle : LB 601
514‑848‑2424, ext. 7500/7509
Objectifs du département
L’appellation Études françaises reflète le concept pluridisciplinaire sur lequel se fondent les deux volets de notre mission
universitaire : l’enseignement et la recherche. La recherche pure et appliquée se pratique dans les domaines les plus variés
de la discipline en étroite liaison avec l’enseignement. De plus, nous participons à la vie intellectuelle et professionnelle de la
collectivité, à l’échelle nationale et internationale.
Le Département d’études françaises a une double vocation. Il offre d’une part de solides programmes de langue, littérature et
traduction aux étudiantes et étudiants qui viennent y chercher une formation spécialisée. Il joue d’autre part un rôle capital au sein
de l’Université en offrant un vaste éventail de cours de langue, linguistique, littérature et civilisation aux étudiantes et étudiants qui
souhaitent compléter la formation qu’elles ou ils reçoivent dans d’autres départements.
Il appartient à chaque étudiante et étudiant de remplir toutes les conditions requises dans son programme. L’exposant 3 ou 6
indique le nombre de crédits.
N.B. : Chaque candidate et candidat aux programmes de traduction doit inclure à son dossier une lettre d’intention rédigée dans
sa langue principale.
N.B. : Avant de s’inscrire, les étudiantes et étudiants devront faire approuver leur programme par un membre désigné du département.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 241
All students not admitted into a program in the Département d’études françaises are required to consult the Études françaises
website for the placement test (which is also available at the Department) in order to determine the level of elective French
courses for which they can obtain credit. If in doubt call the French Department at 514‑848‑2424, ext. 7500 or 7518.
FRAN 211 is restricted to students with no previous training in French. FRAN 212 is designed to follow FRAN 211, or may be
taken if students have little previous training in French. FRAN 211 and 212 are not intended for students who have attended
high school in Quebec.
NOTE: Some students with previous French language background are restricted to certain levels of French language courses at
Concordia. These restrictions are indicated as “exemptions” on the student record. Apart from any exemptions which may have
been granted to undergraduate students, the following restrictions apply to ALL students:
1) Students who have completed any 602‑900‑level Cegep courses or who have graduated from Francophone secondary
institutions may obtain a maximum of six credits in the range of FRAN 301‑321 at Concordia. No credit is awarded for language
courses numbered FRAN 211‑221.
2) Students who have completed any 601‑series Cegep courses or who have attended a Francophone Cegep may ONLY obtain
credits for Concordia French Language courses at the 400 level (FRAA 400‑498). No credit is awarded for language courses
numbered 211‑221 or 301‑321.
69 BA Spécialisation en traduction
N.B. : 1. Le BA Spécialisation en traduction est un programme contingenté. Comme il demande une excellente connaissance
du français et de l’anglais, les étudiantes et étudiants admis devront subir des tests de placement dans les deux langues.
Les cours FTRA sont réservés en priorité aux étudiantes et étudiants inscrits dans les programmes de traduction.
2. Le programme comporte deux options : la traduction du français vers l’anglais ou de l’anglais vers le français.
Normalement, l’étudiante ou l’étudiant choisira l’une ou l’autre de ces deux options. Dans de rares cas, certaines
candidates et certains candidats pourront satisfaire aux exigences des deux options.
3. Les étudiantes et étudiants du programme de BA Spécialisation en traduction doivent obtenir une note minimale de
C dans tous les cours de traduction. Si la note obtenue est inférieure à C, les étudiantes et étudiants devront reprendre
le cours dans l’année qui suit. Une seule reprise est permise. Si cette exigence n’est pas satisfaite ou en cas d’échec,
les étudiantes et étudiants seront radiés du programme. En cas de probation ou de radiation, les étudiantes et étudiants
recevront un avis écrit de la direction du département.
4. Les étudiantes et étudiants inscrits à un programme de traduction doivent remettre leurs travaux en français dans les
cours de littérature.
5. Pour l’option d’enseignement coopératif, voir Programme d’enseignement coopératif en traduction.
6. Comme le BA Spécialisation en traduction comporte 69 crédits, les étudiantes et étudiants du programme doivent
obtenir 21 crédits hors département (plutôt que les 24 crédits indiqués à la section Degree Requirements).
*L’étudiante ou l’étudiant peut comptabiliser les 6 crédits d’ENGL 2123 et 2133 ou 3966 dans les 21 crédits à réaliser hors
département. Dans ce cas, pour les remplacer il devra effectuer 6 crédits parmi ceux offerts au département.
48 BA Majeure en traduction
Les étudiantes et étudiants inscrits à un programme de traduction doivent remettre leurs travaux en français dans les
cours de littérature.
1re étape
6 crédits ENGL 2123 et 2133
6 crédits à choisir parmi les cours FRAN 3016 ou 3023 et 3033; FRAN 3213; FRAA 4103, 4123, 4133
2e étape
6 crédits à choisir parmi les cours FLIT de niveaux 300 et 400
6 crédits à choisir parmi les cours FRAN 3063 et 3213; FRAA 4103, 4123, 4133, 4233, 4323
9 crédits FTRA 2003, et FTRA 2013 et 2073 ou FTRA 2023 et 2083
3e étape
6 crédits à choisir parmi les cours FTRA 2033 ou 2043, 3013 ou 3043, 3053 ou 3063, 3103, 4033 ou 4043, 4053 ou 4063, 4083
3 crédits à choisir parmi les cours FTRA 4123, 4143 et 4183
6 crédits en littérature anglaise
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 243
24 Mineure en langue française
24 crédits de langue, dont un maximum de 12 crédits FRAN de niveau 200, choisis dans un ordre accepté par le
département, parmi les cours suivants :
• Un maximum de 18 crédits à choisir parmi les cours FRAN 2136, 2143, 2153, 2183, 2193, 2213, 3016, 3023, 3033, 3053,
3063, 3183, 3203, 3213; FLIT 2303, 2403
• Un minimum de six crédits à choisir parmi les cours FRAN 3213; FRAA de niveau 400
Si une étudiante ou un étudiant s’inscrit à un cours de langue d’un niveau inférieur ou supérieur à ses connaissances, le
département se réserve le droit de lui demander de s’inscrire à un cours d’un niveau plus approprié.
In cases where students are enrolled in language classes which do not match their linguistic skills, the Department reserves
the right to advise them to transfer into a class at a more appropriate level.
• Français langue seconde
FRAN 211 French Language: Elementary (6 credits)
This course is restricted to students having no previous training in French. It includes a comprehensive introduction to the
basic structures and vocabulary of French and should enable students to acquire an ability to speak and understand simple
conversational French. Both oral and written aspects of the language are presented, with special emphasis on oral skills.
Laboratory sessions are included.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FRAN 200 or FRAN 201 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 245
des activités pratiques exploitant des situations de communication variées leur permettront d’acquérir une plus grande aisance et
de mieux organiser leur discours. Des activités d’écoute basées sur des documents authentiques leur permettront d’augmenter
leur capacité de compréhension en français.
• Linguistique française
FRAA 400 Introduction à la linguistique française I (3 crédits)
Préalables : FRAN 306 et 321 ou l’équivalent. Ce cours vise à initier l’étudiante ou l’étudiant à l’analyse descriptive de la structure
linguistique du français contemporain. Il présente un aperçu des aspects phonémiques, morphosyntaxiques et lexicaux de la langue
considérée comme un système. Outre les notions de base sur la linguistique générale, on y aborde les méthodes d’analyse
phonétique, phonologique et morphologique du français.
N.B. : Les étudiantes et étudiants qui ont suivi FRAN 330 ne peuvent obtenir de crédits pour ce cours.
• Langue française
FRAA 409 Cours libre de traduction (3 crédits)
Préalables : Six crédits parmi FRAN 306, FRAN 321, FRAA 410, FRAA 413; ou autorisation du département. Étude systématique
des anglicismes; notions de méthodologie de la traduction; étude de quelques aspects de la stylistique comparée du français et
de l’anglais; travaux pratiques de traduction de l’anglais au français.
N.B. : Ce cours est destiné particulièrement, mais non exclusivement, aux étudiantes et étudiants qui ne se spécialisent pas en
N.B. : Les étudiantes et étudiants qui ont suivi FRAN 409 ne peuvent obtenir de crédits pour ce cours.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 247
FRAA 423 Rédaction II (3 crédits)
Préalable : FRAA 413 ou l’équivalent. Ce cours vise l’approfondissement des compétences rédactionnelles par l’apprentissage
de techniques de recherche documentaire et de synthèse textuelle, et par l’écriture de textes combinant ces techniques comme le
compte rendu critique, le dossier ou le texte de vulgarisation.
N.B. : Les étudiantes et étudiants qui ont suivi FRAN 403 ne peuvent obtenir de crédits pour ce cours.
FLIT 220 Introduction aux textes littéraires (3 crédits)
Préalable : FRAN 213 ou 215 ou l’équivalent. Introduction à la lecture critique et aux caractéristiques des différents genres
littéraires au moyen d’un choix de nouvelles, romans, pièces de théâtre, essais et poèmes de la francophonie.
N.B. : Les étudiantes et étudiants qui ont suivi FRAN 220 ne peuvent obtenir de crédits pour ce cours.
N.B. : Ce cours est réservé aux étudiantes et étudiants ayant effectué leurs études secondaires dans une langue autre que le
FLIT 300 Littérature et culture françaises du Moyen Âge au XVIIe siècle (3 crédits)
Aperçu général de la littérature française du Moyen Âge, de la Renaissance et du XVIIe siècle et du contexte historique, social et
culturel qui a donné naissance aux œuvres de l’époque.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 249
FLIT 318 Le XIXe siècle I (3 crédits)
Étude des principaux courants de la littérature de la première moitié du XIXe siècle (romantisme, réalisme) et de leurs principales
thématiques telles que les transformations sociales, historiques, politiques et économiques.
N.B. : Les étudiantes et étudiants qui ont suivi FLIT 418 ou FRAN 440 ne peuvent obtenir de crédits pour ce cours.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 251
FLIT 462 Littératures coloniales et postcoloniales (3 crédits)
Analyse de textes clés publiés au cours du XIXe et du XXe siècle, en contexte colonial français, mais aussi à la lumière du courant
postcolonial, et de textes publiés de la fin de l’empire colonial français à nos jours, ouvrant à des réflexions sur la tradition
anti-impérialiste, les subaltern studies et une lecture de la mondialisation.
Les préalables de ces cours, ainsi que les sujets particuliers qui y sont étudiés, sont indiqués dans le Undergraduate Class Schedule.
N.B. : Les étudiantes et étudiants qui ont suivi un cours TRAD 299 ayant le même contenu ne peuvent obtenir de crédits pour ce
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 253
FTRA 310 Initiation à la recherche documentaire et terminologique (3 crédits)
Préalable : FTRA 201 ou 202. Le cours fournit les outils permettant de repérer les problèmes de terminologie en traduction. Sont
traités : les cheminements documentaire et terminologique (terminologie bilingue ou unilingue, langues de spécialités); la création
de produits terminographiques (surtout thématiques); l’intervention linguistique et ses modalités (perspective sociolinguistique). (F/A)
N.B. : Les étudiantes et étudiants qui ont suivi TRAD 310 ne peuvent obtenir de crédits pour ce cours.
Les préalables de ces cours, ainsi que les sujets particuliers qui y sont étudiés, sont indiqués dans le Undergraduate Class Schedule.
N.B. : Les étudiantes et étudiants qui ont suivi un cours TRAD 399 ayant le même contenu ne peuvent obtenir de crédits pour ce
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 255
le monde du travail. (Le département fera tout son possible pour faciliter l’obtention d’un stage mais ne peut s’engager à trouver
un stage pour toutes les candidates et candidats.) (A)
FTRA 452 Traduction automatique (TA) et traduction assistée par ordinateur (TAO) (3 crédits)
Préalables : FTRA 416. Ce cours permet d’analyser les aspects morphologiques, lexicaux, syntaxiques et sémantiques des
systèmes de traduction automatisée. L’étudiante et l’étudiant apprennent à appliquer les concepts analysés à un système
commercialisé. Ils évaluent des traductions machine, font des exercices simples de programmation portant sur des problèmes
linguistiques; ils appliquent des outils de gestion et de traduction au matériel à localiser à l’aide de logiciels de localisation, de
logiciels de terminologie, et de mémoires de traduction.
Les préalables de ces cours, ainsi que les sujets particuliers qui y sont étudiés, sont indiqués dans le Undergraduate Class Schedule.
N.B. : Les étudiantes et étudiants qui ont suivi un cours TRAD 499 ayant le même contenu ne peuvent obtenir de crédits pour ce
RICHARD COURTEMANCHE, PhD Université de Montréal; Associate Professor
SIMON L. BACON, PhD University of Birmingham
ROBERT D. KILGOUR, PhD Florida State University
Associate Professors
THANH DANG‑VU, MD PhD Université de Liège
PETER J. DARLINGTON, PhD University of Western Ontario
RICHARD DEMONT, PhD University of Pittsburgh, CAT(C), ATC
GEOFFREY DOVER, PhD University of Florida, CAT(C), ATC
ALAIN LEROUX, PhD McGill University
VÉRONIQUE PEPIN, PhD Arizona State University
SYLVIA SANTOSA, PhD McGill University
NANCY ST‑ONGE, PhD Université de Montréal
Assistant Professor
ANGELA ALBERGA, PhD University of Ottawa
JACQUELINE CAMLEY, MSc University of Florida, CAT(C), ATC
ROBERT PANENIC, MA McGill University
Affiliate Professors
LOUIS BHERER, PhD Université de Montréal
ROBERT BOUSHEL, DSc Boston University
PHILIPPE FAIT, PhD Université Laval, CAT(C), ATC
KIM LAVOIE, PhD Concordia University
ANIL NIGAM, MD University of Ottawa
RICHARD POUND, LLD Concordia University
ANTONIO VIGANO, MD University of Milan
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Loyola Campus
Richard J. Renaud Science Complex, Room: SP 165
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3327
Department Objectives
The Department of Exercise Science is committed to teaching and research in the areas of exercise, health, and physical activity
while emphasizing the 1) fields of athletic therapy and 2) kinesiology and clinical exercise physiology. The curriculum permits
students to explore the biomechanical and physiological responses to physical activity of healthy individuals and persons with
a variety of pathologies and disabilities. Lectures and laboratories are combined with supervised involvement in research, and
community and professional activities. Students are provided with an education which is compatible with obtaining employment in
the health and fitness field or continuing their studies in health‑related professional or graduate schools.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 257
The BSc Honours, Specialization, and Major programs in Exercise Science and the Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Science in
Athletic Therapy (BScAT) provide students with the opportunity to acquire essential knowledge and a strong foundation in the
field of exercise science. Students are exposed to a concentrated series of courses that incorporate the application of biological
sciences to exercise, physical activity, and health‑related areas including athletic therapy and kinesiology and clinical exercise
The fundamental concepts associated with the BSc in Kinesiology and Clinical Exercise Physiology (KCEP) include the adaptation
of traditional exercise forms, assessment techniques, and training protocols which address the needs of individuals with a disease
or functional disability (e.g. heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders). Students entering the field of KCEP acquire an
appreciation of persons with a disability, their lifestyle, and their exercise possibilities. The form of exercise application ranges
from adapted physical activities to competitive sports.
The BSc in Athletic Therapy (BScAT) is accredited by the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA) and is directed toward
the preparation of students seeking to become a Certified Athletic Therapist in Canada (CAT[C]). A CAT(C) is devoted to the health
care of physically active individuals. The scope of practice of the CATA includes prevention, immediate care, and reconditioning of
musculoskeletal injuries. Some of the techniques used to accomplish prevention of injury are postural evaluation, conditioning,
and providing prophylactic support. Immediate care and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injury consist of injury assessment, first
aid and emergency care, exercise and modality therapy, and preparing individuals for safe return to physical activity or athletic
participation. Student members (certification candidates) of the CATA must fulfill the academic and practical requirements of a
program accredited by the CATA in order to enter the CATA certification exam process. The Department of Exercise Science offers
one of seven such programs in Canada.
While the BSc major offers core applied‑science, health, and fitness courses, the BSc honours also introduces undergraduate
students to research concepts and protocols. The BSc in Athletic Therapy (BScAT) and BSc in Kinesiology and Clinical Exercise
Physiology (KCEP) offer courses providing a theoretical knowledge base in the respective areas of study.
NOTE: Exercise Science labs may require physical contact and/or skin exposure with another classmate while learning
assessment, treatment, exercise techniques, and equipment placement. The labs manifest important and necessary scenarios to
prepare the student for future professional employment. All labs, and parts thereof, in the Department of Exercise Science are
mandatory. If participation in some labs is deemed problematic, the laboratory instructor, the course professor, and/or Chair of the
Department of Exercise Science must be contacted as early as possible.
Students are required to complete the appropriate profile for entry into the Exercise Science programs (see §31.002 — Programs
and Admission Requirements — Profile). Students entering the major, Athletic Therapy, and Kinesiology and Clinical Exercise
Physiology programs should refer to §16.3.10 — Academic Performance, and §31.003.1 — AGPA Requirements. Students
considering entry into the honours program should refer to §31.003 — Degree Requirements which includes the honours
regulations for the Faculty of Arts and Science.
Application Procedures
All newly admitted students enter the BSc Major in Exercise Science. Admission to the BSc Honours in Exercise Science, BSc in
Athletic Therapy (BScAT) or BSc in Kinesiology and Clinical Exercise Physiology is by internal transfer only. Upon completion of a
specified list of courses, any student may submit a request for an internal transfer.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 259
Stage III
18 EXCI 4203, 4213, 4266, 4453, 4603
3 Chosen from EXCI 4403, 4513, 4533, 4553, 4583, 4613, 4713
NOTE: Students seeking admission to the honours program must apply to the Department Honours Committee normally following
the completion of 24 program credits. Students must meet the Faculty of Arts and Science regulations concerning the honours
program. For additional information concerning programs and courses, students should consult the Department.
CATA 262 Emergency Care in Sport and Exercise (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EXCI 253 previously or concurrently; enrolment in an Exercise Science program. This course identifies common
emergency situations in the athletic environment, and provides theoretical and practical components of management skills to
safely deal with these situations. Specific signs and symptoms of basic emergency conditions are discussed. Planning of events
to prepare for sport‑related emergencies and administration of initial emergency techniques are included. Lectures and laboratory.
NOTE: The Corporation des thérapeutes du sport du Québec (CTSQ) accepts successful completion of this course as equivalent
to a first aid course which is a partial requirement towards provincial recognition as a Level I Sport First Aider.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 261
in the athletic therapy setting. Advanced theoretical and practical components are presented. This course develops the ability of
the student to care for the athlete beyond the initial stages of emergency management and towards advanced life support.
Lectures and laboratory.
*Stage II consists of CATA 337, 339, 348, 365; EXCI 310, 351, 352, 360.
EXCI 202 The Body Human: Form and Function (3 credits)
This course provides insight into the manner in which common injuries and diseases impact on the anatomical structures and
functional systems of the body. The various medical treatments and procedures available to maintain or restore the structural
and functional integrity of the body are also addressed. Conditions of a cardiovascular, pulmonary, neuromuscular, metabolic and
oncologic nature are discussed.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an EXCI 298 number may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Exercise Science students may not take this course for credit.
EXCI 258 Human Physiology I: Musculoskeletal, Neuromuscular, and Bioenergetic Systems from Rest to Exercise
(3 credits)
Prerequisite: EXCI 253 previously or concurrently; enrolment in an Exercise Science program. This course reviews the functional
organization of the musculoskeletal system, the peripheral neural influence to the muscular system, and the basic metabolic
pathways underlying the bioenergetics of these systems. Related physiological adaptations during rest and exercise are discussed.
Lectures and laboratory.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EXCI 257 or 358 may not take this course for credit.
EXCI 259 Human Physiology II: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems from Rest to Exercise (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EXCI 254 previously or concurrently; enrolment in an Exercise Science program. This course focuses on the
fundamental mechanisms of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In addition, adaptations of these systems to acute and
chronic exercise as well as environmental factors are discussed. Lectures and laboratory.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EXCI 357 or 358 may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 263
EXCI 351 Introduction to the Biomechanics of Human Movement (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PHYS 204, 224 or equivalent; completion of Stage I* of the major. The primary focus of this course concentrates on
the mechanical principles of human movement. Fundamental principles of kinematics and kinetics are examined in a theoretical
and practical context. Lectures and laboratory.
*Stage I consists of CATA 262, 263; EXCI 252, 253, 254, 258, 259; KCEP 210.
EXCI 352 Essentials of Exercise Testing and Training in Athletic Populations (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Completion of Stage I* in the major. This course utilizes the students’ background knowledge of anatomy, physiology,
biomechanics, exercise physiology, and exercise programming to design pre‑season, in‑season, and post‑season conditioning
programs for elite athletes in a variety of sports. Most importantly, this course focuses on the importance of applying scientific
principles of training in the design of exercise programs for elite athletes. The importance of skill‑related (i.e. speed, agility, and
power) and health‑related components (i.e. cardio‑respiratory endurance, and muscle strength) of physical fitness relative to
performance is emphasized in this course. Some of the topics covered include ergogenic aids, regulation of skeletal muscle mass,
periodization, aerobic endurance and resistance exercise training, and plyometrics. Lectures and laboratory.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EXCI 452 may not take this course for credit.
*Stage I consists of CATA 262, 263; EXCI 252, 253, 254, 258, 259; KCEP 210.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
EXCI 421 Honours Seminar: Current Topics in Health and Exercise Science (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EXCI 322; enrolment in an honours program or permission of the Department. Using a combination of guest
speakers and student presentations, this seminar is geared to critically examining current issues and methods in health and
exercise science. Its emphasis is on theoretical and/or methodological issues as they relate to selected topics from these areas.
Examples of topics include ethical issues and new emerging theories in health and exercise science, and utility of a particular
research technique or methodology. Lectures only.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EXCI 424 or 425 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 265
indications, contraindictions, and side effects of common therapeutic medications used in sport. Class discussions also cover
natural products and the effects of their interactions with prescription and non‑prescription pharmaceuticals.
*Stage II of major consists of EXCI 310, 351, 352, 360.
Stage II of honours consists of EXCI 310, 322, 351, 352, 360.
Stage II of KCEP consists of EXCI 310, 351, 352, 360; KCEP 311, 349, 383.
Stage II of BScAT consists of CATA 337, 339, 348, 365; EXCI 310, 351, 352, 360.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
KCEP 210 Principles of Clinical Exercise Physiology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in an Exercise Science program. This course considers topics in kinesiology and clinical exercise
physiology from historical, professional, and applied perspectives. Introduction of exercise training principles and movement
activity as the basis for patient rehabilitation and recovery programs in chronic diseases are discussed. The course deals with
disease classification, basic intervention concepts, and preventive approaches. Ten observation hours are required for students
who wish to transfer to the KCEP program.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EXCI 210 may not take this course for credit.
KCEP 449 Physical Fitness Assessment, Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation in Special Populations (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Completion of Stage II* in the KCEP. This course focuses on the assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness and body
composition in a clinical setting. Measurement and interpretation of normal and abnormal responses for individuals with the most
common cardiovascular, respiratory, oncologic, and metabolic diseases are performed and discussed. Lectures and laboratory.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EXCI 450 may not take this course for credit.
*Stage II consists of EXCI 310, 351, 352, 360; KCEP 311, 349, 383.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 267
PASCALE BIRON, PhD Université de Montréal; Professor
DAMON MATTHEWS, PhD University of Victoria; Provost’s Distinction
ALAN E. NASH, PhD University of Cambridge
NORMA RANTISI, PhD University of Toronto
LEONARD SKLAR, PhD University of California, Berkeley
Associate Professors
SEBASTIEN CAQUARD, PhD Université Jean Monnet de Saint‑Etienne
PIERRE GAUTHIER, PhD McGill University
KEVIN GOULD, PhD University of British Columbia
JOCHEN JAEGER, Diplom Dr.Sc.Nat ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
MONICA MULRENNAN, PhD University College Dublin
TED RUTLAND, PhD University of British Columbia
CRAIG TOWNSEND, PhD Murdoch University
Assistant Professors
BENGI AKBULUT, PhD University of Massachusetts Amherst
SILVANO DE LA LLATA, PhD Cornell University
ANGELA KROSS, PhD McGill University
NALINI MOHABIR, PhD University of Leeds
SARAH TURNER, PhD University of Calgary
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Hall Building, Room: H 1255‑26
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2050
Department Objectives
The Department of Geography, Planning and Environment focuses on the processes and practices of human intervention in the
natural, cultural, and built environment. Human interventions are examined as cultural and political processes across the spectrum
of biophysical settings and human settlements. The Department’s aim is to provide a systematic understanding of biogeophysical
environmental processes and human‑environment interactions as a step towards improving policies, practices, and specific
interventions. The curriculum reflects a balance among theoretical, technical, and applied aspects, and promotes environmental
and spatial awareness and literacy. The Department aims to train professional geographers, environmental scientists, and urban
planners, as well as to produce articulate and informed graduates who are committed to improving the quality and sustainability of
the natural, human, and built environment.
It is strongly recommended that students planning graduate studies follow the appropriate honours or specialization program.
Students seeking admission to the honours program may apply either for direct entry on the University application form or,
once in the program, to the departmental honours advisor during stage two of their program. In addition to meeting the Faculty
requirements (see §31.003 Honours Regulations), the Department requires a statement of intent which specifies the proposed
topic and supervisor for the Honours Essay (GEOG 491 or URBS 491).
All students in department programs must be advised annually to receive permission to register for courses or to replace, substitute,
or be exempted from any course within their program. Urban Studies students should consult the director of Urban Studies; all other
program students should consult the Geography undergraduate advisor.
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
Students in programs leading to the BSc degree may take the courses in Geography/Geology listed below for credits to be applied
to their program of concentration.
GEOG 200 World Geography (3 credits)
This course provides an overview of world geography. It first examines the main environmental and social factors that geographers
have employed to divide the world into a series of distinctive regions, and uses examples of specific countries to explore the
distinctive geographical processes by which these patterns are transformed and perpetuated.
NOTE: Students currently registered in a Human Environment, Environmental Geography, or Environmental Science program
may not take this course for credit.
GEOG 220 The Human Environment: Place, Space, and Identity (3 credits)
This course examines how geographers construct the meaning of place, the unique identity of places, the contests over identity of
place, and how space is socially constructed. The ways in which these have been affected by migration and globalization are then
examined within the context of an already constituted social and geographical unevenness (political, economic, environmental,
and cultural).
GEOG 260 Mapping the Environment (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the basic concepts, theory, and methods of mapping with reference to topographic and thematic
maps. Through lectures, laboratories, and practical assignments, students learn about the sources of data for maps, and how these
data are manipulated, represented, and interpreted in both analog and digital form (Geographic Information Systems). Lectures
and laboratory.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule and
the Geography Course Guide.
GEOL 203 Introduction to Environmental Geology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: GEOL 210 recommended. Environmental geology is concerned with the physical, chemical, and biological processes
that have acted, and continue to act, upon the planet, shaping its evolution. The course examines the interactions of lithosphere,
mantle, core, biosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, and hydrosphere. The Earth’s climate is in part determined by these Earth
system interactions, and climate change throughout the Earth’s history is a central theme of the course.
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
All course substitutions must be approved by an academic advisor. Students enrolled in the Major in Urban Studies, or other
undergraduate programs in Arts and Science, seeking to transfer to the BA Specialization in Urban Planning normally request a
transfer at the end of their first year, after completing a minimum of nine URBS credits. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 is
required to transfer.
URBS 230 Urbanization: Global and Historical Perspectives (3 credits)
This course examines how and why cities grow and change over time. The relationships between socio‑cultural, economic, and
physical aspects of urban development are considered at the local, city, and regional scales.
PETER GOSSAGE, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal; Professor
Associate Chair
GAVIN TAYLOR, PhD College of William & Mary; Senior Lecturer
GRAHAM CARR, PhD University of Maine
FRANK R. CHALK, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison
STEVEN HIGH, PhD University of Ottawa; Provost’s Distinction
NORMAN INGRAM, PhD University of Edinburgh; Provost’s Distinction
NORA E. JAFFARY, PhD Columbia University
SHANNON McSHEFFREY, PhD University of Toronto; Provost’s Distinction
ALISON ROWLEY, PhD Duke University
RONALD RUDIN, PhD York University; Provost’s Distinction
Associate Professors
RACHEL BERGER, PhD University of Cambridge
ANDREW IVASKA, PhD University of Michigan
WILSON CHACKO JACOB, PhD New York University
ERICA LEHRER, PhD University of Michigan
BARBARA LORENZKOWSKI, PhD University of Ottawa
TED McCORMICK, PhD Columbia University; Provost’s Distinction
MATTHEW PENNEY, PhD University of Auckland
ELENA RAZLOGOVA, PhD George Mason University
ERIC H. REITER, PhD University of Toronto, LLM McGill University
ANYA ZILBERSTEIN, PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Associate Professor, James M. Stanford Professorship in Genocide and Human Rights Studies
MAX BERGHOLZ, PhD University of Toronto
Assistant Professors
SARAH GHABRIAL, PhD McGill University
THERESA VENTURA, PhD Columbia University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
J.W. McConnell Building, Room: LB 1001
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2435
Department Objectives
It is the mission of the Department of History not only to train historians but to produce articulate and informed graduates who
share its commitment to serving the broader community. The Department therefore encourages strength in both teaching and
research, responsiveness to a wide range of intellectual perspectives, and involvement in community affairs.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
60 BA Honours in History
Students seeking admission to the honours program may apply either for direct entry on the University application form or,
once in the program, to the departmental honours advisor normally following the completion of 30 credits. Students must
have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 (B+). All students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 as well as a
minimum assessment GPA of 3.3 within courses in History. The minimum acceptable grade in any course is normally “C.”
B. Seminar Option
6 Chosen from HIST 200‑level courses with History Skills Workshops (courses denoted as HISW in the Undergraduate
Class Schedule)
3 History of Europe (HIST 2023, 2063, 2073, 2083, 2113, 2353)
3 History of Asia or Africa (from among HIST 2423, 2613, 2623, 2633, 2643)
3 History of the Americas (from among HIST 2033, 2053, 2093, 2103, 2513, 2533, 2763, 2773)
3 HIST 200‑level courses
18 HIST 300‑level courses
3 HIST 4023 (The Philosophy and Practice of History)
3 HIST 4033 (Methodology and History)
18 HIST 400‑level seminars
60 BA Specialization in History
6 Chosen from HIST 200‑level courses with History Skills Workshops (courses denoted as HISW in the Undergraduate
Class Schedule)
6 History of Europe (HIST 2023, 2063, 2073, 2083, 2113, 2353)
6 History of Asia or Africa (from among HIST 2423, 2613, 2623, 2633, 2643)
6 History of the Americas (from among HIST 2033, 2053, 2093, 2103, 2513, 2533, 2763, 2773)
3 HIST 200‑level courses
27 HIST 300‑level courses
6 Chosen from any HIST 300‑ or 400‑level courses
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 283
60 BA Joint Specialization in English and History
6 ENGL 2613, 2623
6 Periods before 1800 (British) from ENGL 3026, 3046 through 3283, 4303 through 4413
6 Canadian, American, and postcolonial from ENGL 2443, 3606 through 3883, 4493 through 4553
6 19th century and 20th century (British and European) from ENGL 3246, 3296 through 3413, 3453, 3463, 3493 through 3593,
3943, 4423, 4433, 4463
6 Elective credits from ENGL 2243 through 4993
6 Chosen from HIST 200‑level courses with History Skills Workshops (courses denoted as HISW in the Undergraduate
Class Schedule)
9 HIST 200‑level courses
9 HIST 300‑level courses
6 HIST 300‑ or 400‑level courses
42 BA Major in History
6 Chosen from HIST 200‑level courses with History Skills Workshops (courses denoted as HISW in the Undergraduate
Class Schedule)
3 History of Europe (HIST 2023, 2063, 2073, 2083, 2113, 2353)
3 History of Asia or Africa (from among HIST 2423, 2613, 2623, 2633, 2643)
3 History of the Americas (from among HIST 2033, 2053, 2093, 2103, 2513, 2533, 2763, 2773)
3 Chosen from any HIST 200‑level courses
18 Chosen from any HIST 300‑level courses
6 Chosen from any HIST 300‑ or 400‑level courses
24 Minor in History
6 Chosen from HIST 200‑level courses with History Skills Workshops (courses denoted as HISW in the Undergraduate
Class Schedule)
12 HIST 200 ‑level courses
6 HIST 300‑level courses
(1) 300‑level courses are generally open only to students who have successfully completed 24 credits. Students who do not have
this prerequisite may register with the permission of the Department.
(2) 400‑level courses are generally open to honours and specialization students, or students of high academic standing with the
permission of the Department.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
HIST 207 Early Modern Europe (3 credits)
This course offers an introduction to European history from the 15th through the 18th centuries. It encompasses the Renaissance,
the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment. Other topics include European contact with the New World, the
formation of commercial and colonial empires, the related transformation of economic and social relations in Europe, and arguably
the first modern political revolutions.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for HIST 201 or HISW 207 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 285
HIST 225 (also listed as CLAS 242)
History of the Roman Republic (3 credits)
This course offers a political, social, economic and cultural history of Rome from the city’s origins to the establishment of the
Roman Empire under the Emperor Augustus.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for CLAS 242 may not take this course for credit.
HIST 251 History of the United States to the Civil War Era (3 credits)
This course surveys American history from settlement to the Civil War Era. It deals with the political and economic framework of
American history, and with social and cultural trends.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for HISW 251 may not take this course for credit.
HIST 253 History of the United States since the Civil War Era (3 credits)
This course surveys American history from the Civil War Era to the present. It deals with the political and economic framework of
American history, and with social and cultural trends.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for HISW 253 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
HIST 281 Film in History (3 credits)
This course examines how selected commercial films interpret historical events or provide insight into the politics, society, and
culture of the times in which they were produced. The course is designed to help develop critical skills for the understanding of
film in an historical framework.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for HISW 281 or this topic under a HIST 298 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 287
HIST 309 Law and Society in Canadian History (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). This course examines selected issues in Canadian history through the lens of important and
controversial court decisions. The influence of legal decisions on society as well as public influence on the development of law is
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a HIST 398 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
HIST 326 Reformations in Early Modern Europe (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). This course surveys the history of Europe from the early Reformation through the end of
Europe’s religious wars in the mid‑17th century. Major themes include the politics of religion, the growth of commerce and social
change, competition for empire, and transformation in scientific and political worldviews.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 289
HIST 341 History of Britain Since 1714 (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). This course is a survey of the political, economic, and social development of Britain since the
Stuart Era.
HIST 356 United States in the 19th Century: The Era of the Civil War (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). A study of American political, social, and economic life before and after the Civil War, from
about 1850 to 1890. Topics include sectionalism and the breakdown of parties during the 1850s, the tasks of Reconstruction after
the war, the New South, and the problems of a maturing industrial society.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
HIST 358 Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945 to the Present (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). This is an historical investigation of United States foreign policy from the end of the Second
World War to the present, emphasizing the United States’ responses to the challenge of revolutions in Asia, Africa, Europe and
Latin America, American conceptions of a new world order, the rise of the multinational corporation, globalization, terrorism,
humanitarian intervention, and developments in Canadian‑American relations.
HIST 369 Middle East: Empire, Gender, and Sexuality in Modern Times (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). This course examines the historical formation and intersection of three distinct phenomena:
empire, gender, and sexuality. From the everyday practices of family life to the form of politics and the balance of geo‑strategic
relations, the 19th and 20th centuries witnessed a radical transformation of human organization within the Middle East and
globally. Topics may include imperialism, state formation, nationalism, Orientalism, feminism, and Islam.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a HIST 398 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 291
HIST 371 History of the Russian Revolutionary Movement, 1825‑1922 (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). This course traces the evolution of the Russian revolutionary movement from the Decembrist
Revolt (1825) to the Bolshevik consolidation of power (1922). Emphasis is placed on the development of Russian conceptions of
socialism, Marxism, and anarchism; the roles undertaken by women in various revolutionary groups; and the Russian contribution
to the development of modern terrorism.
HIST 379 History through Visual Media and Material Culture (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). Public encounters with history are increasingly mediated by television, film, the Internet, and
museological experiences. This course explores the relationship between the public and the past by examining issues in the
production, distribution, and reception of history via these new and changing technologies.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
HIST 384 Age of Industrialization and Nationalism 1848‑1914 (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). A study of the transformation of European society, economy, and politics in the years between
the upheavals of the mid‑19th century and the collapse of the traditional order in World War I.
HIST 388 Telling Stories: Oral History, Memoryscapes and Digital Storytelling (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). This course is an introduction to oral history theory, ethics, and practice, and surveys the many
oral history projects underway in Montreal and around the globe.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 293
HIST 403 Methodology and History (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Approved honours standing in History, or permission of the Department. This course examines the variety of sources,
methods, and modes of analysis used in the research and writing of history. It addresses both theoretical and practical aspects of
method. This course is required of all honours students.
HIST 457 Advanced Study in Latin American and Caribbean History (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (2). Advanced seminar in a selected topic in Latin American and/or Caribbean history. The emphasis
is on encouraging students to conduct historical investigation on their own, under a professor’s guidance. The specific content
varies from year to year depending on the instructor.
HIST 475 Advanced Study in the History of Gender and Sexuality (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (2). Advanced seminar in a selected topic in the history of gender and sexuality. The emphasis is
on encouraging students to conduct historical investigation on their own, under a professor’s guidance. The specific content varies
from year to year depending on the instructor.
HIST 477 Advanced Study in the History of Human Rights and Justice (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (2). This advanced seminar focuses on a selected topic in the history of human rights and justice.
The emphasis is on encouraging students to conduct historical investigation independently, under a professor’s supervision. The
specific content may vary from year to year.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
HIST 486 Public History Internship (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (2); HIST 306. This internship in public history is designed to allow students to test and hone their
skills in a non‑academic situation. Placements will be arranged by the faculty member responsible for the course and may be
drawn from various potential employment sectors: public, non‑profit, and private. Students, in consultation with the employer and
the faculty advisor, are expected to fully participate in the defining of their internships. Students work according to a detailed job
description and devote a minimum of 100 hours to the fieldwork component of the internship, keep a logbook describing their work
activities, and submit a 20‑25 page written report that summarizes and evaluates their work experience, positioning it in relation
to broader academic questions in the field of public history. The employers participate in the assessment of the intern’s work.
Students may find it useful to have second‑language proficiency for the purposes of this internship.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 295
PAUL JOYCE, PhD Dalhousie University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Program Objectives
The Faculty of Arts and Science Principles of Education (§31.001) reinforce the value of broadening skills and experience beyond
the boundaries of a single concentration. Interdisciplinary studies involves students in a range of thought, from scientific to
humanistic. Courses are designed to illuminate principles, methods, and skills that cross disciplinary boundaries. These programs
are intended for students whose interests do not conform to standard academic programs.
Under the direction of the academic advisor, Faculty of Arts and Science
Opportunities are available in some departments and programs to follow an Individually Structured Specialization or Honours
program. Students must apply to the Department that seems most relevant to the central aspect of their proposed program.
Students in general must have demonstrated in their previous academic endeavours that they are capable of good standing
(“B” level), but in exceptional cases a student may be admitted provisionally on the recommendation of the departmental
undergraduate coordinator.
Formal entry to the ISP may occur only after completion of preparatory courses such as are required in Mature Entry and
Extended Credit programs. Students wishing to follow an honours program must follow the Faculty procedures and regulations
concerning admission to honours programs. (See Degree Requirements — Honours, §16.2.4 and 31.003.)
Students interested in pursuing an Individually Structured Program should contact the academic advisor, Faculty of Arts and
Science, at 514‑848‑2424, ext. 2104.
Academic Regulations
The program will consist of not less than 60 credits. The courses chosen must be based on a departmental or program core,
usually the major, but not less than 24 credits. Students will thus be required to complete necessary prerequisites, and general
preparation courses such as Research Methods or Statistics, so that they may later follow a regular departmental program if they
so desire.
A specialization student must maintain an average of “C+” in all specialization courses for purposes of continuation in the program
from year to year, as well as for graduation. The minimum acceptable grade in any single specialization course is “C‑.”
The program of study must be worked out at the time of registration into the program. Admission to the program must be finalized
before a student registers for the final 60 credits of the 90‑credit portion of their degree. To allow for the non‑availability of certain
courses during certain sessions, allowable substitute courses must be listed in advance. Such substitution provisions will be
necessary only in the case of specialized courses that are known not to be available on a session by session basis. The intention
of this regulation is to assure that the program does not become an ad hoc mixture of courses without clearly rationalized academic
Students must prepare a careful, not necessarily long, statement of their goals indicating the specific reasons for their program
choice. The rationale and the sequence of courses chosen must be approved by the two departmental program coordinators and
the Associate Dean, Student Academic Services.
Interdisciplinary minor programs usually consist of 24 or more credits and are to be combined with a department major, specialization,
or honours. Interdisciplinary certificate programs normally consist of 30 credits and can be taken as independent programs.
Interdisciplinary minor and certificate programs are listed below.
Credits Title Cal. Sec.
30 Certificate in Arts and Science 31.170
30 Certificate in Science Foundations 31.170
27 Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality 31.170
24 Minor in Israel Studies 31.170
The Certificate in Science Foundations is a non‑degree program that caters to students who wish to develop the necessary
background for further study in undergraduate degree programs in Science. It also may be of interest to students whose preference
is to follow a shorter program of study or who wish to update their knowledge or learn important basics of Science.
The certificate requires successful completion of 30 credits. At least 24 of these credits must be chosen from courses offered by
three departments in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Students may transfer into the certificate program up to 12 credits earned in
an incomplete degree or certificate program or as an Independent student, provided they are students in good standing. The credits
that may be so transferred are determined by the University at the point of entry into the program. Students who are admitted to the
Certificate in Science Foundations, and who wish to continue in a degree program, should apply for admission to their program
within the first 30 credits.
NOTE: In the event that a student is awarded an exemption from a required course, it will be necessary for the student to replace
that course with another relevant to the program, chosen from the following list or in consultation with an academic advisor.
BIOL 2253, 2263; CHEM 2213, 2223, 2713; GEOG 2603; GEOL 2103; MAST 2173, 2183, 2213, 2343; PHYS 2323, 2523, 2533
The Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality, offered jointly by the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Arts and Science,
draws its curriculum from a variety of disciplines. Its purpose is to investigate empirical, theoretical, and creative aspects of
Students interested in this program should contact Dr. Frances Shaver, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology and
Dr. Thomas Waugh, Professor, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema.
NOTE: For details on the course descriptions in the program listed above, please refer to the individual departmental course
listings, and the INTE courses listed below.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 297
The Minor in Israel Studies is designed to ensure a balanced coverage and study of the main religious, social, cultural, and
political currents that define Israel in the Middle East today. Its curriculum is drawn from various departments including Art History,
Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, English, History, Political Science and Religions and Cultures.
Students interested in this program should contact the Director of the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies.
Elective Groups
Elective Groups (formerly referred to as Clusters) are elective courses (15 to 18 credits) on a theme. Each group provides
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary course content.
Course information on these Elective Groups is listed in the Undergraduate Class Schedule and on the University website at
Interdisciplinary Courses
Many courses which have an interdisciplinary approach and are recommended and/or required by a variety of departments are
listed in this section.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 299
JOURNALISM Section 31.180
DAVID SECKO, PhD University of British Columbia; Associate Professor
Associate Professors
BRIAN GABRIAL, PhD University of Minnesota
ANDREA HUNTER, PhD Queen’s University
JAMES McLEAN, PhD Concordia University
Assistant Professors
ELYSE AMEND, PhD McGill University
WAYNE LARSEN, MA Concordia University
APHRODITE SALAS, MA Concordia University
LEO FOUCAULT, BA University of Windsor
LEONARD GERVAIS, BA Concordia University
PAUL GOTT, BA Concordia University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Loyola Campus
Communication Studies and Journalism Building, Room: CJ 3.230
514‑848‑2424, ext. 5054
Department Objectives
The Journalism program is designed to produce intelligent, thoughtful, and versatile journalists and writers who engage citizens in a
democratic society, helping them make informed decisions about their communities. Above all, journalism is a rigorous intellectual
activity with professional standards for gathering, processing, and disseminating information. The Department of Journalism offers
a professional education that combines writing and production workshops, requiring students to complete real‑world assignments
according to professional and ethical standards, with lectures and seminars that critically examine the social and political contexts
in which journalism is produced.
Enrolment in the workshops in the Department of Journalism is limited and depends on the applicants’ successful completion
of the admission procedures outlined in the following paragraphs. All applicants should apply through the Concordia University
Admissions Application Centre. Applicants must also submit a separate application to the Department by March 1 to make an
appointment for a test of English proficiency. More information can be found at
A student must achieve a final mark of “C” or better in the reporting workshops in order to proceed to the next level.
To graduate with a Major in Journalism, a student must demonstrate a working knowledge of French. Tests of oral proficiency in
French are administered by the Département d’études françaises on behalf of the Department of Journalism, which is responsible
for the final evaluation of each student’s competence.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
These programs are designed to prepare graduates for the English‑language media.
A limited number of students who have been admitted to the Major in Journalism program may be allowed to register in
the Science College, with a view to combining a basic understanding of science with a training in journalism.
45 BA Major in Journalism
NOTE: To graduate with a Major in Journalism students are required to complete a minor or a major in another subject.
Stage I
18 JOUR 2053, 2063, 2073, 2083, 2093, 2163
Stage II
6 JOUR 3023, 3213
6 Chosen from JOUR 3033, 3093, 3103, 3253, 3303, 3353, 3983
Stage III
6 JOUR 4433, 4443
9 Chosen from JOUR 4023, 4043, 4213, 4323, 4373, 4423, 4453, 4503, 4513, 4633, 4983
The Journalism co‑operative program is offered to full‑time students who are enrolled in the BA major program in the Department
of Journalism. Students who meet the academic requirements for co‑op are eligible to apply. The academic content is very similar
to that of the regular programs, with some specific recommendations for courses to improve the students’ job skills. Work terms
provide co‑op students with the opportunity to gain practical journalism experience with a variety of employers. While most of the
positions will be in the Montreal area, students must be prepared to work in other parts of Canada.
Please refer to §24 for the schedule of study and work terms and the full description of admission requirements.
Written work in writing and reporting workshop courses is in English; please consult the Department.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 301
JOUR 210 The Media in Quebec (3 credits)
This course considers the current reality of the Quebec news media as they have been informed by the history of journalism in
Quebec. The course situates the media in Quebec within broader philosophical and sociological currents informing the understanding
of journalism as an institution. Some of the reading material for this course is in French.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for JOUR 305 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
JOUR 398 Special Topics in Journalism (3 credits)
Specific topics for this course, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
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JOUR 463 Literary Journalism (3 credits)
Prerequisite: 60 credits or permission of the Department. This course explores the literary value of selected, seminal journalistic
writings by examining the work of journalists, both past and present, as well as other non‑fiction writers, including those in Canada,
U.S., U.K., and elsewhere. Students will appreciate how literary styles and conventions can enhance journalistic practices.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
CODY HYNDMAN, PhD University of Waterloo; Associate Professor
Associate Chair
HARALD W. PROPPE, PhD McGill University; Professor
ABRAHAM J. BOYARSKY, PhD McGill University
YOGENDRA P. CHAUBEY, PhD University of Rochester; Provost’s Distinction
CHANTAL DAVID, PhD McGill University
JOSÉ GARRIDO, PhD University of Waterloo
PAWEL GORA, PhD DSc Warsaw University
JOHN HARNAD, DPhil University of Oxford; Provost’s Distinction
ADRIAN IOVITA, PhD Boston University
HERSHY KISILEVSKY, PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DMITRY KOROTKIN, PhD Steklov Mathematical Institute
ROBERT RAPHAEL, PhD McGill University
ALEXANDER SHNIRELMAN, PhD Moscow State University
ANNA SIERPINSKA, PhD Krakow Higher School of Pedagogy
RONALD J. STERN, PhD Northwestern University
WEI SUN, PhD Chinese Academy of Sciences
FRED E. SZABO, PhD McGill University
XIAOWEN ZHOU, PhD University of California, Berkeley
Associate Professors
JOSEF BRODY, PhD Carleton University
G. ELIE COHEN, PhD McGill University
GALIA DAFNI, PhD Princeton University
PATRICE GAILLARDETZ, PhD University of Toronto
NADIA HARDY, PhD Concordia University
ALEXEY KOKOTOV, PhD Steklov Mathematical Institute
LEA POPOVIC, PhD University of California, Berkeley
ARUSHARKA SEN, PhD Indian Statistical Institute
ALINA STANCU, PhD University of Rochester
Assistant Professors
LISA KAKINAMI, PhD University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
MÉLINA MAILHOT, PhD Université Laval
GIOVANNI ROSSO, PhD KU Leuven and Université Paris 13
ARMEN ATOYAN, PhD Moscow Engineering‑Physics Institute
DEBARAJ SEN, PhD Concordia University
Affiliate Professors
JOHN DENTON, PhD Harvard University
ANDREW GRANVILLE, PhD Queen’s University
HENRY HUNG, PhD McGill University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Department Objectives
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics provides the general mathematical culture necessary for training those who will
either be using the tools of mathematics or statistics in their work or who will become future mathematicians or statisticians. For
students who are contemplating graduate work in mathematics or statistics, the Department has leading researchers in the fields
of actuarial mathematics, applied probability, computational algebra, differential geometry, dynamical systems, mathematical
physics, mathematics education, number theory and statistics.
In addition to its co‑op program, alternating work and academic terms, the Department offers a program in Actuarial Mathematics
and prepares students for the associateship examinations of the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society.
The Department also provides instruction at the remedial and introductory levels to enable students who have been out of school
for some time to re‑enter the academic stream; and offers special courses for teachers of mathematics who wish to keep abreast
of recent ideas and applications.
Students are required to complete the appropriate entrance profile for entry into the program (see §31.002 — Programs and
Admission Requirements — Profiles).
A student wishing to follow a program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics but not meeting the entrance requirements
should consult with one of the Department’s academic advisors.
By careful choice of electives, students can select whether the emphasis of the program will be in the area of Actuarial Mathematics,
Mathematical and Computational Finance, Pure and Applied Mathematics, or Statistics through specialization/honours programs in
the respective areas.
The enrolment in specialization/honours will be on a selective basis, whereas the major will be open to all students. However,
students with less than a 70% average in Cegep Mathematics courses will be required to take a six‑credit “transition” Calculus
and Linear Algebra course (MAST 214) upon entry into the MATH/STAT Major. The course will not count for credits in the major.
Students in a Mathematics and Statistics program may not take any of the following courses for credit: EMAT 212, 232, 252, 271.
Students wishing to take other Engineering Mathematics courses for credit must obtain prior approval of the Department.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers honours programs as a six‑credit extension to its specialization programs
in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial Mathematics. The extra six credits are earned in one of the Project
Courses: MATH 496, STAT 499, or ACTU 493. The Department does not allow direct entry to honours programs upon admission
to Concordia University. Students seeking entry to an honours program should speak to the Department’s honours director after
completing 30 credits in their specialization.
Students admitted to an honours program require an overall GPA of at least 3.30, and at least 3.50 in their program of specialization
with no more than one grade below B‑. Students must find a supervisor for their project and register for the appropriate Project
For additional information concerning programs and courses, students should consult the Department.
The Mathematics and Statistics co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BA or BSc honours or
specialization programs. Students interested in applying for the Mathematics and Statistics co‑op should refer to §24 where a
full description of the admission requirements is provided.
Academic content is identical to that of the regular program, but six or seven study terms are interspersed with three or four work
Students are supervised personally and must meet the requirements specified by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the
Institute for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers, and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Mathematics and
Statistics co‑op committee, which includes the student’s advisors.
Please refer to §24 for the schedule of study and work terms and the full description of admission requirements.
Actuarial Mathematics
ACTU 256 Mathematics of Finance (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MATH 264 previously or concurrently; and permission of the Department. Measurement of interest; annuities and
perpetuities; amortization and sinking funds; rates of return; bonds and related securities; life insurance.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MATH 326 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Only three credits will be awarded from ACTU 256; MAST 335.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
MATH 200 Fundamental Concepts of Algebra (3 credits)
This course is designed to give students the background necessary for MATH 201. Some previous exposure to algebra is assumed.
Sets, algebraic techniques, inequalities, graphs of equations. Lectures and tutorials.
NOTE: Students who have received credit or exemption for a course at the level of MATH 201 or above may not take this course
for credit.
NOTE: Students in programs leading to the BSc degree or the BA programs in Mathematics and Statistics may not take this
course for credit to be applied to their program of concentration.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
STAT 249 Probability I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MATH 264 or equivalent previously or concurrently. Axiomatic approach to probability; combinatorial probability;
discrete and continuous distributions; expectation; conditional expectation; random sampling and sampling distributions.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for COMP 233 or ECON 221 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MAST 221 may take STAT 249 for credit only with prior permission of the Department.
NOTE: Students enrolled in a Mathematics and Statistics program who take probability/statistics courses in other departments may
not receive credit for this course. Please consult a Mathematics and Statistics undergraduate program advisor.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
MATTHEW BARKER, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison; Associate Professor
DAVID MORRIS, PhD University of Toronto
MURRAY CLARKE, PhD University of Western Ontario
MATTHIAS FRITSCH, PhD Villanova University
Associate Professors
EMILIA ANGELOVA, PhD University of Toronto
ANDREA FALCON, PhD Padua University
PABLO GILABERT, PhD New School for Social Research
GREGORY LAVERS, PhD University of Western Ontario
Assistant Professors
ULF HLOBIL, PhD University of Pittsburgh
KATHARINA NIESWANDT, PhD University of Pittsburgh
Affiliate Professor
BELA EGYED, PhD McGill University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Annex S, Room: 101
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2500
Department Objectives
The Department of Philosophy offers a broad range of studies in philosophy. This includes courses in the history of philosophy
spanning three millennia and courses covering a diverse spectrum of philosophical topics and approaches. Many of the courses
are designed for undergraduates pursuing studies in other disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. The aim
is to contribute to the development of critical, informed, and open minds.
The major and minor programs give students an understanding of the aims, methods, and content of a range of major philosophical
periods and traditions. The honours program prepares students for graduate study in philosophy.
60 BA Honours in Philosophy
Stage I
12 PHIL 2143, 2323, 2603, 2613
3 Chosen from PHIL 2633, 2653
Stage II
6 PHIL 3603, 3613
3 Chosen from PHIL 3183, 3283, 3643, 3653
3 Chosen from PHIL 3303, 3423
3 Chosen from PHIL 3623, 3743, 3773
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 317
12 PHIL elective or cognate credits at the 300 or 400 level*
Stage III
3 Chosen from PHIL 4143, 4163, 4203, 4253, 4633, 4653, 4893
3 Chosen from PHIL 4303, 4403, 4713
3 Chosen from PHIL 4803, 4813, 4823, 4833, 4853, 4863, 4873
9 PHIL elective or cognate credits at the 400 level*
*PHIL elective or cognate credits to be chosen in consultation with the Department.
NOTE: Students seeking admission to the honours program may apply either for direct entry on the University application form or,
once in the program, to the departmental undergraduate advisor normally following the completion of 30 credits.
36 BA Major in Philosophy
Stage I
3 Chosen from PHIL 2103, 2143
9 PHIL 2323, 2603, 2613
3 Chosen from PHIL 2633, 2653
Stage II
6 PHIL 3603, 3613
3 Chosen from PHIL 3623, 3743, 3773
Stage III
6 PHIL elective credits at any level
6 PHIL elective credits at the 400 level*
*PHIL elective or cognate credits to be chosen in consultation with the Department.
24 Minor in Philosophy
6 Chosen from PHIL 2323, 2633, 2653
6 PHIL elective credits at the 200 level or higher
12 PHIL elective credits from the 300 level or higher
PHIL 201 Problems of Philosophy (3 credits)
In this course, students are introduced to philosophical problems such as: What is the nature of reality? How does one know what is
real, and how is it distinct from misleading appearances or illusion? What is knowledge? Does knowledge require certainty? How
is knowledge distinct from belief? Are people free? That is to say, do they choose their actions or are their actions determined by
causes beyond their control? If people are not free, then how can they be held responsible for their actions? Can God’s existence
be proven? How is the mind related to the body, if at all? What is it to be a morally good person?
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
thought and action. General questions about the nature of ethical reasoning are also considered. For example: Are there objective
ethical truths or are ethical judgments merely relative to social norms? An effort is made to incorporate those ethical issues which
are of specific importance to contemporary society.
PHIL 275 From Modern to Postmodern: Philosophical Thought and Cultural Critique (3 credits)
This course focuses on key developments in modern and postmodern philosophy and their cultural influences. The course
provides an introduction to philosophers (such as Kant, Nietzsche, and Foucault) and philosophical movements (such as
empiricism, existentialism, and post‑structuralism) of the modern era. It also introduces students to the tremendous influence
that philosophical theory has had on the arts, on social and political movements, and on virtually every field of study in the
humanities and social sciences.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 319
PHIL 285 Non‑Western Philosophy (3 credits)
This course introduces the student to the philosophical traditions of non‑Western cultures. The particular focus differs from year
to year.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
PHIL 342 Political Philosophy (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Three credits in Philosophy or Political Science, or permission of the Department. This course provides analyses
of important political and philosophical concepts such as globalization, nationalism, power, multiculturalism, tolerance, liberty,
equality, community, economic justice, and democracy.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 321
PHIL 378 American Pragmatism (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Six credits in Philosophy, or permission of the Department. This course provides an analysis of some classical
American pragmatists, such as Peirce, Dewey, James and C.I. Lewis, together with exponents of contemporary neopragmatism,
such as Putnam, Rorty, and Quine.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
PHIL 481 Aristotle (3 credits)
Prerequisite: 12 credits in Philosophy including PHIL 260 and 261, or permission of the Department. Selected passages from the
major works of Aristotle are analyzed in depth.
Prerequisite: 12 credits in Philosophy, or permission of the Department. Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites
relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 323
PHYSICS Section 31.230
ALEXANDRE CHAMPAGNE, PhD Cornell University; Associate Professor
Professor Emeritus
TRUONG VO‑VAN, PhD University of Toronto
BARRY FRANK, PhD University of British Columbia
MARIANA FRANK, PhD University of Toronto
CALVIN S. KALMAN, PhD University of Rochester; Provost’s Distinction
SUSHIL K. MISRA, PhD St. Louis University
Associate Professors
PABLO BIANUCCI, PhD University of Texas at Austin
CHRISTOPHE GROVA, PhD Université de Rennes, France
LASZLO KALMAN, PhD University of Szeged
INGO SALZMANN, PhD Humboldt University of Berlin
RAMESH C. SHARMA, PhD University of Toronto
JOSEPH SHIN, MSc Cornell University
VALTER ZAZUBOVITS, PhD University of Tartu
Assistant Professor
CLAUDINE GAUTHIER, PhD Université de Montréal
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Loyola Campus
Richard J. Renaud Science Complex, Room: SP 365.02
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3270
Department Objectives
Breakthroughs in physics have revolutionized thinking about the fundamentals of matter, motion, and energy. Physics is the study
of these fundamentals. The Department of Physics is committed to preparing students for careers or advanced study in the
theoretical, applied, and biological aspects of physics. Students in the co‑op program gain valuable job experience and discover
the career opportunities open to them in addition to regular coursework.
Students are required to complete the appropriate entrance profile for entry into the program (see §31.002 — Programs and
Admission Requirements — Profiles).
42 Core Program
6 MAST 2183, 2193
33 PHYS 2323, 2363, 2453, 2523, 2533, 3343, 3353, 3543, 3673, 3773, 4353
3 PHYS 2911, 2931, 2971
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
69 BSc Honours in Physics
42 Core Program
6 PHYS 4966
Concentration in Physics
15 PHYS 3453, 3553, 4593, 4683, 4783
3 Chosen from PHYS 4363, 4583
3 Chosen from PHYS 2902, 3703, 3941, 4403, 4433, 4453, 4983
Concentration in Biophysics
9 BIOL 2663; PHYS 2603, 4603
9 Chosen from CHEM 2353, 2713, 4313; PHYS 3453, 3703, 4403, 4453, 4593, 4613, 4623, 4633
3 Chosen from BIOL 2613, 3403, 3673, 3713; PHYS 4433
24 Minor in Biophysics
9 MAST 2183; PHYS 2523, 2603
3 Chosen from PHYS 2323 or BIOL 2663
3 Chosen from PHYS 2363 or 2533
9 Chosen from PHYS 3343, 4433, 4453, 4603, 4613
The Physics co‑operative program is offered to all full‑time students who are enrolled in the Department and meet the academic
requirements for co‑op. Students interested in applying for the Physics co‑op should refer to §24 where a full description of the
admission requirements is provided.
Academic content is very similar to that of the regular programs, with some specific recommendations for courses to improve the
students’ job skills. While it is hoped that most of the positions will be in the Montreal area, students must be prepared to work in
other parts of Canada.
Students are supervised personally and must meet the requirements specified by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Institute
for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers, and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Physics co‑op
committee, which includes the student’s advisors.
Please refer to §24 for the schedule of study and work terms and the full description of admission requirements.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 325
PHYS 200 From Particles to Galaxies (3 credits)
This course covers all the major topics in physics including Galileo’s role in science, the Newtonian synthesis, optics radiation and
absorption of heat, relativity, quantum mechanics, astrophysics and cosmology at a level that a non‑science student can grasp.
Students in this course are not required to do any mathematical problem solving.
NOTE: Students in programs leading to the BSc degree may not take this course for credit to be applied to their program of
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a PHYS 298 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
The material is illustrated with simple examples from physics.
NOTE: Students may replace this course with COMP 248.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for COMP 248 or PHYS 233 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 327
electronic measuring instruments and components. Experiments include power supplies, transistor amplifiers, operational
amplifiers, oscillators, audio and radio frequency amplifiers.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PHYS 295 and 296 may not take this course for credit.
PHYS 291 Experimental Mechanics I (1 credit)
Prerequisite: PHYS 245 previously or concurrently. A laboratory course in mechanics. Experiments include pendulum, coefficient
of restitution, centrifugal force, rotational inertia, inelastic impact.
PHYS 292 Experimental Mechanics II (1 credit)
Prerequisite: PHYS 291. A laboratory course in mechanics. Experiments include the use of air tracks to study acceleration,
collisions, dissipative forces, and periodic motion. Other experiments include viscosity and surface tension of liquids.
PHYS 293 Experimental Electricity and Magnetism I (1 credit)
Prerequisite: PHYS 253 previously or concurrently. A laboratory course in electricity and magnetism. Experiments include motion of
electrons in electric and magnetic fields, exponential relaxation, damped oscillations, resonance, non‑linearity, negative resistance.
PHYS 294 Experimental Electricity and Magnetism II (1 credit)
Prerequisite: PHYS 293. A laboratory course in electricity and magnetism. Experiments include the transistor, amplification and
frequency response, transient response and negative feedback, positive feedback and oscillation, periodic structures.
PHYS 295 Experimental Electronics I (2 credits)
A practical laboratory course in electronics. Experiments include resistors in series and parallel, voltameter, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s
current and voltage laws, Ohmmeter, capacitor, inductor, transformer, rectifiers, voltage doubler, zener diode, power supplies.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PHYS 290 may not take this course for credit.
PHYS 296 Experimental Electronics II (2 credits)
Prerequisite: PHYS 295. A practical laboratory course in electronics. Experiments include oscilloscope, biasing of bipolar transistors,
transistor amplifiers, voltage and current regulators, field‑effect transistor, oscillators, operational amplifier circuits, audio amplifier,
I‑F transformer, limiter, amplitude and frequency modulation.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PHYS 290 may not take this course for credit.
PHYS 297 Experimental Optics (1 credit)
Prerequisite: PHYS 252 previously or concurrently. An experimental course in optics. Experiments include diffraction, optical
instruments, resonance, and various experiments using lasers. Laboratory only, 10 experiments.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PHYS 392 may not take this course for credit.
PHYS 298 Selected Topics in Physics (3 credits)
PHYS 299 Selected Topics in Physics (6 credits)
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
amplifiers, power amplifiers, dc stabilization and negative feedback, operational amplifiers, phase detection, frequency multiplier
and special circuits. Lectures only.
NOTE: See PHYS 290 for laboratory associated with this course.
PHYS 391 Introduction to Experimental Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programming (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PHYS 235; COMP 212 or equivalent. Eight‑bit microprocessor architecture: opcodes, addressing modes, memory
mapped I/O, vectored interrupts, etc. The MS/DOS operating system, word processing, Motorola assembly language: pseudocodes,
labels, sub‑routines, interrupt service routines, structured programming techniques. Cross assemblers, RS232 serial transmission
of ASCII and binary data to remote computers. Laboratory only.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PHYS 396 may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 329
PHYS 435 Statistical Physics (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PHYS 334, 367. Statistical concepts, probability, Gaussian probability distribution, statistical ensemble, macrostates and
microstates, thermodynamic probability, statistical thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes, entropy, thermodynamic
laws and statistical relations, partition functions, Maxwell’s distributions, phase transformation, Maxwell‑Boltzmann, Fermi‑Dirac,
and Bose‑Einstein statistics, quantum statistics in classical limit, black‑body radiation, conduction of electrons in metal, interacting
particle system, lattice vibrations, virial coefficients, Weiss molecular field approximation, Kinetic theory of gases, Boltzman
equation. Lectures only.
PHYS 436 Methods of Theoretical Physics III (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PHYS 335 or equivalent. Partial differential equations, eigenfunction expansion and finite transforms, Laplace,
Poisson, wave and diffusion equations, applications, special functions, boundary value problems, Sturm‑Liouville theory, Bessel
functions, Legendre and Hermite polynomials, spherical harmonics, Green’s function and applications, perturbation theory,
variational theory. Lectures only.
PHYS 440 Computational Methods and Simulations in Physics (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PHYS 232, 334, 377. The first part of the course fully develops the UNIX/Fortran/C code for problem solving through
direct experience with problems in mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. Applications include finite square well,
simple pendulum, charge distribution, phase space, anharmonic oscillator, vibrating string, etc. The second part of the course
introduces the Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics methods, first‑principles calculations for materials, electronic properties,
electrodynamics and electrical circuit simulations, and biophysics simulations.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
PHYS 462 Bioenergetics (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PHYS 460, 461. Chemiosmotic energy transduction, ion transport across energy conserving membranes, quantitative
bioenergetics: measurement of driving forces. Chemiosmotic proton circuit, respiratory chains, photosynthesis, photosynthetic
generators of protonmotive force, coupling between biological electron and proton transfer reactions, ATP synthase, metabolite
and ion transport, mitochondria in the cell.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 331
ELIZABETH A. BLOODGOOD, PhD Princeton University; Associate Professor
Associate Chair
GRAHAM DODDS, PhD University of Pennsylvania; Associate Professor
ANTOINE BILODEAU, PhD University of Toronto
HAROLD R. CHORNEY, PhD University of Toronto
BROOKE JEFFREY, PhD Carleton University
JAMES KELLY, PhD McGill University
GUY LACHAPELLE, PhD Northwestern University
PATRIK MARIER, PhD University of Pittsburgh
CSABA NIKOLENYI, PhD University of British Columbia
MABEN POIRIER, PhD McGill University
DANIEL SALÉE, PhD Université de Montréal
Associate Professors
CEREN BELGE, PhD University of Washington
TINA HILGERS, PhD York University
AXEL HUELSEMEYER, PhD University of Calgary
MEBS KANJI, PhD University of Calgary
EDWARD KING, PhD University of California, Berkeley
MICHAEL LIPSON, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison
KIMBERLEY MANNING, PhD University of Washington
JEAN‑FRANÇOIS MAYER, PhD Pennsylvania State University
STEPHANIE PATERSON, PhD Carleton University
AMY POTEETE, PhD Duke University
FRANCESCA SCALA, PhD Carleton University
LEANDER SCHNEIDER, PhD Columbia University
JULIAN SCHOFIELD, PhD Columbia University
TRAVIS SMITH, PhD Harvard University
MARLENE SOKOLON, PhD Northern Illinois University
Assistant Professors
NICOLE DE SILVA, PhD University of Oxford
SARAH GHABRIAL, PhD McGill University
MEGHAN JOY, PhD Ryerson University
MIREILLE PAQUET, PhD Université de Montréal
Senior Lecturer
RICHARD BISAILLON, PhD Concordia University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Hall Building, Room: H 1225‑22
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2105
The Department of Political Science offers a wide range of courses and programs to acquaint students with the living complexity of
contemporary government and politics. The curriculum provides the theoretical foundations, analytical skills, and research methods
for understanding the construction of government policy as well as the underlying nature and purpose of political processes and
institutions. The aim is to prepare well‑rounded, concerned citizens for careers in the public service and the private sector, or for
graduate or law school.
The Department of Political Science offers the following programs of study: an honours, a major, and a minor.
Students seeking admission to the honours program may apply either for direct entry on the University application form or, once in
the program, to the departmental honours advisor normally following the completion of 30 credits.
Students must apply to the departmental honours advisor for formal admission to either option of the honours program. Applications
are due by May 15 for September admission and by November 15 for January admission. The number of places available in the
Political Science Honours program is limited, and admission to the program is highly competitive. Students must have a cumulative
GPA of at least 3.5 to be eligible to apply. If admitted, they must maintain an assessment GPA of at least 3.5 to graduate with
honours. In order to maintain honours status, students must obtain approval for their programs from the honours advisor each
year, prior to registration.
The program of courses leading to a Minor in Political Science consists of 24 credits in the Department. The minor is designed to
provide an opportunity for students to make a combination with a specialization, a major, or honours in another discipline. A student’s
minor will be arranged in consultation with the Department of Political Science so that it relates to courses in the major area of study.
Option A
60 BA Honours in Political Science
12 POLI 2033, 2043, 2053, 2063
6 Chosen from POLI 3063, 3453, 3643, 3713, 3733, 3843
6 Chosen from POLI 3903, 3923, 3933
33 Chosen from at least three of the five groups in Political Science at the 300 or 400 level with a minimum of 12 credits at
the 400 level
3 POLI 4963 (Honours Seminar)
Option B
60 BA Honours (Thesis) in Political Science
12 POLI 2033, 2043, 2053, 2063
6 Chosen from POLI 3063, 3453, 3643, 3713, 3733, 3843
6 Chosen from POLI 3903, 3923, 3933
3 POLI 3963 (Honours Tutorial)
24 Chosen from at least three of the five groups in Political Science at the 300 or 400 level with a minimum of nine credits at
the 400 level
6 POLI 4956 (Honours Thesis)
3 POLI 4963 (Honours Seminar)
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 333
Core Program
POLI 203 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 credits)
POLI 204 Introduction to Canadian Politics (3 credits)
POLI 205 Introduction to International Relations (3 credits)
POLI 206 Introduction to Western Political Theory (3 credits)
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 335
POLI 415 Modern Political Theory and Religion (3 credits)
POLI 416 Ancient Political Texts (3 credits)
POLI 417 Governance (3 credits)
POLI 418 Machiavelli (3 credits)
POLI 425 Foundations of Liberalism (3 credits)
POLI 426 Nietzsche (3 credits)
POLI 427 Political Thought of the Enlightenment (3 credits)
POLI 433 Critics of Modernity (3 credits)
POLI 490 Advanced Seminar in Political Theory (3 credits)
The Political Science co‑operative program is offered to all full‑time students enrolled in the major and honours programs in the
Department who meet the academic requirements for co‑op. Students interested in applying for the Political Science co‑op should
refer to §24 where a full description of the admission requirements is provided.
Academic content is identical to that of the regular programs, with some specific recommendations for courses to improve the
students’ job skills. While most of the positions will be in the Montreal area, students must be prepared to work in other parts of
Students are supervised personally and must meet the requirements specified by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Institute
for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers, and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Political Science
co‑op committee, which includes the student’s advisors.
Please refer to §24 for the schedule of study and work terms and the full description of admission requirements.
N.B.: Explanation of course numbers and the core program:
1. Political Science Honours and Major students should normally complete the 12‑credit core program in their first year of
full‑time equivalent studies. Mature Entry Program (MEP) and Extended Credit Program (ECP) students must consult an
academic advisor regarding the completion of the 12‑credit core.
2. Courses at the 200 and 300 level are open to all students in other departments and Faculties.
3. Courses at the 400 level are taught as seminars and are generally open to students enrolled in a Political Science program
who have successfully completed 60 credits.
Specific topics for this course, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 337
POLI 303 Chinese Security Politics (3 credits)
Prerequisite: POLI 205 or permission of the Department. This course examines the rise of China as a major power, and in
particular the implications this has for military aspects of China’s relations. China’s security policy is examined from a theoretical,
historical, political, and economic perspective, and the implications of these are examined in the cases of its foreign relations with
neighbours and other great powers.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a POLI 313 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 339
POLI 330 Principles of Public Administration (3 credits)
This course examines the theory and practice of public administration in Canada. The nature of accountability in public sector
environments is reviewed in order to study how policy is developed, implemented, and evaluated by bureaucracies, central
agencies, and the legislative branches of government.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 341
POLI 388 Human Rights and International Justice (3 credits)
Prerequisite: POLI 205 or permission of the Department. This course surveys normative questions comprising human rights
discourse, with an emphasis on international efforts to promote human rights standards. Topics include the role of the United
Nations, the North‑South debate, environmental security, the obligation of individuals and states, women’s rights and the work
of non‑governmental organizations. Special consideration is given to the controversy between the universal and particular
applications of human rights.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 343
philosophical arguments. The political potential of a broad range of literary styles, such as poetry, drama and the short story, is
discussed alongside texts from the fields of philosophy, neuroscience and rhetoric so that their respective impacts can be assessed.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a POLI 490 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 345
POLI 437 Special Issues in African Development (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (3) and POLI 203; or permission of the Department. This course surveys debates concerning
development with a special focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Topics include the role of the state in development, the effect of African
economies’ global connections, the activities of non-governmental organizations, and the effect of natural resources on
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a POLI 487 number may not take this course for credit.
Advanced seminars deal with selected topics in sub‑fields of political science. Topics vary from year to year.
NOTE: Students should consult the Department for a description of these courses.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 347
PSYCHOLOGY Section 31.250
VIRGINIA B. PENHUNE, PhD McGill University; Professor
Associate Chair
URI SHALEV, PhD Tel Aviv University; Associate Professor
SHIMON AMIR, PhD McGill University; Provost’s Distinction
LOUIS BHERER, PhD Université de Montréal
WAYNE BRAKE, PhD McGill University
WILLIAM BUKOWSKI, PhD Michigan State University
JUNE S. CHAIKELSON, PhD McGill University
C. ANDREW CHAPMAN, PhD McMaster University
MICHAEL CONWAY, PhD University of Waterloo
RICK GURNSEY, PhD Queen’s University
REX B. KLINE, PhD Wayne State University
JEAN‑ROCH LAURENCE, PhD Concordia University
KAREN Z. LI, PhD University of Toronto
ALEXANDRE MORIN, PhD Université de Montréal
DAVID MUMBY, PhD University of British Columbia
JAMES G. PFAUS, PhD University of British Columbia
NATALIE PHILLIPS, PhD Dalhousie University
DIANE POULIN‑DUBOIS, PhD Université de Montréal; Provost’s Distinction
ADAM RADOMSKY, PhD University of British Columbia
NORMAN SEGALOWITZ, PhD University of Oxford
LISA SERBIN, PhD State University of New York at Stony Brook
DALE M. STACK, PhD Queen’s University; Provost’s Distinction
CARSTEN WROSCH, PhD Free University of Berlin
Associate Professors
ERIN T. BARKER, PhD University of Alberta
LINDA BOOIJ, PhD Leiden University, Netherlands
KRISTA BYERS‑HEINLEIN, PhD University of British Columbia
NADIA CHAUDHRI, PhD University of Pittsburgh
ROBERTO DE ALMEIDA, PhD Rutgers University
MARK ELLENBOGEN, PhD Concordia University
BENJAMIN EPPINGER, PhD Saarland University
JEAN‑PHILIPPE GOUIN, PhD Ohio State University
AARON JOHNSON, PhD University of Glasgow
JENNIFER McGRATH, PhD Bowling Green State University
SYDNEY B. MILLER, PhD McGill University
ROISIN O’CONNOR, PhD State University of New York at Buffalo
ANDREW RYDER, PhD University of British Columbia
Assistant Professors
KRISTEN DUNFIELD, PhD Queen’s University
MIHAELA D. IORDANOVA, PhD University of New South Wales
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Affiliate Professors
PHILIP C. ABRAMI, PhD University of Manitoba
SIMON BACON, PhD University of Birmingham
YVES BEAULIEU, PhD Queen’s University
SAM BURSTEIN, PhD University of Waterloo
RICHARD COURTEMANCHE, PhD Université de Montréal
THIEN THANH DANG‑VU, PhD Université de Liège
PETER DARLINGTON, PhD University of Western Ontario
MICHEL DUGAS, PhD Université Laval
CLAUDINE GAUTHIER, PhD Université de Montréal
NINA HOWE, PhD University of Waterloo
LISA KAKINAMI, PhD University of Rochester
NAJMEH MOHANI, PhD McGill University
MELODY MOGRASS, PhD Université de Montréal
WALTER WITTICH, PhD McGill University
WENDY WOOD, PhD Concordia University
Senior Lecturers
THERESA BIANCO, PhD University of Western Australia
LUCIE BONNEVILLE, PhD Concordia University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Loyola Campus
Psychology Building, Room: PY 146
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2222
Department Objectives
Psychology is the scientific study of mental life, both its neurological bases and its manifestations in behaviour. Psychology also
examines the factors that promote change in behaviour and mental activity. Through teaching and research, the Department serves
the community by furthering such knowledge and applying it to promote human welfare. The commitment of faculty members to
research assures that students keep up with current developments. Their involvement in community programs keeps students and
faculty alike in close touch with the practical application of the discipline.
The Department of Psychology offers minor, major, specialization, and honours programs. Both BA and BSc degrees are offered,
and students may also choose a Behavioural Neuroscience option for these degrees. Students planning a career or graduate
studies in psychology are normally expected to follow the appropriate honours or specialization program. Students planning to
pursue graduate studies in clinical psychology should ensure that the course electives they choose coincide with requirements of the
licensing boards. The major program is designed for students who wish to concentrate their studies in psychology but at the same
time wish to pursue general education in other disciplines. The major program can be combined with a major in another
Students registered in the Honours, Specialization, or Major in Psychology may select Psychology electives in various Content Areas
in order to obtain a broad overview of the discipline. The five Content Areas within the Department are Social, Personality, and
Culture; Developmental; Clinical and Health; Behavioural Neuroscience; and Cognitive Science. It is possible for students to pursue
in‑depth studies within these specific Content Areas by taking Tier 2 courses.
The minor program can be taken only by students registered in another degree program and provides the opportunity to gain basic
exposure to the main sub‑disciplines of psychology or to pursue one such area in some depth.
Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of academic counselling services available in the Department of Psychology
in order to select the program and courses that best meet their needs. Students are ultimately responsible for satisfying their
particular degree requirements.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 349
66 BA Honours in Psychology
30 Core Requirements (PSYC 3053, 3103, 3113, 3153, 3163, 3553, 4903, 4913, 4956)
15 Chosen from Tier 1 with at least:
6 chosen from the Social, Personality, and Culture Content Area and/or the Developmental Content Area
6 chosen from the Behavioural Neuroscience Content Area and/or the Cognitive Science Content Area
12 Chosen from at least two different Tier 2 Content Areas
9 Psychology elective credits at the 300 or 400 level
60 BA Specialization in Psychology
15 Core Requirements (PSYC 3053, 3103, 3153, 3163, 3553)
15 Chosen from Tier 1 with at least:
6 chosen from the Social, Personality, and Culture Content Area and/or the Developmental Content Area
6 chosen from the Behavioural Neuroscience Content Area and/or the Cognitive Science Content Area
12 Chosen from at least two different Tier 2 Content Areas
18 Psychology elective credits at the 300 or 400 level
42 BA Major in Psychology
12 Core Requirements (PSYC 3053, 3103, 3153, 3553)
15 Chosen from Tier 1 with at least:
6 chosen from the Social, Personality, and Culture Content Area and/or the Developmental Content Area
6 chosen from the Behavioural Neuroscience Content Area and/or the Cognitive Science Content Area
15 Psychology elective credits at the 300 or 400 level
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
42 BSc Major in Psychology
12 Core Requirements (PSYC 3053, 3103, 3153, 3553)
15 Chosen from Tier 1 with at least:
6 chosen from the Social, Personality, and Culture Content Area and/or the Developmental Content Area
6 chosen from the Behavioural Neuroscience Content Area and/or the Cognitive Science Content Area
15 Psychology elective credits at the 300 or 400 level
NOTE: Students must have completed an appropriate program of science prerequisites in order to be admitted to BSc programs.
24 Minor in Psychology
6* PSYC 200
6 Core Requirements (PSYC 3103, 3153)
12 Psychology elective credits with a minimum of nine credits at the 300 and/or 400 level
*Students exempted from PSYC 200 will replace the credits with 300‑ or 400‑level PSYC credits.
Core Requirements
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 351
PSYC 425 Culture, Development, and the Self (3 credits)
PSYC 426 Psychometrics and Individual Differences (3 credits)
PSYC 427 Current Issues in Personality (3 credits)
PSYC 428 Social and Cultural Advanced Issues (3 credits)
Developmental Content Area
PSYC 431 Infancy (3 credits)
PSYC 432 Childhood Development (3 credits)
PSYC 433 Adolescent Development (3 credits)
PSYC 434 Aging (3 credits)
PSYC 435 Developmental Psychopathology (3 credits)
PSYC 438 Developmental Advanced Issues (3 credits)
Clinical and Health Content Area
PSYC 440 Psychopathology: Mood, Anxiety, and Personality Disorders (3 credits)
PSYC 441 Psychopathology: Schizophrenia and Neurocognitive Disorders (3 credits)
PSYC 442 Psychopathology: Behaviour Regulation Disorders (3 credits)
PSYC 443 Psychological Intervention Models (3 credits)
PSYC 444 Hypnosis and Dissociation (3 credits)
PSYC 445 Human Neuropsychology (3 credits)
PSYC 446 Stress (3 credits)
PSYC 447 Current Issues in Health Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 448 Clinical Advanced Issues (3 credits)
Behavioural Neuroscience Content Area
PSYC 450 Neurobiology of Drug Abuse and Addiction (3 credits)
PSYC 451 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (3 credits)
PSYC 452 Neurobiology of Sensation and Perception (3 credits)
PSYC 453 Neurobiology of Motivated Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 454 Hormones and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 455 Neuropharmacology (3 credits)
PSYC 456 Functional Neuroanatomy (3 credits)
PSYC 457 Foundations of Animal Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 458 Behavioural Neuroscience Advanced Issues (3 credits)
Cognitive Science Content Area
PSYC 460 Vision (3 credits)
PSYC 461 Computational Modelling of Human Cognition (3 credits)
PSYC 462 Memory and Attention (3 credits)
PSYC 463 Concepts and Categories (3 credits)
PSYC 464 Judgment and Decision Making (3 credits)
PSYC 465 Language (3 credits)
PSYC 466 Cognitive Development (3 credits)
PSYC 467 Learning (3 credits)
PSYC 468 Cognitive Science Advanced Issues (3 credits)
PSYC 200 Introductory Psychology (6 credits)
This comprehensive survey course introduces the student to a wide variety of topics in scientific psychology. Topics include the
foundations of modern psychology, neural mechanisms, learning and memory, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion,
cognitive processes, social influences, personality, disorders of cognition and behaviour, and therapy.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for or exemption from Introductory Psychology at Cegep or other post‑secondary
institutions may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students entering all Psychology programs except the minor who have not received credit for or exemption from Introductory
Psychology at Cegep or other post‑secondary institutions must take this course, but not for Psychology program credit.
PSYC 210 Critical Thinking in Psychology (3 credits)
This course provides an innovative approach to understanding how psychologists think about the mind and behaviour, ask and
answer questions, and collect and interpret evidence to clarify ideas and test hypotheses. Students learn the difference between
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
critical thinking and gullibility. Students also develop skills to identify errors and misrepresentations in information presented in the
media and in viewpoints driven by agendas rather than evidence.
NOTE: Students registered in a Psychology program may not take this course for credit.
PSYC 230 Womb to Tomb: Psychological Transitions Across the Lifespan (3 credits)
This course studies the cognitive, socio‑emotional, and physical changes and continuities that occur across the lifespan. Major
theories of development are discussed and related to each of the life stages. Students also gain insight into the developmental
processes that influence themselves and others.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for AHSC 220 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students registered in a Psychology program may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 353
professional groups, and how these groups can complement one another.
NOTE: Students registered in a Psychology program may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 263 or for this topic under a PSYC 298 number may not take this course for
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
are conceptualized and conducted, and how data are analyzed and interpreted within specific areas of psychology. Observational,
experimental, and correlational techniques are presented in the context of ongoing research, to enable students to develop a
conceptual understanding of the procedures used to develop and evaluate hypotheses and theories in psychology.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 355
a biopsychosocial perspective. Topics such as social support, smoking, stress, cardiovascular disease, pain, and cancer are
also presented.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 392 may not take this course for credit.
PSYC 342 Forensic Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, 340. This course critically examines research and theory relating to a number of selected issues of
contemporary interest in forensic psychology. Topics such as the admissibility of scientific evidence, eye‑witness testimony, trauma
and memory, jury selection, clinical and actuarial profiling, psychopathy, serial offenders, the validity of psychiatric examinations and
lie detectors, the insanity defence, and expert testimony are presented in light of recent Canadian and American legal decisions.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 328 or for this topic under a PSYC 398 number may not take this course for
PSYC 351 Fundamentals of Learning (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, previously or concurrently. This course is an introduction to theories and empirical findings
concerning basic mechanisms of learning and memory in humans and non‑human animals. Topics covered may include the study
of learning in historical perspective, Pavlovian conditioning, operant conditioning, reinforcement, stimulus control of behaviour,
types of memory, self‑control and observational learning, and behavioural paradigms used in contemporary research on learning
and memory.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 346 may not take this course for credit.
PSYC 354 Evolutionary Foundations of Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, previously or concurrently. This course examines the ways that evolutionary thought has influenced
the study of behaviour. Fundamental evolutionary processes are introduced, and ideas about how those processes may have
shaped human and animal behaviour are considered. Additional topics include biological and cognitive continuity among species,
sources of individual differences in behavioural traits, evolutionarily stable strategies and states, methods of testing evolutionary
hypotheses about behaviour, and the comparative method in psychology.
PSYC 355 Fundamentals of Behavioural Neurobiology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIOL 200, BIOL 201, BIOL 202, Cegep Biology 301, Cegep Biology 101‑NYA, or Cegep Biology 921. This course
provides an introduction to the neural mechanisms that underlie behaviour. Topics include the structure and function of neurons,
neural communication, an introduction to neuroanatomy and endocrinology, and the processing of sensory information. Students
also learn how complex systems, such as the sensory and motor systems, interact to produce behaviour.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for BIOL 383 or PSYC 358 may not take this course for credit.
PSYC 363 Fundamentals of Sensation and Perception (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, previously or concurrently. This course introduces the physiological and psychological mechanisms
of sensation and perception. Thorough treatment is given to questions of how information about the world is acquired through
visual and auditory systems, and other modalities, that together is used with stored information to create an ongoing mental
representation of the world. Topics such as pitch perception, colour vision, perception of movement, size and space perception,
illusions, and distance are covered.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 349 may not take this course for credit.
PSYC 364 Fundamentals of Cognition (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, previously or concurrently. This course introduces cognitive psychology. Theoretical perspectives and
experimental findings that inform the current understanding of how humans acquire, represent, and use knowledge are presented
and discussed. Topics include attention, memory, categorization, language, and thinking. This course allows students to gain
familiarity with topics and concepts necessary to pursue advanced studies in cognition.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 352 may not take this course for credit.
PSYC 372 Personnel Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, previously or concurrently. This course focuses on the contributions of psychology to several human
resource considerations in organizations. Topics include personnel selection, training methods, personnel appraisal, and career
development. This is an applied area of psychology, and therefore the interplay between theory, research, and application is
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 385 may not take this course for credit.
PSYC 374 Organizational Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, previously or concurrently. Understanding psychology can help organizations reach their goals,
retain their workforce, and make themselves attractive to future employees and investors. This applied psychology course
focuses on research and theories relevant to the behaviour of managers and employees. Topics include the history of Industrial/
Organizational(I/O) psychology; organizational development and communication; motivation, personality, and leadership;
employee satisfaction and commitment; group behaviour; negotiation and conflict resolution; and job stress.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 386 may not take this course for credit.
PSYC 387 Directed Research in Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 311, 316; permission of the Department. Under the supervision of a faculty member, typically from within the
Department, the student carries out an independent research project and completes a written report. The area of study is decided
upon through consultation with the faculty member.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 439 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
PSYC 420 The Self in Social Context (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, 325. This course addresses a wide range of theoretical and empirical approaches to the self in
contemporary social psychology. Self‑esteem and self‑concept are addressed in terms of social context, personal and social
norms, affective experience, and interpersonal behaviour. Other topics covered may include narcissism, self‑presentation,
self‑regulation, egocentrism, and limits to self‑knowledge. Issues relating to gender, gender identity, and the development of
gender roles and gender differences in the social context may also be discussed.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 332 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 357
PSYC 433 Adolescent Development (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, 333. This course provides an overview of theory and research relating to multiple domains
of development during adolescence. Topics include hormonal processes, physical and cognitive development, peer and
parent‑adolescent relations, family processes, gender roles, identity formation, sexuality, delinquency, drug abuse, suicide, and
psychological disorders in adolescents. When possible, topics are considered from cross‑cultural and historical perspectives.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 379 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
PSYC 445 Human Neuropsychology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, 355. This course is a general introduction to human neuropsychology. Topics discussed include
principles of brain organizations and function, human neuroimaging and recording techniques, the contribution of clinical patients
and single case studies, selected neurological disorders, and cognitive neuroscience. Emphasis is on how these issues can be
meaningfully related to human behaviour, emotion, sensory perception, and higher cognitive processes.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 359 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 359
and pharmacotherapeutics, as they relate to issues such as CNS disease, affective disorders, and the treatment of pain. This
course is primarily intended for students wishing to pursue advanced graduate work in neuroscience or clinical psychology, or
for those who are seeking to enter the health professions.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
PSYC 467 Learning (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSYC 310, 315, 351. This course is a continuation of PSYC 351; it presents a more focused and thorough treatment
of more advanced topics in learning. These may include developmental aspects of learning, animal memory and cognition, human
applications of conditioning principles, biological constraints on learning, and the physiology of learning and memory. Different
sections of the course may cover different sets of topics.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for PSYC 347 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 361
CARLY DANIEL‑HUGHES, ThD Harvard University; Associate Professor
LYNDA CLARKE, PhD McGill University
LORENZO DITOMMASO, PhD McMaster University
RICHARD FOLTZ, PhD Harvard University
NORMA JOSEPH, PhD Concordia University
LESLIE ORR, PhD McGill University
NORMAN RAVVIN, PhD University of Toronto
Associate Professors
NAFTALI COHN, PhD University of Pennsylvania
MARC DES JARDINS, PhD McGill University
HILLARY KAELL, PhD Harvard University
Senior Lecturer
MARC LALONDE, PhD Concordia University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Annex FA, Room: 101
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2065
Department Objectives
The Department of Religions and Cultures is dedicated to the academic study of various faiths and of social and cultural
phenomena affected by religions. The curriculum includes the comparative study of many religious traditions of the world. At both
the undergraduate and graduate levels, students are encouraged to develop an understanding of at least two religious traditions.
Whatever the student’s special focus, the informed appreciation of the beliefs and values of other cultures is considered an
essential dimension of education for today’s world.
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
Students seeking admission to the honours program may apply either for direct entry on the University application form or, once in
the program, to the departmental honours advisor normally following the completion of 30 credits.
The Department of Religions and Cultures requires a statement of intent with the application for honours programs.
42 BA Major in Religion
6 Chosen from RELI 2093, 2103, 2143, 2153
18 From area of primary concentration*
6 From area of secondary concentration*
9 RELI elective credits at the 300 or 400 level
3 RELI 4093
*See areas of concentration.
24 Minor in Religion
6 Chosen from RELI 2093, 2103, 2143, 2153
18 RELI elective credits chosen in consultation with the departmental advisor, excluding RELI 209, 210, 214, and 215
Areas of Concentration
A. Asian Religions (18 credits)
6 Chosen from RELI 2243, 2253, 2263, 3603, 3613, 3623
12 Chosen from any courses on the subject of Asian religions, including Islam. This may include courses not already taken
from the first level of requirement. It is recommended that students take at least one 400‑level course.
NOTE: With permission of the advisor, Major in Religion students concentrating in Asian religions may count up to six credits of a
related language, such as Chinese or Sanskrit. Honours students concentrating in Asian religions may also count an additional six
credits of a related language toward their program.
RELI 209 The Religious Imagination (3 credits)
This course explores the conceptual elements that underlie the religious experience. These elements include the notion of the
sacred, beliefs, cosmologies and myths, the origins and understanding of evil, ethics and salvation.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for RELI 211 may not take this course for credit.
RELI 300 Cults and New Religious Movements in North America (3 credits)
This course takes a sociological and historical approach towards understanding new religious movements (NRMs), popularly
known as “cults.” The course examines the reasons for their controversial status in society, and undertakes a survey of the beliefs,
rituals, leadership, membership, recruitment strategies, and social organization of a number of specific NRMs.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for RELI 217 or for this topic under a RELI 298 number may not take this course for credit.
RELI 310 Self and Other: Identity and Ethical Development (3 credits)
This course considers ethical issues arising in the context of personal and interpersonal relations, families and friendships, and
health and medical care. These issues are discussed in relation to traditional and contemporary moral perspectives, both religious
and non‑religious. Topics covered may vary from year to year, but may include discussions of conscience and career, privacy,
sexual relations, harassment, substance abuse, abortion, euthanasia, and gay and lesbian relations.
RELI 340 The Veda, Upanishads, and Religion in Ancient India (3 credits)
This introduction to the religious concepts, practices, and wisdom of ancient India is based on the literature of the Vedic period,
including the Upanishads. The course examines the contribution of various aspects of the Vedic tradition to the development of
Hinduism, and explores the interaction among religions in the ancient period.
RELI 344 Hindu Myth and Narrative: the Epics and Puranas (3 credits)
This course approaches Hinduism through its narrative literature, especially the great epics (the Mahabharata and Ramayana)
and mythological texts (Puranas — the “Ancient Books”). Through stories of gods, devotees, villains, and heroes, the course
explores the development of significant themes in the Hindu tradition, from ethics and philosophy to asceticism and devotion. An
important focus of the course is the enduring cultural significance of myth and the epics, as retold through the ages in a variety of
languages, cultural contexts, and media, including classical and vernacular texts, the oral tradition, drama, dance, and cinema.
RELI 347 Religion and the Arts in South and Southeast Asia (3 credits)
This course is an introduction to the religious art of South and Southeast Asia, including an examination of Hindu, Buddhist, and
Islamic architecture, sculpture, painting, and performing arts. The course examines the ways in which sacred art is related to myth
and symbol, religious values and goals, ritual, religious experience, and social and political realities.
RELI 348 Religion and Society in South and Southeast Asia (3 credits)
This historical and sociological examination of religion’s impact on and intersection with the structures of South and Southeast
Asian society, explores such issues as caste and class, gender and family relations, links between religion and the state, and
relations between Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim communities.
RELI 357 Religion and the Public Square in North America (3 credits)
This course examines how religion in Canada and America is contested and practised in “the public square,” for example, through
political speeches, cultural events and ceremonies, in legal codes and in public places. Themes may vary from year to year.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for RELI 403 may not take this course for credit.
RELI 394 History of Satan: Evil Personified in Judaism and Christianity (3 credits)
This course investigates the origins, development, and significance of Satan in early Judaism and the history of Christianity.
Consideration is given to some of the most important literary and visual depictions of this figure from the ancient world through the
Middle Ages to present day. The course sheds light on how intellectuals thought of this figure and also how Satan came to play an
important role in popular culture down through the centuries.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a RELI 398 number may not take this course for credit.
RELI 430 Hear, See, Taste, Touch: Religion and Material Culture (3 credits)
This course explores the myriad material forms that make faith tangible for Christians and other persons of faith: images and
art, devotional and liturgical objects, architecture and sacred space, and mass‑produced projects. It explores the importance of
practices that incorporate objects like ritual, prayer, liturgy, instruction, and display. It pays close attention to the scholarly and
theological debates that result.
DANIELLE GAUVREAU, PhD Université de Montréal; Professor
DANIEL DAGENAIS, PhD Université de Paris X, Nanterre
GREG M. NIELSEN, PhD Université de Montréal
JEAN‑PHILIPPE WARREN, PhD Université de Montréal
Associate Professors
MEIR AMOR, PhD University of Toronto
BEVERLEY BEST, PhD Simon Fraser University
ORIT HALPERN, PhD Harvard University
SATOSHI IKEDA, PhD Michigan State University, PhD State University of New York at Binghamton
SYLVIA KAIROUZ, PhD Université de Montréal
MARC LAFRANCE, PhD University of Oxford
KATJA NEVES, PhD York University
SHELLEY Z. REUTER, PhD Queen’s University
BART SIMON, PhD University of California, San Diego
AMY SWIFFEN, PhD University of Alberta
Assistant Professors
MARTIN FRENCH, PhD Queen’s University
CHRIS HURL, PhD Carleton University
MATTHEW UNGER, PhD University of Alberta
Senior Lecturers
AARON BRAUER, MA Concordia University
HUSSEIN MERHI, PhD Université de Montréal
VERED AMIT, PhD University of Manchester
MAXIMILIAN C. FORTE, PhD University of Adelaide
J. DAVID HOWES, PhD Université de Montréal
CHRISTINE JOURDAN, PhD Australian National University
Associate Professors
KREGG HETHERINGTON, PhD University of California, Davis
MARK WATSON, PhD University of Alberta
Assistant Professor
JULIE S. ARCHAMBAULT, PhD University of London
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sociology and Anthropology examine the processes of social and cultural life in diverse human societies, past and present. These
core disciplines of the social sciences are closely linked to the humanities, since various aspects of culture and society concern
them all.
The celebration of diversity — cultural, ethnic, and racial — among the students and faculty as well as in the subject matter, is a
hallmark of the Department. It offers a full range of undergraduate programs, including joint programs in both disciplines.
60 BA Honours in Sociology
3 SOCI 2033*
6 SOCI 2123**, 2133
3 200‑level ANTH credits
6 SOCI 3006
3 SOCI 3103
6 SOCI 4023, 4033
6 SOCI 4096
6 Chosen from SOCI 4106, 4156
21 SOCI elective credits (maximum of six credits at the 200 level)
60 BA Specialization in Sociology
3 SOCI 2033*
6 SOCI 2123**, 2133
3 200‑level ANTH credits
6 SOCI 3006
3 SOCI 3103
6 SOCI 4023, 4033
6 Chosen from SOCI 4106, 4156
21 SOCI elective credits (maximum of six credits from the 200 level)
6 400‑level SOCI credits
42 BA Major in Sociology
3 SOCI 2033*
6 SOCI 2123**, 2133
3 200‑level ANTH credits
6 SOCI 3006
3 SOCI 3103
18 SOCI elective credits (maximum of six credits from the 200 level)
3 400‑level SOCI credits
30 Minor in Sociology
3 SOCI 2033*
6 200‑level SOCI credits
6 SOCI 3006
6 SOCI elective credits
9 300‑level SOCI credits
*Students exempted from SOCI 2033 are required to take three credits from SOCI 200‑ or 300‑level courses.
**Students exempted from SOCI 2123 are required to take three credits from SOCI 200‑ or 300‑level courses.
The Sociology and Anthropology co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BA Honours, Specialization in
Sociology/Anthropology, or Sociology or Anthropology Major. Students interested in applying for the Sociology and Anthropology
co‑op should refer to §24 where a full description of the admission requirements is provided.
Academic content is identical to that of the regular program, but six study terms are interspersed with three work terms. Students
are supervised personally and must meet the requirements specified by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Institute for
Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Sociology and
Anthropology co‑op committee, which includes the student’s advisors. Please refer to §24 for the schedule of study and work
terms and the full description of admission requirements.
(1) 300‑level courses are open to students who have successfully completed SOCI 203 or equivalent, plus at least three credits
of 200‑level Sociology courses. Students in related disciplines who wish to take cognate courses in Sociology may apply to
the Sociology undergraduate advisor for a prerequisite waiver on the basis of equivalent background.
(2) 400‑level courses are open to students who have successfully completed at least six credits from 300‑level SOCI courses.
(3) Entry requirements for Sociology/Anthropology crosslisted courses depend on the discipline through which the course is
entered. Once students have taken a crosslisted course under one disciplinary designation they may not take the course
under the corresponding designation in the other discipline for credit.
SOCI 280 Debates and Challenges in Contemporary Quebec Society / La Société québécoise : défis et enjeux
(3 credits)
How distinct is Quebec from the rest of Canada? What are the most important challenges confronting Quebec society? This
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). Specific topics for these courses are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule and the
Departmental Handbook.
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (2). Specific topics for these courses are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule and the
Departmental Handbook.
60 BA Honours in Anthropology
3 ANTH 2023*
3 SOCI 2123***
6 200‑level ANTH credits
3 200‑level SOCI credits
3 ANTH 2123
3 ANTH 3013
6 ANTH 3156
15 300‑ or 400‑level ANTH credits
6 ANTH 4956
12 400‑level ANTH credits
60 BA Specialization in Anthropology
3 ANTH 2023*
3 SOCI 2123***
6 200‑level ANTH credits
3 200‑level SOCI credits
3 ANTH 2123
3 ANTH 3013
6 ANTH 3156
33 300‑ or 400‑level ANTH credits (maximum of 18 credits from the 300 level)
42 BA Major in Anthropology
3 ANTH 2023*
3 200‑level ANTH credits
3 200‑level ANTH or SOCI credits
3 200‑level SOCI credits
3 ANTH 3013
6 ANTH 3156
15 300‑ or 400‑level ANTH credits
6 400‑level ANTH credits
30 Minor in Anthropology
3 ANTH 2023*
3 200‑level ANTH credits
3 200‑level ANTH or SOCI credits
3 ANTH 3013
15 300‑level ANTH credits
3 400‑level ANTH credits
*Students exempted from ANTH 2023 are required to take three credits from ANTH 200‑ or 300‑level courses.
**Students exempted from SOCI 2033 are required to take three credits from SOCI 200‑ or 300‑level courses.
***Students exempted from SOCI 2123 are required to take three credits from SOCI 200‑ or 300‑level courses.
(1) 300‑level courses are open to students who have successfully completed ANTH 202 or equivalent, plus at least three credits
of 200‑level Anthropology courses.
(2) 400‑level courses are open to students who have successfully completed ANTH 301, plus at least nine credits of 300‑level
Anthropology courses or permission of the Anthropology advisor.
(3) Entry requirements for Sociology/Anthropology crosslisted courses depend on the discipline through which the course is
entered. Once students have taken a crosslisted course under one disciplinary designation they may not take the course
under the corresponding designation in the other discipline for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule and
the Departmental Handbook.
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). Specific topics for these courses are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule and the
Departmental Handbook.
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (2). Specific topics for these courses are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule and the
Departmental Handbook.
MARIE‑FRANCE DION, PhD Université de Montréal; Associate Professor
PAUL ALLEN, PhD Saint Paul University, Ottawa
LUCIAN TURCESCU, PhD University of St. Michael’s College (in the University of Toronto)
Associate Professors
ANDRÉ GAGNÉ, PhD Université de Montréal/Université Catholique de Louvain
CHRISTINE JAMIESON, PhD Saint Paul University, Ottawa
JEAN‑MICHEL ROESSLI, PhD Université de Fribourg/École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Annex D
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2475
Department Objectives
Theology builds a bridge between religious experience and human society. To expand understanding of the human person and
of God, the Department seeks to make accessible to all its students an immense tradition of knowledge — especially through
interpretation theory, historical analysis, psychological insight, and theoretical elaboration.
The Department is dedicated to training professional theologians and researchers while expanding the horizons of those who
wish to appreciate their heritage.
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
Students must have their programs approved by the Department.
Students will be admitted to the Certificate in Pastoral Ministry with the permission of the Department. Admission will be based on
the number of available places and upon evaluation of the candidates’ letter of intent and an interview dealing with their educational
background and community experience.
All courses in the Department are open to any qualified student of Concordia.
BA Honours in Theological Studies
THEO 3933
THEO 2013, 2023, 2033, 2043, 2053, 2063
Chosen from THEO 3013, 3023, 3033, 3043 (Old Testament)
Chosen from THEO 3113, 3153, 3173 (New Testament)
Chosen from THEO 3203, 3223 (History)
Chosen from THEO 2123, 3313, 3333, 3373 (Systematics)
Chosen from THEO 3513, 3533 (Ethics)
Chosen from THEO 2363, 2423, 2433, 2453, 2913, 3473, 4033 (Spirituality)
THEO 4063, 4083, 4103, 4603
Chosen from cognate courses in Classics, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, in consultation with the
honours advisor. Students, in consultation with the honours advisor, may choose a course in another cognate discipline.
6 Chosen from courses in the ancient and/or modern languages of Classical Greek, Biblical Greek (THEO 495, 496), Biblical
Hebrew (THEO 492, 493), Modern Hebrew, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish, in consultation with the honours advisor
NOTE: With the permission of the Department, three credits in a cognate discipline may be substituted for a THEO elective.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 395
THEO 212 Faith, Reason and the Religious Sense (3 credits)
This course investigates the basic human search for meaning and value in the context of the variety of models of revelation.
It considers how religious experience is understood in the light of the psychology of religion and faith.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
THEO 304 Prophetic and Wisdom Literature in the Hebrew Bible (3 credits)
This course introduces the prophetic, wisdom, and deuterocanonical books of the Hebrew Bible. Topics discussed are literary
genres, historical contexts, and theological themes, as well as the phenomenon of prophecy in the ancient Near East, the
historical settings for the biblical prophetic and wisdom literature, the language, and the message of these biblical books.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 397
THEO 337 The Christian Sacraments (3 credits)
This course examines the history, symbols, and images of ritual and liturgical communication in Christianity, especially in baptism
and eucharist. These “mysteries,” as the Christian sacraments were originally called, are studied in the context of a Christian life.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
NOTE: All 400‑level Theology courses have as their prerequisite an appropriate 300‑level Theology course, or its equivalent, with
permission of the Department.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 399
Permanent Fellows
ERIC BUZZETTI, PhD Boston College; Associate Professor
JARRETT CARTY, PhD University of Notre Dame; Associate Professor
IVANA DJORDJEVIC, PhD McGill University; Associate Professor
GEOFFREY C. FIDLER, PhD McGill University; Associate Professor
ARIELA FREEDMAN, PhD New York University; Associate Professor and Vice‑Principal
TOBIAS FOSTER GITTES, PhD Columbia University; Associate Professor
FREDERICK H. KRANTZ, PhD Cornell University; Professor
KATHARINE STREIP, PhD University of California, Berkeley; Associate Professor
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Annex RR, Room: 103
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2565
The Liberal Arts College, a small community of fellows and students, provides a unique liberal arts emphasis within the Faculty of
Arts and Science. Built on a core of eight courses, the multidisciplinary curriculum is designed to guide students in exploring the
foundations and development of Western civilization and culture. The aim is to foster the major values of the Western tradition —
those of critical thinking and respect for intellectual freedom.
The major goal of Liberal Arts College is to assist the student in the process of becoming an educated person. The College seeks
to translate into modern idioms the traditional vision of education as a preparation for life. Its core courses and seminars, sharing
a common concern with the changing nature of society and culture, aim at the development of an informed critical consciousness.
Emphasis is also placed on sharpening the basic expressive and analytic tools indispensable to social and cultural understanding.
All College students are expected to present, or to acquire, a knowledge of a second language (normally, French), necessary for
their research and to write and to express themselves clearly. Training in research techniques is stressed, and original, independent
work encouraged.
Liberal Arts College, linking demanding general education to significant specialization, is committed to serious intellectual work.
Through its curriculum, staff, standards, and academic environment, it hopes to communicate the excitement and creativity of
such engagement to its students.
Students seeking admission to the honours program may apply either for direct entry on the University application form or, once in
the program, to the College’s honours advisor normally following the completion of 30 credits.
Permanent fellows are resident in the College, as is its Principal, who also teaches in the core curriculum.
Close student‑faculty contact and exchange is part of the Liberal Arts College’s stress on serious intellectual work. Each student is
assigned to a faculty fellow who acts as a personal advisor, and who follows the student’s progress through the College, advising
on the choice of disciplinary or area specialization. All students’ work is evaluated annually by the Principal and fellows.
College Council
Council, composed of fellows and students, is the formal decision‑making body of Liberal Arts College. It meets regularly, chaired
by the Principal, as a forum in which current issues and future policy are discussed and decisions taken. Council is that body
which ensures the democratic participation of all members of the College in its ongoing academic and extracurricular work.
All Liberal Arts College students must take the core curriculum. These interrelated courses constitute a significant segment of the
coursework required for College‑sponsored BA programs. Liberal Arts College stresses honours‑level work, although a student
may, with the permission of the College, combine the core curriculum with a departmental specialization or major program, or with
the Individual Studies programs.
In addition to completing the core curriculum, students must meet the Faculty of Arts and Science degree requirements and complete
a departmental major, specialization, or honours program, or the Individual Studies program, or the Major in L.A.C. Western Society
and Culture.
The core curriculum may also be applied towards specialization or honours work in the Individual Studies program. (See §31.170
of this Calendar).
All College students must consult with a College advisor before selecting courses in other disciplines or fields. Generally, courses
in the Liberal Arts College are open only to members of the College.
Honours candidates must maintain a GPA of 3.30 (B+) in their College courses, with no grade lower than a “C.” Students in a
major or specialization program must maintain a “C” average in their College courses, with no grade lower than a “D.”
Further information on core courses and College programs generally may be obtained either by writing for the Liberal Arts College
Informational Brochure or by calling the Liberal Arts College. Personal interviews with a fellow of Liberal Arts College may be
arranged through the secretary.
Admission into a departmental honours program requires the approval of the Department.
Admission into the College’s honours program requires the approval of the College.
Students seeking admission to a departmental or College honours program will be bound by the honours requirements outlined in
§16.2.4 of this Calendar.
LBCL 201 Great Books: Western History and Thought from Antiquity through the Renaissance (3 credits)
Social and political theory are central, and art, music, and scientific thought are represented. Key texts may include the Bible,
Plato’s Republic, Thucydides’ Peloponnesian Wars, St. Augustine’s City of God, and Machiavelli’s Prince and Discourses.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for LBCL 291 or 292 may not take this course for credit.
LBCL 202 Great Books: Western Culture and Expression from Antiquity through the Renaissance (3 credits)
Literature, religion, and philosophy are central, and art and music are represented. Key texts may include Homer’s Odyssey,
Virgil’s Aeneid, Montaigne’s Essays, and Shakespeare’s King Lear.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for LBCL 291 or 292 may not take this course for credit.
LBCL 203 Great Books: Western History and Thought from the Reformation through Modernity (3 credits)
Social and political theory are central, and art, music, and scientific thought are represented. Key texts may include Calvin’s
Institutes, Descartes’ Discourses on Method, Hobbes’ Leviathan, and Mill’s Essay on Liberty.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for LBCL 291 or 292 may not take this course for credit.
LBCL 204 Great Books: Western Culture and Expression from the Reformation through Modernity (3 credits)
Literature, religion, and philosophy are central, and art and music are represented. Key texts may include Milton’s Paradise Lost,
Rousseau’s Confessions, Stendhal’s The Red and the Black, and Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for LBCL 291 or 292 may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
LBCL 494 Liberal Arts College Special Studies: Antiquity to Renaissance/Reformation (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Permission of the College. This course addresses a selected field within the chronological period above, emphasizing
focused study of specific primary texts, as well as significant works of interpretation as appropriate to the selected field. Themes
normally vary on a year‑to‑year alternating basis, so as to reflect the broad orientations (Structures and Dynamics of Western
Civilization, Modes of Expression and Interpretation) which inform the core curriculum.
LBCL 495 Liberal Arts College Special Studies: 17th Century to the Present (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Permission of the College. This course addresses a selected field within the chronological period above, emphasizing
focused study of specific primary texts, as well as significant works of interpretation as appropriate to the selected field. Themes
normally vary on a year‑to‑year alternating basis, so as to reflect the broad orientations (Structures and Dynamics of Western
Civilization, Modes of Expression and Interpretation) which inform the core curriculum.
RAYMOND PAQUIN, DBA Boston University School of Management; Associate Professor, Management
ADEELA ARSHAD‑AYAZ, PhD McGill University; Assistant Professor, Education
MATTHEW BARKER, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison; Assistant Professor, Philosophy
WILLIAM BUKOWSKI, PhD Michigan State University; Professor, Psychology
FRANK R. CHALK, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison; Professor, History
JAMES GRANT, PhD University of Guelph; Professor, Biology
DAVID HOWES, PhD Université de Montréal; Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
SATOSHI IKEDA, PhD Michigan State University, PhD State University of New York at Binghamton;
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
PK LANGSHAW, MFA Université du Québec à Montréal; Professor, Design and Computation Arts
JAMES MOORE, MA University of Toronto; Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Political Science
ALAN E. NASH, PhD University of Cambridge; Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
KATJA NEVES‑GRAÇA, PhD York University; Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
DANIEL SALÉE, PhD Université de Montréal; Professor, Political Science/School of Community and Public Affairs
ROSEMARIE SCHADE, DPhil University of York (U.K.)
PETER STOETT, PhD Queen’s University; Professor, Political Science
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Loyola Campus
Administration Building, Room: AD 502
Tel.: 514‑848‑2424, ext. 2125
Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability is designed as a secular college that addresses the academic needs of selected
undergraduate students who seek to balance discipline‑based instruction with interdisciplinary and cross‑disciplinary communication
in the arts and sciences. The educational philosophy of the College incorporates several objectives: to integrate international and
global perspectives into higher education; to foster understanding of how the individual and society can operate more effectively in
a global context of increased intercultural interaction; to develop a literacy of sustainability; to provide the practical tools needed to
tackle the major issues facing humanity; to balance discipline‑based instruction with interdisciplinary inquiry and cross‑disciplinary
communication; and to promote responsible citizenship and leadership in the 21st century.
Performance Requirement
Specific performance requirements are outlined for the Minor in Diversity and the Contemporary World and the Minor in
Sustainability Studies.
Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability is located on Concordia University’s Loyola Campus. The College has student study
and lounge areas, a small library, and a conference room, to which all College members have access. The facilities are intended to
complement Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability’s role as a community where students have the opportunity to pursue
both their academic and extracurricular interests in a supportive and stimulating environment.
LOYC 201 The Idea of Modernity (3 credits)
The fundamental ideas and assumption of the modern Western world were formed in the 17th‑century European Enlightenment. This
course begins with an historical overview of the Enlightenment, followed by an interdisciplinary investigation of the idea of modernity.
It focuses on the central modern concepts of a person, society, nature, and good and evil, and looks at some challenges to the idea
of modernity. Finally, it explores current pressures that have led to the contemporary form of thought known as postmodernism.
LOYC 298 Selected Topics in the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability (3 credits)
Specific topics for this course, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
LOYC 398 Selected Topics in the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability (3 credits)
Specific topics for this course, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
MICHAEL KENNEALLY, PhD University of Toronto; Professor
GEARÓID Ó HALLMHURÁIN, PhD Queen’s University Belfast
Associate Professors
SUSAN CAHILL, PhD University College Dublin
GAVIN FOSTER, PhD University of Notre Dame
JANE G. V. MCGAUGHEY, PhD University of London
Assistant Professor
EMER O’TOOLE, PhD University of London
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Hall Building, Room: 1001
514‑848‑2424, ext. 8711
The School of Irish Studies offers interdisciplinary programs in the history and culture of Ireland and Irish emigration and settlement,
especially in Canada.
Courses in Irish history, literature, politics, language, ethnomusicology, film, theatre, economics, religion, women’s studies and
popular culture, introduce students to Ireland’s rich culture and complex society. Because of the country’s unique history, students
are also introduced to issues pertinent in other regions of the world, such as colonization and post‑colonialism, cultural nationalism,
dual linguistic and religious traditions, famine and migration, rebellion and civil war, sectarian conflict and reconciliation, and
economic development and globalization. Ireland therefore offers a case study relevant to other cultures and societies.
Students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines are attracted by the interdisciplinary and comparative programs of Canadian Irish
Studies which prepare them either for graduate studies or to enter the work force in a wide range of fields from cultural production
to media, public service to law, or education to international relations. With its own library and meeting room, the School creates an
intimate and welcoming intellectual environment which is enhanced by a public lectures series as well as cultural and community
events. Scholarships and opportunities to study in Ireland are available to students in the programs.
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
NOTE: For details on the course descriptions in the programs listed above, please refer to the individual departmental course
listings, and the IRST courses listed below.
IRST 203 Introduction to Canadian Irish Studies (3 credits)
This course is a multidisciplinary introduction to the field of Canadian Irish studies, a discipline that embraces a broad range of
historical and contemporary issues as they have manifested themselves on the island of Ireland, in Canada and throughout the
world. In particular, questions related to individual and national identities in the context of history, language, culture, landscape,
and religion are explored and debated.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
IRST 314 Independent Ireland from the Civil War to the Celtic Tiger (3 credits)
This course examines political, social and cultural life in the post‑revolution southern Irish state formed by the Anglo‑Irish Treaty
(1921) and Irish Civil War. Key themes include state formation and post‑civil war politics; Fianna Fáil and “the republicanization”
of society; church and state; Irish neutrality and Anglo‑Irish relations; the political and social character of “De Valera’s Ireland”;
post‑war economic and social change; external relations and influences; the Republic’s responses to Northern Ireland and the
post‑1968 Troubles; globalization and the rise and fall of the Celtic Tiger economy.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a HIST or IRST 398 number may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
IRST 403 The Irish in Quebec: Ethnic Fade and Cultural Memory (3 credits)
Prerequisite: IRST 210 or 303; or permission of the Department. This course examines the role of cultural memory in relation to the
adaptation and integration of Irish communities into host societies in Quebec and Canada. An advanced interdisciplinary course, it
draws on theoretical and methodological currents in memory studies, historical anthropology and soundscape studies to explore
social, cultural and political aspects of the Irish diaspora in Canada and, more specifically, in Quebec since the late‑18th century.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
CHEDLY BELKHODJA, PhD Université de Bordeaux‑Montesquieu; Professor
MARGUERITE MENDELL, PhD McGill University; Professor; Provost’s Distinction
DANIEL SALÉE, PhD Université de Montréal
Associate Professors
KARL HELE, PhD McGill University
ANNA KRUZYNSKI, PhD McGill University
LOUELLYN WHITE, PhD University of Arizona
WILLIAM BUXTON, PhD Free University of Berlin; Professor, Communication Studies
MIKE GASHER, PhD Concordia University; Professor, Journalism
CHANTAL MAILLÉ, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal; Professor, Simone de Beauvoir Institute
ALAN E. NASH, PhD University of Cambridge; Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
LORNA ROTH, PhD Concordia University; Professor, Communication Studies
FILIPPO SALVATORE, PhD Harvard University; Associate Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
MARK WATSON, PhD University of Alberta; Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Annex CI, Room: 101
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2575
The School of Community and Public Affairs (SCPA) offers a multidisciplinary program in public policy analysis. The School prepares
its graduates to be knowledgeable participants in the policy‑making process in the private, public, and community sectors.
An innovative combination of academic and practical training exposes students to a wide range of public issues. In small classes
encouraging participation, students develop specialized abilities to do research, to communicate, and to organize public consultations
and debates. An internship program also enables students to gain the necessary experience of working in a public affairs job.
The School will be of interest to excellent students in a variety of disciplines, including economics, history, political science, sociology,
urban studies, journalism, and communication studies. While some of our students enter the work force upon completion of their
undergraduate degree, the majority continue their education. SCPA graduates tend to do graduate work either in their disciplines
or, more often, in professionally oriented programs including public or business administration, international affairs, industrial
relations, and law.
The historic Mackay Street building which the School occupies is an ideal site for small classes, public lectures, social events, and
meetings. School facilities include a common room, a reading room and documentation centre, a seminar room, a computer room,
and faculty and student offices.
Students who enrol in the School of Community and Public Affairs must follow, in sequence, a three‑stage program comprised of
the following courses:
Performance Requirements
Students are required to maintain an average of “B‑” in program courses.
Entrance Requirements
Students admitted to the University and seeking to enter the School must have achieved a “B” average, or the equivalent at the
previous educational level. Students wishing to enter the School will be interviewed personally and asked to complete a writing
test. The interview process also serves to evaluate their language skills in both English and French. In exceptional circumstances,
a candidate who has failed to meet the grade requirements might be admitted on the basis of a personal assessment of potential
For further information on curriculum, programs, personnel, and objectives, please call 514‑848‑2424, ext. 2579.
SCPA 201 Introduction to Public Policy and the Public Interest (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the theoretical, philosophical, and ethical foundations as well as the social logic of public policy
formulation in modern societies. Using a multidisciplinary approach, it pays particular attention to the complex interaction between
groups, individuals, and institutions in society, and brings students to consider issues related to the nature of the modern state,
business‑government relations, the labour movement, non‑profit and community organizations, the influence of interest groups,
media and international institutions on the policy agenda.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for SCPA 300 may not take this course for credit.
SCPA 215 Economics for Public Policy and Community Development (3 credits)
Based on an overview of current economic issues, this course introduces students to the fundamental analytical tools and concepts
that are necessary to understand economic public policy and relevant to community development and empowerment.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
SCPA 301 Social Debates and Issues in Public Affairs and Public Policy (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Stage I. This course emphasizes a deeper understanding of the process by which public
policies are developed, implemented, and advocated, and of the role played by various institutions or groups in this process. Each
year, a new set of key policy issues is selected for discussion and analysis. Students work in teams and are required to do case
studies of institutions or groups relevant to the policy or public affairs issue they have chosen. The focus is on developing both
communication skills, through oral and written presentations, and organizational skills as each team must organize one public
panel discussion on one of the selected issues. The course takes place over the fall and winter terms.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for SCPA 401 may not take this course for credit.
On étudiera dans ce cours l’évolution structurelle des partis et des questions politiques au Québec en fonction de facteurs d’ordre
constitutionnel, culturel et économique.
NOTE: Students required to take this course under Political Science as part of a major or specialization in that discipline must
replace the credits with a course chosen in consultation with the SCPA advisor.
NOTE: The course will be offered in both English and French on a rotational basis. Please consult the Undergraduate Class
Schedule for details.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for POLI 211, POLI 339 or SCPA 211 may not take this course for credit.
SCPA 450 Neo‑Liberal Globalization and the Global Justice Movement (3 credits)
This course, by examining global justice movements in the context of neo‑liberal globalization, focuses on social movements,
public policy and community.
NOTE: Student who have received credit for this topic under a SCPA 498 number may not take this course for credit.
SCPA 498 Special Topics in Community, Public Affairs and Policy Studies (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Stages I and II. This course provides focused, in‑depth examination and analysis of a
particular policy topic, public affairs issue, or problem of community development. The subject of inquiry changes every year.
45 BA Major in First Peoples Studies
Stage I
10 FPST 2013, 2023, 2033, 2971
6 Chosen from FPST 2103, 2113, 2123, 2983
Stage II
13 FPST 3013, 3023, 3033, 3413, 3971
6 Chosen from FPST 3063, 3103, 3113, 3123, 3203, 3213, 3223, 3233, 3983; RELI 3683; WSDB 3813
Stage III
7 FPST 4013, 4023, 4971
3 Chosen from FPST 4063, 4103, 4113, 4123, 4133, 4143, 4153, 4903, 4913, 4983; COMS 4193
FPST 201 Introduction to First Peoples Studies (3 credits)
This course introduces the guiding concepts central to First Peoples Studies at Concordia. These guiding concepts are often
misunderstood by mainstream society. Themes include the Medicine Wheel as a structuring approach to course content and
teaching/learning; worldviews; colonization and decolonization; First Peoples thought and knowledge; the diversity among First
Peoples; and individual and community empowerment within First Peoples frames of reference. Principles and practices of dialogue
and cross‑cultural communication are introduced. A key process goal of the course is for students to explore, with increasing skill
and knowledge, their own motivations, positioning, and goals in relation to pursuing First Peoples Studies.
CALVIN S. KALMAN, PhD University of Rochester; Professor, Physics, Provost’s Distinction
SIMON L. BACON, PhD University of Birmingham; Professor, Exercise Science
ANDREAS BERGDAHL, PhD Lund University; Associate Professor, Exercise Science
PABLO BIANUCCI, PhD University of Texas at Austin; Assistant Professor, Physics
WAYNE BRAKE, PhD McGill University; Professor, Psychology
GRANT BROWN, PhD Memorial University of Newfoundland; Professor, Biology
NADIA CHAUDHRI, PhD University of Pittsburgh; Associate Professor, Psychology
PETER J. DARLINGTON, PhD University of Western Ontario; Associate Professor, Exercise Science
RICHARD DEMONT, PhD University of Pittsburgh; Associate Professor, Exercise Science
EMMA DESPLAND, PhD University of Oxford; Associate Professor, Biology
CLAUDINE GAUTHIER, PhD Université de Montréal; Assistant Professor, Physics
PAUL JOYCE, PhD Dalhousie University; Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
LISA KAKINAMI, PhD University of Rochester; Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
LASZLO KALMAN, PhD University of Szeged; Associate Professor, Physics; Chemistry and Biochemistry
ROBERT KILGOUR, PhD Florida State University; Professor, Exercise Science
DMITRY KOROTKIN, PhD Steklov Mathematical Institute; Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
GUILLAUME LAMOUREUX, PhD Université de Montréal; Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
DAVID MUMBY, PhD University of British Columbia; Professor, Psychology
VÉRONIQUE PÉPIN, PhD Arizona State University; Associate Professor, Exercise Science
JAMES G. PFAUS, PhD University of British Columbia; Professor, Psychology
NATALIE PHILLIPS, PhD Dalhousie University; Professor, Psychology
ALISA PIEKNY, PhD University of Calgary; Associate Professor, Biology
ALINA STANCU, PhD University of Rochester; Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
VLADIMIR TITORENKO, PhD Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Moscow; Professor, Biology
DAJANA VUCKOVIC, PhD University of Waterloo; Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHRISTOPHER WILDS, PhD McGill University; Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Affiliate Fellows
MICHEL COTÉ, PhD University of California, Berkeley; Physics, Université de Montréal
MAJID FOTUHI, MD Harvard University, PhD Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins Medical Centre and
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore
LUCIEN‑ALAIN GIRALDEAU, PhD McGill University; Biology, Université du Québec à Montréal
MICHAEL GREENWOOD, PhD McGill University; Medicine, McGill University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Loyola Campus
Richard J. Renaud Science Complex, Room: SP 363.00 – 363.09
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2595
The aim of the Science College is to prepare students enrolled in one of Concordia’s science programs for a life of research,
teaching, or some similarly demanding intellectual pursuit in a profession. The academic program of the College complements
the regular undergraduate curriculum and includes cross‑disciplinary courses and student participation in laboratory research
activities from the first year on. The collegial atmosphere fosters interaction among students and between students and faculty.
In Science College, students will gain an understanding of several areas of science, while specializing in whichever one they
choose. Curricular structures frequently restrict students to a single discipline. To help counteract excessive specialization, the
Science College has designed a series of courses to show what practising physicists think about physics; what mathematicians
do when they are thinking mathematics: — not “an introduction to,” but “the state of the art.”
The College provides an opportunity for students to become acquainted with science as practised and understood by scientists
today. Its curriculum is planned to fulfill the primary goals of the College — to provide an opportunity for experience in a research
environment, for thinking about the nature of science, and for becoming aware of the style and content of the various scientific
The College has study and lounge areas, computer facilities, a small library, and a few periodicals of general interest. The College
offers students the opportunity and facilities to discuss matters of interest among themselves and with their professors. Science
College also offers a number of courses and invites scientists to visit the University to meet College students.
Requirements for Admission to Science College
The program of Science College is academically demanding, involving concentration in one discipline and a critical investigation
of other aspects of science. The College is committed to serious academic work and high standards, and seeks to attract talented
and enthusiastic students who are willing to work hard in a search for a deeper understanding of their subject.
Students must enrol in a science program that leads to a BSc or BA (cognitive science) degree in order to be part of Science
College. Students registered for a BA in Journalism are also eligible, as are students registered in the General Science Option of
Computer Science.
In addition to the normal requirements for admission to the University’s various programs, applicants are expected to have a good
academic average. They will be considered on the basis of their academic record, and a personal interview. Preference will be
given to students who show a disposition and an aptitude to profit from the unique features of the sort of fundamental scientific
education which the College offers. Applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of the range of their intellectual interests and
of any creative activity in which they may have been involved.
Students must be prepared to attend courses at times outside the normal University schedule. The College is open to full‑time
students only.
Science College and Journalism
A limited number of students who have been admitted to the Major in Journalism program may be allowed to register in the
Science College, with a view to combining a basic understanding of science with a training in journalism.
Performance Requirement
Students in the College must obtain a minimum grade of “B‑” in all courses required for the Minor in Multidisciplinary Studies in
Science, as well as in all courses counted toward their discipline‑based honours, specialization, or major program. Students who
receive a grade lower than “B‑” are permitted to repeat the course. Students who receive a second grade lower than a “B‑” are
normally withdrawn from the minor.
Further Information
Further information on the courses and activities of the Science College may be obtained either by writing or by telephoning the
College office. Personal interviews with a fellow of the Science College may be arranged through the Science College office.
Science College Curriculum
The College offers a Minor in Multidisciplinary Studies in Science, consisting of a core of courses which is required of all students.
This core consists of 30 of the 90 credits normally required for a BSc degree. These courses have been developed specifically for
the College with the intention of providing a unique, integrated program of education in science.
In addition to completing the core curriculum, students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements by
completing a departmental honours, specialization, or major program leading to a BSc or BA (cognitive science).
The superscript indicates credit value.
24‑30 Minor in Multidisciplinary Studies in Science
6 SCOL 2706
9 SCOL 2903, 3916
6 SCOL 4906*
9 Chosen from SCOL 3503***; SCOL 3603***; LBCL 2916**, 2926**
*After consultation with the College, this course may be replaced by BIOL 490, CHEM 450, EXCI 426, PHYS 496, or PSYC 495.
**Only one of these courses may be taken.
***This course may be repeated twice for credit in this program, provided the subject matter is different each time. In special
circumstances and with permission of the College, a repeat of this course may be replaced by a science course at the 300 level
or higher outside the student’s program.
NOTE: Students who have taken BIOL 490, CHEM 450, EXCI 426, PHYS 496, or PSYC 495 are not required to take SCOL 490.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 421
SCOL 270 Historical, Philosophical, and Social Aspects of Science (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Membership in the Science College, or permission of the College. This course discusses the intellectual framework of
science and the relationships between science and society, and the political and philosophical questions inherent in the scientific
process. Students are expected to understand the scientific issues at the level at which they were originally addressed.
SCOL 350 Current Issues in Physical, Biological and Mathematical Sciences (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Membership in the Science College, or permission of the College. This course is designed to help students understand
the “state of the art” in fields of science in which they are not specializing. It discusses problems under current study, and attempts
to identify possible future directions of research. The approach is qualitative. Detailed technical knowledge is not prerequisite.
Specific topics for this course are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
NOTE: This course may be repeated twice for credit in this program, provided the subject matter is different each time. In special
circumstances and with permission of the College, a repeat of this course may be replaced by a science course at the 300 level
or higher outside the student’s program.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for SCOL 351, 352, or 353 may not take this course for credit if the subject matter is
the same.
Specific topics for this course are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
NOTE: This course may be repeated twice for credit in this program, provided the subject matter is different each time. In special
circumstances and with permission of the College, a repeat of this course may be replaced by a science course at the 300 level
or higher outside the student’s program.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a SCOL 398 number may not take this course for credit.
KIMBERLY MANNING, PhD University of Washington; Associate Professor
CHANTAL MAILLÉ, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal
VIVIANE NAMASTE, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal; Provost’s Distinction
GENEVIÈVE RAIL, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign
Associate Professor
GADA MAHROUSE, PhD University of Toronto
Assistant Professor
GENEVIEVE PAINTER, PhD University of California, Berkeley, BCL, LLB McGill University
ADEELA ARSHAD‑AYAZ, PhD McGill University; Assistant Professor, Education
RACHEL BERGER, PhD University of Cambridge; Associate Professor, History
SANDRA CURTIS, PhD Concordia University; Professor, Creative Arts Therapies
LINDA KAY, MA Concordia University; Professor, Journalism
EMER O’TOOLE, PhD University of London; Assistant Professor, School of Irish Studies
LORNA ROTH, PhD Concordia University; Professor, Communication Studies
ROSEMARIE SCHADE, DPhil University of York (U.K.); Associate Professor, History
Permanent Fellows
ARPI HAMALIAN, MA American University of Beirut; Associate Professor, Education
ELIZABETH HENRIK, PhD Tulane University; Professor, Psychology
SUSAN HOECKER‑DRYSDALE, PhD Louisiana State University; Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
MAÏR E. VERTHUY, MA University of Toronto; Professor, Études françaises
KATHERINE WATERS, MA University of Oxford; Professor, English
Research Associates
FARIDA ABLA, MFA University of Arkansas
SHAHEEN AKHTER MUNIR, LLB University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
TAMARA AMOROSO GONÇALVES, MA Universidade de Sao Paulo, LLM Pontifica Catolica de Sao Paulo
SIMA APRAHAMIAN, PhD McGill University
SYEDA BUKHARI, PhD Simon Fraser University
JEAN CHAPMAN, PhD University of Bradford
FANG CHEN, PhD Concordia University
DOLORES CHEW, PhD University of Calcutta
KARIN DOËRR, PhD McGill University
DOROTHY GELLER, PhD George Washington University
PAULINE MCKENZIE AUCOIN, PhD University of Toronto
KATHLEEN O’GRADY, PhD University of Cambridge
ESMERALDA THORNHILL, LLD City University of New York
TRACY YING ZHANG, PhD Simon Fraser University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Annex MU, Room: 202
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2370
The Institute strives to stimulate the investigation and understanding of the role of women in society and to encourage women to
develop their creative potential. In research and teaching, special attention is given to gender, race, class, and sexual orientation.
The Institute has several objectives: to investigate the history, current situation, and changing needs of women; to generate support
for research topics relevant to women; to encourage full recognition of women’s contribution to human achievement; to ensure
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
The superscript indicates credit value.
Students should consult with the Women’s Studies advisor prior to registering for Women’s Studies courses.
60 BA Specialization in Women’s Studies
24 WSDB 2903, 2913, 2923, 3803, 4803, 4903, 4966
18 Chosen from WSDB 3833, 3843, 3903, 3913, 3923, 3933, 4913, 4923
18 Chosen from the list of Optional Courses
NOTE: To be admitted to the specialization, students must have completed a minimum of 24 WSDB credits in the Women’s Studies
Major and obtain approval of a full‑time WSDB instructor following the submission of a detailed description of a proposed research
project for the WSDB 4966 course. In addition, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to be accepted and must maintain an
assessment GPA of 3.0 while in the specialization.
42 BA Major in Women’s Studies
18 WSDB 2903, 2913, 2923, 3803, 4803, 4903
15 Chosen from WSDB 3833, 3843, 3903, 3913, 3923, 3933, 4913, 4923
9 Chosen from the list of Optional Courses
30 Minor in Women’s Studies
15 WSDB 2903, 2913, 2923, 3803, 4803
9 Chosen from WSDB 3833, 3843, 3903, 3913, 3923, 3933, 4903, 4913, 4923
6 Chosen from the list of Optional Courses
30 Certificate in Women’s Studies
9 WSDB 2903, 2913, 2923
15 Chosen from WSDB 3833, 3843, 3903, 3913, 3923, 3933, 4913, 4923
6 Chosen from the list of Optional Courses
Students may transfer into the certificate program up to 12 credits earned in an incomplete degree or certificate program or as an
Independent student, provided they are students in good standing. The credits that may be so transferred are determined by the
University at the point of entry into the program.
Optional Courses
WSDB 2983, 3653, 3703, 3803, 3813, 3833, 3843, 3853, 3863, 3903, 3913, 3923, 3933, 3983, 4803,, 4903, 4913, 4923, 4983, 4996;
ANTH 2763; ARTH 3813; CLAS 3533; COMS 3683, 4723; EDUC 3213; ENGL 3036, 3513, 3523, 3823, 3933; FLIT 3603, 4713, 4723;
FMST 3293, 3923, 3933; HIST 3053, 3473; INTE 2706, 2753; PHIL 3713, 4713; POLI 3093; RELI 3813, 3823, 3833, 3843, 3853, 3863,
3873, 3923; SOCI 2763, 3803, 4753, 4763; SCPA 3523; THEO 2953
NOTE: Students should consult the appropriate departments concerning possible prerequisites for the courses listed under
Optional Courses.
(1) 300‑level courses are generally open only to students who have successfully completed at least 15 credits, which include
WSDB 290, 291 and 292. Students who do not have these prerequisites may also register with permission of the Institute.
(2) 400‑level courses are generally open only to students who have successfully completed at least 30 credits, which include
WSDB 290, 291, 292 and 380. Students who do not have these prerequisites may also register with permission of the Institute.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
WSDB 492 Post‑colonial and Anti‑colonial Feminist Theories and Practice (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (2). The course is devoted to understanding the gendered dimensions of colonial/imperial relations
of power and resistance both in historical and contemporary contexts. The main themes covered in the course include settler
colonialism in Canada; knowledge, representations and power; contemporary challenges and resistance to anti‑imperialist struggles;
and post‑colonial analyses of current economic and political relations.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under WSDB 498 may not take this course for credit.
Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Section 61
ANNE‑MARIE CROTEAU, PhD Université Laval
Associate Deans
SANDRA BETTON, PhD University of British Columbia; Professional Graduate Programs
GEORGE K. KANAAN, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison; Academic and Student Affairs – Undergraduate Programs
KATHLEEN BOIES, PhD University of Western Ontario; Research and Research Programs
Sir George Williams Campus
MB Building, Room: 015‑115
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2779
Mission Statement
“To provide an engaging learning and research environment that inspires us to go beyond the commonplace for the development
of business and society.”
Approved by Faculty Council • May 2014
Students with a DEC will complete the 90‑credit program. Students who have a complete DEC but are lacking one or more of the
prerequisite courses may take them within the 90‑credit program as elective credits during the first year of the program.
NOTE: Because of the extensive use of computers in various programs, students are advised to have access to a personal
As part of the Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Commerce program, students will select 12 credits of elective courses outside the
offerings of the School. Those credits, which will meet the School’s General Education requirement, should be chosen in areas
that complement the students’ overall university education.
Degree Requirements:
42 credits from the core
12 elective credits outside the School of Business
24 credits to apply towards the major (see Note 1)
12 elective credits chosen by the student (see Note 1)
1. All students are required to declare a major. The Major in Human Resource Management requires completion of 30 credits.
Consequently, the elective credits chosen by the student are reduced from 12 to 6 credits.
2. Students may add a second major in another business field. A double major requires completion of 102 credits as follows:
42 credits from the core, 12 elective credits outside the School of Business, 24 credits to apply towards the first major, and
24 credits to apply towards the second major. A double major including the Major in Human Resource Management requires
completion of 108 credits. Minors in the JMSB are not available with a double major.
3. The School may impose quotas on some majors.
Degree Requirements:
42 credits from the core
18 credits from within the School of Business and/or its disciplines
30 elective credits chosen by the student, but outside the School of Business, 15 of these must be beyond the introductory
NOTE: For the BComm and BAdmin programs, a maximum of nine ESL credits may count toward the regular 90‑credit degree,
a maximum of 12 credits may count toward the 108‑credit degree, and a maximum of 15 credits may count toward the 120‑credit
NOTE: Students are responsible for following the correct sequence of courses required for the completion of a particular program.
Accountancy X X X
Assurance, Fraud Prevention and
Investigative Services
Business Studies X1 X1
Business Technology Management X X
Data Intelligence X
Economics X X
Entrepreneurship X
Finance X X X
Financial Reporting X
Foundations for Business X
Human Resource Management X X
Information Systems Audit and
Risk Management
International Business X X
Management X X
Management Accounting X
Marketing X X
Real Estate X
Supply Chain Operations Management X X
Students will indicate their preferred field of concentration at the time of application for entry. It should be noted that students may
change their major and/or minor after completion of their first year of study.
This program is not open to students registered in a program leading to the undergraduate degree of Commerce or Administration.
Conditional standing results when a student obtains an AGPA between 1.50 and 2.00. Students in conditional standing may not
write supplemental examinations but may proceed subject to the following conditions:
a) they must receive academic counselling from the appropriate member of the Dean’s Office;
b) they must successfully repeat all courses in which failing grades were obtained provided that these courses are required for
their program, or replace them by alternatives approved by the Dean’s Office;
c) in no case will the number of credits exceed 15 per term for full‑time students and six per term for part‑time students;
d) they must obtain acceptable standing at the time of their next assessment. If not, they are considered to be in failed standing.
Failed standing results when a student obtains an AGPA of less than 1.50, or fails to achieve acceptable standing after being on
conditional standing at the last assessment.
• Failed students are subject to the following regulations:
1. They may not write supplemental examinations.
2. They are dismissed from their program for a minimum period of one year.
• Students who are in failed standing for a second time are dismissed from the University for a longer period of time.
• In subsequent years, should failed students wish to return to university studies, they must contact the Office of the Associate
Dean, Academic and Student Affairs, for information concerning conditions and procedures for seeking readmission.
• Readmission is not automatic and is dependent upon an assessment of the applicant’s prospects for successful completion of
the program. If readmitted, students will be placed on academic probation and restricted to a maximum of six credits per term.
They must achieve acceptable standing at the time of their next assessment. Other conditions will be determined at the time
of readmission.
• Decisions of the relevant authority in the Faculty to which application is made are final.
Graduation Requirements
Students must satisfy all course requirements, be in acceptable standing, and have a minimum final graduation GPA of 2.00.
The standings of potential graduates who have attempted less than 12 credits since their last assessment are determined after
adding the grade points obtained for these credits to those included in the computation of the GPA of the last assessment period.
Students who fail to meet acceptable standing but meet conditional standing will have the following options:
a) register for 12 credits and meet the criteria for acceptable standing;
b) register for fewer than 12 credits. In this case, standing will be determined after adding the grade points obtained for these
credits to those included in the computation of the GPA of the last assessment period.
NOTE: Dean’s Office is to be understood as being the appropriate member of the Dean’s Office, normally the Associate Dean,
Academic and Student Affairs, or delegate.
The academic content is identical to that of the regular BComm program with three work terms interspersed with six study terms.
However, in order to continue their studies in the co‑operative format in the John Molson School of Business, or to graduate with a
BComm degree as members of the Institute for Co‑operative Education, students must satisfy the following conditions:
• maintain an assessment grade point average (AGPA)* of at least 2.70 in their program;
• be assigned a grade of pass for each of the three work‑term experiences;
• remain in the designated work‑study sequence. Any deviations must have prior approval by the Director of the Institute for
Co‑operative Education in consultation with the academic director of the student`s co‑op program.
*The AGPA is calculated over all courses in the program in the manner described in §16.3.10.
Please refer to §24 of this Calendar for a full description of the co‑operative format of the program.
Professor and Chair of the Department
CHARLES DRAIMIN, PhD Concordia University, CPA CA
IBRAHIM M. ALY, PhD University of North Texas
MAJIDUL ISLAM, PhD Moscow Institute of National Economy, CGA
GEORGE K. KANAAN, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison
MANMOHAN RAI KAPOOR, PhD University of Toronto, RIA/CMA
CÉDRIC LESAGE, PhD Université de Rennes
MICHEL MAGNAN, PhD University of Washington, FCPA FCA; Provost’s Distinction
DOMINIC PELTIER‑RIVEST, PhD Florida State University, CFE
JUAN J. SEGOVIA, PhD Université Paris‑Dauphine
Associate Professors
KELLY GHEYARA, PhD Oklahoma State University, CA
CLAUDINE MANGEN, PhD University of Rochester
Assistant Professors
MICHAEL BOURNE, PhD University of Alberta
AHMAD HAMMAMI, PhD McGill University
LUO HE, PhD Queen’s University
ALEXEY LYUBIMOV, PhD University of Central Florida
ELISABETH PELTIER, PhD City University of New York
MATTHAEUS TEKATHEN, PhD ESB Business School in Wiesbaden, Germany
LI YAO, PhD Purdue University
Senior Lecturers
PATRICK DELANEY, BComm Concordia University
TREVOR HAGYARD, BComm Concordia University, CMA CA CPA
TOMEK KOPCZYNSKI, BComm McGill University, CMA
TARA RAMSARAN, MBA Concordia University, CA CPA
MERVAT SALEH, BComm Concordia University, CPA CA
VANESSA CAMPBELL, BComm Concordia University, CPA CA
MARYAM FIROOZI, PhD Concordia University
EVA LAGOU, MBA Concordia University, CMA CPA
SANAZ MOSHAVER, BComm University of British Columbia, CPA CA
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
MB Building, Room: 014‑205
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2764
Department Objectives
The Department of Accountancy is committed to remaining a national leader in accounting education through teaching, research
and service.
Teaching: Providing a first‑rate educational experience that prepares a diverse population of students for successful careers.
Research: Creating and disseminating knowledge of accounting‑related issues through reputable channels.
Service: Providing expertise that enhances the well‑being of the University, the accounting profession and society in general.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 437
30 Honours in Accountancy
15 ACCO 310, 320, 330, 340, 400
9 additional credits offered by the Department
6 ACCO 495
Students are eligible to apply to the honours program if they have completed ACCO 310, 320 and 330. Applicants must have
achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 and a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their Accountancy courses. Enrolment in this program
is limited. The selection process may include recommendations from faculty members as well as interviews of applicants to this
program. The deadline for applications is March 1 for admission the following academic year.
Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 in their Accountancy courses and achieve a minimum grade of B+ in
ACCO 495 to remain in the honours program. Students who are withdrawn from the honours program may proceed in the Major in
24 Major in Accountancy
15 ACCO 310, 320, 330, 340, 400
9 additional credits offered by the Department
The Accountancy co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BComm program and are majoring in
The academic content of the co‑op program is identical to that of the regular program, but three work terms are interspersed with
six study terms.
Students are supervised individually and must meet the requirements specified by the John Molson School of Business and the
Institute for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers, and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Accountancy co‑op
academic director and the co‑op committee.
Please refer to §24 of this Calendar for a full description of the co‑operative format of the program.
ACCO 220 Financial and Managerial Accounting (3 credits)
This course provides an introduction to accounting principles underlying the preparation of financial reports with an emphasis on
the relationship between accounting information and production decisions. It examines the relationship between costs, production
volume, and profit, as well as the practical benefits of standard costs for planning and control purposes. The role of accounting
information in various manufacturing decisions is also highlighted.
NOTE: This course would be useful to Engineering students.
NOTE: JMSB students may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ACCO 230, 240 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ACCO 240 Introduction to Managerial Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ACCO 230. This course examines the role of accounting information for decision making, and focuses on concepts
and techniques used in planning operations, controlling activities, and evaluating managerial performance. New developments
are addressed with a focus on contemporary business issues and real‑world applicability of management accounting concepts
and techniques.
NOTE: JMSB students may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students who receive a passing grade may be exempt from COMM 305.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ACCO 220 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 439
ACCO 425 Financial Reporting IV (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ACCO 320. This course addresses special topics in accounting including financial reporting for not‑for‑profit
organizations and government entities. Governance, social responsibility concepts, and accountability frameworks are illustrated
by comparing the practices of selected organizations with authoritative standards.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ACCO 410 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
MERAL BÜYÜKKURT, PhD Indiana University
ANNE‑MARIE CROTEAU, PhD Université Laval
DALE DOREEN, PhD University of Alabama
GREGORY E. KERSTEN, PhD Warsaw School of Economics
DENNIS KIRA, PhD University of British Columbia
TAK KWAN MAK, PhD University of Western Ontario
DANIELLE MORIN, PhD McGill University
FASSIL NEBEBE, PhD Queen’s University
AHMET SATIR, PhD University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
MAHESH SHARMA, MEng MBA McGill University; Provost’s Distinction
RUSTAM VAHIDOV, PhD Georgia State University
Associate Professors
SATYAVEER CHAUHAN, PhD University of Metz
XIAO HUANG, PhD Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California
NAVNEET VIDYARTHI, PhD University of Waterloo
Assistant Professor
ANTON SHEVCHENKO, PhD University of Nevada, Reno
RAUL VALVERDE, PhD University of Southern Queensland
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Department Objectives
The Department of Supply Chain and Business Technology Management prepares students with an integrated set of
decision‑making skills to meet the organizational and managerial needs of the business world.
The Major in Business Technology Management aims to equip students with knowledge and skills in information and
communication technology, business process analysis, and project management. It prepares graduates for careers in various
business technology areas such as information systems analysis and design, database administration, as well as management
of information technology.
The Major in Supply Chain Operations Management aims to provide the knowledge and skills needed for planning and execution
of end‑to‑end supply chains. It provides students with sufficient academic, technical and professional foundations that will enable
them to pursue a challenging and rewarding career that covers planning, procurement, manufacturing, services, transportation,
logistics and distribution, among others.
The Minor in Data Intelligence provides a knowledge base to complement the student’s program at the John Molson School of
Business. With training in data modelling, forecasting and data mining, students learn to build models for analyzing business
problems that help organizations avoid risk and exploit opportunities.
The Department of Supply Chain and Business Technology Management offers two co‑operative programs for students who are
enrolled in the BComm program: Business Technology Management – BTM (for students majoring in BTM), and Supply Chain
Operations Management – SCOM (for students majoring in SCOM).
The academic content of each co‑op program is identical to that of the regular program, but three work terms are interspersed
with six study terms.
Students are supervised individually and must meet the requirements specified by the John Molson School of Business and the
Institute for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers, and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the co‑op academic director
and the co‑op committee.
Please refer to §24 of this Calendar for a full description of the co‑operative format of the program.
BSTA 445 Statistical Software for Data Management and Analysis (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 215 or equivalent. This course presents the principles and techniques of widely used statistical software
systems, such as SAS, for data management (information storage and retrieval), data modification, file handling, and statistical
analysis and reporting. The course covers special features such as graphics, macro languages, software and/or library interfacing
and the basics of data mining. Classes are to be held in computer labs and half of the time is devoted to lab work.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for DESC 445 may not take this course for credit.
BTM 430 Enterprise Resource Planning and Information Technology Integration (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 225, 226 or 301. This course responds to the demand for the integration of technological and business
resources by providing the student with opportunities to understand and analyze practical business problems and processes
via the use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications. Topics include analysis and design for information technology
integration, implementation strategies, and use of ERP for process integration. Technological solutions examined include ERP
software, middleware applications, and the use of web services.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for DESC 389, 420 or 430 may not take this course for credit.
Sir George Williams Campus
Hall Building, Room: H 1155
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3900
For departmental information please see §31.080.
24 Major in Economics
12 ECON 301, 302, 303, 304
12 ECON elective credits chosen at the 400 level
12 Minor in Economics
6 ECON 318, 319
6 ECON elective credits chosen at the 300 level
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
FINANCE Section 61.70
Associate Professor and Chair of the Department
RAHUL RAVI, PhD University of Alberta
Professor Emeritus
ABRAHAM BRODT, PhD New York University
ALAN HOCHSTEIN, PhD McGill University
ARVIND JAIN, PhD University of Michigan
LAWRENCE KRYZANOWSKI, PhD University of British Columbia; Concordia University Research Chair in Finance
STYLIANOS PERRAKIS, PhD University of California, Berkeley; RBC Professor in Financial Derivatives; Provost’s Distinction
LATHA SHANKER, PhD University of Florida
LORNE SWITZER, PhD University of Pennsylvania; Van Berkom Chair in Small‑Cap Equities
THOMAS WALKER, PhD Washington State University
Associate Professors
NILANJAN BASU, PhD Purdue University, CFA
SANDRA BETTON, PhD University of British Columbia, CFA; Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs
HARJEET BHABRA, PhD University of Missouri‑Columbia
SERGEY ISAENKO, PhD University of Pennsylvania
GREGORY LYPNY, PhD University of Toronto
RAVI MATETI, PhD University of Connecticut
IMANTS PAEGLIS, PhD Boston University
IAN RAKITA, PhD Concordia University, CFA; Director, Goodman Institute of Investment Management
DENIS SCHWEIZER, PhD European Business School; Director, Van Berkom Investment Management Program;
Manulife Professor in Financial Planning
YUAN WANG, PhD Pennsylvania State University
Assistant Professors
FREDERICK DAVIS, PhD Queen’s University
DAVID NEWTON, PhD University of British Columbia, CFA
JULIANE PROELSS, PhD European Business School
SAIF ULLAH, PhD University of Alberta
TINGYU ZHOU, PhD University of Connecticut
Senior Lecturers
REENA ATANASIADIS, MBA Concordia University; Director, Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program
LORETTA HUNG, MScAdmin Concordia University
LOBNA BOUSLIMI, PhD Université de Montréal
RAAD JASSIM, MEng McGill University
NAJIB KHAN, PhD University of Ottawa
NICOLAS MOUGEOT, PhD Université de Lausanne
EDWARD WONG, MBA University of Western Ontario
Scholars in Residence
MOHAMMAD BITAR, PhD Université Grenoble Alpes
SERGEY GELMAN, PhD University of Munster
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
MB Building, Room: 012‑205
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2789
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 447
Department Objectives
The Department of Finance is committed to excellence in both research and teaching and has earned a solid reputation as a
productive and research oriented academic unit. The Department’s research activities include theoretical, empirical, and applied
contributions ─ all aimed at furthering knowledge in the field. Its teaching activities cover a wide range of topics including corporate
finance, investment, international finance, personal finance, optimization techniques, portfolio management, options and futures
and fluctuations in security prices, exchange rates, and interest rates.
Teaching effectiveness represents the cornerstone of the Department’s teaching objectives. The Department’s curriculum is a
dynamic one which keeps up with current trends and innovations in the financial area. Department members have been recognized
not only with Faculty Teaching Awards but also internationally by winning the 3M Teaching Fellowship Award.
The Department has developed orientation and training programs with major corporations and financial institutions for its students.
Through this type of external involvement, classroom teaching is effectively blended with the complexities of the real world thereby
providing students not only with a more meaningful education but also with job opportunities.
30 Honours in Finance
3 FINA 385
3 FINA 395
18 additional 400‑level credits offered by the Department
6 FINA 495
Students are eligible to apply to the honours program if they have completed FINA 385, FINA 395, and six additional credits in
Finance. Applicants must have achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 and a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their Finance courses.
Enrolment in this program is limited. The selection process may include recommendations from faculty members as well as
interviews of applicants to this program. The deadline for applications is March 1.
Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3, a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their Finance courses and achieve a
minimum grade of B+ in FINA 495 to remain in the Honours in Finance program. Students who are withdrawn from the honours
program may proceed in the Major in Finance.
24 Major in Finance
3 FINA 385
3 FINA 395
18 additional 400‑level credits offered by the Department
12 Minor in Finance
3 FINA 385
3 FINA 395
6 additional 400‑level credits offered by the Department
The Finance co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BComm program and are majoring in Finance.
The academic content of the co‑op program is identical to that of the regular program, but three work terms are interspersed with
six study terms.
Students are supervised individually and must meet the requirements specified by both the John Molson School of Business and
the Institute for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers, and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Finance co‑op academic
director and the co‑op committee.
Please refer to §24 of this Calendar for a full description of the co‑operative format of the program.
FINA 200 Personal Finance (3 credits)
This course is offered online. It is designed to help individuals better manage their current and future financial affairs. The course
introduces the terminology and basic concepts underlying personal financial management. It helps students set goals and develop
skills to conduct basic research when making personal financial decisions. The topics covered include financial planning, money
management, personal income taxes, costs of consumer credit, concepts of time value of money, investing in stocks, bonds and
mutual funds, mortgages, and retirement planning.
NOTE: Finance Majors and Minors may not take this course for credit towards their major or minor.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a COMM 499 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
FINA 210 Introduction to Real Estate (3 credits)
This course introduces the concepts, principles, analytical methods and tools used for investment, development, and evaluation
of real estate assets. The course focuses on issues such as market and feasibility analysis, investment property analysis, forms of
ownership, valuation by alternate approaches, mortgages, borrower‑lender relationships, investing in income property, commercial
property financing, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and legal and property rights among co‑owners.
NOTE: Finance Majors and Minors may not take this course for credit towards their major or minor.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FINA 450 or for this topic under a COMM 499 number may not take this course for
FINA 230 Introduction to Financial Management (3 credits)
This course provides an overview of financial management and introduces the basic terms as well as the role finance plays in
the firm and in markets. Specifically, this course covers the following topics: the importance of a working knowledge of finance to
non‑business students; the role of the financial manager; the differences between accounting income and cash flow and between
book value and market value; the role of interest rates in the Canadian economy; the interpretation of financial ratios; the concept
of time value of money; and making financial decisions.
NOTE: JMSB students may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: This course does not count towards the requirements for the Minor in Business Studies.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a COMM 299 number may not take this course for credit.
FINA 310 Real Estate Development and Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 308; FINA 210 or 450. This course focuses on fundamental concepts and analytic tools applied in real
estate development. It incorporates the interdisciplinary character and the entrepreneurial nature of the development process.
It covers different interactive stages and discusses the roles and motivations of various stakeholders involved in this decision-
making process. In addition to the analysis of financial returns, this course may include discussion on the economic, social and
environmental costs and benefits. Pedagogical methods include lectures, guest speakers, case studies, group project and field
trip/property tour.
FINA 320 Real Estate Investment (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 308; FINA 210. This course focuses on analytical tools used for making commercial real estate investment
decisions. It introduces students to methods of estimating and analyzing basic measures of performance at the property level.
Students learn how to identify financial risks associated with real estate investment and prepare discount cash flow analyses for
the projected holding periods. Topics covered include the fundamentals of publicly traded real estate, real estate investment trusts
(REITs) and analysis at the portfolio level. Pedagogical methods include lectures, class discussion on contemporary issues in the
real estate market, guest speakers, case studies, group project and evaluation of potential commercial real estate for investment
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FINA 450 may not take this course for credit.
FINA 370 (also listed as IBUS 370)
International Financial Management (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 220, 308. This course is designed for students to acquire and demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental
principles and issues in international financial management. It covers such topics as foreign exchange markets, exchange rate
behaviour, structure and meaning of the international balance of payments, the functioning of fixed and floating exchange rate
systems, short‑ and long‑term investment and borrowing decisions, euro‑currency markets, foreign exchange risk management,
and capital budgeting decisions for overseas investment. In sum, the topics are covered from the perspective of an individual who
wishes to know how the international financial environment will affect the firm.
NOTE: Finance Majors and Minors may not take this course for credit toward their major or minor.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for IBUS 370 or FINA 470 may not take this course for credit.
FINA 382 (also listed as IBUS 382)
Management of International Financial Institutions (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 308; MARK 462 or IBUS 462. This course provides students with an understanding of challenges and
opportunities that banks and other financial institutions face in their global operations. It covers operations of financial firms in
mature as well as emerging markets. Topics include an assessment of opportunities in foreign markets and difficulties that
financial institutions face when dealing with unfamiliar economic and political environments; unique operations and challenges in
international markets such as microfinance, international loans, project financing and assessment of political or sovereign risks,
importance of global regulation and governance, and ethical issues associated with international operations within the financial
services industry.
NOTE: Finance majors and minors may not take this course for credit toward their major or minor.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FINA 482 or IBUS 382, or for this topic under a FINA 455 or IBUS 471 number, may
not take this course for credit.
FINA 385 Theory of Finance I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 220, 308. This course is the first of two that provide a theoretical foundation upon which subsequent 400‑level
courses will be built. The course examines the allocation of capital in financial markets and the determination of the relative prices
of financial assets. Topics covered include utility theory, arbitrage pricing theory, and asset pricing models such as the Capital Asset
Pricing Model and the option pricing model. Applications explored include arbitrage, the design of markets and the appropriate
responses of individuals and firms to changes in market conditions as well as to market imperfections.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FINA 380 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 449
FINA 395 Theory of Finance II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 220, 308; FINA 385 previously or concurrently. This course focuses on the financial theory of the firm and
examines the Modigliani‑Miller propositions, agency theory, and asymmetric information theory. Topics covered include capital
structure and the cost of capital, investment and financing decisions, real options, valuation and issuance of new securities,
mergers and acquisitions, and leveraged buyout decisions.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FINA 390 or 400 may not take this course for credit.
FINA 408 Building and Testing Trading Systems Using Technical Analysis (3 credits)
Prerequisite: FINA 385, 395. This course provides a basic level of understanding of various technical analysis methodologies
that are used by investment professionals and the investing public. The course examines market microstructure and order entry
mechanics, high‑frequency trading, behavioural finance and the efficient market hypothesis. The main topics include analysis
of price charts to forecast future price trends and patterns, development and testing of a trading system, Dow theory, moving
averages, momentum, sentiment, relative strength and intermarket analysis. This course is an excellent preparation for several
investment industry designations. Pedagogical methods include lectures, a presentation by an industry expert, and a group project
to build and test a trading system using simulation and investment software in the John Dobson – Formula Growth Investment
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a FINA 455 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
FINA 413 Advanced Topics in Derivative Markets (3 credits)
Prerequisite: FINA 412. This course focuses on advanced topics in the area of derivatives. Topics covered include the valuation
of derivatives using numerical procedures and martingales, modelling the term structure of interest rates, valuation of interest rate
swaps, interest rate options, caps, floors, swaptions and exotic options, and application of derivatives in risk management such as
value at risk models, estimation of volatility and credit risk derivatives.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 451
FINA 482 International Banking: Operations, Policy and Strategy (3 credits)
Prerequisite: FINA 481 previously or concurrently. This course provides students with an integrating framework to understand
the risks, challenges and opportunities that banks face in their global operations. The course covers both commercial and
investment banking activities in mature as well as emerging markets. The course begins with an examination of opportunities
that foreign markets offer as well as difficulties that banks face when dealing with unfamiliar economic and political environments
abroad. This is followed by a discussion of banking operations in international and foreign markets. Topics for this discussion may
include microfinance, international loans, project financing and an assessment of political or sovereign risks. The impact of foreign
operations on mitigation or enhancement of various risks associated with home country operations is examined. The course also
examines the importance of global regulation as well as governance and ethical issues associated with international banking.
NOTE: This course is offered for Finance majors and minors only.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FINA 382 or IBUS 382, or for this topic under a FINA 455 or IBUS 471 number, may
not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Program Director
MEHDI FARASHAHI, PhD Concordia University
Sir George Williams Campus
MB Building, Room: 004‑201
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2721
Program Objectives
The globalization of business is increasing the demand for managers who are comfortable working in a variety of diverse and
multicultural environments. The Major in International Business is an attractive and exciting preparation for such a career.
International business issues are examined from a strategic perspective and students are also exposed to several disciplines
including international management, marketing, and finance, as well as international aspects of politics, economics, and
Students are strongly encouraged to enrol in language courses as elective courses. Adding a minor in a more specific discipline
of interest is also suggested to further complement this program.
Participation in the International Student Exchange Program is also highly recommended. This experience will add a more
relevant and unique perspective to the overall scope of this exciting degree.
24 Major in International Business
9 IBUS 462, 466, 492
15 additional credits chosen from courses listed in either Group A or Group B, with a maximum of six credits from Group B
Group A
IBUS 370, 382, 465, 471, 493; MANA 374
Group B
ECON 319; POLI 305, 311, 315, 394
12 Minor in International Business
9 IBUS 462, 466, 492
3 additional credits chosen from IBUS 370, 382, 465, 471, 493; MANA 374
IBUS 370 (also listed as FINA 370)
International Financial Management (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 308. This course is designed for students to acquire and demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental
principles and issues in international financial management. It covers such topics as foreign exchange markets, exchange rate
behaviour, structure and meaning of the international balance of payments, the functioning of fixed and floating exchange rate
systems, short‑ and long‑term investment and borrowing decisions, euro‑currency markets, foreign exchange risk management,
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 453
and capital budgeting decisions for overseas investment. In sum, the topics are covered from the perspective of an individual who
wishes to know how the international financial environment will affect the firm.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FINA 370 may not take this course for credit.
IBUS 382 (also listed as FINA 382)
Management of International Financial Institutions (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 308, MARK 462 or IBUS 462. This course provides students with an understanding of challenges and oppor-
tunities that banks and other financial institutions face in their global operations. It covers operations of financial firms in mature as
well as emerging markets. Topics include an assessment of opportunities in foreign markets and difficulties that financial institutions
face when dealing with unfamiliar economic and political environments; unique operations and challenges in international markets
such as microfinance, international loans, project financing and assessment of political or sovereign risks, importance of global
regulation and governance and ethical issues associated with international operations within the financial services industry.
NOTE: Finance majors or minors may not take this course for credit toward their major or minor.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FINA 382 or 482, or for this topic under a FINA 455 or IBUS 471 number, may not
take this course for credit.
IBUS 462 (also listed as MARK 462)
Environment of World Business (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 210, 215; COMM 223 or 224. This is a foundation course in international business; the objective is to
present information which exposes the student to cultural, social, political, economic, legal, and financial environments in which
Canadian business executives manage their operations abroad. All students are encouraged to develop their own philosophy
towards international business activities by developing research and analytical skills in analyzing current and long‑term problems
perceived in different economic systems and environments. Specific topics include empirical dimensions of world economy,
economic development, international trade and investment patterns, regional economic co‑operation, area studies, Canadian
nationalism, and foreign investment in Canada.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MARK 462 may not take this course for credit.
Professor and Chair of the Department
LINDA DYER, PhD Carnegie Mellon University
STEVEN H. APPELBAUM, PhD University of Ottawa; Provost’s Distinction
KAMAL ARGHEYD, DBA Harvard University
KATHLEEN BOIES, PhD University of Western Ontario
STÉPHANE BRUTUS, PhD Bowling Green State University
MICK CARNEY, PhD University of Bradford
ISABELLE DOSTALER, PhD University of Cambridge
RONALD FERGUSON, PhD University of Michigan
MUHAMMAD JAMAL, PhD University of British Columbia
RICK MOLZ, PhD University of Massachusetts
ROBERT J. OPPENHEIMER, PhD University of Toronto
PAUL SHRIVASTAVA, PhD University of Pittsburgh
Associate Professors
ALEXANDRA DAWSON, PhD Bocconi University
MEHDI FARASHAHI, PhD Concordia University
TRACY HECHT, PhD University of Western Ontario
PETER JASKIEWICZ, DrRerPol European Business School, Germany
KAI LAMERTZ, PhD University of Toronto
RAYMOND PAQUIN, DBA Boston University School of Management
JISUN YU, PhD University of Minnesota
Assistant Professors
FRANÇOIS BASTIEN, PhD Concordia University
INGRID CHADWICK, PhD Queen’s University
YU‑PING CHEN, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Milwaukee
EHSAN DERAYATI, PhD Concordia University
GEORGIOS FARFARAS, PhD State University of New York at Buffalo
YOUNG‑CHUL JEONG, PhD University of Minnesota
SHANNON LLOYD, PhD Carnegie Mellon University
ROBERT NASON, PhD Syracuse University
RAJSHREE PRAKASH, PhD University of Alberta
AMIR SHOHAM, PhD Université de Montréal
Senior Lecturers
RONALD J. ABRAIRA, MBA Concordia University
FRANK CROOKS, LLB LLL University of Ottawa, MA Concordia University
TIM FIELD, MBA Concordia University
GUY BARBEAU, MBA University of Western Ontario
TONY BONGIORNO, PhD Concordia University
DANIELLE KER, MBA Concordia University
RABIH KHOURY, MSc University College London
Scholar in Residence
GILLIAN LEITHMAN, MSc Concordia University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 455
Sir George Williams Campus
MB Building, Room: 013‑115
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2924
Department Objectives
The 21st century requires citizens and organizational leaders who can motivate and work with people, manage the complexities of
organizations and their environments, and create wealth in a socially and ecologically sustainable manner. To prepare students for
the challenges set by these diverse forces, the Management Department provides a curriculum that reflects the multidisciplinary
nature of management and the interdependence among people, organizations, and society. Specific areas of study include
organizational behaviour, business strategy, human resource management, entrepreneurship, and business law. The Department
employs an applied pedagogy, focusing on experiential learning, case analysis, and oral and written reflections.
24 Major in Management
6 MANA 341, 420
18 Additional 300‑ or 400‑level credits offered by the Department; IBUS 492
12 Minor in Management
6 MANA 341, 420
6 Additional 300‑ or 400‑level credits offered by the Department
12 Minor in Entrepreneurship
12 Credits chosen from MANA 447, 451, 478, 480, 481, 482
The Management co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BComm program and are majoring in
Human Resource Management.
The academic content of the co‑op program is identical to that of the regular program, but three work terms are interspersed with
six study terms.
Students are supervised individually and must meet the requirements specified by both the John Molson School of Business and
the Institute for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers, and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Management co‑op
academic director and the co‑op committee.
Please refer to §24 of this Calendar for a full description of the co‑operative format of the program.
MANA 201 Introduction to Business and Management (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the basic principles of management within a contemporary business context. The managerial
process (e.g. planning, organizing, controlling, motivating) is explored in relation to issues such as ethical behaviour, the environment,
global and economic forces as well as political, legal, and cultural changes. In addition to using basic readings in management, the
course also relies on contemporary text from the newspaper and business publications to raise students’ awareness of contemporary
issues in business and develop the business knowledge and skills that will be applicable in their career.
NOTE: JMSB students may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MANA 266 or COMM 210 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students entering the BComm or BAdmin program as of September 2013 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
MANA 202 Human Behaviour in Organizations (3 credits)
This course seeks to give students an understanding of behaviour in the workplace from an individual, group, and organizational
perspective. Conceptual frameworks, case discussions, and self‑assessment tools complement the course material. Topics
include motivation, personality, job satisfaction, group dynamics, leadership skills, power and influence, managing change,
diversity, and organizational culture.
NOTE: JMSB students may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MANA 213 or COMM 222 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students entering the BComm or BAdmin program as of September 2013 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 457
analysis and interpretation, and the ethics of gathering information from human participants. Students evaluate the validity of
reports of management research, learn to exercise caution in accepting research conclusions, and get hands‑on experience with
basic research techniques.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
aspects and financing of real estate. This course may include topics such as land regulation, urban planning and environmental
issues associated with real estate development and management.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 459
MARKETING Section 61.100
Associate Professor and Chair of the Department
JOOSEOP LIM, PhD University of California, Irvine
Professors Emeriti
ULRIKE de BRENTANI, PhD McGill University
B. ZEKI GIDENGIL, PhD University of Bradford
CHRISTOPHER A. ROSS, PhD University of Western Ontario
BRYAN BARBIERI, MBA Columbia University
B. KEMAL BÜYÜKKURT, PhD Indiana University
BIANCA GROHMANN, PhD Washington State University
MICHEL LAROCHE, PhD Columbia University; Provost’s Distinction
MICHELE PAULIN, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal
LEA PREVEL KATSANIS, PhD George Washington University
GAD SAAD, PhD Cornell University
MRUGANK V. THAKOR, PhD Indiana State University
Associate Professors
ZEYNEP ARSEL, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison
ONUR H. BODUR, PhD Virginia State University
JORDAN LE BEL, PhD McGill University; Provost’s Distinction
TIESHAN LI, PhD University of British Columbia
DARLENE WALSH, PhD University of Toronto
Assistant Professors
AIDA FABER, PhD McGill University
OHJIN KWON, PhD University of Southern California
S.M. REZA NASSERZADEH, PhD University of Tehran
CAROLINE ROUX, PhD Northwestern University
KAMILA SOBOL, PhD York University
Senior Lecturer
HAROLD SIMPKINS, MBA Concordia University
PHILIPPE COLAS, MBA Queen’s University
IMAN EL MENIAWY, MBA University of Saskatchewan
PIERRE FOURNIER, MBA École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers
STEPHEN LAING, MBA Concordia University
ANNA MARGULIS, MInfTech Université du Québec à Montréal
RALPH NOBEL, MBA McGill University
AELA SALMAN, MSc Concordia University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
MB Building, Room: 013‑207
514‑848‑2424, ext. 2952
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Department Objectives
The Marketing Department seeks to cultivate in each student the skills and perspectives essential for effective and responsible
marketing. Emphasis is on creating marketing strategies and plans based on a thorough understanding of consumer and industrial
buying behaviour.
The Department is committed to fostering a dynamic entrepreneurial orientation together with an appreciation of the essence,
importance, and potential power of marketing.
24 Major in Marketing
12 MARK 301, 302, 305, 495
12 additional MARK credits
12 Minor in Marketing
6 MARK 302, 305
6 additional MARK credits
The Marketing co‑operative program is offered to students who are enrolled in the BComm program and are majoring in Marketing.
The academic content of the co‑op program is identical to that of the regular program, but three work terms are interspersed with
six study terms.
Students are supervised individually and must meet the requirements specified by both the John Molson School of Business and
the Institute for Co‑operative Education in order to continue their studies in the co‑op format.
Liaison between the student, the employers, and the Institute for Co‑operative Education is provided by the Marketing co‑op
academic director and the co‑op committee.
Please refer to §24 of this Calendar for a full description of the co‑operative format of the program.
The Department strongly recommends that students take MARK 302 and 305 before enrolling in Marketing courses at the 400 level.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 461
MARK 451 Marketing of Services (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 223 or 224 or MARK 201. This course explores the challenges of providing outstanding customer service and
becoming a recognized service leader in any given industry. Through lectures, discussions, situation analyses, field studies, and
reports, students come to: 1) understand the strategic importance of services, 2) develop a service management mindset, 3) master
the key elements of services marketing, 4) learn to manage the service delivery processes, 5) appreciate the significance of a
customer‑focus in service delivery, 6) recognize the challenges of sustainable moments of truth, and 7) adopt customer‑centric
managerial approaches to achieve better business performance through service excellence.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a MARK 491 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
MARK 463 Retailing (3 credits)
Prerequisite: COMM 223 or 224 or MARK 201. This course seeks to apply the theories of marketing and administration to the
retail situation. Topics covered include site selection for single and multi‑unit retail outlets, organizing and staffing the retail
operation, the wholesaler‑retailer relationship, consumer behaviour in the retail situation. The impact of such new developments
as consumer co‑operatives, franchising, discounting, and computer technology on the future of retailing is also considered.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 463
ADMI 201 Introduction to Administration (Administered by the Finance Department) (3 credits)
This course is intended to develop a basic understanding of the role of administration in our society. The course includes a survey
of different forms of organizations, their social and legal responsibilities, and how they function to achieve their goals.
NOTE: JMSB students may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: This course does not count towards the requirements for the Minor in Business Studies.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
This section lists multidisciplinary programs that are not listed in other parts of §61 of this Calendar.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to this program must satisfy the general admission requirements stated in §13.3 of this Calendar. The specific admission
requirements are listed in the Undergraduate Program Guide and on the Concordia website.
30 Certificate in Foundations for Business
12 ECON 201, 203; MATH 208, 209
18 ACCO 230; BTM 200; COMM 215; FINA 230; MANA 201; MARK 201
NOTE: In the event that a student is awarded an exemption from a required course, it will be necessary for the student to replace
that course with another relevant to the program, chosen in consultation with an academic advisor.
Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements
There are many organizations within the business community designed to serve the needs of people working in specialized areas
of business. These organizations recognize that the educational qualifications of those seeking membership must be continually
upgraded. Therefore, they sponsor an academic certificate which may be obtained through correspondence courses, or through
a lecture program.
The John Molson School of Business co‑operates with these business organizations by permitting personnel to register as Visiting
students, and to take courses leading to a certificate to be awarded by the organization concerned.
Students must comply with the University regulations regarding dates of application and Visiting Business student entrance
requirements as outlined in the Academic Calendar §11. In addition, they must meet the requirements of the specific organization.
The credit courses taken may be applied towards the BComm degree, provided the student meets the admission requirements
and wishes to transfer from Visiting Business status to undergraduate status after completing a certificate program. Students are
advised that they must meet the BComm curriculum requirements in force at the date of transfer.
The main purpose of the Certificate in Accountancy is to help students who have completed a bachelor’s degree in a field other
than Accountancy to complete coursework that may qualify students for entry to the Graduate Diploma in Chartered Professional
Accountancy program. Students may transfer into the certificate program up to 12 credits earned in an incomplete degree or
certificate program or as an Independent student, provided they are students in good standing. The credits that may be so
transferred are determined by the University at the point of entry into the program.
Admission Requirements
a) Bachelor’s degree
b) MATH 208, 209; ECON 201, 203; BTM 200; COMM 217, 305
30 Certificate in Accountancy
18 ACCO 310, 320, 330, 340, 360, 420
12 additional credits from the John Molson School of Business that are needed to satisfy some of the requirements of the
CPA designation.
The John Molson School of Business offers a Diploma in Chartered Professional Accountancy. Entry into the program normally
requires an undergraduate degree in Commerce, and a Major in Accountancy with high academic standing. Applicants lacking an
appropriate pattern of undergraduate work will be required to successfully complete certain qualifying courses, as assigned by the
director of the program and the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants of Quebec. For further details, refer to the Graduate
Calendar of Concordia’s School of Graduate Studies.
Professional (CHRP)
Effective January 2016, students who complete the requirements for the 30‑credit Major in Human Resource Management are
considered to have met the educational requirements for the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation.
Information about the CHRP certification is available at
Section 71
AMIR ASIF, PhD Carnegie Mellon University, PEng
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 002.139; 514‑848‑2424, ext. 3109
Student Academic Services, Room: EV 002.125; 514‑848‑2424, ext. 3055
Mission Statement
The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science is dedicated to providing high‑quality and comprehensive undergraduate and
graduate curricula, to promoting high‑calibre research, and to the development of the profession of engineering and computer
science in an ethical and socially responsible manner. We strive to prepare graduates to solve real world problems with excellent
professional skills leading to superior career opportunities.
1. BEng degrees in Aerospace, Building, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical, and Software Engineering.
2. BCompSc degree.
3. Minor in Computer Science.
4. Certificate in Science and Technology.
The requirements for the programs are different, and the appropriate section in the following pages must be consulted for each.
Cegep Profile
Mathematics 201 —
103 or NYA, 105 or NYC, 203 or NYB
Physics 203 —
101 or NYA, 201 or NYB
Chemistry 202 —
101 or NYA
2. BCompSc (Computer Applications, Computation Arts, Computer Games, Information Systems, Mathematics and
Statistics, Software Systems, and Web Services and Applications Options; and Minor in Computer Science)
Applications from graduates of Cegep technology programs will also be considered. Program requirements for successful
applicants will be determined on an individual basis.
Admission requirements are listed in §14.
Assessable courses: all record entries of courses listed in this Concordia Calendar for which a grade point value is specified in
§16.1.11. However, any course which is a requirement for admission to a program offered by the Faculty of Engineering and
Computer Science will not be counted unless specifically listed on the student’s admission letter.
Dean’s Office: appropriate member of the Dean’s Office, normally the Associate Dean, Student Academic Services.
Program of Study: course requirements in effect at the time of the latest admission or readmission to a program, for example,
BEng (Civil) or BCompSc (Information Systems), including modifications on an individual basis as specified or approved in writing
by the Dean’s Office, or the Student Request Committee of Faculty Council.
Grade Points: as defined in §16.1.11 of this Calendar.
Assessment Grade Point Average (AGPA): as defined in §16.3.10 of this Calendar.
Academic Year: a period which begins with a summer session followed by a regular session (fall and winter).
The objectives of these regulations are:
a) to ensure that the Faculty can certify that all of its graduates are qualified to enter their profession, and
b) to ensure that students can, with the assistance or intervention of the Faculty, assess themselves objectively and plan
programs of study designed to meet their individual needs.
1. Students’ standings are assessed at the end of each academic year providing they have attempted at least 12 credits
subsequent to their previous assessment, or in the case of a first assessment, subsequent to their admission to a program
of study.
Standings of students who have attempted less than 12 credits since their last assessment are assessed as follows:
a) The standings of potential graduates are determined on the basis that these credits constitute an extension of the last
assessment period.
b) The standings of other students are determined at the end of the academic year in which they have attempted a total of at
least 12 credits since their last assessment.
2. Students’ standings are determined according to the following criteria.
Acceptable Standing:
An AGPA of at least 2.00 for the assessment period.
Students in acceptable standing may proceed subject to the following conditions: any failing grade must be cleared by repeating
and passing the failed course; or in the case of an elective, by replacing the failed course by an alternative within the same group
of electives and passing this course. Any variation must be approved by the Dean’s Office.
Conditional Standing:
An AGPA of at least 1.50 but less than 2.00 for the assessment period.
Students in conditional standing may proceed subject to the following conditions.
a) They must successfully repeat all courses in which failing grades were obtained, or replace them by alternatives approved
by the appropriate member of the Dean’s Office in consultation with the student’s department.
b) They must repeat or replace by approved alternatives at least one‑half of those courses in which they obtained grades in the “D”
range. The specific courses to be repeated will be determined by the Dean’s Office in consultation with the student’s department.
c) A grade of C- or better must be obtained in courses specified in a) and b) in order to graduate.
d) Courses to be taken may be specified by the Dean’s Office. In no case will the number of credits exceed 15 per term for
full‑time students and seven and a half per term for part‑time students.
e) They must obtain acceptable standing at the time of their next assessment.
Failed Standing:
Failure to meet the criteria for acceptable or conditional standing, or remaining in conditional standing for two consecutive
Failed students may apply for readmission through the Dean’s Office – Student Academic Services. If readmitted, they will be
placed on academic probation. The Application for Readmission form is available in the Student Academic Services Office or can
be obtained from the Student Academic Services website located at:
Full consideration will be given to all applications that have been received by the deadline indicated on the Application for
Readmission form. Every attempt will be made to inform students regarding the status of their application by August 1 of each
Students who are in failed standing and have been absent from their program for nine consecutive terms should refer to §71.10.4
since a new application for admission is required.
No students will be readmitted for the winter term or summer session.
Readmitted students are subject to the following regulations:
a) They must successfully repeat all courses in which failing grades were obtained, or replace them by alternative courses
approved by the appropriate member of the Dean’s Office in consultation with the relevant Department.
b) They must repeat or replace, by approved alternatives, all of the courses in which they obtained grades in the “D” range for
the academic year in which they were assessed as failed, and any previous outstanding repeats. The specific courses to be
repeated will be determined by the Dean’s Office.
c) A grade of C- or better must be obtained in courses specified in a) and b) in order to graduate.
d) They must successfully complete all courses they are required to repeat prior to further registration in other courses.
e) They must return to acceptable standing at the time of their next assessment.
f) Other conditions may be applied as deemed appropriate by the Dean’s Office.
Supplemental Examinations
Students may apply to write a supplemental examination by submitting a Student Request form if they meet the conditions listed
below; however, meeting the conditions does not guarantee approval of the request. Supplemental examinations must be passed
with a minimum grade of C- in order to graduate. Granting a supplemental exam will be considered if all of the following conditions
are met:
a) Students are in acceptable academic standing. Students in conditional or failed standing (see Regulations for Failed
Students and Students in Conditional Standing) may not write a supplemental examination.
b) The grade for the course is not “R” or “NR,” and there is no grade notation “DNW” or “PEND.”
c) Students have not previously written a supplemental examination for any course. Only one supplemental examination will be
granted over a student’s career in a particular program in the Faculty.
1. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have successfully completed all prerequisites to a course before attempting
to register for the course.
2. Students must complete all 200‑level courses required for their program before registering for any 400‑level courses.
3. All 200‑level courses within the program which are prerequisites for other courses must be completed with a C‑ or higher.
A 200‑level course in which a student has obtained a D+ or lower must be repeated before attempting a course for which it
is a prerequisite.
4. The Faculty reserves the right to withdraw a student who has registered for a course without satisfactorily completing all
Students accepted to the Institute are selected from among the top second‑ and third‑year undergraduate students in the Faculty
of Engineering and Computer Science, and work on collaborative design and research projects over several terms of Engineering
studies. Students are supervised by Concordia faculty members and receive mentoring from industry representatives working in
the field. Eligible projects are credited by the Faculty as capstone design projects.
Students accepted to the Institute register in one or two zero‑credit courses, IADI 301 and 401, in order to remain affiliated with
CIADI. A pass or fail is awarded for these courses. Students who receive a pass for IADI 301 may continue in CIADI. Students
who successfully complete one or both courses, IADI 301 and 401, will be recognized as full members of the Institute and this
recognition will also appear on their official transcript. Students who successfully complete both IADI 301 and 401 will also have
this recognition appear on their diploma. Students who fail IADI 301 will not be allowed to continue with CIADI and shall receive
no acknowledgement of this activity on their official transcript.
71.20 BENG
71.20.1 Curriculum for the Degree of BEng
The University offers programs leading to the degree of BEng in the fields of Aerospace, Building, Civil, Computer, Electrical,
Industrial, Mechanical, and Software Engineering.
The BEng degrees in Aerospace, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical and Software Engineering require completion of
a minimum of 120 credits. The BEng degrees in Building and Civil Engineering require completion of a minimum of 119 credits.
Students in the Extended Credit Program (ECP) or the Mature Entry Program (MEP) (see §14.2.3) or any other students who
have been assigned credits in Humanities and Social Sciences must select those credits from the two corresponding lists in
§71.110. Those credits cannot be chosen from the list of Other Complementary Studies.
Admission Requirements
Students who have a DEC or satisfy out‑of‑province (see §13.3.2) or international (see §13.3.6) admissions criteria may be
considered for admission, based on their academic profile, age, experience and potential.
Independent students wishing to enter the certificate program must be in good standing. Students may transfer up to 12 credits
into the certificate program. The credits that may be so transferred are determined by the University at the point of entry into
the program. Programs for individual students can be designed in consultation with an academic advisor at Student Academic
*Students cannot receive credits for both BLDG 212 and CIVI 212; COMP 228 and SOEN 228; COEN 231 and COMP 232;
COEN 243 and COMP 248; COEN 243 and MECH 215; COMP 248 and MECH 215.
WILLIAM E. LYNCH, PhD Princeton University, ing.; Professor
Associate Chair
AMIR G. AGHDAM, PhD University of Toronto, PEng; Professor, Provost’s Distinction
ANJALI AGARWAL, PhD Concordia University, PEng
M. OMAIR AHMAD, PhD Concordia University, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
OTMANE AIT MOHAMED, PhD Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy I, ing.
AMIR ASIF, PhD Carnegie Mellon University, PEng
HABIB BENALI, PhD Rennes I University
WALAA HAMOUDA, PhD Queen’s University, PEng
MOJTABA KAHRIZI, PhD Concordia University, ing.
FERHAT KHENDEK, PhD Université de Montréal, ing.
KHASHAYAR KHORASANI, PhD University of Illinois, PEng
AHMED A. KISHK, PhD University of Manitoba; Provost’s Distinction
LUIZ A. LOPES, PhD McGill University, ing.
MUSTAFA K. MEHMET ALI, PhD Carleton University, PEng
ROBERT PAKNYS, PhD Ohio State University, ing.
PRAGASEN PILLAY, PhD Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
RABIN RAUT, PhD Concordia University, PEng
LUIS RODRIGUES, PhD Stanford University, PEng
ABDEL R. SEBAK, PhD University of Manitoba, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
RASTKO R. SELMIC, PhD University of Texas at Arlington
YOUSEF R. SHAYAN, PhD Concordia University, PEng
MOHAMMED REZA SOLEYMANI, PhD Concordia University, ing.
SOFIÈNE TAHAR, PhD University of Karlsruhe, ing.
CHRISTOPHER W. TRUEMAN, PhD McGill University, ing.
CHUNYAN WANG, PhD Université Paris Sud, ing.
JOHN X. ZHANG, PhD Technical University of Denmark, PEng
WEIPING ZHU, PhD Southeast University, PEng
Research Professor
M.N.S. SWAMY, PhD University of Saskatchewan, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
Professors Emeriti
AHMED K. ELHAKEEM, PhD Southern Methodist University, PEng
J. CHARLES GIGUÈRE, PhD Nova Scotia Technical College
KRISHNAIYAN THULASIRAMAN, PhD Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Associate Professors
MARIA AMER, PhD Université du Québec, ing.
GLENN COWAN, PhD Columbia University, PEng
ABDELWAHAB HAMOU‑LHADJ, PhD University of Ottawa, ing.
SHAHIN HASHTRUDI ZAD, PhD University of Toronto, PEng
M. ZAHANGIR KABIR, PhD University of Saskatchewan, PEng
NAWWAF N. KHARMA, PhD University of London, PEng
YAN LIU, PhD University of Sydney, PEng
Assistant Professors
HASSAN RIVAZ, PhD Johns Hopkins University
STEVE SHIH, PhD University of Toronto
KRZYSZTOF SKONIECZNY, PhD Carnegie Mellon University
Affiliate Professors
RAJEEV AGARWAL, PhD Concordia University
TAYEB A. DENIDNI, PhD Université Laval
ALI GHRAYEB, PhD University of Arizona
JIAREN LIU, PhD East-China Institute of Technology
ZHENGUO LU, PhD Zhongshan University
MARIA TOEROE, PhD Technical University of Budapest
YEGUI XIAO, PhD Hiroshima University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 005.139
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3100
Department Objectives
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers three distinct undergraduate programs: BEng in Electrical
Engineering, BEng in Computer Engineering, and BEng in Aerospace Engineering.
Electrical Engineering is concerned primarily with energy and information, their conversion and transmission in the most efficient
and reliable manner. This vast field of endeavour includes many specialties and electrical engineers may be involved in one or
more of these throughout their careers. A partial list includes electronics, integrated circuit design, very large scale integrated
(VLSI) circuit design, layout and testing, controls, robotics, system simulation, telecommunications, signal processing, computer
hardware design, software design, power devices, power and control systems, electromechanical systems, micro electromechanical
devices, electromagnetics, antennas, waveguides, lasers, and optoelectronics.
Computer Engineering is the driving force of the information revolution and its transformation of society. Over the course of their
careers, computer engineers will be called upon to meet a number of challenges, most of which cannot be imagined today. A
*Note: ELEC 430, 432, 434, 436, and 438 are usually offered in the French language.
B. Electronics/VLSI Credits
*Note: ELEC 430, 432, 434, 436, and 438 are usually offered in the French language.
Other Credits
A. Hardware/Electronics/VLSI Credits
G. Avionics Credits
Other Credits
MARTIN D. PUGH, PhD University of Leeds, PEng; Professor, Provost’s Distinction
Associate Chair
MING YUAN CHEN, PhD University of Manitoba, APEGS; Professor
A.K. WAIZUDDIN AHMED, PhD Concordia University, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
ALI AKGUNDUZ, PhD University of Illinois at Chicago, PEng
RAMA B. BHAT, PhD Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
NADIA BHUIYAN, PhD McGill University, ing.
AKIF ASIL BULGAK, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison, PEng
ZEZHONG CHEN, PhD University of Victoria, PEng
JAVAD DARGAHI, PhD Caledonian University (U.K.), PEng
KUDRET DEMIRLI, PhD University of Toronto, PEng
ALI DOLATABADI, PhD University of Toronto, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
ROBIN A.L. DREW, PhD University of Newcastle upon Tyne, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
M. NABIL ESMAIL, PhD Moscow State University, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
RAJAMOHAN GANESAN, PhD Indian Institute of Science, PEng
GERARD J. GOUW, PhD Queen’s University, ing.
SUONG VAN HOA, PhD University of Toronto, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
MAMOUN MEDRAJ, PhD McGill University, PEng
CHRISTIAN MOREAU, PhD Université Laval
SIVAKUMAR R. NARAYANSWAMY, PhD Nanyang Technological University, PEng
HOI DICK NG, PhD McGill University, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
MUTHUKUMARAN PACKIRISAMY, PhD Concordia University, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
MARIUS PARASCHIVOIU, PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
SUBHASH RAKHEJA, PhD Concordia University; Provost’s Distinction
RAMIN SEDAGHATI, PhD University of Victoria, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
ION STIHARU, PhD Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
CHUN‑YI SU, PhD South China University of Technology
GEORGIOS H. VATISTAS, PhD Concordia University; Provost’s Distinction
WENFANG XIE, PhD Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PEng
YOUMIN ZHANG, PhD Northwestern Polytechnical University
Professors Emeriti
WAHID S. GHALY, PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ing.
VOJISLAV N. LATINOVIC, DEng Concordia University
Associate Professors
IVAN CONTRERAS, PhD Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
BRANDON W. GORDON, PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology, APEGGA
MEHDI HOJJATI, PhD Concordia University, PEng
HENRY HONG, PhD Concordia University, ing.
AYHAN INCE, PhD University of Waterloo, PEng
LYES KADEM, PhD Université d’Aix‑Marseille II/Université Laval, ing.
Assistant Professors
IDA KARIMFAZLI, PhD University of British Columbia
MOJTABA KHEIRI, PhD McGill University
CHARLES BASENGA KIYANDA, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign, ing.
TSZ HO KWOK, PhD Chinese University of Hong Kong
DARIA TEREKHOV, PhD University of Toronto
BRIAN VERMEIRE, PhD McGill University
Affiliate Professors
FARHAD AGHILI, PhD McGill University
PAUL‑ÉMILE BOILEAU, PhD Concordia University
ELMAR BONACCURSO, PhD University of Mainz and University of Siegen
DOMINIQUE DEROME, PhD Concordia University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Department Objectives
The Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering offers three distinct undergraduate programs: BEng in
Mechanical Engineering, BEng in Industrial Engineering and BEng in Aerospace Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering is concerned with all forms of power generation (hydro‑electric, steam, internal combustion, nuclear, jet
rocket, and fuel cells), the design of mechanisms and machines, transportation systems, controls and automation, vibration analysis,
environmental control (heating, ventilation, and refrigeration), materials handling, and precision measurement. The Mechanical
Engineering curriculum consists of a combination of core courses with a series of technical electives that allow students to obtain
some specialization in a particular area of the field depending on their interests and expected future professional activity. Current
groups of electives include: Aerospace, Design and Manufacturing, Systems and Mechatronics, Thermo-Fluids and Propulsion,
Vehicle Systems and Stress Analysis.
Industrial Engineering is concerned with the design, organization, analysis, and integration of people and industrial systems
components in order to achieve or enhance effectiveness. These components include whole machines, transportation and
conveyance elements, physical plant, organizational frameworks, schedules, and budgets. The Industrial Engineering curriculum
is therefore designed to give students the background needed to define and solve problems related to the conception, improvement,
integration, and implementation of industrial systems.
The Aerospace Engineering program is offered jointly with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The detailed
description of this program can be found in §71.55.
A. Aerospace Credits
Students must complete a minimum of 17.25 credits from the following courses, including at least three INDU courses and with no
more than two of the courses marked *. With permission of the Department, students may take one technical elective course from
another program or Faculty.
BSTA 478* Data Mining Techniques 3.00
BTM 430* Enterprise Resource Planning and
Information Technology Integration 3.00
BTM 480* Project Management 3.00
ENGR 361 Fluid Mechanics I 3.00
ENGR 411 Special Technical Report 1.00
ENGR 412 Honours Research Project 3.00
INDU 410 Safety Engineering 3.00
INDU 440 Product Design and Development 3.00
INDU 441 Introduction to Six Sigma 3.00
INDU 466 Decision Models in Service Sector 3.00
INDU 475 Advanced Concepts in Quality Improvement 3.00
INDU 480 Cases in Industrial Engineering 3.00
INDU 498 Topics in Industrial Engineering 3.00
MANA 300* Entrepreneurship: Launching Your Business 3.00
MECH 321 Properties and Failure of Materials 3.50
MECH 370 Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems 3.50
MECH 371 Analysis and Design of Control Systems 3.75
MECH 412 Computer‑Aided Mechanical Design 3.50
MECH 415 Advanced Programming for Mechanical and Industrial Engineers 3.00
MECH 421 Mechanical Shaping of Metals and Plastics 3.50
MECH 423 Casting, Welding, Heat Treating and Non‑Destructive Testing 3.50
MECH 425 Manufacturing of Composites 3.50
ASHUTOSH BAGCHI, PhD Carleton University, PEng; Professor
Associate Chair
ZHI CHEN, PhD University of Regina, APEGS; Professor
HASHEM AKBARI, PhD University of California, Berkeley
ANDREAS K. ATHIENITIS, PhD University of Waterloo, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
MARIA ELEKTOROWICZ, PhD Warsaw Technical University, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
KHALED GALAL, PhD McMaster University, PEng
KINH H. HA, DEng Sir George Williams University, ing.
FARIBORZ HAGHIGHAT, PhD University of Waterloo, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
ADEL M. HANNA, PhD Technical University of Nova Scotia, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
SAMUEL LI, PhD Norwegian Institute of Technology, APEG (B.C.)
OSAMA MOSELHI, PhD Concordia University, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
CATHERINE MULLIGAN, PhD McGill University, ing.
THEODORE STATHOPOULOS, PhD University of Western Ontario, ing.; Provost’s Distinction
MOHAMMED ZAHEERUDDIN, PhD University of Alberta, PEng
TAREK ZAYED, PhD Purdue University, PEng
RADU G. ZMEUREANU, PhD Concordia University, ing.
Professors Emeriti
SABAH TOMA ALKASS, PhD Loughborough University, PEng; Provost’s Distinction
BALA ASHTAKALA, PhD University of Waterloo
HORMOZ B. POOROOSHASB, PhD University of Cambridge
Associate Professors
CIPRIAN ALECSANDRU, PhD Louisiana State University, PEng
LUIS AMADOR, PhD University of New Brunswick, PEng
ANJAN BHOWMICK, PhD University of Alberta, APPEGA
HUA GE, PhD Concordia University, APEG (B.C.)
LAN LIN, PhD University of Ottawa
MICHELLE NOKKEN, PhD University of Toronto, PEng
MD. SAIFUR RAHAMAN, PhD University of British Columbia
LUCIA TIRCA, PhD Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, ing.
LIANGZHU WANG, PhD Purdue University
ZHENHUA ZHU, PhD Georgia Institute of Technology
ATTILA M. ZSAKI, PhD University of Toronto, PEng
Assistant Professors
CHUNJIANG AN, PhD University of Regina, APEGS
SANG HYEOK HAN, PhD University of Alberta
BRUNO LEE, PhD Eindhoven University of Technology
JOONHEE LEE, PhD University of Nebraska
BIAO LI, PhD University of Calgary
FUZHAN NASIRI, PhD University of Regina
ALI NAZEMI, PhD University of Birmingham
MAZDAK NIK‑BAKHT, PhD University of Toronto
AHMED SOLIMAN, PhD Western University, PEng
Affiliate Professor
ROBERT REIMERS, PhD Vanderbilt University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 006.139
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3200
514‑848‑2424, ext. 7800
Building Engineering, as a discipline, encompasses the body of knowledge which pertains to all phases in the life‑cycle of a
constructed facility, namely conception, planning, design, construction, operation, and disposal.
Concordia has a unique undergraduate program leading to a BEng in Building Engineering designed to meet the needs of the
construction industry for engineers familiar with the overall design of built facilities.
In addition to the basic engineering sciences, the program emphasizes the fundamentals of building materials, structural analysis
and design, building services (acoustical, heating, lighting, air conditioning), economics, and project management. The student
also has available certain electives which will be of use in the design of various phases of a building.
Students who complete all but one of their 200‑ and 300‑level courses with a sufficiently high standing may apply through the
Associate Dean, Student Academic Services to enter a combined program leading to the joint award of both a BEng and an
MEng degree in Building Engineering. It is expected that those who aspire to leadership roles within the building industry will
enter such a combined program. The combined program requires a further 12 months of full‑time study, after which graduates
will not only have obtained further grounding in the basics, but will also have specialized in one of four branches: Building Science,
Building Environment, Building Structures, Construction Management. For details of the graduate component, refer to the School
of Graduate Studies Calendar.
Undergraduate Program Director
MAMOUN MEDRAJ, PhD McGill University, PEng; Professor
The Aerospace Engineering program is offered jointly by the Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering and
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. For a complete list of faculty members, please consult the Departments’
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 004.139
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3125
Program Objectives
Aerospace Engineering is concerned with the engineering science governing flight and the design and construction of aircraft
and spacecraft. This includes the mechanisms behind flight and propulsion in the atmosphere and space including aerodynamics,
lift and drag as well as the design and control of aircraft such as airplanes, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and
rockets. The Aerospace Engineering curriculum comprises fundamental engineering courses followed by technical electives which
allow students to obtain some specialization in a particular area of the field depending on their interests and expected future
professional activity. Three options are available: Aerodynamics and Propulsion; Aerospace Structures and Materials; and Avionics
and Aerospace Systems.
Aerodynamics and Propulsion is strongly related to the “flying” aspect of aircraft and includes topics such as aerodynamics, gas
dynamics, aerospace vehicle performance, turbo‑machinery and propulsion. Aerospace Structures and Materials is related to
the design and manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft and includes topics such as aircraft stress analysis, aeroelasticity and
vibrations, composite materials and aircraft design. Avionics and Aerospace Systems has significant electrical and computer
engineering content in order to provide the necessary background for the avionics and systems engineering required to control
modern aircraft and includes topics such as avionic navigation systems, communication networks, spacecraft mission design and
flight control systems.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 497
1. Option A — Aerodynamics and Propulsion
Students must complete the following compulsory courses from the Option Core and at least 9.5 credits from the Option Electives,
with no more than one of the courses marked *. Students having a GPA of 3.0 or more may submit a request to take a graduate
course as an elective.
Option A Core Credits
AERO 446 Aerospace Vehicle Performance 3.00
AERO 455 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Aerospace Applications 3.75
AERO 462 Turbomachinery and Propulsion 3.00
AERO 464 Aerodynamics 3.00
AERO 465 Gas Turbine Design 3.50
AERO 481 Materials Engineering for Aerospace 3.50
ENGR 311 Transform Calculus and Partial Differential Equations 3.00
MECH 211 Mechanical Engineering Drawing 3.50
MECH 215 Programming for Mechanical and Industrial Engineers 3.50
MECH 221 Materials Science 3.00
MECH 343 Theory of Machines 3.50
MECH 351 Thermodynamics II 3.50
MECH 352 Heat Transfer I 3.50
MECH 361 Fluid Mechanics II 3.50
MECH 461 Gas Dynamics 3.50
Option A Electives Credits
AERO 431 Principles of Aeroelasticity 3.00
AERO 444 Concurrent Engineering in Aerospace Systems 3.00
AERO 480 Flight Control Systems 3.50
AERO 482 Avionic Navigation Systems 3.00
AERO 485 Introduction to Space Systems 3.00
AERO 486* Aircraft Stress Analysis 3.00
ENGR 412 Honours Research Project 3.00
INDU 372 Quality Control and Reliability 3.00
MECH 368 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers 3.50
MECH 375* Mechanical Vibrations 3.50
MECH 411 Instrumentation and Measurements 3.50
MECH 426* Stress and Failure Analysis of Machinery 3.00
MECH 452 Heat Transfer II 3.50
MECH 453 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems 3.00
MECH 460* Finite Element Analysis 3.75
MECH 463 Fluid Power Control 3.50
MECH 498 Topics in Mechanical Engineering 3.00
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 499
ENCS 393 Social and Ethical Dimensions of Information and Communication Technologies (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ENCS 282; 40 credits in BCompSc program. Ethics in an information society; surveillance and privacy; economic
globalization and intellectual property in a digital world: the digital divide; computer‑based profiling and hacking; electronic
democracy; computer‑mediated experience; and information productivity and the work/life balance. Lectures: three hours per week.
ENCS 483 Creativity, Innovation and Critical Thinking in Science and Technology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Minimum of 60 credits in an engineering program or minimum of 45 credits in a non‑engineering program.
Understanding, thinking, arguing, and creativity in science and technology; analyzing and critiquing complex problems using
multidisciplinary theories of creativity; exploring the processes of invention and innovation and their impact on economics,
popular media, and social and cultural structures; case studies of why some inventions fail and others succeed. Students will
be evaluated on case studies, assignments, and a project. Lectures: three hours per week.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ENCS 283 may not take this course for credit.
ENGR 108 Engineering Industrial Experience Reflective Learning I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Permission of the Faculty. This course is a reflective learning module for students in their related field which is based
on their academic requirements and their first industrial experience.
AERO 201 Introduction to Flight and Aerospace Systems (4 credits)
Prerequisite: ENGR 213; ENGR 233 previously or concurrently. Introduction to flight vehicles in the atmosphere and in space;
elements of aerodynamics, airfoils and wings; aerospace technologies including structures, materials and propulsion systems;
elements of aircraft performance; basic principles of flight stability, control and systems integration; aspects of aircraft conceptual
design. Lectures: three hours per week. Laboratory: four hours per week, alternate weeks.
BLDG 212 Building Engineering Drawing and Introduction to Design (3 credits)
Fundamentals of technical drawing, dimensioning practices, orthographic projections, auxiliary and sectional views of buildings.
Theory and applications of descriptive geometry in building design. Computer‑aided building drawing. Building sub‑systems
and related graphics standards; architectural and building engineering drawing at preliminary and final stages. Introduction to
the design of light‑frame buildings. Project: representation of a building and its sub‑systems. Introduction to conceptual design.
Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: two hours per week.
BLDG 341 Building Engineering Systems (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BCEE 231 previously or concurrently. Introduction to systematic solution of building engineering problems.
Techniques treated include linear programming, network analysis, nonlinear programming. Introduction to decision analysis and
simulation. Application of optimization methods for solution of design problems in building science, building environment, building
structures, and construction management, taking into account sustainability issues. Lectures: three hours per week.
CIVI 212 Civil Engineering Drawing and Introduction to Design (3 credits)
Fundamentals of technical drawing, orthographic projections, sectional views. Computer‑aided drawing; slabs, beams, and
columns; steel structures; building trusses and bridges, wood and masonry structures. Working drawing and dimensioning
practice. Introduction to the design process. Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: two hours per week.
COEN 212 Digital Systems Design I (3.5 credits)
Prerequisite: MATH 204 (Cegep Mathematics 105). Modulo arithmetic: representations of numbers in binary, octal and hexadecimal
formats; binary arithmetic. Boolean algebra; theorems and properties, functions, canonical and standard forms. Logic gates and
their use in the realization of Boolean algebra statements; logic minimization, multiple output circuits. Designing with MSI and LSI
chips, decoders, multiplexers, adders, multipliers, programmable logic devices. Introduction to sequential circuits; flip‑flops.
Completely specified sequential machines. Machine equivalence and minimization. Implementation of clock mode sequential
circuits. Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: two hours per week. Laboratory: 15 hours total.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for COEN 312 may not take this course for credit.
ELEC 242 Continuous‑Time Signals and Systems (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ELEC 273; ENGR 213. Continuous‑time signals. Properties of continuous‑time systems. Linear Time Invariant (LTI)
systems. Impulse response and convolution. Systems based on linear constant‑coefficient differential equations. Fourier series
representation of periodic signals. The Fourier transform representation of signals and systems. Inverse Fourier transform.
Laplace Transform. Inverse Laplace Transform. Unilateral Laplace Transform. Natural and forced responses of linear differential
equations. Transfer function and block diagram representation of LTI systems. Time and frequency domain characteristics of ideal
and non‑ideal filters. Amplitude modulation and demodulation. Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: two hours per week.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ELEC 264 may not take this course for credit.
ELEC 439 Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power System Design and Control (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ELEC 331. Introduction to Electric Vehicles (EV), Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV). Vehicle design fundamentals.
Traction motors for EV/HEV propulsion. On‑board energy sources and storage devices: high‑voltage traction batteries, fuel cells,
ultra‑capacitors, flywheels. Power electronic converters and control. Various EV/HEV/Fuel Cell Vehicle topologies and modelling.
Energy management strategies. Practical design considerations. Engineering impact of electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell
vehicles. Lectures: three hours per week.
INDU 211 Introduction to Production and Manufacturing Systems (3 credits)
History of industrial engineering. Role of industrial engineers. Types of manufacturing and production systems. Material flow
systems. Job design and work measurement. Introduction to solution methodologies for problems which relate to the design and
operation of integrated production systems of humans, machines, information, and materials. Lectures: three hours per week.
Tutorial: one hour per week.
MECH 423 Casting, Welding, Heat Treating, and Non‑Destructive Testing (3.5 credits)
Prerequisite: MECH 221. Comparative analysis of the various techniques of casting, welding, powder fabrication, finishing, and
non‑destructive testing. Consideration of the control parameters that are essential to define both automation and robot application.
Materials behaviour which determines product micro‑structure and properties. Technology and theory of solidification, normalizing,
quenching, surface hardening, tempering, aging, and thermomechanical processing for steels, cast irons and Al, Cu, Ni and Ti
alloys. Energy conservation, worker safety, quality control, and product liability. Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: one hour
per week. Laboratory: two hours per week, alternate weeks.
SUDHIR P. MUDUR, PhD Bombay University, PEng; Professor
Associate Chair
TODD EAVIS, PhD Dalhousie University; Associate Professor
SABINE BERGLER, PhD Brandeis University
TIEN D. BUI, PhD York University, ing.
GREGORY BUTLER, PhD University of Sydney
BIPIN C. DESAI, PhD McGill University
EUSEBIUS J. DOEDEL, PhD University of British Columbia
TERRILL FANCOTT, DSc Université de Paris, ing.
GOSTA GRAHNE, PhD University of Helsinki
YANN-GAEL GUÉHÉNEUC, PhD University of Nantes, ing.
VOLKER M. HAARSLEV, PhD University of Hamburg
HOVHANNES A. HARUTYUNYAN, PhD Armenian Academy of Sciences
BRIGITTE JAUMARD, PhD École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications
ADAM KRZYZAK, PhD University of Wroclaw; Provost’s Distinction
LATA NARAYANAN, PhD University of Rochester, ing.
JUERGEN RILLING, PhD University of Illinois
CHING Y. SUEN, PhD University of British Columbia; Provost’s Distinction
Professors Emeriti
V.S. ALAGAR, PhD McGill University
DAVID FORD, PhD Ohio State University
PETER GROGONO, PhD Concordia University, PEng
H.F. LI, PhD University of California, Berkeley
R. SHINGHAL, PhD McGill University
Associate Professors
CONSTANTINOS CONSTANTINIDES, PhD Illinois Institute of Technology, PEng
THOMAS FEVENS, PhD Queen’s University
DHRUBAJYOTI GOSWAMI, PhD University of Waterloo, PEng
LEILA KOSSEIM, PhD Université de Montréal
OLGA ORMANDJIEVA, PhD Concordia University, ing.
JOEY PAQUET, PhD Université Laval
CHARALAMBOS POULLIS, PhD University of Southern California
DAVID K. PROBST, DSc Université de Bruxelles
PETER RIGBY, PhD University of Victoria
EMAD SHIHAB, PhD Queen’s University
NIKOLAOS TSANTALIS, PhD University of Macedonia, PEng
RENÉ WITTE, DrIng University of Karlsruhe, PEng
YUHONG YAN, PhD Tsinghua University/Leipzig University, PEng
Assistant Professors
TSE-HSUN (PETER) CHEN, PhD Queen’s University
TRISTAN GLATARD, PhD Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Affiliate Professors
T. KASVAND, PhD University of British Columbia
L. LAM, PhD University of Toronto
ANDRZEJ PELC, PhD University of Warsaw
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 003.139
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3000
Computer Science is the study and design of computer systems: hardware and software. Computer scientists are primarily
concerned with the design of algorithms, languages, hardware architecture, systems software, applications software and tools.
Applications range from simple game playing to the control of space vehicles, power plants and factories, from banking machines
to intelligent fault and medical diagnosis. Computer professionals, in short, are concerned with the creation of computer and
information systems for the benefit of society.
Software Engineering applies the principles and practices of engineering to the creation of reliable, efficient, and economical
software. Software Engineering has its roots in the theory and mathematics of computer science, but carries this knowledge
further towards creative applications such as software control systems for vehicles, aircraft, industrial processes; animation,
interactive video, virtual reality, commercial systems for banking and financial analysis; health systems for the analysis of
biological systems and the control of therapeutic devices.
It shares with engineering the rigorous methodology of analysis and design in the search for economical, reliable, and efficient
solutions. Software engineers are trained in all aspects of the software life cycle, from specification through analysis and design,
to testing, maintenance and evaluation of the product. They are concerned with safety and reliability of the product as well as cost
and schedule of the development process. The discipline is particularly applicable to very large software projects, as well as the
re‑engineering of existing products.
In every option, any credits exceeding the required number of Mathematics Elective credits will accrue towards the General
Elective credits.
*Students cannot receive credit for both COMP 339 and MATH 339; COMP 361 and MAST 334; COMP 367 and MAST 332.
General Electives
General Electives must be chosen from the following list:
• Computer Science Electives as mentioned above.
• Mathematics Electives as mentioned above.
• General Education Electives found in §71.110.
• Basic and Natural Science Courses list found in §71.70.9.
A course outside this list may qualify as a General Elective only with prior written permission on an ENCS Student Request form,
obtainable from the Office of Student Academic Services in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.
Students must satisfy the requirements for a minor program in any other department in the University.
Students must declare their minor by the end of their first year.
*Any credits beyond those required to complete the declared minor may be taken as General Electives.
General Program
Students must complete at least 16 credits chosen from the electives list.
Students must complete at least 16 credits with a minimum of 15 credits from one of the options listed below, including all the
courses marked *, and at least one course marked **, and the remainder chosen from the electives list.
Electives Credits
COMP 345 Advanced Program Design with C++ 4.00
COMP 353 Databases 4.00
COMP 371 Computer Graphics 4.00
COMP 426 Multicore Programming 4.00
COMP 428 Parallel Programming 4.00
COMP 442 Compiler Design 4.00
COMP 108 Computer Science Industrial Experience Reflective Learning I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Permission of the Faculty. This course is a reflective learning module for students in their related field which is based
on their academic requirements and their first industrial experience.
SOEN 228 System Hardware (4 credits)
Prerequisite: MATH 203 or Cegep Mathematics 103, MATH 204 or Cegep Mathematics 105. Processor structure, Data and
Instructions, Instruction Set Processor (ISP) level view of computer hardware, assembly language level use. Memory systems —
RAM and disks, hierarchy of memories. I/O organization, I/O devices and their diversity, their interconnection to CPU and Memory.
Communication between computers at the physical level. Networks and computers. Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: two
hours per week. Laboratory: two hours per week.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for COMP 228 may not take this course for credit.
Undergraduate Program Director
GREGORY BUTLER, PhD University of Sydney; Professor
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 003.139
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3000
The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and the Faculty of Fine Arts have created a program of study which combines a
comprehensive education in computer science and a complementary set of courses of equivalent value in the fine arts. This program
resides in both Faculties. In the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, it is offered under the aegis of the Bachelor of/
Baccalaureate in Computer Science, Computer Applications Option. According to their preferences and aspirations, students may
apply either for a Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Computer Science program, or a Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Fine Arts program.
The Fine Arts offering is described in §81.90. The Computer Science program is described below.
The Computer Applications Option may be taken with a Major in Computation Arts. It consists of 45 credits in Computer Science
complemented by 45 credits of study in Fine Arts. It provides a foundation for the integration of the arts and computer science as
hybrid digital media arts and multimedia productions.
The Computation Arts core focuses on three areas of digital media: image works, sound exploration, and 3D modelling/animation.
Through the integration of theory and practice, the programs aim at developing interdisciplinary cultural and technological practices,
for independent arts initiatives, industry, and client‑based productions.
The core courses are open‑ended and flexible to accommodate change that will run parallel to technological advancements in
industry and give students a strong base in multimedia research. Design Art, Electroacoustics, Film Animation, and the Studio
Electronic Arts provide the Fine Arts electives, which further supports the cross‑disciplinary nature of the program directives.
This program will give graduates the conceptual abilities and technical skills they need to practise as hybrid cultural workers in
the rapidly expanding field of multimedia. Students will have many more options to fine‑tune a multimedia program according to
their individual needs and expectations. Courses have been restructured into three credits to facilitate computer lab access, and
flexibility in course sequencing and offerings, as well as to accommodate completion of the program within a co‑op structure.
Students of Computation Arts must bear the costs of annual laboratory fees.
Admission Requirements
The Computation Arts Major is limited to students who are enrolled in or simultaneously applying for the Computer Science
Applications Option and who are qualified for the Fine Arts component. Applicants must fulfill the admission requirements for the
Computer Science Option in Computer Applications (see §71.10.2) and be accepted into the Computer Applications Option.
In addition to the normal admission procedure of Concordia University, there is a distinct admission procedure for applicants to
the Major in Computation Arts. All applicants must submit a portfolio to the Program Office, Visual Arts Building, Room 244, on
or before March 1. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Department of Design and Computation Arts.
Undergraduate Program Director
GREGORY BUTLER, PhD University of Sydney; Professor
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 003.139
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3000
The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and the Faculty of Arts and Science have created a program of study
which combines a comprehensive education in computer science and mathematics. This program resides in both Faculties.
In the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, it is offered under the aegis of the Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Computer
Science, Computer Applications Option. According to their preferences and aspirations, students may apply either for a Bachelor
of/Baccalaureate in Computer Science program, Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Science program, or Bachelor of/Baccalaureate
in Arts program. The Arts and Science offering is described in §31.200. The Computer Science program is described below.
The Computer Applications Option may be taken with a Major in Mathematics and Statistics. It provides a foundation for integrated
studies in computer science and mathematics.
The mathematics component of the program includes topics that overlap with computer science, such as modelling, symbolic
computation, and combinatorics, as well as the standard topics of a mathematical curriculum.
*COMP 232 may be replaced by MAST 217. COMP 233 must be replaced by MAST 221.
Admission Requirements
The Computer Science and Mathematics and Statistics program is restricted to students who are enrolled in or simultaneously
applying for the Computer Science Applications Option and who are qualified for the mathematics component. Applicants must
fulfill the admission requirements for the Computer Science Option in Computer Applications (see §71.10.2) and be accepted into
the Computer Applications Option. For admission requirements for the mathematics component, see §31.200.
GOVIND GOPAKUMAR, PhD Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Associate Professor
Associate Chair
BRANDIFF CARON, PhD Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Assistant Professor
Associate Professors
GOVIND GOPAKUMAR, PhD Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
MATTHEW HARSH, PhD University of Edinburgh
KETRA SCHMITT, PhD Carnegie Mellon University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 002.257
514‑848‑2424, ext. 5443
The Centre for Engineering in Society (CES) has been created with two major objectives. The primary objective of the CES is to
blend the teaching of engineering and technology with skills needed for students to become professionals who are responsible,
articulate and ethical. The CES brings complementary skills and knowledge to engineering and information technology training by
offering suitable courses.
An additional objective of the CES is to coordinate and manage those graduate and undergraduate courses in engineering,
engineering mathematics, and computer science that are common to multiple departments within the Faculty of Engineering and
Computer Science.
RACHIDA DSSOULI, PhD Université de Montréal; Professor
Associate Director
AMR YOUSSEF, PhD Queen’s University, PEng; Professor
CHADI ASSI, PhD City University of New York, PEng
ABDESSAMAD BEN HAMZA, PhD North Carolina State University, PEng
JAMAL BENTAHAR, PhD Université Laval, PEng
NIZAR BOUGUILA, PhD Université de Sherbrooke, PEng
MOURAD DEBBABI, PhD Université de Paris
AMIN HAMMAD, PhD Nagoya University
LINGYU WANG, PhD George Mason University, PEng
YONG ZENG, PhD University of Calgary, PEng
Associate Professors
ANJALI AWASTHI, PhD University of Metz, PEng
ROCH GLITHO, PhD Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
MOHAMMAD MANNAN, PhD Carleton University
ANDREA SCHIFFAUEROVA, PhD Université de Montréal
CHUN WANG, PhD University of Western Ontario, PEng
JIA YUAN YU, PhD McGill University
Assistant Professors
JEREMY CLARK, PhD University of Waterloo
WALTER LUCIA, PhD University of Calabria
ARASH MOHAMMADI, PhD York University
JUN YAN, PhD University of Rhode Island
Affiliate Professors
PRABIR BHATTACHARYA, PhD University of Oxford
RUIXUAN LI, PhD Huazhong University of Science and Technology
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
The Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary fundamental research and R&D learning institute,
housing state‑of‑the‑art research in innovative applications of information systems to a wide range of areas, among them systems,
telecommunications, software development, electronics, multimedia, aerospace, finance and banking, automotive, manufacturing,
and building and construction management.
The Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering offers only graduate programs.
To fulfill the requirements of the General Education Elective or General Electives, students may choose the courses from the three
lists below.
Students in the Extended Credit Program (ECP) or the Mature Entry Program (MEP) (see §14.2.3) or any other students who
have been assigned credits in Humanities and Social Sciences must select those credits from the two corresponding lists below.
Those credits cannot be chosen from the list of Other Complementary Studies.
Social Sciences
Section 81
REBECCA DUCLOS, PhD University of Manchester
Associate Deans
JOANNA BERZOWSKA, MSc Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Research
ANA CAPPELLUTO, MEd McGill University; Planning and Academic Facilities
MARK SUSSMAN, PhD New York University; Academic Affairs
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 2.705
514‑848‑2424, ext. 4600
The Faculty of Fine Arts is recognized internationally for its long‑standing record of excellence in undergraduate education in the
visual, performing, cinematic, design, and electronic arts. The Faculty strives to create an environment that reflects the openness
and diversity of contemporary culture, with a strong commitment to integrating new technologies with traditional fine arts practices.
Programs and courses in studio or academic disciplines situate students within both the pluralism of the university academic
experience and an active urban arts milieu.
Profile Requirements
0.00 Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC — Diplôme d’études collégiales)
10.12 Mathematics 103, 105, 203
A Interview/Audition
G Letter of intent
K Submission of a portfolio of representative work
Programs offered:
For information concerning any of the following programs, please consult the calendar section listed opposite each program.
Transfer Students
Applicants who have completed courses in other colleges or universities may be granted transfer credits towards their program
at Concordia University. These transfer credits will normally be awarded as general credits and as such may not be equivalent to
specific first‑year courses at Concordia.
Applicants to a second undergraduate degree must complete a minimum of 60 credits, other than those credited towards the first
degree, at least 36 of which must be taken in the new field of specialization (§16.2.2). Students transferring credits towards a first
degree must complete a minimum of 45 credits at Concordia (see §16.2.2).
Students must complete all program and degree requirements, as well as the Faculty of Fine Arts residence requirements (see
Mature Entry
General admission requirements to the 108‑credit program (Mature Entry) are listed in §14. Students admitted into the Faculty of
Fine Arts through the Mature Entry plan are required to complete 18 credits in addition to the 90 credits normally required for the
BFA degree.
Definition of the Extended Credit Program (ECP) is listed in §13.2. Students admitted to an Extended Credit Program in Fine Arts
are required to complete an additional 30 credits for the degree. Transfer credits awarded for Ontario Academic Courses (OACs)
must be applied towards the ECP portion of a student’s degree program.
Conditional standing results when a student obtains an AGPA of less than 2.00, but at least 1.50. A student is not permitted to
obtain two consecutive conditional standing assessments.
Students in conditional standing may not write supplemental examinations and will not be permitted to register for further study
until their program has been approved by the appropriate advisor in their Faculty or department. They must obtain acceptable
standing at the time of their next assessment.
Failed standing results when a student obtains an AGPA of less than 1.50, or conditional standing in two consecutive periods of
assessment. Failed students may not write supplemental examinations. In order to continue in their program, failed students must
apply for readmission through Student Academic Services. If readmitted, failed students will be placed on academic probation. In
addition, there may be other conditions determined by the Faculty at the time of readmission. Decisions of the relevant authority in
the Faculty are final. Failed students wishing to be admitted to another Faculty must apply through the Dean’s Office of the Faculty
to which they wish to be admitted. Credits achieved at another institution while on failed standing may not be transferred to a
program at Concordia University. These credits, however, may be used to determine a student’s potential for readmission. If 24 or
more credits are successfully completed at another institution while on failed standing at Concordia, students will be required to
submit a new application for program admission and not an application for readmission.
Graduation Requirements
Students must satisfy all course requirements, be in acceptable standing, and have a minimum final graduation GPA of 2.00.
Potential graduates who fail to meet the requirements of acceptable standing, but meet the requirements of conditional standing,
will have the following options:
a) register for an additional 12 credits and, at the next assessment, meet the requirements for acceptable standing;
b) register for fewer than 12 additional credits. In this case, standing will be determined on the basis that these extra credits
constitute an extension of the last assessment period.
For both option a) and option b), the additional courses taken must be selected in consultation with the student’s department.
FFAR 250 Keywords: Reading the Arts Across the Disciplines (6 credits)
This course offers students with first‑year standing* in the Faculty of Fine Arts a broad introduction to ideas and aesthetics in the
visual and performing arts in Canada. It focuses on key concepts shaping and shaped by artistic production and reception in all
artistic disciplines. Students deepen their understanding of the cultural significance and the debate that occurs around keywords
across the disciplines. Over the year, students extend their powers of reading, writing, and critical thinking in lectures and tutorials.
*Students with fewer than 30 credits completed in degree program.
The following courses are open to students outside the Faculty of Fine Arts. See the course notes regarding admission for
students in Fine Arts programs.
FFAR 291 HIV/AIDS: An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Scientific, Social and Cultural Aspects (3 credits)
This course is an interdisciplinary survey of the major issues and challenges of the AIDS pandemic, introducing students to a
broadly based overview of its scientific, social and cultural impacts. It also examines the interaction of personal and experiential
perspectives with collective values, beliefs and behaviours in response to the health crisis worldwide and locally. Students examine
Coordinating Committee
RACHEL BERGER, PhD University of Cambridge; Assistant Professor, History
DANIELLE BOBKER, PhD Rutgers University; Assistant Professor, English
TAGNY DUFF, MFA PhD Concordia University; Associate Professor, Communication Studies
GILBERT ÉMOND, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal; Assistant Professor, Applied Human Sciences
MARCIE FRANK, PhD Johns Hopkins University; Professor, English
MARTIN FRENCH, PhD Queen’s University; Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
BRIAN GABRIAL, PhD University of Minnesota; Assistant Professor, Journalism
VINCE GRAZIANO, MA York University, MLIS McGill University; Associate Librarian, Concordia Libraries
WILSON CHACKO JACOB, PhD New York University; Assistant Professor, History
MARK LAFRANCE, PhD University of Oxford; Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
KIMBERLY MANNING, PhD University of Washington; Associate Professor and Principal, Simone de Beauvoir Institute
SHANNON MCSHEFFREY, PhD University of Toronto; Professor, History
VIVIANE NAMASTE, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal; Associate Professor and Concordia Research Chair,
Simone de Beauvoir Institute
M. AYAZ NASEEM, PhD McGill University; Associate Professor, Education
JAMES G. PFAUS, PhD University of British Columbia; Professor, Psychology
JOHN POTVIN, PhD Queen’s University; Associate Professor, Art History
GENEVIÈVE RAIL, PhD University of Illinois; Professor, Simone de Beauvoir Institute
HILARY ROSE, PhD University of Georgia; Associate Professor, Applied Human Sciences
AMY SWIFFEN, PhD University of Alberta; Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
ANNE WHITELAW, PhD Concordia University; Professor, Art History
Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequence must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
JUAN CARLOS CASTRO, PhD University of British Columbia; Associate Professor
LORRIE BLAIR, PhD Ohio State University
RICHARD LACHAPELLE, PhD Concordia University
DAVID PARISER, DEd Harvard University
Associate Professors
ANITA SINNER, PhD University of British Columbia
Assistant Professor
MJ THOMPSON, PhD New York University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 2.619
514‑848‑2424, ext. 4646
Department Objectives
The Art Education Department offers two teacher preparation programs that emphasize the student’s development as artist,
researcher, and professional. Students are expected to develop an artistic and teaching practice that connects conceptual
understanding, critical reflection, and practical experience. The Major in Art Education – Visual Arts is a three‑year program. In
the first two years, students are introduced to the fundamentals of the field of art education. In the third year, students concentrate
on professional practice and performance as community art educators in settings such as community centres, adult education
programs, recreation programs, and museums.
The Specialization in Art Education – Visual Arts is a four‑year program leading to teacher certification as an elementary‑ and
secondary‑school art specialist. The program conforms to the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES)
requirements for an extended teaching practicum and preparation in visual arts. The number of practicum hours is determined by
the MEES and may be subject to change.
The Minor in Art Education – Visual Arts is a 24‑credit program designed to give students familiarity and ability with the basics
of the theory and practice of community arts education, and may be particularly useful to visual artists who anticipate that some
project‑based teaching work will supplement their studio practice.
Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequence must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
N.B. The BFA Specialization in Art Education – Visual Arts leads to teacher certification by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de
l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES).
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 559
15 ARTE 4213, 4233, 4259
6 Chosen from ARTE 3983 offerings
6 FFAR 2506
12 DRAW 2006; PTNG 2006
6 Studio Art courses chosen from FBRS 2406, 2606; CERA 2306; SCUL 2106
6 Studio Art electives
6 Art History courses chosen from Group C
6 Studio Art or Art History electives
6 Free electives
15 EDUC 2106, 4453, 4503, 4543
81.40.1 Admission to the Specialization, Major, and Minor in Art Education – Visual Arts
In addition to the normal admission procedure of Concordia University, there is a distinct admission procedure for applicants to the
Major in Art Education – Visual Arts and the Minor in Art Education – Visual Arts. All applicants must submit a portfolio of their own
work, as well as a letter of intent, as part of the admission process.
For more information concerning these additional requirements and submission deadline dates, please visit the following website:
All successful applicants interested in the Specialization in Art Education – Visual Arts are automatically enrolled in the Major in Art
Education – Visual Arts. The Specialization in Art Education – Visual Arts is offered at the third‑year and fourth‑year levels. Upon
completion of the second year (completion of 60 credits including ARTE 220, 230, 320, 330), students in the Major in Art Education
– Visual Arts may apply for transfer to the Specialization in Art Education – Visual Arts program. Admission to the Specialization in
Art Education – Visual Arts is assessed on the basis of the applicant’s suitability for school‑based teaching, grades for courses
completed in the first two years, a letter of intent, two references, the completion of a 70‑hour internship in an elementary school
(ARTE 230), and, in some cases, an interview. Students must apply to the Department by the deadline of March 1.
Academic Standing
To remain in good academic standing in the specialization and be recommended for the Quebec Art Specialist teaching permit,
students must:
1. Achieve at least a “B” grade in the practicum courses ARTE 420, 423, and 425.
a. Students who fail any of the above courses are required to withdraw from the specialization program.
b. Students who obtain a passing grade in any of the above courses that is below a “B” will be placed on conditional
standing within the program and will be so informed in writing. These students will be allowed to repeat the practicum
only once in order to achieve the required grade. Students who do not achieve the required grade in the repeated
course will be required to withdraw from the specialization program.
2. Maintain an overall grade average of “B‑” or higher in courses of the third and fourth years. Students who do not maintain
the minimum grade average during that time will be required to withdraw from the specialization program.
NOTE: ARTE 423 is evaluated on a pass/fail basis and therefore is not included in the calculation of the grade point average.
3. To be recommended to the Quebec Teachers Certification Service for a Quebec permanent teaching diploma, students
must satisfy the English language proficiency requirements of the program.
Art Education:
ARTE 201 Art in Early Childhood I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Specialization in Early Childhood or Major in Child Studies, or written permission of the Department.
An introductory study of the art‑making process in early childhood. This course is a studio workshop which investigates potential
media and teaching approaches appropriate for the young child.
NOTE: Students enrolled in the Major in Art Education – Visual Arts or the Specialization in Art Education – Visual Arts programs
may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 561
ARTE 354 Time‑Based Media (3 credits)
Prerequisite: 24 credits in the Major or Specialization in Art Education – Visual Arts, or permission of the Department. Students
develop proficiency in a variety of time‑based media, including video and multimedia installations that are suitable for school or
community art education programs. Students investigate related approaches to teaching and curriculum.
NOTE: Students are expected to have basic computing skills or to have completed INTE 290 before registering for this course.
Students who have received credit for ARTE 430 may not take this course for credit.
ELAINE CHEASLEY PATERSON, PhD Queen’s University; Associate Professor
KRISTINA HUNEAULT, PhD University of Manchester
MARTHA LANGFORD, PhD McGill University; Concordia Research Chair and Director, Jarislowsky Institute
LOREN LERNER, PhD Université de Montréal
JOHANNE SLOAN, PhD University of Kent
ANNE WHITELAW, PhD Concordia University
Associate Professors
CYNTHIA HAMMOND, PhD Concordia University
ALICE MING WAI JIM, PhD McGill University; Concordia Research Chair
JOHN POTVIN, PhD Queen’s University
STEVEN STOWELL, PhD University of Oxford
Assistant Professors
HEATHER IGLOLIORTE, PhD Carleton University; Concordia Research Chair
NICOLA PEZOLET, PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 3.809
514‑848‑2424, ext. 4700
Department Objectives
Art History provides the student scholar and the student artist with an understanding of creative and visual responses to the
world in both the past and the present. Art History is a lively, at times even controversial, discipline that encourages the study of
art objects with its historical, cultural, political, social, and economic contexts. The Department of Art History offers a full range of
courses which allows the student to concentrate on particular art historical concerns or to investigate diverse issues within the
discipline. Students can explore the multidisciplinary aspects of art history for graduate study and for future careers in a variety of
fields including museums, galleries and libraries, conservation, education, journalism, and research. The Department of Art History
offers major and minor programs, providing students with a solid foundation in the critical inquiries involved in a full understanding of
the work of art and its context. Also available are the Major in Art History and Studio Art that balances studio work with art historical
and theoretical studies, and the Major in Art History and Film Studies which examines art and film from related perspectives.
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequence must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 563
3 Chosen from Group E
***24 Chosen from at least three Groups in Art History
*ARTH 200 should be taken as part of the first 30 credits.
**ARTH 300 should be taken as part of the first 60 credits.
***Students may substitute up to 12 credits from the Faculty of Fine Arts.
81.50.1 Admission to Art History, Art History and Studio Art, and Art History and
Film Studies Programs
There are no specific courses or procedures required for the Major and Minor in Art History and the Major in Art History and Film
Studies other than the successful completion of a two‑year pre‑university Cegep program (or equivalent).
In addition to the normal admission procedure of Concordia University, there is a distinct admission procedure for applicants to the
Major in Art History and Studio Art. All applicants must submit a portfolio of their own work, as well as a letter of intent, as part of
the admission process.
For more information concerning these additional requirements and submission deadline dates, please visit the following website:
A ─ Media Based Studies
ARTH 262 Aspects of the History of Drawing (3 credits)
ARTH 263 Aspects of the History of the Print (3 credits)
ARTH 264 Aspects of the History of Ceramics (3 credits)
B ─ Period Studies
ARTH 270 Icons of Architectural History (3 credits)
ARTH 360 Studies in Ancient Greek Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 361 Studies in Ancient Roman Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 362 Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 363 Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 364 Studies in Renaissance Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 365 Studies in 17th‑ and 18th‑Century Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 366 Studies in 19th‑Century Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 367 Studies in 20th‑Century Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 368 Studies in Contemporary Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 369 Studies in Near Eastern Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 450 Advanced Seminar in the History of Art and Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 498 Special Topics in the History of Art and Architecture (3 credits)
C ─ Art in Canada
ARTH 271 Introduction to Canadian Art (3 credits)
ARTH 272 From Realism to Abstraction in Canadian Art (3 credits)
ARTH 370 Studies in Canadian Art (3 credits)
ARTH 371 Studies in Canadian Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 372 Issues in Contemporary Canadian Architecture (3 credits)
ARTH 373 Issues in Contemporary Canadian Art (3 credits)
ARTH 374 Architecture and Urbanism in Montreal (3 credits)
ARTH 375 Issues in the Montreal Art Milieu (3 credits)
ARTH 376 Topics in Amerindian and Inuit Art (3 credits)
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 565
ARTH 388 Narration and Art (3 credits)
ARTH 390 Art and the Museum (3 credits)
ARTH 391 Art and Its Changing Contexts (3 credits)
ARTH 392 Gender Issues in Art and Art History (3 credits)
ARTH 396 Art and Culture (3 credits)
ARTH 398 Special Topics in Art and Society (3 credits)
F ─ Tutored Studies
ARTH 401 Independent Studies in Art History (3 credits)
ARTH 403 Internship (3 credits)
ARTH 200 Perspectives of Art History (6 credits)
A critical overview of the history of art and architecture and a selective examination of canonical figures, movements, periods,
and thematic issues.
NOTE: Students in Art History programs should complete this course as part of their first 30 credits.
ARTH 357 Studies in the History of Craft and the Decorative Arts (3 credits)
Selected subjects in the history of craft and the decorative arts as forms of material culture.
ARTH 362 Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Art and Architecture (3 credits)
Selected subjects in the art and architectural production of Early Christian and Byzantine cultures.
ARTH 365 Studies in 17th‑ and 18th‑Century Art and Architecture (3 credits)
Selected subjects in the art and architectural production of the 17th and 18th centuries.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 567
ARTH 371 Studies in Canadian Architecture (3 credits)
Selected subjects in the architecture of Canada.
ARTH 385 Colour: Theory and Application in the Visual Arts (3 credits)
An examination of various theories of colour by artists, philosophers, psychologists, and scientists.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that students have completed at least six Art History credits before enrolling in this course.
ARTH 450 Advanced Seminar in the History of Art and Architecture (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Third‑year* standing in the Major in Art History, and written permission of the Department of Art History. A detailed
examination of selected aspects of art and architectural history.
*Fewer than 33 credits remaining in degree program.
ARTH 498 Special Topics in the History of Art and Architecture (3 credits)
Prerequisite: 18 credits in Art History, or written permission of the Department of Art History. A course for advanced students which
provides for the study of more specialized areas of art.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 569
CATHERINE RUSSELL, PhD New York University; Professor
Professor Emeritus
THOMAS WAUGH, PhD Columbia University
ROY CROSS, MFA Concordia University
KAY DICKINSON, PhD University of Sussex
RICHARD KERR, Dip Media Arts Sheridan College
LOUISE LAMARRE, Cert Études Cinématog. Université Laval
MARTIN LEFEBVRE, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal; Honorary CURC in Film Studies (Tier 1)
JOHN LOCKE, MA New York University
ERIN MANNING, PhD University of Hawaii; Provost’s Distinction; Concordia Research Chair
MARIELLE NITOSLAWSKA, PhD Polish National Film School
PETER RIST, PhD New York University
HAIDEE WASSON, PhD McGill University; Provost’s Distinction
Associate Professors
SHIRA AVNI, MFA School of the Art Institute of Chicago
JEAN‑CLAUDE BUSTROS, BFA Concordia University
LUCA CAMINATI, PhD University of Wisconsin‑Madison
DANIEL CROSS, MFA Concordia University; Provost’s Distinction; Concordia Research Chair
GUYLAINE DIONNE, PhD Université de Strasbourg
ROSANNA MAULE, PhD University of Iowa
MASHA SALAZKINA, PhD Yale University; Concordia Research Chair
CILIA SAWADOGO, BA Concordia University
MARC STEINBERG, PhD Brown University
Assistant Professors
LUIGI ALLEMANO, MAA Emily Carr University of Art and Design
JOSHUA NEVES, PhD University of California, Santa Barbara; Canada Research Chair
MICHAEL YAROSHEVSKY, MFA Concordia University, MA University of Toronto
LUC OTTER, MA École nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Faubourg Tower, Room: FB 319
514‑848‑2424, ext. 4666
Department Objectives
The School investigates and develops cinema as a means of artistic expression. Its programs aim to graduate filmmakers, film
animators, and scholars who have a rich appreciation of the artistic and cultural potential of the medium, and also of its history
and traditions. Students are exposed to the possibilities of both digital and analog technologies, and the School’s scholarly and
artistic community celebrates its celluloid heritage and participates in the construction of the cinema of the future.
School programs, always evolving, embrace diversity, both in artistic formats and in the cultural values espoused through the study,
creation, and dissemination of the cinema. The work of teachers, students, and artists engages with other artistic disciplines, and is
grounded on academic rigour, teaching excellence, creative vision, and specific and high standards for the recruitment and admission
of students, both undergraduate and graduate, who fit the School’s mission. Its mission is inseparable from its commitment to the
relevance and responsibility of its activities to the community, understood as being rooted here in Montreal and Quebec, throughout
Canada, and internationally.
570 • CINEMA
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
All programs offer core courses, elective courses, lectures by visiting specialists, independent studies, and professional internships,
assuring continuous contact with working professionals in the arts community. Research and creative practice by faculty are also
an essential part of the School’s mission.
The BFA in Film Studies prepares graduates for professions as critics, arts administrators, educators, archivists, and curators
within the regional, national, and international communities.
The BFA Film Animation and the BFA Film Production are studio programs that address practical and creative aspects of filmmaking,
with the goal of providing a solid foundation for research and discovery to facilitate students’ articulation of their unique artistic
personality. Film Animation programs teach the full process of frame‑by‑frame filmmaking, its theory, and its practice. Film Production
programs instill a thorough knowledge of the mechanics involved in producing motion pictures and help students develop personal
perspectives on the aesthetics of creation. Students make their own films.
Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequences must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 571
3 Chosen from 400‑level Film Studies electives
6 ARTH 2006 to be taken as first six credits in studies in Art History
3 ARTH 3003 to be taken as part of first 60 credits
3 Chosen from ARTH 3533, 3543
6 Chosen from ARTH 3663, 3673, 3683
3 Chosen from ARTH 3703, 3713, 3723, 3733, 3743, 3753, 3763
3 Chosen from ARTH 3793, 3813, 3833, 3843, 3853, 3863, 3873, 3883, 3893, 3913, 3923, 4003
3 Art History electives
3 FMST 3483/ARTH 3483
3 FMST 4483/ARTH 4483
This is a program for students who want to examine art and film from a variety of social, cultural, political, and critical perspectives.
30 Minor in Cinema
12 FMST 2116, 2126
18 Film Studies electives** (With the written permission of the School, introductory‑level Film Animation or Film Production
courses, selected in consultation with the School, may be substituted.)
Film Studies:
NOTE: Courses may occasionally be offered in French.
572 • CINEMA
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
cinemas, social history, particular cinematic modes, or other frameworks. Weekly screenings.
*Students in Cinema programs who require FMST 211 should complete the course as part of their first 30 credits.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 573
FMST 315 Introduction to Film Theory (3 credits)
Prerequisite: FMST 211 or 212, or 18 credits in Film Studies, or written permission of the School of Cinema. This course
familiarizes students with some of the major developments in film theory and further develops their critical skills in approaching
complex theoretical texts and concepts. Students examine a variety of theoretical writings concerned with aesthetic, social and
psychological aspects of the cinema, including questions of spectatorship, ideology, gender, technology, and authorship.
574 • CINEMA
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
FMST 329 Women and Film (3 credits)
Prerequisite: FMST 211 or second‑year standing.* An examination of films made by women, film criticism written by women,
and the portrayal of women in films. These topics are considered within the context of film history and with an emphasis on their
relation to ideas in contemporary feminist theory. Weekly screenings.
*66 or fewer credits remaining in degree program.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 575
FMST 392 Queer Cinema I (3 credits)
An interdisciplinary, cross‑cultural survey of queer cinema and video. Selected phases in the historical trajectory of LGBTQ film are
highlighted, both underground and mainstream, including studies of representative major artists from Jean Cocteau and Dorothy
Arzner to Patricia Rozema and Derek Jarman. Problems in the depiction of sexual minorities are analyzed, and a selection of the
principal aesthetic, theoretical and socio‑political issues raised by queer theory and cultural production is introduced.
576 • CINEMA
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
FMST 420 Seminar in Critical Media Practices (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. This course brings together critical readings and practices across media
forms with an emphasis on blending theory and creative work. Topics may include curating practices, video essays, collaborative
media practices and web journalism.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 577
Film Animation:
NOTE: A student may register for only one course in which films are produced as a course requirement during each academic
session. See §81.60.2
578 • CINEMA
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
design, editing and enhance their knowledge of film‑planning strategies and various frame‑by‑frame filmmaking techniques.
NOTE: It is recommended that students take FMAN 340 and 315 previously or concurrently.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 305 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of all necessary equipment, software and production materials for the course as
described in the syllabus.
FMAN 325 Advanced Analytical Drawing and Design for Animation (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Film Animation program; FMAN 225; or written permission of the School of Cinema upon presentation
of a portfolio. A continuation on a more advanced level of FMAN 225. An in‑depth focus on drawing for animation film.
NOTE: Previous drawing experience is recommended.
NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of all necessary equipment, software and production materials for the course as
described in the syllabus.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 579
3D computer animation, modelling, rigging, lighting and texture.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 353 or 354 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of all necessary equipment, software and production materials for the course as
described in the syllabus.
580 • CINEMA
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
FMAN 450 Advanced Stop‑Motion Animation (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Animation; FMAN 350; or written permission of the School of Cinema. A continuation
on a more advanced level of FMAN 350. An in‑depth, hands‑on course in the art and craft of stop‑motion animation. Emphasis is
on fine‑tuning animation skills within the stop‑motion process.
NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of all necessary equipment, software and production materials for the course as
described in the syllabus.
FMAN 498 Special Topics in Film Animation (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A course for advanced students which provides an opportunity for the
study of limited and more specialized aspects of film animation.
Film Production:
NOTE: A student may register for only one course in which films are produced as a course requirement during each academic
session. See §81.60.2.
FMPR 335 Acting and Directing Acting for the Screen I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema; FMPR 332 previously or concurrently, or six credits in Acting for the
Theatre. This studio course for Cinema and Theatre students explores directing and performing for film; exercises are recorded on
video for analysis. Both performers and directors examine acting and directing acting for the camera through such topics as role
preparation, character development, and performance continuity.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 581
FMPR 343 Production Design (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Production, FMPR 231, FMST 211 and 212; or written permission of the School of
Cinema. A practical examination of the visual aspects of film production. Topics in production design considered may include
texture and visual styles, the collaborative process, project management, and the nature of constraints which apply to student
and independent productions.
582 • CINEMA
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
viewer engagement out of the confines of the traditional cinema exhibition. Students are encouraged to develop creative approaches
in work that engages viewers in non‑restricted spatial environments. Strong emphasis is placed on means of production and
presentation that depart from established methods and models of film production.
81.60.2 Filmmaking
Courses in which films are produced as a course requirement are:
FMAN 2033, 2043, 3073, 3083, 4029
FMPR 2316, 3326, 4326
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 583
81.60.3 Communication Studies Film Courses
NOTE: For course descriptions see §31.070.
Students enrolled in the Film Studies or Film Production Major or Specialization programs may select up to 12 credits from the
Communication Studies courses listed below. Students enrolled in the Minor in Cinema and the Minor in Film Studies may select up
to six credits from the Communication Studies courses listed below.
The credits earned may be applied as Film Studies and/or Cinema electives for degree purposes.
584 • CINEMA
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
SILVY PANET‑RAYMOND, MEd Université de Montréal; Professor
MICHAEL MONTANARO, Grad. Maj. Hartford Conservatory
Assistant Professor
ANGÉLIQUE WILLKIE, MA Economics McGill University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
GM Building, Room: 500‑01
Tel.: 514‑848‑2424, ext. 4555/4559
Department Objectives
The Contemporary Dance Department offers comprehensive training which combines formal dance training with extensive
studies in choreography. Encouraging students to discover and develop their individual creative capacities as both dancers and
choreographers is the mission of the Dance program.
Performance is a crucial element in this development, and students at Concordia gain valuable experience performing or staging
their own choreographies.
Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequence must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
DANC 201 Creative Process I (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Appropriate technique course (DANC 205 [210], 305 [310], or 405 [410], as determined by the Department) concurrently;
enrolment in the Major in Contemporary Dance, or written permission of the Department. Introduction to the creative process in
dance. Students learn to explore, observe, and structure ideas and movements through improvisations and specific exercises
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 585
which cover such fundamentals as kinetics, rhythm and dynamics, spatial organization, perceptual skills, integration of acoustic,
visual and verbal elements, and the use of technology as a creative tool. In addition to the regular studio hours, students must
attend two hours of laboratory each week.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for DANC 200 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 587
YEHUDIT SILVERMAN, MA Lesley University; Associate Professor
SANDRA CURTIS, PhD Concordia University
STEPHEN SNOW, PhD New York University
Associate Professors
BONNIE HARNDEN, MA Concordia University
JOSÉE LECLERC, PhD Concordia University
JANIS TIMM‑BOTTOS, PhD University of New Mexico
LAUREL YOUNG, PhD Temple University
HEATHER MCLAUGHLIN, MA Concordia University
Affiliate Professor
LELAND PETERSON, MA School of the Art Institute of Chicago
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Visual Arts Building, Room: VA 264
514‑848‑2424, ext. 4790
Department Objectives
The Department of Creative Arts Therapies offers select undergraduate courses that provide students with diverse ranges of
concepts and practices in the field of arts in health. The Department offers a program of study with options of specialization in
either Art Therapy, Drama Therapy, or Music Therapy, all leading to the degree of Master/Magisteriate of Arts in Creative Arts
Therapies. In addition, the Department offers a Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy.
These undergraduate courses at the 300 level are prerequisites for admission to either the Art Therapy MA Option, the Drama
Therapy MA Option, or the Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy. These courses are designed to provide prospective students with
a foundation in either Art Therapy, Drama Therapy, or Music Therapy.
CATS 210 Introduction to Creative Arts Therapies (3 credits)
Students are introduced to the basic concepts and practices of creative arts therapies, including visual art, drama, music, and
dance. Students study general theories and themes common to all of the creative arts therapies that may include creative
projection, the role of the witness, expression, symbols, meaning making, and therapeutic alliance. These themes are explored
through readings, videos, assignments, blogs and creative journals. Students are introduced to specific sites where creative arts
therapists practise with diverse populations to gain a basic understanding of how the creative arts therapies function and the
range of professional practices.
Art Therapy:
This course is intended as partial preparation for graduate studies in the field of art therapy.
Music Therapy:
This course is intended as partial preparation for graduate studies in the field of music therapy.
PK LANGSHAW, MFA Université du Québec à Montréal; Professor
JASON EDWARD LEWIS, MPhil Royal College of Art; Concordia Research Chair
CHRISTOPHER SALTER, PhD Stanford University; Concordia Research Chair
Associate Professors
JOANNA BERZOWSKA, MSc Massachusetts Institute of Technology
CARMELA CUCUZZELLA, PhD Université de Montréal; Concordia Research Chair
RILLA KHALED, PhD Victoria University of Wellington
CHRISTOPHER MOORE, MFA Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
MARTIN RACINE, PhD Université de Montréal
M. WRIGHT, MFA School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Assistant Professors
PIPPIN BARR, PhD Victoria University of Wellington
JONATHAN LESSARD, PhD Université de Montréal
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex, Room: EV 6.761
514‑848‑2424, ext. 4626
Department Objectives
The Department offers programs that examine the broad vision or culture of design within contemporary society.
The Design Major is located primarily within the disciplines of image, object‑making, and screen‑based media in design practice
with an emphasis on the study of material culture. Digital technologies are integrated into the creative process to serve as
strategies and tools for enhanced communication, application, representation, and dissemination.
The Computation Arts programs are concentrated within the digital and virtual environments where computer technology is
embedded in all stages of the creative process and production. The Internet as a system for communication in information and
networked societies serves as the intersection that strongly links the disciplines of Design and Computation Arts. Students are
encouraged to take courses across Design and Computation Arts.
81.90.1 DESIGN
Program Objective
The Major in Design program explores the principal areas of visual communication and the built environment. The program
encourages critical thinking and takes an interdisciplinary approach to design theory and practice. Its overarching principle is
socio‑cultural, environmental, and economic sustainability. Students begin their studies by developing knowledge and technical
skill sets across these areas and then specialize according to their interests and abilities. The curriculum engages the student in
creative work with the understanding of the impact and consequence of their designs in everyday life. In a collaborative and shared
environment, students participate in diverse local outreach and community initiatives.
Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequence must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
66 BFA Major in Design
3 DART 2613
3 DART 2623 or 2633
Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequence must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
Admission to the Specialization, Major*, Minor** in Computation Arts, and Minor** in Game Design
In addition to the normal admission procedure of Concordia University, there is a distinct admission procedure for applicants to
the Specialization or Major in Computation Arts. All applicants must submit a portfolio of their own work, as well as a letter of
intent, as part of the admission process.
*The Major in Computation Arts (45 credits) must be taken in combination with the Option in Computer Applications (45 credits)
offered by the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering. Candidates applying for the Major in Computation
Arts are required to complete the 10.12 profile: Mathematics 103 or 201‑NYA and 203 or 201‑NYB, and 105 or 201‑NYC.
Candidates lacking Cegep profile 10.12, but with a suitable background, may also be considered for this program. Applicants
to the Specialization or Minor in Computation Arts require no background in mathematics.
**The Minor in Computation Arts and the Minor in Game Design are available to a limited number of high‑ranking students.
Applicants must submit a full portfolio by the March 1 deadline and may contact the Department of Design and Computation
Arts for specific application procedures.
For more information concerning these additional requirements and submission deadline dates, please visit
Computation Arts:
CART 210 New Media Theory (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Computation Arts program or written permission of the Department. This course is a critical
introduction to new media theory focusing on issues of interaction, inscription, representation, code, reproduction, spectacle,
control, body and resistance. Students develop tools to undertake a critical analysis of media and technology and their social,
political, economic, and cultural ramifications.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for CART 255 may not take this course for credit.
CART 346 Digital Sound I: Theory and Practice of Real‑Time Audio (3 credits)
Prerequisite: 24 credits completed in a Computation Arts, Electroacoustics, or Intermedia (Video, Performance and Electronic Arts)
program; or written permission of the Department. This course is an introduction to the fundamental principles of real‑time digital
audio: the use of a computer to process, synthesize, and manipulate digitized representations of sound in real‑time. Topics such as
physics of sound, sampling, synthesis techniques, filters, and acoustics are introduced through the use of the real‑time programming
environments Max/MSP and Supercollider. Students experiment with digital audio techniques through lab exercises and the
development of a final real‑time composition/sound design work.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a CART 356 number may not take this course for credit.
DART 221 Visual Communication in Context (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Design or written permission of the Department. This studio course engages students in
the study and application of graphic composition and visual communication. It focuses in particular on the elements and principles
of layout and colour theory.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for DART 200 may not take this course for credit.
MARK CORWIN, DMA University of Wisconsin‑Madison; Professor
KEVIN AUSTIN, MMA McGill University
SANDEEP BHAGWATI, Kuenstlerische Reifepruefung Musikhochschule Munich, CURSUS IRCAM (Paris)
Associate Professors
RICARDO DAL FARRA, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal
CHARLES ELLISON, MA Indiana University
Assistant Professors
JOSHUA RAGER, MA McGill University
ELDAD TSABARY, DMA Boston University
GEORGES DIMITROV, DMus University of Montreal
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
GM Building, Room: 500‑01
Tel.: 514‑848‑2424, ext. 4555/4559
Fax: 514‑848‑3155
Department Objectives
The Mission of the Department of Music is to develop musicians, to support musical activities through teaching, research and
performances, and to foster the appreciation of the value of music and fine arts in society.
The Department is committed to the development of musicians through options and opportunities found within the multidisciplinary
context of the Faculty of Fine Arts through generalized and specialized education.
Areas of study include theory, history, instrumental and vocal studies, including ensembles and private study, composition, jazz,
electroacoustics/recording, and music technology.
Academic scholarship, research, and creativity enhance faculty members’ teaching which furthers the Department’s involvement
in national and international artistic and scholarly communities.
Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequences must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
The Faculty of Fine Arts offers three specialization programs in Music, each of 66 credits. Students applying for entrance to the
Specializations in Performance or Composition are accepted into the Major in Music. Upon completion of 30 credits, students may
apply for transfer into one of those two specializations. Students applying for entrance to the Specialization in Jazz Studies may
enter directly in their first year. Acceptance into a specialization is based on the student’s general academic performance in all
university courses, but especially in the Music courses.
602 • MUSIC
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
66 BFA Specialization in Jazz Studies
6 JAZZ 2006 or, if exempt, Department of Music electives
9 JAZZ 2093, 2103, 3113
12 JAZZ 2513, 2523, 3513, 3523
3 Chosen from JPER 2233, 2243, 2253
3 JPER 2253 or MPER 2313
6 JPER 2513, 2523
3 JAZZ 4003
6 JHIS 3143; 3 credits JHIS electives
12 Chosen from JAZZ, JHIS, and JPER courses
6 Department of Music electives, chosen in consultation with a Music advisor
24 Minor in Music
9 MUSI 2113, 2513 and 2523 or, if exempt, Music electives selected in consultation with a Music advisor
15 Music electives chosen in consultation with a Music advisor
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 603
81.100.1 Admission to Programs in Music
In addition to the normal admission procedure of Concordia University, there is a distinct admission procedure for applicants to Music
programs. All applicants to the Major or Minor in Electroacoustic Studies must submit a portfolio of their own work, the Electroacoustic
Information Sheet, and a letter of intent. All applicants to the Major in Music and the Specialization in Jazz Studies must complete
an audition and Theory and Ear‑Training Placement Tests.
For more information concerning these additional requirements and submission deadline dates, please visit the following website:
For specific information regarding entrance to courses in the Department of Music please see above.
Electroacoustic Studies:
EAST 200 ASA and Aural Skills I (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major or Minor in Electroacoustic Studies. Based upon concepts articulated in Auditory Scene
Analysis. This intensive fundamental ear‑training course is integrated with electroacoustics and music technology through
composition. It offers a focused study of sound, acoustic and psychoacoustic, designed to develop the inner and outer ear.
Direct practical application studies in sonic and musical dictation and creation fosters expanded and refined hearing.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an EAMT 399 number may not take this course for credit.
604 • MUSIC
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
creative and technological environment using software sequencers (MIDI and audio), and music notation programs. Fundamental
music training is provided through exercises and composition using instrument sampling software. References are drawn from
contemporary and cross‑cultural practices.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an EAMT 398 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 605
EAST 361 Current Sound Practice Seminar (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EAST 205, or EAST 203 and 204. Topics vary from year to year, but may include such elements as glitch, noise,
microsound, Pl*nderphonics, collage, game sound, and ring tones.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an EAMT 398 or 498 number may not take this course for credit.
606 • MUSIC
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
EAST 466 Capstone Recording Project II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EAST 465; 60 credits completed in the program; enrolment in the Major or Minor in Electroacoustic Studies. An open
workshop where students engage in intensive studies in applied recording arts. Students are expected to collaborate with other
musicians from the Department of Music.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EAST 460 may not take this course for credit.
Jazz Studies:
JAZZ 200 The Language of Jazz (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Specialization in Jazz Studies or written permission of the Department of Music. An introduction to
the syntax, style, aesthetics, and sociology of jazz. The complete spectrum of styles and artists serves as the basis of materials
for the course. Listening, readings/discussion, aural transcription, performance analysis, repertoire development, instrumental or
vocal performance and film study constitute the core work.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 607
JAZZ 303 Jazz Arranging I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: JAZZ 251, 252. The study of writing arrangements based upon compositions from the American popular song and
jazz repertoires for small and medium‑size jazz ensembles.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for INMS 332 or JAZZ 302 may not take this course for credit.
608 • MUSIC
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
JAZZ 498 Special Topics in Jazz Studies (3 credits)
Prerequisite: JAZZ 200 or exemption, and written permission of the Department of Music. An advanced seminar/workshop in an
area of music which provides an opportunity for the study of specialized aspects of jazz outside the scope of existing courses.
Jazz History:
JHIS 314 Jazz History (3 credits)
A study of the historical developments and the personalities that contributed to the evolution of jazz styles.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MHIS 314 may not take this course for credit.
Jazz Performance:
JPER 223 Big Band I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: JAZZ 200 previously or concurrently; permission of the Department of Music upon successful audition.
A performance course in which students participate in the Big Band Jazz Ensemble.
NOTE: This is a full‑year course.
NOTE: Students are required to participate in public performances.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for JPER 220 or 221 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 609
JPER 251 Jazz Private Study I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Specialization in Jazz Studies and written permission of the Department of Music. This course
offers individual vocal or instrumental instruction in jazz performance.
NOTE: Students are required to assume part of the cost of private lessons.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MPER 251 or MUSI 231 may not take this course for credit.
610 • MUSIC
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
JPER 424 Eclectic Ensemble III (3 credits)
Prerequisite: JPER 324; permission of the Department of Music upon successful audition. A continuation of JPER 324.
NOTE: This is a full-year course.
NOTE: Students are required to participate in public performances.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for JPER 421 may not take this course for credit.
Music History:
MHIS 200 Music History and Society (6 credits)
A survey of musical styles in their social context, from pre‑history to the present day. While emphasis is on the mainstream of the
Western tradition, attention is also given to folk, popular, and jazz styles, as well as to the music of other cultures.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MHIS 201 or 202, or for this topic under a MHIS 498 number, may not take this
course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 611
MHIS 204 Music History from 1800 to the Present (3 credits)
A survey of musical styles in their social context, taken from the end of the Classical period to the present day. While emphasis is
on the mainstream of the Western tradition, attention is also given to folk, popular, and jazz styles, as well as to the music of other
NOTE: This course is the second half of MHIS 200. It is not available to students enrolled in any program offered by the
Department of Music.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for MHIS 200 or 202, or for this topic under a MHIS 498 number, may not take this
course for credit.
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2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
MHIS 353 The Modern Jazz Orchestra (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MHIS 314 or JHIS 314. A survey of big band jazz music from 1943 to the present, beginning with Duke Ellington’s
epic composition “Black, Brown and Beige.”
NOTE: Students who have received credit for JHIS 353 or MHIS 316 may not take this course for credit.
Music Performance:
MPER 201 Orchestra I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Written permission of the Department of Music. Students enrolled in this course participate in a large orchestral
ensemble. For evaluation, a supervising full‑time professor will observe a minimum of two rehearsals and/or performances, and
may consult with the ensemble director.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 613
MPER 321 Chamber Ensemble I (3 credits)
A study, through performance, of selected works from a broad range of repertoires. The works studied are determined by class
needs and the particular skills of each student. Participation in public performances is required.
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MPER 431 Classical Vocal Repertoire II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MPER 331. A continuation of MPER 331.
MUSI 200 Music Literacy and Keyboard Skills (6 credits)
An intensive introductory course in basic musical materials, with integrated practice in aural training and keyboard skills.
NOTE: Students in a major, minor, or specialization program in the Department of Music (excluding the Major and Minor in
Electroacoustic Studies) may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under INMS 499 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 615
MUSI 211 Aural Perception I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major or Minor in Music, or written permission of the Department of Music. A course designed to
develop the musical ear through intermediate‑level sight‑singing, dictation, aural analysis, and keyboard skills. The study of aural
perception is done through a combination of classroom lectures and workshops.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under MUSI 210 may not take this course for credit.
MUSI 212 Aural Perception II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MUSI 211. A continuation of the development of the musical ear through intermediate‑level sight‑singing, dictation,
aural analysis, and keyboard skills. The study of aural perception is done through a combination of classroom lectures and
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under INMS 210 or 310 may not take this course for credit.
MUSI 223 Understanding Music (3 credits)
A course in analytical listening for the student who has little or no musical background. The works studied represent the major
styles and idioms of Western music.
NOTE: Students in a major, minor, or specialization program in the Department of Music may not take this course for credit
towards their degree.
MUSI 241 Functional Keyboard Skills (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major or Minor in Music, or written permission of the Department. Open to all students whose
principal instrument is not piano. A workshop/laboratory that aims to develop and solidify fundamental and functional piano skills.
MUSI 242 Functional Guitar Skills (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major or Minor in Music, or written permission of the Department. Open to all students whose
principal instrument is not guitar. A workshop/laboratory that aims to develop and solidify fundamental and functional guitar skills.
MUSI 243 Functional Vocal Skills (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major or Minor in Music, or written permission of the Department. Open to all students whose
principal instrument is not voice. A workshop/laboratory that aims to develop and solidify fundamental and functional vocal skills.
616 • MUSIC
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
MUSI 321 Art of Managing Your Career (3 credits)
A hands‑on and practical course that gives growing artists the business and promotional tools that are a necessary part of today’s
artistic environment. Registration in this course may require a short internship as part of the course requirements.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a MUSI 398 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 617
MUSI 421 Research in Music (3 credits)
Prerequisite: 30 credits completed. A survey seminar based upon readings and practical applications of research in music,
including psychology and neuroscience of music, historical/musicological approaches and research‑creation in music.
NOTE: This course is open to non-music students.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic or “Survey of Research in Music Perception and Cognition” under a MUSI 498
number may not take this course for credit.
618 • MUSIC
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
STUDIO ARTS Section 81.110
LEILA SUJIR, BA University of Alberta; Associate Professor
RAYMONDE APRIL, BA Université Laval; Provost’s Distinction
TIM CLARK, MFA MA Concordia University
DAVID ELLIOTT, MFA Concordia University
ERIN MANNING, PhD University of Hawaii; Provost’s Distinction; Concordia Research Chair
FRANÇOIS MORELLI, MFA Rutgers University
LEOPOLD PLOTEK, MFA Slade School of Art
BILL VORN, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal
JANET WERNER, MFA Yale University
CATHERINE WILD, MFA University of Wisconsin‑Madison
Associate Professors
ERIKA ADAMS, MFA University of New Mexico
INGRID BACHMANN, MA School of the Art Institute of Chicago
GENEVIÈVE CADIEUX, BA University of Ottawa; Provost’s Distinction
ELIZA GRIFFITHS, BFA Concordia University
KELLY JAZVAC, MFA University of Victoria
DANICA JOJICH, MFA Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
LUANNE MARTINEAU, MFA University of British Columbia
MARISA PORTOLESE, MFA Concordia University
ERIC SIMON, MFA Université du Québec à Montréal
KELLY THOMPSON, MA Australian National University
PATRICK TRAER, MFA York University
Assistant Professors
SURABHI GHOSH, MFA Cranbrook Academy of Art
JEFFREY MITCHELL Jr, MFA University of Alberta
NADIA MYRE, MFA Concordia University
LINDA SWANSON, MFA New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Department Objectives
The Department of Studio Arts offers programs that emphasize the importance of practical work with practising artists. Through a
series of courses in ceramics, drawing, fibres and material practices, intermedia (video, performance and electronic arts), painting,
photography, print media, and sculpture, students increase their awareness of what constitutes creativity and understanding of the
aesthetic and intellectual aspects of art today.
Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequences must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 619
81.110.1 STUDIO ART
Program Objective
The Major in Studio Art offers students the freedom for exploration while still developing proficiency within a disciplinary core. The
program encourages the cross‑referencing of different creative traditions within a solid, historical, theoretical and studio foundation.
Its primary objective is to give students the choice to define their own needs in tailoring an individualized program of studies within
open parameters. Students are encouraged to choose among a series of studio art electives and progressively establish their
concentration or concentrations through required higher‑level disciplinary courses. While promoting a respect for disciplines, the
program stresses diversity and versatility across studio options.
Students may select their 48 studio art credits required in any media. There is also a similar range from which students can select
12 credits in Art History. Within these specifications, students may fulfill the requirements of the Major in Studio Art either by
specializing in a medium or combining studios in a number of them. However, students must complete one studio course at the
300 level (intermediate) and meet the 400 level (advanced) in the same discipline to fufill their requirements.
BFA Major in Studio Art
DRAW 2006
Studio Art electives
Chosen from 3006‑ and 4006‑level courses in a single medium from one of the following disciplines: ARTX; Ceramics;
Drawing; Fibres and Material Practices; IMCA; Painting; Print Media; Sculpture.
6 Art History electives
6 Chosen from Art History; ARTT; VDEO 3506; or other history‑based courses chosen from Cinema and Theatre
81.110.2 CERAMICS
Program Objective
The Ceramics program offers students a unique opportunity to develop individual studio work in a context that links contemporary
art practice to a rich and diverse material history. A vital program within the Studio Arts Department, courses in Ceramics regularly
include special collaborative projects, field trips and visiting artists. In addition, the Ceramics program provides students with an
important point of departure for investigating diverse subjects ranging from traditional craft practice to new technologies. Well‑equipped
studios and scheduled labs afford students the means to develop technical skills and to seek information specific to their needs.
Course content at all levels of the program includes seminar discussion pertinent to both students’ work and to the current practice
of ceramics. At an advanced level and in consultation with an advisor, students in Ceramics have the opportunity to pursue
independent‑study courses.
60 BFA Major in Ceramics
18 CERA 2306, 3306, 4306
6 DRAW 2006
6 ARTH 2643, 3503
6 Chosen from Art History; ARTT; VDEO 3506; or other history‑based courses chosen from Cinema and Theatre
6 Chosen from Ceramics, Fibres and Material Practices, or Sculpture electives
18 Studio Art electives
60 BFA Major in Fibres and Material Practices
12 FBRS 2406, 2606
6 Chosen from FBRS 3413, 3613, 3713, 3723, 3853, 3863, 3953, or 3983
6 FBRS 4806
6 ARTH 2663, 3523
6 Chosen from Art History; ARTT; VDEO 3506; or other history‑based courses chosen from Cinema and Theatre
24 Studio Art electives
60 BFA Major in Intermedia (Video, Performance and Electronic Arts)
12 Chosen from IMCA 2103, 2203, 2213, 2223, 2303; SCUL 2513; EAST 2313
12 Chosen from IMCA 3106, 3213, 3223, 3313, 3323; 3983, 3996
6 IMCA 4006
12 Studio Art electives
6 Chosen from Fine Arts electives outside of Studio Art*
9 Chosen from ARTH, ARTT, VDEO 3506
3 ARTH 3533
* It is recommended that IMCA students take three credits of CART course offerings in consultation with an advisor.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 621
Program Objective
The Department of Studio Arts provides an in‑depth program in Painting and Drawing, combining theoretical, historical, and
practical study at all undergraduate levels. The aim is to provide students with a broad foundation on which they can base their
own creative contributions.
Studio courses, seminars, and independent projects on such varied topics as collage, pictorial installation, popular culture, and
narration supplement the core courses on painting and drawing. Recognizing the importance of providing basic skills and
knowledge, in an atmosphere of freedom, the program is supported by a large number of faculty and guest artists, exposing
students to a full range of approaches to drawing and painting.
A graduate program in Painting and Drawing is available for further studies.
60 BFA Major in Painting and Drawing
6 DRAW 2006
6 PTNG 2006
6 Chosen from a 300‑level DRAW
6 Chosen from a 300‑level PTNG
6 Chosen from a 400‑level DRAW or PTNG
18 Studio Art electives
6 Art History Electives
6 Chosen from Art History; ARTT; VDEO 3506; or other history‑based courses chosen from Cinema and Theatre
Program Objective
The Photography program acknowledges photography as a discipline with a distinct artistic and historical identity. It also
recognizes that contemporary photographic practice encompasses a rich multiplicity of formal and conceptual approaches.
The course structure of the program and the orientation of its faculty reflect a concern that the students receive a strong
historical and theoretical comprehension of the medium. The program stresses the need for students to acquire the concepts
and vocabulary necessary for critical discussion of their own photographic work and that of others. Emphasis is placed on
the understanding of photography’s sociological and artistic ramifications.
60 BFA Major in Photography
27 PHOT 2106, 2113, 3006, 3113, 3313, 4006
9 Photography electives
6 ARTH 2673, 3593,
6 Chosen from ARTH or ARTT electives
12 Studio Arts electives
30 Minor in Photography
9 PHOT 2106, 2113
9 Photography electives
6 Photography or Studio Arts electives
6 ARTH 2673, 3593
81.110.8 SCULPTURE
Program Objective
The Sculpture program incorporates contemporary genres with divergent approaches to the discipline, ranging from performance
to video installation, built environments, and 3D‑digital applications, on to convergences of these ideas to the notion of intervention
practices. Within the Fine Arts curriculum, these courses offer the opportunity for intensive study in both practical and theoretical
contexts encouraging students to explore the relationships between object, material, body, and space. Such creative investigation,
allied with technical proficiency, provides the base for students to develop an understanding of a broad range of sculptural issues.
Courses are available at all levels, including independent study for advanced students wishing to focus on a single topic or project.
To enrich their artistic training, students concentrating in other areas of Fine Arts may also take most courses offered in sculpture.
60 BFA Major in Sculpture
24 SCUL 2106, 3106, 4106, DRAW 2006
6 ARTX 480 or 400‑level Studio Art elective
18 Studio Art electives
6 Art History electives
6 Chosen from Art History; ARTT; VDEO 3506; or other history‑based courses chosen from Cinema and Theatre
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 623
Admission to the Major in Sculpture
Applicants to Sculpture may apply to enter directly into the Major in Sculpture, or enter the Major in Studio Art with the intention of
transferring upon completion of the first year.
In addition to the normal admission procedure of Concordia University, there is a distinct admission procedure for applicants to
Sculpture. All applicants must submit a portfolio of their own work, as well as a letter of intent, as part of the admission process.
For more information concerning these additional requirements and submission deadline dates, please visit the following website:
(1) While priority is given to students within the program, students wishing to enrol in the course must meet one of the following
• Enrolment in a major or minor program in the Department of Studio Arts.
• Enrolment in a BFA program with credit requirements in Studio Arts.
• Written permission of the program director as determined by portfolio submission and space availability.
Art Studio:
ARTX 280 Integrated Studio in Contemporary Art Practices I (6 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). A studio course designed to familiarize students with contemporary art practice and theory in
its diverse manifestations. The course questions the boundaries of traditional art disciplines and engages the creative potential
of transdisciplinary studio practice with a range of projects that explore, among other things, gesture, mapping, mark‑making and
time‑based image and sound, as well as performative and environmental installation.
Art Theory:
ARTT 398 Special Topics in Studio Arts: Ideas and Issues (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a BFA program or written permission of the Department. This seminar course provides the opportunity
for students of various studio practices to discuss changing issues in theory/practice. Visual material, directed readings, exhibition
visits, and invited speakers will be determined by the special topic.
ARTT 399 Special Topics in Studio Arts: Ideas and Issues (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a BFA program or written permission of the Department. This seminar course provides the opportunity
for students of various studio practices to discuss changing issues in theory/practice. Visual material, directed readings, exhibition
visits, and invited speakers will be determined by the special topic.
CERA 230 Ceramics I (6 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). An introduction to clay as an art medium employing the various techniques of forming, shaping,
and decorating for firing and glazing.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 625
CERA 450 Independent Study (6 credits)
Prerequisite: 48 credits in the Major in Ceramics; CERA 430 previously or concurrently; and written permission of the Department.
This course provides a limited number of students the opportunity to pursue advanced studies in ceramics under the supervision
of a full‑time ceramics faculty member. A clearly defined written agreement between the student and the instructor involved is
required before the independent study is undertaken. This agreement should clearly state the nature of the student’s research,
and the scope of the project and schedule of work should be equivalent to the workload of a six‑credit course. A minimum
cumulative GPA of 3.5 is required before requesting permission.
DRAW 200 Drawing I (6 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). A studio course which provides a technical and conceptual introduction to drawing focusing on
the distinctive and interdisciplinary nature of the practice. Various media are employed to examine and express form, space, and
composition through a variety of graphic subject matter. Drawing from observation, imagination, and memory are covered.
DRAW 314 Life in the Round: Drawing the Figure from Observation I (6 credits)
Prerequisite: DRAW 200. This studio course focuses on the experience of seeing and depicting the living human body in all its
complexity and presence.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a DRAW 399 number may not take this course for credit.
DRAW 414 Life in the Round: Drawing the Figure from Observation II (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Any 300‑level DRAW course. This advanced‑level studio course focuses on the experience of seeing and depicting
the living human body in all its complexity and presence.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a DRAW 499 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 627
drawing under the supervision of a full‑time drawing faculty member. A clearly defined written agreement between the student and
the instructor involved is required before the independent study is undertaken. This agreement should clearly state the nature of
the student’s research, and the scope of the project and schedule of work should be equivalent to the workload of a three‑credit
course. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 is required before requesting permission.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 629
(internal or external to the University) and a full‑time Fibres and Material Practices faculty member. A clearly defined agreement
between the Department, the student, and the artist or institution involved will be arrived at before the Professional Internship
is undertaken. Students are required to submit a proposal that clearly defines the learning objectives of the internship and the
expected workload (which should equal the hours required for a three‑credit course). A Professional Internship request form
must be completed and approved by the faculty supervisor and the Department Chair prior to registration permission. Students
will supply a report upon completion of the internship to the faculty supervisor and an evaluation from the external supervisor will
inform the final grade submitted by the faculty supervisor.
IMCA 400 Advanced Practices in Video, Performance and Electronic Arts (6 credits)
Prerequisite: 48 credits completed within the Intermedia (Video, Performance and Electronic Arts) program; or written permission
of the Department. An advanced studio class in which students create a personal body of work, refine technical expertise, and
develop a visual and critical language related to video, performance, and electronic arts. Topics are presented and discussed in
seminar fashion. A group exhibition at the end of the year is required.
NOTE: Students are expected to bear the costs related to this course.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an IMCA 499 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 631
IMCA 480 Professional Internship in Intermedia/Cyberarts (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Third‑year standing* and written permission of the Department. Under the joint supervision of a qualified professional
and a full‑time faculty member, the student is employed within industry or by a professional organization or other relevant institution.
A clearly defined agreement between the Department, the student, and the artist/professional or institution involved is established
before the internship is undertaken. This agreement should clearly state the nature of the student’s participation and the hours of
work expected. Projects receiving approval for the internship credits must demonstrate appreciable learning potential for the student.
*60 credits completed in degree program.
PTNG 200 Painting I (6 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). A studio course which provides a technical and conceptual introduction to painting focusing
on the distinctive nature of the medium. Basic painting materials and processes are explored through exercises in figuration,
abstraction, colour, composition, and the construction of pictorial space.
PTNG 414 Life in the Round: Painting the Figure from Observation II (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Any 300‑level PTNG course. This advanced‑level studio course focuses on the experience of seeing and depicting
the living human body in all its complexity and presence.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a PTNG 499 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 633
PTNG 450 Painting IV (6 credits)
Prerequisite: PTNG 400. An advanced painting class in which students develop a series of independent projects that allow them
to create a coherent body of work in painting and to situate it within contemporary practice. Independent studio production may be
supplemented by readings, lectures, seminars, museum/gallery visits, and visiting artists.
PHOT 201 Introduction to Colour Photography (3 credits)
An introductory‑level course that covers fundamental techniques specific to colour photography including basic camera functions,
film exposure, and printing.
NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of film stock, processing, printing, and other materials
NOTE: Students in a Major or Minor in the Photography program may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 635
PHOT 332 Digital Photography II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PHOT 331 and enrolment in the Major or Minor in Photography, or written permission of the Department. This advanced
course expands on the basic control skills and creative aspects of digital technology by implementing personal approaches to the
use of technology. Emphasis is on the creative development and advanced use of technology for the production of a portfolio.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a PHOT 498 number may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of removable storage devices, printing, and other materials.
Print Media:
PRIN 211 Intaglio I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). An introductory studio course in intaglio techniques with an emphasis on creative imagery.
This course covers traditional techniques and photo‑based processes. Assignments, lectures, and critiques focus on theoretical,
historical, and aesthetic issues in contemporary print media.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 637
critiques and discussions emphasize problem solving and critical analysis in the creation of personal imagery. Students are
required to develop a coherent portolio that demonstrates their engagement in contemporary print theory and practice.
*24 credits completed in degree program.
PRIN 341 Processes in Digital Print Media II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PRIN 241; six credits in Print Media; second‑year standing* in a Fine Arts program; or written permission of the
program director. An intermediate studio course with an emphasis on concepts of digital imaging, print applications, file creation,
and layers for multi‑plate hand‑printing and file export to various digital print formats. Lectures and critiques focus on theoretical,
critical, and aesthetic issues in contemporary digital print media. Students are required to develop a coherent portfolio that
demonstrates their involvement in contemporary print theory and practice.
*24 credits completed in degree program.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 639
instructor involved is required before the independent study is undertaken. This agreement should clearly state the nature of
the student’s research, and the scope of the project and schedule of work should be equivalent to the workload of a three‑credit
course. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 is required before requesting permission.
SCUL 210 Sculpture and Material Practices (6 credits)
Prerequisite: See N.B. number (1). This is a studio course in which students explore creative research to facilitate their development
as artists in the encompassing discipline of sculpture. Modes of expression in sculpture are investigated through a variety of
contemporary and traditional materials.
VDEO 350 Video History and Theory (6 credits)
A survey lecture course introducing the history and theory of art video practice since its inception in the 1960s. The course
locates the roots of this art form in such divergent impulses as conceptualism, community activism, technological experimentation,
and broadcast television, as well as in narrative and documentary traditions. In addition, regional Canadian video artists and
co‑operatives are situated within international historical trends and the development of post‑modern and other theoretical
perspectives. Weekly screenings.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 641
THEATRE Section 81.120
URSULA NEUERBURG‑DENZER, PhD Free University of Berlin; Associate Professor
ANA CAPPELLUTO, MEd McGill University
Associate Professors
NOAH DREW, MFA Temple University
GENE GIBBONS, MA West Virginia University, MFA Purdue University
ROBERT REID, MFA Université du Québec à Montréal
LUIS C. SOTELO CASTRO, PhD University of Northampton
MARK SUSSMAN, PhD New York University
Assistant Professors
JESSICA CARMICHAEL, MFA University of Alberta
SHAUNA JANSSEN, PhD Concordia University
Senior Lecturer
For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.
Sir George Williams Campus
GM Building, Room: 500‑01
Tel.: 514‑848‑2424, ext. 4555
Department Objectives
The Theatre Department offers students an opportunity to explore theatre as an art form and instrument for social and personal
The Theatre programs provide students with a basic grounding in acting, design, production, and performance creation, and serve
as preparation for advanced studies.
The Department welcomes autonomy and personal creativity in its students while encouraging initiative and collaboration.
Reflecting the realities of modern theatre, it also prepares students for self‑employment and entrepreneurial roles within national
and international milieux.
Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the following sequence must be read in
conjunction with §81.20.
The superscript indicates credit value.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
9 Chosen from DFTT 3053, 3153, 3253, 3263, 3353, 3363, 3373, 3453, 3983, 4053
3 PERC 3113
12 Elective credits from the Faculty of Fine Arts*
*Students are advised to select six credits from Studio Art electives.
24 Minor in Theatre
6 PERC 2113, 2123
3 Chosen from PERC 3033, 3063
3 Chosen from PERC 3213, 3223, 3233, 3243, 3983
12 Elective credits from the Department of Theatre
Acting for the Theatre:
ACTT 201 Introduction to Acting I (3 credits)
This course emphasizes the development of imagination and physical expression, including the basics of improvisation, the
playing of intention, and the group ensemble experience working towards presentation.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for TPER 201 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students enrolled in this course are required to pay a production fee.
NOTE: Students enrolled in a specialization program in the Department of Theatre may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 643
ACTT 211 Voice and Movement for the Stage I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Specialization in Acting for the Theatre or written permission of the Department of Theatre. This
studio course cultivates the expressive potential of the actor’s instrument: the body, voice, and imagination. It aims to hone the
basic tools of physical and of vocal expression. Students practise applying these tools in études, poetry performances, and scenes.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for TPER 231 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
ACTT 372 Stage Combat (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ACTT 321 or written permission of the Department of Theatre. Building on previously acquired movement skills, this
course focuses on the development of unarmed and armed stage combat skills for the actor.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a TPER 498 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 645
ACTT 450 Advanced Acting Studio (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ACTT 321, 325. Building on the skills developed in movement and voice for the stage, this studio course provides
advanced students with the opportunity to apply their skills to text study and character development in an intensive environment
without the pressure of creating a public performance. The course may introduce a variety of acting styles to promote further skill
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Design for the Theatre:
DFTT 209 Design for Live Performance I (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a specialization of the Department of Theatre or written permission of the Department. An examination
of the theatrical design process, including the role of designers. Students study the conception, communication, and realization of
design ideas in lectures and labs.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 647
DFTT 331 Set Design Conception (3 credits)
Prerequisite: DFTT 209 and 210 or written permission of the Department of Theatre. Students study set design for the theatre with
emphasis on imaginative and analytical processes of developing and communicating set design ideas. Students participate in
lectures, studios, and projects to examine theories, aesthetics, and conventions of set design.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
DFTT 401 Advanced Designer’s Studio: Conception (3 credits)
Prerequisite: DFTT 301 and written permission of the Department of Theatre. Students apply their design knowledge to special
projects, which may include portfolio development or the design of Department of Theatre productions.
NOTE: This course may be repeated for credit in this program, provided the subject matter is different each time.
NOTE: Specific topics, and additional prerequisites if required, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.
Performance Creation:
PERC 201 Telling Tales (3 credits)
This course explores individual and collective storytelling within a framework of the world’s oral narrative traditions. Students study
and practise techniques for telling stories, whether drawn from their individual experiences, from the experiences of others, or from
oral tales recorded in written form. Students are encouraged to explore and develop their own storytelling style.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for TDEV 201 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: Students enrolled in the course are required to pay a production fee.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 649
PERC 209 The Engaged Theatre Artist (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a specialization of the Department of Theatre or written permission of the Department. This studio
course is designed to bring together students from all of the Department’s specializations to explore basic skills and principles of
performance creation and acting for the theatre. The course combines theoretical readings and practical explorations relating to
diverse perspectives on an artist’s role in society.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for ACTT 209, TDEV 209, or TPER 209 may not take this course for credit.
PERC 306 Theatre History and Theory, 1800 to the Present (3 credits)
Prerequisite: 24 credits. This lecture course engages with theatre practices and history as art forms and social phenomena from
the 19th century to contemporary times. Students are exposed to key theatre historical and theoretical texts within the context of
contemporary critical theory. The course problematizes the notion of the canon as it has been challenged by the rise of feminism,
post‑colonial studies, and queer theory, among other lenses.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for THEA 306 or 404 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
example, writing a play for two actors, or adaptations from another genre.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for THEA 341 may not take this course for credit.
NOTE: This course may be repeated for credit in this program, provided the subject matter is different each time.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 651
forms that might include verbatim and documentary forms, applied theatre, playback theatre, community engaged performance,
storytelling, performance art and digital media. This class has a public performance.
NOTE: Students enrolled in the course are required to pay a production fee.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under a PERC 398 number may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
PERC 409 Supervised Internship II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PERC 408 and written permission of the Department of Theatre. This course provides students with the opportunity
to obtain credit for work completed for a recognized theatre company, or for a project under the joint supervision of a qualified
professional and a full‑time Theatre faculty member.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for DFTT 409 or PROD 409 may not take this course for credit.
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 653
100.10 Librarians
Section 100
LIBRARIANS Section 100.10
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
2017 Retirements
2015 Retirements
BARAKETT, Joyce, PhD Université de Montréal; Education
BOISVERT, Donald, PhD University of Ottawa; Religions and Cultures
DRESNER, Aaron, MBA McGill University; Management
EVERGON, MFA Rochester Institute of Technology; Studio Arts
GERICKE, Irene, MA Concordia University; Creative Arts Therapies
GRAHAM, David, PhD University of Western Ontario; Études françaises
GRAY, Christopher B., PhD Catholic University of America; Philosophy
HOODFAR, Homa, PhD University of Kent; Sociology and Anthropology
IBRAHIM, A. Bakr, PhD Concordia University, CA RIA/CMA; Management
JOHNS, Gary, PhD Wayne State University; Provost’s Distinction; Management
LOCKE, Joanne, MLS McGill University; Education
PENNY, Will, PhD McGill University; Education
SYNNOTT, Anthony J., PhD University of London; Sociology and Anthropology
2014 Retirements
AHMAD, Arshad, PhD McGill University; Provost’s Distinction; Finance
AHSAN, Syed, PhD McMaster University; Economics
CHVATAL, Vaclav, PhD University of Waterloo; Provost’s Distinction; Computer Science and Software Engineering
GATBONTON, Elizabeth, PhD McGill University; Education
GREENE, David F., PhD University of Calgary; Geography, Planning and Environment
GROGONO, Peter, PhD Concordia University, PEng; Computer Science and Software Engineering
METALLINOS, Nikos, PhD University of Utah; Communication Studies
MOUNTAIN, Rosemary, PhD University of Victoria; Music
ROSCOE, Wendy Nadine, BComm Concordia University, CPA CA; Accountancy
SIMS, William A., PhD University of Toronto; Economics
2013 Retirements
AMANTEA, Gisele, MFA University of Puget Sound; Studio Arts
BODE, Frederick, PhD Yale University, History
ELHAKEEM, Ahmed K., PhD Southern Methodist University, PEng; Electrical and Computer Engineering
HICKEY, Donal, PhD Harvard University; Biology
HUTTER, Horst, PhD Stanford University; Political Science
LITNER, Bluma, PhD University of Toronto; Applied Human Sciences
MARCOTTE, Claude, PhD Université du Québec à Montréal; Management
O’BRIEN, Kat, MFA University of Alabama; Design and Computation Arts
RADHAKRISHNAN, Thiruvengadam, PhD Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, PEng; Computer Science and
Software Engineering
THAINE, Francisco, PhD Instituto Nacional de Matématica Pura e Aplicada, Brazil; Mathematics and Statistics
ZACHARIAS, John, PhD Université de Montréal; Geography, Planning and Environment
Section 200
Entrance Scholarships
Entrance Bursaries
In‑Course Scholarships
In‑Course Bursaries
Holding more than one of these scholarships or bursaries is not allowed unless expressly authorized by the Undergraduate
Scholarships and Awards Committee. All scholarships, bursaries, and awards are available to full‑time students in bachelor’s
programs, who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Scholarship, award, and bursary programs are active during the regular session only. Regular session is defined in §16.1.1 as the
fall and winter terms of a given academic year. No scholarships, awards, or bursaries are issued during the summer session.
Full‑time and part‑time status for all scholarships, bursaries, and awards is determined according to candidates’ credit load over
the regular session only (i.e. fall and winter). Where scholarship, award, and bursary programs are concerned, summer‑session
credit loads cannot be combined with fall/winter credits in the determination of full‑time or part‑time status. In general, registration in
a total of 24 credits or more during the regular session equates to full‑time status, while registration in less than 24 credits equates
to part‑time status.
Authorized co‑op work terms and exchange programs are normally considered equivalent to full‑time on‑campus registration.
Wherever possible, clients of the Access Centre for Students with Disabilities who are registered in a part‑time credit load may
be considered as full‑time students in the event of candidacy for scholarships, awards, and bursaries.
Entrance Scholarships are available to full‑time students entering university studies for the first time. Candidates are selected by
Faculties/Schools in co‑operation with the Financial Aid and Awards Office, and in certain cases, in co‑operation with academic
departments as well. Selection is automatic, based on academic ranking as assigned by the University in the course of admission
file processing. For some entrance scholarships, especially those in the Faculty of Fine Arts, selection is based on submission of a
portfolio and/or other specific materials. Only selected candidates are notified.
In‑Course Scholarships are available to students who have completed at least one academic year in full‑time study at Concordia
University. Most in‑course scholarships are automatically awarded by the Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Committee on
the basis of the student’s assessment GPA achieved at Concordia during the preceding academic year. A small number of in‑course
scholarships require students to apply — these have additional eligibility criteria such as contribution to student life, or enrolment
in a particular study discipline.
Entrance Bursaries are available to students entering university studies for the first time. An application form must be submitted
online along with various supporting documents. Eligibility is determined following a financial needs test, a review of the candidate’s
academic ranking as assigned during admission application processing, and a holistic appreciation of the applicant’s personal
statements on the entrance bursary application form.
In‑Course Bursaries are awarded to returning students admitted in a previous year on the basis of financial need and satisfactory
academic standing. An application form must be submitted online along with various supporting documents. Eligibility is determined
following a financial needs test, a review of the candidate’s academic standing, and a holistic appreciation of the applicant’s
personal statements on the in‑course bursary application form. For a complete list of available entrance bursaries, consult the
FAAO website.
Awards are generally similar to scholarships, except that they have one or more additional eligibility criteria, such as a letter of
intent or an applicant statement, contribution to student life at the University, or a particular level of performance in a certain
course. Most are restricted to students in particular degrees or concentrations. In many cases, there is no specific grade point
average requirement, although all candidates must be in satisfactory academic standing with a minimum assessment GPA of 2.00.
Information for New Donors: Establishing New Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards at Concordia University
The Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Committee and the Financial Aid and Awards Office would like to express their
deepest gratitude and appreciation to the ever‑growing number of donors and sponsors who provide generous support and
recognition to students through the establishment of undergraduate scholarships, bursaries, and awards every year at Concordia
University. These programs not only greatly contribute to the academic and personal success of students today, but they also
serve as a solid foundation for tomorrow’s achievements.
Donors wishing to establish new scholarships, bursaries, and awards for undergraduate students are encouraged to contact the
Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations. Please visit the Giving to Concordia section of the main Concordia University website
for information on establishing new awards, and other meaningful ways of supporting Concordia University and its students.
Section 300
Associate Deans
Administrative Director
Sir George Williams Campus
School of Graduate Studies
GM Building, Room: 930
514‑848‑2424, ext. 3800
Mailing Address
School of Graduate Studies
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Montreal, Quebec
H3G 1M8
The graduate programs offered by the University are divided into doctoral, master’s, diploma and certificate programs. Doctoral
programs offer students the opportunity to carry out fundamental and applied research. The results of this research are presented
in the form of a thesis containing an original contribution to knowledge. Master’s and doctoral theses are defended in public
The length and specific format of a doctoral thesis is discipline dependent. All doctoral programs require the passing of
comprehensive examinations and a minimum of 90 credits of study. At the master’s level, the University offers a variety of
thesis and non‑thesis options. All master’s programs require a minimum of 45 credits. Some master’s programs also have a
comprehensive examination.
The academic goals of the graduate diploma programs are different from those of doctoral and master’s programs. They are
designed either to offer a further specialization in a field or discipline already studied at the undergraduate level, or they provide
the introduction to a new field of study or discipline, with the express intent to develop some level of specialized knowledge. A
graduate diploma typically consists of 30 credits. Diploma programs do not require a thesis, although a graduating essay, project
or report may be required.
Graduate certificates are usually designed to use existing departmental graduate resources to serve a professional clientele who
seek an upgrading and advanced graduate training over a short time frame. The focus of the certificate program should be directed
to the needs of the professional clientele; it will be specialized in scope rather than being of a general nature. A graduate certificate
usually consists of 15 credits.
With the exception of a few cross‑Faculty programs, all graduate programs offered by the University are administered by a
particular academic department or program in one of the four Faculties of the University. All graduate programs are described in
the Graduate Calendar. Each description outlines admission requirements, degree requirements and program options. Please
contact the graduate program director for further information.
Students may choose to receive their degrees in either the gender neutral nomenclature of Magisteriate and Doctorate or the
traditional nomenclature of Master and Doctor.
For a listing of graduate program directors and assistants, please visit:
Section 400
INDEX Section 400
NOTE: Where the subject matter referred to appears on more than one consecutive page, only the first page number is given.
A Admission: 21
Academic Documents, 28
Aboriginal Student Resource Centre: 82 Application Deadline Dates, 26
Application Fee, 25
Academic Calendar: 9 Applying for, 25
Arts and Science, 129
Academic Code of Conduct: 54 Citizenship Documents, 27
Academic Hearing Panel, 58 Conditional, 28
Appeals, 59 Confirmation Fee, 28
Definitions, 54 Documents Required, 27, 28
Sanctions, 56 Engineering and Computer Science, 471
Entry Dates, 26
Academic Code of Conduct Decision (CODE): Fine Arts, 552
Course Notation, 44 Former Concordia Students, 24
from Other Canadian Provinces, 23
Academic Integrity: 54 from Outside Canada, 24
from Quebec Institutions, 23
Academic Misconduct: 55 Independent Students, 26
International Students, 24, 96
Academic Regulations: January, 26
Academic Performance Requirements, 51 John Molson School of Business, 430
Academic Re‑evaluation, 49 Language Proficiency, 25
Appeals, 50, 51 Mature Students, 26, 30
Code of Conduct, 54 Official Transcript, 28
Engineering and Computer Science, 471 Permanent Code, 28
Evaluation, Administrative Notations, Examinations, Permanent Residency Documents, 27
and Performance Requirements, 43 Proof of Quebec Residency, 27
General Information, 36 Quebec Residency, 27
Programs and Regulations, 41 Regulations, 21
Re‑evaluation Decision, 50, 51
Requirements, 23
Weighted Grade Point Average, 51
Selection Process and Notification, 28
Senior Students, 27
Academic Standing:
Special, 26
Arts and Science, 134
Transfer Credits and Exemptions, 24
John Molson School of Business, 433
Engineering and Computer Science, 472 Transfers from Other Post‑Secondary Institutions, 24
Fine Arts, 555 Transfers from Other Universities, 24
Visiting Students, 26
Academic Year: 22, 36
Adult Education: 222
Acceptable Standing: Certificate in, 222
Arts and Science, 134
John Molson School of Business, 433 Aerospace Engineering: 497
Engineering and Computer Science, 472
Fine Arts, 555 Alternate Examinations: 48
666 • INDEX
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Archaeology: 167 Teaching of English as a Second Language, 218
Theological Studies, 394
Art Education: 559 Therapeutic Recreation, 139
Urban Planning and Urban Studies, 278
Art History: 563 Women’s Studies, 423
Arts and Science: Faculty of (General), 127 Awards, Prizes and Scholarships: 659
Academic Performance Regulations, 134
Certificate Program, 297 Awards: 659
Co‑operative Education, 150, 159, 203, 244, 301, 308, Arts and Science, 122
325, 336, 377 Concordia University, 89
Degree Requirements, 132 Engineering and Computer Science, 123
Extended Credit Programs, 132 External Sponsors, 90
General Education, 136 Faculty, 122
General Studies in, 129 Fine Arts, 123
Honours Programs, 134 Governor General’s, 122
Mature Student Entry, 132 John Molson School of Business, 123
Professional Experience, 325 Special, 123
Profiles, 129 University, 122
Programs and Admission Requirements, 129
Registration Regulations, 135
Arts and Science: Faculty of (Departments/Programs),
Adult Education, 222 Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in:
Applied Human Sciences, 138 Administration, 431
Biology, 148 Arts, 130
Chemistry and Biochemistry, 157 Commerce, 431
Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, 165 Computer Science, 528
Colleges, Institutes and Schools, 400, 404, 407, 412, Education, 130
420, 423 (Teaching English as a Second Language), 218
Communication Studies, 190 Engineering, 474
Economics, 201 Fine Arts, 554
Education, 210 Science, 130
English, 225
English as a Second Language, 221 Biology: 148
Études françaises, 241
Exercise Science, 257 Board of Governors: 16
First Peoples Studies, 416
French, 241 Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering: 492
Geography, Planning and Environment, 268
History, 282 Building Engineering: 492, 493
Human Relations, 139
Individual Studies Program, 296 Bursaries: 89
Interdisciplinary Elective Groups, 298 Entrance, 89, 661
Interdisciplinary Studies, 296 Explore (Second‑Language Summer Program), 88
Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality, 297 In‑Course, 89, 661
Israel Studies, 298
Journalism, 300 Business:
Leisure Sciences, 139 Certificate in, 466
Liberal Arts College, 400 Foundations for, 466
Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability, 404 International, 453
Mathematics and Statistics, 305 Studies, 466
Philosophy, 317
Physics, 324
Political Science, 332 C
Psychology, 348
Religions and Cultures, 362 Calendar: Academic, 9
School of Community and Public Affairs, 412
School of Irish Studies, 407 Campus Wellness and Support Services: 84
Science College, 420
Simone de Beauvoir Institute, 423 Canadian Irish Studies: Certificate in, 408
Sociology and Anthropology, 375
Southern Asia Studies, 363 Career and Planning Services (CAPS): 83
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 667
Career Resource Centre: 84 Commerce: Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in, 431
668 • INDEX
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Economics (Arts and Science), 203 Creative Arts Therapies: 588
Finance, 448
French Translation, 244 Creative Writing: 226
International Business, 453
Journalism, 301 Credit:
Management, 456 Definition of, 37
Marketing, 461 Exemptions, 24
Mathematics and Statistics, 308 External, 24
Physics, 325 Transfer, 24
Political Science, 336
Sociology and Anthropology, 377 Curriculum: Regulations, 41
Supply Chain Operations Management, 442
Councils: D
Arts and Science, 16
John Molson School of Business, 16 Dance: 585
Engineering and Computer Science, 16 Dean of Students Office: 80
Fine Arts, 16
Student Life, 16 Deferred (DEF): Course Notation, 44, 48
Counselling and Psychological Services: 85 Deferred Examinations: 46, 47
Course Load: Definitions: 54
Arts and Science, 37 Academic Misconduct, 55
John Molson School of Business, 37 Academic Year, 22
Engineering and Computer Science, 37, 473 Certificate Programs, 42
Fine Arts, 37, 554 Cheating, 55
Summer Session, 37 Combination Programs, 42
Co‑requisite, 23
Course Notations: Course Notations, 44
Academic Code of Conduct Decision (CODE), 44 Credit, 37
Complementary University Credits (CUC), 44 Exemption, 22
Deferred (DEF), 44, 48 Extended Credit Program Students, 23
Did Not Enter (DNE), 44 Fall Term, 22
Did Not Write (DNW), 44 Falsification, 55
Discontinued (DISC), 44 Full‑Time Students, 37
Exemption (EX), 44 Honours Programs, 42, 133
Exemption Received Credit Removed (EREM), 44 Impersonation, 55
Extra Credits (EXTR), 44 Independent Students, 23, 26
Incomplete (INC), 44 Major Programs, 42, 133
Initial Attempt (INIT), 44 Mature Students, 23
In Progress (IP), 45 Minor Programs, 42, 133
Late Completion Grade Obtained (LATE), 44 Multiple Submission of Projects, 55
Medical (MED), 44, 48 Official Transcript, 41
Pending (PEND), 44 Part‑Time Students, 37
Potential Exemption (PEX), 44 Plagiarism, 55
Potential Transfer Credits (PTR), 44 Prerequisite, 23
Repeat (REPT), 44 Regular Session, 22, 36
Report (RPT), 45 Residence Requirement, 23
Special Course Permission (SRCR), 45 Rights and Responsibilities, 64
Special Course Repetition (SREP), 45 Sequence of Courses, 23
Supplemental (SUPP), 45 Specialization Programs, 42, 133
Transfer Credit Received, Credits Removed (TREM), 45 Student Record, 40
Transfer Credits (TRC), 45 Summer Session, 22, 36
Valid (VALD), 45 Transfer Credits, 23
Work Term (WRKT), 45 Undergraduate Students, 23
Visiting Students, 23, 26
Courses: Winter Term, 22
Cancellation of, 37
Complementary University Credit, 126 Degree Regulations: 42
EX, EXTR, INC, INIT, LATE, MED, PEND, PEX, Degree Requirements:
PTR, REPT, RPT, SRCR, SREP, SUPP, TRC, TREM, Arts and Science, 132
VALD, WRKT, 44 John Molson School of Business, 431
Repetition of, 43 Computer Science, 529
Sequence of, 23 Engineering, 475
Withdrawal from, 37 Fine Arts, 554
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 669
Design and Computation Arts: 590 Civil Engineering: Courses, 508
Computation Arts and Computer Science, 543
Did Not Enter (DNE): Course Notation, 44 Computer Applications, 532
Computer Engineering, 478, 484
Did Not Write (DNW): Course Notation, 44 Computer Engineering: Courses, 511
Diploma Programs: 664 Computer Games, 530
Computer Science, 527
Disabled Students: Computer Science: Courses, 536
Access Centre for Students with Disabilities, 86 Computer Science: General Program, 530
Policy on Accessibility for Students with Disabilities, 86 Computer Science and Software Engineering, 527
Scholarships and Awards, 88 Computer Systems, 531
Concordia Institute for Aerospace Design and Innovation,
Discontinued (DISC): Course Notation, 44 474
Concordia Institute for Aerospace Design and Innovation:
Doctoral Programs: 664 Courses, 519
Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering,
Drama: 642 547
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 478
Electrical Engineering: Courses, 514
E Engineering and Computer Science: Courses, 500
Engineering Course Descriptions, 500
Early Childhood and Elementary Education: 211 Engineering: Courses, 500
Economics: Environmental Engineering, 492
Arts and Science, 201 Industrial Engineering, 487, 491
John Molson School of Business, 446 Industrial Engineering: Courses, 520
Information Systems, 532
Education: 210 Mathematics and Statistics and Computer Applications, 544
Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in, 130 Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering, 487
Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in (Teaching of English as a Mechanical Engineering, 487, 489
Second Language), 218 Mechanical Engineering: Courses, 522
Certificate in Adult, 222 Software Engineering, 534
Software Engineering: Courses, 540
Electrical and Computer Engineering: 478 Software Systems, 531
Web Services and Applications, 531
Engineering and Computer Science: Faculty of (General),
Academic Regulations, 471 Engineering: Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in, 474
Admission Requirements, 471
Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, 475 English: 225
Certificate Program, 477 Creative Writing, 226
Complementary Studies, 549 Teaching as a Second Language, 218
Co‑op Format, 474 English as a Second Language: 221
Degree Requirements, 475, 529
Extended Credit Program, 475, 532 English Language Proficiency Requirement: 25
General Education, 476
Grading System, 472 Entrance Bursaries: 661
Graduation Regulations, 473
Industrial Experience and Reflective Learning Courses, Entrance Scholarships: 661
476, 534
Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, 475 Environmental Engineering: 492
Programs Offered, 470 Études françaises: 241
Registration Regulations, 473 Certificat en langue française, 244
Regulations, 472
Supplemental Examinations, 472 Evaluation: Academic, 43
Writing Skills Requirement, 476
Examinations: 43, 45
Engineering and Computer Science: Faculty of Alternate, 48
(Departments/Programs), Applications for Deferred, Replacement, Supplemental,
Aerospace Engineering, 497 and Alternate Examinations, 47
Aerospace Engineering: Courses, 502 Conduct During, 57
Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 492 Deferred, 46, 47
Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering: Final, 45
Courses, 505 Replacement, 47
Building Engineering, 492 Special Accommodations, 86
Building Engineering: Courses, 506 Supplemental, 47
Centre for Engineering in Society, 546 (Arts and Science), 134
Civil Engineering, 492, 495 (Engineering and Computer Science), 472
670 • INDEX
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Exemption: Definition of, 22 Fine Arts: Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in, 554
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 671
Grading System: 40 Intermedia (Video, Performance and Electronic Arts): 621
Interdisciplinary Studies: L
Arts and Science, 296
Language of Examinations: 43
Elective Groups, 298
Fine Arts, 555 Language of Instruction: 43
Individual Studies Program, 296
In Sexuality, 297, 557 Language Proficiency: 25
672 • INDEX
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Lapsed Program: 38 Modern Languages: 165, 189
Arts and Science, 135
John Molson School of Business, 433 Multi‑faith and Spirituality Centre: 81
Fine Arts, 555
Multiple Submission of Projects: 55
Late Completion Grade Obtained (LATE): Course Notation, 44
Music: 602
Latin: 165
Learning Services: 83 O
Leisure Sciences: 139 Official Transcripts: 28, 41
Permanent Code: 28
Philosophy: 317
Major: Definition of, 42, 133
Photography: 622
Management: 455
Special Program in, 468
Physics: 324
Marketing: 460
Plagiarism: 55
Master’s Degree Programs: 664
Policy on Accessibility for Students with Disabilities: 86
Mathematics and Statistics: 305
Policy on the Establishment of Tribunal Hearing Pools: 61
Mathematics and Statistics and Computer Applications:
(Arts and Science), 307 Political Science: 332
(Engineering and Computer Science), 544
Potential Exemption (PEX): Course Notation, 44
Mature Entry: 29
Potential Transfer Credits (PTR): Course Notation, 44
Mature Students:
Admission, 30 Print Media: 623
Arts and Science, 132
Assistance, 32 Prizes: 121, 659
Definition of, 23, 30
Program Requirements, 30 Professional Experience:
Computation Arts, 592
Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering: 487 Design, 591
Physics, 325
Mechanical Engineering: 487, 489
Medals: 121 Arts and Science, 129
John Molson School of Business, 430
Medical (MED): Course Notation, 44, 48 Engineering and Computer Science, 471
Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema: 570 Program Options for Business Students: Additional, 465
Minor: Definition of, 42, 133 Program Options for Non‑Business Students: 466
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 673
Program Profiles: Requirements:
Arts and Science, 129 Academic Performance, 51
John Molson School of Business, 430 Admission, 23
Engineering and Computer Science, 471 Admission – International Students, 96
Concentration, 42
Programs: Graduation, 40, 133
Certificate, 42 Residence, 23, 41
Certificate (Arts and Science), 297 Writing Skills Requirement, 43
Certification, 108
Combinations, 42 Residence and Housing: 86
Co‑operative, 114
Diploma, 664 Residence Requirements: 41
Doctoral, 664 Definition of, 23
Extended Credit Program Students: Definition of, 23
Graduate, 663 Retired Faculty: 657
Honours, 42, 133
(Arts and Science), 134
Rights and Responsibilities: 63
Individual Studies, 296
Code of, 63
Major, 42, 133
Master’s, 664 Definitions, 64
Mature Students, 30
Minor, 42, 133
Specialization, 42, 133 S
Projects: Multiple Submission of, 55 Scholarships: 89, 659
Entrance, 89, 661
Psychology: 348 In‑Course, 89, 661
674 • INDEX
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
Southern Asia Studies: 363 Students: Classification of,
Extended Credit Program, 23
Spanish: 168, 181 Independent, 23, 26
Mature, 23, 30
Special Course Permission (SRCR): Course Notation, 45 Senior, 27
Transfer, 24
Special Course Repetition (SREP): Course Notation, 45 Undergraduate, 23
Visiting, 23, 26
Specialization: Definition of, 42, 133
Student Success Centre: 82
Statistics: 305
Student Type: 23
Full‑Time Student, 37 Studio Arts: 619
Independent, 23, 26
Mature, 23 Summer Session: 10, 22, 36
Part‑Time Student, 37
Senior Student, 27 Supplemental Examinations: 47, 49, 134, 472
Visiting Student, 23, 26
Supplemental (SUPP): Course Notation, 45
Student Advocacy Office: 84
Supply Chain and Business Technology Management: 441
Student Associations:
Alumni Relations, 102
Concordia Student Union (CSU), 102 T
Graduate, 102
Undergraduate, 102 Teacher Certification:
Assistance, 109
Citizenship Requirements, 108
Student Learning Services: 83
Teachers: Certification Programs, 108
Student Life and Student Services: 79
Aboriginal Student Resource Centre, 82
Teacher Training and Teacher Certification: 107
Campus Wellness and Support Services, 84
Career and Planning Services (CAPS), 83
Teaching of English as a Second Language: 218
Career Resource Centre, 84
Certificate in, 218
Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL), 80
Counselling and Psychological Services, 85 Theatre: 642
Dean of Students Office, 80
Financial Aid and Awards Office, 87 Theological Studies: 394
Health Services, 84 Certificate in Christian Spirituality, 395
International Students Office, 93 Certificate in Pastoral Ministry, 395
LIVE Centre – Volunteer Resource Centre, 81 Religions and Cultures, 362
Mission Statement, 80
Multi‑faith and Spirituality Centre, 81 Therapeutic Recreation: 139
Off‑Campus Housing, 87
Recreation and Athletics, 93 Traduction: 242
Residence, 86 Courses, 253
Services for New Students, 83
Sexual Assault Resource Centre, 82 Training: Teachers, 107
Social, Political and Cultural Activities, 81
Student Advocacy Office, 84 Transfer Credit Received, Credits Removed (TREM):
Student Learning Services, 83 Course Notation, 45
Student Parents Centre (CUSP), 82
Student Success Centre, 82 Transfer Credits: 24
Students with Disabilities: Access Centre for, 86 Definition of, 23
Welcome Crew Mentoring Program, 83
Transfer Credits (TRC): Course Notation, 45
Student Life: Council on, 16
Student Parents Centre (CUSP): 82 from Other Post‑Secondary Institutions, 24
from Other Universities, 24
Student Record: 40
Translation: 242
Student Request Committees: 39 Courses, 253
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar • 675
Tribunal Hearing Pools: Policy on the Establishment of, 61 W
Tuition: Web Services and Applications: 531
Deferrals, 89
International Students, 98 Weighted Grade Point Average: 51
Arts and Science, 134
Tuition and Fees: 33 John Molson School of Business, 433
Engineering and Computer Science, 472
U Western Society and Culture: 401
Undergraduate Students: Winter Term: 22
Associations, 102
Definition of, 23 Withdrawal from Courses or University: 37
United States Students: Federal Student Aid, 90 Women’s Studies: 423
Certificate in, 424
University Skills: 125
Work‑Study Program: 88
Urban Planning and Urban Studies: 278
Work Term (WRKT): Course Notation, 45
V Writing: Creative, 226
Valid (VALD): Course Notation, 45 Writing Skills Requirement: 43
Visiting Students:
Academic Regulations re, 36
Admission of, 26
Definition of, 23
676 • INDEX
2018‑19 Concordia University Undergraduate Calendar
January February March April
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January February March April
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September October November December
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