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Bright Ideas For UX Designers

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The key takeaways from the document are that visual design has an important impact on usability through principles like contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity (CRAP). It also discusses different articles focused on topics of interest to user experience designers such as paper prototyping, error communication, and information architecture.

Some ways one can support the work of David Travis mentioned are by attending a workshop, buying an online course from Udemy, inviting him to run workshops in-house for a fixed fee, or commissioning him to optimize the user experience of a product or service through consultancy.

Some tips mentioned for writing user manuals include writing for the intended audience, using a consistent structure and layout, including screenshots and illustrations where helpful, and ensuring the manual is indexed and searchable.

Bright ideas for

I love creating articles, resources and eBooks for the
user experience community.

But it's my consulting and training work that pays the


If you want to support the work that I do, here are

some ideas.

Dr David Travis @userfocus


Attend a public training courses. You'll find an up- Buy one of my online video courses on Udemy.
to-date schedule here: You'll find a list here:

https://www.userfocus.co.uk/training/index.html https://www.udemy.com/user/davidtravis/

I can bring my workshops to you and run them for a Commission me to optimise the user experience of
fixed all-inclusive fee no matter where you are. You'll your product or service. You'll find more information
find more information on in-house training here: on my consultancy services here:

https://www.userfocus.co.uk/training/in-house- https://www.userfocus.co.uk/consultancy/
training.html index.html
Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

About this eBook! 3

A CRAP way to improve usability! 4

7 myths about paper prototyping! 14

Help! What The Beatles can teach us about writing support

material! 26

Confessions of an Axure Master: 5 shortcuts for laying out

Axure pages in record time! 37

Communicating errors! 43

4 ways to prototype faster! 56

Why you need a user experience vision (and how to create and
publicise it)! 60

Card Games for Information Architects! 69

Tips for writing user manuals! 78

Five kinds of ‘alt’ text! 85

About the authors! 97

More eBooks from Userfocus! 99

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

About this eBook

This is the second in our “Bright ideas” series of eBooks
where we curate previously published articles from our web
site. This edition focuses on articles of interest to User
Experience Designers.
The articles in this collection were published on our web site
between June 2007 and June 2012.
A quick word about the layout of this eBook. We have
published this collection simultaneously as an ePub and as a
PDF. Because our layout is aimed at making online reading an
enjoyable experience, we’ve used a large font. But we’ve also
made sure that printing remains a reasonable option. If you
prefer to read a printed version, you’ll save paper and still find
it very readable if you print this book as two pages per sheet.
Finally, if you enjoy this book and you’d like to hear about
new collections the moment they’re published, sign up to
receive our monthly newsletter by clicking on the link below.
— David Travis

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Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

A CRAP way to improve usability

David Travis

Visual design is often dismissed as eye candy. In fact, we

can use four key principles of visual design to create
more usable interfaces. These principles are Contrast,
Repetition, Alignment and Proximity.

Within the field of user experience, visual design is

sometimes perceived as a bit of an outsider. Indeed, some
visual designers are apparently feeling a pressure to rebrand
themselves as “user experience” designers to progress their
careers. In my experience with clients, visual design is often
likened to decorating the walls of your living room. It makes
everything a little nicer, but it’s hardly a key part of the
architecture of your house.
In fact, visual design has an important impact on the
usability of designs. Research shows that people believe that
more attractive designs are easier to use than less attractive
designs — even when they’re not. This is known in psychology
as the aesthetic usability effect and in folklore more simply as,
“first impressions count”.
But good visual design offers more than improving people’s
attitudes to a design. Good visual design will actually make
interfaces easier to use.
There are at least four key principles of visual design that
have an important impact on usability. These four principles —

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity — were originally

given the engaging acronym CRAP by Robin Williams (the
visual designer, not the comedian). You can exploit these four
principles to make user interfaces both more attractive and
easier to use.
Let’s look at each one in turn.

Contrast in visual design helps to direct the viewer’s eyes to
what’s important and helps them focus on what to do next.
This means making your call to action — or whatever the focus
of attention is meant to be on the page — very different from
the other items that surround it.
In this example (Figure 1), the “Add to Basket” button is
formatted identically to the “Cancel” button. This means that
the user will have to carefully read the text on each button
before making a choice.

Figure 1: Two buttons on a form, one labeled “Add to Basket” and the other
labeled “Cancel”. Because the two buttons are formatted identically, it’s not
self-evident which is the primary and which is the secondary action.

With good use of contrast, we can make the default choice

immediately apparent to users. For example, we can:
• Reduce the apparent depth of the button.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

• Use a Roman (as opposed to a Bold) font.

• Remove the button entirely and change it to a hyperlink.
Figure 2 shows the impact of making these changes and with
each change it becomes more self-evident which choice we
expect the user to make.

Figure 2: Three examples of using contrast to distinguish the primary action

from the secondary action.The first example removed the apparent depth of the
“Cancel” button; the second example builds on this and changes the font; and in
the third example, the button is replaced with a hyperlink.

This example shows that you have many simple ways of

creating contrast in your user interface, even if you think your
design skills are limited. Simple text changes like bold, italic,
underlining, uppercase, colour and highlighting may often be
sufficient (although you obviously need to use these in

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Contrast can also be used for more nefarious purposes.

Figure 3 shows a voting paper used during the Anschluss (the
1938 annexation of Austria into Greater Germany by the Nazis).
Note how the designer of this ballot paper has used contrast to
make the ‘default’ choice (”Ja”) easier for voters to identify.
(Officially, 99.73% of people voted ‘Yes’ in this ballot.)

Figure 3: Voting paper from 10 April 1938. The text reads “Do you agree with
the reunification of Austria with the German Empire that was enacted on 13
March 1938, and do you vote for the party of our leader Adolf Hitler?” The
large circle is labeled “Yes” and the small circle is labeled “No”. From

Repetition is really about consistency. (Sadly, ‘Consistency’
doesn’t make a memorable acronym when combined with the
other principles, so we’re making do with ‘Repetition’ instead).
At one level, this principle simply states that systems are more
Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

usable (and easier to learn) when similar stuff is presented in

similar ways. Note that this means both internal consistency
(within your application) and external consistency (with the
platform you’re designing for). For a web site, internal
consistency means making sure you use the same kind of fonts,
icons, headings, links, list styles and page layout. External
consistency means things like using standard buttons, link
colours and search results. Jakob Nielsen has even coined a
‘Law’ for this: “Users spend most of their time on other web
sites.” People’s expectations are formed by what they
experience on other sites so if you do it differently your site will
be harder to use. So ensure that people can find the common
elements of a web page (such as page titles, site navigation,
page navigation, search etc.) in the standard locations.
One of the best ways to use this principle intelligently is to
think about the task your users are carrying out. Consider this
example: if I asked you to put away the knives, forks and
spoons in my kitchen, you would look for the cutlery tray. But
if I then asked you to put away a penknife, you would
probably look for the overstuffed drawer that contains items
like the corkscrew and the tin opener. And if I then asked you
to put away a box cutter, you would probably place it in the
garage with the hammer, screwdrivers and other tools. This
seems inconsistent: they are all knives, so why put them in
different locations?
There’s a deeper reason why consistency matters in user
interface design and this example illustrates it. Your behaviour
in these examples is entirely consistent with the task that you
use these objects for. A knife is more like a fork than a box knife
when the task is eating; but it is more like a hammer when the
task is DIY. The task is the common denominator.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

So when thinking about how to apply repetition in your user

interface, think about the tasks that users carry out and how
you can support that with your visual design.

Alignment simply means making sure that all elements of
the design line up horizontally and vertically. This can best be
achieved by designing the interface to an underlying grid.
Alignment is probably the most dramatic visual treatment
you can do to a design to make it appear visually easier to use.
Take a look at Figure 4, below. Without thinking about it too
hard, which form looks easier to complete, the one on the left
or the one on the right?

Figure 4: Two identical forms that differ only in their use of alignment.

Most people say the form on the right looks easier to

complete. The two forms are identical except that the form
fields have been properly aligned in the example on the right.
In Figure 5, I have overlaid each form with red lines to show
the various alignment lines. You can see that the form on the
left, which most people describe as looking more complicated,
also has more vertical alignment lines.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 5: This shows the same forms as in Figure 4 but now the red lines show
the vertical alignment points of the various user interface elements. The form on
the left (which most people describe as looking more complicated) also has more
lines of vertical alignment.

As well as making interfaces look more complicated, poor

alignment can also lead to usability mistakes. One of the most
dramatic examples comes from a voting paper used in Florida
in the 2000 US Presidential election. This ballot paper is called a
‘butterfly’ ballot because the paper has names down both sides,
with a single column of punch holes in the centre. Alignment
issues caused many people to vote for the wrong candidate.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 6: The ballot paper from the US Presidential election in Florida in 2000.
Although the Democrats are listed second in the column on the left, voters need
to select the third hole on the ballot to vote for them. Voters that select the
second hole cast their vote for the Reform party. From Wikipedia.

The principle of proximity was first articulated by the Gestalt
school of psychology. The Gestalt theorists emphasised visual
perception was about perceiving organised wholes, not just
about seeing isolated objects. The principle of proximity means
that if you place elements in a user interface near each other,
people will think that they are related somehow. There are two
ways that you can use this principle to enhance usability. First,
proximity will help users find the option they are looking for. If
users want to see your range of laptops, it will be quicker for
them to find this if it’s grouped with other related items in a
part of the interface devoted to “Computers & Office” than if

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

it’s & one of many options in a disorganised mess on the page

(see Figure 7).

Figure 7: A simple example showing the principle of proximity used to organise

items in a navigation menu. The items on the left are in alphabetical order,
whereas the ones on the right are organised into groups with each group given a

You can apply this principle in a user interface by

appropriate use of background colours, borders and white
space: these will help users identify a set of items as a discrete
functional block.
But there’s a second reason why this principle makes user
interfaces more usable: the way you organise information on
the page helps people build a conceptual model of how the
interface is structured. The web design trend of using

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

“portlets” (as on the BBC’s home page) is a good example of


CRAP designs are more usable designs

It’s tempting to dismiss visual design as mere icing or eye
candy. And certainly, you will never rescue an awful interface
simply by making it more attractive. (”You can put lipstick on a
pig,” as the old saying goes, “but it’s still a pig”). But its wrong
to think of good visual design as doing nothing more than
encouraging first use. Following CRAP design principles
actually makes systems more usable.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

7 myths about paper prototyping

David Travis

Paper prototyping is probably the best tool we have to

design great user experiences. It allows you to involve
users early in the design process, shows you how people
will use your system before you’ve written any code, and
supports iterative design. So why are some design teams
still resistant to using it? Here are 7 objections I’ve heard
to paper prototyping and why each one is mistaken.

Myth 1: “I can’t draw well enough to create a paper

When given a pencil and paper, most people (myself
included) will tend to doodle words rather than draw pictures.
Art was never my subject at school, so when I see wonderful,
artistic renditions of user interfaces, I tend to feel somewhat
humble. I can’t draw like that, my inner voice reminds me, so
don’t pretend you can sketch a user interface.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 1: A beautiful prototype on paper, but not a paper prototype. By Mike

Rhode on flickr (some rights reserved)

But just because its on paper, it doesn’t mean it’s a paper

A paper prototype is a sketch — a quick visualisation of your
idea. The artistic merit of your sketch is irrelevant. The purpose
of paper prototyping is to evaluate the idea behind the user
interface, not the sketch itself. Paper prototypes are quite
literally ‘artless’: simple and unaffected.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 2: A paper prototype. It’s not pretty but the whole prototype was created
in minutes by one of the delegates on our Web usability training course.

This focus on ‘neat and pretty’ is one of the biggest obstacles

to overcome with paper prototyping. It has even spawned a
real industry. For example, search the web and you’ll find
imaginative stencil sets for iPhone, web, iPad and Android.
These kind of tools simply feed the paranoia of people who
worry their sketches aren’t pretty enough.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 3: User interface stencils like these give confidence to the artistically
challenged but reinforce the myth that paper prototypes need to be precise and
accurately drawn. By Luca Mascaro on flickr (some rights reserved)

Myth 2: “Wireframes are the same as paper

Wireframes show a skeleton view of a user interface. They
identify the areas of the screen where content will appear, such
as images, text and navigation. Wireframes often include call-
outs and notes explaining certain elements of the design in
more detail. They are a useful communication tool for design
agencies who want their clients to sign off on a design without
getting hung up on the colours and images displayed in the
user interface.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 4: Some designers find wireframes a useful way to communicate a design

to their clients. But wireframes are not paper prototypes. By Sebastian Heit on
flickr (some rights reserved)

But wireframes don’t work as paper prototypes for at least

two reasons:
• They encourage too much focus on the layout of pages.
As a consequence they can attract nitpicky feedback on
issues like alignment and fonts. In the early design
phase you’re more interested in the navigation,
workflow, terminology and functionality than in details
of the visual design.
• Wireframes are usually produced towards the end of the
initial design phase, not at the beginning. At this point,
many important design decisions — about functionality,
for example — have already been made.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Many information architects are obsessed with wireframes

but in most projects, they aren’t needed: they are just a
bureaucratic overhead. You’ll find that an electronic prototype,
modified as the project progresses, provides a much more
useful design communication tool than a wireframe.

Myth 3: “I can do it just as well with Visio.”

I’ve often heard developers object to paper prototyping
because they can mock up an interface in Visio, or another
favourite tool, in the same time it takes to sketch one out.
Developers point out that electronic prototyping scores over
paper because it is easier to cut and paste repeating elements
(like navigation bars) rather than go through the exercise of re-
sketching them. And electronic prototypes can be shown to
users over the Internet and tested remotely.
Ironically, ‘cut and paste’ is exactly what paper is good for —
you just need real scissors and glue. You can quickly duplicate
elements of a paper prototype with a photocopier or even
mock-up the repeating elements in Visio and glue them to your
sketched user interface. (If you’d like a starter kit, you can
download and print a paper prototyping helper kit from the
Userfocus web site. This provides more flexibility than a stencil
yet doesn’t express the same imperative to draw neatly).

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 5: Mock up repeating elements in your preferred drawing application

(these were done in OmniGraffle), cut them out and glue them onto your paper
prototype. From the Userfocus paper prototyping helper kit.

Similarly, paper prototypes can be tested remotely: you

simply scan in your sketches and chain the screens together in
PowerPoint or Keynote. You can even record the sessions with
usability testing software like Morae.
There is certainly a time for prototyping with electronic tools
— but that time isn’t the early design phase, for a couple of
• Electronic tools constrain your thinking about what can
be achieved. So if you don’t have a ‘carousel’ widget
you’ll find you don’t include that interaction idea in
your electronic prototype.
• Electronic prototyping blinkers you into thinking only
about incremental improvement. In the early design

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

phase you want to generate a number of completely

different ideas, test them, and combine the best parts
into a converged solution. Bill Buxton makes the point
that you first need to get the right design before you
move onto getting the design right. Electronic tools
aren’t good at supporting the divergent thinking you
need to get the right design.
I think there’s a deeper issue here, to do with confidence.
Developers feel happy in front of a computer: it’s their domain
and it’s what they’re skilled at. Take away their computer and
they feel a bit… naked. But this massively undervalues another
key skill that developers have: problem solving. As the
development team at Red Gate Software point out, more
developers should realise that their skills extend way beyond
that of the keyboard.

Myth 4: “Whiteboarding is just as effective.”

Many designers I’ve spoken with tell me that they already
do paper prototyping — they just do it on a white board or flip
chart instead. The design team then discuss the ideas and refine
them before moving to implementation.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 6: Using a whiteboard to generate design ideas like this one is a good
way to brainstorm but not a good way to prototype, because you can’t test out
the interface. By Frankie Roberto on flickr (some rights reserved).

Whiteboarding, and its close cousin sketchboarding, are

terrific creativity tools, used by design heavyweights like
Adaptive Path — but they’re not paper prototyping. These
techniques remind me of Gerry McGovern’s joke that the worst
possible way to design a web site is to have five smart people
in a room drinking lattes and discussing branding. The purpose
of paper prototyping is to quickly generate design ideas that
you can test out with users. It’s not for coming up with design
ideas that can be voted on by the design team. This is because
paper prototyping isn’t just about design — it’s about iterative
design: creating stuff you can test quickly and then discard or
improve upon.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 7: Sketchboarding is a wonderful creativity tool, but it’s not paper

prototyping because the designs aren’t tested with users. By Mack Male on
flickr (some rights reserved).

Rather than hold a fruitless design meeting where you spend

hours arguing over where you should put the navigation, you
could spend the time more productively by creating a couple of
different paper prototypes and testing out the alternatives with
a handful of users. Not only will this help you make a decision
quickly, you’ll also have the confidence that the final decision is
based on real data rather than on a designer’s intuition, or
worse: the HIPPO (the highest-paid person’s personal opinion).

Myth 5: “Users behave differently with a paper

prototype than with a real system.”
Paper prototypes use the participant’s finger as the mouse
and a pen as a keyboard. Interfaces are roughly drawn and are

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

clearly not finished prototypes. This is clearly different to a real

system and so a common objection is that users will behave
differently with a paper prototype.
This objection has no basis in fact. A raft of published
research shows that paper prototypes are just as effective as
high-fidelity prototypes at detecting many types of usability

Myth 6: “It looks unprofessional.”

There is no denying that paper prototypes lack beauty — but
this is different from saying that paper prototyping is
unprofessional. In my experience, so long as you get
participants really using the paper prototype (rather than
sitting back and having it demonstrated to them), they quickly
get ‘lost’ in the experience of using a paper prototype. This
makes issues of professionalism moot.
In contrast, I would argue that your users will think you’re
more professional because you’re clearly involving them early
in the design process and taking their comments seriously.
If your management is still unsure, run a trial with single
participant and ask, “Is your opinion of our organisation better
or worse after this experience?” I’ll bet you’ll hear only

Myth 7: “I can’t prototype interactivity.”

It’s true that there are some intricate interaction styles that
don’t lend themselves to paper prototyping. Gesture-based
interactions on the iPad and iPhone can’t be replicated on
paper. Panning and zooming, Google Maps-style, isn’t
practical. Similarly, applications that require continuous

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

scrolling or that include long download or response times can’t

be properly emulated.
But the vast majority of web and software interaction —
even on an iPhone — is still point and click (with a little
keyboard too). These can easily be emulated with a paper
prototype. Rather than focus on the edge case that won’t work,
think of the vast majority of situations where paper
prototyping will work.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Help! What The Beatles can teach us

about writing support material
Philip Hodgson

Reading user instructions continues to rank high on

people’s lists of ‘activities-to-be-avoided-at-all-possible-
costs’. We’ve worked with a number of clients to improve
their user support materials and we frequently encounter
five common mistakes made by development teams. This
work has given us some insight into how best to avoid
these problems occurring in the first place.

‘Help!’ cried John, Paul, George and Ringo, in a moment of

despair (even going so far as to spell it out in semaphore on an
album cover). Yes, they needed somebody, and not just
anybody. When they were younger (so much younger than
today) they never needed anybody’s help in any way. But now
those days are gone, and we live in a world where complicated
products are accompanied by spectacularly awful user
instructions — so now they are not feeling so self-assured.
I know the feeling. My heart always sinks if I have to read a
user manual. I know I’m in for a bumpy ride.
What’s your experience with user instructions? If you’re like
most people, you read instructions only as a last resort, or
maybe never. “We just want to take things out of the box, turn
them on and see them leap into action without having to read
anything,” admits Rory Cellan-Jones, BBC’s technology
correspondent. He’s not alone — in a survey of 75,000

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

technology users, conducted by Gadget Helpline, 64% of men

and 24% of women admitted that they did not read instructions
before phoning support.
As it turns out, it’s not true that people don’t want to read
instructions. As Kathy Sierra has pointed out, they just don’t
want to read yours. Paradoxically, users seem quite happy to
turn for help to third-party technical support manuals. From
‘Guides for Dummies’ to ‘Missing Manuals’, there are shelf-
loads of them in every bookstore. And increasingly people are
turning to user-generated content, blogs and online discussions
for support with the latest application or device. ‘RTFM’ has
been usurped by ‘just Google it’.
But why do user manuals and other support materials have
such a bad reputation, and why are they often so useless? I’ve
written previously about how to write better instructions but
the real problems go deeper than issues of technical writing.
And these problems are amazingly consistent. For example,
I’ve sat through hundreds of hours of usability tests of help
systems and carried out dozens of expert reviews of support
materials on systems as wide ranging as medical devices,
banking software, mobile phones, e-commerce sites, intranets
and even large manufacturing systems. A handful of common
mistakes occur time and time again.
Here are 5 guidelines for avoiding these mistakes:
1. Solve the right problem
2. Find out where your users struggle
3. Know the skill level of your users
4. Focus on red routes
5. Don’t isolate the technical writers

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

In this article we’ll take a look at each of these mistakes and

suggest ways to avoid making them.
But first a note about terminology: user instructions and help
systems come in a range of formats. So in addition to the
traditional user or operator manuals (aka user guides) or
instruction sheets, we can include installation guides, video
instructions, interactive demonstrations, online instructions,
built-in help systems, quick-start reference cards, pop-up user
tips, trouble-shooting guides, FAQs, instructions printed on
packaging, training materials, and support-center crib sheets.
Because the format is not the issue here, in this article I’m going
to take a lead from the Fab Four and refer to any and all of the
aforementioned simply as Help!

1 Solve the right problem

At the risk of stating the obvious, the main reason for
creating ‘Help!’ is to help the end-user to get things done, to
help them learn the system, to help them get past tricky
obstacles and to help them build confidence.
It’s about helping the user. The clue’s in the name.
Rather like a safety net, a lifeboat, or an insurance policy,
people would prefer not to use ‘Help!’ but when it’s needed it
must do its job effectively and efficiently, be accessible and easy
to understand. The last thing anyone wants when grappling
with a frustrating interface is a set of instructions that makes
things worse, or instructions that need other instructions to
explain them. I once usability tested a system that had eleven
‘Help!’ resources, some of them propping up the application
and some of them propping up each other.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

In spite of this self-evident fact, most ‘Help!’ projects I’ve

consulted on turned out not to be focused on the goal of
improving the users’ experience. The clients who
commissioned me said this was the goal but when we got
down to brass tacks the real problem the teams were trying to
solve was how to reduce the costs of the support materials. The
real problems were more like: ‘How can we redesign the
materials without using color?’ ‘How can we put these
instructions online?’ And most frequently: ‘How can we reduce
the page count?’
Similarly, I’ve also encountered ‘Help!’ that is really a litany
of obligatory cautions and warnings, or a place to dump stuff
previously overlooked — a last minute attempt to write the
product out of trouble.

Things you can do to avoid making this mistake

• Put the user first. Adopt a user-centred design process
such as the one described in ISO 9241-210.
• Create a user experience vision for ‘Help!’ just like you
have a user experience vision for the system.
• Assign high priority to ‘Help!’ from the outset. Consider
it a critical part of your system, not an afterthought.
• Start working on ‘Help!’ early and develop it in lockstep
with the system.

2 Find out where your users struggle

When I’m reviewing a client’s ‘Help!’ system, I often find
that the product or system itself has never undergone any kind
of usability testing. This sets off alarm bells.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

How can you give your users help if you don’t know where
they struggle?
You can’t, of course. That’s why the default approach is to
instruct the user on everything — every step of every function
and every feature — and to assign everything equal weight. It
is as though the writers are telling the user: “Look, we’ve
designed a really complicated product here. Frankly, you’re not
going to be able to figure it out on your own so you’re going to
need all the help you can get.”
This often happens when the writing team doesn’t know the
system interface well enough to know what to focus on. So they
play safe and cover everything.
This ‘throw everything at them’ approach is akin to a cavalry
charge: really impressive to look at but disastrously ineffective
at accomplishing anything. It typically results in an
overwhelming ‘Help!’ system that is difficult to navigate, with
the really important things lost in the noise. The net outcome
tends to be ‘Help!’ that ironically makes things worse and
creates a negative first impression. Needless to say, it also
increases development time and costs.
‘Help!’ should be commensurate with the ease of use of the
user interface. A well designed user interface that has had most
of its usability problems fixed will require only minimal ‘Help!’
— witness the Apple iPhone which comes with no ‘Help!’ at all.
It also means that you can make a much more encouraging first
impression: “This is a such an easy product to use we’ve given
you a simple user guide just to cover one or two potentially
tricky actions”.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Things you can do to avoid making this mistake

• Test the usability of the system and invite the writing
team to attend.
• Prioritize the usability problems
• Structure ‘Help!’ around the most severe usability
problems — there’s no need to write instructions for
things that are obvious.
• Test the usability of ‘Help!’ This requires test
participants to explicitly follow the ‘Help!’ instructions.
Written instructions are easy to change on the fly so you
can iterate quickly during a single test.

3 Know the skill level of your users

Another reason why many writing teams are hesitant to
leave anything out is because they don’t know the typical
user’s skill level. Many document writers have never met a real
end user, and have never seen people using the product or
application for which they’re writing support.
This is rarely the fault of the technical writers — often the
product design team has never met a real user either. Many
development teams know the user only through high level
demographic data handed down by marketing. But knowing
someone’s age, gender, household income, and number of kids
tells you nothing about their comfort level with technology,
their domain knowledge or their experience with similar
products. Are your readers going to be total novices,
intermediates or experts?
Knowing your audience is mission critical for a writer. But a
default approach I often see can be characterized as: ‘Play safe.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Assume everyone using the product will be clueless. Cover all

the bases. More is better than less.’ As a result, you’ll often see
‘Help!’ that gives step-by-step instructions on how to plug a
battery charger into a wall socket, or describes every step in a
sequence required to access a menu of options — only to
describe exactly the same steps all over again for every option
in the menu.
Even more frustrating is ‘Help!’ with a split personality. It
explains easy operations in excessive detail but then glosses
over advanced operations, as though the user has suddenly
morphed from a dunce to an MIT computer scientist. This
misses the mark in both cases. When I’ve come across this on
client projects I sometimes discover that the reason the
advanced operations were poorly described is because the
writers themselves didn’t understand these functions — and
made up for the lack of content by expounding at great length
on the more basic features. Other times, it’s often a sign that
‘Help!’ was written before the complex elements were actually
Understanding the skill level of your user is critical because
it helps you prioritize instructions. It tells you what to spend
more time on or what to explain using a different technique. It
also gives you the confidence to know what to leave out. For
example, anyone who uses a mobile phone every day does not
need half-a-page of painstaking instructions explaining how to
adjust the volume on an application.

Things you can do to avoid making this mistake

• Find out about your users. Don’t be satisfied with just
demographics, identify their skill level and focus on
how they do their work.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

• Create user personas. Use them as your target audience.

(Warning: don’t just make up user personas, base them
on real data).
• Carry out a card sort of the ‘Help!’ elements — this will
improve the structure of the materials and teach you the
users’ terminology so you can make sure you are
speaking their language.
• Credit the user with some smarts. And if you’re writing
‘Help!’ for a system that requires a high level of
expertise to operate — credit them with lots of smarts.

4 Focus on red routes

Most ‘Help!’ tends to describe the product’s features. This is
a mistake. Typically, the user is not thinking about your
product or system at the level of features: they are trying to
accomplish a task, and tasks usually consist of actions strung
together like beads on a string. Think why someone has turned
to support and you quickly realize that ‘Help!’ should focus on
helping users achieve their goals. This means structuring
‘Help!’ around the main user journeys or red routes.
When you don’t structure ‘Help!’ around red routes,
functions and features tend to get presented piecemeal and out
of sync. Users then need to pogo-stick around the ‘Help!’
materials to solve their problem.
Just as it’s important for the design team to know the red
routes, its essential for the technical writers to know them too
so that ‘Help!’ instructions can form a coherent end-to-end flow
through the task.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Things you can do to avoid making this mistake

• Identify the red routes and make sure the writing team
knows them too.
• Work with the UX team to learn which tasks are most
important to the users and which are most frequently
carried out. Make sure ‘Help!’ covers these tasks.
• Learn the users’ mental model (their expectations) for
the main tasks.
• Carry out a Cognitive Walkthrough for each of the main

5 Don’t isolate the technical writers

In over 20 years of consulting, I’ve only ever once attended a
product development meeting with a technical writer present.
I’ve had meetings with technical writers separately from design
teams, usually in some other building, or even in another city,
and often just prior to product launch, but only once in an
actual core team meeting.
One reason for this, of course, is that many companies,
especially smaller ones, don’t have dedicated technical writers
and have chosen not to employ people who are experts in
creating effective user documentation, instead assigning the job
to a software programmer, an engineer, a designer — or even to
an intern.
There are lots of reasons why it is a good idea to hire expert
writers, but the most important one is that the people creating
‘Help!’ must be able to see the system through the eyes of the
end user. It’s true that a software programmer or an engineer

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

may well understand the system far better than a technical

writer — but that’s often a handicap, not an asset.
It gets worse. I’ve also met technical writers who have never
actually used the product they are writing about — even some
who haven’t even seen the product. These poor souls have to
work by changing a few instructions in documents from an
earlier release. I think this is a bit like a blind date where you
only ever communicate with your partner by text message.
This scenario defies logic and common sense.
First and foremost, technical writers are problem solvers,
and they should be an integral part of the core design team
from the outset. If you don’t have a technical writer you need
to hire one and put the product in his or her hands. Introduce
your technical writers to your user experience and user
interface designers so that they can work closely together. And
insist that they attend design meetings. The person who writes
your ‘Help!’ needs to be part of the design team’s thinking and
decision making, not someone you bring in late in the game to
rehash old user guides.

Things you can do to avoid making this mistake

• Make technical writers part of the core design team.
• Give the writers the system to use so they can
experience its strengths and weaknesses for themselves.
• Invite the writers to attend usability tests of the system
and usability tests of the ‘Help!’ materials.
• Introduce the writers to your user experience specialists
and to your user interface designers.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Create useful ‘Help!’ not useless ‘NUJV’

So… What can The Beatles teach us about writing support
It turns out The Beatles weren’t really signalling ‘Help!’ on
their eponymous album cover. I was lying. What they were
signalling was that well known phrase, ‘NUJV’. It turns out
that the semaphore arm positions for ‘Help!’ didn’t look
aesthetically pleasing to the photographer so he rearranged
them to form a nonsense phrase.
Don’t make the same mistake. Create useful ‘Help!’, not
useless nonsense.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Confessions of an Axure Master: 5

shortcuts for laying out Axure pages in
record time
Ritch Macefield

One of the quickest ways to speed up your use of

software is to learn shortcuts. Here are 5 little-used
shortcuts for Axure that will help you work like an

Amanda, the new Axure apprentice, stood silent as FuYoda

teed off on the short par 3 at the new “Design Space” Golf
course. As FuYoda’s ball began rolling slowly yet surely across
the green for yet another hole in one, the apprentice started a
“Great shot FuYoda,” said Amanda. “Your golf skills are like
your Axure skills: three times faster than most people’s”.
The Master replied: “Hummm, more quick with Axure, more
time for golf like this”.
“I think it will take me a long time to learn to do things so
effortlessly,” said the apprentice.
“Hummm,” said the Master, “Some things take time —some
things shortcuts have. Like page layout.”
“Please Master,” said the apprentice, “Tell me your page
layout tips for Axure.”

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

OK, enough with the Yoda language. Let’s look at 5 shortcuts

for laying out Axure pages in record time.

Two types of guide

When lining widgets up on pages, most Axure users knows
that you save a lot of time by dragging on a guide from page
rulers with the mouse. Not only do guides provide a visual cue
but, by default, Axure widgets snap to these guides as well. By
default, these guides are blue and they appear only on the page
where they were created.
However, if you hold down the Ctrl key during the drag you
end up with a red guide. These guides appear on every page,
including masters and all dynamic panel states. This makes
them ideal for lining up widgets across multiple pages. Global
guides can also be imported from other Axure files if you have
spent a long time setting them up or you want to use them to
help implement a style guide or standard page formats.

Axure’s two types of guide.

Two types of selection mode

Axure has two selection modes: ‘Contained’ and
‘Intersected’. In ‘contained’ mode, when you draw a selection
box, every widget totally inside the selection box is selected. In

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

‘intersected’ mode, any widget that is touched by the selection

box is selected.

Axure’s two types of selection mode: ‘Contained’ (left) and ‘Intersected’ (right).

When pages get complex, alternating between these modes

makes selecting multiple widgets much faster. In fact,
sometimes it’s pretty much the only way to make the correct
selection. You can quickly alternate between these modes using
the keyboard shortcuts: F9 for intersected and Ctrl-F9 for
contained mode.

Use Shift-Arrow
Most Axure users know that you can ‘nudge’ a widget (or set
of selected widgets) one pixel at a time using the arrow keys on
the keyboard.
But if you hold down the Shift key at the same time, Axure
will first nudge the widget so that it lines up on the grid in the

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

direction of the nudge (if its not already lined up in that

direction). Subsequent nudges will move the widget one whole
grid space at a time.

If you ‘nudge’ with the shift key held down, widgets line up with the grid.

Lock widgets
If you have spent time carefully positioning a widget you
can lock it using the padlock icon (or Ctrl-K). You can also lock
a whole selection of widgets. Locked widgets have a red border
and control handles and cannot be moved with the mouse. Use
the unlock icon (or Shift-Ctrl-K) to unlock widgets.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Widgets can be locked (left) or unlocked (right).

Use typed input to resize and/or position multiple

widgets at the same time
Very often, we want to make several widgets the same
(specific) size or maybe just the same height or width. Likewise,
we often want to give multiple widgets the same X or Y
position on the page. A good example of this is when laying out
a top menu bar. We want all the widgets in the menu bar to
have the same height and the same Y position (we may or may
not want them to all be the same width).
Axure has a simple yet powerful utility you can use to
achieve this. Select the widgets you want to resize/position
then type in the correct values in the “Location & Size” section
in “Formatting” mode within the “Widget Properties” panel.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

You can use the “Widget Properties” panel to reposition and resize multiple

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Communicating errors
David Travis

Ideally, you’ll design your system to prevent errors from

occurring in the first place. But no matter how simple
your system, someone, somewhere, will make an error
when using it. The difference between a great user
experience and an awful one is what your system does

Interaction design is the art of managing a conversation

between a user and a computer system. When a user asks for
something that the computer can’t understand, the computer
throws up an error message. An error message is the
computer’s way of saying, ‘Pardon?’
System errors are critical moments in the user experience,
just like complaint handling is a defining moment in the
customer experience. Deal with the problem well and your
customer stays a customer. Deal with the problem poorly and
the customer leaves — and, after he or she starts a FaceBook
group to discredit you, you may lose lots of future customers
In this article, I’ll outline 6 principles for dealing with system
• Be visible
• Be precise

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

• Give constructive help

• Speak the user’s language
• Don’t blame the user
• Don’t be stupid
• Be visible

Be visible
Once an error has occurred, you need to ensure the user is
aware of the problem. This means the error message should be
visible: the user shouldn’t have to divine if, or where, an error
has occurred.
One of my favourite examples of a (near) invisible error
message is this dialogue box from an install program. At first
glance, everything seems fine and it would be easy to misread
the dialog and assume the drivers had been installed:

This dialog box from a install program contains a green tick and a large ‘OK’
button. The design implies that the drivers have been installed, when they

A good way to test out this principle with a web site is to

submit a form with errors or missing ‘required’ fields and see
what happens next. When users make a mistake with a form,
you need to make it absolutely clear where the error has
occurred. Returning a form that simply lists all of the problems

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

doesn’t help users appreciate where the error has occurred and
what they need to do to fix it.
To resolve the issues thrown up by the web page in the next
example, the user needs to continually scroll back to the top of
the page to understand which error message refers to which
field. A better design would be to place the error message next
to each field that needs to be completed.

This page appears on the Business Link web site when you want to register but
don’t complete all the fields. A long list of errors appears at the top of the form,
and although the error message itself is helpful (’You did not choose a title’), it’s
not clear which issue relates to which part of the form.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Be precise
A second key principle is that good error messages should be
precise and specific. Error messages need to say what has
happened, why it’s a problem, and how it can be resolved. An
error message that simply states, ‘an error has occurred’ is no
use to anyone.
I came across this example when my trial version of
Symantec’s antivirus software was coming to an end and I
wanted to buy a license. I clicked a link in the application and
arrived at this page on their web site:

This error page from the Symantec web site contains the text ‘Error: No error
message found’, along with a 9-digit error code. After this, I decided to choose a
different supplier for my antivirus software.

But there are limits to how precise and specific you need to
be. Remember, it’s just an error: the user needs enough
information to understand the issue and move on. Don’t take
this as an opportunity to subject the user to a training course in
the use of your program. The example below from WinSCP (a

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Windows FTP program) provides too much background on the


This warning dialog from WinSCP comprises 8 sentences and nearly 150
words. The text itself is also poorly written and ungrammatical. Its only saving
grace is the ‘Never ask me again’ checkbox.

Give constructive help

Nobody likes being stuck. Users encounter errors on the way
to achieving goals, so your error message needs to give users
the assistance they need to resolve the problem and move on.
This error message popped up when I was using a Canon

This error message begins with an error number (always a bad sign). The
message itself — ‘Printer is in use or an error has occurred. If an error has
occurred, eliminate the cause of the error’ — provides no constructive help.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Simply asking the user to ‘eliminate the cause of the error’ is

inadequate. The user needs to know exactly what has gone
wrong and what he or she should do to fix it. (And don’t get
me started on heading up the message with an error number.
Although error numbers can be a useful way for advanced
users to troubleshoot a problem, they shouldn’t be the first
thing that users are asked to read).
A related issue occurs in an error message that a colleague
came across when installing an Apple backup disk on his home
network. The consequences of choosing each option is unclear
from this dialogue. What is the penalty of ignoring the status
light flashing amber? Should the user ‘skip’ or ‘ignore’ this

Even Apple struggle with error messages. The text in this message reads: ‘This
configuration will cause your Time Capsule’s light to blink amber’. So what? A
good error message should provide more constructive help.

It may not seem like an error message at first, but a ‘no

results found’ response to a search enquiry is indeed an error
message. The image below shows an example from the BBC
web site. In this example, I’ve searched for ‘veterinary’ but
spelt it wrongly; the ‘error message’ simply tells me that there

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

are no matching results. But this isn’t very constructive: it’s not
clear what I should do next:

Searching for ‘vetanary’ on the BBC web site gives no results but the error
message provides no suggestions on what to do next.

A better design would be to provide suggestions on what the

user could do next, offer a ‘did you mean’ suggestion, or even
(as shown in this better example from Google) automatically
correct the search term:

The same search on Google corrects the spelling.

Speak the user’s language

I’ll admit it: writing good error messages is hardly the most
exciting part of system design. Because of this, the precise
wording of error messages tends to be left until the last
moment and is often left to the person who writes code, rather
than the person who writes content. This might be the reason

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

why they are often so poorly phrased. Error messages often

appear written from the system’s perspective rather than from
the user’s perspective.
This example below comes from Yelp. When creating a Yelp
profile I’ve included a number in the last name field. The
system doesn’t want me to have a number in the last name.
Ideally it should let me put whatever I want in my name, but
putting that issue to one side for the moment, a simple way to
communicate this error is to say: ‘You can’t have numbers in
your name’. Instead the error message reads ‘Character 2 at
position 6 is not allowed.’
Curiously, the offending number is actually in position 7.
However, this error has been written by a developer — and if
you’re a developer, you start counting from zero, not from one.

An error message that only a programmer could love.

Don’t blame the user

Designers would be wise to follow Alexander Pope’s
aphorism, ‘To err is human; to forgive, divine.’ The test of a
user centred error message is how well it succeeds in helping
Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

the user save face after an error has occurred. A user’s

instinctive reaction to an error message is, “Aargh! I did
something wrong!” Like a polite butler, the system should
respond, “Oh no sir… that was my mistake.” Nobody wants to
feel stupid when using your system. So check that error
messages are written in a non-derisory tone, do not blame the
user and avoid phrases like ‘user error’ at all costs.
The example below comes from an earlier version of the
Abbey National online banking web site (before the bank
became Santander). As with many of the other examples in this
article, this particular error message has a number of problems:
for example, it doesn’t help me resolve the issue (other than
providing a helpdesk number) and it uses an error code rather
than a precise description of the error. But my reason for
including it in this section is because it does such a good job of
making me feel stupid. Why is the word ‘error’ presented in
such a large font? (Presumably so the fraudster shoulder
surfing my online banking session can realise I’m totally
clueless and ripe for the taking).

This error message appeared at an online banking site after a problem signing
in. It contains the word ‘error’ in a massive font implying that the user has
made a mistake (when in fact this was a system problem).

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Another example with which we’re all familiar is the ‘404-

page not found’ error that appears when you follow a broken
link. Like many of the other examples I’m showing, the
following example contains more than one problem — but my
reason for highlighting it here is because of the opening phrase:
‘you did something wrong’. Hold on: I clicked on a link in your
web site and got this page. Don’t tell me this is my mistake.

The day I broke the Interwebs.

As well as deflecting blame from the user, a good ‘404’ page

should make suggestions on what users should do next to
reach the page they are after, include a search box, and perhaps
include links to the most popular pages in the site.

Don’t be stupid
Stupid error messages are error messages that are self-
contradictory or that otherwise contain errors of their own.
Perhaps the most famous example is the classic ‘Press F1 to
continue’ when a PC is started without a keyboard:

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

The error message reads, ‘Keyboard error or no keyboard present. Press F1 to

continue, DEL to enter SETUP’. Photograph by Brent Nashville on flickr. Some
rights reserved.

Similarly, you need to ensure that your error messages are

free of spelling errors or typos. An error message with a
spelling error is the very pinnacle of idiocy. It’s like trying to
correct someone’s grammar and getting it wrong.
The example below shows a screenshot from a car park
payment machine. Note the typing error. (Again, this isn’t the
only problem with this error message: it seems to imply the
user has made the error with its ‘card is illegible’ statement):

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

The text on the error message contains a typing error (’stipe’ for ‘stripe’).
Photograph by Justine Sanderson (Titne) on flickr. Some rights reserved.

Similarly, the error message below includes HTML

formatting that simply makes the error message very hard to

This pop-up message from the lastminute.com web site leaks html formatting
commands into the error message itself.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Wrapping up
To review the 6 principles again:
• Be visible
• Be precise
• Give constructive help
• Speak the user’s language
• Don’t blame the user
• Don’t be stupid
Nobody likes to see an error message. But follow these
principles and you’ll remove some of the misery from the

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

4 ways to prototype faster

Ritch Macefield

“Lean UX” is the new black. We can summarise the

philosophy behind it by saying: If a picture is worth a
1000 words, then a prototype is worth a 1000 pictures
(with apologies to Ben Shneiderman). But given that we
are increasingly working in environments where we need
to deliver more with less, how can we speed up the
process of prototyping?

We can prototype faster by following 4 key principles:

• Start prototyping with paper
• Use one electronic tool, not several
• Use a prototype that generates specifications
• Support collaboration
I’d like to describe how we can apply these principles in a
typical Agile environment.

Start prototyping with paper

The best way to speed up your prototyping efforts is to start
with paper. One of the tenets of Agile is that working software
is a key measure of progress on a project. Sadly, developers
sometime interpret this to mean that they should be creating
computer-based prototypes right from the start.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Here’s the best kept secret in prototyping: the biggest

mistake you can make is to start prototyping in front of a
The problem with screen-based prototyping is that it does
not encourage you to fully explore the design space. Instead,
you tend to latch onto 1-2 design ideas and prototype those.
In the early phase of design — whether you’re designing a
new system or a new workflow — you don’t want 1-2 ideas:
you want dozens. That makes paper and Sharpies the
prototyper’s new best friends. In this initial phase of design,
you should create dozens of paper interfaces, iterate on the
ones that have value, and then develop interactive paper
prototypes that you can use to test out the design with users.

Use one electronic tool, not several

When you move to electronic prototyping, there’s a second
way to improve your efficiency: use the same electronic tool
throughout. I often see design teams start their prototyping
effort with tools like Keynote and Balsamiq, move to
Photoshop or Fireworks to create prototypes with higher visual
fidelity, then turn to Dreamweaver or Flex to add interactivity
for final usability testing.
One problem with this approach is that designers need to
recreate the design in their favoured tool, which creates
inefficiencies and slows down development. It also creates
problems in managing all the software and files: for example,
using tools like Visio to define user journeys which relate to
screens designed in Photoshop which have been annotated in
MS word.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

You’ll be much more efficient if you standardise your

prototyping efforts around a single platform.

Use a prototype that generates specifications

A third way of making the entire process more streamlined is
to ensure your prototype contains the detailed specifications
that developers need to implement the design. The devil, as
they say, is in the details.
A common mistake made by novice prototypers is to hand
their prototype to the developer and ask them to code it up.
Those without real world experience of Agile may be tempted
to think that Agile eliminates the need for documentation — in
fact, it only reduces the amount of documentation. Agile may
not need massive requirements and specification documents,
but it still needs some information to supplement prototypes so
that we can define the goals for an Agile sprint (e.g. hex values
for colours, and the contents of drop down boxes).
You could cut and paste Photoshop images into Powerpoint,
Word or Visio for annotation. But this is very laborious and
you’ll need to update the specification document with any
changes to the prototype’s design. (Indeed, this is such a
nightmare that I have known major corporations shy away
from making sensible changes to prototypes purely because
updating the specification documentation would have been so
time consuming!) Instead, choose a prototyping tool that allows
you to generate these specifications from the prototype or that
allows developers to easily inspect elements so they can see
what they need to implement.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Support collaboration
You can make the whole process even more efficient by
using prototyping tools that support collaboration.
The ideal prototyping tool:
• Supports multi-user prototyping. Your tool should
support file management, revision control, access rights
and data integrity (ensuring two or more people are not
updating the same work at the same time).
• Allows you to easily distribute the prototype for
feedback. Some organisations are still distributing
prototypes by simply emailing a zip file containing lots
of individual files. This means feedback takes the form
of un-coordinated email replies. Instead, choose an
electronic tool that helps you structure this feedback.

My recommendation
Those of you that know me will also know that I’m a great
fan of Axure and iRise, both of which address many of the
issues I’ve listed above. These tools have been specifically
engineered to meet the demand of prototyping in a modern
software development environment.
If you’re in an environment where you’re having to do more
with less, and do it more quickly, then try adapting this Lean
UX idea to your own practice.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Why you need a user experience vision

(and how to create and publicise it)
David Travis

Many design teams launch into development without a

shared vision of the user experience. Without this shared
vision, the team lacks direction, challenge and focus. This
article describes how to use the ‘Design the Box’ activity
to develop a user experience vision, and then describes
three ways of publicising the vision: telling a short story;
drawing a cartoon showing the experience; and creating a
video to illustrate the future.

What is a user experience vision?

Look at the desk of a typical user experience designer and
you’ll see the obvious paraphernalia of the job. Personas.
Wireframes. Usability test reports. One thing you’re less likely
to see is evidence of a user experience vision: an idealised view
of the experience that users will have with the product, set a
few years in the future. This vision captures the critical
elements of the user experience and articulates the “winning
idea” — focusing on the experience and downplaying the
technology required to get there.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

What happens when you don’t have a user experience


Three problems occur with design teams that don’t have a

vision of how their product will be used in the future.
1. The team lacks direction. This causes problems when the
budget is cut or the product needs to ship earlier than
planned. The team needs to make design trade-offs, but
there is no consensus on what can be cut and what must
stay. Inevitably, what gets cut is the feature that’s
hardest to implement — when this may be the very
feature that’s needed to make the product a success with
2. The team lacks challenge. A product without a user
experience vision has little relevance to real people’s
lives — and so the design team don’t feel inspired to do
great design. Steve Jobs reportedly recruited John
Sculley from Pepsi-Cola by asking, “Do you want to sell
sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and
change the world?” Without an inspirational challenge,
you’ll find people on the design team fail to get excited
about the product.
3. The team lacks focus. Because there is no shared vision
of what really matters in the product, each person on the
team creates their own priorities. This leads to
disagreements in design meetings and risks derailing
the design effort.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

How to create a user experience vision — “design the

It’s not easy to start creating the vision for a product when
you’re many months into designing it. But here’s one activity
(described on Joel Spolsky’s blog) you could try now to get this
on your design team’s agenda. This is a simple and fun
technique to involve the whole design team in the development
of the vision and ensure you get consensus.
In this activity, you imagine that your product will be sold
on a shelf in a retail store. Your job is to design the packaging
for the product. (It doesn’t matter if your product is ‘virtual’,
like a web site, the process still works fine). Working in small
teams, you “design the box” for your product. Here are some
hints you can give to the teams:
• Agree on the most important message — the key
takeaway — that the box should convey.
• Invent a name for the product that captures the winning
• Include a picture of the product being used (draw a
sketch or take a photo).
• List the main features of the product.
• List a handful of benefits that users will get from the
• List the requirements for the operating system (or the
operating environment).

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

A presentation after completing the “design the box” activity. Note that the
emphasis is on presenting the vision, not on the quality of the box’s artwork. By
4david on flickr (some rights reserved).

To give people a head start, you need to supply some box

templates. You can either download and print our template for
the “design the box” activity (for best results, print the template
on card stock), or you could recycle empty cereal packets
(carefully break the seams and then turn the box inside out).
After 30 minutes or so, each team presents their box to the
larger group. Restrict each presentation to 2 minutes — an
elevator pitch — to ensure that each team focuses on the
essence and doesn’t get lost in the details. For an even stiffer
challenge, get teams to summarise their key message in a tweet
(140 characters or less).

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

If your experience is typical, you’ll find some areas of

agreement and many areas of disagreement. That’s fine. The
purpose of the activity is to discuss the findings and reach a
consensus. You’ll find that the user experience vision emerges
in the subsequent discussion.

A template for the “design the box” activity.

If you work in a small user experience team, you might find

there aren’t enough voices for a good ‘design the box’ activity.
In that case, you could try ‘writing the press release’ instead.
Ian McAllister (who uses this approach at Amazon) describes
the approach like this:
For new initiatives a product manager typically starts
by writing an internal press release announcing the
finished product. The target audience for the press
release is the new/updated product’s customers,
which can be retail customers or internal users of a tool

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

or technology. Internal press releases are centered

around the customer problem, how current solutions
(internal or external) fail, and how the new product
will blow away existing solutions.
The idea is that the press release is written before any
development work starts, a technique that Amazon call
‘working backwards’.

3 ways to publicise your user experience vision

The “design the box” activity provides the launch pad for
your product’s user experience vision. Now you need to refine
the vision and present it so that management, the development
team and new recruits understand it. Here are three ideas:
• Tell a story
• Draw a picture
• Create a video

Tell a story
The simplest approach to articulating the user experience
vision is to tell a story. Stories are powerful ways to
communicate design concepts because they focus on the user’s
experience with your product and gloss over the
implementation details. This means they make the “winning
idea” self evident. Here’s an example of a user experience
vision for a home media centre:
The Norris family are big movie fans but they are
frustrated by having to set up and switch between the
various devices when they want to watch a movie: the
PlayStation, the digital video recorder, the TV set and
the three computers. So the excitement in the living

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

room is palpable as they unbox their new media player

and connect it to their 42” plasma TV set. The new
media player will effortlessly find all the movies that
reside on all the devices in their household and
provide a single interface for playing them back.
A story like this captures the winning idea in a few words
and makes it clear where the design priorities lie.
If you’re serious about storytelling, a great resource is
Whitney Quesenbury and Kevin Brook’s, Storytelling for User
Experience: Crafting Stories for Better Design.

Draw a picture
Although written stories often work well as a
communication tool, you may feel that you need more visual
ways of communicating the user experience vision.
One simple way to achieve this is to create a cartoon
showing the experience. Cartoons are very accessible, easy to
read and easy to share. The example below shows a user
experience vision in this format.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

A cartoon showing a user experience vision for a mobile application.

If you’re worried about your drawing skills, don’t be. Simply

take photos, and then ‘cartoonify’ them in an application like
Photoshop (applying the ‘Cutout’ filter first, then the ‘Poster
Edges’ filter, will give you a realistic cartoon effect).
Alternatively, import your photos into an application like
Comic Life which has its own built-in filters for turning photos
into comics.
If you’re unable to take photos, you can use comic clip art
resources. One of our favourites is Martin Hardee’s Design
Comics. This contains free comic characters and scenes

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

showing people using computers that you can use to develop

your user experience vision.

Create a video
This way of presenting your user experience vision requires
the most work, but you’ll find it’s the most compelling. A well
produced video can really demonstrate the future today
because you can actually show people interacting with your
envisioned product.
An excellent example of the genre is Adaptive Path’s
“Aurora” Concept Video. Another fine example is Apple’s
‘Knowledge Navigator’ video. Jared Spool has written a great
piece deconstructing the Knowledge Navigator video, and you
can use his insights as guidance on what you should include in
your own video.

It’s time to step up

One refrain I sometimes hear from people in UX teams is
that they are not sure who should take responsibility for
building the user experience vision. Isn’t this something that
Marketing should do, or Senior Management?
Part of the problem is that UX teams often have little
ownership of anything at a strategic level. Well, this is your
chance to grab a leadership role. Developing a user experience
vision will demonstrate to your management that you’re not
just a tactical expert. It will show them that you can see the big
picture too.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Card Games for Information Architects

David Travis

This article reviews 6 simple but powerful research

techniques you can use to improve the information
architecture of your product or web site. None of these
activities requires a computer. You simply need a bunch
of cards, a participant and a desk.

Over the last few years we’ve seen a quiet revolution in user
experience research. Participants no longer need to come to a
usability lab. Nowadays, we can carry out many user research
activities over the web. Although we welcome this change (and
have even developed our own remote usability testing tool),
user experience research is fundamentally straightforward.
There’s a lot you can do with the simplest of tools.

Exploratory card sorting

Many people are familiar with card sorting as a method of
finding out how your users classify the information in your
domain. You need this information to create the menu system
for your application or the information architecture for your
web site. Figure 1 shows a card sort in progress.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 1: A participant carries out an open card sort.

How to carry out exploratory card sorting

• Prepare a stack of cards. Each card contains a title
(usually the title of a function or a page within your web
site). In my card sorts, I also include a short description
of what that function is used for (this is optional but
helps avoid simple keyword matching). Card sorting
works well when you have more than 30 and less than
100 cards. See Figure 2 for an example of a printed card.
• Ask around 15 users to sort the cards into groups that
make sense to them.
• Once the cards have been sorted into groups, give each
user a stack of blank cards. For each group, users take a
blank card and write on the card a description of what

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

makes that group a group (these will become the proto-

headings of your navigation structure).
• Analyse the data to (a) find out the cards that users
place together, (b) the terms people use to describe the
groups of cards, (c) cards that appear in multiple
categories and (d) how the results compare with the
existing (or proposed) design. Software exists to make
the analysis easier — I’d recommend SynCaps, version 1
of which is now a free download.

Figure 2: This card is barcoded to make data entry easier and has a goodness-of-
fit checkbox for users to rate how well the card fits in the group. (Printed using
the CAPS system).

The process I’ve just described is called an “open” card sort

(for much more detail, I’d recommend Donna Spencer’s book
on card sorting). You can also carry out a closed card sort
where you give people the group headings and ask them to put

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

the individual cards in each group. This tests the quality of the
taxonomy you have created.
But if you’re interested in where in the navigation structure
people would go to complete a task, you should use a tree test.

Tree test
Use a tree test to check if people can actually find stuff in
your navigation structure.

How to carry out a tree test

• Prepare a stack of around 10-20 cards. Each card
contains a short description of a likely goal that your
web site supports. For example, “Find an exercise bike”
might be common task for a web site that sells fitness
products. Tasks where people are asked to find stuff
work well with a tree sort.
• Prepare a set of group headings — these will be the
headings from your existing navigation structure or
derived from an open card sort. Then, on the back of
each card, write down the sub-groups that appear in
that group. For example, on one side of the card, you
might have the group heading, “Sports & Leisure”. On
the reverse of the card, you might have the sub-groups,
“Fitness”, “Camping & Hiking”, “Cycling,” etc.
• Lay out the group headings in front of the user in a grid.
Give users the task cards. Ask them to pick the group
card they would use to start that task. Then turn over
the group card and ask them to pick the sub-group they
would use to complete that task.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

• Analyse the data to find out the percentage of users that

choose the correct option for each task.

Trigger word elicitation

Use trigger word elicitation to identify the words or phrases
that will encourage users to click on links. You need to identify
trigger words because users arrive at a page on your web site,
hunt around for a link that seems the best fit to their goal and
then they click on it — and if you site doesn’t contain the
trigger word, they hit the back button.

How to carry out a trigger word analysis

• Prepare a stack of around 10-20 task cards, as with the
Tree Test. Each card contains a short description of a
likely goal that your web site supports. For example,
“Book a romantic meal for two” might be common task
for a restaurant web site close to Valentine’s Day.
• Ask users the words or phrases they would expect to
find on a web site that supported that task. For example,
you might get phrases like, “Book a table”, “Make a
reservation” and “Put your name down”.
• Analyse the data to identify the common words used for
each task. Make sure your web site contains those words
to direct users towards the appropriate content.

Web board
Use a web board to find out where users expect to find your
functions. This works well for a web page where navigation
items appear in headers, footers and page margins as well as
the more conventional menus. You need these data because if

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

your functions appear where people expect, they will find them
more quickly. The Software Usability Research Laboratory have
published a case study using a similar technique.

How to use a web board

• Take a screen shot of a blank browser page. Open the
image in your favourite drawing application and
overlay a 5 x 5 grid on the page (Figure 3 shows an
example). You want the print out to be as large as
possible, so print it on A3 paper or use a photocopier to
scale up an A4 or Letter-sized page to A3.
• Prepare a stack of cards. Each card contains a title of the
function or link and a short description of what that
function is used for (as with an card sort).
• Tell users that the browser page represents a page from
your web site. Ask users to place each card on the grid
in the approximate location where they would expect to
find it. For example, you may find that users place a
‘Back to home’ card in the top left square, and a ‘Sign
into your account’ card in the top right square
• Using the letters and numbers on the grid, note down
where users expect each function to appear. Analyse the
data to identify areas of agreement across participants.
Make sure your functions and links are placed in these

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Figure 3: Browser grid used for a web board.

Function familiarity test

Use a function familiarity test to gauge how often people use
functions within your application. You need this information to
discriminate frequently used functions from infrequently used

How to carry out a function familiarity test

• Prepare a stack of cards. Each card contains a title of the
function and a short description of what that function is
used for. For example, for a mobile phone you might
have “Address book”, “Ring tones”, “Network”, etc.
• Ask users to sort each card into three piles: functions I
use frequently; functions I use sometimes; and functions
I rarely or never use. (This is easy to adapt: for example,

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

you could change the test to measure levels of

understanding by naming the piles, “Functions I know
how to use”, “Functions I can use by muddling
through” and “Functions I don’t understand”).
• If a function appears in the “use frequently” pile, give it
5 points. If it appears in the “use sometimes” pile, give it
2 points. After you’ve tested all participants, add up the
scores to identify the most used functions in your

Swap Sort
Use a swap sort to find out the most important functions,
features or tasks within your interface. You need this
information to know how to prioritise content.

How to carry out a swap sort

• Prepare a stack of cards. Each card contains a title of the
function, feature or task and a short description of it.
• Ask users to read through the cards and fish out the 10
most important cards for them. Put the other cards to
one side — you won’t be using them anymore.
• Ask users to place the 10 “most important” cards
vertically in front of them. Ask users to rank order the
cards by swapping adjacent cards, putting the most
important ones higher up in the list, until no more can
be swapped.
• Give the card placed first in the list 10 points, the card
placed second in the list 9 points and so on — so the
card placed last in the list gets 1 point. After you’ve
tested all your users, total the points for each card and

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

use the results to identify the most important functions

in your interface.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Tips for writing user manuals

Philip Hodgson

User manuals have a bad reputation. In a recent USA

Today poll that asked readers “Which technological
things have the ability to confuse you?” user manuals
came out top! Increasingly companies are rethinking the
way they approach user manuals. Here are some
suggestions for improving the usability of user manuals
based on our experience writing them.

These guidelines are based on:

• Best practice principles.
• Principles of good information design.
• Aspects of human perception, cognition and psychology
as it pertains to reading.
• Our own experience of user testing various kinds of user
manuals and documentation and seeing what works
and what doesn’t.
We have arranged the tips into the following sections:
• General guidelines
• How to create a great first impression
• How to enhance findability
• How to give instructions
• How to design individual pages

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

• How to design the physical manual

General guidelines for user manuals

• Provide a real (physical) user manual with the product:
don’t make people read a pdf.
• Make sure the instructions actually map on to the
product in all respects.
• Include a one-page quick start guide.
• Present instructions as step-by-step procedures.
• Tell the user what functions there are, and what they are
for — not just how to use them...
• ...but avoid marketing waffle (they already bought the
• Ensure that the writers are part of the product design
• Write the user manual in synch with the product’s
development timeline — not under pressure of shipping
• Make sure the writers have the product, understand the
product, and actually use the product as they write.
• Consider the needs of disabled users (i.e., low vision,
colour-blind) and provide alternative manuals in Braille,
large print, audio etc.
• User-test the product and the user manual with real
users (including disabled users).

How to create a great first impression

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Many users never actually get as far as the user manual. It is

often tossed aside as being either secondary, or just too difficult
to deal with. When this happens, the user, the product and the
writing team all suffer in some way. In order to get past this
point the user manual must make a strong and positive first
impression. These guidelines can help.
• Avoid a text-book look (landscape formatting can be less
• Use paper that is commensurate with the quality of the
• Make purposeful and effective use of colour.
• The user manual should not be too big or too heavy...
• ...or too small or too flimsy.
• Make effective use of pictures and diagrams.
• Provide lots of white space.
• Use a clean, readable san-serif font.
• Include a help-line number.
• Use a single language.

How to enhance findability

Users quickly get frustrated when they cannot find what
they are looking for in the user manual. Often this is due to the
fact that the key words the writer has used are not the key
words that users may search for. Here are some guidelines that
will help users find what they are looking for.
• Organize information hierarchically.
• Code the hierarchy with tabs, colours etc.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

• Divide into sections ordered by:

• Chronology of use.
• Frequency of use.
• Functional categories.
• Expertise level (beginner vs. expert user).
• Denote importance by using contrast, colour, shading,
emboldening etc.
• Work with real users to identify likely key words (these
can be learned during usability testing).
• Provide a key word index using the terminology of the
• Ensure that the index includes likely synonyms.
• Provide a glossary of technical terms.
• Include a (genuinely useful) trouble-shooting section.
• Use colour-coding to aid navigation.
• Make the quick start guide readily accessible.
• Avoid unnecessarily cross-referencing to other parts of
the user manual.
• Avoid duplicate page numbering in multi-language
guides (better still, avoid multi-language).
• Clearly display the help-line number.

How to give instructions

Clearly this is the primary role of the user manual. It is
critical that the instructions are easy to read and are
understandable by all users. Many user manuals have
instructions that are incomplete, incorrect, or simply have no

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

bearing on the actual product. Here are some guidelines to help

make instructions easy on the user.
• Provide step-by-step sequences in the correct order.
• Follow the timing and sequencing of the actual
operations .
• Provide visual stepping stones (e.g. Step 1, Step 2 etc.)
• Avoid lengthy paragraphs.
• Use everyday words and terms: avoid jargon.
• Explain what a function or feature is for (in basic
practical terms) as well as “How to” instructions.
• Check that the instructions match the actual product.
• Explain symbols, icons and codes early.
• Avoid creating dead-ends.
• Avoid patronising the user.
• Do not assume the user has prior experience or product
• Usability test the instructions alongside the product
using naive users (not designers or product experts).
• Write in the present tense and the active voice.
• Write the steps to task completion while doing the
actual task on a real product. Have an independent user
then follow the steps (literally) with the product and
check that:
• It is easy to work through the task from start to finish.
• It is easy to break out of task and get back in.
• It is easy to jump into the user manual half way through
a task.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

How to design individual pages in the user manual

In addition to effective instructing, the use of colour, the text
and fonts used, and the icons and graphics can all either make
for an easy experience or can derail the user. Here are some
• Ensure that font size is adequate (use at least 12 point
• Ensure high text-to-background contrast (black on white
is best).
• Use san-serif fonts.
• Avoid using multiple font styles.
• Font weight can be used sparingly to denote
• Use colour coding consistently.
• Provide plenty of white space between sections and
around images and paragraphs.
• Provide a section (or margins) for the users to make
their own notes.
• Use consistent layout from page to page.
• Test your use of colours to ensure they can be read by
colour-blind users.
• Avoid using saturated blue for text and small detail, and
never use blue on a red background.

How to design the physical manual

User manuals are used in many different kinds of
environments: they may be used indoors or outdoors, they may

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

be used with good light or with dim light, they may be used in
a comfortable and user friendly setting or in an environment
that is hostile or even dangerous. Here are some basic
guidelines to ensure your user manual will survive actual use.
• Ensure that the user manual can lie flat on a work
surface when opened.
• Consider the environment of use and if necessary
provide a robust user manual.
• Consider whether the user needs to hold the user
manual and work at the same time.
• Provide durable covers and pages.
• Consider whether the user manual needs to resist water,
oil, dirt, grease etc.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Five kinds of ‘alt’ text

David Travis

There are five different classes of image used on web

pages and each class of image requires a different
approach to writing the ‘alt’ attribute.

Virtually every web designer I speak with is familiar with

the ‘alt’ attribute: the part of the html ‘img’ tag that you use to
provide an equivalent alternative for people who are unable to
see the image. This includes people who are using a screen
reader or people who are browsing the web with images turned
off. What’s less commonly known is that there are five different
classes of image used on web pages and each of those images
requires a different approach to writing the ‘alt’ attribute.
The five different classes are:
• Eye candy.
• Clip art and stock images.
• Images that express a concept.
• Functional images.
• Graphs, complex diagrams and screenshots.
• The ‘alt’ text you write will be different for each of these
classes of image.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

Eye candy: use an empty ‘alt’ attribute

Most web pages are full of eye candy, like horizontal rules,
glyphs and spacer images. The purpose of these kinds of image
is to make a web page look more attractive but if you describe
these images in the ‘alt’ attribute it just creates auditory clutter
for people who are using a screen reader. People using a screen
reader don’t need to hear, ‘spacer image’, ‘glyph image’ or
‘small green bullet’ when they are browsing a web page since
this contains no useful information.

In this screenshot from the New York Times, I’ve used a feature in the Firefox
Web Developer toolbar to overlay the ‘alt’ text for each image. This shows that
the designers have chosen to write an ‘alt’ attribute for the video camera, still
camera and comment glyphs. These images are eye candy and do not need any
alternative text. A blank ‘alt’ attribute would be the correct choice here.

For these types of image, you should use an empty ‘alt’

attribute, that is, alt=””. The reason to use an empty ‘alt’
attribute is that this is a signal to the screen reader to skip over
the image. When a screen reader comes across an image with
an empty ‘alt’ attribute, it ignores the image: it’s as if the image
was never there in the first place.
Why not omit the ‘alt’ attribute entirely? You can’t do this
because the ‘alt’ attribute is a required part of the ‘img’ tag. If
you omit the ‘alt’ attribute, your page won’t be valid HTML.
This is like writing a sentence and leaving out the full-stop at

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

the end: it’s ungrammatical. As a consequence, screen readers

assume that images with a missing ‘alt’ attribute were created
by the clueless and so make a valiant attempt at describing the
image. The usual approach that screen readers take is to read
out the name of the image (such as ‘logo.gif’) in the forlorn
hope that the developer at least used some meaningful text in
the filename.

Clip-art and stock images: use an empty ‘alt’ attribute

Clip-art and stock images are often used to illustrate an
article or news story: you might find a thumbnail version of the
image used on the home page and a larger version of the image
used in the article itself.
For the vast majority of these images, a blank ‘alt’ attribute is
sufficient. This is because these images are nearly always next
to text that is equivalent to the image. The image below shows
a good example from the Apple Store. You’ll see that the
designers have correctly used an empty ‘alt’ attribute for the
images, since to add ‘alt’ text would simply clutter the page
when listened to by a screen reader.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

This screenshot from the Apple Store shows a series of stock images of Apple
products, like the iPad, the iPhone and the iPod shuffle. Again, I’ve overlaid the
‘alt’ text and this shows that the designers have correctly used a blank ‘alt’
attribute for these images. This is correct, because each image is next to a text
description that is equivalent (such as ‘iPad from £439’).

Compare this approach with that used on the social media

news blog, Mashable. Here you can see that the ‘alt’ text is a
duplicate of the text that’s next to the image. If you’re a screen
reader user, this creates auditory clutter: you will have to listen
to the same text twice. The correct approach here would be to
use a blank ‘alt’ attribute.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

This screenshot from Mashable shows a series of thumbnail images that have
been used to illustrate a list of top stories. Again, the ‘alt’ text has been placed
next to each image. This shows that the designers have simply repeated the
adjacent text in the ‘alt’ text: for example, there is an article titled ‘10 Creative
Uses of the New Facebook Profile [PICS]’ and the ‘alt’ text simply repeats the
text. All of these ‘alt’ attributes should be blank.

Many news sites fall into this trap. The following example
comes from the BBC’s site. The images in this screenshot add
little, if anything, to the text that’s next to them and so
including ‘alt’ text simply clutters the audio stream. This
example also shows another common blooper when writing

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

‘alt’ text: sometimes designers feel the obligation to convey

more information in the ‘alt’ text than exists in the image alone.
For example, the ‘alt’ text on one of the images reads
‘Edinburgh’, but few (if any) sighted users would realise that
this is a picture of Edinburgh. ‘alt’ text should never say more
than the picture.

This screenshot from the BBC’s web site shows a series of thumbnail images that
link to video and audio recordings. The ‘alt’ text has been overlaid next to each
image. Most of the ‘alt’ text simply repeats what is already said in the adjacent
text, and is redundant. One picture has been used to illustrate a story titled
‘Gales cause damage across Scotland’ . The image shows a fallen wall but the

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

‘alt’ text reads ‘Edinburgh’ which conveys more information than either the
image or the adjacent text. All of these ‘alt’ attributes should be blank.

Images that express a concept: use brief ‘alt’ text and a

These kinds of images are usually photographs of people,
events or situations. These images communicate a concept and
the job of the web designer is to try to express that concept
concisely. However, you need to exercise judgement. When I
speak with screen reader users, they tell me that they’re not
really interested in a web page’s mood music. They just want to
get to the content. So you need to be really sure that this image
is conveying something important and it’s not just a stock
One way you can make that judgement is to ask yourself: if I
couldn’t use the image here, what would I write instead? If the
answer is, ‘nothing’, then it falls into the same class as stock
images, and you should use a blank ‘alt’ attribute.
If the answer is something else, then you need to find the
right form of words. For example, consider this photograph of
James Blake Miller, the ‘Marlboro Marine’. Using alternative
text that read ‘Soldier in Iraq’ would fail to convey the power of
this image.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

This powerful photograph by Luis Sinco is difficult to summarise within the

brevity constraints of ‘alt’ text. In circumstances like these, it’s probably best to
use concise ‘alt’ text (such as ‘The Marlboro Marine’) to flag up to the screen
reader user that this is an important image, and then include a caption next to
the image. When this image appears on news sites, the caption usually reads:
‘A close-cropped shot of a US Marine in Iraq, his face smeared with blood and
dirt, a cigarette dangling from his lips, smoke curling across weary eyes.’ © Luis
Sinco, http://www.flickr.com/photos/mediastorm/2037179165/

Although there is no fixed rule on the maximum length of

the ‘alt’ attribute, some screen readers split the ‘alt’ text into 125
character chunks and so that serves as a useful guideline. Since
125 characters will almost certainly be too brief to be
equivalent, you should consider adding a caption to this kind
of image.

Functional images: explain the function

If the image has a function or communicates information,
then the ‘alt’ text should explain the function of the image.
Here are three examples.
Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

The first example shows icons — a weather widget — used

to communicate status information. The screenshot (from
sky.com) shows how the ‘alt’ text has been used appropriately
to explain the icon.

This screenshot shows the weather forecast for Greater London (from sky.com).
The forecast includes images that summarise the day’s weather: for example,
Monday’s forecast has an image of a cloud and Tuesday’s forecast has an image
of a cloud with the Sun peeking out. The ‘alt’ text has been overlaid on the
screenshot and it shows the appropriate use of ‘alt’ text: ‘Cloud’ for Monday and
‘Sunny intervals’ for Tuesday.

A second example is when you use an image of a button

(such as ‘Next’, ‘Previous’ or ‘Search’). In these instances, the
‘alt’ text should say exactly what’s said on the button. It
shouldn’t read ‘Search Button’ because the screen reader will
announce it as a button. Sometimes the buttons are icons (such
as using a rightward-pointing double chevron to indicate
‘Next’), in which case the alt text should simply be what you
would write if it was a text link (in this example, ‘Next’).
A third example of this kind of image is when a thumbnail
photograph is used as a link. Whenever an image is used as a

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

link it must have ‘alt’ text, otherwise the screen reader will fall
back to announcing the link URL (even if you use an empty
‘alt’ attribute). Again, the best kind of ‘alt’ text to use in this
example is the same text you would use if you were writing a
text link instead of using an image.
Note that these last two examples only apply to images that
are standalone links. If you have a link that encompasses the
image and some text that follows it (as in the Mashable and
BBC examples above), you should use an empty ‘alt’ attribute.
This is because the link is fully described within the text.
Adding ‘alt’ text in these examples just creates clutter. In fact,
it’s good usability practice to create links that encompass an
image as well as the following text, since this increases the size
of the whole clickable area and makes them easier targets to
acquire (as predicted by Fitts’ Law).

Graphs, complex diagrams and screenshots: provide a

longer description
Our final class of image is when we show a graph or a
complex diagram such as an organisational chart. In these
instances, you need to write brief ‘alt’ text (’Organisational
chart for ACME Corporation’) and then you must provide a
longer, alternative description. This alternative description
should be ‘equivalent’: that is, it should be a standalone
description of the screenshot, chart or diagram.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

This is a poor example from Business Insider. The problem isn’t with the ‘alt’
text, which is reasonable (although ‘Pie chart showing Android usage’ might
have been better). The problem is that a screen reader user is unable to
understand this graph and examine the underlying data. A sighted user can
view this graph and quickly identify the most popular version of Android, can
see that this version has more than 50% of the market and can see that the next
biggest version has less than 25% of the market. A screen reader user cannot get
any of this information from the graph.

One solution is to use captions (as I’ve done for the

screenshots in this article) but some sighted users may find this
overly wordy. In that case, you could provide a link to another
html page where the information is presented in textual form,
perhaps as a data table if the image is a graph. In terms of
implementation, you should write an appropriately titled link
(such as ‘Longer description of Android usage chart’) and place
this immediately after the image. Because you won’t want your
page of graphs cluttered with all of those ‘longer description’

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

links, you should style them in CSS so that they don’t appear in
visual browsers.

Summary: The contextual nature of ‘alt’ text

An important learning point is that ‘alt’ text is contextual.
For example, when there is an equivalent text description close
to a thumbnail image, the image should have an empty ‘alt’
attribute, but not if the thumbnail image is a standalone link.
Similarly, it might be fine to have an empty ‘alt’ attribute when
the image is shown as a thumbnail but it may need a caption or
longer description when presented as a larger image on the
page. As with all design choices, you need to make an informed
decision. Avoid the kneejerk reaction of just writing a few
words of alternative text and considering your job done.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

About the authors

Philip Hodgson

Dr. Philip Hodgson (@bpusability on Twitter) holds a PhD in

Experimental Psychology and is a member of the Usability
Professionals’ Association, the Association for Psychological
Science, and the Association for the Advancement of Medical
Instrumentation. He has over twenty years of experience as a
researcher, consultant, and trainer in product usability, user
experience, human factors and experimental psychology.

Ritch Macefield

Dr. Ritch Macefield (@Ax_Stream on Twitter) holds a BA in

Creative Design, an MSc in IT/Computing and a PhD in HCI.

Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers! Userfocus

He is an acknowledged expert in Axure having led Axure

projects for clients like Thomson-Reuters, Dell computers and
Vodafone. He was a panel speaker at Axure World 2012,
contributed to the book “Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials”
and founded the Axure RP Pro LinkedIn Group.

David Travis

Dr. David Travis (@userfocus on Twitter) holds a BSc and a PhD

in Psychology and he is a Chartered Psychologist. He has
worked in the fields of human factors, usability and user
experience since 1989 and has published two books on
usability. David helps both large firms and start ups connect
with their customers and bring business ideas to market.

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