Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 NOTES
Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 NOTES
Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 NOTES
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3.1 ALGAE:
Phycology: Branch of Biology which deals with the study of algae 1
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Autotrophs - Photosynthetic (most of them)
Parasitic forms (rare). Eg: Cephaleuros.
• 1. Chlorophyll- a, b, c, d. 2
• 2. Carotenoids- carotene and xanthophyll-fucoxanthin (dominating pigment in brown algae).
• 3. Phycobillins- phycocyanin and phycoerythrin.
Vegetative reproduction- Reproduction using the vegetative parts.
Different types are
• Fission
• Fragmentation
• Budding
• Tubers
• Gemmae.
Asexual reproduction-without the fusion of gametes.
Mainly by:
• Zoospores within sporangia
• Aplanospores
• Akinete
• Hypnospores
• Endospore
• Exospore
• Monospore
• Auxospore.
Palmella stage-spores become colonial and appear like the algae named Palmella.
Eg: Ulothrix, Chlamydomonas.
Sexual reproduction:
Homogametes-similar gametes
Heterogametes-dissimilar gametes
• Isogamy: fusion of morphologically and physiologically similar gametes.
Isogamy- flagellated (Chlamydomonas ) and nonflagellated (Spirogyra).
• Anisogamy: fusion of morphologically or physiologically dissimilar gametes.
Morphologically dissimilar–eg: Chlamydomonas
Physiologically dissimilar –eg: Spirogyra.
• Oogamy- fusion of morphologically and physiologically dissimilar gametes.
Small motile male gamete + large nonmotile female gamete.
Eg: Fucus, Volvox.
Exceptional cases: 3
Unicellular antheridium and oogonium .Eg: Oedogonium.
Special reproductive structures:
Conceptacles –Eg: Sargassum
Globule (antheridium) and nucule (oogonium) Eg: Chara
• Chlorophyceae
• Phaeophyceae
• Rhodohyceae.
• Star shaped in Zygnema
• Reticulate in Oedogonium. 5
Photosynthetic pigments are chlorophyll a and b.
Store food in the form of starch and some store in the form of oil droplets.
Pyrenoids which are the storage bodies are present.
Cell wall is made up of an inner layer of cellulose and an outer layer of pectose.
• Vegetatively by fragmentation
• Asexually by flagellated zoospores
• Sexually by isogamy, anisogamy and oogamy. 6
Cell wall is made up of cellulose and is covered by a gelatinous coating called algin on the outer part which
is a phycocolloid (hydrocolloid) and they prevents the thallus from drying in low tide.
Cell consists of cell organelles and centrally is the vacuole which helps the thallus to float.
Vegetative reproduction is by
Asexual by biflagellated zoospores which are pear shaped with two flagella attached laterally.
Sexual reproduction is by the fusion of gametes-
• Isogamy,
• Anisogamy
• Oogamy.
Gametes are pear shaped with 2 laterally attached flagella.
The common brown algae are Ectocarpus, Laminaria,Dictyota, Sargassum and Fucus.
The common red algae are Polysiphonia, Porphyra, Gracilaria, Gelidium, Betrachospermum etc. 7
• Algae are the primary producers in the food chain. They form the basis of the food cycles of all aquatic
• Half of the total carbon dioxide fixation on earth is carried out by algae by photosynthesis.
• Helps in purification of air and water.
• Some are edible. Eg- Chlorella, Spirulina, Laminaria, Porphyra, Sargassum, Ulva
• Some are used as fodder. Eg; Laminaria, Sargassum, Fucus.
• Food supplement for space travellers like Chlorella, Spirulina,
• Hydrocolloids or water holding substances like algin and carrageen are obtained from red algae.
• Agar is obtained by Gelidium and Gracilaria. It is used to grow microorganisms.
• Used in the preparation of culture media in tissue culture experiments.
• Medicinal- Antibiotics. Eg: Chlorella, Polysiphonia.
• Source of minerals- Polysiphonia, Laminaria
• Biological research: Chlorella, Acetabularia.
• Water silk-Spirogyra
• Sea lettuce- Ulva
• Umbrella plant-Acetabularia ( Largest unicellular algae)
3.2 Bryophytes:
Simplest non vascular land plants with undifferentiated plant body.
Bryology-Study of Bryophyta
Hedwig- Father of bryology
S.R.Kashyap-Father of Indian bryology
Bryophytes are known as the amphibians of the plant kingdom.
Bryophytes grows in dense patches on the moist shady places like walls, damp soil, tree trunks etc.
Habitat: Mainly terrestrial
Plant body is differentiated into stem like and leaf like structures.
Vascular tissues are absent.
Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation, budding, tubers etc.
Asexual by Gemmae- asexual buds in liver worts.
Sexual reproduction-The vegetative plant body is the gametophyte and all members are homosporous. 8
Multicellular sex organs present and are found in clusters.
Male reproductive organs is the club shaped antheridium and the female part is the flask shaped archegonium.
Anthredium produce biflagellated antherozoids which are motile and archegonium produce the egg.
Antherozoid fuses with the egg to form the zygote.
The sporophyte is not free living and it derives nourishment from the photosynthetic gametophyte.
Haploid spores are formed in the sporophyte after meiosis and the spore germinates to form the gametophyte.
Alternation of generation present- haploid phase alters with the diploid phase.
Both phases are multicellular.
The dominant photosynthetic free living stage is gametophyte.
The sporophyte is short lived and depends on the gametophyte. Water is essential for fertilization.
Classification of Bryophytes:
3 classes
3.2.1 Hepaticopsida or Liver worts: Plant body is photosynthetic, flat, dorsiventral thallus .E.g.: Riccia,
The rhizoids help the thallus to get attached to the soil.
Vegetative reproduction is by fragmentation. E.g.: Riccia, Marchantia 9
Sporophyte is differentiated into three parts-foot, seta and capsule. Meiosis takes place in the capsule to form
the haploid spores which germinate into free living thalloid gametophyte.
Rhizoids are multicellular and branched. Leafy stages bears the sex organs.
Vegetative reproduction takes place by fragmentation and budding in the secondary protonema. 10
Economic Importance
First terrestrial plant possesses vascular tissue like xylem and phloem. So they are known as vascular
Commonly known as botanical snake.
Plant body differentiated into true root, stem and leaf.
Plant body is the sporophytic generation.
Stem is rhizomatous and regenerate when aerial parts are destroyed.
Leaves may be small (microphyll) as in Selaginella or large (macrophyll) as in ferns. 11
Coiling of youg leaves - Circinate vernation is seen in pteridophytes.
Leaves are of two types vegetative and fertile. Fertile leaves are the spore bearing leaves called sporophylls.
Spores are formed inside the sporangia.
In Sporangia, the spore mother cells give rise to spores after meiosis.
Spores germinate to form haploid gametophytic, photosynthetic heart shaped multicellular structure
called prothallus which bears antheridia and archegonia.
Prothallus requires cool, damp shady areas for growth and water is essential for fertilization.
The antheridia bear antherozoids and archegonia bears the egg cell respectively which on fertilization form
zygote which on germination forms the sporophyte. 12
Pteridophytes further classified into four classes:
• Psilopsida (Psilotum)
• Lycopsida (Selaginella)
• Sphenopsida (Equisetum )
• Pteropsida (Pteris).
Economic importance:
Some members are Medicinal- Dryopteris
Helps in Soil binding
Used as Ornamental plants
Edible plants- Marcelia
Used in Crop rotation- Azolla
Helps in Symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
Play an important role in plant succession on bare rocks or soil.
Sphagnum is used to keep seedlings in gardens and cut plant parts moist during transportation and propagation.
Common names:
• Creeping pine/Club moss- Lycopodium
• Spike moss(Resurrection plant- Selaginella
• Water fern- Azolla (smallest pteridophyte)
• Walking fern (Maiden hall fern)- Adiantum
• Adder’s tongue fern- Ophioglossum
• Fossil pteridophyte- Cooksonia
• Leafless Pteridophyte- Psilotum
• Horse tail- Equisetum
Have naked seeds as the ovules are not enclosed by any ovary wall and remain exposed (no fruit covering).
Flowerless seed bearing plants.
Ovules are not enclosed by ovary wall.
Dominant plants during the Jurassic period.
Gymnosperm includes medium-sized trees or tall trees and shrub.
Tap root system is generally present. May be associated with mycorrhiza-Association between fungus
and roots of higher plants. Eg: Pinus.
Coralloid roots with nitrogen fixing bacteria as in Cycas.
Stem is branched (Pinus), or unbranched (Cycas).
Leaves are adapted for extreme temperature, humidity and wind-needle like leaves with thick cuticle, sunken
stomata. Eg: Pinus.
Leaves may be simple or compound.
Stem is unbranched as in Cycas
Branched in Pinus and Cedrus
Well-developed vascular system –xylem without vessels.
Sporophylls are aggregated to form strobuli or cone. They are generally monosporangiate or of two types-
male and female cones.
Male cones are short lived and female ones are long lived.
Male strobili or male cone – microsporophylls which bear microsporangia having microspores which
develop into reduced gametophyte called pollen grain.
Female cone or female strobili –megasporophylls which bear megasporongia having megaspores which
are enclosed within the megasporangium (Nucellus).
One megaspore develops into female gametophyte bearing two or more archegonia.
Pollen grains are carried by wind and reach the ovules.
They form pollen tube which reaches the archegonia and release male gametes into the ovule.
Fusion of the gametes takes place and zygote is formed which produce embryos. Ovules develop into seeds
which are not covered.
The endosperms in gymnosperms is a prefertilisation product and haploid in nature.
The dominant photosynthetic independent stage is the sporophyte. The gametophyte is single to few celled
and not free living. 14
Classified into four classes:
Economic importance:
Timbers for furniture, Pulp wood, Pencil box, Musical instruments etc. 15
Largest gymnosperm- Sequoia
Smallest gymnosperm- Zamia
Gymnosperm with xylem vessels- Ephedra, Gnetum.
Ovary has one or many ovule in which female gametophyte (embryo sac) develops by meiosis.
Embryo sac has 7 cells and 8 nuclei.
• 1 egg cell
• 2 synergids
• 3 antipodal
• One central cell having two polar nuclei. 16
Pollen grain are carried by various agents like wind, water, birds, insects etc. and reaches the stigma.
Pollen grains produces pollen tube which contains two male gametes and enters into the embryo sac.
One male gamete fuses with egg cell to form zygote and is called syngamy which develops into embryo.
Other male gamete fuses with secondary nucleus (formed by fusion of two polar nuclei) which forms triploid
primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) and is called triple fusion. PEN develops into endosperm which nourishes
the developing embryo. As two fertilization (syngamy and triple fusion) takes place inside the embryo sac at
the same time, it is called double fertilization.
Endosperm is triploid.
Ovules develop into seeds and ovaries into fruits. 17
3.6 Alternation of generation: There is an alternation of a haploid gamete producing gametophytic and spore
producing sporophytic generation.
Three types-
1. Haplontic life cycle: In this type the dominant, photosynthetic phase is a free living gametophyte
produced by haploid spores. The gametophyte produces gametes by mitosis and the gametes fuse to
form the zygote which represents the sporophytic generation. Zygote undergoes meiosis to form
haploid spores. Here the Gametophytic phase is dominant. e.g., Chlamydomonas.
2. Diplontic life cycle: Here the diploid sporophyte is the dominant photosynthetic independent phase of the
plant. The gametophyic phase is represented by one to few celled haploid gametophyte.
Here sporophytic phase is dominant. e.g., Angiosperms and Gymnosperms. 18
3. Haplo-Diplontic life cycle: In this type both haploid and diploid phases are multicellular and often
free living. Seen in bryophytes and pteridophytes.
Although most algal genera show haplontic life cycle, some of them such as Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia, Kelps,
etc. exhibit haplo-diplontic life cycle. Fucus a brown alga exhibits diplontic life cycle. 19
23. In angiosperms, the male sex organs or stamen and the female sex organ the pistil are born in a flower.
24. Stamen consists of anther and filament.
25. Pistil contains ovary, style and stigma.
26. The pollen grain produces two male gametes. One male gamete fuses with the egg and is called syngamy
and forms zygote which develops to form the embryo.
27. The other male gamete fuses with the polar nuclei and is called triple fusion and forms the primary
endosperm nucleus which develops to form the endosperm which gives nourishment for the developing
28. As two fertilization are taking place inside the embryo sac at the same time –syngamy and triple fusion, it
is called double fertilization.
29. Angiosperms are divided into two classes-Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons. 20
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