En Akraplast Brochure Akratherm
En Akraplast Brochure Akratherm
En Akraplast Brochure Akratherm
WIDTH (mm) 2100 2100 2100 2100 - 2100 2100 2100 2100 - MECHANICAL Elongation at yield ε S % DIN 53455 6
- - - 2100 1220 - 1200 - 1230 PROPERTIES
Elongation at break ε R % DIN 53455 >100
- - - 1250 1250 - - - 1200 - 2
- - - - - 1250 - - Flexural modulus N/mm DIN 53457 2300
STANDARD LENGTH (mm) 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Impact strength (IZOD notched) J/m ASTM D256 >700
Specific gravity g/cm DIN 53479 1,20
PHYSICAL Refractive index nD DIN 53491 1,58
(U= W/ m2 K) 4,1 3,7 3,3 3,1 2,5 2,0 2,4 1,7 1,7 1,4
PROPERTIES Water absorption (24 h - 23°C)(immerson) % DIN 53495 0,36
Water vapor permeability (thickness 0,1 mm, 24h) g/m • d DIN 53122 ~15
TRASPARENT (%) 79 79 81 80 68 66 74 58 60 54 Heat resistance temperature VICAT VST/B °C DIN 53460 145-150
OPALINE (%) 77 77 78 70 61 54 56 52 25 39 PROPERTIES Linear thermal expansion K • 10 VDE 0304/1 60-70
The values and recommendations given are to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. Since the conditions under which AKRATHERM
may be used are beyond our control, recommendations are made without guarantee. We reserve the right to change specifications at any time.