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Signature Assignment Itl 606 Assignment 4

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The case study examines student data and selects an appropriate model of teaching and methodology for a 7th grade student named Ray based on his strengths, needs, interests and preferred ways of learning.

The Information Processing Family of Models is selected for Ray because he needs help with memorization and concept formation. He needs assistance drawing things from short-term to long-term memory.

The main goals for Ray's socialization are to improve his social skills and interpersonal skills. The main goals for his academics are to improve his language skills, motivation, and anger management.

Running Head: CASE STUDY 1

ITL 606 Assignment 4.1- Mr Jones and Ray Case Study

Montoya Gunn, Raquel Farfan, Yvette Picon

National University

Prof. Nevis Henry

ITL 606 Learners and Learning II

1 June 2019

Mr Jones and Ray: Case Study

Part 1-Ray

Part I examines, in-depth data, identification, analysis, and planning based on the data for a

specific student, Ray.

1. Data

Student’s Name/Grade: Ray 7th

Disability designation(s): IEP,
EL- intermediate

Strengths Needs Interests Preferred Ways of


● speaks Spanish ● hearing aid# ● Working on ● Visual*

● speaks English ● language# motorcycles* ● Kinesthetic
● good attendance ● IEP ● visual learning
● does HW well ● Socialization#
● intermediate ● Motivation#
ESL ● Anger
● mechanically management#
inclined* ● ESL
● visual learner ● Support from
● tactile learner Special
Education #
● Develop social
skill and

Put an “*” next to at least two​ ​data points that indicate​ ​Ray is developing as a typical​ ​middle school student.

Put a “#” next to at least two data points that indicate Ray may be developing as an atypical middle school

What about these Because of his memory loss issues, we choose a model to make it easier for him
data points will be to recall information later. This information also means we choose a model that
salient in the has direct teacher input over more student led input. We have chosen a model
selection of where the student is driven to interact with his peers and stimulate his emotions
methodology? in a positive way. If he is able to collaborate with peers, Ray may find a group
Explain in the box to that he is comfortable working with and will keep him interested in the material.
the right. (Maximum We would need to also address hearing and language barriers as well.
150 words)

2. Model of Teaching
A. The behavioral model focuses on observable behavior and directing behavior through

a system of punishments, rewards and reinforcers (Slavin, 102). The information processing

model is the largest umbrella and focuses on learning styles (Wilson, n.d.). The personal model

looks to develop self-efficacy and a self-directed learner by highlighting the individual’s role in

shaping learning (Wilson, n.d.). Social theories expand on behavioral approaches placing a

stronger emphasis on the roles of social environment and cues on learning and development

(Slavin, 112).

B. Given Ray’s IEP and language barriers, Information Processing Family of Models is

best. He needs help with memorization and concept formation. He needs assistance with drawing

things from short-term into long term memory and back out; this model focuses primarily on

those things (Ferguson, lecture 2). Social Family of models would not work for this situation

primarily, but it would be the second approach. This approach would offer a chance to interact

with others in competition and collaboration (Ferguson, lecture 5). Humanist approach would

not be a good chose because he needs more support and with his behavior issues, behaviorist

would not work either.


3. Methodology

We chose partners in learning under the cooperative branch for Ray in order to meet his

primary needs. He needs to socialize with other students as well as improve academically. We

chose this technique over others because it allows Ray to work one on one with another student

which we believe he will be most comfortable doing. If he were to work with a larger group, he

may be overwhelmed and remain shy. According to Ferguson, two of “5 key elements of

effective cooperative learning groups” created by David and Roger Johnson are “face-to-face

interaction” and “direct instruction of social and small group skills” (Ferguson, 2018)

4. Objectives

A. Socialization: As a group we decided the main goal for socialization for Ray was to

be able to interact with his peers. He is blocked by his age and his differently abled status and

this makes him feel like he cannot interact with his peers in the class. We would like to see him

answering questions in class and participating in group discussions.

B. Academic: Ray needs to get up to grade level which means both academically and in

his ESL. We chose this because he is older than all the other students and he gets lower grades

than them and is behind them in the class. He should be ahead of them academically but has

challenges due to his head injury, his hearing, and his language. We would like to see him just

reach grade level.

5. Assessment and Evaluation

A. Socialization: to assess this he would need to be able to answer questions in class

when he is called on. He does not have to give the correct answer, but at least give some type of

answer in front of the class. Ray needs to participates with his groups in collaborative projects.

This should help him be able to see the benefit of competitive assignments. ​Another social need

for Ray could be the need for a friend in class. We believe this is important because Ray feels

isolated when he is at school. By improving his social skills and having someone he can relate

with, it is likely that Ray’s academics would benefit. If he makes a friend or two, he will enjoy

coming to class and the positive attitude will reflect in his performance

B. Academic: Performs to academic standards on testing and quizzes. Meets the class

average on homework and tests/quizzes with a grade of a C. Passes Intermediate to the next level

in ESL. Meets academic performance levels on standardized tests.

6. Classroom Management​:

First, implement Universal Design for Learning. Many of the students in the class are

being overlooked with the current implantation styles in the classroom. The class is not designed

to teach everyone and some suggestions we have are to implement tactile math, visual learning

tools, and instruct more review sessions to assist the students who are behind in the class.

Another thing that would be beneficial would be to implement a diversity program. This might

include teaching about math and science professionals who are of a diverse background,

including minorities and women, or teaching lessons from multiple perspectives. Finally, we

recommend he gets intentional about implementing an equality pedagogy. This would include

learning about minorities, people who are differently abled, and people with trauma in their past.

This would benefit him and the class. He would be better able to assist and served his students

when they are suffering from abuse brought on by each other and by people or circumstances in

their own lives.

7. ​Communication and Collaboration​: It is important to collaborate with the following

professionals for Ray:

(a) ESL teacher to help get him connected to ESL services and teach him English

(b) IEP programming to better serve him with his IEP

(c) Resource specialist to see specifically if there are any resources available to help

him get his hearing aid

(d) His parents; we are a team trying to get him the best education possible given his

health and circumstances

(e) Behaviorist; for anger outbursts

(f) Speech Therapist; Occasionally, the hearing impaired could have trouble

speaking, this may leave Ray feeling embarrassed and not wanting to speak in


(g) Hearing impairment- needs a hearing aid.

8. Parent Notification:

A. They might be feeling a sense of loss and longing for the son they had before the

accident. The feeling grief and or guilt may be setting in because he was injured in a car accident

that may feel that is their fault. Parents want their child to feel safe, loved and appreciated and

may be feeling a sense of failure due to everything that family has been dealing with for great

amount of time. When another person or someone takes an interest in their child, it will usually

give them a sense of relief.

B. Initially, communication would be to get a sense of how things are at home and how

they are feeling; then communication with them regarding his educational goals and how to help

him in school. He is not doing as well in math as he is in other classes so maybe the teacher can

help make suggestions for how to improve his math study habits, or get tutoring, or have his IEP

adjusted to get him extra help in class; also to make suggestions for his language assessment to

see if anything is being done to get him advanced in that area.

C. Communication would be best in person via a translator, which would be most

effective. The next best thing would be communications at home in English and Spanish via

paper and electronically.

Part II: The Other Six Students


1. Given the needs identified for Marta, which need to do think should be addressed

first by Mr. Jones? Why do you think so?

The need that we think should be addressed first by Ms. Jones is support with the ability

to understand English as an English Learner. Because Marta is a Spanish speaker and

new to learning English, Mr. Jones should make sure that she is getting the correct ESL

support in order to make sure that she can is able to at least follow along with the

curriculum before really needing to get comfortable doing anything else.


Which teaching Model and Methodology would most help Marta with this need

within Mr. Jones’ class? What is your rationale for this answer?

The teaching model and methodology that would be most helpful to Marta with her needs

in Mr. Jone’s class is Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS). This method is, “a

structured cooperative learning method in which students work in pairs, taking turns as

teacher and learner, using specific metacognitive strategies” (Slavin, p. 201). The

rationale behind this is that Marta could help students in her strengths such as math, while

other students could help her with english.

If you were to have Marta work with a partner, who would you select and why?

If we were to have Marta work with a partner, it would be Gina because Gina is a fluent

English speaker. In addition, Gina is a solid student and finds the work easy. They are

both visual learners and could be good resources for one another as support.


2. Given Dillon’s interests in computers, how could Mr. Jones incorporate Dillon’s

interests in computers into his instructional plan for the class? Why do you think


Given Dillon’s interests in computers, Mr. Jones could incorporate the use of apps during

his lessons. We would maybe recommend using an app where students could review for

example, this would be positive since Dillon needs review before learning new material

and he is interested in computers.


If you were to have Dillon work with a partner, who would you select and why?

If we were to have Dillon work with a partner we would pair him up with Steven. They

both have similar interests such as technology and computers. Dillon is flexible on his

preferred way of learning which will be helpful when working with Steven who is a little

more specific.


3. Given that one of the Strengths identified for Bill is that he is social and makes

friends easily, how could Mr. Jones capitalize on this to support others in the class?

What is your rationale?

Given that one of Bill’s strengths is that he is social and makes friends easily, Mr. Jones

could capitalize on this because he has a few students who need support in this area.

Having a student who is friendly can be helpful because they can be the mediator or

facilitator in group work assignments. In addition, it is important to have students that are

friendly because peer tutors or peer advisors for multiple students.

If you were to utilize one of Bill’s strengths to help others in the class, do you think

this would have a negative impact on Bill? What is your rationale for your


If we were to utilize one of Bill’s strengths to help others in the class, he could possibly

be drained or feel tired as a result/ as a negative impact. In order for this to be a

successful strategy that Mr. Jones uses, there must be something that Bill is “recharging”

with. Ensuring that he has close friends and a close support system will make it possible

for him to successfully be a great support.

If you were to have Bill work with a partner, who would you select and why?

If we were to have Bill work with a partner, we would select Rukhsana because they both

know about moving around countries due to their families. Bill is a visual learner like her

and he could benefit from her strengths in art and drawing.


4. What must Mr. Jones do, now that one of the students has told him Gina is being

molested by her mother’s boyfriend? When should he do this? Why? Identify at

least 2 things that would likely happen if he does not do this?

Now that one of the students has told Mr. Jones that Gina is being molested by her

mother’s boyfriend, he needs to file a report and call CPS since he is a mandated reporter.

He needs to do this within 48 hours of finding out according to state law. If he does not

do this, he can be found guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months in jail or

be found $1000.

Do you think Gina’s molest has any impact on her attitude? Discuss.

We do believe that Gina’s molest has certainly had impact on her attitude. Gina’s attitude

and struggle to develop age appropriate social skills is most likely a defense mechanism

towards the adults around her. She probably does not trust the adults in her life and is

trying to make up/grow up faster in order to protect herself. In addition, the way that she

is dressing, drawing inappropriate attention towards her body, is also a way that she is

dealing with the abuse. This is a way to seek attention that she wants from boys in order

to combat the unwanted attention from her mother’s boyfriend. This is also a way to

possibly get attention from her mom who is working so much at the bar.

If you were to have Gina work with a partner, who would you select and why?

If we were to have Gina work with a partner it would be Marta. We paired them up

because we feel that Gina might benefit more from having a girl partner. She may not be

comfortable working with a boy and they could be a support for each other.


5. What are some of the experiences that set Rukhsana apart from others in the class?

How do you think they set her apart? How might these experiences be ameliorated

in Mr. Jones’ class?

Some of the experiences that set Rukhsana apart from the others in her class are that she

has lived in an environment so bad and so traumatic that she and her family had to leave

their country as refugees. This experience is unique and can make her feel isolated like no

one understands what she has gone through. This sets her apart because the moves that

she has had to make have been of fight or flight and she most likely has not gotten the

support that she needs to help with the trauma. These experiences could be ameliorated in

Mr. Jone’s class through providing a safe and welcoming environment. He should tend to

her academic needs since she seems to be falling behind, but he should also set

appointments to meet her emotional needs with either counselors or even peer advisors

Which teaching Model and Methodology would most ameliorate the effects of

Rukhsana’s experiences? What is your rationale for this answer? Would this type of

instruction be inappropriate for other students in the class? Why?

The teaching model/methodology that would most ameliorate the effects of Rukhsana’s

experiences could be Learning Together. It requires groups of four-or-five students while

emphasizing “team-building activities before students begin working together and regular

discussions within groups” (Slavin, p. 201). This collaborative method could work

because she should develop a support system. This instruction would not be

inappropriate, students would benefit from learning about their classmate while creating

relationships and working on one assignment.

If you were to have Rukhsana work with a partner, who would you select and why?

If we were to have Rukhsana work with a partner it would be Bill because he has traveled

around the world. Although not the same situation, the fact that Bill is social and values

parents, could help him be empathetic and helpful towards her needs.


6. Given the needs identified for Steven, which need to do think should be addressed

first by Mr. Jones? Why do you think so? How does this relate to Steven’s IEP?

Given the needs identified for Steven, the one that should be addressed first by Mr. Jones

is having a supportive classroom environment who is accessibility friendly and who

accepts differences. It is a big responsibility on his end to make sure that all students are

comfortable and accepting of one another. It needs to be clear that bullying is not

acceptable and will not be tolerated. It is his responsibility to make sure everything is fair

and that students feel welcome in his class. This related to Steven’s IEP because he wants

to make and keep friends. The environment right now is not allowing him to achieve his

goals and there needs to be changes in the classroom environment. Mr. Jones should

explain to the students that Stevens differences doesn’t mean that he isn’t as capable as

everyone else, in fact, that he is extremely smart and bright.

Which teaching Model and Methodology would most help Steven with this need,

within Mr. Jones’ class? What is your rationale for this answer? Would this type of

instruction be inappropriate for other students in the class? Why?

The teaching model/methodology that would most help Steven is Student

Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD). We chose this method because groups are,

“mixed in performance level, gender, and ethnicity” (Slavin. p. 198). Students would

benefit from working together in order to ensure that everyone in their team has mastered

the lesson but yet take their own quizzes. This instruction would not be inappropriate but

beneficial to their communication skills and ability to master the material.

If you were to have Steven work with a partner, who would you select and why?

If we were to have Steven work with a partner it would be Dillon. This is because Dillon

is friendly and has no preference in learning method. Steven is good with computers and

Dillon is very interested. They could both bond over similar interests and varying


Part III: The Class as a Whole

Write a brief persuasive paragraph advocating for the adoption and use of the principles of

Universal Design for Learning. (Maximum 150 words)

Mr. Jones' class is in need of urgent interventions to help meet the challenging learning

needs of all of the students. In order to help Mr. Jones help his students be successful,

implementing the Universal Design for Learning would be his best approach. The UDL is a

framework that helps improve education in every aspect based on the way that students learn

individually. In Mr. Jones' Learning Styles Inventory, there were students who scored high on

different styles: 7 students Visual styles, 4 on Kinesthetic styles, and 3 on Auditory styles. When

we implement UDL in our classroom, we are meeting the needs of visual, kinesthetic, and

auditory learners at the same time by using differentiation and by guiding the design of our

lessons. In this framework, the lessons provided to students would stimulate their interest and

their motivation for what they are about to learn by knowing the purpose of the lesson itself.

Write a brief persuasive paragraph advocating against the adoption and use of the

principles of Universal Design for Learning. (Maximum 150 words)

The main challenge that Mr. Jones has is that he each of his students has various amounts

of challenges that interfere with their learning. While the Universal Design for Learning has

numerous ideas to meet the needs of students, it could interfere with Mr. Jones being able to

meet the curriculum pacing guide. Implementing the UDL would cause Mr. Jones to slow down

for his students dramatically, compared to following the pacing guide because of how

differentiated the lessons would be. Another issue that Mr. Jones would face is the way

standardized tests are designed. They aren't modified to the students' needs and aren't visually

appealing for them to understand the questions better. If Mr. Jones makes his students

accustomed to his teaching, they will face many difficulties when they have to take those

standardized tests.

Model and 2 Ways you could have 2 Ways you could have 2 Ways you could have
Methodology Multiple Means of Multiple Means of Multiple Means of
Representation within Engagement within this Action and Expression
this Methodology Methodology within this Methodology

Behavioral 1. At the beginning of the 1. Using technology as 1. Following the

Family of lesson, providing a clear part of the lesson with Engagement methods,
Models of student-friendly Learning applications such as students can self-monitor
Teaching: Target and Success Desmos(For Algebra), their progress through the
Elements of Criteria posted on the Khan Academy, and tech apps that will help
Effective board will helps students others. them successfully
Instruction know their “What?” & complete the Learning
(Hunter)* the “How?” of their 2. Using “Classroom Targets.
Lesson. The teacher can Stations” as part of an
even have students help activity where students 2. In the stations,
him come up with Target have to walk around the students can either walk
after he explains what the classroom to complete around and complete
purpose of the lesson is. problems posted. station per station, or
Recommended: they can use their cell
2. Showing a Real-Life Incorporate some word phone to take pictures of
Youtube video that can problems that are the stations and work at
explain or portray the culturally & socially their own desk.
purpose of the lesson. relevant to students. (Differentiation)

Model and 2 Ways you could have 2 Ways you could have 2 Ways you could have
Methodology Multiple Means of Multiple Means of Multiple Means of
Representation within Engagement within this Action and Expression
this Methodology Methodology within this Methodology

Informatio 1. A guided notes graphic 1. Have groups of 1. Following the

n organizer that is students work on a Engagement methods,
Processing student-friendly where compare and contrast students can gather in
Family of students have to activity where they have groups and create
Models of complete “blank-spot” to debate about a topic. creative posters where
Teaching: notes that will guide When teaching a topic they can compare and
Advance them through to learn the such as graphing contrast their topic. They
Organizers purpose of the lesson. equations, students can can draw Venn diagrams,
(Ausubel)* discuss different real-life column table or other
2. Use scaffolding graphs and their visual methods.
material that will properties.
integrate new ideas built 2. Following the
from prior knowledge. 2. Use concept maps Engagement methods,
where students can write students can create their
down their prior concept maps through
knowledge on the topic apps such as Padlet. It
they are about to learn allows students to
that can lead them to brainstorm in a creative
discover it by manner. Through this,
themselves. they can create an Online
wall(Padlet) where they
can write their ideas, post
pictures, and even videos
that demonstrate their

Model and 2 Ways you could have 2 Ways you could have 2 Ways you could have
Methodology Multiple Means of Multiple Means of Multiple Means of
Representation within Engagement within this Action and Expression
this Methodology Methodology within this Methodology

Personal 1. Create cut-thin slips 1. Use a scavenger hunt 1. Have students create
Family of that have a 1 question where students will be Vocabulary Google
Models of that will open the topic of walking around the Slides, where they will
Teaching​: the day. Each student classroom from place to have to google the
Non-Directive will get a slip, will read place to discover the vocabulary words
Teaching the question to the class, lesson. Usage of themselves. They have to
(Tenenbaum)* and will give their energetic music is highly be creative with their
opinion towards the recommended. slides by adding a
question. Other students definition, a
are welcomed to join the 2. Give an incentive such picture/video, and
topic discussion. This as candy, extra credit, or incorporate a one or two
will create deep-rich a homework pass to the sentence explanation of
discussions that will winner teams to increase what they understand
benefit them along the more excitement from the word.
way. throughout an activity.
2. For monitoring
2. Create a graphic progress, have an answer
organizer that guides key ready for any
students to learn the activity, where students
lesson in groups. The will self-check their
teacher will act as a answers. This will allow
facilitator to just give them to move forward
hints whenever they feel onto the next problems,
stuck. At the end of the or take pauses and
graphic organizer, question their
students will have understanding of the
problems to practice and topic.
master the lesson that
they just discovered and

Model and 2 Ways you could have 2 Ways you could have 2 Ways you could have
Methodology Multiple Means of Multiple Means of Multiple Means of
Representation within Engagement within this Action and Expression
this Methodology Methodology within this Methodology

Social Family 1. Create groups for a 1. Use an activity called 1. Carousel Activity: In
of Models of specific activities. Decide the Domino Activity. this activity, groups of
Teaching: on the size of the groups Create card-stock 3-4 students work on a
Cooperative and assign roles for each dominoes, where on one poster, where they
Learning member of the group so end, there will be a math present a specific
(Johnson & that all students are problem, and on the problem. Posters are
Johnson)* working on a specific other end, there will be poster around the
task. an answer to another classroom. One student
problem on another per group is the
2. Have 2-3 minute domino. This game will presenter. Each presenter
sessions of work with groups of 3-4 will stand at their poster
“Think-Pair-Share” students. Students will station and the rest of the
where students think communicate in order to group with rotate every
about a question, pair up complete the domino. time the timer goes on
with someone(Ex: same Incentives for winner and will watch the
age/birth month/favorite teams are recommended. presentations given. All
color, likes dogs or cats, presenters will be
etc...), and shares their 2. Incorporate a presenting continuously
answer. Teacher will ask hands-on activity where to each group.
some students to share students have to work as
what their partner shared a team to complete it. 2. Have groups of 3-5
to them. students create a Google
Doc/Slide, where they
will all collaborate
together online by
completing an
assignment. They can all
and other ideas they find
on the internet through
this media.


Herr, N. (2018). ​Approaches_Cognitivism_Advance Organizers – KB​. (2019). Retrieved from


Elements of Lesson Design.​ (2019). Retrieved from https://www.csun.edu/science/ref/


Ferguson, B. T. (2018). ​SPD 604 Psychological Foundations Of Education & ITL 606 The

Learner and Learning II Class Packet.​ [PDF file]. Retrieved from National University

ITL 606 Class Site.

Johnson, D., & Johnson, R. (2019). ​What is Cooperative Learning? — Cooperative Learning

Institute​. Retrieved from http://www.co-operation.org/what-is-cooperative-learning/.

Slavin, R. E. (2018). ​Educational Psychology, 12th Edition​. [National University]. Retrieved

from https://nu.vitalsource.com/#/books/9780134524290/.

Tenebaum, S. (2019). ​Tenebaum’s Non-Directive Teaching.​ [Ascd.org]. Retrieved from


Wilson, Leslie (n.d.). ​The Second Principle​. Retrieved from


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