Awareness of Lifestyle Modification in Females Diagnosed With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in India: Explorative Study
Awareness of Lifestyle Modification in Females Diagnosed With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in India: Explorative Study
Awareness of Lifestyle Modification in Females Diagnosed With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in India: Explorative Study
Research Article
Department of Community Physiotherapy, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai, India
Department of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai, India
Clinical Physiotherapist, Saxenas Physiotherapy clinic, Chembur East, Mumbai, India
Dr. Pothiraj Pitchai,
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) adversely affect women at varying stages of their life and
imperative to emphasis on prevention strategies since incidence of PCOS is on the rise. Study aims to explore
perception on PCOS, awareness on life style modification, emotional attributes, concern regarding PCOS and
utilization of physiotherapy services.
Methods: The study was conducted in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, India. Self-made validated questionnaire was
administered. Descriptive analysis was done. Perception on PCOS, lifestyle modification, emotional attribution and
biggest concern were calculated as absolute frequencies and were reported as overall percentages. Chi square test was
applied on the demographic factor‘s influence on level of awareness.
Results: 21% of the respondents are very well aware about PCOS. 51% reported as doctor was their main source of
information about PCOS. 81% expressed that PCOS is manageable one. 62% aware that exercise helps in the
management of PCOS. Out of this, 39% are doing exercise on a regular basis. However all the study participants
reported, they have not had any consultation from physiotherapist for their structured exercise program.32% attributed
to anxiety after the diagnosis of PCOS. 64% of the respondents aware that changing in diet or eating habits can
influence in PCOS. However 95% of the subjects concurred to follow life style modification.
Conclusions: Efforts need to intensify in creating awareness on the general public about PCOS. Absolute majority of
the study participant uncoerced to follow lifestyle modification however emphasis needs to address on
multidisciplinary approach in managing PCOS.
including obesity, ovarian dysfunction and hypothalamic cyclicity, ovulation and fertility, reductions in
pituitary abnormalities are contribute to the etiology of testosterone levels and free androgen index.8
This complex disorder affect both developed as well
PCOS women are at heightened risk of obesity, developing countries. Its prevalence ranges from 4%-
dyslipidemia and type II diabetes mellitus and may have 12% in general population of women in the world of
an increased risk of cardiovascular disorder because of reproductive age.22-28 Although there are no systemic
increased prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis, studies from India, the observations by endocrinologists,
hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, inflammation and gynaecologists, dermatologists, etc. show a significant
endothelial dysfunction.8 It increases the risk of fetal rise in number of females with PCOS nevertheless
deformities, miscarriages, and complications during prevalence of PCOS in Indian adolescents estimated at
pregnancy including premature deliveries and neonatal 9.13%.29 As PCOS incidence is on the rise in India a
complications.9,10 PCOS also promotes psychological sense of urgency is needed in addressing this
morbidity including depression, poor body image and contemporary syndrome. Given the metabolic liabilities
self-esteem and reduced health related quality of life.11-13 of PCOS and an increase in the adaptation of sedentary
Thus PCOS is associated with short term and long term lifestyle and fast growing westernized diet culture in
presentations that may adversely affect women at varying India this study aims to explore perception on PCOS
stages of their life. Hence it is imperative in identifying among women with diagnosed PCOS, awareness on life
effective therapies for the prevention and treatment of the style modification, their concern regarding PCOS and
syndrome to reduce its health and economic burdens. utilization of physiotherapy services.
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 5 · Issue 2 Page 471
Pitchai P et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Feb;5(2):470-476
In level of awareness, 21% of the respondents indicated opted to family and 4% shared Physiotherapist and
they had been informed well about PCOS and were very friends individually as their source of information.
aware of it, 46% reported as somewhat aware, while 27% Majority participant of 81% expressed that PCOS is
said minimally aware and 6% of them considered manageable one. When asked about awareness on
themselves as not at all aware. The influence of age on treatment option available for PCOS, 93% responded as
the level of awareness is not significant (p = 0.376) positive and 7% reported for negative response.
whereas association of occupation was highly significant Distribution of positive response frequency on the
(p =0.014).These influence of demographic factors on the treatment option is shown in Figure 1. Only 84% of the
level of awareness is shown in Table 1. Main source of participant was currently undergoing treatment and
information about PCOS was Doctor, Internet and Media details of it shown in Figure 2.
which account for 51%, 22%, 14% respectively. 5 %
Table 1: Impact of demographic factors on level of awareness using Chi-square test (p values set at p<0.05).
Table 2: Frequency distribution of feelings attributed to diagnosis of PCOS by each age group.
No of Respondents
Group Depression/sadness Frustration Embarrassment Hopelessness Indifferent Others
17-20 21 8 6 8 5 4 1
20-25 22 12 15 5 4 6 0
25-30 7 10 3 5 7 3 0
30-35 2 1 2 3 1 2 0
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40 26
64% of the respondents aware that changing in diet or 30
20 14
eating habits can influence in PCOS out of which 46% 5 7 2 4
altered their diet composition, 30% reduced their energy 0
or calorie intake, 17% on Weight maintenance regime
and 7% said they increased physical activity. However
95% of the subjects concurred to follow life style
modification besides their fertility drug and oral
contraceptive pills.
18 Concern regarding PCOS
20 15 15
35 30
10 4 28
0 25 20
Medication Medication Medication Hormonal Diet Exercises
for for IR for Theraphy 20
infertility acne/excess
hair growth
5 1
Figure 2: Treatment undertaken by the participants. 0
Difficulty in Irregular Abnormal Weight gain Acne Others
pregnancy periods hair growth
Opted Exercise
40 35 Figure 6: Biggest concern of PCOS by the
30 26
9 On the perception of PCOS, this study demonstrate 21%
10 6 of the participant were ‗very aware‘ especially in the age
group of 21-25 which comprised of professionals.
0 Whereas 6% were not at all aware as they were
Walking Jogging Cycling Resisted Yoga Others
excercises unemployed/housemaids and also not much educated. A
study by E Scott et all in reports that out of 657
participants more than 50% were completely aware about
Figure 3: Exercise opted by the participants. PCOS and according to his study physician was the main
source of information among 63.5% whereas this study
Refrain factors for Exercise shows 51% which signifies physician plays an important
role in imparting knowledge about PCOS.30 21% opted
40 33 for Internet for their knowledge about PCOS as 45%
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 5 · Issue 2 Page 473
Pitchai P et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Feb;5(2):470-476
of it being further treated. Out of 84% who were exercise training improves an array of health-related
currently undergoing treatment 20% indulged in some outcomes not only physical also psychological well-being
sort of exercise and majority belongs to students. which includes protection against the development of
cardio vascular disease and insulin sensitivity.33-36 Arun
However this study reveals 62% aware about exercise Maiya et al in reported that the graded aerobic exercise
which helps in PCOS and source being gynaecologist; helps in reducing the cyst size, increasing the ovulation,
however out of these only 39% exercise regularly and pregnancy rate as compared to control group. A study by
most of them have started exercising recently in spite of Nidhi R et al in observed holistic yoga program in PCOS
being diagnosed more than a year. This is because it took helps in reducing anxiety symptoms.37 Physiotherapist are
some time for the subjects to analyse and try to adhere to directly not only involved in exercise testing but also
a specific type of treatment. Nevertheless 35% of them prescribing tailor made exercise program based on the
preferred only walking due to lack of time to do any other patient needs and functional impairment. Absence of
form of exercise but none followed any protocols for the physiotherapist‘s contribution in the comprehensive
same exercise. Despite of being aware of exercise that management of PCOS is beyond the scope of this study.
helps in managing PCOS 61% of the subjects were not However participant‘s knowledge on PCOS having high
exercising regularly especially professionals and students proximity to their gynaecologist and /or physician.
cited due to lack of time followed by lack of knowledge Physiotherapists need to bridge this gap by joining hands
amongst housemaid, unemployed also students. with medical practitioner in patient education, motivating
them to adhere regular physical activity apart from need
Emotional well-being of the subject with PCOS is well based exercise program and add evidence to the literature.
established in the past. E Scott et al study exhibits 66.5% Even academician need to inculcate evidence based
attributed frustration to PCOS whereas this study reveals practice of PCOS at an undergraduate physiotherapy
32% feel anxious as they are not completely aware of program to improve demand supply ratio. This
what PCOS is and will they ever be able to manage it. contemporary PCOS demands of multidisciplinary
19% feel depressed as the distorted body image and approach emphasis need to be placed on the life style
altered quality of life hinder their mental state due to modification as well. Furthermore this study can be
hormonal alterations slipping them into depression in explored identifying barriers in lifestyle modification also
PCOS. the effects of lifestyle modification in PCOS.
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Pitchai P et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Feb;5(2):470-476
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