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America Common Market

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American Common Market

Mariana Linares Becerra.

April 2019.

Politécnico Virtual.

Culture and Regional Economy of America.

Abstract iii

In this document, a new action plan is described, a plan that promises to be successful for
generating a positive aspect is first place, to the main countries involved, and previously, to the
countries that integrate themselves in the project with the pass of the years. An action plan like
this one, requires a hard study of different factors, such as the economy, geography, trade
accords, etc. But for me, the most important thing is to study the relations and past between those
countries, the integration plan, has as a goal to create or generate pacific and harmonious
relations between all the countries across the American continent.
Table Of Contents iv

Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Research Problem ........................................................................................................... 1
Hypothesis..................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Justification. .................................................................................................................... 3
General Objectives. ......................................................................................................... 3
Specific Objectives. ........................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................... 6
Theorical Framework .................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Legal Framework. ......................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Conceptual Framework. ................................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Chapter 3 Stage 7. ............................................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Kind of investigation..................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Techniques for research ................................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Bibliography ..................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.

Chapter 1


In this document is the planning of a new integration block of Latin American

countries such as Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua (the

creation of this multinational structure was attempted in 1960 and was in force until

2014) only now it is United States, for the plan to succeed, because the United States is a

power could contribute necessary economic aid to this plan, which as it was previously

said, was attempted in 1960 under the name of Central American Market, but as now it

will have the integration of the United States, it will be called the Common Market of

America, the purpose will now be to improve the economy of these countries and with

the passage of time other countries can be added, that is why its name is "American

Common Market".

Costa Rica Economy: has a stable economy and a relatively high standard of living.

Actually its economy depends mainly in tourism, which is a rapidly expanding industry,

agriculture, and electronic components exports. Costa Rica's major economic resources

are its fertile land and frequent rainfall, its well-educated population, and its strategic

location in the Central American isthmus, which provides easy access to North and South

American markets and direct ocean access to the European and Asian Continents. One-

fourth of Costa Rica's land is dedicated to national reserved forests, often adjoining

picturesque beaches, which has made the country a popular destination for affluent

retirees and ecotourists.


El Salvador Economy: Resuscitation of civil war hit El Salvador economy started in a

big way from early 1990s. El Salvador adopted US dollar as official currency from 2001.

El Salvador's prime subsistence crop is corn. Other agricultural produce of importance

includes rice, sorghum, beans and oilseeds. Major cash crops include coffee and sugar.

Leading manufacturing industries of El Salvador are petroleum, light metals, chemicals,

furniture, fertilizer, food processing, textiles and beverage processing. El Salvador’s

leading imports are electricity, raw materials, petroleum, consumer goods, food, capital

goods and fuel. United States is El Salvador's biggest trading partner. El Salvador is well

connected with ports of La Libertad, La Unión and Acajutla and also inland cities of

Santa Ana and San Miguel via Inter-American Highway.

Guatemala Economy: Thanks to prudent macroeconomic management, Guatemala has

been one of the strongest economic performers in Latin America in recent years, with a

GDP growth rate of 3.0 percent since 2012 and 4.1 percent in 2015. The country’s

economy grew by 2.8 percent in 2017 and 3.0 percent in 2018, according to the latest

estimates, and is expected to grow by 3.3 percent in 2019. Nevertheless, Guatemala, the

biggest economy in Central America, has one of the highest inequality rates in Latin

America, with some of the worst poverty, malnutrition and maternal-child mortality rates

in the region, especially in rural and indigenous areas.

Honduras Economy: The second largest nation in Central America, Honduras has a vast

stretch of mountainous region covering nearly 80% of its total land. Although the country

has rich forest resources and deposits of silver, lead, zinc, iron, gold, antimony, and

copper, inadequate road and rail systems hamper their exploitation. The country is one of

the poorest nations in the Western Hemisphere and largely dependant on foreign aid.

Agriculture plays an important role, with coffee and banana being exported in large

quantities. Unequal distribution of income, large scale unemployment and

underemployment, and growing fiscal deficits are the major problems faced by Honduras.

Nicaragua Economy: Nicaragua has had its ups and downs in the past decade, but the

economy started out on a good note in 2016. This small, sparsely populated, and

gorgeous country did not take the severe financial hits that developed countries took

during the financial crisis. This was largely due to the country’s steady expansion of

exports and direct foreign investments. As people in the U.S. and Canada began to see the

horror story that might be their retirement in their home countries, many decided to invest

and/or move to Nicaragua—a country where your dollar goes far.

United States Economy: The United States of America is a union of fifty states in North

America. It is the world's third-largest economy. It is a mixed economy. That means it

operates as a free market economy in consumer goods and business services. But, even in

those areas, the government imposes regulations to protect the good of all. It operates as a

command economy in defense, some retirement benefits, some medical care, and in many

other areas. The U.S. Constitution created and protects America's mixed economy.

Research Problem.

In what way do countries that maintain a good economy benefit by helping other

countries that are part of the organization?



Taking into account what was raised in the research problem, it can be said that the

benefit it would bring to the countries with good economy that are part of A.C.M. is that

by helping other countries in a purely economic way can generate an alliance with these

countries and so in the future benefit from this partnership, not in an economic way, but

in a humanitarian way, how? If the country that has made the contribution needs

personnel either in the military sector or some other, it can resort to its alliances.


How can this hypothesis be justified? simple, it is a question of interests, it is a

principle that people usually have, give to receive, something will always be expected in

exchange, whatever a country or in the case what a person does, be it bad or Well, a

consequence is expected and as the hypothesis says, the country that I help economically

can benefit from that "favor" that it did.

General Objectives.

Taking into account all of the above, the goal is to improve the overall economy of

the Americas and maintain the economy of the countries that have a good management of

economic resources, and in the best case the economy of these can also go up and if you

are lucky you reach the boom (auge).

Specific Objectives.

• Integrate all possible countries (only from America).

• Consider the opinions of the presidents and especially the people.

• Solve conflicts between countries.


• Considering the events that are currently taking place with Venezuela, put into

action a plan to be able to include this country in the organization without

affecting the other countries.


Chapter 2

Theorical Framework.

Effectiveness Of The Program


Adecuate Use Of

Government Economical
Management Rise

Adecuate Use Of


Legal Framework.

participation in
every phase of
the legislative

Transparency and
accountability to better

Clear purpose for the participation

Participation as a possitive right that

is promoted by government

Open Assembly to design and manage engagement of

economical resources.

Conceptual Framework.

Cooperation Between

ECONOMICAL Generate Employments


Use Economical Resources For

The Country Benefit

Chapter 3

Kind of investigation.


Researching involves gathering and analysing other people’s opinions or scientific

findings in order to answer a question or to provide background information to help

explain observed events.

Techniques for research.

Quantitative research:

Quantitative methods involve the collection and analysis of objective data, often in

numerical form. The research design is determined prior to the start of data collection and

is not flexible. The research process, interventions and data collection tools (e.g.

questionnaires) are standardized to minimize or control possible bias. Table 8 provides an

overview of quantitative data collection strategies.



New Zealand Ministry of Education: Types of Investigation. URL https://

scienceonline.tki. org.nz/Teaching-science/ Teaching-Strategies/Types-of-

TDR Implementation research toolkit: Research Tools. URL http://adphealth .org

/irtoolkit/research-methods -and-data- management/research-tools-and-
techniques .html

Costa Rican Trails: Costa Rica Economy. URL https://www.costarican


Economy Watch: El Salvador Economy. URL http://www. economywatch.com/


The World Bank: Guatemala Economy. URL https:/ /www.worldbank. org/en/country


Economy Watch: Honduras Economy. URL http:// www. economywatch .com/world_


International Living: Nicaragua Economy. URL https:// internationalliving .com

/countries/ nicaragua/ the-economy -in-nicaragua/

The Balance: United States Economy. URL https:// www. thebalance .com/us-economy-
facts- 4067797

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