Trex Aviation Systems FOD Finder
Trex Aviation Systems FOD Finder
Trex Aviation Systems FOD Finder
Trex is offering its FOD Finder products for the 24/7 airport runway FOD detection. Trex FOD Finder™
has been rated the best performance product in the industry by the United States (US) Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) and other independent organizations with reported 100 percent detection and
no false alarm in all weather conditions, day and night.
Trex FOD Finder is built on the patented radar technology and the most reliable manufacturing
processes. Trex is a world leader of millimeter‐wave (MMW) technology and engineering. During the
past quarter century, Trex has received more than $100M funding from various sources to develop
MMW products for both military and commercial applications in areas of communications, security
and aviation. FOD Finder radar was originally developed for the
United States Department of Defense (USDoD) to detect high tension
power lines in the helicopter’s flight path, to land helicopters in
brown‐out situation, and later was tested for trigger wire detection of
roadside bomb threat. Currently, the USDoD is using the Trex FOD
Finder™ at their Air Bases.
The Trex FOD Finder™ has been recognized by the industry as a
ground‐breaking technology which could take airport/airbase security
and safety to greater heights. In 2010, Trex FOD Finder™ was the
winner of the Innovation in Motion (Aerospace & Security
Technologies) Award in the United States of America (USA).
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The MMW radar can be placed either on a fixed or on a mobile platform for FOD detection as shown
Trex FOD Finder™ XF is a fixed‐site FOD detection Trex FOD Finder™ XM is a mobile FOD detection and
system designed for 24/7 continuous runway retrieval system designed for runway, taxiway and
monitoring. apron operation. XM can be operated at driving
speeds up to 50 Km per hour.
Trex is the only company that makes FOD Finder™ products that provide a total solution for the airport
FOD detection and retrieval covering runways, taxiways and apron area. FAA has included both Trex
FOD Finder™, XF and XM, in its Nationwide Buy‐American Waivers List (FOD Finder™ XF was issued
August 31, 2011 and FOD Finder™ XM, May 14, 2012).
Trex FOD Finder™ has received a waiver from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on
July 11, 2013 to be used in and around the airports as FOD detection equipment.
FOD Finder™ XF Camera
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The illustration below shows a schematic of the diagram. Each FOD Finder node is placed about 120
meters from the center of the runway and 460 meters from the adjacent node. Each node will have a
MMW radar as the primary sensor for FOD detection and a camera system to image and identify the
Schematic Diagram illustrates Trex FOD Finder™ XF System Typical Network Layout
Both the Trex FOD Finder™ XF and camera will be placed on a structure with a total height of about
three (3) to five (5) meters above the ground, with the height depending on the cross‐slope of the
runway. The structure will be constructed according to FAA and ICAO guideline.
An artist rendering of the FOD Finder XF mounted on structure.
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The FOD Finder™ radar runs 24/7 continuously, scanning 150 degrees. This will cover a runway area
of 460 meters, with some area overlapping the adjacent node. The system software will process the
information and display the whole runway seamlessly.
The camera is normally on a hot standby mode. When FOD is detected, it automatically zooms in on
the object and takes a picture which is displayed on the monitor for further threat assessment by
airport operators.
Concept of Operation
The operation flow chart is given below. A graphic description of the operation is given in figures below
with a timeline of the events from the detection of FOD to determination of the threat which leads to
dispatch the personnel to remove the FOD.
The operator is alerted automatically when the FOD is detected by Trex FOD Finder XF™ radar and the
display of the FOD image is shown on the monitor. If and when becoming necessary, the operator can
steer the camera to zoom in the FOD object and further assess the threat. Once the FOD is clearly
identified, the ground operation and the control tower can then determine if the runway needs to be
closed and a person should be dispatched to remove the FOD.
It should be noted that the length of time for the FOD Finder™ radar to detect and display the GPS
coordinates of the FOD is less than two minutes and within 40 seconds, the camera will home in on
the FOD and image will be taken and displayed on the monitor. During the night operation, the camera
will be assisted by the built‐in illuminator which will be turned on when the FOD is detected. The
illuminator can be manually disabled by the operator.
Operation flow chart.
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Typical Example/Overview of FOD Finder™ System
Below shows the timeline of each event described in the above flow chart.
Timeline of Operation
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Performance Specifications
The following table shows a summary of the performance requirement for general runway operation.
Performance Specifications FOD Finder Performance
System is comprised of:
A debris detection, location and identification sub‐
1 Yes
system; An alerting and display sub‐system; A
logging, archiving and replay sub‐system
Complimentary to the existing airport's FOD
Trex FOD Finder™ XF System provides maps, geo‐locations,
detection operations which currently involve the use
2 imagery and relative locations to aid airport personnel in
of airport personnel to detect FOD on airport
finding and removing FOD.
Track and analyze FOD detections to identify the Trex FOD FinderTM XF System database maintains a track of
source of FOD FOD accumulation to aid in the identification of FOD sources
Continuous 24 hour surveillance and automatically
4 Yes
detect, identify and locate debris on airport runways
5 Maximum time to detect is 5 minutes < 2 minutes
Detection under clear and inclement weather typical
6 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (including rain, fog, Yes
and sandstorm)
Central Control Station contains an interactive airport
map that allows the operator to Scroll, Pan, and
7 Yes
Zoom between runways with FOD Detections
8 Visual and audible alarms on FOD detection Yes
9 Autonomous detection of FOD w/ no interaction Yes
Geo‐tagged coordinates for FOD detection to within
10 0‐2 meter accuracy
5 meter accuracy
Trex FOD Finder™ XF System database is Part 139 compliant
Detection and retrieval of FOD shall be assigned a
11 with the FAA and ICAO standards for FOD management which
unique identifier, date, time, and location
encompasses these requirements
Provide user with an image of the FOD to allow for The camera system has range of 300m and can display the
assessment of risk posed by FOD details on a 2.5cm x 2.5cm target with zero ambient light.
Capability to capture, archive, store, and retrieve FOD
13 Yes
14 Confirm detected items have been retrieved Yes
System should use State‐of‐the‐Art Technology for
Trex FOD Finder™ XF System uses a Millimeter‐Wave Radar
15 automatic detection and location of debris with visual
sensor for detection and a camera imager for confirmation
confirmation and identification
Detect and report single and multiple FOD items in
16 Yes
the area under surveillance
Operate in conjunction with and without interference
Trex FOD Finder™ XF System was verified by FAA and
17 with airport and aircraft communication, navigation
approved by FCC for operations in and around airports
& surveillance systems and normal airport operations
Minimize false alarms due to moving objects such as Trex FOD Finder™ XF System software architecture has specific
wildlife and small items that can blow away algorithms to mitigate moving objects and transient FOD
Trex FOD Finder™ XF System has built in system diagnosis that
can be automatically monitoring a wide number of systems.
Remote Monitoring of the system to provide fault The automated system is configured to generate alerts to
finding and maintenance qualified personnel to evaluate the system in question at the
first sign of performance that isn't meeting specification in the
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Trex FOD Finder™ products are constructed using the highest quality parts in the industry and the most
stringent manufacturing processes. Our selection of the components allows the system to have high
reliability, close to military grade requirements, resulting in minimal maintenance and life cycle costs.
In addition to the FOD Finder XF (Fixed) runway system, Trex Aviation has a FOD Finder™ XM (Mobile)
system. This mobile unit can serve as a redundant system to replace any fixed sensor that fails
inadvertently to pick up the FOD from the runways, and to locate and retrieve FOD on taxiways and
aprons as well. Thus we are providing a Total FOD Detection and Retrieval Solution for your runways,
taxiways and aprons.
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