Sidebar: The Poor Woman's Lamp by Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President
Sidebar: The Poor Woman's Lamp by Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President
Sidebar: The Poor Woman's Lamp by Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President
In the days of Shakyamuni Buddha there was a state called Magadha in ancient India.
The well-known city of Rajagriha was the capital where the king of this state resided. An
old woman lived nearby. A person of profound faith, she had always yearned to offer
something precious to the Buddha, but, as alone and as poor as she was, she could not
fulfill her desire.
One day on the street the old woman encountered a long procession of carts carrying
a large quantity of flax oil. Upon asking, she learned that the oil was a donation which
Ajatashatru, the king of the country, was sending to the Buddha. Deeply moved, the old
woman also longed to make an offering, but she had no money whatsoever. She decided
to cut off her own hair and sell it. (Some say she had saved a little from the alms she had
received.) With that money she bought a small amount of flax oil and went to offer it to
the Buddha. She thought: “With so little oil a lamp will only burn half a night. However,
if the Buddha recognizes my faith and feels compassion for me, then the lamp will burn
throughout the night.”
Her wish was fulfilled and the lamp continued to burn throughout the night, while all
the other lamps went out in the strong winds which blew from the direction of Mount
Sumeru. When day broke, people tried to blow it out, but, on the contrary, her lamp
continued to glow all the more, so brightly as to almost illuminate the entire world. Then
Shakyamuni Buddha scolded his disciples who were doing everything possible to
extinguish the glowing light:
“Stop! Stop! This old woman made offerings to eighteen million Buddhas from her
previous existences and received a prophecy from a Buddha in her last life that she would
attain Buddhahood.” Then Shakyamuni Buddha proclaimed that in the future she would
certainly become a Buddha called Lamp Light Sumeru. Needless to say, upon hearing
that, the old woman was overjoyed. By contrast, Ajatashatru, even though he had donated
tens of thousands of times as much oil as the old woman, could not receive a prophecy of
enlightenment because he had an overwhelming sense of arrogance within himself.