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Catalog RoboriseIt 2019 05

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Roborise-It Products

Catalogue 2019
For more than 10 years Roborise-It team have been working with teachers
and students to deliver playful learning experiences that bring subjects
to life in the classroom and make learning fun and impactful. Thousands
children all around the world study robotics according to our curriculums
based on WeDo 2.0 and Mindstorms EV3 sets. Thanks to our materials,
teams have taken prizes at WRO competitions since 2009.

The main Roborise-It activity is a development and implementation of

modern educational solutions. Our cloud-based education platform allows
students and teachers from all over the world to join to the global STEM
community and access unique educational materials.

Roborise-It consists of creative professionals in the field of training,

robotics, programming and design. Our solutions for teaching and hands-
on learning inspire interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
(STEM), targeted at elementary and middle school. These are based on
the LEGO® system for playful learning combined with curriculum-relevant
material and digital resources. With educational sets, lesson plans and
curriculum material, assessment tools and teacher training and support,
we can help you meet your curriculum objectives and provide you with the
tools you need to make learning inspiring, engaging and effective.
Best regards
We are committed to enabling every student to succeed. Together, we can Roborise-It te
support and inspire our students to be active, motivated and collaborative
learners. Welcome to Roborise-It world!

Welcome to RoboriseIt
In this catalogue you will find a description of our learning
solutions listed accoding to subjects in three different
segments: WeDo 2.0 Curriculums, EV3 Curriculums and


Welcome to Roborise- Introduction 02-10
WeDo 2.0 Early Robotics Curriculums for children 6-9 11
Dino Park Computing, science, math, 14
design & technology
City Bots 16

EV3 Robotics 3.1 18

Robotics 3.2 Curriculums for children 10 - 14 22

Robotics 3.3 Computing, science, design & 24
technology, engineering, math
Robotics 3.4 26

Xtreme Engineering 28

Competitions Elementary Category 2019 30

Curriculums for competition
Junior Category 2019 participating 33

Senior Category 2019 34

Special Projects Lessons based on WeDo 2.0 and 35-47

EV3 sets
Special Offers 48

Description of plans 50

Answering questions 58

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 03


10 1000
hours online
years experience stem training

2987 120
models of
online users
unique robots

1320 960
programs for tests
pages of teacher

7806 pages of building


1000 hours online

stem training

The abundance of diverse and often unstructured information reduces the child’s interest in learning.
Our exclusive teaching methods in the form of a game are highly effective and able to both interest and
teach. Children receive new knowledge with pleasure, develop personal skills, learn to work in a team,
interact with others and acquire new qualities - all that they do not receive in a regular school.

120 models of
unique robots

Each of our robots is a unique living hero with its own name, history and task. This allows the children
to be as interested as possible, since they like to collect the character more than the mechanism. All
models are tested for durability of at least 5 hours, which makes them ready for any test!

programs for tests

Our special programs for each robot with a large number of variations allow not only to perform the
proposed tasks under specific conditions, but also to test them for any other, analyzing the results
obtained, and thereby, subsequently, increase the efficiency of its work. A child learns not only to program,
but also trains logic, the ability to find non-standard approaches to tasks of varying degrees of complexity.

7806 pages of building


A huge number of unique instructions are designed for each lesson in two versions - basic and
extended version. Receiving these materials, the children learn not only to work with them, but then
independently design, invent their own models.

1320 pages of teacher


We believe that the learning process should be interesting for both the child and the teacher. Therefore,
we developed materials that involve all possible channels of perception: Visual - demonstration of
photographs, pictures and diagrams; Audio - use of video, audio markers, and the teacher’s voice; Tactile
- assembling a robot from parts of various shapes and sizes.

04 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

online users

Unique software for the child and the teacher makes the process of interaction and learning very visual,
simple and understandable. A convenient interface allows you to create and manage entire groups of

Welcome to RoboriseIt
accounts, track progress, see errors and the speed of children.

years experience

Roborise-It has been developing curriculum since 2008. Our curriculums provide an excellent opportunity
for children to study robotics, to raise the level of knowledge in physics, mathematics and design.

Curriculum categories
We divided curriculums into 4 categories. For the education children from 6 to 9 years old - curriculums
based on LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 set. For older children - curriculums based on Mindstorms EV3. These
courses are more complex and require more diligence. We also develop curriculums for participating in
World Olympiads. There you will find all the necessary information to prepare your team in the best way!
And a separate category - Special Projects. It is interesting lessons not included into the courses. They
are developed on the WeDo 2.0 and Mindstorm EV3 sets.

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 05

Roborise-It curriculums - is a complex system for organizing classes in programming and robotics
for children 6-16 years. Using our curriculums, you can open your robotics class from scratch without
technical education and large investments.

We want to enable children all over the world to

create, not just consume technology. We believe
that it is necessary to start programming and
creating as early as possible on the basis of the
comprehensive system and methodology. From
simple to complex - it’s fun, interesting and easy
for kids and teachers.

Any teacher can quickly and easily start classes without programming experience. Everything you need
to conduct classes is available through the online platform. Lesson materials include a lesson plan,
a presentation, step-by-step robot`s building instructions, a X-ray patterns of model with a detailed
description of the mechanisms, and detailed programming instructions.


STEM education is basic of Roboriseit system. Our robots are actually special - living heroes, each
Our solutions for teaching and practical training with a unique character and story. Children like to
are of interest to science, technology, engineering collect characters is more than just a mechanism.
and mathematics (STEM), focused on primary and
secondary education. We integrate these into the
RoboriseIt curriculum using gaming moments.


Designing robots models, our developers pay At the heart of Roborise-I t educational products
special attention to strength. After all, we know lies the concept of 4C - learning through action*.
how fragile structures can be! Therefore, our task All our training programs are aimed at obtaining
is not only to develop a beautiful model, but also practical knowledge through the solution of
to create a solid construction. Each of our robot interesting, understandable assignments for
passes 5-hour testing. Our robots are ready for students. High motivation for learning is achieved
any challenges! through an interactive engineering-game format.

06 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved


Welcome to RoboriseIt
Problems solving -the development of systemic Children work in pairs, creating a team, and the
and creative thinking. Build the mechanisms and developed system teaches them to interact,
make them to operate the way we want, it is not assign responsibilities, communicate, quickly
always easy. With our projects we teach children find a solution. Part of the program is also the
the correct troubleshooting procedures and then interaction between the teams. All participants
challenge them with various engineering problems are connected by a common mission, participate
to develop their potential, both as individuals and in the achievement of one goal, but remain rivals,
as teams. thereby maintaining their fighting spirit.

* The concept of 4C - learning through action - consists of four phases:

• Connect: the topic or task is introduced, allowing students to ask clarifying questions and build on
their existing knowledge.
• Construct: every task includes a building activity to promote experimentation with collaboration and
construct artefacts that can be recalled later.
• Contemplate: students consider what has been learned and share insights with each other.
• Continue: every task ends with a new task that builds on what has just been learned, keeping
students motivated and curious.

The Roborise-It system is very simple!


Roborise-It curriculums - is a complex program. Children gradually deepen their knowledge and may
eventually create their own complex projects. At each lesson there is a link with the previous stages
for deep study at the level of development of memory and intelligence. In each lesson, the students are
faced with an actual problem, which requires the use of new knowledge, previously acquired skills, team
interaction, personal creativity.

Step 1 - Presentation

Presentation - binding to the reality of the world.

Each robot has its own background, the name, the
situation in which it fell. At this stage it is important
to generate interest and involve children in the

Step 2 - Assumption

First we ask the child. The thinking process is

important for us - we offer not the only true, but
one of the possible options. The task of the system
is to teach children how to properly observe the
processes and draw conclusions! Do not give the
correct answers, but build your own logical chains.

Step 3 - X-ray

X-ray - understanding the processes. We show the

model inside - as if using x-rays.
How this or that function is implemented.

08 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Step 4 - Assembly

Welcome to RoboriseIt
Assembly - the mechanical aspect. During
the lesson, children are building a new unique
educational model, with which they test
theoretical knowledge in practice, make their own
improvements in the hardware and software to
achieve even better results!

Step 5 - PROGRAM

Visual programming. Only we the creators decide

what the robot will do - this is a software aspect.
How to program a robot to do something?

Step 6 - Tests

Knowledge is verified in practice. Next - be sure

to test the robot. Last stage - improvements! At
the end of each lesson there is an opportunity
to conduct a knowledge test. (Children after
class shine smiles, because everyone has GOT
something to create or make a discovery!)

Showing slides are from the City Bots Curriculum lessons!


Every year, more and more schools around the world introduce WeDo 2.0 and EV3 as platforms for the
STEM course. The use of robotics stimulates interest in science and develops motor and cognitive skills
through robotic construction. Complicated topics from the fields of physics, engineering and programming
are clearly explained and visualized using animations and games.

The initial level of investment can be very modest. All you need is computers or tablets, LEGO sets,
and a subscription to a Roborise-It course. Special experts are not needed. Lessons do not require paid
software - only the sets and the Roborise-It Content Viewer application (RCV).

Free RCV application for Robotics Lab’s work

The RCV application is a desktop applications with online accounts. The WEB platform component
enables the administration of a Robotics Lab’s work: to manage groups student account creation, to set
up the schedule, and to follow the children’s progress. The desktop applications for the Teacher and the
Student are created to broadcast the educational presentation slides on the PCs of the children and their
teacher and to conduct the assessment quizzes.

The RCV application support next platforms

WeDo Curriculums EV3 Curriculums

Windows 7 or later Windows 7 or later

macOS 10.7.3 or later macOS 10.7.3 or later

Android 4.4 or later

iOS 10.3 or later

beta release on Apple TestFlight platform

Free application is available for download after purchasing the course. You receive an email with a link to
download the archive. Installing the application takes a couple of minutes. Buying the following courses
to install the application again is not necessary.

10 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

WeDo 2.0

Stimulate children’s
curiosity to explore
and learn through play
Early Robotics Curriculum
$59.00 – $349.00
Early Robotics curriculum focuses on the technologies
that modern children face. Robotic mechanisms
are increasingly becoming part of our lives.
Therefore, we strive to talk about them as much
as possible with our little students. Robots, smart
houses, internet of things, robotised factories and
usual things with automatic smart functions, all
of this is our world that we introduce to children.

Course includes
12 modular lessons basic and extended version

1200+ pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

35+ videos lesson time is 90 minutes

90+ tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling you need: Plans for Early Robotics Curriculum

• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1 • Easy Start monthly subscription
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Optimal per 4 Months
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Additional materials

Student`s worksheets Posters and stickers

Student`s worksheets with tasks are in PDF format. Posters and stickers of robot`s models are from the
You can print them before lesson and give to course. After successfully completing the tasks, the
students for completing the tasks. students receive the sticker of the robot and fill their

Additional materials are available for Optimal or Education Center plans.

12 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Meet the characters of the course

WeDo Curriculums
Lessons content
Every lesson kids make a new robot with a certain functionality. We start with a problem that kids
should solve using new knowledge, skills, teamwork and creativity.

Step 1 - Presentation Step 4 - Assembly

Step 2 - Assumption Step 5 - CODE

Step 3 - X-ray Step 6 - Tests

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 13

Dino Park Curriculum
$69.00 – $349.00
The Dino Park course gives unique opportunity to revive
the prehistoric world in your classroom! Do you want
to introduce children to the classification of dinosaurs,
when they lived and why they disappeared, learn more
about the periods of the prehistoric world and the
history of paleontological discoveries, learn about the
food chain of those times and the way of movement
of living beings? Give your children an unforgettable
journey into the prehistoric world of dinosaurs!

Course includes
12 modular lessons basic and extended version

1200+ pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

35+ videos lesson time is 90 minutes

90+ tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling you need: Plans for Dino Park Curriculum

• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1 • Easy Start monthly subscription
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Optimal per 4 Months
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Additional materials

Student`s worksheets Posters and stickers

Student`s worksheets with tasks are in PDF format. Posters and stickers of robot`s models are from the
You can print them before lesson and give to course. After successfully completing the tasks, the
students for completing the tasks. students receive the sticker of the robot and fill their

Additional materials are available for Optimal or Education Center plans.

14 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Meet the characters of the course

WeDo Curriculums
Lessons content
Every lesson kids make a new robot with a certain functionality. We start with a problem that kids
should solve using new knowledge, skills, teamwork and creativity.

Step 1 - Presentation Step 4 - Assembly

Step 2 - Assumption Step 5 - CODE

Step 3 - X-ray Step 6 - Tests

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 15

City Bots Curriculum
$69.00 – $349.00
The mankind development leads to the growth of
cities. It is very complex and important task to provide
the life in the city.

The main challenges are ecology, life safety, modern

building, agriculture and effective using of the
natural resources. Students will find out how to solve
this problems in the STEM way using the modern
technologies, robotics and programming.

Course includes
12 modular lessons basic and extended version

1200+ pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

35+ videos lesson time is 90 minutes

90+ tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling you need: Plans for City Bots Curriculum

• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1 • Easy Start monthly subscription
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Optimal per 4 Months
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Additional materials

Student`s worksheets Posters and stickers

Student`s worksheets with tasks are in PDF format. Posters and stickers of robot`s models are from the
You can print them before lesson and give to course. After successfully completing the tasks, the
students for completing the tasks. students receive the sticker of the robot and fill their

Additional materials are available for Optimal or Education Center plans.

16 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Meet the characters of the course

WeDo Curriculums
Lessons content
Every lesson kids make a new robot with a certain functionality. We start with a problem that kids
should solve using new knowledge, skills, teamwork and creativity.

Step 1 - Presentation Step 4 - Assembly

Step 2 - Assumption Step 5 - CODE

Step 3 - X-ray Step 6 - Tests

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 17

For creating most of our robots from Xtreme Engineering and Robotics 3.0 courses we use some
additional LEGO parts. It makes robots more functional, more interesting for children and more
Additional parts may be divided on two groups:
• LEGO parts
• Electronic components (not included in Power Pack)

LEGO parts
Image Name no. qty
Light Bluish Gray Technic Turntable Large Type 2, Complete 4624645 1
Assembly with Black Outside Gear Section
Dark Bluish Gray Technic Wedge Belt Wheel (Pulley) 4587275 8
Black Technic Wedge Belt Wheel Tire 6028041 8
Technic, Ball, Steel (fits 92911) 6079570 (6023956) 1
Black Technic, Gear 20 Tooth Double Bevel 4177430 1
Dark Bluish Gray Technic, Gear 8 Tooth Type 2 6012451 2

Red Technic, Link Tread Attachment, Rubber 6036424 52

Black Technic, Link Tread Wide with Two Pin Holes 6014648 21
Black Technic, Pin Connector Toggle Joint Smooth Double with 4558692 1
Axle and Pin Holes
Blue Technic, Pin Long with Friction Ridges Lengthwise 4514553 10
Black Tire 14mm D. x 6mm Solid Smooth 4246901 4

Light Bluish Gray Wheel 43.2mm D. x 18mm 4551421 4

Black Technic, Panel Plate 1 x 5 x 11 4566243 10

Electronic components

Image Name no. qty

Connector Cable, 25cm 6024581 1

EV3 Medium Motor 6008577 1

EV3 Color Sensor 6008919 1

EV3 Infrared Sensor 6009811 1

EV3 Infrared Beacon / Remote Control 6014051 1

Electronics are available from local LEGO Education dealers (not included in Power Pack).

One ROBORISEIT Power Pack consist of:

18 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

EV3 Curriculums

Discover how the real

world works
Robotics 3.1 Curriculum
$49.00 – $299.00
Robotics 3.1 describes modern world of robots. The
main goal of the course is to give students the basic
knowledge about mechanics of LEGO Mindstorms
EV3 robots. Before the beginning of the programming
of the autonomous robots we propose our students to
investigate different mechanisms that are widely used
in the real world. You with your students will check how
the pressure on the surface influence on the passability
of the robots, what is the friction and how to use it.
Also you’ll build and investigate different types of the
gear trains and other mechanisms.

Course includes

8 modular lessons basic and extended version

420+ pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

30+ minutes of video lesson time is 120 minutes

40+ tasks & complete programs best for kids 10+ years

For assembling you need:

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Core Set 45544 or 5003400 1

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Expansion Set 45560 1

• ROBORISEIT Power Pack 1

• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV

• Internet connection www

Plans for Robotics 3.1

• Easy Start monthly subscription
• Optimal per 4 Months
• Education Center per 1 Year

Additional materials

Promo pictures

Pictures with the image of robots from

courses in high resolution. Renders models for

20 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Meet the characters of the course

EV3 Curriculums
Lessons content

These 8 lessons were created especially for you and your inquisitive children! You will have a great
opportunity to introduce children to the hardware and software secrets of creating robots. During the
course, children will learn how to build robots with walking mechanism, convert rotational motion into
translational motion, increase force with levers, gear and belt drives, work with motion and tilt sensors.
And, of course, they will be able to revive their robots using fascinating programs.

Step 1 - Presentation Step 4 - Assembly

Step 2 - Assumption Step 5 - CODE

Step 3 - X-ray Step 6 - Tests

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 21

Robotics 3.2 Curriculum
$49.00 – $299.00
Robotics 3.2 provides you opportunity to show your
students the more complex robots. In this course
we included the robots on articulated chassis, on
4×4 automobile chassis, even the walking robot
is presented. Your students will investigate the
mechanisms and construction designs that may be
useful for preparing to robotics competitions. Remote
control are used in all robots. This makes the testing
more flexible and cognitive.

Course includes
8 modular lessons basic and extended version

420+ pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

30+ minutes of video lesson time is 120 minutes

40+ tasks & complete programs best for kids 10+ years

For assembling you need:

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Core Set 45544 or 5003400 1

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Expansion Set 45560 1

• ROBORISEIT Power Pack 1

• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV

• Internet connection www

Plans for Robotics 3.1

• Easy Start monthly subscription
• Optimal per 4 Months
• Education Center per 1 Year

Additional materials

Promo pictures

Pictures with the image of robots from

courses in high resolution. Renders models for

22 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Meet the characters of the course

EV3 Curriculums
Lessons content

These 8 lessons were created especially for you and your inquisitive children! You will have a great
opportunity to introduce children to the hardware and software secrets of creating robots. During the
course, children will learn how to build robots with walking mechanism, convert rotational motion into
translational motion, increase force with levers, gear and belt drives, work with motion and tilt sensors.
And, of course, they will be able to revive their robots using fascinating programs.

Step 1 - Presentation Step 4 - Assembly

Step 2 - Assumption Step 5 - CODE

Step 3 - X-ray Step 6 - Tests

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 23

Robotics 3.3 Curriculum
$49.00 – $299.00
Robotics 3.3 is an introduction to the EV3 robots
programming. In these 8 lessons students will learn
how to program basic movements of the robots. On
the real-life examples we show how robotics is used.
Students will program the pizza-delivery robot, the
Hovercraft robot and even the robot for painting!

Course includes
8 modular lessons basic and extended version

420+ pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

30+ minutes of video lesson time is 120 minutes

40+ tasks & complete programs best for kids 10+ years

For assembling you need:

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Core Set 45544 or 5003400 1

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Expansion Set 45560 1

• ROBORISEIT Power Pack 1

• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV

• Internet connection www

Plans for Robotics 3.1

• Easy Start monthly subscription
• Optimal per 4 Months
• Education Center per 1 Year

Additional materials

Promo pictures

Pictures with the image of robots from

courses in high resolution. Renders models for

24 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Meet the characters of the course

EV3 Curriculums
Lessons content

These 8 lessons were created especially for you and your inquisitive children! You will have a great
opportunity to introduce children to the hardware and software secrets of creating robots. During the
course, children will learn how to build robots with walking mechanism, convert rotational motion into
translational motion, increase force with levers, gear and belt drives, work with motion and tilt sensors.
And, of course, they will be able to revive their robots using fascinating programs.

Step 1 - Presentation Step 4 - Assembly

Step 2 - Assumption Step 5 - CODE

Step 3 - X-ray Step 6 - Tests

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 25

Robotics 3.4 Curriculum
$49.00 – $299.00
The course Robotics 3.4 extends the first three courses
by adding the programming of EV3 Touch sensor. In
the total with using the motors’ encoders data it gives
the opportunity to program even the simple maze
solving algorithms! Precise rpm calculations and the
programming of manipulators are presented in the
lessons of this course. Also the movement of the
robots on the car-chassis is discussed.

Course includes
8 modular lessons basic and extended version

420+ pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

30+ minutes of video lesson time is 120 minutes

40+ tasks & complete programs best for kids 10+ years

For assembling you need:

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Core Set 45544 or 5003400 1

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Expansion Set 45560 1

• ROBORISEIT Power Pack 1

• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV

• Internet connection www

Plans for Robotics 3.1

• Easy Start monthly subscription
• Optimal per 4 Months
• Education Center per 1 Year

Additional materials

Promo pictures

Pictures with the image of robots from

courses in high resolution. Renders models for

26 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Meet the characters of the course

EV3 Curriculums
Lessons content

These 8 lessons were created especially for you and your inquisitive children! You will have a great
opportunity to introduce children to the hardware and software secrets of creating robots. During the
course, children will learn how to build robots with walking mechanism, convert rotational motion into
translational motion, increase force with levers, gear and belt drives, work with motion and tilt sensors.
And, of course, they will be able to revive their robots using fascinating programs.

Step 1 - Presentation Step 4 - Assembly

Step 2 - Assumption Step 5 - CODE

Step 3 - X-ray Step 6 - Tests

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 27

Xtreme Engineering
$59.00 – $349.00
The Xtreme Engineering course introduces the pearls
of the world of engineering, such as robots, off-roaders,
sports machines! During the classes, students will
be able to build full-featured models, learn and test
in practice the work of each unique mechanism and
train their robot operating skills in exciting group

Course includes
8 modular lessons basic and extended version

420+ pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

30+ minutes of video lesson time is 120 minutes

40+ tasks & complete programs best for kids 10+ years

For assembling you need:

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Core Set 45544 or 5003400 1

• LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Expansion Set 45560 1

• ROBORISEIT Power Pack 1

• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV

• Internet connection www

Plans for Robotics 3.1

• Easy Start monthly subscription
• Optimal per 4 Months
• Education Center per 1 Year

Additional materials

Promo pictures

Pictures with the image of robots from

courses in high resolution. Renders models for

28 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Meet the characters of the course

EV3 Curriculums
Lessons content
Every lesson kids make a new robot with a certain functionality. We start with a problem that kids
should solve using new knowledge, skills, teamwork and creativity.

Step 1 - Presentation Step 4 - Assembly

Step 2 - Assumption Step 5 - CODE

Step 3 - X-ray Step 6 - Tests

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 29


This courses is created as a practical guide to the preparation for robotics competitions.

We believe that the ideas, strategies and examples given here will inspire to create your own
effective robot and help your team prepare well for the activities.
All examples of robots and programs in the course are given for educational purposes. Please
do not use them in their original form in any competitions!

The use of demo robots from this course during the World Robot Olympiad runs against the
spirit of the competition and can lead to the disqualification of your team (see chapters 9 and
10 of General rules).

RoboriseIt team

30 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Competition Curriculums

The Simple & Powered

Machines Solution
WRO 2019
Elementary Category
$49.00 – $299.00

This course has been created as the practical guide to the

preparation for World Robot Olympiad. After completing
this course your team will use the knowledge, ideas,
strategies and examples for inspiration and creating own
effective robots.

Course includes
12 stages curriculum ideas for robot upgrade

building instructions interactive prasentations

missions videos theoretical information

programs for all missions inspiration materials

Curriculum requirements: WRO 2017 Elementary Category plan

• LEGO Education sets 45544 and 45560 1 • Team per 1 Year
• 3 Color Sensors and 1 Medium Motor • School monthly subscription
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV) RCV • Education Center per 1 Year
• Internet connection www

Lessons content

32 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

WRO 2019
Junior Category

Competition Curriculums
$49.00 – $299.00
This course has been created as the practical guide to the
preparation for World Robot Olympiad. After completing
this course your team will use the knowledge, ideas,
strategies and examples for inspiration and creating own
effective robots.

Course includes
12 stages curriculum ideas for robot upgrade

building instructions interactive prasentations

missions videos theoretical information

programs for all missions inspiration materials

Curriculum requirements : WRO 2017 Elementary Category plan

• LEGO Education sets 45544 and 45560 1 • Team per 1 Year
• 3 Color Sensors, 1 Medium Motor • School monthly subscription
• 4 Technic Knob Wheel • Education Center per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV) RCV

• Internet connection www

Lessons content

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 33

WRO 2019
Senior Category
$59.00 – $349.00

This course has been created as the practical guide to the

preparation for World Robot Olympiad. After completing
this course your team will use the knowledge, ideas,
strategies and examples for inspiration and creating own
effective robots.

Course includes
12 stages curriculum ideas for robot upgrade

building instructions interactive prasentations

missions videos theoretical information

programs for all missions inspiration materials

Curriculum requirements : WRO 2017 Elementary Category plan

• LEGO Education sets 45544 and 45560 1 • Team per 1 Year
• 2 Color Sensors and 1 Medium Motor • School monthly subscription
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV) RCV • Education Center per 1 Year
• Internet connection www

Lessons content

34 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Special Projects

Ignite enthusiastic, effective

and lifelong learning
AT-AT WeDo 2.0
Special Project
$9.95 – $49.00
AT-AT is replica of gigantic Imperial All Terrain Armored
Transport from StarWars universe. In this lesson, you
and your students will immerse themselves in the world
of Star Wars. Help Luke to explore AT-AT`s weaknesses
and learn more about this walker!

Lesson includes
39 pages presentation basic and extended version

100 pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

7 videos lesson time is 90 minutes

5 tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for AT-AT

• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Lesson content

36 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

AT-ST WeDo 2.0
Special Project

Special Projects
$9.95 – $49.00

Help Luke to make some walkers to defend the rebels

bases with this special WeDo 2.0 project. Your students
will know more about layout of AT-ST walkers and them
features. Create a real walking robot and program it!

Lesson includes
40 pages presentation basic and extended version

84 pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

8 videos lesson time is 90 minutes

7 tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for AT-ST

• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Lesson content

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 37

Droideka WeDo 2.0
Special Project
$9.95 – $49.00
The Trade Federation joined the Confederacy of
Independent Systems and began mass production
of the droid in the separatist factories for the Battle of
Geonosis. You are entrusted with the most important
mission to improve the destroyer droid with this special
project WeDo 2.0.

Lesson includes
51 pages presentation basic and extended version

68 pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

11 videos lesson time is 90 minutes

7 tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for Droideka

• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Lesson content

38 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Defender WeDo 2.0
Special Project

Special Projects
$9.95 – $49.00
Defender is high mobility armored vehicle with independent
suspension and belt drive. The turret with a circular rotation
is equipped with a sensor that will help to detect the target
and keep the formation when moving in a column.
And the Defender will introduce children to the history of
tank development and modern defense technologies.

Lesson includes
34 pages presentation basic and extended version

88 pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

7 videos lesson time is 90 minutes

5 tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for Defender

• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Lesson content

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 39

Batmobile Classic WeDo 2.0
Special Project
$9.95 – $49.00
Help Batman to make his car more intelligence. You will
create and adjust the autopilot functions in this WeDo 2.0
Special project. We propose students to calculate average
speed of the Batmobile, program the emergency stop and
the missile defense system. A lot of math tasks make this
lesson suitable for students with basic math knowledge.

Lesson includes
38 pages presentation basic and extended version

66 pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

6 videos lesson time is 90 minutes

9 tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for Batmobile Classic
• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Lesson content

40 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Batmobile Tumbler WeDo 2.0
Special Project

Special Projects
$9.95 – $49.00
Batman says, that the military has an interesting prototype
of an armored car called “Tumbler”. He would like you to
test it and set it up. As far as we know, Tumbler is a very fast,
but Batman need higher traction. If your tests will confirm
that Tumbler really has a reliable torsional suspension and
higher traction, then it will be the next BatMobile.

Lesson includes
41 pages presentation basic and extended version

53 pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

9 videos lesson time is 90 minutes

7 tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for Batmobile Tumbler
• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Lesson content

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 41

CandyBot WeDo 2.0
Special Project
$9.95 – $49.00
Celebrate Halloween and Day of the Dead with the
Count Dracula wants to fill the castle by scare and
unexpected jokes. He wants to use different automated
devices to make the Halloween party incredible! One of
them is a candy dispenser. It must react on the visitors
and give the candies one by one. Trick or treating will
never end!!!

Lesson includes
31 pages presentation x-ray patterns of the internal structure

70 pages of building instructions lesson time is 90 minutes

6 videos best for kids 6-9 years

tasks & complete programs

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for CandyBot

• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Lesson content

42 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Halloween PartyBot WeDo 2.0
Special Project

Special Projects
$9.95 – $49.00
If you want to have fun and do not routinely celebrate
Halloween – then this lesson is for you.
PartyBot is specially designed robot for Halloween. During
this lesson, children will not only learn the mechanisms,
build and program the robot, but also can have fun, have
a good time and can show their imagination. Make your
lesson exciting and interesting, give the children a feeling
of real holiday!

Lesson includes
21 pages presentation lesson time is 90 minutes

42 pages of building instructions best for kids 6-9 years

4 videos

tasks & complete programs

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for Halloween PartyBot
• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Lesson content

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 43

Northern Express WeDo 2.0
Special Project
$9.95 – $49.00
Special Project Northern Express is a fascinating story
about a train goes straight to the North!
In the lesson, you will know everything about trains, their
types and designs. Moreover, all this is inseparable from
the theme of celebrating the New Year! You will also learn
something interesting about the New Year holidays and
the traditions associated with them. We did not ignore the
technical part! In this project we will tell you what a crank
Lesson includes
2 assembly models tasks & complete programs

104 pages of building instructions basic and extended version

35 pages presentation x-ray patterns of the internal structure

6 videos lesson time is 90 minutes

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for Northern Express
• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 2
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

Lesson content

44 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Hubble WeDo 2.0
Special Project

Special Projects
$9.95 – $49.00
The Hubble Space Telescope is in danger! There was a
malfunction in the positioning system of the Solar Panels!
Join the rescue operation of the most outstanding Space
Lab, help scientists find faults and write new software!
Explore the starry sky and meet with incredible pictures of
the most interesting objects of the universe.

Lesson includes
69 pages presentation basic and extended version

35 pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

5 videos lesson time is 90 minutes

5 tasks & complete programs best for kids 6-9 years

For assembling this robot you need: Plans for Hubble

• WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV)* RCV • Classroom monthly subscription
• Internet connection www • Education Center per 1 Year

This unique Special Project is created for programming in Scratch (Windows 10

version 1709+ macOS 10.13+) and contains an interactive starry sky. The project
also includes a version for programming in WeDo 2.0 Programming Software
(Windows 10 version 1709+ macOS 10.13+). Lesson content

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 45

X-Winger EV3
Special Project
$29.95 – $149.00
Special projects are the lessons, that we can’t include
in regular courses, Some of them needs more time for
completing, some needs very complex coding. But all
of them is very interesting for LEGO Mindstorms EV3
enthusiasts. First in this section is X-Winger, replica of
legendary starfighter from Star Wars universe.

Lesson includes
22 pages presentation basic and extended version

235 pages of building instructions x-ray patterns of the internal structure

7 videos lesson time is 120+ minutes

3 tasks & complete programs best for students 10+ years

For assembling this robots you need: Plans for X-Winger

• LEGO Education Set 45544 or 5003400 1
• Personal per 1 Year
• LEGO Education Expansion Set 45560 1
• Classroom monthly subscription
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV) RCV • Education Center per 1 Year
• Internet connection www

Lesson content

46 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Shuttle Transporter EV3
Special Project

Special Projects
$29.95 – $149.00
Special Project NASA Shuttle Transporter is very
interesting for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 enthusiasts. The
platform is modular, built of two odiac halves. Shuttle
autonomous, runs when approaching the tower with a
beacon. So, try out the tracked vehicles for the Space

Lesson includes

31 pages of building instructions basic and extended version

203 pages presentation x-ray patterns of the internal structure

12 videos lesson time is 120+ minutes

6 tasks & complete programs best for students 11+ years

For assembling this robots you need: Plans for Shuttle Transporter
• LEGO Education Set 45544 or 5003400 3 • Personal per 1 Year
• LEGO Education Expansion Set 45560 3 • Classroom monthly subscription
• ROBORISEIT Power Pack 1 • Education Center per 1 Year
• Roboriseit Content Viewer (RCV) RCV

• Internet connection www

Lesson content

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 47

SPECIAL OFFER Robotics for one year
WeDo 2.0

We introduce a new unique offer for schools, educational
centers & clubs. We provide the needs for one year
curriculums by package “Robotics year WeDo 2.0”. The
package consists of three curriculums: Early Robotics,
Dino Park, City Bots. Buying it you get a whole year of
using the curriculum!

The package includes

Early Robotics course focuses on the During the Dino Park course, children In the CityBots course you will create
technologies that modern children will learn how to build robots the robots that help to make cities
face. Robots, smart houses, internet with walking mechanism, convert more comfortable, cleaner and safer.
of things, robotised factories and rotational motion into translational You will pass the breathtaking path
usual things with automatic smart motion, increase force with levers, of creating the nearest future of
functions, all of this is our world that gear and belt drives, work with urban civilisation.
we introduce to children. motion and tilt sensors.
4 Months Full Access 4 Months Full Access 4 Months Full Access

1 Classroom License 1 Classroom License 1 Classroom License

Teacher Account 1 Teacher Account 1 Teacher Account

12 Student Accounts 12 Student Accounts 12 Student Accounts

For home and commercial use For home and commercial use For home and commercial use

Discount 45% Discount 45% Discount 45%

How to use?
Every course will be available 4 months. You
can activate each course independently in any
suitable time.

48 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

SPECIAL OFFER Robotics for one year

Special Offers

We introduce a new unique offer for schools,
educational centers & clubs. We provide the needs
for one year curriculums by package “Robotics year
EV3”. The package consists of four curriculums:
Robotics 3.1, Robotics 3.2, Robotics 3.3, Robotics
3.4. Buying it you get a whole year of using the

The package includes

You with your students will In this course we included In these 8 lessons students Robotics 3.4 extends the
check how the pressure the robots on articulated will learn how to program first three courses by
on the surface influence chassis, on 4x4 automobile basic movements of the adding the programming of
on the passability of the chassis, even the walking robots. On the real-life EV3 Touch sensor.
robots, what is the friction robot is presented. examples we show how
and how to use it. robotics is used.

3 Months Full Access 3 Months Full Access 3 Months Full Access 3 Months Full Access

1 Classroom License 1 Classroom License 1 Classroom License 1 Classroom License

1 Teacher Account 1 Teacher Account 1 Teacher Account 1 Teacher Account

12 Student Accounts 12 Student Accounts 12 Student Accounts 12 Student Accounts

For home and For home and For home and For home and
commercial use commercial use commercial use commercial use
Discount 30% Discount 30% Discount 30% Discount 30%

How to use?
Every course will be available 4 months. You
can activate each course independently in any
suitable time.

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 49

Description of plans

Plan is an opportunity to choose the option of access to the course. When choosing a tariff plan you pay
attention to the duration of its use, the number of accounts, the list of additional materials, etc. For more
information on the benefits of tariff plans, you can find out in the article.

For example plans of the WeDo Curriculums:

Classroom License a license that allows the teacher to conduct lessons in one classroom. If your
school has several classrooms, you will need the appropriate number of Classroom
Teacher`s Account an account that allows the teacher to access educational materials and run lessons
on students’ PC / Mac / tablets.

Student`s Account an account that allows students to use the education materials during the lesson
from their PC / Mac / tablet.

White Label The Education Center Plan allows to brand all education materials with logo of your
education center.

For example, if you have chosen a Plan with 12 student accounts, you can simultaneously connect up to
12 students’ PC / Mac / tablets to the lesson.

If you need a specific number of Classroom License or Teacher`s Accounts, or Student`s accounts -
please write to info@roboriseit.com and we will prepare a personal offer for you.

50 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved



Description of plans
The Easy Start tariff plan provides Images Features Quantity
access to content for 1 month. It allows
month of access 1
using lessons for 1 teacher and 12
students at the same time. If you have teacher account 1
several groups / classes per week, you
students accounts 12
can still use according this plan, but
the simultaneous number of students
should not exceed 12.

Monthly subscription - choosing this Plan, you get access to the Product for 1 month. At the end of each
month, your card will be debited a fee to prolong the subscription for the next month.

The Optimal tariff plan provides Images Features Quantity
access to content for 3 months.
months of access 4
It allows using lessons for 1
teacher and 12 students at the teacher account 1
same time. If you have several
students accounts 12
groups / classes per week, you
can still use according this plan, additional materials -posters&stikers
but the simultaneous number of -worksheets
students should not exceed 12.

Additional materials
Posters & stikers Worksheets

Posters and stickers of robot`s models are from the course. Student`s worksheets with tasks are in PDF format. You can
After successfully completing the tasks, the students receive print them before lesson and give to students for completing
the sticker of the robot and fill their posters. the tasks.

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 51

The Education Center tariff plan Images Features Quantity
provides access to content for 12
months of access 12
months. It allows using lessons
for 3 teacher and 36 students at teachers accounts 3
the same time. If you have several
students accounts 36
groups / classes per week, you
can still use according this plan, additional materials -posters&stikers
but the simultaneous number of -worksheets
students should not exceed 36. -promo pictures
-white label

Additional materials
Posters & stikers Worksheets Promo pictures White Label

Posters and stickers of robot`s Student`s worksheets with Pictures with the image of This offer provides an
models are from the course. tasks are in PDF format. You robots from courses are opportunity to use the logo of
After successfully completing can print them before lesson in high resolution. Renders your company in RCV (replace
the tasks, the students receive and give to students for models for presentations. Roboriseit logo into yours)
the sticker of the robot and fill completing the tasks.
their posters.

Comparison of plans

52 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved


Description of plans
The Easy Start tariff plan provides Images Features Quantity
access to content for 1 month. It allows
month of access 1
using lessons for 1 teacher and 12
students at the same time. If you have teacher accounts 1
several groups / classes per week, you
students accounts 12
can still use according this plan, but
the simultaneous number of students
should not exceed 12.

Monthly subscription - choosing this Plan, you get access to the Product for 1 month. At the end of each
month, your card will be debited a fee to prolong the subscription for the next month.

The Optimal tariff plan provides Images Features Quantity
access to content for 3 months.
months of access 3
It allows using lessons for 1
teacher and 12 students at the teacher accounts 1
same time. If you have several
students accounts 12
groups / classes per week, you
can still use according this plan,
but the simultaneous number of
students should not exceed 12.



The Education Center tariff plan Images Features Quantity
provides access to content for 12
months of access 12
months. It allows using lessons
for 3 teacher and 36 students at teachers accounts 3
the same time. If you have several
students accounts 36
groups / classes per week, you
can still use according this plan, additional materials -promo pictures
but the simultaneous number of -white label
students should not exceed 36.

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 53

Additional materials
Promo pictures White Label

Pictures with the image of robots from courses are in high This offer provides an opportunity to use the logo of your
resolution. Renders models for presentations. company in RCV (replace Roboriseit logo into yours)

Comparison of plans




The Team tariff plan provides access Images Features Quantity
to content for 12 months of use. The
months of access 12
plan is issued for 4 users who can
simultaneously use the lessons. personal accounts 4

54 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved



The School tariff plan provides Images Features Quantity

Description of plans
access to content for 1 month.
month of access 1
It allows using lessons for 1
teacher and 12 students at the teacher accounts 1
same time. If you have several
students accounts 12
groups / classes per week, you
can still use according this plan,
but the simultaneous number of
students should not exceed 12.

Monthly subscription - choosing this Plan, you get access to the Product for 1 month. At the end of each
month, your card will be debited a fee to prolong the subscription for the next month.



The Education Center tariff plan Images Features Quantity
provides access to content for 12
months of access 12
months. It allows using lessons
for 3 teacher and 36 students at teachers accounts 3
the same time. If you have several
students accounts 36
groups / classes per week, you
can still use according this plan, additional materials -white label
but the simultaneous number of
students should not exceed 36.

Comparison of plans

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 55



Personal plan works one year. It allows Images Features Quantity
you to use courses materials only on
months of access 12
one PC.
personal account 1

The School tariff plan provides Images Features Quantity
access to content for 1 month.
month of access 1
It allows using lessons for 1
teacher and 12 students at the teacher accounts 1
same time. If you have several
students accounts 12
groups / classes per week, you
can still use according this plan,
but the simultaneous number of
students should not exceed 12.

Monthly subscription - choosing this Plan, you get access to the Product for 1 month. At the end of each
month, your card will be debited a fee to prolong the subscription for the next month.

The Education Center tariff plan Images Features Quantity
provides access to content for 12
months of access 12
months. It allows using lessons
for 3 teacher and 36 students at teachers accounts 3
the same time. If you have several
students accounts 36
groups / classes per week, you
can still use according this plan, additional materials -promo pictures
but the simultaneous number of -white label
students should not exceed 36.

56 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

Additional materials
Promo pictures White Label

Description of plans
Pictures with the image of robots from courses are in high This offer provides an opportunity to use the logo of your
resolution. Renders models for presentations. company in RCV (replace Roboriseit logo into yours)

Comparison of plans

roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved 57

Answering questions
If you are accessing the Roboriseit course for the first time, a new account of the training center
automatically created, containing your teacher’s account.You will receive a login and password to access
the software in the letter, and links to download it and download additional materials for the course.

When you get access to the next course, than access will be open in the same account. Going into the
software, you will see that the opportunity to choose the lessons of the new course.

In the case of the acquisition of the tariff plan of the Training Center, a new account of the training center
is created, and in it - three teacher accounts.


Yes, flexible adjustment is possible for corporate clients depending on the conditions of the classes. For
details, please contact: dima@roboriseit.com


To cancel a monthly subscription, you need to write an email to: support@roboriseit.com. In the letter,
you need to specify a subscription to which course you need to close. For a maximum of three days, your
subscription will be close.

The payment system converts the cost of the course into the hryvnia, and sends this amount to your
bank. Your bank converts this amount into your local currency and sends you a request to confirm the
debiting of the specified amount.


We use this pack of additional LEGO parts in XtremeEngineering course and in Robotics 3.0 curriculum
set. So PowerPack allows to build more than 80 different robots.


Each time you start the lesson on teacher’s PC it downloads from our server. It allows keep all lessons
up to date. On this step low Internet speed leads to increasing time to start. But then you connect you
students, local network will be use for sending lesson data to student’s PC. Due to this mechanics we
extremly decrease internet traffic use. It even allows us to include a lot of videos in our lessons. When all
students starts the viewing video, no hi-speed internet connection required.


No, instructions are an integral part of the courses.

58 roboriseit.com 2019 all rights reserved

A robotics lab is the place where the future developers of
the technologies that we don’t even dare to dream of now
will grow and get their basic skills. However, the children are
dreaming now!

Roborise-It platform
The relevance of information ensures the maximum efficiency
of modern education, particularly in the Hi-Tech field. Therefore,
we are constantly revising our study materials to provide the
most relevant information to the students.
We created a cloud educational platform to enable students
and teachers from all over the world to join the world STEM-
community and get the access to the unique study materials.

What is the result?

You can create a playgroup where children will not only spend
their time resourcefully, but also might find their own path to
follow later, when they grow up. The preparation for robotics
competitions may stimulate your teachers and students to
develop constantly!

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