Heritage of The Middle Ages and The Renaissance
Heritage of The Middle Ages and The Renaissance
Heritage of The Middle Ages and The Renaissance
Beginning in the 1950s, the term behavioral sciences was often applied to
the disciplines designated as the social sciences. Those who favoured this
term did so in part because these disciplines were thus brought closer to
some of the sciences, such as physical anthropology and physiological
psychology, which also deal with human behaviour.
Although, strictly speaking, the social sciences do not precede the 19th
century—that is, as distinct and recognized disciplines of thought—one must
go back farther in time for the origins of some of their fundamental ideas and
objectives. In the largest sense, the origins go all the way back to the ancient
Greeks and their rationalist inquiries into human nature, the state,
and morality. The heritage of both Greece and Rome is a powerful one in the
history of social thought, as it is in other areas of Western society. Very
probably, apart from the initial Greek determination to study all things in the
spirit of dispassionate and rational inquiry, there would be no social sciences
today. True, there have been long periods of time, as during the
Western Middle Ages, when the Greek rationalist temper was lacking. But the
recovery of this temper, through texts of the great classical philosophers, is
the very essence of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment in modern
European history. With the Enlightenment, in the 17th and 18th centuries, one
may begin.
Heritage Of The Middle Ages And The
Effects of theology
The same impulses that led people in that age to explore Earth, the stellar
regions, and the nature of matter led them also to explore the institutions
around them: state, economy, religion, morality, and, above all, human nature
itself. It was the fragmentation of medieval philosophy and theory, and, with
this, the shattering of the medieval worldview that had lain deep in thought
until about the 16th century, that was the immediate basis of the rise of the
several strands of specialized thought that were to become in time the social
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Medieval theology, especially as it appears in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Summa
theologiae (1265/66–1273), contained and fashioned syntheses from ideas
about humanity and society—ideas indeed that may be seen to be political,
social, economic, anthropological, and geographical in their substance. But it
is partly this close relation between medieval theology and ideas of the social
sciences that accounts for the longer time it took these ideas—by comparison
with the ideas of the physical sciences—to achieve what one would today call
scientific character. From the time of the English philosopher Roger Bacon in
the 13th century, there were at least some rudiments of physical science that
were largely independent of medieval theology and philosophy. Historians of
physical science have no difficulty in tracing the continuation of this
experimental tradition, primitive and irregular though it was by later standards,
throughout the Middle Ages. Side by side with the kinds of experiment made
notable by Bacon were impressive changes in technology through the
medieval period and then, in striking degree, in the Renaissance. Efforts to
improve agricultural productivity; the rising utilization of gunpowder, with
consequent development of guns and the problems that they presented in
ballistics; growing trade, leading to increased use of ships and improvements
in the arts of navigation, including use of telescopes; and the whole range of
such mechanical arts in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
as architecture, engineering, optics, and the construction
of watches and clocks—all of this put a high premium on a pragmatic and
operational understanding of at least the simpler principles
of mechanics, physics, astronomy, and, in time, chemistry.
In short, by the time of Copernicus and Galileo in the 16th century, a fairly
broad substratum of physical science existed, largely empirical but not without
theoretical implications on which the edifice of modern physical science could
be built. It is notable that the empirical foundations of physiology were being
established in the studies of the human body being conducted in medieval
schools of medicine and, as the career of Leonardo da Vinci so resplendently
illustrates, among artists of the Renaissance, whose interest in accuracy and
detail of painting and sculpture led to their careful studies of human anatomy.
Very different was the beginning of the social sciences. In the first place,
the Roman Catholic Church, throughout the Middle Ages and even into the
Renaissance and Reformation, was much more attentive to what scholars
wrote and thought about the human mind and human behaviour in society
than it was toward what was being studied and written in the physical
sciences. From the church’s point of view, while it might be important to see to
it that thought on the physical world corresponded as far as possible to
what Scripture said—witnessed, for example, in the famous questioning of
Galileo—it was far more important that such correspondence exist in matters
affecting the human mind, spirit, and soul. Nearly all the subjects and
questions that would form the bases of the social sciences in later centuries
were tightly woven into the fabric of medieval Scholasticism, and it was not
easy for even the boldest minds to break this fabric.
Effects of the classics and of Cartesianism
Then, when the hold of Scholasticism did begin to wane, two fresh influences,
equally powerful, came on the scene to prevent anything comparable to the
pragmatic and empirical foundations of the physical sciences from forming in
the study of humanity and society. The first was the immense appeal of the
Greek classics during the Renaissance, especially those of the
philosophers Plato and Aristotle. A great deal of social thought during the
Renaissance was little more than gloss or commentary on the Greek classics.
One sees this throughout the 15th and 16th centuries.
Second, in the 17th century there appeared the powerful influence of the
philosopher René Descartes. Cartesianism, as his philosophy was called,
declared that the proper approach to understanding of the world, including
humanity and society, was through a few simple, fundamental ideas of reality
and, then, rigorous, almost geometrical deduction of more complex ideas and
eventually of large, encompassing theories, from these simple ideas, all of
which, Descartes insisted, were the stock of common sense—the mind that is
common to all human beings at birth. It would be hard to exaggerate the
impact of Cartesianism on social and political and moralthought during the
century and a half following publication of his Discourse on Method (1637)
and his Meditations on First Philosophy (1641). Through the Enlightenment
into the later 18th century, the spell of Cartesianism was cast on nearly all
those who were concerned with the problems of human nature and human
Both of these great influences, reverence for the classics and fascination with
the geometrical-deductive procedures advocated by Descartes, must be seen
from today’s vantage point as among the major influences retarding the
development of a science of society comparable to the science of the physical
world. It is not as though data were not available in the 17th and 18th
centuries. The emergence of the nation-state carried with it ever
growing bureaucracies concerned with gathering information, chiefly
for taxation, census, and trade purposes, which might have been employed in
much the same way that physical scientists employed their data. The
voluminous and widely published accounts of the great voyages that had
begun in the 15th century, the records of soldiers, explorers, and missionaries
who perforce had been brought into often long and close contact
with indigenous and other non-Western peoples, provided still another great
reservoir of data, all of which might have been utilized in scientific ways as
such data were to be utilized a century or two later in the social sciences.
Such, however, was the continuing spell cast by the texts of the classics and
by the strictly rationalistic, overwhelmingly deductive procedures of the
Cartesians that, until the beginning of the 19th century, these and other
empirical materials were used, if at all, solely for illustrative purposes in the
writings of the social philosophers.
Heritage Of The Enlightenment
There is also the fact that, especially in the 18th century, reform and even
revolution were often in the air. The purpose of a great many social
philosophers was by no means restricted to philosophical, much less
scientific, understanding of humanity and society. The dead hand of the
Middle Ages seemed to many vigorous minds in western Europe the principal
force to be combatted, through critical reason, enlightenment, and, where
necessary, major reform or revolution. One may properly account a great deal
of this new spirit to the rise of humanitarianism in modern Europe and in other
parts of the world and to the spread of literacy, the rise in the standard of
living, and the recognition that poverty and oppression need not be the fate of
the masses. The fact remains, however, that social reform and social science
have different organizing principles, and the very fact that for a long time,
indeed through a good part of the 19th century, social reform and social
science were regarded as basically the same thing could not have helped but
retard the development of the latter.
Nevertheless, it would be wrong to discount the significant contributions to the
social sciences that were made during the 17th and 18th centuries. The first
and greatest of these was the spreading ideal of a science of society, an ideal
fully as widespread by the 18th century as the ideal of a physical science.
Second was the rising awareness of the multiplicity and variety of human
experience in the world. Ethnocentrism and parochialism, as states of mind,
were more and more difficult for educated people to maintain given the
immense amount of information about—or, more important, interest in—non-
Western peoples, the results of trade and exploration. Third was the
spreading sense of the social or cultural character of human behaviour in
society—that is, its purely historical or conventional, rather than biological,
basis. A science of society, in short, was no mere appendage of biology but
was instead a distinct discipline, or set of disciplines, with its own distinctive
subject matter.
To these may be added two other very important contributions of the 17th and
18th centuries, each of great theoretical significance. The first was the idea of
structure. Having emerged in the writings of such philosophers as Thomas
Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau with reference to the
political structure of the state, it had spread by the mid-18th century to
highlight the economic writings of the physiocrats and Adam Smith. The idea
of structure can also be seen in certain works relating to
human psychology and, at opposite reach, to the whole of civil society. The
ideas of structure that were borrowed from both the physical and biological
sciences were fundamental to the conceptions of political, economic, and
social structure that took shape in the 17th and 18th centuries. And these
conceptions of structure have in many instances, subject only to minor
changes, endured in the contemporary study of social science.
Adam SmithAdam Smith, paste medallion by James Tassie, 1787; in the Scottish National Portrait
Gallery, Edinburgh.Courtesy of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
The second major theoretical idea was that of developmental change. Its
ultimate roots in Western thought, like those indeed of the whole idea of
structure, go back to the Greeks, if not earlier. But it is in the 18th century,
above all others, that the philosophy of developmentalism took shape, forming
a preview, so to speak, of the social evolutionism of the next century. What
was said by such writers as Condorcet, Rousseau, and Smith was that the
present is an outgrowth of the past, the result of a long line of development in
time, and, furthermore, a line of development that has been caused not by
God or fortuitous factors but by conditions and causes immanent in human
society. Despite a fairly widespread belief that the idea of social
development is a product of prior discovery of biological evolution, the facts
are the reverse. Well before any clear idea of genetic speciationexisted in
European biology, there was a very clear idea of what might be called social
speciation—that is, the emergence of one institution from another in time and
of the whole differentiation of function and structure that goes with this
As has been suggested, these and other seminal ideas were contained for the
most part in writings whose primary function was to attack the existing order of
government and society in western Europe. Another way of putting the matter
is to say that these ideas were clear and acknowledged parts of political and
social idealism—using that word in its largest
sense. Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Smith, and other major
philosophers had as vivid and energizing a sense of the ideal—the ideal state,
the ideal economy, the ideal civil society—as any earlier utopian writer. These
thinkers were, without exception, committed to visions of the good or ideal
society. Their interest in the “natural”—that is, natural morality, religion,
economy, or education, in contrast to the merely conventional and historically
derived—sprang as much from the desire to hold a mirror up to a surrounding
society that they disliked as from any dispassionate urge simply to find out
what humanity and society are made of. The fact remains, however, that the
ideas that were to prove decisive in the 19th century, so far as the social
sciences were concerned, arose during the two centuries preceding.
Thomas Robert Malthus, detail of an engraving after a portrait by J. Linnell, 1833.Courtesy of the trustees of
the British Museum; photograph, J.R. Freeman & Company Ltd.
Second, there was the condition of labour. It may be possible to see this
condition in the early 19th century as in fact better than the condition of the
rural masses at earlier times. But the important point is that to a large number
of writers in the 19th century it seemed worse and was defined as worse. The
wrenching of large numbers of people from the older and protective contexts
of village, guild, parish, and family, and their massing in the new centres of
industry, forming slums, living in common squalor and wretchedness,
their wages generally behind cost of living, their families growing larger, their
standard of living becoming lower, as it seemed—all of this is a frequent
theme in the social thought of the century. Economicsindeed became known
as the “dismal science,” because economists, from David Ricardo to Karl
Marx, could see little likelihood of the condition of labour improving under
Third, there was the transformation of property. Not only was more and
more property to be seen as industrial—manifest in the factories, business
houses, and workshops of the period—but also the very nature of property
was changing. Whereas for most of the history of humankind property had
been “hard,” visible only in concrete possessions—land and money—now the
more intangible kinds of property such as shares of stock,
negotiable equities of all kinds, and bonds were assuming ever greater
influence in the economy. This led, as was early realized, to the dominance of
financial interests, to speculation, and to a general widening of the gulf
between the propertied and the masses. The change in the character of
property made easier the concentration of property, the accumulation of
immense wealthin the hands of a relative few, and, not least, the possibility of
economic domination of politics and culture. It should not be thought that only
socialists saw property in this light. From Edmund Burke through Auguste
Comte, Frédéric Le Play, and John Stuart Mill to Marx, Max Weber, and Émile
Durkheim, one finds conservatives and liberals looking at the impact of this
change in analogous ways.
Fourth, there was urbanization—the sudden increase in the number of towns
and cities in western Europe and the increase in number of persons living in
the historic towns and cities. Whereas in earlier centuries, the city had been
regarded almost uniformly as a setting of civilization, culture, and freedom of
mind, now one found more and more writers aware of the other side of cities:
the atomization of human relationships, broken families, the sense of the
mass, of anonymity, alienation, and disrupted values. Sociologyparticularly
among the social sciences turned its attention to the problems of urbanization.
The contrast between the more organic type of community found in rural
areas and the more mechanical and individualistic society of the cities is a
basic contrast in sociology, one that was given much attention by such
pioneers in Europe as the French sociologists Le Play and Durkheim; the
German sociologists Ferdinand Tönnies, Georg Simmel, and Weber; the
Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet; and, in America, the
sociologists Charles H. Cooley and Robert E. Park.
Fifth, there was technology. With the spread of mechanization, first in the
factories and then in agriculture, social thinkers could see possibilities of a
rupture of the historic relation between humans and nature, between humans
and humans, and even between humans and God. To thinkers as politically
different as Thomas Carlyle and Marx, technology seemed to lead to
dehumanization of the worker and to a new kind of tyranny over human life.
Marx, though, far from despising technology, thought the advent
of socialism would counteract all this. Alexis de Tocqueville declared that
technology, and especially technical specialization of work, was more
degrading to the human mind and spirit than even political tyranny. It was thus
in the 19th century that the opposition to technology on moral, psychological,
and aesthetic grounds first made its appearance in Western thought.
Sixth, there was the factory system. The importance of this to 19th-century
thought has been intimated above. Suffice it to add that along with
urbanization and spreading mechanization, the system of work whereby
masses of workers left home and family to work long hours in the factories
became a major theme of social thought as well as of social reform.
Seventh, and finally, mention is to be made of the development of
political masses—that is, the slow but inexorable widening of franchise and
electorate through which ever larger numbers of persons became aware of
themselves as voters and participants in the political process. This too is a
major theme in social thought, to be seen most luminously perhaps in
Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (1835–40), a classic work that took not
merely America but democracy everywhere as its subject. Tocqueville saw the
rise of the political masses, more especially the immense power that could be
wielded by the masses, as the single greatest threat to individual freedom and
cultural diversity in the ages ahead.
Tocqueville, Alexis deAlexis de Tocqueville, detail of an oil painting by Théodore Chassériau, 1850; in
the Château de Versailles.H. Roger-Viollet
These, then, are the principal themes in the 19th-century writing that may be
seen as direct results of the two great revolutions. As themes, they are to be
found not only in the social sciences but, as noted above, in a great deal of
the philosophical and literary writing of the century. In their respective ways,
the philosophers Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
and Ralph Waldo Emerson were as struck by the consequences of the
revolutions as were any social scientists. So too were such novelists
as Honoré de Balzac and Charles Dickens.
New ideologies
One other point must be emphasized about these themes. They became,
almost immediately in the 19th century, the bases of new ideologies. How
people reacted to the currents of democracy and industrialism stamped
them conservative, liberal, or radical. On the whole, with rarest exceptions,
liberals welcomed the two revolutions, seeing in their forces opportunity for
freedom and welfare never before known to humankind. The liberal view of
society was overwhelmingly democratic, capitalist, industrial, and, of course,
individualistic. The case is somewhat different with conservatismand
radicalism in the century. Conservatives, beginning with Burke and continuing
through Hegel and Matthew Arnold to such minds as John Ruskin later in the
century, disliked both democracy and industrialism, preferring the kind of
tradition, authority, and civility that had been, in their minds, displaced by the
two revolutions. Theirs was a retrospective view, but it was a nonetheless
influential one, affecting a number of the central social scientists of the
century, among them Comte and Tocqueville and later Weber and Durkheim.
The radicals accepted democracy but only in terms of its extension to all
areas of society and its eventual annihilation of any form of authority that did
not spring directly from the people as a whole. And although the radicals, for
the most part, accepted the phenomenon of industrialism, especially
technology, they were uniformly antagonistic to capitalism.
Matthew Arnold, detail of an oil painting by G.F. Watts; in the National Portrait Gallery, LondonCourtesy of
the National Portrait Gallery, London
Auguste Comte, drawing by Tony Toullion, 19th century; in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.H. Roger-
Among the disciplines that formed the social sciences, two contrary, for a time
equally powerful, tendencies at first dominated them. The first was the drive
toward unification, toward a single, master social science, whatever it might
be called. The second tendency was toward specialization of the individual
social sciences. If, clearly, it is the second that has triumphed, with the results
to be seen in the disparate, sometimes jealous, highly specialized disciplines
seen today, the first was not without great importance and must also be
What emerges from the critical rationalism of the 18th century is not, in the
first instance, a conception of need for a plurality of social sciences, but rather
for a single science of society that would take its place in the hierarchy of the
sciences that included the fields of astronomy, physics, chemistry, and
biology. When, in the 1820s, Comte wrote calling for a new science, one with
humans as social animals as its subject, he assuredly had but a single
encompassing science of society in mind—not a congeries of disciplines,
each concerned with some single aspect of human behaviour in society. The
same was true of Bentham, Marx, and Spencer. All of these thinkers, and
there were many others to join them, saw the study of society as a unified
enterprise. They would have scoffed, and on occasion did, at any notion of a
separate economics, political science, sociology, and so on. Society is an
indivisible thing, they would have argued; so, too, must be the study of
It was, however, the opposite tendency of specialization or differentiation that
won out. No matter how the century began, or what were the dreams of a
Comte, Spencer, or Marx, when the 19th century ended, not one but several
distinct, competitive social sciences were to be found. Aiding this process was
the development of the colleges and universities. With hindsight it might be
said that the cause of universities in the future would have been strengthened,
as would the cause of the social sciences, had there come into existence,
successfully, a single curriculum, undifferentiated by field, for the study of
society. What in fact happened, however, was the opposite. The growing
desire for an elective system, for a substantial number of academic
specializations, and for differentiation of academic degrees contributed
strongly to the differentiation of the social sciences. This was first and most
strongly to be seen in Germany, where, from about 1815 on, all scholarship
and science were based in the universities and where competition for status
among the several disciplines was keen. But by the end of the century the
same phenomenon of specialization was to be found in the United States
(where admiration for the German system was very great in academic circles)
and, in somewhat less degree, in France and England. Admittedly, the
differentiation of the social sciences in the 19th century was but one aspect of
a larger process that was to be seen as vividly in the physical sciences and
the humanities. No major field escaped the lure of specialization of
investigation, and clearly, a great deal of the sheer bulk of learning that
passed from the 19th to the 20th century was the direct consequence of this
It was economics that first attained the status of a single and separate
science, in ideal at least, among the social sciences. That autonomy and self-
regulation that the physiocrats and Smith had found, or thought they had
found, in the processes of wealth, in the operation of prices, rents, interest,
and wages, during the 18th century became the basis of a separate and
distinctive economics—or, as it was often called, “political economy”—in the
19th. Hence the emphasis upon what came to be widely called laissez-faire.
If, as it was argued, the processes of wealth operate naturally in terms of their
own built-in mechanisms, then not only should these be studied separately but
they should, in any wise polity, be left alone by government and society. This
was, in general, the overriding emphasis of such thinkers as Ricardo, Mill,
and Nassau William Senior in England, of Frédéric Bastiat and Say in France,
and, somewhat later, the Austrian schoolof Carl Menger. This emphasis is
today called “classical” in economics, and it is even now, though with
substantial modifications, a strong position in the field.
There were almost from the beginning, however, economists who diverged
sharply from this laissez-faire, classical view. In Germany especially there
were the so-called historical economists. They proceeded less from the
discipline of historiography than from the presuppositions of social evolution,
referred to above. Such figures as Wilhelm Roscher and Karl Knies in
Germany tended to dismiss the assumptions of timelessness and universality
regarding economic behaviour that were almost axiomaticamong the followers
of Smith, and they strongly insisted upon the developmental character of
capitalism, evolving in a long series of stages from other types of economy.
Also prominent throughout the century were those who came to be called
the socialists. They too repudiated any notion of timelessness and universality
in capitalism and its elements of private property, competition, and profit. Not
only was this system but a passing stage of economic development; it could
be—and, as Marx was to emphasize, would be—shortly supplanted by a more
humane and also realistic economic systembased upon cooperation, the
people’s ownership of the means of production, and planning that
would eradicate the vices of competition and conflict.
Political science
Rivalling economics as a discipline during the century was political science.
The line of systematic interest in the state that had begun in modern Europe
with Niccolò Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, among others,
widened and lengthened in the 19th century, the consequence of the two
revolutions. If the Industrial Revolution seemed to supply all the problems
frustrating the existence of a stable and humane society, the political-
democratic revolution could be seen as containing many of the answers to
these problems. It was the democratic revolution, especially in France, that
created the vision of a political government responsible for all aspects of
human society and, most important, possessed the power to wield this
responsibility. This power, known as sovereignty, could be seen as holding
the same relation to political science in the 19th century that capital held to
economics. To a very large number of political scientists, the aim of the
discipline was essentially that of analyzing the varied properties
of sovereignty. There was a strong tendency on the part of such political
scientists as Bentham, Austin, and Mill in England and Francis
Lieber and Woodrow Wilson in the United States to see the state and its
claimed sovereignty over human lives in much the same terms in which
classical economists saw capitalism.
Among political scientists there was the same historical-evolutionary dissent
from this view, however, that existed in economics. Such writers as Sir Henry
Maine in England, Numa Fustel de Coulanges in France, and Otto von
Gierke in Germany declared that state and sovereignty were not timeless and
universal nor the results of some “social contract” envisaged by such
philosophers as Locke and Rousseau but, rather, structures formed slowly
through developmental or historical processes. Hence the strong interest,
especially in the late 19th century, in the origins of political institutions in
kinship, village, and caste, and in the successive stages of development that
have characterized these institutions. In political science, as in economics, in
short, the classical analytical approach was strongly rivalled by the
evolutionary. Both approaches go back to the 18th century in their
fundamental elements, but what is seen in the 19th century is the greater
systematization and the much wider range of data employed.
Cultural anthropology
In the 19th century, anthropology also attained clear identity as a discipline.
Strictly defined as the science of humankind, it could be seen as superseding
other specialized disciplines such as economics and political science. In
practice and from the beginning, however, anthropology concerned itself
overwhelmingly with small-scale preindustrial societies. On the one hand was
physical anthropology, concerned chiefly with the evolution of humans as a
biological species, with the successive forms and protoforms of the species,
and with genetic systems. On the other hand was social and cultural
anthropology: here the interest was in the full range of humankind’s
institutions, though its researches were in fact confined to those found among
existing preliterate peoples in Africa, Oceania, Asia, and the Americas. Above
all other concepts, “culture” was the central element of this great area of
anthropology, or ethnology, as it was often called to distinguish it from
physical anthropology. Culture, as a concept, called attention to the
nonbiological, nonracial, noninstinctual basis of the greater part of what is
called civilization: its values, techniques, and ideas in all spheres. Culture, as
defined in Tylor’s landmark work of 1871, Primitive Culture, is the part of
human behaviour that is learned. From cultural anthropology more than from
any other single social science has come the emphasis on the cultural
foundations of human behaviour and thought in society.
Scarcely less than political science or economics, cultural anthropology
shared in the themes of the two revolutions and their impact on the world. If
the data that cultural anthropologists actually worked with were generally in
the remote areas of the world, it was the effects of the two revolutions that, in
a sense, kept opening up these parts of the world to more and more
systematic inquiry. And, as was true of the other social sciences, the cultural
anthropologists were immersed in problems of economics, polity, social class,
and community, albeit among preliterate rather than “modern” peoples.
Overwhelmingly, without major exception indeed, the science of cultural
anthropology was evolutionary in thrust in the 19th century. Tylor and Sir John
Lubbock in England, Morgan in the United States, Adolf Bastian and Theodor
Waitz in Germany, and all others in the main line of the study of “primitive”
culture saw existing indigenous societies in the world as prototypes of their
own “primitive ancestors”—fossilized remains, so to speak, of stages of
development that western Europe had once gone through. Despite the vast
array of data compiled on non-Western cultures, the same basic European-
centred objectives are to be found among cultural anthropologists as among
other social scientists in the century. Almost universally, then, the modern
West was regarded as the latest point in a line of progress that was single and
unilinear and on which all other peoples in the world could be fitted as
illustrations, as it were, of Western people’s own past.
Sociology came into being in precisely these terms, and during much of the
century it was not easy to distinguish between a great deal of so-called
sociology and social or cultural anthropology. Even if almost no sociologists in
the century made empirical studies of indigenous peoples, as did the
anthropologists, their interest in the origin, development, and probable future
of humankind was not less great than what could be found in the writings of
the anthropologists. It was Comte who coined the word sociology, and he
used it to refer to what he imagined would be a single, all-encompassing,
science of society that would take its place at the top of the hierarchy of
sciences—a hierarchy that Comte saw as including astronomy (the oldest of
the sciences historically) at the bottom and with physics, chemistry, and
biology rising in that order to sociology, the latest and grandest of the
sciences. There was no thought in Comte’s mind—nor was there in the mind
of Spencer, whose general view of sociology was very much like Comte’s—of
there being other competing social sciences. Sociology would be to the whole
of the social world what each of the other great sciences was to its
appropriate sphere of reality.
Both Comte and Spencer believed that civilization as a whole was the proper
subject of sociology. Their works were concerned, for the most part, with
describing the origins and development of civilization and also of each of its
major institutions. Both declared sociology’s main divisions to be “statics” and
“dynamics,” the former concerned with processes of order in society, the latter
with processes of evolutionary change in society. Both thinkers also saw all
existing societies in the world as reflective of the successive stages through
which Western society had advanced in time over a period of tens of
thousands of years.
Not all sociologists in the 19th century conceived their discipline in this light,
however. Side by side with the “grand” view represented by Comte and
Spencer were those in the century who were primarily interested in the social
problems that they saw around them—consequences, as they interpreted
them, of the two revolutions, the industrial and democratic. Thus, in France
just after mid-century, Le Play published a monumental study of the social
aspects of the working classes in Europe, Les Ouvriers européens (1855;
“European Workers”), which compared families and communities in all parts of
Europe and even other parts of the world. Tocqueville, especially in the
second volume of Democracy in America, provided an account of the
customs, social structures, and institutions in America, dealing with these—
and also with the social and psychological problems of Americans in that
day—as aspects of the impact of the democratic and industrial
revolutions upon traditional society.
At the very end of the 19th century, in both France and Germany, there
appeared some of the works in sociology that were to prove more influential in
their effects upon the discipline in the 20th century. Tönnies, in
his Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft (1887; translated as Community and
Society), sought to explain all major social problems in the West as the
consequence of the West’s historical transition from the communal, status-
based, concentric society of the Middle Ages to the more individualistic,
impersonal, and large-scale society of the democratic-industrial period. In
general terms, allowing for individual variations of theme, these were the
views of Weber, Simmel, and Durkheim (all of whom also wrote in the late
19th and early 20th century). These were the figures who, starting from the
problems of Western society that could be traced to the effects of the two
revolutions, did the most to establish the discipline of sociology as it was
practiced for much of the 20th century.
Social psychology
Social psychology as a distinct discipline also originated in the 19th century,
although its outlines were perhaps somewhat less clear than was true of the
other social sciences. The close relation of the human mind to the social
order, its dependence upon education and other forms of socialization, was
well known in the 18th century. In the 19th century, however, an ever more
systematic discipline came into being to uncover the social and cultural roots
of human psychology and also the several types of “collective mind” that
analysis of different cultures and societies in the world might reveal. In
Germany, Moritz Lazarus and Wilhelm Wundt sought to fuse the study of
psychological phenomena with analyses of whole cultures. Folk psychology,
as it was called, did not, however, last very long in scientific esteem.
Wilhelm Wundt.© Nicku/Shutterstock.com