Igital Apital: Harnessing The Power of Business Webs
Igital Apital: Harnessing The Power of Business Webs
Igital Apital: Harnessing The Power of Business Webs
Business webs (“b-webs”) are the new platform for competition and the new creators of value in the twenty-first century.
Service Producers
Providers Suppliers
Simply put, a b-web is a partner network of up to
five key constituents, linked via digital channels:
Customers Infrastructure
B-webs are important in the digital economy because they are the only means by which digital capital can be accessed, increased
and ultimately converted into market value. Digital capital is the sum of three knowledge assets:
The central challenge of business in the digital economy is to form and build reserves of digital capital by harnessing the power of
business webs. Specifically, b-webs allow you to gain human capital without having to own it, to access customer capital through the
formation of mutual relationships and to benefit form the structural capital other parties provide. To that end, there are now five well
established b-web models which are proving to be successful in the creation of digital capital:
• Agoras – Open marketplaces where people come together to discover prices
• Aggregations – Online intermediaries who organize and coordinate a marketplace
• Value Chains – Integrators who manage the supply chain efficiently
• Alliances – Pools of knowledge shared by many working towards a common goal
• Distributive Networks – The backbone and infrastructure systems of the digital economy
In the years ahead, participation in b-webs will become an imperative rather than an option. In the era of digital customers, only those
firms which are leading or actively participating in a b-web will have a sustainable competitive advantage.
The Creation and Harvest Business webs are of commercial significance because they
of Digital Capital create digital capital. In the new economy, digital capital is
Main Idea transforming entire industries and creating wealth in entirely new
Business webs are replacing industrial-age corporations as the
commercial entities for creating wealth in the digital economy. Digital capital adds a new dimension to the three types of capital
B-webs are inventing new value propositions, changing the rules which have traditionally been classified as intellectual capital:
of competition for entire industries and combining people and n Human capital – the combined capability of every person
resources together in new and productive ways. In doing so, within an organization to create value for customers. It
b-webs are creating a new form of capital called digital capital – includes the skills, knowledge, intellect, creativity and
the currency of the new economy and the driving force behind know-how of each individual in an organization. In the
the market valuations awarded Internet companies by stock industrial economy, each business enterprise attempted to
markets around the world. build as much human capital as it could afford. In a b-web, the
In short, creating and then harvesting digital capital is rapidly human capital of all participants can be accessed by
becoming the key challenge of business, and the most effective everyone – dwarfing what was possible in the old economy.
vehicle for creating more digital capital is the b-web business n Customer capital – an organization’s established
model. relationships with customers and suppliers. When
Supporting Ideas internetworked through a b-web, the customer capital of each
participant combines to form the relationship capital available
The key question in business today is not: to the entire b-web. In other words, multidirectional links form
“What’s driving the changes in the economy?” which provide marketing benefits for everyone.
Instead, business leaders should be focusing squarely on an n Structural capital – the business processes and marketplace
entirely different question: know-how by which an enterprise meets customer
“What should I and my organization be doing requirements. Once again, a b-web enhances and extends
now to respond to all those changes taking place?” the structural capital of each participant – by allowing the
knowledge, processes and tools provided by any participant
The industrial economy was built around the production and
to flow to the point of need. B-webs also change the rules of
movement of physical goods and services – a scarcity mindset.
market leadership, which has direct implications on the
By contrast, the new economy has an abundance mindset,
impact of structural capital.
brought about by the fact many offerings are knowledge based
and embedded in the design and production processes. In summary, b-webs are the most productive engines available
in the new economy for creating digital capital. They redefine the
Therefore, to win in the new economy, the formula is simple –
boundaries of the traditional firm and revolutionize the idea of
deliver better value than everyone else at a lower price. But no
single company can be the world-class lowest cost provider of
everything it needs. Therefore, standalone companies are The Internet is rapidly becoming the most efficient infrastructure
giving way to an entirely new commercial entity where for all business activity. As it becomes the backbone of the new
companies work together to create added value – b-webs. economy, all sectors of the business world are being
transformed. Those companies which can accumulate the
A business web is a distinct (yet flexible) combination of
largest reserves of digital capital will have market valuations that
suppliers, distributors, service providers, infrastructure
reflect a premium for that digital capital.
providers and customers that use the Internet as their primary
means of communication and transactions. That’s part of the reason why, at present, the combined market
valuation of new economy public companies far eclipses the
Companies may participate in several b-webs, each of which
market valuation of the traditional titans – auto, steel, energy,
competes fiercely for the same customers. An industryspace (for
manufacturing and finance.
example, the software industry) may have several b-webs
competing within it. Significantly, however, this is still the early days of the b-web as a
new corporate form. It’s not yet clear how b-webs will demand
The key features of all b-webs are:
new types of thinking, behaving and being. Nor is it yet clear to
n They use the Internet as their primary infrastructure. what degree the new economy will transform the everyday lives
n They deliver innovative new value propositions. of people around the world.
n They have many participating business enterprises, all What is clear, however, is that b-webs are part of the process of
cooperating and competing with everyone else. learning how to maximize the creation of digital capital. While the
n They focus on customer value – not making and selling. Internet has grown at an impressive rate in its lifetime, it has not
yet even reached the mainstream – it’s still made up mostly of
n They are lead by a context provider – who manages customer the early adopters. In that environment, it’s to be expected that
relationships and coordinates the value creating activities. many early b-web experiments will fail. On the other hand, some
n They have rules and standards everyone knows. b-webs (like Cisco and MP3) have already been spectacular
n All participants exchange data in depth. successes. One thing, however, is already clear, even at this
early stage of development. B-webs offer such compelling and
n There are five classes of value contributors:
abundant opportunities for the creation of digital capital that
• Customers – who receive value and contribute value.
businesses will ignore them at their own peril – they will either
• Context providers – who manage the b-web.
adopt effective b-web strategies or fade away into commercial
• Content providers – who develop the goods and services.
• Service providers – who provide enabling services.
• Infrastructure providers – who provide resources.
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So how do you go about building a new b-web? It’s usually a six The three key challenges and opportunities of building a new
step process: b-web are:
Step 1 -- Describe
For the marketspace you’re targeting, analyze and Key challenges and opportunities
articulate the customer value proposition currently
in use – and why this proposition now exists.
In asking this question, you’re aligning your thinking with the
Managing the Using relationship Selecting the right
customer’s perspective and challenging the conventional
people involved capital effectively business model
products and services that have met this need until now.
Step 2 – Disaggregate
Look at all those businesses which currently create value
Challenge #1 – Managing the people involved
meeting that value proposition. What are their strengths and
weaknesses? How do they compare with your b-web? The network makes it feasible and realistic for people beyond
the normal boundaries of the firm to participate in the process of
In this step, you’re attempting to uncover any human,
creating digital capital. In other words, each member of a b-web
relationship or structural capital that could be brought into the
can access and apply the human capital available from all other
new b-web. Specifically, you’re looking for opportunities to
parts of that b-web. In turn, the internetworking and virtual
create digital capital within the current value system.
pooling of all the human capital of the entire b-web creates a
Step 3 -- Visualize fertile environment for high performance. In the central value
What new value proposition will your creating activities of the digital economy, those b-webs with the
b-web propose and deliver on? greatest access to broad and deep amounts of human capital
Essentially this step asks you to identify how you can apply will have a significant competitive advantage.
digital technologies to enhance the value proposition – in the Challenge #2 – Using relationship capital effectively
process creating entirely new competencies, new product and
In a b-web, customer capital (established relationships)
new service offerings.
becomes relationship capital. That’s because b-webs change
Step 4 -- Reaggregate the nature of marketing completely. Since everyone in a b-web
What are the processes, contributors, applications and communicates actively with everyone else, marketing is no
technologies you’ll need to deliver on the new value longer a matter of projecting a brand name through mass media
proposition? And who, therefore, must be part of the b-web? placements. Instead, customers become more empowered.
You are now designing the b-web model required to deliver on Customers become actively involved in two-way marketing, and
that new value proposition. Part of this will be deciding who even participate in the price fixing processes. And since
contributes what amongst all b-web participants, and how the transaction costs are lowered in a b-web, marketing becomes
rewards will be split amongst those delivering the various more of an interactive communications exercise. That is, the job
components. of the marketer changes from selling products to accumulating
and growing the relationship capital reserves within the b-web.
Step 5 – Value Map
That means:
Design a visual map showing all requisite
• Shopping will take place anytime, anyplace, anyway.
value exchanges within the b-web
• Two-way communication will replace promotions.
Value maps graphically represent the flow, within the b-web, of: • Prices will become flexible and personalized.
• Goods, services and money. • Customers will pay for experiences, not products.
• Knowledge, including strategic information. • The creation of relationship capital will drive revenues.
• Intangibles, such as brand names, customer loyalty, etc. • Prospects become candidates for relationships, not markets.
The value map helps clarify the key relationships and value
Challenge #3 – Selecting the right business model
exchanges that will take place within the b-web.
In the digital marketplace, companies adopt the optimum
Step 6 – Fine-tune your b-web mix
business models as competitive weapons. Therefore, selecting
Select which b-web model you’ll run with, and
the right business model – and remaining agile enough to move
customize a basic model to fit your requirements.
to a different model if necessary – can be a determining factor
Armed with your value map, you can now decide on which b-web between success and failure.
model to start with. Take that general model as a core organizing
There are five general types of b-web business models, each of
approach, and fine tune your specific b-web. Retain some
which is developed around a different organizing principle:
flexibility and ability to alter your b-web as planning moves
• Agora – dynamic pricing
forward, since not every proposed relationship will fall into place
• Aggregation – selection and pricing
as planned. Put together a complete b-web that will:
• Value Chain – process integration
• Deliver on your new value proposition.
• Alliance – creativity
• Create enhanced value for the end customer.
• Distributive Network – allocation / distribution
• Provide differentiation from everyone else.
• Deliver a sustainable competitive advantage. The key challenge in building a successful b-web is to design a
• Reduce costs for all b-web participants. b-web mix that enhances customer value, provides competitive
• Have clearly identifiable sources of profit. differentiation as well as a sustainable competitive advantage
• Achieve what you set out to do. and reduces costs for all participants. Achieve that and a vast
amount of digital capital can be generated.
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