EN 50525 Part 1
EN 50525 Part 1
EN 50525 Part 1
To the LowVoltage Directive, 2o14l35/EU, RoHS Die.r.i\e 2o77/65/EU
Type of Product: Electric Cables: Low voltage Energy Cables upto& including '1000V(PVC)
Il ascd on Safcry tcsrs witnessed and repon reviewed by QMG|- R olli flcx fest Dalashoels- A'. 'B' & 'rUv-S U l)
rep. daled 10.05 2018
Applicablc standrrds : EN 50525-2-l l(201l); 8N50525-2-ll(2011)i8N60754-l,EN60l12-l-22.
[N 603]2-3-24, EN 6101,1-2
ynnufacturcr's Technical Filc:RFTF-CE-0li hC I)ccla|xlion ofconformity: RCPL/DOC-01
Othcr info: IEC 60227"3r IEC 60227-5 ll.C 60221-7 i lS-694i ASTM-D 2863
yanufacturer ensurcs that the manufacturcd products will be identical to the samples evaluatcd
We conl rrn that tlre samp es evaluated, accord ng to our rev ew oithe above test fepolrs and w th ouf como ementary
eva uaton. wthoutany reasonable doubl rllfulillthereq0jrernentsconcernlngeedricalsafellaccordingtoabove
.rent oned standards harmonlz€d wilh the Low Voltage Dir€ctive 2014l35/EU and RoHS2 D rective 201V65/EU. Obvlous
e ectrca satety sks otherthan those covered bythe above standafdswefe not revealed duringo!.eva ualions.
V,A.S.-bfl""e" '
> M.G. Sawyendra
Aulhorized Sisnatory
203 Narasi b dgs,3, LIC colony, Yeshwanlpur. Date:06.July-2018
Banga ore 560022 Ex.H @ d CS A i ntern ati o na I,
Thiscerlif catenayonybe reproduced . tsenlretyand wlhoutanychange
Nol6 Puducls the Enap.an Union aft stbje.ia th. rcqtiren nB td Ianh n tha Etapean Dn..irs fu s thd t.tptnjtbng of th. peson pta.i,E the
ptuaud an the Europeah nattut to.rstft.onpliance \|itt opplicdble Dnedlret A* t*vices ne i|terded to prcride rtu eith thedata ra.ded b demihe
thc canplionce but tha pesah placi,tg the protlud tu th. E topean na*e t ,ill hos the rc spa,t ibi lity ta an turc aach pladd .anpli.s \|hh the Wliable
E (ffi M.c. Sathydddra
Authorhod Slgndtory
Datei 08-July-2018
Ex Dbector Bls
Ex-flo ad C SA I ntoma tI o n a I,
tnt rtek 6eW, Tach
chatman, auaw cel IEEMA
rr'ro rean ore"perience i"*&;onlt4o rrte.4d,jonar . edrtaarion J