What Is Revolution
What Is Revolution
What Is Revolution
Laura Neitzel
Department of History
Brookdale Community College
Revolution has been central to the formation of the modern world. The word itself refers
to radical, transformative change and has many generic uses describing phenomena from
the “industrial revolution” to the “sexual revolution.” As a historical process,
“revolution” refers to a movement, often violent, to overthrow an old regime and effect
complete change in the fundamental institutions of society. After the French Revolution
of the 18th century which deposed the monarchy and attempted to refashion society from
top to bottom, revolution became synonymous with the radical overcoming of the past..
Modernity, many came to believe, could only be achieved through such violent and total
The inspiration for many 20th century revolutions was the Russian Revolution of 1917 led
by Vladimir Lenin and inspired by the ideas of Marxist Communism. Marx believed that
revolution was necessary to move societies from one historical stage to the next, and his
formulation strengthened the perception of revolution as a universal and inevitable
process in world history. For over a half century, the Russian Revolution provided
would-be revolutionaries throughout the world with a model for political revolution and
socio-economic transformation. The Soviet Union’s example was especially inspirational
to anti-colonial and nationalist revolutionaries, from China’s Sun Yat-sen to Vietnam’s
Ho Chi Minh, who saw in the experience of the USSR solutions to the dilemmas of their
own countries.
The Iranian Revolution of the late 20th century provides yet another model of revolution.
The Islamist revolution of 1979 sought the radical transformation of a state and society
perceived by many as overly secular and tainted by Western values and culture. The
Iranian Revolution placed nationalist, Islamic values at the center of government and
society and became yet another example of modern, revolutionary change. (See also the
unit “The Middle East and Asia: Revolutions in Comparative Perspective,” available on
the ExEAS Asian Revolutions in the Twentieth Century website.)
The twentieth century was an age of revolution in much of Asia. One factor promoting
radical change in many Asian nations was the pressure of Euro-American imperialism,
starting in the 19th century. As England, then France, Germany, and the United States
industrialized in the nineteenth century, their global reach expanded along with their
demand for a variety of raw materials. A belief in the superiority of Western values
combined with economic and technological innovations in shipbuilding, weaponry, and
communications to create a potent mix that would challenge Asian societies in many
The Asian experience of imperialism and revolution was as varied as Asia itself. India,
directly colonized by Britain starting in the 18th century, saw the development of a small,
professional middle class and a political organization, the Indian National Congress,
which spearheaded the nationalist anti-colonial movement of the 20th century. China,
humiliated in the Opium Wars of the mid-19th century, was never colonized but lost
substantial economic and political sovereignty as European nations, the U.S., and Japan
established treaty ports and spheres of influence in the country, factors which fueled the
first revolution in Asia in the 20th century, the Republican Revolution of 1911. Japan,
weakened by unequal treaties it was forced to sign with Western powers in the 1850s,
transformed itself by the beginning of the 20th century into an industrial powerhouse with
colonies of its own — a process historians have hesitated to call a “revolution” but one
which was undeniably “revolutionary.” Southeast Asian societies, from the Philippines
to Vietnam, would also become colonies of various Western countries. The experience
of imperialism helped spark many of the revolutions of 20th century Asia. It was the
historical condition that radicalized revolutionaries from Ho Chi Minh and Mao Tse-tung,
to Mohandas Gandhi.
Many Asian revolutionaries sought not simply to achieve independent nationhood, but
also to transform their societies internally. In the early 20th century, many believed that
becoming modern required the elimination of old hierarchies and the creation of new,
more equal social relations. In China, this meant condemning old Confucian customs and
hierarchies and undertaking fundamental socio-economic and political reforms.
Mohandas Gandhi took a different approach, rejecting Western-inspired “civilization”
and advocating a return to “traditional” Indian ways. In both examples, internal
transformation was considered a necessary component of revolution for national