ASDS Graduation Message 2019 PDF
ASDS Graduation Message 2019 PDF
ASDS Graduation Message 2019 PDF
J. Rosales Avenue, Butuan City
Dear Graduates:
As it t has always been said and believed that diversity is the art of thinking independently together. The
word gives us a definition that actually goes beyond differences but highlights how variety of ideas mold a
stronger group or community.
It is with this principle that we embrace diversity inside schools while offering just opportunities for all. It
is with this truth that we emphasize the beauty of differences into forging unity.
I believe that diversity in unity starts in schools – the training ground of the young minds. How schools
serve as a melting pot of different ideas, beliefs, practices and perspectives and yet still thrive into producing
quality graduates is only a testament how inclusive and indiscriminate quality education would be of help
to the community outside the school grounds. How schools are accepting differences and yet still gather
these children into fulfilling the academes’ visions and missions is a very powerful image that reflects the
strength of a collective action regardless of the differences. This is not only called compromise; it is called
It is again the time of the year when we send pupils and students into a more complex battleground. These
young minds whom we have trained hard inside the four corners of the classrooms are only a reflection of
the kind of education we are offering. Going out from our embrace, these graduates will one day integrate
to the real world and make themselves contributors and catalysts of change in the communities where they
belong. And because we have instilled in them the power of making choices and becoming agents of unity
amidst diversity, we as well have already become a factory of good deeds in the world.
To the graduates, continue to show the world of the real power of education. It is transformative. It is
integrative. It is evaluative.
Congratulations and God bless us all!