Coca Cola 160729050718
Coca Cola 160729050718
Coca Cola 160729050718
The Coca Cola Company is one of the biggest manufacturers, distributer and
marketers of beverages in the world. It was formed in 1886. Coca Cola offers
more than 400 brands in approximately more than 312 countries.
Coca Cola is a multinational company who started its business on May 1886 in
Atlanta as a beverage (formal drink) industry. Dr. John Styth Pemberton made
a cough syrup which he named “coke” on 8th may 1886. Its price was 5 cent
per glass and was available at the largest pharmacy of Atlanta known by the
name of Jacob’s Pharmacy. Later on it was purchased by a well known
businessman Asa Griggs Candler who introduced it as a “carbonated soft
drink” in the market and hid marketing tactics led coke to Coca Cola and it
dominated the market of carbonated soft drinks throughout the twentieth
In 1895 the company started to sell their product coke in bottles which was a
strategy of the company to be recognized well in the International market.
Their strategy worked and the bottled form of coke was successfully
recognized all over the world in the beginning of 1896. Now a day’s Coca Cola
is the most famous and highly consumed brand in all over the world.
The Coca-Cola Company re-entered India through its wholly owned subsidiary,
Coca-Cola India Private Limited and re-launched Coca-Cola in 1993 after the
opening up of the Indian economy to foreign investments in 1991. Since then its
operations have grown rapidly through a model that supports bottling
operations, both company owned as well as locally owned and includes over
7,000 Indian distributors and more than 2.2 million retailers. Today, our brands
are the leading brands in most beverage segments. The Coca-Cola Company's
brands in India include Coca-Cola, Fanta Orange, Limca, Sprite, Thums Up,
Burn, Kinley, Maaza, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange, Minute Maid Nimbu Fresh and
the Georgia gold, range of teas and coffees and Vitingo (a beverage fortified
with micro-nutrients).
In India, the Coca-Cola system comprises of a wholly owned subsidiary of The Coca-
Cola Company namely Coca-Cola India Pvt Ltd which manufactures and sells
concentrate and beverage bases and powdered beverage mixes, a Company-owned
bottling entity, namely, Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd; thirteen licensed
bottling partners of The Coca-Cola Company, who are authorized to prepare, package,
sell and distribute beverages under certain specified trademarks of The Coca-Cola
Company; and an extensive distribution system comprising of our customers,
distributors and retailers. Coca-Cola India Private Limited sells concentrate and
beverage bases to authorized bottlers who are authorized to use these to produce our
portfolio of beverages .These authorized bottlers independently develop local
markets and distribute beverages to grocers, small retailers, supermarkets,
restaurants and numerous other businesses. In turn, these customers make our
beverages available to consumers across India.
According to the organizational chart there are five hierarchical levels at the
corporate level.
Managing Director (MD)
Human Resource Managers
Marketing Manager
Finance Manager
Production Manager
Quality Manager
Administrator Manager
The Coca Cola Company consists of just a three layers of flat hierarchy. Due
to this the top level management has the duty of setting the goals and
objectives of the company. Planning is also done by the upper level managers.
Organizing is the second management function. The following steps are taken by
the Coca Cola Company in organizing their goals and objectives:
Work Specialization
Delegation and Accountability
Resource Allocation
On the basis of functional approach the Coca Cola Company is divided into
different departments. Grouping of employees is done on the basis of their
common skills and work activities. Such kind of approach helps the company in
solving their problems and it also make the less the need of training to the
employees specially. The general manger is head of all the departments so all the
department have to report to the general manager in the Coca Cola Company.
There are five major departments in the company which are as follow:
Production Department
Industrial Relations Department
Sales and Marketing Department
Human Capital Department
Finance Department
Production Department: This department looks around all the production of
the company. All plants in the country are in under its control.
Industrial Relation Department: This department deals with the problems of
the employees. The department listen the problems of the employees and
send them to the higher authorities for settling them up and stop them from
becoming a hurdle in the work progress of the company.
Sales and Marketing department: This department makes sure that the
product is easily available in the market for the customers to buy and deals
with the issues of advertisement, promotion, and distribution of the product.
Human Capital Department: This department takes care of the efficient
workers of the company, they select some efficient workers of in the company
recommend their names for promotion in job so that the workers remain
happy and don’t leave the company. Management level employees are dealt
by the department.
Finance Department: The department is concerned with cost and price of
the products produced by the company. It also tackles with import related
issues of the company. Finance department is assisted by the sales and
marketing department in making invoices and payroll entries.
Work specialization
When the issue of resource allocation comes into action ,the Coca Cola
Company has given the authority to managers to use the resources of the
company where ever and whenever they are needed. Only they are required
to get the approval from the manager if those assets belong to his
department. The resources can be capital, labor, machinery or anything else.
The following major steps are taken by the Coca Cola Company in the Directing
Corporate Culture
Coca Cola Company gives high attention to the motivation of the employees.
Promotions of hardworking employees are a part of the company’s policy.
Promotions of employees are done on the performance basis which is a great
motivation for the employee that higher his performance there is more
chance of his promotion.
Beside from promotion strategy the Coca Cola Company also uses the
compensation strategy to motivate the employee; Coca Cola is paying
industrial average in compensation. Not only this different campaigns and
competitions between the employees itself are also used to motivate the
Managers play a very important role in the motivation of the employees in
Coca-Cola Company. They help them in all their problems either they are
personnel or professional. They give them feedback on their performance
which makes the employee feel good. Working environment and a challenging
milestone are a major factor in employee motivation in the company.
There is an open environment in the Coca Cola Company which allows the
employees to communicate with each other and it allows the information to
flow inside the company and discourages the barriers between members to
share information. Before making the decisions the top level managers discuss
it with the middle level managers and before decision making it is shared till
the end of the hierarchy. The Coca Cola Company allows the employees that
anyone of them can meet the general manager if he/she is facing any kind of
Interdepartmental communication is done in the form of formal and informal
manners. To get the feedback of the employees and get the view of the
employee about the manager the grapevine is used.
Corporate culture
The top management of the Coca Cola tries to follow the prescribed culture
of the organization. Coca Cola has formal and documented values that are
communicated to all the employees. The top level manager acts as role
models to make sure that the rules and regulations are been applied in the
company and closely administrator review their employee’s behavior.
The company does the recruitment process when there is a position empty
and the recruitment is always done on permanent basis in Coca Cola
Recruitment is done when the manger needs the employee under him and he
send the request to the general manager and after the approval of the
general manager the request is sent to the Human Resource Department.
In Coca Cola firstly all the vacancies are announced within the organization so
that if there is someone who can fulfill the requirements can get him/herself
promoted or can refer someone of his relative to join if he is capable of that
job. If there are no suitable persons than the company searches its bank
where there are huge amount of application of the applicants. If there also
they find no person suitable for the job then at last they give the
advertisement in the newspaper etc.
In this function the company evaluates that either they have achieved the goals
which they had set before. If the answer is “yes” then the employees and
managers are rewarded with bonuses and other ways and vice versa. In the
following we’ll come to know that how the Coca Cola Company performs its
controlling function?
Sales Person’s Reporting System :
Sales person had to report to the market developer area every day about his
activities. He give him record of the per day sales and he can get any kind of
assistance by the area market developer anytime on any matter.
Attendance of the sales person is taken with the punch card system, with the help
of which the entry and exit time of the sales person is recorded.
Every sales person is given a route card in which there are details of the visit of
the outlets, how much time he spent on the outlets, number of sales made on the
outlets, the time taken during travelling from one outlet to the other, name of the
loader and sales person and the entry and exit time of the vehicle.
Apart from this the sales person is also given a forum to fill up for the orders
of the next day to be loaded in the truck. This makes the managers know that
how much sales of which brand and the size of the product are been done by
the sales person. The information is useful for the human resource
department because they have to evaluate the total performance and
calculate the total salary of the sales person.