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Condition Monitoring Ebook

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The Next Steps

Special Report SPONSORED BY

The Next Steps

3 ways to use data to drive productivity

Condition-based monitoring (CBM) using sensors, video cameras equipment management. But condition monitoring can be
and other real-time data tracking tools represents one of the invaluable, too, in helping optimize use of arguably a plant’s most
greatest leaps forward for industrial production facilities in the important (and probably most expensive) asset: its workforce.
quest for smarter, more cost-efficient asset management. The
manufacturing sector has a long ways to go before it meets How so? The real-time data generated by condition monitoring
prognosticators’ vision of a plant where every piece of equipment systems can help asset owners and service providers 1) enable
has a smart sensor on it, but the growing adoption of CBM tools faster and more accurate responses from customer support
means that plants are able to make more-informed, more timely teams, leading to improved customer satisfaction, 2) maximize
decisions than ever before about maintenance tasks and allocation the efficiency of on-the-floor or in-the-field workers, and 3)
of resources. promote cross-functional collaboration and knowledge transfer.

Plant managers increasingly are recognizing and seizing on Let’s consider each of these three workforce applications of CBM
CBM’s potential to play an integral role in their strategy for data in more detail.

Achieve Best-in-Class Lubrication | 2

Customer support management, but contextualizing the integrated with equipment sensors allows
One highly valuable application for condition data gathered—whether it’s adding the for automatic, accurate data capture and
monitoring data is in the area of after- critical lens of operating environmental dissemination of this data to all relevant
market customer-support services. By conditions to asset performance parties—technicians, facility managers,
deploying an information architecture as information or plotting real-time data procurement directors and more.
part of a purchase/licensing agreement with against historical trending data and
customers, equipment manufacturers and performance objectives—is essential to Why is this so important? Understanding
other industrial service providers can help realizing CBM’s full benefits. Furthermore, how a particular piece of equipment is
track and deliver promised ROI to customers. understanding how condition monitoring performing both right now (thanks to
can help optimize productivity not real-time data capture) and over time
Is Product X delivering promised results? just of physical assets but also of the (thanks to data aggregation and easily
An automated data-gathering platform workforce can help manufacturers unlock generated trending-performance reports)
tracking Product X can deliver clear CBM’s true potential: as an unparalleled helps plant managers and reliability pros
answers. This integrated information competitiveness-boosting tool. make better decisions about when to
architecture can offer a real-time view deploy technicians for maintenance tasks.
into how products are performing in a Efficiency in the field And when all relevant parties are able to
given customer’s facility, enabling the One of the top challenges for plants have the same view of the same data sets
manufacturer’s customer support team to when it comes to data management is at the same time, there’s less room for
quickly pinpoint and discern how to resolve that maintenance information from the miscommunication or misinterpretation.
any performance issues and optimize use of floor still often is logged by hand. In fact, Decision-making can be faster as well as
the product. Improved productivity for not a recent Plant Services/ARC Advisory more collaborative.
only the client but also the manufacturer’s Group survey of plant maintenance,
customer support team is the result. engineering and management Field technicians can focus on performing
professionals found that paper remains assigned maintenance without having to
Speedier resolution of issues = more- the most widely used tool for data also devote significant time to entering
satisfied customers, and a more-satisfied collection. data readings and documenting their
customer base is likely to make for more- work. Time saved on data entry means
satisfied customer support team, offering Manual data entry holds huge potential greater time available for other predictive
the chance for cost savings via reduced for error and misinterpretation, both in or precision maintenance tasks. A well-
employee turnover. recording and reading asset data. Manual built information infrastructure that
data entry is even more complicated in enables automatic data capture frees
Condition monitoring may represent challenging physical environments—low- technicians to do what they do best and
the future of asset performance light areas, for example. A software system get more done in less time.

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 3

This kind of productivity possibility isn’t Beyond equipment sensors, wearable Maintenance and reliability technicians who
just theoretical, either. For example, BP devices also can be part of the workforce have worked on the floor for five or 15 years
Alternative Energy, which focuses on efficiency (and safety) puzzle. Sensors and have intimate familiarity with a plant’s
the wind, solar, and biofuels markets, that track where workers are on-site can machines offer perspective that managers in
found that handing over the tasks of data help those in the control room identify the control room or procurement directors
gathering/analysis and report generation who’s best able to respond when a thousands of miles away don’t have, and
on its wind farms to a computerized critical issue arises, for example, possibly vice-versa. Data-sharing platforms that
performance management system saved preventing costly unplanned downtime. allow workers to pull up key dashboards and
the cost of one full-time employee. And if equipment sensors detect an performance metrics on a mobile device in
The finding was reported in a 2011 emerging environmental hazard and relay the field or from a desktop computer in the
presentation in which BP participated that data, supervisors can act quickly to office let all relevant players be at the table,
along with Inexcon Technologies, notify workers in the area and move them so to speak, without having to physically
developer of the Ekho Performance out of harm’s way. bring everyone together.
Management System (built using San
Leandro, CA-based OSIsoft’s proprietary Cross-functional collaboration Manufacturers increasingly are seeing
PI System). BP reported also that “Collaborating around similar information the benefits of software architectures
the software system produced such is powerful,” says Enrique Herrera, market that allow for sharing of data across a
significant time savings that the company principal for connected services at OSIsoft. company’s facilities. This means that plants
saw a 90% reduction in manual labor in can—as needed—crowd-source solutions
several areas. The buzz surrounding Big Data focuses to an immediate maintenance problem
on the potential for more and better data and collaboratively identify opportunities
Shon Isenhour, a partner at educational to inform smarter action—decisions can to improve processes or seize on potential
training provider Eruditio, discussed with be grounded in metrics and real-time equipment efficiencies. Collaboration can
Plant Services how he sees data analysis information, not hunches or estimates. But invite corroboration, too: Data provides a
technologies helping plants fill a skills gap there’s a critical human element to making framework for decision-making, mitigating
and more efficiently make use of data the best use of Big Data that receives less the potential for disputes about whether
that they gather. “By using wireless and attention, and that’s the collaboration that and why something should be done.
route-based collection of the data with Herrera notes. Moreover, involving multiple parties from
general maintenance technicians and a plant’s workforce in the decision-making
remote analysis,” he says, “we can reduce Data enables more-informed decision- process promotes a sense that varied
the need for high-skill PdM technicians at making, but the most effective and efficient perspectives are valued—and in an age of
each site and pull together multiple sites’ solutions are arrived at when multiple concern about retaining newer members
data remotely for analysis by a single well- stakeholders are able to bring their unique of the manufacturing workforce, this kind
qualified individual.” perspective and insights to the table. of employee engagement is vital.

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 4

Condition Monitoring in the Cloud
More software and service offerings are leveraging the cloud to extend CBM’s reach

by Sheila Kennedy, Managing director of Additive Communications

Eager to embrace condition monitoring but concerned about The cloud facilitates data sharing “across sites and even country
data storage and other practical issues? Cloud-based solutions boundaries,” says Erik Lindhjem, executive product manager
are coming to the rescue. of GE’s Bently Nevada software. He adds: “Leveraging this new
deployment model enables us to engage with our clients in a
Cloud-Enabled Software more real-time model.”
Cloud access to CBM solutions allows for a more holistic view
of asset health. GE and Meridium’s Production Asset Reliability “With enhanced asset management and data analysis, plant
(PAR) platform, which combines GE Measurement & Control’s operators and executives can derive a true picture of asset health,
System 1 condition monitoring software with Meridium’s optimize production, better understand the asset life cycle,
enterprise performance management and asset strategy improve safety and manage risk,” adds Sunith Roy, Meridium VP
solutions, joins asset and production data collected from multiple of integration and development.
plants with the alarms and events from condition monitoring
solutions. The platform triggers actions based on customer work The @ptitude Connect cloud service from SKF also provides
processes and preferences. plantwide or enterprise-wide access to machine condition

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 5


www.ge-mcs.com www.skf.com www.azimadli.com

www.meridium.com www.osisoft.com www.siemens.com

data via the Internet. It enables secure, “A cloud-based approach removes Siemens’ Asset Analytics Services offering
real-time access to subscription-based technical barriers that exist in on-premise aims to increase machines’ and production
SKF condition monitoring software and operations,” explains Michael Moore, global lines’ availability and reliability. Large
avoids the time and costs required to solutions architect at OSIsoft. volumes of physical and process data are
implement and manage the software recorded and transmitted to a Siemens
infrastructure in-house. Service Advantages operations center for analysis; customers
Online condition monitoring services receive results via a Web portal or report.
“One of the strongest benefits we hear provide ready access to asset experts. Automatic alarms are generated for
from our customers is how it eliminates Azima DLI’s reliability service offerings critical conditions.
their dealings with IT personnel, which span all CBM areas and utilize certified
can be a nightmare, and allows them to personnel who have diagnostic expertise. “We have met with customers who
instead focus on keeping their machines “Deploying our Watchman Services over decided to use their own in-house expert
running,” says Luis Econom, manager a cloud-based infrastructure improves to develop a condition monitoring
of cloud services and solutions at the ability to maintain a large distributed program,” says Martin Brucherseifer,
SKF. With OSIsoft’s PI Cloud Connect, system,” remarks Laurent La Porte, Azima Siemens’ U.S. practice lead for asset
authorized users can subscribe to receive DLI director of technical services. analytics. “Some programs failed for a
data from PI Systems (a real-time data simple reason – the expert either left the
and event management tool), to allow The transparency that cloud-based systems company or took another job. A cloud-
for collaboration among personnel at offer can drive better performance, based service is an improvement because
multiple sites as well as trusted service adds Dave Geswein, Azima DLI product it provides access to many dedicated
providers, contract manufacturers, engineer. “If many stakeholders can see experts who can provide continuity and
and others who need access to the that an asset is overdue for data collection, sustainable results.”
production data. then that asset is likely going to receive the
attention it needs,” he says.

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 6

Information Software in Your Toolbox
Provide new levels of productivity and connectivity to existing assets

by Ryan Cahalane, Rockwell Automation

People, processes, and technologies are connecting and frictionless for machine- and user-focused capabilities across
collaborating as never before. Converging information operations without making major investments in new equipment.
technologies and operational technologies are driving Capital expenditures are limited across many industries, requiring
this transformation – creating the Connected Enterprise – companies to focus their efforts on connecting and optimizing
and are having a huge impact on global productivity and their assorted mix of equipment that’s already in place.
competitiveness. Because the Connected Enterprise leverages
enhancing technologies such as the Internet of Things, there are Think about digital photography. The move to digital didn’t change
virtually no limits to the ways in which collaboration can take what makes a good photograph, but the ability to easily tag an
place. It can and will continually evolve and improve to meet the image to a location or another member of a social network has
needs of the user. changed how we use and value photography in incredible ways. It
has created new products, businesses and trends, from Facebook,
The challenge for manufacturers and industrial operators Instagram, and the “selfie” to user-generated food images driving
is providing connections and collaboration that are nearly customers to (or away from) restaurants the world over.

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 7

For manufacturing, integrated control
and information software similarly can be
a game-changer, allowing collaboration
capabilities to be relatively easily infused
into legacy assets. For example, new
mobile capabilities are being introduced
across platforms such as FactoryTalk®
VantagePoint® v6.1 software from Rockwell
Automation, an enterprise manufacturing
intelligence (EMI) software tool that
provides unseen “frictionless” levels of
customization, delivers data analytics, and
lets users track performance metrics.
Users can now customize content across
desktop and mobile devices to track
data in ways that are unique to specific
viewing preferences, roles, and business
priorities, and then share it instantly
with collaborators. For example, plant
managers can view production rates
across all lines on a single screen so they A Tyson Foods employee accesses a FactoryTalk® VantagePoint® mobile app from his
can quickly react if production targets tablet, from which he is able to monitor ~1,500 data points across cooking, sticking,
are at risk. A reliability manager might battering, frying, freezing and packaging operations.
use the software to keep a close eye on
performance metrics of specific equipment
types – such as variable frequency drives – more open, lean, and modular system. This dashboards show them line or machine
across a site or multiple sites, so they can flexibility empowers all levels of employees, uptime metrics, whereas plant managers
ensure uptime of crucial assets and assist giving them the freedom to develop the might define their view by production rates
in predictive maintenance activities. performance-tracking definitions that are or asset utilization.
most relevant to their specific operations
This new software trend departs from and then to change them as needed, all Energy management is another area in
the traditional define-and-dictate model, without having to burden IT and OT with which information software is allowing
in which the system is preprogrammed additional development. For example, manufacturers and industrial operators to
with specific definitions that dictate what maintenance personnel might be focused take advantage of the Connected Enterprise
users can and cannot do, in favor of a like a laser on uptime and have their and get more out of their legacy equipment.

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 8

that their control and information
software investments will continue to
deliver incremental value with each new
CAN ALLOW COLLABORATION CAPABILITIES TO BE release that is backed by user data.
These changes are leading to a greater
RELATIVELY EASILY INFUSED INTO LEGACY ASSETS. emphasis on system-level thinking, cross-
team collaboration, and use of lean
startup principles during the software
development process.
Energy intelligence software that integrates Enterprise, meaning that products must
with a plant’s existing drives can monitor be developed to live as part of a larger The Connected Enterprise can help
energy usage and help operators better ecosystem with a focus on delivering manufacturers drive exponential value
understand and compare energy costs. It value to different user groups. They must out of their existing equipment and new
allows them to track equipment lifecycles be considered within the context of other investments. Five years into its own
and identify where investments – in products and multiple roles in a plant. Connected Enterprise journey, improved
maintenance or replacements, for example – collaboration and processes have allowed
may be necessary. They also have to keep up with the end Rockwell Automation to lower inventory
user’s evolving needs through regular and realize 30 percent savings annually
This software infusion is transforming how updates and the introduction of new in capital avoidance, reduce supply chain
end users access and use information, but features based on user preferences. For lead times by 50 percent, reduce parts per
it’s also changing how developers create example, users have shown a preference million defects by 50 percent, and improve
and upgrade their offerings. Equipment for device-agnostic mobile capabilities, annual productivity by 4 to 5 percent.
and software can’t be developed as so software applications have shifted to The information is there, in existing and
independent or isolated products, or dynamically display the application and new manufacturing infrastructures. Now
on timelines that don’t allow for quick best fit for the mobile device being used. it’s about connecting the right data
iteration and upgrades. Everything can Through continual software updates, points, people and processes to unleash
now be connected within the Connected exponential value from these systems.
manufacturers should be able to expect

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 9

Just How Big Is Your Data?
Better business decisions come from in-context analytics

by Mike Bacidore, former editor in chief

“Big data” has become the phrase du jour. To transform data into Almost half of respondents (42%) are using a data warehouse to
something valuable, companies must use analysis to develop pull data from their ERP solutions for BI purposes with analytics
information that can be extracted as business intelligence (BI), tools not integrated with their ERP solution. This suggests that
which yields a measurement of how the organization is faring. the full value of real-time BI insight may not be fully achieved.
This in turn lends itself to creating KPIs to quantify progress in Only one-fourth (24%) have their BI functionality built-in to their
efficiencies and productivity. ERP solutions, providing in-context BI with operational processes.

In July, IFS North America (www.ifsworld.com/en-na) released Most companies (74%) are using Excel and operational reports
“Built-In Business Intelligence,” a study it conducted jointly with for data, which can create data-security and synchronization
Advantage Business Media to determine the extent of BI strategies problems. This disconnected information begets a clunky
and how they’re used in ERP systems. Survey respondents included process when trying to apply intelligence where it’s needed,
174 manufacturing executives at medium to large companies. and this often dissuades users from turning big data into big
profits. At best, they’re only able to see the large wake of missed
Most participants said they have a BI strategy in place or in opportunities left behind.
progress (64%), while 36% said they had none. The top reasons
cited were because it was too expensive and too complicated. Overall, the survey revealed that most companies use BI to
Those companies that have implemented a BI program (57%) determine what has already occurred and hopefully understand
said that it’s significantly improved their business operations. why. This helps to make future process improvements, but it falls
Companies with revenues of at least $2.5 billion were most likely short of the agile approach that BI can effect. A more proactive
to have a built-in BI program already in place. application of BI, with the ability to make decisions in real time,
can demonstrate immediate improvements.
Of the companies that indicated they had a BI strategy in place
or in progress, almost two-thirds of them said they’re using BI Having timely intelligence in the context of immediate production
to measure and improve operations. The next highest-rated needs helps to make better bottom-line decisions. Combining
department was sales, which trailed operations by more than 15%. historical warehouse data with real-time operational data allows
ERP systems are designed to automate these transactions, so organizations to gather analytics in-context with business
companies can benefit from in-context analytics that are built-in decisions when they need to be made.
to an ERP solution.

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 10

The Evolving Automation Architecture
The Internet of Things is driving analytic advantage – is your plant ready?

by Jack Tison, SVP of emerging business Industrial IP Advantage and former CTO at Panduit

A Cisco Consulting Services Study from need to be connected to the plantwide value creation. The exciting part about
2014 found that 86% of manufacturers are enterprise to unlock data and allow for these new IoT approaches is the potential
investing in the Internet of Things (IoT) wider scale and more innovative analytic to innovate on an ongoing, sustainable
as they go after an estimated $4 trillion in approaches. This plantwide network fabric basis with access to deeper, richer
benefits for manufacturing applications. is critical for advancing IoT. data and more powerful, flexible data
Meanwhile, new approaches to acquiring analytics for system-level insights. Let’s
Why now? The cost of sensors, sensor data through wireless mesh look at three key areas to grow your IoT
networking, storage and computing has networks have been developed. These architecture.
dropped dramatically. New architecture sensor networks do not connect directly
models and technologies have emerged to critical automation control systems but Connecting Plant and Enterprise. A
that ease deployment and accelerate instead connect to computing resources foundational IP network fabric that follows
time to value. Operations can increase close to the edge and to private/hybrid a validated architecture with security and
overall equipment effectiveness and create cloud resources. These new network scalability will enable the connection of
new value through insights culled from architecture models advance what we can people, processes and technology. This
existing control systems and by adding collaboratively achieve as end users and requires collaboration between IT and
new sensors to track asset health and vendor communities. OT to execute. Maturity models exist to
processing conditions. help frame the task at hand. A holistic
What is the key to faster and larger architecture provides the power and
Traditional automation architectures will return on investment? It lies in leveraging flexibility to take advantage of innovations
continue to evolve to make machines and reference models, architectures, and in sensing, computing, and mobile data
process skids grow smarter. However, there ecosystems to go from opportunity access that are transforming value
is a complication: These equipment assets assessment to pilot project to full-scale creation. Use the Converged PlantWide

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 11


Panduit’s Jack Tison discusses the evolving automation

network architecture, and how IT and OT are converging
on the plant floor to help organizations stay competitive
in the age of the Internet of Things (IoT):


Ethernet (CPwE) architectures to provide in the past, without requiring rip-replace intelligent gateways and routers can provide
the foundation for connecting the plant or risking complications to existing computational services that enable local
floor to the enterprise with defense-in- automation systems and networks. real-time decision-making capabilities.
depth security, including an industrial
demilitarized zone (iDMZ). Computing at the edge. Analyzing data Consider how you will assess and explore
close to the machine or process is not these new models and technologies in
Scaling sensors with wireless mesh a new concept, as evidenced by the order to innovate and compete. Market
networks. Emerging wireless mesh continued success and evolution of industrial leaders have started down this path
solutions that connect to the IP network controllers. For IoT, the need to process data already, so you will not be alone. Great
fabric provide the ability to cost-effectively in industrial real time means that latency ways to start include obtaining education
deploy many wireless sensors across must be reduced in the computing and and training from organizations such
a plant floor. The inherent robustness, storage strategy for data from new wireless as the Industrial IP Advantage (www.
flexibility, and ease of deployment can sensors and other new connected assets industrial-ip.org), becoming involved
be real game changers when calculating such as video. The approach of sending in organizations such as the IoT World
ROI or return on assets. The ability to all data to a public cloud for processing Forum, and developing your own proof
cost-effectively add more sensors on may not prove timely enough for most of concepts of these emerging models
desirable variables can provide predictive manufacturing environments, to say nothing with ecosystem partners. Manufacturing
diagnostics and system optimization of the bandwidth and storage issues as is changing rapidly and will never be the
inputs that could only be dreamed about well as costs that this may generate. Thus, same so the time to act is now.

Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 12

Want to learn more about how a comprehensive information infrastructure
can power productivity, efficiency, and uptime in your plant?
Check out these customer case studies from OSIsoft.


Read Sygenta’s Story: Syngenta: Our Evolution to Controls and Data Services:
Customer Presentation Brief: Connected Services Remote Diagnostics and the
Syngenta’s Journey to an OSIsoft Find out how Connected Services Collaborative Supply Chain
Connected Services Agreement enabled Syngenta to extend their Learn how Connected Services
solutions out to their customers which allows companies to realize the
lead to greater collaboration, and harder-to-reach value of condition
resulted in a trusted partner relationship. monitoring across vendors.


Kongsberg: Applications to Enhanced Black and Veatch: Using Data Analytics

Performance Using the PI System and Connected Services to Remotely
Discover how Kongsberg was able to Monitor and Optimize Energy Usage
allow continuous access to data and Discover how Black and Veatch
provide an increased service value to combined expertise, technology and
their customers. Connected Services to integrate
complex data silos for water utilities. Condition Monitoring: The Next Steps | 13

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