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Cancer Cervix

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Oncology 2016;91(suppl 1):1–7 Published online: July 28, 2016

DOI: 10.1159/000447575

Prevention of Cervix Cancer in India

Gauravi A. Mishra Sharmila A. Pimple Surendra S. Shastri
Department of Preventive Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India

Key Words Introduction

Cervical cancer · Prevention · Screening · HPV vaccine
Globally, cervical cancer is the fourth most common
cancer in women, with an estimated 560,505 new cases
Abstract and 284,923 deaths in 2015. The vast majority, around
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among 85% of cervical cancer cases and 87% of cervical cancer
women globally and the second most common cancer deaths occur in the less developed regions. In these re-
among Indian women. India alone bears 23% of the global gions, cervical cancer accounts for almost 12% of all fe-
cervical cancer burden. In India, population-based cervical male cancers and 10% of all female cancer deaths [1] be-
cancer screening is largely nonexistent in most regions due cause of poor access to screening and treatment services
to competing healthcare priorities, insufficient financial re- [2]. It is the second most common cancer and third most
sources and a limited number of trained providers. Hence, common cause of cancer deaths among women in the less
most of the cases present in advanced stages of the dis- developed regions. In India, cervical cancer is the second
ease, thus leading to increased mortality and reduced sur- most common cancer, with an estimated 132,314 new
vival. Various screening options like cytology, visual-based cases and 73,337 deaths in the year 2015 [1].
screening and testing for high-risk HPV are available. Sev-
eral cross-sectional studies have looked at the comparative
efficacy of different screening tests. Three important ran- Human Papilloma Virus
domized controlled trials from India have shown the effi-
cacy of screening once in a life time with HPV DNA, one-time Infection with high-risk human papilloma virus
screening with VIA by trained nurses and four-time screen- (HPV) and its persistence are necessary though not suf-
ing with VIA by trained primary health workers, reducing ficient causes of cervical cancer. HPV is the most com-
mortality due to cervical cancers. Prevention of cervical can- mon viral infection of the reproductive tract. It is gener-
cers with two-dose HPV vaccination and early detection of ally acquired by young women after the onset of sexual
precancerous cervical lesions of the eligible population activity. The majority of HPV infections do not cause
through screening and their appropriate treatment with a symptoms or disease and resolve spontaneously within 2
single-visit ‘screen-and-treat’ approach appear to be prom- years. According to a meta-analysis of one million wom-
ising for low-middle-income countries including India. en with normal cytological findings, the adjusted HPV
© 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel prevalence worldwide was estimated to be 11.7% [3]. Per-

© 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. Gauravi A. Mishra

0030–2414/16/0917–0001$39.50/0 Department of Preventive Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital
R. No. 312, 3rd Floor, Service Block, E. Borges Marg, Parel
E-Mail karger@karger.com
Mumbai 400 012 (India)
E-Mail mishraga @ tmc.gov.in
sistent infection with high-risk HPV genotypes may re- syphilis increases the cervical cancer risk. The risk may
sult in cervical pre-cancer which, if untreated, may prog- also be increased in women taking immunosuppressive
ress to cervical cancer. The challenge is to identify the medications, women on a diet low in fruits and vegeta-
etiologic cofactors responsible for the persistence of HPV bles, women with long-term use of oral contraceptives
infection and its progression to neoplastic changes. There and women in poverty [9, 13, 14].
are more than 150 types of HPV. Amongst these, the In-
ternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has
defined 12 high-risk HPV types that are associated with HPV Vaccine
cancers in humans (types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52,
56, 58, 59) [4]. Worldwide, the most frequent HPV types Two prophylactic vaccines, a quadrivalent vaccine
are 16 and 18, with HPV 16 being the most common sub- which protects against HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 and a biva-
type [3]. Globally, 70% of invasive cervical cancers are lent vaccine which protects against HPV 16 and 18, are
caused by infection with HPV 16 and 18. 41–67% of high- currently available and marketed in many countries
grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, 16–32% of low- worldwide for the prevention of HPV-related diseases.
grade squamous intraepithelial lesions and 6–27% of The quadrivalent vaccine Gardasil (Merck, USA) was li-
atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance are censed in 2006 and the bivalent vaccine Cervarix (Glaxo
also estimated to be HPV 16/18 positive [5]. It takes 10 Smith Klein, Belgium) was licensed in 2007 [7].
years or longer from the time HPV infection is acquired HPV vaccines are most efficacious if administered be-
to its progress to invasive carcinoma. Cervical lesions can fore the onset of sexual activity, i.e. before first exposure
occur by coinfection or subsequent infection with several to HPV infection. Both vaccines are to be administered as
HPV types [6]. There is no concrete evidence regarding a 0.5-ml intramuscular injection in the deltoid region
whether natural infection with HPV induces protection from the age of 9 years onwards. Two-dose vaccination (0
against reinfection. However, there appears to be a re- and 6 months) in girls aged 9–14 years appeared compa-
duced risk of reinfection with the same HPV type. The rable to the standard 3-dose schedule in women aged 15–
infection does not seem to provide group-specific or gen- 25 years [15]. The quadrivalent HPV vaccine can be ad-
eral immune protection from reinfection with other HPV ministered according to a 2-dose schedule (0.5 ml at 0 and
types [7]. The prevalence of persistent HPV infection, in- 6 months) for girls and boys aged 9–13 years. The third
fection with multiple HPV types and the risk of progres- dose is essential if the second vaccine dose is administered
sion to high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) earlier than 6 months after the first dose. Alternatively,
and cervical cancer is higher among HIV-infected wom- the vaccine can be administered according to a 3-dose
en as compared to women without HIV infection [8]. schedule for those younger than 14 years (0.5 ml at 0, 2
and 6 months) and needs to be necessarily administered
as a 3-dose schedule for those older than 14 years of age,
Other Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer wherein the minimum interval between dose 1 and 2
should be 1 month and the minimum interval between
Several factors increase the risk of cervical cancer. Ear- dose 2 and 3 should be 3 months. The bivalent HPV vac-
ly age at onset of sexual activity and multiple sexual part- cine is recommended as a 2-dose schedule (0.5 ml at 0
ners have been identified as risk factors [9]. IARC has and 6 months) for girls aged 9–14 years and as a 3-dose
listed tobacco smoking as a risk factor for cervical cancer schedule for girls older than 15 years (0.5 ml at 0, 1 and 6
[10]. A pooled analysis from 23 epidemiological studies months). If at any age the second vaccine dose is admin-
showed a 1.5-times greater risk of cervical squamous cell istered before the fifth month after the first dose, the third
carcinoma among current smokers, with the risk being dose needs to be administered [7]. Both vaccines are to be
directly related to the number of cigarettes smoked per maintained at 2–8 ° C and not to be frozen. High antibody

day [11]. In the UK, an estimated 7% of cervical cancers titers have been observed for at least 8.4 years for the bi-
are linked to tobacco smoking [12]. High parity, smoking, valent vaccine with 100% seropositivity, and for at least
nutrition and use of combined hormonal oral contracep- 8 years for the quadrivalent vaccine [16, 17]. High effi-
tives for more than 5 years have been reported as major cacy against HPV 16 and 18 infection and CIN 3 lesions
environmental risk factors for cervical cancer in various was reported in two phase III pre-licensure trials among
studies [13, 14]. Infection with other sexually transmitted HPV-naïve vaccine recipients with the quadrivalent vac-
diseases such as HIV, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea and cine [16, 18]. High efficacy with bivalent vaccine against

2 Oncology 2016;91(suppl 1):1–7 Mishra/Pimple/Shastri

DOI: 10.1159/000447575
infection and cervical lesions associated with HPV 16 and
18 was also observed in two phase III studies [17]. Both
vaccines are safe and are associated with mainly short-
duration local injection site reactions, particularly pain
The vaccines have not been licensed as 2-dose schedule
in all countries and the need for a booster dose has not yet
been established. There is no need to screen for HPV in-
fection or HIV infection prior to HPV vaccination. Both
HPV vaccines can be coadministered with other non-live
and live vaccines using separate syringes and different in-
jection sites [7].
According to the WHO, both the quadrivalent and bi-
valent HPV vaccines have excellent safety and efficacy
profiles. Since the currently available vaccines do not pro- Fig. 1. Cancer education sessions.
tect against all high-risk HPV types, HPV vaccination re-
mains a primary prevention tool and does not eliminate
the need for screening later in life. The WHO recom- of the population at risk and was successful in reducing
mends the HPV vaccination to be included in the nation- the disease burden. A decline in the incidence rates of in-
al immunization program in countries where the preven- vasive cervical cancer by 54% was noted over 35 years in
tion of cervical cancer and/or other HPV-related diseases the United States from 1973 to 2007 [22]. In the UK, from
constitutes a public health priority and vaccine introduc- 1990 to 2008, women aged 35–64 years participating in a
tion is programmatically feasible, sustainable and where cervical cancer screening program had a reduced risk of
financing can be secured. Fifty-eight countries (30%) cervical cancer of 60–80% and a reduced risk of develop-
have introduced HPV vaccine in their national immuni- ing an advanced cervical cancer of 90% over the next
zation program for girls and in some countries also for 5-year period [23]. An assessment of the impact of a Nor-
boys by August 2014 [7]. Vaccination of girls aged 9–12 wegian coordinated cervical cancer screening program
years in low resource settings with 2-dose HPV vaccine introduced in 1995 in women aged 25–69 years with con-
has been recommended [20]. A new vaccine nonavalent ventional Pap smear every 3 years, showed a 22% reduc-
(9-valent) to protect against infection from HPV types 16, tion in the incidence of invasive cervical cancer in 6 years
18, 6, 11, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 is currently under regula- following the screening introduction as compared to the
tory assessment [21]. 3-year period prior to the screening program [24]. Thus,
there is convincing evidence about the benefits of con-
ventional cytology-based screening from several coun-
Screening and Early Detection of Cervical Cancer tries of the more developed regions that introduced Pap
test in their national cervical cancer screening program.
Imparting cancer education (fig. 1) for avoiding risk The sensitivity of conventional Pap cytology ranges be-
factors and recognizing possible warning signs, HPV vac- tween 30 and 87%, and its specificity ranges from 86 to
cination and early detection of cervical cancer through 100% in various studies [25].
screening of asymptomatic women, with the aim of de- Some new technologies like the liquid-based cytology
tecting and treating precancerous lesions of the cervix, (LBC) and the automated Pap smears are also available.
are important measures of cervical cancer control. Sev- LBC is more expensive than conventional cytology. How-
eral screening options like cytology (conventional, liquid ever, it has certain logistical and operational advantages
based, automated pap), testing for high-risk HPV and vi- such as interpretation at a higher speed, a lower rate of
sual-based screening methods have been investigated and unsatisfactory smears and the possibility of ancillary mo-
practiced in different regions worldwide. lecular testing using remnant fluid. In the UK, since 2008,
the screening strategy adopted in the national cervical
Cytology-Based Screening cancer screening program has been changed from the Pap
The western world adopted high-quality cytology- test to LBC [26]. A meta-analysis comparing convention-
based cervical cancer screening along with good coverage al Pap with LBC found no difference in the relative sensi-

Cervical Cancer Prevention Oncology 2016;91(suppl 1):1–7 3

DOI: 10.1159/000447575
tivity and specificity when high-grade and low-grade triage test [34]. A retrospective study evaluated the per-
squamous intraepithelial lesions were considered as cut- formance of E6/E7 mRNA assay as a triage test for cytol-
off [27]. In automated Pap, various characteristics of the ogy and HPV DNA testing. It demonstrated that mRNA
cells are noted, and slides that exceed a certain threshold was a better triage test than HPV DNA for cytology-pos-
for the likelihood of abnormal cells are most likely the itive cases and was also more efficient than cytology for
ones selected for manual rescreening [28]. the triage of HPV DNA-positive women. However, be-
cause of its low sensitivity, strict follow-up of HPV DNA
Screening with HPV Test positive and mRNA negative cases is advised [35]. Sam-
HPV DNA testing is the most reproducible of all cervi- pling of the vaginal fluid for high-risk HPV detection by
cal cancer screening tests. Several methods of HPV test- HPV self-sampling has been tried in various regions us-
ing are available. The most commonly used in clinical ing different devices, especially in conditions where uni-
practice is Hybrid Capture II, which is a batch test based versal cytology programs are not available or subgroups
on hybridization. It tests the cervical samples for the pres- of women that are difficult to reach via traditional screen-
ence of 13 high-risk HPV types above a certain threshold ing programs. In general, the studies show good accep-
(HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and tance and fairly good diagnostic accuracy. This may act
68). It necessitates the presence of sophisticated labora- as a valuable method among women who refuse to attend
tory infrastructure and trained technicians. The PCR- clinic-based screening [36].
based assay utilizes target amplification with the advan-
tage of identifying different HPV types and thus helps in Screening with Visual-Based Techniques
discriminating between multiple infections. Its major dis- Cytology- or HPV-based cervical cancer screening is
advantages are that it is expensive, time-consuming and currently not a feasible option for population-based
laborious; hence, it is used more in research settings [29]. screening in low-income countries including India due to
HPV as a screening test has a very good sensitivity and a lack of resources, trained staff and infrastructure. Hence,
high negative predictive value, thus allowing lengthening alternative low-cost and effective cervical cancer screen-
of the screening intervals. A meta-analysis showed a ing methods that can be performed by medical as well as
pooled sensitivity of HC2 for detecting CIN 2 and above paramedical staff have been explored. Several methods
lesions of 89.3% with the pooled specificity of 87.8% [30]. like visual inspection of the cervix with the naked eye after
A randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted in application of acetic acid (VIA) (fig. 2), after magnifica-
the Osmanabad district in India to test the efficacy of a tion (VIAM) and after application of Lugol’s Iodine
single round of cervical cancer screening by HPV, cyto- (VILI) (fig.  3) have been investigated. These tests have
logical testing or visual inspection of the cervix with ace- good sensitivity but lack good specificity. The sensitivity
tic acid (VIA) on the incidence and mortality of cervical and specificity in a pooled analysis of 11 cross-sectional
cancer. The trial reported a significant 48% reduction in studies across India and Africa were 76.8 and 85.5% for
mortality from cervical cancers after 7 years following a VIA and 91.7 and 85.4% for VILI, respectively [37]. VIAM
single round of HPV testing [31]. does not have any added benefit over VIA [38]. Two
careHPV is a simple rapid portable test that has re- RCTs on cervical cancer screening with VIA have been
cently been launched for detecting 14 high-risk HPV reported from India. The first RCT is a cluster RCT from
types. With this, the patient can be managed with a single- South India wherein a single round of VIA screening was
visit approach [32]. The persistence of oncogenic HPV offered to the eligible women by trained nurses. The
indicated by the upregulated expression of HPV E6/E7 women were treated on the same visit, when appropriate.
genes is necessary for the initiation and progression of This trial reported a significant 25% reduction in inci-
cervical neoplasia [33]. Hence, it is being investigated as dence and a significant 35% reduction in cervical cancer
a biomarker for cervical cancer screening in different cir- mortality at the end of 7 years of follow-up [39]. The sec-
cumstances. This test has the potential to be reliable for ond RCT from Mumbai, India, investigated the efficacy
both primary cervical cancer screening and for triage pur- of four rounds of VIA screening offered by trained pri-
poses. The HPV DNA test has high sensitivity but low mary health workers at 24-month intervals. This trial
specificity for the detection of CIN 2 and above lesions. A demonstrated a significant 31% reduction in cervical
prospective study evaluating the efficacy of mRNA test- cancer mortality at the end of 12 years of follow-up [40].
ing for predicting high-grade lesions in women positive Thus, VIA appears promising as a population-based
for HPV 16 and/or 18 DNA showed its usefulness as a strategy in the low-resource settings. Depending on the

4 Oncology 2016;91(suppl 1):1–7 Mishra/Pimple/Shastri

DOI: 10.1159/000447575
2 3

Fig. 2. Positive VIA.

Fig. 3. Positive VILI.

availability of human resources, it may be used as a single- mended. Alternatively, combined HPV and cytology test-
round or multiple-round screening approach as demon- ing may be repeated again within 12 months. The screen-
strated in the two RCTs. ing guidelines remain the same for women who have
received the HPV vaccine. Women at high risk for cervi-
cal cancer may need to be screened more often.
Recommendations for Cervical Cancer Screening These recommendations of cervical cancer screening
are not applicable to less developed regions of the world
The current recommendations for cervical cancer where various logistics and feasibility challenges exist.
screening by different societies from the more developed Due to the high cost of setting up cytology-based screen-
countries, i.e. the American Cancer Society (ACS) [41], ing programs, screening coverage is very low in low- and
the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pa- middle-income countries including India and hence, al-
thology (ASCCP) [41], the American Society of Clinical ternative screening methods need to be explored [44]. The
Pathology (ASCP) [41], the United States Preventive Ser- alternative methods of cervix cancer screening like the
vices Task Force (USPSTF) [42] and the American Con- VIA alone or triage of VIA-positive women with cytology
gress of Obstetrics and Gynecologist (ACOG) [43], for appear promising. In the western world, the standard
the general population are similar. It has been recom- practice for cervical cancer screening is to screen women
mended that screening for cervical cancers with Pap using cytology (Pap test) and refer the cytology-positive
smears is to be initiated at 21 years and continued every women for colposcopy and biopsy of the suspicious le-
3 years between the ages of 21–29 years. Thereafter, be- sions. The diagnosis of CIN is based on histological con-
tween the ages of 30 and 65 years, screening can be con- firmation and accordingly the subsequent treatment is
ducted every 5 years if cotesting with Pap smear is done planned. Though this strategy has been highly successful
or every 3 years if Pap smear screening alone is used. in reducing mortality in excess of 50% in many developed
There is no need to screen women older than 65 years un- countries, it requires highly trained human resources and
less there was a diagnosis of cervical pre-cancer. Similar- a substantial amount of laboratory equipment.
ly, screening is not recommended for women that have The ‘screen-and-treat’ approach is an alternative meth-
undergone hysterectomies for a benign cause and who do od in which the treatment decision is based on the results
not have prior history of cervical cytology higher than of the screening test or strategy (sequence of tests or triage
CIN2. For women who test negative on Pap smear but for those with a positive first screening test result) and not
positive on HPV test, genotyping of HPV 16/18 and col- on a histologically confirmed diagnosis of CIN 2+ unless
poscopy only for women with positive results is recom- an invasive cancer is suspected. Either of the tests, i.e.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Oncology 2016;91(suppl 1):1–7 5

DOI: 10.1159/000447575
HPV, cytology or VIA, may be used as screening tests. The (with or without biopsy) and then treating is recommend-
women screened positive are treated with cryotherapy or ed only for countries where an appropriate, high-quality
large loop excision of the transformation zone (LEEP/ screening strategy with cytology followed by colposcopy
LLETZ) ideally, immediately or soon for pre-cancer and already exists [44]. Cervical cancer screening programs
women with invasive cervical cancer are appropriately re- will need to be developed or strengthened even in coun-
ferred for treatment. The ‘screen-and-treat’ strategy has tries where HPV vaccine is introduced, as HPV vaccina-
certain drawbacks like overtreatment and its adverse ef- tion does not replace cervical cancer screening [2].
fects, use of resources for treatment of a false positive
screening test result, or no treatment (for a false negative
screening test) and its consequences such as cervical can- Summary
cer and related mortality, recurrence of CIN 2+, etc.
In Thailand, a single-visit approach of screening with The high disease burden of a preventable cancer of the
VIA and treating with cryotherapy achieved higher cov- uterine cervix is totally unwarranted. The magnitude of
erage and revealed an increase in cervical cancer inci- cases can be drastically reduced by concentrated preven-
dence rate. In Thailand, more than a million women in 20 tion and control efforts in less developed regions of the
provinces have been screened using a ‘screen-and-treat’ world, including India. Some of the measures of primary
program with VIA and cryotherapy [45]. A demonstra- prevention of cervical cancer include quitting tobacco,
tion project involving screening of women aged between delaying the age at initiation of sexual activity to above 18
30 and 50 years with VIA and treatment with cryotherapy years, restricting the number of sexual partners and the
began in six African countries supported by the WHO, use of condoms. HPV vaccination of the eligible popula-
IARC, APHRC and project coordinators from the six Af- tion and early detection and treatment of cervical pre-
rican countries in September 2005. In this single-visit ap- cancers with a single-visit ‘screen-and-treat’ approach
proach, 39.1% of clients were screened and treated on the appear promising for low-middle-income countries, es-
same day. As a result of this demonstration project, the pecially for women living in rural and remote areas.
cervical cancer prevention services in these six countries
have incorporated VIA and cryotherapy in their existing
reproductive health services [46].
The WHO recommendation for low-middle-income Source of support: NIL.
countries is to ideally use a strategy of screen with an HPV
test followed by VIA and treat. The other options are to
Disclosure Statement
screen with an HPV test and treat or to screen with VIA
and treat. Screening with cytology followed by colposcopy The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Cervical Cancer Prevention Oncology 2016;91(suppl 1):1–7 7

DOI: 10.1159/000447575

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