The Orissa Gazette: Extraordinary Published by Authority
The Orissa Gazette: Extraordinary Published by Authority
The Orissa Gazette: Extraordinary Published by Authority
No. 986—R—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 21 of the Family Courts Act,
1984, the High Court of Orissa is pleased to make the following rules for Family Courts in the State
of Orissa :—
1. (a) Short Title—These rules may be called the Family Courts (Court) Rules, 2010.
(b) Commencement—These rules shall come into force on the date of publication in the
Orissa Gazette.
(c) Application—These rules shall apply to the Family Courts established in the State of
Orissa under Section 3 of the Family Courts Act, 1984.
(d) ‘Court’ means the Family Courts established under Section 3 of the Act,
(g) ‘Petition’ shall include an application under Chapter IX of the Criminal Procedure
Code unless the subject matter or context requires otherwise,
(h) All other words and expressions used but not defined in these rules and defined
in the Act, or in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 or in the Code of Criminal Procedure,
1973 shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act, or, as the case may
be, in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 or in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
3. Working Hours:
(i) The office of the Family Court shall be opened daily except authorized holidays
for transaction of office work between 10.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. with a recess of half an hour
between 1.30 P.M. to 2.00 P.M. except in morning sittings when it would be from 7.00 A.M. to
1.00 P.M., with a recess of half an hour between 10.00 A.M. to 10.30 A.M.
(ii) The Court shall ordinarily commence the day sittings not later than 11 A.M. and
rise at 4 P.M. and in case of morning sittings not later than 7.30 A.M. and rise at 12.30 P.M.
(iii) No case relating to Family Court shall be heard on Sundays or holidays gazetted
under Section 11 (1) of the Orissa Civil Courts Act, 1984.
In respect of vacation as provided in Section 11 (2) of the Orissa Civil Courts
Act, arrangement for disposal of urgent matters arising during vacation, shall be
made in the following manner:—
(1) Urgent matters to be heard ordinarily in the Court of Judge, Family Court
shall be taken up by the officer in the cadre of Orissa Superior Judicial Service
(Senior Branch) who would be in-charge of the Judge, Family Court during that
(iv) The Family Court shall hold its sitting in open or in camera as determined by it in
each case, but shall hold the proceedings in camera, if either party so desires.
(v) No act of the Family Court shall be invalid by reason of holding or continuing its
sitting at any place of its choice or on any holiday or outside normal working hours, when
such sitting is informed to the parties in advance.
4. Place of Sitting: The Judge of the Family Court may hold sitting at places other than the
ordinary place of sitting in consultation with the parties to the proceedings; the provision of the
Legal Aid Scheme may be invoked in appropriate cases in the proceedings under the Act.
5. Institution of Proceedings :
(a) All proceedings instituted before a Family Court shall be by way of an application
as per Form No. 1 appended to these rules which should be duly verified by the petitioner.
Interlocutory application in the proceeding to be instituted or already instituted shall be filed
in form No.2 after being duly verified by the applicant. The petition in form No. 1 or the
interlocutory application in form No. 2 can be in any language falling in Schedule VIII of the
Constitution of India.
(b) There shall be no court fee or any other fee in respect of any petition or any
interlocutory application filed before the Family Court.
(c) In respect of application under Section 125 of Cr.P.C. or other application under
Chapter IX of the Criminal Procedure Code, the provisions of that Code will apply.
(d) The application may be filed before Family Court as permitted under any law
which also includes provisions contained in the following laws, viz.
(i) Chapter IX of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (2 of 1974)
(ii) Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955)
(iii) Maintenance under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956
(78 of 1956).
10. Returnable date of notice, summons—Unless otherwise ordered the notice, summons
shall be made returnable three weeks after the date of the filing of the petition, if the respondent
resides within the local limits of the Court, and five weeks after the date of the filing of the petition,
if the respondent resides outside the said limits.
11. Mode of service of notice, summons:—
(a) The notice, summons shall be served in the manner prescribed in the Code of
Civil Procedure, save and except in proceedings under Chapter IX of the Criminal Procedure
Code where the provisions of that Code will apply. Along with the notice, summons a copy
of the petition and exhibit annexed thereto shall be sent.
(b) In addition to the normal process of service by the Court, the applicant will be at
liberty to serve upon the respondent, the notices, summons of the Court along with copy of
the petition and exhibits either through person or through other recognizable mode of service
including registered post and shall file affidavit of service upon the respondent.
12. Proof of service of summons—It has to be shown either by affidavit of applicant or other
evidence that the notices, summons were served upon the respondents.
13. Substituted service of the summons—In case of failure to serve by normal process, the
Court on an oral/written application of the applicant may direct for serving upon the respondents by
substituted mode, i.e. through pasting, poster & publication in the daily newspaper, etc. and applicant
shall file affidavit stating as to the mode adopted for service of summons.
14. Copy of petition to be furnished to the respondent— Any respondent who ask for the
copy on the ground that he has not received the copy of the petition or that he has not received
complete copy, the applicant shall furnish the complete copy with all exhibits to the respondents.
15. The provisions under Order 1 of Civil Procedure Code for addition of a necessary party
or a proper party shall be applicable to a proceeding before the Family Court.
16. Proceedings before the Court shall be taken up in the presence of the parties and a
legal practitioner shall be allowed to appear only as Amicus Curiae, if the Court finds it become
necessary in the interest of justice.
17. Directions on the returnable date—On the returnable date of the notice, summons, the
petition shall be placed for directions before a Judge of the Family Court. On that day, the designated
Counsellor shall attend the Court of the Judge giving direction. The Judge shall, in consultation with
Counsellor, direct the parties to attend a specified counsellor for the purpose of counselling. The
Judge shall fix a specified date by which counsellor shall file a memorandum setting out the outcome
of the proceeding before him. On that day, the Court will pass further order and directions
as it deems fit and proper.
18. Role of the Counsellor—The Counsellor appointed to counsel the parties shall fix time
and date of appointment. The parties shall be bound to attend the counsellor on the date and at the
time so fixed. if either of the parties fails to attend the Counsellor on the date and time so fixed, the
Counsellor may fix another date and shall communicate the same to the absentee party by registered
post. In case of default by either of the parties on the adjourned date, the Counsellor shall subm it
a report to the Court and on receipt of such report, the Court may proceed with the matter without
prejudice to other powers of the Court to take action against the defaulting parties.
The Counsellor entrusted with any petition on appearance of the parties before herlhim
shall assist and advise the parties regarding the settlement of the subject matter of dispute and
shall endeavour to help the parties in arriving at conciliation.
The Counsellor may in discharge of her/his duties, visit the house of either of the parties
and interview the relatives, friends and acquaintances of either of the parties.
The Counsellor in discharge of her/his duties may also seek such information as shelhe
deems fit from the employer of either of the parties and such requisition for information shall be
made through the Court.
The Counsellor may take the assistance of any organization, institution or agency in discharge
of her/his duties.
The Counsellor shall submit a report to the Court as and when called for to assist the Court
in deciding the case in hand. The report may, inter alia contain the following points:—
(a) Living environment of the parties concerned
(b) Personalities
(c) Relationship
(d) Income and standard of living
(e) Educational status of the parties
(f) Status in society
(g) Counsellor’s findings
The counsellor may also supervise the child/children, if and when called upon by the Court.
19. Confidentiality of Information—Information gathered by the Counsellor, any statement
made before the Counsellor or any notes or report prepared by the Counsellor shall be treated as
confidential and the Counsellor shall not disclose such information, statement, notes or report to
any Court or other person except with the consent of both the parties.
20. Efforts for arriving at settlement—
(1) Every Family Court shall maintain separate lists of:—
(a) Institutions and organizations engaged in social welfare together with
names and addresses of representatives of such institutions or organisations;
(b) person professionally engaged in promoting the welfare of the family with
their names and addresses;
(c) persons working in the field of social welfare with their names and
(2) Report from institution, organization etc. a Family Court may call for report as
regards efforts made or to be made by the institution, organization or persons referred to in
Section 5 of the Act:
Provided that where efforts for amicable settlement are continuing or are deferred,
the Family Court may require the institution, organization or persons to submit before it an
‘interim’ report.
21. When the parties arrive at a settlement before counsellor relating to the dispute or any
part thereof, such settlement shall be reduced into writing and shall be signed by the parties and
countersigned by the counsellor.
22. Adjournment by the Court—The petition so fixed shall not be adjourned by the Court
unless there are circumstances justifying such adjournment and to meet the ends of justice. The
Court shall record its reasons for adjourning the matter.
23. Memorandum of evidence—The Court shall record only the substance of what the
witness deposes and prepare a memorandum accordingly which shall be read and explained to
the witness and the memorandum of the said substance recorded by the Court shall be signed by
the witness and the presiding officer of the Court and shall form part of the record. The evidence
taken on affidavit, if any, shall also form part of the record of the Court. The judgment shall contain
a concise statement of the case, the point for determination, the decision thereon and the reasons
for such decision.
24. The Court shall furnish free of cost to the parties a true copy of the judgment
25. Appeal under Section 19(1) of the Act shall be in the manner of appeals against the
original decree or order in a civil proceedings, but there shall be no court fee payable for the appeal.
26. Rules of Guardians and Wards Act to apply— The rules framed under the Guardians
and Wards, Act 1890 by the High Court shall be applicable in matters relating to Guardians &
Wards Act, 1890 to the extent they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act or the Rules
framed thereunder.
27. Application for Guardianship—All petitions for guardianship other than applications over
which the High Court has jurisdiction, shall be filed before the Family Court.
28. Contents of the Application—Every petition for guardianship when it is by a person other
than the natural parent or natural guardian of the child shall be accompanied by a Home Study
Report of the person asking for such guardianship and his/her spouse, if any, prepared by an
approved association of social welfare agencies, etc. or a suitably trained social worker, form the
list of agencies and/or persons for the purpose of their association with the Court approved by the
Government in the rule made under Section 5 of the Act in consultation with the High Court.
29. In case of a child placed in guardianship the Court may, at any time, direct a counsellor
attached to the Court to supervise the placement of the child and submit a report thereon to the
Court in such manner as the Court may deem fit.
30. A child study report of the child proposed to be taken in guardianship together with a
photograph of the child should also be filed in all petitions for guardianship, as required under Rule
23 of the Rules framed under the Guardian and Wards Act, 1890. Such report shall be in a particular
Form prescribed by the Court when the child is institutionalized (or Court committed). The report
shall be countersigned by the petitioner.
31. A proceeding before the Family Court shall not become invalid by reason only of
noncompliance with any of the procedural requirements prescribed herein.
32. Interim applications—All interim applications to the Court shall be separately numbered
as ‘Interim Application No. .................... , ‘In Petition No. ................................. .”
33. Interim application while matter is pending before CounseIlor— An interim application
may be made even while the matter is pending before a Counsellor.
34. Report from the CounseIlor—The Court may ask the Counsellor to submit an interim
report for the purposes of such an application before deciding an interim application. The Family
Court Rules, 2010 relating to reports to be submitted by counsellors, shall mutatis mutandis apply
to interim reports also.
35. Officers—The High Court may authorize and empower Judge of the Family Court, or if,
there be more Judges than one in a Family Court the Principal Judge of such Court to appoint so
many and such clerks and other ministerial officers as may be necessary for the administration of
justice and due execution of all powers and authorities exercisable by a Family Court.
The terms and conditions of a Judge of the Family Court shall be the same as of an officer
of Orissa Superior Judicial Service (Senior Branch). Preference shall be given to women at the
time of posting of Judges in the Family Court subject to availability of suitable women officers in
Orissa Superior Judicial Service (Senior Branch) :
Provided that the appointments of officers and ministerial staff shall be subject to any rules
or restriction as may be prescribed or imposed under the Act.
36. The proceedings before the Court shall be heard and disposed of as expeditiously as
possible, preferably within 3 months, and in achieving this objective the rules or procedure may not
rigidly be adhered to.
37. Control of High Court—Every Principal Judge and Judge of Family Court shall be under
administrative and disciplinary control of the High Court.
38. Power of High Court to transfer Judges, Officers, etc.—Without prejudice to the
administrative and disciplinary control of the High Court under Rule 12, such Court or a Judge
thereof authorized under general or special order in this behalf by such Court, may where it is
considered necessary or expedient so to do, transfer any Principal Judge, Additional Judge, Judges
or any officer or ministerial official of one Family Court to another Family Court in this State or
retransfer such Principal Judge, Additional Judge, Judge, officer or ministerial official, as the case
may be and every such Principal Judge, Additional Judge or Judge, officer or ministerial official
shall comply.
39. Power of High Court to issue directions— For carrying out of purposes of the Act and for
ensuring the uniformity of practice to be observed by Family Court and for expeditious disposal, the
High Court may from time to time, supervise and inspect the Family Courts and issue directions/
circulars etc. to the Family Courts.
40. Judge not to try a case in which he is interested—No Judge shall hear or decide any
case to which he/she is a party or in which he/she is personally interested.
41. The Family Courts may use such forms and containing such particulars as may be
approved by the High Court.
42. Power to call for information etc.—The High Court may require Family Courts to maintain
such registers and records and containing such particulars as may be approved by the High Court.
43. Repeal and Savings—The Family Courts (Court) Rules, 1988 is hereby repealed:
Provided that any order passed, appointment made, action taken or things done
under the Rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been passed, made, taken or done
under these rules.
44. Interpretation—If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these Rules, the
decision of the High Court shall be final.
FORM No. 1
(See Rule 5)
IN THE FAMILY COURT OF .............................
PEITION No. ...............
Mrs/Mr. ..........................................................................................................................
Occupation ...................................................................................................................
Mrs./Mr. ........................................................................................................................
Age .............................................................................................................................
Occupation ................................................................................................................
1. That the Petitioner and Respondent are legally married .......................... & .....................Their
marriage was solemnized on ..................................... at ..............................................
according to ................................. customs. After the marriage both the Petitioner and
Respondent had been living/lived together as husband and wife at .....................................
Out of the wedlock the couple was blessed with the child aged ......................... named
..................................... and another child aged ............................... named
.............................................................. .
2. The Petitioner submits that (give the grievance of the petitioner against the respondent with
full particulars).
(a) .............................................................
(b) .............................................................
3. This petition is not presented in collusion with the respondent and there is no unnecessary
or improper delay in institution of these proceedings.
4. Cause of action for the petition arose on (date) when the marriage of the Petitioner with the
Respondent was performed. It also arose on several occasions when the respondent
behaved and committed ....................................................
5. The Petitioner and the Respondent both last lived together at ................................ (or where
the marriage took place or where the respondent at the time of presentation of the petition
resided) which is within the territorial jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court.
The Petitioner therefore prays that this Court may be pleased to pass an order directing
Place :
Date :
Verification :
Age ................................................................................................................................
Occupation ...................................................................................................................
Present address ..........................................................................................................
Mrs./Mr. ........................................................................................................................
Age .............................................................................................................................
Occupation ................................................................................................................
1. That the Petitioner and Respondent are legally married .......................... & .....................Their
marriage was solemnized on ..................................... at ..............................................
according to ................................. customs. After the marriage both the Petitioner and
Respondent had been living/lived together as husband and wife at .....................................
Out of the wedlock the couple was blessed with the child aged ......................... named
..................................... and another child aged ...... named .............................................. .
2. The Petitioner submits that (give the grievance of the petitioner against the respondent with
full particulars).
(a) .............................................................
(b) .............................................................
The Petitioner therefore prays that this Court may be pleased to pass an order directing
Place :
Date :
Verification :
FORM No. 3
(See Rule 7)
................................................................................................................ Petitioner
Whereas the above named petitioner has instituted a petition against you, as set out in the
And whereas the petition will be placed for directions on ...................... day of ...................
You are hereby summoned to appear before the Family Court to answer the petitioner’s
Take notice that on the day before mentioned after hearing parties who appear directions
will be given by the Judge as to the date of hearing before a counsellor of the Family Court and other
Take further notice that if you fail to appear before the Judge on the day the petition may be
ordered to be set down on Board on the same day or any subsequent day as “undefended” and
of ...................................
FORM No. 4
(See Rule 7)
Mrs./Mr. ..........................................................................................................................
Age ................................................................................................................................
Occupation ...................................................................................................................
Mrs./Mr. ........................................................................................................................
Age .............................................................................................................................
Occupation ................................................................................................................
1. That the Petitioner and Respondent are legally married .......................... & .....................Their
marriage was solemnized on ..................................... at ..............................................
according to ................................. customs. After the marriage both the Petitioner and
Respondent had been living/lived together as husband and wife at .....................................
Out of the wedlock the couple was blessed with the child aged ......................... named
..................................... and another child aged ............................... named
.............................................................. .
2. The Petitioner submits that (give the grievance of the petitioner against the respondent with
full particulars).
(a) .............................................................
(b) .............................................................
3. Petitioner has no resources/limited resources to maintain herself and her minor children.
She is presently dependent upon her parents, who have their own expenses and may not
be in a position to support the petitioner for long period.
4. That the Petitioner on ................................. called upon the Respondent to provide money
for maintenance for herself and her minor children but as yet no amount towards maintenance
has been received from the Respondent.
5. That the Respondent is a person with means and has the following property, monthly
income etc.
(a) .............................................................
(b) .............................................................
(c) .............................................................
6. In the circumstances stated above there is no alternative for the petitioner and her minor
children but to approach this Court for maintenance.
The Petitioner therefore prays that this Court may be pleased to pass an order directing the
respondent to pay ....................................... towards maintenance of the petitioner and
Rs. ................................. towards maintenance of the minor children.
Place :
Date :
Printed and published by the Director of Printing, Stationery and Publication, Orissa, Cuttack-10
Ex. Gaz. 1156—193+110